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Trans Line

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Presentation on Transmission lines,

Waveguides and Coaxial components

Shaik Mazhar Saheb

Transmission Line Theory
In an electronic system, the delivery of power requires the
connection of two wires between the source and the load. At low
frequencies, power is considered to be delivered to the load
through the wire.
In the microwave frequency region, power is considered
to be in electric and magnetic fields that are guided from place to
place by some physical structure. Any physical structure that will
guide an electromagnetic wave place to place is called a
Transmission Line.

Types of Transmission Lines
1. Two wire line
2. Coaxial cable
3. Waveguide
 Rectangular
 Circular
4. Planar Transmission Lines
 Strip line
 Microstrip line
 Slot line

Analysis of differences between Low and
High Frequency
• At low frequencies, the circuit elements are lumped since voltage and
current waves affect the entire circuit at the same time.
• At microwave frequencies, such treatment of circuit elements is not possible
since voltage and current waves do not affect the entire circuit at the same
• The circuit must be broken down into unit sections within which the circuit
elements are considered to be lumped.
• This is because the dimensions of the circuit are comparable to the
wavelength of the waves according to the formula:
λ= c/f
c = velocity of light
f = frequency of voltage/current

Transmission Line Concepts
• The transmission line is divided into small units where the circuit
elements can be lumped.
• Assuming the resistance of the lines is zero, then the transmission line
can be modeled as an LC ladder network with inductors in the series
arms and the capacitors in the shunt arms.
• The value of inductance and capacitance of each part determines the
velocity of propagation of energy down the line.
• Time taken for a wave to travel one unit length is equal to
T(s) = (LC)0.5
• Velocity of the wave is equal to
v (m/s) = 1/T
• Impedance at any point is equal to
Z = V (at any point)/I (at any point)
Z = (L/C)0.5
• Line terminated in its characteristic impedance: If the end of the
transmission line is terminated in a resistor equal in value to the
characteristic impedance of the line as calculated by the formula
Z=(L/C)0.5 , then the voltage and current are compatible and no
reflections occur.
• Line terminated in a short: When the end of the transmission line
is terminated in a short (RL = 0), the voltage at the short must be
equal to the product of the current and the resistance.
• Line terminated in an open: When the line is terminated in an
open, the resistance between the open ends of the line must be
infinite. Thus the current at the open end is zero.

Transmission Line primary parameters
2 conductors

4 per-unit-length parameters:

C = capacitance/length [F/m]
L = inductance/length [H/m]
R = resistance/length [/m] Dz

G = conductance/length [ /m or S/m]

Transmission Line (cont.)
i  z, t 

B x x x +++++++
v  z, t 


i(z,t) RDz LDz i(z+Dz,t)

+ +

v(z,t) GDz CDz v(z+Dz,t)

- -

Secondary parameters

V  z   V0 e  z  V0 e   z
 
V  z V   z
I  z  e 
e 0

Z0 Z0

    j    R  j L  G  jC  

 R  j L  2
Z0   
 G  jC 

Reflection from Resistive loads

• When the resistive load termination is not equal to the

characteristic impedance, part of the power is reflected back
and the remainder is absorbed by the load. The amount of
voltage reflected back is called voltage reflection coefficient.
γ = Vr/Vi
where Vr = incident voltage
Vi = reflected voltage

• The reflection coefficient is also given by

γ = (ZL - ZO)/(ZL + ZO)

Standing Waves
• A standing wave is formed by the addition of incident and reflected
waves and has nodal points that remain stationary with time.
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio:
VSWR = Vmax/Vmin
• Voltage standing wave ratio expressed in decibels is called the Standing
Wave Ratio:
SWR (dB) = 20log10VSWR
• The maximum impedance of the line is given by:
Zmax = Vmax/Imin
• The minimum impedance of the line is given by:
Zmin = Vmin/Imax
or alternatively:
Zmin = Zo/VSWR
• Relationship between VSWR and Reflection Coefficient:
VSWR = (1 + | γ |)/(1 - | γ |)
γ = (VSWR – 1)/(VSWR + 1)

General Input Impedance Equation

• Input impedance of a transmission line at a distance

L from the load impedance ZL with a characteristic
Zo is
Zinput = Zo [(ZL + j Zo tanβL)/(Zo + j ZL
where B is called phase constant or wavelength
constant and is defined by the equation
β = 2π/λ

