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Operational Guidance Fire and Rescue Authorities: Rescues From Confined Spaces

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Fire and Rescue Authorities

Operational Guidance

GRA 2.1
Rescues from confined spaces
Generic Risk Assessment 2.1
Rescues from confined spaces
April 2013

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Generic Risk Assessment 2.1
Rescues from confined spaces 4
Scope 4
Significant hazards and risks 5
Key control measures 10
Planning 10
Training 11
Command and control 12
Safety Officers 13
Personal protective equipment 16
Post incident 17
Technical references 19

Summary of Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 20
Rescues from confined spaces


Generic Risk Assessment 2.1

Rescues from confined spaces

This generic risk assessment examines the hazards, risks and control measures relating
to fire and rescue personnel, the personnel of other agencies and members of the public.

This document aims to offer Fire and Rescue Authorities guidance on how to identify
confined spaces, and the appropriate action to take at incidents to protect personnel who
are mobilised to such incidents.

Depending on the nature and scale of the operational incident a variety of significant
hazards may be present. Fire and Rescue Authorities may therefore need to consider the
contents of other specific generic risk assessments in this series.

This may include:

• 2.1 Rescues from confined space

• 2.1.1 Rescues from sewers

• 2.1 2 Rescues from silos

• 2.1.4 Rescues from collapsed structures

• 5.10 Working at heights

Details of documents that contain technical and supporting information can be found in
the Technical reference section of this generic risk assessment.

Fire and Rescue Authorities must conduct their own assessments and produce their own
safe systems of work (which include standard operating procedures, training
programmes, provision of equipment, levels of response etc) within the context of
integrated risk management plans, local conditions, knowledge and existing
organisational arrangements.

This generic risk assessment will be reviewed for its currency and accuracy three years
from date of publication. The Operational Guidance Strategy Board will be responsible for
commissioning the review and any decision for revision or amendment.

The Operational Guidance Strategy Board may decide that a full or partial review is
required within this period.

4 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Significant hazards and risks
The Confined Space Regulations 1997 define a confined space as:-

“any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well
or other similar space in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a
reasonably foreseeable specified risk.”

A ‘specified risk’ is further defined as a risk of the:

• serious injury to any person at work arising from a fire or explosion

• loss of consciousness of any person at work arising from an increase in body


• loss of consciousness or asphyxiation of any person at work, arising from gas,

fume, vapour or lack of oxygen

• drowning of any person at work arising from an increase in the level of liquid
• asphyxiation of any person at work arising from a free flowing solid, or the
inability to reach a respirable environment due to the entrapment by a free
flowing solid.

Under the Regulations, a confined space has two defining features:

(a) It is a space which is substantially (but not always entirely) enclosed.

(b) There is a reasonably foreseeable risk of serious injury to personnel from

hazardous substances or conditions in the space.

The hazards in a confined space arise by the combination of the confined nature of the
work place and the possible presence of substances or conditions which could increase
the risk to the health and safety of personnel. Fire and Rescue Authorities must consider
the possibility that a hazard could be introduced to a confined space during an incident,
eg water.

Inappropriate and/or insufficient resources to provide safe systems

of work for the Fire and Rescue Authority task
There is a societal expectation that a firefighting team will arrive and achieve something.
Evidence from accident investigations has shown that firefighters will attempt tasks
regardless of the resources available to them risking death or serious injury.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 5

Toxic gas; fume, vapour, or CO2
• fume may remain in a confined space from previous usage, or arise from the
disturbance of sludge or deposits contained within it

• hydrocarbon vapour may be present under scale or rust, even after cleaning

• fume may enter a confined space from adjoining plant that has not been
thoroughly isolated

• gas and fume may leak from behind coatings or linings

• gas and fume may build up in sewers; manholes; access shafts; or

contaminated ground

• fume and vapour can be produced by work inside the confined space such as
during flame cutting or welding

• a build up of CO2 can accumulate through personnel working in a confined


• lining processes

• spraying and painting

• the use of glass reinforced plastics; adhesives and solvents.

Gas fume and vapour can occur inside a confined space as a result of activities taking
place outside the confined space. For example, hot work to the exterior and exhaust
gases entering from vehicles or plant adjacent to the confined space.

