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Press Fit Design: Force and Torque Testing of

Steel Dowel Pins in Brass and Nylon Samples


Alexandra T. Nelson






©2005 Alexandra T. Nelson. All rights reserved.

The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce

and to distribute publicly paper and electronic
copies of this thesis document in whole or in part
in any medium now known or hereafter created.

An . O
Signature of Author: - f v
of Mechanical Engineering
December 14, 2005

Certified by: ,
Alexan 1c~m
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by:
John H. Lienhard V
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Chairman, Undergraduate Thesis Committee

IjI -- 1
AUG 022006

Press Fit Design: Force and Torque Testing of
Steel Dowel Pins in Brass and Nylon Samples


Alexandra T. Nelson

Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

on December 14, 2005 in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering


An experimental study was conducted to determine the accuracy of current press fit theory when
applied to press fit design. Brass and nylon hex samples were press fitted with hardened steel
dowel pins. Press fit force and torque required to induce slipping were measured experimentally.
Sample dimensions and material properties were utilized to predict expected force and torque
levels, which were then measured experimentally.

Brass press fit forces proved difficult to predict due to plowing effects in tight interference press
fits where material yielding was observed. However, once vertical force was removed, torque
was applied to each sample. The observed torque values matched press fit theory well suggesting
that the interface pressure of the press fit can be accurately predicted by theory. The brass torque
samples matched theory well once material yield conditions were taken into account. The creep
sensitivity of the nylon samples made predictions over the testing period unreliable.

Results show the need for further testing with specific attention to precision in sample machining
and measurements. Other considerations include press fit interface roughness and plowing
effects during press fitting.

Thesis Supervisor: Alexander H. Slocum

Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Professor Alexander H. Slocum, Thesis Advisor: For allowing me the opportunity to work
with two of his graduate students and to develop part of my research into an undergraduate
thesis. His advice and insight have been invaluable in completing the press fit data analysis.

Pierce Hayward: For his assistance with lab set-up, experimentation, and results

Jaime Werkmeister: For providing guidance in the press fit experiments.

Table of Contents
ABSTRA CT ............................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................6

2. Experim entation...................................................................................................................6
2.1 Sam ple Design ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Force Experim ents ......................................................................................................... 8
Nylon Sam ples ..................................................................................................................... 8
Testing A pparatus ............................................................................................................ 8
M ethods ........................................................................................................................... 8
Data A nalysis ...................................... 10
Brass Sam ples ...................................... 10
Testing A pparatus .......................................................................................................... 10
M ethods ......................................................................................................................... 10
Data Analysis ...................................... 11
2.3 Torque Experim ents...................................... 12
Brass Sam ples ......... ..................................... 12
Testing A pparatus .......................................................................................................... 12
M ethods ......................................................................................................................... 12
N ylon Sam ples ...................................... 13
Testing Apparatus .......................................................................................................... 13
M ethods ......................................................................................................................... 13
Torque D ata A nalysis ........................................................................................................ 13
3. Theoretical Predictions ...................................................................................................... 14
V on M ises Y ield Criterion ............................................................................................. 18
4. Results................................................................................................................................ 19
4.1 Experim ental Results ................................................................................................... 19
Nylon Experim ental Results .......................................................................................... 19
Brass Experimental Results ...................................... .. 25
4.2 Theoretical Predictions ...................................... .. 28
Nylon Theoretical Predictions ....................................................................................... 28
Brass Theoretical Predictions ........................................................................................ 29
4.3 Com parison of Experim ent to Theory ......................................................................... 31
Brass Sample Results . ...................................... 31
Nylon Sample Results . ..................................... 40
5. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 50
Appendix 1: Calculation of Friction Coefficient .......... ............... ................. 52
Appendix 2: Nylon and Brass Sample Measurements .......................................................... 54

Appendix 3: Nylon Experim ental Force Data ....................................................................... 56
Appendix 4: Brass Experim ental Force Data ........................................................................ 72
Appendix 5: Brass Torque Data ............................................................................................ 89

1. Introduction

A press fit is created by placing a shaft into a hole that is slightly smaller than the shaft
diameter. This difference in shaft and hole diameter is known as the interference. The shaft is
slowly pressed into the hole, causing an elastic deformation in the shaft and hole-piece. The
deformation in both pieces results in "large normal and frictional forces between the parts."'
A simple press-fit calculation based on shaft and hole diameters, material properties, and
shaft depth into the part can yield a nominal value for a force and torque approximation. Using
an interference fit calculator, such as the one found on http://www.tribology-
abc.com/calculators/default.htm, one will obtain a result based on the interference between the
parts. While this is extremely useful for ideal press fit calculations, this simplified calculator fails
to take into account tolerances of all measurements or material yield limits.
In reality, press fitting is not a perfect science. One may use current press fit equations to
design a press fit to meet a specific application, but it is difficult to meet precise design targets
due to the sensitivity of press fitting. To better understand the variables that influence press fit
design, press fit theory has been applied to laboratory samples to determine accuracy and
precision of current design methods. By reviewing the experimental results and theoretical
predictions for a series of laboratory samples, the true complexity of press fits becomes clear.

2. Experimentation
In order to determine the accuracy of press fit force and torque predictions, an experiment
was conducted to compare experimental results to theoretical results predicted by the press fit

2.1 Sample Design

For the press fit experiment, hex pieces, shown in Figure 1, were chosen of two materials:
brass and nylon. Samples were designed and acquired by Jaime Werkmeister, a graduate student
in the MIT Precision Engineering Research Group.

Figure 1. Hex pieces made of brass or nylon were

tested to determine press fit force and required
torque to cause slipping.

' http://www.engineerstoolbox.com/doc/etb/mod/statl/interference/interferencehelp.html

For each material, one of three hole sizes was drilled: 0.368", 0.374", 0.375". The first
group of samples, with diameter on the order of 0.368", has the greatest interference with the
steel dowel pin and thus should yield the highest forces and torques experimentally. Nylon
samples N - 8N and brass samples B - 12B belong to group 1. The second group of samples,
with diameter close to 0374", has a small interference approximately equal to 0.001". The press
fit forces and torques in group 2 should be much less than for the group 1. Nylon samples 9N -
13N and brass samples 13B - 23B are in group 2. The third group of samples have an inner hole
diameter the same size as the steel dowel pin outer diameter. The press fit forces or torques for
these samples should be nominally zero. Due to tolerances of the hex pieces, the hole sizes
within a group varied up to 0.001".

Table 1. Material properties of brass and nylon utilized in press fit force and torque prediction. 2
Brass Nylon Stainless Steel
Modulus of elasticity (N/mm 2) 130000 1200 200000
Yield strength (N/mm 2) 310 78 538
Poisson's ratio 0.33 0.41 0.3
Coefficient of thermal 20.0 x 10-6 90.0 x 10-6 16 x 10-6
expansion (1/°C)
Density (g/cm 3) 8.4 1.14 7.78
Coefficient of friction 3 0.14 0.1884
(Material vs. Steel)

Thirty-four brass samples were tested. Eighteen nylon samples were tested. For each sample,
the hex length was measured with a micrometer and recorded. The nylon inner hole diameters
were measured with a micrometer. 4 The nylon and brass inner hole diameters were measured
with a precision CMM machine + 0.0002" (A-2).
Using a drill press, a short counterbore was added to each sample on the topside. A 0.377"
reamer was used to enlarge the existing holes. The purpose of the counterbore was to facilitate
pin alignment in the hex piece during press fitting. The length of each counterbore was recorded
for each sample (A-2).
Stainless steel precision dowel pins of 0.375" + 0.0002" were chosen for the press fit inner-
body. The CMM machine was also used to measure the steel dowel pins. Based on calibration of
the CMM machine, the dowel pins were measured to be 9.53 mm, which is slightly larger than

2 Source: Crandall, S. H., T. J. Lardner, and N. C. Dahl. An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids. 2nd ed.
McGraw Hill, 1999.
3 Coefficient of friction for brass on steel and nylon on steel were calculated experimentally. Detailed
explanation given in A-1.
4 All precision CMM measurements were taken post-testing. However, these diameters are less accurate for the
nylon pieces due to creep and thermal variations. The micrometer measurements were taken between force and
torque testing and are a more accurate measurement of the actual hole diameter during testing. Theoretical
predictions for both sets of nylon measurements will be presented in the results section.

2.2 Force Experiments
First, each sample was press fitted with a precision steel dowel pin. The maximum force to
press fit was recorded along with the press fit length for use in the theoretical equations.

Nylon Samples
The nylon samples were tested twice. First,
the pins were inserted and the force versus
distance data was collected. Five weeks later, the
pins were removed by pressing the pins out of
the nylon hexes and recording the force required
to do so. The second force experiment, removal
of the dowel pins, was performed in order to
correlate maximum press fit forces at both
periods in time. Because nylon is subject to
creep over time and is thermally sensitive, it is
important to determine the magnitude of these
effects in the experiment.
Testing Apparatus
A Zwick/Roell Z2.5 compression/tension
tester (Serial #155820) controlled by testXpert
V9.01 software was used to conduct force
testing for the nylon hex samples. The test set-up
is shown in Figure 2. The maximum linearity of
the test equipment is 0.01% of the
measurement end value, while the position
accuracy is ±2 gm. The machine was run using a
2.5 kN load cell. The machine was calibrated
using the software to zero the force reading.
When testing, the machine was set to begin
recording upon detecting a preload force of +0.2
N or greater. An attachment was added to the
upper crosshead of the machine. The attachment,
shown below in Figure 3, contains a small recess Figure 2. A Zwick/Roell Z2.5 testing
slightly larger than the end of the dowel pin. device was utilized for the nylon press fits.
Thic, aoo.l hmpnft
111; "l
i,r.Arl "ll .
ftl V .
llll L , I
1; -Arl
l-Iku - _ll

directly beneath the location of applied force. Data was collected at 100 Hz. Displacement (mm),
force (N), and time (s) data were recorded in spreadsheet format.
The precision dowel pins were inserted into the counterbore of each nylon hex piece prior to
testing. These pieces were inserted by hand, requiring no more than 5 lbs. of force. The initial

pin height, the distance of the dowel pin from the bottom of the hex piece, was measured using
dial calipers and recorded for each sample (A-2). 5
The height of the crosshead was adjusted according to
the initial pin depth. To begin testing, the machine was
initialized by selecting "run test" on the software. The
machine began to slowly displace downwards until detecting
a force of 0.1N starting the data collection. Tests were
conducted at a crosshead speed of 20 mm/min. The test was
stopped manually before displacing the total distance, which
was the initial height of the dowel pin. The sample was
removed from the test machine and the final height of the Figure 3. Attachment held by
dowel pin was recorded (A-2). The press fit distance that the crosshead to facilitate press fit
pin traveled is therefore the difference between the initial of pin into nylon sample.
height and final height of the dowel pin.
For removal of the dowel pins, the same test equipment is required. A hollow brass block
and a smaller diameter steel pin are needed to remove the dowel pin from each nylon hex
sample. The nylon sample to be tested is placed pin side down into the brass block (Figure 4).
The smaller steel pin is then placed on top of the press-fitted dowel pin. The crosshead is then
lowered to the appropriate height. Force and distance data is collected over the length of the
press fit until the pin completely dislodges.

Figure 4. Experimental test set-up to remove dowel pins from nylon samples. Press-fitted
nylon hex pieces were inserted with the dowel pin into a hollow brass support as shown on
left. Force was applied via a smaller diameter steel pin to remove the press-fitted dowel pin
from the nylon sample as shown on right.

5 The nylon pieces have shown a tendency towards shrinkage/expansion with changes in climate. Although a
0.377" counterbore was added, the fit of a 0.375"-diameter dowel pin was tight. Therefore, it was necessary to
measure the initial pin height since this position may or may not have coincided with the counterbore length.

Data Analysis
After testing, the spreadsheet files were analyzed to determine the maximum press fitting
force achieved for the total displacement length of each sample. The force data from the second
test, to remove the dowel pin, was plotted on the same graph as the initial press fit data to
compare maximum press fit forces.

Brass Samples
For the brass samples, an instron machine, capable of imparting greater vertical forces, was
required. Each dowel pin was press fitted with a brass hex piece at each end. This procedure was
chosen in order to facilitate torque testing experiments.

Testing Apparatus
An Instron test machine model 1125
(Serial #6214) was used to conduct force
testing for the brass hex samples. A voltage
reading of +10.OV was output to the laptop
testing software, Labtech Controlpro version
12.1. The machine was run using a 20kN
load cell. The accuracy of the force reading
is given by the larger of the following
values: 0.5% of indicated load or ±0.25%
of load range. The initial machine
calibration was performed by zeroing the
amplified voltage reading. The machine was
set to displace downwards at a rate of
0.2"/min. The displacement distance for
each test was 0.2". After displacing this
distance_ the machine was set to retract
quickly to the initial height. Data was Figure 5. Instron model 1125 was utilized for
collected at 100 Hz. Force (kN) data was brass press fitting.
recorueu In spreausneelt ormal.
Before testing, a dowel pin was placed in each odd-numbered brass hex piece. The pins
inserted loosely to the depth of the counterbore. The initial height of the pin was known based on
the length of the hex piece and the depth of the counterbore:
Hi = Lhex -LCB (1)
Each odd-numbered sample was tested first. The sample was placed on the machine and the
crosshead was moved to the correct height. The data collection was started and the machine
started. After the machine retracted from the 0.2" displacement depth, the data collection was
stopped manually.
For the even-numbered brass hex pieces, an odd-numbered hex piece (already press fit) was
inserted into the counterbore of the even-numbered sample. The dowel pin of the odd-numbered
piece was then press fit into the even-numbered piece using a smaller steel shaft. The use of the

steel shaft prevented disruption of the previous press fit. The test was run following the same
procedure from above. The final height of the dowel pin in each hex sample was measured after
press fitting and recorded (A-2).

