Rotational Raman Spectroscopy: The Polarizability of The Molecule Must Be Anisotropic
Rotational Raman Spectroscopy: The Polarizability of The Molecule Must Be Anisotropic
Rotational Raman Spectroscopy: The Polarizability of The Molecule Must Be Anisotropic
Raman scattering could also appears when molecule change their rotational energy:
- Pure rotational Raman spectra
- Roto-vibrational Raman spectra
► Spherical top molecules such as CH4 and SF6 still do not have rotational
Raman spectra as they do not have an anisotropic polarizability.
Raman selection rules
Vibrational Raman:
► Polarisability of molecule must change
during a particular vibration (gross selection rule)
► Δv = ± 1 (vibrational quantum number) (specific
selection rule)
Rotational Raman:
► Anisotropic polarisability: the polarizability of the
molecule must depend on the molecule orientation (i.e.
molecule must not be spherically symmetric: CH4, SF6, ...)
► ΔJ = ± 2 ( rotational quantum number) (specific selection rule)
Roto-vibrational Raman:
► Combined: anisotropic polarizability which
polarizability change during vibration
► Δv = ± 1, ΔJ = 0, ± 2
Polarizability of molecules during rotation
The rotation of the molecule leads to a periodic modulation of the dipole moment
induced by e field of the laser, and those to a modulation of the frequency of the
scattered radiation (with 2rot). The additional lines accompanying the Rayleight signal
occurs at spacing corresponding to twice the rotational frequency.
Quantum theory of rotational Raman spectroscopy
The classical explanation for the occurrence of the doubled rotational frequency in
the spacing of the rotational Raman lines is reproduced in quantum mechanics in terms
of modified selection rules which correspond to a two phonon process.
The quantum-mechanical treatment of rotational Raman effect (inelastic photon
scattering, accompanied by the uptake or release of rotational quanta) leads to the
selection rule J = 2 in the case of the linear rotor.
E J hcBJ(J 1)
In rotational Raman, for a linear molecule, the selection rule for J is: ΔJ = ± 2
(as opposed to ΔJ = ± 1 in pure rotational spectroscopy)
E0 = 0
E1 = 2Bhc
E2 = 6Bhc
E3 = 12Bhc
E4 = 20Bhc
E5 = 30Bhc
(E J 2 E J ) 2B2J 3 J 0,1,2... J 2
Stokes Rot
(E J E J 2 ) 2B2J 1 J 2,3,4... J 2
Anti-Stokes Rot
The wavenumber of the Raman rotational scattered radiation:
The lines (in Sokes and anti-Stokes branches) are spaced with 4B!
First lines from Stokes and Anti-Stokes branches are spaced with 6B relative to
Rayleigh line!
Intensity alternation of the
rotational Raman lines
The nuclear spin can have an important influence on the appearance of rotational
spectra of molecules with a center of inversion.
Nuclear spin statistics must be taken into account whenever a rotation interchanges
identical nuclei.
• The rotational Raman spectrum of a diatomic molecule with two identical spin (1/2)
nuclei shows an alternation in intensity as a result of nuclear statistics.
• For some molecules, in the Raman spectra is missing every other line.
Parity of ψrot :
if I 1/2
Number of anti - symmetric states (odd J) I 1
Number of symmetric states (even J) I 1 if I 1
- the lines corresponding to transitions 0 ---> 2, 2 ---> 4, etc. will be one-third times
as large as those corresponding to transitions 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 5, etc.
In H2 both ψvib (whatever the value of v) and ψel, in the ground electronic state, are
symmetric to nuclear exchange, so we need to consider only the behaviour of ψrot
and ψns (the nuclear spin wavefunction).
Ortho- and Para-Forms of H2
For ortho-H2 (with I = 1 and positive parity of the nuclear spin function) we have
rotational states with negative parity, i.e. J = 1; 3; 5, …,
For para-H2 (with I = 0 and negative parity of the nuclear spin function) we have
rotational states with positive parity, i.e. J = 0,2,4, …
For 2D (with the nuclei being bosons (I = 1 for the individual nuclei), the inverse is
true, i.e. at low temperatures only o-2D2 is stable.
Usually, at higher temperatures, there is thermal equilibrium between the two 1H2
modifications, so H2 is a mixture of o-H2 and p-H2 with a ratio of 3:1.
Consequences of nuclear spin
Only end-over-end rotations produce a change in the polarizability in the case of the
symmetric top molecules (a molecule in which two moments of inertia are the same).
The energy levels:
(1) J = 1 (R branch)
Lines at ER = 2B(J+1) J = 1, 2, .. but J ≠ 0
(2) J = 2 (S branch)
Lines at ES = 2B(2J+3) J = 0, 1, 2, ..
The spectrum shows a complex intensity structure
(not to be confused with nuclear spin effects), but
the basic line spacing is now 2B, rather than 4B as
in the case of linear molecules.
Roto-vibrational spectroscopy
P, Q, R branches O, Q, S branches
Roto-vibrational Raman Spectra
Pure vibration
Diatomic molecule (linear)
2. The wavenumber of the incident radiation is 20000 cm-1. What is the wavenumber of the
scattered Stokes radiation for the J = 0 → 2 transition of 14N2. The equilibrium bond length
is 110 pm.
3. Explain why in the pure rotational Raman spectrum of CO2, the displacement from the
Rayleigh line of the first observed line is 6B and the separation of successive lines is 8B,
whereas for O2 the corresponding figures are 10B and the separation of successive lines is 8B,
where B are the appropriate rotational constants.
4. Lines in the pure rotational Raman spectrum of oxygen are observed at 14.381, 25.876,
37.369, 48.855, 60.337, 71.809, 83.267, 94.712, 106.143, 117.555, 128.949 cm-1.
Assign the lines and determine the ground state rotational constant and the bond length of