Sample CV
Sample CV
Sample CV
1. Personal data
Name Liis Talpas
Date and place of birth 06.03.1987 Jõgeva
Citizenship Estonian
E-mail address
2. Education
Graduation Education (field of
Educational institution
year study/degree)
Tallinn University of Technology 2010–2016 Doctor of Philosophy,
Tallinn University of Technology 2010 Master of Arts in Social
Sciences (cum laude)
Tallinn University of Technology 2008 Bachelor of Arts in Social
Sciences (cum laude)
Secondary School of Puurmani 2005 Secondary education
(gold medal)
4. Professional employment
Period Organisation Position
2014 – …. AS PricewaterhouseCoopers Engagement Leader
2013 – …. AS PricewaterhouseCoopers Authorised Public
2009 – 2013 AS PricewaterhouseCoopers Assistant to auditor
2008 – 2009 Estonian Bar Association Assistant to accountant
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Talpas, L. (2013). Institutional pressures and the role of the state
in designing the financial accounting and reporting model in Estonia. Albu, C. N.;
Mustata, R. V. (Toim.). Accounting in Central and Eastern Europe (91 - 120).
ETIS 1.2
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Talpas, L. (2014). Implementation of IFRSs and IFRS for SMEs:
the case of Estonia. Accounting and Management Information Systems, 13(2), 236 -
258. ETIS
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Talpas, L. (2013). Accounting Policy and Institutional Pressures:
the Case of Estonia. GSTF Journal on Business Review, 1(3), 1 - 7.
ETIS 3.2
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Thomsen, J.; Sundgaard, E.; Talpas, L. (2013). Accounting Policy
and Institutional Pressures in Subsidiaries: The Case of Estonia. Proceedings of the
3rd Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2013): 20-21
May 2013: Bangkok, Thailand (118 - 121). Global Science and Technology Forum
ETIS 3.4
ETIS 3.5
ETIS 5.2
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Talpas, L. (2014). Implementation of IFRSs and IFRS for SMEs:
the case of Estonia. In: 9th International Conference on Accounting and Management
Information Systems. Program and Abstract Booklet: 9th International Conference on
Accounting and Management Information Systems (AMIS 2014); Bucharest, June
11–12, 2014. Bucharest, 76.
Alver, L.; Alver, J.; Thomsen, J.; Sundgaard, E.; Talpas, L. (2013). Accounting Policy
and Institutional Pressures in Subsidiaries: The Case of Estonia. In: 3rd Annual
International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2013): 3rd Annual
International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2013), Bangkok, 20–21
May 2013. , 17.
Conference presentations
Conference „9th International Conference on Accounting and Management
Information Systems” (2014). Romania, the participant (article presented).
Master’s degree: Liis Talpas. The Amendment Project of the IAS 1. Supervisor
professor Lehte Alver. Tallinn University of Technology, 2010.
Bachelor’s degree: Liis Talpas. Local taxes in the Republic of Estonia in 1994–2008.
Supervisor lecturer Kaidi Kallaste. Tallinn University of Technology, 2008.