Data Analysis
Following testing, the data files were analyzed to determine the press fit distance. To
determine time (s) and displacement (in.), the displacement rate and frequency of data collection
were employed. The test displacement dn at the nth data position is equal to
d,, = n* l/f* feed rate * 1/60 (2)
wheref is the frequency of data collection (100 Hz) and the feed rate is 0.2"/min.
The test displacement was zeroed according to the position of the first non-zero force
reading. The force readings were zeroed by subtracting the noise in the signal. The average value
of the measured noise was calculated in the testing region before the first non-zero force reading.
This portion of the test, before contact was made with the press fit piece, should have registered
a 0.0 V reading (0.0 N) when no force was being applied.
The maximum force reading was determined by a linear approximation at the maximum
press fit displacement. Figure 6 below shows the force versus distance data measured
experimentally for the brass sample 24B. It is clear that there is a strong linear correlation
between force and displacement.

Force Data for Brass Sample 24B

.......................... e__-4, ...........


1400- _ . ---------- _-_-:. . _ _. . . _- .___.

._ . .._

. 0y * = 3152.9x+328.08
1200- ........................--
·--- ................................................... .

_ _ _- _ . _ . _ . . ...................... _ .........................

._._____. _........................._.................................... _..... _I


200 . . _ _ . . ... .... . . .. . _ . . . . .................................

.. . _. . ... . .........

0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 o.16 o.10 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26

Distance (inches)

Figure 6. Linear approximation for brass sample 24B press fit

data. Based on calculated equation, the maximum force reading
can be determined for the final displacement.

The least-squares regression line was the best method for determining the maximum press fit
force from the data because it was insensitive to large value fluctuations. The data results from
the Instron machine were noisier than from the Zwick-Roell tester. The linear fit method reduced
possible signal variations, which otherwise would have lead to inflated maximum force values.

2.3 Torque Experiments
The torque was transmitted on each hex piece via a lever device inserted over each hex
piece. For the brass samples, two hex pieces were press fit onto the same dowel pin. A double
hex set-up was chosen to allow for better gripping during testing. The nylon samples were
individually inserted into dowel pins. Because much less torque is required to dislodge the nylon
pieces, the dowel pins were held in the clamp without slipping.

Brass Samples
Testing Apparatus
The same Instron machine was used to
conduct torque testing for the brass hex
samples as was used for the brass hex force
testing. The brass hex torque testing was
conducted using a 1 kN load cell. The load cell
was calibrated using the procedure mentioned
previously. The machine was set to displace
downwards at a rate of "/min. The
displacement distance for each test was 2.2".
After displacing this distance, the machine was
set to retract quickly to the initial height. Data
was collected at 6 Hz. Force (N) data was
recorded in spreadsheet format.
The test set-up is shown in Figure 7. One
end of the brass hex pair was clamped loosely.
A 1.0" socket with a 0.5" drive was placed over
the other hex piece. A welded steel lever was
fitted into the socket drive to deliver the
...... _-- J z...... r'LM 1--___a.1_ .r __
I -'_
requireu torque. ne lengt o me lever s uu
mm. The point of force application was 400 Figure 7. The Instron testing device
mm from the socket. The mass of the socket is model 1125 was utilized for the brass and
134 g. The mass of the lever is 660 g. An nylon torque testing. The brass sample is
aluminum stand was placed under the socket to shown with one hex piece held by the
ensure that the force exerted through the lever clamp and the other inserted into the
caused the sample to rotate and not to displace socket.
After positioning a brass hex pair in the clamp and socket, the lever was inserted into the
socket drive. The testing apparatus was lowered to < 1 cm above the lever at the 400 mm mark.
A black permanent marker was used to mark the centerline of each hex piece and its intersection
with the centerline of the dowel pin. These marks were used post-testing to determine which hex
piece had slipped under the applied torque.
To run the test, data collection was started and the machine initialized. After the machine
reached its maximum distance and retracted, data collection was manually stopped. The

markings on the test pieces were examined to determine which hex piece had slipped with
respect to the dowel pin.

Nylon Samples
Testing Apparatus
The same Instron machine was used to conduct
torque testing for the nylon hex samples as was used
for the brass hex torque and force testing. The brass
nylon torque testing was conducted using a 50 N load
cell. The load cell was calibrated using the procedure
mentioned previously. All other testing parameters
were the same as in the brass torque testing.
The dowel pin of each hex piece was tightly
clamped to prevent slipping. The same socket and
lever system employed in the brass torque testing was
.. ;io An - s1 .ho nce-lIn
lylUll 111Jl.

Methods Figure 8. Nylon samples were clamped

by the dowel pin during torque testing.
The same testing methods were employed for the The lever and socket used for the brass
nylon samples as were used for the brass torque samples was fitted over the nylon hex
samples. After running the test, the centerline for force application.
rmnrVint nn panrh camnlp xrale pVaminP t APttprminP
L a .111 VW
t.)....,........... L0o .,Illlt b '*.~.'..V , XJL-ULq,

whether the nylon hex piece was slipping on the dowel pin or if the dowel pin had slipped in the
clamp. Tests where the dowel pin slipped in the clamp were not used.

Torque Data Analysis

The Instron machine data measured the force applied at the end of the lever. The torque
at the socket must be calculated from the maximum measured force Fm,, and
Tinstron transmitted
the distance r from the pivot point:
Tinstron =r x Fmax, (3)
where r = 408 mm.
The weight of the bar Fbar must be considered because it contributes additional torque Tbar to
the socket. The mass of the bar m = 0.660 kg and the gravitational force g - 9.8 m/s 2 are
multiplied to determine Fbar.
Fbr = m g = 6.47 N. (4)
From Fbar, Tbar can be determined with the weight applied at the position of the center of
mass rcm,where
Tbar = rcm x Fbar = 1617 N-mm. (5)
with rm equal to half of the length of the bar or 250 mm.
Therefore, the total applied torque Tocke, is the sum of Tinstron and Tbar and is
Tsket = 400 mm x Fmax+ 1617 N-mm. (6)

There is also a residual torque effect due to the horizontal offset of the lever arm.
Tresid = (Fbar + Fmax) D/2 g (1 + 2 12/ 1l). (7)
Thus, the total force transmitted experimentally is the difference between the torque at the socket
and the residual torque, which can be considered the net torque,
Tnet= Tsocket - Tresid- (8)

3. Theoretical Predictions
Theoretical predictions were made to determine the required force to press fit the pin a
distance L and the required torque to turn the hex independent of the pin. Press fit calculations
were based on a spreadsheet available on the MIT 2.007 website.6
The Excel spreadsheet, compiled by Professor Alexander H. Slocum, is shown below in
Figure 9. For each sample, the material properties and dimensions were inputted to determine
desired static properties.

The spreadsheet takes into account dimensional tolerances for the hex inner hole diameter
and the dowel pin outer diameter. Based on these tolerances, an upper bounds calculation,
nominal value, and lower bounds calculation are made for both force and torque predictions.

6 http://pergatory.mit.edu/2.007/softwaretools/excel/manufactur ing/Jintpressfit.xls

For each press fit sample, the diametrical Ideal case
interference A, defined by the outer body inner ra
ical Interterence =
diameter subtracted from the inner body outer (obid-ibod)
diameter, was calculated as follows:
nnerbody outside
A = DO,inner - Dl,outer. (9) diameter

However, the tolerances of the outer body hole

Oouter and inner body hole Oinner must also be
considered. Refer to Figure 10 for a detailed view of Outer body
iside diameter
the three possible interference types. The maximum
diametrical interference is
Worst casefor loosefit:
Amax = (Do, inner+ Oinner) - (Dl, outer- Oouter). Joint may not be able to transmit
desiredforce or torque
nimtrtrl ntrfrenf =
The minimum diametrical interference is
Amin = (Do, inner- Oinner) - (Dlouter + Oouter).
For each press fit, three force values were
calculated based on the tolerances of the hole
diameter and dowel pin diameter. A maximum press
fit force Fm,, was determined from the greatest
possible diametrical interference Amax and the Worstcasefor tightfit:
Yield stressesmay he exceededand
corresponding maximum interference pressure Pmax. outer body may rupture
Fmax= -L Pmax7 DIouter L. (12) o[(obidbmtol-(ibod+ibptol)]

A nominal press fit force Fnom was determined Innerbody outside

from the nominal diametrical interference A and the
corresponding nominal interference pressure Pnom.
Fnom = JI Pnom 7 DI,outer L.
A minimum press fit force Fminwas determined
from the smallest diametrical interference Amin and
the corresponding minimum interference pressure
Outer body
inside diameter

Figure 10. Diagram of inner body and

outer body diameters, tolerances, and
Fmin = }LPmin t DLouter L. (14) resulting diametrical interference for
.1 -- - t

For each press fit sample, the force at yielding tnree categone eS0 IlltS.
Fvield was determined from the maximum interface pressure at yielding.

Fyield= P Dl,outerL. (15)

If Fmin > Fyield, then the material is yielding and a maximum press fit force of Fyield should be
The torque predictions were calculated in a similar manner with respect to diametrical
interference. The maximum, nominal, and minimal torque were calculated with respect to the
corresponding diametrical interference and pressures.

max= Pm,, Di,outer /2
2 x L. (16)
Tnom = PnomDIouter2g/2 X L. (17)
Tmin = Pmin Dl,outer i/2 7rL. (18)
For each press fit sample, the torque at yielding Tyield was determined from the maximum
interface pressure at yielding.
= P DlIouterl2 n7L. (19)
If Tin > Tyietd,then the material is yielding and a maximum press fit torque of Tyield should be

The following equations were used to calculate stresses, pressures, and torques on both the
inner and outer body based on dimensions and material properties.

Radial displacements due to Poisson effect, thermal expansion and rotation

Inner body Poisson radial displacement
- FinnerDO inner
Upoisson ( 2 D 2 (20)
,inne- Dl,inner )Einner
Thermal radial mismatch
= AT(CTEouter - CTEinner) Dinterface
Uthermal = DIouter
/ 2, use Dinterface (21)
Outer body radial displacement caused by rotation

prEa outer +a (DO outer+ D,outer) Douter + D,outer2Douter

8E* + (3+ 'outer 4(l +qouter) 2 8(1 - ou)
Inner body radial displacement caused by rotation

f -
Do)inner +
+(3t ) 2
,inner Dinner+ DoinnerDI,inner
centrivuter 2 4(1 + inner) 2 8(1 - inner)

Interface pressure as a result of diametrical interference

P 2 A(24)
Dl,outer(D,ouer +D,outer Dinner
O,inner inner+ Dinner
2D 2 '+ outer ine O,2nner Iinner '
Eouter Do,outer - DEinner
uer D'in 2_ D 2inner

For the outer body subjected to internal pressure, axial force, torque and rotation
The radial displacement of the inner surface caused by internal pressure

Uinner - D,outerP
Eouter I,outer - ,outer + ouer (25)
X uter loouter ,ouler

Radial stress caused by internal pressure
DD,outer DO,outer2
- (26)
2 D
Circumferential stress caused by internal pressure

1 + DO,outer
Opressure D D 2 D 2
,ou,out e ,ouler I,outer

Axial stress caused by axial force

DOl= r2 -D 2 (28)
7t(Douter2 - ,outer )
Shear stress caused by torque
16 TDiouter
jr(Doouter4 -Dl,outer )

Circumferential centrifugal stress at the inner surface

l = 8pn(3tr)
+ ) ( io outerl
2 + O,
0o uter3 qouler l,o
(1o oute) (30)ter
f,centrifuga po 2 (3+ +louter)
8 4 2 (3 + outer 4

Von Mises stress at the inner surface

r ispessr ,enriugal)
essure r
) +((_,pressure
,p+ - r) +(r 32
)- +2e
For the inner body subjected to external pressure, axial force, torque and rotation
The radial displacement of the outer surface caused by internal pressure

DoinnerPDO,inner2 - D,inner 2
= 2 D- - inner (32)
outer DO,inner i,inner

Radial stress caused by internal pressure

Do'inner 2P D,inner (
r,pressure 2 2 (33)
o,inner - ,inner OD,inner

Circumferential stress caused by internal pressure

O,pressure =Do,
D -_ D+
innerD 22( Do,inner (34)
inner Iinner O,inner

Axial stress caused by axial force

o4 = 4F (35)
7r(DOinner - Dl,inner2)

Shear stress caused by torque
1 6 TDo,inner
4 4 (36)
- Dlinner )

-(a- -
Circumferential centrifugal stress at the outer surface
e po2ga(3 + Tinner) nr2 D+O,inner (1+ 37inner)DO,inner
8 2 4 (3 + inner) 4

Von Mises stress at the outer surface

__r / a- ,pressure,enr ))2 ( - ,pressure

07e,centrifugal res + a ,centrifugal
g- U r) + (7r
( r a- )
OVonMises-= .~i(t + +3r22
V 2
Refence: Slocum A.H., Precision Machine Design, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey
1992, pp 387-399.
Von Mises Yield Criterion
Adaptations were made to the Excel spreadsheet by Alexandra Nelson to include yield
criterion for both press fit force and torque. Equation 31, the Von Mises stress condition at the
inner surface, was manipulated to solve for the maximum interface pressure at yielding. By
definition, Von Mises stress is equal to the yield strength once a material undergoes plastic
deformation. The yield strength is also the maximum possible stress a material can withstand
before plastically deforming.
To determine the maximum interference pressure, set equation 31 equal to the yield strength
of the material. Substitute a, with equation 33, 0o,pressure
with equation 34, O,centrifigal with
equation 37, and z with equation 36. For the experimental torque test, Or= P, O0,centrifugal = 0, and
-r = 0 since there is no rotational velocity (co= 0).
Solving for the interference pressure gives

(o 2 .olert2
Oouter Iouter
2' 2D2
O,outer I,outer
2 (39)

Therefore the maximum press fit force at yielding Fyieldand the maximum torque at yielding
Xyieldcan be calculated as described above in equations 15 and 19 respectively in conjunction
with equation 39.
In order to determine whether a sample is yielding plastically, the spreadsheet is used to
calculate both the force and torque due to the interference and the due to the yield strength of the
material. If the interference prediction exceeds that given by the Von Mises yield strength
criterion, the material is yielding plastically and the force or torque defined by the yield
condition should be assumed. If Fmin exceeds Fyield,then the material is yielding. If min exceeds
ryield, then the material is yielding.

