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Gateway B2 Test 10B

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Unit 10 Test B Class ..........................................................................

2 Rewrite the sentences in a more indirect way,

Use of English: Grammar using the word given. Do not change the word
1 Complete the second sentence so it means the 1 How often do you watch the news?
same as the first. COULD
1 I’d only just switched on the news when I saw ______________________________________
pictures of a big bank robbery in central ______________________________________
2 Do you ever watch 24 hour news channels?
No sooner _____________________________
2 The robbers had stolen money from the bank
and also the personal possessions of the ______________________________________
customers who were in there at the time. 3 Could I borrow your newspaper for a moment,
Not only ______________________________ please?
_____________________________________. WONDER
3 They drove off moments before a cashier ______________________________________
sounded the alarm. ______________________________________
Scarcely 4 Is the cost of online newspapers going to
________________________________ increase?
_____________________________________. KNOW
4 I’ve never seen so many police cars in Oxford ______________________________________
Street before. ______________________________________
Never before ___________________________ 5 When is the latest education report going to be
_____________________________________. published?
5 There was a long chase before the police caught IDEA
the robbers. ______________________________________
Only ________________________________ ______________________________________

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3 Rewrite the sentence so it means the same as the

first, using the word given. Do not change the
word given. 4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
1 According to the police, we weren’t in danger I think it’s very important for children to have
at any time. access to news from an early age. Not
NO (1) __________ does it give them an awareness of
a world beyond their own area but it also gradually
introduces them to issues that they will need to
_____________________________ the police. deal with later on in life. That is why I am so much
2 I’m positive that I’m right. in favour of the excellent news reports for children
AREN’T (2) __________ are shown on children’s TV
channels. Having grown up myself watching these
I ____________________________________?
programmes, I now encourage my own children to
3 Are we going in the right direction? do the same. The presenters deliver the news in a
KNOW very child-friendly way, and (3) __________ no
______________________________________ time are they exposed to upsetting images or
____________________ in the right direction? distressing situations. Today it is also possible to
buy newspapers specifically aimed at children, (4)
4 We’d just taken off when the pilot told us that __________ that wasn’t around when I was young.
there was a problem. There are also online forums where children can
NO talk about issues that are currently in the news. It’s
______________________________________ amazing what difference technology can make to
_____________________ there was a problem. the way our children learn about the world.
Nobody knows (5) __________ is round the
5 The sportsman ran three marathons in three corner, do they?
days and was exhausted.
_________________________ was exhausted.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

7 Complete the text with words formed from the

words given.
Use of English: Vocabulary The recent charity event to raise money for
children in Africa was broadcast on all the main
5 Replace the words in italics with a synonym often TV channels, and the charities received over 45
found in headlines. million pounds in (1) __________ (donate) from
1 The council supports developers’ plans to build viewers all over the country. Throughout the
more affordable housing outside the town. evening we were treated to some extremely funny
shows by famous (2) __________ (comedy), and
______________________________________ every half hour there were news (3) __________
2 A new supermarket on the edge of town will (date) on how much money had been received.
contribute greatly to the local economy. Before the events started, the forecast was that
______________________________________ they would raise about 20 million, but that amount
3 The leaders of the main political parties had a was exceeded early in the evening. The size of the
head to head argument about changes to the final amount made the (4) __________ (line) in
voting system in parliament yesterday. several national newspapers the (5) __________
(follow) day. It was a very successful evening!
4 Police have solved the mystery of how the
burglars entered the fifth floor flat from
______________________________________ 8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
5 The most important people in the plans to text.
merge the two companies met today.
I have often wondered about the reasoning behind
______________________________________ the way items of news are (1) ___ in news reports.
One would (2) ___ that those of most importance
/5 would feature first in such reports, but that really is
not always the case. Sometimes an event of great
(3) ___ that happens in another country hardly gets
6 Match the start of the sentences (1–5) with the end a mention on our news or if it does appear, it’s
(A–E). (4) ___ at the end. The fact that a celebrity has
announced an engagement or a divorce, or that a
1 The Green Party have made ___
politician has been arrested for speeding can often
2 In an unusual turn of events, the ___ (5) ___ before the news of a plane crash or
3 It is our aim to keep ___ volcanic eruption in another part of the world. I
4 We shall bring any news ___ just cannot understand it!
5 The paper has been banned from running ___ 1 A followed B prioritised C decided D found
A a story about a politician’s girlfriend. 2 A know B consider C imagine D approve
B you informed of all the latest developments. 3 A significance B meaning C speciality D
C headlines with their new proposals.
4 A exactly B decisively C correctly D right
D government has apologised for their decision.
5 A come B get C stand D run
E updates to you as soon as we have them.

