Course Syllabus - Artapp
Course Syllabus - Artapp
Course Syllabus - Artapp
VISION :Jose C. Feliciano College envisions itself to be the leading provider of holistic, responsive, relevant and globally recognized quality
education that is based on the arts, sciences and information technology.
MISSION :Jose C. Feliciano College will provide: holistic, globally responsive, relevant and quality education in all disciplines. With this
mission, it aims to produce high-level professionals and leaders who are self-reliant, self-sufficient, socially responsible and God-
loving individuals.
PHILOSOPHY :Jose C. Feliciano College believes through quality education man can make a positive difference in the socio-economic development
of the nation thereby uplifting the quality of life of every Filipino and contribute to the preservation of the resources in the national
and international environment.
COURSE OBJECTIVE : To expose and familiarize students with different forms of arts leading to appreciation and application on all aspects of the subject.
COURSE DESCRIPTION : The subject deals on man’s creativity, design to introduce and expose the students to the different arts both in theory and in practice.
It also aims to develop the student’s inner life, increase their awareness of sensitivity to the state of arts and culture around the world
and specifically in the Philippine Arts.
1. To provide the Humanities students with a general perspective of art making them see and appreciate their own world of arts from
various vantage points.
2. To orient the Humanities students to visual arts, auditory arts, and performing arts/theatre arts through the study of the types,
mediums, basic elements and principles of organization of each form.
3. To let the Humanities students recognize some of the materials and processes involved in the production of a work of art.
4. To aid in the analysis of the formal structure of various works of art considering the historical period and cultural framework in
which they were produced.
5. To help increase student’s performance in other academic areas.
6. To develop among the Humanities students an awareness of their present surroundings and associate them with their cultural
heritage thereby integrating the two periods.
3-4 II. The Artist’s Media To familiarize oneself Lecture Quiz Students were able to
1.1 Medium and Technique on how an artwork is Drawing Artworks familiarize themselves
1.2 Mediums of the Visual Arts made, put together of Painting on how an artwork is
1.3 Mediums of Performing Arts organized Research made and organized.
1.4 Methods of Art Production To determine the Presentation
and Presentation meaning conveyed by
the art and how an
artwork makes life
more meaningful
5-6 III. Elements of Visual and To explain the Lecture Quiz Students were able to
Performing Arts relationship of the Performance Presentation/ explain the
1.1 Elements of Visual Arts elements of the Research Performance relationship of the
1.2 Elements of Performing Arts different fields of arts Presentation Major elements of the
Examination different fields of arts.
To explain how their (Prelims)
elements are presented
in the different artwork
7-8 IV. Visual Structure of Works and Lecture Quiz Students were able to
Arts To acquire the ability Performance Recitation acquire the ability to
1.1 Harmony to perceive harmonious Research Presentation perceive, recognize
1.2 Rhythm combination of lines, Presentation and make balance
1.3 Balance forms, sizes, textures, composition.
1.4 Proportion ideas and colors
1.5 Emphasis To acquire the ability
1.6 Other Art Principles to perceive, recognize
and make balance
Periodic Grade = Class Standing (70%) + Periodic Exam (30%)
Class Standing = Art works (20%) + Quizzes (20%) + Presentation (20%) + Attendance (10%)