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The Enemy Unmasked The Enemy Unmasked The Enemy Unmasked The Enemy Unmasked The Enemy Unmasked

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Stupendous Crisis Facing the World
■ History's Shocking Past ■ Will America Survive?
■ Money System Exposed ■ The Beast of Revelation
■ Religious Terrorism Exposed ■ The Mark of the Beast
■ Political Terrorism Exposed ■ Anyone Can Understand
■ Trashing Constitution ■ Divine Hand Removed?
Divine Hand Over the ing to the dictates of their own con-
United States science. It was a land without a
The United States of America king where one could come and
is at the brink of total collapse. breathe the air of civil liberty. It was
Once a great and powerful nation, the place where one could come
the United States is now in a free and earn a good living for himself
fall. A few more steps in its decline and his family. America was the
and it will be ruined. These are not place where dreams came true.
easy words for a patriotic Ameri- There once was a Divine Hand
can to read, but, nevertheless, Over America. In
they are absolutely true. Tragically, 1759, twenty-five years, more or
it need not have come to this. less, stood between the thirteen
As one looks at the history of colonies and freedom from the Brit-
nations, from Babylon to Rome to ish. Twenty-five years and the
America, it is evident that a Divine greatest Protestant nation to ever
hand was protecting and guiding An enemy has been stalking America and the world for over exist in the history of nations would
America. This country began as a 200 years. She is about to apply the death grip from which fly its flag. Twenty-five years and the
few colonies on the Eastern sea- Earth will never recover. The publication in your hand tells groundwork for the Constitution —
board of this vast land and became republicanism, inalienable rights,
a great nation. who the enemy is, who they have used in history, who is and a government of the people, by
In her youth, the United States aiding them today, and how the final scenes will unfold. the people, and for the people —
was very good. On her money, her was in sight. An experiment in gov-
trust in God was proclaimed, and of society. Morality and discipline decay as espoused by the news and ernment never before tried in his-
the great blessing of God rested were the cornerstones of the family entertainment media and the tory was to become the greatest
upon this nation. As the United unit. As the empire developed, liber- schools, and welfare eating the heart nation the world had ever seen.
States grew to greatness, she alism crept in, and the morality and out of the American economy? With Many said such a government
gradually abandoned the prin- discipline that protected society be- regard to these problems, how are would not work. The Roman
ciples that made her great until gan to disappear. By the beginning we any different from the Roman Catholic Church had ruled the
today she is approaching a very of the 2 nd century AD, most families Empire during its decay? Why are world through the Dark Ages and
tragic end. The process of the de- had given into the liberal trends, and these things happening in America? sought to keep the world under her
cline of America is similar to the their children were allowed to do But, that’s the wrong question. The dictatorial control. She was, and
decline and fall of the Roman Em- pretty much as they pleased. question should be: Who has brought still is, deathly afraid of such an ex-
pire. Let us examine a little of the It is obvious that the moral fabric America to the brink of destruction? periment. For over 200 years, the
history of ancient Rome and no- of America today is where the moral- As mentioned earlier, Providence Protestant Reformation had chal-
tice the parallels. ity of the Roman Empire was nearly had its eye on the United States. lenged the papacy’s authority. The
As the early Roman Empire 2,000 years ago. Do we not see the America was the land of opportunity. papacy gradually began losing her
was beginning to develop, it was breakdown of the home, a strong It was the place where those who power. An experiment like America
building on the solid premise that women’s rights movement, a dete- were being persecuted for their faith was certainly not in the plans of
the family unit was the cornerstone rioration in the school system, moral could come and worship God accord- the Catholic Church; no nation
would be allowed to espouse prin- The first triumphs of the Refor- himself had Jesuits as their confes- Jesuit Ban Removed 1814
ciples that would bring the papacy mation past, Rome summoned sors. The plans and plots were all Unfortunately, a later pope re-
down. new forces, hoping to accomplish alike known to them. Besides this, established them in 1814.
What of the monarchs of Europe? its destruction. At this time the they were amassing a vast amount The timing of these events in Eu-
They ruled by permission of the pa- order of the Jesuits was created; of wealth that allowed the Jesuits to rope is fascinating. Catholic Europe
pacy and had wielded the most cruel, unscrupulous, and do whatever they chose. With them was in disarray. The Catholic mon-
tyrannical control for powerful of all the champions of controlling the world, how could the archs were preoccupied with taking
ages with no popery….There was no crime too little colonies of America have had a care of the problems with the Jesuit
one to oppose great for them to commit, no de- chance to stand against the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits were reeling as
them. Were ception too base for them to prac- controlled monarchs of Europe? In one Catholic country after another
they now tice, no disguise too difficult for an instant, the Jesuits could utilize drove them from their realms. While
ready to watch them to assume. Vowed to per- any army at its disposal and crush Europe was shaking, thirteen colo-
the develop- petual poverty and humility, it was the colonies. nies across the Atlantic were looking
ment of a gov- their studied aim to secure wealth at the very real possibility of war with
Nations Ban Jesuits 1759 England. The thirteen colonies were
ernment of the and power, to be devoted to the It was at this juncture in 1759 that
people, by the people, and for the overthrow of Protestantism, and instituting principles of government
something strangely divine began to
people? A clearer rationale would be the reestablishment of the papal never before heard in the annals of
happen. It began in Portugal. The
that they would unite with Rome to supremacy. — E.G. White, The human history. Documents would
Portuguese king, Joseph I, banished
stop this American experiment with Great Controversy, Review and soon be written that would codify
the Jesuits from his realm. Catholic
every weapon at their fingertips. Herald, p. 234, [emphasis added]. such things as inalienable rights,
France banished them in 1762. The
By the 1550s the Reformation had government of the people, by the
70,000 Slain One Night decree of Louis XV and the French
become so extensive in Europe that people, and for the people, free ex-
The Jesuits used deception in the Parliament reads as follows:
the papacy began to realize that they ercise of religion, and the right to
extreme to bring about the St. It denounced their doctrines
must do something to try to stop it. keep and bear arms. These docu-
Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in and practices ‘as perverse, de-
They realized that if it were not ments would soon be the hope of
1572, where 70,000 Protestant Hu- structive of every principle of reli-
stopped, it would eventually under- mankind throughout the world long-
guenots, including women and chil- gion, and even of probity; as inju-
mine the position of the Catholic ing to be free.
dren, were slain in one night. They rious to morality, pernicious to
Church and destroy the absolute civil society, seditious, dangerous
also created the 30 Years War from Colonies Escape Jesuits
political power they had achieved. In to rights of the persons of the sov- What if the Catholic monarchs
1618-1648 in order to destroy the
order to accomplish the destruction ereigns; as fit to excite the great- were not distracted by their dealings
Lutherans of Europe. The blood that
of the Reformation, a new secret or- est troubles in States, to form and with the Jesuits? What if the Jesuits
reddened European soil for centuries
ganization was formed within the maintain the most profound cor- were not reeling by their banishment
can all be traced back to the murder-
Vatican called the Jesuits. ruption in the hearts of men…that from Europe? The monarchs and the
ous Jesuits.
Overthrow Protestantism By the middle of the 1700s, the the institutions of the Jesuits Jesuits would have utilized their
One of the major purposes of the Jesuit Order had become the pow- should forever cease to exist wealth and military power to smash
Jesuits was to destroy every trace of erhouse of Europe. According to throughout the whole extent of the the American colonies in the New
Protestantism and its principles, in- Barrett, kingdom.’ — ibid. p. 219. World, and the Protestant dream in
cluding religious freedom, republi- …the Jesuit Order at last The third sovereign to drive the America would have never been a
canism, representative government, reached the pinnacle of its power Jesuits from their realm was King reality. Without a doubt, there was a
and an economy built around a and prestige in the early eigh- Charles III of Spain. He banished the Divine Hand Over America!.
strong middle class. Another purpose teenth century. It had become Jesuits in 1767.
The Illuminati-Jewish
of the Jesuits was to greatly expand more influential and wealthier than The mightiest Catholic nations of Front
the power and control of the papacy any other organization in the Europe had banished the Jesuits It is an unshakeable fact that
throughout the entire world. world. It held a position in world from their realms. These Catholic the founder of the modern Bavar-
I cannot too much impress affairs that no oath-bound group monarchs demanded that the Catho- ian Illuminati was a trained Jesuit
upon the minds of my readers that of men has ever held before or lic Church abolish the society forever. named Adam Weishaupt from
the Jesuits, by their very calling, since…nearly all the Kings and Clement XIII, the pope at that time, Ingolstadt, Bavaria. Weishaupt
by the very essence of their insti- Sovereigns of Europe had only resisted the pressure of the Euro- was a professor at Ingolstadt Uni-
tution, are bound to seek, by ev- Jesuits as directors of their con- pean monarchs, but finally capitu- versity, which was the center of
ery means, right or wrong, the de- sciences, so that the whole of Eu- lated. The night before he planned the Jesuit counter-reformation.
struction of Protestantism. This is rope appeared to be governed by to abolish the Jesuits, he was poi- (See Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol-
the condition of their existence, Jesuits only. — Boyd Barrett, The soned to death. ume 12, page 251.)
the duty they must fulfill, or cease Jesuit Enigma, New York: Boni & Four years later in 1773, three Ingolstadt was the center where
to be Jesuits. — G.B. Nicolini, His- Liveright, p. 209. years before the Declaration of In- the Jesuits were flourishing in
tory of the Jesuits: Their Origin, dependence, mark it well, Pope 1556. (See History of Protestantism
Progress, Doctrine, and Design, America Under Divine Care Clement XIV wrote an order, the pur- by Wylie, Volume 2, p. 413.)
Henry G. Bohn, preface, [empha- The Jesuits ruled the world. The pose of which was to abolish the Je-
monarchs of Europe, and the pope The Apostle of Lucifer, Adam
sis added]. suits forever.
Weishaupt was born a Jew, con- ments, behind the Zionist banner Rothschilds, managed to cast the Divine Hand had not intervened to
verted to Catholicism, then turned there was to be found the ancient blame for the French Revolution on protect the 13 colonies, there would
to Witchcraft, where he became an Messianic hope for the coming of their front organization, the Illuminati! never have been a United States with
expert, and founded another sect a global theocracy, as predicted The Communistic ideals that its God-given Constitution!
of the Illuminati. This sect of Illu- by all the seers and prophets of came from the Reductions (com- The Jesuits were greatly troubled
minati was founded May 1 st , Zion. It was to be a theocracy in munes) in Paraguay and that were because of their expulsions around
1776. — William Josiah Sutton, which Jehovah, not Christ, was exalted in France had their fruition in the world, and they were forced to
The New Age Movement and The to be King. the writings of Karl Marx. go underground. We have seen that
Illuminati 666, The Institute of Re- The spectre of the creation of Karl Marx, ‘the Father of Mod- they used their agent, Adam
ligious Knowledge, p. 173. such a theocracy has haunted the ern Communism…was privately Weishaupt, to create the Illuminati
Canon law was the result of the inner chambers of the Catholic tutored by Jesuits in the huge and used the Jesuit House of
infamous Council of Trent, which met church from her earliest inception, Reading Room of the British Mu- Rothschild to finance it. It was not just
from 1545-1563. This law revealed and still is a dominant fear. — seum while writing The Commu- here, however, where Rothschild
the Catholic Church’s stand against Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Mos- nist Manifesto based upon the wealth was very helpful. America was
the Protestant Reformation and is cow Washington Alliance, Chick ten maxims or ‘planks’ the Order becoming a giant of financial afflu-
known as the Catholic Counter-Ref- Publications, pp. 169, 170. had perfected on its Paraguayan ence and prosperity. Already, the
ormation. This council not only re- Jesuits Use Jewish Front Reductions…. A Jew was chosen Rothschilds were involved in exten-
vealed the church’s hostility toward Why would the Jesuits use their for this task; for, the Order antici- sive trading in the Americas. Besides
the Reformation, but also how she implacable enemy, the Jews, to fur- pated blaming all the evils of their their financial and mercantile em-
would attack and destroy it. ther their designs for world domin- Communist Inquisition on the pires, the Rothschilds were utilizing
Jesuits’ Secret Fronts ion? The Jesuits never do anything Jewish Race. — Eric Phelps, their wealth to gain political and reli-
Weishaupt established the Illumi- out in the open where they can be Vatican Assassins, Halcyon Uni- gious dominance in order to further
nati specifically to be a front organi- exposed. If they are recognized as fied Services, p. 293. the ends of the Jesuits in destroying
zation behind which the Jesuits could the culprits, they will be blamed and Adam Weishaupt and the Protestantism worldwide.
hide. After being abolished by Clem- suffer the consequences, but if they Rothschild family created the Illumi- The Jesuits used all their resources
ent XIV in 1773, the Jesuits used the can use someone else as the cause nati. Then both Weishaupt and the in their attempt to destroy America.
