HARDBOUND Thesis 2018 1 PDF
HARDBOUND Thesis 2018 1 PDF
HARDBOUND Thesis 2018 1 PDF
Chapter 1
human experience. These may affect negatively or positively both physical and
mental health. Some individuals seem not to do better than others in dealing with
hardships and tend to give up easily. To understand the factors and process that
enable some individuals to persist when others give up, being mentally tough will
allow individual to deal effectively with challenges and to persist under pressure. It
is not just the ability to keep moving but to keep doing it even the situation is getting
Some athletes don't know how to become mentally tough or how it can actually
help their psychological well-being. Mental toughness is the ability to perform well
ability to consistently perform toward the upper range of your talent and skill
athletes with success (Williams & Krane, 2001). According to Loehr (1986),
coaches and athletes indicate that 50% of performance is mental, and that the
Mental toughness has been described as one of the most used least
(Helson & Srevastava, 2001). Psychological well-being can increase with age,
According to Golby and Shread (2004), mental toughness has recently been
define as the ability of the athletes to remain positive, realistic, calm, and clear,
even when they are under stress. Mentally tough athletes can control emotion,
they can quickly change negative emotion to positive ones and overcome mistakes
and failure. That includes their psychological well-being In order to survive difficult
situation (Loehr, 1982). Moreover, Gucciardi and Gordon (2009) cited that mental
psychological potential” (Carr, 2004). While Bull et al., (2005), stated that mental
toughness is the psychological attribute that enables athletes to cope with the
psychological advantage over opponents and the ability to cope better than others
This study will aim to evaluate the relationship between sport mental
Theoretical Framework
Concepts and theories that have direct significance for, or influence on this
study are presented below to give insight on how mental toughness and
this study.
research. Findings from this body of research demonstrated that one’s subjective
evaluation of life satisfaction and experience with positive and negative affect are
balance of positive and negative affect has also traditionally been equated with
lack of symptom distress to indicate improved mental health (Bierman et al., 2002),
presence of positive affect and absence of negative affect. Instead, positive and
(Dweck, 2006), refer to the lay beliefs people hold about specific human attributes
premise of the implicit theory framework is that individuals differ with regard to their
lay beliefs about the nature of human attributes, and these differences have
malleable and open to development or change (Dweck, 2006; Dweck & Leggett,
theory do not necessarily believe that everyone starts out with the same talent or
potential, or that anyone can be anything [rather] everyone has the ability to grow
Conceptual Framework
This study aims to find out the significant relationship between and among
the variables in this study. Mental toughness is the independent variable which
gender, ethnicity, year level and college are the moderating variables believe to
affect the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The
Figure 1.
Years of Playing Experience
Level of Competition
Moderating Variables
being as the dependent variable. This study also aims to determine the relation of
other variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, years of playing experience and
1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.3 ethnicity;
Dependent Variable?
Based on the stated problems, the following null hypothesis are tested at a
0.05 level of significance for question 2, 3, and 4 with the question no. 1, 2, and 3
as hypotheses free.
Dependent variable.
Athletes. Results that will obtain from the study will give significant
information and knowledge to all athletes on how will mental toughness can affect
their psychological well-being during the game. The result will be constructive and
useful because the athletes will be given ample edge and advantage to win the
Sports enthusiast. This study will aid in the design or implement of new
Coaches. The result of this study will guide the coaches on how will they
train their athlete to become a mentally tough person and to enhance their
psychological well-being.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as basis or foundation for further
moderating variables.
This study was delimited to the volleyball varsity players of both men and
women of Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Marawi City who are officially
Definition of Terms
following terms of the literature are from books, unpublished thesis and journals,
Age. The length of time that one has existed (The American heritage
dictionary of the new language, 2005). In this study, the term refers to the number
sex references (New Webster’s dictionary and thesaurus, 1992). In this study,
origin, tradition, and way of life or customs. In this study, it refers to the ethnic
period of time in terms of years that the respondent spent in playing or indulging in
feel good all the time; the experience of painful emotions is a normal part of life
well-being state of the Volleyball varsity players during and after the game. The
effectively with stressors, pressures and challenges and perform to the best of their
study, the scores of the respondents on the mental toughness test questionnaire
are classified as “very low” mental toughness, “low”, “average”, “high” and “very
Chapter 2
through coping and importance of physical exercise training for mental toughness
among players is also reviewed in this section. The perceptions of coaches with
regards to mental toughness and manner in which it can be developed among elite
Related literature
The following are taken from International literatures related to the study.