Effect of Lossy line on voltage and
current waves
• The effect of resistance in a transmission line is to continuously
reduce the amplitude of both incident and reflected voltage and
current waves.
• Skin Effect: As frequency increases, depth of penetration into
adjacent conductive surfaces decreases for boundary currents
associated with electromagnetic waves. This results in the
confinement of the voltage and current waves at the boundary of
the transmission line, thus making the transmission more lossy.
• The skin depth is given by:
skin depth (m) = 1/πfμσ0.5
where f = frequency, Hz
μ= permeability, H/m
σ= conductivity, S/m
Lossless Case
R  0, G  0

    j    ( R  j L)(G  j C ) 
1/ 2

 j LC

 0 
vp 
   LC 

 R  j L  L 1
Z0    Z0  vp 
 G  jC  C LC
(real and indep. of freq.) (indep. of freq.)
Distortion less line
• A line is said to be distortion less if attenuation constant α is
independent of frequency and phase constant β is linearly
depends on frequency.

• The condition for distortion less transmission is


Power Loss
• Return Power Loss: When an electromagnetic wave travels
down a transmission line and encounters a mismatched load
or a discontinuity in the line, part of the incident power is
reflected back down the line. The return loss is defined as:
Preturn = 10 log10 Pi/Pr
Preturn = 20 log10 1/γ
• Mismatch Power Loss: The term mismatch loss is used to
describe the loss caused by the reflection due to a
mismatched line. It is defined as
Pmismatch = 10 log10 Pi/(Pi - Pr)

Some Types of Transmission Lines
• Waveguides
• Hollow-pipe structure, in which two distinct conductor are not present
• Open space of the waveguide is where electromagnetic energy finds the
path of least resistance to propagate
• Do not need any dielectric medium as it uses air as medium of energy
• Planar transmission lines
• Planar – looks like a 3D line that have been run over and flattened
• Usually made up of a layer of dielectric, and one or several ground
(metallic planes)
• Four types of planar lines discussed in this chapter; (1) Stripline, (2)
microstrip (3) dielectric waveguide (4) Slotline

But Why Planar?
• Waveguides
• High power handling capability
• low loss
• bulky
• expensive
• Coaxial lines
• high bandwidth,
• convenient for test applications
• difficult to fabricate complex microwave components in the

But Why Planar?
• Planar Transmission Lines
• Compact
• Low cost
• Capability for integration with active devices such as
diodes, transistors etc.


Figure 3.1: Stripline transmission line (a) Geometry (b) Electric and
magnetic field lines.
• Also known as “sandwich line” – evolved from “flattened” coaxial
transmission line
• The geometry of a stripline is shown in Figure 3.1.
• Consist of a; (1) top ground plane, (2) bottom ground plane and (3) a
center conductor

• W is the width of thin conducting strip (centered between two wide

conducting ground planes).
• b is the distance of ground planes separation.
• The region between the ground planes is filled with a dielectric.

• Practically, the centered conductor is constructed of thickness b/2.


Figure 3.2: Photograph of a stripline circuit assembly.


• The phase velocity is given by:

vp  1  0 0 r
c r [3.1]

Thus, the propagation constant of the stripline is:

    0 0 r
  r k0 [3.2]


• From equation [3.1], c = 3 x 108 m/sec is the speed of light in free-

• The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is given by:

L LC 1
Z0    [3.3]
C C v pC
L and C are the inductance and capacitance per unit length of the line.
There is a solution as explained in [M. Pozar’ book].
The resulting formula for the characteristic impedance is:

30 b
Z0 
 r We  0.441b [3.4]
Where We is the effective width of the center conductor given by:

We W  0 for  0.35
b [3.5]
 
b 0.35  W b 
b W
for  0.35
These formulas assume a zero strip thickness, and are quoted as being
accurate to about 1 % of the exact results.

It is seen from equation [3.4] and [3.5] that the characteristic impedance
decreases as the strip width W increase.

