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Psychiatric Disability Assessment

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Name of student teacher : Ms.Anju Mishra

Subject : Mental Health nursing

Topic : Disability assessment

Group : M.Sc. 2nd year Nursing students

Date :

Duration : 45 minutes

Method of teaching : Lecture cum discussion

Place : M.SC 2nd year class room

Language : English,

A V aids : PPT, Black Board, video assisted learning,Charts, Flash Cards, Handouts.

Name of the evaluator : Mrs.alka chauhan

Previous knowledge of the group : Group has little knowledge about infection prevention as acquired in their undergraduate level.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of teaching, group will be able:

 To gain knowledge about the topic ‘Psychiatric disability assessment. (cognitive domain)
 To face and control the group effectively with motivation and enthusiasm. (affective domain)
 To make effective use of skills to carry out disability assessment . (psychomotor domain)

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of teaching, group will be able:

 To introduce the topic ‘disability assessment”.

 To discuss about the definition of disability assessment .
 To make student aware about the principles of disability assessment.
 To explain the approaches used in disability assessment.
 To discuss the disability assessment team.
 To explain the steps of psychiatric disability assessment.
 To describe the role of nurse in disability assessment process.
s.no time objectives Content Teaching learning activity evaluation

1. 2min To introduce the INTRODUCTION

topic to the
group Disability assessments are a
type of assessment used to
determine the nature of an
individual’s physical or
mental limitations if any
exist. They are used in
occupational contexts to
determine how a worker’s
disability would affect his or
her ability to perform a
specific job.
For safety-sensitive positions,
these assessments can
determine whether or not an
individual’s disability
disqualifies them from a
position due to the physical
limitation resulting in an
increased level of safety risk.
In most advanced countries,
disabled individuals are
protected under “equal
employment” and anti-
discrimination laws that limit
an employer's ability to deny
an individual a job based on a
physical or mental
impairment. These laws
impose certain obligations
upon employers that prevent
disability assessments from
being used to provide a
pretext to deny employment
to an individual. A safety-
sensitive position cannot be
denied to a disabled
individual unless the
assessment actually
demonstrates that the
individual would not be able
to fulfill the role safely.

2 5min To define DISABILITY ASSESSMENT Student teacher has defined Define

disability disability assessment. disability?
assessment and DEFINITION:  Disability assessments are a type of
disability. assessment used to determine the nature of an individual’s
physical or mental limitations if any exist. They are used in
occupational contexts to determine how a worker’s disability
would affect his or her ability to perform a specific job.

The assessment is an evaluation of the type and level

of disability that a person has, which is then included in a
more complex administrative process known as
the disability determination process.

DISABILITY: –means person

• has a physical or mental impairment that substantially

limits one or more major life activities

• has a record of such an impairment

• is regarded as having such an impairment

• You cannot do work that you did before

• You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical


• Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least

one year or to result in death.

Disability Definitions

• Medical Model:• disability as a feature of the person,

directly caused by disease, trauma or other health condition,
which requires medical care provided in the form of
individual treatment by professionals

• Social Model: • disability as a socially created problem

not an attribute of an individual, demands a political
response, it is due to unaccommodating physical
environment brought about by attitudes and other features of
the social environment.
3. 3min To discuss WHODAS(DISABILITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE) 2.0 Student teacher discuss about What are the
about covers 6 Domains of Functioning, including: the domains of WHO domains of
Disability assessment WHO DAS.
WHO DAS .  Cognition – understanding & communicating schedule
 Mobility– moving & getting around

 Self-care– hygiene, dressing, eating & staying alone

 Getting along– interacting with other people

 Life activities– domestic responsibilities, leisure,

work & school

 Participation– joining in community activities

:WHODAS 2.0 produces domain-specific scores for six

different functioning domains – cognition, mobility, self-
care, getting along, life activities (household and work) and

Psychometric Qualities

 Test-retest studies of the 36-item scale in countries

across the world found it to be highly reliable.

 All items were selected on the basis of item–response

theory (i.e. the application of mathematical models to
data gathered from questionnaires and tests).

 Showed a robust factor structure (see below) that

remained constant across cultures and different types
of patient populations.

 The validation studies also showed that it compared

well with other measures of disability or health
status, and with clinician and proxy ratings.

 To emphasize the need for standardized cross-

cultural measurement of health status, WHO
developed a general measure of functioning and
disability in major life domains.

