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Methods of testing
cement —
Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing
samples of cement

The European Standard EN 196-7:1989 has the status of a

British Standard

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BS EN 196-7:1992

Cooperating organizations

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), under whose supervision

this European Standard was prepared, comprises the national standards
organizations of the following countries.

Austria Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut

Belgium Institut belge de normalisation
Denmark Dansk Standardiseringsraad
Finland Suomen Standardisoimisliito, r.y.
France Association française de normalisation
Germany Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
Greece Hellenic Organization for Standardization
Iceland Technological Institute of Iceland
Ireland National Standards Authority of Ireland
Italy Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
Luxembourg Inspection du Travail et des Mines
Netherlands Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
Norway Norges Standardiseringsforbund
Portugal Instituto Portuguès da Qualidade
Spain Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación
Sweden Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige
Switzerland Association suisse de normalisation
United Kingdom British Standards Institution

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Technical Sector
Board for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
15 June 1992

© BSI 12-998 Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference B/516
Draft for comment 87/10352 DC

ISBN 0 580 20679 3

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BS EN 196-7:1992


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Brief history 2
Foreword 2
Text of EN 196-7 3
National annex NA (informative) BS EN 196-7 sampling report 15
National annex NB (informative) Sampling for acceptance inspection
at delivery 16
National annex NC (informative) Committees responsible 16
National annex ND (informative) Cross-references 17

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BS EN 196-7:1992

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical
Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering. It is the English language
version of EN 196-7:1989 “Methods of testing cement; Methods of taking and
preparing samples of cement”, published by the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN). EN 196-7 was drawn up by Technical Committee 51,
Cement and building limes, as Part 7 of a series on testing cement which was
accepted by CEN on 3 October 1989. The UK gave a positive vote at the final
voting stage and, thus, the European test procedure has been introduced into
the 1991 revisions of British Standards for cement BS 12, BS 146, BS 4027,
BS 4246, BS 6588 and BS 6610. This British Standard supersedes BS 4550-1
which is withdrawn.
The European Standard includes important definitions relating to the various
types of samples associated with the assessment of the quality of cements and
provides details of how these samples are required to be taken.
The European Standard also covers the preparation and storage of laboratory
samples for subsequent testing. Representative samples for the various tests
which may be required are obtained by means of a sample divider or by
A suitable form for the sampling report specified in clause 10 is given in national
annex NA.
Since the draft European Prestandard for cement, ENV 197-1, does not deal with
acceptance inspection at delivery, EN 196-7 does not specify the relationship
between sample size/type and the size of the lot sampled. In consequence national
annex NB retains the UK conditions relating to acceptance inspection.
National annex NC gives the committees responsible for the UK participation in
the preparation of this standard.
National annex ND gives details of corresponding British Standards for
international standards referred to in the European Standard.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

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December 1989

UDC 666.94:691.54:620.11

Descriptors: Cements, tests, sampling, samples, packing

English version

Methods of testing cement; Methods of taking and


preparing samples of cement

Méthodes d’essais des ciments; Méthodes de Prüfverfahren für Zement; Verfahren für die
prélèvement et d’échantillonnage du ciment Probenahme und Probenauswahl von Zement

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1989-06-16. CEN members

are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© CEN 1989 Copyright reserved to all CEN members

Ref. No. EN 196-7:1989 E

Copyright British Standards Institution

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EN 196-7:1989

Brief history Contents

This European Standard was drawn up by the Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 51 “Cement” the Brief history 2
Secretariat of which is held by IBN.
In accordance with the Common CEN/CENELEC
1 Object and field of application 3
Rules, the following countries are bound to
implement this European Standard: 2 References 3
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, 3 Definitions 3

Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, 4 General 4
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, 5 Sampling equipment 4
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
6 Procedures for taking samples and
Foreword precautions to be taken depending on the
procedures adopted 5
The standard EN 196 on methods of testing cement 7 Frequency at which samples are taken and
consists of the following Parts: choice of sample type 5
— Part 1: Determination of strength; 8 Size and preparation of samples 5
— Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement; 9 Packaging and storage 7
— Part 3: Determination of setting time and 10 Sampling report 7
soundness; Annex A Typical examples of sampling
— Part 4: Quantitative determination of equipment normally used 9
constituents; Figure 1 — Make up of laboratory samples 8
— Part 5: Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic Figure 2 — Sampling tube 9
Figure 3 — Typical ladle 10
— Part 6: Determination of fineness;
Figure 4 — Typical mechanical screw sampler
— Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing (overall length approximately 200 cm) 11
samples of cement;
Figure 5 — Typical permanently installed
— Part 21: Determination of the chloride, carbon mechanical screw sampler 12
dioxide and alkali content of cement.
Figure 6 — Sampling equipment 13

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EN 196-7:1989

1 Object and field of application 3 Definitions

This European Standard describes only the For the purpose of this European Standard, the
equipment to be used, the methods to be followed following definitions apply.
and the provisions to be complied with for taking 3.1
samples of cement representative of given lots for order
testing to assess the quality of products prior to,
during or after delivery. quantity of cement covered by a single requisition
placed with the same manufacturer (or distribution
The provisions of this standard are only applicable
depot). It may consist of one or more consignments
when samples of cement are requested for verifying
spread over a period of time
the compliance of either:
a) current production of a cement at any time
with a standard (for example to meet the needs of
the manufacturer’s auto-control or again in quantity of cement delivered at a given time by a
response to the requirements of a certification manufacturer (or distribution depot). It may consist
procedure); or of one or more lots
b) a delivery or a lot with a standard, the 3.3
provisions of a contract or the specification in an lot
order. quantity of cement produced under conditions
The standard is applicable to the taking of samples presumed uniform. After specified tests (mainly by
of all types of cements1) defined by EN 1972) EN 1972) this quantity is regarded as a whole
whether they are: “complying” or “not complying” with standards or
a) contained in silos; contract requirements
b) contained in bags, canisters, drums or any 3.4
other packages; increment
c) transported in bulk in road vehicles, railway quantity of cement taken in a single operation of the
wagons, ships, etc. sampling equipment used
2 References sample (general term)
EN 196-1:1987, Methods of testing cement — quantity of cement taken at random, or in
Determination of strength. accordance with a sampling plan, from a larger
EN 196-2:1987, Methods of testing cement — quantity (silo, stock of bags, wagons, trucks, etc.) or
Chemical analysis of cement. from a fixed lot, relating to the intended tests. A
EN 196-3:1987, Methods of testing cement — sample may consist of one or more increments
Determination of setting time and soundness. 3.6
ENV 196-4, Methods of testing cement — spot sample
Quantitative determination of constituents. sample taken at the same time and from one and the
EN 196-5:1987, Methods of testing cement — same place, relating to the intended tests. It can be
Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements. obtained by combining one or more immediately
EN 196-6:1989, Methods of testing cement — consecutive increments
Determination of fineness. 3.7
EN 196-21:1989, Methods of testing cement — composite sample
Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and homogeneous mixture of spot samples taken:
alkali content of cement. a) at different points or
EN 1972), Cement — Composition, specifications b) at different times
and conformity criteria.
from a larger mass of the same cement, obtained by
thoroughly mixing the combined spot samples and,
if necessary, reducing the size of the resulting

The requirements of this standard can also, by agreement between the parties, be followed for acceptance inspections for all
non-standardized hydraulic binders.
At present at the draft stage.


