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Workshop Manual ABCE

Group 30 Electrical system 2(0)


General Information
00-0 General ................................................................................................ 2

Safety and Other Instructions

05-1 Safety Instructions ............................................................................. 4

Special tools
08-2 Special Service Tools ......................................................................... 6

General, Complete Vehicle Software

30-0 General ................................................................................................ 7
Design and Function .................................................................................. 7
30-2 Fault Tracing ..................................................................................... 22
General ....................................................................................................... 22
Fault Codes ............................................................................................... 25
Measurements ......................................................................................... 263
VODIA Log Parameters .......................................................................... 297

Cables and fuses

37-0 Wiring Diagrams ............................................................................. 313
37-1 Cables .............................................................................................. 328

39-0 General ............................................................................................ 334
Alphabetical index .................................................................................. 339
References to Service Bulletins ............................................................ 343

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 1

00-0 General
About this Workshop manual
General information Certified engines
This Service Manual contains technical data, descrip- When carrying out service and repair on emis-
tions and maintenance and repair instructions for sion-certified engines, it is important to be aware
standard model Volvo Penta products. A list of these of the following:
products may be found in the section Specifica-
tions. Certification means that an engine type has been
inspected and approved by the relevant authority.
The product designation and the serial number and The engine manufacturer guarantees that all engines
specification is indicated on the engine decal or type of the same type are manufactured to correspond to
plate. This information must be included in all corre- the certified engine.
spondence regarding the product. This places special demands on service and repair
work, namely:
The service manual is produced primarily for the use
of Volvo Penta workshops and their qualified person- • Maintenance and service intervals recom-
nel. It is assumed that any person using the Service mended by Volvo Penta must be complied with.
Manual has a fundamental knowledge of the product • Only spare parts approved by Volvo Penta may
and is able to carry out mechanical and electrical be used.
work to trade standard.
• Service on injection pumps, pump settings and
Volvo Penta continually develops its products; we injectors must always be carried out by an
therefore reserve the right to make changes. All infor- authorized Volvo Penta workshop.
mation in this manual is based on product data which
• The engine must not be converted or modified,
was available up to the date on which the manual was
except with accessories and service kits which
printed. New working methods and significant
Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.
changes introduced to the product after this date are
communicated in the form of Service bulletins. • No changes to the exhaust pipe and engine air
inlet duct installations may be made.
Spare Parts
• No warranty seals (where present on the prod-
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are uct) may be broken by unauthorized persons.
subject to various national safety standards. Volvo
Penta Original Spare Parts meet these standards. No The general instructions in the Operator's Manual
damage of any kind caused by the use of spare parts concerning operation, service and maintenance
not approved by Volvo Penta will be compensated by apply.
any warranty undertaking.
Neglected or poorly-performed care/service and the
use of spare parts not approved by Volvo Penta, will
mean that AB Volvo Penta no longer guarantees that
the engine conforms to the certified model.

Volvo Penta accepts no responsibility for damage or

costs arising as a result of failure to follow the above
mentioned standards.

2 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

00-0 General

Repair instructions
Introduction Our mutual responsibility
The working methods described in this manual are Each product comprises a large number of interacting
based on a workshop scenario where the product is systems and components. A deviation from the tech-
mounted in a holding fixture. Maintenance work is nical specification may dramatically increase the
often carried out in situ, in which case - if nothing else environmental impact of an otherwise reliable sys-
is indicated - using the same working methods as the tem. It is therefore critical that the stated wear toler-
workshop. ances be adhered to, that systems which can be
adjusted be correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta
Warning symbols that occur in the service manual. Original Parts are used. The intervals in the care and
For significance, refer to Safety Information. maintenance schedule must be followed.
! DANGER! Some systems, e.g. fuel systems, often require spe-
cial expertise and test equipment. A number of com-
! WARNING! ponents are factory-sealed, for among other things
environmental reasons. Warranty-sealed compo-
nents may not be worked on without authorization to
perform such work.
are by no means comprehensive since not everything Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly
can be foreseen as service work is carried out in the used, are harmful to the environment. Volvo Penta
most varied of circumstances. We call attention to recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers
risks that may occur due to incorrect handling during whenever components are cleaned, unless otherwise
work in a well-equipped workshop using working specified in the Service Manual. When working out-
methods and tools tried and tested by us. doors, take especial care to ensure that oils and wash
residues etc. are correctly properly for destruction.
The service manual describes work operations car-
ried out with the aid of Volvo Penta Special Tools,
where such have been developed. Volvo Penta Spe-
cial Tools are designed to ensure the safest and most
rational working methods possible. It is therefore the
responsibility of anyone using tools or working meth-
ods other than those we recommend to ensure that
no risk of personal injury or mechanical damage is
present, or that malfunction can result.