Failure of plant may lead to the accumulation of gasses, in particular ammonia from the
failure of refrigeration plant or carbon dioxide in cellars due to leaking carbon dioxide

Oxygen deficiency
Oxygen deficient atmospheres may result from:

• Purging of the confined space with an inert gas to remove flammable gas; fume;
vapour or aerosols

• Naturally occurring biological processes which consume oxygen (aerobic) such

as sewers; storage tanks; storm drains and wells etc

• Ships holds and land based storage vessels or feed hoppers which contain
wood fuel pellets can degrade and displace the oxygen in the compartment

• Gases can be produced as a result of fermentation in sealed silos where crops

have been or are being stored; fermentation vessels in brewing processes, cargo
holds carrying timber products; steel swarf, vegetable products; grain coal etc
displacing the oxygen

• The action of rusting takes oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere. Leaving
a steel vessel completely closed for some time can lead to an oxygen deficient
atmosphere. Newly fabricated carbon (mild) steel vessels which have been shot
blasted are particularly vulnerable to rusting

6 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

• Carbon dioxide levels may increase when limestone chippings used in drainage
in the base of trenches get wet through rain water ( water reacts chemically with
limestone to produce CO2
• Flame cutting (burning), welding and grinding which consume oxygen

• Air displacement when using liquid nitrogen to freeze pipes

• The gradual depletion of oxygen as personnel breathe where the replenishment

of air is inadequate.

Flammable substances and oxygen enrichment

A risk of fire and explosion can arise from the presence of a flammable substance; an
excess of oxygen in the atmosphere; or the ignition of airborne substances. It can also be
caused by leaks from adjoining plant that has not been effectively isolated.

Liquids can flow into the confined space and drown personnel, or lead to other serious
injuries dependant on the nature; toxicity; or corrosiveness of the liquid. Liquids can also
hinder access/egress and cover other hazards contained within the confined space.
Prolonged submersion in cold liquids can create hypothermic symptoms for persons
within the confined space.

Solid materials which can flow

Free flowing solids are substances consisting of solid particles that are capable of being in
a flowing or running consistency, Examples include flour; sand; grain; coal dust.

Free flowing solids can flow into the confined space and submerge a person, causing

Contamination and biological / chemical hazards

Biological hazards, in particular waterborne diseases, must be expected to be present at
these types of incidents and there are a number of infections that can be encountered,

• Salmonella

• Amoebic dysentery

• Tetanus

• Typhoid

• Polio

• Hepatitis

• Weil’s disease (leptospirosis).

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 7

Zoonoses (ie conditions that are shared and mutually transmissible between humans and
animals) pose significant health risks to personnel from direct or indirect contact with live
or dead animals.

Acute/chronic illness from exposure to water contaminants, eg oil, solvent, chemicals.

Further guidance can be sourced in Generic Risk Assessments 5.4 and 5.3 – Biological
and Chemical hazards.

Extremes of temperature
Hypothermia is a physical condition that occurs when the body’s core temperature falls
below a normal 98.6° F (37° C) to 95° F (35° C) or cooler. Cold water dangerously
accelerates the onset and progression of hypothermia since body heat can be lost 25
times faster in cold water than in cold air. Hypothermia affects the body’s core – the brain,
heart, lungs, and other vital organs. Even a mild case of hypothermia diminishes a victim’s
physical and mental abilities and can lead to a loss of dexterity and the ability to carry out
simple tasks, thus increasing the risk of accidents. Severe hypothermia may result in
unconsciousness and possibly death.

Hyperthermia is an elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation and is

defined as a temperature greater than 37.5–38.3° C (100–101° F), Hyperthermia occurs
when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate.

Heat stroke is an acute condition of hyperthermia that is caused by prolonged exposure

to excessive heat and/or humidity. The heat-regulating mechanisms of the body eventually
become overwhelmed and unable to effectively deal with the heat, causing the body
temperature to climb uncontrollably.

Working at height
When gaining access personnel risk falling into the confined space, equipment may fall
onto personnel or a casualty while they are in the confined space causing serious or fatal

Further information on safe working at heights is contained in Generic Risk Assessment


Manual handling
Many injuries are sustained on the incident ground due to the unsuitability of, or incorrect
handling of equipment, or casualties. The additional aspect of working in restrictive
personal protective equipment can also be an inhibiting factor.