Mental Toughness
According to Fawcett (2011), the rationale for the issues with definition of
mental toughness was due to: “Being mentally tough means different things to
different people at different times of their life cycle; it possibly changes due to
gender, age, level of maturity and cultural background, not to mention the sporting
Theory’ on the basis of which mental toughness has been defined as developed
cope better in comparison to their rivals with the related pressure and demands
that occur at highest level in sports. Mental toughness can be developed and
mere reaction to adverse situations rather it is the positive psychological trait that
develops motivation to excel. There are variations in the views of players and
more conductive than others for optimal performance, this pillar is centered on the
optimal levels and types of motivation required to achieve your goals. Motivation
or the mentally tough athlete would encompass a strong desire for success;
willingness to push oneself, persist, and work hard; setting difficult but attainable
goals; and bouncing back from performance setbacks ( jones et al., 2002).
It has been suggested by Krane and Williams (2006) and Middleton, Martin,
and Marsh (2011) that successful performance of athletes and sports players is
attempts have been made to understand what is meant by athletes and coaches
Connaughton, Thelwell, and Hanton (2011) that two of the more promising
psychological skills.
It has been argued by Weinberg (2010) that elite performers do not have
toughness include “not letting anyone break you” and “the ability to focus your
al, 2005).
popular psychological skills utilized by athletes of all ages to improve their mental
performance. It can also be used for enhancing confidence in sports (Callow et al.,
Psychological well-being
and life experience (Helson & Srivastava, 2001). Psychological well-being can
increase with age, education, extraversion and consciousness and decrease with
spirituality can mediate the relationship between context and psychological well-
(Jones et al., 2007). Gould, Dieffenbachia, and Moffett (2002), found that
non-sport personnel, and process of sports. Influences of family and coaches are
specifically important. The influence of these factors on athletes can be both direct
and indirect. Direct domain include teaching and focusing on various psychological
psychological environments.
years old are minimal (Moran, 2004). Psychological attributes play a key role,
regardless of the sport, in linking athletes with success (Williams & Krane, 2001).
development of mental toughness among athletes and players. Mattie & Munroe-
Chandler (2012) argues that mental imagery and control thoughts can be helpful
among athletes.
Related Studies
Achievement level, gender, age, experience, and sport type differences”. it was
among athletes of different: (a) achievement level, (b) gender, (c) age, (d) sporting
experience, and (e) sport type (team vs. individual and contact vs. non-contact
sports). According to the findings of the researchers, it revealed that there is indeed
a significant relationship between mental toughness and gender, age, and sporting
participated in was not significantly associated with mental toughness. In this study
it also sees the relationship of having mental toughness and the variables like
toughness, stress, stress appraisal, coping and coping effectiveness in sport”. The
coping effectiveness among a sample of athletes. In this study it stated that total
mental toughness and its six components predicted coping and coping
mental toughness were associated with more problem-focused coping, but less
the coping strategy employed by the athletes. In relation to this study, it also
investigates how easy the athletes with high mental toughness can effectively cop
Contact and Non-Contact Sport Athletes”, this study was to determine the
study are also interested to know if there is really a relationship of having mental
study presents the relation between mental toughness and behavioral regulation
among university student-athletes. The study used respondents of 100 male and
female student-athletes with the average age of 25.5 were chosen among student-
volunteering sample. The results of this research indicated that there is a positive
and significant relation between mental toughness and behavioral regulation in the
factors in the two groups and male and female athletes. Since physical activities
present study to also know if having mental toughness of different gender can also
self-compassion levels, and to find out whether personal traits and self-
adopting a positive attitude towards oneself, accepting both the positive and
negative sides of the self and having positive emotions about past experiences.
Self-compassion involves being open to one’s suffering rather than avoiding it,
identifying oneself with that suffering, the desire to alleviate that suffering and
showing affection and the most importantly, understanding one’s own grief,
experiences. In this regard, it is seen that the basic ideas of self-compassion and
Athlete Students" with the purpose of studying the role of happiness in predicting
and positive relationship between happiness and the general psychological well-
purpose in life, and personal growth in male athlete students. Considering this
relationship, it can be said that the more happiness is in athlete students, the better
state of psychological well-being they are in. These findings are in consistence
with the results of Salovey et al. (2000), Edwads et al. (2005), Veenhoven (2008),
In line with that, the study of Edwards et al. (2005) entitled "Exploring the
adults in a positive way (10). To justify this finding and in consistence with the
previous findings, it can be said that happiness leads to improve life satisfaction,
events through increasing positive emotions, balance of joy (the balance between
positive and negative emotions), and creating states like laughter and humor.