Illuminati and other organizations to of the world’s problems, especially an Rothschilds united their efforts to fo- They used the powerful financial em-
carry out their operations. Thus the enemy they can destroy in the pro- ment the French Revolution and the pire of the Rothschilds to obtain con-
front organizations would be blamed cess, then they have simultaneously roots of Communism. The Jesuits trol through money. Biographer
for the trouble caused by the Jesu- accomplished two of their objectives. next used Karl Marx to write the Frederick Morton concluded that
its. Having so many front organiza- The Jewish people are the perfect Communist Manifesto, which codi- through the effective use of money the
tions would also confuse the people scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are fied the Illuminati’s plans. The teach- Rothschilds had successfully
so that it would be virtually impos- Jesuit agents operating under a Jew- ings of Marx were then passed to conquered the world more thor-
sible to know who is actually manipu- ish cover, using them in forming the Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky. The fin- oughly, more cunningly, and much
lating the wars, policies, politics, and Illuminati back in 1776 effectively anciers of all of these men were the more lastingly than all the Ceasars
trouble caused by the Jesuits. The throws the onus of this conspiracy on Rothschilds or Rothschild agents before or all the Hitlers after them.
methods of many of these front or- the Jews. The Rothschilds are cer- such as Paul Warburg, the first — Frederic Morton, The
ganizations such as the Illuminati are tainly not the only Jesuit agents that chairman of the Federal Reserve Rothschilds: A Family Portrait,
carbon copies of the Jesuits meth- operate under a Jewish front. Bank, Jacob Schiff and Armand Atheneum, p. 14.
ods and techniques. The following sources indicate Hammer. Each one of these men, The Rothschilds believed that if
The Jewish belief that Christ will that Adam Weishaupt and the being Jesuits, were Jews and oper- they could control a nation’s money,
one day come and rule the world Rothschilds were the brains and the ated under a Jewish front. Is it any then they could control that country.
causes the Vatican to shudder. The wealth behind the French Revolution. wonder that the Jews are usually This is clearly pointed out in the fol-
Vatican believes that if hatred for the History books will tell us that blamed for all the conspiracies? lowing statement from biographer
Jews can be fomented as took place the French Revolution first began In the Jesuits relentless pursuit to Derek Wilson.
in Hitler’s Germany, then Jews will in 1787 or 1789, depending on destroy America, she would use the It commanded vast wealth. It
be ruthlessly eliminated. The which book you read. However, Jewish House of Rothschild to gain was international. It was indepen-
Vatican believes that if all Jews are it was actually planned by Dr. control of the American banking sys- dent. Royal governments were
killed, Christ will not come, and the Adam Weishaupt and the House tem. To this, we will turn in the next nervous of it because they could
Vatican’s aim to rule the world would of Rothschild almost 20 years be- chapter. not control it. Popular govern-
remain intact. Avro Manhattan says fore the Revolution took place. — Bank Bandits ments hated it because it was not
it this way: William Sutton, The New Age answerable to the people. — Derek
Because Pope Clement XIV and Wilson, Rothschild: The Wealth
It is important, although it may Movement and The Illuminati 666, the Catholic emperors across Europe
be difficult for some to recognize Institute of Religious Knowledge, were busy abolishing the Jesuits, and Power of a Dynasty, Charles
the religious nature of the Com- pp. 172, 73. Scribner’s Sons, pp 79, 98, 99.
they were not able to cooperate with Using the vast wealth of the
munist/ Zionist/Catholic political Jesuits Promote Communism each other well enough to stop the
configuration. Although deliber- Rothschilds, the Jesuits equipped
The Jesuits, Weishaupt and the Protestant American experiment. If a armies to destroy countries that
ately muted in public pronounce-
would not do what they dictated. They of dollars worth of consuls poured pretty much explains one of the op- rate each year on this money, which
could buy politicians and through onto the market their value started erations of the Federal Reserve came out of nothing. The owners of
them change the very laws of a na- to slide. Then they began to plum- Bank. the Federal Reserve Bank put up
tion. This is exactly what they did in met. It is necessary to understand that nothing for this money.
America and are still doing today! The selling turned into a panic the Federal Reserve Bank is not We see, therefore, that when the
The Jesuits have been using the as people rushed to unload their owned by the United States govern- United States government goes into
Rothschild wealth to control major ‘worthless’ consuls or paper ment as many believe. The central debt one dollar, a dollar plus the in-
events behind the scenes worldwide money for gold and silver in the bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, is terest goes into the pockets of the
for the last few centuries. This was hope of retaining at least part of a private bank, owned by some of owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.
true when they first started, but to- their wealth. Consuls continued the richest and most powerful people This is the largest, the most colossal
day they have the central banks in their nosedive towards oblivion. in the world. This bank has nothing theft ever perpetrated in the history
each country including the Federal After several hours of feverish to do with the U.S. government other of mankind, and it is so slick, so
Reserve Bank to supply them with trading the consul lay in ruins. It than the connection, which allows the subtle, and so obfuscated by propa-
funds. was selling for about five cents on operation described below. The pri- ganda from the news media that the
Rothschild Strategy the dollar. vate Federal Reserve Bank has a victims are not even aware of what
To illustrate how the Jesuits and Nathan Rothschild, emotion- total, government-enforced mo- is happening. You can see why the
the Rothschilds have used countries less and expressionless as ever, nopoly in money. Before we had the Jesuits want to keep this operation
and events to gain domination over still leaned against his pillar. He central bank, each individual bank secret.
nations and financial markets, we continued to give subtle signals. competed with other banks; the cus- Dangers of Central Bank
must look at the battle of Waterloo But these signals were different. tomers, the consumers, got the best Thomas Jefferson clearly saw
between France and England on They were so subtly different that deal. Not any more. what a central bank would do to
June 19, 1815. only the highly trained Rothschild We all know that today the United America. He declared,
agents could detect the change. States government borrows money A private central bank issuing
On the cue from their boss doz- and operates under astronomical the public currency is a greater
ens of Rothschild agents made debt. Why is this? Common sense menace to the liberties of the
their way to the order desks dictates that a policy of such enor- people than a standing army. —
around the Exchange and bought mous debt will sooner or later destroy The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,
every consul in sight for just a the organization that practices it, be- Volume X, G. P. Putnam & Sons,
‘song’. cause the interest on its debt must page 31.
Napoleon had ‘met his Water- increase beyond its income, making Jefferson realized that if a central
loo.’ Nathan had bought control of payoff impossible. bank was ever set up in America, the
the British economy. Overnight Now to our scenario. Here, bankers would have virtually unlim-
As the two huge armies closed his already vast fortune was mul- roughly, is how the operation pro- ited amounts of money to control how
in for the battle to the death, tiplied twenty times over. — Des ceeds. Suppose the United States lawmakers voted, and to control the
Nathan Rothschild had his agents Griffin, Descent Into Slavery, Em- government wants to borrow a billion media and what they said. Within a
working feverishly on both sides issary Publications, pp. 27, 28. dollars. The government issues a short time, these bankers would es-
of the line to gather the most ac- By 1815, the Jesuits had complete bond for this amount, much as a sentially rewrite the Constitution and
curate possible information as the control over England. If a leader did water company does when it wants the Bill of Rights by the unconstitu-
battle proceeded. Additional not do as he was told, money would to raise money for a new pipeline or tional laws that they would pass. Tho-
Rothschild agents were on hand be used to kill, smear, destroy, black- a new dam. The government deliv- mas Jefferson was completely cor-
to carry the intelligence bulletins mail, or just drive the person from ers this bond for the billion dollars to rect, for today we have enough laws,
to a Rothschild command post office. Later chapters will show that the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed- such as the USA Patriotic Act and the
strategically located nearby. this procedure is being used today eral Reserve Bank takes the bond Homeland Security Act, to literally
Arriving at the Exchange amid to control people like George Bush and writes an order to the Depart- convert the United States into a po-
frantic speculation on the out- and Tony Blair. What was done in ment of Printing and Engraving to lice state, when all the provisions of
come of the battle, Nathan took up England is being done in many coun- print the billion dollars’ worth of bills. these acts are implemented.
his usual position beside the fa- tries today. After about two weeks or so, when Just like the old Bank of North
mous ‘Rothschild Pillar’. Without Federal Reserve Bank the bills are printed, the Department America, the new Bank of the United
a sign of emotion, without the Please understand that the cen- of Printing and Engraving ships the States had eighty percent of its ini-
slightest change of facial expres- tral banks being established by the bills to the Federal Reserve Bank, tial funding capital provided by ‘se-
sion the stony-faced, flint eyed Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in no which then writes a check for about cret’ investors, and the government
chief of the House of Rothschild way similar to the neighborhood two thousand dollars to pay for print- put up only twenty percent. Whoever
gave a predetermined signal to his banks that we all use to manage our ing the billion dollars’ worth of bills. these ‘secret’ investors were, they
agents who were stationed money. Let us take a closer look at The Federal Reserve Bank then had tremendous power in America
nearby. the central bank and see why it is so takes the billion dollars and lends the because they had control of the
Rothschild agents immediately dangerous. We will use the Federal billion dollars to the United States money in America. Many books writ-
began to dump consuls on the Reserve Bank as an example. Here government, and the people of the ten about this time period tell us who
market. As hundreds of thousands is a very simplified scenario that country pay interest at an exorbitant these people were.