• When designing stripline circuits, one usually needs to find the strip
width, W.
• By given characteristic impedance (and height b and permittivity εr),
the value of W can be find by the inverse of the formulas in equation
[3.4] and [3.5].
• The useful formulas is:

W  x for  r Z 0  120
 [3.6]
b 0.85  0.6  x for  r Z 0  120

Where, x  0.441 [3.7]
 r Z0
• The attenuation due to dielectric loss is:
k tan 
d  Np / m [3.8]
The attenuation due to the conductor loss:

 2.7 10 3 Rs r Z 0 A

c   30  b  t  for  r Z 0  120
Np / m [3.9]
 0.16 Rs
B for  r Z 0  120
 Z 0b

• With:

2W 1 b  t  2b  t 
A  1  ln   [3.10]
bt  bt  t 

b  0.441t 1 4W 
B  1  0.5   ln 
0.5W  0.7t  
W 2 t 

Where t is the thickness of the strip


Find the width for a 50 Ω copper stripline conductor, with b =

0.32 cm and εr = 2.20. If the dielectric loss tangent (tan δ) is
0.001 and the operating frequency is 10 GHz, calculate the
attenuation in dB/λ. Assume the conductor thickness of t =
0.01 mm and surface resistance, Rs of 0.026 Ω.


 r Z0  2.2 (50)  74.2and
 120
x  0.441  0.830
 r Z0
Eq [3.6] gives the width as W = bx = (0.32)(0.830) = 0.266 cm. At 10
GHz, the wave number is

2f  r
k  310.6m 1


The dielectric attenuation is

k tan  (310.6)(0.001)
d    0.155 Np / m
2 2
Surface resistance of copper at 10 GHz is Rs = 0.026 Ω. Then from eq [3.9]

2.7  10 3 Rs  r Z 0 A
c   0.122 Np / m
30 (b  t ) since A = 4.74
The total attenuation constant is

   c   d  0.277 Np / m


In dB;
 (dB / m)  20 log e  2.41dB / m

At 10 GHz, the wavelength on the stripline is;

  2.02cm
f r
So in terms of the wavelength the attenuation is

 (dB /  )  (2.41)(0.0202)  0.049dB / 

But why do we need to convert Np/m to dB/m using this way?
 (dB / m)  20 log e ( Np / m)  2.41dB / m

• loss to the transmission line is reflected by the attenuation constant.

The amplitude of the signal decays as e-α.

• The natural units of the attenuation constant are Nepers/meter, but

we often convert to dB/meter in microwave engineering. To get loss
in dB/length, multiply Nepers/length by 8.686.


Figure 3.3: Microstrip transmission line. (a) geometry. (b) Electric

and magnetic field lines.

• Microstrip line is one of the most popular types of planar transmission

• Easy fabrication processes.
• Easily integrated with other passive and active microwave devices.
• The geometry of a microstrip line is shown in Figure 3.3
• W is the width of printed thin conductor.
• d is the thickness of the substrate.
• εr is the relative permittivity of the substrate.

• The microstrip structure does not have dielectric above the strip (as in
• So, microstrip has some (usually most) of its field lines in the dielectric
region, concentrated between the strip conductor and the ground plane.
• Some of the fraction in the air region above the substrate.
• In most practical applications, the dielectric substrate is electrically very
thin (d << λ).
• The fields are quasi-TEM (the fields are essentially same as those of the
static case.


• The phase velocity and the propagation constant:

vp 
e [3.16]

  k0  e
Where εe is the effective dielectric constant of the microstrip line used to
compensate difference between the top and bottom of the circuit line
The effective dielectric constant satisfies the relation:

1  e  r
and is dependent on the substrate thickness, d and conductor width, W
• The effective dielectric constant of a microstrip line is given by:

 r  1  r 1 1
e   [3.18]
2 2 1  12d W
The effective dielectric constant can be interpreted as the dielectric
constant of a homogeneous medium that replaces the air and dielectric
regions of the microstrip, as shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: equivalent geometry of quasi-TEM microstrip line.


• The characteristic impedance can be calculated as:

 60  8d W 
 ln   
 e  W 4 d  for W  1
Z0   d
 120 for W  1
  e W d  1.393  0.667 ln W d  1.444 [3.19]

For a given characteristic impedance Z0 and the dielectric constant Єr, the
W/d ratio can be found as:
 8e A
 for W  2
W  e2 A  2 d
 
d  2 B  1  ln 2 B  1   r  1 ln B  1  0.39  0.61 for W  2
   d

  2  r   r 


• Where:
Z0  r  1  r 1  0.11 
A   0.23  
60 2  r 1  r 
2Z 0  r
Considering microstrip as quasi-TEM line, the attenuation due to dielectric
loss can be determined as

k0 r  e  1 tan 
d  Np / m
2  e  r  1

Where tan δ is the loss tangent of the dielectric.

