Detecting Glucose Level Using IR Sensor: Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi
Detecting Glucose Level Using IR Sensor: Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi
Detecting Glucose Level Using IR Sensor: Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi
B. Hardware’s
1) IR Sensor
Sensors are the electric device which is used
to sense the changes that occur in the body and in the
environment. The change includes the pigmentation
colour, temperature, humidity, sound etc. They sense
the changes that occurred and notify accordingly. In
IR sensor, there is an emitter and detector. Emitter
emits the IR rays and detector detects it [5]. The IR
sensor basically consists of three components for its
function it includes,
IR LED (emitter)
Photodiode (detector)
1(a) IR Led:
It is the light emitting diode which emits IR
radiations. The function of the emitter is to convert
the electricity energy into light energy. It works by
the principle of recombination of the electron-hole
1 (b) Photodiode:
It is a p-n junction diode, connected in reverse
bias direction. The function of this detector is to
convert the light into electricity energy. It works
effectively only when the certain amount of light or
photon falls on it. If there is no falling of light on the
photodiode then it has an infinite resistance and it act 3) LCD
as an open switch. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display.
It is a small thin, flat panel (normally 16*2) used for
1(c) Op-Amp: electronically displaying information. LCD screen
Op-Amp Operational amplifier is the simplified consists of two lines with 16 characters each. Each
form of Op-Amp. It performs many operations such character consists of 5*7 matrix. Contrast on display
as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. depends on the power supply voltage and whether
The Op-Amp is a DC-coupled high gain amplifier messages are displayed in one or two lines. The
with two inputs and single output. below diagram is a sample display of a LCD display
2) Node MCU
The Node MCU is open source software and
hardware development environments which contain
the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module that can give any
microcontroller access to the Wi-Fi network. The
embedded C code is inserted into the node MCU
using port connection. The diagrammatic
representation of Node MCU with Pin connections
and its descriptions are given below. 4) Power supply
A rectifier‟s job is to convert an Alternating
Current (AC) to Direct Current (DC) and gives the
desired output. Rectifiers are used in the power
supplies to provide necessary DC voltage for the
electric components or the devices. They are made
with four or more diodes or other controlled solid
switches. The below diagram describes the working
function of the rectifier when connected to power
C. Softwares
1) Arduino IDE The desired prototype system is designed and
The Arduino IDE is an open source hardware developed for the detection of blood glucose level
design and software SDK. It functions similarly to using Non-invasive IR technique. The result was
the Node MCU. The Arduino hardware includes the approximate when compared with pricking
micro-controller board with a ready USB connector methodology.
pins, LED lights, and the standard data pins. It also
defines a standard interfaces to interact with sensors V. OUTPUT
or other boards. The Arduino board also has types of
CPU chips (ARM or Intel x 86 chips) with memory A. LCD Output
chips, and a various programming environments. In
fact, there is an Arduino reference design for the
ESP8266 chip as well. However, the flexibility of
Arduino also means significant variations across
different vendors. Here Arduino IDE is used to
embed the C program into Node MCU by using port
2) Application
The Mobile application is made with the help of
PHP and MySQL using Xampp and then it is
converted into application using Android studio. The
cloud is used for storing the data values and it also
shows a graphical view of the data‟s
. B. Mobile Application Output
2) CHART C. Device
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