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Boiler Treatment Capabilities: SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions

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Boiler treatment capabilities

SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions

driving reliability and efficiency

in your steam-generating system
boiler treatment technologies

high performance, integrated, real-time,

advanced, flexible boiler
environmentally sensitive demand-based monitoring
pre-treatment solutions
boiler chemistry and control solutions

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SUEZ boiler treatment technologies

SUEZ boiler treatment SUEZ boiler treatment
Enhance Higher
Operational Performing
Performance Value

Lower Integrated
Total Cost System
of Operation Solution


Technical & Environment
EHS Risks Sensitive

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SUEZ advanced boiler chemistry
Oxygen attack prevention
 Catalyzed oxygen scavengers
 Polyamine volatile filmer
 Volatile passivating chemistry

scale and deposition control

 Solus* BTP dispersant – unmatched dispersion ability
 OptiSperse* HTP dispersant – best-in-class iron
transport dispersant for high pressure systems

condensate corrosion protection

 Polyamine volatile filmer – barrier technology ideal for
applications in Power, Refining and general industry
 Steamate* LSA – Low-Salt amine chemistry for refining

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advanced boiler treatment solutions
pretreatment equipment
 Reverse Osmosis – high purity ion removal
 EDI – electrodeionization polishing
 Mobile Services – emergency/short-term rental

monitoring and control solutions

 TrueSense* – continuous online monitoring of treatment actives
 Pacesetter* Platinum – customizable control hardware for large
and small systems with advanced algorithm capability

online data management and support

 InSight* – data management online platform for operator
data entry and connected analyzer’s upload
 InSight Support Center – 24/7 global monitoring of trends
and alarms for all InSight connected assets

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boiler treatment

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Solus AP
unmatched cleanliness

BEFORE Solus AP technology represents the industry’s first

breakthrough in dispersant chemistry in 20 years. Solus was
developed and patented by SUEZ and carries FDA approval.

Key performance benefits of Solus AP

 Superior deposit control over a wide spectrum of contaminants
 Reduced sludge accumulation
 Feedwater upset recovery
 Ease of application and control

What Solus AP means to our customers

 Cleaner boilers
 Higher cycles of concentration
 Lower fuel and water consumption
AFTER  Safe and easy to use
 Compatible with TrueSense Analyze monitoring

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OptiSperse HTP
HTP – High Temperature Polymer
Developed and patented by SUEZ over 20 years ago,
OptiSperse HTP remains the “gold standard” for iron
dispersion in high pressure boilers.

Key performance benefits of OptiSperse HTP

With HTP  Best-in-class iron dispersant for boilers above 900 psig
 Utilized in boilers up to 1800 psig
 Reduced risk of deposition, long term overheating and
Standard underdeposit corrosion

What HTP means to our customers
 Reliability, efficiency and cost reduction
 Extended period between boiler turnarounds
 Cleaner boilers (no acid cleaning!)
 Compatible with phosphate/pH program control

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OptiSperse PWR the nuclear industry’s only dispersant
The nuclear power industry has the most stringent quality
criteria when it comes to boiler water. OptiSperse PWR was
developed in partnership with key actors of the industry to
ensure all quality and performance parameters were met.

Key performance benefits of OptiSperse PWR

 The only nuclear plant-approved boiler dispersant
 Manufactured using ultra high purity ingredients
 Reduced risk of deposition

What PWR means to our customers

 Cleaner heat exchange surfaces
 Increased efficiency
 Higher production output
 Reduced boiler cleanings

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volatile film forming technology
Polyamine is a unique filming agent that carries from the
boiler into the steam, and adsorbs on metal surfaces to
No filmer Polyamine form a hydrophobic barrier, keeping corrosion cells from

Key performance benefits of Polyamine

 Volatilizes readily, unlike traditional filmers
 Is blended with neutralizing amines, for combined protection
 Continuous protection against oxygen and carbonic acid
attack in the feedwater and condensate systems
 Provides long-lasting, system-wide downtime protection
What Polyamine means to our customers
 Better protection of feedwater, boiler and condensate systems
 Improved cleanliness of steam system
 Improved heat transfer
 Lower maintenance costs
 Reduction of condensate leaks, translating to water, energy
 and chemical savings
No filmer Polyamine
 Easier downtime treatment procedure
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Steamate LSA low-salt amines for the refining industry
An integrated solution between refinery process and
water treatment. Polyamine filmer and lower salting
neutralizing amine provide optimal corrosion protection
to the steam system and hydrocarbon systems.

