Optimal Sizing of wind-PV-pumped Hydro Energy Storage Systems
Optimal Sizing of wind-PV-pumped Hydro Energy Storage Systems
Optimal Sizing of wind-PV-pumped Hydro Energy Storage Systems
Storage Systems
Abstract—Storage systems are key components of standalone the economic potentials of PHS systems are reported in [6-10].
hybrid renewable energy systems due to intermittent nature of In terms of payback periods, it is reported that PHS may have
renewable resources. In design of standalone hybrid system, the payback periods as low as 2.5-5.5 years [11].
storage system needs to be optimally sized to guarantee power
quality, system reliability and cost effective energy supply. In this A large number of recent studies have been conducted on
paper, the most mature and traditional long term energy storage standalone renewable systems using PHS and micro PHS [3-
technology, the pumped hydro energy storage (PHS) is integrated 24]. Most of them, however, appear to be mainly focused on
into a standalone wind-PV system. This paper describes the the system background, simulation, modelling, sizing and
mathematical modelling of a PHS and reports a method for energy balances analysis while less attention have been given
optimal sizing of the wind-PV-PHS systems. to the method of optimal sizing of the systems. This paper
presents a method of optimal sizing of standalone hybrid wind-
Keywords—pumped hydro storage; hybrid renewable energy PV and pumped hydro energy storage system driven by not
systems; renewable energy; standalone power system only the performance evaluation but also reliability and cost.
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A. Renewable Power Modelling meters (actual head between the upper reservoir and the turbine
The wind power generated by the wind turbine is given by minus the head loss) and KT ,max is the maximum turbine
[25]: efficiency.
2) Upper and Lower Reservoir
1 Depending on the location of the system, if there is no
2 natural upper and lower reservoir, two manmade reservoirs
needs to be added to the system. The optimum capacity for the
where PWT is the power output of the wind turbine, U is the air upper and lower reservoirs depends on the design methodology
density (kg/m3), Vhub is the wind speed at hub elevation (m/s), used in sizing. Using a deterministic method based on worst-
2 case scenario and margin of safety, the size of upper and lower
AWT is the wind turbine rotor area (m ), K EG is the overall
reservoirs depend on the peak demand load and the
efficiency of the electrical components and gearbox, and C P is performance of other components in the system. Here it is
the rotor power coefficient [25]. assumed that the upper and lower reservoirs have the same
For the PV array, the power generated is given by: capacities ( VLR VUR ).
The upper reservoir is sized using worst case scenario of no
PPV IAPV K PV renewable power for a period of autonomy of Ta , in which the
demand load is constantly at ( 1 MOS L ) times of its peak
where I is the solar irradiance (kW/m2), APV is the PV value. This worst-case scenario implies that the water flow rate
array area (m2) and K PV is the PV and converter efficiency (-). from the upper reservoir is at its maximum value of
QUR,max QT ,max . Using another margin of safety, MOSUR to
Furthermore, the power PR generated by the renewables is
take into account the evaporation loss, loss due to leakages
given by (self-discharge rate) and assuming that the upper reservoir
cannot be fully drained, the volume of the upper reservoir can
be obtained by:
See reference [25] for more details on wind turbine and PV VUR (1 MOSUR )Ta QT ,max
power modelling.
3) Pump
B. PHS Power Modelling and Sizing While the size of the turbine is dictated by the peak demand
1) Turbine/Generator Unit load, the pump size depends on the minimum charging time
Having selected the turbine type, its nominal power output Tcharge , which is a system performance-related parameter to be
PT ,nom can be selected based on the peak demand load L peak ,
selected by the designer.
assuming there is no renewable power ( Pd L peak ).
PT ,nom (1 MOS L ) L peak KT ,maxK G (4) PP,nom UgH P QP,max K P,max
where, KT , max and K G are efficiency of turbine at full load and where, H P is the effective hydraulic head of the upper reservoir
the efficiency of the generator respectively, MOS L is the in meters (actual head between the upper reservoir and the
demand load margin of safety. Turbine efficiency depends on pump plus the head loss) and K P, max is the maximum
the power ratio, the actual turbine output power to its nominal efficiency of the pump. Hence, the maximum water flow rate
value Pt PT ,nom . The hydraulic head is then selected from the from the pump is:
turbine selection chart to ensure it falls within the given range
of available head as well as the elevation difference of the
proposed site. QP, max VLR Tcharge
where, U is water density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, Pe, sch max( PR (t ) L(t )) t TP, sch
H T is the effective hydraulic head of the upper reservoir in
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With this consideration, one can modify Equation 7 to If L P R KT ,maxK G,max PT ,nom : PP 0 , PT L P /K K
Equation 10 and summarise the size optimisation as shown in SOCUR (t 't ) SOCUR (t )
the algorithm of Figure 2.
If L P R ! KT ,maxK G,max PT ,nom : PP 0 , PT KT ,maxK G,max PT ,nom ,
x Case L PR ! 0 and Typical daily distribution of resource and demand load for
the site for which the system is designed are shown in Figures
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3 to 5 (Step 0). The wind speed of Figure 3 Vref is given at calculated: wind turbine hub elevation hhub 25m ,
elevation href 3.5m . The surface roughness length of the site K EG 0.93 and K PV 0.16 . The model of C P as a function of
is also given z0 0.03 . wind speed at hub elevation Vhub , as given in [25], is used to
find the wind turbine power coefficient. Given Vref at href and
the surface roughness length of the site z 0 , Vhub can be easily
obtained by using logarithmic law [25]. Figures 6 and 7 show
the renewable power as well as the power deficit and surplus
(Step 3).
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PP,nom 23kW which is the maximum available power surplus.
In both turbine and pump calculations, the head loss is assumed
to be 5% of the actual elevation difference. By selecting the
pump, based on the actual available power surplus and power
deficit, one can easily obtain the water flow to and from the
upper reservoir and therefore obtain the SOC of the upper
reservoir. The design candidate is a feasible solution if in all
cases the constraint SOCUR,min d SOCUR is satisfied.
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