This case was submitted to the Department of Pathology as a special project in Pathology
B. Autopsy done in 2016.
General Data: This is a case of a 21 Female, single, unemployed, Roman Catholic, from
Bagong Silang, Caloocan City.
History of Present Illness: Three days prior to admission, patient started to experience pro-
gressive difficulty of breathing, described as shortness of breath even at rest with no aggra-
vating or alleviating factors. This was associated with intermittent fever (Tmax: 39.0 C) re-
lieved by intake of Paracetamol 500 mg per tab. There were also noted 5 episodes of post-
prandial vomiting amounting to about half a cup, non-bloody and non-mucoid. Patient denies
cough, chest pain, orthopnea, edema, abdominal pain, rash, and diarrhea. No other medica-
tions taken, no consultation was done. In the interim, there was worsening of difficulty of
breathing and persistence of intermittent fever. No recurrence of vomiting.
Persistence of symptoms prompted consult and subsequent admission at this government hos-
OBGYN history
✓ G0P0
✓ LMP not known
▪ M - 12 y/o
▪ I – 2 to 4 months
▪ D – 5 to 7 days
▪ A – 2 to 3 pads per day, mild to moderately soaked
▪ S – day 1 dysmenorrhea
Past Medical History:
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Known case since 2001 at a another government hospital presented as joint pains, was
on Ibuprofen 400mg TID from 2001 to 2015, lost to follow-up.
July 2015 – consulted a private doctor, maintained on Dexamethasone 4mg/tab, 1 tab
BID, taken irregularly.
No previous surgeries, hospitalizations, and no known allergies.
Physical Examination:
General: Awake, alert, coherent, ill-looking, in respiratory distress
Vital signs: BP: 90/60 HR: 150s RR: 40s, 98% at 2-3 LPM via nasal cannula, T: 40.0C
Skin: Flushed skin, no active dermatoses
HEENT: Anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctivae, (+) moon facie, moist buccal
mucosa, no tonsillopharyngeal congestion, no oral ulcers, no neck vein engorgement,
no palpable lymph nodes, no masses
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LUNGS: Equal chest expansion, no retraction, no tactile or vocal fremiti, coarse crack-
les – right lung, mid to base
HEART: Dynamic precordium, distinct heart sounds, tachycardic, normal rhythm, no
murmurs, no thrills, no heaves, apex beat at 5th ICS LMCL
ABDOMEN: Flabby globular abdomen, with purplish striae. Full and equal pulses, nor-
moactive bowel sounds, no bruit, tympanitic on all quadrants, Traube’s space not
obliterated, no hepatomegaly, no direct or rebound tenderness, no palpable masses
EXTREMITIES: no swelling of extremities, tenderness of joints, erythema, crepitus, (+)
contractures of elbows
Blood Chemistry
K+ 2.86 3.6-5.2mmol/L
CL- 94.5 98-107mmol/L
Coagulation Studies
Urinalysis (Macroscopic)
Urinalysis (Microscopic)