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The World of Lapp: Solutions For Railway Technology

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Solutions for railway technology

Legend for icons

Suitable for outdoor use Mechanical resistance Voltage

Good chemical
Assembly time Interference signals

Flame-retardant Low weight Temperature-resistant

Wide clamping range Oil-resistant UV-resistant

Halogen-free Space requirement Waterproof

Variety of approval
Heat-resistant Robust

Cold-resistant Acid-resistant

Corrosion-resistant Reliability

Please note: the purpose of the icons is to provide you with

a quick overview and a rough indication of the product
features to which the corresponding information relates. You
can find details of product characteristics in the “technical
data” sections on the product pages.

Company information
Information on railway

Power and control cables

Data communication systems

Data communication systems 38
for ETHERNET technology

Industrial connectors

Cable glands

SILVYN® Cable protection and

guiding systems

Marking systems

Tools and cable accessories 62

Success through values
Rock solid, high performance. Regional the daily commitment of our skilled staff ured in mere kilometres. It is based on
roots, global aspirations. Fast, reliable, and partnerships with our customers listening, making your challenges our own
high quality – and development that is al- based on trust. Each of them has made and developing solutions that help to fur-
ways one step ahead. For products for the a decisive contribution to our mutual suc- ther your business model. Candid close-
railway industry as well. This is Lapp. cess. Today, Lapp is one of the world's ness and a trusting, partnership-based
The southwest region of Germany is con- leading manufacturers of cables, leads, cooperation are more than just words for
sidered one of the most innovative and cable accessories and systems of the Lapp, they are values upon which we have
powerful industrial sectors in the world, highest level of quality. We have approxi- built our family company.
and for good reason. Lapp is a part of this mately 3,300 employees worldwide. With
region, helping to guide it and its success 17 production sites on four continents, The result? Intelligent and reliable con-
worldwide. more than 39 sales companies and hun- nectivity solutions precisely tailored to
As a completely family run company, we dreds of dedicated consulting experts, we the needs of our globally active custom-
know: Everything that we have achieved are always close by. And not just physical- ers. For you as well.
since our founding in 1957 is based on ly: customer proximity cannot be meas-

Family based
Innovative. Lapp.

• Founded in 1957

• A leading manufacturer of cables, leads, accessories

and complete system solutions for connection

• Approximately 3,300 employees worldwide

• 17 production facilities

• More than 39 sales companies

• Hundreds of dedicated consulting experts worldwide

• Years of experience in the rail industry

Andreas Lapp,
Matthias Lapp,
Ursula Ida Lapp,
Alexander Lapp,
Siegbert Lapp.

Reliably connecting the world
We want to help you become even more partners and, above all, our competent products and cable accessories. Thanks to
productive and successful. This is why we teams of advisers ensure we offer you a this expertise, we can guarantee that Lapp
work tirelessly on optimising our process- comprehensive service on every continent. will provide you with the quality that you re-
es. We do everything to make sure we al- We do not simply distribute cable technolo- quire and that you demand.
ways find the best solution for you and also gy, we also manufacture our products our-
provide you with quick, efficient and effec- selves – which represents another advan- You can always rely on quality
tive support. tage for you. As a manufacturer with 18 of
our own production facilities, you will bene-
from Lapp – wherever you are
No matter where you are – we are always fit from our expertise in the development, in the world. This is also em-
by your side. Our plants, sales companies, design and manufacture of cables, system bodied by our strong brands.

1 39
sales partners


Employees from

More than

40,000 standard products

proprietary sales



Our global corporate network

Find other sales partners in your location:


America Africa
Brazil Cabos Lapp Brasil Ltda. Italy Lapp Italia s.r.l. South Africa Lapp Southern Africa
Canada Lapp Canada Inc. Camuna Cavi s.r.l. Pty. Ltd.
Mexico Lapp Mexico S. de R.L. Lapp Sistemi Italia s.r.l.
de C.V. Kazakhstan Lapp Kazakhstan LLP
Panama Lapp Latinamerica Support Latvia Lapp Miltronic SIA Asia
Corp. Norway Miltronic AS China Lapp Kabel Shanghai Co. Ltd.
USA Lapp USA Inc. Poland Lapp Kabel Sp.Z.o.o. Lapp Cable Works Shanghai
Lapp Cable Works Inc. Portugal Policabos S.A. Co. Ltd.
Lapp Tannehill Inc. Romania Lapp Kabel Romania SRL. India Lapp India Pvt. Ltd.
Russia Lapp Russia OOO Indonesia JPT JJ-Lapp Cable SMI
Slovakia Lapp Slovensko s.r.o. Japan Lapp Japan KK
Europe Slovenia Lapp, d.o.o. Malaysia JJ Lapp Cable (M) Sdn Bhd
Austria Lapp Austria GmbH Spain Lapp Kabel España S.L.U. Philippines JJ Lapp Cable (P) Inc
Benelux Lapp Benelux B.V. Sweden Miltronic AB Singapore JJ-Lapp Cable (S) Pte. Ltd.
Czech Republic Lapp Kabel s.r.o. Fleximark AB Lapp Logistics Pte. Ltd.
France Lapp France S.a.r.l. Switzerland Lapp Tec AG South Korea Lapp Korea LLC.
Cableries Lapp S.a.r.l. Turkey Lapp Kablo SAN.VE TIC. Thailand JJ-Lapp Cable (T) Ltd.
Lapp Muller S.A.S. LTD.STI Vietnam JJ-Lapp Cable Vietnam Co
Germany U.I. Lapp GmbH Ukraine Lapp Ukraine LLC Ltd.
Lapp GmbH Kabelwerke United Arab Lapp Cables Middle East
Lapp Systems GmbH Emirates F.Z.E.
Contact GmbH
Elektrische Bauelemente
Great Britain Lapp Ltd.
Hungary Lapp Hungária KFT

The Lapp Group worldwide
Algeria Canada Denmark Germany Indonesia
Cablemat Sarl Lapp Canada Inc. Lapp Danmark U.I. Lapp GmbH PT. JJ-Lapp Cable SMI
16 Cité Mimouni Lotissement 18 3505 Laird Road, Unit 10 Korskildeeng 6 Schulze-Delitzsch-Straße 25 Graha INTI FAUZI, 7th Floor
Villa N°14 L5L 5Y7 MISSISSAUGA, Ontario 2670 GREVE 70565 STUTTGART Jl. Buncit Raya No. 22
Bordj El Kiffan, ALGER Tel.: +905 8 205492 Tel.: +45 43 950000 Tel.: +49 711 783801 JAKARTA 12510
Tel.: +213 550024331, -661, -404, -331 Fax: +905 8 206516 Fax: +45 43 950009 Fax: +49 711 78382640 Tel.: +62 21 27537051
Fax: +213 20388220, -212, -010, -39 sales@lappcanada.com ordre@lappgroup.dk info@lappkabel.de
Fax: +62 21 27537052
www.cablemat.net www.lappgroup.dk www.lappkabel.de
www.lappcanada.com sales_jjli@jjsea.com
Lapp Systems GmbH www.jj-lappcable.com
Argentina Dominican Republic Oskar-Lapp-Str. 5
Chile ING. Rudy Moreno & Asociados, S.R.L.
Calle 49 No. 5764
Desimat Chile Prolongación 27 de Febrero Esq. Tel.: +49 711 783804
Av. Puerto Vespucio 9670 Cuidad Agraria, Edif. Yarudith see United Arab Emirates
B1653AOX Fax: +49 711 78383520
Villa Ballester info@lappkabel.de
Pudahuel, SANTIAGO Tel.: +809 334 4394 www.lappkabel.de
Tel.: +56 2 25851200 Fax: +809 334 4454
Tel.: +54 11 4768 4242 Island
Fax: +56 2 27470153 www.ingrudymorenoyasoc.com
Fax: +54 11 4768 4242
Ghana Johan Rönning Ltd.
ventas@nakase.com.ar PROCESS AND PLANT Klettagardar 25
www.nakase.com.ar www.desimat.cl Ecuador AUTOMATION Ltd. 104 REYKJAVIK
Elsystec S.A. No. 3 Becca Villa, behind Cal Bank Tel.: +354 5 200800
Armenia China Electricidad Sistemas y Tecnología Baatsona, Spintex Road. Fax: +354 5 200888
Integral design & engineering LLC Lapp Kabel Shanghai Co., Ltd. Vasco de Contreras N35-251 y P.O. Box Sr 95 ronning@ronning.is
8 Tumanyan str. 23A Zhaofeng Universe Building Mañosca ACCRA www.ronning.is
International Business Center 1800 Zhongshan Road West CÓDIGO POSTAL 170521 Tel.: +233 3 02812680
0001 YEREVAN Tel.: +593 2 2456510 ekua@automationghana.com
Tel.: +374 10 520188 Tel.: +86 21 64400833
Fax: +593 2 2455698 www.automationghana.com Israel
elsystec@elsystec.com.ec Arrow Control Cables Ltd.
Fax: +374 10 519188 Fax: +86 21 64400834
elsystec@uio.satnet.net 7, Zavitan street
info@integral.am info@lappgroup.com.cn Great Britain
www.elsystec.com.ec 49950 NEHALIM
www.integral.am www.lappgroup.com.cn Lapp Limited
Unit 3 Perivale Park Tel.: +972 3 9074887
Australia Lapp Cable Works Shanghai Co., Ltd. Egypt Horsenden Lane South Fax: +972 3 9074889
No. 6 Standard Workshop Lingang see United Arab Emirates UB6 7RL GREENFORD MIDDLESEX info@arrowcables.com
DKSH Australia Pty Ltd.
Industrial Area LAPP CABLES MIDDLE EAST FZE Tel.: +44 20 87587800 www.arrowcables.com
14-17 Dansu Court Hallam
1555 Cenglin Road, Pudong District Fax: +44 20 87587880
SHANGHAI 201306 El Salvador sales@lapplimited.com
Tel.: +61 3 95546666
Fax: +61 3 95546677 Tel.: +86 21 20955833 Intek El Salvador S.A. de C.V. LAPP ITALIA S.R.L.
info@dksh.com.au Fax.: +86 21 20955834 Calle Gabriela Mistral No. 373 Via Lavoratori Autobianchi 1
Entre Blvd. Los Héroes y 33 Av. Nte. Greece Building 20
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador CA. Dimoulas Special Cables S.A.
Austria Colombia Tel.: +503 2260-8888 100-102 Lenorman Str.
20832 DESIO (MB)
Lapp Austria GmbH TRANSMISIONES LTDA Tel.: +39 0362 4871
Fax: +503 2260-8855 10444 ATHENS
Bremenstraße 8 Cra 69B No. 21A – 24 Bodega UE 28 – 1 inteksv@intek-ca.com Tel.: +30 21 05157610 Fax: +39 0362 487330-340
4030 LINZ Parque Industrial Montevideo www.intek-ca-com Fax: +30 21 05157611 lappitalia@lappitalia.it
Tel.: +43 732 781272-444 BOGOTA, D.C info@dimoulas.gr www.lappitalia.it
Fax: +43 732 781272-34 Tel.: +57 1 4126898 www.dimoulas.gr
sales@lappaustria.at Estonia Camuna Cavi s.r.l.
Fax: +57 1 2929736
Lapp Miltronic SIA Eesti Filiaal Via Generale Treboldi, 128
www.lappaustria.at info@transmisiones.de Kastani pst 10 Guatemala 25048 EDOLO (BS)
www.transmisiones.de 44307 RAKVERE Intek Guatemala S.A.
Belarus Tel.: +39 0364 773411
Tel.: +372 6 518970 4a. Ave. 10 – 31 Zona 9
PNS – Professional Network Fax: +39 0364 770120
Congo Fax: +372 6 518971 GUATEMALA
Systems Dezatech sarl orders@lappmiltronic.lv Tel.: +502 2507-0500
Temirjazeva str. 64b, office 308 Fax: +502 2507-0501 www.camunacavi.it
Av. Kasai no 12 www.lappmiltronic.ee
220035 MINSK intekgt@intek-ca.com Sales Office
KINSHASA/Gombe Via Lavoratori Autobianchi 1
Tel.: +375 17 2908372 www.intek-ca.com
Fax: +375 17 2547828
Tel.: +243 8211 45963 Finland Building 20
dg@dezatech.com SKS Automaatio Oy
info@pns.by 20832 DESIO (MB)
Martinkyläntie 50 Honduras
www.pns.by intek Honduras
P.O. Box 122
Costa Rica 01721 VANTAA Ofi-Bodegas Premier Japan
Belgium – Luxembourg Elvatron, SA Tel.: +358 2 076461 100 mts. antes del Peaje a La Lima K.Mecs Co., Ltd.
Lapp Benelux B.V. De Repifreno en la Uruca Fax: +358 2 07646820 Edificio PWC-14B Headquarters Yusen Iwamotocho
Van Dijklaan 16, 5581 WG WAALRE 400 metros Nte. automaatio@sks.fi SAN PEDRO SULA Bldg. 3F
Postbus 74, 5580 AB WAALRE SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica www.sks.fi Tel.: +504 2559-4748, -50 2-3-3 Iwamotocho, Chiyodaku
The Netherlands P.O. Box 8-3770 (1000) Fax: +504 2559-4740
101-0032 TOKYO
Tel.: +32 78 353060 Tel.: +506 2242-9955 France intekhn@intek-ca.com
Tel.: +81 3 58255333
Fax +32 78 353065 Fax: +506 2520-0697 Lapp France s.a.r.l. www.intek-ca.com
Fax: +81 3 58258550
sales.lappbenelux@lappgroup.com elvatron@elvatron.com Technopôle Forbach-Sud BP 50084 info@kmecs.co.jp
www.lappbenelux.com www.elvatron.com 57602 FORBACH CEDEX Hong Kong www.kmecs.com
Tel.: +33 387 841929 Worldtex & Co.
Brazil Croatia Fax: +33 387 841794 Unit 11, 11/F, Tins Enterprises
Cabos Lapp Brasil Ltda. TIM KABEL lappfrance@lappgroup.com Centre Jordan
Av. Dr. Mauro Lindemberg www.lappfrance.fr 777 Lai Chi Kok Rd. see United Arab Emirates
Savska cesta 103
Galpao18, Osasco KOWLOON
Tel.: +385 1 5555900 Z.A. du Grand Pont Tel.: +85 22 7811860
CEP 06278-010 SAO PAULO Fax: +385 1 5555901 83310 GRIMAUD Fax: +85 22 7814733
Tel.: +55 11 21664166 zagreb@tim-kabel.hr Tel.: +33 494 566500 Lapp Kazakhstan LLP
Fax: +55 11 21664165 info@worldtex-co.com.hk
www.tim-kabel.hr Fax: +33 494 43487 Abaya ave. 13, office 703
vendas@lappgroup.com.br info@mullercables.com 010000 ASTANA c.
www.lappgroup.com.br www.mullercables.com Hungary Tel.: +7 7172 787365
Cyprus Lapp Hungária Kft.
Cabos Lapp Brasil Ltda. Câbleries Lapp Sarl sales@lappgroup.kz
3 BRO Ltd. Neumann János u.1
Rodovia BA535 (via Parafuso) Technopôle Forbach Sud 2040 BUDAÖRS www.lappgroup.kz
3 Limnou Str.
km 13 e 14 – Sentido Salvador Rue Avogadro Tel.: +36 23 501-250
Office 301
Polo Industrial e Logístico Via 57600 Oeting Fax: +36 23 501-259 Korea
Parafuso – Lote 06 Tel.: +33 387 844343 sales@lapphungaria.hu
Tel.: +357 25255353 Lapp Korea LLC.
CEP 42810-200 CAMAÇARI-BA Fax: +33 387 871641 www.lapphungaria.hu
info@3bro.gr 42, Jangangongdan 8-gil
Tel.: +55 71 35002400 accueil@lappgroup.com Jangan-myeon, HWASEONG-SI
Czech Republic India Gyeonggi-do, 445-941 Korea
Bulgaria Georgia Lapp India Pvt. Ltd. Tel.: +82 31 1688 1099
V&V Isomatic Ltd. LAPP KABEL s.r.o.
Insta LLC Plot No.98, J & K Fax: +82 31 697 4099
40a, Pirin Str. Bartosova 315, Kvitkovice Sergo Zakariadze str. 8 Jigani Industrial Area, II Phase
765 02 OTROKOVICE www.lappkorea.com
Tel.: +359 29 583111 Tel.: +420 573 501011 Tel.: +995 32 2202020 Tel.: +91 8110 304800
Fax: +359 29 582270 Fax: +420 573 394650 Fax: +995 32 2202022 Fax: +91 80 27825479 Kuwait
office@viv-isomatic.com info@lappgroup.cz sales@insta.ge info@lappindia.com see United Arab Emirates
www.viv-isomatic.com www.lappgroup.cz www.insta.ge www.lappindia.com LAPP CABLES MIDDLE EAST FZE

Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Poland South Africa Turkey
MEG Solutions LLC EUROCABLE G Co., Ltd. Lapp Kabel Sp. z o.o. Lapp Group Southern Africa LAPP KABLO San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Chuj avenue 265A, office 204 Baruun Selbe 5/26 Ulica: Profesjonalna 1 51 Brunton Circle Atatürk Mah. Şeref Sok. No: 55/1
720071 BISHKEK 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei District Biskupice Podgórne Founders View South 34758 ATAŞEHIR-İSTANBUL
Tel.: +996 312 641946 15160 ULAANBAATAR 55-040 KOBIERZYCE Modderfontein Tel.: +90 216 4565699
Fax: +996 312 641983 Tel.: +976 70 117171 Tel.: +48 71 3306300 1645 GAUTENG Fax: +90 216 4565687-89
ofice@meg.kg info@cable.mn Fax: +48 71 3306306 Tel.: +27 11 2013200 info@lapp.com.tr
www.cable.mn info@lapppolska.pl Fax: +27 11 6095850
www.meg.kg www.lapp.com.tr
www.lapppolska.pl info@lappkabel.co.za
Morocco www.lappcable.co.za
Latvia Fiabel Portugal Ukraine
LAPP MILTRONIC SIA 16 Rue des Dahlias (Beausite) Policabos S.A. Lapp Ukraine LLC
Ulbrokas 44a Spain 201 – 203, Kharkivske shose
Boulevard La Grande Ceinture Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral
RIGA, 1021 Lapp Group España
Ain Sebâa, CASABLANCA Lugar da Capa Rota 02121 KIEV
Tel.: +371 67 501900 Avda. de les Garrigues, 34 – 36
Tel.: +212 522 403301, 522 404616 2710-144 SINTRA Tel.: +38 044 495-6000
Parque Empresarial Mas Blau II
Fax: +371 67 501909 Fax: +212 522 403303 Tel.: +351 21 9178640 Fax: +38 044 490-7630
pasutijumi@lappmiltronic.lv www.fiabel.ma Fax: +351 21 9178649 sales@lappukraine.com
www.lappmiltronic.lv policabos@policabos.pt www.lappukraine.com
Tel.: +34 902 108 669
Netherlands www.policabos.pt
Fax: +34 934 796 272
Lebanon Lapp Benelux B.V. info@lappgroup.es United Arab Emirates
see United Arab Emirates Van Dijklaan 16, Qatar www.lappgroup.es LAPP CABLES MIDDLE EAST FZE
Wing A-502, P.O. Box 341223
Tel.: +31 40 2285000 Sweden Dubai Silicon Oasis
Libya Fax: +31 40 2285010 Miltronic AB DUBAI
Al Jouda Co.
Romania Kungshagsvägen 7 Tel.: +971 4 3712905
sales.lappbenelux@lappgroup.com Lapp Kabel Romania SRL
Al Fath – Street www.lappbenelux.com Box 1022 Fax: +971 4 3712918
A1 Business Park
Al Buraq – Building 3rd floor 611 29 NYKÖPING lappme@lappgroup.com
(Autostrada Bucuresti – Pitesti, Km 13.5)
BENGHAZI Tel.: +46 155 77780 www.lappgroup.com
New Zealand Aleea Camilla nr. 11, Unitatea G2
Tel.: +218 91 7433363 Comuna Dragomiresti Vale Fax: +46 155 77701
Engineering Computer
ilsharee@yahoo.co.uk Sat Dragomiresti Deal info@miltronic.se Uruguay
Services Ltd.
Cnr Te-Rapa & Ruffell Rd Judet ILFOV, 077096 www.miltronic.se
Reprinter LTDA.
Lithuania P.O. Box 20204 Tel.: +40 213 1009-61 Sales office Denmark Avda. Italia 6481
LAPP MILTRONIC filialas HAMILTON, 3288 Fax: +40 213 1009-59 Korskildeeng 6 MONTEVIDEO
Aukštaičių g. 6 Tel.: +64 7 8492211 office@lappkabel.ro 2670 GREVE Tel.: +598 2600-7343
Fax: +64 7 8492220 www.lappkabel.ro Fax: +598 2600-8658
11341 VILNIUS Tel.: +45 43 950000
Tel.: +370 5 2780390 garry@lappgroup.co.nzw Fax: +45 43 950009 lapp@reprinter.com.uy
www.lappgroup.co.nz Russia info@miltronic.dk www.reprinter.com.uy
www.lappmiltronic.lt Lapp Russia OOO www.miltronic.dk
Nicaragua Mira st., 7, Krutye Kluchi
Electronica Tecnica SA. 443028 SAMARA USA
Macedonia De la Óptica Nicaraguense Tel.: +7 846 2310333 Switzerland Lapp USA, Inc.
Siskon Dooel Fax: +7 846 2310028 Volland AG 29 Hanover Road
3C al este, 1/2C al Sur
Taskenska 4A info@lappgroup.ru Ifangstrasse 103 FLORHAM PARK, NJ 07932
Casa #38 Residendial Bolonia
1000 SKOPJE www.lappgroup.ru 8153 RÜMLANG Tel.: +1 973 6609700
Tel.: +389 2 3062423 Tel.: +505 2254-4913 Tel.: +41 44 8179797 Fax: +1 973 6609330
Fax: +389 2 3061250 Fax: +41 44 8179700
info@ni.elvatron.com Saudi Arabia info@volland.ch
siskon@mt.net.mk nicaragua.elvatron.com see United Arab Emirates www.lappusa.com
www.siskon.com.mk www.volland.ch
Lapp Tannehill, Inc.
Norway EPIC®
8675 Eagle Creek Parkway Suite 900
Malaysia Miltronic AS Serbia Bachofen AG
SAVAGE, MN 55378
JJ-LAPP Cable (M) sdn. Bhd. Eikveien 11 VESIMPEX d.o.o. Ackerstraße 42
3036 DRAMMEN Tel.: +1 952 8816700
16, Jalan 51A/225, Patrijarha Dimitrija 24 (DMB) 8610 USTER
Tel.: +47 32 261300 Tel.: +41 44 9441111 Fax: +1 952 8810743
Fax: +47 32 261398 Tel.: +381 11 4049-070, -071, -072, -073 Fax: +41 44 9441233 sales@lapptannehill.com
Tel.: +603 78 616288
info@miltronic.no Magacin/warehouse: +381 11 4049-075 info@bachofen.ch www.lapptannehill.com
Fax: +603 78 616299
www.miltronic.no Fax: +381 11 4049-077 www.bachofen.ch
Mob: +381 63 693-373 Uzbekistan
Oman info@vesimpex.rs
Syria Elektro Potential LLC
see United Arab Emirates www.vesimpex.rs Y. Bodomzor str. 2 B, office 311
Malta see United Arab Emirates
G & E Electronics Ltd. Singapore 100084 TASHKENT
Genics Bldgs.
Pakistan Lapp Logistics Pte. Ltd.
Taiwan Tel.: +998 71 1501220
Giov. Papaffy Str. No.9 Tuas South St. 3
see United Arab Emirates Fax: +998 71 1501220
B’KARA BKR 4021 SINGAPORE 638017 DKSH Taiwan Ltd.
Tel.: +356 21 486816 Tel.: +65 6558-7176 10th Floor, No. 22, Lane 407
Fax: +356 21 497103 Fax: +65 6558-7081 Tiding Blvd., Sec. 2
Panama lappsea.lappgroup.com Neihu Technology Park Venezuela
Lapp Latinamerica TAIPEI CITY 114-93 Somerinca, C.A
Support Corporation JJ-LAPP Cable (S) Pte. Ltd. Tel.: +886 2 87527597 Qta Corazón de Jesus
Edif. Global Bank Calle 50, piso 38 No.9 Tuas South St 3 Fax: +886 2 87518688 4ta Transversal de Montecristo c/
Mexico Int. 3801-A, PANAMA SINGAPORE 638017 edmund.foo@dksh.com calle el Carmen, de los Dos Caminos
Lapp Mexico S de RL de CV Tel.: +507 3938-565 Tel.: +65 6508-6200
soporte.latam@lappgroup.com Fax: +65 6863-1271 1070 CARACAS
Avenida del bosque 1190 Int. 1
Parque Industrial del Bosque II sales_jjls@jjsea.com Thailand Tel.: +212 235 1081/1696/2748,
www.jj-lappcable.com JJ-LAPP Cable (T) Ltd. 237 3003
45619, TLAQUEPAQUE, Jalisco Peru 23/110-117 Sorachai Building Fax: +212 239 9341
Tel.: +52 33 36660250 DIPROSOL PERU SAC
25-29th FL klocmoeller@cantv.net
Fax: +52 33 36660075 Av. Velasco Astete 2371 Slovakia Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai),
ventas@lappmexico.com Surco LIMA 33 LAPP SLOVENSKO, s.r.o. www.somerinca.com
Sukhumvit Road, Klongton Nua,
www.lappmexico.com Tel.: +51 1 2752765 Piaristicka 2
Wattana, BANGKOK 10110
Fax: +51 1 2752776 949 24 NITRA
Tel.: +66 27 878288
ventas@diprosol.com.pe Tel.: +421 376 578095 JJ-Lapp Cable Vietnam Co., Ltd
Republic of Moldova www.diprosol.com.pe Fax: +421 376 578095 Fax: +66 27 878299
Lapp Kabel Romania SRL sales_jjlt@jjsea.com 12th floor, Unit 1206, Sailing Tower
info@lappgroup.sk 111A Pasteur Street, District 1
A1 Business Park www.lappgroup.sk www.jj-lappcable.com
(Autostrada Bucuresti – Pitesti, Km 13.5)
Philippines HO CHI MINH CITY
JJ-LAPP Cable (P) Inc Tel.: +84 8 62887668
Aleea Camilla nr. 11, Unitatea G2 Tunisia
Unit 704, Philplans Corporate Center Slovenia Fax: +84 8 38236776
Comuna Dragomiresti Vale ELECSA TN, Groupe TTI
1012 Triangle Drive Lapp, d. o. o. sales_jjlv@jjsea.com
Sat Dragomiresti Deal Bonifacio Global City Limbuška cesta 2 Zone industrielle
Judet ILFOV, 077096 www.jj-lappcable.com
Tel.: +40 213 1009-61 Tel.: +632 786 7566 Tel.: +386 2 4213550 Tel.: +216 72 255954
Fax: +40 213 1009-59 Fax: +632 786 7544 Fax: +386 2 4213571 Fax: +216 72 255980 Yemen
office@lappkabel.ro sales_jjlp@jjsea.com info@lappslovenia.com commercial@elecsa-tn.com see United Arab Emirates
www.lappkabel.ro www.jj-lappcable.com www.lappslovenia.com www.elecsa-tn.com LAPP CABLES MIDDLE EAST FZE

Railway cables – quality makes the difference
The railway industry opens up to great op- full-service provider for electrical cables, ence customers is the Korean manufactur-
portunities: Numerous emerging markets cable connections and accessories, Lapp er Hyundai-Rotem. They have placed their
around the world are developing with in- has rounded out its portfolio with prod- trust in use for a number of years and have
creasing momentum. And their demand ucts for the railway industry and can offer equipped their high-speed trains for the
for transport systems grows – in Asia and its customers high-quality solutions in this new line of the Korea Train eXpress (KTX)
in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin sector as well. from Seoul to Mokpo and Pusan with Lapp
America and more recently in Africa as cables. Here, our quality and delivery ser-
well. Even in Germany, with its dense Lapp now supplies a large number of cus- vice were the decisive factors to gain the
transportation infrastructure, the market tomers in this market. One of our refer- edge over our competitors.
is growing at a disproportionate rate, in
particular in the short-distance sector.

The modernisation of old

system alone is a task of
Herculean proportions – both • Almost 60 years of
for public budgets and for
manufacturers and operators. At the experience in the
development and
This is due to the fact that a significant
innovation backlog has built up. At the
forefront of production of electrical
cables, cable connections
same time, the demand for urban
transport and fast short-distance systems development. and accessories
grows. For larger distances, high-speed
projects are gaining in importance, cities
are growing and freight traffic is steadily
Also for • In-house production

This is coupled with increasingly stringent

the railway • Current reference project:
High-speed trains for the
safety regulations and quality standards
that must be met. Fire protection stand- industry. Korea Train eXpress (KTX)
ards are particularly demanding.
Based on decades of experience as a
Lapp. • IRIS certified

Your interests in mind – and passengers'

We are prepared and have systematically Even for complex requirements, we pro- uncomplicated cooperation and provide
built up our know-how and expertise in vide you with the perfect solution, from you with the highest quality from a single
the railway technology sector in order to proven standard products to sophisticated source paired with a clear added value for
provide convincing arguments to the rail- custom solutions. We back up these your business.
way industry regarding our global capabili- promises with our actions. To make the
ties. procurement process as simple as possi-
ble, we can connect your inventory man-
Because we have a great deal to offer. agement system to our system. And in our
• A local presence,
This starts with the ability to speak your e-shop, you can order any of our 40,000+
language. Our employees come from 152 standard articles, including railway prod- worldwide
countries. With our sales companies and ucts, with a simple click – including indi-
competent consulting teams, we are rep- vidual price enquiries, availability and de- • More than 40,000
resented locally around the world, provid- livery time details, as well as shipment standard items, for order
ing you with comprehensive services. tracking.
with the click of a mouse
An effective customer focus is part of Our full service, fast worldwide availability
Lapp, as is our keen sense for trends, sec- and small minimum order quantities re-
• Excellent full service
tors and markets. Using this as a basis, duce the overall cost to our customers.
we develop the components and solutions In short: We are your partner, and we al-
• Fast worldwide
of tomorrow for your ideas and projects. ways keep your interests in mind, ensure

• Small minimum order


Clear added value for • Total cost optimisation

your company. Optimised • Highest quality

• Complete solutions for

total cost for rail the railway industry from
a single source = one-
equipment providers. stop shop

Lapp. • e-Service solutions

Technological lead, step-by-step
Our manufacturing facility for the ÖLFLEX® TRAIN manufacturing the outside of the railways vehicles must
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN is certified in accord- technology: be able to withstand temperatures down
ance with the IRIS (International Rail Cable insulation products are usually to -40°C. No problem for cross-linked
Industry Standard), thus operating made of thermoplastic materials, mainly products from Lapp.
within the framework of the required consisting of macromolecules.
This also applies to our other
processes of the railway industry.
established brands:
When warmed, the mobility of the mole-
• ÖLFLEX® CONNECT assembled cable
We are a technology group in our sector. cule chains increases, making the plastic
We live up to this expectation every day. soft and malleable and eventually melting
This is a key success factor for us, some- – an exclusion criterion for the use of • ETHERLINE® data communication
thing that is more important today in the such materials in railway equipment with systems for Ethernet technology
railway business than ever. Lapp solutions its demanding safety and environmental
• UNITRONIC® data communication
set standards for safety, quality and func- conditions and high temperature require-
tionality. And at a great value for money too. ments.
• SKINTOP® cable glands
ÖLFLEX has long become synonymous in
To counteract these factors, ÖLFLEX ®
• EPIC® industrial connectors
the market for power and control cables. TRAIN cables are physically cross-linked
Our flexible, oil-resistant cables satisfy the in our electron beam system using high- • SILVYN® cable protection and guiding
highest demands and can withstand even energy beams. This gives them significantly systems
the very toughest conditions. We have improved mechanical and chemical resist-
• FLEXIMARK® marking systems
now developed our ÖLFLEX® TRAIN prod- ance, even at elevated temperatures.
uct line, thus providing the railway indus- • HITRONIC® optical data communication
try with connectivity solutions of the high- However, durability and resistance is im- systems
est quality that satisfy a wide range of na- portant not only at high temperatures. In
tional and international standards. some climatic zones, cables running along

awarded to
42, Jangan gongdan 8 gil
18579, Jangan-myeon, Hwasung-si
Korea, Republic of

TÜV Rheinland Italia S.r.l.

confirms, as an IRIS approved certification body, that the Management System of the above
organization has been assessed and found to be in accordance with the

International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS)

Revision 02, June 2009
for the activities of Design and Development and Manufacturing
for the scope of certification: 12 (Cabling and cabinets)
for the products of Power Cables, Control Cables and Communication Cables.

Certificate valid from: 30/08/2015 Certificate valid until: 18/08/2018*

Current date: 31/08/2015

Certificate-Register-No: 39 10 003 1505

* Providing that the subsequent surveillance audits are successful before the validity date of the previous audit.
Certification body address: Via Mattei, 3 - 20010 Pogliano Milanese - Italy

©2015 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


Absolute safety on the tracks
The topic is well known: Railway lines These testing standards are part of DIN wires from Lapp fulfil the key require-
must fulfil demanding national and in- EN 45545-2: Railway applications – Fire ments for railway equipment with flying
ternational standards. In addition to protection on railway vehicles – Part 2: colours. Reliable and safe – up to the
these provisions, EU standards has Requirements for fire behaviour of materi- highest level defined in EN 45545-2,
achieved great importance. These in- als and components. It defines the re- Hazard Level 3 (HL3).
clude design standards such as EN quirements for the fire behaviour.
50264 and EN 50306. They define the
required panel thickness and design Lapp has fulfilled the technological re-
and stipulate the mechanical, thermal, quirements for satisfying this standard for
fire safety and chemical tests. railway cables. The result: Cables and

• The highest level of

Testing standards that define the requirements for technology
behaviour in case of fire are of particular importance.
These include: • Top priority: Safety and
fire protection
Flame propagation Flame spread of • Test in accordance with
for a single cable bunched cables EN 45545-2 at accredited
DIN EN 60332-1-2 DIN EN 60332-3-24/25
and approved test
laboratories passed
Smoke density Fluorine content
DIN EN 61034-2 DIN EN 60684-2 successfully

• Important railway
Content of halogens Toxicity
DIN EN 60754-1 EN 50305 transport standards are
satisfied and observed
Acidity/Corrosiveness by Lapp
DIN EN 60754-2

Arrival in
the global
A sure thing.

Only the toughest tests guarantee the highest quality
Test centre at Lapp headquarters Quality checks for cable glands ity assurance of our products.
in Stuttgart • Protection class testing - water (IP X3 We will test your products and carry out
Our trial and test centre, with its extreme- to X8) material tests in accordance with your
ly high standards for material testing and • Protection class testing - dust (IP 5X, wishes. For instance, you might bring us a
quality assurance, is a further guarantee IP 6X) length of cable whose material composi-
of the decisive quality advancements of • Oil spray test according to UL 514 B tion you wish to find out. We will test it for
Lapp products. It is here that every Lapp • Pulling protection testing you using infrared spectroscopy and tell
Group design is subjected to tough perfor- you what materials it contains. Using ther-
mance and endurance tests. For example, Strict materials testing moanalysis we can give you information
our high-flexibility cables undergo millions • Infra-red spectroscopy for material about the material properties. And we can
of bending cycles at different speeds and identification test materials for aging and shelf-life.
extreme bending radii. Only products that • Thermogravimetry to determine materi- In short: The entire know-how of our spe-
survive the “folding chamber” are good al proportions cialists is available to you for your analysis
enough to be included in our product • Thermal analysis to test the thermal and quality assurance.
range. properties of materials
• Climate cabinets to test ageing and
Comprehensive quality tests for cables storability
• Tensile and shearing strength test
• Resistance test Our test centre is also open for
• Electrical test our customers
• Torsion test A customer-focused mentality and perfect
• Torsion-bending test service form part of the Lapp Group com- solutions for the railway
• Drag chain test pany values. We therefore offer our cus- industry
• Roll bending test tomers the chance to profit from our trial
• Fire tests and test centre beyond the scope of qual- • Perfect material
properties thanks to
electron beam cross-
linking in our in-house
production facility
With expertise • IRIS certified
in the railway • In-house test centre at
our headquarters
sector. Lapp.

Railway equipment – available soon worldwide
You can forget about long delivery times cables delivered every year represent
and high minimum order quantities. We the most important facts. • Delivery within a short
keep railway products in stock for you
and deliver quickly. Regardless of where With our Track & Trace web service, you time worldwide from the
in the world you need them. Even in can always view the current status of your warehouse
smaller quantities. deliveries. Or you can give us your e-mail
To make this possible, we have built up a address and request our evening delivery • Track & Trace web service
close-knit network of logistics centres update. It includes all the details on your
and professionally trained consulting ex- current shipment, including the package • Daily delivery update
perts. Our fast, smooth delivery service is or shipment number. with mail-push service
based on sophisticated, completely digit-
ised and reliable logistics processes. Incidentally, When the Lapp logistics cen- • Fully automatic high-rack
tre was constructed, great importance
Our logistics and service centre in Lud- was placed on sustainability and energy facilities
wigsburg is setting the benchmark in saving. The photovoltaic system on the
many ways: 30,000 m2 total floor, fully roof, for instance, generates approximately • Sustainability and
automated high-rack facility, 120 logistics 1,000 MWh of energy per year, thus reduc- environmental awareness
employees, 30 truck loading ramps, over ing annual CO2 emissions by around 650
90,000 articles and nearly 500,000 km tonnes.

Fast and reliable.

All over
the world. Lapp.
65,000 m2
of storage space in Germany alone
enables us to keep 40,000 km of ÖLFLEX®
constantly in stock.
This is longer than the length of the equator

Products for the railway industry at a glance
2 Driver‘s Desk
3 Traction Converter
4 Control Cabinets
6 Train Control System
7 Traction Motor
11 Auxiliary Power Converter
12 ­Passenger Information System
15 Air Condition

1 4


5 8

ÖLFLEX® Power and control cables

1 2 4 6 8 11 12 13 1 3 5 6 8 11 15 4 5 6 13
14 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 3 4 7 9 10 11 15
1 4 6 8 11 12 13 15 11 13 14 15 16
3 4 5 7 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 6 8 11 12 1 3 4 5 8 9 11 13 15
13 15 16
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 320/325 C 1 3 4 5 8 11 13 15
1 3 8 11 16






UNITRONIC® Data communication systems SKINTOP® Cable glands

UNITRONIC® TRAIN 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16
SILVYN® Cable protection and guiding systems
ETHERLINE Data communication systems

for ETHERNET technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 12 13 15 16
FLEXIMARK® Marking systems
EPIC® Industrial connectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16


Single cores according to EN 50306 (Thin Wall)


300 V
Type standard EN 50306-2
May substitute previous type GKW R
With screen
Type acc. to EN standard M
Conductor cross-section (mm²) Article number
0,5 15301000
0,75 15301001
1 15301002
1,5 15301003
2,5 15301004

Multi core cables with twisted pairs according to EN 50306 (Thin Wall)


300 V 300 V
Type standard EN 50306-4 / 5P EN 50306-4 / 5E
May substitute previous type
With screen ▯ ▯
Type acc. to EN standard MM S MM S
Number of pairs and mm²
Article number Article number
per conductor
2 X(2 X 0,5) 15317000 15327000
3 X(2 X 0,5) 15317001 15327001
4 X(2 X 0,5) 15317002 15327002
7 X(2 X 0,5) 15317003 15327003
2 X(2 X 0,75) 15317004 15327004
3 X(2 X 0,75) 15317005 15327005
4 X(2 X 0,75) 15317006 15327006
7 X(2 X 0,75) 15317007 15327007
2 X(2 X 1) 15317008 15327008
3 X(2 X 1) 15317009 15327009
4 X(2 X 1) 15317010 15327010
7 X(2 X 1) 15317011 15327011
2 X(2 X 1,5) 15317012 15327012
3 X(2 X 1,5) 15317013 15327013
4 X(2 X 1,5) 15317014 15327014
7 X(2 X 1,5) 15317015 15327015


Multi core cables according to EN 50306 (Thin Wall)