The Rothschilds and the Jesuits Edward Griffin, The Creature from as one nation, would attain eco- Republic Versus Democracy
have been using their vast wealth to Jekyll Island, American Opinion, nomic and financial indepen- The United States of America is
take over the United States through p. 351. dence, which would upset their fi- not a democracy. It is a republic, and
traitorous politicians for a great many Webster’s record in Congress had nancial domination over Europe there is a big difference between the
years. previously been in behalf of sound and the world. Of course, in the two. A pure democracy is based
The Jesuits and the Rothschilds money. When Biddle bought Webster ‘inner circle’ of Finance, the voice solely on the majority without any
would settle for nothing less. with money and other enticements, of the Rothschilds prevailed. — restrictions on what the majority can
After the Hamilton Central Bank he succumbed and became a sup- [Quoted in] G. Edward Griffin, The do. An excellent example of a democ-
failed, the Jesuits were able to es- porter of the corrupt banking objec- Creature from Jekyll Island, Ameri- racy is a lynch mob. The majority
tablish a third central bank using tives of Biddle. Webster became one can Opinion, p. 374. wants to hang the person, and the
Nicholas Biddle as their agent in of the central banks most avid sup- The Rothschilds and Jesuits used minority, the person to be hanged,
1816. The charter for this bank ran porters. How tragic that Daniel the Civil War to divide the United does not want to be hanged. They
until 1836. Biddle made an attempt Webster did not have the moral cour- States into two contending countries. have a vote, and then hang the per-
to renew the charter of this third age to withstand Biddle’s bribes! In This would make America weak and son. In a pure democracy, the minor-
bank during the Presidential cam- the early 1830s, Congress had many much easier to control. ity is the victim of the majority.
paign of 1832. Biddle believed that Jesuits seeking to secretly under- President Lincoln understood the In contrast, a Republic is founded
Andrew Jackson would not dare to mine the great principles of our Con- insidious hand of the Rothschilds and on a set of laws that govern what the
risk his second term in office by op- stitution. the Jesuit schemers in the Civil War. majority can and cannot do. The law
posing him, so Biddle felt this was When Andrew Jackson finally He understood the massive destruc- on which the United States’ Repub-
the perfect time to renew the bank’s ousted Nicholas Biddle and the cen- tive power of these people. He knew lic is founded is the Constitution. For
charter. Andrew Jackson under- tral bank, he had to face other things that they were relentless in their pur- instance, the Constitution says,
stood the dangers of the central such as Jesuit assassins. suit of the destruction of the United Congress shall make no law re-
bank and vetoed the bill to renew With these accomplishments States. Lincoln greatly feared for the specting an establishment of religion,
the bank’s charter. Jackson’s argu- close on the heels of his victory survival of America and did every- or prohibiting the free exercise
ment was simple. over the Bank, the President had thing he could to defeat their pur- thereof; or abridging the freedom of
Controlling our currency, re- earned the undying hatred of mon- poses. speech, or of the press; or the right
ceiving our public monies, and etary scientists, both in America Greed, selfishness, and financial of the people peaceably to assemble,
holding thousands of our citizens and abroad. It is not surprising, gain are used to compromise politi- and to petition the government for a
in dependence, it would be more therefore, that on January 30,1835, cians to pass laws defeating the pur- redress of grievances. — First
formidable and dangerous than a an assassination attempt was pose of the Constitution, and to take amendment to the Constitution.
naval and military power of the made against him. Miraculously, America down a path never intended 150 Mil Martyrs/Dark Ages
enemy. — Herman E. Kross, both pistols of the assailant mis- by our Founding Fathers. These poli- If a law was proposed in Congress
Documentary History of Banking fired, and Jackson was spared by ticians adopt governing principles like to set up a national religion, and ev-
and Currency in the United a quirk of fate. It was the first such those of communism and the French eryone in Congress voted for it, it still
States, Chelsea House, pp. 26, 27. attempt to be made against the life Revolution. Following the awful cannot be done, because the Con-
Jackson feared that the foreign- of a President of the United States. bloodbath called the Civil War the stitution prohibits this type of law. The
ers, who wanted to dominate and — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature nation was bleeding, and things were Constitution says that the govern-
control America, would use the cen- from Jekyll Island, American Opin- in disarray. The country was quite ment is not permitted to pass any law
tral bank to destroy her. The ion, p. 357. vulnerable to more Jesuit mischief, concerning religion.
Rothschilds and the Jesuits have Civil War/Assassinations and they took good advantage of it.. During the Dark Ages,
been doing just that for many years. The Rothschilds and the Jesuits over 150 million
The following quote shows how Trashing the Constitution
needed to regroup. For the next 20 Anyone who saw the Congress of Christians were put
Nicholas Biddle manipulated the years, the name of the game was to death because
Congress. the 1860s would declare that
assassination as two presidents were Thaddeus Stevens was undeniably they would not
Biddle had one powerful advan- poisoned and one was almost killed abide by the uni-
tage over his adversary. For all in charge.
by poisoning. Then, the guns of war This radical, Thaddeus Stevens, versal religion at
practical purposes, Congress was were heard in America as the Civil that time. The
in his pocket. Or, more accurately, controlled the Congress and applied
War reddened American soil. Accord- all his overbearing and caustic man- same thing
the product of his generosity was ing to German Chancellor, Otto von would happen
in the pockets of Congressmen. ner to bring about one of the great-
Bismarck, all this was carefully est revolutions in America since in America if America were a pure de-
Following the Rothschild Formula, planned. mocracy.
Biddle had been careful to reward 1776. By his influence, certain hid-
The division of the United den changes were implemented into The word democracy cannot be
compliant politicians with suc- States into federations of equal found in the Constitution or in the
cess in the business world. Few the Reconstruction Amendments that
force was decided long before the did so much more than provide free- Declaration of Independence, or in
of them would bite the hand that Civil War by the high financial any of the state’s constitutions. Many
fed them. Even the great Senator, dom and equality for the slaves, but
powers of Europe. These bankers rather attacked the very rationale for of the Founders of the United States
Daniel Webster, found himself were afraid that the United States, tried to warn about the dangers of a
kneeling at Biddle’s throne.— G. the Bill of Rights.
if they remained in one block and pure democracy.
Remember, democracy never Weishaupt and codified them into the government to a Roman Catholic USA’s Financial Empires
lasts long. It soon, exhausts, and Communist Manifesto. form of government had been ac- Schiff’s ‘important financial
murders itself. There never was a The principles of democracy, com- complished. And how did they do connections in Europe’ were the
democracy yet that did not com- munism, and the French Revolution, it? By declaring that the Bill of Rothschilds and their German rep-
mit suicide. — John Adams, The codified by Karl Marx, are seen in Rights were not privileges and resentatives, the M.M. Warburg
Works of John Adams, Vol. 6, New countless countries in the twentieth immunities of Fourteenth Amend- Company of Hamburg and
Library Press, p. 484. century. From the purges in Russia ment citizenship, thereby over- Amsterdam. Within twenty years
If America had been established by Josef Stalin, to Mao Tse Tung’s throwing the ancient liberties. — the Rothschilds, through their
as a pure democracy, it would have Reign of Terror in China, to Pol Pot Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Warburg-Schiff connection, had
long since ceased to exist. in Cambodia and numerous others, Halycon Unified Services, p. 327. provided the capital that enabled
the results of Jesuitism have filled this In light of the heinous and destruc- John D. Rockefeller to greatly ex-
100 Mil Die/20th. Century
The French Revolution was a world with misery, pain, suffering, and tive work of Thaddeus Stevens and pand his Standard Oil empire.
source for communist, anarchist, death. Will the United States, the the Radical Republicans, it is easy to They also financed the activities
greatest bastion of Republican gov- conclude that they were the tools of of Edward Harriman (Railroads)
and socialist conceptions; concep
ernment, fall as well? Rome in destroying the great Protes- and Andrew Carnegie (Steel). —
tions that, when carried to conclu-
It became clear that freedom tant Constitution. No more wicked and Des Griffin, Descent Into Slavery,
sion, resulted in the necessity of
and equality for the Afro-American diabolical men ever walked the land Emissary Publications, pp. 36,37.
installing drainage systems to
carry away the torrents of blood free man was used to create an en- of the free and the home of the brave. Couple that with this statement:
that flowed from French guillo- tirely new citizenship, which He came to New York first for
broadened the powers of the na- Tightening the Noose the sole purpose of getting con-
tines. These same ‘conceptions’ After the Jesuits’ attempts to de-
tional government and attacked trol of the United States monetary
applied during the twentieth cen- stroy the fledgling United States, they
the Bill of Rights. This was the system. He eventually became the
tury have resulted in the murder of concentrated on another goal that
same method used in France; the head of the banking firm of Kuhn,
well over one hundred million hu- had eluded them for many years.
man beings. There is much to learn peasants were struggling under Loeb and Company. He bought
horrible difficulties, so the reign They had desperately tried to estab- Kuhn & Loeb out later with
from the Great Revolution. — Dee lish a central bank under Robert
of terror granted them liberty and Rothschild money.
Zahner, The Secret Side of History, Morris, Alexander Hamilton, and
equality. Hidden beneath this was Using charity as a front to hide
LTAA Communications, p. 35. Nicholas Biddle, but each attempt
a drive to expand the power of the his Illuminati One World Govern-
Anarchy to Blanket Earth government and entrench the had failed. During the devastating ment activities, Jacob Schiff be-
At the same time anarchy is peasants in bondage still. Civil War, Augustus Belmont, a rabid came one of the most important
seeking to sweep away all law, not A professor at Columbia Univer- Jesuit and Rothschild agent, tried to successors of Albert Pike in lead-
only divine, but human. The cen- sity recognized that the thirteenth, coerce Lincoln into establishing a ing the United States toward an-
tralizing of wealth and power; the fourteenth, and fifteenth amend- central bank, but Lincoln understood archy. As stated by Lenin earlier,
vast combinations for the enrich- ments brought about a completely the damage a central bank would one of the first goals of the com-
ing of the few at the expense of different constitution than the one es- cause to the country, and he refused. munists is to get control of all
the many; the combinations of the tablished in 1787. He declared that With new gusto and a different monetary systems of the world.
poorer classes for the defense of these amendments created a new approach, the Jesuits and the And this was to be Jacob Schiff’s
their interests and claims; the constitution. As we have seen from Rothschilds tried again. They real- first achievement. — William
spirit of unrest, of riot and blood- subsequent court cases after the ized, as Lenin had, Sutton, The New Age Movement
shed; the world-wide dissemina- passing of those Amendments, it is that the establishment of a cen- and Illuminati 666, Institute of Re-
tion of the same teachings that led clear that that is exactly what Stevens tral bank was 90% of communiz- ligious Knowledge, pp. 234, 235.
to the French Revolution - all are and Rome wanted to do. ing a nation. — Fritz Springmeier,
tending to involve the whole world Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Am- Absolute Monetary Control
Summing it up, by 1868 the Je- Thus, we see that the Jesuits-
in a struggle similar to that which suits, with their radicals Thaddeus bassador House, p. 268.
convulsed France. — E. G. White, In the mid 1750s, the Rothschilds Rothschilds sent Jacob Schiff to the
Stevens and Charles Sumner, had United States at the end of the Civil
Education, Pacific Press Publish- forced the Fourteenth Amendment and the Schiffs moved into the same
residence, a large duplex house in War to gain enough control over the
ing Association, p. 228. on the peoples of the States, North
Frankfurt, Germany, where their American financial system that it
Afro-America Denied and South. They had created a would be impossible for America to
new nation as a result of a new families lived together.
The principles of democracy or refuse a central bank. Schiff used
citizen ship. By 1872 the Jesuits, About 100 years after the two
mob rule have filled this world with Jesuit-Rothschild money to finance
with their radicals on the Supreme families lived together in Frankfurt,
blood. Thaddeus Stevens was most J.P.Morgan, John D. Rockefeller,
Court, had made the powers of Germany, Jacob Schiff was born. He
instrumental in bringing the ideals of Edward Harriman, and Andrew
both the Federal and State govern- was a wizard at finances and devel-
the French Revolution to America Carnegie. Through the companies
ments absolute, limited only by oped the underhanded shrewdness
under the guise of bringing freedoms owned by these four individuals, ship-
decisions of their respective of the Rothschilds. In 1865, as the
to the downtrodden slaves. ping, energy, oil, transportation, rail-
King’s benches— the Federal and Civil War is ending, young 18-year-
As we have seen, the ideas of Karl roads, import, exports, and steel with
State Supreme Courts. The tran- old Jacob left Germany and came
Marx were nothing new. He simply its associate businesses, would be
sition from a Presbyterian form of to America.
took the ideas of the Jesuits and involved. These financial giants
branched off into so many other busi- 1. To make a financial ‘killing’ years. greatest enemy — the Jesuits of
ness enterprises that it simply boggles for the Insiders, and 5. Use the anger caused by re- Rome! Several books reveal the con-
the mind. To say the least, the financial 2. To impress on the American cent panics and bank failures to trol that House had over Wilson while
power gained by Jacob Schiff by 1900 people the ‘great need’ for a cen- create popular demand for mon- he was in the Oval Office.
