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English: Transcoding Linear and Non-Linear Texts

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Quarter 2 -Module 7


Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

English – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Second Quarter- Module 7: Transcoding Linear and Non-linear Texts First
Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: “No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by the respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective
copyright owners. The publisher and author do not represent nor claim ownership over them.
Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern Mindanao
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Criselle Lou U. Lacia

Maria Corazon C. Jumawan
Rheza C. Millapre
Reviewers: Rolando T. Luna Crystalyn S. Ledesma Alvir Jay T. Lumahang
Shirley N. Bayon-on Jocelyn B. Sumabat Enemesio T. Tacogdoy
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Thessa Lore C. Tercera

Management Team:
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayucot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Myra P. Mebato, PhD, CESE
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong,
Chief ES, CLMD

Members: Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagalimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Joanette Clarpondel M. Caparaz, EPS-ADM
Rone Ray M. Portacion, EdD, EPS- LRMS
Maurita B. Barquez, EPS- MTB/ Kindergarten
Loida A. Intong, EdD, PSDS
Agnes P. Gonzales, PDO II
Vilma M. Inso, Librarian II

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Quarter 2-Module 7



This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and
or/universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders
to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the
Department of Education at action@deped.gov.ph.

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message-----------------------------------------------------------------------i

What I Need to Know------------------------------------------------------------------------iii

What I know----------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv-vi

What’s In--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii

What’s New ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii

What Is It--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii

Lesson 1 Definition of Linear and Non-linear Text--------------------1

Lesson 2 Interpreting Linear and Non-linear Text---------------------5

Lesson 3 Transcoding Linear to Non-linear and vice-versa-------10

What’s More----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

What I Have Learned-----------------------------------------------------------------------12

What I Can Do--------------------------------------------------------------------------------13


Additional Activities------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Answer Key-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17-


Introductory Message

For the Learner

Welcome to this module! You will be learning many things in this module that will
help you develop your English skills in transmitting information which can be
done not only through linear texts but also through non-linear presentations like
charts, graphs, grids and tables. Through the aid of non-linear visuals, you can
understand easily the ideas presented.
This module will provide you with the definition of linear and non-linear
texts, different forms of non-linear presentations and how to transcode linear to
nonlinear texts and vice-versa.
But before you will do the activities, you must familiarize the different
sections in this module which are presented by a set of headings and learning
icons that will help you understand the lesson.

What I Need to Know This icon is used to introduce the learning

objectives in this module.

What I Know This icon is used to test what you have

learned in this module.

What’s In This icon is used to connect your previous

learning with the new lesson.

What’s New This icon is used to introduce new lesson

through an analysis of two different presentations of

What is It This icon helps you understand the

definition of linear and non-linear texts and
transcode information from linear to non-linear
presentations and vice- versa.

What’s More This icon helps enrich your learnings of

transcoding information.
What I Have Learned This icon helps you process what you
have learned in the lesson.

What I Can Do This icon allows you to apply what you have
learned into real-life situations.

Assessment This icon evaluates your level of mastery in

achieving the learning objectives.

Additional Activities This icon enhances your learning and improves

your mastery of the lesson.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in
developing this module.
REMINDERS: The following are some reminders to remember when using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate English notebook in answering the activities.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the text.
6. Return this module to your teacher/ facilitator once you are done with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone in this module.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Now that you know the different parts of this module, you have to read
everything and do all the activities within 5 days. You have to write all your
answers to the module tests and exercises in your English notebook. Please do
not write your answers in the module itself. Your notebook is an important record
for your accomplishments in English.
Are you now ready? Good luck as you begin!

What I Need to Know

Non-Linear Presentations/Graphic organizers are just so

simple—just a few shapes and lines—yet these tools (non-linear texts) help a lot
in showing and explaining some given information easily, which sometimes linear
texts (sentences and paragraphs) cannot. Presenting information in both text
(linear) and graphic (non-linear) formats is one of the most basic ways to make a
lesson more understandable to all students; and this is what this module is all

After reading this module, you should be able to:

Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa.
(EN8RC-IIe-11) Specifically:
1. identify linear texts and non-linear texts;
2. interpret linear and non-linear text;
3. extract information from a story and transcode it into a flow chart; and 4. extract
information from charts and graphs, and transcode them into paragraphs.

In going through the module, you have to extend your patience in

understanding and analyzing what you are reading. Follow the directions and/or
instructions in the activities. Answer the entire given test and exercises carefully.
Comply the required activities provided by writing your answers in your English

What I Know
Before starting with this module, let us check your knowledge on linear and non-
linear text. Get your English notebook and answer the test items below.

I. Identify the form of the following non-linear presentations as shown below. Write
the letter of the correct answer. Choices are found in the box.

A. Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pie graph

D. Table E. Venn diagram

1. 2.

3. 4.

II. Interpret the non-linear presentation and answer the questions below. Write the
letter only.

Percentage of Daily Requirements in 1/8 kilo of Beef

6. What is the table all about?

A. Percentage of daily requirements in 1/8 kilo of beef
B. Percentage of yearly requirements in 1/8 kilo of beef
C. Percentage of weekly requirements in 1/8 kilo of beef D. Percentage of
monthly requirements in 1/8 kilo of beef
7. Vitamin B1 is also called as ______.
A. Ascorbic acid B. Niacin C. Riboflavin D. Thiamine
8. Which among the choices show a complete list of nutrients found in beef?
A. Vitamin A and Vitamin C
B. Calcium, Iron, Protein, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3
C. Ascorbic acid, Calcium, Iron, Protein, Vitamin A, B1, B2 and B3
D. Calcium, Iron, Protein, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3 and Vitamin C
9. In a 1/8 kilo of beef, how much Niacin is found?
A.10% B. 28% C. 30% D. 60%
10. How much Calcium is found in a 1/8 kilo of beef?
A.2% B. 10% C. 12% D. 28%

III. For 5 points, extract information from the linear presentation to non-linear form by
copying the table and filling in the appropriate information. An example is given
Facts about Coronavirus Disease (CoViD 19)

Corona Virus belongs to a large family of viruses that started in Wuhan

City, China that caused the death of several people globally. It causes a range of
illnesses from common colds to more serious infections where respiratory system
is much affected.

The CoViD 19 as said has caused severe pneumonia in the people of China
where human-to-human transmission happened. As reported, the virus spread
through human droplets. When this is transmitted to another person, he can
acquire the virus and shows some symptoms.

Some symptoms of corona virus include flu, respiratory symptoms, fever, cough,
and breathing difficulties. It can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome,
kidney failure, and even death.

In preventing the spread of this corona virus, one should wash hands using
water and soap for 20 seconds; maintain social distancing; don’t touch your
eyes, nose or mouth; cover your mouth with your bent elbow or tissue; stay at
home. If you have some symptoms, ask for medical assistance and follow the
directions of the local authority.

Signs of corona virus infection Ways to prevent spreading

Example: Example:
Flu Wash hands using water and soap
for 20 seconds.

*____________________ *____________________

*____________________ *____________________

*____________________ *____________________

*____________________ *____________________


What’s In
Activity 1: Remember Me!

Before you start, you should recall your past lesson. You were learning
about summarizing a text. Now this time, you read and answer the following
questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. What is a summary?
2. What are the strategies to consider when
summarizing a text?

What’s New
Activity 2: Compare and Contrast! Study the boxes of information below

and answer the questions that follow.


Life stages of a Mosquito

Adult, female mosquitoes lay eggs on the inner

walls of containers with water, above the waterline. Eggs Life
look like black dirt. Eggs stick to container walls like glue. Cycle of
They can survive drying out for up to 8 months. Mosquit
Mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to lay o
eggs. Larvae live in the water. They hatch from mosquito
eggs. This happens when water (from rain or a
sprinkler) covers the eggs. Larvae can be seen in the
water. They are very active and are often called
“wigglers.” Pupae live in the water. An adult mosquito
emerges from the pupa and flies away. An adult
mosquito bites a person. Adult female mosquitoes bite
people and animals. Mosquitoes need blood to produce
eggs. After feeding, female mosquitoes look for water
sources to lay eggs.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/about/life-cycles/aedes.html

1. What information is presented in Box A?

2. What information is presented in Box B?
3. How is the information presented in Box A?
4. How is the information presented in Box B?
5. Do boxes A and B have the same information?

What Is It
From the previous activity, you can observe that box A contains the life
stages of a mosquito in a paragraph form. On the other hand, box B has the
drawing of the life cycle of a mosquito. Both have the same information but differ
in presentation.
Box A is an example of a linear text, while box B is an example of a nonlinear

Lesson 1 Definition of Linear and Non-linear Text
A. What is linear text?
Linear textis a text that is written in a traditional way without the aid of
graphics. It is read from left to right, from beginning to end, and has syntactic and
grammatical features. It is presented in a paragraph form just like what is shown in
box A. The author of the text decides the order or sequence of the text.
Print: novels, short stories, poems, educational texts, news articles and letters.

Bacha, Nahla Nola.
Developing Learners' Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education: A
Study for Educational Reform.
September 2002.

Electronics: blogs and -mails.



B. What is non-linear text?

Non-linear textis represented using different kinds of graphics such as

charts and graphs and other figures. It is also called
because the reader
does not read it sequentially; instead the reader of the text decides the sequence
in reading the text.
A line graphis used to record and present changes in data over a period
of time.

Days of the Week

Source:"Grade 7 Learner's Material, First Edition." By First Edition Grade 7 Learner's Material, 78. 2017.

A bar graphworks similarly to a line graph. Itdiffers
only in the use of
bars of different heights to show different values.

Source: "Grade 7 Learner's Material, First Edition." By First Edition Grade 7 Learner's Material, 78.

Venn diagram is a diagram that consists of two overlapping

circles that often show comparison and contrast.
Symptoms: COVID-19
Begin 1-4 days after Similarities exposure
Begin 1-14 days after
exposure Cause:
Influenza virus(there are Transmitted Cause: many strains) by respiratory
SARS-CoV-2 virus
Complication: droplets from Complication:
an infected Severe repiratory
Less likely to occur bacause
person complications may
of immunity built up occur quickly over time. Prevention:
Prevention: Self-isolation
Flu shot

Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/coronavirus-flu-differences-4798752

A pie chart is a circular chart that is divided into fractions used to

present proportions out of the whole.

A Budget Plan
Other Expenses



Source: "Grade 7 Learner's Material, First Edition." By First Edition Grade 7 Learner's Material, 79.

A flowchartis a type of diagram representing a process using different
symbols containing information about steps or a sequence of events. Each of these
symbols in linked with arrows to illustrate the flow direction of the process.


Activity 3: Warm Me Up!

Analyze the statements below. Write L if the statement is a linear text and write
NL if it is a non-linear text. Write your answers in your English notebook.
1. Summary of Maria Makiling.
2. Enrollment graph of Looc National High School.
3. A pie chart showing a budget plan of a government employee.
4. A short story of Rizal’s life.
5. A bar graph about CoViD-19 positive patients in Misamis Occidental.
Lesson 2 Interpreting Linear and Non-linear Text

Note! One kind of a narrative that is told and retold is an epic. It is a long narrative
poem based on oral tradition that tells about a legendary hero who exhibits qualities
admired in a person-- in addition to his great fighting ability and mental alertness.
Philippine epics
represent ethnic groups, and deal with regional heroes.

Now this time, you are going to read a Maranao epic. Read very carefully
and be ready to answer the questions after reading. Ready, begin!

The Good Prince Bantugan

There is a kingdom called Bumbaran. There lived three brothers:

King Agaanon Dalinan, Prince Bantugan and Prince Madali.
Bantugan was famous for his bravery and good looks, which
attracted many women. This made the king envious.
One day enemies attacked the kingdom.
Prince Bantugan led his men to defend the kingdom. While he was
gone the evil king plotted against the good prince. The king banned
his people from talking to the prince or they will be punished.
Bantugan left the
palace and ended up in
the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas.
Bantugan fell ill and died at the
kingdom gates. The king of the land
and Princess Datimbang were
shocked at his dead body.
Even in death Prince Bantugan was very handsome.
Princess Datimbang felt inlove and sorrow.
Nobody in the land knew of the prince. The king held a forum
with the wise men to deal with Bantugan’s corpse until a parrot came
and told them of his identity. The parrot was tasked to tell King
Dalinan and Prince Madali of their brother’s death,
which he did.
They heard the news and felt sad towards their brother’s
death. They hurriedly flew to the heavens to retrieve Bantugan’s
soul. They returned home bringing the soul of Bantugan and
transferred it immediately to the prince’s body. Bantugan then
was revived.
Princess Datimbang and the people of Bumbaran

Later, Prince Bantugan married Princess Datimbang

and they lived happily ever after.

Source: https://bit.ly/2PrB1FU

Did you understand the Maranao epic? To test your understanding, do
the activity that follows.

Activity 4: Let’s Check It Out!

Read and answer the items below. Choose the letter of your answer and write
them in your English notebook.

1. Bantugan was famous for his bravery and good looks, which attracted
many women. This made the king envious. What does the underlined
word mean?
A. excited B. happy C. impressed D. jealous
2. What causes the king’s unhappiness? A. The king had no wife.
B. He ruled the kingdom successfully.
C. His kingdom was attacked by enemies.
D. The king felt jealous of his younger brother.
3. What did the king plot against Prince Bantugan?
A. The King banned his people to talk to Prince Bantugan.
B. The King looked for a maiden to be married by Prince Bantugan.
C. The King met his men and planned a feast for Prince Bantugan’s
D. The King commanded his people to prepare a celebration for Prince
Bantugan’s victory against the enemies.
4. How did they revive Bantugan?
A. Princess Datimbang kissed Prince Bantugan.
B. The King gathered his men and performed a ceremonial sacrifice.
C. The King prayed to the heaven gods to bring back the life of Prince
D. King Dalinan and Prince Madali flew to the heavens, took the soul of
Bantugan and returned it to his body.
5. What are the character traits/attitudes of the three brothers? In your
notebook, copy the table below and write your answers on it.

Three Brothers Character Traits

a. King Agaanon Dalinan
b. Prince Bantugan
c. Prince Madali


It is important to interpret linear and non

-linear text to accurately get the
informationwe intend to provide to the readers.

Activity 5: Graphical Connections!

A. The graph below is a summary of the COVID 19 cases from January 30, 2020 to
May 2, 2020. Study the graph and then answer the following questions.

Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v1XDR6

1. How many active cases were reported on April 2?

A. 2,000 B. 2,500 C. 5,000 D. 7,500
2. What dates do not have cases reported? A. March 29, April 4, April 22 and May
B. March 15, March 17, March 29 and March 31
C. March 15, March 17, March 27 and March 31 D.
January 30, February 1, February 3 and February
3. What are the different data shown in the graph? A. Active cases, countries,
deaths and recoveries
B. Active cases, deaths, recoveries and population
C. Active cases, deaths, recoveries and total positives D.
Negative cases, deaths, recoveries and total positives
4. What is the trend of COVID 19 based on the graph?
A. Ascending B. Descending C. Normal D. Zero case
5. Estimate the difference of active cases on April 2 and May 2.

A. Almost 2,000 B. Almost 3,000 C. Almost 4,000 D. Almost 5,000
B. Interpret the given pie chart by answering directly the comprehension
questions below.
Region 10 Total Family Expenditures of Less than P40,000
Miscellaneous goods &
services Other expenses
4% 4%

House Rental

Water, Electricity, Gas

Household Maintenance
2% Clothing & Footwear

Table7. Source:

6. In Region 10, among how many items are the expenditures of families whose
income is less than P40, 000, distributed?
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11
7. Which of these expenditures (expenses) receives the largest share?
A. Clothing and Footwear B. Health
C. House rental D. Food
8. Which of these expenditures (expenses) receives the least?
A. Clothing and Footwear B. Health
C. Household Maintenance D. Other Expenses
9. Which three items receive the same percentage share of expenses? A. House
rental, Transport, and Health
B. Health, Transport and Other expenses
C. Clothing and Footwear, Transport and Health
D. Miscellaneous goods and services, Other Expenses and Transport
10. Which of the following is true as shown in the pie chart? A. Clothing is their first
B. Filipinos give more importance on food.
C. Water and transport are of the same rank in priority.
D. Clothing and Footwear have the same percentage with miscellaneous

A. Go over the table below and continue answering the questions.

Top 10 Most Populated Country with Its Land Area and Form of

Country/ Land Area (Total Form of Government

Rank Territory Population in KM² ( Mi²)
9,596,961 Communist Party-led
1 China 1,402,828,760 (3,705,407) State
3,287,263 Parliamentary
2 India 1,362,751,253 (1,269,219) Republic
United 9,833,517 Constitutional Federal
3 States 329,759,553 (3,796,742) Republic
4 Indonesia 265,015,300 (737,815) Presidential Republic
Federal Presidential
5 Pakistan 220,478,399 907,132 (350,246) Republic
8,515,767 Federal Presidential
6 Brazil 211,579,428 (3,287,956 Republic
Federal Presidential
7 Nigeria 208,679,114 923,768 (356,669) Republic
8 Bangladesh 168,681,350 147,570 (56,980) Democracy
17,098,246 Federal Presidential
9 Russia 146,877,088 (6,601,670) Republic
1,964,375 Federal Presidential
10 Mexico 126,577,691 (758,449) Republic

Sources: https://www.internetworldstats.com/stats8.htm

11. Which country has the smallest land area?

A. Bangladesh B. Mexico C. Nigeria D. Pakistan
12. What is the most common type of government among the top 10 most
populated countries?
A. Parliamentary Democracy B. Presidential Republic C.
Federal Parliamentary Republic D. Federal Presidential Republic
13. Which country has the biggest population?
A. China B. India C. Mexico D. Russia
14. What form of government has Indonesia?
A. Communist Party-led State B. Constitutional Federal Republic
C. Federal Parliamentary Republic D. Presidential Republic 15. Which has
the biggest land area?
A. Brazil B. China C. United States D. Russia

Lesson 3 Transcoding Linear to Non-linear Text and vice-versa

The word transcode means to change language or information from one

form of representation to another.

In transcoding, you should extract information from a linear text to non-linear

text. Here are some steps for you to follow:

Step 1: Read the passage to get a general idea of the subject matter.
Step 2: Look at the visual to identify what information is needed to
complete the chart or graph.
Step 3: Locate the relevant information in the passage and transfer it to
the chart or graph. Use only key words or phrases- not whole
Step 4: You may be required to classify information into categories under
headings. You may have to come up with your headings.
Example of transcoding linear to non-linear text.
Linear text Non-linear text
Water Cycle

Water is the most precious natural resource Process of Water Cycle

on earth. The water cycle is the process where water
circulates from the land to the sky and vice-versa.
The water cycle is composed of the following stages. Condensation
Evaporation is the transfer of water from the
surface of Earth to the atmosphere. By evaporation,
water in the liquid state is transferred to the gaseous
vapour state. The transition process from the vapour Evaporation Precipitation state to the liquid
state is called condensation. By
condensation, water vapour in the atmosphere is
released to form precipitation. Precipitation that
falls to the earth is distributed in four main ways: Water evaporation, intercepted by
vegetation and the evaporated from surfaces of leaves, infiltration into the soil and
the remainder flows directly as surface runoff into the sea.

In transcoding non-linear to linear text you should follow these steps:

Step 1: Spend 5 minutes reading the graphs/charts, etc.
Step 2: Make sure you understand axes.
Step 3: Make sure you follow lines on graph.

Step 4: Focus on the key information.
Step 5: Observe correct grammatical structure.
Step 6: Vary your vocabulary.
Step 7: Organize information clearly.
Step 8: Write neatly.
Example of transcoding linear to non-linear text.
Non-linear text Linear text

Jack’s Daily Routine

Jack's Daily Routine Jack is a grade 7 student who
stays at home during the CoViD -19
(5hrs) pandemic. He spends four hours in
doing household chores like cooking,
Time washing dishes, etc. After doing
(8hrs) household chores he spends four hours
watching T.V. In the afternoon, he
spends his time with his family: talking,
T.V. laughing, dancing and singing. After
dinner, he spends one hour in praying
Online Doing and two hours playing online games.
Games Chores
(2hrs) (4hrs) Then, he sleeps for eight hours.

What’s More

Activity 6: Arrange Me!

In comprehending a story, poem, and other reading materials, you may use
different techniques to simplify learning.
Go over the events of the Maranao epic, “The Good Prince Bantugan”
below. On your English notebook, copy the flow chart and rewrite the events in


*The people were banned to talk to Prince Bantugan.

*Prince Bantugan and Princess Datimbang got married.

*He travelled and died in front of the gate of the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas.

*King Dalinan and Prince Madali heard the death of Bantugan and revived him.

*King Dalinan, Prince Bantugan and Prince Madali lived in the kingdom of

Flow Chart:






What I Have Learned

Activity 7: Think and Recall!

After all the activities, examples and explanations, how far have you
learned? To assess your learning, answer the following activities using your
English notebook. Remember to follow instructions carefully.

A. After reading the information about linear and non-linear text, let us test how
far you have understood.
1.________ is a circular chart divided into fractions or portions.
A. Bar graph B. Concept map C. Pie chart D. Venn diagram
2. Which of the following is not true?
A. Linear texts are also called graphic representation.
B. Non-linear texts are oftentimes accompanied by explanations.
C. Examples of linear texts include articles, e-mails, and blog entries.
D. A bar graph is a non-linear text that consists of bars representing
numerical data.
3. Which of the following non-linear texts may be used to present the topic, “How
to Bake a Cupcake”?
A. Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pie chart D. Flow chart
4. Courtney wrote a text that does not make use of graphics. All of the following
are the possible work Courtney did, except________.
A. Bar graph B. E-mail C. Essay D. Short story
5. Samuel wants to write about the similarities and differences of two things, but
he wants to do it in a way that would not be boring for his reader. Which of the
following would make his text interesting?
A. Making a pie chart to state the similarities and differences.
B. Using a line graph to depict the similarities and differences.
C. Writing the similarities and differences in an elaborate essay.
D. Writing the similarities and differences using a Venn diagram.

B. Categorize the word list below into linear or non-linear.

Copy the table in your English notebook and write your answers on it.

Bar graph Essay E-mail Flow chart

Linear Non-linear

What I Can Do
Activity 8: Try Me!

Let us check your ability in transcoding linear text to non-linear text and vice-
versa by doing the following activities.

A. Linear to non-linear text. Read the paragraph below. Carefully examine the
data presented in the paragraph and interpret by copying the table in your
English notebook and fill in the needed data on the spaces with asterisks (*).

On Saving
As a young teen, Riz does not enjoy as much as other teenagers would. Her weekends
are spent on looking for work so she can earn her allowance. She spends two hundred
pesos a week. One hundred pesos for her lunch, eighty pesos for her fare and twenty
pesos for classroom dues.
She earns more than what she needs for the week. On Saturdays, her routine would be
to go to a distant relative and wash clothes for a small earning of one hundred pesos. In
the afternoon, she volunteers weeding at a neighbor’s garden for an hour and gratefully
receives fifty pesos for the work extended.
On Sunday after church, she would iron out her teacher’s uniform for a fee of one
hundred pesos. Despite her weekend routine, she remains to be one of the smartest in
Source: "Grade 7 Learner's Material, First Edition." By First Edition Grade 7 Learner's Material, 78. 2017.

Note: How much does Riz save for a week?

Money Earned Amount Expenses Amount Savings

Example: Example: Example: Example: Money earned –
Wash clothes P100.00 Lunch P100.00 Expenses = Savings
*______ *____ *______ *_____ *______
*______ *____ *______ *_____
Example: Example: *_______
Total P250.00 P200.00

B. Non-linear to linear text. Study Dalisay’s family tree. Read the
paragraph below and complete it by filling in the missing information.
Write your answers directly in your English notebook.

Mr. and Mrs. Dalisay

Luisa Manny Shirley Allan Edwin

Rolando Ricardo

In Oroquieta City, there lived Mr. and Mrs._(1)_. Both of them are working
in the government. They have one daughter and two sons. Manny, who is the
eldest son, is married to_(2)_They have _(3)_ children, namely Rolando and
_(4)_. Their only daughter _(5)_ who is working abroad is married to Allan. Edwin
is still in college. Their family is awarded as a model family in the city.

Activity 9: Sum It Up!
I. Transcode the linear text below to non-linear text. (5 points)

1-5. Read carefully the selection below. Copy the Venn diagram and write the
similarities and differences between Youtube and Facebook. For the similarities,
write your answers inside the overlapping space. For their differences, write your
answers inside the common space of the two circles.
The DNA of Youtube and Facebook are different. Youtube is a video
hosting platform which is run by its parent organization – Google (Alphabet).
Google’s DNA is search and hence the same DNA is applicable to Youtube.
What this essentially means is that – Videos which we create are properly
Where in a Facebook is a ‘video also’ sharing platform and its DNA is
‘virality’. In fact, we need Facebook only to make ‘Youtube video’ viral. Having
said that, the problem with Facebook is that, it is difficult to search for a particular

Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/coronavirus-flu-differences-4798752
Youtube Facebook

II. Transcode the graph below by writing a five-sentence paragraph.
The first sentence has been done for you. Write your answers in your
English notebook.

6-15. Factors to Gain Self-Confidence

Source: https://cutt.ly/5dYPUok

The pie chart above shows the factors in developing self-confidence.



Additional Activities

Activity 10: More to Try!

Learning does not end when a lesson is finished; instead it is continuous.

Thus, after you answer the remaining activities, you must go over again your
lessons to instill all the learnings you have for this module.

A. Pedro tracked the time he spent on his morning routine.
Answer the questions based on the pie graph provided.

Pedro's Morning
Washing the
Fixing the Bed ,
Dishes , 15 % 15 %

Eating Breakfast , Taking a Bath ,

30 % 30 %

Brushing Teeth, 10%

1. What activities require 15% of Pedro’s morning routine?

2. What percentage of Pedro’s time did he spend on taking a bath?
3. Which takes longer, taking a bath or brushing teeth?
4. What are the two activities that Pedro spent with the greatest amount of
time? 5. Which activity consumes the least time of Pedro’s morning routine?

C. Additional 5 points. Interpret and write a paragraph based on the latest CoViD-
19 update of DOH. Write at least 3 sentences.

CoViD-19 Cases Region X Northern Mindanao update (As of June 23,


CoViD Cases Total

Positive Cases 98
Active Cases 68
Recovered 20
Died -
Total 186

You have successfully completed
Quarter 2 Lessons!

Key Answer

. D 10 .A 5
.E 9 .D 4
.B 8 .B 3
.A 7 .D 2
.C 6. A 1

What I Know

Activity 1: Remember
1Me! Possiblanswer Summary is a shortened version of a piece or
2 . Possible Strategies to consider when summarizing
. e : a gist.
a. Read theaentire
b. Identify the title, author and
c. Describe
text type. the central
d. ntify key supporting
IdeAvoid opinions and unimportant
Activity 2: Compare and
1 . Box A contains information about the life stages of a
2 . Box B is about the life cycle of a
3 Box Apresented
.mosquito. is in paragraph
4 is presented through a
. Box Bform.
5 Yes.
Activity 9: Sum It Up!
A. (5 points.)
B. Possible(10
answer. points)
The pie chart above shows the factors in developingself-confidence. The
highest factor in gaining -confidence
self is through noticing physical change with a
percentage of thirty
-six. Improvements to health is the second highest factor with
twenty-six percent, followed by receiving compliments withtage a percen
of twenty.
Twelve percent of the overall factors is coming from achieving exercise goals. And the
least percentage in gaining-confidence
self is through validation from social media
with six percent.
What I Can Do
Activity 8: Try Me!
A. Possible answers
Money Earned Amount Expenses Amount Savings
Example: Example: Example: Example:
Wash clothes P100.00 Lunch P100.00
Money earned
- Expenses =
*Weeding *50.00 *Fare *80.00 Savings
*Iron teacher’s *100.00 *Classroom *20.00 *P50.00
uniform Dues
Example: Example:
Total P250.00 P200.00 *P50.00
1B. .Dalisay
2 . Luisa
3 . Two
4 . Ricardo
5 . Shirley
Activity 10:
1 A . Washing
More to Try!the dishes
2. and
. fixing the bed
3 .30 Taking
4 bath breakfast
5 .and taking a bath
B. Brushing
19 answer.Co- has widely spread
teeth the world.
regions ViD throughout The different
in the Philippines are greatly
affected and Mindanao.
one of these
As ofisJune
23, X
68 active
2020, DOH 20 recovered
cases,reported 186.
98 positive
cases cases,
and 0 death with a total of

"Grade 7 Learner's Material, First Edition." By First Edition Grade 7 Learner's

Material, 73-79. 2017.

Magelende Magallona-Flores, Edna Montano-Dela Cruz, Helen Ponce de Leon-

Ladera. "Venture in Communication." In Venture in Communication, by Edna
Montano-Dela Cruz, Helen Ponce de Leon- Ladera Magelende
MagallonaFlores, 56. REX Book Store, Inc., 2008.

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