300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V
Type standard EN 50306-4 / 1P EN 50306-4 / 3P EN 50306-4 / 1E EN 50306-4 / 3E
May substitute previous type GKW flex R GKW C-flex R GKW flex R GKW C-flex R
With screen ▯ ▯
Type acc. to EN standard MM MM S MM MM S
Number of cores and mm²
Article number Article number Article number Article number
per conductor
2 X 0,5 15315000 15325000
3 X 0,5 15315001 15325001
4 X 0,5 15310000 15315002 15320000 15325002
6 X 0,5 15315003 15325003
7 X 0,5 15310001 15320001
8 X 0,5 15315004 15325004
13 X 0,5 15310002 15320002
19 X 0,5 15310003 15320003
37 X 0,5 15310004 15320004
2 X 0,75 15315005 15325005
3 X 0,75 15315006 15325006
4 X 0,75 15310005 15315007 15320005 15325007
6 X 0,75 15315008 15325008
7 X 0,75 15310006 15320006
8 X 0,75 15315009 15325009
13 X 0,75 15310007 15320007
19 X 0,75 15310008 15320008
37 X 0,75 15310009 15320009
48 X 0,75 15310010 15320010
2X1 15315010 15325010
3X1 15315011 15325011
4X1 15310011 15315012 15320011 15325012
6X1 15315013 15325013
7X1 15310012 15320012
8X1 15315014 15325014
13 X 1 15310013 15320013
19 X 1 15310014 15320014
37 X 1 15310015 15320015
2 X 1,5 15315015 15325015
3 X 1,5 15315016 15325016
4 X 1,5 15310016 15315017 15320016 15325017
6 X 1,5 15315018 15325018
7 X 1,5 15310017 15320017
8 X 1,5 15315019 15325019
13 X 1,5 15310018 15320018
19 X 1,5 15310019 15320019
37 X 1,5 15310020 15320020
2 X 2,5 15310021 15315020 15320021 15325020
3 X 2,5 15310022 15315021 15320022 15325021
4 X 2,5 15310023 15315022 15320023 15325022


Single core cables according to EN 50264

600 V 1.8 kV 1.8 kV 3.6 kV
Type standard EN 50264-3-1 EN 50264-3-1 EN 50264-3-1 EN 50264-3-1
May substitute previous type 3GKW 3GKW 4GKW AXplus 9GKW-AXplus
With outer sheath ▯ ▯
Type according to EN standard M M MM MM
Colour of insulation/outer sheath BK GN/YE BK BK BK
Conductor cross-section/mm 2
Article number Article number Article number Article number Article number
1 15331000 15331017
1.5 15331001 15331018 15361000 15371000
2.5 15331002 15331019 15361001 15371001 15381000
4 15331003 15331020 15361002 15371002 15381001
6 15331004 15331021 15361003 15371003 15381002
10 15331005 15331022 15361004 15371004 15381003
16 15331006 15331023 15361005 15371005 15381004
25 15331007 15331024 15361006 15371006 15381005
35 15331008 15331025 15361007 15371007 15381006
50 15331009 15331026 15361008 15371008 15381007
70 15331010 15331027 15361009 15371009 15381008
95 15331011 15331028 15361010 15371010 15381009
120 15331012 15361011 15371011 15381010
150 15331013 15361012 15371012 15381011
185 15331014 15361013 15371013 15381012
240 15331015 15361014 15371014 15381013
300 15331016 15361015 15371015 15381014


Multi core cables according to EN 50264

600 V 600 V 300 V 300V
Type standard EN 50264-3-2 EN 50264-3-2 EN 50264-3-2 EN 50264-3-2
May substitute previous type 3GKW-flex 3GKW C-flex
With screen ▯ ▯
Type according to EN standard MM MM S MM MM S
Number of cores and
Article number Article number Article number Article number
mm2 per conductor
2X1 15350000 15355000
4X1 15350001 15355001
7X1 15350002 15355002
9X1 15350003 15355003
12 X 1 15350004 15355004
19 X 1 15350005 15355005
24 X 1 15350006 15355006
32 X 1 15350007 15355007
37 X 1 15350008 15355008
40 X 1 15350009 15355009
2 X 1.5 15340000 15345000
3 X 1.5 15340001 15345001
3 G 1.5 15340025 15345025
4 X 1.5 15340002 15345002 15350010 15355010
4 G 1.5 15340026 15345026
7 X 1.5 15350011 15355011
9 X 1.5 15350012 15355012
12 X 1.5 15350013 15355013
19 X 1.5 15350014 15355014
24 X 1.5 15350015 15355015
32 X 1.5 15350016 15355016
37 X 1.5 15350017 15355017
2 X 2.5 15340003 15345003
3 X 2.5 15340004 15345004
3 G 2.5 15340027 15345027
4 X 2.5 15340005 15345005 15350018 15355018
4 G 2.5 15340028 15345028
7 X 2.5 15350019 15355019
9 X 2.5 15350020 15355020
12 X 2.5 15350021 15355021
19 X 2.5 15350022 15355022
24 X 2.5 15350023 15355023
2X4 15340006 15345006
3X4 15340007 15345007
4X4 15340008 15345008
2X6 15340009 15345009
3X6 15340010 15345010
4X6 15340011 15345011
2 X 10 15340012 15345012
3 X 10 15340013 15345013
4 X 10 15340014 15345014
2 X 16 15340015 15345015
3 X 16 15340016 15345016
4 X 16 15340017 15345017
2 X 25 15340018 15345018
3 X 25 15340019 15345019
4 X 25 15340020 15345020
2 X 35 15340021 15345021
3 X 35 15340022 15345022
2 X 50 15340023 15345023
3 X 50 15340024 15345024

EPIC® Industrial connectors
At a glance

Rated current for largest

Connection Rated voltage according
Properties Connection type connection cross section Approvals
cross section to standards
according to standards

depending on





in mm2





Rectangular – inserts fixed
EPIC® H-A 3, 4 ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 400 V 600 V 600 V 23 A 10 A 10 A VDE, UR, CSA
EPIC® H-A 10, 16, 32, 48 ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 250 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 14 A 16 A VDE, UR, CSA
0.5 – 1.5/
EPIC® STA 6, 14, 20 ▯ ▯ 24 VAC/60 VDC 48 V 48 V 10 A 10 A 10 A UR, CSA
max. 1.5
▯ 0.14 – 4.0 230 V/400 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 16 A 16 A UR, CSA
EPIC® H-D 7, 8 ▯ 0.14 – 2.5 H* 250 V – 10 A 10 A – UR
EPIC® H-D 15, 25, 40, 64 ▯ 0.14 – 2.5 250 V 250 V – 10 A 10 A – UR
EPIC® H-DD 24, 42, 72, 108 ▯ 0.14 – 2.5 250 V 600 V 600 V 10 A 8.5 A 10 A UR, CSA
0.5 – 2.5/
EPIC® H-BE 6, 10, 16, 24, 32, 48 ▯ ▯ ▯ ▯ 500 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 16 A 16 A VDE, cURus
0.14 – 4.0
EPIC® H-EE 10, 18, 32, 46 ▯ 0.14 – 4.0 500 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 16 A 16 A UR, CSA
EPIC® H-BS 6, 12 ▯ 0.5 – 6.0 500 V 600 V 600 V 35 A 35 A 35 A UR, CSA
EPIC® H-BVE 3, 6, 10 ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 630 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 16 A 16 A VDE, cURus
POWER H-S 4 ▯ 2.5 – 10.0 1000 V – – 65 A – – –
EPIC® POWER K 4/0, 4/2 ▯ 1.5 – 16.0 830 V – – 80 A – – –
EPIC® TB-H-BE 16, 24 ▯ 0.5 – 4.0 500 V 600 V 600 V 16 A 16 A 16 A UR, CSA
Rectangular – inserts modular
High voltage 1+PE, 2 ▯ 10.0 – 25.0 1000 V 600 V – 82 A 82 A – VDE, cURus
EPIC® POWER HC2 ▯ 16 1000 V – – 65 A – – –
POWER HHC2 ▯ 16.0 – 35.0 1000 V – – 150 A – – –
POWER HHC1 ▯ 50.0 – 95.0 1000 V – – 220 A – – –
High voltage 3-pin ▯ 1.5 – 10.0 1000 V – – 50 A – – –
High voltage 4+PE ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 1000 V – – 16 A – – –
3-pin ▯ 1.5 – 10.0 630 V 600 V 600 V 40 A 40 A 35 A UR, CSA
HE 4-pin ▯ 0.5 – 4.0 630 V – – 25 A – – –
Cage clamp 4-pin ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 400 V – – 14 A – – –
5-pin ▯ 0.5 – 4.0 400 V 400 V 400 V 20 A 20 A 16 A UR, CSA
10-pin ▯ 0.14 – 2.5 250 V 250 V 240 V 10 A 10 A 10 A UR, CSA
10-pin stamped ▯ 0.14 – 2.5 250 V – – 10 A – – –
20-pin ▯ 0.08 – 0.56 100 V 100 V 100 V 4A 4A 4A UR, CSA
Blind – – – – – – – –
Coaxial ▯ Coaxial 250 V – – – – – –
PROFIBUS® DP ▯ 0.08 – 1.5 30 V – – 1A – – –
Universal bus ▯ 0.08 – 1.5 30 V – – 1A – – –
0.14 – 2.5/ 600 V/ P*: 10 A
RJ45 ▯ – – * – – –
0.12 – 0.2 125 V S : 1.5 A
∅ 2.5/4.0 mm
Pneumatic 1, 2-pin ▯ – – – – – – –
∅ 2.5/4.0 mm
EPIC® POWER M12 3+PE ▯ 0.75 – 1.5 630 V 600 V 12 A 12 A 12 A cURus
0.06 – 0.56/
▯ 60 V – – 3.6 A – – –
0.06 – 1.0
EPIC® POWER M17 3+PE ▯ 0.5 – 2.5 630 V – – 20 A – – –
EPIC® POWER M17 5+PE, 6+PE, 7+PE ▯ 0.06 – 1.0 630 V – – 14 A – – –
0.06 – 1.0/ 630 V/ P*: 14 A
EPIC® POWER M17 3+PE+5 ▯ – – – – –
0.06 – 0.56 60 V S*: 3.6 A
EPIC® SIGNAL M23 6, 7 ▯ ▯ 0.06 – 2.5 150 V 150 V 150 V 18A 15 A 15 A VDE, cURus
0.06 – 1.0/ P*: 20 A P*: 20 A P*: 20 A
▯ ▯ 150 V 150 V 150 V VDE, cURus
0.06 – 2.5 S*: 7 A S*: 7A S*: 7A
EPIC® SIGNAL M23 9 ▯ ▯ 0.06 – 1.0 150 V 150 V 150 V 7A 7A 6A VDE, cURus
EPIC® SIGNAL M23 12, 16 ▯ ▯ 0.06 – 1.0 100 V 100 V 100 V 7A 7A 6A VDE, cURus
EPIC® SIGNAL M23 17 ▯ ▯ 0.06 – 1.0 50 V 50 V 50 V 7A 7A 7A VDE, cURus
EPIC® SIGNAL R3.0 ▯ 0.06 – 1.0 24 VAC/60 VDC – – 7.5 A – – –
EPIC® POWER LS1 5+PE ▯ 0.5 – 4.0 630 V 600 V 600 V 25 A 22 A 17 A VDE, cURus
0.5 – 4.0/ 600 V/ 600 V/ P*: 26 A P*: 22 A P*: 17 A
EPIC® POWER LS1 3+PE+4 ▯ 630 V/250 V VDE, cURus
0.4 – 1.0 250 V 250 V S*: 7 A S*: 7A S*: 7A
0.75 – 10.0/ P*: 70 A
EPIC® POWER LS1.5 3+PE+2, 3+PE+4 ▯ 630 V/250 V – – – – –
0.14 – 4.0 S*: 30 A
10.0 – 50.0/ P*: 150 A
EPIC® POWER LS3 3+PE+2, 3+PE+4 ▯ 630 V/250 V – – – – –
0.75 – 1.5 S*: 12 A
EPIC® POWERLOCK S ▯ 50.0 – 120.0 1000 V – – 400 A – – VDE
EPIC® POWERLOCK C ▯ 35.0 – 240.0 1000 V – – 660 A – – VDE
EPIC® SOLAR 4 ▯ 2.5 – 6.0 1000 V – – 30 A – – TÜV

P : Power   S : Signal   H*: In metal housing: 24 VAC/60 VDC; in plastic housing: 250 V
* *

EPIC® Industrial connectors
At a glance

EPIC® rectangular connectors EPIC® circular connectors

Flexible, robust connectors for Compact connectors for motion control
mechanical engineering and energy transfer

The connector system for mechanical and plant engineering and Circular connections come in two designs, a signal design with
wherever a robust connection system is required. EPIC® Rectangular gold-plated contacts for transmitting delicate signals and as
connectors are available as components. The right connector for high-reserve power connectors.
any application can be made individually from housings, inserts
and contacts. www.lappgroup.com/connectorfinder EPIC® SIGNAL connectors are available as M17, M23 and R3.0 (M27)
• The metal housing with an integrated EMC screen contact
For the housing, there are two performance classes to choose from reliably prevents electromagnetic interferences
• EPIC® Standard is robust and there is a flexible choice • Gold-plated signal contacts reliably transmit with
of cable entries www.lappgroup.com/connector-housing the lowest of currents and voltages
• EPIC® ULTRA has a high corrosion protection, EMC protection
as well as a stainless steel interlocking device EPIC® POWER connectors are available as
M12, M17, LS1 (M23), LS1.5 (M40) and LS3 (M58)
EPIC® inserts are available in a fixed pin design and • The integrated EMC cable glands offer strain relief
as a modular system and are perfectly sealed
• EPIC® fixed pin inserts are easy to handle • High-quality sealing materials for good chemical protection
and come in a wide variety of designs
• EPIC® modular inserts offer flexibility with modules for EPIC® POWERLOCK
data, signals, power, fibre-optics and pneumatics. This • Perfect for transmitting very high currents
means every insert is individually tailor-made for the • Colour coded and geometrically coded in order to prevent
relevant modul configuration incorrect connections

Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Single-core cable according to EN 50306-2 type M for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-2 type M and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits Product features Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus • Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
space-saving installation - Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 Classification
• Good chemical resistance - No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000993
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Resistant to mechanical influences in

- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Single core cable
harsh environmental conditions
• Extended temperature range
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Conductor stranding
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 SRC (special round conductor)
• Reduced flame spreading increase the - No flame propagation acc. to EN 50305 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
protection against damage to persons and
• Fire behaviour according to NF: Minimum bending radius
property in the event of a fire
on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:
• Chemical properties: 4 x OD
Application range
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306 3 x OD for careful bending, once at
• For use in railway vehicles and buses,
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 connecting terminal
for fixed and protected installation and - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306
applications where limited movement may Occasional flexing:

- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 5 x OD

occur - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 (OD = outer diameter)
• Suitable for switchboards and control
panels of trains and locomotives Nominal voltage
Norm references / Approvals U0/U AC 300/500 V
• Also applicable within oily environments • EN 50306-2, type M Um AC 550 V
and areas with increased ambient
• EN 45545-2 V0 DC 410 V
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:

U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
Product Make-up Um AC 1,2 kV
• Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, V0 DC 0,9 kV
SRC (Special Round Conductor) Test voltage
• Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 Temperature range
• Colour of core insulation: white Fixed installation:
-45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
Occasional flexing:

-35°C to +105°C
Short circuit: +160°C (5s)

Article number Conductor cross-section (mm²) Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)
15301000 0.5 1.3 4.8 6

15301001 0.75 1.5 7.2 8

15301002 1.0 1.6 9.6 11
15301003 1.5 2.1 14.4 17
15301004 2.5 2.7 24.4 28
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products
• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 331 600V refer to page 29

22 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 1P type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class P, type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Chemical properties: Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306
space-saving installation - Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 Classification
• Good chemical resistance - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Resistant to mechanical influences in
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 Control cable

harsh environmental conditions
• Extended temperature range
Core identification code
Norm references / Approvals White with black numbers
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
• EN 50306-4 class P, type MM Conductor stranding
protection against damage to persons and
property in the event of a fire • EN 45545-2 SRC (special round conductor)
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
Application range Minimum bending radius
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, Product Make-up Fixed installation:
for fixed and protected installation and • Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD / 3 x OD*
applications where limited movement may SRC (Special Round Conductor) > 12 mm: 5 x OD / 4 x OD*
occur • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked * for careful bending, once at

• Suitable for control and monitoring Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 connecting terminal
circuits as well as locking circuits and • Colour of insulation: White with black Occasional flexing:
internal wiring of equipment in trains and numbers ≤ 12 mm: 5 x OD
locomotives • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked > 12 mm: 6 x OD
polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306 (OD = outer diameter)
• Also applicable within oily environments
and areas with increased ambient • Outer sheath colour: Black Nominal voltage
temperature U0/U AC 300/500 V

Um AC 550 V
Product features V0 DC 410 V
Fixed installation:
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1
Um AC 1,2 kV
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2
V0 DC 0,9 kV
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Test voltage
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 Protective conductor

- No flame propagation acc. to G = with GN-YE protective conductor
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / X = without protective conductor
EN 50305
Temperature range
• Fire behaviour according to NF: Fixed installation:
on request / see data sheet -45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +105°C

Short circuit: +160°C (5s)

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 310 TW-P 300V 15310012 7 X 1.0 6.5 67.2 106
15310000 4 X 0.5 4.6 19.2 42 15310013 13 X 1.0 9.3 124.8 200
15310001 7 X 0.5 5.4 33.6 64 15310014 19 X 1.0 10.4 182.4 267
15310002 13 X 0.5 7.8 62.4 120 15310015 37 X 1.0 13.9 355.2 498

15310003 19 X 0.5 8.6 91.2 157 15310016 4 X 1.5 6.5 57.6 98

15310004 37 X 0.5 11.4 177.6 285 15310017 7 X 1.5 8.2 108.0 170
15310005 4 X 0.75 5.1 28.8 55 15310018 13 X 1.5 11.3 187.2 295
15310006 7 X 0.75 6.0 50.4 84 15310019 19 X 1.5 12.6 273.6 396
15310007 13 X 0.75 8.7 93.6 162 15310020 37 X 1.5 17.0 532.8 728
15310008 19 X 0.75 9.6 136.8 214 15310021 2 X 2.5 7.2 49.2 106
15310009 37 X 0.75 12.8 266.4 392 15310022 3 X 2.5 7.6 73.8 131
15310011 4 X 1.0 5.4 38.4 68 15310023 4 X 2.5 8.4 98.4 165
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 320 TW-E 300V refer to page 26 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 350 300V refer to page 32 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47
For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 23
Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 3P type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class P, type MM S

and EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits Product features Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus • Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
space-saving installation - Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 Classification
• Copper screening complies with EMC - No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

requirements and protects against

electromagnetic interference - No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Control cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Core identification code
harsh environmental conditions - Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 White with black numbers
• Extended temperature range
- No flame propagation acc. to Conductor stranding
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / SRC (special round conductor)
• Reduced flame spreading increase the EN 50305
protection against damage to persons and 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
• Fire behaviour according to NF:
property in the event of a fire Minimum bending radius
on request / see data sheet
Fixed installation:
• Chemical properties:
Application range 10 x outer diameter
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306 Occasional flexing: 10 x outer diameter
• In EMC-sensitive environments

- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306

• For use in railway vehicles and buses, - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306 Nominal voltage
for fixed and protected installation and - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 U0/U AC 300/500 V
applications where limited movement may - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 Um AC 550 V
occur V0 DC 410 V
• Suitable for control and monitoring Norm references / Approvals Fixed installation:
circuits as well as locking circuits and U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
• EN 50306-4 class P, type MM S
internal wiring of equipment in trains and Um AC 1,2 kV

• EN 45545-2 V0 DC 0,9 kV
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet
• Also applicable within oily environments Test voltage
and areas with increased ambient Core/core: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
temperature Product Make-up Core/screen: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
• Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires,
SRC (Special Round Conductor) Protective conductor
G = with GN-YE protective conductor
• Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked X = without protective conductor
Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306
Temperature range
• Colour of insulation: White with black
Fixed installation:

-45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
• Wrapping: Halogen-free plastic foil Occasional flexing:
• Screen: Tinned-copper braiding -35°C to +105°C
• Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Short circuit: +160°C (5s)
polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306
• Outer sheath colour: Black

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 315 C TW-P 300V 15315011 3 X 1.0 5.5 41.97 66
15315000 2 X 0.5 4.6 19.37 38 15315012 4 X 1.0 6.0 52.89 81
15315001 3 X 0.5 4.8 24.88 45 15315013 6 X 1.0 7.1 81.74 117
15315002 4 X 0.5 5.2 30.87 54 15315014 8 X 1.0 8.2 105.40 157
15315003 6 X 0.5 6.0 42.95 72 15315015 2 X 1.5 6.2 44.09 74
15315004 8 X 0.5 6.5 61.26 94 15315016 3 X 1.5 6.5 65.52 95

