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Safe Use of Cranes

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Safe use of cranes

Site lifting plan

In accordance with BS7121


1. Introduction

2. Management of lifting operations

3. Selection and duties of personnel

4. Procedures and precautions

5. Slinging and handling of loads

6. Lifting equipment

7. Risk Assessment

8. Lifting Assessment

9. Schedule of common lifts

10.Record of lifting appliances and accessories

11.Crane Team appointment and certification

In order to provide a safe system of work and to ensure compliance with
current legislation this site lifting plan has been developed and is to be
implemented by every member of the crane team involved with this project.

Although not exhaustive the following regulations must be adhered to:

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 98 (LOLER)

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 98 (PUWER)
The management of health and safety regulations 1999

It is vital that all lifting operations are properly planned by a competent

person and that the plan is followed by everyone involved in the operation.

This plan is to be read by all team members involved in lifting operations;

this must be done prior to any lifting being carried out.

It is essential that all team members are fully competent and certified to carry
out their individual roles. (See section 13)

It is essential that all team members are confident that they can fulfil their
duties especially when works may need to be carried out at height.

Management of lifting operations

Safe system of work

Whether the lifting operations are repetitive or if they are a one off, a safe
system of work must be established and followed for the operation to be both
safe and successful.

In order to provide a safe system of work the following items are to be

included in the lift plan / Assessment:

The selection of suitable cranes and work equipment must be carried out.

A crane team is to be employed who are fully trained and competent and who
have had their roles and responsibilities clearly explained to them.

The areas for the cranes access and rigging etc must be properly planned and
properly prepared.

A regime of maintenance, testing and examination of equipment must be


All certification, reports of thorough examination and other documents

including manufacturer’s manuals are to be retained and be available.

It is essential that all personnel can communicate clearly in the same


Selection and duties of personnel

When appointing a crane team it is essential that all the members of that team
are fully aware of the role and duties and that each person has sufficient
knowledge, training and experience to carry out their role.

Records of training and experience are to be verified prior to any new

member joining the crane team and their details are to be retained in the site

The crane team organisation chart is shown below and roles and duties are
continued beneath.
Appointed Person

Crane Supervisor

Crane Co-ordinator

Crane Operator


Appointed Person

The appointed person’s duties are to include the following;

• Being familiar with the relevant parts of the project Health and Safety
Plan where lifting operations are to be carried out on a site where
CDM regulations apply.
• Assess the lifting operations to provide such planning, selection of
cranes, lifting accessories and equipment, instruction and supervision
as is necessary for the task to be undertaken safely. (where works are
on a shared site or where logistics may be restrictive co-ordination
with others will be required)
• Ensure that adequate inspection / examination and maintenance of the
equipment have been carried out prior to its use.
• Establish an effective procedure for reporting defects and incidents and
taking necessary corrective action.
• Takes responsibility for the organisation and control of the lifting
• Ensure the crane supervisor is fully briefed in the contents of the lift
plan / method statement etc.

The appointed person is able to delegate his duties to another person but the
responsibilities still remain the appointed persons.

Crane Supervisor

The crane supervisor role is to direct and supervise the lifting operation and
ensure that these are carried out in accordance with the relevant method
statement / lift plan.

The crane supervisor should be competent and suitably trained and must be
experienced to carry out all relevant duties.

The crane supervisor has authority to stop the lifting operation if he considers
it dangerous to proceed.

This role can be carried out by the appointed person or may be delegated to someone with appropriate
expertise in lifting operations.

Crane Co-ordinator
The crane co-ordinator’s role is to plan and direct the sequence of operations
of the cranes to ensure they do not collide with other cranes, loads and other
equipment and buildings.

This role can be carried out by a competent person with knowledge and experience in lifting operations.

Crane Operator

The crane operator is responsible for the correct operation of the crane in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and within the safe system
of work.

The crane operator is to respond to a single slinger / signaller at any given

time and these must be identifiable to the operator.

Should any person near a lifting operation give the recognised stop signal the
operator must cease lifting operations immediately and confirm what actions
are required from the slinger / signaller.