4. Results
From the hex samples, experimental data was collected and theoretical predictions were
made for both press fit force and torque. The results will be presented in three parts: the
experimental results, the theoretical predictions, and comparisons between experiment and

4.1 Experimental Results

Data collected experimentally will be presented for each sample. A representative press fit
force and torque graph will be shown and described. Graphs for all data collected are available in
the appendix.

Nylon Experimental Results

Nylon data includes press fit force, torque, and pin removal force for all 18 samples. Nylon
force graphs are available in A-2. Nylon torque graphs are available in A-3. Experimental data
for sample 1N will be considered throughout this section. First the press fit force will be

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -

Force Data for Sample 1N




g 800
O 600



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 11. Experimental press fit force required for nylon sample 1N.
Maximum force is approximately 1100
lOON. Entry force of 711N is labeled
with a star.

From Figure 11, it is easy to see that the force graph is divided into two parts: the entry and
the press fit. For the nylon pieces, an initial entry effect due to misalignment and/or the
counterbore is observed. The entry effect appears to add an additional force to the press fit data.
The press fit is characterized by a clear change in slope from the entry effect region. The press fit
slope varies linearly with displacement making it possible to determine the "starting point" of the
press fit. As shown in Figure 10, the entry effects occur from 0 to 1 mm and must be subtracted

from total press fit force. The force due to entry effects is approximately 711 N and is labeled
with a star on the graph. The maximum force at 7.4 mm displacement is 1145 N. To determine
the press fit force, the entry effects must be subtracted from the maximum force, which results in
a press fit force of 434 N for nylon sample IN.
The graphical data for sample N is quite clear to read and relatively linear in both the entry
effects and the press fit force vs. displacement slope. This is not the case for all of the nylon
force data. As described in Sect. 2.1, the nylon samples had an initial counterbore added to the
hex to allow the pin to be easily inserted prior to press fitting. Due to the sensitivity of the nylon
pieces, both the hex hole and counterbore diameter changed during testing. It was found in many
cases that although the nylon hexes had been reemed with a 0.377" drill, the 0.375" dowel pins
could not easily fit into the counterbore. Therefore, the material had expanded and the hole had
shrunk. Before press fitting each nylon hex, the pins were inserted into the hex. It was intended
that the pin would rest at the bottom of the counterbore. However, because a slight force was
required to insert the pins into the tightened counterbore, the pins did not always align at the
intended position. In these cases, a graph with multiple press fit regions was obtained. An
example of this phenomenon is shown in Figure 12.

Force Data for Sample 11 N


350 lA =~~~~~~~~~..-

300 l---

I . .7. 9..i.........

- - - -- &- --
1- -- - -- &- - - --- - · -- · u l--
- 250

8 200 1-·-- - ------ i--·-ZS

Lo 150
·i--- --- - ------- i·-f--- ---------f - ------ - i-- -

100 ---r-- ----- i ---·-


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance (wn)
.... . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . ....... . . . ... ...

Figure 12. Experimental press fit force required for nylon sample 1 IN.
Maximum force is approximately 360N. Initial entry force of 50N is
labeled with a star. Secondary entry force of 180N is also labeled with a

As seen in Figure 12, two entry regions and two press fit regions are observed. The first
entry and press fit region from Omm - 6mm corresponds to the counterbore length of the nylon
hex. The second entry and press fit region from 6mm - 14mm corresponds to the intended press
fit region. For data such as this, the second press fit region is considered the actual press fit under

Next the torque data for sample IN will be examined. Torque testing was performed on all
nylon samples. Figure 13 graphs torque vs. time data for sample N. For each torque experiment,
the maximum torque was determined and recorded. Outlier data points are not considered.

Nylon Torque Test for Sample 1N


Ii~~wo .

3000 ---

2000 I

1000 _

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)

Figure 13. Experimental press fit torque required for nylon sample IN.
Maximum torque is approximately 5200 N.

The maximum torque measured for sample IN was 5155 N. To determine the press fit
torque, a lever effect must be subtracted from this value as described in Sect. 2.3 Torque Data
Analysis. From equation 7, the residual torque can be calculated to be 587 N. The net torque,
determined from equation 8, is therefore 4466 N.

After the completion of torque testing, a press fit removal test was performed to correlate
press fit force over time. The press fit removal experiment was only conducted for the nylon
samples due to the sensitive nature of the material. How well this data correlates with the initial
press fit forces (including entry effects) will help to determine the accuracy of the theoretical
predictions for nylon samples. It will also increase our understanding of the sensitivity of nylon
dimensions over time. Shown below is a graph of the pin removal force required for sample IN.

Pin Removal Force Data for Sample 1N

1200 l -- - -

o 800
i LU
400 ............... i .............

200 Be A~~~-------
--- · ·-- X---;
--- -
0 2 4 6 8 1(0 12 14 16 18

Figure 14. Experimental pin removal force for nylon sample IN.
Maximum force is approximately 1590N and is labeled with a star.

The force required to remove the dowel pin for sample N was 1590 N. This is almost 500
N greater than the initial force (1145 N) required to press fit the dowel pin. It is likely that
sample IN experienced significant creep over the testing period. Creep would normally lessen
the force, yet the data shows a tightening. This indicates something strange about the data or that
the nylon under pressure crept into surface features on the pin and formed an interface.
For the nylon hex pieces, the maximum press fit force and torque obtained experimentally
were recorded in Table 2. The hex inner hole diameters are recorded for micrometer and CMM
measurements. Although the CMM machine is more precise, these measurements were taken
approximately 5 months after testing and may not accurately reflect the diameter of the nylon
during testing. The press fit distance is defined as the length of the pin along the diameter
described. These nylon hex pieces include a preliminary counterbore, which was not considered
part of the press fit distance. Experimental torque values include correction factor from offset
lever arm (see Sect. 2.3 Torque Data Analysis).

Table 2. Nylon hex hole diameter measured by micrometer and CMM, press fit distance,
measured force, and measured torque.
Sample Hex Inner Hex Inner Press Fit Experimental Experimental
Diameter (in) Diameter (mm) Distance Press Fit Torque
Micrometer CMM (in) Force (N) (N-mm)
1N 0.366 9.3420 0.293 433.9 4382
2N 0.366 9.3284 0.333 1555.0 6059
3N 0.365 9.3248 0.275 N/A 3808
4N 0.365 9.3327 0.282 617.0 5751
5N 0.366 9.3415 0.264 550.8 5769
6N 0.366 N/A 0.253 386.4 2916
7N 0.365 9.3531 0.106 1561.0 2047
8N 0.365 9.3308 0.259 600.9 2361
9N 0.371 9.4988 0.443 183.3 2973
ION 0.372 9.4955 0.405 156.7 2636
IN N/A 9.4881 0.412 178.6 <1617
12N 0.371 9.4929 0.417 148.4 <1617
13N 0.371 9.4934 0.705 385.0 3831
14N 0.374 9.5337 0.400 19.0 <1617
15N 0.374 9.5246 0.636 124.3 <1617
16N 0.373 9.5305 0.621 31.2 <1617
17N 0.374 9.5397 0.705 10.0 <1617
18N 0.372 9.5257 0.638 83.7 <1617
Force data for sample 3N was lost.
For sample 6N, hole diameter was not measured with the CMM machine.
Samples 1 N, 12N, 14N, 15N, 16N, 17N, and 18N required less than the torque of the lever
to cause the hex to rotate independent of the dowel pin. Therefore, since the torque of the lever
arm is 1617 N-mm, these samples required less than 1617 N-mm.
Several important relationships can be seen from the data recorded in Table 2. First, smaller
hole diameters (note samples are arranged roughly in ascending order of hole size) have greater
interferences with the pin and thus larger forces and torques result. Second, the magnitude of the
force and torque measured varies linearly with press fit distance. Therefore for the same hex
inner diameter, a larger press fit distance requires a greater force and torque. For example,
samples 12N and 13N have hole diameters of 0.371", but the press fit distance for 13N is
roughly twice the length of that for 12N. A similar relationship can be seen from the force data,
where the force for 13N is roughly twice that of 12N.

As mentioned earlier, press fit removal force values are useful for determining whether the
nylon material has undergone significant changes over the course of testing. If no changes have
occurred in the material, the force required to press fit the piece, the maximum experimental
force, should be the same as the removal force. The maximum experimental force includes the
forces due to entry effects and the press fit. Table 3 compares the maximum experiment force
upon entry and the removal force for the nylon samples.

Table 3. Nylon hex maximum experimental force, removal force, difference, and %
Sample Maximum Removal Force Absolute % Difference
Experimental (N) Difference
Force (N)
IN 1145.0 1587.3 -442.3 -38.6
2N 2037.0 1989.2 47.8 2.3
3N N/A 1848.2 N/A N/A
4N 1590.3 2222.1 -631.8 -39.7
5N 1342.3 1802.5 -460.2 -34.3
6N 2180.3 2247.5 -67.2 -3.1
7N 2037.0 2275.0 -238.0 -11.7
8N 1514.9 1510.4 4.5 0.3
9N 353.1 504.1 -151.0 -42.8
1ON 300.7 420.0 -119.3 -39.7
11N 362.2 536.9 -174.7 -48.2
12N 268.4 371.2 -102.8 -38.3
13N 489.5 679.5 -190.0 -38.8
14N 34.5 106.3 -71.8 -208.1
15N 124.3 245.1 -120.8 -97.2
16N 62.0 77.3 -15.3 -24.7
17N 10.0 22.2 -12.2 -122.3
18N 131.7 174.7 -43.0 -32.6
Force data for sample 3N was lost.

From Table 3, it is clear that the majority of the pieces have undergone changes on the order
of 40%. Some samples have not been affected, such as 2N, 6N, and 8N. But substantial effects
are seen in 14N and 17N. The average calculated difference is determined to be -48.1%. Because
the average removal force for the eighteen nylon samples is 48.1% greater, this would suggest
that the material could be creeping into features creating an interlock between the nylon and the
steel dowel pin. The data suggests that over time nylon is extremely sensitive. For future press fit
testing, I would not recommend it as a material that is easy to use or one that is reliable over the
testing period.

Brass Experimental Results
Brass data includes press fit force and torque. Brass force graphs are available in A-4. Brass
torque graphs are available in A-5. Experimental data for sample 2B will be considered
throughout this section. First the press fit force will be examined.
The maximum press fit force varied linearly with displacement into the hex piece.


14000 , .


18000 -

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 012 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Distance (inches)

Figure 15. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 2B.
Maximum force is approximately 1500 N.

The maximum press fit force measured for sample 2B was 15134 N. It is clear from Figure
15 that there is little entry effect seen in the brass samples as compared to the nylon press fit. The
material proved to press fit more linearly overall. No counterbore effect is observed because the
pin always inserted easily into the brass hex and was positioned in the correct location prior to
testing (A-2).

Recall from the experimental set-up (Sect. 2.2) that brass hexes were press fitted two to each
dowel pin. Torque testing was performed on each pair of brass hex pieces. Due to the strength of
the brass press fits, only one sample was tested from each pair, while the other served as a
holding device in the clamp. Therefore, approximately half of the brass samples were tested for
maximum torque. For each torque experiment, the maximum torque was determined graphically
and recorded. Outlier data points are not considered.

Torque data for sample 2B is shown below in Figure 16.

Brass Torque Test for Sample 2B

............................................. ..... .............. ........... ......................... .. ................ ... - ... . ...............................

16000 ...... ............. .. ... - . ......


4 , V

12000 i~

_~; a..

* I - -- - - C-
C vw~'''~' _
Wa -
* I C~~~~~
4000 .............---
'................... · --- - ..........-

2000 - C-----
.. *- L____ _. __. _-
0- 70~i*i~T
0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 16. Experimental press fit torque required for brass sample 2B.
Maximum torque is approximately 12000 N.

The maximum torque measured for sample 2B was 12216 N. To determine the press fit
torque, a lever effect must be subtracted from this value as described in Sect. 2.3 Torque Data
Analysis. From equation 7, the residual torque can be calculated to be 195 N. The net torque,
determined from equation 8, is therefore 12021 N.
Figure 16 shows a linear increase in torque that peaks initially, then decreases slightly before
reducing to the weight of the bar (1617 N-mm). This initial peak is not seen in all samples, but is
most noticeable in group 1 brass samples that deformed plastically during press fitting. An effect
that would be interesting to consider is the possibility of surface abrasion or particles on the
interface between the steel and brass press fit. The radial stress between the materials could lead
to a relative interlocking at the abrasive interface. When applying torque to the press fit, a greater
initial torque would be required to dislodge the interlocked surfaces. This phenomenon would
cause the experimental results to be greater than the theoretical predictions. In order to gain
understanding of these surface effects, a study could be performed comparing press fit torque
required for various surface roughnesses.
For the brass hex pieces, the press fit force and torque obtained experimentally were
recorded in Table 3. Samples 28B, 30B, 32B and 33B required less than the torque of the lever to
cause the hex to rotate independent of the dowel pin. Therefore, since the torque of the lever arm
is 1617 N-mm, these samples required less than 1617 N-mm.