15315005 2 X 0.75 5.0 25.67 46 15315017 4 X 1.5 7.1 82.13 118

15315006 3 X 0.75 5.2 33.71 56 15315018 6 X 1.5 8.8 117.21 172
15315007 4 X 0.75 5.7 42.18 69 15315019 8 X 1.5 9.5 151.94 222
15315008 6 X 0.75 6.6 65.35 96 15315020 2 X 2.5 7.8 75.42 120
15315009 8 X 0.75 7.1 83.99 123 15315021 3 X 2.5 8.2 102.07 150
15315010 2 X 1.0 5.2 31.41 54 15315022 4 X 2.5 9.0 129.75 191
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 325 C TW-E 300V refer to page 27 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 355 C 300V refer to page 33 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49

24 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 5P type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class P, type MM S

and EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus on request / see data sheet
space-saving installation • Chemical properties: Classification
• Copper screening complies with EMC - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
requirements and protects against - Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
electromagnetic interference - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306 Control cable

• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 Core identification code
harsh environmental conditions - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 White with black numbers
• Extended temperature range Conductor stranding
Norm references / Approvals SRC (special round conductor) 1
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
protection against damage to persons and • EN 50306-4 class P, type MM S 9 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
property in the event of a fire • EN 45545-2 Minimum bending radius
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:
Application range 10 x outer diameter
• In EMC-sensitive environments Product Make-up Occasional flexing: 10 x outer diameter
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, • Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, Nominal voltage

for fixed and protected installation and SRC (Special Round Conductor) U0/U AC 300/500 V
applications where limited movement may • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Um AC 550 V
occur Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 V0 DC 410 V
• Suitable for control and monitoring • Colour of insulation: White with black Fixed installation:
circuits as well as locking circuits and numbers U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
internal wiring of equipment in trains and • Screen: Tinned-copper braiding over each Um AC 1,2 kV
locomotives pair V0 DC 0,9 kV

• Also applicable within oily environments • Jacket over screen: electron beam cross- Test voltage
and areas with increased ambient linked polymer-compound S2 acc. to Core/core: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
temperature EN 50306 Core/screen: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
• Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Temperature range
Product features polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306 Fixed installation:
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: • Outer sheath colour: Black -45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 Occasional flexing:
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 -35°C to +105°C
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 Short circuit: +160°C (5s)
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305

- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2
- No flame propagation acc. to
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305
Article number Number of cores and mm² per conductor Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)


15317000 2x (2X0,5) 9.6 38.86 150
15317001 3x (2X0,5) 10.2 58.30 178
15317002 4x (2X0,5) 11.3 77.73 217
15317003 7x (2X0,5) 13.6 330.78 331
15317004 2x (2X0,75) 10.4 51.49 179
15317005 3x (2X0,75) 11.1 77.24 219
15317006 4x (2X0,75) 12.2 102.99 267
15317007 7x (2X0,75) 14.8 180.64 399

15317008 2x (2X1) 10.9 63.00 208

15317009 3x (2X1) 11.5 94.50 250
15317010 4x (2X1) 12.7 126.00 304
15317011 7x (2X1) 15.4 220.93 458
15317012 2x (2X1,5) 12.8 88.75 283
15317013 3x (2X1,5) 13.7 133.56 346
15317014 4x (2X1,5) 15.1 181.00 443
15317015 7x (2X1,5) 18.4 313.19 638
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 327 C TW-E 300V refer to page 28 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 25

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 1E type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class E, type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Chemical properties: Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306
space-saving installation - Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 Classification
• Good chemical resistance - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Resistant to mechanical influences in Control cable
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306
harsh environmental conditions

• Extended temperature range Core identification code

Norm references / Approvals White with black numbers
• Reduced flame spreading increase the • EN 50306-4 class E, type MM
protection against damage to persons and Conductor stranding
property in the event of a fire • EN 45545-2 SRC (special round conductor)
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
Application range Minimum bending radius
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Product Make-up Fixed installation:
fixed installations and applications where • Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD / 3 x OD*
limited movement may occur SRC (Special Round Conductor) > 12 mm: 5 x OD / 4 x OD*
• Suitable for control and monitoring • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked * for careful bending, once at

circuits as well as locking circuits and Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 connecting terminal
internal wiring of equipment in trains and • Colour of insulation: White with black Occasional flexing:
locomotives numbers ≤ 12 mm: 5 x OD
• Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked > 12 mm: 6 x OD
• Also applicable within oily environments
polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306 (OD = outer diameter)
and areas with increased ambient
temperature • Outer sheath colour: Black Nominal voltage
U0/U AC 300/500 V

Product features Um AC 550 V

V0 DC 410 V
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
Fixed installation:
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1
U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2
Um AC 1,2 kV
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2
V0 DC 0,9 kV
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Test voltage
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- No flame propagation acc. to Protective conductor
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /

G = with GN-YE protective conductor

EN 50305 X = without protective conductor
• Fire behaviour according to NF: Temperature range
on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:
-45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +105°C

Short circuit: +160°C (5s)

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 320 TW-E 300V 15320012 7 X 1.0 7.8 67.2 130
15320000 4 X 0.5 6.0 19.2 61 15320013 13 X 1.0 10.3 124.8 226
15320001 7 X 0.5 6.8 33.6 84 15320014 19 X 1.0 11.3 182.4 296
15320002 13 X 0.5 8.8 62.4 142 15320015 37 X 1.0 14.8 355.2 532
15320003 19 X 0.5 9.6 91.2 181 15320016 4 X 1.5 7.9 57.6 125

15320004 37 X 0.5 12.9 177.6 333 15320017 7 X 1.5 9.3 108.0 189
15320005 4 X 0.75 6.5 28.8 76 15320018 13 X 1.5 12.3 187.2 325
15320006 7 X 0.75 7.4 50.4 108 15320019 19 X 1.5 13.6 273.6 433
15320007 13 X 0.75 9.7 93.6 186 15320020 37 X 1.5 18.0 532.8 782
15320008 19 X 0.75 10.6 136.8 240 15320023 4 X 2.5 9.4 98.4 189
15320009 37 X 0.75 13.8 266.4 427 15320021 2 X 2.5 8.2 49.2 126
15320011 4 X 1.0 6.8 38.4 90 15320022 3 X 2.5 8.6 73.8 152
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 350 300V refer to page 32 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47
26 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com
Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 3E type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class E, type MM S

and EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus on request / see data sheet
space-saving installation • Chemical properties: Classification
• Copper screening complies with EMC - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

requirements and protects against
electromagnetic interference - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306 Control cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 Core identification code
harsh environmental conditions - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 White with black numbers
• Extended temperature range Conductor stranding
Norm references / Approvals SRC (special round conductor)
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
protection against damage to persons and • EN 50306-4 class E, type MM S 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
property in the event of a fire • EN 45545-2 Minimum bending radius
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:
Application range 10 x outer diameter
• In EMC-sensitive environments Product Make-up Occasional flexing: 10 x outer diameter

• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for • Outer sheath colour: Black Nominal voltage
fixed installations and applications where • Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, U0/U AC 300/500 V
limited movement may occur SRC (Special Round Conductor) Um AC 550 V
• Suitable for control and monitoring • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked V0 DC 410 V
circuits as well as locking circuits and Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 Fixed installation:
internal wiring of equipment in trains and • Colour of insulation: White with black U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
locomotives numbers Um AC 1,2 kV

• Also applicable within oily environments • Wrapping: Halogen-free plastic foil V0 DC 0,9 kV
and areas with increased ambient (optional) Test voltage
temperature • Screen: Tinned-copper braiding Core/core: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
• Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked
Core/screen: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
Product features polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306 Protective conductor
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: G = with GN-YE protective conductor
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 X = without protective conductor
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Temperature range
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 Fixed installation:

- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 -45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Occasional flexing:
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 -35°C to +105°C
- No flame propagation acc. to Short circuit: +160°C (5s)
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 325 C TW-E 300V 15325011 3 X 1.0 7.0 41.97 89
15325000 2 X 0.5 6.0 19.36 57 15325012 4 X 1.0 7.4 52.89 106
15325001 3 X 0.5 6.2 24.88 65 15325013 6 X 1.0 8.5 81.74 144
15325002 4 X 0.5 6.6 30.87 75 15325014 8 X 1.0 9.2 105.40 180
15325003 6 X 0.5 7.4 42.95 95 15325015 2 X 1.5 7.6 44.09 99
15325004 8 X 0.5 8.0 61.26 122 15325016 3 X 1.5 7.9 65.52 121
15325005 2 X 0.75 6.4 25.67 66 15325017 4 X 1.5 8.5 82.13 145

15325006 3 X 0.75 6.7 33.71 78 15325018 6 X 1.5 9.8 117.21 196

15325007 4 X 0.75 7.0 42.18 89 15325019 8 X 1.5 10.8 151.94 250
15325008 6 X 0.75 8.0 65.35 121 15325020 2 X 2.5 8.8 75.42 142
15325009 8 X 0.75 8.7 83.99 153 15325021 3 X 2.5 9.2 102.07 173
15325010 2 X 1.0 6.7 31.41 76 15325022 4 X 2.5 10.0 129.75 211
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 355 C 300V refer to page 33 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 27

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50306-4 5E type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50306-4 class E, type MM S

and EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to +125°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Reduced insulation wall thickness, thus on request / see data sheet
space-saving installation • Chemical properties: Classification
• Copper screening complies with EMC - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
requirements and protects against - Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50306 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
Control cable

electromagnetic interference - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50306

• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50306 Core identification code
harsh environmental conditions - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50306 White with black numbers
• Extended temperature range Conductor stranding
Norm references / Approvals SRC (special round conductor)
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
protection against damage to persons and • EN 50306-4 class E, type MM S 19 or 37 wires acc. to EN 50306-1
property in the event of a fire • EN 45545-2 Minimum bending radius
• NF F 16-101: on request / see data sheet Fixed installation:
Application range 10 x outer diameter
• In EMC-sensitive environments Product Make-up Occasional flexing: 10 x outer diameter
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for • Tinned-copper strand, 19 or 37 wires, Nominal voltage

fixed installations and applications where SRC (Special Round Conductor) U0/U AC 300/500 V
limited movement may occur • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Um AC 550 V
• Suitable for control and monitoring Polymer compound acc. to EN 50306 V0 DC 410 V
circuits as well as locking circuits and • Colour of insulation: White with black Fixed installation:
internal wiring of equipment in trains and numbers U0/U AC 0,6/1 kV
locomotives • Screen: Tinned-copper braiding over each Um AC 1,2 kV
• Also applicable within oily environments pair V0 DC 0,9 kV

and areas with increased ambient • Jacket over screen: electron beam Test voltage
temperature cross-linked polymer-compound S2 acc. Core/core: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
to EN 50306 Core/screen: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
Product features • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Temperature range
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: polymer-compound S2 acc. to EN 50306 Fixed installation:
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Outer sheath colour: Black -45°C to +125°C (20.000 h)
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Occasional flexing:
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 -35°C to +105°C
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Short circuit: +160°C (5s)

- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2

- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2
- No flame propagation acc. to
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305

Article number Number of cores and mm² per conductor Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)


15327000 2x (2X0,5) 10.7 38.86 179
15327001 3x (2X0,5) 11.4 58.30 212
15327002 4x (2X0,5) 12.4 77.73 254
15327003 7x (2X0,5) 14.7 136.38 375
15327004 2x (2X0,75) 11.5 51.49 213
15327005 3x (2X0,75) 12.2 77.24 250
15327006 4x (2X0,75) 13.4 102.99 307
15327007 7x (2X0,75) 15.9 180.64 447

15327008 2x (2X1) 11.9 63.00 235

15327009 3x (2X1) 12.6 94.50 282
15327010 4x (2X1) 13.8 126.00 342
15327011 7x (2X1) 16.5 220.93 499
15327012 2x (2X1,5) 13.9 88.75 317
15327013 3x (2X1,5) 14.8 133.56 383
15327014 4x (2X1,5) 16.3 181.00 492
15327015 7x (2X1,5) 19.5 313.19 697
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49
28 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com
Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Single-core cable according to EN 50264-3-1 type M for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-1 type M and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 120°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Good chemical resistance - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000993
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Extended temperature range
Cat. C1 and C2 Single core cable
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
• Chemical properties: Conductor stranding
protection against damage to persons and
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
property in the event of a fire
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
- Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Minimum bending radius
Application range - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Fixed installation:
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1/ ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
fixed installations and applications where EN 50305)
limited movement may occur > 12 mm: 4 x OD
Occasional flexing:
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and • EN 50264-3-1 type M

> 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
power supply
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 > 20 mm: 6 x OD
• Also applicable within oily environments (OD = outer diameter)
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F0
and areas with increased ambient
(flame propagation / smoke) Nominal voltage
U0/U AC 0.6/1 kV
Product Make-up Um AC 1.2 kV
Product features V0 DC 0.9 kV
• Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:

- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Test voltage
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Polymer compound EI 109 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Colour: Black or green-yellow Temperature range
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Fixed installation:
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 -45°C to +120°C (20.000 h)
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 Occasional flexing:
- No flame propagation acc. to -35°C to +90°C
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / Short circuit: +200°C (5s)
EN 50305

Article Conductor cross- Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Conductor cross- Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number section (mm²) (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number section (mm²) (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 331 600V - BK 15331015 240 25.4 2304.0 2487
15331000 1 2.5 9.6 15 15331016 300 26.8 2880.0 3085
15331001 1.5 3.0 14.4 22 ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 331 600V - GN/YE
15331002 2.5 3.4 24.0 33 15331017 1 2.5 9.6 15
15331003 4 4.1 38.4 49 15331018 1.5 3.0 14.4 22

15331004 6 4.6 57.6 70 15331019 2.5 3.4 24.0 33

15331005 10 5.6 96.0 112 15331020 4 4.1 38.4 49
15331006 16 6.6 153.6 174 15331021 6 4.6 57.6 70
15331007 25 8.3 240.0 273 15331022 10 5.6 96.0 112
15331008 35 9.5 336.0 374 15331023 16 6.6 153.6 174
15331009 50 11.7 480.0 531 15331024 25 8.3 240.0 273
15331010 70 13.6 672.0 739 15331025 35 9.5 336.0 374
15331011 95 15.6 912.0 988 15331026 50 11.7 480.0 531
15331012 120 17.4 1152.0 1243 15331027 70 13.6 672.0 739

15331013 150 19.8 1440.0 1558 15331028 95 15.6 912.0 988

15331014 185 21.7 1776.0 1927
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 361 1,8kV refer to page 34 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 29

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Multi-core cable according to EN 50264-3-2 type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-2 type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Good chemical resistance - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Extended temperature range

Cat. C1 and C2 Control cable
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
• Chemical properties: Core identification code
protection against damage to persons and
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Black with white numbers
property in the event of a fire
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Conductor stranding
- Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
Application range - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2/
fixed installations and applications where EN 50305) Minimum bending radius
limited movement may occur Fixed installation:
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and > 12 mm: 4 x OD
• EN 50264-3-2 type MM

power supply Occasional flexing:

• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
• Also applicable within oily environments
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F0 > 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
and areas with increased ambient
(flame propagation / smoke) > 20 mm: 6 x OD
(OD = outer diameter)
Product Make-up Nominal voltage
Product features
• Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire U0/U AC 0.6/1 kV
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:

- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Um AC 1.2 kV

- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Polymer compound EI 109 V0 DC 0.9 kV
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Colour of insulation: Black with white Test voltage
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 numbers 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Protective conductor
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 polymer-compound EM 104 G = with GN-YE protective conductor
- No flame propagation acc. to • Outer sheath colour: Black X = without protective conductor
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305 Temperature range
Fixed installation:

-45°C to +90°C
Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +90°C
Short circuit: +200°C (5s)

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)


15340010 3 X 6.0 11.5 172.8 308
15340000 2 X 1.5 7.4 28.8 94 15340011 4 X 6.0 13.0 230.4 393
15340001 3 X 1.5 7.9 43.2 114 15340012 2 X 10.0 13.2 192.0 377
15340025 3 G 1.5 7.9 43.2 114 15340013 3 X 10.0 14.0 288.0 480
15340002 4 X 1.5 8.6 57.6 140 15340014 4 X 10.0 15.4 384.0 604
15340026 4 G 1.5 8.6 57.6 140 15340015 2 X 16.0 15.2 307.2 552
15340003 2 X 2.5 8.2 48.0 127 15340016 3 X 16.0 16.2 460.8 708
15340004 3 X 2.5 8.7 72.0 157 15340017 4 X 16.0 18.2 614.4 916
15340027 3 G 2.5 8.7 72.0 157 15340018 2 X 25.0 19.0 480.0 857

15340005 4 X 2.5 9.6 96.0 195 15340019 3 X 25.0 20.2 720.0 1102
15340028 4 G 2.5 9.6 96.0 195 15340020 4 X 25.0 22.7 960.0 1421
15340006 2 X 4.0 9.6 76.8 179 15340021 2 X 35.0 21.4 672.0 1141
15340007 3 X 4.0 10.2 115.2 223 15340022 3 X 35.0 23.0 1008.0 1489
15340008 4 X 4.0 11.4 153.6 285 15340023 2 X 50.0 26.2 960.0 1627
15340009 2 X 6.0 10.8 115.2 244 15340024 3 X 50.0 28.0 1440.0 2101
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 345 C 600V refer to page 31 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

30 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50264-3-2 type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-2 type MM S and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Copper screening complies with EMC - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
requirements and protects against - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
electromagnetic interference - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Good chemical resistance
Cat. C1 and C2 Control cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in
harsh environmental conditions • Chemical properties: Core identification code
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Black with white numbers
• Extended temperature range
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Conductor stranding
• Reduced flame spreading increase the - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2
protection against damage to persons and Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
property in the event of a fire - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2/
EN 50305) Minimum bending radius
Application range Fixed installation:
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
fixed installations and applications where > 12 mm: 4 x OD
• EN 50264-3-2 type MM S

limited movement may occur Occasional flexing:
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F0 > 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and
(flame propagation / smoke) > 20 mm: 6 x OD
power supply
(OD = outer diameter)
• Also applicable within oily environments
Product Make-up Nominal voltage
and areas with increased ambient
temperature • Conductor: Fine-wire strands of tinned U0/U AC 0.6/1 kV

copper Um AC 1.2 kV
Product features • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked V0 DC 0.9 kV
Polymer compound EI 109 Test voltage
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Colour of insulation: Black with white Core/core: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 numbers Core/screen: 3,5 kV AC; 8,4 kV DC
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Wrapping: Halogen-free plastic foil Protective conductor
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 • Screen: Tinned-copper braiding G = with GN-YE protective conductor
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked X = without protective conductor
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 polymer-compound EM 104 Temperature range

- No flame propagation acc. to • Outer sheath colour: Black Fixed installation:
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / -45°C to +90°C
EN 50305 Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +90°C
Short circuit: +200°C (5s)

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight

number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 345 C 600V 15345010 3 X 6.0 12.5 233.52 368
15345000 2 X 1.5 8.2 57.35 125 15345011 4 X 6.0 14.0 297.39 470
15345001 3 X 1.5 8.7 73.27 149 15345012 2 X 10.0 14.2 258.83 428
15345025 3 G 1.5 8.7 73.27 149 15345013 3 X 10.0 15.2 378.94 572
15345002 4 X 1.5 9.4 90.92 180 15345014 4 X 10.0 16.6 485.83 711
15345026 4 G 1.5 9.4 90.92 180 15345015 2 X 16.0 16.4 411.94 637
15345003 2 X 2.5 9.0 80.38 160 15345016 3 X 16.0 17.8 574.29 836
15345004 3 X 2.5 9.5 107.46 196 15345017 4 X 16.0 19.4 741.03 1040

15345027 3 G 2.5 9.5 107.46 196 15345018 2 X 25.0 20.2 608.98 940
15345005 4 X 2.5 10.8 147.08 259 15345019 3 X 25.0 21.4 861.67 1219
15345028 4 G 2.5 10.8 147.08 259 15345020 4 X 25.0 24.1 1147.27 1601
15345006 2 X 4.0 10.8 126.68 237 15345021 2 X 35.0 23.2 852.85 1287
15345007 3 X 4.0 11.4 167.66 290 15345022 3 X 35.0 24.6 1203.78 1668
15345008 4 X 4.0 12.4 210.89 354 15345023 2 X 50.0 27.6 1175.17 1733
15345009 2 X 6.0 11.8 171.91 294 15345024 3 X 50.0 29.8 1710.69 2336
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 31

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Multi-core cable according to EN 50264-3-2 type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-2 type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Good chemical resistance - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Extended temperature range

Cat. C1 and C2 Control cable
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
• Chemical properties: Core identification code
protection against damage to persons and
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Black with white numbers
property in the event of a fire
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Conductor stranding
- Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
Application range - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2/
fixed installations and applications where EN 50305) Minimum bending radius
limited movement may occur Fixed installation:
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and > 12 mm: 4 x OD
• EN 50264-3-2 type MM

power supply Occasional flexing:

• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
• Also applicable within oily environments
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F0 > 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
and areas with increased ambient
(flame propagation / smoke) > 20 mm: 6 x OD
(OD = outer diameter)
Product Make-up Nominal voltage
Product features
• Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire U0/U: 300/500 V
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:

- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Um AC 600 V

- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Polymer compound EI 109 V0 DC 450 V
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Colour of insulation: Black with white Test voltage
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 numbers 2,0 kV AC; 4,8 kV DC
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Protective conductor
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 polymer-compound EM 104 G = with GN-YE protective conductor
- No flame propagation acc. to • Outer sheath colour: Black X = without protective conductor
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305 Temperature range
Fixed installation:

-45°C to +90°C
Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +90°C
Short circuit: +200°C (5s)

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight

number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 350 300V 15350012 9 X 1.5 11.7 129.6 273
15350000 2 X 1.0 5.4 19.2 54 15350013 12 X 1.5 12.4 172.8 302
15350001 4 X 1.0 6.2 38.4 81 15350014 19 X 1.5 15.0 273.6 473
15350002 7 X 1.0 7.7 67.2 128 15350015 24 X 1.5 17.3 345.6 577
15350003 9 X 1.0 9.6 86.4 179 15350016 32 X 1.5 19.6 460.8 778
15350004 12 X 1.0 10.1 115.2 204 15350017 37 X 1.5 20.6 532.8 879
15350005 19 X 1.0 12.1 182.4 309 15350018 4 X 2.5 8.6 96.0 169
15350006 24 X 1.0 14.4 230.4 396 15350019 7 X 2.5 10.6 168.0 270

15350007 32 X 1.0 15.9 307.2 520 15350020 9 X 2.5 13.7 216.0 402
15350008 37 X 1.0 16.7 355.2 580 15350021 12 X 2.5 14.5 288.0 461
15350009 40 X 1.0 17.8 384.0 644 15350022 19 X 2.5 17.0 456.0 680
15350010 4 X 1.5 7.6 57.6 116 15350023 24 X 2.5 20.1 576.0 879
15350011 7 X 1.5 9.2 100.8 184
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 340 600V refer to page 30 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 355 C 300V refer to page 33 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

32 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Screened multi-core cable according to EN 50264-3-2 type MM S for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-2 type MM S and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Copper screening complies with EMC - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
requirements and protects against - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
electromagnetic interference - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000104
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Good chemical resistance
Cat. C1 and C2 Control cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in
harsh environmental conditions • Chemical properties: Core identification code
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Black with white numbers
• Extended temperature range
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Conductor stranding
• Reduced flame spreading increase the - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2
protection against damage to persons and Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
property in the event of a fire - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2/
EN 50305) Minimum bending radius
Application range Fixed installation:
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
fixed installations and applications where > 12 mm: 4 x OD
• EN 50264-3-2 type MM S

limited movement may occur Occasional flexing:
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F0 > 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and
(flame propagation / smoke) > 20 mm: 6 x OD
power supply
(OD = outer diameter)
• Also applicable within oily environments
Product Make-up Nominal voltage
and areas with increased ambient
temperature • Conductor: Fine-wire strands of tinned U0/U: 300/500 V

copper Um AC 600 V
Product features • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked V0 DC 450 V
Polymer compound EI 109 Test voltage
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Colour of insulation: Black with white Core/core: 2 kV AC; 4,8 kV DC
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 numbers Core/screen: 2 kV AC; 4,8 kV DC
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Wrapping: Halogen-free plastic foil Protective conductor
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 • Screen: Tinned-copper braiding G = with GN-YE protective conductor
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked X = without protective conductor
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 polymer-compound EM 104 Temperature range

- No flame propagation acc. to • Outer sheath colour: Black Fixed installation:
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / -45°C to +90°C
EN 50305 Occasional flexing:
-35°C to +90°C
Short circuit: +200°C (5s) FLEXIMARK®

Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight Article Number of cores and Outer diameter Copper index Weight
number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) number mm² per conductor (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km)
ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 355 C 300V 15355011 7 X 1.5 10.2 150.51 224
15355000 2 X 1.0 6.2 39.27 71 15355012 9 X 1.5 13.1 191.37 336
15355001 4 X 1.0 7.2 64.06 109 15355013 12 X 1.5 13.8 240.00 371
15355002 7 X 1.0 8.5 97.15 152 15355014 19 X 1.5 16.2 369.00 548
15355003 9 X 1.0 10.8 137.41 234 15355015 24 X 1.5 18.9 463.04 698
15355004 12 X 1.0 11.3 170.09 258 15355016 32 X 1.5 20.8 591.57 892
15355005 19 X 1.0 13.7 261.77 395 15355017 37 X 1.5 21.8 664.73 994

15355006 24 X 1.0 15.6 324.51 482 15355018 4 X 2.5 9.6 153.75 220
15355007 32 X 1.0 17.1 411.92 606 15355019 7 X 2.5 11.6 224.75 311
15355008 37 X 1.0 17.9 471.56 686 15355020 9 X 2.5 14.9 309.28 478
15355009 40 X 1.0 19.4 510.27 777 15355021 12 X 2.5 15.7 382.12 530
15355010 4 X 1.5 8.4 86.80 145 15355022 19 X 2.5 18.6 573.02 795
15355023 24 X 2.5 21.3 718.82 999
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 345 C 600V refer to page 31 • SKINTOP® MS-HF-M SC refer to page 48
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M BRUSH refer to page 49

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 33

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Single-core cable according to EN 50264-3-1 type M for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-1 type M and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 120°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Good chemical resistance - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000993
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Extended temperature range

Cat. C1 and C2 Single core cable
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
• Chemical properties: Conductor stranding
protection against damage to persons and
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
property in the event of a fire
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
- Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Minimum bending radius
Application range - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Fixed installation:
- Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1/ ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
fixed installations and applications where EN 50305)
limited movement may occur > 12 mm: 4 x OD
Occasional flexing:
• Suitable for connecting lamps, heating Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
equipment, switchgear, terminal boxes and • EN 50264-3-1 type M

> 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
power supply
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 > 20 mm: 6 x OD
• Also applicable within oily environments (OD = outer diameter)
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F1
and areas with increased ambient
(flame propagation / smoke) Nominal voltage
U0/U AC 1.8/3 kV
Product Make-up Um AC 3,6 kV
Product features V0 DC 2,7 kV
• Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:

- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 • Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Test voltage

- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 Polymer compound EI 109 6,5 kV AC; 15 kV DC
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 • Colour: Black Temperature range
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Fixed installation:
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 -45°C to +120°C (20.000 h)
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 Occasional flexing:
- No flame propagation acc. to -35°C to +90°C
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 / Short circuit: +200°C (5s)
EN 50305

Article number Conductor cross-section (mm²) Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)
15361000 1.5 5.6 14.4 48
15361001 2.5 6.0 24.0 61
15361002 4 6.7 38.4 80

15361003 6 7.2 57.6 105

15361004 10 8.2 96.0 153
15361005 16 9.2 153.6 224
15361006 25 10.5 240.0 323
15361007 35 11.7 336.0 431
15361008 50 13.7 480.0 592
15361009 70 15.4 672.0 801
15361010 95 17.8 912.0 1076
15361011 120 19.4 1152.0 1329

15361012 150 21.4 1440.0 1634

15361013 185 23.3 1776.0 2011
15361014 240 26.8 2304.0 2571
15361015 300 28.0 2880.0 3176
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 371 1,8kV refer to page 35 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

34 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock


Single-core cable according to EN 50264-3-1 type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-1 type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• High electrical strength and mechanical - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
durability due to dual-layer cable - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
construction - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000057
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Good chemical resistance
Cat. C1 and C2 Low voltage power cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in
harsh environmental conditions • Chemical properties: Conductor stranding
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
• Extended temperature range
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
• Reduced flame spreading increase the - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1
protection against damage to persons and Minimum bending radius
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fixed installation:
property in the event of a fire - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1/ ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
EN 50305) > 12 mm: 4 x OD
Application range
Occasional flexing:
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
fixed installations and applications where • EN 50264-3-1 type MM

> 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
limited movement may occur
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 > 20 mm: 6 x OD
• Suitable for wiring of control cabinets, (OD = outer diameter)
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F1
distributors, converters, motors and
(flame propagation / smoke) Nominal voltage
U0/U AC 1.8/3 kV
• Also applicable within oily environments
Product Make-up Um AC 3,6 kV
and areas with increased ambient V0 DC 2,7 kV
temperature • Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire

• Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Test voltage
Product features Polymer compound EI 109 6,5 kV AC; 15 kV DC
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Temperature range
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 polymer-compound EM 104 Fixed installation:
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 • Outer sheath colour: Black -45°C to +90°C
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 Occasional flexing:
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 -35°C to +90°C
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Short circuit: +200°C (5s)
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2

- No flame propagation acc. to
EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305

Article number Conductor cross-section (mm²) Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)
15371000 1.5 5.8 14.4 57

15371001 2.5 6.2 24.0 67

15371002 4 6.9 38.4 90
15371003 6 7.4 57.6 116
15371004 10 8.8 96.0 173
15371005 16 9.8 153.6 244
15371006 25 12.1 240.0 374
15371007 35 13.3 336.0 488
15371008 50 15.3 480.0 659
15371009 70 17.0 672.0 875

15371010 95 19.8 912.0 1180

15371011 120 21.4 1152.0 1441
15371012 150 23.8 1440.0 1788
15371013 185 25.7 1776.0 2166
15371014 240 29.2 2304.0 2775
15371015 300 30.4 2880.0 3367
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories

• ÖLFLEX® TRAIN 381 3,6kV refer to page 36 • SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 35

Power and control cables
Special applications • Rolling stock



Single-core cable according to EN 50264-3-1 type MM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-1 type MM and

EN 45545-2
• High temperature resistance:

-45°C up to 90°C
• Highly oil- and fuel-resistant

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• High electrical strength and mechanical - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
durability due to dual-layer cable - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
construction - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000057
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

• Good chemical resistance

Cat. C1 and C2 Low voltage power cable
• Resistant to mechanical influences in
harsh environmental conditions • Chemical properties: Conductor stranding
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fine-wired/ Finely stranded according
• Extended temperature range
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 to IEC 60228, conductor class 5
• Reduced flame spreading increase the - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1
protection against damage to persons and Minimum bending radius
- Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1 Fixed installation:
property in the event of a fire - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-1/ ≤ 12 mm: 3 x OD
EN 50305) > 12 mm: 4 x OD
Application range
Occasional flexing:
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Norm references / Approvals ≤ 12 mm: 4 x OD
fixed installations and applications where • EN 50264-3-1 type MM

> 12 mm ≤ 20 mm: 5 x OD
limited movement may occur
• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 > 20 mm: 6 x OD
• Suitable for wiring of control cabinets, (OD = outer diameter)
• NF F 16-101 - Classification: C / F1
distributors, converters, motors and
(flame propagation / smoke) Nominal voltage
U0/U AC 3,6/6 kV
• Also applicable within oily environments
Product Make-up Um AC 7,2 kV
and areas with increased ambient V0 DC 5,4 kV
temperature • Tinned-copper strand, fine-wire

• Insulation: Electron beam cross-linked Test voltage

Product features Polymer compound EI 109 11 kV AC; 26 kV DC
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked Temperature range
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 polymer-compound EM 104 Fixed installation:
- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 • Outer sheath colour: Black -45°C to +90°C
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 Occasional flexing:
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 -35°C to +90°C
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 Short circuit: +200°C (5s)
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2

- No flame propagation acc. to

EN 60332-3-24 / EN 60332-3-25 /
EN 50305

Article number Conductor cross-section (mm²) Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km)
15381000 2.5 9.0 24.0 118

15381001 4 9.7 38.4 146

15381002 6 10.2 57.6 176
15381003 10 11.2 96.0 232
15381004 16 12.2 153.6 303
15381005 25 14.5 240.0 445
15381006 35 15.7 336.0 566
15381007 50 17.7 480.0 747
15381008 70 19.4 672.0 972
15381009 95 21.4 912.0 1250

15381010 120 23.4 1152.0 1557

15381011 150 25.4 1440.0 1895
15381012 185 27.5 1776.0 2281
15381013 240 31.8 2304.0 2982
15381014 300 33.0 2880.0 3554
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 500 m drum or 5 x 100 m coils).
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45
• SKINTOP® MS-HF-M refer to page 47

36 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Data communication systems
Bus systems for special applications • Bus systems for TCN



• Small outer diameters for maximum

saving of space and weight
• Extremely low attenuation ≤ 5 MHz

Benefits Product features Technical data
• Good chemical resistance • Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC:
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000830
- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Data cable
• Extended temperature range
• Reduced flame spreading increase the
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 Peak operating voltage
protection against damage to persons and - Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 (not for power applications) 125 V
property in the event of a fire - Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 Minimum bending radius
- No fl ame propagation acc. to EN 60332-3-25 Flexing: 10 x outer diameter
• EMC-optimised design

• Fire behaviour according to NF: Fixed installation: 6 x outer diameter
- Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
Application range - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Test voltage
• The communication systems WTB Core/core: 1000 V
- No flame propagation acc. to
(wire train bus) and MVB (multifunction Core/screen: 1000 V
NF C 32-070,
vehicle bus) make up the so-called TCN Cat. C1 and C2 Characteristic impedance
(train communication network) • Chemical properties: 120 ohm (±10%)
• UNITRONIC® TRAIN bus cables are - Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 Temperature range
designed for use in TCN acc. IEC 61375 - Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 Fixed installation:
MVB according IEC 61375-3-1 - Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 -45°C to +90°C
WTB according IEC 61375-2-1 - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 Occasional flexing: -35°C up to +90°C
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2

fixed installations and applications where
limited movement may occur Norm references / Approvals
• Also applicable within oily environments • EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3
and areas with increased ambient • EN 50264-1
Product Make-up

• Stranded tinned 19-wire conductor
• Core insulation: Based on Polyolefin
• Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked
polymer-compound EM 104
• Outer sheath colour: Black

Article number Article designation Number of cores and mm² per conductor Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km)

Cables for MVB
2173000 UNITRONIC® TRAIN MVB 1x2x0,5 1x2x0,5 7.4 29
2173001 UNITRONIC® TRAIN MVB 1x2x0,5+1x0,5 7.4 34
2173002 UNITRONIC® TRAIN MVB 2x2x0,5 2x2x0,5 8.1 40
2173003 UNITRONIC® TRAIN MVB 2x2x0,5+4x0,25 8.1 50
Cables for WTB

2173004 UNITRONIC® TRAIN WTB 1x2x0,75 1x2x0,75 8.4 33

Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 37

Data communication systems for ETHERNET technology
Industrial Ethernet • Industrial Ethernet for special applications


Ethernet cables according to EN 50264-3-1 Type XM for high requirements in railway applications


• Meets EN 50264-3-2 type XM and

EN 45545-2
• Cat.5e Performance up to 100 /
1000 MBit/s

Cat.6A & Cat.7 qualified for 10 GBit/s

Benefits • Fire behaviour according to NF: Technical data

• Good chemical resistance - Toxicity of gases acc. to NF X 70-100
• Resistant to mechanical influences in - Low smoke density acc. to NF X 10-702 Classification
harsh environmental conditions - No flame propagation acc. to ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000830
NF C 32-070, ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Data cable
• Extended temperature range
Cat. C1 and C2

• Reduced flame spreading increase the

Peak operating voltage
• Chemical properties: (not for power applications) 125 V
protection against damage to persons
- Oil resistant acc. to EN 50264-1
and property in the event of a fire Minimum bending radius
- Fuel resistant acc. to EN 50264-1
- Acid resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 Flexing: 10 x outer diameter
Application range - Alkali resistant acc. to EN 50264-1 Fixed installation: 8 x outer diameter
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for - Ozone resistant acc. to EN 50264-3-2 Test voltage
fixed installations and applications where Core/core: 1000 V
limited movement may occur Norm references / Approvals Core/screen: 1000 V
• Suitable for connecting to of e.g. camera • Electrical requirements acc. to IEC 61156-6 Characteristic impedance
systems, enter-/ infotainment for nom. 100 Ohm acc. to IEC 61156-6
• EN 50264-1
passengers, ticketing systems

• EN 45545-2 HL1, HL2, HL3 Temperature range

• Also applicable within oily environments
Fixed installation:
and areas with increased ambient
temperature Product Make-up -45°C to +90°C
• Stranded tinned 7-wire conductor Occasional flexing: -35°C up to +90°C
Product features • Core insulation: Based on Polyolefin
• Fire behaviour according to EN/IEC: • Cat.5e: SF/UTP - copper braid and foil
- Halogen-free acc. to EN 60754-1 screening as overall screening

- No corrosive gases acc. to EN 60754-2 • Cat.6A/Cat.7: S/FTP - copper braid as

- No fluorine acc. to EN 60684-2 overall screening and pair screening with
- No toxic gases acc. to EN 50305 aluminium compound foil
- Low smoke density acc. to EN 61034-2 • Outer sheath: electron beam cross-linked
- Flame-retardant acc. to EN 60332-1-2 polymer-compound EM 104
- No fl ame propagation acc. to EN 60332-3-25 • Outer sheath colour: Black

Article number Article designation Number of pairs and AWG per conductor Max. outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km)
Cat.5e, 2-pair version
2170906 ETHERLINE TRAIN FLEX Cat.5e 1x4x22/7 PE 1x4xAWG22/7 6.5 30.4
2170910 ETHERLINE TRAIN FLEX Cat.5e 1x4x0,5 PE 1x4x0,5/7 7.6 41
Cat.5e, 4-pair version
2170907 ETHERLINE TRAIN Cat.5e 4x2x24/7 PE 4x2xAWG24/7 7.7 38

2170908 ETHERLINE TRAIN FLEX Cat.6A 4x2x24/7 PE 4x2xAWG24/7 8.4 38

2170909 ETHERLINE TRAIN FLEX Cat.7 4x2x24/7 PE 4x2xAWG24/7 8.4 38
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request.
Please find our standard lengths at: www.lappkabel.de/en/cable-standardlengths
PROFINET® is a registered trademark of the PNO (PROFIBUS user organisation)
Detailed data sheets are available upon request. Please specify the type/dimensions of the required cable.
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

38 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-BE Inserts

EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination

The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Proven screw for easy installation

• Railway applications

EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination
The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Push-In version - fast and easy tool free

connection technology
• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data
Classification Number of contacts
• EPIC® H-B 6 Housings
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 6 + PE
• EPIC® QUICK & EASY Mounting system ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact Termination methods
• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination
required inserts and housings
Rated voltage (V) Screw termination: 0.5 - 2.5 mm²

IEC: 500 VUL: 600 VCSA: 600 V EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination
Benefits Push-In termination: 0.14 - 2.5mm²
EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination Rated impulse voltage
6 kV Stripping length (mm)
• Standard inserts with screw, crimp cage EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination
clamp and Push-In termination Rated current (A) 8
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination
applications that require a reliable IEC: 16 A 10
connection when working with high UL: 16 A

CSA: 16 A Cycle of mechanical operation
voltages and currents 100
EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination
• Railway applications
IEC: 16 A Certifications
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test
UL: 13 A EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets
CSA: 13 A Certified production control:
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and
Degree of soiling VDE-REG. no.: B437
3 UL-tested:
EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination UL File Number: E75770
• Insertion of cores with end sleeves in Contact resistance EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination
Push-In inserts gives mounting safety and < 2 mOhm UL-tested:

time saving without any tools Contacts UL File Number: E75770
• Easy dismantling and insertion of wires by Copper alloy, hard silver-plated Temperature range
pushing the orange button -40°C to +100°C,
• Test socket for standard 2mm test tip for short-term up to +125°C
easy testing of Push-In inserts
• Railway applications Application range Suitable tools
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test

EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 6 Screw termination

according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets • Mechanical engineering • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and
• Plastics industry catalogue
• Light & sound technology • Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for
applications that require a reliable • Railway applications / vehicle construction Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main
connection when working with high EPIC® H-BE 6 Push-In termination catalogue
voltages and currents • Mechanical engineering • Recommended crimping tool when conductor
end-sleeves are used: PEW 8.186
• Plastics industry

• Light & sound technology

• Railway applications / vehicle construction

Article number Article description Contact type Wire protection Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-BE 6 screw termination
10190000 EPIC® H-BE 6 SS male yes 1-6 10
10191000 EPIC® H-BE 6 BS female yes 1-6 10
10190100 EPIC® H-BE 6 SS male 1-6 10
10191100 EPIC® H-BE 6 BS female 1-6 10
H-BE 6 Push-In termination
44423200 EPIC® H-BE 6 SP male yes 1-6 10
44423201 EPIC® H-BE 6 BP female yes 1-6 10
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 39

EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-BE Inserts

EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination


The proven standard inserts for easy assembly


• Proven screw for easy installation

• Railway applications

EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination

The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Push-In version - fast and easy tool free

connection technology
• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data

Classification Number of contacts
• EPIC® H-B 10 Housings
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 10 + PE
• EPIC® QUICK & EASY Mounting system ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact Termination methods
• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination
required inserts and housings
Rated voltage (V) Screw termination: 0.5 - 2.5 mm²

IEC: 500 VUL: 600 VCSA: 600 V EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination
Benefits Push-In termination: 0.14 - 2.5mm²
EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination Rated impulse voltage
6 kV Stripping length (mm)
• Standard inserts with screw, crimp cage EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination
clamp and Push-In termination Rated current (A)
EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination
IEC: 16 A
applications that require a reliable 10
UL: 16 A

connection when working with high Cycle of mechanical operation

CSA: 16 A
voltages and currents 100
EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination
• Railway applications IEC: 16 A Certifications
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test UL: 13 A EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets CSA: 13 A Certified production control:
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and
Degree of soiling VDE-REG. no.: B437
3 UL-tested:
EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination UL File Number: E75770
• Insertion of cores with end sleeves in Contact resistance EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination
< 2 mOhm

Push-In inserts gives mounting safety and UL-tested:

time saving without any tools Contacts UL File Number: E75770
• Easy dismantling and insertion of wires by Copper alloy, hard silver-plated Temperature range
pushing the orange button -40°C to +100°C,
• Test socket for standard 2mm test tip for short-term up to +125°C
easy testing of Push-In inserts
• Railway applications Application range Suitable tools

- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 10 Screw termination
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets • Mechanical engineering • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and • Plastics industry catalogue
• Light & sound technology • Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main
applications that require a reliable • Railway applications / vehicle construction
EPIC® H-BE 10 Push-In termination catalogue
connection when working with high
voltages and currents • Mechanical engineering • Recommended crimping tool when conductor
end-sleeves are used: PEW 8.186

• Plastics industry
• Light & sound technology
• Railway applications / vehicle construction

Article number Article description Contact type Wire protection Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-BE 10 screw termination
10192000 EPIC® H-BE 10 SS male yes 1 - 10 10
10193000 EPIC® H-BE 10 BS female yes 1 - 10 10
10192100 EPIC® H-BE 10 SS male 1 - 10 10
10193100 EPIC® H-BE 10 BS female 1 - 10 10
H-BE 10 Push-In termination
44423202 EPIC® H-BE 10 SP male yes 1 - 10 10
44423203 EPIC® H-BE 10 BP female yes 1 - 10 10
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

40 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-BE Inserts

EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination

The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Proven screw for easy installation

• Also as EPIC® H-BE 32 available
• Railway applications

EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination
The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Push-In version - fast and easy tool free

connection technology
• Also as EPIC® H-BE 32 available
• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data
Classification Number of contacts
• EPIC® H-B 16 Housings
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 16 + PE
• EPIC® QUICK & EASY Mounting system ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact Termination methods
• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination
required inserts and housings
Rated voltage (V) Screw termination: 0.5 - 2.5 mm²
IEC: 500 VUL: 600 VCSA: 600 V EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination
Similar products Push-In termination: 0.14 - 2.5mm²
EPIC® H-BE 16 Schraubanschluss Rated impulse voltage

6 kV Stripping length (mm)
• Further products with higher numbering in EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination
the internet. (H-BE 32, H-BE 48) Rated current (A) 8
EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination
Benefits IEC: 16 A 10
EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination UL: 16 A
Cycle of mechanical operation
CSA: 16 A
• Standard inserts with screw, crimp cage 100
EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination

clamp and Push-In termination Certifications
IEC: 16 A
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for UL: 13 A EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination
applications that require a reliable CSA: 13 A Certified production control:
connection when working with high VDE-REG. no.: B437
voltages and currents Degree of soiling
3 UL-tested:
• Railway applications UL File Number: E75770
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test Contact resistance EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets < 2 mOhm UL-tested:
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and Contacts UL File Number: E75770
HL4 Copper alloy, hard silver-plated Temperature range

EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination -40°C to +100°C,
• Insertion of cores with end sleeves in short-term up to +125°C
Push-In inserts gives mounting safety and
time saving without any tools Application range Suitable tools
• Easy dismantling and insertion of wires by EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination
pushing the orange button • Mechanical engineering • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main

• Test socket for standard 2mm test tip for • Plastics industry catalogue
easy testing of Push-In inserts • Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
• Light & sound technology
• Railway applications Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main
• Railway applications / vehicle construction
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test catalogue
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets EPIC® H-BE 16 Push-In termination
• Mechanical engineering • Recommended crimping tool when conductor
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and
end-sleeves are used: PEW 8.186
HL4 • Plastics industry
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for • Light & sound technology
applications that require a reliable

• Railway applications / vehicle construction

connection when working with high
voltages and currents Similar products
EPIC® H-BE 16 Screw termination
• Further products with higher numbering in the internet. (H-BE 32, H-BE 48)

Article number Article description Contact type Wire protection Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-BE 16 screw termination
10194000 EPIC® H-BE 16 SS male yes 1 -16 5
10195000 EPIC® H-BE 16 BS female yes 1 -16 5
10194100 EPIC® H-BE 16 SS male 1 -16 5
10195100 EPIC® H-BE 16 BS female 1 -16 5
H-BE 16 Push-In termination
44423204 EPIC® H-BE 16 SP male yes 1 - 16 5
44423205 EPIC® H-BE 16 BP female yes 1 - 16 5
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 41
EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-BE Inserts

EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination


The proven standard inserts for easy assembly


• Proven screw for easy installation

• Also as EPIC® H-BE 48 available
• Railway applications

EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination

The proven standard inserts for easy assembly

• Push-In version - fast and easy tool free

connection technology
• Also as EPIC® H-BE 48 available
• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data

Classification Termination methods
• EPIC® H-B 24 Housings
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination
• EPIC® QUICK & EASY Mounting system ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact Screw termination: 0.5 - 2.5 mm²
• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination
required inserts and housings Push-In termination: 0.14 - 2.5mm²
Rated voltage (V)
IEC: 500 VUL: 600 VCSA: 600 V Stripping length (mm)
Similar products EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination
Rated impulse voltage

EPIC® H-BE 24 Schraubanschluss 8

6 kV EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination
• Further products with higher numbering in
the internet. (H-BE 32, H-BE 48) Rated current (A) 10
EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination Cycle of mechanical operation
Benefits IEC: 16 A 100
UL: 16 A
EPIC H-BE 24 Screw termination
CSA: 16 A
• Railway applications EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination

- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test IEC: 16 A Certified production control:

according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets UL: 13 A VDE-REG. no.: B437
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and CSA: 13 A UL-tested:
HL4 UL File Number: E75770
Degree of soiling EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination
• Standard inserts with screw, crimp cage
3 UL-tested:
clamp and Push-In termination
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for Contact resistance UL File Number: E75770
applications that require a reliable < 2 mOhm Temperature range
connection when working with high Contacts -40°C to +100°C,

voltages and currents Copper alloy, hard silver-plated short-term up to +125°C

EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination Number of contacts
• Insertion of cores with end sleeves in 24 + PE
Push-In inserts gives mounting safety and
time saving without any tools Application range Suitable tools
• Easy dismantling and insertion of wires by EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination
pushing the orange button • Mechanical engineering • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main

• Test socket for standard 2mm test tip for • Plastics industry catalogue
easy testing of Push-In inserts • Light & sound technology • Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
• Railway applications • Railway applications / vehicle construction Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test catalogue
EPIC® H-BE 24 Push-In termination
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets • Recommended crimping tool when conductor
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and • Mechanical engineering
end-sleeves are used: PEW 8.186
HL4 • Plastics industry
• The EPIC® H-BE series is suitable for • Light & sound technology

applications that require a reliable • Railway applications / vehicle construction

connection when working with high
voltages and currents Similar products
EPIC® H-BE 24 Screw termination
• Further products with higher numbering in the internet. (H-BE 32, H-BE 48)

Article number Article description Contact type Wire protection Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-BE 24 screw termination
10196000 EPIC® H-BE 24 SS male yes 1 - 24 5
10197000 EPIC® H-BE 24 BS female yes 1 - 24 5
10196100 EPIC® H-BE 24 SS male 1 - 24 5
10197100 EPIC® H-BE 24 BS female 1 - 24 5
H-BE 24 Push-In termination
44423206 EPIC® H-BE 24 SP male yes 1 - 24 5
44423207 EPIC® H-BE 24 BP female yes 1 - 24 5
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
42 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com
EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-BS Inserts


Inserts for high currents.

• Standard insert for currents up to 35A

• Railway applications

Inserts for high currents.

• Standard insert for currents up to 35A

• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data
Classification Number of contacts
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 EPIC® H-BS 6
• EPIC® H-B 16 Housings ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact 6 + PE
• EPIC® QUICK & EASY Mounting system insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-BS 12
EPIC® H-BS 12 12 + PE

Rated voltage (V)
• EPIC® ULTRA H-B 16 IEC: 500 VUL: 600 VCSA: 600 V Termination methods
• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the Conductor - conductor: 690 V Screw termination: 0.5 - 6 mm²
required inserts and housings Rated impulse voltage Stripping length (mm)
6 kV 8
Benefits Rated current (A) Cycle of mechanical operation
EPIC® H-BS 6 IEC: 35 A 100

• High rating for currents up to 35 A UL: 35 A VDE-tested
• Screw termination up to a conductor cross CSA: 35 A Certified production control:
section of 6 mm² Degree of soiling VDE-REG. no.: B437
• Railway applications 3 UL-tested:
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test UL File Number: E75770
Contact resistance
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets Temperature range
< 2 mOhm
R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and -40°C to +100°C,
HL4 Contacts
Copper alloy, hard silver-plated short-term up to +125°C

• High rating for currents up to 35 A Application range Suitable tools
• Screw termination up to a conductor cross
section of 6 mm²
• Railway applications / vehicle construction • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main
• Two H-BS 6 inserts with different contact-
• Plant engineering catalogue
numbering for one housing.
• Mechanical engineering • Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
• Drive systems Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main

EPIC® H-BS 12 catalogue

• Plant engineering EPIC® H-BS 12
• Mechanical engineering • PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main
• Drive systems

Article number Article description Contact type Wire protection Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-BS 6 screw termination

10170000 H-BS 6 SS male yes 1-6 5

10171000 H-BS 6 BS female yes 1-6 5
H-BS 12 screw termination
10170600 H-BS 6 SS male yes 7 - 12 5
10171600 H-BS 6 BS female yes 7 - 12 5
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 43

EPIC® Industrial connectors
Rectangular connectors • EPIC® H-A Inserts


H-A inserts with screw termination up to 2.5 mm² wire cross section


• Small power connector for single- or

three-phase current
• Easy to assemble due to straight entry
of conductors
• Railway applications

H-A inserts with screw termination up to 2.5 mm² wire cross section


• Insert for three-phase current

application with neutral conductor
• Easy to assemble due to straight entry
of conductors
• Railway applications

Suitable housing Technical data

• EPIC® H-A 3 Housings
Classification Number of contacts

• Refer to Selection Table A10 to select the

required inserts and housings ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000438 EPIC® H-A 3
ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Contact 3 + PE
insert for industrial connectors EPIC® H-A 4
Benefits 4 + PE
• Railway applications Rated voltage (V)
IEC: 400 V Termination methods
- Fire protection on railway vehicles: Test
UL: 600 V Screw termination: 0.5 - 2.5 mm²
according EN 45545-2. Requirement sets
CSA: 600 V (2.5 mm² with conductor end sleeves

R22 and R23. Hazard level HL1, HL2 and

depending on the crimping profile)
HL4 Rated impulse voltage
• The small H-A 3 / H-A 4 are used 4 kV Stripping length (mm)
whenever there is minimal space. 6
Rated current (A)
• Easy to service screw connection IEC: 23 A Cycle of mechanical operation
• Easy cable connection with strait cable UL: 10 A 100
entry in the contacts CSA: 10 A VDE-tested
Degree of soiling Certified production control:
Application range 3 VDE-REG. no.: B437

• Railway applications / vehicle construction Contact resistance

• Machine and equipment manufacturing UL File Number: E75770
1.5 - 4 mohm
• Control engineering Temperature range
Contacts -40°C to +100°C,
• Apparatus construction Copper alloy, hard silver-plated short-term up to +125°C
Suitable tools
• PEW 8.186 crimping pliers refer to main

• MULTICRIMP 6 crimping pliers refer to
main catalogue
• Kraftform® adjustable torque screwdriver/
Kraftform Kompakt® Set refer to main

Article number Article description Contact type Number of operating contacts Pieces / PU
H-A 3 screw termination
10420000 H-A 3 SS male 1-3 10
10421000 H-A 3 BS female 1-3 10
H-A 4 screw termination
10431000 H-A 4 SS male 1-4 10
10432000 H-A 4 BS female 1-4 10
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

44 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Cable glands
SKINTOP metric plastic cable glands • SKINTOP® Halogen-free


SKINTOP® Halogen-free


• Cable gland for railway applications

Benefits Norm references / Approvals Technical data
• Maximum reliability • DIN EN 45545-2: 2013
• Extremely flame-retardant • Filament testing according to Classification
according to UL 94 V0 EN 60695-2-1/1 +960°C ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441

ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Completely halogen-free
Cable screw gland
(including sealing material) Product Make-up
• Self-extinguishing, no dripping • Metric connection thread Caution
acc. to DIN EN 60423 Refer to Appendix T21 for the
• Permanent vibration protection installation dimensions and torques
• Basis for technical information
Application range DIN IEC 62444 Colour delivered
• Underground railways and trains Light grey (RAL 7035)
• When the protection of people and Material
property is a priority. Body: Polyamide UL 94V-0 -
• Public buildings halogen-free

• Ventilation systems Sealing ring: halogen-free
polymer compound
• Tunnel construction
O-ring: halogen-free polymer compound
Protection rating
IP 68 - 5 bar
Temperature range
-20°C to +100°C

Clamping range ØF SW wrench size Overall length, C Thread length, D
Article number Article designation / size Pieces / PU
(mm) mm (mm) (mm)

53111407 M 12 x 1,5 4-5,5 15 30.0 8 100

53111417 M 16 x 1,5 5-9 19 34.0 8 100
53111427 M 20 x 1,5 7-13 25 37.0 9 100

53111437 M 25 x 1,5 9-17 30 40.0 10 50
53111447 M 32 x 1,5 11-21 36 47.0 10 25
53111457 M 40 x 1,5 19-28 46 52.0 10 10
53111467 M 50 x 1,5 27-35 55 62.0 12 5
53111477 M 63 x 1,5 34-45 66 71.0 12 5
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINTOP® GMP-HF-M refer to page 46

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 45

Cable glands
SKINTOP® metric cable gland accessories • SKINTOP® counter nuts


Benefits Info
• Halogen-free
• Extremely flame-retardant • Cable gland for railway applications
according to UL 94 V0
• Self-extinguishing, no dripping
Technical data
Application range
• For locking SKINTOP cable glands
® Classification

in boreholes without thread. ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441

• Airports ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
Cable screw gland
• Tunnel construction
• Underground railways Colour delivered
Light grey (RAL 7035)
• Public buildings
Product Make-up Polyamide UL 94V-0 - halogen-free
• Metric connection thread Temperature range
acc. to DIN EN 60423 -20°C to +100°C

• Basis for technical information

DIN IEC 62444

• Designed for use with SKINTOP® ST-HF-M

Article number Article designation / size SW wrench size mm PU


53119200 M 12 x 1,5 17 100

53119210 M 16 x 1,5 22 100
53119220 M 20 x 1,5 27 100
53119230 M 25 x 1,5 34 100
53119240 M 32 x 1,5 41 100
53119250 M 40 x 1,5 50 25
53119260 M 50 x 1,5 60 25
53119270 M 63 x 1,5 75 25

Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINTOP® ST-HF-M refer to page 45

46 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Cable glands
SKINTOP metric nickel-plated brass cable glands • SKINTOP® Halogen-free



• Cable gland for railway applications

• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Norm references / Approvals Technical data
• Halogen-free and flame-retardant • DIN EN 45545-2
• Optimum strain relief • DIN EN 45545-3: 2013-08 Classification
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441
• Wide, variable clamping ranges • DIN EN 1363-1: 2012-10 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Maximum reliability • DIN EN 13501-2: Classification E30 Cable screw gland

Application range Product Make-up Refer to Appendix T21 for the
• Underground railways and trains • Metric connection thread installation dimensions and torques
• In areas where mechanical and chemical acc. to DIN EN 60423
stability are critical • Basis for technical information Material
• When the protection of people and DIN IEC 62444 Body: nickel-plated brass
property is a priority. Cap nut: nickel-plated brass
Note Insert: polyamide, halogenfree
acc. to UL 94 V 0
• Refer to SKINTOP® metric accessories
Sealing ring: Special elastomere
for suitable accessories O-ring: Special elastomere

Protection rating
IP 68 - 5 bar
Temperature range
dynamic -25°C up to + 100°C
Fixed: -40°C to +100°C

Clamping range ØF SW wrench size Overall length, C Thread length, D
Article number Article designation / size Pieces / PU
(mm) mm (mm) (mm)

53112570 M 12 x 1,5 3,5-7 16 26.5 6.5 100

53112571 M 16 x 1,5 4,5-10 20 33.0 7 100
53112572 M 20 x 1,5 7-13 24 37.0 8 50
53112573 M 25 x 1,5 9-17 29 38.5 8 25
53112574 M 32 x 1,5 11-21 36 45.5 9 25
53112575 M 40 x 1,5 19-28 45 48.0 9 10

53112576 M 50 x 1,5 27-35 54 55.5 10 5
53112577 M 63 x 1,5 34-45 67 67.0 15 5
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINDICHT® SM-M refer to main catalogue

• SKINMATIC® MH Set refer to main catalogue


For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 47

Cable glands
SKINTOP® metric nickel-plated brass cable glands • SKINTOP® Halogen-free


D Info

• Cable gland for railway applications

• Hazard Level: HL 3



Benefits Norm references / Approvals Technical data

• Halogen-free and flame-retardant • DIN EN 45545-2
• Suitable for cables with and without • DIN EN 45545-3: 2013-08 Classification
inner sheath ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441
• DIN EN 1363-1: 2012-10 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Low-resistance screen contact, optimum • DIN EN 13501-2: Classification E30 Cable screw gland
EMC protection

• Highly conductive, flexible EMC contact

Product Make-up Refer to Appendix T21 for the
for clamping various screen diameters • Metric connection thread acc. to installation dimensions and torques
• Few operation steps, easy to assemble DIN EN 60423
• Basis for technical information Material
Application range DIN IEC 62444 Body: nickel plated brass
• Underground railways and trains Cap nut: nickel plated brass
Insert: halogen-free polyamid
• For EMC-compliant earthing of the copper Note
acc. to UL 94 V0
braiding, or for cables with copper shaft • SKINDICHT® SM-PE-M counter nut should Sealing ring: special elastomer
sheath be used to ensure optimum contact with O-ring: special elastomer
• Industrial machinery and plant engineering painted, anodised or powder-coated
Protection rating

• Measurement and control technology housings

IP 68 - 5 bar
• Automation technology • Refer to SKINTOP® metric accessories for
suitable accessories Temperature range
dynamic -25°C up to + 100°C
static -40°C up to +100°C

Article designation Clamping range Minimum Ø above SW wrench Overall length, C Thread length, D
Article number Pieces / PU
/ size ØF (mm) braiding (mm) size mm (mm) (mm)

53112530 M 12 x 1,5 3,5-7 1 16 26.5 6.5 50

53112531 M 16 x 1,5 4,5-10 4 20 33.0 7 50
53112532 M 20 x 1,5 7-13 5 24 37.0 8.5 25
53112533 M 25 x 1,5 9-17 7.5 29 38.5 8 25
53112534 M 32 x 1,5 11-21 9 36 45.5 9 25
53112535 M 40 x 1,5 19-28 15 45 48.0 9 10

53112536 M 50 x 1,5 27-35 21 50 55.5 10 5

Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINDICHT® SM-PE-M refer to main catalogue

48 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Cable glands
SKINTOP metric nickel-plated brass cable glands • SKINTOP® Halogen-free



