Annual Report Template Download PDF
Annual Report Template Download PDF
Annual Report Template Download PDF
nvesting ffor
or g
riving n
ew markets,
markets, harnessing
harnessing technology
and enhancing
and enhancing our
our customers’
customers’ experience
tagecoach Group
Group AAnnual
nnual Report
and Financial
Financial Statements
Statements 2015
Stagecoach Group overview
Stagecoach Group is a
UK Bus (Regions) UK Bus (London) UK Rail North America
leading international
public transport
company with bus and 20,000 4,000
employees employees
rail operations in the UK,
mainland Europe and
North America. We 7,200
buses and coaches
buses and coaches
train services a day
buses and coaches
employ around 39,000
people and run around
13,000 buses and trains.
journeys a year
journeys a year
journeys a year
vehicle miles a year
Note: All figures are approximate.
90% 90%
85% 85%
80% 80%
75% 75%
Source: Network Rail, Public Performance Measure, Moving Source: National Passenger Survey, Spring Wave, 2012, Source: Bus Passenger Survey, Autumn 2012, Autumn
Annual Average. 2013, 2014, 2015. 2013, Autumn 2014.
Note: Figures used refer to the measure of train punctuality – also Note: Data extracted from National passenger Survey, Spring Wave, 2012, Note: Extracted from the Bus Passenger Survey, Autumn 2012, Autumn
known as PPM (public performance measure) – which is commonly used 2013, 2014, 2015. Percentages are for overall satisfaction. The National 2013, Autumn 2014. The survey asks passengers to rate their journey
throughout Europe. For long distance operators, such as East Midlands Passenger Survey (NPS) is conducted twice a year from a representative experience, covering overall journey satisfaction and a range of specific
Trains and Virgin Trains, this shows the percentage of trains arriving within sample of passenger journeys across the UK. It surveys passengers’ overall factors. As a result of the areas selected the proportion of each national
10 minutes of timetabled arrival at the final destination. London and South satisfaction and satisfaction with 30 individual aspects of service for each operator’s services surveyed will vary.
East operators (including South West Trains) and regional operators show individual train operating company (TOC). Passenger ratings are totalled for
the percentage arriving within five minutes of the timetabled arrival. Data all TOCs across the country to provide a National Rail average.
covers each year to 31 March. National Rail average is for all franchised train
operating companies.
Adjusted eearnings
Adjusted arnings pper
er sshare*
hare* iin
n line
line w ith expectations,
with expectations, JJoint
oint venture
venture sshortlisted
hortlisted to to bid
bid ffo
or EEast
ast A
nglia rrail
ail ffranchise
uupp 22.7%
.7% tto
o 226.7
6.7 pence
pence (2014:
(2014: 226.0
6.0 ppence)
ence) C ontinued o
Continued organic growth iin
rganic growth n UK
UK BuBuss
D ividend pper
Dividend share up
er share up 110.5%
0.5% to
to 10.5
10.5 ppence
ence SSignificant
ignificant investment
investment in in new vvehicles,
new digital ttechnology
ehicles, digital echnology
2014: 9.5 pence)
9.5 pence) aand
nd ccustomer
ustomer service
service aacross
cross bbus
us aand
nd rrail
New Virgin
Virgin T rains East
Trains East C oast rrail
Coast ail ffranchise
ranchise tto
o 22023
023 Growing network o
Growing network off iinter-city
nter-city ccoach
oach services
services iin
n Europe
Bid ssubmitted
ubmitted for
fo TransPennine Express
for TransPennine Express rail
rail franchise
franchise and North A
and North merica
* See
See definition
definition in
in N
ote 35
35 tto
o the
the cconsolidated
onsolidated financial
financial sstatements.
Group revenue
revenue Group
Group operating
operating p
(byy division)
(b division) (b
(byy division)
division) 4 .7%
13 .3%
UK us regions
Bus regions UK B
UK us regions
Bus regions
UK Bus
UK Bus London
London 32.5%
32.5% UK Bus
UK Bus London
UK Rail
UK Rail UK
UK Rail
North America
North America North America
North America
O ther
1.6% 62
4 6.1%
Adjusted eearnings
arnings per
per sshare
hare Dividend
Dividend per
per ordinary
ordinary sshare
(Year eended
nded 3300 April)
April) (Year
(Year eended
nded 3300 April)
12 21.8p
21 8p 12 77.8p
13 224.6p 13 8.6p
8 6p
14 26 0p
26.0p 14 95
15 26.7p
26 7 15 10.5p
10 p
Total sshareholder
hareholder return
(Five yyear
ear ccomparative
omparative performance
performance to
to 30
30 April
April 22015)
N otes
11.. GGroup
roup revenue:
evenue iiss ffor
or the
the year
year eended
nded 3300 A
pril 2015,
2015, excluding
excluding joint
joint vventures.
entures. SSee Note
ee N ote 2 to
to tthe
he cconsolidated
59 4%
inancial statements.
Stagecoach Group
Stagecoach Group 2.. O
2 Operating
perating profit:
The cchart
hart shows
shows tthe
he bbreakdown
reakdown ofof total
total ooperating
perating pprofit
rofit for
for the
the yyear
ear eended 30 A
nded 30 pril 2015,
April 2015, eexcluding
First Group
Group iintangible
ntangible asset
asset eexpenses
xpenses aand
nd eexceptional
xceptional items.
items. SSee
ee Note
Note 2 ttoo tthe
he consolidated
consolidated financial
financial sstatements.
43 .7%
G o-Ahead Group
Group 33.. A djusted eearnings
Adjusted arnings p er sshare:
per hare:
National Express
Express Group
Group SSee
ee Note
Note 9 ttoo the
the consolidated
consolidated financial
financial sstatements.
5 4%
TSE 350
350 Travel
Travel aand
nd LLeisure
eisure 4. Dividend
4. Dividend pper ordinary
er or dinary share:
93.0% See
See Note
Note 8 ttoo the
the consolidated
consolidated financial
financial sstatements.
F TSE 250
FTSE 250 5.
5. Total
Total sshareholder
hareholder rreturn:
The ggraph
raph compares
compares the
the performance
performance ooff tthe
he SStagecoach
tagecoach G Group
roup Total
Total SShareholder
hareholder RReturn
eturn ((‘TSR’)(share
value mmovement
ovement plus
plus reinvested
reinvested ddividends)
ividends) over
over the
the 5 years
years ttoo 30
30 A
pril 2015
2015 ccompared
ompared with
with that
that ooff
First G
First Go-Ahead G
roup, Go-Ahead
Group, roup, National
Group, National Express
Express Group,
Group, tthe
F TSE 3350
50 TTravel
ravel aand
nd Leisure
Leisure All-Share Index,
All-Share Index,
and the
and the FFTSE
TSE 250 Index.
250 Index.
1 Strategic report 52 Responsibility statement
24 Board of Directors 53 Group independent auditors’ report
26 Directors’ report 58 Consolidated financial statements
29 Corporate governance report 63 Notes to the consolidated financial statements
34 Audit Committee report 117 Company independent auditors’ report
38 Nomination Committee report 119 Separate financial statements of the parent
39 Health, Safety and Environmental 120 Notes to the Company financial statements
Committee report 125 Shareholder information
40 Directors’ remuneration report
Financial summary
Results excluding intangible asset expenses
and exceptional items+ Reported results
Year ended 30 April 2015 2014 2015 2014
Proposed final dividend per share (pence) 7.3p 6.6p 7.3p 6.6p
Full year dividend per share (pence) 10.5p 9.5p 10.5p 9.5p
Year to 30 April 2015 2014 Functional 2015 2014 Growth
£m £m currency Functional currency (m) %
Continuing Group operations
UK Bus (regional operations) 1,045.5 1,012.8 £ 1,045.5 1,012.8 3.2%
UK Bus (London) 260.6 244.9 £ 260.6 244.9 6.4%
North America 425.4 428.2 US$ 680.1 685.7 (0.8)%
UK Rail 1,478.4 1,252.0 £ 1,478.4 1,252.0 18.1%
Intra-Group revenue (5.5) (7.9) £ (5.5) (7.9)
Group revenue 3,204.4 2,930.0
Year to 30 April 2015 2014 Functional 2015 2014
£m % margin £m % margin currency Functional currency (m)
Continuing Group operations
UK Bus (regional operations) 141.1 13.5% 147.4 14.6% £ 141.1 147.4
UK Bus (London) 26.3 10.1% 23.9 9.8% £ 26.3 23.9
North America 22.1 5.2% 23.7 5.5% US$ 35.3 38.0
UK Rail 26.9 1.8% 34.3 2.7% £ 26.9 34.3
Group overheads (13.9) (13.9)
Restructuring costs (0.8) (0.9)
201.7 214.5
Joint ventures – share of profit after tax
Virgin Rail Group 22.3 2.0
Citylink 1.1 1.3
Twin America 2.0 5.5
Total operating profit before intangible
asset expenses and exceptional items 227.1 223.3
Intangible asset expenses (11.9) (14.0)
Exceptional items 2.7 (8.4)
Total operating profit: Group operating
profit and share of joint ventures’ profit
after taxation 217.9 200.9
More details on the financial results for the year are provided in sections 1.5 and 1.6 of this Annual Report.
UK Bus (London)
Description The Group is the fourth largest operator in the London bus market, with an estimated 15% share of that market. The business
operates from 9 depots and has a fleet of around 1,300 buses serving routes in and around east and south-east London.
Regulatory environment The UK Bus (London) business operates bus services under contract to Transport for London, receiving a fixed fee (subject to
adjustment for certain inflation indices) and taking the cost and capital risk. Bus operators tender to win contracts and each
contract is typically for a five-year period with the potential for it to be extended by two years. The UK Bus (London) Division
currently has over 80 separate contracts to provide bus services on behalf of Transport for London – this spreads the Division’s risk
of financial performance being adversely affected when a contract expires and the business is unsuccessful in winning the
replacement contract.
Strategy Our strategic focus in the London bus market is now on maintaining good operational performance and tight control of costs
while seeking to bid competitively for new contracts.
Market opportunity The Group operates approximately 15% of the bus operating mileage contracted by Transport for London to bus operators. The
Group does not seek to gain market share for its own sake and remains disciplined in ensuring that its bids for new contracts offer
an acceptable trade-off of risk and reward. Transport for London has plans to increase the level of contracted bus services in
coming years, which may present some growth opportunities for the business.
North America
Description The North America Division provides bus and coach transport services in the United States and Canada. Our businesses include
commuter/transit services, inter-city services, tour, charter and sightseeing operations. The Division also operates, a
low cost inter-city coach operator.
The North America business is headed by a chief operating officer. Stagecoach (excluding its joint ventures) currently operates
approximately 2,400 vehicles in the United States and Canada.
In addition to its wholly-owned operations in North America, Stagecoach has a joint venture, Twin America LLC, with CitySights
NY. The joint venture principally operates sightseeing bus services in New York. The Group holds 60% of the economic rights and
50% of the voting rights in the joint venture. Twin America LLC is headed by a chief executive and is overseen by a joint board.
Regulatory environment The North America business operates on a commercial basis in a largely deregulated market. It also operates some tendered
services for local authorities and services contracted by corporations.
Strategy The strategy of the North America Division is to deliver organic growth in revenue and passenger volumes as a result of providing
safe, reliable, good quality, customer-focused services at a reasonable price to customers. This may be supplemented by winning
new contract work and/or acquiring businesses where appropriate opportunities arise.
Market opportunity The Group estimates it has less than 4% of the bus and coach market in North America and is growing this through innovative
services such as The US Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics show that in 2012
some 86% of transportation to work was by car, compared with only 5% by public transport. The opportunity to stimulate modal
shift from car to bus and coach is substantial and has been successful in doing this.
Macroeconomic factors The North American operations are more exposed to macroeconomic factors than the UK Bus operations as a greater proportion
of their revenue is derived from customers using its services for leisure purposes, including its charter, tour and sightseeing
services. It nevertheless has similar flexibility to UK Bus over pricing and supply, enabling it to effectively respond to changes in
macroeconomic conditions.
Competition The business faces competition for customers not only from other operators of coaches and buses but also from other modes of
transport. The Group regards its primary competitor as the private car and aims to encourage modal shift from car to public
transport. faces competition from the car but also from other coach operators, airlines and train operators.
FirstGroup and National Express Group are also major operators of coach and bus services in North America.
Future market The Group has taken a leading role in the development of bus and coach travel in North America through its
developments services. The market for inter-city coach travel, such as that provided by, has grown rapidly and we expect that to
continue to present significant opportunities to the Group.
UK Rail
Description Stagecoach Group has major rail operations in the UK.
Our principal rail subsidiaries are South West Trains, East Midlands Trains and Virgin Trains East Coast. South West Trains runs train
services in south west England out of London Waterloo railway station, and operates Island Line services on the Isle of Wight. The
South West franchise is contracted to run until February 2017. From 11 November 2007, we have operated the East Midlands
Trains franchise. The franchise comprises main line train services running to London St Pancras, regional rail services in the East
Midlands area and inter-regional services between Norwich and Liverpool. The East Midlands Trains franchise is contracted to run
until October 2015. Stagecoach has a 90% share in the Virgin Trains East Coast business with the Virgin Group of Companies
holding the other 10%. The Virgin Trains East Coast franchise began in March 2015 and is planned to run until 31 March 2023,
with the option for a one-year extension at the discretion of the UK Department for Transport. It provides inter-city train services
between London and a number of locations including Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds and York. We also operate Supertram, a 28km
light rail network incorporating three routes in the city of Sheffield, on a concession running until 2024.
Stagecoach Group has a 49% shareholding in a joint venture, Virgin Rail Group, which operates the West Coast Trains rail
franchise. The current West Coast Trains rail franchise runs until March 2017 and the Government has an option to extend it by a
further year. The other shareholder in Virgin Rail Group is the Virgin Group of Companies. South West Trains, East Midlands Trains,
Virgin Trains East Coast and the tram operations each have a managing director, who report to the Chief Executive. Stagecoach’s
Chief Executive is Joint Chairman of Virgin Rail Group. Virgin Rail Group has a managing director, who reports to the Virgin Rail
Group board, which includes Stagecoach Group and Virgin Group representatives.
The business model varies to some extent by division. The business model is intended to deliver the business objectives and long-term strategy explained above in
that it is designed to preserve and add value through organic growth, targeted acquisitions and rail franchise wins. The overall model of the Group is based on a
relatively decentralised management structure with short chains of command and close monitoring and direction from the centre. Across the Group, there is an
emphasis on achieving strong operational performance as an underpin of strong financial performance.
The business model for the Group’s UK Bus (regional operations) and North America Divisions is designed to be sufficiently flexible to respond to developments in
the markets in which they operate and to changes in demand. The key features of this business model are:
• A decentralised management structure enabling local management to quickly identify and respond to developments in each local market;
• An emphasis on lightly regulated bus operations enabling management to vary prices, operating schedules and timetables in response to developments in
each local market without significant hindrance from regulation;
• A flexible cost base whereby operating mileage and operating costs can be flexed in response to changes in demand.
The business model of the UK Bus (London) and UK Rail Divisions is different. The businesses are more highly regulated and their cost base is less flexible so there
is greater management focus on agreeing the right contractual arrangements, including appropriate risk-sharing arrangements, and ensuring these are
appropriately managed for the duration of each contract.
Millions of people use our services and our relationship with our customers is important to us. To deliver organic growth in revenue, a key element of our strategy,
we need to provide services that people want to use.
We conduct customer research to monitor our performance and to determine how we can improve the quality, delivery and accessibility of our services. We are
passionate about providing good customer service and our businesses have regular and ongoing discussions with bus and rail user groups. This includes
presentations from managers on aspects of our service as well as consultation and information sharing on particular issues.
An important element of the Group’s success in growing its customer base lies in its record of product innovation and new ideas on developing effective public
transport systems.
Human resources are key to the Group’s business and the Group’s relationship with its employees is therefore fundamental to achieving its objectives. We aim to
recruit and retain the best employees in our sector, offering an excellent package of benefits, which allows us to deliver good customer service to our passengers.
The Group’s individual divisions invest significantly in the training and development of our people and we operate a successful graduate training scheme which
provides one source of training for the managers of the future. We have established strong working relationships with trade unions and work in partnership with
them on a range of issues, including training and development, occupational health matters, pensions and other employee benefits. We also communicate with
our people face to face and through a number of internal publications.
We rely on a range of suppliers to provide goods and services linked to our bus and rail operations. All of our businesses have various contractual relationships with
suppliers, including purchase contracts with fuel suppliers, vehicle suppliers, IT companies and spare part suppliers.
The operation of our rail franchises depends upon a number of contractual relationships with suppliers, including contracts with Network Rail governing station
and track access arrangements, leases with rolling stock companies for the lease of trains and maintenance contracts for the maintenance of trains.
Information technology is increasingly important to effectively operate our services and to meet our customers’ expectations. Significant investment, internal
management resource and external supplier input is made in developing and operating IT systems.
Various licences are held by Stagecoach giving authority to operate our public transport services and these are maintained up to date as required.
There have been multiple acts of terrorism The Group has plans in place designed • No significant matters to report.
on public transport systems and other to reduce the operational and financial
terrorist attacks that whilst not directly impact of a terrorist incident. It also
targeting public transport have has checks in place such as vehicle
discouraged travel. There is a risk that the inspections to reduce the risk.
demand for the Group’s services could be
adversely affected by a significant terrorist
incident. Such a fall in demand would
have a negative effect on the Group’s
revenue and financial performance.
The economic environment in the Management monitors actual and • During the year ended 30 April 2015,
geographic areas in which the Group projected economic trends in order to the Group’s wholly owned rail
operates affects the demand for the match capacity to demand and where franchises had significant protection
Group’s bus and rail services. In possible, minimise the impact of from macroeconomic changes, with
particular, the revenue of the Group’s adverse economic trends on the both South West Trains and East
UK rail operations is historically Group. External forecasts of economic Midlands Trains having received
correlated with factors such as UK trends form part of the Group’s revenue support from the Department
Gross Domestic Product and Central assessment and management of for Transport, such that the
London Employment. In North economic risk. Department was and is at risk for the
America, a greater proportion of the In bidding for new rail franchises, the majority of any difference between
revenue from bus operations is derived evaluation of macroeconomic risks is a actual and expected revenue.
from tour, charter and sightseeing key element of the bid process. • From June 2014, the West Coast Trains
services than in the UK and these franchise, operated by the Group’s
services tend to be more susceptible to Further information on the relevance
of macroeconomic factors to each Virgin Rail Group joint venture, has a
economic changes. Other factors, such “GDP sharing” agreement that is
as movements in fuel prices, can also business segment is provided in
section 1.4.3. intended to ensure that the
affect revenue, costs and profit. The Department for Transport bears most
revenue and profit of the Group could of the risk of variances in West Coast
therefore be positively or negatively Trains’ revenue resulting from UK GDP
affected by changes in the economy. differing from that expected at the
time of the June 2014 franchise
agreement. Up to June 2014, the
franchise operated under a
management contract meaning that
the Department for Transport bore
virtually all of the risk of revenue and
costs being significantly different from
those expected.
• The Virgin Trains East Coast franchise,
which commenced in March 2015, also
operates with a “GDP sharing”
agreement similar to the West Coast
Trains franchise.
The Group participates in a number of Decisions on pension scheme funding, • Pension scheme liabilities have • 1.6.10
defined benefit pension schemes. There is asset allocation and benefit promises moved during the year due to
a risk that the reported net pension are taken by management and/or market changes.
asset/liability and/or the cash contributions pension scheme trustees in • The Pensions Regulator has an
required to these schemes increases or consultation with trade unions and ongoing review of the valuation
decreases due to changes in factors such as suitably qualified advisors. A Pensions basis applied by the Group’s main
investment performance, the rates used to Oversight Committee has been defined benefits pension scheme.
discount liabilities and life expectancies. established comprising the Finance This is consistent with reviews the
Intervention by regulators could also affect Director, a Non-Executive Director and Regulator has undertaken of other
the contributions required. Any increase in other senior executives, to oversee the pension schemes as part of its
contributions will reduce the Group’s cash Group’s overall pensions strategy. The remit.
flows. Any significant increase in pension Board participates in major decisions
liabilities could affect the Group’s credit on the funding and design of pension
ratings. schemes.
The Group receives claims in respect of The Group has a proactive culture that • Adjustments were required as at • 1.5.2 and
traffic incidents and employee claims. puts health and safety at the top of its 30 April 2015 to the provisions 1.5.3
The Group protects itself against the agenda and this helps mitigate the held in respect of historic claims
cost of such claims through third party potential for claims arising. Where relating to the UK Bus (London) and
insurance policies. An element of the claims do arise, they are managed by Division and the North America
claims is not insured as a result of the dedicated insurance and claims Division. The net effect of these 2.5.3
“excess” on insurance policies. specialists in order to minimise the adjustments on the Group’s
There is a risk that the number or cost to the Group. Where appropriate, overall profit for the year ended
magnitude of claims are not as legal advice is obtained from 30 April 2015 was not material
expected and that the cost to the appropriately qualified advisors. The and the effect on each division is
Group of settling these claims is balance between insured and retained explained in section 1.5 of this
significantly higher or lower than risks is re-evaluated at least once a report.
expected. In the US, in particular, there year and insurance and claims activity
is a risk that given the size of the is monitored closely.
