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HNSC 4270 Winter 2018

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The key takeaways are to understand sensory evaluation principles and methods to analyze food, select appropriate panelists, and conduct sensory tests.

The objectives of the course are to understand sensory systems, factors affecting responses, test methods and their analysis/interpretation, differences between analytical and consumer testing, and relationship between sensory and instrumental data.

The responsibilities of students are to arrive on time and prepared, participate actively in lectures, and develop skills in literature review, report writing, and conducting sensory tests.

HNSC 4270


TIER, Room 504
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 to 2:15 am
Winter 2018
Jan 04, 2018 - Apr 06, 2018

Calendar Description: Sensory perception, principles of the sensory analysis of food, requirements
for sensory testing, test methods, selection and training of panelists, statistical analysis and interpretation
of data. Prerequisites: one of [HNSC 2160 (030.216) or FOOD 3010 (78.301) or ENTM 3240 (038.324)]
and STAT 2000 (005.200) or equivalent.

Withdrawal Date: March 16, 2018

Instructor Dr. Michel Aliani, Room 575 Duff Roblin Building

Telephone 474-8070 or 235-3833; E-mail: Michel.Aliani@Umanitoba.ca
Office Hours Open, but please call or send email to arrange a mutually convenient time
Lectures Tuesday and Thursday - 13:00 – 14:15

General Objectives: From the information presented in class and from additional reading students

1. Acquire knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology of the sensory systems (olfaction, gustation,
vision, kinesthetic and hearing) used to evaluate food.
2. Understand how a number of factors (physiological, psychological, and environmental) can affect
panelists' responses.
3. Learn about various sensory test methods, including their strengths/weaknesses, appropriate use,
and analysis and interpretation of the results.
4. To understand the differences between analytical testing and consumer preference/acceptability
5. Be able to select panelists using appropriate methods for the sensory test method employed.
6. Understand the relationship between sensory data and instrumental and chemical data.

Through the laboratory exercises and assignments, students will:

1. Learn how to set up sensory tests.

2. Gain experience in participating in sensory tests.
3. Learn how to analyze data from sensory tests.
4. Develop skills in reviewing the literature and writing reports.

At the end of the course, students should be able to conduct sensory tests to solve problems raised by food
companies, research facilities and food service establishments including selection of the appropriate test
method, panelists and statistical techniques in order to meet the stated test objective.

Recommended Publication: Watts, B.M., Ylimaki, G.L., Jeffery, L.E. and Elias, L.G. 1989. Basic
Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation, IDRC, Ottawa. Available in the University of Manitoba Bookstore.

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Reference Material: (see Reference Section) Books listed are on 3-Day Reserve in the Dafoe Library
and provide more in-depth material than is presented in the recommended publication.

Department: Food and Human Nutritional Sciences Course Number: 4270

Academic Session: Winter 2018 Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites and how they apply to this course:

Prerequisites: one of [HNSC 2160 (030.216) or FOOD 3010 (78.301) or ENTM 3240 (038.324)] and
STAT 2000 (005.200) or equivalent.

Classroom Location: TBA

Meeting Days and Class Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 to 2:15 am

Lab Location: Human Ecology Building Lab/Hours: 3 hours/ week (3 Labs)

Department Office location: Human Ecology Building

Learning management system for this course: Desire 2 Learn

Instructor Information:
Name & Title: Michel Aliani; PhD. Professor.
Office Location: Room 575 Duff Roblin Building and/ or St. Boniface Hospital Research Center, R4024
Office Phone Number: 474-8070 or 235-3048
Office Hours: by appointment. To make an appointment please use D2L email system
(Michel.Aliani @Umanitoba.ca)

Students’ Learning Responsibilities

 Students are required to arrive on time and to be prepared to learn. Please do not use your
personal electronic devices during lectures unless you are using them to take lecture notes.
 If you do arrive late, please take your seat quietly.
 Please be respectful to others present in the lecture room. For more information regarding
a respectful work and learning environment please visit the following link:
 I will be present in the lecture room 10-15 minutes prior to the class and will be available
immediately after the class to answer any questions you may have.
 Your active participation during the lecture is greatly encouraged. I will be asking
questions throughout the lectures to initiate active dialogues. Your participation will ensure
a deep understanding of the discussed subjects.
 The PowerPoint slides will be uploaded to D2L after each lecture.
 PowerPoint presentations will summarize the required knowledge content of this course
however; students are encouraged to read other suggested textbooks to acquire a deep
understanding of subjects covered in this course.

