2011 Psychosocial-Resources AESP
2011 Psychosocial-Resources AESP
2011 Psychosocial-Resources AESP
Psychosocial Resources:
Functions, Origins, and Links
to Mental and Physical Health
Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
1. Psychological and Social Resources: What Are They? 2
1.1. Optimism 2
1.2. Mastery/psychological control 7
1.3. Self-related resources 9
1.4. Other individual difference psychosocial resources 12
1.5. Social relationships and social support 13
1.6. Psychosocial resources as a composite variable 15
2. Mediators Linking Psychosocial Resources to Mental and
Physical Outcomes 16
2.1. Negative and positive affect 17
2.2. Coping 20
2.3. Neural mechanisms mediating the effects of psychosocial
resources on mental and physical health outcomes 21
2.4. Biological mediators 25
3. Origins of Psychosocial Resources 28
3.1. Early environment 28
4. Can People be Taught to Develop Psychosocial Resources? 34
5. Conclusions and Remaining Issues 36
Acknowledgment 40
References 40
Psychosocial resources are individual differences and social relationships that
have beneficial effects on mental and physical health outcomes. The exact pro-
cesses whereby psychosocial resources beneficially affect well-being and physical
health outcomes have, until recently, been largely unknown. We examine chronic
negative and positive affect, approach versus avoidant coping processes, and
neural responses to threat as likely mediators. These, in turn, regulate
Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
2 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
1.1. Optimism
One of the most widely studied psychosocial resources is optimism. Opti-
mism reflects the extent to which people hold favorable expectations about
the future (Scheier & Carver, 1992). As a dispositional variable, it reflects
Psychosocial Resources 3
Social support
Neural responses
Chronic negative and
to threat
positive affect Anterior cingulate
Depressive symptoms cortex Coping processes
Anxiety Amygdala (approach, avoidance)
Neuroticism Hypothalamus
Positive affect Prefrontal cortex
Psychological, autonomic,
neuroendocrine, and
immune responses to
1.3.1. Self-esteem
Like optimism and mastery, self-esteem has been studied as a disposition and
as a factor that can vary by situation or life domain (Campbell, 1990;
Crocker & Knight, 2005). When studied as a disposition, the Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) is often administered, which includes
such items as, I feel that I have a number of good qualities and the
reverse-coded, All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.
The relation of self-esteem to well-being is virtually definitional, and
conventional definitions of mental health maintain that feeling good about
oneself is a central component (see Taylor & Brown, 1988). Empirical
evidence supports this idea. For example, using two large longitudinal
datasets including more than 4000 people aged 1896 years, Orth,
Robins, Trzesniewski, Maes, and Schmitt (2009) found that low self-esteem
predicted subsequent depressive symptoms (whereas depressive symptoms
did not predict subsequent low self-esteem). The pattern was consistent
across all age groups, for several measures of depression, and after
controlling for content overlap between the measures. Using two large
longitudinal datasets, with repeated measures on people ages 1521 and
1821, Trzesniewski, Donnellan, Moffitt, Robins, Poulton, and Caspi
(2006) again found that low self-esteem predicted subsequent levels of
depression, but not the reverse. Low self-esteem in adolescence was also
predictive of poorer mental and physical health, worse economic prospects,
and a higher likelihood of engagement in criminal behavior during adult-
hood, relative to high self-esteem; these effects were not explained by
10 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
1.3.3. Self-concept
The self-concept is not inherently a psychosocial resource but, rather,
represents the beliefs that people hold about their personal attributes.
Nonetheless, there are aspects of the self-concept that may act as psychoso-
cial resources. For example, people who hold multiple roles and have
multiple areas in their lives that are sources of reward are better buffered
against setbacks than people who do not (Chrouser Ahrens & Ryff, 2006;
Linville, 1987; Waldron, Weiss, & Hughes, 1998). The self-concept repre-
sents areas of vulnerability as well as resilience. Within the self-concept,
certain domains are central, such as the work role or the marriage role,
whereas others may be more peripheral, such as ones sense of self as a
decent tennis player. Threats to core areas of the self engage defensive
processing of personally relevant risk-related information, whereas threats
Psychosocial Resources 11
to more peripheral areas of the self may lead people to refocus their efforts
on other self-relevant life domains (Sherman & Cohen, 2006).