The crane operator must report any defects to the appointed person
immediately. (The driver may report defects etc direct to the fitters etc but
the appointed person must still be made aware of this action)

Slinger / Signaller
The slinger / signaller is responsible for the attaching and detaching of loads
to and from the crane load lifting attachment and ensuring that the correct
accessories are used for that operation in accordance with the planning of the

The slinger / signaller is responsible for the safe movement of the crane and
clear direction must be given whether visual or hand signals.

Where more than one slinger / signaller is required, clear instruction must be
given when passing responsibility over to the next slinger / signaller.

The slinger / signaller is to store lifting accessories in a suitable place when

not being used and prior to re-using an accessory he must visually inspect it
before use.

The slinger / signaller must notify the appointed person of any damaged
equipment immediately.

Procedures and Precautions

Crane Operation

Whenever a crane is to be moved (even if not lifting) it is to be driven by a

competent operator nominated by the appointed person.

The crane must only be operated under a safe system of work and within the
manufacturer’s instructions.

When the days operations are completed and the crane is “parked” the
operator must put the crane in out of service position and set the block at
minimum radius (mobile cranes), 25% radius (Luffing cranes), maximum
radius (Saddle jib cranes).(see manufacturers specifications)

The cabin must be secured at the end of the shift and where there is a risk of
intruders or protesters a lockable trap door will be required for tower cranes.

Regular inspections of the crane are to be carried out and this must be
recorded weekly in the site office.

Inspection and Maintenance

Where there is a requirement for a person to climb the mast of a crane whilst
the crane is still operational the driver must be made aware of someone
climbing before they commence.

Any tools or equipment needed to be used must be secure and free from risk
of falling and if tools are to be lifted up using the crane they must be done so
using equipment designed for that task.

A regime of monitoring and examination is to be established by the

appointed person this must include a schedule of servicing for cranes and
generators etc.

In order to maintain production it may be necessary to carry out maintenance

outside normal working hours.

Other cranes / plant / buildings

Where there are other cranes on the same site and there is a risk of collision,
a crash radio system is to be established and be used. This will be determined
by the lifting assessment.
Any other plant (Other cranes, Concrete Booms, Piling Rigs etc) that may be
working within the radius of a crane, their operator must be made aware of
such risks and a system must be put in place to control their movements (this
may be via the crash radio or a permit to work system)

Where existing buildings are situated within the cranes radius specific control
measures must be put in place (these will be determined in the risk


Where available the recognised hand signals will be adopted and a copy of
those is attached.

Where hand signals are not suitable radio contact is to be established and
implemented, when using radio contact the slinger / signaller is to give clear,
concise directions and if unclear the driver is to stop all lifting operations (If
communication is lost during a lift the driver is also to stop)

Any interference on the radio system is to be notified to the appointed person

as soon as possible.

The slinger / signallers are to be identifiable to the operators and this will be
achieved by the operatives wearing orange high visibility vests.

Slinging and handling loads

It is essential that the weight of the load to be lifted is known to a reasonable
accuracy and this can be determined a number of ways
1. Check for SWL markings
2. Phone the manufacturer
3. Run over a weigh bridge
4. Calculate
If weights are to be calculated the following figures should be used;
Material KG/M3
Brick 2100
Concrete 2400
Earth 1600
Iron and Steel 7700
Lead 11200
Water 1000
Wood 800

Additional allowances must be made if materials are wet or have been soaked
this can vary substantially.

Lifting loads

Once the slinger has secured a load it must be raised 150mm and the load is
to be re-checked for stability.

Once the slinger / signaler is assured of the stability of the load he will give
direction to the crane operator to proceed with the lift.

Where possible the direction of travel will be the shortest direction and will
be away from where operative are working beneath. If this is not possible the
slinger signaler is to warn operatives of loads above. On multi-crane sites,
this is to be addressed to all site workers during their site induction.

Loads must never be dragged as the cranes are only designed to lift in a
vertical plane and there a possibility of damage to the crane.

