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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 1

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Dene the term: potential dierence V(A) - V(B) between points A and B in a static electric eld. Give an energy interpretation to the potential dierence. (b) What are the equipotential surfaces for an innite straight line of uniform linear charge density? Explain. (c) Potential for a certain region is given by V (x, y, z) = 300 + sin 0.1y + loge xy x volts; where x and y are in meters. Find the electric eld at the point P: (x = 1 m, y = 0.6 m, z = 0). [4+6+6] 2. (a) For a pure dipole paz C- m at the origin in free space, nd the potential at a point A rm, , = . 2 (b) Use the result of (a) to nd the electric eld at the point A. (V in spherical 1 v co ordinates v ar + 1 v a + r sin a ). r r (c) What is the electric eld at (x=0, y=0, z=5m) due to a pure dipole 1az c-m at the origin? [4+6+6] 3. For linear dielectric, show that D E total = E ext/r , , where r is the relative permittivity of the dielectric. E total is the toral electric eld, and Eext is the electic eld due to charges other than bound charges. [16] 4. (a) State Biot-Savarats law for the magnetic eld B due to a steady line current element in free space. (b) A solenoid of radius Rm, and N closely wound turns per meter, is in free space with its axis along the (gure 4)Z-axis from the origin to Z =1m. The solenoid is carrying a steady current IA. Find the magnetic eld B at the origin 0 Ir2 [4+12] (Hint: In gure, magnetic eld B and P = 2(r2 +z2 )3/2 az T ).

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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 1

Figure 4 5. (a) How Amperes current law diers from Biot - Savart Law. (b) Evaluate the closed line integral of H from (5,4,1) to (5,6,1) to (0,6,1) to (0,4,1) to (5,4,1) using straight line segments, if H= 0.1y3 ax + 0.4x az A/m. [6+10] 6. (a) Justify the statement Most of the electrical machines are working on electromagnetic principles rather than the electrostatic principles (b) A galvanometer has a rectangular coil side of 10 mm 30 mm pivoted about the center of shorter side. It is mounted in a radial magnetic eld so that a constant magnetic eld of 0.4 T always acts across the plane of the coil. If the coil has 1000 turns and carries current 2 mA, nd the torque exerted on it. [8+8] 7. (a) Obtain the expression for inductance of a toroid. (b) A solenoid of 10 cm in length consists of 1000 turns having the cross section radius of 1 cm. Find the inductance of solenoid. What is the value of current required to maintain a ux of 1 mWb in the toroid. Take r = 1500. [8+8] 8. (a) In a region dened by = 106 Siemens/ m and r = 4, at certain frequency the ratio of conduction and displacement current density is unity. Find frequency (b) Find the value of K in the following pair of elds in free space, such that they satisfy Maxwells equation. D = 5xax - 2yay + Kz az mC/m2 and B = 2 ay mT. [8+8]

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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 2

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) State and explain Coulombs law for the vector force between two point charges in free space. (b) Figure shows two charges at points gure 1 A and B in free space. Find the electric eld at point P. Is the result consistent with what may be expected if d>>s? (c) Find the ux of the electric eld through a spherical surface of radius 5m and center origin, in free space, If there is a charge of 10c at the point (0, 0,3m). What are its units? [4+6+6]

Figure 1 2. (a) For a conducting body in a static electric eld of static charges, explain what will be the i. net electric eld inside the conductor, and ii. Volume charge density at any point inside the conductor. (b) Derive the expression for the energy stored in a capacitor. (c) A parallel plate capacitor with a large plate area is situated in air. With a potential dierence of 100 V between the plates, the stored energy 44.21 Joule. Per unit area. Find the distance of separation between the plates. [6+4+6] 3. (a) Dene polarization. Explain how a dielectric acquires polarization. (b) A long straight line of uniform charge density c/m is surrounded by an insulating medium out to a radius Rm. Find D : Also nd the electric eld in the region outside the insulation. Explain why the electric eld cannot be found in the insulation region. [8+8] 1 of 2

Code No: R059210204

Set No. 2

4. (a) State Biot-Savarts law for the eld B due to a steady line current in free space. (b) Find the magnetic eld B at the center of the axis of a Solenoid of radius Rm, axial length l m, and (gure 4) N turns per meter closely wound, which is carrying a steady current 1A. 0 Ir2 [4+12] (Hint: In gure, magnetic eld B at P = 2(r2 +z2 )3/2 az T ).

Figure 4 5. A steady current of 10 A is established in a long straight hollow aluminum conductor having inner and outer radius of 1.5 cm and 3 cm respectively. Find the value of B as function of radius. Also dene the law used. [16] 6. (a) What is Amperes force law? Derive the expression. (b) Two long parallel wires separated 2 meters apart carry currents of 50 A and 100 A respectively in the same direction. Determine the magnitude and direction of the force between them per unit length. [10+6] 7. (a) Explain the self and mutual inductance. Obtain the expression for same. (b) A coil of 1 mH is magnetically coupled to another coil of 500 H. The coecient of coupling between two coils is 0.015. Calculate the inductance, if these two coils are connected in series addition and series opposition. [10+6] 8. (a) Explain the nature of current owing through the capacitor. (b) Find JD in a typical metallic conductor at 60 Hz where = 5 * 107 Siemens/m, = o and J = 106 sin [117.193.22t - z)]ax A/m2 . [6+10]

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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 3