/5 /5

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Reading A Pictures can be taken on a mobile phone and

then reproduced on TV screens the world over
within minutes or even seconds
9 Read the article from which some sentences have
been taken out. Choose the correct sentences A–F B The BBC in the UK started a monitoring
to fill the gaps. There is one sentence you do not service a long time ago, in 1939, when 50
need. ‘monitors’ listened to foreign news broadcasts
to pick up useful information.
News reporting has changed considerably in C Some feel that there is potential for misleading
recent years. (1) ___ And to a certain extent this is the audience.
still the case. We regularly see reporters on
D Many of these overseas monitors are members
television reporting ‘live’ from earthquake zones,
of the general public who report regularly on
war-torn towns, sites of bad accidents, and so on.
what is happening in their particular regions
However, in addition to these brave souls, there is
through listening to the local news coverage.
a whole army of amateurs or semi-professionals
who are used by the news networks worldwide to E But it is also very fast-moving because what is
send in their own coverage of experiences and today’s top story will be history tomorrow.
scenes occurring on their doorsteps. F In the past, news stories from around the world
Compiling facts for news reports from around were reported by official correspondents based
the world is a complex process. (2) ___ That in different countries or sent to places when
number rose to over 500 within three years, and newsworthy events happened.
today it also employs people in other countries to
track and translate TV and radio reports from 150 /5
countries in over 100 languages. (3) ___ We have
learned immediate information from them over the
years about such historical events such as the
Second World War, the Cuban missile crisis in Listening
1962 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 . This
has continued right up to the invasion of Iraq in 10 You are going to hear four people talking
2003 and events happening in the ‘Arab Spring’ of about the news. Listen and match the speakers 1–4
2011. In addition to these semi-professional with the statements A–E. There is one extra
reporters, many photos that appear on our screens statement you do not need.
are also from reports sent in from bystanders who
happen to be in a certain place at a certain time and A I think most of the news is too depressing to
who record what they witness on mobile phones. think about. Speaker ___
Such immediacy of images and information B I am selective about what I read in the paper.
from around the world is only made possible by Speaker ___
the advanced technology that has given the world C I usually buy a paper on my way to work.
social networking sites and websites like Speaker ___
YouTube™. (4) ___ People with news to pass on D Finding out about the news is part of my daily
frequently use sites like Twitter. A famous ‘tweet’ routine. Speaker ___
was sent when a plane crashed into the Hudson E I relax with a newspaper once a week.
River in New York from a passenger on the ferry Speaker ___
that was on its way to rescue passengers in the
water. The first picture that the world saw of the
event was from the phone of this tweeter.
However, not everyone believes that this
immediacy of news is always a good thing. (5) ___
Photos can be altered, staged or misinterpreted,
and if news networks accept information and
images from unofficial sources, the reliability must
be checked. But this takes time, and unfortunately
the appetite for continued dramatic coverage of
events is not easily satisfied.

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11 You have seen this announcement in a magazine:
We would like to publish some articles from
people about how the different people in their
families keep up-to-date with current news.
Write an article telling us how the people in
your family prefer to keep informed and say
whether you think it is better to get the news from
TV, a newspaper or online.

Write 180–250 words.




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