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Department of Pathology

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1. Name of Course : Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology


2. Duration of the Course : 2 Years

3. Approval date of the course

(a) AC Resolution No. : No. 3 (ii), dated 11.4.2002

(b) EC Resolution No. : 42, dated 19-10/7.2002

4. Number of Seats : Maximum strength — 10

Minimum strength — 4

5. All the students are required to be enrolled by Controller of Examinations, BHU.

6. Infrastructure :

No. of class rooms allotted : 2 Rooms

Seating capacity of each room : Practical - 50 students, Theory - 50 students

7. Teaching Schedule :

Theory :

(a) No. of days per week assigned to this course : Twice a week
(b) No. of periods per week: 2 periods (Tuesday and Saturday)

Practicals :

(a) Routine Practical : For practical training students rotates and work in different division of
Pathology upto 6 1/2 hr. daily (9.00 AM to 4.30 PM with one hour lunch break)

(b) Special Practical : Monday and Friday

Duration : 2 hours

8. Fees (PGDMLT special course of study) : Rs. 15,000 + Institute fees (per year)

9. Share of Fees
 University : 20% of total money
 Institute/Faculty : Caution money, library and other charges

( 1 )
 Fixed Deposit : 20% of the money is deposited per year in fixed
deposit account (after deduction of university
 Department : 60% of total money (after deduction of 20%
university share and 20% fixed deposit)

10. Time of Admission : July /August

11. Eligibility : B.Sc. with preferably Chemistry/Zoology with

40% marks

12. Mode of Admission : 1. By written competition of 100 marks with

minimum qualifying marks of 34%

2. Interview : 25 marks

3. Academic records : 25%

13. Age : 25 years (maximum)

14. Attendance : 100% (minimum 75%)

15. Curriculum : Lectures as per syllabus, practical for which

students will rotate in various laboratories e.g.
Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Immunopatho-
logy, Microbiology, Blood Banking,
Histopathology and Cytology.
16. Examination

 Controller of Examinations issues the Admit Card for the examination.

 Marks are awarded in the final result.
 Marksheet issued by Controller of Examinations.
 Controller of Examinations issues Certificate of completion.
 Those students who have secured minimum 75% attendance and has deposited fee
(Rs.15,000+ Institute fee) will be eligible for appearing in the examination.
 Theory paper : Two papers of 100 marks each of 3 hr. duration.

Paper- I (100 marks)

Instrumentation, Chemical and Clinical Pathology, Haematology and Blood Banking.

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Paper-II (100 marks)

Histolathology, Cytology, Immunopathology and Microbiology

Practical : 150 marks

Viva : 50 marks
Passing marks : 50% in practical and
50% in theory each

Note :

(i) Viva marks will be added in practicals.

(ii) Recently 100 marks of Session (50 marks/Sessional) of Sessional Examination have been
proposed to add.

(iii) Sessional marks will be added in theory.

(iv) In second (supplementary examination) only theory and practicals and viva-voce will be counted
as it is done in MBBS

Examiners :

To internal examiners and one external (Professor/Reader/Lecturer) examiner.

Time of examination :

 Internal assessment shall be conducted once in a year of 50 marks/sessional.

 Final examination shall be conducted two years after the admission (July/August)
 Supplementary examination: Within six months after the regular examination.

Number of students admitted in different years

Session Number of students who

Were admitted Appeared in the Exam. Passed the course
2001-2002 10 10 10
2002-2003 10 10 10
2003-2004 10 09 09
2004-2005 07 07 07
2005-2006 09 — —

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1. Organization of laboratory and safety precautions in laboratory and personal cleanliness and care
with regards to infected materials and chemical burns.

2. Quality assurance and disposal of wastes.

3. Cleaning of equipments and glasswares.

4. Maintenance and use of refrigerator, deepfrigers, incubators, ovens, water bath, autoclaves,
centrifuges, anaerobic chambers, BOD incubators etc.

5. Maintenance and knowledge of various components of microscopes and applications of various

types of balances.

