Relationship of Psychological Well-Being With Emotional Intelligence in Sports
Relationship of Psychological Well-Being With Emotional Intelligence in Sports
Relationship of Psychological Well-Being With Emotional Intelligence in Sports
The aim of the study was to find out the relationship of psychological well-being with Emotional intelligence among elite and non-
elite handball players. A total of 100 handball players were selected for the study (50 each from elite and non-elite level). The
results revealed out a positive correlation of psychological well-being with emotional intelligence in elite handball players as the
‘r’ value was found to be .218. In case of non-elite handball players an insignificant differences was found between Psychological
well-being and emotional Intelligence.
Table 1: Correlation
Variables N Mean Std. Deviations Df Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
Psychological wellbeing 50 168.61 25.74
49 .218* .042
Emotional Intelligence 50 132.23 24.45
Table: 1 shows the relationship of psychological wellbeing significant difference of Psychological well-being with
with will to win among elite handball players. The mean emotional intelligence. The r-value .218* points out a positive
value of psychological welbeing and emotional intelligence correlation of Psychological well-being with emotional
among elite handball players was found to be 168.61 and intelligence among elite handball players. Thus the null
132.23 respectively. The p-value .042 is significant at 0.05 hypothesis of no difference was rejected.
level of significance thus clearly displaying that there exists a
Table 2: Correlation
Variables N Mean Std. Deviations Df Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
Psychological wellbeing 50 161.54 21.22
49 .112* .058
Emotional Intelligence 50 119.54 20.43
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development