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What you can expect from me?

 You can expect me to be on time and prepared for all lectures.

 You can expect me to be available for consultation regularly.
 Email is the preferred method of communication and you can expect to receive a response
to any email within 48 hours on weekdays.
o Please email me if you require more time to discuss your course-related questions.

Why this course is useful?

This course will provide a unique insight into sensory evaluation of foods, different sensory methods, and
conditions to conduct sensory studies and statistical methods necessary to analyze the sensory data. I will
use research case studies to ensure a thorough understanding of the course content. This course will provide
basic needed information related to the sensory evaluation of foods.
Who should take this course?

This is a required course for all students registered in the Food Option in the Food and Human Nutritional
Sciences. Students from other programs with the necessary background are also welcome to take this

Course Description/Objectives

This course covers the composition, functionality, and nutritional properties of foods. The main objectives
of this course are:

General Objectives: From the information presented in class and from additional reading students

7. Acquire knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology of the sensory systems (olfaction, gustation,
vision, kinesthetic and hearing) used to evaluate food.
8. Understand how a number of factors (physiological, psychological, and environmental) can affect
panelists' responses.
9. Learn about various sensory test methods, including their strengths/weaknesses, appropriate use,
and analysis and interpretation of the results.
10. To understand the differences between analytical testing and consumer preference/acceptability
11. Be able to select panelists using appropriate methods for the sensory test method employed.
12. Understand the relationship between sensory data and instrumental and chemical data.

Through the laboratory exercises and assignments, students will:

5. Learn how to set up sensory tests.

6. Gain experience in participating in sensory tests.
7. Learn how to analyze data from sensory tests.
8. Develop skills in reviewing the literature and writing reports.

At the end of the course, students should be able to conduct sensory tests to solve problems raised by food
companies, research facilities and food service establishments including selection of the appropriate test
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method, panelists and statistical techniques in order to meet the stated test objective.

Recommended Publication: Watts, B.M., Ylimaki, G.L., Jeffery, L.E. and Elias, L.G. 1989. Basic
Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation, IDRC, Ottawa. Available in the University of Manitoba Bookstore.

Reference Material: (see Reference Section) Books listed are on 3-Day Reserve in the Dafoe Library
and provide more in-depth material than is presented in the recommended publication.

Foundational Knowledge Content Areas for Dietetics Education:

This dietetic education program is an accredited program recognized by the Partnership for
Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) and prepares students for eligibility for registration with
a provincial dietetics regulatory body.

Highest level achieved 1= demonstrate broad knowledge; 2= demonstrate comprehension; 3 =

analyze, interpret and apply knowledge
Content Area Foundational Knowledge Complexity
Anatomy and Structure of the human body at the macro and cellular level 2
Role, function and regulation of the integumentary, musculo- 2
skeletal, nervous, endocrine, cardio‐respiratory, urinary,
lymphatic and digestive systems in health and disease
Food Sensory evaluation of food 3
Food Service Purchasing, receiving, storage, inventory control and 2
Systems disposal activities
Human Nutrition Food sources of nutrients and dietary supplements 3
across the
Population Food Food production, preparation, processing, distribution and 1
Systems and waste management
Food Security

Professional Practice in a regulated health profession 2

Practice in Ethical conduct 3
Dietetics Decision making 2

Course Outline

HNSC 4270 Table of Contents:

