District Userguide
District Userguide
District Userguide
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There are three categories of applications that can be submitted by applicants in the online
Category 1:
• The applications which can be processed at District Government level i.e. the
applications may be examined and approved at the level of District Collector/
District Magistrate, where they have been delegated power to issue in –
principal approval in the form of acceptance letter.
Category 2:
Category 3:
Explanation: All applications which do not belong to any of the above two categories are
required to forward the applications to Central Government for examination. So, District
authorities needs to forward the application to MHA through state Government.
Each office either district or state would have one admin user Id issued by MHA. Resetting of
password can be performed for these admin users by MHA admin. Initially, the admin user id
will be handed for logging into the system, there after the system will prompt to feed the
details of the designated person. The information includes Name of the officer, designation,
official e-mail Id and mobile number.
The admin can create any number of the users for his office providing designation and other
details. At least two users are recommended.
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1. Simple user
2. Approving user
The simple user is the one who can examine the application and put up file for approval of
higher authority. The person could be dealing hand LDC, UDC or Assistant. You may refer the
as section in the drop down of designation.
The approving user is the one who can approve the application, generate the acceptance letter
and sign. Approval role have been provided for Under Secretary, DC/DM, DS, and Director.
1. Creating users: User needs to click on tab “create user” and feed the data of an
employee such as name, designation, email Id and mobile number.
2. Resetting the password for existing user: User may reset the password of existing users
upon their request. The new password would be mailed to the registered email Id of the
3. Applicant requires paying the application fee (initial fee) in online system.
4. Applicant will approach district office along with the printed copy of online submitted
application and all required supporting documents in original.
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Procedure for receiving and processing the application:
Enter into address bar of your browser, the following screen
will be displayed.
On first successful login the system redirects you to change the password: Please change
password by following the password policy.
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5. You could view all the submitted applications in the menu item online submitted
Applications under Applications Processing. You can choose type of application.
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6. As soon as applicant approaches to district office with the hard copies, please go to
online submitted application under Applications Processing menu item choose the
relevant option, click on the relevant MHA file number and receive the application to
issue acknowledgment. This is the first and foremost step that needs to be performed at
district in order to further examine and process.
Click here to
view uploaded
document. Click on Receive
application button
After clicking on receive button, you can see the provision to generate the
acknowledgment letter and issue the letter to applicant.
Click on print
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Download the letter and take the print
out. Sign on it and issue the letter to
7. As soon as the user receives the application in online system, one copy of complete
application would be made available to Central IB in online system.
8. All the received applications would be available in the Inbox under District
Processing menu item. By clicking on specific MHA file number, the page displays
with different tabs and those are applicant details, transaction details, Documents
uploaded by DC/STATE/Applicant, and to forward further.
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It shows applicant Forward further
details. helps us to
process further.
To View the
It shows the file
moment of the
Check all the tabs and its information.
9. By clicking on forward further tab user will get the heading Processing Application
under which buttons like Forward to officer, Forward to superintendent of police
and few more buttons are displayed (some of them may be disabled). In case of
category1 application user will get long stretch of buttons. The name of the button
symbolizes its functionality.
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Note: - Acceptance/Citizenship Grant/Rejected button will be in enable/disabled
mode in above screen as per delegation of power and application category.
10. In the initial step of the processing the district office will forward the application for
police verification in online system (all the applications are required to be forwarded
for police verification irrespective of nationality and minority community). User can
click on button forward to superintendent of police mentioning the remarks or
comments in the provided text box. The application once forwarded to superintendent
of police will not be available any more for processing same will be reflected as
pending with superintendent of police.
11. The application forwarded to superintendent of police will come back to inbox after
they respond with their comments and police verification report. The same will now
will reflect as pending with district authorities. The fresh police reports would be
displayed in the inbox, under highlighted row with check box. User may click on check
box and Receive button on top of inbox to receive the police verification report at
district office for further processing. It is still in pending with District office. (This
activity needs to be performed every time the application comes back in the inbox
either from other office or other officer)
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It shows type of document as
police verification. Click on
check box and click on Receive
button for further processing.
12. Once the police verification is received from the SP office, user may examine the
applications for deficiencies, verify the uploaded documents with originals and
administer oath of allegiance.
13. User may go to upload/updating menu and click on upload documents and enter MHA
file number of the application to upload the documents. The district officials should
upload all the relevant documents like complete application form scanned and saved in
PDF format after completing the formalities of PART – B information of the
application and relevant signatures. The uploaded application which is complete in all
respects including oath of allegiance should be available in online system for further
processing. User is required to upload the District Magistrate’s report as prescribed
under Rule 12 of the Citizenship Rules, 2009. User can also upload other documents if
needed along with the application.
2. Enter MHA file number and
click on submit button for
uploading the documents.