1.3.4. Self-affirmation
An extensive literature has examined whether manipulating self-related
resources improves well-being, health, and coping with stress (Sherman &
Cohen, 2006). Much of this work is guided by the theory of self-affirmation
(Steele, 1988), which asserts that the goal of the self system is to protect a
positive self-image; when self integrity is threatened, people respond to
restore self-worth. People may affirm alternative self resources, as by reflect-
ing on important aspects of life irrelevant to the threat or by engaging in an
activity that makes personal values salient, such as religion, the importance
of friends and family, or artistic endeavors. In a typical self-affirmation study,
people rank order their values and then are instructed to focus on a value
that ranks high for them versus one that is less important (low self-affirma-
tion), and they are then are exposed to tasks or information that threaten
the self.
On the mental health side, self-affirmation can reduce ruminative think-
ing among people exposed to a personal threat, such as failure on an IQ test
(Koole, Smeets, van Knippenberg, & Dijksterhuis, 1999), and buffer people
biologically against stress. For example, in one study (Creswell et al., 2005),
people who had either affirmed an important value or a less important value
participated in stressful tasks in the laboratory (the Trier Social Stress Task,
involving difficult mental arithmeticand the preparation and delivery of a
speech to an unresponsive audience; Kirschbaum, Klauer, Filipp, &
Hellhammer, 1995). Those who had self-affirmed in advance showed
lower cortisol responses to the tasks. Trait self-esteem and optimism mod-
erated the relation between self-affirmation and psychological distress, such
that participants who had dispositional self resources and who had affirmed
personal values reported being the least stressed. Sherman, Bunyan,
Creswell, and Jaremka (2009) reported that self-affirmation exercises
resulted in lower urinary catecholamine levels in response to the stress
of exams.
Self-affirmation can also affect physical health-related outcomes.
Keough (1998) found that participants who wrote self-affirmation essays
over the winter break were less likely to visit health services upon their
return to school. Health behaviors may be beneficially affected by self-
affirmation as well (Sherman, Nelson, & Steele, 2000). Linking health
behavior change campaigns to identity cues related to personally important
values can improve the long-term impact of such messages (Dal Cin,
MacDonald, Fong, Zanna, & Elton-Marshall, 2006).
An important caveat regarding self-affirmation is that the self-affirmation
needs to be in a domain different from that involving the threat. Thus, for
example, self-affirmation of values unrelated to a threatening or stressful
12 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
event decreases bias and inflexibility, but self-affirmations within the same
domain actually backfire, enhancing distress and defensiveness (Sherman &
Cohen, 2006). The self-affirmation process also needs to occur prior to a
threat to the self in order to reduce defensive responses (Critcher, Dunning,
& Armor, 2010).
Otherwise, though, self-affirmation processes can overcome defensive
processing of risk-related information, paralleling observations on disposi-
tional optimism. For example, when a health message is threatening, people
may scrutinize it closely in a defensive effort to make the message seem less
related to their health outcomes (e.g., Ditto & Lopez, 1992; Kunda, 1987).
However, if people have affirmed an important self value prior to processing
personally relevant risk-related information, they process that information
in a more even-handed way (Epton & Harris, 2008; Reed & Aspinwall,
1998; Sherman et al., 2000).
1.4.1. Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is associated with good health and longevity (Kern,
Friedman, Martin, Reynolds, & Luong, 2009; Taylor et al., 2009;
Terracciano, Lockenhoff, Zonderman, Ferrucci, & Costa, 2008). For
example, a study that examined personality ratings for youngsters in
19211922 found that children who were highly conscientious were
more likely to live to an old age (Friedman et al., 1995). Conscientious
people may be more successful in avoiding situations that could harm them,
and they also practice good health habits reliably (OCleirigh, Ironson,
Weiss, & Costa, 2007; OConnor, Conner, Jones, McMillan, & Ferguson,
2009), although research suggests that the beneficial effects of conscien-
tiousness on longevity cannot be explained entirely by health behaviors
(Terracciano et al., 2008).