“excess”, that a small number of large-
value claims could have a material
impact on the Group’s financial
performance and/or financial position.
Information technology
The Group is reliant on information The Group is continually investing in its • No significant matters to report.
technology for sales, operations and information technology systems, people
back office functions. Information and suppliers to ensure the robustness
technology failures or interruptions of its information technology. It is
could adversely affect the Group. developing new digital platforms and
An increasing proportion of the Group’s continues to look to ensure that it
sales are made digitally. There is a risk secures reliable service provision.
that the Group’s capability to make sales An Information Security Board oversees
digitally either fails or cannot meet the management of cyber risks, and
levels of demand and the time taken to takes appropriate advice from suitably
implement restorative actions is experienced third party consultants.
unacceptably long due to insufficient
resource being available and/or over
reliance on a small number of service
providers. This risk could result in
significant levels of lost revenue at a
time when the Group is investing in coach operations, of
which Internet sales is a fundamental
part. A significant and ongoing website failure could
severely affect the brand
and also give a competitor an advantage
during the time of the failure.
There are cyber risks relating to • 5.1
unauthorised access to or disclosure of
data, disruption to IT systems and
disruption to business operations as a
result of a malicious attack.
The Group is exposed to the risk of The Group has compliance programmes • A settlement has been agreed in •
commercial and consumer litigation in order to reduce the risk of material principle with the US Department of
arising from the legal environment in litigation against the Group. Justice and the New York Attorney
some markets, particularly the United and
General’s office in respect of the
States. previously reported Twin America 2.5.3
joint venture anti-trust litigation.
Loss of business to existing competitors We work with local authorities, including • Revenue growth has slowed in our
or new entrants to the markets in which passenger transport executives, regional North America Division, reflecting the
we operate could have a significant transport committees and transit effect of the significant fall in fuel
impact on our business. We face authorities, in the delivery and planning prices on demand for our services,
competition for customers not only of bus and rail services. particularly inter-city coach services on
from other operators of trains, trams, Our bus businesses are built on a our network.
coaches and buses but also from other successful commercial formula of low • We have experienced continued strong
modes of transport. The Group regards fares, investment and high customer competition in a number of markets.
its primary competitor as the private car service which, in the UK Bus (regional
and aims to encourage modal shift from operations) Division, has delivered
car to public transport. Developments in continued passenger volume growth • 1.5.1 2.5.3
new technology and/or new business nearly every year for more than ten years.
models could affect the competitive
environment in which the Group • 1.5.3 &
operates. Section 1.4.3 of this Annual
Report includes comments on
competition in the context of each of
the Group’s key divisions.
Details of the Group’s treasury risks are discussed in note 26 to the consolidated financial statements, and include the risks arising from movements in fuel prices.
KPI 1 – profitability
The overall strategy of the Group is intended to promote the success of the Group and create long-term value to shareholders. In the shorter term, we measure
progress towards this overall aspiration by monitoring growth in adjusted earnings per share.
Further details on how we calculate these key performance indicators, our targets and our recent performance is summarised below.
Adjusted earnings per share is earnings per share before exceptional items and intangible asset expenses (“Adjusted EPS”). Adjusted EPS is calculated based on the
profit attributable to equity shareholders (adjusted to exclude exceptional items and intangible asset expenses) divided by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares ranking for dividend during the relevant period.
Adjusted EPS was as follows:
Organic growth
The following measures of organic growth are monitored:
• UK Bus (regional operations) – growth in passenger journeys measured as the percentage increase in the number of passenger journeys relative to the
equivalent period in the previous year.
• Rail – growth in passenger miles measured as the percentage increase in the number of miles travelled by passengers relative to the equivalent period in the
previous year.
• UK Bus (London) and North America – growth in constant currency revenue from continuing operations measured as the percentage increase in revenue
relative to the equivalent period in the previous year.
The measures vary by division reflecting differences in the underlying businesses – for example, a significant proportion of the revenue in North America and all
of the revenue in UK Bus (London) is not determined on a “per passenger” basis.
Throughout this Annual Report, references to passenger volume growth for UK Bus or Rail businesses mean growth determined on the basis set out here.
Certain of these growth KPIs involve a degree of estimation in respect of passenger volumes. All of the organic growth KPIs are normalised to exclude businesses
that have not been held by the Group for the whole of the relevant year and the preceding year.
An increased proportion of newer, less experienced bus drivers has contributed to the increased rate of blameworthy accidents in the two UK Bus Divisions
during the year ended 30 April 2015. While the increase tends to be mostly low speed manoeuvring incidents, each incident is investigated and health and
safety remains our top priority. We continue to review our accident prevention and management processes including our training, mentoring and
management of new drivers in order to minimise accident rates.
Service delivery
Our measures of service delivery include:
• UK Bus (regional operations) and UK Bus (London) – reliability measured as the percentage of planned miles to be operated that were operated.
• Rail – punctuality measured on the basis of the Department for Transport’s Public Performance Measure (moving annual average) being the percentage of
trains that arrive at their final destination within 5 minutes (or 10 minutes for inter-city services) of their scheduled arrival time having called at all scheduled
stations. References to rail punctuality throughout this Annual Report refer to punctuality calculated on this basis.
Due to the nature of the North American business, there is no single measure of service delivery for the North American Division as a whole. Service delivery
KPIs are not reported for businesses acquired or disposed of in the year.
The service delivery KPIs were as follows:
Year ended 30 April
2015 2014 2013
Target % % %
UK Bus (regional operations) reliability >99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.3%
UK Bus (London) reliability >99.0% 97.2% 98.0% 97.8%
UK Rail punctuality
– South West Trains >90.0% 90.1% 89.5% 91.5%
– East Midlands Trains >85.0% 92.3% 91.2% 92.3%
– Virgin Rail Group – West Coast Trains >85.0% 84.4% 86.1% 83.5%
The deterioration in UK Bus (London) reliability in the year ended 30 April 2015 reflects services not being operated during two days of strike action by bus
drivers and to a lesser extent, increased traffic disruption in London.
The commitment by Stagecoach and the UK’s other biggest bus operators to service in France in March 2015, with a link between Paris and Toulouse, and are
introduce multi-operator smart ticketing in key city regions in England during pleased at plans by the French government to fully deregulate inter-city coach
2015 is progressing well. Initial schemes are already live in Tyne and Wear and journeys over 200km. Most recently, earlier in June 2015, we launched a
Merseyside, with planning also well advanced in Greater Manchester and South domestic network in Italy. In the short-term, as we continue the
Yorkshire. This transformational initiative will also benefit West Yorkshire along expansion of our promising business, we would expect operating
with the city regions of Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester and Bristol. We are losses to increase from around £4m in 2014/15 to around £10m in 2015/16.
investigating similar opportunities in city areas across the UK. This is based on our previous experience of start-up operations,
where we invested in expanding the business in the early years of
Political developments in each of the UK and North America, which are now strong, profitable
Buses provide important transport services to many people across the UK. As businesses.
part of a wider network of public transport, bus services help address
challenges such as road congestion and threats to the natural environment. Outlook
There has always been a range of views on what the balance of public sector The long-term outlook for our commercialised regional bus operations in the UK
and private sector involvement in providing bus services should be and remains positive. We operate in a competitive market and so we look to
debates on that will undoubtedly continue. We firmly believe that the key to continue to differentiate ourselves through low fares and a positive customer
securing the future of Britain's buses is for operators, government and local experience. By working in partnership with government and others, and
authorities to work together to deliver properly planned and sustainable supported by our ongoing investment, we believe we are well placed to grow the
networks. business in the context of rising population, concern for the natural
In recent times, there have been renewed calls for the commercialised bus environment and increased road congestion. In addition to this positive outlook
market in parts of the UK other than London to be replaced by a system of bus in the UK, we are excited by the opportunities we see to develop a substantial
contracts, whereby bus operators bid to operate contracts for the provision of inter-city coach business in continental Europe and we are continuing to invest
bus services let by a local authority. We strongly believe that a stronger, more in growing that business.
integrated transport system can be achieved best and at lower cost to Growth in concessionary and tendered revenue is likely to be minimal in the
taxpayers within the current regulatory framework than would result from short-term as government bodies seek to manage budget constraints, including
franchising of bus services. We would tend to agree that the devolution of minimising the amounts paid to bus operators under concessionary fare
powers within the UK can enhance local decision-making on transport matters schemes for the free travel we provide. We are pleased that the forecast
but in doing so, it is unnecessary to introduce bus contracting or franchising to reduction in our fuel costs in the year ending 30 April 2016 has enabled us to
meet local objectives for bus services. We are already developing new keep fare increases for the year ahead to a minimum, consistent with our long-
proposals that will meet the aspirations of city regions such as Greater term objective to grow passenger volumes through our value fares strategy and
Manchester for stronger bus networks, while retaining the clear benefits of the notwithstanding increases to staff and other costs.
commercial approach to delivering services.
We understand that the recently elected UK Government is generally
1.5.2 UK Bus (London)
supportive of the current regulatory framework for UK bus services outside of Financial performance
London. However, local authorities might still seek to introduce bus
The financial performance of the UK Bus (London) Division for the year ended
contracting using existing legislation or by securing greater power over bus
30 April 2015 is summarised below:
services through devolution of powers from central government. The devolved
governments in Scotland and Wales already have devolved powers over bus Year to 30 April 2015 2014
services. We continue to make the case at both national and local level for £m £m Change
partnership working within the existing commercialised markets.
Revenue and like-for-like revenue 260.6 244.9 6.4%
Proposals to implement a bus contracting system in Tyne and Wear using Operating profit 26.3 23.9 10.0%
existing legislation were referred to a Quality Contracts Review Board by the
North East Combined Authority in October 2014. The Review Board will shortly Operating margin 10.1% 9.8% 30bp
hold hearings as part of its duty to determine whether the proposals meet the
five statutory public interest criteria required to support the introduction of the The Division continues to perform well and we are satisfied with the rates of
contracting scheme. The Review Board expects to issue its opinion in October return that we achieve in London. Our focus is on keeping costs under control
2015. We do not believe the statutory tests have been met and we continue to and aiming to retain and win contracts on acceptable terms.
present robust evidence to the Review Board to demonstrate this. We are clear The operating profit of £26.3m is higher than our recent expectations. That
that a system where bus operators provide the capital and retain the reflects the outcome of our normal year-end review of our insurance
commercial risks would be far more effective at delivering further customer provisions. Although the review did not result in a material change to the
service improvements at lower cost for the public sector while leaving the overall insurance provision for the Group, a re-assessment of the level of
region’s taxpayers free from the huge financial uncertainty of the proposed provision held in respect of historic claims for the UK Bus (London) Division
contracting scheme. resulted in a release from the provision of £3.0m. This was offset by
adjustments to the insurance provisions of other divisions, notably North
Inter-city coach services America. These adjustments are not forecast to recur.
The Group has been pleased with the progress of the inter-city Revenue growth has generally been good during the year. As previously
coach operations in mainland Europe. now has a fleet of more reported, from 1 October 2013 the Division has no longer received BSOG. This
than 130 coaches covering over 100 destinations in the UK, France, Belgium, the is offset by a corresponding uplift in the contract prices paid to the business by
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy and Spain. We believe we have a Transport for London. Excluding the contract prices uplift, revenue increased
strong brand in a European market with significant opportunities. by 5.1% during the year. Also as previously reported, traffic disruption from
The Group has ordered more than £20m of new coaches to support the road works has adversely affected our quality incentive income, which has
development of services in mainland Europe. We have recently moderated overall revenue growth. In light of this, we have implemented
commenced domestic coach services within Germany, service performance measures in conjunction with Transport for London and
establishing a network, which now covers 16 destinations. In May 2015, we also we are continuing to discuss with Transport for London how service
started a new Cologne-Lyon-Barcelona service. We launched our first domestic performance can be further improved.
profit for May 2015 was satisfactory and so, at this early stage in the financial CMA Review of Virgin Trains East Coast
year, trading is as expected. A continued focus on a positive experience and The Competition and Markets Authority (“CMA”) is required to review all
value for money for customers will be crucial as we seek to mitigate trading awards of new rail franchises in the UK and so, undertook a review of the award
challenges over the coming months. of the Virgin Trains East Coast franchise. The CMA has now accepted the
undertakings that we offered on the pricing of certain bus and train services to
1.5.4 UK Rail address the limited issues identified by the CMA in respect of the franchise. This
Financial performance brings the review to a close.
The financial performance of the UK Rail Division for the year ended 30 April East Coast open access applications
2015 is summarised below:
Other train operators have applied to the Office of Rail and Road to operate
Year to 30 April 2015 2014 train services on parts of the railway network where the Virgin Trains East Coast
£m £m Change franchise operates. If permission for some or all of these services is granted,
Revenue 1,478.4 1,252.0 18.1% then Virgin Trains East Coast might not be able to operate all of its planned
Like-for-like revenue 1,360.4 1,252.0 8.7% train services and/or its financial performance could be adversely affected. To
Operating profit 26.9 34.3 (21.6)% the extent that from May 2020 Virgin Trains East Coast is unable to operate the
services that the Department for Transport specified as part of the franchise
Operating margin 1.8% 2.7% (90)bp bidding process, then the business would be financially compensated under the
terms of its contractual arrangements with the Department. The business
We were delighted to begin operating the new Virgin Trains East Coast rail
would not necessarily be compensated for being unable to operate services
franchise from 1 March 2015 and we are pleased with its progress so far. The
prior to May 2020, for being unable to operate services that it planned to
reported revenue and operating profit above includes 100% of the new Virgin
provide over and above the minimum specified by the Department and/or for
Trains East Coast franchise from 1 March. Virgin’s 10% minority interest in the
the effects of any increased competition on the services it is able to operate.
profit after tax of the franchise is separately reported in the consolidated
We do not consider that the proposed open access services meet the criteria for
income statement.
approval and at this stage, while acknowledging the risk, we have not materially
The Group’s other two major rail franchises, South West Trains and East changed our forecasts for the business as a result of the progress of the open
Midlands Trains, have performed in line with our expectations. This reflects our access applications.
focus on growing revenue and controlling costs to mitigate the substantial
increases in premia payments we have committed to deliver to the Department Franchising programme
for Transport. There is encouraging momentum in the UK rail sector, with a number of UK
Revenue growth in UK Rail has been strong with like-for-like revenue up 8.7%. franchises having been awarded over the last two years and several due to be
This partly reflects the recovery of revenue foregone at East Midlands Trains in open for competition over the next few years.
the prior year as a result of major engineering work in the Nottingham area but We recently submitted our bid for the new TransPennine Express franchise
also reflects good growth in underlying passenger volumes. where we are one of three bidders shortlisted for the contract. An
As expected, the operating margin fell in the year. This is consistent with announcement of the successful bidder is expected later in 2015, with the
comments we have made in previous years that as we approach the end of the contract expected to start in February 2016.
existing period of our two wholly-owned franchises, the financial performance Earlier this month, June 2015, the Group’s joint venture with Abellio was
of the businesses becomes more challenging compared to that forecast in the shortlisted by the Department for Transport to bid for the new East Anglia
original bids for the franchises. This reflects substantial increases in the like-for- franchise. The current Greater Anglia franchise has been operated by Abellio
like amounts payable to the Department for Transport. since February 2012. Abellio East Anglia Limited (“AEAL”) is one of three
bidders shortlisted for the franchise. Stagecoach holds a 40% share of Anglia
Customer experience Rail Holdings Limited (“ARHL”), the 100% parent company of AEAL, with
In March 2015, the Group’s South West Trains business agreed a Deed of Abellio holding 60% of ARHL. Shortlisted bidders are expected to be invited to
Amendment to its franchise with the Department for Transport. The Deed of submit detailed proposals later this year and the new operator is expected to
Amendment provides for accelerated investment of around £50m to deliver take over managing the franchise in October 2016.
passenger improvement initiatives between now and February 2017. It means
The Group has also submitted proposals to the Department for Transport as part
customers do not have to wait for a new franchise to benefit from these
of previously announced government plans for direct awards at East Midlands
initiatives, while taxpayers will gain better value from public investment.
Trains and South West Trains. Our proposals for both franchises seek to build on
Further details of the benefits for customers were set out in our announcement
the improvements delivered to date, providing more benefits for customers,
of 25 March 2015.
good value for taxpayers and an appropriate return for investors. The East
Our East Midlands Trains business launched a new improved timetable between Midlands Trains franchise is due to end in October 2015 and negotiations are
Lincoln and Nottingham in May 2015 in partnership with the Department for continuing in respect of a direct award of a new franchise to at least October
Transport, local authorities, business clubs and two local enterprise 2017. The current South West Trains franchise is due to end in February 2017
partnerships. The new timetable provides faster journey times and more and as long ago as March 2013, the Department for Transport announced its
services. We have launched a new complimentary breakfast offer at our five plans for the direct award of a new franchise to April 2019. Progress in agreeing
main First Class Lounges at stations and also introduced a new passenger that direct award has been disappointingly slow. We are still not close to
shuttle service linking East Midlands Parkway railway station with East Midlands concluding an agreement and indeed, there is no certainty that an agreement
Airport. A new £60m transport hub has been opened at Nottingham Station, will be reached.
providing an interchange with different forms of transport, connecting trains, a
We will continue to evaluate opportunities to bid for UK rail franchises on a
950-space multi-storey car park and Nottingham’s tram network.
case-by-case basis. We seek new opportunities that offer the right balance of
Work has started to deliver a transformation of the customer experience at risk and reward, provide scope for us to improve services to customers, and
Virgin Trains East Coast as part of a £140m investment programme for the which are compatible with maintaining an acceptable balance of the Group’s
franchise. We have already implemented a 10% cut in Standard Anytime fares portfolio between bus and rail businesses.
on long-distance journeys to and from London and work is underway on a
£21m refresh of the existing train fleet. Recently we launched a pilot of Alliance with Network Rail
paperless mobile ticketing, allowing passengers to travel using a barcode held South West Trains and Network Rail have pioneered over the past three years
on a smartphone or tablet, and we have plans to expand the system to more the first deep alliance on the UK rail network, which has sought to deliver
routes if successful. We look forward to delivering further benefits as the greater integration between train operations and infrastructure management.
franchise develops, including more seats, new connections, new trains and The close working relationship between the two parties has enabled an
faster journey times. improved, more customer-focused railway as well as some efficiency savings.
In March 2014, Twin America and lawyers for the private plaintiffs reached 1.6.3 Net finance costs
agreement on a settlement of US$19m (without any admission of liability by Net finance costs for the year ended 30 April 2015 were £42.1m (2014:
Twin America). The court has approved this settlement. The settlement binds £42.6m) and can be further analysed as follows:
all claimants except those that expressly opted out of the class of plaintiffs.
The deadline for opt-outs and for objections to the settlement has passed. Year to 30 April 2015 2014
Four individuals opted out, and there were no objections. £m £m
We are pleased that a settlement has now also been agreed in principle with Finance costs
the US Department of Justice and the New York Attorney General's office. That Interest payable and other facility costs on bank loans,
settlement is subject to court approval. The settlement envisages cash loan notes, overdrafts and trade finance 7.9 7.2
payments by the defendants of US$7.5m and the relinquishment of certain Hire purchase and finance lease interest payable 2.5 3.5
bus stop rights. We have previously recognised costs associated with the Interest payable and other finance costs on bonds 27.3 28.0
litigation as exceptional items. We have recognised an exceptional pre-tax Unwinding of discount on provisions 3.8 3.9
charge of £2.5m in the second half of the year ended 30 April 2015 in respect Interest charge on defined benefit pension schemes 3.3 4.6
of the Group's share of the additional costs associated with this litigation. For
the year as a whole, the Group has recorded exceptional pre-tax charges of 44.8 47.2
£5.8m in respect of litigation related to Twin America. Related to the Twin Finance income
America litigation involving the Group’s North America Division, the Interest receivable on cash (1.5) (3.2)
Department of Justice is continuing to investigate the conduct of company Effect of interest rate swaps (1.2) (1.4)
personnel in responding to discovery obligations in the investigation and (2.7) (4.6)
litigation. The Department of Justice has not taken any enforcement action
related to these issues, and the Group is co-operating with the investigation. Net finance costs 42.1 42.6
Trading remains challenging in the highly competitive New York tourism and
sightseeing market and Twin America’s management will now focus on 1.6.4 Taxation
seeking to re-build the business. The effective tax rate for the year ended 30 April 2015, excluding exceptional
items, was 19.0% (2014: 16.8%).