6. Principles and use of colorimeter, spectrophotometer, ELISA reader, turbidometers and auto-
analyser etc.

7. Use and maintenance of balances.

8. Simple glass manipulation including the making of capillary tubes, Pasteur pipettes, glass sheet


9. Sample collection, preservation and transportation of various clinical pathology samples.

10. Preparation of buffers, molar solutions, normal solutions and determination of pH of buffers.

11. Biochemical estimation of total protein, albumin, globulin, sugar, cholesterol urea, LFT, GTT,
enzymes including preparation of their reagents.

12. Physical and chemical examinations of urine including sugar, protein, acetone, bile salts, bile
pigments, blood, urobilinogen, chyle and microscopic examination for crystals, cells and casts.

13. Examination of body fluids (CSF, ascetic fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid etc.) including
biochemical, microscopic.

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14. Semen analysis (count, motility, abnormal forms etc.)


15. Collection of blood, preparation and use of different anticoagulant vials, preparation of blood
smears, staining of blood film, bone marrow smear and mounting of slides.

16. Preparation of reagents for hemoglobin, counting of leukocytes, RBC, platelet and reticulocyte
count, determination of ESR and PCV, and techniques of these tests.

17. Recognition of blood cells in peripheral blood smear.

18. Preparation of haemolysate and determination of foetal hemoglobin and hemoglobin


19. Preparation of reagents and techniques for test of sickling, osmotic fragility, G6PD enzyme
deficiency, Coomb’s tetst.

20. Preparation of reagents and techniques of coagulation profile, platelet profile.

21. Blood donor selection and screening including ABO, Rh blood grouping and cross match tests.

22. Blood collection and preservation and component separation.

23. Identification of blood parasites (Malaria, Filaria, LD bodies etc.)


24. Tissue reception, labeling, fixation for different tissue and section cutting.

25. Preparation of paraffin blocks (Dehydration, clearing, embedding, blocking).

26. Handling and care of microtome sharpening of razors, and section cutting.

27. Preparation of common stains. H & E, congored, methyle violet, Leishman stain, Giesma,

Papiaicolau, VG, PAS, PASM etc. and staining techniques.

28. Mounting of museum specimens, record keeping, indexing of slides.

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29. Collection of samples, labeling and transportation of material and disposal of microbiology
products. Cleaning and methods of sterilization of glassware’s media, instruments including
syringes, needles and sharp instruments.

30. Preparation of media, plugging of test tubes, preparation of swab sticks, stains, reagents, nutrient
agar, blood agar, chocolate agar Loeffer’s serum Dorsetts egg medium fellurile medium, L.J.
medium, peptone water sugar media etc.

31. Processing of samples for isolation of bacteria from blood, CSF, tissue, sputum, throat swab,
sasal, eye swabs, aural swab, vaginal swab, wound swab, rectal swab, urine, pleural fluid, ascetic
fluid, AFB culture etc.

32. Biochemical reactions, acid production from fermentable substances coagulase, catalase,
oxidase, bile solubility optochin sensitivity, indole production. M.R. test and V.P. test. Urease
activity citrate utilization etc.

33. Processing of sample for isolation of bacteria, blood, CSF, tissue sputum throat etc.

34. Drug sensitivity tests.

35. Staining method, Gram stain, Ziehl-Nelsen stain, Albert’s stain etc.

36. Motility preparations, handing drop preparation, steps in bacterial identification of Coci,
Corynebacteria, Diptheria, Mycobacteria, Gran negatice bacilli and Gran positive bacilli.

37. Stool examination (Occult blood), microscopic and culture.

38. Sputum examination (general, cytological and microbiological).


39. Preparation of distilled water, deionized water and cleaning of distillation apparatus.

40. Collection of rabbit and sheep blood, animal care and raising of sera in animal.

41. Preparation of various buffers and reagents and techniques for following tests:

 Agglutinationtests

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 Haemagglutination tests

 Precipitation tests and

 Flocculation tests

42. Techniques of RA factor, CRP, ASO, VDRL, Widal, TORCH, Auto Antibodies, Hepatitis, HIV
testing and EBV etc.

43. Complement titration, hemolysin titration, Aldehyde test ELISA test, serum electrophoresis, gel
electrophoresis, gel diffusion tests.

44. Preparation of slides of LE cell phenomenon and identification.

45. Immuno-histochemical staining methods for auto-antibodies and tumour markers.

46. Cutaneous sensitivity test.

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