Chapter 01: Course outline + Introduction

Chapter 02: Sensory Perception
Chapter 03: Consumer oriented versus Product oriented tests
2.1: Testing Facilities, Panelists, Sample considerations
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2.2: Design of Sensory Evaluation Programs:
2.3: Conducting Sensory tests
Chapter 03: Reducing Panel Response Error
3.1: Psychological factors
3.2: Physiological factors
Chapter 04: Psychophysics
Chapter 05: Threshold
Chapter 06: Collecting and Analyzing Sensory Data
6.1: Consumer-Oriented Test Methods including qualitative and quantitative test methods
• One Way ANOVA + multiple comparison tests
• Detailed Examples (Calculations, Table of ANOVA, Reading Statistical Tables)
• Interpretation of ANOVA Results
• ANOVA one factor Using SPSS
6.2: Product-Oriented Test Methods* including Threshold, Difference, Attribute Rating,
Descriptive, Magnitude Estimation and Psychophysics, Time Intensity Testing, Free
Choice Profiling, Grading, Inspection, Score Cards Development, Definition,
Importance and Applications of Sensory.
6.3: An Overview of Two and Three Way ANOVA with replication Using SPSS
6.4: Fixed versus Random factors
Chapter 07: General Discussion of the published case studies

Lecture and Lab Topics and Dates:

Date Lecture Topics

04/01/2018 Lecture 01: 1:00-2:15 pm Course outline + Introduction to Sensory Evaluation
09/01/2018 Lecture 02: 1:00-2:15 pm Sensory Perception (1)
11/01/2018 Lecture 03: 1:00-2:15 pm Sensory Perception (2)
16/01/2018 Lecture 04: 1:00-2:15 pm Sensory testing facilities + Conducting Sensory Tests
18/01/2018 Lab 1: 2:30-5:15 pm Consumer Preference and Acceptability
23/01/2018 Lecture 05: 1:00-2:15 pm Factors Influencing Sensory Measurements
25/01/2018 Lecture 06: 1:00-2:15 pm Reducing Panel Response Error
30/01/2018 Lecture 07: 1:00-2:15 pm Psychophysics (1)
01/02/2018 Lecture 08: 1:00-2:15 pm Psychophysics (2) and Collecting and Analyzing Sensory Data (1)
06/02/2018 Lecture 09: 1:00-2:15 pm Collecting and Analyzing Sensory Data (2)
08/02/2018 Lecture 10: 1:00-2:15 pm Consumer-Oriented Test Methods (1)
13/02/2018 Lecture 11: 1:00-2:15 pm Consumer-Oriented Test Methods (2)
15/02/2018 Lab 2: 2:30-5:15 pm Scaling Methods
No Class Winter break February 19- 23, Monday-Friday
Mid-term Test: 1:00-2:15
27/02/2018 Lectures 1 to 11
01/03/2018 Lab 3: 2:30-5:15 pm Texture Scales
01/03/2018 Lecture 12: 1:00-2:15 pm Statistical Analysis: One Way ANOVA + LSD (1)
06/03/2018 Lecture 13: 1:00-2:15 pm Statistical Analysis: One Way ANOVA + LSD Using SPSS + (2)
08/03/2018 Lecture 14: 1:00-2:15 pm Product-Oriented Test Methods (1)
13/03/2018 Lecture 15: 1:00-2:15 pm Product-Oriented Test Methods (2)

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Date Lecture Topics
15/03/2018 Lecture 16: 1:00-2:15 pm Product-Oriented Test Methods (3)
20/03/2018 Lecture 17: 1:00-2:15 pm Product-Oriented Test Methods (4)
22/03/2018 Lecture 18: 1:00-2:15 pm Statistical Analysis: Two Way ANOVA Using SPSS
27/03/2018 Lecture 19: 1:00-2:15 pm Statistical Analysis: Three Way ANOVA Using SPSS
29/03/2018 Lecture 20: 1:00-2:15 pm Discussion – Case Studies (1)
03/04/2018 Lecture 21: 1:00-2:15 pm Discussion – Case Studies (2)
05/04/2018 Lecture 22: 1:00-2:15 pm Review for Final Exam

To be
Final Test Lectures 12 to 21 + Labs 1, 2 and 3.

Laboratory Schedule: Labs will begin on Thursday, January 18, Thursday, February 15 and
Thursday, March 01 at 2:30 – 5:15, Room 410 Human Ecology Building. Students must attend and
complete all lab experiments. Laboratory coats and hair restraints will be provided during the
period and are not the responsibility of the student.