Table 4. Brass hex hole diameter, press fit distance, measured force, and measured torque.
Sample Hex Inner Hex Inner Distance Experimental Experimental
Diameter (in) Diameter (mm) (mm) Force (N) Torque
Micrometer CMM (N-mm)
1B 0.368 9.3403 2.25 8351
2B 0.3688 9.3383 3.64 15134 12021
3B 0.3658 9.3331 6.08 19936 18152
4B 0.369 9.3342 3.95 10398
5B 0.369 9.3467 6.03 13737
6B 0.3689 9.3473 2.45 11102 23285
7B 0.3687 9.3360 4.85 13261 27860
8B 0.369 9.3318 4.11 15269
9B 0.3689 9.3357 4.02 14392
10B 0.3687 9.3145 4.87 18013 29605
lB 0.3685 9.3347 N/A N/A
12B 0.3685 9.3374 4.94 12816
13B 0.3755 9.5129 5.77 2374 8504
14B 0.3755 9.5158 5.40 2517
15B 0.376 9.5154 5.30 1540
16B 0.3755 9.5165 5.59 1528 5691
17B 0.376 9.5146 9.32 1683
18B 0.3759 9.5194 6.09 1708 6441
19B 0.376 9.5224 5.78 1617
20B 0.3755 9.5171 6.08 2000 6921
21B 0.3761 9.5206 5.71 1879 7017
22B 0.3755 9.5165 5.11 1807
23B 0.376 9.5205 5.73 1604
24B 0.376 9.5364 5.91 1033 4399
25B 0.376 9.5389 4.79 1344
26B 0.376 9.5266 6.00 800 3952
27B 0.3763 9.5305 7.08 300
28B 0.376 9.5300 5.74 701 <1617
29B 0.3762 9.5311 6.37 1384
30B 0.3765 9.5369 N/A 0 <1617
31B 0.376 9.5374 5.52 815
32B 0.376 9.5312 6.24 523 <1617
33B 0.3762 9.5387 5.44 567 <1617
34B 0.3765 9.5358 5.91 1164

4.2 Theoretical Predictions

For each sample, theoretical calculations were performed to predict the force and torque
required. Measured dimensions and corresponding tolerances, material properties, and press fit
length for each sample were inputted into a series of equations from Sect. 3. The theoretical
predictions will be presented here in tabular format for all nominal values. Theoretical
predictions including tolerances can be viewed in Sect. 4.3.

Nylon Theoretical Predictions

Table 5. Nylon theoretical predictions for force and torque are shown below for the
micrometer diameter measurements and the experimentally measured press fit distance.
Sample Hex Inner Distance Predicted Predicted
Diameter (in) (in) Force (N) Torque
Micrometer (N-mm)
IN 0.366 0.329 700.5 3256
2N 0.366 0.014 795.5 3698
3N 0.365 0.002 733.1 3398
4N 0.365 0.301 750.4 3478
5N 0.366 0.557 631.6 2936
6N 0.366 0.177 601.7 2797
7N 0.365 0.108 280.4 1300
8N 0.365 0.103 686.4 3182
9N 0.371 0.452 466.0 2196
10N 0.372 0.417 319.2 1508
N N/A 0.447 N/A N/A
12N 0.371 0.435 438.8 2067
13N 0.371 0.677 230.0 1092
14N 0.374 0.435 105.0 499
15N 0.374 0.678 166.9 793
16N 0.373 0.696 326.4 1546
17N 0.374 0.677 184.9 878
18N 0.372 0.689 502.9 2376
The micrometer diameter measurement for sample 11N was
not taken at the same time as all other nylon samples, therefore
no predictions were made.

Table 6. Nylon theoretical predictions for force and torque are shown below for the CMM
diameter measurements and the experimentally measured press fit distance.
Sample Hex Inner Distance Predicted Predicted
Diameter (mm) (in) Force (N) Torque
CMM (N-mm)
IN 9.3420 0.329 574.9 2685
2N 9.3284 0.014 700.6 3268
3N 9.3248 0.002 590.8 2755
4N 9.3327 0.301 581.3 2712
5N 9.3415 0.557 519.8 2428
6N* N/A 0.177 N/A N/A
7N 9.3531 0.108 194.6 910
8N 9.3308 0.103 536.9 2505
9N 9.4988 0.452 142.6 677
1ON 9.4955 0.417 144.2 685
l1N 9.4881 0.447 178.3 846
12N 9.4929 0.435 -20263.3 758
13N 9.4934 0.677 230.0 1092
14N 9.5337 0.435 -15.3 -73
15N 9.5246 0.678 35.4 169
16N 9.5305 0.696 -3.2 -15
17N 9.5397 0.677 -70.5 -336
18N 9.5257 0.689 28.3 135
The diameter measurement for sample 6N was not taken by the
CMM machine, therefore no predictions were made.
It is interesting to note that the predictions based on measurements taken by the CMM
machine have yielded several negative values for both forces and torques. This may be attributed
to one of two things. First, as mentioned in the introduction, the CMM measurements were taken
5 months after the nylon testing and may not accurately reflect the nylon diameter measurements
during testing due to creep and thermal variation sensitivity. Second, the CMM machine may
differ in its precision to measure inner diameters or outer diameter circles. It is likely that these
two issues in conjunction have lead to lower accuracy in predictions.

Brass Theoretical Predictions

Table 7. Brass theoretical predictions for force and torque are shown below for the CMM
diameter measurements and the experimentally measured press fit distance.
Sample Hex Inner Hex Inner Distance Predicted Predicted
Diameter (in) Diameter (mm) (mm) Force (N) Torque
Micrometer CMM (N-mm)
lB 0.368 9.3403 2.25 11885 55504
2B 0.3688 9.3383 3.64 19235 89813
3B 0.3658 9.3331 6.08 32797 153051
4B 0.369 9.3342 3.95 20539 95856
5B 0.369 9.3467 6.03 30278 141499
6B 0.3689 9.3473 2.45 12405 57977
7B 0.3687 9.3360 4.85 25829 120568
8B 0.369 9.3318 4.11 22418 104598
9B 0.3689 9.3357 4.02 21501 100362
10B 0.3687 9.3145 4.87 28826 134249
liB 0.3685 9.3347 N/A 26925 125669
12B 0.3685 9.3374 4.94 26121 121950
13B 0.3755 9.5129 5.77 2690 12793
14B 0.3755 9.5158 5.40 2091 9949
15B 0.376 9.5154 5.30 2115 10065
16B 0.3755 9.5165 5.59 2064 9819
17B 0.376 9.5146 9.32 3914 18621
18B 0.3759 9.5194 6.09 1762 8388
19B 0.376 9.5224 5.78 1197 5700
20B 0.3755 9.5171 6.08 2137 10169
21B 0.3761 9.5206 5.71 1462 6959
22B 0.3755 9.5165 5.11 1882 8955
23B 0.376 9.5205 5.73 1484 7063
24B 0.376 9.5364 5.91 -1032 -4922
25B 0.376 9.5389 4.79 -1166 -5563
26B 0.376 9.5266 6.00 557 2655
27B 0.3763 9.5305 7.08 -97 -460
28B 0.376 9.5300 5.74 0 0
29B 0.3762 9.5311 6.37 -191 -909
30B 0.3765 9.5369 N/A -949 -4523
31B 0.376 9.5374 5.52 -1116 -5320
32B 0.376 9.5312 6.24 -205 -975
33B 0.3762 9.5387 5.44 -1291 -6157
34B 0.3765 9.5358 5.91 -937 -4465

Once again, negative values are seen for torque predictions based on the CMM
measurements. The CMM machine is measuring the hex inner hole diameters to be larger than
the steel dowel pin outer diameters, where in reality this is not the case. A simple test to prove
this is that if one tries to place the dowel pin into the hole of the hex piece, one cannot because
the hole is indeed smaller than the pin diameter. From this testing, it is apparent that the CMM is
old and should be recalibrated.

4.3 Comparison of Experiment to Theory

After presenting the experimental and theoretical results separately, both sets of data will
now be considered together.

Brass Sample Results

Shown below in Figure 17 are the results for the brass press fit testing. All samples are
shown with experimental values and theoretical prediction ranges (due to dimensional

Brass Samples Press Fit Force

,rl"A i-




, 20000

u. 15000


5000 .. .....................................

IN tC O I '-
r- 0)
w_ 1 _- CO -
CO 0
_N N N
NN Cml
_~~~~~~~i~! 1

BrassHex Samples

, Experimental
Force* NominalPredictedForce

Figure 17. Experimental and theoretical press fit force for brass samples. Theoretical
predictions include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional tolerances.

From Figure 17, it is possible to determine which samples belong to which inner diameter
group: 0.368", 0.374", or 0.375". The first group of samples is characterized by high press fit
forces, 10 - 100 times greater than the other sample groups. In this first group, it is also
interesting that the theoretical prediction is grossly overestimating the experimentally observed
values. After careful consideration, it was determined that the cause of this over prediction was
failure to take into account the yield strength of the materials. For large interferences, as
exhibited by group 1, the sample will actually yield plastically. To take this phenomenon into
account, the spreadsheet was updated to include the Von Mises stress-based yield criterion for
both force and torque predictions (Eq. 37). These calculations are described in Sect. 3.
For the remainder of the samples in groups 2 and 3, nearly all samples fell within the
predicted press fit force range. By further examining those samples in groups 2 and 3, it is
possible to get a better impression of the accuracy of the press fit predictions for the elastically
deforming brass samples. Figure 18 shows a closer look at the brass samples from groups 2 and 3
which have looser interference fits.

Brass Samples Press Fit Force

o-- -...._..._.__...................
........_ -


4000 __-l_- .. -1. - - - I

w 2000
I I + I t + I T . I

CO ' L t CD ! 0) 0 cm C C s

mmmmmm~~~~ .... I

-4000 ·---·-------·-··--- i

Brass Hex Samples

I* ExperimentalForce* NominalPredictedForce

Figure 18. Experimental and theoretical press fit force for brass samples 13B - 34B. Theoretical
predictions include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional tolerances.

From Figure 18, it is clear that of the 22 samples shown, 17 samples fall within the predicted
press fit force. Samples 13B - 23B, which make up group 2, all have experimental press fit

forces that lie within the predicted range. Samples 24B - 34B, which make up group 3, are
predicting press fit forces lower than what is observed experimentally. Only about half of the
samples fall within the predicted range. As mentioned in Sect. 4.2, it appears that the CMM
measurements are not entirely accurate when comparing inner diameter measurements to outer
diameter measurements.
Figure 19 displays the brass force samples in group 1, which are thought to have plastically
yielded during press fitting. This graph includes new theoretical forces at yielding, derived from
the adapted spreadsheet.

Brass Samples Press Fit Force and Yield Force

,rUNu -



8 20000
0 4 ~ ~~~~~
f f

10000 --
~f a
* * * * * * * * .
- I 1 7 T - I r a -

N CO U) tD 0
oD C 0 N

BrassHex Samples

Force* MaxForceat Yield

Force* NominalPredicted
* Experimental

Figure 19. Experimental and theoretical press fit force for brass samples 1B - 12B. An
additional theoretical prediction is given for the maximum force at yielding.

It appears from Figure 19 that the experimental press fit forces are half-way between the
originally-predicted press fit forces and the maximum force at material yield. It is not totally
clear what may be the cause of this spread in the experiment and theory. One potential cause
could be misalignment of the dowel pin, which could lead to plowing along the inside of the
brass hex piece and therefore higher forces than would be expected under plastic deformation. In
other cases, more substantial plowing is seen for the tighter interference fits. In some of the hex

pieces, it was possible to look at the bottom of the dowel pin and visibly see the effects of
plowing. Some of the brass material was in fact bubbled around the bottom of the dowel pin.
Shown below in Figure 20 are the results for the brass press fit torque testing. All samples
are shown with experimental values and theoretical prediction ranges (due to dimensional

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Brass Torque Tests





E 100000


*o . ..;..._._..... . . ..............



IExp ermenta Value_ * Nominal Predicted0 Val

Figure 20. Experimental and theoretical press fit torque for brass samples. Theoretical
predictions include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional tolerances.

Once again it is possible to determine from Figure 20 which samples belong to which inner
diameter group: 0.368", 0.374", or 0.375". The first group of samples, lB - 13B, is characterized
by high torque, up to 20 times greater than the other sample groups. As concluded in the press fit
testing, the first group's torque predictions also fail to take into account the yield strength of the
materials. For large interferences or tight fits, as exhibited by group 1, the samples yield
plastically. To take this phenomenon into account, the spreadsheet was updated to include the
Von Mises stress-based yield criterion for both force and torque predictions (Sect. 3).
For the remainder of the samples in groups 2 and 3, nearly all samples fell within the
predicted press fit torque range. By further examining those samples in groups 2 and 3, it is
possible to get a better impression of the accuracy of the torque predictions for the elastically
deforming brass samples.

Figure 21 shows a closer look at torque results for the brass samples from groups 2 and 3
which have looser interference fits. In the third group, the majority of the test samples had torque
values below 1617 N-mm. These samples failed to support the weight of the lever arm during
testing. Because their exact torque value is unknown, samples 28B, 30B, 32B and 33B do not
have an experimental data point represented on the graph. However, judging from the torque
prediction ranges depicted on the graph, one can conclude that these data points would fall
within the predicted ranges, which include 1617 N-mm and 0 N-mm.

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Brass Torque Tests

ill XII---··l·-·----l-lII




- 10000- I
.i .



-i - . --
tl t ~ - i
I-0 0
13B 14B 15B 16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B 2B 2 B2
1 21 281 3{B 3B
.' _-


. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. - . . _. _ _- _ _ _. - _ - ... _- ._. _ - --

BrassHex Samples
* Experimental
Value* NominalPredictedValueI

Figure 21. Experimental and theoretical press fit torque for brass samples 13B - 34B.
Theoretical predictions include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional tolerances.

From Figure 21, it is clear that of the six experimental data points shown, four samples fall
within the predicted torque range. This does not include the four additional data points
mentioned above, for which the weight of the lever arm was sufficient torque. Therefore, of the
ten samples that deformed elastically, only two fell outside of the predicted torque range.
If the data is considered once again by diameter dimensions, experimental data from group
2, samples 13B - 23B, tends to fall on the low end of the prediction ranges. This suggests that

perhaps for this group the theoretical predictions are overestimating the observed torques. For the
third group, samples 24B - 34B, the opposite is true. The experimental values tend to fall on the
upper end of the torque range. For the loosest interference fits, the torque predictions
underestimate the experimental values, which may be due to issues surrounding the CMM
Figure 22 displays the brass torque samples in group 1, which are thought to have plastically
yielded during press fitting. This graph includes new theoretical forces at yielding, derived from
the adapted spreadsheet.

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Brass Torque Tests


160000 -
................. ....
120000 ..... ....

, 80000

oooo . . . ......


20000 *

1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B

Brass Hex Samples
I*ExperimentalValue* NominalPredictedValue*Torque at Yield|

Figure 22. Brass torque test graph of experimental and theoretical results show that samples 1B-
12B were predicted to yield plastically because the torque due to yield was less than the torque
due to the interference.