• Cable gland for railway applications

• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Product Make-up Technical data
• Halogen-free and flame-retardant • Metric connection thread acc. to
• Optimum, low-resistance 360° screen DIN EN 60423 Classification
contact • Basis for technical information ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441
DIN IEC 62444 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Faster than any other comparable system
Cable screw gland
• Maximum reliability

Note Caution
• Maximum assembly freedom during Refer to Appendix T21 for the
adjustment • SKINDICHT® SM-PE-M counter nut should
be used to ensure optimum contact with installation dimensions and torques
Application range painted, anodised or powder-coated Material
• Underground railways and trains housings Body: nickel-plated brass
• Refer to SKINTOP® metric accessories for Cap nut: nickel-plated brass
• Automation systems Insert: polyamide, halogen-free
suitable accessories
• High-power drives acc. to UL 94 V0
• Frequency converters EMC brush: brass wire
• Conveyor and transport systems Sealing ring: special elastomer
O-ring: special elastomer

Norm references / Approvals Protection rating
• DIN EN 45545-2 IP 68 - 5 bar
• DIN EN 45545-3: 2013-08 Temperature range
• DIN EN 1363-1: 2012-10 dynamic -25°C up to + 100°C
• DIN EN 13501-2: Classification E30 Fixed: -40°C to +100°C

Article designation / Clamping range Minimum Ø above SW wrench Overall length, C Thread length, D
Article number Pieces / PU
size ØF (mm) braiding (mm) size mm (mm) (mm)

53112543 M 25 x 1,5 9-17 6 29 36.0 8 10

53112544 M 32 x 1,5 11-21 8 36 42.2 9 5
53112545 M 40 x 1,5 19-28 10 45 49.5 9 5
53112546 M 50 x 1,5 27-35 14 54 52.0 10 5
53112547 M 63 x 1,5 34-45 20 67 61.3 15 1

Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINDICHT® SM-PE-M refer to main catalogue

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 49

Cable glands
SKINTOP® metric nickel-plated brass cable glands • SKINTOP® Halogen-free




• Cable gland for railway applications

• Brass cable gland with with centred
strain relief and kink protection
• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Norm references / Approvals Technical data

• Halogen-free and flame-retardant • DIN EN 45545-2
• Reliable bending and anti-kink protection • DIN EN 45545-3: 2013-08 Classification
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000441
• High strain relief • DIN EN 1363-1: 2012-10 ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• For high mechanical stress • DIN EN 13501-2: Classification E30 Cable screw gland
Application range Product Make-up

Refer to the instruction leaflet for the

• Saddle clamp strain relief gland for harsh • Metric connection thread acc. to installation dimensions and torques
application conditions. DIN EN 60423
• Portable equipment • Basis for technical information
Body: nickel plated brass
• Machines and systems on building sites DIN IEC 62444 Cap nut: nickel plated brass
• Crane and conveying machinery Insert: halogen-free polyamid
• Plant engineering Note acc. to UL 94 V0
• Refer to SKINTOP® metric accessories Sealing ring: special elastomer
for suitable accessories O-ring: special elastomer
Protection rating
IP 68 - 5 bar

Temperature range
dynamic -25°C up to + 100°C
static -40°C up to +100°C

Clamping range ØF SW wrench Overall length, C Thread length, D


Article number Article designation / size Pieces / PU

(mm) size mm (mm) (mm)

53112551 M 16 x 1,5 4,5-10 20 41.0 7 25

53112552 M 20 x 1,5 7-13 24 46.0 8.5 25
53112553 M 25 x 1,5 9-17 29 48.5 8 25
53112554 M 32 x 1,5 11-21 36 56.6 9 25
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

50 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Parallel corrugated protective cable conduit systems FIPLOCK®



Flexible, corrugated cable conduit system in closed and divisible version


• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Product features Technical data
• The flexible conduit design enables small • Low smoke density
bending radii and is ideally suited for • Self-extinguishing, no dripping Classification
space-saving installations where space is ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001175
• Halogen-free ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
limited in dry and damp interiors, as well • High resistance to oil, petrol, acids and
as for outdoor applications Corrugated plastic hose
other chemicals
• Robust against mechanical impacts Certifications
• Good weather and UV-resistance IEC EN 61386-23
• Flexible
• Dimensionally stable
EN 45545-2 HL1 / HL2 / HL3

Colour delivered
Application range Grey (RAL 7011)
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Black (RAL 9005), UV-resistant
fixed installations and applications where Material
limited movement may occur PA 6 MOD V0
• Railway technology Silicone-free
• Public transport equipment Halogen-free
Fire behaviour according to UL 94V-0
Temperature range
-45°C to +120°C

Article number Nominal size ID x OD mm Bending radius (mm) Suitable for FIPLOCK® ONE M Colour PU ring (m)
FPAF - Standard weight version (closed)
61803908 7 6.2 x 10.0 15 12 x 1.5 black 50
61803909 10 9.6 x 12.8 20 12 x 1.5/16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50
61803910 12 12.0 x 15.7 30 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50
61803911 17 16.1 x 21.1 35 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 black 50
61803912 23 22.0 x 28.4 40 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 black 50

61803913 29 28.3 x 34.5 50 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 black 50
61803914 36 35.8 x 42.2 55 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 black 25
61803915 48 46.7 x 53.8 65 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 black 25
61803916 56 56.3 x 67.2 100 - black 25
61803917 70 67.2 x 79.6 130 - black 25
61803918 95 91.3 x 106.0 170 - black 10
61803919 125 126.5 x 146.5 380 - black 10
61803920 7 6.2 x 10.0 15 12 x 1.5 grey 50
61803921 10 9.6 x 12.8 20 12 x 1.5/16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 grey 50
61803922 12 12.0 x 15.7 30 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 grey 50
61803923 17 16.1 x 21.1 35 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 grey 50

61803924 23 22.0 x 28.4 40 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 grey 50
61803925 29 28.3 x 34.5 50 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 grey 50
61803926 36 35.8 x 42.2 55 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 grey 25
61803927 48 46.7 x 53.8 65 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 grey 25
61803928 56 56.3 x 67.2 100 - grey 25
61803929 70 67.2 x 79.6 130 - grey 25
61803930 95 91.3 x 106.0 170 - grey 10
61803931 125 126.5 x 146.5 380 - grey 10

HPAF - Heavy duty version (closed)

61803932 17 16.1 x 21.1 35 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 black 50
61803933 23 22.0 x 28.5 45 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 black 50
61803934 29 28.3 x 34.7 55 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 black 50
61803935 36 35.8 x 42.3 60 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 black 25
61803936 48 46.7 x 54.2 70 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 black 25
61803937 17 16.1 x 21.1 35 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 grey 50
61803938 23 22.0 x 28.5 45 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 grey 50
61803939 29 28.3 x 34.7 55 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 grey 50
61803940 36 35.8 x 42.3 60 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 grey 25

61803941 48 46.7 x 54.2 70 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 grey 25

2PAF - Divisible version
61803942 7 6.3 x 10.0 25 - black 50
61803943 10 8.8 x 13.5 30 - black 50
61803944 11 11.0 x 16.1 30 - black 50
61803945 14 13.2 x 18.7 35 - black 50
61803946 16 16.0 x 21.5 40 - black 50
61803947 20 20.2 x 25.7 50 - black 50
61803948 23 23.9 x 31.3 60 - black 50
61803949 29 27.3 x 35.5 110 - black 25
61803950 37 32.5 x 43.2 135 - black 25
61803951 45 43.1 x 54.2 140 - black 25
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
FIPLOCK® is a registered trademark of Fränkische Industrial Pipes

Similar products Accessories

• FIPLOCK® PA12 refer to page 52 • FIPLOCK® ONE M refer to page 53
For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 51
Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Parallel corrugated protective cable conduit systems FIPLOCK®


Flexible, corrugated cable conduit system in closed and divisible version


• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Product features Technical data

• The flexible conduit design enables small • Low smoke density
bending radii and is ideally suited for • Self-extinguishing, no dripping Classification
space-saving installations where space is ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001175
• Halogen-free ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
limited in dry and damp interiors, as well • High resistance to oil, petrol, acids and
as for outdoor applications Corrugated plastic hose
other chemicals

• Robust against mechanical impacts Certifications

• Excellent weather and UV-resistance IEC EN 61386-23
• Highly flexible and high fatigue life
• Dimensionally stable
EN 45545-2 HL1 / HL2 / HL3
Colour delivered
Application range Black (RAL 9005), UV-resistant
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Material
fixed installations and applications where PA 12 MOD V0
continous movement may occur Silicone-free
• Railway technology Halogen-free
• Public transport equipment Fire behaviour according to UL 94V-0
Temperature range

• For indoor and outdoor use

• Carriage roof, Jumper connections, -45°C to +105°C

Article number Nominal size ID x OD mm Bending radius (mm) Suitable for FIPLOCK® ONE M Colour PU ring (m)

FPDF - Standard weight version (closed)

61803952 7 6.2 x 10.0 15 12 x 1.5 black 50
61803953 10 9.6 x 12.8 20 12 x 1.5/16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50
61803954 12 12.0 x 15.7 25 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50
61803955 17 16.1 x 21.1 30 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 black 50
61803956 23 22.0 x 28.5 40 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 black 50
61803957 29 28.3 x 34.7 50 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 black 50
61803958 36 36.6 x 42.3 55 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 black 25
61803959 48 47.0 x 54.4 65 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 black 25
61803960 56 56.3 x 67.2 100 - black 25

61803961 70 67.2 x 79.6 135 - black 25

61803962 95 91.3 x 106.0 150 - black 10
61803963 125 126.5 x 146.5 320 - black 10
61803964 170 172.0 x 193.0 440 - black 10
HPDF - Heavy duty version (closed)
61803965 7 6.0 x 10.0 15 12 x 1.5 black 50
61803966 10 9.2 x 12.8 20 12 x 1.5/16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50
61803967 12 11.8 x 15.7 25 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 black 50

61803968 17 16.1 x 21.1 35 20 x 1.5/25 x 1.5 black 50

61803969 23 22.0 x 28.5 40 25 x 1.5/32 x 1.5 black 50
61803970 29 28.3 x 34.7 50 32 x 1.5/40 x 1.5 black 50
61803971 36 35.8 x 42.3 60 40 x 1.5/50 x 1.5 black 25
61803972 48 46.7 x 54.2 70 50 x 1.5/63 x 1.5 black 25
2PDF - Divisible version
61803973 7 6.3 x 10.0 20 - black 50
61803974 10 8.8 x 13.5 25 - black 50
61803975 11 11.0 x 16.1 25 - black 50

61803976 14 13.2 x 18.7 30 - black 50

61803977 16 16.0 x 21.5 35 - black 50
61803978 20 20.2 x 25.7 45 - black 50
61803979 23 23.9 x 31.3 55 - black 50
61803980 29 27.3 x 35.5 105 - black 25
61803981 37 32.5 x 43.2 130 - black 25
61803982 45 43.1 x 54.2 135 - black 25
61803983 70 67.0 x 79.8 175 - black 10
61803984 100 87.5 x 102.5 195 - black 10
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
FIPLOCK® is a registered trademark of Fränkische Industrial Pipes

• FIPLOCK® ONE M refer to page 53

52 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Parallel corrugated protective cable conduit systems FIPLOCK®



Conduit fitting system for highest requirements, suitable for FIPLOCK® PA6 / PA12


• New conduit fitting system with

innovative locking system

Benefits Product features Technical data
• Very high tensile strength due to all around • All around locking mechanism due to
tooth system 360° tooth system Classification
• Ensures mounting safety due to integrated • Locking mechanism with integrated ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001176
coding system coding system ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Screw

connection for corrugated plastic hose
• Excellent IP rating • Extended sealing range across multiple
• Cost-saving due to quick and easy corrugated conduit waves Certifications
installation IEC EN 61386-23
Note On request
Application range • Fitting is not suitable for use with divisible PG or NPT connection thread
• Suitable for FIPLOCK® PA6 / PA12 version of FIPLOCK® conduit With 90° elbow
• Demand of increased liquid tightness Colour delivered
• For indoor and outdoor use Grey (RAL 7005)
Black (RAL 9005), UV-resistant

PA 6
Fire behaviour according to UL 94V-0
Protection rating
Temperature range
-45°C to +120°C

Article number Metric size SW wrench size mm Clear opening (mm) Suitable for FIPLOCK® PA6 / PA12 Colour Pieces / PU
61804211 12 x 1.5 17 7.2 7 black 10
61804212 12 x 1.5 20 10 10 black 10
61804213 16 x 1.5 20 10 10 black 10
61804214 16 x 1.5 22 9 12 black 10
61804215 20 x 1.5 20 10 10 black 10

61804216 20 x 1.5 22 13 12 black 10
61804217 20 x 1.5 27 13 17 black 10
61804218 25 x 1.5 27 17.2 17 black 10
61804219 25 x 1.5 36 18 23 black 10
61804220 32 x 1.5 36 23 23 black 10
61804221 32 x 1.5 41 25 29 black 10
61804222 40 x 1.5 41 29 29 black 10
61804223 40 x 1.5 52 31.9 36 black 10

61804224 50 x 1.5 52 36 36 black 10

61804225 50 x 1.5 65 41.9 48 black 10
61804226 63 x 1.5 65 50.5 48 black 10
61804227 12 x 1.5 17 7.2 7 grey 10
61804228 12 x 1.5 20 10 10 grey 10
61804229 16 x 1.5 20 10 10 grey 10
61804230 16 x 1.5 22 9 12 grey 10
61804231 20 x 1.5 20 10 10 grey 10

61804232 20 x 1.5 22 13 12 grey 10

61804233 20 x 1.5 27 13 17 grey 10
61804234 25 x 1.5 27 17.2 17 grey 10
61804235 25 x 1.5 36 18 23 grey 10
61804236 32 x 1.5 36 23 23 grey 10
61804237 32 x 1.5 41 25 29 grey 10
61804238 40 x 1.5 41 29 29 grey 10
61804239 40 x 1.5 52 31.9 36 grey 10
61804240 50 x 1.5 52 36 36 grey 10
61804241 50 x 1.5 65 41.9 48 grey 10
61804242 63 x 1.5 65 50.55 48 grey 10
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
FIPLOCK® is a registered trademark of Fränkische Industrial Pipes

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 53

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • Liquid-tight conduits



Interlocked metal conduit with thick-walled Polyurethane jacket


• Hazard Level: HL 2


Benefits Product features Technical data


• The flexible conduit design enables small • UV-resistant

bending radii and is ideally suited for • Halogen-free and flame-retardant Classification
space-saving installations where space is ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001179
• High mechanical and chemical resistance
limited in dry and damp interiors, as well ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
as for outdoor applications Protective metallic hose
Product Make-up
• High resistance to oil, petrol, acids and Certifications
• Helically-wound metal protective conduit
greases IEC EN 61386-23
with interlocked profile EN 45545-2 HL1 / HL2
• Liquidtight
• PUR outer sheath
Colour delivered
Application range Black (RAL 9005), UV-resistant
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for Material

fixed installations and applications where Metal with PUR sheath

limited movement may occur Fire behaviour according to UL 94V-0
• Also applicable within oily environments Temperature range
and areas with increased ambient -50 °C to +105 °C
temperature Short-term up to +125 °C

Article number Nominal size ID x OD mm Bending radius (mm) Suitable for SILVYN® COMPACT M Suitable for SILVYN® FCE-M PU ring (m)
64400248 5/16” 10.1 x 14.4 65 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 30
64400241 3/8” 12.6 x 17.8 85 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 30
64400253 1/2” 16.0 x 21.1 110 20 x 1.5 30
64400242 3/4” 21.0 x 26.4 140 25 x 1.5 30
64400243 1” 26.5 x 33.1 170 32 x 1.5 30
64400244 1 1/4” 35.1 x 41.8 215 40 x 1.5 15

64400245 1 1/2” 40.3 x 47.8 250 50 x 1.5 15

64400246 2” 51.6 x 59.9 300 63 x 1.5 15
61814708 12 10.0 x 14.0 50 12 x 1.5 25
61814709 16 13.0 x 17.0 60 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 25
61814710 20 17.0 x 21.5 80 20 x 1.5 25
61814711 25 21.2 x 26.0 100 25 x 1.5 25
61814712 32 28.1 x 34.0 125 32 x 1.5 25

61814713 40 37.7 x 44.5 160 40 x 1.5 10

61814714 50 48.4 x 55.5 190 50 x 1.5 10
* Trade product, no Lapp product
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.


• SILVYN® COMPACT M refer to page 56

• SILVYN® COMPACT M refer to page 56

54 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • Liquid-tight conduits


Interlocked metal conduit with thick-walled Polyolefin jacket


• Hazard Level: HL 3


Benefits Product features Technical data

• The flexible conduit design enables small • UV-resistant
bending radii and is ideally suited for • Halogen-free and flame-retardant Classification
space-saving installations where space is ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001179
• High mechanical and chemical resistance
limited in dry and damp interiors, as well ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
as for outdoor applications Protective metallic hose
Product Make-up
• Liquidtight Certifications
• Helically-wound metal protective conduit
IEC EN 61386-23
with interlocked profile EN 45545-2 HL1 / HL2 / HL3
Application range • Outer sheath: halogen-free, thermoplastic
• For use in railway vehicles and buses, for polyolefin compound Colour delivered
fixed installations and applications where Black (RAL 9005), UV-resistant
limited movement may occur Material

Metal with Polyolefin jacket
Temperature range
-25°C to +80°C
Short-term: up to +100°C

Article number Nominal size ID x OD mm Bending radius (mm) Suitable for SILVYN® COMPACT M Suitable for SILVYN® FCE-M PU ring (m)
64400254 1/4” 6.4 x 11.5 40 - 30
64400255 5/16” 10.1 x 14.4 50 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 30
64400256 3/8” 12.6 x 17.8 60 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 30
64400257 1/2” 16.0 x 21.1 75 20 x 1.5 30
64400258 3/4” 21.0 x 26.4 90 25 x 1.5 30
64400259 1” 26.5 x 33.1 120 32 x 1.5 30
64400260 1 1/4” 35.1 x 41.8 135 40 x 1.5 15
64400261 1 1/2” 40.3 x 47.8 165 50 x 1.5 15

64400266 2” 51.6 x 59.9 210 63 x 1.5 15
61814717 12 10.0 x 14.0 50 12 x 1.5 25
61814718 16 13.0 x 17.0 60 16 x 1.5/20 x 1.5 25
61814719 20 17.0 x 21.5 80 20 x 1.5 25
61814720 25 21.2 x 26.0 100 25 x 1.5 25
61814721 32 28.1 x 34.0 125 32 x 1.5 25

61814722 40 37.7 x 45.0 160 40 x 1.5 10

61814723 50 48.4 x 56.0 190 50 x 1.5 10
* Trade product, no Lapp product
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.


