Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana
one of the best-known homeopathic remedies
for bruising has a deeper significance,
writes Marysia Kratimenos
rnica montana is one of the best- their veins. They develop abnormalities obtained by WWF.
known homeopathic remedies. in the skeleton, impaired growth and Responsible companies have attempt-
It has been used for several trials skin rashes. ed to farm arnica to cater for the demand,
to demonstrate the effect of homeopathic but it is a tricky plant to cultivate so their
remedies on bruising and trauma. Indeed Arnica – the plant results have been mixed. It loves the
some plastic surgeons swear by it for Arnica montana is an alpine plant, grow- harshness of its natural habitat and this
reducing bruising after cosmetic surgery. ing in nutrient-poor soil. It can poten- is very challenging to reproduce com-
Many people are “converted” to the tially reach a height of up to 60cm, but mercially. Its inborn need to survive has
homeopathic cause after seeing spec- this is unusual given the harsh conditions led to cross-breeding in the wild.
tacular results with this humble herb. at high altitudes. It grows in meadows
Arnica montana belongs to the Compo- up to 3,000 metres above sea level, Herbal use
sitae family, in other words it is a rela- where it is exposed to strong sunlight. For centuries arnica montana has been
tive of the common daisy. Several of this The higher the altitude, the more aro- used herbally for bruising and sprains.
family of plants are used homeopathi- matic the plant will become. Generations of Swiss mountain
cally and herbally – Calendula, Chamo- It is found throughout Europe, but guides chewed arnica leaves to prevent
milla, Echinacea, Millefolium (yarrow), nowadays it is more common to see fatigue induced by climbing. The dried
Solidago (golden rod) and Taraxacum hybrids of Arnica rather than the pure leaves were used as a substitute for
(dandelion). The star shaped flowers of species growing wild. The natural habitat tobacco, hence its common name of
this botanical family are familiar to us all has been encroached upon by agricul- mountain tobacco. The dried flowers
as sunflowers and ornamental daisies. ture. Arnica cannot grow in areas where promote sneezing, so it was also known
Other members of the Compositae family fertiliser has been used and aerial fertil- as snuff plant. Fall kraut, fall herb and
include food crops such as lettuce, chicory, isation has had a huge, negative impact wound herb, other eponyms, demon-
globe artichoke and guayule – a source on the wild population in the Voges strate the age-old use for the effects of
of hypoallergenic latex. mountains of France. Arnica grows best trauma. The flowers are used as a com-
The plants are rich in inulin, a com- in moist, peaty siliceous soils and chalk press for sprains and bruises. The bright
pound between sugar and starch that the is harmful even in small quantities. yellow flowers glisten in the sunshine
plants store in their underground organs Arnica is in great demand herbally and can resemble the eyes of a wolf from
as a source of energy. It is used as a natural and homeopathically, which has led to a distance, hence the name Wolfesgelega,
sweetener for diabetics. The Compositae over-harvesting. The World Wildlife Fund wolf’s eye in German. Leopard’s bane
contain selenium and arnica ash is rich (WWF) with other conservation agen- is a reference to its wild beauty and
in manganese. Both selenium and man- cies has drawn attention to this issue, elegance, and independent spirit.
ganese are powerful anti-oxidants in the and thankfully many countries have The root contains essential oils which
human body and in addition manganese responded by introducing legislation to are powerful anti–inflammatory agents.
is an essential element needed for healthy protect the species. A license is required The ski resorts are well-versed in the
bones, wound-healing, and the meta- to collect the plant in many European benefits of arnica – massages and body
bolism of proteins, cholesterol and carbo- countries, but unfortunately this is almost wraps using arnica are readily available
hydrates. It may well be that it is this impossible to police so the temptation in many, and I was highly amused to
rich source of manganese that facilitates to make money has taken precedence see a Hotel Arnica in Madonna di Cam-
healing, acting in combination with the over the long-term maintenance of natural piglio in the Italian Dolomites!
other plant chemicals. Manganese levels stock. Only Spain lacks prohibitive laws Herbally the plant has been used for
affect the levels of iron, magnesium and regarding arnica collection, yet 1,000 to traumatic injuries involving bruising,
calcium in the body. Manganese defic- 3,000 kg of wild arnica was imported and as a cardiac tonic for weak and
iency is rarely seen (or recognised) except into Germany from Romania in the weary hearts. It is also used homeo-
in individuals fed artificially through period 1989 to 1999 according to figures pathically to support the heart, and for