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Research of Phenolic Compounds of Ruta Graveolens L. And: Stellaria Media (L.) Vill

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Online - 2455-3891

Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018 Print - 0974-2441

Research Article




Department of Pharmacy, Ivan-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Email: vodoslavskyvm@ukr.net
Received: 14 March 2018, Revised and Accepted: 27 June 2018


Objective: The results of the determination of the phenolic compounds in Ruta graveolens L. and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. herb by the method of high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV)-detection are presented in the article.

Method: The qualitative composition and quantitative content of the phenolic compounds were studied by HPLC on the Agilent 1200 chromatograph
using methanolic extracts of R. graveolens L. and S. media (L.) Vill. herb. The components of hydroxycinnamic acids were determined at wavelengths
of 320 nm and 330 nm; flavonoids at 255 nm and 340 nm; and tannins at 255 nm and 280 nm.

Results: On the basis of the analysis conducted by the method of HPLC in the herb of R. graveolens L., 16 substances were identified: 6 flavonoids
(apigenin, rutin, quercetin, luteolin, isoquercetin, and hyperoside), 4 hydroxycinnamic acids (chlorogenic, rosmarinic, caffeic, and p-coumaric), and 6
tannins (gallic and ellagic acids, gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin, and epicatechin gallate). In the herb of S. media (L.) Vill., chlorogenic acid,
flavone aglycones: Luteolin and apigenin, and flavonol glycosides: Isoquercetin and rutin were identified.

Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it was established that the dominant components of R. graveolens L. and S. media (L.) Vill. herb
are chlorogenic acid and a flavonoid component apigenin, which has anti-inflammatory activity. Thus, the obtained results point to the prospect of
further research with the aim of creating of herbal substances with a certain pharmacological action.

Keywords: Ruta graveolens L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Phenolic compounds, Hydroxycinnamic acids, Flavonoids, Tannins, High-performance liquid
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4. 0/) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22159/ajpcr.2018.v11i9.25920

INTRODUCTION herbs and shrubs. Two types of the Ruta L. genus: Ruta graveolens
L. and Ruta divaricata Ten. grow on the territory of Ukraine. R.
The search for plants with a sufficient raw material base, which can
graveolens L. is cultivated in botanical gardens and farmlands as a
supplement the nomenclature of officinal species, rational, and complex
decorative, medicinal, and essential oil plant. The herb of R. graveolens
use of raw materials as well as the creation of new medicines on their
L. is imported into Ukraine from Iran, Iraq, India, Libya, Algeria, China,
basis is an urgent task of modern pharmacy.
and Japan. R. divaricata Ten. is common in the foothills of the Southern
coast of Crimea [4-6].
The characteristic feature of the representatives of the plant world is
their ability to synthesize and accumulate a huge amount of compounds
Plants of the Stellaria L. genus Caryophyllaceae Juss Family has been
of phenolic origin. For example, the result of study ethanolic extract
researched. The genus has about 100 species of plants spread all over
of Punica granatum leaf has showed the maximum amount of total
the globe; in the tropics, representatives of this family occur only in the
phenols (394.16 mg/g DW of extract), total tannins (210.5 mg/g DW of
extract), flavonoids (147.4 mg/g DW of extract), and total triterpenoids mountains. In Ukraine, there are 14 species of this genus that occurs
(112 mg/g DW of extract) [1]. Natural phenols exhibit high biological all over the territory. The most widespread representative that grows
activity. They take part in various physiological processes: Breathing, in clogged places, near the houses, like weed in the gardens is Stellaria
photosynthesis, growth, development, and reproduction of plants; some media (L.) Vill. [7,8]. It is believed that this plant improves the activity
polyphenols protect plants from pathogenic microorganisms and fungal of the heart and the state of the nervous system, reduces various pain
diseases [2]. The research of the Millingtonia hortensis (L). suggests that sensations, stops bleeding, heals purulent wounds and affects on
the leaves contain a considerable amount of phytocompounds such as tumors of various origin, and exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiseptic,
saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenols which are responsible for and anti-scorbutic effects. Infusion of herb or juice of fresh plants is
the antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Hence, this plant may be used for the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, lungs
explored as a new source of natural antimicrobial drugs [3]. (especially in hemoptysis), with bloody vomit, hemorrhoids, as well
as with thyrotoxicosis. Strong infusion in the form of lotions is used
Drugs based on phenolic compounds are widely used as antimicrobial, externally for skin diseases (acne, cuts, rashes, and purulent wounds),
anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic, diuretic, anti-hypertensive, in the form of baths, with edema of the legs and nervous excitement. To
tonic, and astringent agents. Most phenolic compounds of plant origin the medical-prophylactic diet (especially in diseases of the lungs, heart,
are low toxic and show no side effects. Prospective are species of liver, and kidneys), salads prepared of young fresh leaves and shoots
plants that have been used long in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory, are included [9-11].
antiseptic, diuretic, and antispasmodic agents. Such plants are species
of Ruta L. genus of Rutaceae family. Today, about 60 species of the Ruta L. The analysis of literature data points to the prospect of a further study
genus are described, which are distributed in the Mediterranean and of R. graveolens L. and S. media (L.) Vill. as sources of medicinal plant
in the temperate zone of Asia. The genus is represented by perennial material.
Melnyk et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 152-156