In some cases, special safety regulations and user

instructions may be in force for the tools and chemi-
cals mentioned in the Service Manual. These regu-
lations must always be followed, and no special
instructions regarding this are to be found in the Serv-
ice Manual.

By taking these basic precautions and using common

sense it will be possible to guard against most ele-
ments of risk. A clean workplace and a clean product
will eliminate many risks of personal injury and mal-

Above all, when working on fuel systems, hydraulic

systems, lubrication systems, turbochargers, inlet
systems, bearings and seals, it is of the utmost impor-
tance that dirt and foreign objects are kept away, as
malfunctions or shortened service intervals may oth-
erwise result.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 3

05-1 Safety Instructions

05-1 Safety Instructions

Safety Information
This Service Manual contains repair instructions,
descriptions and technical data for products or product
designs from Volvo Penta. Ensure that you are using
the correct service manual.

Read the safety information below and the service manual section About this Workshop manual and Repair
instructions carefully before repair and service work is begun.

This symbol is used in the service manual and on the product, to call attention to the
fact that this is safety information. Always read such information very carefully.
Safety texts in the manual have the following order of priority:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
personal injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
personal injury.

Is used to draw your attention to something that may cause minor damage or a minor
malfunction to the product or property.

NOTICE! Is used to draw your attention to important information that will facilitate the
work or operation in progress.

This symbol is used on our products in certain cases and refers to important information
in the instruction book. Make sure that warning and information symbols on the engine
are clearly visible and legible. Replace symbols which have been damaged or painted

A compilation of safety precautions that must be taken and risks which must be paid attention to is
presented in the following page:

4 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

05-1 Safety Instructions

Immobilize the engine by turning off the power Stop the engine and turn off the electrical supply
! supply to the engine at the main switch ! at the main switch(es) before carrying out work
(switches) and lock it (them) in the off position on the electrical system.
before starting work. Post a warning notice at
the main circuit breaker.

Batteries must never be exposed to open Never transpose the positive (+) and negative
! flames or electric sparks. Never smoke in the ! (-) battery posts when installing batteries. Such
vicinity of the batteries; they generate hydrogen a transposition can result in serious damage to
gas when charged, which is explosive when electrical equipment. Refer to the wiring dia-
mixed with air. This gas is easily ignited and gram.
highly explosive. A spark, which can be caused Always use protective goggles when charging
by incorrect battery connection, is sufficient to and handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte
cause a battery to explode and cause damage. contains sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive.
Should the battery electrolyte come into contact
Do not touch the connections during start with unprotected skin, wash it off immediately
attempts. Sparking hazard! Do not lean over using soap and copious amounts of water. If you
batteries. get battery acid in your eyes, flush at once with
copious amounts of water and seek medical
assistance immediately.

Always use protective glasses or goggles when

! carrying out work where a risk of splinters,
grinding sparks, splashes from acid or other
chemicals is present. Your eyes are extremely
sensitive; injury may cause blindness!

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 5

08-2 Special Service Tools

08-2 Special Service Tools

For spare parts and accessories, log on to Volvo Penta
Partner Network's website: www.vppn.com.



P0006701 P0006609 P0006610

885675 Break-out cable 3809570 Crank tool 3812541 Brake release

Adapter cable for sensor test. Used for cranking of drive unit. switch
Declutching of drive unit to
make cranking possible.


p0008375 p0005127

88820047 VODIA, diagnostic 9511355 Break-out cable 9998699 Break-out box

tool Used with 9998699 Break-out Used for measurements.
Complete tool. box.


p0005127 p0005128

88820040 Break-out cable 88890016 Break-out cable 88890074 Multimeter

Used with 9998699 Break-out Used with 9998699 Break-out Used for measurements.
box. box.


