Boiler Treatment Capabilities: SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions
Boiler Treatment Capabilities: SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions
Boiler Treatment Capabilities: SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions
SUEZ boiler treatment SUEZ boiler treatment
Enhance Higher
Operational Performing
Performance Value
Lower Integrated
Total Cost System
of Operation Solution
Technical & Environment
EHS Risks Sensitive
What HTP means to our customers
Reliability, efficiency and cost reduction
Extended period between boiler turnarounds
Cleaner boilers (no acid cleaning!)
Compatible with phosphate/pH program control
Value Generation
The integrated approach to
A large refinery was having refinery steam and process side
difficulty achieving condensate corrosion led to dramatic
corrosion control in their reliability improvement on “both
expansive/complex steam sides of the pipe”. In addition,
system. Additionally, the refinery the refinery had the flexibility to
was concerned that the steam maximize distillate production
treatment amines were impacting and profits that could be several
their ability to control corrosion in million dollars/year
their atmospheric distillation Solution
Steamate LSA was introduced to
replace the current steam
treatment. Within a couple of
weeks, the condensate iron
levels dropped >80%.
Additionally, the atmospheric
tower salt points dramatically
improved by removing the higher
salting amines.
Steamate* FM1007: Organic Food case study
Challenge Solution
A large international cereal SUEZ proposed Steamate
manufacturer was experiencing FM1007, a patented and
significant condensate system recently OMRI listed steam
corrosion. The organic food condensate treatment to help
lines they were running the plant manage corrosion
precluded the use of traditional and feedwater/steam
steam condensate treatments, contamination.
including FDA approved
amines. Value Generation
The Steamate FM1007 worked
extremely well, dropping the
corrosion rate significantly. The
iron levels in the feedwater are
now acceptable and within ASME
guidelines, ensuring the reliability
of the boiler and production
schedule. The treatment was
duplicated to two sister plants with
Value Generation: Pulp & Paper case study
A Pulp Mill supplying
350KT/yr of bleached soft
wood pulp approached SUEZ
in order to help them identify Solution
total cost of operation savings
opportunities at the boiler The SUEZ investigation
house. highlighted numerous issues
surrounding the demineralization
system, namely poor resin quality Value Generation
and improper regeneration
procedure, causing improper
feedwater quality, steam purity was saved through
upsets and turbine silica demineralizer resin
deposition. replacement and regeneration
optimization. More importantly,
silica upsets were eliminated,
mitigating the risk of turbine
scaling and maintaining peak
Control Optimization: Boiler Precision System 10.8
Before – Coordinated pH/PO4 control
Boiler 1
pH 9.8 Boiler 2
A Kraft Pulp Mill operating a SUEZ revised the regeneration, 9.6
$300K/yr 10.2
In savings were documented from pH 9.8
Boiler 1
Boiler 2
regenerant reduced usage, increased 9.6
demineralizer runlength, and boiler 9.4