Strategies For Implementing Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions For Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Strategies For Implementing Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions For Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Strategies For Implementing Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions For Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Evidence-Based Psychosocial
Interventions for Children with
Ricardo B. Eiraldi, PhDa,b,*, Jennifer A. Mautone, PhDb,
Thomas J. Power, PhDa,b
• Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
• Evidence-based psychosocial interventions
• School intervention
This project was supported by grant R01MH068290 funded by the National Institute of Mental
Health and the Department of Education, K23064080 and R34MH080782 funded by the National
Institute of Mental Health, and R40MC08964 funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia, 3440 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
spend a significant amount of time providing support to children with ADHD, which
may result in conflict in the student-teacher relationship.6 Also, because of behavioral
difficulty at home, children with ADHD frequently have stressful and conflicting
interactions with their parents, which negatively impact parent-child relationships and
parents’ ability to support their children’s education.2 In addition, conflict between
families and schools is common among children with ADHD, which further contributes
to school problems. This conflict may result from parental dissatisfaction with the
teacher’s attempts to meet the educational needs of the child as well as teacher
concerns about the child’s disruptive behavior in the classroom and strained
communications with parents.6 Additionally, parents of children with ADHD often feel
less effective in their efforts to support their children’s education and feel less
welcome in schools compared with the parents of children without ADHD.9 Thus,
because students with ADHD experience considerable educational impairment and
challenges relating to parents and teachers, there is a need for a comprehensive
intervention plan that targets the child’s behavior at home and school, academic
performance, and parent-child and family-school relationships.
Treatments to support children with ADHD include pharmacotherapy, most com-
monly stimulant medication, and psychosocial interventions that are implemented at
home and school, including strategies to support family-school collaboration. Psy-
chosocial interventions include strategies to address performance deficits (ie, situa-
tions in which the child knows how to perform a particular skill but does not do so
consistently) and skills deficits (ie, situations in which the child does not yet posses a
skill or performs the skill suboptimally). Interventions aimed at performance deficits
include environmental adaptations and accommodations to intervene at the point of
performance, such as techniques to modify the antecedents and consequences in the
environment to change child behavior.10 Interventions aimed at skills deficits include
direct instruction and increasing opportunities for repeated practice of new skills. The
purpose of this report is to describe evidence-based psychosocial interventions
(EBIs) targeting both performance and skills deficits that can be applied to address
the educational needs of children and adolescents with ADHD. (Readers are directed
to key references 2, 10, 13, 16, 17, 23, 41, 47, 55, 66, and 69, for more in-depth
information. Resources are provided in Box 1.)
In many ways, schools are the ideal setting for the implementation of interventions for
ADHD. School-based services are easy to access by children and are provided in a
normalized setting in which the stigma often associated with receiving behavioral
health services in traditional clinic settings is minimized.11,12 Schools are the setting
of choice for the implementation of EBIs aimed at preventing or minimizing academic,
peer-social, and behavior problems, which are common areas of impairment in
children with ADHD.
Children with ADHD often do poorly in unstructured and unpredictable environ-
ments. A basic recommendation for teachers is to make the classroom environment
more structured and more predictable for children with ADHD. As a group, children
with symptoms of ADHD are more likely to exhibit disruptive and rule-breaking
behavior. These children are less likely to require disciplinary intervention and are
more likely to work up to their academic potential when school professionals establish
clear behavior rules and a system of consequences that are applied consistently in all
areas of the school.
Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 147
Box 1
Key resources
Schoolwide Strategies
A growing number of schools around the country have been experimenting with
school-wide approaches to improving school climate. Some of these programs have
been found to be effective in reducing the need for school disciplinary actions,
decreasing the incidence of behavior problems, and making schools safer. Two of
these approaches are response to intervention13–15 and effective behavioral sup-
ports, or schoolwide positive behavior support,16 –21 referred to as positive behavior
support (PBS) hereafter. Given its emphasis on targeting school climate, PBS is
play an important role in the deployment of EBIs for ADHD in the school setting. They
can assist school districts with the development of systems and mechanisms for the
use of EBIs and provide training and support to behavioral health staff. The same
approach can be used for ensuring that interventions are implemented in a culturally
sensitive manner.