Considering that one of the sources of biologically active substances 25°C, amount of a sample 5-20 μl, time of chromatography 50 min.
obtaining are plants widely used in folk medicine, it is relevant to The scan time 0.6 s, the detection range 190-400 nm. Gradient
determine the qualitative composition and quantitative content Elution Mode for hydroxycinnamic acids: 0 min. 95% of solvent A,
of phenolic compounds (flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and 5% of solvent B; 8 min. 92% of solvent A, 8% of solvent B; 15 min.
tannins) in the herb of R. graveolens L. and S. media (L.) Vill. to 90% of solvent A, 10% of solvent B; 30 min. 80% of solvent A, 20%
predict the pharmacological action and create new medicines on of solvent B; 40 min. 60% of solvent A, 40% of solvent B; 41–42 min.
their basis. 25% of solvent A, 75% of solvent B; 43–50 min. 95% of solvent A,
5% of solvent B, wavelength 320, 330 nm. Gradient Elution Mode for
The purpose of the study was to identify and quantify individual flavonoids: 0 min. 88% of solvent A, 12% of solvent B; 30 min. 75% of
compounds in herb of R. graveolens L. and S. media (L.) Vill. by high- solvent A, 25% of solvent B; 33 min. 75% of solvent A, 25% of solvent
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). B; 38 min. 70% of solvent A, 30% solvent B; 40 min. 60% of solvent A,
40% of solvent B; 41 min. 20% of solvent A, 80% of solvent B; 49 min.
88% of solvent A, 12% of solvent B, wavelength – 255 nm.
To divide the amount of phenolic compounds by the method of HPLC
an Agilent 1200 3 D LC System Technologies (USA) chromatograph Isolation of catechins was performed by reversed-phase chromatography
equipped with a flow vacuum degasser G1322A, a four-channel pump using a Supelco Discovery C18 250×4.6 mm chromatography column
of a low-pressure gradient G13111A, an auto-sampler (automatic with a silica gel sorbent modified with octadecyl groups, with grains
injector) G1329A, a thermostat of columns G1316A, diode-matrix diameter of 5 μm. As a mobile phase was used, solvent A - 0.1%
G1315C, and refractometric G1362A detectors were used. solution of trifluoroacetic acid, 5% solution of acetonitrile and water
with pH=2,08; and solvent B - 0.1% solution of trifluoroacetic acid and
Sample preparation for the determination of hydroxycinnamic acids acetonitrile. Chromatography mode: maximum speed of the moving
and flavonoids: 1.0 g (exact weight) of the grounded raw material was phase 0.1 ml/min, maximum operating pressure of eluent 40 kPa, the
placed in 100 ml round bottom flask, extracted for 15 min with 50 ml temperature 25°C, amount of a sample 5-20 μl, time of chromatography
of 90% methanol. After this, the sample was treated with ultrasound 40 min. Gradient Elution Mode: 0 min 0% of solvent B, 8 min. 12% of
for 10 min and filtered from the particles of the raw material, and solvent B, 10 min. 12% of solvent B, 15 min. 25% of solvent B, 20 min.
the filtrate was transferred quantitatively into 100 ml volumetric 25% of solvent B, 25 min 75% of solvent B, 28 min. 75% of solvent B, 29
flask, and the volume of the solution was adjusted to 100 ml with min. 0% of solvent B. The scan time 0.6 s, the detection range 190-400
60% methanol [8,9]. The studies were carried out by the reversed- nm, the wavelengths – 280, 255 nm [12-18].
phase chromatography using a Supelco Discovery C18 250 × 4.6 mm
chromatography column with a silica gel sorbent modified with RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
octadecyl groups, with grains diameter of 5 μm. The solvent A – 0,005
N orthophosphoric acid and solvent B – acetonitrile were used for For identification, separation and quantitative determination of
determinating hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids as a moving phenolic compounds of R. graveolens L. herb HPLC method were used.
phase. Chromatography mode: maximum speed of the moving phase Determination of the quantitative content of hydroxycinnamic acids
+0.8 ml/min, operating pressure of eluents 156 bar, the temperature was carried out at the wavelengths of 320 and 330 nm (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Fig. 1: Chromatogram of hydroxycinnamic acids of Ruta graveolens L. herb. (a) The wavelength of 320 nm, (b) the wavelength of 330 nm
(1 - carboxylic acid, 2 - rosmarinic acid, 3 - chlorogenic acid, and 4 -– n-coumaric acid)

