Optimization of Culture Condition in The Production of Bioenzymes by Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Waste in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Optimization of Culture Condition in The Production of Bioenzymes by Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Waste in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Optimization of Culture Condition in The Production of Bioenzymes by Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Waste in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Poultry wastes obtained from a poultry farm in Sokoto metropolis were analyzed for
cellulose producing bacteria. Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus laterosporus, and Bacillus
amyloliquifeciens isolated were screened for their ability to produce cellulase enzyme. All
the isolates showed cellulose activity by exhibiting a wide halo on caboxymethylcellulase
medium (CMC).The fermentation process was optimized using the following parameters,
inoculum size, pH, Substrate concentration, temperature, and incubation periods. Cellulase
activity was determined using DNS method, Banana peels was used as a substrate for the
production of the enzymes, this was analysed with atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer
(AAS).Cellulase enzyme was produced at innoculum size 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%. pH 3, 5, 7, 9, and
11. Substrate concentration 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, and 5g. Temperature 35, 45, 55, 65, and 75, for
1, 2, 3, 3, and 5, days respectively. Bacillus laterosporus recorded the highest cellulase
activity 0f 0.37mg/ml in 5% substrate concentration among all the isolates while Bacillus
amyloliquefeciens recorded highest cellulose production at pH3 with 45mg/ml Bacillus
laterosporus recorded highest activity of cellulose production with 0.71mg/ml Temperature
was also studied in the cellulose production and Bacillus laterosporus showed highest activity
at 75⁰C with activity of 0.66mg/ml. This study showed that Bacillus laterosporus was the
best cellulase producing bacteria among all the isolates.
Key words: poultry wastes, cellulase, Banana peels, Bacteria, Enzymes.
INTRODUCTION agricultural, urban, or industrial in origin, sewage
Cellulose is the principal constituent of the cell sludge might also be considered a source of
wall of most terrestrial plants. The source of cellulose since its cellulosic content provides the
cellulose is in plants and it is found as micro- carbon needed for methane production in the
fibrils (2-20nm in diameter and 100 – 40,000nm anaerobic digestion of sludge. Agricultural wastes
long). These form the structurally strong frame include crop residue, animal excreta and crop
work in the cell walls. Despite a worldwide and processing wastes slashing generated in logging,
enormous utilization of natural cellulosic sources, saw dust formed in timber production and wood
there are still abundant quantities of cellulose- products in forestry originated activities
containing raw materials and waste products that (Pranner, 1979).
are not exploited or which could be used more The previous negative attitude in which wastes
efficiently. Various biomass inducing residues were viewed self consciously as valueless and
including lignocellulosic material, paper waste, even offensive and for disposal only has been
pulses, cereals straw and bagasses have been replaced in large part by a positive view in which
widely used as carbon sources for commercial wastes are recognized as raw materials of
cellulose fermentation Brijwani, and Vadlani, potential value (Pranner, 1979). Currently, there
(2011), Wen, et al., (2005) Belghith, et al., are two major ways of converting cellulose to
(2001). glucose: chemical versus enzymatic. Enzymatic
The problem in this respect is however to hydrolysis of cellulose is an important reaction in
develop processes that are economically nature for it marks the first step in the decay of
profitable. Cellulose-containing wastes may be
The enzyme activity for each pH was determined of 0.10 mg/ml. Bacillus megaterium had an
by adding DNSA reagents and the absorbance activity of 0.40 mg/ml at pH of 5 this was
read at 540 nm. followed by a gradual decrease as the pH
Effect of optimum temperature on cellulase increases. Bacillus amyloliquifeciens recorded
production by Bacteria isolates maximum activity of 0.45 mg/ml at pH of 3.There
The optimal temperature for activity was was a slight decrease as the pH approaches 11
determined by assaying the activity of the with cellulase activity of 0.19 mg/ml. This shows
enzyme at different temperature ranges of 35 0C, that Bacillus amyloliquifeciens recorded the
45 0C, 55 oC, 65 oC, and 75 0C. highest cellulase activity.