The following screen appears. Enter MHA file number and click on Submit button.
District User may require uploading all the relevant documents like the complete
application, District report, and etc.
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The screen shows applicant
uploaded documents and it
allows user to upload their
14. User may note down the MHA file number of the application and go on check list
process in the upload/updating menu, user could update by clicking on check boxes
and clicking on update checklist button. User can also view the uploaded documents
and cross verify with originals.
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The following screen appears. Enter MHA file number and click on submit button. User
may require clicking on check boxes and clicking on update check list.
15. For making the final decision on the application, if the application belongs to Category
1 then acceptance button is visible. In case of simple user, the acceptance button
won’t work. In this scenario user can forward the application to approving user with
comments and seek for the approval from higher authority. User can click on Forward
to officer button to seek for the approval. In case of non-Category 1 user can see and
click on forward to other office button and send to State Government.
Click on forward
to officer.
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The above case is category 1 i.e. means the district could process the application and
issue the acceptance letter. You could see the acceptance button is disabled if the user is
simple user. If the user is approving user then the acceptance button enables. If the user
is simple user and the file can be put up for approval from higher officials by clicking
on Forward to officer button. The following screen appears. Make sure you have
uploaded all the relevant documents and updated check list before sending it to higher
officials for approval.
Upon clicking on Forward to officer button, the small form with two fields and submit
button. User require to choose forward to, write their remarks and click on submit
button. Now, this application will available in the higher official user’s inbox.
16. In case of Category 1 application, for approving user, the acceptance button will be
highlighted and enabled. The approval user can click on the acceptance button and
provide the comments and press submit button. Upon clicking submit button, a system
generated acceptance letter will be generated as an in – principal approval which needs
to be printed and signed before handling to applicant. The application remains in the
inbox for forwarding to subordinate officer for processing while applicant submits RC
and form X for granting citizenship certificate.
(Application may also be rejected)
Click on Acceptance
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If approving user clicks on Acceptance button, it asks for comments and upon
submission the acceptnace letter will be generated.
User may download the letter and take the print out of the acceptance letter for issuing
it to applicant.
17. In case of non-Category 1 application where user would have forwarded application to
other office same will be received back in the inbox from concerned office after the
issuance of acceptance letter to the applicant. User supposed to receive the required
documents such as RC and form X from applicant and send the application back to
concerned office for further processing.
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The user may send it to higher official for their inputs and ask them to forward the
application to state government.
18. The applicant will visit the Indian citizenship portal and submits the FORM - X. The
form X contains the details available in the online application which are populated
from database. The applicant can update the information in case of the changes in
address or some clerical mistakes made during application submission. The applicant
will also upload the recent photo and signature along with paying remaining
application fee in online system.
19. Applicant will visit the district office with hard copies of documents like Form X
RC/Affidavit and fee details.
20. As the applicant visits district office the concerned officer in district office where
application lies should again start the processing by clicking on relevant MHA file
number in the inbox. The user will view the Acceptance Reply Received button, and
by clicking on the same system will allow user to further examine the Form X in
online. This verifies that the applicant has submitted the required documents after the
acceptance of the application.
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Click on Acceptance Reply Received
button for further uploading RC and
form X/XII examining.
Click on Acceptance Reply Received button.
21. User could see the update form – X button in the tab to forward further. If applicant
has submitted the form – X in online then same will be populated with the updated
information along with old information for all equivalent fields. User needs to compare
both application details and form – X, if the major changes are found then user needs to
contact MHA.
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Click on update Form X/XII
button for observing the form
X details.
You can observe the data of application and data of Form X. You can click on update
Form X/XII button to reflect the changes in the application.
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User can find few more documents that are required to upload into the system.
Now, after uploading the documents, user may update the check list process.
User could see some of the check boxes are unchecked. Select them and update the
check list.
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23. User will click on MHA file number from the inbox, go to tab forward further and
click on Citizenship Grant button. The citizenship certificate number will be
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24. For printing the CC user will visit Print option from menu, enter MHA file number of
the application, the Citizenship Certificate will be generated with the allotted number.
2. Click on print CC
option under Print
from the menu.
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Important exceptions
User may come across some applications where the supporting documents are not
uploaded in online system but user has hard copy of online submitted application along
with supporting documents in physical file. For such kind of cases, at district office
user can scan and upload the documents.
The application fee may be paid in online or may be submitted via challan. User needs
to upload challan in case if it is not uploaded. In case of online fee payment user can
verify the same through payment receipt.
User may across some applications where the process has not initiated in the online
system but the physical file has reached to the level of acceptance, In this case user
may start processing it online.
User may come across some applications where the physical file is available but
application is not found in the inbox or not available in the online submitted application
menu, User may check the location of the application through the status menu. User
may contact NIC/MHA on case by case.
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