88890161 Break-out cable

Used with 9998699 Break-out

6 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

30-0 General

Design and Function

EVC System
The EVC system is a so-called distributed system. Instruments
Distributed systems consist of many smaller elec- The instruments use a serial communication bus
tronic units (nodes) located at suitable places in the called “Easy Link”. Easy Link in combination with the
boat. rest of the EVC system radically reduces the need for
The EVC nodes are the driveline control system or cable installation, and simplifies installation.
PCU (Powertrain Control Unit), the control station
system or HCU (Helm station Control Unit) and the Display
servo unit for steering or SUS (Servo Unit Steering) / The EVC display is used as a complement to, or as a
SCU (Steering Control Unit). The nodes are located replacement for the instruments. The display is con-
close to their external components. The HCU is nected to the multilink bus from the HCU.
located close to the helm station, the PCU on the
engine, the SUS in the drive leg and the SCU is prob- Fuel level (optional)
ably located on the inboard side of the transom. EVC makes it easy to install fuel level indication. All
Each node is connected to a number of external com- that is needed is a fuel level sensor in the tank and a
ponents such as sensors, controls, instruments and fuel gauge or display on the instrument panel. If a fuel
control levers. level gauge is used, it should be connected to the
Each PCU, HCU, SUS and SCU is programmed for a instrument “Easy Link” in the HCU. The cable harness
specific engine. There is a decal on each PCU, HCU, between the PCU and the engine has a connector for
SUS and SCU, containing a serial number and CHAS- the fuel level sensor. No new cable installation needs
SIS ID number. The CHASSIS ID number must coin- to be done.
cide with the CHASSIS ID number on the decals on
the engine. Boat speed (optional)
A data link (a CAN bus) links the nodes to each other. The EVC can indicate boat speed if you have a GPS
They combine to form a data network and the nodes which is compatible with NMEA 2000 and an NMEA
exchange information and benefit from each others unit. Boat speed can be indicated on the display and
services. The principle of using a network of nodes to in a log connected to the “Easy Link”.
which all components are connected means that the
amount of cable installation is radically reduced. Fresh water level (optional)
The communication bus, J1587, is used for accesso- EVC makes it easy to install the water level indicator.
ries and for diagnostics. All you need is a level sensor in the water tank and a
level gauge or a display at the helm. If a water level
Functions gauge is used it must be connected to the instrument
serial communication bus. The PCU engine cable
Engine speed and gear shifting harness has an input for the fresh water level sender.
Engine speed and gear shifting is controlled electron-
ically. The outboard drives are always protected Rudder indicator
against excess speed. The rudder indicator (drive leg position indicator) is a
part of the EVC system. All you need is a gauge to
Engine synchronizing connect to the instrument serial communication bus.
Engine synchronizing gives greater comfort, good fuel
economy and minimized wear, thanks to reduced Boat speed, echo sender and water temp (Multi
vibration and reduced sound levels. The master sys- sensor), (optional)
tem (port) and slave system (starboard) must be able The multisensor is connected to the multilink cable.
to communicate, to make synchronization possible. Data from the multi sensor are shown on the EVC
For this reason, a synchronizing cable must be instal- display.
led at the main helm station and all alternative helm

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 7

30-0 General

Alarm Display
1 Engine Oil Pressure:
When the oil pressure falls below a certain value at
a certain engine speed, the alarm lamp is lit.
2 Water in Fuel:
When the water level in the water trap exceeds a
certain level the alarm lamp is lit.
(Not used on gas)
3 Battery Voltage:
When the battery voltage falls below a certain value
the alarm lamp is lit. The lamp is also lit when the
alternator is not charging.

4 Coolant Temperature:
When the coolant temperature exceeds a certain
level the alarm lamp is lit.
5 Coolant Level:
When the coolant level is below a certain level the
alarm lamp is lit.
(Not used on gas)
6 Oil level:
When the oil level is below a certain level the alarm
lamp is lit.
(Not used on gas)
7 Serious fault (red indication):
The lamp lights up when a serious fault occurs.
Incorrect (orange indication):
The lamp lights up when a fault occurs.

8 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

Component location
System introduction, EVC


EVC System Starting sequence

The figure shows an example of an EVC installation. 1 When the main switch is closed, the engine con-
The principle is the same for all combinations of trol unit, PCU and HCU, receives system volt-
engines, helm stations and controls. age.