• SILVYN® COMPACT M refer to page 56

• SILVYN® COMPACT M refer to page 56

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 55

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • Liquid-tight conduits


Nickel-plated brass fitting with space-saving dimensions in various designs


• Space-saving due to compact


Benefits Product Make-up Technical data

• Space-saving application • Metric connection thread
• For high mechanical stress • Hexagonal collar Classification

ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001180

• High tensile strength • Threaded sleeve ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Screw
• Corrosion-resistant • Cap nut connection for protective metallic hose
On request
Application range Available in stainless steel
• In combination with protective conduit: PG or NPT connection thread
• Suitable for SILVYN® HFX-V0 / ZHLS
Body: nickel-plated brass
Sealing: polyamide
O-ring: NBR

Protection rating
IP 66
IP 67
Temperature range
-45°C to +105°C

Article number Metric size Clear opening (mm) Suitable for SILVYN® HFX-V0 / ZHLS Pieces / PU
61803846 16 x 1.5 8.3 5/16” 10
61803800 16 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10
61803847 20 x 1.5 8.3 5/16” 10
61803801 20 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10
61803802 20 x 1.5 14.5 1/2” 10
61803803 25 x 1.5 19.4 3/4” 5

61803804 32 x 1.5 24.7 1” 5

61803805 40 x 1.5 33.3 1 1/4” 5
61803806 50 x 1.5 38.0 1 1/2” 2
61803807 63 x 1.5 49.0 2” 2
61803848 16 x 1.5 8.3 5/16” 10
61803850 16 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10
61803849 20 x 1.5 8.3 5/16” 10

61803851 20 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10

61803852 20 x 1.5 14.5 1/2” 10
61803853 25 x 1.5 19.4 3/4” 5
61803854 32 x 1.5 24.7 1” 5
61803808 16 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10
61803809 20 x 1.5 11.0 3/8” 10
61803810 20 x 1.5 14.5 1/2” 10
61803811 25 x 1.5 19.4 3/4” 5

61803812 32 x 1.5 24.7 1” 5

61803813 40 x 1.5 33.3 1 1/4” 5
61803814 50 x 1.5 38.0 1 1/2” 2
61803815 63 x 1.5 49.0 2” 2
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

• SKINDICHT® SM-M refer to main catalogue

56 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • Liquid-tight conduits


Nickel-plated brass fitting with space-saving dimensions in various designs


• Space-saving due to compact


Benefits Product Make-up Technical data
• High mechanical stability • Metric connection thread
• High tensile strength • Hexagonal collar Classification
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001180
• Space-saving application • Threaded sleeve ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Screw
• Corrosion-resistant • Cap nut connection for protective metallic hose
Application range SILVYN® FCE COMPACT

• In combination with protective conduit: Metal parts: nickel-plated brass
• SILVYN® FCE-V0 Sealings: NBR
Nickel-plated brass
Protection rating
Temperature range
-45°C to +105°C

-55°C to +260°C

Article number Metric size Clear opening (mm) Suitable for SILVYN® FCE Pieces / PU
55503624 12 x 1.5 8.5 12 10

55503625 16 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
55503626 20 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
55503627 20 x 1.5 15.2 20 10
55503628 25 x 1.5 19.2 25 5
61803855 32 x 1.5 25.9 32 5
61803856 40 x 1.5 34.5 40 2
61803860 16 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
61803861 20 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
61803862 20 x 1.5 15.2 20 10
61803863 25 x 1.5 19.2 25 5

61803864 32 x 1.5 25.9 32 5

55503602 12 x 1.5 8.5 12 10

55503603 16 x 1.5 8.5 12 10
55503604 16 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
55503605 20 x 1.5 11.2 16 10
55503606 20 x 1.5 15.2 20 10

55503607 25 x 1.5 19.2 25 5

55503608 32 x 1.5 25.9 32 5
55503609 40 x 1.5 34.8 40 2
55503610 50 x 1.5 44.8 50 2
55503611 63 x 1.5 44.8 50 2

55503614 12 x 1.5 8.5 12 10

55503615 16 x 1.5 8.5 12 10
55503616 16 x 1.5 11.2 16 10

55503617 20 x 1.5 11.2 16 10

55503618 20 x 1.5 15.2 20 10
55503619 25 x 1.5 19.2 25 5
55503620 32 x 1.5 25.9 32 5
55503621 40 x 1.5 34.8 40 2
55503622 50 x 1.5 44.8 50 2
55503623 63 x 1.5 44.8 50 2
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 57

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • SILVYN® HIPROJACKET



Fireproof cable protection conduit to protect the inner from flames and liquid metal with a temperature up to +1640 °C


• Outstanding protection for extreme

impact of heat
• Hazard Level: HL 3



Benefits Technical data

• Heat-resistant
• Flexible Classification Material
• Temporarily reduces the temperature in ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC002254 Glass fibre with iron oxide silicone
the conduit by up to 30 % ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: coat LOI 39,2
• The protection rating increases to IP67 if Cable insulation hose SILVYN® HIPROSILTAPE
SILVYN® HIPROSILTAPE is also used SILVYN® HIPROSILTAPE Silicone-rubber compound,
ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC000128 self-vulcanising, halogen-free
Application range ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Adhesive tape Protection rating
• Railway applications / vehicle construction SILVYN® HIPROJACKET

• Used in areas where cables and wires are SILVYN® HIPROJACKET IP 54 in combination with SILVYN®
exposed to extreme heat EN 45545-2 HL1 / HL2 / HL3 HIPROJACKET AMG fitting
Product Make-up NF EN ISO 11925-2 is also used
SILVYN® HIPROJACKET DIN 5510-2 S4/SR2/ST2 Temperature range
• Woven glass fibre conduit SAE AS 1072 Type 2 SILVYN® HIPROJACKET
-55°C to +260 °C permanent temp.

• Iron oxide silicone coat On request

SILVYN® HIPROJACKET +800°C for approx. 20 min
Other sizes, lengths and colours are (flame treatment)
available upon request +800°C for approx. 20 min
(radiation heat)
Colour delivered
+1640°C for approx. 15-30 sec
(liquid-metal contact)
-55°C to +260 °C permanent temp.

Article number Nominal size ID x OD mm Suitable gland size PU ring (m)

52021385 6 6.0 x 15.0 15
61713003 10 10.0 x 15.0 M16/2 + PG 9/2. 11/2. 13.5 15
61713005 13 13.0 x 18.0 M16/2. M20 15
PG 9/2. 11/2. 13.5. 16

61713007 16 16.0 x 22.0 M20 + PG 16 15

61713010 19 19.0 x 25.0 M25 + PG 21 15
61713011 22 22.0 x 28.0 M25 + PG 21 15
61713000 25 25.0 x 31.0 M32 + PG 29 15
61713014 29 29.0 x 35.0 15
61713015 32 32.0 x 38.0 M40 + PG 36 15
61713016 35 35.0 x 41.0 M40 + PG 36 15
61713017 38 38.0 x 44.0 M50 + PG 42 15
61713018 41 41.0 x 47.0 15

61713021 44 44.0 x 50.0 15

61713019 51 51.0 x 57.0 M63 + PG 48 15
61713022 57 57.0 x 63.0 15
61713025 64 64.0 x 70.0 15
61713027 70 70.0 x 76.0 15
61713028 76 76.0 x 82.0 15
61713029 83 83.0 x 89.0 15
61713037 89 89.0 x 95.0 15
61713038 95 95.0 x 101.0 15
61713039 102 102.0 x 108.0 15
61713040 25 25.0 x 0.5 11
* Trade product, no Lapp product
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

58 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Protective cable conduit systems and cable carrier systems
Liquid-tight conduits • SILVYN® HIPROJACKET



• Suitable fitting for use with SILVYN®


Benefits Product Make-up Technical data
• High tensile strength • Connection thread metric/PG
• For high mechanical stress • Hexagonal collar, straight/45° elbow/ Classification
90° elbow ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001180
• 45° and 90° elbow enables optimal
ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Screw
assembly • Threaded sleeve
connection for protective metallic hose
• Cap nut

Application range On request
NPT connection thread
• In combination with protective conduit: Note
• SILVYN® HIPROJACKET • It is possible to extend the temperature Material
range by removing the plastic components Body: nickel-plated brass
Clamping ring: nickel-plated brass
O-ring: NBR
Protection rating
IP 54
is also used

Temperature range
-45°C to +105°C

Article number Metric size PG size Pieces / PU

55503516 16 x 1.5 50
55503517 20 x 1.5 50

55503518 25 x 1.5 25
55503519 32 x 1.5 10
55503520 40 x 1.5 5
55503521 50 x 1.5 5
55503522 63 x 1.5 4

55503523 16 x 1.5 50
55503524 20 x 1.5 50
55503525 25 x 1.5 25
55503526 32 x 1.5 10
55503527 40 x 1.5 5
55503528 50 x 1.5 5

55503529 63 x 1.5 4
55503530 16 x 1.5 50
55503531 20 x 1.5 50
55503532 25 x 1.5 25
55503533 32 x 1.5 10
55503534 40 x 1.5 5
55503535 50 x 1.5 5
55503536 63 x 1.5 4


55503537 9 50
55503538 11 50
55503539 13.5 50
55503540 16 50
55503541 21 25
55503542 29 10
55503543 36 5
55503544 42 5
55503499 48 4


55503500 11 50
55503501 13.5 50
55503502 16 50
55503503 21 25
55503504 29 10
55503505 36 5
55503506 42 5
55503507 48 4
55503508 11 50
55503509 13.5 50
55503510 16 50
55503511 21 25
55503512 29 10
55503513 36 5
55503514 42 5
55503515 48 4
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 59

Marking systems
FLEXIMARK® Cable Marking • Customized System Cable Marking

FLEXIMARK® Stainless steel marking FCC



• Contained in FLEXIMARK® sample bag

(article number M32511)

Benefits Note Technical data


• Markers are sorted prior to delivery • Length of the markers is depending on the
• No time-consuming preparation and number of characters Classification
installation • All characters are printed in capital letters ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001288
ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Acid-resistant • The column “number of characters” refers
Labelling material
• Diverse criteria as ageing resistance to the quanity in one line (the maximum
and chemical resistance are tested by amount of characters for a two-line Dimensions
the independent SP Technical Research embossing is 30-max.15 per line) Character size (height): 4.5 mm
Institute of Sweden according to SP 2171 • Ordering process: Customised data will be
Diameter borehole: 3,2 mm
Test Method (see selection table A15) emailed as an Excel file to the responsible On request
• Customised stainless steel cable and Lapp employee when the order is made- Blank version available upon request
component marking Column A: Text for the first row- Column Note

B: Text for the second row- Column B or C: Gap between characters: approximately
Application range Amount of each text 1 mm
• Markers will be delivered with the desired Info
text (printing service is included in the Included
• 1 PU= 1 marker, there is no mimimum
Available characters:A-Ö, 0-9, +-/:;= -.X
price) Earthing sign
• Markers could be used in any industry with purchase quantity
a demanding environment

Suitable tools Acid resistant stainless steel

(e.g. oil & gas, railways)
• STEEL GUN HT-338 cable tie pliers EN 1.4404 (SS2348, AISI 316L)
• Cable and component marking system

Product features
• Included cable ties in article no.83251406,
83251456, 83251426, 83251468:
Stainless steel cable ties LS 4,6-200
(article no.61812950)
• For fastening with cable ties (LS) up to a

width of 7.9 mm

Norm references / Approvals

• Achilles JQS certified

Article number Article designation Height (mm) Product Make-up Number of characters Number of markers per PU
83251406 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC FCC LS200 0-15 9.9 with cable tie 0-15 1
83251456 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC FCC LS 16-25 9.9 with cable tie 16-25 1
83251402 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC FCC 0-15 9.9 without cable tie 0-15 1
83251454 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC FCC 16-25 9.9 without cable tie 16-25 1
83251450 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC FCC 16-25 9.9 with screw hole 0-15 1
83251478 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SM FCC 16-25 9.9 with screw hole 16-25 1
83251426 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC2R FCC LS 0-15 13.9 with cable tie 0-15 1
83251468 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC2R FCC LS 16-25 13.9 with cable tie 16-25 1

83251422 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC2R FCC 0-15 13.9 without cable tie 0-15 1
83251466 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SMC2R FCC 16-25 13.9 without cable tie 16-25 1
83251451 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SM2R FCC 0-15 13.9 with screw hole 0-15 1
83251479 FLEXIMARK® stainless steel SM2R FCC 16-25 13.9 with screw hole 16-25 1
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
Blank markers could be found on the product page “SP Metalprint” (article no. 83251575 und 83251576).

Similar products Accessories

• FLEXIMARK® Stainless steel kit refer to main catalogue • STEEL GUN HT-338 cable tie pliers refer to main catalogue
• SP Metal print refer to main catalogue • LS steel cable ties refer to main catalogue

60 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Marking systems
FLEXIMARK Cable Marking • PC Marking Thermal transfer printing Cable Marking

FLEXIMARK® Organized shrink tube

Benefits Product features Technical data
• UV-resistant, resistant against fluids • Recommended ribbon: FLEXIMARK® FTI-Y
(SAE-AMS-DTL-23053 tested) 60-360 BK (article no. 83260201) Classification
• Reduced working time ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001288
Norm references / Approvals ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:
• Already cut to the exact length
Labelling material

• Covers a wide range of cable diameters, • UL 224 approved- E file number: E 228117
even applicable for single core marking On request
Product Make-up Also available as halogen-free und
diesel-resistant (with SNCF-NF
Application range • Delivered as a roll of labels
F00-608 approval) version
• Railway applications
• Printing with FLEXIMARK® Software Colour delivered
(Download: http://www.lappkabel.com/ YellowWhite and other colours available
service/downloadcenter/markingsystem/ on request
marking-software.html) Also available in white
• Can be printed with the FLEXIMARK® Material
thermal transfer printer as CAB A4+M Polyolefin

and EOS4 Shrinking ratio: 3:1

Article number Colour Shrinkage range (mm) Length (mm) Number of markers per PU PU
83260026 yellow 0.8 - 2.4 50 1000 1
83260027 yellow 1.0 - 3.2 50 1000 1

83260028 yellow 1.6 - 4.8 50 1000 1
83260029 yellow 2.0 - 6.4 50 1000 1
83260030 yellow 3.0 - 9.5 50 500 1
83260031 yellow 4.0 - 12.7 50 500 1
83260032 yellow 6.0 - 19.0 50 500 1
83260033 yellow 8.0 - 25.4 50 300 1
83260034 yellow 12.7 - 38.1 75 100 1
83260035 yellow 0.8 - 2.4 38 1000 1
83260036 yellow 1.0 - 3.2 38 1000 1
83260037 yellow 1.6 - 4.8 38 1000 1

83260038 yellow 2.0 - 6.4 38 1000 1
83260039 yellow 3.0 - 9.5 38 500 1
83260040 yellow 4.0 - 12.7 38 500 1
83260041 yellow 6.0 - 9.0 38 500 1
83260042 yellow 8.0 - 25.4 38 300 1
83260043 yellow 12.7 - 38.1 38 100 1
83260044 yellow 0.8 - 2.4 25 2000 1
83260045 yellow 1.0 - 3.2 25 2000 1

83260046 yellow 1.6 - 4.8 25 2000 1

83260047 yellow 2.0 - 6.4 25 2000 1
83260048 yellow 3.0 - 9.5 25 1000 1
83260049 yellow 4.0 - 12.7 25 1000 1
83260050 yellow 6.0 - 19.0 25 1000 1
83260051 yellow 8.0 - 25.4 25 600 1
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.
FLEXIMARK® products are sold in packaging units. As example if you like to order 640 labels of LCK 32 you just need to order 1 PU instead of 640 single labels.

Similar products Accessories

• FLEXIMARK® Organized shrink tube FCC refer to main catalogue • HG 2320 hot-air pistol refer to main catalogue

For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 61

Tools and cable accessories
Connection and crimping • Tube cable lugs

Tube cable lugs KRFN


Leiterquerschnitt in mm 2


Kennzahl des
Pressbackens Grösse des

Benefits Norm references / Approvals Technical data

• Can be installed via cable glands, • In combination with recommended crimp
allowing pre-assembly tool fulfill requirments of SS-EN 61238-1, Classification
• High-quality electrolytic copper ensures BS 4579:1, VDE 0220:1, EN-IEC 61238:1 ETIM 5.0 Class-ID: EC001051

a good crimping quality ETIM 5.0 Class-Description:

Suitable tools Tube cable lug for copper conductors
• With inspection hole
• V 1311-A pressing pliers, hydraulic Material
Application range Tinned electrolyte copper
• Narrow tube cable lugs for stranded and Temperature range
flexible CU-conductors 50-240 mm2, Temperature range up to +90°C
suitable for class 2 and class 5 Working temperature: 110°C,
• Adapted for narrow spaces max. +140°C

Article number Article designation Screw hole Ø (mm) UL certification Length (mm) Pressing dies d mm W mm Pieces / PU
Tube cable lugs KRFN
61797400 KRFN 50/6 6 no 51 B 14.5 11 18 100
61797401 KRFN 50/8 8 no 51 B 14.5 11 18 100
61797402 KRFN 50/10 10 no 51 B 14.5 11 18 100
61797403 KRFN 70/6 6 no 56 B 14.5 13 20 50
61797404 KRFN 70/8 8 no 56 B 17 13 20 50

61797405 KRFN 70/10 10 no 56 B 17 13 20 50

61797406 KRFN 95/8 8 no 61 B 20 15 24 50
61797407 KRFN 95/10 10 no 62 B 20 15 24 50
61797408 KRFN 95/12 12 no 64 B 20 15 24 50
61797409 KRFN 120/8 8 no 65 B 22 17 26 50
61797410 KRFN 120/10 10 no 66 B 22 17 26 50
61797411 KRFN 120/12 12 no 68 B 22 17 26 50
61797412 KRFN 150/10 10 no 73 B 25/13 B 25 19 30 50
61797413 KRFN 150/12 12 no 75 B 25/13 B 25 19 30 50
61797414 KRFN 185/10 10 no 80 13 B 27 21 32 25

61797415 KRFN 185/12 12 no 82 13 B 27 21 32 25

61797416 KRFN 185/16 16 no 86 13 B 27 21 32 25
61797417 KRFN 240/10 10 no 84 13 B 30 22.5 38 50
61797418 KRFN 240/12 12 no 84 13 B 30 22.5 38 50
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.

Similar products Accessories


• Tube cable lugs KR/ KRT/ KRF refer to main catalogue • T 2288 pressing pliers refer to main catalogue
• Solderless cable lugs KB refer to main catalogue • V 1311-A pressing pliers, hydraulic refer to main catalogue
• DKB 0325 + DKB 0360 crimping pliers refer to main catalogue
• PVL 1300 pressing pliers battery-operated refer to main catalogue

62 For current information see: www.lappgroup.com

Tools and cable accessories
Binding, bundling, fastening • Premium cable ties with steel nose

TY-RAP® Railway


• Cable tie for railway applications

• Hazard Level: HL 3

Benefits Product features Technical data
• The special design of the cable ties • The steel blade is fixed to the tie head and
guarantees maximum resistance is made from corrosion-resistant, anti- Classification
and safety even in the most extreme magnetic steel (type 316) ETIM 5.0 Class-Description: Cable tie

Colour delivered
• Steel nose ensures secure and durable Norm references / Approvals Natural colour
binding • DIN EN 45545-2 Material
• Lock is also resistant to shocks and • NFF 16-101: I3F1 Polyamide 6.6
vibrations Halogen-free and silicone-free
• Fire behaviour according to UL 94V-0
Temperature range
-40°C to +85°C
Application range
• Underground railways and trains
• In areas where mechanical and chemical
stability are critical

• When the protection of people and
property is a priority.
• Public utilities

Article number Article description UL certification Length x width (mm) Bundling Ø (mm) Tensile strength (N) PU

TY-RAP® Railway
61723330 TY 23 MFR RW no 92.0 x 2.4 2.0 - 16.0 80.0 1000
61723331 TY 232 MFR RW no 203.0 x 2.4 2.0 - 50.0 80.0 1000
61723332 TY 24 MFR RW no 140.0 x 3.6 2.0 - 29.0 180.0 1000
61723333 TY 25 MFR RW no 186.0 x 4.8 3.5 - 45.0 220.0 1000
61723334 TY 28 MFR RW no 360.0 x 4.8 3.5 - 102.0 220.0 500
61723335 TY 27 MFR RW no 340.0 x 7.0 6.0 - 90.0 540.0 100
Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products.


For current information see: www.lappgroup.com 63


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The following applies for the use of our products

The conformity of our products to the relevant The safety of our products is closely as­sociated mandatory. There are particular risks if Processing is only to be done by an author­
European directives and compliance with the with how they are used. A knowledge of and installed imp­
roperly. This applies to all our ised electrician! Otherwise, there is the risk
provisions contained therein shall be indicated adherence to the respective international/nation­­al products/items: of an electric shock or a fire ignited by elec­
by the CE marking. standards of use (e.g. DIN VDE 0100; 0298) are tric current!


Without exception, our products are tested for environment may arise. For this reason, our gui­delines, are contained in the tables in the ©
Copyright by U.I. Lapp GmbH. Reprinting or
application safety in accordance with defined cables must only be processed and/or used appendix to this catalogue. Our machines and reproduction of the text or the illustrations may
standards and our own regulations, which com- responsibly by trained electricians or special­ instal­lation tools are – where necessary – de­ be made only with written approval and with
plement the standards. Relevant legal require- ists. This catalogue contains general informa- signed in accordance with the machine guide- correct indication of source. We reserve the
ments and safety regulations are also observed. tion for the application of each product. lines and display the CE identification mark. It right to make modifications to our products,
Provided due care and attention is paid, the Independent of such information, the applica- must be noted, how­ever, that our machines and especially those based on technical improve-
possibility of product-specific danger to the user tion standards DIN VDE 0298 and DIN VDE installation tools must only be used by trained ments or continued development. All illustra-
may thus reasonably be excluded. Where prod- 0891 for cables will apply. Excerpts from these specialist personnel and for the purpose for tions and numerical data etc. are therefore
ucts are used carelessly or incorrect­ly, howev- standards, as well as complementary selection which they were designed. without warranty and are subject to change.
er, consi­derable danger to persons and the and application tables, design and installation
AVS Stuttgart

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Our general conditions of sale
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www.lappgroup.com/terms please visit www.lappgroup.com/worldwide

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