It appears from Figure 22 that the Von Mises yield criterion is a very accurate way of
predicting the experimental torque values. This criterion did not predict the press fit forces nearly
as accurately as it has predicted the torque values. The potential cause of inaccuracy in predicting
the press fit forces through the yield criterion method was the presence of shearing of the brass
by the steel dowel pin. However, in testing the required torque, one may conclude that although
the brass inner shaft had been sheared during press fit entry it does not adversely affect the
torque required to rotate the pin.

The following tables include a summary of theoretical results for the brass samples. For each
test, a maximum, nominal, and minimum predicted value (for force or torque) are given based on
diametrical interference and tolerances. A fourth predicted value is given based on the Von
Mises yield criterion. A sample is yielding plastically if the Von Mises yield criterion value is
less than the minimum predicted value. In this case, the yield predicted value should be assumed.

Table 8. Comparison of experiment to theory for brass force samples based on CMM
Sample Hex Inner Distance Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Experimental
Diameter (mm) (mm) Predicted Predicted Predicted Predicted Force (N)
CMM Force (N) Force (N) Force (N) Force (N)
lB 9.3403 2.25 12511.20 11885.01 11258.82 1749.57 8351
2B 9.3383 3.64 20238.88 19235.47 18232.05 2803.15 15134
3B 9.3331 6.08 34463.08 32797.39 31131.70 4651.45 19936
4B 9.3342 3.95 21587.59 20538.63 19489.67 2929.47 10398
5B 9.3467 6.03 31929.73 30277.90 28626.08 4617.48 13737
6B 9.3473 2.45 13084.04 12405.06 11726.07 1898.11 11102
7B 9.3360 4.85 27160.07 25828.70 24497.32 3718.70 13261
8B 9.3318 4.11 23548.64 22417.58 21286.52 3158.18 15269
9B 9.3357 4.02 22607.35 21500.77 20394.20 3090.73 14392
1OB 9.3145 4.87 30163.39 28825.76 27488.14 3730.06 18013
lB 9.3347 N/A 28303.86 26925.20 25546.54 3850.38 N/A
12B 9.3374 4.94 27477.03 26120.81 24764.59 3788.49 12816
13B 9.5129 5.77 4262.33 2689.52 1116.70 4451.68 2374
14B 9.5158 5.40 3563.67 2091.08 618.49 4168.89 2517
15B 9.5154 5.30 3564.46 2115.49 666.52 4101.89 1540
16B 9.5165 5.59 3592.29 2063.66 535.02 4327.78 1528
17B 9.5146 9.32 6455.77 3914.13 1372.49 7194.74 1683
18B 9.5194 6.09 3424.97 1762.37 99.76 4708.09 1708
19B 9.5224 5.78 2772.52 1197.23 -378.07 4461.84 1617
20B 9.5171 6.08 3793.68 2137.05 480.42 4690.37 2000
21B 9.5206 5.71 3016.88 1461.79 -93.31 4404.03 1879
22B 9.5165 5.11 3276.07 1882.00 487.93 3946.82 1807
23B 9.5205 5.73 3045.53 1483.72 -78.09 4423.01 1604
24B 9.5364 5.91 580.63 -1032.24 -2645.11 4573.01 1033
25B 9.5389 4.79 144.15 -1166.29 -2476.73 3716.20 1344
26B 9.5266 6.00 2196.90 557.42 -1082.05 4645.06 800
27B 9.5305 7.08 1835.08 -96.58 -2028.25 5474.49 300
28B 9.5300 5.74 1566.26 0.00 -1566.26 4438.76 701
29B 9.5311 6.37 1543.34 -190.75 -1924.83 4914.75 1384
30B 9.5369 N/A 426.16 -948.54 -2323.24 3897.85 0
31B 9.5374 5.52 391.99 -1115.66 -2623.30 4274.97 815
32B 9.5312 6.24 1499.80 -204.52 -1908.83 4830.41 523
33B 9.5387 5.44 192.90 -1290.94 -2774.77 4207.86 567
34B 9.5358 5.91 678.18 -936.53 -2551.24 4578.00 1164

Table 9. Comparison of experiment to theory for brass torque samples based on CMM
Sample Hex Inner Distance Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Predicted Experimental
Diameter (mm) (mm) Predicted Predicted Predicted Torque Torque
CMM Torque Torque Torque (N-mm) (N-mm)
(N-mm) (N-mm) (N-mm)
1B 9.3403 2.25 58429 55504 52580 8171
2B 9.3383 3.64 94498 89813 85128 13088 12021
3B 9.3331 6.08 160824 153051 145278 21706 18152
4B 9.3342 3.95 100751 95856 90960 13672
5B 9.3467 6.03 149219 141499 133780 21579
6B 9.3473 2.45 61150 57977 54804 8871 23285
7B 9.3360 4.85 126783 120568 114353 17359 27860
8B 9.3318 4.11 109876 104598 99321 14736
9B 9.3357 4.02 105528 100362 95197 14427
10B 9.3145 4.87 140478 134249 128019 17372 29605
11B 9.3347 N/A 132104 125669 119235 17971
12B 9.3374 4.94 128282 121950 115618 17687
13B 9.5129 5.77 20274 12793 5312 21174 8504
14B 9.5158 5.40 16956 9949 2943 19835
15B 9.5154 5.30 16959 10065 3171 19516
16B 9.5165 5.59 17093 9819 2546 20593 5691
17B 9.5146 9.32 30712 18621 6529 34228
18B 9.5194 6.09 16302 8388 475 22409 6441
19B 9.5224 5.78 13201 5700 -1800 21244
20B 9.5171 6.08 18052 10169 2286 22319 6921
21B 9.5206 5.71 14361 6959 -444 20964 7017
22B 9.5165 5.11 15588 8955 2322 18780
23B 9.5205 5.73 14497 7063 -372 21055
24B 9.5364 5.91 2769 -4922 -12612 21805 4399
25B 9.5389 4.79 688 -5563 -11813 17724
26B 9.5266 6.00 10464 2655 -5154 22126 3952
27B 9.5305 7.08 8745 -460 -9665 26087
28B 9.5300 5.74 7463 0 -7463 21151 <1617
29B 9.5311 6.37 7355 -909 -9173 23422
30B 9.5369 N/A 2032 -4523 -11078 18587 <1617
31B 9.5374 5.52 1869 -5320 -12510 20386
32B 9.5312 6.24 7147 -975 -9097 23020 <1617
33B 9.5387 5.44 920 -6157 -13234 20069 <1617
34B 9.5358 5.91 3233 -4465 -12164 21827

Nylon Sample Results
Shown below in Figures 23 and 24 are the results for the nylon press fit testing based on
micrometer and CMM measurements respectively. All samples are shown with experimental
values and theoretical prediction ranges (due to dimensional tolerances).

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Force Tests with
Micrometer Measurements




Z 1000 *i *
o 800




iN 2N 3N 4N

5N 6N 7N



Nylon Hex Samples




[L ExperimentalValue * Nominal PredictedValue


13N 14N 15N 16N 17N 18N

Figure 23. Experimental and theoretical press fit force for nylon samples. Theoretical
predictions are based on micrometer measurements and include upper and lower bounds due to
dimensional tolerances.

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Force Tests with
CMM Measurements
---------- -

1200 i
4) o Boo
800 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A i

I2 5 8 1 1 1 N1I


1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N N 10N 11N 12N 13N 1Im 15N IAN 11 18
-9n -

Nylon Hex Samples

Value* NominalPredictedValue,

Figure 24. Experimental and theoretical press fit force for nylon samples. Theoretical
predictions are based on CMM measurements and include upper and lower bounds due to
dimensional tolerances.

Comparing the theoretical predictions in Figures 23 and 24, it is possible to judge which
measurements best predict the experimental findings. Looking at the entire set of data, it appears
that the CMM measurements have higher prediction accuracy. Once again, the CMM
measurements yield several negative value predictions though. Despite this issue, the CMM
measurements still are a closer match with the experimental data.
Another interesting thing to consider is the state of deformation for the group 1 samples,
those with the tightest interference fit. The brass samples in group were found to be plastically
deforming at this interference range. The nylon samples do not reach yielding and therefore the
Von Mises yield criterion does not apply.

Shown below in Figures 25 and 26 is a zoomed in view of the nylon press fit testing based
on micrometer and CMM measurements respectively. From these graphs, it is possible to
determine how many experimental data points fall within the predicted force range for each
series of measurements.

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Force Tests

with Micrometer Measurements




) 400



1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N 10N 11N 12N 13N 14N 15N 16N 17N 18N
Nylon Hex Samples

I* ExperimentalValue * Nominal Predicted Value

Figure 25. Zoomed in view of experimental and theoretical press fit force for nylon samples.
Theoretical predictions are based on micrometer measurements and include upper and lower
bounds due to dimensional tolerances.

For the micrometer measurements of Figure 25, only one data point, 15N, out of seventeen
data points falls within the predicted range.7

7 Only seventeen data points are considered because sample I IN does not have predictions for the micrometer

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Force Tests with
CMM Measurements







Nylon Hex Samples

[' Experimental
- - .-
_- - _-_
. - .--
. . .

Figure 26. Zoomed in view of experimental and theoretical press fit force for nylon samples.
Theoretical predictions are based on CMM measurements and include upper and lower bounds
due to dimensional tolerances.

For the CMM measurements of Figure 26, eight data points out of sixteen data points fall
within the predicted range.8 Once again, the CMM measurements appear to be a better predictor
of the experimental data.

8 Only sixteen data points are considered because sample 6N does not have predictions for the CMM
measurements and sample 3N does not have experimental force data.

Next the torque data results will be considered for the nylon hex samples. For both Figure 27
and 28, samples 11N, 12N, 14N, 15N, 16N, 17N, and 18N which required less than 1617 N-mm
of torque are represented by a data point at 1617 N-mm. In reality, this is not an exact
experimental value, but an upper bounds for the seven aforementioned samples.

Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Torque Tests with
Micrometer Measurements
---- _ __



E 4000
a . ....
. .. ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .... ....
E. 3000



...... ..._i. ..........
. . . . . ....

... .. _. . . ... . . . .. >~~~~ .. ..... .

1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N 10N 11N 12N 13N 14N 15N 16N 17N 18N

Nylon Hex Samples
*-Experimenial Value* NominalPredicted

Figure 27. Experimental and theoretical torque for nylon samples. Theoretical predictions are
based on micrometer measurements and include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional

For the micrometer torque predictions, only sample 6N falls in the predicted range. The
accuracy for samples which had torque values less than or equal to 1617 N-mm cannot be
determined, except for sample 18N. In the case of 18N, it is clear that the micrometer predictions
are over predicting the required torque since the range lies above the 1617 N-mm data point.




Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Data for Nylon Torque Tests with

CMM Measurements



2000 -- - - - --

1000 - . ................
iN 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N 10N 11N 12N 13N t
1 15N1 1 18N

Nylon Hex Samples
- ExperimentalValue * Nominal Predicted Value

Figure 28. Experimental and theoretical torque for nylon samples. Theoretical predictions are
based on CMM measurements and include upper and lower bounds due to dimensional

The following tables include a summary of theoretical results for the nylon samples. For
each test, a maximum, nominal, and minimum predicted value (for force or torque) are given
based on diametrical interference and tolerances. A fourth predicted value is given based on the
Von Mises yield criterion. A sample is yielding plastically if the Von Mises yield criterion value
is less than the minimum predicted value. In this case, the yield predicted value should be
assumed. However, for the nylon data, none of the samples were determined to have yielded
plastically during testing.

Table 10. Comparison of experiment to theory for nylon force samples based on micrometer
Sample Hex Inner Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Experimental
Diameter Predicted Predicted Predicted Predicted Force (N)
(in) Force (N) Force (N) Force (N) Force (N)
IN 0.366 731.1 700.5 669.8 1903.8 433.9
2N 0.366 830.3 795.5 760.7 2162.2 1555.0
3N 0.365 761.9 733.1 704.2 1788.3 N/A
4N 0.365 779.9 750.4 720.8 1830.6 617.0
5N 0.366 659.3 631.6 604.0 1716.8 550.8
6N 0.366 628.0 601.7 575.4 1642.3 386.4
7N 0.365 291.4 280.4 269.4 687.0 1561.0
8N 0.365 713.4 686.4 659.4 1681.5 600.9
9N 0.371 511.9 466.0 420.1 2900.6 183.3
0ON 0.372 361.0 319.2 277.3 2655.9 156.7
1IN* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 178.6
12N 0.371 481.9 438.8 395.6 2731.1 148.4
13N 0.371 302.8 230.0 157.2 4637.1 385.0
14N 0.374 146.3 105.0 63.7 2635.4 19.0
15N 0.374 232.6 166.9 101.2 4189.5 124.3
16N 0.373 390.6 326.4 262.1 4085.0 31.2
17N 0.374 257.7 184.9 112.1 4640.8 10.0
18N 0.372 568.9 502.9 436.9 4185.0 83.7
The diameter measurement for sample 11N was not taken with the micrometer, therefore no
predictions were made.

Table 11. Comparison of experiment to theory for nylon torque samples based on
micrometer measurements.
Sample Hex Inner Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Experimental
Diameter Predicted Predicted Predicted Predicted Torque
(in) Torque Torque Torque Torque (N-mm)
Micrometer (N-mm) (N-mm) (N-mm) (N-mm)
IN 0.366 3398 3256 3113 8849 4382
2N 0.366 3860 3698 3536 10051 6059
3N 0.365 3532 3398 3264 8290 3808
4N 0.365 3615 3478 3341 8486 5751
5N 0.366 3064 2936 2808 7980 5769
6N 0.366 2919 2797 2674 7634 2916
7N 0.365 1351 1300 1249 3184 2047
8N 0.365 3307 3182 3056 7795 2361
9N 0.371 2412 2196 1980 13667 2973
10N 0.372 1706 1508 1310 12548 2636
11N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A <1617
12N 0.371 2271 2067 1864 12868 <1617
13N 0.371 1437 1092 746 22011 3831
14N 0.374 695 499 302 12517 <1617
15N 0.374 1105 793 481 19899 <1617
16N 0.373 1851 1546 1242 19351 <1617
17N 0.374 1224 878 532 22043 <1617
18N 0.372 2688 2376 2064 19772 <1617
The diameter measurement for sample 11N was not taken with the micrometer, therefore no
predictions were made.