among male and female students. And based on its findings it suggests that there
Therefore, these differences are significant for psychological well-being among the
In contrast with the study of Winefield et al. (2009), "The relationship between
compare these results with the Kessler 10 (K10) to determine the relationship
analyses, variables found that it positively associated with distress were negatively
associated with well-being and vice versa. Two interesting exceptions to this;
living in a household with one or more children does not affect the likelihood of
well-being" also concluded that there is no significant difference between men and
Chapter 3
that is utilized in this study. The chapter is organized into several sections that
provide a framework within which to describe the research plan. This chapter starts
with the descriptive research design, followed by research instruments which the
researchers describe the tools that they use in the study and local population,
situations and other important details of the locale. The criteria for selecting the
key informant and the sampling that will be used is also stated followed by data
gathering. The chapter ends with data analysis where the researchers discuss how
Research Design
deals with finding the relationship between mental toughness as the independent
utilized to assess the variables. Implications are drawn which supports the results
of the test for the test for the relationship of mental toughness to psychological
The respondents of this study will be the Volleyball varsity players, both
men and women of Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Marawi City A.Y
The sample of this study will obtain from the total of the volleyball varsity
players for women and 12 for men, with a total of 24 volleyball varsity players. Total
Research Instrument
For the data gathering, questionnaires are the primary tool. The
questionnaires has three parts (see Appendix E). The first part is the respondent’s
profile, which consist of the following: respondent’s age, gender, ethnicity, years
of playing experience and level of competition attended. The second part is the
composed of fifteen (15) questions with five (5) choices of Strongly Disagree (SD),
Disagree (D), Undecided (U), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA) both with
positive and negative statements. There are also five (5) classification used in
determining the level of mental toughness of the respondents: 38-43 means Very
Low Mental Toughness, 44-49 means Low Mental Toughness, 50-55 mean
Average Mental Toughness, 56-61 means High Mental Toughness and 62-67
means Very High Mental Toughness. The third part is an adopted and modified
composed of fifteen (15) questions with five (5) choices of Strongly Disagree (SD),
Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA), both with positive
and negative statements. This can be interpreted as high scorer (8-15) or low
high (5-10) or low scorer (1-4) in “Purpose in life”, “Positive relations with others”,
and “Self-acceptance”.
Statistical Treatment
percentage, frequency distribution, and the mean are used to analyze the
descriptive data. Tables are used for the presentation of the demographic profile
of the respondents.
Percentage =𝑛 ∗ 100%
f – Frequency
n – Sample population
And for the relationship between the variables such age, years of playing
𝑑𝑦𝑥 = 𝑃+𝑄+𝑇
𝑦 −𝑇𝑥𝑦
It is the statistical tool used to assess the relationship between the two
variables that are ordinal. If the p value is less than 0.05 then it implies that there
relationship, the researcher should look into the Somers D value. If the value is
pattern, the researcher will consider its sign if it is positive or negative. If the value
is negative that means that there is an inverse relationship, if the value is positive
Fisher’s exact value is also utilized in this study to obtain the relationship
This is used for categorical data that result from classifying objects in two
(contingency) between the two kinds of classification. Fisher showed that the
𝑎+𝑏 𝑐+𝑑
( )( )
𝑎 𝑐 (𝑎 + 𝑏)! (𝑐 + 𝑑)! (𝑎 + 𝑐)! (𝑏 + 𝑑)!
𝑝= 𝑛 =
( ) 𝑎! 𝑏! 𝑐! 𝑑! 𝑛!
Where (𝑘 ) is the binomial coefficient and the symbol ! indicates the factorial
For mental toughness and Psychosocial the statistical used is the weighted
mean since we need to know its average value and since the observed data are
̅̅̅̅ 𝑘 𝑋𝑖 𝑊 𝑖
Weighted mean 𝑋 𝑊 = ∑𝑖=1 𝑊
Chapter 4
This chapter deals with the presentation, analyses and interpretation of the
data gathered from the study. The result in two sections: Profile of the respondents
The profile of the respondents is composed of five (5) items: age, gender,
1.1 Age
Table 1.1
18 – 19 9 37.5%
20 – 21 9 37.5%
22 – 23 3 12.5%
24 – 25 3 12.5%
Total 24 100.0
Table 1.1 showed that majority of the MSU-Varsity players of both men and
women 9 or 37.5% are in the age range 18 – 19 and 20 – 21 years old. However
3 or 12.5% with the age range of 22 – 23 and 24 – 25 years old were classified out
of the 24 respondents.