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EN 196-7:1989

3.8 The sample is normally taken before or during

laboratory sample delivery. However, if necessary, it may be taken
sample prepared by thoroughly mixing and if after delivery but with a maximum delay of 24 h. In
necessary reducing from a larger sample (spot or this latter case the results of the checks shall be
composite sample) and intended for use by the interpreted with care.
laboratories undertaking the tests. These Indeed, for various reasons, the cement to be tested
laboratories are generally those of the producer, may no longer be representative of the product at
those designated in the order or in the certification the actual moment of its delivery. For this reason
regulations the time of sampling shall be carefully recorded in
3.9 the sampling report (see clause 10). When samples
sample for retest are taken after delivery, the requirements in the
first paragraph above remain applicable.
sample which is to be kept for possible subsequent
tests in the event of the results from tests carried 5 Sampling equipment
out on the laboratory samples being in doubt or
disputed. The sample for retest is generally the On account of the diversity of industrial
remainder of a laboratory sample after a first series installations and circumstances in which the
of tests samples have to be taken, it is not possible to
describe one type of reference equipment with which
3.10 other types of equipment can be compared through
retained sample a series of tests before being able to be used. Hence,
sample taken systematically from regular deliveries this standard only gives, by way of example in
(for example for large works), if necessary in the annex A, a simplified illustration of the devices
presence of all the parties concerned, to be retained normally used and which have been found
for possible testing in the event of doubt or dispute satisfactory. This equipment is either portable
or subsequent problems (ladle, tube, screw sampler, etc.) or permanently
NOTE Definitions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.10 only have meaning in installed (screw extractor or other equipment fixed
the case of checks made when taking delivery of a supply. permanently onto the container).
The equipment shall be chosen and used in
4 General accordance with the following rules.
4.1 The aim of the sampling operations is to obtain The equipment shall be
from a large quantity of cement (contained in a silo,
a) approved by all the parties;
a stock of bags in a warehouse, truck, etc., or in a
defined lot) one or more smaller quantities, b) of non-corrodible material, which is not liable
considered by the parties concerned to represent the to react with the cement;
quantity of cement of which the quality is to be c) maintained always in working order and in a
assessed. clean state. Care shall be taken to ensure that it
4.2 The equipment used, methods followed, and is carefully cleaned after each sampling
precautions taken may vary according to the nature operation3). Care shall also be taken to ensure
of the installation and the circumstances in which that it is not contaminated by lubricants from
the samples are taken. other equipment used.
4.3 In the case of the checks carried out within the Permanent equipment shall be installed at locations
context of a certification procedure the measures where there are no hard deposits and where the flow
other than those described below to ensure that the of cement is homogeneous (no segregation) at the
samples are representative are within the time it is being used. In particular, when it is used
jurisdiction of the certification body (see clause 7). it shall not be operated during fluidization under air
pressure. If fluidization is necessary, no samples
4.4 In the case of taking delivery of a supply, the
shall be taken until the cement has settled for at
sampling operations shall, in principle, take place in
least half a minute after stopping the air supply.
the presence of the manufacturer (or vendor) and
the customer (or purchaser) or their respective
representatives. The absence of one of them shall
not, however, be a barrier to the operations but if
this occurs it shall be mentioned in the sampling
report (see clause 10).

However, cleaning is not necessary between the taking of successive increments from the same cement which are intended for
making up the sample.


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EN 196-7:1989

6 Procedures for taking samples and 6.6 Sampling from silos

precautions to be taken depending on In the absence of a suitable fixed sampling device
the procedures adopted (see the last paragraph of clause 5) an appropriate
quantity of cement shall be discarded when
6.1 General
discharge commences to remove the hard deposits or
The most suitable equipment for the circumstances unwanted mixtures of different cements in the
shall be used to take a sample, observing the distribution system. This quantity is left to be
following precautions as appropriate. determined by the manufacturer’s representative