An efficient and cost-effective method that has the potential to affect many schools
within a district is the “train the trainer” approach. In this approach, the consultant
trains and supervises senior clinicians in the district with the responsibility for
providing support to individual behavioral health staff. Some school districts around
the country already use similar systems, particularly those that have adapted PBS. In
the typical deployment of PBS to a new school, a leadership team is created, and its
members are trained and supported throughout the process of developing and
implementing universal and targeted interventions in the school. A key member of the
PBS leadership team is the PBS coach. The PBS coach, usually a professional who
has received training in applied behavior analysis, is responsible for supporting school
personnel in the actual implementation of interventions by helping troubleshoot
barriers and providing technical assistance. With some modifications to address the
needs of children with specific disorders such as ADHD, PBS coaches can be trained
to provide support to behavioral health staff and teachers in the implementation of
universal and individualized behavioral interventions for the classroom and other
areas of the school. For example, the PBS coach could be trained in the use of
interventions that address performance and skills deficits that can be imple-
mented in a multitier program to improve school climate and to serve the unique
needs of children with ADHD. Similarly, the PBS coach can be trained in the
formation of school-home partnerships and the use of conjoint behavioral
consultation (CBC). CBC is a structured problem-solving process in which parents
and teachers work as partners through the 4 stages of behavioral consultation: (1)
problem identification, (2) problem analysis, (3) plan implementation, and (4) plan
evaluation.23 CBC has been found to be effective for externalizing behavior
problems at home,24,25 behavioral control at school,26 and social skills develop-
ment with peers as rated by parents and teachers.27 In this manner, the expert
school consultant could have a great impact on the way children with ADHD are
supported throughout an entire school district. This type of service could be
reimbursed using various federal and state funding mechanisms as well as by
research or training grants from federal agencies.28
in a quiet room.31 Checking assignment books for accuracy and reducing homework
load or individualizing homework assignments can also be used.
As a group, children with ADHD lag behind their peers without ADHD in perfor-
mance and on the acquisition of important skills that affect academic productivity,
classroom behavior, and peer relations. Compared with children without ADHD,
children with ADHD are more likely to have impaired planning ability, poor sense of
time and inaccurate time estimation, lack of effort and motivation, poor self-regulation
of emotion, greater problems with frustration tolerance (which results in academic
performance problems), disruptive classroom behavior, and peer difficulties.32 These
deficits are generally chronic. Many interventions have proven to be effective, but
gains are sustained only if interventions remain in place in the settings and during
times when the child experiences difficulties.32,33 Given that most difficulties experi-
enced by children with ADHD occur because of performance deficits, most interven-
tions are geared toward enhancing performance, such as improving impulse control
or time on task.10 For children who lack skills in the first place, interventions are
focused on teaching new skills, such as social and organizational skills.34 Most
effective school-based interventions for ADHD are designed to affect the antecedents
or consequences of behavior. An example of an antecedent of a behavior would be
the way in which a teacher gives a command to a student.35 Consequences can be
defined as responses that follow a behavior that has the effect of either increasing or
decreasing the probability that the behavior will occur again.35
Positive reinforcement
There are many interventions that involve a modification of antecedents and conse-
quences. Although many of the interventions based on the modification of anteced-
ents and consequences have traditionally been included in parent training programs,
they are also used in schools and can be taught to teachers. These strategies are
based in social learning theory and are used to teach teachers how to alter the
antecedents and contingencies in the environment to shape child behavior. Many
empirically supported programs include components such as (1) setting consistent
limits and reasonable expectations, (2) giving instructions in a clear and consistent
manner, (3) providing positive reinforcement contingent on appropriate behavior, and
(4) using effective and strategic consequences for specifically identified inappropriate
behavior.36 Teachers learn how to set limits and give instructions that are specific,
clear, and brief; focus on behaviors that are within the child’s control; and develop
expectations that are developmentally appropriate for the child.37,38 Also, a primary
goal of behavioral intervention programs is to increase teachers’ use of positive
reinforcement contingent upon appropriate behavior. Specifically, teachers can
provide attention and verbal praise as positive reinforcement when students demon-
strate expected behavior and systematically ignore inappropriate behavior (ie, differ-
ential attention). Teachers learn that attention, especially when delivered immediately
after appropriate behavior (ie, at the “point of performance”), can increase the
likelihood of a desired behavior and that the goal of ignoring behavior is to decrease
the frequency with which it occurs.