Therefore, this indicates that majority of the volleyball varsity players were
differences in physical ability between athletes 25 years old are minimal (Moran,
1.2 Gender
Table 1.2
Male 12 50%
Female 12 50%
Total 24 100%
Table 1.2 presents that the gender of the respondents are equally
This however can be supported by the sample of this study that obtain from
Campus. There are 12 volleyball varsity players for women and 12 for men, with a
total of 24 volleyball varsity players. Also Bahari (2001) as presented in the study
the relation between mental toughness and behavioral regulation among university
student-athletes. The results of this research indicated that there is a positive and
factors in the two groups of male and female athletes. Since physical activities play
motivating factors and thoughts. It is significant to this present study to also know
if having mental toughness of different gender can also be used to evaluate the
1.3 Ethnicity
Table 1.3
Muslim 8 33.33%
Non-muslim 16 66.67%
Total 24 100%
This indicates that majority of the volleyball varsity players are non-muslim.
This supports that among the Muslim culture, only few of them have an intense
passion in engaging sports activity especially for women here in MSU, Muslim
Table 1.4
Years of playing
Frequency Percentage
6 months – 1 year 4 16.7%
2 years – 5 years 13 54.2%
6 years – 10 years 7 29.2%
Total 24 100%
The result showed that majority of the volleyball varsity players have 2 – 5
years of playing experience in volleyball. In the study of Polman, Levy and Nicholls,
“Mental toughness in sport: Achievement level, gender, age, experience, and sport
in mental toughness among athletes of different: (a) achievement level, (b) gender,
(c) age, (d) sporting experience, and (e) sport type (team vs. individual and contact
Table 1.5
Regional 13 54.2%
Municipal 5 20.8%
Barangay 2 8.3%
Intercollegiate 2 8.3%
Total 24 100%
As shown above in table 1.5, for the level of competition, among the 24
are in intercollegiate.
level and the type of sport an athlete participated in was not significantly associated
Table 1.6
Mental Toughness
Frequency Percentage
Score Range Qualitative Description
Table 2.6 showed that among the 24 respondents, 9 or 37.5% have a very
well as Low mental Toughness. None of the respondents have Very High mental
The result would likely imply that majority of the varsity players are Average
in mental toughness. They tend to I suffer from the ‘what if’s’ – I think too much
about what could go wrong just before and during competitive activity. One or two
failure do not shake their confidence and lastly they do their best when there’s
Table 1.7
Psychological well-being
Frequency Percentage
Score Range Qualitative Descriptive
High Psychological
8 – 15 19 79.17%
Low Psychological
1–7 5 20.83%
High Psychological
8 – 15 23 95.83%
Environmental well-being
Mastery Low Psychological
1–7 1 4.17%
High Psychological
8 – 15 23 95.83%
Personal well-being
Growth Low Psychological
1–7 1 4.17%
High Psychological
5 – 10 23 95.83%
Positive well-being
Relation Low Psychological
1–4 1 4.17%
High Psychological
5 – 10 24 100%
Purpose in well-being
Life Low Psychological
1–4 0 0
High Psychological
5 – 10 24 100%
Self- well-being
acceptance Low Psychological
1–4 0 0
have a low psychological well-being. For the Positive Relation, 23 or 95.83% have
being. For Purpose in Life, 24 or 100% have high psychological well-being and
none of them have low psychological well-being. And lastly, for the Self-
The result would likely imply that among the respondents, majority have a
said that the more happiness is in athlete students, the better state of psychological
well-being they are in. These findings are in consistence with the results of Salovey
et al. (2000), Edwads et al. (2005), Veenhoven (2008), and Piqueras et al. (2011).
no. 2 “Is there a significant relationship between age, gender, ethnicity, years of
being as the dependent variable” and lastly question no.4 “Is there a significant
The result for correlations of the different variables aim to answer the
Question no. 2 of the statement of the problem. All the necessary information
needed to answer and decide on the said problem and the hypothesis are
Table 2.1
Independent Variable
As seen above in Table 2.1, the Somers’ D value of 0.178, 0.263 and -
0.130, and its corresponding p-value of 0.294, 0.151 and -0.613, respectively, age,
Fisher’s Test value p-value of 0.465 and 0.621 and its corresponding Df 1 and 1,
respectively, gender and ethnicity. The null hypothesis which stated that there is
The result for correlations of the different variables aim to answer the
Question no. 3 of the statement of the problem. All the necessary information
needed to answer and decide on the said problem and the hypothesis are
Table 2.2
Dependent Variable
Looking at the Somers’ D value of -0.328, 0.105 and 0.070 and its
playing experience and level of competition attended. As well as the Fisher’s Test
value p-value of 0.400 and 0.667, and its corresponding Df 1 and 1, respectively,
gender and ethnicity. The null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant
relationship between age, gender, ethnicity, years of playing experience and level
psychological well-being (p=0.081) in which it is less than 0.05 means they are
significantly related.