1.6 Other financial matters The prior year effective tax rate was depressed by adjustments in respect of
1.6.1 EBITDA, depreciation and intangible asset expenses the utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses and the impact of the
Earnings from continuing operations before interest, taxation, depreciation, reduction in the rate at which deferred tax is calculated. As a result, the
intangible asset expenses and exceptional items (pre-exceptional EBITDA) effective tax rate increases in the year to closer to the new standard rate of UK
amounted to £353.3m (2014: £340.2m). Pre-exceptional EBITDA can be corporation tax of 20.0%.
reconciled to the consolidated financial statements as follows: The tax charge can be analysed as follows:
Year to 30 April 2015 2014 Year to 30 April 2015 Pre-tax profit Tax Rate
£m £m £m £m %
Total operating profit before Excluding intangible asset expenses 191.0 (37.1) 19.4%
intangible asset expenses and and exceptional items
exceptional items 227.1 223.3 Intangible asset expenses (11.9) 3.1 26.1%
Depreciation 120.1 115.7 179.1 (34.0) 19.0%
Add back joint venture
finance income & tax 6.1 1.2 Exceptional items (7.9) 2.3 29.1%
Pre-exceptional EBITDA 353.3 340.2 171.2 (31.7) 18.5%
Reclassify joint venture taxation for
The income statement charge for intangible assets decreased from £14.0m to
reporting purposes (6.0) 6.0
£11.9m, principally due to certain intangible assets becoming fully amortised
during the year, partly offset by the amortisation of intangible assets in respect of Reported in income statement 165.2 (25.7) 15.6%
the new Virgin Trains East Coast franchise.
1.6.10 Retirement benefits See note 26 to the consolidated financial statements, for details of
The reported net assets of £95.0m (2014: £79.3m) that are shown on the • the Group’s exposure to financial risks;
consolidated balance sheet are after taking account of net pre-tax retirement • the Group’s treasury risk management;
benefit liabilities of £160.5m (2014: £115.8m), and associated deferred tax • the Group’s management of interest rate risk;
assets of £35.3m (2014: £23.1m). • the Group’s fuel hedging;
The Group recognised net pre-tax actuarial losses of £65.5m in the year • the Group’s management of foreign currency risk; and
ended 30 April 2015 (2014: £Nil) on Group defined benefit schemes. • the Group’s management of credit risk.
The actuarial losses and the increase in net pre-tax retirement benefit
liabilities principally reflects the fall in corporate bond yields in the year, which 1.6.13 Critical accounting policies and estimates
in turn affect the discount rate used to discount pension scheme liabilities. The Group’s material accounting policies are set out in note 1 to the
The return on pension scheme assets for the year was good but not sufficient consolidated financial statements.
to fully offset the impact of the reduced discount rate. Preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as adopted by the
1.6.11 Capital European Union requires directors to make estimates and assumptions that
The Group regards its capital as comprising its equity, cash, gross debt and affect the reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements and
any similar items. As at 30 April 2015, the Group’s capital comprised: accompanying notes. Actual outcomes could differ from those estimated.
The Directors believe that the accounting policies and estimation techniques
As at 30 April 2015 2014 discussed below represent those that require the greatest exercise of
£m £m judgement. The Directors have used their best judgement in determining the
Market value of ordinary shares in issue estimates and assumptions used in these areas but a different set of
(excluding shares held in treasury) 2,086.8 2,134.6 judgements could result in material changes to the Group's reported financial
performance and/or financial position. The discussion below should be read
Cash 395.6 240.3 in conjunction with the full statement of accounting policies.
Gross debt (776.9) (701.9)
Net debt (see section 1.6.6) (381.3) (461.6)
The determination of the Group’s pension benefit obligation and expense for
defined benefit pension schemes is dependent on the selection by the
The Group manages its capital centrally. Its objective in managing capital is to
Directors of certain assumptions used by actuaries in calculating such
optimise the returns to its shareholders whilst safeguarding the Group’s
amounts. Those assumptions include the discount rate, the annual rate of
ability to continue as a going concern and as such its ability to continue to
increase in future salary levels and mortality rates. The Directors’ assumptions
generate returns for its shareholders. The Group also takes account of the
are based on actual historical experience and external data. While we believe
interests of other stakeholders when making decisions on its capital structure.
that the assumptions are appropriate, significant differences in actual
The capital structure of the Group is kept under regular review and will be experience or significant changes in assumptions may materially affect the
adjusted from time to time to take account of changes in the size or structure pension obligation and future expense.
of the Group, economic developments and other changes in the Group’s risk
profile. The Group will adjust its capital structure from time to time by any of Insurance
the following: issue of new shares, dividends, return of value to shareholders The Group receives claims in respect of traffic incidents and employee
and borrowing/repayment of debt. There are a number of factors that the incidents. The Group protects against the cost of such claims through third
Group considers in evaluating capital structure. The Directors’ principal focus party insurance policies. An element of the claims is not insured as a result of
is on maintaining an investment grade credit rating. As well as considering the “excess” or “deductible” on insurance policies. Provision is made for the
the measures applied by credit rating agencies, the other principal ratios that estimated cost to the Group (net of insurance recoveries) to settle claims for
the Directors consider are (1) Net Debt to EBITDA, (2) EBITDA to interest and incidents occurring prior to the balance sheet date. The estimation of the
(3) Net Debt to market capitalisation. It is a matter of judgement as to what balance sheet insurance provisions is based on an assessment of the expected
the optimal levels are for these ratios. settlement on known claims together with an estimate of settlements that
will be made in respect of incidents occurring prior to the balance sheet date
It is the Group’s objective to maintain an investment grade credit rating. The
but for which claims have not been reported to the Group. The eventual
Group is currently rated investment grade by three major, independent credit
settlements on such claims may differ from the amounts provided for at the
rating agencies. That enhances our ability to access cost-effective funding on
balance sheet date. This is generally of greater risk in (a) “younger” operations
a timely basis and enables us to demonstrate financial strength when bidding
with a shorter claims history from which to make informed estimates of
for UK rail franchises and other contracts. The financial standing of interested
provisions and (b) operations, notably the United States, where the
parties is considered by government in determining the short list of bidders
deductible levels are generally higher than for the UK operations.
for a UK rail franchise.
The Group has no current plan to return additional funds to shareholders. It Taxation
keeps its capital structure under review and has increased the proposed The Group’s tax charge is based on the pre-tax profit for the year and tax rates
dividend for the year by over 10%. in force. Estimation of the tax charge requires an assessment to be made of
the potential tax consequences of certain items that will only be resolved
1.6.12 Treasury policies and objectives when agreed by the relevant tax authorities. Assessment of the likely
outcome is based on historical experience, professional advice from external
Risk management is carried out by a treasury committee and a central
advisors, and the current status of any judgmental issues. However, the final
treasury department (“Group Treasury”) under policies approved by the
tax cost to the Group may differ from the estimates.
Board. Group Treasury identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks in co-
operation with the Group’s operating units. The Board provides written Litigation
principles for overall treasury risk management, as well as written policies The Group is from time to time party to litigation. The nature of litigation is
covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit such that there can be uncertainty in estimating the amounts that the Group
risk, use of derivative financial instruments and investing excess liquidity. will ultimately receive or pay. Assessment of the likely outcomes is based on
The funding policy is to finance the Group through a mixture of bank, lease legal advice and past experience. However, the final outcomes may differ from
and hire purchase debt, capital markets issues and cash generated by the those reflected in the financial statements. Contingent liabilities are disclosed
business. in the financial statements to the extent required by accounting standards.
1.8.2 Supporting and recognising our people The equivalent figures as at 30 April 2014 were:
Our employees are fundamental to the success of the Group and we
encourage diversity across our business. We believe in empowering and Population Male Female Total % %
engaging with our people, promoting a positive culture where employees Male Female
are treated with respect and given equal opportunity to develop. This means Board 8 2 10 80.0% 20.0%
that we are able to provide a better service to our customers. Senior management 91 17 108 84.3% 15.7%
We have initiatives in place designed to nurture the next generation of Whole workforce 30,413 5,057 35,470 85.7% 14.3%
talent to support the business and help our people achieve their potential.
We have strong vocational training programmes in our bus and rail 1.8.5 Promoting safety
businesses and we continue to invest in developing our people. This year, Safety is at the heart of our business and our overall approach is given
our UK Bus business was named Large Employer of the Year at the People 1st direction through the Group’s Strategic Safety Framework. At our bus and
Apprenticeship Awards. Our Group-wide graduate development initiative rail operations we have a strong focus on employee training, accident
continues to produce directors, senior managers and experts in operations reduction, regulatory compliance and security preparedness. Health and
and engineering. We also have programmes in place to promote the health safety processes and performance are monitored and reported on across the
and well-being of our people. Our annual Stagecoach Champions Awards, Group with action taken should there be a need to address issues within our
which are open to all employees, recognise excellence in the areas of safety, procedures. Our Health, Safety and Environmental Committee, chaired by a
community, health, customer service, environment and innovation. Further non-executive director, considers this area of the business and monitors a
information is available here: range of performance indicators, reporting to the Board on these matters.
people.aspx. We expect our suppliers and contractors to have the same commitment as
our employees to complying with appropriate health and safety regulations
1.8.3 Employment policies and policies.
We aim to have a motivated team of people that will meet the expectations Each of our divisions and operating companies has policies which are
of our customers, improve our business and be rewarded for their appropriate to the transport modes they deliver. We are focused on meeting
commitment. Equality of opportunity is one of our key values, regardless of and in many cases exceeding regulatory requirements and performance
disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, belief, age, nationality, race or standards. Detailed policies, risk assessments and safe working procedures
ethnic origin. The Group gives full consideration to applications for are in place covering various aspects of our activities including noise,
employment from people with disabilities. vibration, display screen equipment and the Working Time Directive.
Where existing employees become affected by a disability and where Performance is measured and reviewed at operating company and Group
practicable, our Group policy is, to provide continuing employment under level. This is supported by analysis of audit results and review of civil
normal terms and conditions. We also provide training, career development liabilities claims to address any issues around policies and working
and equal consideration for promotion. The Group is committed to procedures. A core part of our approach is encouraging employees to report
employee participation and we use a variety of methods to inform, consult any concerns.
and involve its employees. Employees participate directly in the success of We work with local communities to encourage a safe environment around
the business through the Group’s bonus and other remuneration schemes our transport networks and use of our services, particularly with young
and are encouraged to invest through participation in share schemes. We are people. Across the Group, we invest in technologies which can make our
also committed to a continuing dialogue with trade unions, who represent services safer for customers, our employees and other people. Further
the vast majority of the Group’s employees, on a wide range of issues. A information and examples of our initiatives are available at:
wide range of communications channels are used to keep our people
informed and engaged.
1.8.6 Accessible and affordable travel
1.8.4 Diversity We believe that providing accessible and affordable travel is central to
The Group recognises and values the individuality and diversity that each encouraging modal shift from the private car to greener, smarter public
employee brings to the business. We value diversity in its wider sense. This transport. Stagecoach has regularly been independently assessed as having
year, for example, we partnered with Transport for London to introduce the the lowest bus fares of any major operator in the UK. Recent research by
Rainbow Bus to support and promote diversity in the city. We are particularly Transport Focus (formerly, Passenger Focus) found that bus passengers
focused on promoting gender diversity. The table below shows the gender rated Stagecoach as the best national UK bus operator for value for money.
split at different levels within the organisation, as at 30 April 2015. The Stagecoach is the only UK bus operator to operate a long-term nationwide
Group’s workforce is around 83.5% male and that high proportion is discounted travel scheme for jobseekers and we have a range of discounted
common in the ground transportation industry. However, the composition ticketing options for young people. Our inter-city coach business,
of our teams is becoming more diverse. The figures as at 30 April 2015, has improved social inclusion and connectivity in the UK,
include the employees of the Virgin Trains East Coast rail franchise – the mainland Europe and North America by offering low fares and good quality
Group began operating the franchise on 1 March 2015 and so its employees services.
were not included in the prior year figures as at 30 April 2014. We are committed to improving accessibility of our buses, trains and
stations. In the past eight years, we have invested £630m in new accessible
Population Male Female Total % %
buses and coaches for the UK and Europe. We are also investing in
Male Female
automated vehicle location systems to provide a technology platform to
Board 8 2 10 80.0% 20.0% deliver audio visual next stop information via smartphones. On our rail
Senior management * 95 19 114 83.3% 16.7% networks, we are working with government to introduce easier disabled
Whole workforce 32,860 6,501 39,361 83.5% 16.5% access at stations. For further information, please go to
* Senior management is defined as those employees who receive awards under the
Group’s Executive Participation Plan and individuals who are statutory directors of the
corporate entities whose financial information is included in the Group’s 2015
consolidated financial statements in the Annual Report. This satisfies the definition set
out in the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013.
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Committee membership:
Committee membership:
ealth, Safety
Safety and
and Environmental.
Environmental. Pensions
Pensions Oversight.
Oversight. None.
N one. Nomination
Nomination (Chair)
(Chair) AAudit
udit ((Chair) andd
Chair) an
andd RRemuneration.
an emuneration. RRemuneration.
xternal appointments:
Virgin RRail
ail G
roup H
oldings LLimited
imited Director
Director aand
nd Chairman
Chairman ooff AAudit
udit Chairman,
Chairman, Souter
Souter IInvestments.
nvestments. SSpire
pire Healthcare Group
Healthcare Group plc
plc Finance
Finance Director
Director of
SE plc.
Co-Chairman), A AG
G Barr
Barr pplc
lc CCommittee,
ommittee, V Virgin
irgin RRail
ail Group
Group Vice-President
Vice-President ooff the
the IInstitute
nstitute (N on-Executive Ch
(Non-Executive Chairman),
airman), BTG
BTG Chairman
Chairman of
of Scotia
Scotia GGas Networks,
as N etworks,
Non-Executive Director),
Director), RRail
ail Holdings
Holdings LLimited.
imited. Member
Member of of tthe
he of
of Chartered
Chartered Accountants
Accountants pplclc ((Chairman),
Chairman), Foxtons
Foxtons Group
Group pplc
lc a company
company 550%
0% oowned
wned bbyy SSE
SSE pplc.
D Delivery
elivery Group
Group Limited
Limited (Chairman).
(Chairman). Business
Business PPolicy
olicy Committee
Committee of of tthe
he of Scotland.
of Scotland. ((Chairman),
Chairman), Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola Enterprises,
Institute ooff C
hartered Accountants
Accountants IInc
nc ((Non-Executive
Non-Executive Director).
ooff Scotland.
xecutive rresponsibilities:
Previously thethe GGroup’s
roup’s Finance
Finance RRoss
oss PPaterson
aterson iiss responsible
responsible ffor
Director, M Martin
artin GGriffiths
riffiths was
was tthe
he G roup’s ooverall
Group’s verall ffinancial
inancial ppolicy,
appointed Chief
Chief Executive
Executive from
from ttaxation,
axation, treasury,
treasury, corporate
1 May
May 2013.
2013. M Martin
artin G Griffiths
riffiths is
is ffinance,
inance, City
City relations,
relations, financial
responsible for for tthe
he Group’s
Group’s ooverall
verall rreporting,
eporting, iinformation
nformation ttechnology
trategy an andd management
management of of aallll an andd em ployee bbenefits.
employee enefits. He
ooff tthe
he G
roup’s ooperations.
perations. ssupports
upports tthe
he Chief
Chief EExecutive
iinn th
thee management
management ooff the the
G roup’s ooperations
Group’s perations aand nd nnew
usiness development.
Previous experience:
AC Chartered
hartered Accountant,
Accountant, AC Chartered
hartered A Accountant,
ccountant, RRossoss AC Chartered
hartered A Accountant,
ccountant, AC Chartered
hartered A Accountant,
ccountant, Gregor hhas
Gregor as worked
worked iinn the
the eenergy
M artin G
Martin riffiths is
Griffiths is a former
former D irector
Director Paterson
Paterson jjoined
oined Stagecoach
Stagecoach iinn SSirir Brian co-founded
Brian co-founded SStagecoach,
tagecoach, G arry W
Garry atts iiss a former
Watts former Chief
Chief industry since
industry since 11990,
990, wwhenhen hehe
ooff Robert
Robert Walters
Walters pplc lc aand
nd Troy
Troy 11999
999 aandnd has
has since
since held
held various
various SScottish
cottish Business
Business AwardsAwards SScottish
cottish EExecutive
xecutive of of SSSL
SL International
International plc,
plc, joined Scottish
joined Scottish Hydro
Hydro EElectric.
lectric. He
ncome & G rowth Trust
Growth Trust plc.
plc. ssenior
enior ffinance
inance andand company
company ccompany
ompany ooff tthe he yyear
ear 22012.
012. N on-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director ooff was aappointed
was ppointed FFinance
inance D irector
HHee w as yyoung
was oung SScottish
cottish FFinance
inance ssecretarial
ecretarial roles.
roles. H Hee bbecame
ecame SSirir B
rian was
was named
named UK UK Master
Master M edicines aand
Medicines nd H ealthcare PProducts
Healthcare roducts aand
nd jjoined
oined the
the B oard ooff SSSE
Board SE in
D irector ooff tthe
Director he yyear
ear iinn 22004.
0 04 . D Director
irector ooff FFinance
inance & C Company
ompany EEntrepreneur
ntrepreneur ooff tthe he Year
Year atat the
the egulatory A
RRegulatory gency an
Agency andd Protherics
Protherics 2002, hhaving
2002, aving ppreviously
reviously bbeeneen its
ecretary iinn 22007,
007, with
with 22010 010 EErnst
rnst & YYoungoung EEntrepreneur
ntrepreneur pplc nd Executive
lc aand Executive D irector ooff
Director G
Group reasurer aand
roup TTreasurer nd Tax
TTaax M anager.
esponsibility for for treasury,
treasury, ooff thethe YYear
ear A Awards
wards aand, nd, iinn 22012,
012, Ce lltech pplc.
Celltech lc. FFormer
ormer Finance
orporate finance,
finance, City
City relations,
relations, bbecame
ecame the the ffirst
irst ppublic
ublic ttransport
ransport D irector ooff Medeva
Director Medeva pplc lc and
inancial reporting,
reporting, iinternal
nternal aaudit
udit eentrepreneur
ntrepreneur ttoo bbee iinducted
nducted into into artner w
ppartner ith KPMG.
with KPMG.
aand nd tthe
he company
company ssecretariat.
ecretariat. He
He iiss tthe he B British
ritish TTravel
ravel aand nd Hospitality
former D
a former eputy Convenor
Deputy Convenor of of the
the IIndustry
ndustry H Hall
all ooff FFame.
Audit and
Audit and Assurance
Assurance Co mmittee
Committee SSirir B
rian isis tthe
he architect
architect of of tthe
ooff thethe IInstitute
nstitute ooff C hartered
Chartered Group’s
Group’s strategy
strategy aand nd pphilosophy
A ccountants ooff Scotland.
Accountants Scotland. aand
nd w wasas tthe
he G Group’s
roup’s Chief
xecutive until
until 1 M Mayay 2013.
2013. He He
has extensive
ex tensive kknowledge
nowledge ooff tthe he
round transportation
transportation iindustryndustry
round the the w orld aand
world nd continues
ttoo ssupport
upport M artin G
Martin riffiths aand
Griffiths nd
tthe he rrest
est ooff the
the m management
anagement tteam. eam.
pag e 2
page 244 | Stagecoach
Stagecoach Group
Group pplc
lc SSirir B Brian
rian has
has rresponsibility
esponsibility ffor or the
unning of of tthe
he Board.
page 24 | Stagecoach Group plc
Sir Ewan
Ewan B
rown C
BE Ann
Ann Gloag
Gloag OBE
OBE Helen
Helen Mahy
Mahy C
BE Phil
Phil W
hite CBE
CBE Will
Will W
N on-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director N on-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director N on-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
ppointment to
to the
the B
oard: Appointment
Appointment to to tthe
he B
oard: AAppointment
ppointment to
to tthe
he B
oard: Appointment
Appointment tto
o tthe
he Board:
Board: A
ppointment to
to tthe
he B
988 nn/a
/a ((co-founder)
co-founder) 22010
010 2010
2010 20
Age: 73 Age:
Age: 72 Age:
Age: 54 Age:
Age: 65 Age:
Age: 55
ensions OOversight
versight Health,
H ealth, SSafety
afety Health,
Health, Safety andd EEnvironmental
Safety an nvironmental RRemuneration
emuneration (Chair),
(Chair), Audit
Audit and
and RRemuneration,
emuneration, Nomination
Nomination and
Chair) and
((Chair) Nomination.
and N omination. and EEnvironmental.
and nvironmental. (Chair), Audit
(Chair), Audit and
and NNomination.
omination. H ealth, Safety
Health, Safety and
and EEnvironmental.
nvironmental. Health, Safety
Health, Safety and
and EEnvironmental.
Scottish FFinancial
inancial EEnterprise
nterprise Mercy
M ercy SShips
hips (International
(International Chair
C hair ooff The
The Renewables
Renewables Lookers
Lookers plc
plc (Non-Executive
(Non-Executive Speed
Speed Communications
(Chair). Noble
(Chair). N Grossart
oble G rossart HHoldings
oldings Board
B Member).
oard M ember). IInfrastructure
nfrastructure G Group
roup Limited,
Limited, Chairman),
Chairman), KKier
ier GGroup
roup pplc
lc ((Chairman),
Chairman), Scottish
Scottish Exhibition
Ltd ((Non-Executive
Non-Executive D Director)
irector) NNon-Executive
on-Executive Director
Director ooff (Non-Executive
(Non-Executive Chairman),
Chairman), Centre
Centre LLimited
imited ((Chairman),
Chairman), IILN LN
and SSenior Governor
enior G overnor ooff BBonheur
onheur A ASA
SA and
and G Ganger
anger RRolf
olf Unite Group
Unite Group pplc
lc ((Non-Executive
Non-Executive G Group
roup ((Non-Executive
Non-Executive D Director).
