Atomic Term Symbol
Atomic Term Symbol
Atomic Term Symbol
Having defined ways to determine atomic terms (which group various quan-
tum microstates of similar energy) we need to specify a protocol to allow us
to determine qualitatively the relative energetics of the terms.
Up till now, apart from the example of the carbon atom ground state, we
have not considered too deeply the idea of spin-orbit coupling. This is
important for nuclei starting with Z=30 and moving to higher charge. For
these atoms, the various terms arising from L-S (Russel-Saunders) coupling
of orbital and spin angular momenta are further split based on the spin
multiplicity, effectively.
Hund’s Rules:
• The lowest energy term is that which has the greatest spin mul-
• For terms that have the same spin multiplicity, the term with the
highest orbital angular momentum lies lowest in energy.
– If the unfilled subshell is exactly or more than half full, the level
with the highest J value has the lowest energy
– If the unfilled subshell is less than half full, the level with the
lowest J value has the lowest energy.
Spectroscopy and General Selection Rules in the Dipole Approx-
imation Molecular and atomic spectroscopy afford information on various
properties of atoms and molecules:
hν = |E2 − E1 |
SpectralRange λ(nm) ν (1014 Hz) ν̃ (cm− 1) Energy (kJ/mol) Spectroscopy
Selection rules tell us which transitions (among the many available) will be
experimentally observable.
The Dipole Approxmiation
It can be shown that a non-zero probability for a transition from a state n
to m is realized if the transition dipole moment, µ mn
x is non-zero, giving
the requirement:
x = ψm
(x)µx (x)ψn (x)dτ 6= 0
where µx is the dipole moment along the electric field direction, in this
case the x − direction. As discussed in Engel and Reid for the case of a
quantum harmonic oscillator, the integral vanishes for all vibrational transi-
tions except in which the principal quantum number (for H.O.) changes by
±1. More generally, selections rules are different for different spectroscopies.
Within the dipole approximation, however, selection rules are determined
using the transition dipole and the appropriate total energy eigenfunctions
for any spectroscopy.
1 1
ν̃ = RH −
n2initial n2f inal
Spectroscopic Selection Rules: Electronic Transitions in Many-
Electron Atoms In atomic absorption and emission processes, only certain
transitions are allowed. This makes intuitive sense since the transitions have
to maintain states that comply with the commutativity relation between
angular momenta and the system Hamiltonian. Thus, the spectroscopic se-
lection rules for atomic transtions based on the dipole approximation are:
• ∆l = ±1
• ∆L = 0, ±1
• ∆J = 0, ±1
• ∆S = 0 (no transition between singlet and triplet states in Helium)
NOTE: The first selection rule refers to the angular momentum of a single
electron; the other rules pertain to the vector sum of all electrons in the
atom. J refers to the total electron angular momentum.
e ~
µL = − L
eh̄ q q
|µl | = − l(l + 1) ≡ −βo l(l + 1)
e eh̄
|µlz | = − Lz = − m = −βo m
2me 2me
e ~
µs = − gS
eh̄ q q
|µs | = − g s(s + 1) = −βo g s(s + 1)
e eh̄
µ sz =− gSz = − gms = −βo gms = ±βo
2me 2me
g ≡ ”electronic g f actor” = 2.0023
~ :
Potential energy in magnetic field B
~ = −µz Bz =
E = −µB (Lz + gSz )
where the Lz and Sz are the orbital and spin angular momentum z-components.
The total Hamiltonian operator is thus:
Ĥ = Ĥo + L̂z + g Ŝz
ĤΨnlmms = Ĥo Ψnlmms + L̂z Ψnlmms + g Ŝz Ψnlmms = EΨnlmms
E = Enlmm s
+ β o B(m + gms )
Thus, the energy in a magnetic field depends on the orbital and spin mag-
netic quantum numbers! Every electron orbital state is split into spin sub-
levels mx = ±1/2.
δm = ±1 δms = 0
• Nuclear magnetic moments give rise to transitions exploited by NMR
e I~ I~
~ = gN I~ = gN βN = γ
2mproton h̄ h̄
NOTE: The operators and commutation relations for nuclear spin are the
same as for electron spin.
The energies associated ”up” and ”down” nuclear spins in a magnetic field
aligned in the z-direction are determined as:
E = −~µB~o = −γBo mz h̄
With the z-component of the nuclear spin taking on values of ±1/2, there
are two energies for the ”up” and ”down” spins in a z-oriented magnetic field:
1 1
E = − ± gN βN Bo = − ± γBo
2 2
ν = γo
We see that the Larmor frequency scales linearly with the applied mag-
netic field. It has characeristic values for particular nuclei. Finally, we
note that in a given ”macroscopic” sample, there are Avogadros’ number
of nuclear magnetic moments precessing. Individually, the moments have
different transverse components, but collectively, they cancel one another to
leave only the z-component. Thus, in a practical sense, we consider the to-
tal magetization, M~ defined as the sum of the individual magnetic moments.
E = ± gN βN Bo
E = ±7.76x10−26 J
∆E = 2(7.76x10−26 J) = 1.55x10−25 J
The frequency assciated with this transition is in the radiofrequency range
(you may hear NMR spectroscopists talk about RF frequencies associated
with inducing transitions via ”pulse sequences”). The relative popula-
tions of the ”up” and ”down” spin states are:
β −α
nβ −
= exp kB T
= 0.999962
This shows us that at 300K, with a 5.5 T magnet, the rate of upward and
downward transitions will be roughly the same, and so a relatively weak
NMR signal is obtained. In general, the energy absorbed is proportional to
the product of the energy difference and populations of the two spin states,
both of which depend on the magnetic field. Thus, NMR measurements
are invariably performed at high magnetic fields employing superconducting
γBo (1 − σ)
ν =
This modulation of the resonance frequency of the nuclear spin is the basis
of chemical shift in NMR spectroscopy. Keep in mind that the shift is due
to the response of the electron density in the neighborhood of the nuclues;
the shielding is a local effect.
ψ1 = α(1)α(2)
ψ2 = β(1)α(2)
ψ3 = α(1)β(2)
ψ4 = β(1)β(2)
Four energy eigenvalues are obtained after solving the Schrodinger equation
for this system, and these lead to two unique transition frequencies; thus,
the NMR spectrum simulated for this case would give two peaks. Introduc-
ing a spin-spin coupling term into the Hamiltonian:
hJ12 ˆ ˆ˙
Ĥ = −γBo (1 − σ1 )Iˆz1 − γBo (1 − σ2 )Iˆz2 + I1 I2
spin interactions and shielding effects are important and at the heart of
extracting meaningful information from NMR methods.