was absolutely staggering! We must tral bank. etary reform. A key individual of the New York
keep in mind the statement of F. Tupper Paul Warburg told the Banking 6. Employ university profes- Archbishop’s control of the Demo-
Saussy, which says: and Currency Committee: “In the sors to give the plan the appear- cratic Party through Tammany
Vatican Treasury Guardian Panic of 1907, the first suggestion ance of academic approval. — G. Hall, Colonel House, known as ‘the
Aware that the Rothschilds are I made was, ‘let us have a national Edward Griffin, The Creature from holy monk’, was directly involved
an important Jewish family, I clearing house” [Central Bank]. Jekyll Island, American Opinion, in making Woodrow Wilson and
looked them up in Encyclopedia The Aldrich Plan [for a Central pp. 438. Franklin Roosevelt presidents of
Judaica and discovered that they Bank] contains many things that Central Bank Not Federal the American empire. As Wilson’s
bear the title “Guardians of the are simply fundamental rules of Under these pretenses, the Ameri- advisor and ‘alter ego’, he pressed
Vatican Treasury…The appoint- banking. — Des Griffin, Descent can people were ready for the Fed- for the passage of Morgan’s Fed-
ment of Rothschild gave the black Into Slavery, Emissary Publica- eral Reserve Bank. The name eral Reserve Act. — Eric John
papacy absolute financial privacy tions, p. 37. sounds very official as if it were an Phelps, Vatican Assassins,
and secrecy. Who would ever The [Jesuit] Illuminati interests entity of the American government. Halycon, p. 447.
search a family of orthodox Jews wanted to create a Central Bank in If people understood how the Fed- In their efforts to create a Jesuit
for the key to the wealth of the America. They wanted to build the eral Reserve Bank was going to op- empire in America, Jacob Schiff,
Roman Catholic Church? — F. Federal Reserve. First, they needed erate, and that it would be controlled J.P.Morgan, the Rockefellers, and
Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil, a bunch of banking crisis’ that would by a few of the richest bankers, they Edward House were their agents. So
Osprey Bookmakers, pp. 160, 161. push public opinion towards a Fed- would not have tolerated its creation. many books refer to them as Illumi-
Saussy’s reference to the “black eral Reserve system. These were The dream the Jesuits had of a cen- nists, international bankers, or as
papacy” is a reference to the Jesu- provided by the Illuminati, including tral bank in America took shape at Marxists, but we have seen that all
its. The head Jesuit, the Jesuit gen- J.P.Morgan’s Knickerbocker Panic of Jekyll Island. The operators and con- of these organizations were being
eral, is referred to quite frequently as 1907. Second, they needed a favor- trollers of this bank are from the same used as fronts for the Jesuits, and all
the black pope. able U.S. president in office. groups as those who were behind the of them do the bidding of the Black
In their relentless drive to abolish Rothschild agent Colonel House central bank in the 18 th and 19 th Pope, the Jesuit general!
freedom in America without firing a provided this by getting Woodrow century: the Jesuits and the The early 1900s were very busy
shot, the Jesuits used their financial Wilson elected. — Fritz Springmeier, Rothschilds! years indeed. The Federal Reserve
agents to so dominate American Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Ambas- Act and a central bank, World War
sador House, p. 273. Central Bank a Reality One, and the sinking of the Titanic
business and the banking system Only one step remained to com-
that they were able to push a central The engineered banking panic of were just a few of the events tran-
1907 did just what the Jesuits and plete the project. The Jesuits needed spiring at that time. Two other unfor-
bank on the unsuspecting American certain men in the White House and
people. This time, the central bank the Rothschilds wanted it to do. It was tunate events were the toppling of
made to appear that the only way to the government to pass the Federal Czarist Russia and the attempt to
did not fail. Reserve Act. By 1912, they had their
avoid another depression was to establish a League of Nations.
Bank Panic Ruins 1,000s have a central bank. man in the White House, Woodrow
Early in 1907, Jacob Schiff, the Wilson. Since Jacob Schiff was al- Russia Victim of US Funds
Rothschild-owned boss of Kuhn, Central Bank Deception ready deeply into the financial scam, When the Czar of Russia,
Loeb and Co., in a speech to the To convince Congress and the the Jesuits needed another man Alexander I, rejected the Jesuits’ ef-
New York Chamber of Commerce, public that the establishment of a whose expertise was politics. The fort to create a League of Nations in
warned that ‘unless we have a banking cartel was, somehow, a man they found was Edward Mandel Europe, the Jesuits wanted to de-
Central Bank with adequate con- measure to protect the public, the House. It was he who controlled Wil- stroy him and the system of govern-
trol of credit resources, this coun- Jekyll Island strategists laid down son in the White House. ment he represented.
try is going to undergo the most the following plan of action: House hoped to see the teachings Jacob Schiff, head of the New
severe and far reaching money 1. Do not call it a cartel nor even of Karl Marx become a living reality York based Kuhn, Loeb and Co.,
panic in its history.’ a central bank. in America. Remember that the spent $20 million on the revolu-
Shortly thereafter, the United 2. Make it look like a govern- teachings of Marx were the codified tion. Federal Reserve Director,
States plunged into a monetary ment agency. writings of Adam Weishaupt, the Illu- William Boyce Thompson, gave
crisis that had all the earmarks of 3. Establish regional branches minist and Jesuit agent. According to the Bolsheviks $1 million. In the
a skillfully planned Rothschild to create the appearance of decen- Woodrow Wilson’s own words, he summer of 1917, fifteen Wall
‘job.’ The ensuing panic financially tralization, not dominated by Wall was dominated by House while he Street financiers and attorneys,
ruined tens of thousands of inno- Street banks. was president! How deceitful that the led by Thompson, went to
cent people across the country, 4. Begin with a conservative man sitting in the White House por- Petrograd, the center of revolu-
and made billions for the banking structure including many sound trayed himself to the American tionary activity. — Dee Zahner,
elite. The purpose for the ‘crisis’ banking principles, knowing that people as a loyal American, when in The Secret Side of History, LTAA
was two-fold: the provisions can be quietly al- fact, he did the bidding of America’s Communications, p. 93.
tered or removed in subsequent There are numerous other refer-
ences to these facts that we could zation called the Royal Institute of employing 12 leading men in the lie outright; to pervert; to vilify;
quote. These people were American International Affairs. newspaper field to find out what to fawn at the feet of mammon,
citizens, and most of them took an The Council on Foreign Rela- was necessary to control the gen- and to sell his country and his
oath swearing allegiance to the Con- tions was a spin-off from the fail- eral policy of the daily press race for his daily bread. You know
stitution. Their acts in supporting a ure of the world’s leaders at the throughout the country. It was it, and I know it and what folly is
government whose principles are end of World War I to embrace the decided that this could be accom- this toasting an independent
diametrically opposed to the Consti- League of Nations as a true world plished by purchasing control of press? We are the tools and vas-
tution is treason. How could these government. It became clear to the 25 of the greatest papers. sals of rich men behind the
people do this? How could Woodrow master planners that they had For decades many top officials scenes. We are the jumping
Wilson and FDR support Communist been unrealistic in their expecta- of the United States Government jacks; they pull the strings and
Russia? They were all Jesuits work- tions for rapid acceptance. — G. have been members of the Council we dance. Our talents, our pos-
ing to destroy the United States. They Edward Griffin, The Creature from on Foreign Relations. This includes sibilities and our lives are all the
worked together and supported each Jekyll Island, American Opinion, many presidents, fourteen secretar- property of other men. We are in-
other because their masters in the p. 273. ies of state, fourteen treasury sec- tellectual prostitutes. — Multiple
Vatican told them to do this. USA Diocese Housed CFR retaries, eleven defense secretaries, contributors, A U.S. Police Ac-
League of Nations Failed The agents of the Jesuits cre- and scores of other federal depart- tion: Operation Vampire Killer,
The establishment of the League ated the Council on Foreign Rela- ment heads. — Dee Zahner, The The American Citizens and
of Nations after World War One was tions. The locations would be in Secret Side of History, LTAA Com- Laumen Association, pp. 18,19.
very important for the Jesuits. They the two most powerful Roman munications Publishers, p. 91. Swinton was honest enough to
had been trying to establish the Catholic Dioceses in the American Most Americans have never heard admit that he and most other jour-
League ever since the early 1800s. Empire, New York and Chicago. of the Council on Foreign Relations. nalists are told to write the things
The CFR would control the Although unseen and unknown, it that are in harmony with the plans
Another Jesuit Front Empire’s finance, government, in- has exerted tremendous power and and purposes of the CFR. Ulti-
When Woodrow Wilson, under the dustry, religion, education, and control over the decision making pro- mately, the world’s wealthy; like the
direction of Jesuit agent, Edward press. No one could be elected to cess in America throughout most of Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Mor-
Mandel House, failed to convince the the Presidency of the United the 20 th century. Some of the me- gans, who founded and run the
American people and the United States without the Council’s con- dia organizations that show up re- CFR, are under the control of the
States Senate that they should join sent, as the office would be a tool peatedly as being run and controlled black pope, the Jesuit General. The
the League of Nations, the Jesuits for the Archbishop of New York by CFR members include NBC, CBS, Jesuits are using the media to pre-
realized that they had to make sure subject to ‘the Vicar of Christ’ [the New York Times, Washington Post, pare the world to receive the pope
this refusal never happened again. pope] in Rome. (One of the Des Moines Register, Los Angeles as the great man of peace, to re-
For fifty years the Jesuits had been founders of the CFR also aided in Times, Time magazine, Newsweek, ceive the pope as the ruler of the
planning World War Two. This next the creation of the Federal Re- Fortune, Business Week, U.S. News world from Jerusalem, to accept the
war was planned to make sure that serve Bank. He was the ‘holy and World Report, the news services destruction of the U.S. Constitution,
America would join their next League monk’, a Shriner Freemason and such as Associated Press, and many and to bring the world back to the
of Nations. This time it would be agent of the Jesuit General, Ed- of the large, influential television sta- feudalism of the Dark Ages.
called the United Nations. In order to ward M. House.) Its purpose was tions. At least, 170 journalists are Job Loss Since NAFTA
accomplish this, the Jesuits knew to return the world to the Pope’s controlled by the CFR. The influence We were emphatically told by the
that they had to have greater control Dark Ages with an economically of these media giants on public opin- CFR that the North American Free
of the mass media outlets, more Con- socialist world police state. — Eric ion is phenomenal, and it is done in Trade Agreement, NAFTA, was in the
gressman in their pocket, more busi- Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Hal- such a subtle way that the people are best interests of the American
nesses had to be dominated, and the cyon Unified Services, p. 464, 465. not aware that they are being condi- people. Instead, NAFTA has de-
office of the President had to be con- At least FORTY-SEVEN C.F.R. tioned what to think. The people gen- stroyed thousands of middle class
trolled. {Council on Foreign Relations, erally believe that they are indepen- jobs in America and moved those
United Nations Set Up Inc.} members were among the dent thinkers. jobs to Mexico and Red China.