Table 1: The content of hydroxycinnamic acids in R. graveolens L. herb

No Name of the substance Retention time, s Concentration Peak area

1 Chlorogenic acid (5‑O‑Caffeoyl‑D‑quinic acid) 22.804 139.57 990.6
2 Caffeic acid (3,4‑Dihydroxycinnamic acid) 15.221 8.47 103.6
3 Rosmarinic acid ([[3‑(3,4‑Dihydroxyphenyl)‑1‑oxo‑2‑propenyl] 39.475 183.45 1079.1
oxy]‑3,4‑dihydroxybenzopropanoic acid)
4 n‑Coumaric acid (4‑Hydroxycinnamic acid) 21.048 14.17 276.7
R. graveolens: Ruta graveolens

Melnyk et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 152-156

According to the obtained data (Table 1), rosmarinic (0.11%), According to the results of the study in the herb of S. media (L.) Vill.,
chlorogenic (0.08%), caffeic (0.005%), and n-coumaric chlorogenic acid - 8.12 mg/l, flavone aglycones luteolin - 5.11 mg/l,
acids (0.008%) were identified and quantified in the herb of and apigenin - 12.64 mg/l were identified; such flavonol aglycones as
R. graveolens L. kaempferol and quercetin were not identified, and also such flavonol
glycosides as isoquercetin - 2.96 mg/l and rutin 19.99 mg/l were
Determination of the quantitative content of flavonoids of aglyconic and identified.
glycosidic forms was carried out at the wavelengths of 255 and 340 nm
(Fig. 2, Table 2). CONCLUSIONS