Historically, conscientiousness has been measured by self-perceptions of
competence, a preference for order, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-
discipline, and deliberation (e.g., OCleirigh et al., 2007); thus, it is possible
that conscientiousness as a trait is a marker for skills that contribute to the
ability to get things done, including the willingness to persevere on difficult
tasks and the capacities to be organized, orderly, and dutiful about complet-
ing tasks. As such, the role of conscientiousness in fostering beneficial
Psychosocial Resources 13
mental and physical health outcomes under stressful circumstances may well
be underestimated. Conscientious people may be able to avoid many
stressful events. Precisely because they are organized, dutiful people, they
may never actually encounter certain stressors. For example, if you are
conscientious about getting your car in for its regular service, the likelihood
that you will be confronted with a more major problem down the road is
reduced, as potential problems can be preempted or nipped in the bud.
Thus, conscientiousness may be a psychosocial resource that is distinctively
preemptive in nature, relative to the other psychosocial measures discussed
thus far (Aspinwall & Taylor, 1997).
1.4.2. Extraversion
Extraversion refers to a persons preferences for social settings and a ten-
dency to be outgoing, which are underpinnings of a socially engaged
lifestyle (Wilson et al., 2005). Extraversion is generally tied to a positive
mood (e.g., Stafford, Ng, Moore, & Bard, 2010) and has been tied to
physical health benefits (e.g, Broadbent, Broadbent, Phillpotts, & Wallace,
1984; Cohen et al., 1998; Cohen, Doyle, Turner, Alper, & Skoner, 2003a;
Totman, Kiff, Reed, & Craig, 1980) and reduced risk of mortality in old age
(Wilson et al., 2005).
specific benefits that can be provided by others, that is, the functional
taxonomy described earlier. Emotional support may be protective primarily
through physiological routes. In reviews, Uchino (2006, 2009) concluded
that cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immune functioning associated
with social support exert multiple protective biological effects (see also
Taylor, 2011).
(2007a), for example, compared adult cancer patients with healthy controls
and found higher levels of optimism, purpose in life, and self-esteem in the
cancer patients, relative to the healthy controls, with levels of these
resources declining to those experienced by healthy adults over time.
Results were interpreted as consistent with the prediction that psychosocial
resources arise spontaneously to meet the challenge posed by threatening
events and decline over time, as the threat declines (Taylor, 1983). Ickovics
et al. (2006) followed more than 700 HIV-seropositive women and found
that psychosocial resources (in this case, positive affect, optimism over
health outcomes, and finding meaning) protected against HIV-related mor-
tality and decline in CD4 lymphocyte counts, a marker prognostic for
advancing disease. Among patients treated for coronary artery disease with
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, Helgeson (2003) found
that positive self-views, a positive view of the future, and a sense of personal
control were associated prospectively with good adjustment to disease, even
when initial adjustment was taken into consideration. Helgeson (1992)
found that adjustment was better for cardiac patients with a strong sense
of personal control, compared to those with little sense of control. Tomich
and Helgeson (2006), however, found that perceptions of personal control
over illness (but not optimism or self-esteem) were associated with worse
physical and mental functioning and benefit-finding among women who
subsequently sustained a recurrence. Pinquart, Frohlich, and Silbereisen
(2007b) found that high levels of social support and optimism among cancer
patients facing chemotherapy predicted more positive changes and fewer
negative changes over time, leading to greater psychological well-being.
They concluded that patients with low levels of psychosocial resources are
at risk for finding nothing beneficial in adversity (p. 907).