When these things were accom- American delegates to the NY Times Chief Confesses NAFTA is devastating the industrial
plished, the Jesuits knew that they founding of the United Nations John Swinton, Chief of Staff for manufacturing base in the United
would have no trouble convincing a in San Francisco in 1945. — Gary the New York Times, who was con- States. We have seen that the Jesu-
blinded and deluded American Allen, None Dare Call It Con- sidered to be the dean of his profes- its are behind the effort to destroy the
people into eventually surrendering spiracy, Concord Press, p. 86. sion, made a most revealing state- middle class in America and return
their sovereignty to the United Na- ment in 1953. At a New York Press to the structure that existed during
Controlled News Media
tions. In order to accomplish these To guard against exposure, and Club dinner, Swinton declared, the Dark Ages. The Jesuits want to
things, the Jesuits created the Coun- to mold public opinion, as far back If I allowed my honest opinions undo everything that Protestantism
cil on Foreign Relations. This was to as 1915 the powerful men in to appear in one issue of my and freedom has done for America,
be another front behind which they America working in world govern- newspaper, before twenty-four and NAFTA is part of that process.
would hide while accomplishing their ment set out to control the news hours my occupation would be
subversion in America. In England gone. The business of the jour- Vietnam: Why Did We Go?
media. They accomplished this by At 8:30 a.m., Saturday, the 23rd
they created a similar sister organi- nalists is to destroy the truth; to
of November, 1963, the limousine lived retarded lives as a result of would unite. to Mecca, in the whole Islamic world.
carrying CIA director John wounds and afflictions received in Catholics Create Islam There was no way that the victori-
McCone pulled into the White this religious war. A wealthy Arabian lady, who ous and powerful Arab armies would
House…. He was also there to Jesuit wars to destroy religious was a faithful follower of the pope, give Jerusalem to the pope. Now the
transact one piece of business enemies continue today. Next we will played a tremendous part in this Arab leaders turned to new lands to
prior to becoming involved in all look at the Middle East and why do drama. She was a widow named conquer.
the details entailed in a presiden- so many die near the city of peace, Khadijah…. Her job was to find a The Muslim generals were de-
tial transition, and the signing of Jerusalem? brilliant young man who could be termined to conquer the world for
National Security Memorandum used by the Vatican to create a Allah…so they turned their eyes
278, a classified document which
Won’t They Ever Stop Fighting? towards Europe. The Islamic am-
During the last two generations, new religion and become the mes-
immediately reversed John siah for the children of Ishmael. bassadors approached ‘His Holi-
there has been continual conflict in ness’ in the Vatican and asked for
Kennedy’s decision to withdraw She soon found young
the Middle East. The six-day Israeli- papal bulls to give them permis-
from the war in Vietnam. The ef- Muhammad, and they were mar-
Egyptian war of 1967, and the Yom sion to invade European coun-
fect of memorandum 278 would ried…. Under orders from the
Kippur Arab-Israeli war of 1973 are tries. The Vatican was outraged.
give the Central Intelligence Vatican, Roman Catholic Arabs
more prominent than the others. The War was inevitable. Temporal
Agency carte blanche to proceed across North Africa began spread-
bombings, bloodshed, crying, and power and control of the world
with a full-scale war in the Far ing the story of a great one…who
the misery of war never seem to stop. was considered the basic right of
East…. — Robert Morrow, First was about to rise up among the
Why do they continue fighting? What the pope. He wouldn’t think of
Hand Knowledge, Shapolsky Pub- people and be the chosen one of
is the purpose of continuing this sharing it with what he considered
lishers, pp. 249. their god. — ibid. pp. 19, 20.
senseless killing? heathens. The pope raised up his
Kennedy Withdraws Troops The land of Israel lies at the cen- The pope moved quickly, and
issued bulls granting the Arab armies and called them crusades
This war eventually involved over ter of an area that is completely hos-
generals permission to invade and to hold back the children of
half a million Americans in a life-and- tile to it. Israel is of great religious
conquer the nations of North Af- Ishmael from grabbing Catholic
death struggle without the Constitu- and historical significance because
tional requirement of congressional rica. The Vatican helped to finance Europe. The wars continued for
the Messiah, Jesus Christ, walked centuries…and Jerusalem slipped
approval. So President Kennedy be- the land of Israel for three and a half the building of these massive Is-
lamic armies in exchange for three out of the pope’s grasp. — Ibid. p.
gan pulling troops from South Viet- years of public ministry.
special favors: 23, emphasis supplied.
nam. The Catholic church strongly
Catholics Eye Jerusalem 1. Eliminate the Jews and Will there ever be peace in Israel?
objected to this, and President
A Jesuit cardinal named Au- Christians [which they call infi- There will probably be peace for a
Kennedy was gunned down. The
gustine Bea showed us how des- dels]. brief interval when the pope is en-
very next day, Memorandum 278 was
perately the Roman Catholics 2. Protect the Augustinian throned there. But the pope will soon
signed, which reversed Kennedy’s
wanted Jerusalem at the end of monks and Roman Catholics. thereafter start to exercise his author-
decision to deescalate the war in
the third century. Because of its 3. Conquer Jerusalem for ‘his ity to force the entire world to become
South Vietnam.
religious history and its strategic holiness’ in the Vatican. Catholic as he did during the Dark
At Death, Order Reversed location, the Holy City was con- As time passed, the power of Ages when he controlled the world.
Vietnam was a Jesuit war de- sidered a priceless treasure. A This will bring about terrible perse-
Islam became tremendous….
signed to create a Catholic super- scheme had to be developed to cution and destruction throughout the
Jews and Christians were slaugh-
power in Southeast Asia. The only make Jerusalem a Roman Catho- earth. Only those who are in submis-
way this could occur was by the bit- tered, and Jerusalem fell into their
lic city. hands…. It was time for the pay- sion to God’s control will find safety
ter persecution of a religious giant The great untapped source of in that awful time.
off…. The pope asked for Jerusa-
already in the area, the Buddhists. manpower that could do this job lem. But by now, the Arab gener- America No Longer Free
Ngo Dinh Diem, a tyrannical Catho- was the children of Ishmael. The als felt the exhilaration of victory The Skull and Bones Order is the
lic dictator, was put into power. The poor Arabs fell victim to one of the everywhere they went. They felt entry point into the Illuminati. The Il-
Jesuit controlled American press said most clever plans ever devised by
almost nothing about the terrible re- nothing could stand in their way. luminati, which we have seen, is a
the powers of darkness…. — Jack The pope’s carefully laid plans be-
ligious persecutions taking place in Chick, The Prophet, Alberto part front for the Jesuit Order. Anyone,
gan to backfire, and then who is working for or a part of the
Southeast Asia. John Kennedy be- 6, Chick Publications, pp. 5,18. crumbled before his eyes. — ibid. Illuminati, is connected to the Jesu-
gan pulling America out of Vietnam Here we see that the Catholic pp. 21, 22. its, the greatest foe of Protestant re-
but was gunned down by Jesuit as- Church desperately wanted control
sassins before he could accomplish of Jerusalem because of its location Muslims Keep Jerusalem ligious and civil liberty. To be part of
much, and the no-win war went on and its great religious significance. The pope’s plans failed miserably. the Illuminati and the Jesuits makes
for another 10 years, ending in igno- They wanted to use the Arabs to Instead of giving Jerusalem to the it impossible to love the Constitution
minious defeat for America. What grind the Jews and Christians into the pope, the Moslems built their sacred or to uphold its principles because
remains is a winding wall in Wash- dust so they could take over Jerusa- building, Dome of the Rock, in those groups exist for the destruc-
ington, D.C., listing 58,000 Ameri- lem. The Vatican also invented a Jerusalem on the very site of the old tion of the Constitution. No president
cans that lost their lives there and ‘messiah’ figure from among the Ar- Jewish temple, thus making Jerusa- or public official in America could ever
millions of others not listed who have abs around whom the Arab world lem the second most holy place, next be part of these groups because it
would be impossible to uphold their Rome, page 284, to show you the penalty of death, those who differ dacity to bring a constitution to the
oath to defend the Constitution be- contrast between the words of the in faith from the pope. — ibid p. 284 Russian people, also did something
cause they are part of organizations Constitution and the words of the Popes Not Infallible else for which the Jesuits would not
whose great goal is the abolishment church of Rome. As you go down through history forgive him. At the height of the Civil
of that great document. Equality At Law Denied and how one pope after another dif- War, when the balance of the war
Are you aware of any leaders or The most sacred principle of fered from previous popes and ar- could go either way, Alexander II
Presidents that have ever held office the United States Constitution is gued and there were rival popes, two came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln.
who have been part of the Skull and the equality of every citizen before or three at one time, disagreeing with The presence of the Russian
Bones Order of Yale University? the law. The fundamental principle each other, which infallible pope are Navy helped the Union enforce a
George Bush (father and son) of the Church of Rome is the de- we to accept? How many beliefs of devastating naval blockade
was a Skull and Bonesman. —ibid. nial of that equality. Liberty of con- the pope and of the Church of Rome against the Southern states which
p. 320. science is proclaimed by the are even found in the word of God? denied them access to critical
George Bush, the father and United States, a most sacred prin- Is purgatory? Is worship of the Virgin supplies from Europe…. Without
George Bush, the son, have both at- ciple which every citizen must Mary? Is turning the bread in the the inhibiting effect of the pres-
tended Yale University and are both uphold… But liberty of con- communion service into the actual ence of the Russian fleet, the
a part of the Skull and Bones Order. science is declared by all the body of Christ? This is insanity, and course of the war could have been
Both of these men are part of the Il- popes and councils of Rome, a the Church of Rome declares that the significantly different. — G. Ed-
luminati and the Jesuits. most godless, unholy, and diaboli- pope can punish those who don’t go ward Griffin, The Creature from
The Bush family’s connection to cal thing, which every good Catho- along with him in faith. So for a hu- Jekyll Island, American Opinion,
the Harriman’s/Illuminati/Jesuits lic must abhor and destroy at any man being to bow down and receive pp. 377, 378.
goes way back. cost.—Charles Chiniquy, Fifty their faith from a man who doesn’t Civil War/Russian Blockade
President Would Obey Pope Years in the Church of Rome, know what he believes is senseless. By driving the Jesuits from Rus-
Before George Bush ever entered Chick Publications, p 284. sia, refusing to establish a central
the White House in January of 2001, So by George Bush’s statements War On Terror Planned bank, planning a constitution, and
he was already vowing his support at the dedication of the cultural Cen- The basis for this entire chapter aiding the North during the Civil War,
for the work of the Catholic Church ter, he would destroy and abolish the is a letter that was written August 15, the czars of Russia had incurred the
in America. He showed that his alle- First Amendment to the Constitution 1871 by Albert Pike to Giusseppe undying wrath of the Jesuit Order.
giance would not be for the Consti- of the United States. Mazzini quoted in the book Descent Payback was imminent. The other
tution and the American people, but Into Slavery. no-no of the czars was their protec-
Church & State Combine Pike declared that the First World
rather for a man whose position over The American Constitution as- War would be used to destroy Czar- tion of the Russian Orthodox Church,
the last 200 plus years has been op- sures the absolute independence ist Russia and then to place that the implacable enemy of Rome for
posed to the Protestant Constitution. of the civil from the ecclesiastical land under the control of Illuminati over 1000 years.
Kennedy Disobeys Pope or church power; but the Church agents. That Czarist Russia was Communism’s Reign of
In 1960, John Kennedy went of Rome declares through all her destroyed in WWI is a fact of his- Terror
from Washington to Texas to as- pontiffs and councils that such in- tory. Czar Nicholas and his wife, Not only was the czarist system
sure Protestant preachers that he dependence is an impiety and re- Alexandra, along with their many in Russia to be destroyed, but the
would not obey the pope. In 2001, volt against God.— ibid. p. 284. children, were all slain while posing Orthodox Church would be toppled
George Bush came from Texas up The American Constitution as- for a picture in 1917. The reasons as well. Pike revealed that Illuminati
to Washington to assure a group sures the separation of the church why Czarist Russia was targeted agents would then be put into posi-
of Catholic Bishops that he would from the state, but the Catholic are more skewed elements in his- tions of power in Russia. Illuminati
obey the pope. –– Washington Church throughout the dark ages and tory. The Czars of Russia had for agents, acting as a front for the evil
Times, April 16,2001. today has been trying to mesh them well over 100 years been a thorn in deeds of the Jesuits, would bring an
From another document, a Catho- together. The result of such a union the side of the Jesuits. awful reign of terror to that great land
lic paper called Peter’s Voice; this has always been terrible bloodshed for several generations. Starting with
was also quoted in Reuters News and persecution. Because the Russia Removed Jesuits 1820 Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, the Jesu-
service of March 22, 2001. There was Founding Fathers of America real- The Russian emperor, its used them to have 60 million Rus-
a cultural center in Washington DC ized the evils of church/state union, Alexander, was currently com- sians obliterated over the next 30 odd
dedicated to John Paul II. This is what they made sure in the Bill of Rights pelled to issue a royal decree in years. Kruschev and Breshnev con-
the President declared, “The best that the church and state would re- 1816, by which he expelled them tinued the onslaught to a lesser de-
way to honor Pope John Paul II, main separate. [the Jesuits] from St. Petersburg gree for several more years. All of
truly one of the great men, is to The Constitution of the United and Moscow. This proving inef- this was done in the name of Com-
take his teachings seriously, to lis- States denies the right in anybody fectual, he issued another in munism, but in truth, the Jesuits used
ten to his words and put his words to punish any other for differing 1820, excluding them entirely the Communism front to carry out
and teachings into action here in from him in religion. But the from the Russian dominions.— heinous crimes in Russia.