Musculoskeletal injuries
Body positioning, force of movement and pace of work can all impact on personnel
working within a confined space environment. These issues may also be compounded by
the range of operating temperatures personnel may be required to work in, as a cold

8 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

environment will make the body less flexible and more susceptible to strains and other
injury. Difficulty in adopting the correct body posture and the additional loads incurred by
working within a confined space environment must also be considered.

Casualty/victim handling
A variety of risks can be associated with the incorrect handling of a casualty/victim. From
the physical aspects of removing a casualty from a hazardous environment to the hazards
presented by the casualty themselves. Conscious victims may exhibit panic, with
counterproductive random movement such as thrashing and shouting or alternatively
exhibit counter panic whereby the victim withdraws or offers little or no assistance.

Other non-specific hazards

Some other hazards may be present which are not specific to confined spaces but must
be considered prior to committing crews into the confined space:

• electrical hazards which may lead to electrocution

• mechanical hazards, such as stirrers and augers

• service supplies

• potential to collapse – eg trench collapse or void exploration

• limited access and egress.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 9

Key control measures
Planning is key to enhancing the safety of firefighters and others likely to be affected by
Fire and Rescue Authority operations. Each Fire and Rescue Authority’s strategic plans
will set standards and identify the resources required to ensure safe systems of work are

Each Fire and Rescue Authority must assess the hazards and risks in their area relating to
this generic risk assessment. The assessment must include other Fire and Rescue
Authorities areas where ‘cross border’ arrangements make this appropriate.

Site-specific plans must be considered for locations where the hazards and risks are
significant and plans must take into account hazards outside of the scope of Fire and
Rescue Authority standard operating procedures, appliances and equipment. In
particular, recognition must be given to the physical and psychological pressures that an
operational incident may apply to fire and rescue personnel.

Site-specific plans must include:

• levels of response

• relevant standard operating procedures

• tactical considerations, including rendezvous points, appliance marshalling areas

and access points

• identification and where necessary, the formal notification to person(s)

responsible for the site of any Fire and Rescue Authority operational limitations.

Planning is underpinned by information gathering, much of which will be gained through

inspections or visits by fire and rescue personnel – for example, those covered by section
7(2)d and 9(3)d of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004.

Information must also be gathered and used to review safe systems of work from sources
both within and outside the Fire and Rescue Authority, including:

• fire safety audits

• incident de-briefs

• health and safety events

• local authorities

• local resilience fora.

Involving others in planning is an effective way to build good working relations with partner
agencies and other interested parties, such as site owners.

Fire and Rescue Authorities must ensure systems are in place to record and regularly
review risk information and to ensure that new risks are identified and recorded as soon
as practicable.

10 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Fire and Rescue Authorities must ensure that the information gathered is treated as
confidential, unless disclosure is made in the course of duty or is required for legal

Fire and Rescue Authorities must consider the benefits of using consistent systems and
formats to record information from all sources. Consideration must also be given to how
timely access will be provided to inform and support operational decision-making.

Information needs will vary in proportion to the size and nature of the incident. The
capacity of fire and rescue personnel to assimilate information will vary in relation to the
complexity of the incident. Therefore, arrangements may need to be flexible and be based
on more than one system.

Further guidance on planning can be found in Fire and Rescue Service Operational
Guidance, Operational Risk Information, www.gov.uk/government/publications

Specific planning for this generic risk assessment must include:

• liaison with local industry to trigger alerts when work is being carried out in
confined spaces

• combined training and exercises with industry to ensure each party is aware of
each other’s capabilities or limitations.

• liaison and awareness with any on site specialist teams and the equipment and
procedures available to them.

Competence and training

When formulating a competence and training strategy, Fire and Rescue Authorities must
consider the following points:

• Ensure specific risk assessments for this incident type are suitable and sufficient,
and those tasked with carrying out the assessment and developing procedures
are competent to do so

• Fire and Rescue Authorities must ensure that their personnel are adequately
trained to deal with the hazards and risks associated with this generic risk

• The level and nature of training undertaken must be shaped by an informed

training needs analysis that takes account of Fire and Rescue Authority guidance
on the competency framework, national occupational standards and any
individual training needs.