Pressman & Cohen, 2005), and so whether positive affective states might
explain the relation of psychosocial resources to mental and physical health
is also a viable question. Positive and negative affect are correlated but
surprisingly independent of each other (Diener & Emmons, 1984), and
both positive and negative affect have been shown to have effects on
health-related biological processes independent of the other (Ryff et al.,
2006; Steptoe, Wardle, & Marmot, 2005). Hence, the importance of
positive emotional states may be considered apart from the significance of
negative affectivity.
With respect to mental health outcomes, being able to experience
positive emotions, even in the context of intensely stressful events, appears
to be one way of coping that resilient people draw on (Tugade &
Fredrickson, 2004). For example, in one study (Fredrickson, Tugade,
Waugh, & Larkin, 2003), being able to experience positive emotions such
as gratitude or love following the 9/11 attacks enabled many people to cope
with these distressing events and even to experience post traumatic growth.
Fredrickson (2004) has suggested that positive emotions enable people to
broaden their thought-action repertoire through which they can build
additional personal resources (i.e., the broaden-and-build theory of positive
In terms of physical health outcomes, Pressman and Cohen (2005)
reported that trait positive affect is associated with increased longevity,
lower morbidity, decreased symptoms and pain, and increased longevity
among older community dwelling individuals. A limited amount of
research has suggested that positive emotions promote resistance to illness
(Cohen, Alper, Doyle, Treanor, & Turner, 2006). People high in trait
positive affect perceive their bodies more positively, and they may also
experience changes in affect-based physiological processes as well, although
the evidence on this point is less clear (Cohen et al., 2006).
In a meta-analysis of 35 studies, Chida and Steptoe (2008) found that
positive affect was associated with reduced mortality in healthy populations
and with reduced death rates in patients infected with HIV or at risk for
cardiovascular disease or renal failure. Several additional (at least partially
overlapping) meta-analyses have reported a relation between positive well-
being and mortality as well (Howell, Kern, & Lyubomirsky, 2007;
Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005). On the whole, the evidence that
positive affect is associated with physical health and longevity in healthy
populations is stronger than evidence that it predicts survival in those with
extant illness (Pressman & Cohen, 2005). Research attempting to link
positive affect to health behaviors has revealed a mixed pattern; some studies
show positive relations, others no relations (Diener & Chan, 2011; Steptoe,
Dockray, & Wardle, 2009).
Positive emotions affect biological mediators thought to bridge between
psychosocial resources and health outcomes: specifically, a positive emotional
Psychosocial Resources 19
style has been tied to lower cortisol levels (Polk et al., 2005), to better immune
responses to vaccinations (Marsland, Cohen, Rabin, & Manuck, 2001), and to
lower levels of glycosylated hemoglobin in older adults (critical, e.g., in the
management of Type I and Type II diabetes; Tsenkova, Love, Singer, & Ryff,
2007). Positive affect has been tied to faster skin barrier recovery (Robles,
Brooks, & Pressman, 2009) and to more rapid cardiovascular recovery follow-
ing laboratory stressors (Fredrickson, Mancuso, Branigan, & Tugade, 2000).
Lyubomirsky et al. (2005) reported an effect size of 0.38 between induced
positive affect and physiological outcomes including immune functioning and
cardiovascular reactivity (see also Howell, Kern, & Lyubomirsky, 2007;
Pressman & Cohen, 2005). Well-being has been tied to indicators of better
immune functioning (sIgA antibody production), higher pain tolerance, and
lower cortisol levels (Howell et al., 2007).
The research on positive affect implies that it may be one factor that
underlies the benefits of psychosocial resources, and trait positive affect might
even be considered a psychosocial resource in its own right. Pause for this
conclusion, however, comes from research on cheerfulness. Cheerful people
die somewhat sooner than people who are not cheerful (Friedman et al., 1993).
Cheerful people may be more careless about their health and, as a result,
encounter health risks (Martin et al., 2002). Related findings have been
reported by Pressman and Cohen (2005), such that people with extremely
high levels of positive affect, especially in the context of end-stage disease, may
show an increased risk for mortality. McCarron, Gunnett, Harrison, Okasha,
and Davey Smith (2003) found that hypomania predicted enhanced risk of
cardiovascular mortality, and Ritz and Steptoe (2000) reported a relation of
extremely positive mood to decreased pulmonary function.