The result for correlations of the different variables aim to answer the
Question no. 4 of the statement of the problem. All the necessary information
needed to answer and decide on the said problem and the hypothesis are
Table 2.3
Dependent variable
Independent Psychological well-being
Somers’ D value p-value Interpretation
these result, reject Hₒ4. The connotations of the findings state that the volleyball
among Contact and Non-Contact Sport Athletes”, this was to determine the
psychological skills. The researchers of this study are also interested to know if
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the summary, its findings, and the conclusions
derived from the said findings. It likewise discusses the recommendations of the
study based on the study gathered and the result of this statistical analysis.
The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between
dependent variable, and how moderating variables of age, gender, ethnicity, years
For the data gathering, questionnaires were the primary tool. The
questionnaires has three parts (see Appendix E). The first part is the respondent’s
profile, which consist of the following: respondent’s age, gender, ethnicity, years
of playing experience and level of competition attended. The second part is the
composed of fifteen (15) questions with five (5) choices of Strongly Disagree (SD),
Disagree (D), Undecided (U), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA), both with
positive and negative statements. There are also five (5) classification used in
determining the level of mental toughness of the respondents: 38-43 means Very
Low Mental Toughness, 44-49 means Low Mental Toughness, 50-55 mean
Average Mental Toughness, 56-61 means High Mental Toughness and 62-67
means Very High Mental Toughness. The third part is an adopted and modified
composed of fifteen (15) questions with five (5) choices of Strongly Disagree (SD),
Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA), both with positive
and negative statements. There were five (5) classification used in determining the
high scorer (8-15) or low scorer (7-1) in “Autonomy”, “Environmental mastery” and
“Personal growth”, and high (5-10) or low scorer (1-4) in “Purpose in life”, “Positive
percentage, frequency distribution, and the mean are used to analyze the
descriptive data. Tables are used for the presentation of the demographic profile
of the respondents. And for the relationship between the variables such age, years
relationship between the two variables that are ordinal. If the p-value is less than
0.05 then it implies that there is significant relationship between the two variables.
To know the level of relationship, the researcher should look into the Somers D
Also, to know its pattern, the researcher will consider its sign if it is positive or
negative. If the value is negative that means that there is an inverse relationship,
Fisher’s exact value were also utilize in this study to obtain the relationship
between the variables such gender and ethnicity. This is used for categorical data
that result from classifying objects in two different ways; it is used to examine the
classification. Fisher showed that the probability of obtaining any such given by
the weighted mean since we need to know its average value and since the
respondents after all the data were gathered and treated statistically the following
equally with a frequency of 12 or 50% for both men and women. Most of the
respondents have an experience of playing volleyball for 2-5 years. The highest
Regional tournaments. This study also found out that the volleyball varsity players’
On the other hand, the relationship between moderating variables and the
ethnicity, years of playing experience and level of competition were not significantly
well-being (p=0.081) in which it is less than 0.05 means they are significantly
For the relationship of the main variable of the study, it showed that there is
The following conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study and
relationship with the independent variable. The Hₒ1 which states that “there is no
is hereby accepted.
On the other hand, there is no significant relationship (p-value >0.05) with the
dependent variable except for the varsity’s age (p=0.081). Therefore, accept Hₒ2
Lastly, the Hₒ3 which state that “there is no significant relationship between
study concludes that there is a significant relationship that can affect between
Based on the results and findings of the study conducted, the researchers
strengthen their mental toughness. And with that, they can cope up well
with their anxiety whenever they’re inside the court. They might also
apply that not just when they’re inside the court, but also in real lives. It
also might help if they incorporate the value of teamwork while practicing
on games and carry with them the spirit of oneness and sportsmanship
athletes are inside the court because most athletes are affected by their
relationship to his fellow athletes to earn their trust and may help them
opportunities and develop programs that will positively change the athletes'
mindset during the play. Creating a different programs may help the athlete
build confidence and strengthen their mental toughness and may help them in
Appendix A
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
The undersigned are the Sports Track students of MSU-Marawi Senior High School. As a
major requirement of the course Research in Daily life 3 ((Research Project/Culminating
Activity) this 2nd semester, A.Y, 2017-2018. We will be conducting a research entitled MENTAL
In this regards, we would humbly request for your full support by allowing the Volleyball
varsity players of this university to be the respondents of the study. This is a purely a paper-pencil
test and the conduct is based on their availability. Rest assured that all information taken will be
kept with utmost confidentially.