St Andrews
St A ndrews UUniversity.
niversity. AASA,
SA, Non-Executive
Non-Executive D Director
irector Chairman),
Chairman), VVpp pplc
lc ((Non-Executive
Non-Executive M Member
ember ooff the
the FFirst Minister
irst M inister of
ooff SVG
SVG C Capital
apital plc.
plc. Director).
Director). SScotland’s
cotland’s ‘‘GlobalScot’
GlobalScot’ B Business
m mentoring
entoring nnetwork
etwork andand mmember
ooff Writtle
Writtle HHoldings
oldings LLimited
Advisory Board.
Board. Member
Member ooff the the
SScience Technology
cience TTe echnology FFacilities
Council (‘(‘STFC’),
STFC’), Chair
Chair ofof tthe
Economic Impact
Impact Advisory
Advisory B Board
ooff STFC
STFC and
and NNon-Executive
Director ooff STFC
STFC IInnovations
imited. Transport
Transport SSystems
atapult LLimited
imited ((Chairman),
V Vice-President
ice-President aand nd Fellow
Fellow ooff tthe
C Chartered
hartered IInstitute
nstitute ooff Logistics
anandd TTransport.
xecutive Director
Director of
of N
oble A nn Gloag
Ann Gloag cco-founded
o-founded SStagecoach
tagecoach FFormer
ormer Group
Group C ompany SSecretary
Company ecretary AC hartered A
Chartered ccountant, Phil
Accountant, Phil FFormer
ormer President
President ooff Virgin Galactic
Virgin Galactic
G rossart until
Grossart until 2003,
2003, a fformer
ormer aand
nd sserved
erved as
as an
an executive
executive ddirector
irector an
andd G eneral Counsel,
General Counsel, an andd member
member W erved aass C
hite sserved
White hief Executive
Chief Executive aand
nd Brand D
Brand evelopment aand
Development nd
C hairman of
Chairman of Lloyds
Lloyds TSB
TSB Scotland,
Scotland, uuntil
ntil 22000.
000. ooff EExecutive
xecutive C ommittee, ooff
Committee, National EExpress
ooff National xpress Group
Group pplc
lc C orporate A
Corporate ffairs D
Affairs irector aatt V
Director irgin
N on-Executive D
Non-Executive irector ooff W
Director ood
Wood N ational G
National rid pplc.
Grid lc. Former
Former C hair
Chair ffrom 997 ttoo 22006.
rom 11997 006. G roup. Former
Group. Former Non-Executive
G roup aand
Group nd LLloyds
loyds B anking G
Banking roup,
Group, ooff O belisk LLegal
Obelisk egal SSupport
upport SSolutions
olutions C hairman of
Chairman of Next
Next Fifteen
C hairman of
Chairman of Creative
Creative SScotland
cotland LLimited.
imited. FFormer
ormer N on-Executive
Non-Executive C ommunications Group
Communications Group pplc.
009 LLtd.
td. D irector ooff A
Director ga RRangemaster
Aga angemaster
G roup pplc
Group lc and
and A dvisory Board
Advisory Board
M ember ooff O
Member pportunity Now.
Opportunity Now.
Stagecoach Group
Stagecoach Group pplc
lc | p ag e 2
page 255
There are a number of agreements that take effect, alter or terminate on a 3.15 Table of cross references required for Listing
change of control of the Company such as commercial contracts, bank loan
agreements and employee share plans. The most significant of these are:
Rule 9.8.4 of the UK Listing Rules
• The Group operates the Virgin Trains East Coast, South West Trains and East Listing Rule Required disclosure Location in Annual
Midlands Trains rail franchises. The Group’s joint venture, Virgin Rail Group, 9.8.4 Report
operates the West Coast Trains franchise. The franchise agreements in (1) A statement of the amount of interest capitalised by the Not applicable
respect of these four franchises each contain provisions that would enable Group during the period under review with an indication
the Department for Transport to terminate the franchises on a change of of the amount and treatment of any tax relief.
control of the franchise. (2) Any information required by Listing Rule 9.2.18R relating Not applicable
to any unaudited financial information in a class 1 circular
• Each of the four rail franchises referred to above leases trains. The leases or a prospectus; or any profit forecast or profit estimate.
generally contain termination rights for the benefit of the lessor on a (3) Listing Rule deleted. Not applicable
change of control of the Group. (4) Details of long-term incentive schemes as required by Not applicable
• Certain of the Group’s bank facilities (including asset finance) contain Listing Rule 9.4.3R, being any arrangement where the
provisions that would require repayment of outstanding borrowings and only participant is a director of the Company (or an
individual whose appointment as a director of the
other drawings under the facilities following a change of control of the Company is being contemplated) and the arrangement is
Group. established specifically to facilitate, in unusual
• The Group’s arrangements with surety companies for the issue of rail circumstances, the recruitment or retention of the
relevant individual.
performance bonds and season ticket bonds could terminate following a
change of control of the Group. (5) Details of any arrangements under which a director of the Section 8.5.9 of this
Company has waived or agreed to waive any emoluments Annual Report explains
• The Company’s £400m 5.750% Guaranteed Bonds due 2016 contain from the Company or any subsidiary undertaking. arrangements under
provisions that would require repayment of the outstanding bonds which Sir Brian Souter,
following a change of control of the Group that was accompanied by a Chairman, waived
emoluments in prior
specified downgrade of certain of the Company’s credit ratings. financial years.
• The Company’s US$150m 10-year notes contain provisions that would (6) Details of any agreements by a director to waive future Not applicable
require the Company to offer to prepay those notes following a change of emoluments.
control of the Group that was accompanied by a specified downgrade of (7) Details of any allotment for cash of equity securities made Not applicable
certain of the Company’s credit ratings. during the period under review otherwise than to the
holders of the Company's equity shares in proportion to
The impact of a change of control of the Group on remuneration their holdings of such equity shares and which has not
arrangements is determined by the Directors’ remuneration policy. been specifically authorised by the Company's
3.12 Going concern (8) The information required in item (7) above for any Not applicable
unlisted major subsidiary undertaking of the Company.
On the basis of current financial projections and the funding facilities available,
(9) Details of any share placing where the Company is a Not applicable
the Directors are satisfied that it is reasonable to assume that the Group has
subsidiary undertaking of another Company.
adequate resources to continue for the foreseeable future and, accordingly,
(10) Details of any contract of significance subsisting during Details of related party
consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the the period under review: transactions, including
financial statements. As part of the assessment of going concern, executive those where a director is
(a) to which the Company, or one of its subsidiary
management provided a paper to the Audit Committee covering matters such undertakings, is a party and in which a director of the materially interested, are
as financial projections, sensitivity analysis, available debt facilities, credit Company is or was materially interested; and provided in note 33 to the
ratings, financial risk management and bank covenants. The Board’s consolidated financial
(b) between the Company or one of its subsidiary statements.
assessment of going concern takes account of its view of the principal business undertakings, and a controlling shareholder;
The Company has no
risks facing the Group. Liquidity is a key component of the Directors’
controlling shareholders.
assessment of going concern and information on liquidity is provided in
(11) Details of any contract for the provision of services to the Not applicable
section 1.6.7 of this Annual Report. Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings by a
controlling shareholder.
3.13 Auditors (12) Details of any arrangement under which a shareholder has Note 27 to the
In the case of each of the persons who were directors of the Company at the waived or agreed to waive any dividends. consolidated financial
statements provides
date when this report was approved: information on employee
• so far as each of the Directors is aware, there is no relevant audit benefit trusts that have
information (as defined in section 418 of the Companies Act 2006) of waived and agreed to
waive dividends. Shares
which the Company’s auditors are unaware; and held in treasury do not
• each of the Directors has taken all the steps that he/she ought to have taken qualify for dividends.
as a director to make himself/herself aware of any relevant audit (13) Details of agreements by shareholders to waive future Note 27 to the
information (as defined) and to establish that the Company’s auditors are dividends. consolidated financial
aware of that information. statements provides
information on employee
A resolution to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of the benefit trusts that have
Company will be proposed at the next Annual General Meeting. A resolution agreed to waive future
will also be proposed that the Audit Committee be authorised to fix the dividends.
remuneration of the auditors. (14) A statement made by the Board in respect of matters Not applicable
relating to a controlling shareholder.
3.14 Material included in the Strategic report
The Strategic report in section 1 includes information on the following By order of the Board
matters that would otherwise be required to be presented in the Directors’
• Employment policies;
• Future developments in the business; and Mike Vaux
Company Secretary
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions
24 June 2015
Date of Independent
appointment Non-
if later than Executive Other
Garry Watts 1 May 2010 Chairman Director Director
Deputy Chairman
24 June 2015 Sir Brian Souter
Chairman ✓
Gregor Alexander
Non-Executive Director ✓
Sir Ewan Brown
Non-Executive Director ✓
Helen Mahy
Non-Executive Director ✓
Garry Watts
Senior Independent Director &
Deputy Chairman ✓
Phil White
Non-Executive Director ✓
Will Whitehorn
Non-Executive Director ✓
Ann Gloag
Non-Executive Director ✓
Martin Griffiths
Chief Executive ✓
Ross Paterson
Finance Director ✓
4.4 Division of responsibilities treated as independent, the balance of the Executive and Non-Executive
Directors complies with the recommendations of the Code.
Sir Brian Souter was the Chief Executive of the Group until 1 May 2013. When
In recognition of the factors suggested by the Code for determining
Sir Brian became the Chairman of the Group the Board appointed Garry Watts
independence, Sir Ewan Brown does not serve on the Remuneration
to the role of Deputy Chairman. The split of the Chairman’s, Deputy Chairman’s
Committee or the Audit Committee.
and Chief Executive’s responsibilities has been agreed in writing and has been
approved by the Board. The Deputy Chairman reports to the Chairman and to All of the Directors stand for election or re-election at each annual general
the Board and has responsibility for ensuring proper corporate governance. meeting of the Company.
The Deputy Chairman’s role includes ensuring that the Board’s consideration of
matters is in the best interests of the Group and unaffected by conflicts of 4.6 Operation of the Board
interest. No executives report directly to the Deputy Chairman. The Board generally meets six times each year. Additional meetings of the
The Chairman is responsible for the running of the Board and for ensuring that Board are held to consider matters arising between scheduled Board meetings,
the Board as a whole plays a full and constructive part in the development and where a decision of the Board is required prior to the next scheduled meeting.
determination of the Group’s strategy and overall commercial objectives. The In addition to the formal meetings of the Board and its Committees, the
Deputy Chairman is responsible for ensuring that the Board determines the Directors are in more frequent but less formal contact with each other and with
Group’s strategy and overall commercial objectives with the overall success of the Group’s management on a range of matters.
the Group in mind and to provide guidance in this regard to the Chairman. The The Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors periodically meet without the
Chief Executive is responsible for proposing and developing that strategy with Executive Directors being present. In addition, the Non-Executive Directors, led
support and guidance from the Chairman. The Chief Executive is responsible by the Deputy Chairman, meet without the Chairman at least annually.
for the running of the Group’s business and reports to the Chairman and to the
Board directly. All other members of the executive management team report All the Directors meet regularly with other senior management and staff of the
either directly or indirectly to the Chief Executive. Group, have access to confidential advice from the Company Secretary and may
take independent legal or other professional advice at the Group’s expense
Garry Watts, as well as being Deputy Chairman, is the Group’s Senior where it is considered necessary for the proper discharge of their duties as
Independent Director and is available to shareholders if they have concerns directors. The Company Secretary, whose appointment and removal is a matter
which contact through the Chairman, Chief Executive or Finance Director has for the Board as a whole, is responsible to the Board for ensuring the Board
failed to resolve or for which such contact is inappropriate. procedures are complied with.
4.5 Board independence and balance Each director receives induction training on appointment and subsequently
The Directors’ biographies appear in section 2 of this Annual Report and such training, briefings and site visits as are considered necessary to keep
illustrate the Directors’ range of experience, which ensures an effective Board abreast of matters affecting their roles as directors. The Chairman reviews the
to lead and control the Group. The Board delegates the operational Directors’ training and development needs in conjunction with the Company
management of the Group to the Chief Executive and Finance Director Secretary. Training can encompass health, safety, environmental, social and
(“Executive Directors”). The Non-Executive Directors bring an independent governance matters.
viewpoint and create an overall balance. The Executive and Non-Executive The number of full Board meetings during the year was six. The full Board
Directors have a complementary range of experience that ensures no one typically meets once a year at an operational location. Regular communication
director or viewpoint is dominant in the decision-making process. is maintained by the Chairman with other directors between meetings to
The Code suggests that independent non-executive directors should make up ensure all directors are well informed on strategic and operational issues. The
at least half of the Board (excluding the Chairman). Throughout the period Board met at the Group’s Northampton bus depot in October 2014, giving the
from 1 May 2014 to 30 April 2015, the Board considers that it complied with Board the opportunity to meet the local management team and to receive
this Code requirement. The current position is that two thirds of the Board briefings on recent operational changes in the area. The April 2015 Board
members (excluding the Chairman) are independent. meeting was combined with a Group management conference, allowing the
Board members to gain a greater insight into the strategies being pursued by
In determining the independence of non-executive directors, the Board the Group’s businesses and to meet a wide range of managers from throughout
considers a number of factors. In particular the Board satisfies itself on the the Group. In December 2014, the Health, Safety and Environmental
following questions: Committee of the Board visited the Group’s bus operations in West Scotland,
• Does the director provide a robust and effective challenge to executive where they were able to see the UK Bus division training and safety processes in
management? operation. The visit also included a briefing on the bio fuel project at Kilmarnock
• Is the director prepared to challenge others’ beliefs, assumptions and bus depot and gave the members of the Committee the opportunity to discuss
viewpoints for the overall good of the Group and its shareholders? alternative fuel technologies in development across the Group and the wider
bus industry with the management team.
• Does the director effectively contribute to constructive debate by the Board
and its Committees? The Board has a number of matters reserved for its consideration, with principal
• Is the director willing to defend his or her own beliefs and viewpoints for the responsibilities being to agree the overall strategy and investment policy, to
overall good of the Group and its shareholders? approve major capital expenditure, to monitor performance and risk
management procedures of senior management, to ensure that there are
• Does the director have a sufficiently sound and detailed knowledge of the proper internal controls in place and to consider major acquisitions or disposals.
Group’s business that enables him or her to effectively question strategy and The Directors have full and timely access to information with Board papers
executive management’s running of the business? distributed in advance of meetings. Notable matters that the Board considered
Sir Ewan Brown, one of the six independent Non-Executive Directors, has during the year ended 30 April 2015 included:
served on the Board since 1988 and is a non-executive director of Noble
Grossart, which has from time to time provided advice to the Company. The
• The outcome of the Group’s bids for the operation of the Docklands Light
Railway, and Thameslink, Southern and Great Northern franchises and the
Company recognises and understands investor concerns over longer-serving
submission of the bid to operate the East Coast Main Line franchise
non-executive directors but continues to regard Sir Ewan Brown as
independent. Sir Ewan Brown’s long association with the Group and the sound • Planning for provision of transport services to the 2014 Commonwealth
and detailed knowledge of the Group’s business that he has developed enables Games
him to provide a robust and effective challenge to management. The Board • Development of services in mainland Europe
believes that Sir Ewan Brown’s length of service enhances his effectiveness as a • Group strategy and development opportunities
non-executive director and that he remains independent in character and • Political and regulatory developments and potential developments, including
judgement. Six of the nine members of the Board, excluding the Chairman, are the Quality Contract proposals in North East England and proposed
considered by the Board to be independent. Even were Sir Ewan Brown not devolution of transport regulatory powers to regional authorities
The Board assesses its own performance and the performance of each Number of members of Committee: 5
individual Board member; this assessment is co-ordinated and directed by the Chairman
Chairman with the support of the Company Secretary. The Board’s Helen Mahy
assessment of the performance of the Chairman is co-ordinated by the Other members
Deputy Chairman. As part of the assessment process, the Non-Executive Martin Griffiths
Directors meet without the Executive Directors being present. The Non-
Ann Gloag
Executive Directors also meet without the Chairman being present. The
Phil White
Chairman obtains feedback from each individual Director on the performance
Will Whitehorn
of the Board and other Board members. The Deputy Chairman obtains
feedback from each individual director on the performance of the Chairman.
A questionnaire-based process is undertaken to assess the performance of 4.10 Reports from the Committees
each of the Board’s committees. Reports from each of the Committees of the Board are set out in sections
The Directors have reviewed the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and its 5 to 8 of this Annual Report.
committees. The Code recommends board performance evaluation should be
externally facilitated at least every three years. The Board appointed Margaret
Exley of SCT Consultants to facilitate its evaluation in the year ended 30 April
2014 and details of the review were included in the 2014 Annual Report. The
2015 evaluation was not externally facilitated but the Board intends to
continue to use external facilitation of its performance evaluation no less
frequently than every third year.
The Board has considered the results of these assessments and has concluded
that overall the Board and its committees continue to operate in an effective
and constructive manner.
4.11 Individual director participation at a separate resolution at the Annual General Meeting for each substantially
separate issue. Details of all proxy votes lodged for and against, or withheld,
meetings in respect of each resolution of the 2014 Annual General Meeting were
The following is a table of participation in full Board meetings, meetings of published on the Group’s website at
committees and the Annual General Meeting by directors during the year
ended 30 April 2015:
The Group intends to undertake a poll (as opposed to a show of hands) on
PARTICIPATION Full Board Audit Remuneration each resolution put to the 2015 Annual General Meeting. All votes cast for or
IN MEETINGS meetings Committee Committee against each resolution, whether by proxy or in person at the meeting, will be
Actual Possible Actual Possible Actual Possible aggregated and the results will be reported on the Group’s website.
Sir Brian Souter 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a The Company and its registrars have established procedures to ensure that
votes cast are properly received and recorded.
Martin Griffiths 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Gregor Alexander 6 6 3 3 3 3 4.13 Risk management
Sir Ewan Brown 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a The Group has an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing
the significant risks that it faces. The Board regularly reviews the process.
Ann Gloag 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group are summarised in
Helen Mahy 6 6 3 3 n/a n/a section 1.4.6 of this Annual Report.
Ross Paterson 6 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a The Board considers acceptance of appropriate risks to be an integral part of
business and unacceptable levels of risk are avoided or reduced and, in some
Garry Watts 6 6 n/a n/a 3 3 cases, transferred to third parties. Internal controls are used to identify and
Phil White 6 6 3 3 3 3 manage risk. The Directors acknowledge their responsibility for establishing
and maintaining the Group’s system of internal control, and for reviewing its
Will Whitehorn 6 6 n/a n/a 3 3
effectiveness. The Group’s system cannot provide absolute assurance but is
designed to provide the Directors with reasonable assurance that any
Health, Safety
PARTICIPATION and Environmental Nomination Annual General significant risks or problems are identified on a timely basis and dealt with
IN MEETINGS Committee Committee Meeting appropriately. The Group has established an ongoing process of risk review and
certification by the business heads of each operating unit.
Actual Possible Actual Possible Actual Possible
Certain of the Group’s businesses are subject to significant risk. Each identified
Sir Brian Souter n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 1 business risk is assessed for its probability of occurrence and its potential
Martin Griffiths 4 4 n/a n/a 1 1 severity of occurrence. Where necessary, the Board considers whether it is
appropriate to accept certain risks that cannot be fully controlled or mitigated
Gregor Alexander n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 1
by the Group.
Sir Ewan Brown n/a n/a 1 1 1 1 For those businesses that have been part of the Group for the whole of the
Ann Gloag 4 4 n/a n/a 1 1 financial year ended 30 April 2015, the Group’s risk management process was
embedded throughout the businesses for that year and up to the date of the
Helen Mahy 4 4 1 1 1 1 approval of this report. The Group begun operating the Virgin Trains East Coast
Ross Paterson n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 1 rail franchise on 1 March 2015 and acquired the train operating company, East
Coast Main Line Company Limited, at that time. The Group is continuing its
Garry Watts n/a n/a 1 1 1 1
review of the risk management and internal control environment at East Coast
Phil White 3 4 n/a n/a 1 1 Main Line Company Limited and is embedding the Group’s own risk
Will Whitehorn 4 4 1 1 1 1 management process within that business.
The Board has carried out a review of the effectiveness of the Group’s risk
management and internal control environment and such reviews are
4.12 Relations with shareholders supported on an ongoing basis by the work of the Audit Committee. The
The Board endeavours to present a fair, balanced and understandable Board is satisfied that processes are in place to ensure that risks are
assessment of the Group’s position and prospects in communications with appropriately managed.
shareholders. The Group holds periodic meetings with representatives of The Board has designated specific individuals to oversee the internal control
major institutional shareholders, other fund managers and representatives of and risk management processes, while recognising that it retains ultimate
the financial media. responsibility for these. The Board believes that it is important that these
The programme of investor relations includes presentations in London of the processes remain rooted throughout the business and the managing director
full-year and interim results and meetings with institutional investors in the of each operating unit is responsible for the internal control framework within
UK and overseas. Investor and analyst feedback is sought after presentations that unit.
to ensure key strategies, market trends and actions being taken are being Self-assessment of risk conducted by the Directors and senior management is
effectively communicated and shareholder objectives are known. Written ongoing and has been considered at several levels, with each division
responses are given to letters or e-mails received from shareholders. The maintaining a separate risk profile.
annual report is published in hard copy and on the Group’s website.