Do negative affectivity and/or positive affect explain the effects of
psychosocial resources on health outcomes? To answer this question defin-
itively would require more evidence than currently exists. However, the
available evidence suggests that the effects of psychosocial resources are
not explained entirely by the absence of negative affectivity or by the
presence of positive affect. Although the relation between optimism
and self-reported physical symptoms may be explained by the negative
relation of optimism to negative affectivity (Smith, Pope et al., 1989),
other outcomes such as well-being and health-based outcomes are not
as conceptually or operationally confounded with affectivity (see
Aspinwall & Brunhart, 2000). Kubzansky et al. (2001) found that optimism
protected against nonfatal myocardial infarction and coronary heart
disease death even after controlling for depression and anxiety. Scheier,
Carver, and Bridges (1994) analyzed data from over 4000 participants and
showed that the associations of optimism with depression and coping
remained significant even when measures of neuroticism and negative
affectivity were controlled. The adaptiveness of control perceptions does
not appear to be explained by the absence of negative affectivity either;
20 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
2.2. Coping
Psychosocial resources may be related to mental and physical outcomes via
fostering the use of approach-oriented coping strategies. Coping is defined as
action-oriented and intrapsychic efforts to manage the demands of the envi-
ronment. Although a number of coping frameworks have been advanced, one
that is gaining traction emphasizes the approach-avoidance continuum (e.g.,
Solberg Nes & Segerstrom, 2006). Approach-avoidance reflects a core moti-
vational construct (e.g., Davidson, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000) that has been
applied across multiple domains within psychology, including both animal
and human research, and it can be profitably applied not only to threatening or
highly stressful circumstances but also to the activities of everyday life. As such,
it may be particularly well suited as a candidate linking both dispositional and
situational resources to beneficial outcomes.
Approach-oriented coping involves active efforts, such as problem-solving,
seeking social support, and creating outlets for emotional expression. As such, it
maps onto the behavioral activation system (BAS; Gray, 1990). Coping
through avoidance includes both cognitive and behavioral strategies, such as
distracting oneself from stressful circumstances, minimizing threatening events,
avoiding thinking about them, and substance use. As such, it maps onto the
behavioral inhibition system (BIS). As already reviewed, research ties opti-
mism, mastery, and self-esteem to more active and persistent coping efforts.
Approach-related coping has, in turn, been tied to positive psychological states
Psychosocial Resources 21
insula, brain regions that have both been associated with processing rejec-
tion-related distress and negative affect, were, in turn, tied to enhanced
inflammatory activity. Because chronic inflammation is implicated in many
diseases, including depression and coronary artery disease, low-grade
inflammation may be an important pathway by which stress responses affect
the likelihood of illness. Psychosocial resources can mute these relations
(Friedman, Hayney, Love, Singer, & Ryff, 2007).
Finally, chronic or recurrent stress can affect recovery from stress,
reflected in the speed and ease with which biological stress regulatory
systems can return to their normal functioning. The theory of allostatic
load suggests that the inability to recover quickly from a stressful event may
be a marker for the cumulative damage that stress has caused. With chronic
or repeated stress, both sympathetic activation and HPA activation can last
longer and, potentially, widen the window of susceptibility to illness and
injury (e.g., Perna & McDowell, 1995).
The accumulating damage that results from chronic or recurring stress
interacts with genetic vulnerabilities and with poor health behaviors, such as
little exercise, high-fat diet, and smoking, all of which can exacerbate or hasten
the accumulation of allostatic load (Ng & Jeffery, 2003). They may also interact
with individual differences in reactivity, which are predispositions, determined
by genes, prenatal experiences, and/or early life experiences, to be highly
reactive to stress in sympathetic, neuroendocrine, and/or immune function-
ing. People prone to high reactivity may, as a result, be especially vulnerable to
stress-related disorders in both the short term and long term (Boyce et al., 1995;
Jacobs et al., 2006). Psychosocial resources may reduce the magnitude of
responses to stress, their frequency, or both, thus leading to lesser strain on
biological stress regulatory systems and lesser accumulation of allostatic load.
