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Xbox One Controller Object Manual - C

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Xbox One Controller MANUAL

TEAM MEMBERS NAMES: Conlin Gaffke, Jake Falbe, Tyler Jewett

CLASS: 4th

DATE: 12/08/20

Table of Contents


Group Proposal 3

Team Contract 4

Exploded Assembly 5

Bill of Materials 6

Individual Parts 7-10

How to Assemble 11-12

Potential Improvements 13

Group Proposal

Reverse Engineering Proposal

Tyler Jewett, Colin Gaffke, and Jake Falbe

We are planning on reverse engineering a tape Xbox One controller for our project. It has multiple parts including an outside shell with
plastic thumbsticks, the circuit board and then more on the inside of it being screws. We will most likely use a screwdriver to take apart and it will
cost around $15. The use of this controller is to allow a user to interact with the console itself and allow the user to play games, watch
movies/streams, and other activities. It should have over 15 parts.

Team Contract

Exploded Assembly of Xbox Controller

Bill Of Materials

Individual Part Sketches and Models
Part 1: Front Shell

This part was found online(Designed by Lucian Guimond)

Part 2: Back Shell

Part 3: Bottom Shell

Part 4: Circuit Board

Part 5: Thumbsticks

Part 6: Vibration Motors

Part 7: Machine Screw 1

Part 8: Machine Screw 2 (This screw is smaller the Screw 1)

How to assemble an Xbox One Controller

- Part number corresponds to the number in the “How to Assemble”, so Part 1 would be (1)
Step 1: Take the circuit board(4) and insert it into the back shell(2) of the controller, make sure that the holes near the top middle line up with the left
and right holes on the top middle on the back shell.
- Step 1b: Screw in the left and right side top holes of the circuit board, using Machine Screw 2(8).

Step 2:Put the vibration motors(6) in their slots, they go where a tic-tac-toe board pattern is present, near the bottom of the back shell.

Step 3: Place the thumbsticks(5) on the thumbstick controllers, which resemble a box with a switch/lever in the center of it.

Step 4: Place the Bottom shell(3) into its slots on the Back shell, near the bottom of the Back shell.

Step 5: Take the Front Shell(1) and align it with all the circuit boards remaining holes and the Back shell’s remaining holes.
- Step 5b: With the remaining Machine Screw 1’s(7) screw in all remaining holes to complete the assembly.

Image of instructions (step-by-step) below:

Proposed Improvements to the Xbox Controller

-Don’t have a sticker covering the back of the two last screws in the rear of the controller.

-Add rubberized grip to the handles so the chances of dropping the controller and breaking are slim.

-Add a built in battery so the controller does not require batteries.

Image of Improvements:


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