6.2 Sampling from bags, drums and containers present at the sampling operation. The necessary
of comparable size quantity prescribed in the second paragraph of 8.1
shall then be collected in a clean and dry container.
When the cement is packed in bags, drums or other
small containers, the sample indicated in the second 6.7 Sampling from bag filling machines
paragraph of 8.1 shall comprise either a single bag The quantity taken shall comprise a bag of cement
or a single container chosen at random from a obtained during the normal operation of the
sufficiently large stock. machine. It can equally comprise the equivalent
6.3 Sampling from large containers quantity (see the second paragraph of 8.1) sampled
by a mechanical device fitted in the supply hopper
Samples shall be taken while the container is being
directly above the discharge spouts. If the machine
filled or emptied taking the precautions:
is used for packing different cements, it shall be
a) not to operate in dusty or polluting completely purged of all the cement previously
atmospheres; packed until the cement from which samples are to
b) to take the number of samples necessary to be taken arrives. Depending on the type of packing
obtain the quantity prescribed in the second machine, the quantity so removed may be
paragraph of 8.1; considerable. The manufacturer’s representative
c) to transfer the collected cement into a clean, present at the sampling operation shall determine
dry and airtight container before proceeding with this quantity.
the operations described in clause 8.
7 Frequency at which samples are
6.4 Sampling from bulk transport
taken and choice of sample type
(after loading or before unloading)4)
For all equipment used, care shall be taken not to The frequency of taking samples and the type of
sample (spot sample or composite sample) depends
take material from the top or bottom layers of the
on the provisions contained:
mass of cement. The thickness of the layer to be
considered is at least 15 cm. — in the agreements between producer and
Take the same precautions as those described
in 6.3a), b) and c). — in the national, European (ENV 1975) for
example) or even international standards;
6.5 Sampling while loading into bulk
transport or silos — in the certification procedures.
Taking samples may be carried out only if suitable 8 Size and preparation of samples
equipment is available and if there is access to a
homogeneous phase of cement. Take the same 8.1 Size of sample to be taken for verification
precautions as those described in 6.3a), b) and c). of compliance
Each laboratory sample (or sample for retest or
retained sample) shall be of such a size that all the
tests specified in the contract or required by
standards indicated in the contract or the
certification procedure can be carried out twice.
Thus, unless specified to the contrary, the mass of
these samples shall be at least 5 kg (or more, if
necessary, to fill completely the container indicated
in 9.2).

The equipment described in this standard (see annex A) does not allow for sample(s) to be taken during unloading.
At present at the draft stage.

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EN 196-7:1989

The total quantity (spot sample or composite Homogenization shall be considered to be obtained
sample) to be taken for verifying compliance shall be if the analysis of variance shows there to be no
greater than or at least equal to that required for significant differences between
supplying to all the laboratories concerned the the 15 micro-samples. This analysis shall be carried
samples indicated in the first paragraph above. This out as described in the literature dealing with
quantity shall be taken by the equipment specified statistical control7).
in clause 5 and in accordance with the procedures In the case of an unsatisfactory result, the mixing
stated in clause 6. In general taking a sample shall be repeated, but doubling the time of the
of 40 kg to 50 kg will suffice. mixing operation.