Positive attending (ie, making positive statements in response to appropriate child
behavior) is highly useful in strengthening the teacher-child relationship. Because
children with ADHD frequently receive negative feedback from teachers because of
inappropriate behavior, teacher-child relationships are frequently strained. As teach-
ers learn how to utilize positive attending more regularly, interactions between
teachers and children become more positive.
150 Eiraldi et al
Token economy
Token or point systems require teachers to dispense tokens (eg, poker chips, stickers)
or points to any student in the class (as a classwide intervention) or to individual
students with ADHD (as an individualized intervention) for exhibiting previously
determined behavior. This intervention can be used for increasing on-task behavior or
appropriate classroom behavior. The reinforcement can be delivered immediately
after the student exhibits the behavior or at another specified time (eg, at the end of
a class period). It is very important that the teacher target a very specific skill or
behavior as opposed to more general or global behaviors (eg, “raising hand before
speaking” as opposed to “behaving well in class”). This intervention is more effective
when it is paired with a reinforcement system in which the student can exchange
tokens or points for preferred activities or small prizes. Also, the token/point system
intervention is more effective when the child is given the opportunity to choose from
a menu of reinforcements and when the system is consistently implemented by
teachers.10,39 Some children with ADHD respond to the token/point system only
when the intervention combines positive reinforcement and response cost.40 In this
variation of the token/point system, the child can earn points or other reinforcers for
exhibiting a specified desirable behavior but loses them when he exhibits a specified
undesirable behavior. This combination is effective because it offers the child the
opportunity to earn back lost tokens/points by exhibiting the desirable behavior.
Self-management, which includes self-monitoring and self-reinforcement, can be an
effective intervention for maintaining and generalizing behavioral gains made through
the use of the token/point system, especially for older children.43– 45 In this interven-
tion, children are taught to recognize and record instances of on-task behavior after
an auditory or visual stimulus at time intervals (eg, a beep from a recording device or
Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 151
Box 2
Constructing a daily report card
a hand signal from the teacher).39 Initially, the teacher keeps a parallel count of the
student’s on-task behavior to assess the accuracy of the student’s own recording. As
the student becomes more accurate in recording the presence of the target behavior,
the involvement of the teacher is gradually phased out until the student is in complete
control of the intervention. Self-management can be used in conjunction with an
incentive system through which the student can reward himself for reaching certain
target goals.39 This intervention can be used to increase on-task behavior but also to
improve academic accuracy and organizational skills.46,47
work on, which is typically an assignment that is relatively easy for the child, which
helps to build momentum for completing other assignments. Before working on the
subunit, the parent and child look over the assignment and mutually identify
reasonable goals for number of problems to be completed, number of correct
responses, and amount of time.
Third, before beginning each assignment, the parent checks to make sure the child
understands the directions and knows how to complete the task. Then, the parent
sets a timer and the child begins work. While the child is working, it is important for
the parent to monitor child performance carefully, reinforce attention and effort
periodically, and refrain from reinforcing avoidant or inattention behavior. Fourth,
when the time has expired, the parent and child evaluate work completion and
accuracy and compare performance to goals. If the child reaches the goals, he or she
earns points that can be exchanged later for privileges. If the child fails to achieve the
goal, or achieves accuracy but does not complete all the work, the child is requested
to move to the next assignment and not go back over the work. In this way, all the
homework assignments can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. In these
cases, it is important for the parent to communicate with the teacher so that the child
is rewarded for effort and does not get penalized for incomplete work.