The Group Risk Assurance (or internal audit) function, which is outsourced to
The Board receives regular updates on the views of shareholders through and managed by Deloitte LLP, reports to the Audit Committee and is utilised in
briefings from the Chairman and the Executive Directors, reports from the monitoring risk management processes to determine whether internal
Company’s brokers and reports from the Company’s Financial PR consultants. controls are effectively designed and properly implemented. A risk-based
All shareholders are welcome to attend and participate at the Annual General approach is applied to the implementation and monitoring of controls. The
Meeting and any other general meetings. The Group aims to ensure that all monitoring process also forms the basis for maintaining the integrity and
the Directors are available at the Annual General Meeting to answer improving, where possible, the Group’s risk management process in the
questions. The Annual General Meeting provides an opportunity for context of the Group’s overall goals.
shareholders to question the Chairman and other directors on a variety of The Audit Committee reviews Group Risk Assurance plans, as well as external
topics and further information is provided at the Annual General Meeting on audit plans and any business improvement opportunities that are
the Group’s principal business activities. It is the Company’s policy to propose recommended by the external auditors.
The determination of the Group’s The Committee considered the appropriateness of The total pensions expense 6, 25
pension benefit obligation and pension assumptions by receiving reports from recognised in the
expense for defined benefit pension management outlining the basis of the consolidated income
schemes is dependent on the selection assumptions used, comparing these assumptions statement for the year
by the Directors of certain to those applied by other companies operating in ended 30 April 2015 was
assumptions used by actuaries in the same sector as the Group as well as by listed £84.2m (2014: £74.2m)
calculating such amounts. Those companies more generally, considering advice and the net retirement
assumptions include the discount rate, from external actuaries and considering analysis benefit liability as at 30 April
annual rate of increase in future salary undertaken by the external auditors. The 2015 was £160.5m (2014:
levels and mortality rates. Committee noted that there was a range of £115.8m).
acceptable assumptions but concluded that the
assumptions applied were appropriate.
The estimation of the insurance The Committee discussed with management the The insurance provision in 24
provision in respect of traffic accidents key judgements made in determining the the consolidated balance
and employee incidents is based on an insurance provision, challenging the methodology sheet as at 30 April 2015
assessment of the expected settlement used, and understanding the extent to which was £150.7m (2014:
on known claims together with an estimates are supported by third party actuarial £140.9m).
estimate of settlements that will be advice and analysis provided by the external
made in respect of incidents occurring auditors. The Committee noted that there was a
prior to the balance sheet but for which range of acceptable estimates for the year-end
claims have not been reported to the insurance provision and after challenge, concluded
Group. that the amount of the insurance provision was at
an appropriate point within that range.
Estimation of the tax charge requires The Committee considered the judgements made The consolidated tax charge 7, 23
an assessment to be made of the in respect of tax by reviewing reports from for the year ended 30 April
potential tax consequences of certain management outlining the basis of the 2015 was £25.7m (2014:
items that will only be resolved when assumptions, challenging the estimates formed £25.5m).
agreed by the relevant tax authorities. and considering the extent to which third party The net consolidated tax
professional advice and/or historical experience liability as at 30 April 2015
informed the judgements. The Committee met was £63.2m (2014:
with the Group’s Tax Director, the Group Tax £82.9m).
Manager and a tax partner from the external
auditors in April 2015. The specific judgements
considered by the Committee included the
accounting for the tax effect of fuel derivatives,
transfer pricing and the financing of foreign
operations. The Committee concluded that
appropriate judgements had been made in
determining the tax amounts recorded in the
financial statements.
of the Group’s financial statements for the year ending 30 April 2017. The
Audit Committee does not necessarily intend that there will be a change of
5.4.2 External auditors auditors as a result of the planned tender.
The external auditors presented a detailed audit plan to the Committee, The Committee intends to issue an initial Request for Information (“RFI”) in
setting out their analysis of significant audit risks and key judgemental August 2015 to parties wishing to tender for the Group’s external audit
accounting matters, which would inform their planned scope and approach and/or internal audit. Further information can be obtained from the
to the current year audit. For the year ended 30 April 2015, the most Company Secretary‚
significant risks identified were in relation to provisioning for insurance
The Group is not aware of any restrictions that would limit its choice of
claims, taxation, pensions accounting and the Twin America impairment
external auditors.
assessment, based on the inherent level of management judgement required
in these areas. These risks are monitored through the year and the The Audit Committee, having considered the external auditors’ performance
Committee challenged the work done by the auditors to test management’s during their period in office, has recommended to the Board that a proposal be
assumptions and estimates. put to shareholders at the 2015 Annual General Meeting for the re-
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The Committee considered the
Private meetings were held with the external auditors at each Committee
audit fee of £0.8m (2014: £0.8m) for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP appropriate
meeting without the presence of management. The Committee Chairman
and concluded that an effective audit can be conducted for such a fee.
also holds meetings with the external auditors between Committee meetings.
The Audit Committee has responsibility delegated from the Board for making 5.4.3 Non-Audit services
recommendations on the appointment, reappointment, removal and Procedures in respect of other services provided by the auditors are in place to
remuneration of the external auditors. There have been no instances of safeguard audit objectivity and independence. The Group’s current policies on
disagreements between the Board and the Audit Committee relating to the non-audit services are:
external auditors. • Audit related services – These are services that the auditors must undertake
Subject to the annual appointment of auditors by the shareholders, the Audit or are best placed to undertake by virtue of their role as auditors. Such
Committee conducts a continuous review of the relationship between the services include formalities relating to bank financing, regulatory reports,
Group and the auditors. This review includes: and certain shareholder circulars. The auditors would generally provide all
• the consideration of audit fees that should be paid and advance approval such services.
of any other fees in excess of £50,000 per annum which are payable to • Tax consulting – It is the Group’s policy to select the advisor for each
auditors or affiliated firms in respect of non-audit activities; specific piece of tax consulting work who has the most appropriate skills
• the consideration of the auditors’ independence and objectivity; and experience for the work required. The Group uses a range of advisors
for tax consulting, including the auditors where they are best suited to the
• the nature and scope of the external audit and the arrangements which work being undertaken.
have been made to ensure co-ordination where more than one audit firm
or offices of the same firm are involved; and • General consulting – For other consulting work, the Group will select an
• discussions on such issues as compliance with accounting standards. advisor after taking account of the skills and experience required and the
expected cost of the work. The Group uses a range of advisors for general
The Committee formally assesses the effectiveness of the external audit
consulting, including the auditors where they are best suited to the work
process on an annual basis in the context of the wider assurance processes
being undertaken.
across the Group. As well as undertaking its own assessment of the audit
effectiveness, the Committee also considers the views of a number of finance • The auditors are only permitted to provide non-audit services to the Group
managers from various parts of the Group. The auditor assessment when the Audit Committee and the auditors are satisfied that there are no
questionnaire is completed on an annual basis and examines three main circumstances that would lead to a threat to the audit team’s independence
performance criteria – robustness of the audit process, quality of delivery and or a conflict of interest that could not be effectively safeguarded.
quality of people and service. This assessment also includes consideration of In addition to the audit fee, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP received non-audit
the auditors’ independence and objectivity, taking into account relevant laws, related fees of £0.1m (2014: £0.1m), which equate to 12.5% (2014: 12.5%) of
regulations and professional requirements. The assessment involves the audit fee and further details of which can be found in note 3 of the
considering all relationships between the Group and the auditors, including consolidated financial statements.
the nature and quantum of non-audit services. Assurances are obtained from The Committee believes that the level and scope of non-audit services does
the auditors that they and their staff have no financial, business, not impair the objectivity of the auditors and that there is a clear benefit
employment, family or other personal relationship with the Group that could obtained from using professional advisors who have a good understanding of
affect the auditor’s independence and objectivity, taking account of relevant the Group’s operations. Other accounting or consulting firms have been used
ethical standards. The auditors explain to the Audit Committee their policies where the Group recognises them as having particular areas of expertise or
and processes for maintaining independence and monitoring compliance where potential conflicts of interest for the auditors are identified. The
with relevant requirements. Committee will, however, of course review its policy on non-audit services
The Committee considers the reappointment of the external auditor each year from time to time, to ensure continued compliance with laws and regulations,
before making a recommendation to the Board and shareholders. The including European Union legislation.
Committee assesses the independence and effectiveness of the external In May 2014, the European Commission published a directive amending the
auditor on an ongoing basis and the ethical standards require that, other than Statutory Audit Directive and a new Audit Regulation. The new Audit
in exceptional circumstances, the individual audit partner responsible for the Regulation has the direct effect of law and European Union member states,
Group audit may not undertake the role for a period of more than five years. including the UK, are required to adopt provisions to ensure its effective
The current lead partner has been in place for four years. The current auditors application. The new Audit Regulation stipulates that a statutory auditor of a
have been in place since 2002 and this was the last year an audit tender was public-interest entity, which would include the Company, shall not provide
conducted. certain non-audit services to that entity, its parent undertaking and/or its
The Committee recognises the current requirements in relation to audit subsidiary undertakings within the European Union. The Company’s auditors
tendering, which were published by the European Union during the year and will therefore be prohibited from providing certain non-audit services to the
have been reflected in a final order published by the UK’s Competition and Group that are not currently prohibited. The new requirements come into
Markets Authority, effective on 1 January 2015. Transitional arrangements effect on 17 June 2016 and shall first apply to the Group in respect of its
require a change in the Group’s external auditors by 2023. At its April 2015 financial year ending 30 April 2017. The Financial Reporting Council is
meeting, the Committee confirmed its intention to conduct a formal tender consulting on the implementation of the Statutory Audit Directive and the new
process prior to 1 May 2016, such that a change of auditors, if any, occurs Audit Regulation in the UK. The Audit Committee will continue to oversee the
following the end of the five-year term of the current lead audit partner in Group’s compliance with laws and regulations in this area and will update its
2016. We currently expect that any new auditors would undertake the audit policies to reflect developments in laws and regulations.
Our approach to remuneration is to ensure that the key components are Remuneration for 2014/15
consistent and easily understood, that overall remuneration is not excessive
As regards the results for the year and payouts under the annual bonus plan, I
and that the share based incentives and other elements of variable
am pleased to say that the Group has delivered another set of good financial
remuneration provide an alignment between the objectives of executive
results and has made progress against its financial and strategic objectives.
management and shareholders. The Group has delivered a strong financial
Both the Executive Directors, together with the senior management team,
performance over a sustained period and we consider this has been supported
provided strong leadership throughout the year. We continue to be well
by the clear direction provided by the remuneration policy.
positioned to take advantage of rail franchise opportunities, noting the
We consider that the elements of variable pay, comprising the annual bonus successful start to the new Virgin Trains East Coast rail franchise. Both of the
awards, Deferred Shares, and a long-term incentive plan should provide Executive Directors were able to meet all of their personal objectives
meaningful but not excessive incentives designed to provide a clear alignment accounting for 30% potential bonus award. The Committee set three
with the corporate strategy and shareholders’ long-term objectives. challenging financial targets for the year ended 30 April 2015 for the purposes
Our approach to executive pay and our remuneration policy has, therefore, of determining bonus payments. Of the three targets, the consolidated profit
remained unchanged during 2014/15 and the implementation has been before interest and taxation (“PBIT”) from Group companies was not achieved,
consistent with previous years. Annual bonus potentials are retained at a principally because the operating profit from the UK Bus (regional operations)
maximum of 100% of basic pay (allocated 50% in cash and 50% in Deferred Division and the North America Division did not reach the target levels as
Shares) and with a maximum value on award under the Long Term Incentive explained in section 1.3 of this Annual Report. However, a strong performance
Plan (“LTIP”) of 150% of basic pay. from the Group’s rail interests and in particular its Virgin Rail Group joint
venture meant that consolidated adjusted earnings per share (“EPS”) were
As explained in section 4.2 of this Annual Report, the UK’s Financial Reporting better than target. Consolidated net debt (“Net Debt”) was also better than
Council issued a new version of the UK Corporate Governance Code (“the target. The performance against the financial targets is consistent with the
Code”) in September 2014. The new version of the Code will first apply to our trading updates published by the Company during the year. This has meant
year ending 30 April 2016. It recommends that performance-related that annual bonus levels of 35% out of a maximum of the 70% available for
remuneration schemes for executive directors should include provisions that financial performance has been achieved, resulting in total bonus awards of
would enable the Company to recover sums paid or withhold the payment of 65% of basic salary for both directors.
any sum, and specify the circumstances in which it would be appropriate to do
so. The Group had already updated its Executive Participation Plan (“EPP”) and The Committee remains committed to ensuring there is a strong linkage
Long Term Incentive Plan (“LTIP”) to enable the Company to withhold the between pay and performance and that pay remains aligned with the interests
payment of any sum under these schemes – these provisions may be referred of shareholders and other major stakeholders.
to as “malus” provisions. The current arrangements do not include provisions We are grateful for the work undertaken by the Group and our remuneration
which enable the Company to recover sums already paid under the EPP or LTIP advisers and for the support we have received from our major shareholders
- such provisions may be referred to as “clawback” provisions. As a Committee, and their representative bodies. We continue to value shareholders’ views on
we will monitor developments in corporate remuneration practice and our remuneration arrangements and I can be contacted via the Company
consider what, if any, changes to malus and clawback provisions should be Secretary.
introduced when the Directors’ remuneration policy is next due for
At the Group’s Annual General Meeting on 28 August 2015 shareholders will
consideration by shareholders. The malus provisions referred to above, the
be invited to approve this statement and the Annual Report on Remuneration
deferral of 50% of annual bonus in shares under the EPP and the interests in
together in an advisory vote.
shares that the Executive Directors are expected to maintain (see section 8.5.8
of this Annual Report) are intended to ensure that the Executive Directors have It is my hope that all of our shareholders, whether they are large institutional
a meaningful interest in the shares of the Company and take a longer term shareholders or individual shareholders, will find value in this report.
perspective on the success of the Company.
The Committee is satisfied that the remuneration policy is in the best interests of shareholders and does not promote excessive risk-taking. As part of the
Director’s remuneration policy, the Committee reserves the right to make minor amendments to the policies set out above for regulatory, exchange control,
administrative or tax purposes.
Executive directors
Martin Griffiths 614 600 23 24 399 600 99 582 316 406 1,451 2,212
Ross Paterson 410 400 23 23 267 400 49 283 196 233 945 1,339
Non-executive directors
Gregor Alexander 58 51 – – – – – – – – 58 51
Sir Ewan Brown 53 51 – – – – – – – – 53 51
Ann Gloag 53 51 – – – – – – – – 53 51
Helen Mahy 58 51 – – – – – – – – 58 51
Sir Brian Souter 205 200 – 1 – – – – – – 205 201
Garry Watts 128 125 – – – – – – – – 128 125
Phil White 58 51 – – – – – – – – 58 51
Will Whitehorn 53 51 – – – – – – – – 53 51
Total 1,690 1,631 46 48 666 1,000 148 865 512 639 3,062 4,183
Martin Griffiths 22,000 22,000 866 982 405 445 177 197 23,448 23,624
Ross Paterson 22,000 22,000 866 982 – – 177 197 23,043 23,179
Sir Brian Souter – – – – 25 577 – – 25 577
During the year, both of the Executive Directors participated in the Buy As You Earn (“BAYE”) Plan. We believe that the BAYE plan aligns the interests of
employees and shareholders by allowing all UK employees of the Group to purchase shares out of salary. It is designed to aid staff motivation and retention. The
maximum employee purchase is governed by HMRC limits. The Group provides two matching shares for every share purchased on the first £10 of each
employee’s monthly investment. The amounts shown in Table 2 are the values of such matching shares allocated to directors as at the dates of allocation.
Additional shares are allocated in respect of dividends payable during the relevant period. Details of the shares held under the BAYE plan are shown in Table 10.
The PBIT and EPS measures shown above are determined in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards but adjusted to exclude intangible
asset expenses and exceptional items. The PBIT measure also excludes any share of profit or loss from joint ventures. The Net Debt measure shown above is
determined in accordance with the definition of net debt given in note 35 to the consolidated financial statements. The actual values achieved in respect of each
of the three measures are adjusted to exclude the impact of any acquisitions and disposals that were not included in determining the target values.
The detailed individual business related targets are considered to be commercially sensitive and it is the Committee’s intention that a summary of these
objectives may be disclosed when they are no longer considered commercially sensitive.
For the year ended 30 April 2015, the Chief Executive had personal objectives relating to:
• Health and safety performance across all business units;
• Strategy and value creation from rail activities;
• The development of inter-city coach operations in North America and Europe and;
• Management succession and development.
For the year ended 30 April 2015, the Finance Director had personal objectives relating to:
• The Group’s investment grade credit ratings;
• The re-financing of debt;
• The financial structure of rail franchise bids and rail “direct awards”;
• Key commercial, technology projects.
The Committee intends to provide information on the Executive Directors’ personal objectives for the year ending 30 April 2016 when it considers such
disclosure to be no longer commercially sensitive.
In making its judgement of performance for the last financial year, the Remuneration Committee had particular regard to the results as recorded elsewhere in
the Annual Report, and relative total return to shareholders over the year, as well as other strategic developments and operating performance. Performance
related bonuses awarded to the Executive Directors in respect of the year ended 30 April 2015 are shown below.
TABLE 4 – DIRECTORS’ BONUSES AWARDED Actual bonus as a percentage of Maximum potential bonus as a percentage of
basic salary basic salary
Director Cash Deferred Shares under EPP Cash Deferred Shares under EPP
Martin Griffiths
08 Dec 11 121,273 2,180 (97,405) (26,048) – £98,774 3.7920 11 Dec 14 21.10%
27 Jun 12 135,939 3,755 – – 139,694 – – 27 Jun 15 Nil
Ross Paterson
08 Dec 11 60,018 1,079 (48,206) (12,891) – £48,883 3.7920 11 Dec 14 21.10%
27 Jun 12 63,437 1,752 – – 65,189 – – 27 Jun 15 Nil
Martin Griffiths
26 Jun 14 Incentive 3.8000 75% of 121,263 315,271 460,799 26 Jun 17 1 May 2014 -
Units basic salary 30 April 2017
11 Dec 14 Incentive 3.7920 75% of 121,518 315,269 460,796 11 Dec 17 1 Nov 2014 -
Units basic salary 31 Oct 2017
Ross Paterson
26 Jun 14 Incentive 3.8000 75% of 80,842 210,181 307,200 26 Jun 17 1 May 2014 -
Units basic salary 30 April 2017
11 Dec 14 Incentive 3.7920 75% of 81,012 210,180 307,198 11 Dec 17 1 Nov 2014 -
Units basic salary 31 Oct 2017
Each Incentive Unit shown in Table 7 has a notional face value equal to one of the Company’s ordinary shares and was granted as a cash-settled award.
The maximum and expected values shown above ignore non-market vesting conditions and do not include any assumed share price appreciation or dividends
paid. The actual number of Incentive Units (if any) which vest will depend on the performance conditions being achieved.
Martin Griffiths
26 Jun 14 Deferred 3.7825 50% of 79,312 299,998 26 Jun 17 n/a
Shares annual bonus
Ross Paterson
26 Jun 14 Deferred 3.7825 50% of 52,875 200,000 26 Jun 17 n/a
Shares annual bonus
Each Deferred Share shown in Table 8 has a notional face value equal to one of the Company’s ordinary shares.
The maximum and total expected values ignore non-market vesting conditions and do not include any assumed share price appreciation or dividends paid.
There are no specific performance conditions attaching to the release of these Deferred Shares because the annual bonus is already subject to performance
LTIP Incentive EPP Shares BAYE Shares LTIP Incentive EPP Shares
Units (subject (not subject (not subject Units (subject (not subject
Shares held to performance to performance to performance to performance to performance
outright conditions) conditions) conditions) conditions) conditions)
Executive directors
Martin Griffiths 435,240 777,337 234,471 1,989 99,310 73,085
Ross Paterson 211,650 467,283 107,210 1,989 49,149 27,081
Non-executive directors
Gregor Alexander 10,406 – – – – –
Sir Ewan Brown see note below
Ann Gloag 62,501,721 – – – – –
Helen Mahy 8,971 – – – – –
Sir Brian Souter 86,900,445 – 55,762 – – 54,758
Garry Watts 16,000 – – – – –
Phil White 4,070 – – – – –
Will Whitehorn 72,288 – – – – –
Sir Ewan Brown has an indirect interest in the share capital of the Company. He and his connected parties own approximately 18% (2014: 18%) of
the ordinary shares of Noble Grossart Holdings Limited, which in turn through its subsidiary, Noble Grossart Investments Limited, held 3,267,999
ordinary shares in the Company at 30 April 2015 (2014: 3,267,999).
Although Sir Brian Souter retired as an executive director of the Company on 30 April 2013, retirement is not a vesting event for the EPP and so he
retains awards of EPP Deferred Shares that are expected to vest on their original planned vesting dates.