Lifting Equipment
Only slings and other lifting accessories for which a valid report of thorough
examination has been issued within the previous 6 months are to be used.

Lifting accessories should be clearly marked with the rated capacity and have
an identification number for record purposes.

Lifting equipment must be visually inspected before use with any defects
being reported immediately.

When lifting equipment is not being used it should be stored in secure dry
conditions, preferably by hanging on a rack where they cannot get tangled or

Chain sling capabilities

There is a misconception regarding the capability of chain slings and below
is a simple guide taken from the Kuplex brochure.
Using the chains at different angles and hitching the chains results in a
reduction of the working ability of the chain sling and examples are shown
Risk Assessment

Hazard Risks Control Measures

Plant and Machinery Injury to personnel All plant and machinery
to be inspected and
serviced regularly as per

A maintenance and
service schedule is to be
established and

Failure of lifting Damage to All lifting equipment is

equipment buildings/equipment to certificated and
and injury/death to inspected regularly as
personnel per LOLER Regulations

A copy of certification
is to be retained on site
for record keeping and

Slinger / Signaller to
carry out visual
inspection prior to use

Falling Materials Damage to All lifts are to be carried

buildings/equipment out by competent
and injury/death to trained
personnel slinger/signallers

All lifts are to be carried

out as directed in the
lifting assessments and
schedule of common
Free falling loads Damage to Daily inspections and
buildings/equipment checks are to be made
and injury/death to by the crane operator to
personnel ensure that the crane is
safe and operable
Heavy loads Failure of lifting Visual assessments are
equipment and to be made by
machinery competent personnel to
ensure the correct lifting
equipment is used for
the lift and that the
crane is able to lift the
weight of the load at the
required radius

All lifts are to be carried

out as directed in the
lifting assessments and
schedule of common

High Winds Instability and loss of Wind speeds within the

control of lifting site area are to be
operation monitored and all lifting
operations are to be in
strict conditions of the
Beafort wind speed
allowances as laid down
for the restrictions of
safe use of cranes in
high wind and wind

Unscheduled / Non Damage to No unauthorised

competent lifts buildings/equipment persons are to carry out
and injury/death to any lifting operations,
personnel all operatives are to
show proof of their
competency prior to

A lifting assessment is
to be carried out prior to
any unique or special
lifts being carried out.
Close proximity of Entanglement leading to A safe system of work
cranes/building/public loss of integrity of load is to be instigated
amenities ensuring the risk of
collision is eradicated.

This may be a crash

radio system or a
zoning system fitted to
the crane.

Sleeping or dead cranes. Collision of cranes As above

ASSESSED BY………………………..DATE………………..
Operation * Items to be Max Crane Used Lifted From Lifted To Equipment Comments
Lifted Weight Used
Site Set-Up offices Welfare 2.5t Mobile Crane Delivery Vehicles Final position 4 leg 10t chains Survey required of site ground
facilities (Hired in) "On Site" as per site 4 no. 3t shackles conditions prior to crane set-up.
layout plan Crane Co-ordinator and
Slinger/Signaller to be in
attendance. Chains & shackles to
be hired with crane.
Piling Bundles of 2t All Cranes Delivery Vehicles 4 leg 6.7t chains Choke wrapped using 2 legs

Reinforcement 1.5t Site position Final position 4- Leg 6t chains Lifting points to be clearly defined
cages in method statement .
Retaining Bundles of 2t Mobile / tower Delivery Vehicles Areas between 2 leg 6t chains Choke wrapped using 2 legs
Walls reinforcement Final position

R.M.D 2.5t Mobile / Tower Preparation area R.M.D lifting Approval required for R M D
Shutters devices and 2 system via Temp Work procedure
Wall Shutters leg 6t chains C Frame.

Concrete by Skip 3t / 6.5t Mobile / Tower Areas between 8t Drop Chain Ensure there are no loops or knots
in operating line. Keep tag lines as
short as practicable.
Main Frame Columns, Not yet To be advised Delivery vehicles Final position To be confirmed All offloading to be carried out
Steelwork beams, bracing known prior to within site boundaries.