America.” Church of Rome says that she has R.W. Thompson, The Footprints Terror Attacks Start Wars
Let me share with you from the the right to punish with the of the Jesuits, Hunt and Eaton, In order to bring America into this
book, Fifty Years in the Church of confisca tion of their goods, or the pp. 245,246 conflict across the Atlantic and thus
This same czar, who had the au-
violate the famed Monroe doctrine, suits created the current war on ter- of the memorials in the sun’s honor. Remember the Sabbath day to
which stated that Europe could fight ror. What event was it that ignited the After millennia, the building of St. keep it holy. Six days shalt thou
her own wars and America would involvement of America in this con- Peter’s basilica in Rome was shaped labor, and do all thy work, but the
stay out of them, there was a planned flict? It was the tragic events of Sep- in the form of the sundial in honor of seventh day is the Sabbath of the
‘terrorist’ attack that caused the loss tember 11, 2001. Could it be that the the sun. Lord thy God…for in six days the
of many Americans lives and thus, World Trade Center attacks, just like Towards the end of the war on Lord made heaven and earth, the
brought America into the war. The the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor, were terror, there would be a universal sea, and all that in them is, and
terrorist attack that was carried out orchestrated to bring America into manifestation of Lucifer’s doctrine of rested the seventh day: wherefore
against innocent Americans was the this conflict? To think anything else sun worship; it will be seen in the the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,
torpedoing of the Lusitania. but this is ludicrous!! honoring of the day that honors the and hallowed it.” (Exodus 20:8-11).
The deed had been done, and This conflict was to originate be- sun. It is called Sunday. Laws to wor- The seventh day Sabbath, that we
it set in motion great waves of re- tween the Zionists and the Arabs. ship on the day of the sun will spread call Saturday, reveals God as the
vulsion against the Germans. Who are Zionists? They are Jews or all over the earth because the devil Creator and thus, as we honor His
These waves eventually flooded those who are pro-Israel. In the cur- wants everyone to worship him. Most day of rest, we are acknowledging
through Washington and swept rent war on terror, who is fighting? of the earth will choose to honor this that He alone deserves our worship.
the United States into war. — G. The Americans and the English, the day—the day that is steeped in devil As we rest on the Sabbath day,
Edward Griffin, The Creature From two most pro-Israeli nations on the worship. we are reminded of God’s great
Jekyll Island, American Opinion, earth, are at war against the Arabs World Honoring Day of Sun power in the creating of the world.
pp. 260, 261, emphasis added. of Afghanistan and Iraq. The conflict, There are so many dear, dear As we behold God’s mighty and ma-
Does that sound familiar? Is the according to Pike, was planned to people who have no idea that by jestic power as wrought in creation,
author talking about WWI, or WWII extend worldwide. After a time of worshipping on the day of the sun it cheers our hearts to know that the
at Pearl Harbor, or about September death and devastation, the world that they are honoring the devil’s same Creator can speak peace,
11 and the war on terror? In every would become so fed up with the counterfeit. They have done this in hope, and joy to our troubled, rest-
case, the situation has been nearly horrors of war that they would wel- ignorance for so many years, even less, and weary hearts and minds.
identical. Create a fervor of anger come anything. At that moment, the all of their lives, because that is what For the same Creator/Redeemer is
against a foreign power and America ‘pure doctrine of Lucifer’ would be they have been taught and seen just as willing to manifest His creative
goes to war and it was all planned manifest in the earth. practiced by their parents and grand- power in our own lives, to make us
that way!!! The Jesuits, who pre- Doctrine of Lucifer parents. Nevertheless, the sun-day new creatures. So, while the Sabbath
planned the war, planned for the ter- What is the pure doctrine of Luci- worship has no basis except in the speaks of Christ’s great power in cre-
rorist attacks in order to bring fer? Lucifer is the name that originally mind of the devil for he is bent on ation, it also speaks to us of His won-
America into the battle!!! was given to the angel that was clos- turning all mankind away from hon- derful strength to restore in us His
Russian Expansion WW II est to God in heaven. After a time, oring their Maker and Redeemer and gracious character.
Illuminist-Jesuit Pike declared that Lucifer, the bearer of light, became to deceive them into honoring him. God Still Intervenes
the second war would result in an so proud of his powers, given to him Honor God or Lucifer It may be surprising to learn that
expansion of Russian influence and by his Creator, that he rebelled and This universal manifestation will even the Bible talks about much of
the creation of a state of Israel in tried to bring all the angels to his side. be brought out in the public view the subject matter we have covered
Palestine. Did the Second World War Eventually, there was war in heaven (such as in this publication), on full so far. It has considerable informa-
do those things? The influence of (Revelation 12:7-9) and Lucifer, now display, before all of mankind. All the tion about the papacy, its associates,
Russia worldwide was certainly seen the devil, was cast to the earth. He world will be brought to decide to and what the papacy will be able to
following the Second World War. Due devilishly sought to bring all created honor the doctrine of Lucifer/the devil accomplish in the near future in their
to the war, Russian expansion was beings to his side. by honoring Sunday or to honor the efforts to regain their extensive po-
certainly seen as the Russian gov- Introducing Sun Worship one command that reveals God as litical power that they enjoyed during
ernment brought under her wings He sought the worship that be- the only One who deserves worship. the Dark Ages.
several satellite countries and even longed to God and God alone!! For Throughout the Bible, it is clear that
the control of East Berlin. The Sec- Understanding the Symbols
finite beings that had cast off their worship of God is due Him because One of the problems people have
ond World War also brought about allegiance to their Creator, the devil He is the Creator.
the creation of Israel in Palestine. The with the Bible and especially the
had the perfect and most ready ob- O come, let us worship and books of Daniel and Revelation is that
Jews were given the strip of land ject for men to adore and worship. bow down: let us kneel before the
along the eastern shores of the Medi- it uses many symbols. This is not a
He obviously chose the most power- Lord our maker. (Psalm 95:6). problem, however, because the
terranean Sea. Albert Pike is batting ful thing in man’s visible universe, the Know ye that the Lord he is God:
1000%. Are we listening? Bible, itself, explains what all of these
sun. Through Nimrod, the great it is He that hath made us , and symbols mean. When you under-
WW III, Zionists, & Arabs grandson of Noah, sun worship was not we ourselves; we are His stand the symbols, you can read the
According to Pike, the third war introduced. As generations passed, people, and the sheep of His pas- Bible as clearly as if reading plain
would be stirred up by Illuminati the devil’s sun worshippers began to ture. (Psalm 100: 3). text. In the following discussion, all
agents between the Zionists and the make monuments in honor of the The Creator’s Sabbath the symbols used will be made per-
Arabs. Since the Illuminati is a front sun. Stonehenge in England and the Only one commandment reveals fectly clear.
organization for the Jesuits, the Je- Parthenon in Rome were just a few God as the Creator.
Pure & Impure Women “…The waters which thou sawest, and terrorism lies at the door of this MOTHER OF HARLOTS.” To what
Starting with Revelation, chapter where the whore sitteth, are peoples, apostate church. could these harlot daughters be re-
17, and verse 1 (Usually written as and multitudes, and nations, and A book by Dr. L. A. Lehman en- ferring? We have seen that the sym-
Revelation 17:1) we read: “…I will tongues.” Thus, this apostate church titled Behind the Dictators has a bol of an impure woman in Scripture
show unto thee the judgment of the dwells in a heavily populated area of cover picture of four leaders in Eu- represents an apostate church.
great whore that sitteth upon many the world, in the heavily populated rope during World War II. Connected (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 3:6; Ezekiel
waters.” Here we have the first two areas of Europe. Can you think of a to each of them are strings, and a 16:15; Hosea). Plugging these pas-
symbols that we must consider: the church in apostasy that rose up in man at the top is dangling their sages back into Revelation 17, we
great whore and waters. The Bible Europe? strings, because these leaders are can only arrive at the conclusion that
uses the symbol of a woman to rep- mere puppets. The man at the top there are other churches that are fol-
resent a church. A pure
Whore of Revelation
pulling the strings is Pope Pius XII lowing in the papacy’s footsteps.
Revelation 17:2 states “With
woman represents who ruled the world from 1939- 1958. These churches can only be the ones
whom the kings of the earth have
God’s true church, and The current war is a religious con- that once broke away from the
committed fornication and the inhab-
an impure woman, flict to further the papacy’s design for mother
itants of the earth have been made
a whore, as we world take over, when they will rule church,
drunk with the wine of her fornica-
just read, rep- the world from Jerusalem. This is the but have
resents one of tion.” The kings of the earth are the
only possible conclusion one can since that
the many leaders, the presidents, the prime
draw if we understand what the Bible time been
false or ministers, and the dictators of the
tells us. gradually
counterfeit world. Verse two tells us that the lead-
According to Revelation 17 and coming
churches. ers of the world are connected to this
18, the wealthy of the earth are made back to
Watch care- false church. Can you think of a
so because of their connection to the her. The
fully as the Bible interprets itself. church that
Jesuits and the papacy. The worldly harlot
Isaiah 1:1,21 says, “The vision of has for a
rich have bowed low before the god daughters
Isaiah…which he saw concerning long time of the Vatican and have been given of the pa-
Judah and Jerusalem… How is the connected rich rewards in return. pacy represent the Protestant
faithful city become an harlot: it was itself to churches of today that are no longer
govern- Mother/Daughter Harlots
full of judgment; righteousness protesting against Rome’s abuses,
ments and Revelation 17:5 tells us of another
lodged in it; but now murderers.” but are rather finding harmony in
leaders? This entity that is tied to the papacy and
Verse two indicates that what Isaiah working with her. These apostate
church de- the Jesuits. “And upon her forehead
wrote here is a statement from God. Protestant churches of today are the
mands that the was a name written, MYSTERY
Jerusalem in this verse represents harlot daughters of the mother-Ro-
church and state BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
God’s true church, and God said man Catholic Church!
be tied together so MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND
they had become a harlot because
that she can control the leaders. This ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Your Church a Daughter?