What is the evidence linking psychosocial resources to health outcomes
via these routes? We have noted several examples in previous sections, and
several additional investigations speak to this issue. In a study of the elderly,
high self-esteem was associated with lower levels of cortisol and adreno-
corticotropin hormone in response to a challenge (Seeman et al., 1995). In a
study examining the impact of self-enhancement on physiological responses
to stress (Taylor et al., 2003b), people who regarded themselves especially
positively showed reduced blood pressure and heart rate, faster cardiovas-
cular recovery, and lower baseline cortisol levels, relative to those who were
less self-enhancing. Creswell et al. (2005) found that cortisol responses to
laboratory stress tasks were significantly lower if people had self-affirmed an
important value prior to going through the tasks. The links from control
and mastery to health outcomes may also be mediated by immune
responses. For example, among adolescents with asthma, beliefs in personal
control are associated with better immune responses related to their disease
(Chen, Fisher, Bacharier, & Strunk, 2003).
28 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
avoidant coping, and neural responses to threat in the amygdala, the hypo-
thalamus, the dACC, and the PFC. These brain activations, in turn, regulate
psychological, autonomic, neuroendocrine, and immune responses to
threat, which play out over time to affect mental and physical health out-
comes. Research establishes the origins of psychosocial resources in the
early childhood environment, in genetic predispositions, and in their inter-
action. Specifically, low childhood SES and a harsh early family environ-
ment are risk factors for developing inadequate psychosocial resources, and
genetic predispositions and gene-by-environment interactions appear to be
implicated as well. However, although research has definitively established a
role for genetics, the specific genes that are implicated remain to be fully
uncovered. Although not all the links have been made yet, this model is a
scientifically viable account of how psychosocial resources develop and are
deployed over time so as to affect mental and physical health.
Some important issues remain. The best source of evidence for a longi-
tudinal model such as this is large-scale prospective studies that follow a
cohort over time through a range of early childhood experiences and SES
levels with multiple age-appropriate assessments of psychosocial resources,
chronic positive and negative affective states, and approach and avoidance
coping, coupled with assessments of neural regulation of stress responses.
Assessments of markers deemed to be prognostic for chronic mental and
physical health disorders, such as those suggested by the allostatic load
model, would need to be assessed as well, to document changes in mental
and physical health status over time. This is a tall order in its own right, and
it is easier said than done for other reasons. For example, a problem is
presented by analyses that control for baseline mental and physical health,
especially in middle aged and older samples. Specifically, to the extent that
psychosocial resources have already exerted beneficial effects on mental and
physical health, controlling for baseline may actually remove much of the
effects of psychosocial resources (Diener & Chan, 2011; Suls & Bunde,
2005). This problem may be exacerbated by the fact that childhood is a time
when psychosocial resources begin to develop, and so as samples age,
controlling for baseline is increasingly likely to reflect the outcome of
A related concern may also lead to underestimation of the importance of
psychosocial resources. Much of the literature that has documented the
benefits of psychosocial resources on mental and physical health outcomes
has focused on the management of stressful events, and stressful events are,
by definition, events that occur. Stress that is muted or avoided completely
is not studied. It is likely that psychosocial resources function heavily to
offset threats and enable people to avoid stressors, perhaps as much or more
than to manage them when they occur (Aspinwall & Taylor, 1997). Thus, it
is likely that the existing literature underestimates, perhaps substantially, the
benefits of psychosocial resources.
38 Shelley E. Taylor and Joelle I. Broffman
A third factor that may make psychosocial resources more significant for
health-related outcomes than is currently recognized in the literature con-
cerns the likely effects of these resources on appraisal processes and the
ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. That is, people
who are optimistic, high in mastery, and high in self-esteem may be able to
see opportunities available to them to advance their personal interests and
goals somewhat more successfully than people who lack these resources.