Training and development programmes must:

• Follow the principles set out in national guidance documents

• Generally be structured so that they move from simple to more complex tasks
and from lower to higher levels of risk. Typically cover standard operational
procedures as well as ensuring knowledge and understanding of equipment and
the associated skills that will be required to use it

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 11

• Consider the need for appropriate levels of assessment and provide for
continuous professional development, to ensure maintenance of skills and to
update personnel whenever there are changes to procedure, equipment, etc

• Involve personnel involved in other processes that support the emergency

response, such as planners devising procedures and people procuring

Specific training requirements for working in confined spaces will include the standard
operating procedure and the equipment to be used.

Training outcomes must be evaluated to ensure that the training provided is effective,
current and it meets defined operational needs as determined by the Fire and Rescue
Authority’s integrated risk management plan.

Site-specific tactical exercises must be undertaken with other agencies or personnel likely
to assist at an actual incident.

Command and control

The Incident Commander must follow the principles of the current national incident
command system. Prior to committing personnel into any hazard area, the Incident
Commander must take account of the actual information about the incident that is
available to make operational decisions in what are recognised as sometimes dangerous,
fast moving and emotionally charged environments.

A thorough safety brief prior to deployment of personnel within the hazard zone must be
carried out.

Operational discretion
Fire and Rescue Authorities operational procedure for confined spaces incidents must be
robust but, recognise that it is impossible to anticipate every situation which may occur
the procedure must allow the incident commander sufficient flexibility to exercise
operational discretion when either planning arrangements or the prevailing circumstances
make this justified.

It is anticipated that at the vast majority of confined spaces incidents, the full
implementation of the Fire and Rescue Authority’s operational procedure, without any
deviation, will be necessary and wholly appropriate.

However, scenarios can arise at confined spaces incidents where a more rapid
intervention is necessary, including occasions when it is necessary or desirable to:

• Rescue a ‘saveable’ life in circumstances where the complete implementation of

confined spaces procedure would lead to an unjustifiable delay, resulting in the
potential for greater injury or additional lives to be lost; or

• Tackle a known small fire through a pre-emptive strike to mitigate the risk that
complete adherence to the confined spaces procedure might lead to delay. That
has the potential to create higher levels of risk for firefighters who would then
have to tackle a fully developed fire.

12 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Any deviation from procedure must be justifiable in terms of risk versus benefit and based
upon the Incident Commander knowing the actions which are normally required as part of
operational procedure.

The level of justification required from the Incident Commander must also be proportional
to the degree of deviation undertaken, ie significant deviation from an established
procedure will require correspondingly high levels of justification.

The Incident Commander must return to standard operating procedures as soon as


Safety Officer(s)
The early appointment of one or more Safety Officer(s) will help ensure that risks are
either eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.

A safety decision-making model must be used to brief Safety Officers regarding the
nature of the incident, the allocated task and prevailing hazards and risks. The Incident
Commander must confirm that the Safety Officer understands:

• their role and area of responsibility

• allocated tasks

• lines of communication.

Those undertaking the Safety Officer role must:

• be competent to perform the role

• ensure the agreement of a recognised evacuation signal

• ensure personnel are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment

• monitor the physical condition of personnel and/or general or specific safety

conditions at the incident, in accordance with their brief

• take any urgent corrective action required to ensure safety of personnel.

• update the Incident Commander or Incident Safety Sector Commander

regarding any change in circumstances

• not be engaged in any other aspect of operations, unless this is required to deal
with a risk critical situation.

The role of a Safety Officer can be carried out by any of the fire service roles, but the
complexity of the task, size of the incident and scope of responsibility must be considered
by the Incident Commander when determining the supervisory level required.

Safety Officers must wear nationally recognised identification to indicate they are
undertaking the Safety Officer role.

Fire and Rescue Authorities must ensure that training and other measures (such as
aide-memoires) are in place and available to support those personnel liable to undertake
this role.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 13

Flammable substances; oxygen enrichment; toxic gas; fume;
vapour, and oxygen deficiency
Whenever practical, personnel must not be committed to the risk area until the risk of fire
and explosion has been eliminated.

Whenever practical, the atmosphere must be monitored prior to entry into a confined

Oxygen testing and monitoring must be carried out prior to testing for flammable gases;
followed by any further tests for toxic gases, vapours and dusts. All testing equipment
must be appropriate to the risk, suitable for the task and calibrated according to
manufacturer’s recommendations. Fire and Rescues Authorities must consider the use of
personal monitoring equipment.

