Management of Acute Primary Herpetic Gingivo-Stomatitis in Children
Management of Acute Primary Herpetic Gingivo-Stomatitis in Children
Management of Acute Primary Herpetic Gingivo-Stomatitis in Children
Case Report
Background: Acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is the symptomatic presentation of the initial exposure to the
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). The clinical condition of acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is characterized by a
prodromal of fever followed by an eruption of painful, ulcerative lesions of the gingiva and mucosa, and often, perioral,
vesicular lesions. Purpose: The case reported management of acute primary herpetic gingiva-stomatitis in a 6 years old
boy. Case: A 6-year-old boy with complaints of difficulty eating or drinking due to pain associated with multiple ulcers in
the oral cavity and lips. Patient have been living in boarding school since 6 months ago and was complained of stomatitis
which have occurred 4 days ago followed by fever and malaise. Case Management: The patient was instructed to eat
nutritious (high calorie and protein diet), soft, blend diet and the following medications were prescribed: (1) antiviral
drug (Acyclovir® tablet 200mg) for four times a day; (2) topical hyaluronic acid gel (Aloclair® gel 8ml) to be applied
on lesions; (3) mouthwash containing benzydamine hydrochloride (Tantum Verde® 15ml) for three times a day; and (4)
multivitamin syrup for three times a day. Conclusion: The case reported that the drugs treatment was used according to
the severity of HSV-1 infection and patient’s symptoms of acute primary herpetic gingiva-stomatitis. Providing supportive
care and educating about transmission of the virus are important aspects of nursing care.
Correspondence: Tania Saskianti; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga; Jl. Prof. Dr.
Moestopo 47 Surabaya 60132 Indonesia; Email: 29
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Volume 2 Issue 2 2019; 29-31
vermillion commissures), approximately 2 mm and 5 mm in DISCUSSION
diameter, irregular edges surrounded by erythematous areas.
Intraoral examination showed on the tongue and palatal Acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis typically affects
there are also ulceration, irregular edges, surrounded by children, but rarely, this infection also occurs in adults. The
erythematous halo, white ulcer base ulcers, diameter of 2 diagnosis of acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is
mm on lateral tongue dan palatal region, enlargement and generally defined by the clinical data, and no confirmative
erithematous on all linear gingival margins. The patient’s tests are necessary.5 Acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
parents also complained about his bad breath during this is the most common pattern of symptomatic primary
period due to poor oral hygiene. Submandibular lymphatic herpetic infection, and in the majority of cases, it is related
glands were enlarged and general condition of the patient to HSV-1 infection.6
was weak. Family history was unremarkable. According The severity of signs and symptoms may be attributable
history and clinical findings, the diagnosis is acute primary to the virulence of the specific strain of HSV and the
herpetic gingivostomatitis. Patient profile (Figure 1 and 2) host’s immune response. Once HSV penetrates the host’s
for the first visit. epithelial cells, viral replication occurs. The newly formed
HSV come into contact with sensory nerve endings and are
transported to the corresponding ganglion. In oral labial
CASE MANAGEMENT herpes, the most common site is the trigeminal ganglion.
Here the viral DNA enters the ganglion, where it becomes
The patient was instructed to eat nutritious (high calorie and inactive or latent. The incubation period is the period
protein diet), soft, blend diet and the following medications during which viral replication and transport to the sensory
were prescribed: (1) antiviral drug (Acyclovir® tablet ganglion occur. For HSV, this period is variable and can
200mg) for four times a day; (2) topical hyaluronic acid gel range from a few days to 3 weeks, but in most cases it is
(Aloclair® gel 8ml) to be applied on lesions; (3) mouthwash approximately 1 week.1,7
containing benzydamine hydrochloride (Tantum Verde® Clinically, HSV-1 infections begin with prodromal
15ml) for three times a day; and (4) multivitamin syrup for symptoms of fever, loss of appetite, malaise and myalgia.
three times a day. The condition is highly contagious, so Within few days of prodromal symptoms, erythema and
they were briefed about transmission of the virus. A recall clusters of vesicles and/or ulcers appear on the hard palate,
appointment for one week was given for assessment and attached gingival and dorsum of tongue and non-keratinized
further treatment. After one week, the patient responded mucosa of buccal and labial mucosa, ventral tongue and soft
well to the medication and complete healing was seen palate. Vesicles break down to form ulcers that are usually
(Figure 3). 1–5 mm and coalesce to form larger ulcers with scalloped
borders and marked surrounding erythema. The gingiva is
often fiery red, and the mouth is extremely painful, causing
difficulty in eating.5–7
Management of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis in
children is determined by a detailed history and clinical
examination to eliminate the differential diagnosis so
that it can diagnose and provide appropriate therapy and
treatment of drugs according to the severity of herpes
simplex virus type 1 infection. Clinical condition and
symptoms of the patient greatly influences the selection
of drugs to be given. In this case the patient’s condition in
acute phase. The treatment is a combination of palliative
Figure 1. Patient’s profile. and supportive therapy, consisting of controlling pain and
Figure 2. Clinical finding on first visit : small vesicles clustered Figure 3. Clinical finding on second visit: the whole ulcers has
on the lips and 3 multiple ulcers on the lips, healed, no scar and pain on the lips.
approximately 2 mm and 5 mm in diameter, irregular
edges surrounded by erythematous area. 30
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Volume 2 Issue 2 2019; 29-31
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