Effect of incubation period on cellulase The effect of innoculum size on the activity of
production by Bacteria isolates cellulase produced by bacterial isolates. It can be
The incubation was carried out for different seen in figure 3 that Bacillus laterosporus
periods in this study including days 1, 2, 3, 4, and exhibited high cellulase activity of 0.94 mg/ml
5 for the bacteria isolates after which an assay and 0.65 mg/ml in 5% and 4% respectively,
was determined by Dinitrosalicyclic method minimum cellulase activity was recorded at 3%
(Betrand et al, 2004). with 0.46 mg/ml. Bacillus megaterium and
Effect of innoculum size on cellulase Bacillus amyloliquifeciens also recorded
production by Bacteria isolates maximum activity 1n 3%. Bacillus megaterium
This activity was determined by assaying the had cellulase activity of 0.85 mg/ml while
enzymes at different sizes of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and Bacillus amyloliquifeciens had 0.89 mg/ml from
5% and the enzyme solution was maintained with the result Bacillus laterosporus recorded the
different sizes of the innoculum. highest cellulase activity while Bacillus
Effect of substrate concentration on cellulase megateruim recorded the least activity. lower
production by Bacteria isolates innoculum size require longer time for the cells
The effect of substrate concentration was to multiply to sufficient number to utilize the
determined by assaying the activity of the substrate and produce enzyme, an increase in the
enzymes of each bacteria with different number of cells in the innoculums would ensure a
substrate concentration of 1, 2, 3, 4and 5%. DNSA rapid proliferation and biomass synthesis. When
reagent was added and the absorbance was taken innoculum size was increased from 1-5% there
on the spectrophotometer at 540nm as described was increases in enzyme production but after
by Betrand et a.,l (2004). that the activity was decreased (Fig 3) due to
depletion of nutrients by the enhanced biomass,
RESULTS which resulted dwindle in metabolic activity
The effect of substrate concentration on (Kashyap et al., 2002). A balance between the
cellulase activity produced by bacterial isolates is increasing biomass and accessible nutrient would
shown in Fig1. Bacillus laterosporus had yield an optimal enzyme production
maximum activity recorded in 2% substrate (Ramachandran et al., 2004).
concentration with cellulase activity of 0.35 The effect of incubation period on the activity of
mg/ml and the least activity recorded in 5% cellulase producing isolates. From figure 4 it can
substrate concentration with activity of 0.15 be seen that Bacillus laterosporus exhibited high
mg/ml Bacillus megaterium recorded maximum cellulase activity of 0.71 mg/ml after 120 hrs
cellulase activity in 2% substrate conc with (day 5) These agrees with the report of Gautam
activity of 0.37 mg/ml, which was then followed et al ., (2011) who reported optimum yield on
by a decrease in activity as the substrate the 5th day but contrary to his other report of
concentration increases. Bacillus highest cellulase activity by A.niger and
amyloliquifeciens recorded its least activity in Trichoderma sp on the 4th and 6th day which was
5% substrate concentration with activity of 0.14 suitable for commercial point of view Kang et al.,
mg/ml and the highest recorded at 1% substrate (2004) , and it might be due to the depletion of
concentration with activity of 0.36 mg/ml. nutrients in the medium which stressed the
The effect of pH on the activities of cellulase fungal physiology resulting in the inactivation on
enzyme produced by bacterial isolates is shown in secretary machinery of the enzmes (Nochur et
figure 2. From the result the highest activity al., 1993), the least activity recorded was at 48
produced by Bacillus laterosporus was at pH of 5 hrs (day 2) with 0.4 mg/ml .Bacillus megaterium
with activity of 0.36 mg/ml, these agrees with recorded its highest activity after 48 hrs (day 2)
the report of Lynd et al., 2002 and Gautam (0.56 mg/ml) this was followed by a decline in
(2011) Who reported maximum yield at pH 5 and cellulase activity at 72 hrs (day 3) and 120 hrs
6 by A. niger and Trichoderma sp while the least (day 5).
recorded at pH value of 9 with cellulase activity
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 20 www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 4 Number 2, December, 2019, pp 18 - 25 ISSN: 2616 – 0668
The least activity recorded was at 96 hrs (day 4) exhibited its high cellular activity at 55 oC with
(0.21 mg/ml) Bacillus amyloliquifeciens had its 0.58 mg/ml but the activities fluctuated by
highest activity recorded at 24 hrs (day 1) this increasing and decreasing as temperature rises
was followed by a slight decrease as the hours and fall the lowest recorded for Bacillus
increases, to120 hrs (day 5) the activity drop to megaterium was at 35oC with cellulase activity
0.18 mg/ml which was the least recorded. of 0.36 mg/ml . Bacillus amyloliquifeciens had its
The effect of temperature on cellulase highest activity at 35oC with 0.59 mg/ml, it was
production by the bacterial isolates is shown in then followed by a slight decrease as the
figure 5 from the figure Bacillus laterosporus tempreture increases with the lowest activity at
had cellulase activity of 0.04 mg/ml at 35 oC, this 75oC (0.30 mg/ml ). From the result Bacillus
was followed by a slight increase at 45 oC (0.55 laterosporus recorded the highest cellulase
mg/ml ) these disagrees with the report of Ray et activity. These agrees with the findings of Bakare
al (2007) who reported that minimum cellulose et al., (2005) who found that cellulose enzyme
yield was observed when fermentation was producded by pseudomonas fluorescence was
carried out at 45 oC by B. subtilis and B.circulans activated at 30-35 oC, also disagrees with the
it was then followed by a sharp decrease at 55 oC report of immanuel et al., 2006 who reported
and 65oC 0.23 mg/ml and 0.13 mg/ml but as the maximum endogluconase activity in cellulomonas
temperature increases to 75oC the activity also Bacillus and Micrococcus sp at 40 oC .
increases to 0.66 mg/ml. Bacillus megaterium
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UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng