Etabs Modelling
Etabs Modelling
Etabs Modelling
In the field of Structural Engineering, computer aided design and drafting software plays an
important role to assist in the modeling, analysis, design and documentation of structures.
They improve the quality, efficiency of design through optimization which is time consuming
by hand calculation. They also mobilize the communication through quick documentation.
This lab manual intends to teach the students building design through software which, in this
case ETABS and the basics of pre-processing, processing and post-processing methods,
which are the fundamentals for most of the finite element software.
Introduction to ETABS’s User Interface ............................................................................................ 1
Methodology of Finite Element Software........................................................................................... 2
Basic Workflow ................................................................................................................................ 2
New Model Initialization ................................................................................................................... 3
Define Material Properties and Frame Section ................................................................................... 4
Beam Modeling ................................................................................................................................. 5
Frame Modeling ................................................................................................................................ 6
Slab Modeling ................................................................................................................................... 8
Modeling and Analysis of a Building ............................................................................................... 15
Design of a Building ........................................................................................................................ 24
Shear Wall Modeling ....................................................................................................................... 30
ETABS: ETABS stands for Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Structure.
Methodology of Finite Element Software (i.e Etabs, SAP, StaadPro, SAFE etc.)
Finite element software generally follows three steps as given below-
Define materials
Define geometry
Define elements
Draw ( line, area etc)
Mesh (convert object based model to element based model)
Merge points
Load application
Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
3. Post processing
Basic Workflow
The following provides a broad overview of the basic modeling, analysis, and design
Material properties
Modify if need
Frame section
Select all existing property
Delete all
Add rectangular/circle
For Beam
Select reinforcement
Then select beam
Define all frame section in this process
Beam Modeling
Model the following beam and find the SFD and BMD.
Frame Modeling
Model the following frame and find out bending moment, shear force and
4. Click Edit → Edit Story Data → Insert Story and change Story height = 10 ft from
Insert New Story window.
5. Click Set Elevation View icon form main toolbar and select elevation view
6. Draw lines as shown in figure by clicking Draw Lines icon from Draw toolbar
7. Selects the points respectively where supports to be create and select Assign →
Joint/Point → Restrains/Supports and select the support condition.
8. Select the point where point load to be create and select Assign → Joint/Point Loads
→ Forces and modify loads from Point Forces window.
9. Finally click on Run Analysis icon from Main toolbar.
10. To show deflected shape Show Deformed Shape icon from Display window.
11. To show shear force/Bending moment click Show Member Forces/Stress Diagram
→ Frame/Pier/Spandrel Forces from Display toolbar.
Select Component from Member Force Diagram for Frames window
1. Moment → Moment 3-3
2. Shear → Shear 2-2
To show the value select Show values on Diagram on same window
To show the local axes of forces select Object Fill & Line Local Axes
from Set Building View Option window.
Slab Modeling
Define slab
Shell-type behavior means that both in-plane membrane stiffness and out-of-plane
plate bending stiffness are provided for the section.
Membrane-type behavior means that only in-plane membrane stiffness is provided
for the section.
Plate-type behavior means that only out-of-plane plate bending stiffness is provided
for the section.
When a section has plate-type or shell-type behavior, use the Thick Plate check box to
include or not include thick plate behavior. When thick plate behavior is included (the
check box is checked), out-of-plane shearing deformations are considered in the analysis.
When thick plate behavior is not included (the check box is unchecked), these shearing
deformations are not considered in the analysis. We recommend that you typically do not
use the thick plate option in ETABS, except when modeling thick footings or mat
2. Auto Mesh: Click the Assign menu > Shell/Area > Area Object Mesh Options
command to access the Area Object Auto Mesh Options form.
Model the following slab as one way and find Mmax and Mmin.
5. Click Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section icon to define the slab. Then modify the data
from the Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section window as mentioned below:
a. Delete sections
b. Select Add New Slab from Click to option.
c. Modify in Wall/Slab Section window
i. Section Name→ Slab
ii. Material→ CONC
iii. Membrane → 5”
iv. Bending → 5”
v. Type→ Shell
Click the Draw Area icon from Draw toolbar and draw the area on grid as figure in
clockwise direction.
6. Select the drawn slab by clicking Select Objects icon from Draw toolbar
7. Click Edit → Mesh Areas and modify the Mesh Selected Area window as shown
i. Mesh Quads/Triangles into → 4 x 4 [along X and Y direction
8. Selects the boundary of the slab respectively where supports to be create and select
Assign → Joint/Point → Restraints/Supports and select the support condition.
9. Click on Select → by Wall/Slab/Deck Section → Select (Slab) Ok to select the slab
where load to be create and select Assign → Shell/Area Loads → Uniform and
modify loads from Uniform Surface Loads (70psf) window.
10. Finally click on Run Analysis icon from Main toolbar.
11. To show deflected shape select the 3D View window & click Show Deformed Shape
icon from Display window.
12. To show Bending moment click Show Member Forces/Stress Diagram → Shell
Stresses/Forces from Display toolbar.
Select Component from Element Force/Stress Contours For Shells
13. Component → M 11/ M 22
To show the local axes of forces select Object Fill & Area Local Axes
from Set Building View Option window.
14. To get moment in one direction as it is a one way slab following steps needed to be
Model a simply supported 10 x 10 ft, two way slab (5” thickness) and analyze.
LL=100 psf and use manual mashing.
1. Click Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section icon to define the slab. Then modify the data
from the Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section window as mentioned below:
a. Delete sections
b. Select Add New Slab from Click to option.
c. Modify in Wall/Slab Section window
i. Section Name → Slab
ii. Material → CONC
iii. Membrane → 5”
iv. Bending → 5”
v. Type→ Shell
Click the Draw Area icon from Draw toolbar and draw the area on grid as figure in
clockwise direction.
2. Select the drawn slab by clicking Select Objects icon from Draw toolbar
3. Click Edit → Mesh Areas and modify the Mesh Selected Area window as shown
ii. Mesh Quads/Triangles into → 10 x 10 [along X and Y direction
4. Selects the boundary of the slab respectively where supports to be create and select
Assign → Joint/Point → Restraints/Supports and select the support condition.
5. Click on Select → by Wall/Slab/Deck Section → Select (Slab) Ok to select the slab
where load to be create and select Assign → Shell/Area Loads → Uniform and
modify loads from Uniform Surface Loads window.
6. Finally click on Run Analysis icon from Main toolbar.
7. To show deflected shape select the 3D View window & click Show Deformed Shape
icon from Display window.
8. To show Bending moment click Show Member Forces/Stress Diagram → Shell
Stresses/Forces from Display toolbar.
Select Component from Element Force/Stress Contours For Shells
9. Component → M 11/ M 22
To show the local axes of forces select Object Fill &Area Local Axes
from Set Building View Option window.
Given that,
Slab thickness = 6 in.
Beam = 10 X 24 in.
LL = 100 psf
Note: Apply restrain against the rotation of the supports about X axis.
3 ft
3 ft
10 ft
Slab as a shell:
Slab as a membrane:
10 ft
= 0.6 k/ft
= (0.6 X 102) /8
= 7.5 k-ft
C1 C2 GB1/B1 C1
C2 C3 C2
C1 C2 GB1/B1 C1
Forth Floor
C1= 10X10 in. C2 = 10X15 in. C3= 12X15 in.
DL= 120 psf LL= 50 psf Zone =2
First Floor
Material properties
18' 16'
10' f’c = 4 ksi fy= 60 ksi
Ground Floor
Required definition, chart / data for modeling (According to BNBC article 2.5.5)
b) Where an allowance for partition load is included in the floor design in accordance with
Sec, all such loads but not less than 0.6 KN/m2 shall be applicable.
= 0.073 for reinforced concrete moment resisting frames, and eccentric braced
steel frames
7. Draw Grade Beams as shows in figure by clicking Draw Lines icon from Draw
toolbar & Selecting GB1 & GB2 respectively.
8. Place the column by clicking Create Columns in Region or at Clicks icon from
Draw toolbar & place the columns respectively as shown in figure.
9. Click Edit → Edit Story Data → Insert Story and change Story height = 10 ft from
Insert New Story window.
10. Delete the beams from plan view.
11. Draw Beams as shows in figure by clicking Draw Lines icon from Draw toolbar &
Selecting B1, B2 & B3 respectively.
12. Click Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section icon to define the slab. Then modify the data
from the Define Wall/Slab/Deck Section window as mentioned below:
e. Delete sections
25. Modify lateral loads by Clicking Define Static Load Case icon from define toolbar
and put the reference value as follows.
26. Select EQX and Click Modify lateral load and put the values as below.
I =1
Similarly modify Earth quake in Y Direction
1. ∑EQX = ∑EQY.
C1= 10" X 15" C2=10"X18"
C3= 15" X 18" C4=12"X21"
9' C4 GB1/SB1 C4
5 Shear wall thickness = 10"
3'-6" GB2/B3 3' GB2/B2
4 GB1/B2
LL = 100 psf (on stair)
2' 2' PW(min) = 25 psf
C1 10' C1 Brick wall thickness = 5"
C1 C2 C1
1 GB1/B1 GB1/B1
GB1/B1 GB1/B1 C2 C2 Materials Properties
A B C D E f c' = 4000 psi
f y = 60000 psi
Calculate the gravity loads, model, analyze and hence design the following building.
Page 24
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Load calculation
1. Load from partition wall
Considering, all exterior and interior brick walls are 5 inch and brick wall through all beam
Load of wall on beam line = = 500 lb/ft= 0.5 k/ft
i. Select the perimeter beam along grid line between grid lines by left clicking on it once
in Plan View. Note that the selected lines appear dashed.
ii. Select the other perimeter beams in a similar manner. When you have selected all
perimeter beams, the status bar should indicate.
iii. Click the Assign > Frame/Line Loads > Distributed command or click the Assign
Frame Distributed Load button. Select PW Load Case Name drop-down list.
iv. Set the units drop-down list in the form to lb-ft and then enter load in the Load edit
box that is located in the Uniform Load area of the form.
v. Click the OK button on the Frame Distributed Loads form to accept the uniform
superimposed dead load that is applied to the perimeter beams.
vi. Click the File menu > Save command, or the Save button, to save your model.
9× ×10×120
Panel AB46, from 9 ft wall = = 23.43 psf
According to BNBC, article 2.3.6 minimum partition wall load on slab = 25 psf.
i. In this Step, the superimposed dead and live gravity loads will be applied to the
model. Make sure that the Similar Stories feature is enabled and that the Plan View is
ii. Click anywhere on the slab (but not on a beam) to select. A dashed line should appear
around the perimeter of the slab. This dashed line indicates that the slab has been
selected. If you make a mistake in selecting, click the Clear Selection button , and try
iii. Click the Assign > Shell/Area Loads > Uniform command or click the Assign
Uniform Load button. This displays the Uniform Surface Loads form. Select SDEAD
from the Load Case Name drop-down list, as shown in Figure 29.
iv. Select lb-ft from the drop down list in the Calculator form and then type load in the
Formula edit box. Be sure to set the units before typing.
v. Click the OK button on the Uniform Surface Loads form to accept the superimposed
dead load.
Load of the lift core can be taken by the enclosing beam or slab provided on the shear wall.
Load on slab = =0.11 𝑘𝑠𝑓
P = total No of persons
= 5x2x6 = 60
h= 3 ft.
UDL from the top slab and the enclosing wall on beam
Perimeter 41×12
Bottom slab thickness = = =2.73 inch ≅ 3 𝑖𝑛𝑐
180 180
Dead load
1 6×10 150
Weight of steps = 9x 2 x x = 37.5 lb/ft
144 7.5
6 150
Waist slab= 9 .01 x 12 x 1 x =90.1 lb/ft
Landing slab = x 1x 150= 75 lb/ft
5 ft 7.5 ft
Live load
Similarly 100 psf live load distributed on one flight of 12.5 ft gives reactions of 0.63 kip per
ft on both the stair beams.
Unlock model.
Option > Preference > Concrete frame design > Design code > ACI 318-99.
Define >Add default design combos > Concrete frame design > Convert to user
Define > Load combinations
Select all (Ctrl A) > Design> Concrete frame design > View/ Revise over view>
Element type > Sway intermediate.
Run model.
Design > Concrete frame design > Select design combos > Envelope.
Design > Concrete frame design > Start design.
Design > Concrete frame design > Display design info > Rebar percentage.
Observe colour (DCR) of the column & steel area percentage.
Observe Service load combination column reactions for footing size determination.
Output colour of different Demand Capacity Ratio (DCR) for Steel in ETABS :
• Lateral loads on buildings are induced by wind, earthquake, and soil pressure
Shear walls:
In general the mesh in the slab should match with mesh in the wall to establish
connection. To avoid connection problem use merge point command from
Edit> Marge points.
3. Choose the Shear Wall design code and review other related preferences and
revise them if necessary