Key performance benefits of Steamate LSA

 Polyamine volatile filming agent reduces amine dose required to
maintain corrosion protection
 Optimized amines to minimize fouling/corrosion in crude tower in
the presence of chlorides
 Product blends developed and applied using proprietary software

What LSA means to our customers

 Ability to operate crude tower at lower temperatures, extracting
higher value cuts without causing fouling or corrosion
 Higher process output revenue
 Optimal protection to the steam system, minimizing leaks,
downtime and maintenance

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Steamate FM1007 organic food approved condensate treatment
Steamate FM1007 is a unique patented product that is
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) Listed and is
approved for steam treatment when it comes in contact
for organic food process.

Key performance benefits of Steamate FM1007

 Filming technology approved by OMRI for organic food
 Allows condensate system protection when other treatment
technologies are not acceptable due to regulatory reasons

What FM1007 means to our customers

 Minimizing leaks, failures and downtime of the
steam and condensate system
 Conservation of water, energy and chemicals
 Reduces corrosion products traveling to the boiler,
improving the reliability/efficiency and minimizing
contaminated steam potential

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GRAS approved products
generally recognized as safe chemistry
Customers in the Food & Beverage as well as Ethanol
industries may require GRAS approved products if their
steam contact animal feed manufacturing processes.

Key performance benefits of GRAS approved

 Chemistry that is proven to be safe through historical and
scientific evidence for steam contacting animal feed process
 Proven boiler technology for asset protection

What GRAS means to our customers

 Compliance with FDA FSMA (Food Safety
Modernization Act)
 Optimized heat transfer, reducing fuel and water
associated expenses
 Maintenance reduction

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TrueSense Analyze a true monitoring solution
A simple yet robust online analyzer that minimizes hands-
on operation while allowing the highest level of efficiency,
reliability and performance of the boiler system.

Key performance benefits of TrueSense

 Efficient design for durability, ease of use and simple maintenance
 Online direct analysis using photometric methods common to
offline procedures (molybdate or phosphate)
 Inline probes to provide overview of system operational
performance (pH, conductivity)
 Provides system information for manual or automatic control via
controller or DCS

What TrueSense means to our customers

 Cost-effective monitoring solution designed for accuracy and care-
free maintenance
 Reduce operational cost through optimum use of water, fuel and
 Digital ready for online data synchronization with InSight platform
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InSight turn plant data into valuable information
Our remote monitoring and diagnostics software takes
all the plant data and makes it available for trending and
analysis in one place.

Key performance benefits of InSight

 Get crucial information to the right people with secure remote

 Be informed of emerging problems with real time alarm
 Receive weekly or daily plant performance reports

What InSight means to our customers

 Make better business decisions with live data
 Reduce unplanned downtime
 Lower operating costs

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CMS chemistry modeling for steam systems
Take your chemistry for a “test drive” in the industry’s
premier utility modelling tool. A “digital twin” to model
the system and contaminants throughout your boiler,
steam and condensate system.

Key performance benefits of CMS

 Optimized system chemistry and control for simple and complex
steam condensate systems (e.g. HRSGs, refineries)
 Program design and application optimized
 Corrosion potential identified (e.g. reboilers, two-phase FAC,
UDC, etc.)
 Enables proper pH/PO4 controls to be established
 New chemistry development
What CMS means to our customers
 Increased equipment reliability and availability
 Reduced water, chemical and energy use
 Improved response to operational and water balance
 Chemistry simulations enable optimization and correct
chemistry selections before bringing on-site
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boiler treatment
case studies

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Solus* AP: a General Manufacturing case study

Challenge Value Generation

Boiler tube scale can inhibit
A low pressure firetube boiler heat transfer and promote
system had been having under deposit corrosion. A
recurring issues with their deposit layer of only 1/32 inch
pretreatment sodium zeolite (less than 1 mm) can
softeners. Feedwater in excess represent 2% in fuel efficiency With Solus AP
of 1 ppm CaCO3 had been losses. In this case, fuel
used regularly and the boiler savings were estimated at
tubes were badly scaled with $100,000 per year
hardness deposits. Solution
SUEZ recommended
conversion of the customer’s
internal treatment program to
Solus AP chemistry. The new
treatment was applied at
normal dosage for 6 months
before the boiler was opened
for inspection.
When inspected, the boiler Before
showed clear signs of ongoing
removal of deposit. Solus AP
OptiSperse* HTP: Chemical Processing case study