Your favorable response to the enrichment of our study are highly appreciated. Thank you
very much!
MSHS Sports Track Researchers
Appendix B
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
The undersigned are the Sports Track students of MSU-Marawi Senior High School. As a
major requirement of the course Research in Daily life 3 ((Research Project/Culminating
Activity) this 2nd semester, A.Y, 2017-2018. We will be conducting a research entitled MENTAL
In this regards, we would humbly request for your full support by allowing your Volleyball varsity
players to be the respondents of the study. This is a purely a paper-pencil test and the conduct is
based on their availability. Rest assured that all information taken will be kept with utmost
Your favorable response to the enrichment of our study are highly appreciated. Thank you
very much!
MSHS Sports Track Researchers
Appendix C
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
The undersigned are the Sports Track students of MSU-Marawi Senior High School. As a
major requirement of the course Research in Daily life 3 ((Research Project/Culminating
Activity) this 2nd semester, A.Y, 2017-2018. We will be conducting a research entitled MENTAL
In this regards, we would humbly request for your full support by allowing your Volleyball varsity
players to be the respondents of the study. This is a purely a paper-pencil test and the conduct is
based on their availability. Rest assured that all information taken will be kept with utmost
Your favorable response to the enrichment of our study are highly appreciated. Thank you
very much!
MSHS Sports Track Researchers
Appendix D
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
Dear Respondents,
Greetings of peace!
The undersigned are the Sports Track students of MSU-Marawi Senior High School. As a
major requirement of the course Research in Daily life 3 ((Research Project/Culminating
Activity) this 2nd semester, A.Y, 2017-2018. We will be conducting a research entitled MENTAL
In this regards, we would humbly request for your full support and cooperation as
respondent of this study. Your honest answer is of great help in the success of this endeavor. Rest
assured that all information taken will be kept with utmost confidentiality.
Your favorable response and valuable inputs to the enrichment of our paper are highly
appreciated. Thank you very much!
MSHS Sports Track Researchers
Appendix E
Instruction: Below are the statements regarding your mental toughness. Read
each statement below. Please respond to each statement, without too much
thought by putting a check mark (/) on your corresponding choice. There is no
wrong answer. Use pen to mark your choice. Please refer to the following legend.
SA – Strongly Agree U – Undecided SD – Strongly Disagree
A – Agree D – Disagree
Statement SD D U A SA
Statement SD D U A SA
12. I’d rather compete against a better
opponent and lose- than win against
weaker opponent.
13. I do better in practice that I do when it
really counts the most.
14. I think about how today’s practice will
helps me achieve my goals in the
15. It’s easy for me to let go of my
and 15 are rated with: For SD=1, D=2, N=3, A=4, SA=5 and for negative statement
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, 13 are rated with: for SD=5, D=4, N=3, A=2, and SA=1.
SA – Strongly Agree U – Undecided SD – Strongly Disagree
A – Agree D – Disagree
To score the questionnaires, positive statements numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,
8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are rated with: For SD=1, D=2, N=3, A=4, SA=5 and for
negative statement 3, 5, 10, 13, 14 & 15 are rated with: for SD=5, D=4, N=3, A=2,
and SA=1.
f. Self-acceptance: items 6, 12
Score Range
Higher Lower
Score Score
High scorer: Is self-determining and
independent; able to resist social pressures to
think and act in certain ways; regulates
behaviour from within; evaluates self by
personal standards.
8 - 15 1-7 Autonomy
Low scorer: Is concerned about the
expectations and evaluations of others; relies
on judgments of others to make important
decisions; conforms to social pressures to think
and act in certain ways.
Ryff (n.d). Psychological well-being scale. Retrieved February 16, 2018 from
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Eka
Age : 18
Sex : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Ara
Age : 18
Sex : Female
Marawi City.
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Zayn
Age : 19
Sex : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Kim
Age : 19
Sex : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Norjas
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Nationality : Filipin
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Aisa
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Marawi City
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao
I. Personal Information
Nickname : Pipay
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Tribe : Meranao