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MECH 370 - Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems, Final Examination, 09:00 - 12:00, April 15, 2010 - 1/4

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The exam covers topics on modeling, simulation and control systems including deriving equations of motion, transfer functions and state-space models of mechanical and electrical systems.

The first problem asks to derive equations of motion, select state variables and derive the transfer function for a combined translational and rotational mechanical system.

To derive the transfer function of an RLC circuit, we first derive the differential equation relating the output and input voltages, then take the Laplace transform to obtain the transfer function relating the Laplace transforms of the output and input voltages.

MECH 370 – Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems, Final Examination, 09:00 – 12:00, April 15, 2010 - 1/4 -



MECH 370 – Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems

Final Exam Instructor: Youmin Zhang Date: April 15, 2010

Answer all five (5) questions. Closed-book exam Total time: 3 hours
Please write both your name and ID number.
For all questions:
Justify clearly all your steps; Show clearly all equations and mathematical steps.
Answers without mathematical steps and/or justifications will be given a mark of zero.
Good Luck !

Problem 1 [20 marks]

For the mechanical system with a rotating wheel shown in Fig. 1, the input is the applied force f a (t )
applied to the mass M1, and the output is the displacement x1. The moment of inertia of the wheel is J
and the radius of the wheel is R. The cable is wrapped around the wheel and does not slip or stretch.
The springs are undeflected when θ  x1  x2  0.
1) Draw a set of free-body diagrams of the system and write a set of differential equations;
2) Select a set of state variables and write the corresponding state-variable model in a set of
state-variable equations form;
3) When all coefficients of the differential equations obtained in step 1) are equal to 2 and the
gravities of the masses are ignored, derive the transfer function model of the system.

Fig. 1: A combined translational and rotational system

MECH 370 – Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems, Final Examination, 09:00 – 12:00, April 15, 2010 - 2/4 -

Problem 2 [20 marks]

For the following RLC circuit shown in Fig. 2:
1) Derive the differential equation for the output voltage eo as a function of the input voltage
2) Derive the transfer function model relating to the output voltage Eo(s) as a function of the
input voltage Ei(s);
3) For a step input voltage ei(t) = A, t > 0, find the steady-state response without solving the
time response.

eA eO
+ R1 A R2 O
ei(t) C1 L C2

Fig. 2: a RLC circuit

Problem 3 [20 marks]

The DC motor converts Direct Current (DC) electrical energy into rotational mechanical energy. The
motor can be controlled by armature or field current. Correspondingly, the motor is called as
armature-controlled or field-controlled DC motor, respectively. The simplified diagram of a DC
motor is shown in Fig. 3. Assume that the rotor has moment of inertia J m and viscous friction
coefficient Bm. The torque developed by the motor is assumed to be related linearly to the field
current by Tm  K m i f , where the motor torque constant K m  K 1 K f I a when the armature current ia
is assumed constant (i.e., ia  I a ) . The toque due to load and disturbance is represented by T L and
TD  0 , respectively. Find:
1) A set of ordinary differential equations for the field-controlled DC motor;
2) Transfer function of the field-controlled DC motor, i.e., transfer function for e f (or E f (s ) )
as input and angular rate   m (or m ( s)  sm ( s) ) as output;
3) State-variable equation in the matrix-vector format based on your solution of 1);
4) Draw the functional block diagram and block diagram of the field-controlled DC motor.

Fig. 3: Diagram of a DC motor

MECH 370 – Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems, Final Examination, 09:00 – 12:00, April 15, 2010 - 3/4 -

Problem 4 [20 marks]

Assume that the transfer function of the above field-controlled DC motor is given by:
 (s) 0.5
G (s)  m  2
E f ( s) s  4s  4
1) Calculate and show an approximate sketch of the system response m (t) when the system is
subject to a step input ef(t) = 2 for t > 0. Identify the transient and steady-state terms of the
response. Write and mark the five performance specifications on the sketched step response;
If a unit step input is used as system input, what changes will have in the above step
2) Determine system poles and zeros and sketch the pole-zero plot. Judge the stability of the
system and give an explanation of your answer;
3) If a negative feedback controller Gc(s) = Kp + Kd s needs be designed for controlling the DC
motor, please draw the block diagram of the closed-loop system and determine the transfer
function of the closed-loop system.
4) If the system’s stability property will be changed by adding the above controller? Explain
your answer.

Problem 5 [20 marks]

The nonlinear mechanical system shown in Fig. 4 has a nonlinear spring characteristic f K ( x )  x 3 ,
where x denotes the total length of the spring. The gravitational constant g = 9.8 m/s2.
1) Draw the free-body diagrams for the system and write the differential equation describing
the system in terms of the displacement x;
2) When M  1.5kg, B  2.0N  s/m and the applied force is f a (t )  2  3sin(2t ), determine the
input-output differential equation and the operating point x ;
3) Derive the linearized differential equation of the system around the operating point x
represented by the incremental variable x (or xˆ ) ;
4) Derive the transfer function of the linearized model and indicate whether the linear model is
stable or unstable.

Fig. 4: A mechanical system with nonlinear spring

MECH 370 – Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems, Final Examination, 09:00 – 12:00, April 15, 2010 - 4/4 -

Important Laplace Transform Pairs

f (t ) F (s)
 (t ) 1
1(t ) or U (t ) 1
tn n!
s n 1
e  at 1
te  at 1
(s  a) 2
1 2 at 1
t e
2! (s  a) 3
sin(t ) 
s 2

cos(t ) s
s 2

Important Laplace Transform Properties

Time functions Transformed functions

f (t ) F (s)
af (t )  bg (t ) aF (s)  bG(s)
e  at f (t ) F ( s  a)
 sF (s)  f (0)
f (t )
.. 
f (t ) s 2 F ( s)  sf (0)  f (0)
dn f s n F ( s)  s n 1 f (0)  ...  sf ( n2)
(0)  f ( n 1) (0)
, for n  1,2,3,...
dt n
 f ( )d 1
F ( s)
f (0  ) lim sF (s)
s 

f () lim sF (s)


Unit step responses of 2nd-odrer systems with complex poles

 2
1 
-1  1  
2 
Y ( s)
 n
y (t )  1  e   n t
sin( 1   2
t  ), where   tan 
U ( s) s 2  2 n s  2n 1  2
  
 
Y ( s) 1 1 1   2   2 t  
 2  y (t )  1  e sin (t  ),   tan 1
U ( s ) s  as  b ( s    j)( s    j)   2
   

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