8.2 Homogenization If, after this second trial, there are no significant
8.2.1 General requirements differences between the 15 micro-samples, the
method with twice the homogenization time shall be
As soon as the quantity of 40 kg to 50 kg indicated
considered valid, but, if no noticeable improvement
in the second paragraph of 8.1 has been collected, it
has been obtained in relation to the first trial, the
shall be carefully homogenized (preferably in a
chosen method shall be declared unsuitable.
laboratory) with clean dry implements not liable to
Finally, if there is no decisive improvement, it shall
react with the cement.
be decided, in view of the time required, whether it
The homogenization shall preferably be achieved is worth repeating the trial with a longer time.
using a mixing machine, the efficiency of which
shall have been previously demonstrated (see 8.2.2). 8.2.3 Choice of method
Whatever procedure is chosen, it shall be carried out The verification of the efficiency of the
as quickly as possible to minimize the exposure of homogenizing method (see 8.2.2) is only to be
the cement to the air. carried out at the time of choosing the method. This
In the absence of a homogenizer, the following choice is left to the initiative of the manufacturer,
procedure is to be adopted: but he shall be in a position to prove (for example to
an expert representing a customer or the
the quantity of cement to be distributed between certification body) that he has carried out the trial
the laboratories (see the second paragraph described above by presenting a dossier drawn up on
of 8.1) shall be tipped onto a clean dry cloth that occasion.
(or plastics sheet) and shall then be mixed
carefully using a shovel. 8.3 Division of the quantity necessary for
verification of compliance
This procedure shall only be used if:
a) the ambient relative humidity is less After homogenization (see 8.2) of the sample made
up as specified in the second paragraph of 8.1, it
than 85 %;
shall be divided into the required number of
b) all risk of the sample being affected by wind, laboratory or retained samples either by using a
rain, snow or dust is avoided. sample divider or, after quartering the quantity to
8.2.2 Verification of the efficiency of the be distributed, by extracting with a hand scoop
homogenizing procedure selected increments of approximately 0,5 kg from each of the
Take approximately equal quantities of two cements quarters and transferring these successively into
of differing characteristics (i.e. Blaine fineness, by containers prepared for receiving the laboratory
EN 196-6, and additionally colour). Mix these using (or retained) samples. This operation shall be
one of the procedures described in 8.2.1 and note the continued until the desired mass (stated in the first
time between starting and finishing the operation. paragraph of 8.1) is obtained in each container.
Once the operation is judged to be complete, take The sequence of distributing the contents of the
fifteen “micro-samples”, each of 12 g to 20 g, from hand scoop from which each laboratory sample is
points equally distributed within the mass of which gradually made up shall be as follows.
the homogeneity is to be verified6).
Determine the Blaine fineness three times on each
of these micro-samples.

6) To
obtain initial information, the colour of these micro-samples can be compared if care has previously been taken to select two
cements of distinctly different colour.
For UK purposes, a suitable method can be found in “Statistical methods in research and production” eds O.L. Davies and
P.L. Goldsmith, 1972, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.

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EN 196-7:1989

Distribute successively to each of the laboratory To prevent aeration the containers shall as far as
containers X, Y, Z, etc. possible, be completely filled and their closure
first a scoopful from A, sealed with adhesive tape9).
then a scoopful from B, When made of plastics, containers or bags shall only
be used under the following conditions:
then a scoopful from C,
a) the period of storage shall be limited
then a scoopful from D.
to 3 months;
This represents one distribution sequence; repeat
b) the sheet from which they are made shall be at
the same sequence as many times as necessary to
least 100 µm thick;
reach the quantity prescribed in the first paragraph
of 8.1 (see Figure 1). c) the plastics material shall under no
circumstances cause the cement to become “air
Each laboratory (or retained) sample so prepared
entraining” whether by loss from this material or
shall be packaged as stated in clause 9 and
as a result of surface treatment. On this point,
despatched with the minimum delay. It is then up to
check for the absence of risk by carrying out
the receiving laboratory, to store, prepare and treat
appropriate tests where needed;
the sample in a manner appropriate to its
subsequent use.8) d) provision shall also be made to seal them
where necessary, by using suitable tape.
8.4 Foreign bodies in the sample
9.3 Storage condition
During the above operations any foreign bodies
which may appear shall, in all cases, be noted in the The samples shall preferably be stored at a
sampling report (clause 10). temperature of less than 30 °C.
If they appear to be uniformly distributed in the 9.4 Identification of samples
cement (for example, a powder other than cement, In order to identify the samples unambiguously, the
lumps) it is not possible to remove them from the containers (bags or drums) shall be clearly and
sample. Otherwise, they shall be removed and kept: indelibly marked in at least one place. When there
a) by one of the two parties (manufacturer, is only one mark, this shall be on the body of the
container and not on the lid.