Challenge Value Generation

A large chemical plant was The site did not experience
experiencing boiler tube failures any boiler failure since
contributing to loss of chemical initiating HTP, leading to over
production and electricity. $3 MM/year savings that
Analysis of the boiler tubes unscheduled boiler shutdowns
confirmed iron oxide deposits cost the facility in production
with a high deposit weight and electricity. In this
density (DWD (~100 g/ft2) for instance, expensive off-line
acid cleanings were also
the 1300 psi boilers. Solution avoided.
The customer was not prepared to
conduct an off-line acid cleaning.
An alternative solution was
proposed using SUEZ HTP
chemistry. Upon initiating
HTP treatment, the iron transport sharply
increased well beyond 100%.
Subsequent inspections showed After HTP
cleaner boiler tubes the DWD was
Before HTP
reduced to less than 50 g/ft2.
Graph: Total Iron in Blowdown vs Time
Polyamine: a Power Plant case study

Challenge Value Generation

A combined cycled power plant Within days of applying Polyamine,
with 3 multi-drum HRSG (2000, iron levels observed at start-up and
500 and 70 psig) was continuous operation dropped by
experiencing high iron throw at more than 90%. The plant was
start-ups and during continuous able to reduce gas turbine starts,
operation. lower chemical usage and
discontinue the use of nitrogen for
Treatment consisted of PO4 lay-ups, providing cost savings and
program with NH3/MEA targeting health and safety benefits.
FW pH 9.4-9.8.
To reduce downtime corrosion and
iron transport at start-up and
continuous operation, SUEZ
recommended applying Polyamine
filming technology.
Combined with organic
neutralizing amines, this treatment
would allow to lower the pH target
while providing better iron
Steamate* LSA: Refinery case study

Value Generation
The integrated approach to
A large refinery was having refinery steam and process side
difficulty achieving condensate corrosion led to dramatic
corrosion control in their reliability improvement on “both
expansive/complex steam sides of the pipe”. In addition,
system. Additionally, the refinery the refinery had the flexibility to
was concerned that the steam maximize distillate production
treatment amines were impacting and profits that could be several
their ability to control corrosion in million dollars/year
their atmospheric distillation Solution
Steamate LSA was introduced to
replace the current steam
treatment. Within a couple of
weeks, the condensate iron
levels dropped >80%.
Additionally, the atmospheric
tower salt points dramatically
improved by removing the higher
salting amines.
Steamate* FM1007: Organic Food case study

Challenge Solution
A large international cereal SUEZ proposed Steamate
manufacturer was experiencing FM1007, a patented and
significant condensate system recently OMRI listed steam
corrosion. The organic food condensate treatment to help
lines they were running the plant manage corrosion
precluded the use of traditional and feedwater/steam
steam condensate treatments, contamination.
including FDA approved
amines. Value Generation
The Steamate FM1007 worked
extremely well, dropping the
corrosion rate significantly. The
iron levels in the feedwater are
now acceptable and within ASME
guidelines, ensuring the reliability
of the boiler and production
schedule. The treatment was
duplicated to two sister plants with
Value Generation: Pulp & Paper case study

A Pulp Mill supplying
350KT/yr of bleached soft
wood pulp approached SUEZ
in order to help them identify Solution
total cost of operation savings
opportunities at the boiler The SUEZ investigation
house. highlighted numerous issues
surrounding the demineralization
system, namely poor resin quality Value Generation
and improper regeneration
procedure, causing improper
feedwater quality, steam purity was saved through
upsets and turbine silica demineralizer resin
deposition. replacement and regeneration
optimization. More importantly,
silica upsets were eliminated,
mitigating the risk of turbine
scaling and maintaining peak
Control Optimization: Boiler Precision System 10.8
Before – Coordinated pH/PO4 control



Challenge Solution 10.2

Boiler 1
pH 9.8 Boiler 2
A Kraft Pulp Mill operating a SUEZ revised the regeneration, 9.6

black liquor recovery boiler and operation and maintenance 9.4

a biomass boiler was struggling program of the demineralizers to 9.2

with boiler treatment control ensure optimal capacity and 9.0

due to lack of performance of quality. The SUEZ Boiler 8.8

5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
demineralizers and a Precision System, using Phosphate (ppm)

challenging chemical proprietary PaceSetter controller

dosage system and TrueSense analyzer was After – Coordinated pH/PO4 control
provided to improve 10.8

Value Generation treatment control. 10.6


$300K/yr 10.2

In savings were documented from pH 9.8
Boiler 1
Boiler 2
regenerant reduced usage, increased 9.6
demineralizer runlength, and boiler 9.4

chemical treatment optimization. 9.2

Other benefits include boiler 9.0

cleanliness, fuel usage reduction, 8.8

5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 40 50
Phosphate (ppm)
water savings and steam
purity improvement for
the turbines.
*Trademark of SUEZ; may be registered in one or more countries.
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