TABLE 10 – SUMMARY OF INTERESTS IN THE LTIP, As at Granted in Dividends Lapsed Vested As at Vesting
EPP AND BAYE SCHEMES 30 April 2014 year in year during year during year 30 April 2015 Date
May 09 Jul 09 Oct 09 Jan 10 Apr 10 Jul 10 Oct 10 Jan 11 Apr 11 Jul 11 Oct 11 Jan 12 Apr 12 Jul 12 Oct 12 Jan 13 Apr 13 Jul 13 Oct 13 Jan 14 Apr 14 Jul 14 Oct 14 Jan 15 Apr 15
For comparative purposes, the pay for the role of Chief Executive over time is shown in Table 11 below.
TABLE 11 – PAY FOR THE ROLE OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE Sir Brian Souter Martin Griffiths
Year ended 30 April: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
8.5.13 Implementation of remuneration policy in the financial year ending 30 April 2016
In the year ending 30 April 2016, the Executive Directors’ and Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration policies will be implemented as follows. Implementation of executive directors’ remuneration policy Fixed elements – basic salary
The Committee made the following 2015/16 basic salary decisions which are in line with the Directors’ remuneration policy.
salary salary Percentage
£ £ change
Martin Griffiths 626,700 614,400 2.0%
Ross Paterson 417,800 409,600 2.0%
Salaries are effective from 1 May each year. The Committee has considered the broader employee context in determining salaries.
Consolidated profit before interest and taxation (“PBIT”) from Group companies 23.4
Consolidated adjusted earnings per share (“EPS”) 23.3
Consolidated net debt (“Net Debt”) 23.3
Element of bonus related to Group financial objectives 70.0
The three measures listed in Table 17 will be defined consistently with 2014/15 (see note iii to Table 1).
The Committee is of the view that the values of the performance targets for the financial element under the annual bonus are commercially sensitive and that it
would be detrimental to the interests of the Company to disclose these before the end of the financial year. The targets and achievements in respect of the year
ending 30 April 2016 will be disclosed in the 2016 Annual Report. The Committee is of the view that the performance targets for the personal element are
commercially sensitive as they relate to internal management projects, strategic objectives and personal goals and it is not intended that these will be disclosed
in advance. The Committee’s intention is that a summary of these objectives will be disclosed when they are no longer considered commercially sensitive.
50% of any actual bonus earned in the year will be deferred as shares under the EPP.
Long-term incentives – LTIP awards
LTIP awards vest after three years subject to performance conditions. A summary of the intended awards during the year ending 30 April 2016 and the nature
of the performance conditions are provided in Table 18 below.
TABLE 18 – INTENDED LTIP AWARDS Face value of award Percentage of award Length of
Award Performance at maximum vesting vesting for threshold Performance
Type metric (% of 2015/16 salary) achievement period
Martin Griffiths Incentive Units TSR relative against 75% 25% 3 years
FTSE 250
Incentive Units EPS growth objectives 75% 25% 3 years
Ross Paterson Incentive Units TSR relative against 75% 25% 3 years
FTSE 250
Incentive Units EPS growth objectives 75% 25% 3 years
In all cases, awards will only vest subject to the achievement of the performance conditions and if the Committee determines that the underlying performance
of the Company is sufficient to justify the vesting of awards.
Awards are generally made twice a year following the announcement of the Annual Results in June, and in December following the issue of the results for the
half-year. The maximum level of awards granted for an individual in relation to any financial year is limited to Incentive Units with an aggregate face value at the
time of award not exceeding 150% of basic salary.
The 2015/16 awards will be split one half based on TSR performance against a comparator group of the list of FTSE 250 companies at the date of award, and
the other half based on a measure of earnings per share. For the TSR based awards, the TSR must exceed the median of the comparator group and the amount
of Incentive Units awarded which are released will range from 25% to 100% of the available Incentive Units depending on the actual ranking. A top quartile
ranking is required to achieve 100% release of units.
Demanding targets for the growth in earnings per share will be set for the other half of the awards based on relevant market factors and expectations for the
Group as at the date of award. The portion of the award that is EPS based will attract a threshold payout level of 25% if the EPS growth over the three-year
performance period is at least 15%, and a 100% payout only if the EPS growth is at least 27% over the three-year performance period. A sliding scale of vesting
on a straight-line basis would be applied between these lower and upper vesting levels.
• The consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable United Kingdom law and in conformity with IFRS, as adopted by the
European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group and the undertakings included in the
consolidation taken as a whole; and
• The Strategic report and the Directors’ report include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group and
the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.
Our opinion
In our opinion, Stagecoach Group plc’s Group financial statements (the “financial statements”):
• give a true and fair view of the state of the Group’s affairs as at 30 April 2015 and of its profit and cash flows for the year then ended;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as adopted by the European Union; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.
• In expressing our opinion over the Group financial statements, we audited the financial information of all
reporting units for UK Rail and North America, and the 15 most significant reporting units by scale of UK
Bus. We also instructed and received reporting from component auditors in relation to Virgin Rail Group
and Twin America.
• We performed additional procedures at Group level including over the consolidation process, exceptional
items, pensions, taxation, financial instruments, share based payments and presentation of the Group
financial statements
• We gained an understanding of the key controls and processes that management has in place in relation
to material balances and tested those that provided us with appropriate evidence for the purposes of our
• The reporting units where we conducted audit work accounted for 91% of Group profit before tax prior
to exceptional items, 92% of Group Revenue and 73% of Group Total Assets.
Pension liabilities We obtained and read the independent actuary’s report commissioned by management which
The Group had a net pension deficit of £160.5m as at reported on the assumptions and methodology used to calculate the pension liabilities and
30 April 2015. compliance of management’s approach with the relevant accounting standard.
We focused on the valuation of the pension liabilities We considered, as further described below and challenged the critical actuarial assumptions
because of their significance to the overall financial used (including the discount rate, life expectancies of scheme members and inflation rates) and
statements. Relatively small movements in assumptions the judgements taken by management in applying these assumptions in calculating the
applied can result in a material impact to the financial pension liabilities.
statements. We compared the critical actuarial assumptions used by management to our own benchmark
Valuation of pension liabilities is dependent upon range of companies. The critical assumptions applied by management were within our
judgement by management in determining and applying benchmark range.
appropriate assumptions used in the actuarial calculation. We also checked that management’s methodologies were consistently applied year to year.
These assumptions include life expectancies of scheme
We checked the consistency of management’s critical assumptions with recent triennial
members, discount rate and inflation rates.
valuation reports and did not note any material exceptions.
Applying an appropriate methodology consistent with the
We tested pension scheme membership information as this is a key input used in the overall
requirements of accounting standards also requires
pension liability calculations. We agreed this data, on a sample basis, to underlying employee
records. We did not note any material exceptions in our testing.
Refer also to notes 6 and 25 to the consolidated financial
UK Bus and North America insurance provisions We gained an understanding of the key controls and processes that management has in place to
Total insurance provisions as at 30 April 2015 amount to assess insurance claims and related provisions. In North America we tested certain controls that
£150.7m, the majority of which relate to UK Bus and North we determined provided us with appropriate audit evidence. In the UK our audit approach was
America. substantive in nature.
Although the Group uses insurance policies to protect We evaluated whether consistent methodology had been applied year on year in determining
against claims, the excesses under these policies that apply the level of provisioning, including the methodology applied by the independent actuary for the
to individual claims are payable by the Group and provided UK Bus provision. We found the approach to be consistent.
for within the balance sheet. These provisions are both We used our team, with relevant actuarial experience, in the USA to independently recalculate
material and judgemental. North American insurance provisions based on underlying data provided by management. We
tested controls over the accuracy of this data with no exceptions noted.
For the exposures which arise in North America,
management calculates the provision in-house using the We compared the level of provisions against past experience of claims and actual settlements.
best available claims and settlement information at a We tested material adjustments to the actuarial provision ranges to check that the rationale for
given point in time based on outcomes that are uncertain; any changes was appropriate and supported by underlying evidence.
and for the UK Bus business, the provision is calculated by For the UK Bus provision, we substantively tested a sample of year-end claims provisions by
reference to an independent actuarial report comparing the provision with recent settlement history for similar cases and obtaining relevant
commissioned by management. correspondence.
Key areas of management judgement in determining We found that the management’s assumptions were consistent with the prior year and, based
these provisions, on which we focus, include the likelihood on the evidence obtained, we did not note any material exceptions based on our evaluation of
of defending claims brought against the Group; assessing the available claims and settlement information.
the value of claims settlements; and assessing the impact
of incidents notified by year end but not yet reported.
Management has developed its methodology and
approach based on past experience and applying actuarial
probabilities in its calculations, both of which we consider
in addressing this area of focus.
Refer also to note 24 to the consolidated financial
Provisions for uncertain tax positions We obtained reports showing the components of the tax provisions and used them to identify
The Group has a net consolidated tax liability of £63.2m as the most significant balances for testing.
at 30 April 2015 which includes provisions in relation to We then applied various selection criteria, including identifying the largest balances, for testing.
uncertain tax positions, which were the focus of our audit. As appropriate, we tested the provisions as follows:
We focused on this area because of the judgemental • understood and re-performed the provision calculation;
nature of the balances and the inherent complexity of • read relevant correspondence with tax authorities and considered the implications for our
interpreting and implementing taxation rules and the risk audit;
of challenge of certain of the Group’s tax positions.
• used our tax expertise and our knowledge and experience of developments in the relevant
Refer also to notes 7 and 23 to the consolidated financial tax jurisdictions to consider the completeness and challenge the basis of the significant
statements. provision judgements made by management and in house tax specialists; and
• utilised our experience of similar situations elsewhere to independently assess the evidence
supporting those tax provisions.
Based on our evaluation of the evidence obtained from the procedures described above, we did
not note any material exceptions in our audit testing.
Carrying value of the Twin America investment In considering management’s impairment model for the carrying value of Twin America, we
As described in note 31 to the consolidated financial tested and challenged key assumptions used in the model particularly in relation to assumed
statements, the Group is subject to anti-trust litigation in future revenue and costs assumptions and the discount rate applied by management within its
relation to its Twin America joint venture. impairment model.
Although uncertainty over the expected settlement has We did this by comparing recent trading results to evaluate management’s trading and cash
been reduced as a consequence of developments in the flow assumptions used in their impairment model. We compared management’s growth
litigation and agreements made in the US, the actions assumptions to independent economic growth forecasts.
required to resolve the litigation have contributed to We also applied sensitivities to management’s forecasts to assess the impact on the carrying
reduced revenue and profits. There is a risk that the carrying value of the investment and considered the extent of change in those assumptions, individually
value of the investment may be impaired as a result. or together, that would cause the investment to be impaired.
Management has concluded that the carrying value is not We considered the methodology used by management within its impairment calculation for
impaired at the balance sheet date, which is based on consistency with market practice.
judgement and involves modelling and projecting certain
assumptions, the most significant of which are future
revenue and costs growth. In evaluating management’s
assessment we focused on these key assumptions.
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. We set certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together with qualitative
considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of
misstatements, both individually and on the financial statements as a whole.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a whole as follows:
We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report to them misstatements identified during our audit above £435,000 (2014: £415,000) as well as
misstatements below that amount that, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Directors’ remuneration
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion, certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made.
We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Other matter
We have reported separately on the parent company financial statements of Stagecoach Group plc for the year ended 30 April 2015 and on the information in
the Directors’ Remuneration Report that is described as having been audited.
2015 2014
Performance Performance
pre intangibles Intangibles and pre intangibles Intangibles and
and exceptional Results for and exceptional Results for
exceptional items items (note 4) the year exceptional items items (note 4) the year
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m
Operating profit of Group companies 2 201.7 (11.9) 189.8 214.5 (14.0) 200.5
Share of profit of joint ventures
after finance costs, finance income and taxation 2 25.4 2.7 28.1 8.8 (8.4) 0.4
Profit before interest and taxation 227.1 (19.8) 207.3 223.3 (22.7) 200.6
Finance costs 5 (44.8) – (44.8) (47.2) – (47.2)
Finance income 5 2.7 – 2.7 4.6 – 4.6
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 153.6 (14.3) 139.3 149.5 (17.0) 132.5
Non-controlling interests 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 – – –
153.9 (14.4) 139.5 149.5 (17.0) 132.5
The accompanying notes form an integral part of this consolidated income statement.
2015 2014
£m £m
Total items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (53.5) (3.2)
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 75.0 113.6
Non-controlling interests (0.2) –
74.8 113.6
2015 2014
Notes £m £m
Non-current assets
Goodwill 10 132.9 125.4
Other intangible assets 11 84.7 22.6
Property, plant and equipment 12 1,097.9 1,040.9
Interests in joint ventures 13 57.8 42.8
Available for sale and other investments 14 – 0.3
Derivative instruments at fair value 26(g) 2.3 0.1
Retirement benefit asset 25 25.5 7.8
Other receivables 19 12.1 14.2
1,413.2 1,254.1
Current assets
Inventories 18 26.9 24.6
Trade and other receivables 19 375.2 269.2
Derivative instruments at fair value 26(g) 1.1 0.5
Foreign tax recoverable 0.1 0.8
Cash and cash equivalents 20 395.6 240.3
798.9 535.4
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 21 830.4 581.2
Current tax liabilities 38.2 49.7
Borrowings 22 51.6 50.9
Derivative instruments at fair value 26(g) 35.9 9.8
Provisions 24 64.7 57.5
1,020.8 749.1
Non-current liabilities
Other payables 21 40.0 28.5
Borrowings 22 733.7 660.2
Derivative instruments at fair value 26(g) 5.4 3.4
Deferred tax liabilities 23 25.1 34.0
Provisions 24 106.1 111.4
Retirement benefit obligations 25 186.0 123.6
1,096.3 961.1
Ordinary share capital 27 3.2 3.2
Share premium account 29 8.4 8.4
Retained earnings 29 (279.6) (310.0)
Capital redemption reserve 29 422.8 422.8
Own shares 29 (32.1) (25.7)
Translation reserve 29 (1.8) (10.0)
Cash flow hedging reserve 29 (26.8) (9.4)
These financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 June 2015. The accompanying notes form an integral part of
this consolidated balance sheet.
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Balance at 30 April 2013 and 1 May 2013 3.2 8.4 (391.0) 422.8 (23.4) 4.8 (8.5) 16.3 – 16.3
Balance at 30 April 2014 3.2 8.4 (310.0) 422.8 (25.7) (10.0) (9.4) 79.3 – 79.3
Balance at 30 April 2015 3.2 8.4 (279.6) 422.8 (32.1) (1.8) (26.8) 94.1 0.9 95.0
The accompanying notes form an integral part of this consolidated statement of changes in equity.
2015 2014
Notes £m £m
Net cash flows from operating activities before tax 346.4 268.5
Tax paid (30.9) (20.2)
Cash and cash equivalents for the purposes of the consolidated statement of cash flows comprise cash at bank and in hand, overdrafts and other short-
term highly liquid investments with maturities at the balance sheet date of twelve months or less.
The accompanying notes form an integral part of this consolidated statement of cash flows.
2015 2014
US Dollar:
Year end rate 1.5368 1.6886
Average rate 1.5988 1.6013
Canadian Dollar:
Year end rate 1.8614 1.8531
Average rate 1.8323 1.6994
Continuing operations
UK Bus (regional operations) 1,045.5 1,012.8
UK Bus (London) 260.6 244.9
North America 425.4 428.2
2015 2014
Performance Performance
pre intangibles Intangibles and pre intangibles Intangibles and
and exceptional Results for and exceptional Results for
exceptional items items (note 4) the year exceptional items items (note 4) the year
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Continuing operations
UK Bus (regional operations) 141.1 – 141.1 147.4 – 147.4
UK Bus (London) 26.3 – 26.3 23.9 – 23.9
North America 22.1 – 22.1 23.7 – 23.7
Virgin Rail Group (UK Rail)
Operating profit 28.0 – 28.0 2.6 1.0 3.6
Finance income (net) – – – 0.3 – 0.3
Taxation (5.7) – (5.7) (0.9) (0.2) (1.1)
22.3 – 22.3 2.0 0.8 2.8
Central assets and liabilities include the token provision, interest payable and receivable and other net assets of the holding company and other head
office companies.
Segment assets and liabilities are determined by identifying the assets and liabilities that relate to the business of each segment but excluding intra-
Group balances, cash, borrowings, taxation, interest payable, interest receivable and the token provision.
203.0 165.4
2015 2014
£m £m
73.3 13.1
UK Bus (regional operations) 212.2 – 212.2 (71.1) 141.1 (1.5) – (0.4) 139.2
UK Bus (London) 32.4 – 32.4 (6.1) 26.3 (0.8) – – 25.5
North America 55.7 – 55.7 (33.6) 22.1 (5.3) – (0.2) 16.6
UK Rail – subsidiaries 35.9 – 35.9 (9.0) 26.9 (4.3) – (0.2) 22.4
UK Rail – joint venture (Virgin
Rail Group) 28.0 (5.7) 22.3 – 22.3 – – – 22.3
UK Bus – joint venture (Citylink) 1.4 (0.3) 1.1 – 1.1 – – – 1.1
North America – joint venture
(Twin America) 2.1 (0.1) 2.0 – 2.0 – 2.7 – 4.7
Group overheads (13.6) – (13.6) (0.3) (13.9) – – – (13.9)
Restructuring costs (0.8) – (0.8) – (0.8) – – 0.8 –
UK Bus (regional operations) 216.2 – 216.2 (68.8) 147.4 (1.4) – (0.3) 145.7
UK Bus (London) 29.8 – 29.8 (5.9) 23.9 (1.9) – – 22.0
North America 56.2 – 56.2 (32.5) 23.7 (7.8) – (0.3) 15.6
UK Rail – subsidiaries 42.5 – 42.5 (8.2) 34.3 (2.9) – (0.3) 31.1
UK Rail – joint venture (Virgin
Rail Group) 2.6 (0.6) 2.0 – 2.0 – 0.8 – 2.8
UK Bus – joint venture (Citylink) 1.7 (0.4) 1.3 – 1.3 – – – 1.3
North America – joint venture
(Twin America) 5.7 (0.2) 5.5 – 5.5 – (9.2) – (3.7)
Group overheads (13.6) – (13.6) (0.3) (13.9) – – – (13.9)
Restructuring costs (0.9) – (0.9) – (0.9) – – 0.9 –
Miscellaneous revenue comprises revenue incidental to the Group’s principal activities. It includes commissions receivable, advertising income,
maintenance income, railway station access income, railway depot access income, fuel sales and property income.
Rail franchise premia is the amount of financial premia payable to the UK’s Department for Transport in respect of the operation of UK passenger rail
Rail revenue support is the amount of financial support receivable from the UK’s Department for Transport in certain circumstances where a train
operating company’s revenue is below target.
Amounts payable to the Company’s auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and their associates by the Company and its subsidiary undertakings in
respect of audit and non-audit services are shown below:
2015 2014
£000 £000
Fees payable to the Company’s auditors and its associates for the audit of the Company’s financial
statements and consolidated financial statements 400.0 400.0
Fees payable to the Company’s auditors and its associates for the audit of the Company’s subsidiaries
pursuant to legislation 434.0 411.0
Total audit fees 834.0 811.0
In addition to the fees detailed above, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP received US$165,000 (2014: US$188,000) in relation to the audit of the Group’s
joint venture, Twin America LLC.
A description of the work of the Audit Committee is set out in the Audit Committee Report in section 5 of this Annual Report, and includes an
explanation of how auditor independence is safeguarded when non-audit services are provided by the auditors.
2015 2014
Exceptional Intangible Intangibles and Exceptional Intangible Intangibles and
items asset expenses exceptional items items asset expenses exceptional items
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Operating costs
Intangible asset expenses – (11.9) (11.9) – (14.0) (14.0)
Share of profit of joint ventures
Refund of franchise bid costs – – – 1.0 – 1.0
– related tax – – – (0.2) – (0.2)
Twin America litigation 2.7 – 2.7 (9.2) – (9.2)
2.7 – 2.7 (8.4) – (8.4)
Non-operating exceptional items
– continuing operations
Expenses incurred in relation to acquisitions – – – (0.1) – (0.1)
Net loss on disposal of operations (note 16) – – – (0.2) – (0.2)
Provision for onerous property lease (2.1) – (2.1) – – –
Twin America litigation (8.5) – (8.5) – – –
Non-operating exceptional items
– continuing operations (10.6) – (10.6) (0.3) – (0.3)
Intangible asset expenses and exceptional
items – continuing operations (7.9) (11.9) (19.8) (8.7) (14.0) (22.7)
Tax effect of intangible asset expenses
and exceptional items 2.3 3.1 5.4 1.2 4.5 5.7
Intangible asset expenses and exceptional
items after taxation – continuing operations (5.6) (8.8) (14.4) (7.5) (9.5) (17.0)
In respect of the Twin America litigation, the Group made payments in the year ended 30 April 2015 of £4.5m (2014: £Nil) to settle litigation and legal
fees. Its share of payments made by joint ventures was £6.7m (2014: £3.6m). The prior year exceptional items for refund of franchise bid costs and
acquisition expenses were cash items.
