Hidl': 1.1.2. Definitions Management
Hidl': 1.1.2. Definitions Management
Hidl': 1.1.2. Definitions Management
1.2 1.3
Principle Of Management 1Il.1'/oricaldevelopment
against plans. This Breech concerns administration as part oft The development of theory of management has come only in the past
management. hidl' ccntury because it was felt that for attainment of an effective
3. Administration and management are the same 'ilierprise systems, proper handling of human factors was necessary.
The third view is a more practical one, where there is no distinction The Second World War and the subsequent defence and space
between the two terms 'management' and 'administration'. Management IHugrams also contributed to the development of a theory of management.
is used for higher level functions like plans, organising~ directions and rile increasing complexities of business activities and the growing
controlling in a business organization where as administration is used for NvslcllIatic management concepts and principles. Early contributions to
the same set of functions in government organizations. Many experts is IIlanagcment thought have come from Egyptians, the early Greeks and the
like Henry Fayol, William Newman, George. R. Terry favoured this view. IIlIciclIl Romans. The real development of management thought began
",ith Frederick Winslow Taylor's scientific approach of management.
Table 1.1: Difference between administration and management
It acts through the
Sl broad
It is higher
policieslevel with
and functions
Administration principles
It execution
is lower
acts ofis
It refers
through decision
the the employees. 1.1.1. Introduction
eon 2. with decision making Management
policies inexecutes these
to practice.
wn Administration
ners of the is concerned Management is as an art and science of getting work done through
people. It is the process of giving direction and controlling the various
activities of the people to achieve the objectives of an organisation.