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Units 1-2 B

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1 Complete the text with the correct past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous
form of the verbs given.
After I (1) ……………………… (have) breakfast I cycled to school and I (2) ……………………… (arrive) about 15 minutes
early. I definitely hadn’t been looking forward to going to school that Tuesday because the headteacher
(3) ……………………… (ask) me to see him at 9.30. This was unusual. I knew I was late with some homework so I felt
quite worried. I (4) ……………………… (sit) outside his office for ten minutes before I knocked on his door because I
knew he liked punctuality. Surprisingly, he smiled when I went in. He obviously knew that I was nervous and that I
(5) ……………………… (wait) for the right moment. And our meeting wasn't about homework but about a competition
I had won!

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the email.

Hi Craig,
How’s it going? Are you still enjoying work?
I found uni difficult at first but it’s OK now. At school the teachers (1) were telling/would tell us when to do
assignments, but now I have to organise my own study time and there are so many things to fit in. Remember
how we (2) used/would to prepare all our assignments in class first? Now I have to arrange to see my tutor if I
need help. And back at school I (3) wouldn’t to do/didn’t use to do much work until just before the exams but now,
with continuous assessment, I have to stay on top of everything. I got good marks for my last assignment though,
which I’m pleased about because, as you know, I (4) would be/used to be quite lazy but on this assignment I
worked very hard.
I’ll be home soon. I’ve got a holiday job at the same place I (5) was working/had been working last year. It will be
nice to have some money!
Hope to see you then,


3 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text.

After my exams, I decided to take a year off before
(1) …………… to university. I wanted a break from studying and I also wanted to travel for a while, but first I had to
earn some money. I (2) …………… a job with a company that delivers parcels all over the country. I did shift work
because I earned more money that way and sometimes I (3) …………… all night. It was manual work too and really
tiring. I (4) …………… there for nearly six months before I had enough money to go abroad and I was exhausted! It
was worth it though. Since then I (5) …………… to lots of different countries and seen so many things and now I feel
ready to start studying again.
1 A to go B going C went
2 A have taken B was taking C took
3 A have worked B am working C would work
4 A had been B have been C wasn’t
5 A went B have been C was going

4 Complete the text with these words and phrases. There are two extra options.
conditions • earn • got ahead • long hours
promotion • qualification • set up
I was talking to my grandfather last night about how he got started in business. He told me that he didn’t like
school so he left without taking any exams and went to work in a factory. He didn’t (1) ……………………… much
money and he had to work very (2) ……………………… so then he decided to go to college in the evenings until
he got a (3) ……………………… in accountancy. Then he worked for a large company and after a couple of years
he got a (4) ……………………… . Eventually he became a senior manager. But he still wasn’t satisfied so he left
and (5) ……………………… his own business. He said he did it the hard way and he told me to stay at school and
get my qualifications first. I think that’s good advice.

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the words given.
We are holding a careers advice day on Saturday 22nd March. If you want to find out about work,
qualifications, university courses or job training, we can point you in the right direction. There will be talks
about different professions, whether to work indoors or outdoors and how to avoid (1) ……………………… (stress)
working conditions and bad or even (2) ……………………… (danger) jobs. If you have left school and you are (3)
……………………… (employ), there will be special sessions on how to find an opening in today’s job market,
including free CV advice and a session on the importance of (4) ……………………… (flexible) when looking for
work. And, if you’re not sure what you want, you can sign up for one of our (5) ……………………… (person) advice
sessions. So come along on 22nd March and find the right career for you.

6 Complete the text with the correct present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs
Alison (1) ……………………… (study) in the library all afternoon but she needs to do some exercise so she’s going
to the sports centre. She (2) ……………………… (be) a member of the basketball team since she started at her new
school and she does fitness training most afternoons. She (3) ……………………… (not finish) her maths project yet
so she’ll probably do some more reading before going out in the evening. One of her friends is in the drama
club and he’s in a play this week. He (4) ……………………… (act) since the beginning of secondary school and he’s
very good. This is the last night of the play and the students
(5) ……………………… (already/perform) the play six times this week. Alison is sure that this final performance will
be the best.

7 Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs.

apply • decide • design • learn • study
My sister has been at university for six months and she loves it. She is going to be an architect one day, but
it’s a long course. (1) ……………………… buildings takes many years of training. I’m thinking of (2) ………………………
to university when I’m older, but I’m not sure what I want (3) ……………………… yet. History is one of my favourite
subjects and I really enjoy (4) ……………………… about the past but I’m also good at art so maybe I’ll go to art
school instead. My mum says my sister was just like me at my age, but in the end she found it easy (5)
……………………… . I hope I will too.

8 Complete the text with the correct form of do or make and these words.
coursework • dinner • progress • sport suggestions
Tom has got an exam next week. He feels that he hasn’t (1) ……………………… much ……………………… since the last
one but I told him not to worry. He usually gets really good marks and he’s (2) ……………………… very well with his
……………………… . He’s been spending a lot of time revising so I advised him to try (3) ……………………… some
……………………… or something to help him relax. Kerry also (4) ……………………… some good ……………………… to help
him with his revision so I think he’ll be OK. And we’re going to help out by (5) ……………………… the
……………………… tonight. We’ll all watch a DVD together afterwards, which should take his mind off things.

9 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text.

My brother has just (1) ……………………… in marine biology and my parents are very proud. He isn’t sure what he
wants to do next, but he’s thinking of doing a
(2) ……………………… . My parents think he should wait for a while before deciding. He has already got one
(3) ……………………… to pay back and they’d like him to get a job. He got a very good (4) ……………………… , so he
says he might be able to get funding to study (5) ……………………… and he really wants to go to Australia. I hope
he does because then I can go and visit him there!
1 A lectured B graduated C failed
2 A master’s B course C resit
3 A facilities B term C loan
4 A degree B notes C tutor
5 A assignment B abroad C undergraduate
10 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. Use between two and five words.
1 I last spoke to Dan on Friday.
Dan and I ……………………… Friday.
2 My sister never asks when she borrows my things.
My sister is ……………………… asking.
3 Have you succeeded in finishing your assignment?
Have ……………………… your assignment?
4 This is my third visit to Paris.
I ……………………… three times.
5 Nobody arrived at the lecture before Sarah.
Sarah ……………………… at the lecture.

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