customer) with the agreement of the other in the

case of taking delivery of a supply; or Furthermore, a copy of the sampling report
b) by the agency responsible for inspection in the described in clause 10 shall be slipped where
case of a sampling operation performed in the necessary into a protective envelope placed inside
context of certification regulations. the container.
9.5 Authentication of samples
9 Packaging and storage
If necessary, when this is required by the contract of
9.1 Principle sale or certification regulations, the container shall
The packaging of the samples and the method of bear an agreed seal authenticating the sample. This
storage shall always be such as to preserve the seal shall be fixed so as to prevent the unauthorized
properties of the sampled cement. Any conditions opening of the container.
likely to affect this shall be indicated.
10 Sampling report
9.2 Containers
The samples shall be packed, despatched and stored 10.1 General
in bags, drums, or solid containers. These shall be A sampling report corresponding to each sample
made of a material which is inert with respect to shall be drawn up by the person responsible for the
cement and non-corrodible. They shall be dry, operation. Copies shall be attached to the laboratory
impervious (to air and moisture) and clean. In this (or retained) samples prepared and distributed in
respect they shall not have been previously used for accordance with the clauses of the contract or
packaging products which are likely to affect the certification regulations.

At this point the work of the laboratory is usually specified in the test standards. (Principally EN 196-1 to EN 196-6 and
EN 196-21.)
It has to be remembered, however, that the packaging, however air-tight, cannot in the long term prevent a certain amount of
aeration, the extent of which may vary depending on the properties of the product.

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EN 196-7:1989

Figure 1 — Make up of laboratory samples

10.2 Information to be included 10.2.2 Optional information
10.2.1 Obligatory information The report shall, unless otherwise agreed by the
The report shall, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, include the following optional information.
parties, include the following obligatory a) Definition of the lot, the approximate mass of
information. the cement and the type of stock from which the
a) Name and address of the body responsible for sample has been taken. Example: 3 000 t in bags
the sampling. in a warehouse.
b) Name and address of the customer (in the case b) The type of container used for the laboratory
of taking delivery). samples.
c) Complete standard designation of the cement 10.3 Authorization of the report
as specified in ENV 197210)11). The report and copies shall be signed by the
d) Identity of the production works. representatives of the parties present at the
sampling and/or any other responsible witness
e) Place, date and time of sampling.
approved by the parties.
f) Type of sample (spot or composite comprising
“n” spot samples), 10.4 Despatch of the report
g) Identification mark on the sample container. Copies of the report shall be sent without delay to
each of the parties concerned. In addition, one of
h) Any comments, particularly:
them shall be enclosed in the container of each
— the presence of foreign bodies; laboratory sample and each retained sample as
— the circumstances in which the operations stated in 9.4.
took place which are likely to have an effect on
the quality of the cement sampled,
for example, transport conditions;

— all information allowing a more precise

identification of the cement sampled to be
made, for example, the silo number.

At present at the draft stage.
In the possible case of non-standardized binders (see note 1 on page 3) the product should be given an unequivocal mark.

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EN 196-7:1989

Annex A (informative)
Typical examples of sampling
equipment normally used

Figure 2 — Sampling tube


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EN 196-7:1989

Figure 3 — Typical ladle

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EN 196-7:1989

Figure 4 — Typical mechanical screw sampler (overall length approximately 200 cm)


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EN 196-7:1989

Figure 5 — Typical permanently installed mechanical screw sampler


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EN 196-7:1989


Figure 6 — Sampling equipment

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BS EN 196-7:1992

National annex NA (informative)

BS EN 196-7 sampling report

BS EN 196-7 sampling report No: Copy no:

1. Name and address of sampling agency

2. Name and address of client
3. Notation of cement
4. Identity of production works
5. Type of packaging: bulk — size of silo or vessel
bag — size and type of bags
— marking on bags
6. Approximate mass of cement sampled (size of lot)
7. Place of sampling (to include silo designation if appropriate)
Time and date of sampling
8. Type of sample (delete as appropriate) Spot Composite
If composite state number of spot samples included
(NOTE If a composite sample the components have not been homogenized.)
9. Identification marks on sample container
10. Presence of foreign bodies: Yes None detected
Details of foreign bodies:
11. Conditions under which samples were taken:
Indoor Outdoor Temperature °C Weather
12. Packaging adopted for sample
13. Approximate mass of sample
14. Sampler Name printed:
Representative of:
Name: Signature:
Representative of:
Name: Signature:
15. Samples sent to:
Despatched by:


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BS EN 196-7:1992

National annex NB (informative) NB.8 Sampling report

Sampling for acceptance inspection at Only samples stored and identified in accordance
delivery with clause 9 and supplied with a completed
sampling report (see clause 10 and national
NB.1 Introduction
annex NA) can be considered to have been taken in
This annex describes the procedure for taking compliance with this standard.
samples for acceptance inspection purposes.
NB.2 General National annex NC (informative)
NB.2.1 The size of the lot is to be defined BEFORE
sampling commences. Committees responsible
NB.2.2 This annex covers sampling from: The United Kingdom participation in the
preparation of this European Standard was
a) bags, drums or other packages each containing
entrusted by the Technical Sector Board for
less than 2.0 t of cement;
Building and Civil Engineering (B/-) to Technical
b) bulk containers holding from 2.0 t to 50 t of Committee B/516, upon which the following bodies
cement. were represented:
NB.2.3 Sampling of larger lots of cement is outside
the scope of this annex and should be agreed British Aggregate Construction Materials
between vendor and purchaser. The sampling Industries
terminology, equipment and procedures should British Cement Association
however, be as given in this standard.
British Precast Concrete Federation
NB.3 Representation
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
If sampling is to proceed in the absence of
Cement Admixtures Association
representative(s) from the vendor and/or the
purchaser, then this should be agreed before the Cementitious Slag Makers Association
sampling is commenced and documented on the Concrete Society
sampling report. County Surveyors’ Society
Where representative(s) are present, their name Department of the Environment
and status should be noted on the sampling report. (Building Research Establishment)
NB.4 Sampling method Department of the Environment
Any of the methods given in this standard may be (Property Services Agency)
adopted provided they are compatible with NB.7. Department of Transport
The method used should be noted on the sampling
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Mortar Producers Association
NB.5 Type of sample
National Rivers Authority
Unless otherwise agreed and previously
documented, the sample taken for acceptance Quality Ash Association
testing should be of the spot type as defined in 3.6. Society of Chemical Industry
NB.6 Size of sample Water Services Association of England and Wales
Each spot sample should have a minimum mass
of 10 kg and a maximum mass of 50 kg. The
increments used to prepare this spot sample should
be blended in the manner given in clause 8.
NB.7 Sampling procedure
NB.7.1 Packages (See item a) of NB.2.2.)
Five equal increments from different parts of the lot
are combined to form the spot sample which may
represent, up to 50 t.
NB.7.2 Bulk containers (See item b) of NB.2.2.)
A sufficient number of increments from one part of
the lot are combined to form the spot sample which
is not to represent more than 50 t.


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BS EN 196-7:1992

National annex ND (informative)

Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard
BS EN 196 Methods of testing cement
EN 196-1:1987 Part 112) Determination of strength
EN 196-2:1987 Part 212) Chemical analysis of cement
EN 196-3:1987 Part 312) Determination of setting time and soundness
EN 196-5:1987 Part 512) Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements
EN 196-6:1989 Part 6:1992 Determination of fineness
EN 196-21:1989 Part 21:1992 Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of
NOTE Since publication of EN 196-7, the draft of ENV 197 has been replaced by ENV 197-1 “Cement: composition, specifications
and conformity criteria, Part 1: Common cements” which is in course of preparation.

12) In preparation.


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