Table 12. Comparison of experiment to theory for nylon force samples based on CMM
Sample Hex Inner Distance Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Experimental
Diameter (in.) Predicted Predicted Predicted Predicted Force (N)
(mm) Force (N) Force (N) Force (N) Force (N)
IN 9.3420 0.329 605.5 574.9 544.3 1909.3 433.9
2N 9.3284 0.014 735.3 700.6 665.8 2166.6 1555.0
3N 9.3248 0.002 619.6 590.8 562.0 1794.4 1555.0
4N 9.3327 0.301 610.8 581.3 551.8 1837.7 617.0
5N 9.3415 0.557 547.4 519.8 492.2 1721.7 550.8
6N N/A 0.177 N/A N/A N/A N/A 386.4
7N 9.3531 0.108 205.6 194.6 183.6 690.5 1561.0
8N 9.3308 0.103 563.8 536.9 509.9 1687.9 600.9
9N 9.4988 0.452 188.3 142.6 96.9 2913.8 183.3
1ON 9.4955 0.417 186.0 144.2 102.4 2663.4 156.7
11N 9.4881 0.447 220.9 178.3 135.8 2709.9 178.6
12N 9.4929 0.435 202.8 -20263.3 -40729.3 2742.5 148.4
13N 9.4934 0.677 302.7 230.0 157.2 4638.5 385.0
14N 9.5337 0.435 26.0 -15.3 -56.5 2640.7 19.0
15N 9.5246 0.678 101.1 35.4 -30.2 4195.7 124.3
16N 9.5305 0.696 60.9 -3.2 -67.3 4098.7 31.2
17N 9.5397 0.677 2.2 -70.5 -143.2 4651.8 10.0
18N 9.5257 0.689 94.1 28.3 -37.5 4204.2 83.7
The diameter measurement for sample 6N was not taken by the CMM machine, therefore
no predictions were made.

Table 13. Comparison of experiment to theory for nylon torque samples based on CMM
Sample Hex Inner Distance Maximum Nominal Minimum Yield Experimental
Diameter (in.) Predicted Predicted Predicted Predicted Torque
(mm) Torque Torque Torque Torque (N-mm)
CMM (N-mm) (N-mm) (N-mm) (N-mm)
IN 9.3420 0.329 2828 2685 2542 8918 4382
2N 9.3284 0.014 3430 3268 3106 10105 6059
3N 9.3248 0.002 2889 2755 2620 8366 3808
4N 9.3327 0.301 2850 2712 2575 8575 5751
5N 9.3415 0.557 2557 2428 2299 8041 5769
6N N/A 0.177 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2916
7N 9.3531 0.108 961 910 859 3229 2047
8N 9.3308 0.103 2631 2505 2379 7875 2361
9N 9.4988 0.452 894 677 460 13839 2973
1ON 9.4955 0.417 883 685 486 12645 2636
l1N 9.4881 0.447 1048 846 644 12856 <1617
12N 9.4929 0.435 962 758 -193320 13017 <1617
13N 9.4934 0.677 1438 1092 747 22029 3831
14N 9.5337 0.435 124 -73 -270 12588 <1617
15N 9.5246 0.678 481 169 -144 19981 <1617
16N 9.5305 0.696 290 -15 -321 19531 <1617
17N 9.5397 0.677 10 -336 -683 22188 <1617
18N 9.5257 0.689 448 135 -179 20024 <1617
The diameter measurement for sample 6N was not taken by the CMM machine, therefore no
predictions were made.

5. Conclusion
A variety of conclusions can be made for the press fits study. These conclusions can be
grouped into several categories based on material, experiment type, and content.
First, the brass samples will be discussed. The most important conclusion from this set of
data is the need to determine whether the samples are deforming elastically or plastically.
Without the inclusion of the Von Mises yield criterion, the brass predictions would be grossly
overestimated for samples in group 1. Addition of the Von Mises yield criterion led to highly
accurate predictions for the brass torque testing. However, it was found that the Von Mises yield
criterion did not function as well in predicting the force to press fit the brass samples in group 1.
It underestimated the force levels. For future studies it would be useful to adapt the spreadsheet
to include force due to plowing effects in the press fit force calculations. One would also need to
determine in what interference range plowing occurs. From this study, plowing appears to be a
consequence of large interferences. Despite difficulty in predicting press fit forces, it is important
to underline the degree to which the press fit equations were able to predict the required torque.
The highest degree of accuracy was seen in group 2 press fits with interferences on the order of
0.0005". It would be interesting to conduct further experiments on press fits within this
interference range and smaller. A future study might also consider the effects of surface particles
and abrasion on press fit torque.
Second, the nylon samples will be discussed. The most important conclusion to be made
regarding the nylon samples is their sensitivity to variation over time. During the testing period
and post-test analysis, it was impossible to reliably determine the state of the nylon samples. If a
material such as nylon must be used for testing, it is important to conduct testing in as short a
time span as possible. It is also important that the samples remain in a relatively stable
environment free of temperature fluctuations. From the data collected, it is difficult to assess to
what degree the theory is capable of predicting experimental results. Reliability in the
dimensional measurements was low with nylon press fit entry and removal forces varying on
average 48.1% over the testing period. Despite this fact, the predictions made were quite close to
the experimental values observed.
Third, measurements will be discussed. In press fitting, in order to understand and interpret
data, precise measurements must be made. The accuracy of predictions is directly related to the
accuracy of the measurements. It is necessary to take measurements for every test. One weakness
of the nylon data is that inner hex diameter measurements are not available for each test. Had
these measurements been taken, the material changes would be less of a concern had they been
accounted for. Another consideration would be the measurement device used. Each set of
measurements must be taken by the same method. In using the CMM, it appears, as shown by the
data, that the measurements for the inner hole diameters are very precise, but are not accurate
when compared to the CMM measurements for the dowel pin outer diameter.
Fourth, overall conclusions regarding press fits will be made. The theoretical predictions,
especially for the torque experiments, exhibit a large range of possible values. This is due to the
fact that the torque varies proportionately with the square of the diameter, and the diameter
measurements have a tolerance of ±0.005mm. The large range in predicted values makes it
difficult to design for a specific value and to know with much certainty the torque that will result.
This brings about a second conclusion about press fit design. Press fits are very sensitive to

dimensions, especially those relating to the interference fit. Precise measurements are needed,
and precision machining must be utilized to ensure tighter tolerances and accurate predictions.
Separate conclusions regarding the accuracy of press fit theory can be made for brass and
nylon and for the corresponding force and torque experiments. For the brass samples, press fit
theory did not accurately predict observed press fit forces due to material plowing effects that
were unaccounted for by theory. Given more time, I would be inclined to conduct additional
experiments specifically addressing plowing and surface abrasion. The spreadsheet could also be
improved by adding parameters to address these effects. Press fit theory when applied to the
brass torque measurements was very accurate in conjunction with the Von Mises yield criterion.
Quite possibly the most important result of this study is the addition of the yield criterion to the
press fit spreadsheet. As evidenced by initial brass press fit predictions, without inclusion of the
yield criterion, the press fit forces and torque will be grossly exaggerated at tighter interferences
without recognizing that the sample would undergo plastic deformation at a much lower stresses.
For the nylon samples, the most important conclusion of the study is the time-sensitivity of
the material due to creep. Over the course of the study, sensitivity of the nylon material would
have played a significant role in dimensional measurements, which in turn affects the accuracy
of the theoretical predictions. In future testing, I would not recommend the use of viscoelastic
materials unless the study is conducted over a short period of time to minimize creep and in a
controlled environment with little temperature fluctuation. Nylon force predictions were
generally very accurate. However, several extreme outliers out of eighteen data points exist. It
would be interesting to consider surface abrasion and other factors that may lead to much higher
force values during press fitting. Nylon torque predictions were slightly lower than observed
experimentally providing a conservative estimate for press fit design.
Overall, additional modeling is required in the area of press fit force design, but experimental
results show that current theory can be used to accurately predict press fit interface pressure and
thus press fit torque.

Appendix 1: Calculation of Friction Coefficient
The coefficient of friction between the hardened steel pins and the brass or nylon hexes was
calculated based on principles of Newtonian physics.

From the diagram at right, the

frictional force Fr and gravitational
force Fg on the sample can be defined
Fr = g cos 0 mg.
Fg = sin 0 mg.

When the sample begins to slide:

Fr = Fg. B
[t cos 0 mg = sin 0 mg.
it = tan = H/B. Figure 29. Diagram of test set-up, where H is the
height of the incline, B is the length of the base,
and 0 is the angle of incline. Experimentally, the
hex sample is inclined, while the steel dowel pin
To calculate the coefficient of is aligned lengthwise on the inclined edge (to
friction an experiment was conducted to prevent rolling).
A ... U.. ,..
ltU UIbLiStlUC 1 WlllUl
the sample to slide. A hex sample was laid flat on an even surface. The hardened steel pin was
placed on top of the hex sample lengthwise. The orientation of the steel dowel pin was chosen to
minimize rolling and maximize frictional forces between the pin and hex pieces. One edge of the
hex sample was raised using a height gauge. When the steel pin began to slip, the height of the
gauge was recorded.
From the experimental data shown below in Table 11, the following averages were
Nylon Haverage= 0.187 inches.
Brass Haverage= 0.139 inches.

Based on the average height calculations and the length of each hex piece (1"), the
coefficients of friction were determined to be:
gnylon = 0.187.
tbrass= 0. 139.

The data shown in Table 14 was used to calculate the coefficient of friction for brass on steel
and nylon on steel.

Table 14 Experimental data giving height required to induce slipping.

Nylon Brass
Height Height
(in.) (in.)
0.174 0.124
0.126 0.178
0.195 0.163
0.183 0.168
0.196 0.158
0.179 0.142
0.202 0.105
0.204 0.090
0.230 0.127
0.161 0.152
0.186 0.121
0.167 0.120
0.165 0.114
0.218 0.163
0.200 0.146
0.141 0.169
0.174 0.156
0.201 0.101
0.210 0.111
0.208 0.163
0.185 0.125
0.114 0.150
0.240 0.160

Appendix 2: Nylon and Brass Sample Measurements
For each hex sample, the inner diameter and length were measured
and recorded. At the time the counterbore was drilled, its length into the
hex piece was also recorded. Prior to press fitting the dowel pins, each
pin was inserted into a hex sample. The initial pin height is determined
as the height of the pin from the bottom of the hex piece. Figure 30
shows a pin inserted in the counterbore section of the hex piece. The
larger counterbore region is the larger diameter shown around the pin,
and the press fit region is the smaller diameter shown below the pin. The
final pin height is defined as the height of the pin after press fitting. The Figure 30.
displacement is defined as the displacement of the pin during the press Diagram of dow(I.1
fit test. The press fit distance is defined as the displacement of the pin in pin in hex piece.
theonnn-re.nntorhnro pectinn nf th. hV ni cP
Table 15. Sample data for thenylon hex pieces and measurements for the press fit force test.

Table 15. Sample data for the nylon hex pieces and measurements for the press fit force test.
Sample Hex Inner Hex Length Counterbore Initial Pin Final Pin Displace- Press fit
Diameter (mm) depth (mm) Height Height (mm) ment (mm) Distance
(mm) (mm) (mm)
IN 9.342 25.60 17.5 7.21 0.00 7.44 7.44
2N 9.328 25.91 17.5 21.87 0.00 13.78 8.45
3N 9.325 25.63 17.5 21.11 1.17 13.00 7.00
4N 9.333 25.65 17.5 22.91 1.03 22.36 7.16
5N 9.342 25.76 19.0 13.92 0.00 21.37 6.71
6N 9.296 25.53 17.5 16.56 1.65 13.00 6.41
7N 9.353 25.40 17.5 18.97 5.25 13.78 2.69
8N 9.331 25.78 17.5 20.19 1.74 14.48 6.58
9N 9.499 25.91 14.3 20.29 0.38 20.16 11.24
ION 9.496 25.65 14.3 20.90 1.09 20.13 10.28
11N 9.488 25.91 14.3 14.35 1.16 14.10 10.46
12N 9.493 25.78 14.3 14.66 0.91 14.22 10.58
13N 9.493 25.83 8.0 21.69 0.00 21.00 17.89
14N 9.534 26.04 14.3 10.87 0.60 10.17 10.17
15N 9.525 25.65 8.0 16.66 0.55 16.16 16.16
16N 9.531 25.91 8.0 16.08 0.41 15.78 15.78
17N 9.540 25.68 8.0 18.34 -0.16 17.79 17.90
18N 9.526 25.86 8.0 16.61 0.69 16.19 16.19

For the brass hex pieces, because the material is less elastic, the counterbore served as a
ledge on top of which the dowel pin could rest before testing. Therefore, for the initial pin height
is the interface between the counterbore region and the press fit region (See Figure 30).

Table 16. Sample data for the brass hex pieces and measurements for the press fit force test.
Sample Hex Hex Length Initial Pin Final Pin Distance
Inner (mm) Height Height (mm)
Diameter (mm) (mm)
lB 9.340 25.40 17.5 15.21 2.25
2B 9.335 25.40 17.5 13.82 3.64
3B 9.329 25.40 17.5 11.38 6.08
4B 9.345 25.40 17.5 13.51 3.95
5B 9.342 25.40 17.5 11.43 6.03
6B 9.340 25.65 17.7 15.27 2.45
7B 9.348 25.58 17.6 12.79 4.85
8B 9.341 25.40 17.5 13.35 4.11
9B 9.335 25.40 17.5 13.44 4.02
O1B 9.329 25.40 17.5 12.59 4.87
lB 9.335 25.40 17.5 - -
12B 9.345 25.40 17.5 12.52 4.94
13B 9.513 25.40 12.7 6.93 5.77
14B 9.516 25.40 12.7 7.30 5.40
15B 9.515 25.15 17.2 11.91 5.30
16B 9.517 25.91 18.0 12.38 5.59
17B 9.515 29.72 21.8 12.46 9.32
18B 9.519 25.65 17.7 11.63 6.09
19B 9.522 25.40 12.7 6.92 5.78
20B 9.517 25.40 12.7 6.62 6.08
21B 9.521 25.15 12.5 6.74 5.71
22B 9.517 25.40 12.7 7.59 5.11
23B 9.521 25.40 12.7 6.97 5.73
24B 9.536 25.27 17.3 11.43 5.91
25B 9.539 25.15 17.2 12.42 4.79
26B 9.527 25.40 17.5 11.46 6.00
27B 9.531 25.40 17.5 10.38 7.08
28B 9.530 25.65 14.5 8.80 5.74
29B 9.531 25.40 11.1 4.74 6.37
30B 9.537 25.65 17.7 12.62 5.08
31B 9.537 25.60 17.7 12.15 5.52
32B 9.531 25.40 17.5 11.22 6.24
33B 9.539 25.45 14.3 8.9 5.44
34B 9.536 25.63 17.7 11.78 5.91

Sample 11B was not tested.