2015 2014
£m £m
Interest income on financial assets not at fair value through profit and loss
– Interest receivable on cash 1.5 3.2
Interest income on fair value hedges
– Interest receivable on interest rate swaps qualifying as fair value hedges 1.2 1.4
Staff costs
Wages and salaries 1,027.0 971.4
Social security costs 91.1 86.3
Pension costs, excluding interest on net liability (note 25) 80.9 69.6
Share based payment costs (excluding social security costs)
– Equity-settled 2.2 2.2
– Cash-settled 2.6 4.4
1,203.8 1,133.9
The total amount shown for staff costs above includes an amount of £0.5m (2014: £1.0m) in respect of share based payment costs for the Directors.
Key management personnel are considered to be the Directors and full information on their remuneration, waivers of remuneration, share based
payments, incentive schemes and pensions is contained within the Directors’ remuneration report in section 8 of this Annual Report.
The average monthly number of persons employed by the Group during the year (including executive directors) was as follows:
2015 2014
number number
36,809 35,470
The average monthly number of persons employed by the Group during the year, split by segment, was as follows:
2015 2014
number number
36,809 35,470
Performance Performance
pre intangibles Intangibles and pre intangibles Intangibles and
and exceptional Results for and exceptional Results for
exceptional items items the year exceptional items items the year
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m
Current tax:
UK corporation tax at 20.9% (2014: 22.8%) 22.3 (1.4) 20.9 37.7 (1.2) 36.5
Prior year over provision for corporation tax (2.7) – (2.7) (6.0) – (6.0)
Foreign tax (current year) 0.8 – 0.8 0.1 – 0.1
Foreign tax (prior year) 0.4 – 0.4 – – –
Total current tax 20.8 (1.4) 19.4 31.8 (1.2) 30.6
Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of temporary differences 14.2 (4.0) 10.2 6.2 (4.5) 1.7
Change in tax rates – – – (6.1) – (6.1)
Adjustments in respect of prior years (3.9) – (3.9) (0.7) – (0.7)
Total deferred tax (note 23) 10.3 (4.0) 6.3 (0.6) (4.5) (5.1)
Profit multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax applying to the year in the UK of 20.9% (2014: 22.8%) 34.5 36.0
Effects of:
Intangible asset allowances/deductions 0.3 –
Non-deductible expenditure/non-taxable income 1.6 5.1
Utilisation of tax losses not previously recognised as deferred tax assets – (2.5)
Foreign taxes differences 0.6 0.9
Adjustments to tax charge in respect of prior years (6.2) (6.7)
Tax effect of share of results of joint ventures (4.7) (1.2)
Change in UK corporation rate to 20% from 1 April 2015 (0.4) (6.1)
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the year 9.8 8.9 56.3 51.0
2015 2014
£m £m
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent (for basic EPS calculation) 139.3 132.5
Intangible asset expenses before tax (see note 4) 11.9 14.0
Non-controlling interest in intangible asset expenses (0.1) –
Exceptional items before tax (see note 4) 7.9 8.7
Tax effect of intangible asset expenses and exceptional items (see note 4) (5.4) (5.7)
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent for adjusted EPS calculation 153.6 149.5
Earnings per share before intangible asset expenses and exceptional items is calculated by adding back intangible asset expenses and exceptional items
after taking account of taxation, as shown on the consolidated income statement. This has been presented to allow shareholders to gain a further
understanding of the underlying performance.
For the purpose of impairment testing, all goodwill that has been acquired in business combinations has been allocated to three individual cash
generating units (”CGUs”) on the basis of the Group’s operations. Each cash generating unit is an operational division. The UK Bus (regional
operations) and UK Bus (London) cash generating units operate coach and bus operations in the United Kingdom. The UK Bus (regional operations)
Division also operates a small number of inter-city coach services in mainland Europe. The North America cash generating unit operates coach and bus
operations in the US and Canada. No goodwill has been allocated to the Group’s UK rail operations.
£m £m £m £m £m £m
The calculation of value in use for each cash generating unit shown above is most sensitive to the assumptions on discount rates and growth rates and
in the case of UK Bus (London), the number of new contracts won and the commercial terms of such contracts. The assumptions used are considered
to be consistent with past experience and external sources of information and to be realistically achievable in light of economic and industry measures
and forecasts.
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group are set out in section 1.4.6 of the Strategic report.
The cost base of the UK Bus (regional operations) and North American operations can be flexed in response to changes in revenue and there is scope
to reduce capital expenditure in the medium-term if other cash flows deteriorate. Risks to the cash flow forecasts remain, however, and are described in
section 1.4.6. The cost base of UK Bus (London) is less flexible because the business is contractually committed to operate the majority of its services.
The discount rates have been determined with reference to the estimated post-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”) of the Group. The
WACC has been estimated as at 30 April 2015 at 7.2% (2014: 7.9%) based on:
• The market capitalisation and net debt of the Group as at 30 April 2015 as an indication of the split between debt and equity;
• A risk-free rate of 1.9% (2014: 2.7%);
• A levered beta for the Group of 0.8 (2014: 0.9);
• A marginal pre-tax cost of debt of 5.4% (2014: 5.2%).
The pre-tax discount rate for each CGU has been determined by adjusting the Group’s WACC for the risk profile and effects of tax on each of the
relevant CGUs.
The Directors believe that in the case of each of the cash generating units shown above, any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions on
which the recoverable amount of the unit is based would not cause its carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.
At beginning of year 1.0 38.0 4.1 19.7 16.9 79.7
Additions – – - 60.9 12.4 73.3
Disposals – (17.7) (4.3) – – (22.0)
Foreign exchange movements 0.1 1.6 0.2 – 0.5 2.4
Accumulated amortisation
At beginning of year (0.6) (30.9) (4.1) (15.4) (6.1) (57.1)
Amortisation charged to income statement (0.4) (5.4) – (3.5) (2.6) (11.9)
Disposals – 17.7 4.3 – – 22.0
Foreign exchange movements (0.1) (1.2) (0.2) – (0.2) (1.7)
Net book value at beginning of year 0.4 7.1 – 4.3 10.8 22.6
At beginning of year 1.0 56.5 12.6 19.7 10.4 100.2
Additions – – – – 7.9 7.9
Acquired through business combinations – 1.2 – – – 1.2
Disposals – (18.2) (8.1) – (1.0) (27.3)
Foreign exchange movements – (1.5) (0.4) – (0.4) (2.3)
Accumulated amortisation
At beginning of year (0.3) (40.2) (12.6) (13.1) (4.4) (70.6)
Amortisation charged to income statement (0.3) (9.6) – (2.3) (1.8) (14.0)
Disposals – 18.2 8.1 – – 26.3
Foreign exchange movements – 0.7 0.4 – 0.1 1.2
Net book value at beginning of year 0.7 16.3 – 6.6 6.0 29.6
Net book value at end of year 0.4 7.1 – 4.3 10.8 22.6
At beginning of year 322.7 1,259.0 224.9 1,806.6
Additions 13.4 138.5 51.1 203.0
Disposals (16.7) (64.2) (50.7) (131.6)
Reclassifications 3.4 – (3.4) –
Foreign exchange movements 4.2 30.8 0.1 35.1
At end of year 327.0 1,364.1 222.0 1,913.1
At beginning of year (66.1) (535.6) (164.0) (765.7)
Depreciation charged to income statement (10.0) (96.6) (13.5) (120.1)
Disposals 6.9 58.6 20.2 85.7
Foreign exchange movements (1.2) (13.9) – (15.1)
At end of year (70.4) (587.5) (157.3) (815.2)
At beginning of year 298.7 1,247.2 225.9 1,771.8
Additions 16.0 104.7 41.7 162.4
Acquired through business combinations 0.1 2.7 0.2 3.0
Disposals (2.5) (53.3) (40.5) (96.3)
Disposal of subsidiaries and other businesses – (8.5) – (8.5)
Foreign exchange movements (3.9) (36.7) (0.6) (41.2)
Reclassification 1.7 0.1 (1.8) –
Prior year adjustments 12.6 2.8 – 15.4
At end of year 322.7 1,259.0 224.9 1,806.6
At beginning of year (47.2) (508.9) (152.6) (708.7)
Depreciation charged to income statement (8.9) (93.2) (13.6) (115.7)
Disposals 0.9 47.9 1.9 50.7
Disposal of subsidiaries and other businesses – 5.6 – 5.6
Foreign exchange movements 1.7 15.9 0.2 17.8
Reclassification – (0.1) 0.1 –
Prior year adjustments (12.6) (2.8) – (15.4)
At end of year (66.1) (535.6) (164.0) (765.7)
At beginning of year 67.7 4.1 28.5 100.3 110.8
Share of recognised profit 22.3 1.1 4.7 28.1 0.4
Share of actuarial gains on defined
benefit pension schemes, net of tax 0.1 – – 0.1 –
Share of other comprehensive expense on
cash flow hedges, net of tax (1.8) – – (1.8) –
Share of foreign exchange differences on translation
of foreign operations – – (0.2) (0.2) –
Dividends received in cash (13.7) (0.4) (0.4) (14.5) (8.2)
Foreign exchange movements – – 3.3 3.3 (2.7)
At end of year 74.6 4.8 35.9 115.3 100.3
A loan payable to Citylink of £1.7m (2014: £1.7m) is reflected in note 21. A loan receivable from Twin America of £5.9m (2014: £Nil) is reflected in
note 19.
Joint venture Latest statutory financial year-end Balance sheet date of management accounts
closest to 30 April 2015
Virgin Rail Group 31 March 2015 2 May 2015
Twin America 31 March 2015 30 April 2015
Citylink 31 December 2014 17 April 2015
The liabilities shown above include the following financial liabilities (excluding trade and other payables):
2015 2014
£m £m
Jurisdiction of
registration or
Company incorporation Principal activity
All companies operate in the countries shown above and are indirectly held. The Group considers that principal subsidiaries includes any subsidiary that
has revenue greater than £25.0m per annum, profit before interest and taxation greater than £2.5m per annum, gross assets greater than £25.0m or
gross liabilities greater than £25.0m. These thresholds exclude any intercompany amounts and investments in subsidiaries. A complete list of
subsidiary undertakings is available on request to the Company and will be filed with the next Annual Return.
Stagecoach Group plc has given a guarantee under section 479C of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Act”) in respect of the year ended 30 April 2015 of
the following of its subsidiary companies and the following subsidiary company is exempt from the requirements of the Act relating to the audit of
individual accounts by virtue of Section 479A of the Companies Act 2006:
Magicbus Limited
All inventories are carried at cost less a provision to take account of slow moving and obsolete items. Changes in the provision for slow moving and
obsolete inventories were as follows:
2015 2014
£m £m
The Group is party to consignment stock arrangements and as at 30 April 2015, the Group physically held consignment stock of a value amounting to
£0.3m (2014: £0.3m) in addition to the amounts disclosed above.
Prepayments 11.9 13.9
Other receivables 0.2 0.3
12.1 14.2
Trade receivables 204.7 132.6
Less: provision for impairment (2.8) (2.1)
375.2 269.2
The movements in the provision for impairment of current trade receivables were as follows:
2015 2014
£m £m
The cash amounts shown above include £10.0m on 9 month deposit maturing by August 2015, £15.0m on 6 month deposit maturing by August
2015, £15.0m on 6 month deposit maturing by September 2015, £15.0m on 3 month deposit maturing by May 2015, £22.0m on 3 month deposit
maturing by June 2015, £40.0m on 1 month deposit maturing by May 2015, and £25.0m on 1 week deposit maturing by May 2015 (2014: £10.0m
on 12 month deposit maturing by November 2014, £80.0m on 6 month deposit maturing by October 2014, £17.0m on 3 month deposit maturing
by May 2014 and £10.0m on 2 month deposit maturing by May 2014). The remaining amounts are accessible to the Group within one day (2014:
one day).
The Group has a bank offset arrangement whereby the Company and several of its subsidiaries each have bank accounts with the same bank, which
are subject to rights of offset. The cash at bank and in hand of £395.6m (2014: £240.3m) above included the net balance on these offset accounts
of £49.4m (2014: £22.1m), which comprised £309.8m (2014: £296.9m) of positive bank balances less £260.4m (2014: £274.8m) of bank
Trade payables 229.6 156.3
Accruals 439.9 297.6
Deferred income 122.9 92.8
Cash-settled share based payment liability 1.3 2.4
Deferred grant income 6.2 8.5
Loans from joint ventures 1.7 1.7
PAYE and NIC payable 28.5 21.2
VAT and other government payables 0.3 0.7
830.4 581.2
Accruals 1.0 11.4
Deferred grant income 14.9 13.0
Cash-settled share based payment liability 1.2 1.7
PAYE and NIC payable 0.5 0.6
Other payables 0.5 0.5
Deferred income 21.9 1.3
40.0 28.5
Interest terms on UK hire purchase and lease obligations are at annual rates between 0.40% and 1.90% (2014: 0.40% and 2.00%) over bank base rate
or equivalent LIBOR rates, subject to certain minimum rates. Interest terms on overseas lease obligations are at fixed rates, which at 30 April 2015
averaged 2.3% per annum (2014: 2.6%). Interest terms on bank loans are at LIBOR plus margins ranging from 0.40% to 1.10% (2014: 0.80% to
1.40%). Interest on loan notes are at three months LIBOR. Loan notes amounting to £19.5m (2014: £19.7m) are backed by guarantees provided under
Group banking facilities.
The loan notes have been classified by reference to the earliest date on which the loan note holders can request redemptions.
Bank loans, Sterling Notes and US Dollar Notes are unsecured.
The minimum lease payments under hire purchase and lease obligations fall due as follows: 2015 2014
£m £m
90.8 116.0
Future finance costs on hire purchase and finance leases (2.8) (4.7)
Carrying value of hire purchase and finance lease liabilities 88.0 111.3
For variable-rate hire purchase arrangements, the future finance costs included in the above table are based on the interest rates applying at the
balance sheet date.
The Group in its ordinary course of business enters into hire purchase and finance lease agreements to fund or refinance the purchase of vehicles. All of
the hire purchase and lease obligations shown above are in respect of vehicles. The lease agreements are typically for periods of 5 to 10 years and do
not have contingent rent or escalation clauses.
The agreements have industry standard terms and do not contain any restrictions on dividends, additional debt or further leasing.
£m £m
(25.1) (34.0)
The amount of deferred tax recognised in the income statement by type of temporary difference is as follows: 2015 2014
£m £m
(6.3) 5.1
Note 24 Provisions
The movements in provisions were as follows: Token redemption Insurance Environmental Redundancy Onerous
provision provisions provisions provision contracts Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
30 April 2015:
Current 1.2 55.2 1.3 0.5 6.5 64.7
Non-current 4.7 95.5 3.3 – 2.6 106.1
30 April 2014:
Current 2.0 48.3 0.4 0.4 6.4 57.5
Non-current 7.9 92.6 4.5 – 6.4 111.4
The token redemption provision relates to tokens issued to third parties to be redeemed as payment for transportation services. Tokens are typically redeemed within
five years of issue.
The insurance provisions relate to insurance reserves on incurred accidents up to 30 April in each year where claims have not been settled. These are based on actuarial
reviews and prior claims history. Claims are typically settled within five years of origination.
The environmental provisions relate to legal or constructive obligations to undertake environmental work, such as an obligation to rectify land which has been
contaminated by fuel or to eliminate the presence of asbestos. The provision is based on the estimated cost of undertaking the work required, and is expected to be
utilised over the next five years.
The redundancy provision relates to planned redundancies and is expected to be utilised within one year.
Provisions for onerous contracts relate to contracts where the costs of fulfilling the contract outweigh the economic benefits to be received, which includes contracts
that have been acquired through business combinations that have been identified as being on unfavourable terms at the relevant acquisition date. The provisions are
expected to be fully utilised within three years.
The Stagecoach Pension Schemes and the Local Government Pension Schemes are closed to new members from the Group. All relevant sections of the
Railways Pension Schemes are open to new members.
The Group also operates a number of defined contribution schemes covering UK employees, for which the Group has no further payment obligation
once the contributions are paid other than lump-sum death in service benefits that are provided for certain UK employees.
For the defined benefit schemes, benefits are related to length of service and pensionable salary. Pensionable salary for the Stagecoach Pension
Schemes is subject to capped increases. The weighted average duration as at 30 April 2015 of the expected benefit payments across all UK defined
benefit schemes is estimated at 20.0 years (2014: 19.5 years).
The Directors believe that separate consideration should be given to RPS as the Group has no rights or obligations in respect of the relevant sections of
the scheme following expiry of the related franchises. In addition, under the terms of RPS, any fund deficit or surplus is shared by the employer (60%)
and the employees (40%) in accordance with the shared cost nature of RPS. The employees’ share of the deficit (or surplus) is reflected as an
adjustment to RPS liabilities (or assets).Therefore the liability (or asset) recognised for the relevant sections of RPS reflects only that part of the net
deficit (or surplus) of each section that the employer is expected to fund (or expected to recover) over the life of the franchise to which the section
relates. The adjusting entry referred to as the “franchise adjustment” represents that proportion of the deficit (or surplus) that is expected to exist at the
end of the franchise and which the Group would not be obliged to fund (or entitled to recover).
The Group is a participating employer in a number of UK Local Government Pension Schemes, and has limited influence over the operations of these
schemes. Active membership of these schemes is small and represents 2.3% (2014: 2.4%) of the pensions charge in the consolidated income
statement, but historic liabilities mean that these schemes represent around 8.9% (2014: 11.5%) of the gross present value of pension obligations as at
30 April 2015 shown in the consolidated balance sheet. The Group liaises with the administering authorities to seek to set contributions at appropriate
levels to fund the benefits and deficit recovery payments over a reasonable period of time.
Unfunded schemes
The Group makes contributions to an unapproved employer-financed retirement benefit scheme (“EFRBS”) in the UK and a non qualifying defined
contribution scheme (“NQDC”) in the US. In each case, the liabilities of these schemes are unfunded but the Group has set aside assets to meet its
obligations under the schemes. In the case of the EFRBS, the scheme holds a guarantee over the assets which the Group has set aside. The Group
considers that the assets set aside are in substance pensions assets and so the amounts of those assets are included within the net pension amounts
reported in the consolidated balance sheet. The carrying value of those assets as at 30 April 2015 was £5.2m (2014: £3.9m).
Other unfunded benefits are provided to a small number of former employees with the net liabilities included within the unfunded balance reported in
the tables that follow.
2015 2014
Funded schemes
SPS RPS LGPS Other Unfunded Total
and DC
Year ended 30 April 2015 £m £m £m £m £m £m
Funded schemes
SPS RPS LGPS Other Unfunded Total
and DC
Year ended 30 April 2014 Schemes
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Current service costs and administration costs are recognised in operating costs and net interest on net pension liability and unwinding of franchise
adjustment are recognised in net finance costs.
Actual return on scheme assets higher than the discount rate 79.9 117.2 25.0 0.1 – 222.2
Changes in financial assumptions (153.3) (36.0) (14.6) (0.3) (0.1) (204.3)
Experience on benefit obligations (0.9) (14.9) 11.0 – (0.1) (4.9)
Changes in asset ceiling (net of interest) – – (9.0) – – (9.0)
Change in franchise adjustment – (69.5) – – – (69.5)
Funded schemes
SPS RPS LGPS Other Unfunded Total
Year ended 30 April 2014 £m £m £m £m £m £m
Actual return on scheme assets (lower)/higher than the discount rate (20.5) 17.4 (1.7) – – (4.8)
Changes in financial assumptions 7.1 (0.4) (1.0) – – 5.7
Changes in demographic assumptions 10.2 – – – – 10.2
Experience on benefit obligations 22.7 (23.5) (2.2) (0.3) 0.2 (3.1)
Changes in asset ceiling (net of interest) – – (14.0) – – (14.0)
Change in franchise adjustment – 6.0 – – – 6.0
Funded schemes
SPS RPS LGPS Other Unfunded Total
Year ended 30 April 2014 £m £m £m £m £m £m
Financial assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss – – – –
Held-to-maturity investments – – – –
Loans and receivables
– Non-current assets
– Other receivables 19 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3
– Current assets
– Accrued income 19 50.9 59.6 50.9 59.6
– Trade receivables, net of impairment 19 201.9 130.5 201.9 130.5
– Loans to joint ventures 19 5.9 – 5.9 –
– Other receivables 19 22.0 23.0 22.0 23.0
– Cash and cash equivalents 20 395.6 240.3 395.6 240.3
Available for sale financial assets
– Non-current assets
– Available for sale and other investments 14 – 0.3 – 0.3
Total financial assets 676.5 454.0 676.5 454.0
Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss – – – –
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
– Non-current liabilities
– Accruals 21 (1.0) (11.4) (1.0) (11.4)
– Other payables 21 (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5)
– Borrowings 22 (733.7) (660.2) (760.4) (696.8)
– Current liabilities
– Trade payables 21 (229.6) (156.3) (229.6) (156.3)
– Accruals 21 (439.9) (297.6) (439.9) (297.6)
– Loans from joint ventures 21 (1.7) (1.7) (1.7) (1.7)
– Borrowings 22 (51.6) (50.9) (51.6) (50.9)
Total financial liabilities (1,458.0) (1,178.6) (1,484.7) (1,215.2)
Net financial liabilities (781.5) (724.6) (808.2) (761.2)
Derivatives that are designated as effective hedging instruments are not shown in the above table. Information on the carrying value of such
derivatives is provided in note 26(g).