This result is derived from Equation [2.37] by multiplying by a “filling
 r  e  1
 e  r  1
Which accounts for the fact that the fields around the microstrip line are
partly in air (lossless) and partly in the dielectric.

The attenuation due to conductor loss is given approximately by:

c  Np / m [3.22]
Z 0W
Where Rs = √(ωμ0/2σ) is the surface resistivity of the conductor.

Design a microstrip transmission line for 70 Ω characteristic
impedance. The substrate thickness is 1.0 cm, with εr = 2.50.
What is the guide wavelength on this transmission line if the
frequency is 3.0 GHz?

Z0 r 1 r 1  0.11 
A   0.23  
60 2 r 1  r 
70 2.5  1 2.5  1  0.11 
A   0.23  
60 2 2.5  1  2.5 

A  1.66
Initially, it is guessed that W/d < 2

W 8e A 8e1.66
 2A  2(1.66)  1.64
d e 2 e 2
Since the W/d < 2 assumption is valid;

W  1.64  1.0  10 2  0.0164m  1.64cm

We proceed to calculate εe

 r  1  r 1 1
e  
2 2 1  12d W
2.5  1 2.5  1 1
e    2.01
2 2 1  12(1.0 1.64)


Thus the guided wavelength is given by;

c 3.0  108
g    7.05cm
e f 2.01  3  10 9

ABCD parameters
I1 I2

V1 V2

Voltages and currents in a general circuit

I 2  V2  V1 V2  I1  I 2 In matrix form

This can be written as V1   A B   V2 

 I   C D  I 
 1    2
V1  V2  I 2 I1  V2  I 2 Given V1 and I1, V2 and I2
can be determined if
ABDC matrix is known.
V1  AV2  BI 2 I1  CV2  DI 2

A –ve sign is included in the definition of D

Determination of ABCD parameters
V1  AV2  BI 2 I1  CV2  DI 2

Because A is independent of B, to determine A put I2 equal to zero and determine

the voltage gain V1/V2=A of the circuit. In this case port 2 must be open circuit.

V V1
A 1 for port 2 open circuit B for port 2 short circuit
V2  I2 V
I 2 0 2 0

I I1
C 1 for port 2 open circuit D for port 2 short circuit
V2  I2 V
I 2 0 2 0
ABCD matrix for transmission line
Note that
The complete matrix is therefore

cosh(  ) Z o sinh(  )     jk

 sinh(  ) 
 cosh(  )  Where
= attenuation
 Zo  k=wave propagation
When the transmission line is lossless this reduces to
Lossless line
 cos( k ) jZo sin( k )
 sin( k )  cosh( jk )  cos( k)
j cos( k )  sinh( jk )  j sin( k)
 Zo 
Transmission line parameters
It is interesting that the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a
transmission line can be determined from ABCD matrix as follows

Zo 

  cosh  A  ln  A  A2  1 
1 1 1 
   

EM waves
• An EM waves is Transverse waves which can travel in the vacuum with the
speed of light.

• Firstly Explains by the James Clark Maxwell by the theoretically introduction

of Maxwell relations.

• Maxwell Relations

Need of waveguides
• Any electrical network have the parasitic behaviors when it works at high
• At frequency greater than 300 MHz to 3 GHz.
• For any real conductor its behave as the both Capacitor and inductor
simultaneously at high frequency, in the form of the power losses.
• Such a behavior are called as cavity resonator.
• To reduce the power loss we use the Waveguides.

Basic Circuit of Resonator

 A Hollow metallic tube of uniform cross section for transmitting
electromagnetic waves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the
tube is called waveguide.
• Kinds of Wave guides
 Circular
 Rectangular.

• Waveguides may be used to carry energy between pieces of equipment or
over longer distances to carry transmitter power to an antenna or microwave
signals from an antenna to a receiver.

• Waveguides are made from copper, aluminum or brass.

• An electromagnetic energy to be carried by a waveguide is injected into one

end of the waveguide.

• The electric and magnetic fields associated with the signal bounce off the
inside walls back and forth as it progresses down the waveguide.