 The original Disability Schedule WHO/DAS

published by WHO in 1988 – was an instrument
developed to assess functioning, mainly in
psychiatric inpatients.

 WHODAS 2.0 superseded WHODAS II and is an

altogether different instrument that is grounded in the
conceptual framework of the ICF.

 It integrates an individual's level of functioning in

major life domains directly corresponds with ICF's
"activity and participation" dimensions.

4. 2min Describe IDEAS • INDIAN DISABILITY EVALUATION AND student teacher describes the What are the
IDEAS ASSESSMENT SCALE IDEAS criteria about various areas
disability. of
• Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection classification.
of rights and Full participation) Act 1(PWD ACT) under
Ministry of Social Justice &Empowerment, Govt. of India in
1995 Renewed guidelines for evaluation of following
disabilities and procedure for certification was notified vide
no. ‘The Gazette of India, Extra ordinary Part-II Section 1,
Dated 13, June 2001’.

1. Visual Impairment

2. Locomotor / Orthopedic Disability

3. Speech and Hearing Disability

4. Mental Retardation

5. Multiple Disabilities

• As per the Act, authorities to give a disability certificate

will be a medical board duly constituted by the central and
state government. The medical board should consist of at
least three members, out of which one shall be a specialist in
the concerned disability subject.

• Validity- 5years (for temporary disabilities and those

under the age 18) other wise permanent.

• The minimum degree of disability should be 40% in order

to be eligible for any.

5. 2min To explain PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY ASSESSMENT Student teacher explain about What are the
about the psychiatric disability various
psychiatric assessment. diagnostic
disability Mental illness criteria for
assessment. mental
• Mental illness has been recognized as one of the disabilities impairments.
under Section 2 (i) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act, 1995. “Mental illness” has been defined under Section
2(q) of the said Act as any mental disorder other than mental
The 9 diagnostic categories for mental impairments are:

• Organic mental disorders

• Schizophrenic, paranoid, and other
psychotic disorders
• Affective disorders
• Mental retardation
• Anxiety-related disorders
• Somatoform disorders
• Personality disorders
• Substance disorders
• Autistic and other pervasive
developmental disorders
To discuss
6. 3min. about How to
• Assessment of Permanent Physical Impairment in
assessment of Student teacher discuss about assess the
Mental Illness based on Indian Disability Evaluation and
permanent the assessment of permanent physical
Assessment Scale (IDEAS) • A scale for measuring and
physical physical impairment in impairment
quantifying disability in mental disorders, developed by the
impairment in mental illness. in mental
Indian government as per guideline provided by the WHO
mental illness. illness.?
DAS includes following areas

Self Care: Includes taking care of body

hygiene, grooming, health including
bathing, toileting, dressing eating taking
care of one’s health.
Interpersonal Activities (Social
Relationships): Includes initiating and
maintaining interactions with others in
contextual and social appropriate manner.
Communication and Understanding:
Includes communication and conversation
with others by producing and
comprehending spoken/written/nonverbal
Work • This includes employment,
housework and educational performance.
7. 5min To describe SCORING Student teacher describes the How do we
the scoring of scoring method. score
disability. • 0- NO disability (none, absent, negligible) disability?

• 1- MILD disability (slight, low)

• 2- MODERATE disability (medium, fair)

• 3- SEVERE disability (high, extreme)

• 4- PROFOUND disability (total, cannot do)

• TOTAL SCORE -Add scores of the 4 items and obtain a

total score

• Additional Weightage for Duration of illness (DOI):

• < 2 years: score to be added is 1

• 2-5 years: add 2

• 6-10 years: add 3

• > 10 years: add 4


• Total Disability score + DOI score = Global Disability


8. 10mi To discuss Student teacher discuss about What are the

n about the Assessment the assessing various areas. areas of
assessment in assessment.
different • I. SELF CARE: This should be regarded as activity
criteria. guided by social norms and conventions. The broad areas
covered are

• a. Maintenance of personal hygiene and physical health.

• b. Eating habits

• c. Maintenance of personal belongings and living space

• a. Does he look after himself. wash his clothes regularly,

take a bath and brush his teeth?
• b. DOES he have regular meals?

• c. Does he take food of right quality and quantity?