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) State and explain Coulombs law for the vector force between two point charges in free space. (b) Figure shows two charges at points gure 1 A and B in free space. Find the electric eld at point P. Is the result consistent with what may be expected if d>>s? (c) Find the ux of the electric eld through a spherical surface of radius 5m and center origin, in free space, If there is a charge of 10c at the point (0, 0,3m). What are its units? [4+6+6]

Figure 1 2. (a) i. Dene capacitance. Express its units in 2 dierent ways. ii. As per the usual denition, show that a capacitance is always positive. iii. Sometimes, capacitance of a single conductor is referred to what does this mean? i. Two large parallel conducting plates are separated by a distance dm in air. Find the capacitance per unit area. ii. A conducting sheet of thickness sm(s<d) is now introduced between the plates, parallel to them but not touching them. Find the new capacitance per unit area between the outer plates. [6+4+6]


3. (a) Dene polarization. Explain how a dielectric acquires polarization. (b) A long straight line of uniform charge density c/m is surrounded by an insulating medium out to a radius Rm. Find D : Also nd the electric eld in the region outside the insulation. Explain why the electric eld cannot be found in the insulation region. [8+8] 1 of 2

Code No: R059210204 4. (a)

Set No. 3

i. A steady current element 10 3 az A-m is located at the origin in free space. What is the magnetic eld B due to this element at the point (0,1m,0) (in rectangular coordinates) ii. Where should a point be located for the magnetic eld due to this element to be 0?

(b) A straight length of steady current I A extends from the origin to Z = m along the Z-axis. Find the magnetic eld B at a distance of y m from the origin along the y-axis. [6+10] 5. (a) What are the limitations of Amperes current law? How this law can be modied to time varying eld. (b) A circular loop located on x2 + y2 = 9, z = 0 carries a direct current of 10 A. along a direction. Determine H at (0, 0, 5) and (0, 0, -5). [8+8] 6. (a) Prove that the force on a closed lamentary circuit in a uniform magnetic eld is zero (b) If the magnetic eld is H = (0.01/0 ) ax A/m, what is a force on a charge of 1 pC moving with a velocity of 106 ay m/s . [8+8] 7. (a) What is vector magnetic potential? What are its properties? How vector magnetic potential and ux density are related? (b) A current sheet K = 40az A/m is located in free space at x = 0.25 m and a second sheet K = -40az A/m is at x = -0.25 m, let vector magnetic potential may be zero at P (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), nd vector magnetic potential in Cartesian co-ordinates for -0.25< x, y, z < 0.25. [8+8] 8. (a) Explain why conduction current is absent through the capacitor. (b) Find the displacement current within a parallel plate capacitor where = 100 o , A = 0.1 m2 , d= 0.05mm and the capacitor voltage is 100 sin 2000 t Volts. [6+10]

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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 4

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) State and prove Gausss law in integral form, considering static charges in free space.
1 1 (b) Given that E (r, , z) = 0 2r cos a 3r sin az N/C ( in cylindrical co ordinates), nd the ux of E crossing the portion of the z = 0 plane dened by r a, 0 /2 in the + ve z -direction.

(c) V = xax + yay + zaz .If (1,1,1)m is at zero volts, nd the potential V(x,y,z). [6+6+4] 2. (a) For a conducting body in a static electric eld of static charges, explain what will be the i. net electric eld inside the conductor, and ii. the net volume charge density at any point inside the conductor. (b) Dene capacitance and explain why it is always a positive quantity. (c) Obtain the capacitance of an isolated conducting sphere of rad 1 cm.[6+4+6] 3. (a) The potential at a point in free space due to a volume of dielectric with a P dT.an v where polarization P (x, y, z) c/m2 is given by (A) = 4E0
volume of dielectric

the terms in the integral are shown in gure 3. (Reference point for the potential is assumed to be at innity) Obtain the expressions for bound surface charge density and bound volume charge density from the integral given. (b) A dielectric spherical shell, with center origin, negligible thickness, and radius 50 cm has a permanent polarization of 3ar n C/m2 on its surface (spherical co ordinates used). Find the potential at the surface, with reference of innity. [8+8]

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Code No: R059210204

Set No. 4

Figure 3 4. (a) Starting from Biot ? Savarts law, obtain the expression for the magnetic eld B due to a steady surface current in free space. (b) Find B due to a straight length of m of steady current I A at a distance of y m from the center of the line current. [6+10] 5. (a) State and explain Amperes circuital current law. (b) Given J = 103 sin ar A/m2 , nd the current passing through spherical shell of r = 0.2 m. [6+10] 6. (a) Prove that the force on a closed lamentary circuit in a uniform magnetic eld is zero (b) If the magnetic eld is H = (0.01/0 ) ax A/m, what is a force on a charge of 1 pC moving with a velocity of 106 ay m/s . [8+8] 7. (a) Explain the Laplaces & Poissons equations for steady magnetic eld. (b) A current sheet K = 2.4 az A/m is present at the surface = 1.2 in free space. Find H for > 1.2. Find scalar magnetic potential at (1.5, 0.6, 1), if scalar magnetic potential is zero at = 0 and barrier is at = . [8+8] 8. (a) In free space E=Em sin (t - z) ax V/m, from Maxwells equation, nd H. (b) The circular loop conductor having a radius of 0.15 m is placed in X-Y plane. This loop consists of a resistance of 25 Ohms. If the magnitude of ux density is B = 0.5 sin 103 t az Tesla, nd the current owing through the loop. [8+8]

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