04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Circular waveguide
• A Hollow metallic tube of uniform circular cross section for
transmitting electromagnetic waves by successive reflections from the
inner walls of the tube is called Circular waveguide.
04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Applications of circular waveguide

 Rotating joints in radars to connect the horn antenna feeding a

parabolic reflector (which must rotate for tracking)
 TE01 mode suitable for long distance waveguide transmission above
10 GHz.
 Short and medium distance broad band communication (could
replace / share coaxial and microwave links)
04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Circular Waveguide Conti…

• The circular waveguide is used in many special applications in microwave

• It has the advantage of greater power – handling capacity and lower attenuation for
a given cutoff wavelength. However, the disadvantage of somewhat greater size and
• The polarization of the transmitted wave can be altered due to the minor
irregularities of the wall surface of the circular guide, whereas the rectangular wave
guide the polarization is fixed
Types of Modes
 Transverse Electro Magnetic (TEM) wave:

Here both electric and magnetic fields are directed

components. (i.e.) E z = 0 and Hz = 0

 Transverse Electric (TE) wave: Here only the electric field is purely transverse
to the direction of propagation and the magnetic field is not purely transverse.
(i.e.) E z = 0, Hz ≠ 0

 Transverse Magnetic (TM) wave: Here only magnetic field is transverse to the
direction of propagation and the electric field is not purely transverse. (i.e.) E z
≠ 0, Hz = 0.

 Hybrid (HE) wave: Here neither electric nor magnetic fields are purely
transverse to the direction of propagation. (i.e.) E z ≠ 0, Hz ≠ 0.

04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

TE & TM Operation
TM Mode

Ez   A1 cos k x x  A2 sin k x xA3 cos k y y  A4 sin k y y ez

• Boundary Ez  0 at y  0,b
Ez  0 at x  0,a
From these, we conclude:
X(x) is in the form of sin kxx,
where kx=mp/a, m=1,2,3,…
Y(y) is in the form of sin kyy,
where ky=np/b, n=1,2,3,…
So the solution for Ez(x,y,z) is

Ez  A2 A4 sin k x x sin k y y e jz

TM Mode

• Substituting

 m   n   jz
E z  Eo sin  x  sin  y e
 a   b 
 m   n 
2 2

h2  
 a
 
  b

 k2 2
TMmn  m   n   jz
E z  Eo sin  x  sin  y e
 a   b 
Hz  0
• Other components are
 E z   m   mx   ny  z
Ex   Ex   2   Eo cos  sin  e
h 2 x h  a   a   b 
 E z   n   mx   ny  z
Ey   2 Ey   2   Eo sin   cos e
h y h  b   a   b 
j E z j  n   mx   ny  z
Hx  2 Hx  2   Eo sin   cos e
h y h  b   a   b 
j E z j  m   mx   ny  z
Hy   2 Hy   2   Eo cos  sin  e
h x h  a   a   b 
TM modes
• The m and n represent the mode of propagation and
indicates the number of variations of the field in the x
and y directions
• Note that for the TM mode, if n or m is zero, all fields
are zero.
TM Cutoff  k 2
x  k y2  k 2
 m   n 
2 2

       

 a   b 

• The cutoff frequency occurs when

 m   n 
2 2

When c       then     j  0

 a   b 
 m   n 
2 2
1 1
or f c     
2   a   b 

• Evanescent:
 m   n 
2 2

When  2          and   0
 a   b 
Means no propagation, everything is attenuated

• Propagation:
 m   n 
2 2

When  2         j and   0
 a is when
• This is the case we are interested since  bthe wave is allowed to travel
through the guide.
Cutoff attenuation Propagation
of mode mn

• The cutoff frequency is the frequency below which attenuation
occurs and above which propagation takes place. (High Pass)
2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b
• The phase constant becomes

 m   n   fc 
2 2

   2    
     ' 1   
 a   b   f 
TE Mode

H z  B1 cos k x x  B2 sin k x xB3 cos k y y  B4 sin k y y ez

• Boundary Ex  0 at y  0,b
conditions: E  0 at x  0,a

From these, we conclude:

X(x) is in the form of cos kxx,
where kx=mp/a, m=0,1,2,3,…
Y(y) is in the form of cos kyy,
where ky=np/b, n=0,1,2,3,…
So the solution for Ez(x,y,z) is