All monitoring or testing must be carried by persons who are not only competent in the
practice of measuring and monitoring but aware of the existing standards for the relevant
airborne contaminants being measured but are also instructed and trained in the risks
involved. Persons involved in carrying out the testing must also be capable of interpreting
the results and informing the Incident Commander who will determine the course of
action. A record of the monitoring results must be maintained and available at all times.

Monitoring and re-testing of the atmosphere within a confined space must be carried out
throughout the duration of the incident and every time crews enter the confined space.

Breathing apparatus must be worn in any flammable or oxygen deficient environments.

Respirators must not be worn in oxygen deficient atmosphere.

Gas purging must be considered by the Incident Commander if monitoring or testing has
identified the presence of flammable or toxic gases or vapours. If flammable gases are
present this must be done with an inert gas such as nitrogen. Purging with air can
produce a flammable or explosive mixture. The confined space must be tested once
purging is complete to ensure the atmosphere is safe.

Ventilation must be considered where the nature of the confined space dictates that fresh
air is required to replenish the oxygen being consumed by the crews. Forced ventilation is
preferable to exhaust ventilation which can have only a localised effect.

Ingress or presence of liquids and free flowing solids

• If liquids are present they must be assessed as to their toxicity and or
corrosiveness and removed. Flammable liquids must be removed including any
residues or the atmosphere rendered inert by purging with an inert gas such as

14 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

• Consideration must be given to the possibility of the contamination of crews and
fire kit within the confined space

• The confined space must be isolated from any chance of ingress of liquids by
the isolation of pumps, feed lines and pipe work. Consider isolating the confined
space entirely by the removal of sections of feed pipe work, or by the use of
blanking flanges

• If valves cannot be isolated or locked in the closed position leave with a member
of the crew or responsible person to ensure they cannot be opened

• If working in a confined space which contains free flowing solids, adequate steps
must be taken to ensure that the surface will support the weight of the crews, by
using crawl boards, inflatable structures such as air planks and mats, or consider
working on work positioning systems which are capable of supporting the entire
weight of the casualty and rescuer

• If excavation work is to be undertaken in the confined space to release a

casualty from a free flowing solid, then consider appointing a dedicated safety
officer to monitor any signs of collapse of the product or uneven loading of the
confined space walls. Consider the use of atmospheric monitoring; ventilation,
and the use of breathing apparatus.

Contamination and biological/chemical hazards

Arrangements must be in place for effective health surveillance of all personnel that are
suspected of being exposed to any biohazards during an incident. This may be by means
of an on-site specialist or Health Protection Agency whilst the incident is still in progress.
Certain circumstances may require prophylaxis to be given for potential exposures.

In cases of suspected exposure to HIV or hepatitis virus there may be a need to
provide post exposure prophylaxis within one hour.

Plans must be in place to provide monitoring and recording of biohazard exposure.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations requires that employers keep a
list of all personnel exposed to hazard group 3 and 4 agents for at least 10 years (for
those agents with delayed effects this list must be kept for 40 years).

Generic Risk Assessment 5.4 – Incidents involving biological

Arrangements must be made on-site to enable the cleaning/decontamination of boots,
gloves and fire-kit. If items cannot be sufficiently cleaned at the incident additional/
specialist cleaning must be established in accordance with the Fire and Rescue
Authority’s decontamination procedures.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 15

Extremes temperatures
Working conditions for this type of rescue may be difficult and the nature of the tasks
arduous, therefore the Incident Commander must make suitable arrangements for rotation
or resting of crews and the early provision of relief crews.

Musculoskeletal injuries
Consider ventilating the confined space and the use of breathing apparatus for casualties
to protect airway.

When removing a casualty from the confined space, manual handling must be planned
and coordinated. Mechanical means and additional personnel must be considered.
Where space is restrictive, individuals must make every effort to adopt good manual
handling techniques

Working at heights
Only essential resources must be deployed at height and provision of appropriate work
positioning/fall arrest equipment provided. Fall zones for debris and/or equipment falling
from height must be implemented, as must the requirement for all personnel to don the
relevant personal protective equipment for the environment. Such personal protective
equipment must include the provision of adequate head protection.