* Change as per site requirements Issue No.:


Operation * Items to be Max Crane Used Lifted From Lifted To Equipment Comments
Lifted Weight Used
Plant and Compressors 3.0 t All Cranes Site location Final position 4 leg 6.7t chains Plant and machinery to be lifted by
machinery water bowsers their designated lifting points only.
Slinger Signaller to be in

Tower Tower Crane 5t Mobile / Tower Delivery vehicle Final position 4 leg 6.7t chains Lifting points to be clearly defined
Crane Base Base Crane / Crawler in the method statement and
approved by Principal Contractor

Bundles of Shoring 2.5t All cranes Delivery vehicle Final position 4 leg 6.7t chains Slinger signaller to be in
Timber attendance.

Columns Reinforced 1.5t All Cranes Site Locations Final Position 4 leg 6.7t Chains Slinger Signaller to be in
cages 4 leg 6.7t chains attendance
Shuttering 1t
Concrete Skip 1t – 6.5t 8t drop chain

* as itemised in works programme Issue No.:


Operation * Items to be Max Crane Used Lifted From Lifted To Equipment Comments
Lifted Weight Used
Walls Reinforced 1.5t All cranes Site locations Final position 4 leg 6.7t chains Slinger signaller to be in
cages attendance.
Shuttering 1t
Concrete Skip 1t - 6.5t

Striking Shuttering 1t All cranes Site locations Final position 4 leg 6.7 t chains Slinger signaller to be in
walls and attendance.

Ground Boat skip 4t All Cranes Site locations Final position 2 legs providing
Works they are of
capacity or 8t
drop chain.

* as itemised in works programme Issue No.:


Load Method

Concrete or muck skip. Skip chain 8t

Ensure that any rope fixed to skip is of
singular construction and is free of all
knots and loops.
Boat Skip /Rollover skip Skip chain 8t
Bundles of tubes, bars or other similar materials, 4 leg 6.7t chains, load to be double
e.g.. scaffold tubes, bars, small diameter pipes, wrapped using 2 legs of the chains
lengths of timber, etc. – whether banded or not.

Reinforcement Bar Wrapped 4 leg chain slings. Ensure

that bars to be lifted are of equal
Flying Table Platforms Four leg chains passed through pre
prepared holes on top of platform and
wrapped around upper platform alums
or steel supports. Use C frame where

Palletised materials. Crane forks with cage or net. Fork Lift


Web Slings will be used for palletised

Stillages 4 leg chain slings wrapped around
corner posts as per Guide to Safe
Slinging and Signalling
Beware rusted base. Fork Lift Truck.
Lorry type rubbish skips. Must be tested and certified if lifting
lugs are used or
with steel box sections under skip and
Beware of rusted floors/overloaded
Wood Bundles Wrapped with 4 leg chain slings.
Ensure wood to be lifted is of equal
length and bites are in place.
Column shutters Chain to be attached to lifting eyes
and ensure that the lifting operation is
conducted within safe wind speeds as
per L.O.L.E.R REGS.


Load Method

Small plant ie compressors, bowsers etc Chains to be attached to certified

lifting eyes only 8t drop chain.

Prefab Re Bar Cages Chains to be attached to double tied

removable thickened re bar special
care must be taken to ensure integrity
of the load.

Issue No.: 1
Record of lifting appliances and accessories
Lifting Appliances (e.g.
Description ID No. Supplier: Test Cert. 12 Monthly Used for lifting persons? Weekly
Expiry Date: Thorough Y/N. Inspections
Examination (If so, 6 Monthly carried out by:
Expiry Date: Thorough Exam’n?)

Lifting Accessories (e.g. lifting gear)

Description ID No. Owner S.W.L (t) Test Certificate 6 Monthly Thorough Examination Y/N?
Y/N Expiry Date

Issue No.:01
Crane team appointment and certification
Position Name Date Appointed

Appointed Person*
(Lifting Operations)

Deputy appointed

Crane Co-ordinator

Crane Operators*


Issue 01
* Must hold appropriate CPCS Cards No.:

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