• 0= No disability

• Patient's level and pattern of self-care are normal, within

the social cultural and economic context • 1= Mild • Mild
deterioration in self-care and appearance (not bathing.
shaving, changing clothes for the occasion as expected).
Does not have adverse consequences such as hazards to his
health. No embarrassment to family.

• 2= Moderate • Lack of concern for self-care should be

clearly established such as mild deterioration of physical
health, obesity, tooth decay &, body odors.

• 3= Severe • Decline in self-care should be marked in all

areas. Patient wearing torn clothes would only wash if made
to . Evidence of serious hazards to physical health.
(Malnutrition. infection. patient unacceptable in public).

• 4= Profound • Total or near total lack of self-care


• a. What is his behaviour with others?

• b. Is he polite? • c. Does he respond to questions!

• d. Is he able to regulate verbal and physical aggression?

• e. Is he able to act independently in social inter • actions?

• f. How does he behave with strangers?

• g. Is he able to maintain friendship?

• h. Does he show physical expression of affection and


• 0= No

• Patient gets along reasonably well with people, personal

relationships No friction in inter-personal relationships.

• 1= Mild • Some friction on isolated occasions. Patient

known to be nervous or irritable but generally tolerated by

• 2= Moderate

• Factual evidence that pattern of response to people is

unhealthy. May be seen or more than few occasions. Could
isolate himself from others and avoid company.

• 3= Severe

• Behaviour in social situations is undesirable and

generalized. Causes serious problems in daily living/or work.
Patient is socially ostracized.

• 4= Profound

• Patient in serious and lasting conflict, serious danger to

Communication and Understanding

• Understanding spoken messages as well

as written and non-verbal messages and
ability to reduce messages in order to
communicate with others
a. Does he avoid talking to people?
b. When people come home what does he do?
c. Does he ever visit others?
d. Is he able to start, maintain and end a conversation?
e. Does he understand body language and emotions of
others such as smiling, crying, screaming, etc.,
• 0 = No disability • Patient mixes, talks and generally
interacts with people as much as can be expected in his
socio-cultural context. No evidence of avoiding people.
• 1= Mild • Patient described as uncommunicative or
solitary in social situations. Signs of social anxiety
might be reported
. • 2= Moderate • A very narrow range of social
contacts, evidence of active avoidance of people on
some occasions and interference with performance of
social rules causes concern to family
. • 3= Severe • Evidence of more generalized, active
avoidance of contact with people (leave the room when
visitors arrive and would not answer the door or phone).
• 4= Profound

IV. Work

• This includes employment, housework and educational

performance. Score only one category in case of an overlap.
• Employment:

• Guiding Questions • a. Is he employed/unemployed?

• b. If employed, does he go to work regularly?

• c. Does he like his job and coping well with it?

• d. Can you rely on him financially?

• e. If unemployed, does he make efforts to find job?

• 0= No disability. • Patient goes to work regularly and his

output and quality of work performance are within
acceptable levels for the job.

• 1= Mild • Noticeable decline in patient's ability to work, to

cope with it and meet the demands of work. May threaten to

. • 2= Moderate • Declining work performance, frequent

absences, lack of concern about all this. Financial difficulties
• 3= Severe • Marked decline in work performance,
disruptive at work, unwilling to adhere to disciplines of
work. Threat of losing his job

• In similar ways, housewives should be rated on the amount,

regularity and efficiency in which tasks in the following
areas are completed. Consider the amount of help required
completing these. Acquiring daily necessities, making,
storing and serving of food, cleaning the house, working
with those helping with domestic duties such as maids, cooks
etc., looking after possessions and valuable in the house.

• Students - Assess a score on performance in school/college,

regularity, discipline, interest in future.
9 2min. To conclude Conclusion:
the topic. The assessment is an
evaluation of the type and
level of disability that a
person has, which is then
included in a more complex
administrative process known
the disability determination.
They are used in occupational
contexts to determine how a
worker’s disability would
affect his or her ability to
perform a specific job.
For safety-sensitive positions,
these assessments can
determine whether or not an
individual’s disability
disqualifies them from a
position due to the physical
limitation resulting in an
increased level of safety risk.

 Bibliography : Stuart W. Gail; Laraia T. Michele,

Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing, 8th
Edition, New Delhi: Elsevier Publications, 2005.
 Videbeck L.Sheila, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing,
2nd Edition, 2005.

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