Personal protective equipment

Fire and Rescue Authorities must ensure that any personal protective equipment provided
is fit for purpose and meets all required safety standards. When choosing suitable
protective garments, the standard of clothing worn beneath the specialist personal
protective equipment must also be taken into account. Consideration must also be given
to the selection of suitable sizes and gender specific requirements.

Personal protective equipment must also take account of the need for rescuers to be
visible against the operational background including night working and for the Incident
Commander and other managerial and functional roles (defined in the national incident
command system) to be distinguishable.

All personnel must use appropriate levels of service provided personal protective
equipment and respiratory protective equipment as determined by the safe system of

Consider personal protective equipment to access and carry our work in the confined
space, including casualty and personnel retrieval systems.

Do not use respirators in oxygen deficient environments.

16 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Confined spaces that contain substances that would require the wearing of chemical
protection suits need particular care. If the confined space also requires specialist access
equipment such as harnesses, there can be potential for the two types of personal
protective equipment to conflict. This will form a crucial part of the Incident Commander’s
risk assessment.

Post incident
The following measures must be considered to help eliminate or remove risks after an
incident, as appropriate to the nature and scale of the incident.

• Any safety events; personal injuries, exposure to hazardous substances or

near-misses must be recorded, investigated and reported in line with legislative
requirements such as Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence
Regulations 1995, etc

• Arrangements must be in place to either remove all contamination from personal

protective equipment or to ensure its safe and appropriate disposal and to check
that personal protective equipment maintains the agreed levels of integrity and
protection for the wearer throughout it’s lifecycle
• As appropriate, occupational health support and surveillance follow up

• Conduct a de-brief to identify and record any ‘lessons learned’ from the incident.
De-briefs will range in complexity and formality, proportionate to the scale of the
incident and in line with individual Fire and Rescue Authority’s procedures

• Consider any changes required to safe systems of work, appliances or

equipment in the light of any lessons learned from debriefs or from safety events

• Consider the need to review existing information held on a premises or location,

or the need to add a new premises or location into future preplanning eg by
adding to visit or inspection programme

• Personnel must be supported and monitored to identify whether they are

experiencing any adverse affects and to check whether they would benefit from
accessing counselling and support services

• Consideration must be given to arranging for personnel to make a

contemporaneous written record of their actions. This information may be used
to assist in any internal or external investigations or enquiries that follow any
incident eg Coroner’s Court, public enquiry, etc.

Operational considerations
• Where practicable avoid entry into a confined space

• A robust command and control procedure must be established for personnel

entering the confined space. Utilise breathing apparatus boards and personal
tallies. Consider the use of guide line and branch line tallies to identify multiple

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 17

• Contractors/workers equipment could already be in place, eg a tripod, and this
could influence the operational plan, ie do crews use equipment already in place?
NOTE: As far as practicable Fire and Rescue Authority equipment must be used
by responding crews as it’s history of as maintenance and testing records will be

• Consider making a confined space, not a confined space eg creating openings,

removal of wall/roof, etc

• Ensure potential sources of fumes from generators/vehicles that could enter any
confined space are keep clear of openings

• If ventilating a confined space, check where ventilated gases are exiting

• Consider the use of specialist rescue teams including urban search and rescue,
hazardous area response team, mines rescue and mountain rescue teams

• Keep crew sizes to a minimum

• Consider reducing exposure time for crews in the confined space

• Reliefs may have to be on a one team out one team in approach dependant on
access, egress and working conditions

• Any equipment taken into or used in a confined space must be appropriate to

the risk, suitable for the task, and not introduce further risks

• Potential sources of ignition may include metallic items on personal protective

eqipment and operational equipment

• Consider the compatibility of personal protective equipment, for example, using

chemical protection suits with safety harnesses

• Electrical equipment ie portable lighting and torches must be suitable for the
environment (ingress protection rating), and or ATEX dependant on intended

ATEX derives its name from the French title of the 94/9/EC directive: Appareils
destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosives.There are two ATEX directives
(one for the manufacturer and one for the user of the equipment):

• the ATEX 95 equipment directive 94/9/EC, Equipment and protective systems

intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

• the ATEX 137 workplace directive 99/92/EC, Minimum requirements for

improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from
explosive atmospheres.