Appendix 3: Nylon Experimental Force Data
All experimental press fit data is shown below in Table 17. The hex inner diameter
micrometer measurement is given as a reference point. The press fit distance is the measured
displacement of the pin into the hex pieces taking into account location of the counterbore. The
measured experimental force is the maximum force collected experimentally. The entry effect
force is determined graphically for each sample. The experimental press fit force is the force
required to insert the pin over the measured press fit distance neglecting any entry effects. The
press fit force is calculated by subtracting the entry effects from the measured experimental
force. The press fit removal force is the force required to remove the pin over the entire distance
of pin insertion, the removal distance.

Table 17. Nylon hex hole diameter measured by micrometer, press fit distance, measured force,
entry effect force, press fit force, removal distance, and removal force.
Sample Hex Inner Press Fit Measured Entry Effect Experimental Removal Press Fit
Diameter Distance Experimental Force Press Fit Force Distance Removal
(in) (in) Force (N) (N) (N) (in) Force (N)
1N 0.366 0.293 1145.0 711.1 433.9 0.293 1587.3
2N 0.366 0.333 2037.0 482.0 1555.0 0.542 1989.2
3N* 0.365 0.275 N/A N/A N/A 0.512 1848.2
4N 0.365 0.282 1590.3 973.3 617.0 0.880 2222.1
5N 0.366 0.264 1342.3 791.5 550.8 0.841 1802.5
6N 0.366 0.253 2180.3 1793.9 386.4 0.512 2247.5
7N 0.365 0.106 2037.0 476.0 1561.0 0.542 2275.0
8N 0.365 0.259 1514.9 914.1 600.9 0.570 1510.4
9N 0.371 0.443 353.1 169.8 183.3 0.794 504.1
10N 0.372 0.405 300.7 144.0 156.7 0.792 420.0
11N N/A 0.412 362.2 183.6 178.6 0.555 536.9
12N 0.371 0.417 268.4 120.0 148.4 0.560 371.2
13N 0.371 0.705 489.5 104.5 385.0 0.827 679.5
14N 0.374 0.400 34.5 15.5 19.0 0.400 106.3
15N 0.374 0.636 124.3 0.0 124.3 0.636 245.1
16N 0.373 0.621 62.0 30.8 31.2 0.621 77.3
17N 0.374 0.705 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.700 22.2
18N 0.372 0.638 131.7 48.0 83.7 0.638 174.7
Force data for sample 3N was lost.
The following graphs show the force vs. distance graphs for each sample. From these
graphs, the maximum press fit force was determined for each test. Data was first collected to
measure the force required to press fit the pin. Five weeks later, data was collected to measure
the force to remove the pin. Please refer to Sect. 4.1 for interpretation of experimental results.

Force Datafor Sanpoe 1N

1 t'nn
--?------ -----------------_ .
I -
r 1
cyv i .~~~~~~~~~~
1200 i.......

S 1000 . . -..- . i
o 800
400 i

200 ---. -- i --. ---

ii a I
0 I!

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

- Press-fit t
_ Prssfit Ertry-*- Press-fit

Figure 31. The maximum force measured was 1145.0 N. Subtracting entry effects of 711.1 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 7.44 mm was determined to be 433.9 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 1587.3 N.

Force at for S e2N


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

-- Press fit Entry - Press

fit E

Figure 32. The maximum force measured was 2037.0 N. Subtracting entry effects of 482.0 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 8.45 mm was determined to be 1555.0 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 1989.2 N.

Force Datfor Sanple 3N

, I X
12ooD ---1--
l ~~ ----

m 1000
U. 800
I I-.-


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

I- Pr-m f it -E)t

Figure 33. The force data file for the initial press fit is unavailable. Removing the steel dowel
pin required 1848.2 N.

Fare Ddafor Sample 4N

. . . . . . .



L2 1000


0 5 10 15 20

I-- Pressfit Etry - Pressfit Eit

Figure 34. The maximum force measured was 1590.3 N. Subtracting entry effects of 973.3 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 7.16 mm was determined to be 617.0 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 2222.1 N.

Force Datafor Sple 5N


8 00
1L - -- . ... . . .

600 ------
t~t-------...- ......

400..... - --
0 5 10 15 20
stance (nm

- Pressfit Ertry-.- Pressfi a

Figure 35. The maximum force measured was 1342.3 N. Subtracting entry effects of 791.5 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 6.71 mm was determined to be 550.8 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 1802.5 N.

ForceDta for Swame 6N

econ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

F ii


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

-- 'Press
-- t itdt

Figure 36. The maximum force measured was 2180.3 N. Subtracting entry effects of 1793.9 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 6.41 mm was determined to be 386.4 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 2247.5 N.

Force. a for S.m 7N.e


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14i

I + iirssf;--Ejt Pressfit Et i

Figure 37. The maximum force measured was 2037.0 N. Subtracting entry effects of 476.0 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 2.69 mm was determined to be 1561.0 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 2275.0 N.

- - --- ---- ----

Ota-- for
- - ----
-- --
-- -
-- -- -- - -- -- -- --

LI .-- -..- - .-- --.- - - --- - - . - --- -- --.

A. < _. _.'
._ k _ .. i
. _ _
irm _ . _ _ .. . .I

z , . _
; 800

I' 600

g . ;
. i I
200 V
. _ . .. l . . ..... . . . _ . . _

._ l
. '
0 . ,

0 5 10 15 20
asitan e( fit

-.- Presfit -Etr Pressfit dt

Figure 38. The maximum force measured was 1514.9 N. Subtracting entry effects of 914.1 N,
the press fit force for a distance of 6.58 mm was determined to be 600.9 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 1510.4 N.

Force Data for Samle 9N




£"0 I

U-0 i


0 5 10 15 20

j ~i -P
sM fit-Entry
r~-4- -- Psfft dt,

Figure 39. The maximum force measured was 353.1 N. Subtracting entry effects of 169.8 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 11.24 mm was determined to be 183.3 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 504.1 N.

Faorce tafor S ple1ON

350 I~.
- -. L~1----*~--~
..--... . i. .. i
ii -.
P i
"LL§ I

0 5 10 15 20

I- ss fit try -- Rssfit Edt


Figure 40. The maximum force measured was 300.7 N. Subtracting entry effects of 144.0 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 10.28 mm was determined to be 156.7 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 420.0 N.

Force Data for Sanple 11N



8 300

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 41. The maximum force measured was 362.2 N. Subtracting entry effects of 183.6 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 10.46 mm was determined to be 178.6 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 536.9 N.

Farce Data for Ssaple 12N


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Dastrce (rim

-_ Pressfit Ery - .- fit Bt I

Figure 42. The maximum force measured was 268.4 N. Subtracting entry effects of 120.0 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 10.58 mm was determined to be 148.4 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 371.2 N.

Force Dala for Sanple 13N

800 - _ ---*--·-·I
700 - --- - ---
I-- --
_ .


z_ 500
8400 I

12 300 I-,-, -- -- ,T -- , --


0 5 10 15 20 25
-- Pressfit Ertry-

Figure 43. The maximum force measured was 489.5 N. Subtracting entry effects of 104.5 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 17.89 mm was determined to be 385.0 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 679.5 N.

Force Datafor Smple 14N



I. i

0 5 10 15 20 25
aistance (r

-- FPessfitEntry-- PressfitBdti

Figure 44. The maximum force measured was 34.5 N. Subtracting entry effects of 15.5 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 10.17 mm was determined to be 19.0 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 106.3 N.

ForceData for Sample 15N




o 150


0 5 10 15 20 25

- Press fit Entrys- Pressfit t

. . . .... . . ..........................

Figure 45. The maximum force measured was 124.3 N. No entry effect was observed.
Therefore the press fit force for a distance of 16.16 mm was determined to be 124.3 N.
Removing the steel dowel pin required 245.1 N.

ForceDatafor Sample 16N

80 t

eo - L----; - -------- i- - t I---


40 i.. _....... l ,

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

|...................--. Pressfit Ertry a+ Prssfit Exat|

Figure 46. The maximum force measured was 62.0 N. Subtracting entry effects of 30.8 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 15.78 mm was determined to be 31.2 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 77.3 N.

Force Daa for Sarple 17N



0 5 10 15 20 25
Dlstarce (m)

fit Entry-.- Pressfit Et...

Figure 47. The maximum force measured was 10.0 N. No entry effect was observed. Therefore
the press fit force for a distance of 17.90 mm was determined to be 10.0 N. The sharp peak in the
press fit entry data at distance 18mm is due to the pin pressing through the nylon hex and into the
table. Removing the steel dowel pin required 22.2 N.

Force Data for Sample 18N

!z u
i1. .. ~ . I . _ . I I

I _ ! I

I . I- ! -- -!

z 120
X 100
° 80
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

~I Pressf~itErtry-.- Pressfit E)di

Figure 48. The maximum force measured was 131.7 N. Subtracting entry effects of 48.0 N, the
press fit force for a distance of 16.19 mm was determined to be 83.7 N. Removing the steel
dowel pin required 174.7 N.

Appendix 4: Nylon Torque Data
The following graphs show the torque vs. time graphs for each sample. From these graphs,
the maximum torque was determined for each test as the maximum peak in the graph. There is
some noise in the signal, which can be seen as somewhat random data points that do not behave
similarly to the points on either side. These outlier data points have not been selected as the
maximum torque data points. Please refer to Sect. 4.1 for interpretation of experimental results.

Nylon Torque Test for Sample 1N





' 2000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Figure 49. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
5070.8 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
688.9 N. Therefore the net torque is 4381.9 N.

Nylon Torque Test for Sample 2N


..000 . ._!. ___ ..


o 3000

1000 . ... .. .. ... ... .. . . . .... . ..

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 50. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
6549.4 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
490.6 N. Therefore the net torque is 6058.8 N.

Nylon Torque Test for Sample 3N



0 4000

- 2000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 51. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
5520.5 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
1711.6 N. Therefore the net torque is 3808.9 N.


Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 4N

e .1..
-- o --------------------------------------- -----


6000 ....... . ... ®

®e e._®®
. ®® l~.*-.
._.® e . ....

- --. .· .. '

0 3000

...... I ......... ........... ...... .......


0 I
i oo
I I I4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Figure 52. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
6687.6 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
935.6 N. Therefore the net torque is 5752.0 N.


Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 5N

'-----V~ ~ ~ ~~ i";~'- t --- --- t------- ----- ·---

5000 r- ------ . 1--- --. ~

-~ -
E 4000
~! ~~.~;~.~ ..- `- ~.-~-. . *. 1



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 53. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
6537.8 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
768.2 N. Therefore the net torque is 5769.6 N.

l ___ i

Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 6N

300 ..........
- ....... .

2000 - - 1 -

..... - ...........

0 ...------
-- -- 1
I 'x,--- . -

0 -
0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Figure 54. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
3807.2 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
890.8 N. Therefore the net torque is 2916.4 N.

Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 7N




* 1500

0 ~~
cc~~~i i I i I ~~~~~~~~t~~~~·.·'·'"··'~~~~~~~I
F 1000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Figure 55. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
2510.6 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
463.1 N. Therefore the net torque is 2047.4 N.


Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 8N

z2000 ... T. .....|.
. ........... . .
; . ...
... ..~ ........ _


2000 ... ........ 4 . ·.

1500- .-

500 - ':....... . . --------

..... ~-.------ i

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 56. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
3217.4 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
855.6 N. Therefore the net torque is 2361.8 N.

- l

Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 9N



·- -- ··· · ~-- ·---- ·- ·---- · *9499%9r----- ,
**--- ,.*9 ***9* 9 9 *.~ ---
** ----

.... * i
= 1000 …~~·*~~

, I '


2 4

6 8 10
14 16

Figure 57. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
3158.5 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
185.0 N. Therefore the net torque is 2973.5 N.

Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 10N
3u ..-
------ -
v...v.. T
......................... . .......................................... ............................ ..........I............... ............. ..I....I............I............
- ...................
. .....................
................. ...... .......
..... - ~
. ...............................

2500 . --

-- i'- -'
#-i' #-* * 4 * *
i_..... .
2000 ------ I-- .---- -- ! *

- .. - - -4..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-* . *.

1500 - - - -- --- - _ _ _ . . ... .. . _ .

-- -

o 1000 _-- ;--

Ii ----
-I- -
I! i i
500 .. .. " . - __ 2 - _ l ._ L . . . ___

---'- - ---!
i i
_ I

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10
Time (s)

Figure 58. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
2796.5 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
160.0 N. Therefore the net torque is 2636.5 N.

Nylon Torque Testing for Sample 13N



3500 i
I -- - - - - -
R_.e .!. ......

f 2000
k-~ - I u

1000 I

500 ... . i.. ...

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


Figure 59. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is
3967.4 N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be
136.0 N. Therefore the net torque is 3831.4 N.

Data for samples I N, 12N, 14N, 15N, 16N, 17N, and 18N was not collected. These
samples required less than the torque of the lever to cause the hex to rotate independent of the
dowel pin. Therefore, since the torque of the lever arm is 1617 N-mm, these samples required
less than 1617 N-mm.