Laboratory Teaching Assistant: Donna Ryland, Weston Sensory Centre. Email:

donna.ryland@umanitoba.ca; telephone – 474-8071.


Assignments based on lab work (3 x 10%) 30%

Mid-term Test –Lectures 1 to 11: Tuesday Feb 27th 30%
Final Examination Lectures 12 to 22 and the 3 Labs (Per exam schedule) 35%
Attendance 5%
TOTAL 100%

Table 1: Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

Grade % Total
A+ ≥90
A 80-89.9
B+ 75-79.9
B 70-74.9
C+ 65-69.9
C 60-64.9
D 50-59.9
F < 50

Late Penalty for ALL Assignments: Assignments received AFTER 4:30 p.m. on the due date and
received up to one week late will be reduced by 5% per day. No assignment will be accepted beyond
the one week grace period. You CANNOT submit an assignment if you did not attend the labs

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Schedule for Laboratory Work HNSC 2018:

Lab Day of Lab /Assignment Handed Out Assignment Due Back % of Final Mark
1 Thursday, January 18 Tuesday, Feb 06 10
2 Thursday, February 15 Thursday, March 01 10
3 Thursday, March 1 Monday, March 19 10

Lab 1: Consumer Preference and Acceptability

Lab 2 - Scaling Methods
Lab 3 - Texture Scales

REFERENCE MATERIALS [on reserve in Dafoe Library]

1. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

a. Guidelines for the Selection and Training of Sensory Panel Members, STP 758, 1981.
b. Manual on Descriptive Analysis Testing for Sensory Evaluation, MNL 13, 1992.

2. Amerine, M.A. 1965. Principles of sensory evaluation of food. Academic Press, New York.

3. Lawless, H.T. and Heymann, H. 1998. Sensory Evaluation of Foods: Principles and Practices,
Chapman & Hall, New York, NY.

1. Lawless, H.T. and Klein, B.P. 1991. Sensory Science Theory and Applications in Foods, Marcel
Dekker Inc, New York, NY.

5. Lyon, D.H., Francombe, M.A., Hasdell, T.A., and Lawson, K., eds. 1992. Guidelines for Sensory
Analysis in Food Product Development and Quality Control, Chapman & Hall, London.

6. McBride, R.L. and MacFie, H.J.H. 1990. Psychological Basis of Sensory Evaluation, Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers, New York, NY.

13. Meilgaard, M.C., Civille, G.V., and Carr, B.T. 1989, 1st edition and 1991, 2nd edition. Sensory
Evaluation Techniques, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL.

8. Moskowitz, H.R. 1988. Applied Sensory Analysis of Foods (2 volumes), CRC Press Inc, Boca
Raton, FL.

9. Moskowitz, H.R. 1985. New Directions for Product Testing and Sensory Analysis of Foods, Food
& Nutrition Press, Inc. Westport, Conn.

10. O'Mahony, M. 1986. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Statistical Methods and Procedures, Marcel
Dekker Inc, New York, NY.

11. Piggott, J.R. 1984, 1st edition and 1988, 2nd edition. Sensory Analysis of Foods, Elsevier Applied
Science Publishers, London.

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12. Poste, L.M., Mackie, D.A., Butler, G., and Larmond, E. 1991. Laboratory Methods for Sensory
Analysis of Food, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.

13. Stone, H. 2004. Sensory Evaluation Practices, Academic Press, Orlando, FL.


The University requires all students to activate an official University email account. For full
details of the Electronic Communication with Students please visit:
Please note that all communication between me and you as a student must comply with the
electronic communication with student policy
ation_with_students_policy.html). You are required to obtain and use your U of M email account
for all communication between yourself and the university.


Dr. Michel Aliani and the University of Manitoba hold copyright over the course materials,
presentations and lectures which form part of this course. No audio or video recording of
lectures or presentations is allowed in any format, openly or surreptitiously, in whole or in part
without permission of Dr. Michel Aliani. Course materials (both paper and digital) are for the
participant’s private study and research.