By the method of HPLC in the herb of R. graveolens L., 16 compounds

The results of the conducted studies (Table 2) indicate that the content
were identified and quantified, including 4 hydroxycinnamic acids, 6
of rutin is 0.91%, apigenin - 0.01%, quercetin and isoquercetin - 0.01%,
flavonoids, and 6 tannins. The content of BAS in the herb of R. graveolens
luteolin - 0.006%, and hyperoside - 0.02%.
L. is as follows: Hydroxycinnamic acids: rosmarinic - 0.11%, chlorogenic
- 0.08%, caffeic - 0.005%, and n-coumaric - 0.008%; flavonoids: rutin -
Determination of the quantitative content of tannins (gallic, ellagic
0.91%, apigenin - 0.01%, quercetin - 0.01%, isoquercetin - 0.01%,
acids, and catechins) was carried out at the wavelengths of 280 and
luteolin - 0.006%, and hyperoside - 0.02%; and tannins: gallic acid
255 nm (Fig. 3, Table 3).
- 0.01%, ellagic acid - 0.005%, gallocatechin - 0.32%, epigallocatechin
- 0.52%, epicatechin - 0.17%, and epicatechin gallate - 0.06%. In the
The obtained data (Table 3) show that R. graveolens L. herb contains
herb of S. media (L.) Vill., chlorogenic acid (1.12%), flavone aglycones
hydrolyzed tannins (gallic [0.01%] and ellagic [0.005%] acids),
luteolin (0.11%), apigenin (0.87%), flavonol glycosides isoquercitrin
simple catechins (gallocatechin [0.32%], epigallocatechin [0.52%],
(0.21%), and rutin (0.54%) were identified and quantified.
epicatechin [0.17%]), and complex catechins (epicatechin gallate
Determination of the content of hydroxycinnamic acids in S. media (L.) Ms. Melnyk MV - review of literature and data analysis. Mr. Vodoslavskyi
Vill. herb was carried out at the wavelength of 320 nm and flavonoids at VM - review of literature and data analysis. Mr. Obodianskyi MA - data
the wavelength of 340 nm (Fig. 4). collection.

Table 2: The content of flavonoids in R. graveolens L. herb

No Name of the substance Retention time, s Concentration Peak area

1 Apigenin (5,7,4’‑Trihydroxyflavone) 23.90 60.28 537.1
2 Luteolin (5,7,3’,4’‑Tetrahydroxyflavone) 24.84 5.09 43.32
3 Rutin (3‑О‑β‑D‑rutinoside‑5,7,3’,4’‑Tetrahydroxyflavone) 20.51 732.7 2079.1
4 Quercetin (3,5,7, 3’,4’‑Pentahydroxyflavone) 25.21 11.9 53.8
5 Isoquercetin (Quercetin‑3‑D‑glucopyranoside) 21.67 13.6 68.6
6 Hyperoside (Quercetin 3‑О‑β‑galactopyranoside) 25.85 18.1 191.5
R. graveolens: Ruta graveolens

Fig. 2: Chromatogram of flavonoids and coumarins of the Ruta graveolens L. herb. (a) The wavelength of 255 nm, (b) the wavelength of
340 nm (1 - rutin, 2 - apigenin, 3 - luteolin, 4 -quercetin, 5 - isoquercetin, and 6 - hyperoside)

Melnyk et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 152-156

Fig. 3: Chromatogram of tannins of the Ruta graveolens L. herb: (a) the wavelength of 280 nm, (b) the wavelength of 255 nm (1 - gallic acid,
2 - gallocatechin, 3 - epigallocatechin, 4 - epicatechin, 5 - epicatechin gallate, and 6 - ellagic acid)

Fig. 4: Chromatogram of Stellaria media (L.) Vill. herb. (a) hydroxycinnamic acids, the wavelength of 320 nm (1 - chlorogenic acid);
(b) flavonoids, the wavelength of 340 nm (1 - apigenin, 2 - rutin, 3 - isoquercetin, and 4 - luteolin)

Table 3: The content of tannins in Ruta graveolens L. herb CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

No Name of the Retention Concentration Peak The authors have no conflicts of interest in this study.
substance time, s area
1 Gallic acid 7.962 18.8 338.7
2 Gallocatechin 10.252 518.7 370.4 1. Sreedevi P, Vijayalakshmi K, Venkateswari R. Phytochemical
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