18 Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Technical references
1 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997
2 Work at height Regulations 2005 (as amended)
3 Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
4 Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
5 Lifting and Lowering Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
6 Fire and Rescue Service Manual volume 2 Fire Service operations Safe Work at

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces 19


Summary of Generic Risk Assessment 2.1

Rescues from confined spaces
Task – Pre incident
Ref. Activity Hazard Risk Persons at risk Control measures
1 Training for confined Training in realistic Entrapment Fire and rescue All Fire and Rescue Authority training to
space entry procedures conditions personnel be carried out in accordance with Fire and
Muscular skeletal
Rescue Service Manual, Volume 4, Fire
Service Training; Foundation Training and
Heat stress/ syncope Development
Asphyxiation Consider mechanical lifting systems for
casualty rescue
Only drill mannequins to be used as
Monitor confined space training atmosphere
before training and during training period.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Ref. Activity Hazard Risk Persons at risk Control measures
1.1 Confined space entry Inadequate Major injury Fire and rescue Fire and Rescue Authority to gather
preparedness for personnel information; liaise with industry; and record
operational incident appropriate information
Fire and Rescue Authority to ensure crews
and Incident Commanders are adequately
trained and competent
Fire and Rescue Authority to ensure crews
undertake regular training and exercises for
confined space risks
Fire and Rescue Authority to ensure suitable
standard operating procedures are in place;
current, and regularly reviewed
Fire and Rescue Authority to identify, risk
assess, plan and adequately control all
reasonably foreseeable types of operational
incident when working on confined spaces.

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Task – Pre incident

Ref. Activity Hazard Risk Persons at risk Control measures

2. Access to the confined Fall of a person from Serious injury or fatality Fire and rescue Incident Commander to consider using safe
space entry or access height personnel systems of work including; work restraint;
point work positioning or fall arrest methods
Falling equipment Public
Consider a robust command and control
Other agencies
Restrict entry to the inner cordon
Lanyards for equipment
Designated fall zones.
2.1 Atmospheric monitoring Exposure to irrespirable Fire and explosion, Fire and rescue Use suitable calibrated monitoring equipment
of the confined space atmospheres, chemical contamination personnel by competent person. Consider requesting
prior to entry flammable; toxic; and and burns Fire and Rescue Authority hazardous material
corrosive environments and environmental protection officer
Other agencies
Consider forced ventilation or purging
Always utilise breathing apparatus until
monitoring indicates low risk atmosphere
Establish appropriate covering jet.
2.3 Isolation of electrical Exposure to entrapment Electrocution Fire and rescue Lock off electrical equipment
and mechanical hazards and entanglement personnel
Serious Consider posting a member of the crew
musculoskeletal injuries Other agencies with the controls to ensure they cannot be

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

Task – As the incident develops

Ref. Activity Hazard Risk Persons at risk Control measures

3 Atmospheric monitoring Exposure to irrespirable Fire and explosion Fire and rescue Use suitable calibrated monitoring equipment
of the confined space atmospheres, personnel by competent person
Chemical contamination
during the incident flammable; toxic; and
and burns Public Consider requesting Fire and Rescue
corrosive environments
Authority hazardous material and
Asphyxiation Other agencies
environmental protection officer
Establish appropriate covering jet
Utilise an appropriate level of personal
protective equipment.
3.1 Casualty rescues Lifting and lowering Musculoskeletal injuries Fire and rescue Consider mechanical lifting systems for
casualties personnel casualty rescue
Consider requesting specialist teams
where available; ie the Ambulance Service
Hazardous Area Response Team.
3.2 Crew welfare Exposure of crews Exhaustion; heat stress, Fire and rescue Reduce crew exposure time, consider relief
to extreme working heat syncope personnel crews
Other agencies Make hydration available to crews when

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

withdrawn from the incident.
3.3 Confined space entry Exposure to hazardous Infection contamination Fire and rescue Incident Commander to deploy safety officers
substances or poisoning personnel
(same activity as 1.1) Record any exposure to hazardous materials
De-contamination procedures must be
followed where contamination has occurred.

Task – Post incident

Ref. Activity Hazard Risk Persons at risk Control measures

4 Post incident de-brief Exposure to extreme Post-traumatic stress Fire and rescue Fire and Rescue Authority to make
working environments disorder personnel counselling services available.
Other agencies

Generic Risk Assessment 2.1 – Rescues from confined spaces

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