Please respect copyright. We will use copyrighted content in this course. I have ensured that the
content I use is appropriately acknowledged and is copied in accordance with copyright laws and
University guidelines. Copyrighted works, including those created by me, are made available for
private study and research and must not be distributed in any format without permission. Do not
upload copyrighted works to a learning management system (such as UM Learn), or any website,
unless an exception to the Copyright Act applies or written permission has been confirmed. For
more information, see the University’s Copyright Office website at
http://umanitoba.ca/copyright/ or contact um_copyright@umanitoba.ca.


Plagiarism or any other form of cheating in examinations, term tests or academic work is subject
to serious academic penalty (e.g. suspension or expulsion from the faculty or university).
Cheating in examinations or tests may take the form of copying from another student or bringing
unauthorized materials into the exam room (e.g., crib notes, pagers or cell phones). Exam
cheating can also include exam personation. (Please see Exam Personation, found in the
Examination Regulations section of the General Academic Regulations). A student found guilty
of contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is also subject to serious
academic penalty.
To plagiarize is to take ideas or words of another person and pass them off as one’s own. In
short, it is stealing something intangible rather than an object. Plagiarism applies to any written
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work, in traditional or electronic format, as well as orally or verbally presented work. Obviously
it is not necessary to state the source of well-known or easily verifiable facts, but students are
expected to appropriately acknowledge the sources of ideas and expressions they use in their
written work, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. This applies to diagrams, statistical tables
and the like, as well as to written material, and materials or information from Internet sources.
To provide adequate and correct documentation is not only an indication of academic honesty
but is also a courtesy which enables the reader to consult these sources with ease. Failure to
provide appropriate citations constitutes plagiarism. It will also be considered plagiarism and/or
cheating if a student submits a term paper written in whole or in part by someone other than him/
herself, or copies the answer or answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-
home assignment.
Working with other students on assignments, laboratory work, take-home tests, or on-line tests,
when this is not permitted by the instructor, can constitute Inappropriate Collaboration and may
be subject to penalty under the Student Discipline By-Law.
An assignment which is prepared and submitted for one course should not be used for a different
course. This is called “duplicate submission” and represents a form of cheating because course
requirements are expected to be fulfilled through original work for each course.
When in doubt about any practice, ask your professor or instructor.
The Student Advocacy Office, 519 University Centre, 474-7423, is a resource available to
students dealing with Academic Integrity matters.


If you are a student with a disability, please contact SAS for academic accommodation supports
and services such as note-taking, interpreting, assistive technology and exam
accommodations. Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. mental illness,
learning, medical, hearing, injury-related, visual) are invited to contact SAS to arrange a
confidential consultation.
Student Accessibility Services http://umanitoba.ca/student/saa/accessibility/
520 University Centre
204 474 7423


Writing and Learning Support:
The Academic Learning Centre (ALC) offers services that may be helpful to you throughout
your academic program. Through the ALC, you can meet with a learning specialist to discuss
concerns such as time management, learning strategies, and test-taking strategies. The ALC also
offers peer supported study groups called Supplemental Instruction (SI) for certain courses that
students have typically found difficult. In these study groups, students have opportunities to ask
questions, compare notes, discuss content, solve practice problems, and develop new study
strategies in a group-learning format.
You can also meet one-to-one with a writing tutor who can give you feedback at any stage of the
writing process, whether you are just beginning to work on a written assignment or already have
a draft. If you are interested in meeting with a writing tutor, reserve your appointment two to
Page 9 of 12
three days in advance of the time you would like to meet. Also, plan to meet with a writing tutor
a few days before your paper is due so that you have time to work with the tutor’s feedback.
These Academic Learning Centre services are free for U of M students. For more information,
please visit the Academic Learning Centre website at:
You can also contact the Academic Learning Centre by calling 204-480-1481 or by visiting 201
Tier Building.
University of Manitoba Libraries (UML):
As the primary contact for all research needs, your liaison librarian can play a vital role when
completing academic papers and assignments. Liaisons can answer questions about managing
citations, or locating appropriate resources, and will address any other concerns you may have,
regarding the research process. Liaisons can be contacted by email or phone, and are also
available to meet with you in-person. A complete list of liaison librarians can be found by
subject or by name: http://bit.ly/1tJ0bB4. In addition, general library assistance is provided in
person at 19 University Libraries, located on both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses, as
well as in many Winnipeg hospitals. For a listing of all libraries, please consult the
following: http://bit.ly/1sXe6RA. When working remotely, students can also receive help online,
via the Ask-a-Librarian chat found on the Libraries’ homepage: www.umanitoba.ca/libraries.
Student Counselling Centre (SCC):
Contact SCC if you are concerned about any aspect of your mental health, including anxiety,
stress, or depression, or for help with relationships or other life concerns. SCC offers crisis
services as well as individual, couple, and group counselling. Student Counselling Centre:
474 University Centre or S207 Medical Services
(204) 474-8592
Student Support Case Management:
Contact the Student Support Case Management team if you are concerned about yourself or
another student and don’t know where to turn. SSCM helps connect students with on and off
campus resources, provides safety planning, and offers other supports, including consultation,
educational workshops, and referral to the STATIS threat assessment team.
Student Support Intake Assistant http://umanitoba.ca/student/case-manager/index.html
520 University Centre
(204) 474-7423
For 24/7 mental health support, contact the Mobile Crisis Service at 204-940-1781.
University Health Service:
Contact UHS for any medical concerns, including mental health problems. UHS offers a full
range of medical services to students, including psychiatric consultation.
University Health Service http://umanitoba.ca/student/health/
104 University Centre, Fort Garry Campus
(204) 474-8411 (Business hours or after hours/urgent calls)
Health and Wellness:

Page 10 of 12
Contact our Health and Wellness Educator if you are interested in information on a broad range
of health topics, including physical and mental health concerns, alcohol and substance use harms,
and sexual assault.
Health and Wellness Educator http://umanitoba.ca/student/health-wellness/welcome.html
469 University Centre
(204) 295-9032
Live Well @ UofM:
For comprehensive information about the full range of health and wellness resources available
on campus, visit the Live Well @ UofM site:

Your Rights and Responsibilities:

As a student of the University of Manitoba you have rights and responsibilities. It is important
for you to know what you can expect from the University as a student and to understand what the
University expects from you. Become familiar with the policies and procedures of the
University and the regulations that are specific to your faculty, college or school. The Academic
Calendar http://umanitoba.ca/student/records/academiccalendar.html is one important source of
information. View the sections University Policies and Procedures and General Academic
While all of the information contained in these two sections is important, the following
information is highlighted.
• If you have questions about your grades, talk to your instructor. There is a process for term
work and final grade appeals. Note that you have the right to access your final
examination scripts. See the Registrar’s Office website for more information including
appeal deadline dates and the appeal form http://umanitoba.ca/registrar/
• You are expected to view the General Academic Regulation section within the Academic
Calendar and specifically read the Academic Integrity regulation. Consult the course
syllabus or ask your instructor for additional information about demonstrating academic
integrity in your academic work. Visit the Academic Integrity Site for tools and support
http://umanitoba.ca/academicintegrity/ View the Student Academic Misconduct
procedure for more information.
• The University is committed to a respectful work and learning environment. You have the
right to be treated with respect and you are expected conduct yourself in an appropriate
respectful manner. Policies governing behavior include:
Respectful Work and Learning Environment
Student Discipline
tml and,
Violent or Threatening Behaviour

Page 11 of 12
• If you experience Sexual Assault or know a member of the University community who
has, it is important to know there is a policy that provides information about the supports
available to those who disclose and outlines a process for reporting. The Sexual Assault
policy may be found at:
http://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/governing_documents/community/230.html More
information and resources can be found by reviewing the Sexual Assault site
• For information about rights and responsibilities regarding Intellectual Property view the
policy http://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/governing_documents/community/235.html
For information on regulations that are specific to your academic program, read the section in the
Academic Calendar and on the respective faculty/college/school web site
Contact an Academic Advisor within our faculty/college or school for questions about your
academic program and regulations http://umanitoba.ca/academic-advisors/
Student Advocacy:
Contact Student Advocacy if you want to know more about your rights and responsibilities as a
student, have questions about policies and procedures, and/or want support in dealing with
academic or discipline concerns.
520 University Centre
204 474 7423

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