The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities shown above are determined as follows:
• The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accrued income, trade receivables, loans to joint ventures and other receivables is considered to be a
reasonable approximation of fair value. Given the short average time to maturity, no specific assumptions on discount rates have been made. The
effect of credit losses not already reflected in the carrying value as impairment losses is assumed to be immaterial.
• The carrying value of trade payables, other payables, accruals and loans from joint ventures is considered to be a reasonable approximation of fair
value. Given the relatively short average time to maturity, no specific assumptions on discount rates have been made.
• The fair value of fixed-rate notes (included in borrowings) that are quoted on a recognised stock exchange is determined with reference to the “bid”
price as at the balance sheet date.
The following table presents the Group’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value within the hierarchy at 30 April 2014.
Note Level 2 Level 3 Total
£m £m £m
Derivatives used for hedging 26(g) 0.6 – 0.6
Available for sale financial assets
– Equity securities – 0.3 0.3
Total assets 0.6 0.3 0.9
Derivatives used for hedging 26(g) (13.2) – (13.2)
The “Level 3” financial assets of £0.3m were written down to nil during the year ended 30 April 2015. The value of the assets is not material to the
Group and therefore changes in valuations would not have a material effect on the financial statements.
2015 2014
£m £m
US dollars
– Net investments in foreign operations (excluding intra-group balances, cash and borrowings) 249.4 230.7
– Cash 33.8 24.5
– Borrowings (183.3) (174.0)
Canadian dollars
– Net investments in foreign operations (excluding intra-group balances, cash and borrowings) 29.8 37.0
– Cash 1.0 0.7
The amounts shown above are the carrying values of all items in the consolidated balance sheet that would have differed at the balance sheet date had
a different foreign currency exchange rate been applied, except that derivatives that are cash flow hedges are excluded.
The sensitivity of the amounts shown above in the Group’s consolidated balance sheet to translation exposures is illustrated below:
2015 2014
US dollar
US dollar balance sheet foreign exchange rate 1.5368 1.6886
Impact of 10% depreciation of UK sterling against US dollar
– US dollar foreign exchange rate 1.3831 1.5197
– Increase in consolidated equity (£m) 11.1 9.0
Impact of 10% appreciation of UK sterling against US dollar
– US dollar foreign exchange rate 1.6905 1.8575
– Decrease in consolidated equity (£m) (9.1) (7.4)
Canadian dollar
Canadian dollar balance sheet foreign exchange rate 1.8614 1.8531
Impact of 10% depreciation of UK sterling against Canadian dollar
– Canadian dollar foreign exchange rate 1.6753 1.6678
– Increase in consolidated equity (£m) 3.4 4.2
Impact of 10% appreciation of UK sterling against Canadian dollar
– Canadian dollar foreign exchange rate 2.0475 2.0384
– Decrease in consolidated equity (£m) (2.8) (3.4)
The above sensitivity analysis is based on the following assumptions:
– Only those foreign currency assets and liabilities that are directly affected by changes in foreign exchange rates are included in the calculation.
– The above calculations assume that the exchange rates between sterling and any currencies other than the one stated do not change as a result of
the change in the exchange rate between the currencies stated.
2015 2014
£m £m
US dollars
– US$ element of North American operating profit 16.9 22.3
– Intangible asset expenses (5.3) (7.8)
– Redundancy / restructuring costs (0.3) (0.3)
– Share of profit of joint ventures (excluding exceptional items) 2.0 5.5
– Exceptional items (7.9) (9.2)
– Net finance costs (8.6) (9.8)
– Net tax credit/(charge) 0.5 (0.7)
Canadian dollars
– C$ element of North American operating profit 4.7 2.4
– Redundancy/restructuring costs adjustment 0.1 –
– Exceptional items – (0.2)
– Net tax (charge)/credit (1.1) 0.1
Net exposure 1.0 2.3
The operating profit figures shown in the above table reconcile to the operating profit for North America shown in the segmental information in note
2(b) as follows:
2015 2014
£m £m
US$ element of North American operating profit shown above 16.9 22.3
C$ element of North American operating profit shown above 4.7 2.4
Share based payment adjustment denominated in sterling 0.5 (1.0)
Operating profit shown in segmental information 22.1 23.7
The sensitivity of the Group’s consolidated income statement to translation exposures is illustrated below:
2015 2014
US dollar
US dollar average foreign exchange rate 1.5988 1.6013
Impact of 10% depreciation of UK sterling against US dollar
– US dollar foreign exchange rate 1.4389 1.4412
– Decrease in consolidated profit after taxation (£m) (0.3) –
Impact of 10% appreciation of UK sterling against US dollar
– US dollar foreign exchange rate 1.7587 1.7614
– Increase in consolidated profit after taxation (£m) 0.2 –
Canadian dollar
Canadian dollar average foreign exchange rate 1.8323 1.6994
Impact of 10% depreciation of UK sterling against Canadian dollar
– Canadian dollar foreign exchange rate 1.6491 1.5295
– Increase in consolidated profit after taxation (£m) 0.4 0.3
Impact of 10% appreciation of UK sterling against Canadian dollar
– Canadian dollar foreign exchange rate 2.0155 1.8693
– Decrease in consolidated profit after taxation (£m) (0.3) (0.2)
At 30 April 2015, the interest rate profile of the Group’s interest bearing financial liabilities was as follows:
At 30 April 2014, the interest rate profile of the Group’s interest bearing financial liabilities was as follows:
The above figures take into account the effect of US$150m of interest rate derivatives which swap the US$150m Notes maturing October 2022 from
fixed to floating rate debt for a period of four years to December 2016.
The floating rate financial liabilities bear interest at rates fixed in advance for periods ranging from one to six months based on market rates.
The maturity profile of the Group’s borrowings is shown in note 22(a).
The Group’s financial assets on which floating interest is receivable include cash deposits and cash in hand of £395.6m (2014: £240.3m). Loans to joint
ventures of £5.9m (2014: £Nil) bear interest at a fixed rate of 6% (2014: not applicable) per annum. As at 30 April 2015, the Group had no other
financial assets on which fixed interest is receivable (2014: £Nil).
The Group does not account for any fixed rate financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
At 30 April 2015 and 30 April 2014, the projected fuel costs (excluding premia payable on fuel derivatives, delivery margins, fuel taxes and fuel tax
rebates) for the next twelve months were:
2015 2014
£m £m
The figures in the above table are after taking account of derivatives and applying the fuel prices and foreign exchange rates as at the balance sheet
If all of the relevant fuel prices were 10% higher at the balance sheet date, the amounts in the above table would change by the following:
2015 2014
£m £m
2015 2014
£m £m
The Group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of each customer or counterparty. The Group’s largest credit
exposures are to the UK’s Department for Transport, Transport for London, and other government bodies and financial institutions with short-term
credit ratings of A2 (or equivalent) or better, all of which the Group considers unlikely to default on their respective liabilities to the Group.
Although there is an element of seasonality in the Group’s bus and rail operations, the overall impact of seasonality on working capital and liquidity is not
considered significant.
The Board expects the Group to be able to meet current and future funding requirements through free cash flow and available committed facilities. In
addition, the Group has investment grade credit ratings which should allow it access at short notice to additional bank and capital markets debt funding.
The Group has bank lines of credit arranged on a bi-lateral basis with a group of relationship banks which provide bank facilities for general corporate
purposes. These arranged lines of credit allow cash drawdowns to finance the Group and also include facilities which are dedicated to issuing
performance/season ticket bonds, guarantees and letters of credit.
The Group’s committed bank facilities as at 30 April 2015 are analysed below:
Performance bonds, Available for Available for
Loans guarantees non-cash cash
Facility drawn etc drawn utilisation only drawings
Expiring in £m £m £m £m £m
– 2019 590.3 (172.1) (121.4) (11.1) 285.7
– 2018 105.0 – (102.5) (2.5) –
– 2016 110.5 – (96.5) (14.0) –
– 2015 36.9 – (36.8) (0.1) –
842.7 (172.1) (357.2) (27.7) 285.7
– Various 20.7 – (7.6) – 13.1
863.4 (172.1) (364.8) (27.7) 298.8
The “contractual cash flows” shown in the above tables are the contractual undiscounted cash flows under the relevant financial instruments. Where
the contractual cash flows are variable based on a price, foreign exchange rate, interest rate or index in the future, the contractual cash flows in the
above table have been determined with reference to the value of the relevant price, foreign exchange rate, interest rate or index as at the balance sheet
date. In determining the interest element of contractual cash flows in cases where the Group has a choice as to the length of interest calculation
periods and the interest rate that applies varies with the period selected, the contractual cash flows have been calculated assuming the Group selects
the shortest available interest calculation periods. Where the holder of an instrument has a choice of when to redeem, the amounts in the above tables
are on the assumption the holder redeems at the earliest opportunity. In the case of bank loans, which are drawn under revolving facilities, the
contracted interest cash flows in respect of interest up to and including the next rollover date are shown and the principal is shown as repayable at the
expiry date of the relevant facility.
(e) Collateral
Included within the cash and cash equivalents balance of £395.6m as at 30 April 2015 (2014: £240.3m) are £18.8m (2014: £18.9m) of cash balances
that have been pledged as collateral for liabilities as follows:
– £18.4m (2014: £18.4m) has been pledged by the Group as collateral for £18.4m (2014: £18.4m) of loan notes that are classified within current
liabilities: borrowings. The cash is held on deposit at Bank of Scotland. Bank of Scotland has guaranteed the Group’s obligations to the holders of
the loan notes and to the extent that the Group fails to satisfy its obligations under the loan notes, Bank of Scotland shall use the cash collateral to
satisfy such obligations.
– £Nil (2014: £0.1m) has been pledged by the Group as collateral for liabilities to the vendors of certain businesses that the Group acquired in North
– £0.4m (2014: £0.4m) is held in an escrow account in North America in relation to insurance claims.
The fair value of the financial assets pledged as collateral is the same as their carrying value as at 30 April 2015 and 30 April 2014.
Non-current assets
Interest rate derivatives 0.1 –
Fuel derivatives 2.2 0.1
2.3 0.1
Current assets
Interest rate derivatives – 0.3
Fuel derivatives 1.1 0.2
1.1 0.5
Current liabilities
Fuel derivatives (35.9) (9.8)
Non-current liabilities
Interest rate derivatives (0.8) (0.6)
Fuel derivatives (4.6) (2.8)
(5.4) (3.4)
Fuel derivatives
Fair value at start of year (12.3) (11.0)
Changes in fair value during year taken to cash flow hedging reserve (56.0) (2.8)
Cash paid during the year 31.1 1.5
Fair value at end of year (37.2) (12.3)
The fair value of the fuel derivatives split by maturity was as follows:
Assets Liabilities
£m £m
As at 30 April 2015
Within one year 1.1 (35.9)
1 to 2 years 2.2 (3.0)
2 to 3 years – (1.3)
More than 3 years – (0.3)
3.3 (40.5)
As at 30 April 2014
Within one year 0.2 (9.8)
1 to 2 years 0.1 (2.1)
2 to 3 years – (0.7)
0.3 (12.6)
The fair value of fuel derivatives is further analysed by currency and segment as follows: Fair value Notional quantity
of fuel covered
by derivatives
£m Millions of litres
As at 30 April 2015
Sterling denominated – UK Bus (regional operations) (20.0) 398.8
Sterling denominated – UK Bus (London) (3.7) 47.5
Sterling denominated – UK Rail (3.3) 114.2
US dollar denominated – North America (10.2) 143.9
(37.2) 704.4
As at 30 April 2014
Sterling denominated – UK Bus (regional operations) (7.9) 367.9
Sterling denominated – UK Bus (London) (1.9) 66.3
Sterling denominated – UK Rail (2.4) 108.1
US dollar denominated – North America (0.1) 151.8
(12.3) 694.1
All of the interest rate derivatives were managed and held centrally.
Cash flow hedging reserve
Interest Fuel Total
The movements in the cash flow hedging reserve were as follows: derivatives derivatives
£m£m £m £m
The fair values of the non-derivative hedging instruments shown above only take account of fair value movements arising from movements in foreign
exchange rates.
2015 2014
The balance on the share capital account shown above represents the aggregate nominal value of all ordinary shares in issue. This figure includes
1,371,639 (2014: 724,693) ordinary shares held in treasury, which are treated as a deduction from equity in the Group’s financial statements. The
shares held in treasury do not qualify for dividends.
The Group operates two Employee Share Ownership Trusts: the Stagecoach Group Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust (“QUEST”) and the
Stagecoach Group Employee Benefit Trust (“EBT”). Shares held by these trusts are treated as a deduction from equity in the Group’s financial
statements. Other assets and liabilities of the trusts are consolidated in the Group’s financial statements as if they were assets and liabilities of the
Group. As at 30 April 2015, the QUEST held 300,634 (2014: 300,634) ordinary shares in the Company and the EBT held 891,396 (2014: 725,821)
ordinary shares in the Company. The trusts have waived dividends on the shares they hold and therefore received no dividends during the year ended
30 April 2015 (2014: £Nil). The trust deed for the EBT obliges the trustee to waive the right to any dividend on the shares unless and until they are
vested in an individual. The trustee is confirmed not to be liable for any lost income as a result of that waiver. The QUEST deed requires the trustee to
waive any dividends payable on the shares and the QUEST confirms that waiver within the deed. This can be reversed by a direction from the Company
to the trustee but is otherwise ongoing.
Grant date June December June December June December June December
2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014
Share price at time of grant/award (£) 2.5530 2.5915 2.6170 3.1210 3.1595 3.7200 3.8000 3.7920
Vesting period (years) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Option/award life (years) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Expected life (years) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Expected dividends expressed
as an average annual dividend yield 3.00% 2.96% 3.22% 2.70% 2.94% 2.50% 2.70% 2.71%
Fair value per Incentive Unit
at grant date (£) 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.90 0.90 1.06 2.60* 2.59*
Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke Bespoke
Option pricing model simulation simulation simulation simulation simulation simulation simulation simulation
Note 29 Reserves
A reconciliation of the movements in each reserve is shown in the Consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 61.
The balance of the share premium account represents the amounts received in excess of the nominal value of the ordinary shares offset by issue costs,
bonus issues of shares and any transfer between reserves.
The balance held in the retained earnings reserve is the accumulated retained profits of the Group. Cumulative goodwill of £113.8m (2014: £113.8m)
has been written off against reserves in periods prior to 1 May 1998 in accordance with the UK accounting standards then in force and such goodwill will
remain eliminated against reserves.
The capital redemption reserve represents the cumulative par value of all shares bought back and cancelled.
Details of own shares held are given in note 27. The own shares reserve represents the cumulative cost of shares in Stagecoach Group plc purchased in
the market and held in treasury and/or by the Group’s two Employee Share Ownership Trusts offset by cumulative sales proceeds.
The translation reserve is used to record exchange differences arising from the translations of the financial statements of foreign operations. It is also
used to record the effect of hedging net investments in foreign operations.
The cash flow hedging reserve records the portion of the gain or loss on a hedging instrument in a cash flow hedge that is determined to be an effective
hedge. The cumulative gain or loss is recycled to the income statement to match the recognition of the hedged item through the income statement.
101.0 72.9
Debt assumed in business combinations – (1.8)
New hire purchase and finance leases (6.4) (6.7)
Foreign exchange movements (14.1) 13.1
Other movements (0.2) (1.1)
Decrease in net debt 80.3 76.4
Opening net debt (as defined in note 35) (461.6) (538.0)
The cash amounts shown above include term deposits as explained in note 20 and cash held by train operating companies as explained in note 31(iii).
(d) Non cash transactions
The principal non cash transactions were the acquisition of property, plant and equipment using new hire purchase and finance leases.
During the year, the Group entered into hire purchase and finance lease arrangements in respect of new assets with a total capital value at the
inception of the contracts of £6.4m (2014: £6.7m) and no deposits paid up front.
Actual liabilities
Net intra-group amounts payable to train operators – 60.7 – 60.7
Contingent liabilities
Season ticket bonds 4.0 59.7 6.3 70.0
Performance bonds 20.0 36.8 30.5 87.3
Parent company guarantees to suppliers 6.6 – 10.6 17.2
Undrawn committed loan facilities 165.0 25.0 – 190.0
Capital at risk as at 30 April 2015 195.6 182.2 47.4 425.2
Cash in train operating companies 44.0 154.7 82.3 281.0
Pro forma impact on net debt 239.6 336.9 129.7 706.2
To the extent that any of the above contingent liabilities in respect of Virgin Trains East Coast crystalise the Group is contractually entitled to recover
10% of any such payment from Virgin Holdings Limited. The Group has credit exposure to Virgin Holdings Limited in this regard.
We consider the likelihood of the contingent liabilities crystallising as being low. However, if all of the contingent liabilities had crystallised at 30 April
2015, the Group would have needed to have financed £425.2m (2014: £240.0m) and its gross debt would have increased by this amount. In
addition, some of the cash in the train operating companies would be transferred with the franchises.
There is no recourse to the Group in respect of any liabilities or contingent liabilities of Virgin Rail Group.
The following were the future minimum contractual lease payments due under unexpired operating leases as at 30 April 2014:
As at 30 April 2014 Buses & other
Land & road transportation Trains & Plant &
buildings equipment rolling stock machinery Total
£m £m £m £m £m
The amounts shown above do not include Network Rail charges, which are shown separately in note 32(c).
Commitments for payments under these contracts as at 30 April 2014 were as follows: 2014
Note 35 Definitions
• Adjusted earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit after taxation excluding intangible asset expenses and exceptional items by the basic
weighted average number of shares in issue in the period.
• Like-for-like amounts are derived, on a constant currency basis, by comparing the relevant year-to-date amount with the equivalent prior year
period for those businesses and individual operating units that have been part of the Group throughout both periods.
• Operating profit or loss for a particular business unit or division within the Group refers to profit or loss before net finance income/costs,
taxation, intangible asset expenses, exceptional items and restructuring costs (except where shown otherwise in note 2(g)).
• Operating margin for a particular business unit or division within the Group means operating profit or loss as a percentage of revenue.
• Exceptional items means items which individually or, if of a similar type, in aggregate need to be disclosed by virtue of their nature, size or
incidence in order to allow a proper understanding of the underlying financial performance of the Group.
• Gross debt is borrowings as reported on the consolidated balance sheet, adjusted to exclude accrued interest, the effect of fair value hedges on
the carrying value of borrowings and unamortised gains on the early settlement of interest rate swaps.
• Net debt (or net funds) is the net of cash and gross debt.
Our opinion
In our opinion, Stagecoach Group plc’s parent company financial statements (the “financial statements”):
• give a true and fair view of the state of the parent company’s affairs as at 30 April 2015;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Directors’ remuneration
Directors’ remuneration report - Companies Act 2006 opinion
In our opinion, the part of the Directors’ remuneration report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
Other Companies Act 2006 reporting
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion, certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made.
We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Other matter
We have reported separately on the Group financial statements of Stagecoach Group plc for the year ended 30 April 2015.
2015 2014
Notes £m £m
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2 0.6 1.0
Investments 3 1,188.3 1,172.6
1,188.9 1,173.6
Current assets
Debtors – due within one year 4 783.7 746.0
Derivative financial instruments at fair value – due after more than one year 7 2.1 2.8
Derivative financial instruments at fair value – due within one year 7 0.5 9.9
Cash 18.4 18.4
804.7 777.1
These financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 June 2015. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this
balance sheet.
At beginning and end of year 2.5
At beginning of year (1.5)
Charge for year (0.4)
At end of year (1.9)
Net book value at beginning of year 1.0
Net book value at end of year 0.6
Note 3 Investments
The movements in investments were as follows:
Cost and net book value
At beginning of year 1,172.6
Additions 2.2
Foreign exchange movements 13.5
Note 4 Debtors
Amounts falling due within one year were:
2015 2014
£m £m
783.7 746.0
Note 6 Creditors
(a) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 2015 2014
£m £m
349.3 420.7
(b) Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 2015 2014
£m £m
Current liabilities
Fuel derivatives – external (35.9) (9.4)
Fuel derivatives – intra-group – (0.2)
(35.9) (9.6)
Non-current liabilities
Interest rate derivatives – external (0.8) (0.6)
Fuel derivatives – external (4.6) (2.8)
(5.4) (3.4)
In accordance with FRS 26, “Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement”, the Company has reviewed all significant contracts for embedded
derivatives that are required to be separately accounted for. No such embedded derivatives were identified (2014: None).
There were no derivatives outstanding at the balance sheet date designated as hedges.
2015 2014
£m £m
3.9 2.8
The Company no longer has any employees but has unfunded liabilities in respect of former employees and funded liabilities in respect of employees
of subsidiary companies, which are shown above. See note 25 to the consolidated financial statements for more details on retirement benefits.
As permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company has not presented its own profit and loss account. The profit as disclosed above
of £46.6m (2014: £276.7m) is consolidated in the results of the Group. Details of dividends paid, declared and proposed during the year are given in
note 8 to the consolidated financial statements.
The profit and loss account reserve is distributable but the other components of shareholders’ funds shown above are not distributable.
The remuneration of the Directors is borne by other Group companies and is detailed in section 8 of this Annual Report. The remuneration of the
auditors is shown in note 3 to the consolidated financial statements.
2015 2014
£m £m
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