Appendix 4: Brass Experimental Force Data
The following graphs show the force vs. distance graphs for each sample. From these
graphs, the maximum press fit force was determined for each test. Please refer to Sect. 4.1 for
interpretationof experimental results.

ForceDatafor BrassSanplelB

^ ..... . ............... .... _.

8000 .~_ .. .. I .. _ . . .. .... ........


z 5000 - - --- / - - i- - --- 4--- - -- -
_ _...................... . .... .. _. _.

o 4000 . ~~ ~ ~ _-- _... _ - _.. . t___._


1000 'W
* 0 __
0 ._
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Figure 60. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample B. Maximum
measured force is 8351 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSanple 2B

16000 --......-
... ......-..... --... ....... ...
14000 ......

.................. ..............

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Distance (nches)

Figure 61. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 2B. Maximum
measured force is 15134 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample3B

............... ·

25000 . ..-.- -.......
--- I- -··

15000 i
8 i
10000 1- -- .- - ---. - I - --- .
i I
i I i
5000 i

0 t
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 62. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 3B. Maximum
measured force is 19936 N.

ForceData for Brass Sample4B



-i--------! i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


z 6000


00"~ ~~`~~~`-t-~-- ~-

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
.... . . . _ .. .. . . .. . _. ...............

Figure 63. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 4B. Maximum
measured force is 10398 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample5B


14000 _~~~
12000 1~ --- -
i- i--

8 8000 If

. L



2000 . . i .... . . .

UI -- i

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2


Figure 64. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 5B. Maximum
measured force is 13737 N.

ForceDatafor Brass Sample6B

I-v . .____ .. _

. ....
-I...--.. ......... . ... . .....


12000 i
10000 I



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

uu..n.. L-k--s--
i….- --- - .- - . - - -. - - - - -- - . - - .--- - , - - . - - - - . - - - -

Figure 65. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 6B. Maximum
measured force is 11102 N.

Force Data for BrassSample 7B



12000 -- ,---- ·-- ·-.--- · --·- ·--- --; ·- -- - - -:--c,- - c---.F---- ----- -L

10000 ..... f -;jlf-_. - ---- -i i ...... -..--.t

! Z

---- ---- .1_... -i ·---- ----- ·- t ---- ----- t-- -- -- t -- ·-- -!------- -- i---



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (inches)

Figure 66. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 7B. Maximum
measured force is 13261 N.







.'..... .
..-...... . ... .... ....-
. -.
Datafor Brass Sale
Force Data for BrassSanple 8B




......1/ ... ,......i-- .. .......
? t i
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 67. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 8B. Maximum
measured force is 15269 N.



6OO t
- ForceDatafor Brass Sample9B

! i:

4,~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ .

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 68. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 9B. Maximum
measured force is 14392 N.

Force Datafor Brass Sample 10B i


18000 .. [______ .......... .................................... I

i--,- ---- -~------- ------i - -----
i -1 i11
14000- - - -- - . -- i-- . .-I1.1111- I - - -

--~--~-- ~1*

. .- 1
--· ----- -00,, OP"-
- --- -

.-- - i . - - -- -.. . -


2000- i
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24

Figure 69. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 10B. Maximum
measured force is 18013 N.

No data for Sample 11.


Force Datafor Sample12B

14000-. _.
14000 ... ...........................
-. .-- . ........ ..'....'.. ...............
... ...................................
'. ..............
. ......


1 000


4000- . ........ .... : ...


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 70. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 12B. Maximum
measured force is 12816 N.

Force Datafor Brass Sample13B




8 1500



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

Figure 71. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 13B. Maximum
measured force is 2374 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample14B

. ......
.. ........._.-······
.... .......
_ T.
. ...............
··. ..
--- . A...
..... ..... . ,.
.... - ._ _. . . ......... _ ..--
. ....
... .................
. ............


. t _ K--.. ..- .. . .
8 150 I -- -- . - ---

! 1500
u. I
1000 - --i--- -;
500 I

I i

0 i i
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (inches)

Figure 72. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 14B. Maximum
measured force is 2517 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample15B

I ,

2000 ----

1500 --

; *

1000 ..----.

i n - I

.1-.-- - - . -- -
i i
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 73. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 15B. Maximum
measured force is 1540 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample16B

1800 I - - -- t -- 4

1600 . 10;
I *
1400 i

_ 1200
1000 I


+ _.-

i i
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (inches)

Figure 74. Experi imental press fit force required for brass sample 16B. Maximum
measured force is 15528 N.

Force DataforBrassSample17B


,'S~~~~~, ~-~
z500 -"-'---'
-'-'-"---- '-t;---- .'--.---
· :

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (Inches)

Figure 75. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 17B. Maximum
measured force is 1683 N.

Force Datafor Brass Sarrple 18B



. .............
................... 4 ;
__. ;......i ........-
4 - . .... ...t .-~ .. ...

I. 1000
0 800

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 76. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 18B. Maximum
measured force is 1708 N.

Force DataforBrass Sample198


2000 ._·i·: -- ---

1800 .

1600-. -----.

1400 .

4~~~~~~~~ · I

· _____ ................

. i.........

800- ---------- · - --

X I -

' - i i I
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

Figure 77. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 19B. Maximum
measured force is 1617 N.

ForceData for BrassSarple 20B



8 1500



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 78. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 20B. Maximum
measured force is 2000 N.

Force Datafor BrassSample21B



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (inches)
. . . . .. . - . . -- . .- - - . . .. .. . . . .......................................

Figure 79. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 21B. Maximum
measured force is 1879 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample22B






0 0.02
.... -


0.04 0.06
. .....

. .......

........ .

.. . . ...............

0.14 0.16
I . .. ... ........
Figure 80. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 22B. Maximum
measured force is 1807 N.

_ _

Force Datafor BrassSample23B

- - -. .- r
puuu ---i * I
1800 --

t----- · ---- --t .-- ---- ---

1600 i-

-j .1*
81000 -- i-
- ---- .7-- - I -
U 800 I----, ---i- -------#- 00001i a-- ---
600 ---- --- -
- ------
400 - -i--- --
200 - i --- ---i -
_ I .

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Distance (Inches)

Figure 81. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 23B. Maximum
measured force is 1604 N.


1600 1I6 -
. . , . .

1400 140 0 . .. .. 4. . . . - - - - -
I ... . .
I--- . . - - - -- -

1200 - -.
-.. . i .

. . .
1* *- _



400 i.. p E I

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 82. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 24B. Maximum
measured force is 1033 N.





1400 . . . . . . . . .__ . . . .


. ---- ......~
200 ... . - ..-...
. .... - - - -
_ .__....................
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 83. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 25B. Maximum
measured force is 1344 N.


ForceDatafor Brass Sample26B

1 A r


0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24


Figure 84. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 26B. Maximum
measured force is 800 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample27B

---------- ............................--
------ ---- --------.- -. --- ----- -.......... .......-

16o . ............... .. .....

.. .....
- ... ..----



600 -

400 .

0) 0.0 0.12
* 0.6


40 0 . ........ ............... ...................

.................. n c (In c h..... ).............
.............. .......................
.. ........................................

Figure 85. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 27B. Maximum
measured force is 300 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSanple28B

1800 ........................I. .........................-....... 'T''''''

.................... I........... .........-.................- -
........... _ . ......... ................................................................
. ....................
. ..

i -

1400- .- - -4 - 1. i,- ! .- - .-
i i
1200 - - - -- ----
9 1000 I

0 800-

600- ------ L
- -
C -

0 1~~~~ - - I ---
400 * !~~~~~~

400 CC *.~~
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Figure 86. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 28B. Maximum
measured force is 701 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample29B

---- s



. iO00

--- n
su -
~t- ~~
I --- -- 1*.-*--...t-
~~~~~~~~~~II ---------. --- - .

n A
v _ . ,

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

Distance (inches)

Figure 87. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 29B. Maximum
measured force is 1384 N.

Force Data for Brass Sample30B

1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ..... ............ ..............................................................

900 . ...


700 - - - .

600 -- . . .. . -

f3 500
U 4 00
- -. 9 .... .. . ...... .......... ....

300 ·
*200 - ' - -- -
* g 4 * 4 * e* e4 * 4 4* ~

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25


Figure 88. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 30B. Maximum
measured force is 0 N. Force readings were negligible.

ForceDataforBrass Sample31B

100 -

1 00.- ..-- --...-. ........... ....... ............

1400 . ....-


1200--- i -


0 800


400 -----

200 i I i '

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

Figure 89. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 3 lB. Maximum
measured force is 815 N.


Force Data for Brass Sample 32B


1000 - --I -. I..-... -ii .... a- a
g 800

600 -i -- -- ,-- --
~i_. .- a*j D
400 I aa,- I

__J.. __ ---
a i
200 iw I

1% I I I I

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Distance (inches)

Figure 90. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 32B. Maximum
measured force is 523 N.

ForceDatafor BrassSample33B

14U - i

1200 I=
1000 ..._. _. .. _: A
__ _- a a~~~~~~
· I * ! --- ' : *·-
i. 800 · ..............
......... .
......... li........
' ........-
S --. --- - -- - ----

U- 600 i.- ---- --r- __ ai--



0 ,
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Distance (Inches)

Figure 91. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 33B. Maximum
measured force is 567 N.


ForceDatafor BrassSample34B


2000 * I~~~~~~~~-

1800 ........ ' .... ~..... . .:! . -.-.

.. i .
. .....
1600 i
. ... i ... .. .. ....
* . , !
Z 1200
:8 Nov-
o 1000
800 - --,. i---- -- - - - I ---
.- ---- - -
600- l - - - ----. - I- I
.. . -- . .

400 i i
I ---- -1 -.
200 i ' I
+ --- -- -- It------ --'--
:( r a
v r

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Distance (inches)

Figure 92. Experimental press fit force required for brass sample 34B. Maximum
measured force is 1164 N.

Appendix 5: Brass Torque Data
The following graphs show the torque vs. time graphs for each sample. From these graphs,
the maximum torque was determined for each test as the maximum peak in the graph. There is
some noise in the signal, which can be seen as somewhat random data points that do not behave
similarly to the points on either side. These outlier data points have not been selected as the
maximum torque data points. Please refer to Sect. 4.1 for interpretation of experimental results.

Brass TorqueTest for Sample 2B

18 *0
18000 ..................
.... ...........................-
. . ...............
. .......
..... ...... ..............
. .. ..................



I . m -

:!_ * -------
2000 ------- - I

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time ($)

Figure 93. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 12216
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 195 N. Therefore
the net torque is 12021 N.

Brass Torque Test for Sample 3B


18000 - ------ .-



E 12000 -- C
- - C

.10000- ....
8000 - - -


4000 --- ----- -- ~

.......... ®
. . . ~.......+I
~ C#C*-IA
.............. .......

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time ()

Figure 94. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 18383
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 231 N. Therefore
the net torque is 18152 N.

Brass Torque Test for Sample 6B

· '- _ -....- ---------- I


· tC
/ i I

~~~~~~~~· , CI -J
.--- -I I

........ .........
I -. . .......... I C--~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~------ - _ *.- --- C-
5000 -. - - IC-

!% C

- I--- - *C-
0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 95. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 23708
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 423 N. Therefore
the net torque is 23285 N.


I .
--- . - . .. .- .
.. - - .
BrassTorqueTestfor Sample7B

30000 -- -
*e * :**


, * ! . ,.
o15000O -
.' !

I: I i

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (i)

Figure 96. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 28253

N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 393 N. Therefore
the net torque is 27860 N.

BrassTorqueTestfor Sample10B

35000 -


25000 1 : -

10000 i ,
.... ...


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
lime (s)

Figure 97. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 30064
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 459 N. Therefore
the net torque is 29605 N.

Brass Torque Test for Sample 13B



rq 10000
ue 4.40i
(N 8000 4AAWo

m) 60
... hr
4000 4
4V _*

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 98. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 8648 N.
The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 144 N. Therefore the
net torque is 8504 N.

Brass Torque Test for Sample 16B

10000 10000~~ . ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.... ............... .......
-.................-........-.. ......... .
. .....................



I .-. ~---- ~i--
i ... --..
IWD 4-- ---
· I
: 4000I4


I i; · i·~, C~


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 99. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 5779 N.
The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 88 N. Therefore the
net torque is 5691 N.


BrassTorqueTest for Sample18B

u)J ·- ------ __·
1__·11··1_1__·___·1__I 111··.·1 --
1·_· __·^_1_--1·1·1^11111--^1·111
8000 . .. .. ..
7000- A. ..-. -.---...
I -

6000- -- *Ce-
- - -- ---**-
=. .

i ---
i I .
r 4000
i' C
- *** .
2000 _ _* .. . .. _. ~
.~~.--1 ~ C. C
.... . I ._

®®®®® !iL.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time ()

Figure 100. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 6532
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 91 N. Therefore

the net torque is 6441 N.


f -- ---
-- Brass TorqueTestfor Sample20B

---- ------ --
1 1

-03000 .-.
... . -
3000 -........ ......
2000 * **C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 101. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 6988
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 67 N. Therefore
the net torque is 6921 N.

BrassTorqueTestfor Smaple21B




r--·---- ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ..4 ..

4 I 4


0 l

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
. . . .. .. . _ . _ _ _. . ... _ _ . .....................

Figure 102. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 7086
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 69 N. Therefore
the net torque is 7017 N.


8000 - - - --------------- --

_- .. _ . 1 . !
6000. .....

2000-.. .


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Figure 103. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 4464
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 65 N. Therefore
the net torque is 4399 N.

BrassTorqueTestfor Sample26B

4000 - .. . . ...

lowr44' i
Se IE|__ _v .

4- .... ~.......

0] i
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (e

Figure 104. The measured applied torque, shown as the maximum peak on the graph, is 4012
N. The residual torque due to the offset of the lever arm was calculated to be 60 N. Therefore
the net torque is 3952 N.

Data for samples 28B, 30B, 32B, and 33B was not collected. These samples required less than
the torque of the lever to cause the hex to rotate independent of the dowel pin. Therefore, since
the torque of the lever arm is 1617 N-mm, these samples required less than 1617 N-mm.


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