Ceramic Materials I: Asst - Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Ceramic Materials I: Asst - Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Ceramic Materials I: Asst - Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Reaction between gases High purity, fine particle Expensive for non-oxides,
size, inexpensive for agglomeration commonly a
oxides problem
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Vapour Phase Reactions
Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) of films and coatings involve the chemical
reactions of gaseous reactants on or near the vicinity of a heated substrate
This atomistic deposition method can provide highly pure materials with structural
control at atomic or nanometer scale level.
• Volatiles starting materials are heated to form vapors, then mixed at a suitable
temperature and transported to the substrate by carrier gas.
Vaporization of the material from a solid source assisted by high temperature vacuum or gaseous plasma.
Transportation of the vapor in vacuum or partial vacuum to the substrate surface. Condensation onto the
substrate to generate thin films.
Different PVD technologies utilize the same three fundamental steps but differ in the methods used to generate
and deposit material. The two most common PVD processes are thermal evaporation and sputtering. Thermal
evaporation is a deposition technique that relies on vaporization of source material by heating the material
using appropriate methods in vacuum. Sputtering is a plasma-assisted technique that creates a vapor from the
source target through bombardment with accelerated gaseous ions (typically Argon). In both evaporation and
sputtering, the resulting vapor phase is subsequently deposited onto the desired substrate through a
condensation mechanism.
Deposited films can span a range of chemical compositions based on the source material(s). Further
compositions are accessible through reactive deposition processes. Relevant examples include co-deposition
from multiple sources, reaction during the transportation stage by introducing a reactive gas (nitrogen, oxygen
or simple hydrocarbon containing the desired reactant), and post-deposition modification through thermal or
mechanical processing.
General features
absence of chemical reaction during the deposition process;
PVD Applications
PVD is used in a variety of applications, including fabrication of microelectronic
devices, interconnects, battery and fuel cell electrodes, diffusion barriers, optical
and conductive coatings, and surface modifications