His professed people had fallen
church believes that it rules all lead- The word “babylon” means confu- Some may think that Alberto
deep into sin.
ers by divine right, meaning that all sion. The name of the great whore, Rivera does not know what he is talk-
Ezekiel says the same thing. “Son
rulers govern with the church’s per- the apostate Roman Catholic ing about. They probably believe that
of man, cause Jerusalem to know her
mission. Can you think of the church Church, is called Babylon the Great their church has not been taken over
abominations. . . . But thou didst trust
that rose up in Europe and demands because she has brought total con- by the Jesuits. Consider this:
in thine own beauty, and playedst the
control of the leaders of our world by fusion into the world, claiming to be 1. Is your church still protesting
harlot because of thy renown, and
divine right? following Christ and the Bible, while against the tyranny of the papacy?
pouredst out thy fornications on ev-
leading multitudes away from Jesus 2. Does your church still teach that
ery one that passed by.” (Ezekiel Responsible For All Slain and the plain teachings of Scripture. the papacy is the anti-christ, or is it
16:2,15). This was a very common Revelation 18:24 gives us more In the process of turning people from something that your church once
thing in Israel. His people, His church, information on this whore or apos- the Bible, the church claims to be the taught, but now shies away from be-
would forsake Him, and God used tate church. “And in her [this apos- only gateway to heaven. The Babylon cause it is not politically correct?
one of His prophets to call His people tate church] was found the blood of here has nothing to do with the at- 3. Does your church engage in
a harlot or a whore. prophets, and of saints, and of all that tempted rebuilding of the ancient city celebration style church services that
Symbols of Whore & Waters were slain upon the earth.” This apos- of Babylon in the area of Iraq today! are more contemporary with the
The symbols of a whore, harlot, tate church is responsible for the This verse indicates that the times and have more upbeat music?
and prostitute represent a church that blood shed in our world. Knowing that Catholic Church is the Mother This was part of the papacy’s plan at
has forsaken God’s law. Revelation and the fact that this church controls church, the mother of every abomi- Vatican II in taking over all the
17:1 declared, “…I will shew unto the leaders of nations, who then is nable and wicked thing that has been churches.
thee the judgments of the great responsible for persecution, war and foisted on the world in the name of 4. Is your church forgetting their
whore that sitteth upon many wa- terrorism? The Al Quaida, the religion. We also see that the Catho- historic teachings and becoming
ters.” This passage also declares that Taliban, Osama bin Ladan, Saddam lic Church has many daughters who more modern, casting away the old
this apostate church sits upon many Hussein? No. Revelation 17 and 18 are harlots as well; for the verse says truths as relics of the past?
waters. Revelation 17:15 tells us, says that the responsibility for war “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE 5. Are your church periodicals
finding more and more good things groups that have arisen in the last heard from the graves of martyrs,
to say about the papacy, even con- few decades, who, in response to the represented by the souls which John
sidering the Vatican leaders to be fine suppression of truth in their mainline saw slain for the word of God and
Christian people? churches, have been forced to the testimony of Jesus Christ which
6. Is your church willing to join the preach the truth outside of these they held; then the prayer will ascend
ecumenical movement, even if it churches. from every true child of God, “It is
means sacrificing some basic teach- time, Lord, for thee to work: for they
ings or principles that the church Divine Hand Removed have made void thy law.” E.G. White,
once believed? Marvelous in her shrewdness and Signs of the Times, November 8,
If you can answer yes to one or cunning is the Roman Catholic 1899; Review & Herald, December
more of these questions, or yes to Church. She presents a fair front to 18, 1888; The General Conference
all of these questions, then Alberto the world, covering with apologies acter; because not one principle of Bulletin, January 1, 1900.
Rivera is right. Are there any major her record of horrible cruelties, and it, not even a jot or a tittle, could be Already the doctrine that men are
religious bodies or denominations declaring that her spirit of persecu- dishonored and swept away, God released from obedience to God’s
today that don’t meet these criteria? tion no longer exists. But she is the consented to let his Son take upon requirements has weakened the
It is interesting that Pope John Paul same as in the days of the Reforma- himself the results of man’s trans- force of moral obligation, and opened
II agrees with Alberto Rivera. John tion, when men of God stood up at gression of that law, thus making it the flood-gates of iniquity upon the
Paul made a statement in which he the peril of their lives to expose her possible for man to be pardoned, and world. Lawlessness, dissipation, and
declared a major concern of the iniquity; the same as when she as- to become obedient to all God’s corruption are sweeping in upon us
Vatican. He is concerned about new sumed the power to control kings and commandments. It is the righteous- like an overwhelming tide. In the fam-
religious groups that are arising in princes, and claimed the prerogatives ness and perfection of his Son, who ily, Satan is at work. His banner
America that are warning the world of God. She may clothe herself in takes upon himself our sins, our waves, even in professedly Christian
about the plans of the papacy to Christlike garments, the better to defects, our weaknesses, which households. There is envy, evil sur-
takeover the world. These new carry forward her purposes; but she God accepts; and through faith in mising, hypocrisy; estrangement,
groups are telling the world that the still retains the venom of the serpent, the merits of the blood of a crucified emulation, strife, betrayal of sacred
papacy is still the anti-christ, and, and her principles are exerting their and risen Saviour we are prisoners trusts, indulgence of lust. The whole
according to John Paul II, these influence in legislative halls, in of hope. Christ’s righteousness be- system of religious principles and
groups are seriously affecting the churches, and in the hearts of men. comes our righteousness, if we sus- doctrines, which should form the
plans of the papacy. Her spirit is no less cruel and des- tain a living connection with him. foundation and framework of.social
potic now than when it crushed out Then we cease to transgress the life, seems to be a tottering mass,
Call Out of Babylon human liberty, and slew the saints of
The proselytizing activity of holy law of God, and become par- ready to fall to ruin.
the Most High. takers of the divine nature.”
the sects and new religious “By compromises and conces- Religious Terrorism
groups of America is a grave hin- sions, Protestants have tampered Making Our Choice The only reliable source we can
drance to the work of evangeli- with and patronized popery, giving “We are now making our choice, turn to for information on future
zation…. [what he means is that her vantage-ground which papists and we shall soon discern between events is prophecy from God. The
there are independent religious themselves are surprised to see and him that serveth God and him that Bible has predicted one event after
groups that are hindering the fail to understand. The Protestant serveth him not. Read the fourth another down through history, and
papacy’s drive to take over the world needs to be aroused to resist chapter of Malachi, and think about the events have occurred exactly as
world.] The success of the advances of this most dangerous it seriously. The day of God is right the Bible said they would. With the
proselytism by the sects and new foe to civil and religious liberty.” upon us. The world has converted the same unerring accuracy the Bible
religious groups in America can- church. Both are in harmony, and are predicts future events, and it shows
not be ignored. It demands of the God’s Law Unchangeable acting upon a short-sighted policy.
“God has a law which … is de- the results that will occur as a result
Church on the continent a thor- Protestants will work upon the rulers of the Jesuits’ conspiracy to rule the
ough study, to be carried out in signed to govern the inhabitants of of the land to make laws to restore
this world. Christ died that the human world.
each nation and at the interna- the lost ascendancy of the man of
tional level…. — Pope John Paul family might be brought back to their sin [the pope], who sits in the temple Who Are the Two Beasts?
II, The Challenge of the Sects, Ex- allegiance to God. He was their only of God, showing himself that he is The chapter in the Bible that re-
hortation, Article 73. hope of redemption. He did not suf- God. The Roman Catholic principles veals the results of the Jesuits’
John Paul did not express con- fer and die on Calvary’s cross to an- will be taken under the care and pro- treachery is Revelation 13. There are
cern about denominations that have nul the law, because he would thus tection of the State. This national two beasts mentioned in this chap-
been around for a century or two. be the administrator of sin by per- apostasy will speedily be followed by ter; the first one rises out of the sea
Why? The answer is obvious; those petuating transgression. If the law of national ruin. in verse one and the second rises out
denominations are of no concern to God could have been changed, or of the earth in verse eleven. Notice
one precept of it altered to meet Truth No Longer Tolerated the reading of these verses:
John Paul because they have been “The protest of Bible truth will be
infiltrated and taken over by the Je- man’s fallen condition, then the Son And I stood upon the sand of
of God need not have come into our no longer tolerated by those who the sea, and saw a beast rise up
suits. Those churches have stopped have made not the law of God their
protesting about the evils of the pa- world and died. But because the law out of the sea.... — Revelation 13:1
of God was changeless in its char- rule of life. Then will the voice be And I beheld another beast
pacy! John Paul is concerned about
coming up out of the earth.... — crowns, and upon his heads the one with His Father, the Jews de- Lateran Council, 4 th session. J.
Revelation 13:11 name of blasphemy. And the beast clared that He had committed blas- D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum...
In order to understand these which I saw was like unto a leop- phemy. Thus, when a man claims to Collectio, volume 32, col. 761,
verses, we must determine what a ard, and his feet were as the feet be God on earth, this is blasphemy, translated.
beast represents in Bible prophecy, of a bear, and his mouth as the and the first power in Revelation The pope is the supreme judge
and what the sea and the earth rep- mouth of a lion: and the dragon claims to be God. of the law of the land.... He is the
resent. Watch how the Bible inter- gave him his power, and his seat, Claims He Can Forgive Sin vicegerent of Christ, who is not
prets itself. and great authority. — Revelation Can you think of a power, rising only a Priest forever, but also King
The book of Daniel shows that a 13:1,2 up in the area of Europe that claims of kings and Lord of lords. — La
beast represents a kingdom, or as 2nd. Beast Rose In America it can forgive sins and claims to be Civilta Cattolica, March 18, 1871,
we would say today, a nation or coun- There is also more information God? The confessional box of the quoted in Leonard Woolsey Bacon,
try. about the second beast. Catholic Church is known through- An Inside View of the Vatican Coun-
These great beasts, which are And I beheld another beast out the world as the place where cil, American Tract Society, p. 229.
four, are four kings, which shall coming up out of the earth; and people go to have their sins forgiven Let us consider some of the
arise out of the earth.... Thus he he had two horns like a lamb, and by a priest. The most heinous crimes names applied to Christ in the Scrip-
said, The fourth beast shall be the he spake as a dragon. — Revela- and the most awful deeds have re- tures and see if they could possibly
fourth kingdom upon earth, which tion 13:11 sulted from one individual bearing his apply to the pope: Almighty God, Cre-
shall be diverse [different] from all Let us look at the meanings of the or her innermost thoughts to another ator, Savior, Christ, Lord, Most Holy,
kingdoms.... — Daniel 7:17,23 words blasphemy, dragon, and lamb human being. The Bible says, “For King of kings, and Reverend. What
Thus, we see that Revelation 13 in these verses. The first power com- there is one God, and one mediator could be more blasphemous than for
discusses two powers that came to mits blasphemy, and has been given between God and men, the man a man to claim any of these titles?
prominence in the world. These two his existence and authority from the Christ Jesus;” (1 Timothy 2:5.) A “And he opened his mouth in blas-
powers have their beginnings in dif- dragon. Catholic priest has no more ability to phemy against God. . . .” (Revela-
ferent areas of the world, one rises forgive sins than your pet dog! tion 13:6).
out of the sea and the other rises out First Beast Blasphemes The above quotes are utter blas-
of the earth. Mark explains one of the mean- Claims He Is God On Earth phemy. The Roman Catholic power
ings of blasphemy. Next, consider some of the state- is the first beast of Revelation 13.
1st. Beast Rose In Europe When Jesus saw their faith, he ments the papacy has made about
Next, we discover what water rep- Revelation 13:2 tells us that “The
said unto the sick of the palsy, the pope being god on earth. dragon gave him his power, and his
resents in Bible prophecy. Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. But The Pope is of so great dignity
And he saith unto me, The wa- seat, and great authority.” Who is the
there were certain of the scribes and so exalted that he is not a dragon that gives the papacy her
ters which thou sawest, where the sitting there, and reasoning in mere man, but as it were God, and
whore sitteth, are peoples, and power and authority?
their hearts, Why doth this man the Vicar of God. The The Bible tells us that the dragon
multitudes, and nations, and thus speak blasphemies? Who Pope is of such lofty
tongues. — Revelation 17:15 is Satan, the devil.
can forgive sins but God only? — and supreme dig- And the great dragon was cast
We see here that the first power Mark 2:5-7. nity that,
in Revelation 13 had its beginning in out, that old serpent, called the
As the Son of God, Christ had the properly Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
a heavily populated area of the world power to forgive sins, and He still has speaking, he
amid existing nations. This suggests the whole world: he was cast out
the power to forgive sins today. If a has not been into the earth, and his angels were
that the first power came up in the mere man claims that he can forgive established
populated area of cast out with him. Revelation 12:9
sins, then that is blasphemy. The in any rank of The devil himself gave the papacy
Europe. The Jews, who refused to acknowledge dignity, but
second world its power, its throne, and great au-
Jesus as the Son of God, declared rather has thority. The devil runs the papacy.
power of that He had committed blasphemy been placed upon the very sum-
Revelation The devil is the one that leads her to
because they felt He was only a man. mit of all ranks of dignities.... He destroy liberty in the earth. The devil
13:11 rises This first power in Revelation 13 com- is likewise the divine monarch and
out of the earth, is the one that seeks to gain hom-
mits blasphemy by claiming it can supreme emperor and king of age from earth’s teeming multitudes
which means it forgive people of their sins. kings. Hence the Pope is crowned
arose in an area of by having them bow before the pon-
Here is the other meaning of blas- with a triple crown, as King of tiff of Rome. The kind of brutal gov-
the world where phemy. Heaven and of Earth and of the
few inhabitants existed. This sug- ernment the papacy ran through the
The Jews answered him, say- Lower Regions. — Lucius Dark Ages is the kind the devil and
gests the rise of the second power ing, For a good work we stone Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, vol-
occurred in the Western Hemisphere; the papacy promotes in the earth to-
thee not; but for blasphemy; and ume 6, pp. 438, 442. day. A satanic government has these
where the population density was because that thou, being a man, For thou art the shepherd, thou
very light. characteristics:
makest thyself God. — John 10:33 art the physician, thou art the hus- 1. It is controlled by a few; it is dic-
Here is more information about Christ was God in human flesh, bandman; finally, thou art another
the first beast. tatorial.
but the Jews did not acknowledge God on earth. — Christopher 2. It gives no freedom to its
...having seven heads and ten this. So when Christ claimed to be Marcellus’s Oration in the Fifth
horns, and upon his horns ten people.
3. It joins the church and the gov- day “speak as a dragon.” Jesuit infil- authority in the earth? We need to In Revelation 13 and 14, we are
ernment together. tration in all levels and departments find how the Scriptures define wor- confronted with a papal tradition that
4. It persecutes anyone who does of the United States government is ship. How we understand and re- is being exalted above one of God’s
not comply. why this country becomes a tyranni- spond to this will determine our des- commandments, and this papal tra-
2nd. Beast Characteristics cal, persecuting power. America is tiny as the following verse shows. dition is the mark of papal authority
That the papacy is the first power speaking and behaving more and in the world. Do you know of a papal
of Revelation 13 is beyond question. more like Satan every day. tradition, that is directly contrary to
However, who is the second power Like Papacy of Dark Ages one of the Ten Commandments that
of Revelation 13? We know that it Revelation 13 reveals the rise of the papacy herself will tell us is her
rises in the Western Hemisphere and the papacy and the United States. It mark of authority in the earth? This
“he had two horns like a lamb, and portrays the characteristics of the tradition is so vile in Heaven’s eyes
he spake as a dragon” (Verse 11). American government in the begin- that if one continues to obey the
This verse indicates that the govern- ning and foretells the ultimate take- Severest Warning In Bible papacy’s commandment while know-
ment started out lamb-like, being over by the Jesuits. It also shows us And the third angel followed ing full well that it is contrary to the
freedom-loving and just, but it ends the dictatorial power the papacy had them, saying with a loud voice, If explicit commands of God, “the same
up resembling a papal style or sa- before the great Protestant Reforma- any man worship the beast and his shall drink of the wine of the wrath of
tanic government. tion. image, and receive his mark in his God.” (Revelation 14:10).
The second power of Revelation And they worshiped the dragon forehead, or in his hand, The same Papal Mark of Authority
13, that rises in the Western Hemi- which gave power unto the beast: shall drink of the wine of the wrath We will now look at several state-
sphere, starts out with a Christ-like and they worshiped the beast, of God, which is poured out with- ments from Catholic literature that will
government, but ends up acting like saying Who is like unto the beast? out mixture into the cup of his in- show conclusively the papacy’s mark
the dragon (Satan). It starts out the who is able to make war with him? dignation; and he shall be tor- of authority is in the earth.
opposite of the papacy and ends up — Revelation 13:4 mented with fire and brimstone in Prove to me from the Bible
just like her. Since a Christ-like gov- During the Dark Ages, the world the presence of the holy angels, alone that I am bound to keep Sun-
ernment is opposite of a Satanic gov- was worshiping at the feet of the and in the presence of the Lamb: day holy. There is no such law in
ernment, then the second power Roman pontiff. With the rise of Mar- — Revelation 14:9,10. the Bible. It is a law of the holy
would have these characteristics at tin Luther and the Protestant Refor- This is the most severe warning Catholic Church alone. The Bible
its beginning: mation, the Bible was given to the from God in the entire Bible. The fol- says ‘Remember the Sabbath day
1. It is a government of the people, people in their own language as the lowing verses will show us the dis- to keep it holy.’ The Catholic
by the people, and for the people. only rule of faith and practice. The tinction between the true worship of Church says, No. By my divine
2. It guarantees certain inalienable Bible only was the cry of the Reform- God and false worship. power I abolish the Sabbath day
rights and freedoms, like freedom of ers. Over time, many thousands of Worshipping God In Vain and command you to keep holy
speech, freedom of religion, etc. people came to accept teachings Howbeit in vain do they wor- the first day of the week. And lo!
3. It keeps the church and the gov- found only in the Bible. ship me, teaching for doctrines The entire civilized world bows
ernment separate. World Submits To Pope the commandments of men. For down in reverent obedience to the
4. It defends its people from po- It also discloses a time when wor- laying aside the commandment of command of the Holy Catholic
litical and especially religious tyranny. ship of the pope would once again God, ye hold the tradition of Church. — Thomas Enright,
Lamb Speaks Like Dragon be required of all the world on pain men…. And he said unto them, CSSR, President, Redemptorist
The second power of Revelation of death, and the United States would Full well ye reject the command- College (Roman Catholic), Kansas
13 that has these characteristics be the power that pushes the world ment of God, that ye may keep City, MO., February 18, 1884.
could be none other than the United to submit to the papacy. your own tradition. — Mark 7:7-9. The observance of Sunday by
States of America. She alone rose And he exerciseth all the power The Jews were given the 10 com- the Protestants is an homage they
up in the Western Hemisphere and of the first beast before him, and mandments in Exodus 20:2-17. Over pay, in spite of themselves, to the
began with causeth the earth and them which the centuries, the Jews had cor- authority of the [Catholic] church.
a lamb-like dwell therein to worship the first rupted the commandments with — Monsignor Louis Segur, Plain
govern- beast, whose deadly wound was many traditions that confused the Talk About the Protestantism of
ment. As healed. authority of the Ten Commandments. Today (1868), p. 213.
we have This Christ so unsparingly con- If Protestants would follow the
Death For Dissenters Bible, they should worship God on
clearly And he had power to give life demned. He declared that when the
seen throughout this book, the Je- Ten Commandments are set aside the Sabbath Day [Saturday]. In
unto the image of the beast, that keeping the Sunday they are fol-
suits would be used to destroy this the image of the beast should both and the traditions of men are set up,
lamb-like government and make it then that is vain worship. True wor- lowing a law of the Catholic
speak, and cause that as many as church. — Albert Smith, Chancel-
papal — devilish. Revelation 13 fore- would not worship the image of ship would involve honoring all ten
told 2000 years ago that the Jesuits of the commandments. lor of the Archdiocese of Balti-
the beast should be killed. — Rev- more, replying for the Cardinal in
would be successful, for verse 11 elation 13:12,15 False worship is honoring the tra-
said that America would begin with a ditions of men. True worship is hon- a letter of February 10, 1920.
How will the world worship the The State, in passing laws for
lamb-like government, but would one papacy? What mark reveals papal oring the commandments of God.
the due sanctification of Sunday,
is unwittingly acknowledging the — Priest Brady, in an address, re- thy stranger that is within thy and great authority in the world. Since
authority of the Catholic Church, ported in the Elizabeth, N.J. gates: for in six days the Lord made the papacy is doing the bidding of the
and carrying out more or less “News,” March 18, 1903. heaven and earth, the sea, and all devil, it is the devil who wants the
faithfully its prescriptions. The mark of Catholic Church au- that in them is, and rested the sev- world to break God’s Sabbath com-
The Sunday, as a day of the thority in the world is Sunday obser- enth day: wherefore the Lord mandment and worship the papacy
week set apart for the obligatory vance. This is a tradition that has no blessed the Sabbath day, and hal- on Sunday.
public worship of Almighty God, to place in the Bible. It originated in lowed it. — Exodus 20:8-11. There will one day very soon be
be sanctified by a suspension of The papacy tells us exactly what only two groups in the entire world.
all servile labor, trade, and worldly its MARK is. On one side will be the great bulk of
avocations and by exercises of Of course the Catholic Church humanity aligned with the Jesuits of
devotion, is purely a creation of the claims that the change [from Sat- the Vatican in direct rebellion against
Catholic Church. — The American urday to Sunday] was her act. And the God of the universe. The other
Catholic Quarterly Review, Janu- the act is a MARK of her ecclesi- group will be a much smaller group
ary, 1883, pp. 152, 139. astical power and authority in re- consisting of those who love God and
Protestants... accept Sunday ligious matters. — C. F. Thomas, keep ALL of His commandments.
rather than Saturday as the day for Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons. The great dividing line will be over
public worship after the Catholic Sunday is our MARK of author- the Ten Commandments, specifically
Church made the change.... But ity.... The church is above the the fourth commandment, the Sab-
the Protestant mind does not Bible, and this transference of bath commandment.
seem to realize that...in observing Sabbath observance is proof of Which side will you be on? Will
the Sunday, they are accepting the Rome, and when we honor the Sun- that fact. — Catholic Record, Sep- you embrace the papacy’s ultimate
authority of the spokesman for the day tradition, we are paying homage tember 1, 1923 (Ontario). goal, Sunday observance, or will you
church, the Pope. — Our Sunday to the papacy. Sunday goes directly By their own words, they tell us embrace the great sign of God’s
Visitor, February 5, 1950. contrary to the plain teaching of the that Sunday observance is the power to create and to redeem — the
It is well to remind the Presby- fourth commandment, which declares Mark of the Beast. seventh-day Sabbath? Sunday ob-
terians, Baptists, Methodists, and Remember the Sabbath day, to Here is wisdom. Let him that servance, homage to the pope and
all other Christians, that the Bible keep it holy. Six days shalt thou la- hath understanding count the to the Jesuits of the Vatican, will lead
does not support them anywhere bor, and do all thy work: but the number of the beast: for it is the America and then the world to dev-
in their observance of Sunday. Sun- seventh day is the Sabbath of the number of a man; and his number astation and ruin; whereas Sabbath
day is an institution of the Roman Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not is Six hundred threescore and six. observance, which represents total
Catholic Church, and those who do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor Revelation 13:18. submission to God’s commands will
observe the day observe a com- thy daughter, thy manservant, nor Remember that Satan, the devil, lead to everlasting life with the Lord
mandment of the Catholic Church. thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor gave the Catholic Church its power Jesus Christ.


THE EVENTS and catastrophes taking place in the present world will increase until the
return of Christ. This sinful world and her evil works will pass away, but God "will have
If you would like all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth". "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
more information on should not perish but have everlasting life" (1 Timothy 2:4; John 3:16).
the Bible, Contrary to the hopelessness of this world, God promises a glorious future for those that
and especially the have been loyal to God here on earth: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind". "And God will wipe away
Revelation, every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
please write to: There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away … Behold, I
make all things new" (Isaiah 65:17; Rev. 21:4-5). These words not only give hope for
the future, but they give present peace and security here.
The judgment is now passing in heaven. Soon – none know how soon – their case will
be considered. Therefore, it is essential now that every soul take the warning to heart:
Truth Triumphant "Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrew 3:7-8). When
P.O. Box 1417 the work of the investigative judgment closes, the destiny of all will have been decided
for life or death. Probation for this world is suddenly ending shortly before Jesus Christ’s
Eustis, Florida 32727 appearence in the clouds of heaven.
Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for your sins, in order to open for you the path into the new glorious future.
Even today you may come to Him in prayer, confess your sins and start a new life in obedience to His commandments.
Then Christ will be your Intercessor in the judgment!

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