H z  B1B3 cos k x x cos k y y e jz

TE Mode

• Substituting

 mx   n   jz
H z  H o cos  cos y e
 a   b 
where again
 m   n 
2 2

h2     
 a   b 

• Note that n and m cannot be both zero because the

fields will all be zero.
TEmn  m   n   j z
H z  H o cos x  cos y e
 a   b 
Ez  0
• Other components are

j H z j  n   mx   ny  z

Ex   2 Ex  2   H o cos  sin  e
h y h  b   a   b 
j H z j  m   mx   ny  z
Ey   2 Ey   2   H o sin   cos e
h x h  a   a   b 
 H z j  m   mx   ny  z
Hx   2 Hx  2   H o sin   cos e
h x h  a   a   b 
 H z
Hy   2 j   n   mx   ny  z
h y Hy  2   H o cos  sin  e
h  b   a   b 
Cutoff attenuation Propagation
of mode mn

• The cutoff frequency is the same expression as for the
TM mode
2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b

• But the lowest attainable frequencies are lowest because

here n or m can be zero.
Dominant Mode
• The dominant mode is the mode with lowest cutoff
• It’s always TE10
• The order of the next modes change depending on the
dimensions of the guide.
Characteristic Impedance
• Z0 varies with frequency

Z0  
 fc 
1   
 f 
Phase Velocity
• Not a real velocity (>c)
• Apparent velocity of wave along wall
• Used for calculating wavelength in guide
• For impedance matching etc.

vp 
 fc 
1   
 f 

Group Velocity
• Waves propagate at speed of light c in guide
• Waves don’t travel straight down guide
• Speed at which signal moves down guide is the group
velocity and is always less than c

 fc 
vg  c 1   
 f 
Guide Wavelength
• Longer than free-space wavelength at same frequency

g 
 fc 
1   
 f 
S Parameters
• At microwave frequency we talk of travelling waves with associated
powers instead of voltages and currents. These are S parameters.

• Why S parameters:
i) Equipment is not available to measure the V and I at high
frequencies at all ports.
ii) Implementation of short circuit and open circuit is difficult
because devices are enters into unstability at microwave frequencies.

Properties of S matrix

Conversion of Z to S and S to Z

S   Z  U 1Z  U 

Z   U   S 1U  S 

where 1 0 . 0
0 . . . 
U    
. . 1 .
 
0 . . 1 
Conversion S to ABCD
For conversion of ABCD to S-parameter

 S11 S12  1  Z o A  B  Z o2C  Z o D 2Z o  AD  BC  

S   
 21 S 22  Z o A  B  Z o2C  Z o D  2Z o  Z o A  B  Z o2C  Z o D 

For conversion of S to ABCD-parameter

 1  S11 1  S 22   S12 S 21 Z o 1  S11 1  S 22   S12 S 21 

A B 1  
C D  2S  1 1  S11 1  S 22   S12 S 21  1  S 1  S   S12 21 
  21 Z 11 22
 o 

Zo is a characteristic impedance of the transmission line connected to the

ABCD network, usually 50 ohm.
Waveguide components
The waveguide components generally encountered are:

1. Directional couplers
2. Tee junctions
3. Attenuators
4. Ferrite devices
5. Isolator switches
6. Circulators
7. Gyrators

04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Waveguide junction types

• H-type T Junction: The junction acts as a power divider, the signal entering into
the 1st port is equally divided among the two ports with the same phase.
• E-Type T Junction: It also acts as a power divider, the signal entering into the 1st
port is equally distributed between the two ports with opposite phase.
04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Magic Tee

• The device magic Tee is a-combination of the E and H plane Tee. Arm 3, the H-arm
forms an H plane Tee and arm 4, the E-arm forms an E plane Tee in combination
with arm 1 and 2 a side or collinear arms. If power is fed into arm 3 (H-arm) the
electric field divides equally between arm 1 and 2 in the same phase, and no
electrical field exists in arm 4. If power is fed in arm 4 (E-arm), it divides equally
into arm 1 and 2 but out of phase with no power to arm 3. Further, if the power is fed
from arm 1 and 2, it is added in arm 3 (H-arm), and it is subtracted
4 in E-arm, i.e. arm

Directional Coupler
• Launches or receives power in only 1 direction
• Used to split some of power into a second guide
• Can use probes or holes

Ferrite Devices

Circulator and Isolator
• Both use the unique properties of ferrites in a magnetic field
• Isolator passes signals in one direction, attenuates in the
• Circulator passes input from each port to the next around the
circle, not to any other port

• It is a two port device that has a relation phase difference of
180˚ for transmission from port(1) to port (2) and no phase
shift from port(2) to port(1).