Computer-assisted instruction
Children with ADHD frequently exhibit academic skills deficits, including problems
with comprehension and retrieval of basic facts. If tasks are novel and stimulating,
structured to match the child’s individual instructional level, and children receive
regular feedback about their performance29,63 then children with ADHD tend to
exhibit increased academic success. Computer-assisted instruction is one strategy
that may provide the necessary conditions for supporting the academic skills
development of children with ADHD.64,65 Computer-assisted instruction allows for
lessons and specific goals to be tailored to each child’s instructional level, the learning
environment tends to be more stimulating than typical paper and pencil classroom
tasks, and children receive immediate feedback from the computer about the
accuracy of their responses.64
Most of the intervention strategies described in this article are appropriate for
elementary-age children with ADHD, reflecting the preponderance of research
conducted with this age group. Less research has been conducted with preschool-
age children and even less with adolescents who have ADHD. Several factors are
important to consider when developing or adapting interventions for preschool and
adolescent youth.
For preschoolers, a useful strategy to strengthen the parent-child relationship or
the teacher-student relationship is for parents or teachers to engage children in
nondirective play, which involves carefully observing the child’s play, refraining from
making directive statements, and affirming creative elements of the play.66 When
using reinforcement strategies with this age group, it is especially important to
administer reinforcers as soon as possible after the desired behavior occurs and to do
so using salient, concrete reinforcers. If response cost is used as a method of
punishment (eg, taking away a desired toy), the duration of withdrawal required is
typically very brief to be effective.67
For adolescents, strengthening the parent-child or teacher-student relationship
might involve giving the youth a chance to “show-and-tell” about an exciting event
and listening carefully. When designing goal setting strategies and contingency
154 Eiraldi et al
contracts, it is essential to collaborate closely with the youth and negotiate the terms
of the arrangement. Points can be administered as reinforcers, and these can be
exchanged for privileges administered at a later time (eg, on the weekend). When
identifying suitable consequences, it is often helpful to negotiate with the youth up
front so they know what to expect when expectations are not met.68 Organizational
interventions have been developed for middle school and high school students with
ADHD, and these can be highly effective in completing homework, organizing the
school binder, and keeping track of the school schedule.69 School support in the form
of a check-in teacher or guidance counselor can be very helpful in implementing and
sustaining organizational interventions.
Schools in the United States have become increasingly diverse during the last 20
years. By the year 2019, it is estimated that ethnic minority students will comprise
50% of the total public school student population.70 Research has consistently
shown that low-income and ethnic minority families are less likely than nonminority
families to seek and utilize services for ADHD.71,72 If these families do initiate
treatment, they often are at risk for early termination.73 Although research assessing
the unique effects of culture and socioeconomic status on service utilization is
lacking, most investigators agree that assessing families’ opinions and attitudes
about the causes and the treatment of ADHD is necessary to develop a treatment plan
that these families are likely to follow.74 Also, low-income and ethnic minority families
may be more likely to stay in treatment if they are involved in the development and
implementation of the interventions. A strategy that is appropriate for use by school
behavioral health staff and that involves families is the formation of school-home
partnerships.75 A partnership approach, such as CBC (described above), greatly
facilitates the adoption of culturally sensitive interventions, because the parent, who
is given equal standing in the relationship with school personnel, can contribute to the
development of interventions that are congruent with their expectations about
treatment and school goals.23,75,76 The use of school-home partnerships is not
common outside demonstration projects, and few behavioral health staff members
have been trained in the use of CBC. However, this and other promising models of
service delivery could be deployed more widely in school settings to great positive
effect with the aid of expert consultants.
Pharmacologic interventions, including stimulants and some nonstimulant options,
such as atomoxetine, are effective in the treatment of ADHD. Although medication
alone can be effective in treating the symptoms and impairments associated with
ADHD, there often is an advantage to combining medication with behavioral inter-
vention, especially with regard to improving areas of impaired executive functioning.77
Further, families typically view medication as an acceptable form of intervention when
it is used in combination with behavior therapy.78 The selection of an initial approach
to treatment (ie, medication alone, behavior therapy alone, combined treatment) is
based on shared decision making involving the family, school professionals, and the
health care team, taking into consideration the child’s likelihood of responding
favorably, potential for adverse effects, treatment history, and family beliefs and
preferences for intervention. Subsequent decisions (eg, decision to combine medi-
cation with behavior therapy) is based on response to previous attempts at treatment
and family beliefs, which can vary during the course of intervention.79
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