The world is, of course, filled with hazards as well as opportunities, and
under some conditions, these same resources may lead people into projects
involving unforeseen risks and other liabilities. Nonetheless, an investiga-
tion of the ways in which psychosocial resources may further the seeking
out of opportunities to realize goals represents a way in which the psycho-
social resources literature may draw on the achievement and goal-related
literature for potential insights for future research.
Future research may uncover other benefits of psychosocial resources, as
understanding of the interaction of psychological and biological systems
progresses. For example, intriguing evidence from animal studies suggests
that successful coping with stress may actually stimulate hippocampal neu-
rogenesis (Lyons et al., 2010; Parihar, Hattiangady, Kuruba, Shuai, &
Shetty, 2009). Other evidence suggests the possibility that psychosocial
resources may be reliably related to biological aging, specifically the aging
of the immune system (immunosenesence). For example, in one study
(ODonovan et al., 2009), pessimists had shorter telomeres and higher
IL-6 concentrations than people low in pessimism (although optimism was
not associated with either measure); thus, dispositional pessimism may accel-
erate the rate of biological aging. Whether other resources or lack of them are
related to immunosenesence remains to be seen. Additional research will also
document exactly how psychosocial and biological responses to stress relate to
each other. This review has implicitly suggested that heightened stress
responses are bad, which in normal populations is often true. Yet research
suggests a U-shaped function, such that in some clinical populations, unre-
sponsivity of the HPA axis (i.e., hypocortisolism) is a significant adverse
biological characteristic, such as patients with PTSD (Lupien, McEwen,
Gunnar, & Heim, 2009). The capacity of profound threats and/or accumu-
lating damage to compromise biological stress regulatory systems to the point
of nonresponsivity must be acknowledged as well.
There are likely to be important cultural differences both in what
constitutes a culturally appropriate resource and in how that resource is
deployed. For example, East Asians may rely less on individual resources
than European/Americans, such as optimism, control, and self-esteem (e.g.,
Heine, Lehman, Markus, & Kitayama, 1999), and when they do, experi-
ence them differently (e.g., Rothbaum, Weisz, & Snyder, 1982; Yik, Bond,
& Paulhus, 1998). By contrast, East Asians may rely more on social resources
such as the social group for managing their stressors; yet, rather than
Psychosocial Resources 39
personally relevant risks. The evidence for this point is quite strong in the
optimism literature and also has some support in the self resources literature.
Of note, there is preliminary neural evidence for such a conclusion, as well.
That is, a study that directly addressed this issue (Taylor et al., 2008) found
that people with high psychosocial resources did not show lower activation
of brain regions implicated in threat perceptions but, rather, showed greater
activation in regions associated with executive control of those threat
responses. This pattern suggests that psychosocial resources confer coping
ability at the executive level, rather than undermining the recognition of
threats or risk.
Given that psychosocial resources appear to have a profound effect on
mental and physical health, the question arises as to how modifiable they
are. The fact that they have origins in early childhood and genetic factors
might suggest cause for pessimism, but as our review of the intervention
literature suggests, these resources can be enhanced. Intervening to help
people think more positively about themselves, the world, and the future is
one method, and cognitive behavioral interventions more generally appear
to affect psychosocial resources for the better. Because psychosocial
resources appear to exert so many of their effects through specific
approach-oriented coping techniques, these coping techniques themselves
represent potential points of intervention. This is an especially valuable
focus because coping subsumes the ways that people think and behave in
response to stress and, thus, is potentially more modifiable than dispositional
resources themselves. Evidence suggests that coping interventions do,
indeed, enable people to manage their lives and cope with stress and may
feed back into the development of enhanced psychosocial resources (e.g.,
Antoni et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2005). As such, interventions such as these
may ultimately affect mental and physical health beneficially.
Preparation of this chapter was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging
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