• It is known as Differential phase shift device.

• Attenuators are components that reduce the amount of power a fixed
amount, a variable amount or in a series of fixed steps from the input to
the output of the device. They operate on the principle of interfering with
the electric field or magnetic field or both.
• Slide vane attenuators: They work on the principle that a resistive
material placed in parallel with the E-lines of a field current will induce a
current in the material that will result in I2R power loss.
• Flap attenuator: A flap attenuator has a vane that is dropped into the
waveguide through a slot in the top of the guide. The further the vane is
inserted into the waveguide, the greater the attenuation.
• Rotary vane attenuator: It is a precision waveguide attenuator in which
attenuation follows a mathematical law. In this device, attenuation is
independent on frequency.

Attenuators and Loads
• Attenuator works by putting carbon vane or flap into the
• Currents induced in the carbon cause loss
• Load is similar but at end of guide

The dimensions of the waveguide are 2.5 cm  1 cm. The frequency is 8.6
GHz. Find (i) possible modes and (ii) cut – off frequency for TE waves.


Given a = 2.5 cm , b = 1 cm and f = 8.6 GHz Free space wavelength

C 3  10 10
0    3.488 cm
f 8  10 9

The condition for the wave to propagate is that λC > λ0


For TE01 mode

2ab 2ab
C    2b  2  1  2 cm
m 2b 2  n 2 a 2 a2

Since λC < λ0, TE01 does not propagate

 For TE10 mode, λC = 2a = 2  2.5 = 5 cm
 Since λC > λ0 , TE10 mode is a possible mode.

C 3  10 10
• Cut – off frequency = fC    6 GHz
C 5
Cut – off wavelength 2 ab
For TE11 mode = a2  b2

2  2.5  1
  1.856 cm
( 2.5)  (1)2 2

For TE11 λC < λ0 , TE11 is not possible.

The possible mode is TE10 mode.
The cut – off frequency = 6 GHz

04-10-2012 First FYP Presentation,Batch-08

Applications & Uses

 Waveguide is an indispensable technology for all industries that make

use of transmitting systems.
• Waveguides are used to transfer electromagnetic power efficiently
from one point in space to another.
• High power-handling capacity
• Lower attenuation for a given cut-off wavelength
• The magic-T can be used as a power combiner or divider.
• Coaxial line: an electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a
flexible insulating layer, surrounded by a conducting shield (outer conductor).

• Microwaves travel through the flexible insulation layer.

• Applications: feed lines connecting radio transmitter and receivers with their
antennas, computer network (internet) connections and distributing cable

Coaxial components
• Connectors: Microwave coaxial connectors required to connect two coaxial
lines are als called connector pairs (male and female). They must match the
characteristic impedance of the attached lines and be designed to have
minimum reflection coefficients and not radiate power through the connector.
E.g. APC-3.5, BNC, SMA, SMC, Type N

• Coaxial sections: Coaxial line sections slip inside each other while still
making electrical contact. These sections are useful for matching loads and
making slotted line measurements. Double and triple stub tuning
configurations are available as coaxial stub tuning sections.

• Attenuators: The function of an attenuator is to reduce the power of the

signal through it by a fixed or adjustable amount. The different types of
attenuators are:
1. Fixed attenuators
2. Step attenuators
3. Variable attenuators

Coaxial components (contd.)
• Coaxial cavities: Coaxial cavities are concentric lines or
coaxial lines with an air dielectric and closed ends.
Propagation of EM waves is in TEM mode.
• Coaxial wave meters: Wave meters use a cavity to allow
the transmission or absorption of a wave at a frequency
equal to the resonant frequency of the cavity. Coaxial
cavities are used as wave meters.

Transmission lines for digital systems
Signals per
Cable type Best features Worst features
Useful up to 250Mb/s per
Significant mixed-
pair; connections are
signal technology is
UTP 4 inexpensible; new types
required for high-
constantly being
speed use.
Useful up to 1 Gb/s per
150-Ω pair; interfaces directly Bulky and extremely
STP-A with differential difficult to install.
Useful beyond 1 Gb/s; Not standardized for
Coax 1 interfaces directly with building wiring;
high speed digital logic. difficult to install.
Useful to 10Gb/s and
Pcb traces 1 losses severely limit
attainable distance.


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