For more specific EVC system installations, please 2 When the key switch is turned to position “I”
refer to EVC installations page 324. (ignition) the engine control unit receives an acti-
vation signal from the PCU.
NOTICE! The nodes are always located close to the When ignition is on, the EVC equipment such as
components they control. A power train node, the the control panels and instruments are acti-
Power train Control Unit (PCU), is located on the vated.
engine. A helm node, the Helm station Control Unit
3 When the key switch is turned to position “II”
(HCU), is integrated in the helm station.
(crank). The engine control unit activates the
starter relay.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 9

30-0 General

1 Transmission components
2 Connector, EVC
8 3 Resolver, signal cable
3 4 Power supply connectors, electric motor
+ 5 Secondary solenoid, reverse gear
6 Primary solenoid, reverse gear
4 7 Sensor, oil temperature/pressure
7 8 Shaft speed sensor


10 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

The PCU can be engine mounted in some installations
or is mounted standalone. It communicates with the
engine and helm station control unit, HCU, via the
standard bus.

* PCU = Powertrain Control Unit. There is a decal con-

taining the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the PCU.
The CHASSIS ID number must coincide with the
CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.

The node is located on the bracket together with the
hydraulic plate and is mounted near the transom
shield. It communicates with the PCU and HCU, via the
EVC bus.

* SCU = Steering Control Unit. There is a decal con-

taining the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the SCU.
The CHASSIS ID number must coincide with the
CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.

Identification of nodes
Each node in the EVC system is programmed to com-
municate with a specific engine. Software can vary
depending on engine type, equipment, parameter set-
ting, etc. It is therefore, prior to installation, important
to identify the different nodes.
This is carried out by checking indentically designed
labels, placed on the node gables, on top of the engine
cover, on the engine control unit (ECU) and on the
steering unit servo (SUS / SCU).
Identification is done by using the ENGINE CHASSIS
ID number.

The CHASSIS ID number on the node labels must cor-
respond with the CHASSIS ID number on the engine
and SUS / SCU labels.

The CHASSIS ID number on the node labels are also

intended for the Volvo Penta organisation for identifi-
cation of the system in the VODIA diagnostic tool.
The CHASSIS ID can also be shown in the EVC dis-

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 11

30-0 General

The CPM is the control module of the Active Corrrosion
Protection system (ACP). It is connected to the
M transom unit, the J1587 bus and to the multilink.
* CPM = Corrosion Protection Module.


Drive position sensor

The drive position sensor is located in a plastic cover
that is fitted on the steering cylinder. The sensor is
shaped like a pen and is fitted alongside the steering
cylinder. The steering cylinder piston is equipped with
two magnets. The drive position sensor is a magneto-
resistive sensor which means that the sensor resist-
ance will change when influenced by the magnets on
the cylinder piston.

The DPS drive has one steering cylinder with two drive
position sensors fitted along the cylinder side, one at
top and one at bottom.

The SUS consists of a control unit and an electric
motor. The unit is located on the upper gear of the IPS.
Communicates with the SHCU and PCU via the stand-
ard bus.

* SUS = Servo Unit Steering. There is a decal contain-

ing the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the SUS.
The CHASSIS ID number must coincide with the
CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.


12 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

The resolver (1) is the unit that communicates to the
SUS in what position the drive leg actually is located.
The resolver unit consists of a resolver, a gear wheel
and a signal cable. Inside the resolver there is no phys-
ical contact points.
The resolver is not serviceable and has to be replaced
as a complete unit.


Hydraulic valve plate

The hydraulic valve plate consists of port and star-
board solenoids which controls the drive movement.
The valve plate is also equipped with a service valve
which is engaged at ignition on or if a fault occurs.
When the service valve is activated the drive can be
moved by hand.


Solenoid valves, Forwards – Reverse (T)

The solenoid valves (V) for gear shifting are located on
the reversing gear.
The valves are ordinary OFF–ON valves which allow
oil to pass to the correct clutch when ON. When suffi-
cient oil pressure has been built up, the clutch is acti-
vated (the oil pressure is raised gradually to give gentle
engagement). In the OFF position, the oil in the clutch
is emptied and the reversing gear goes into neutral.

Solenoid valve, trolling (U)

The solenoid valve is installed on the reversing gear.
The valve opens successively and releases oil to the
trolling valve in proportion to the control position.


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 13

30-0 General

Solenoid valves, transmission

The solenoid valves for gear shifting are located on the
upper gear.
The valves are ordinary OFF–ON valves which allow
oil to pass to the correct clutch when ON. When suffi-
cient oil pressure has been built up, the clutch is acti-
vated (the oil pressure is raised gradually to give gentle
engagement). In the OFF position, the oil in the clutch
is emptied and the reversing gear goes into neutral.

The illustration shows the cables connected for right-

hand rotation.


A Solenoid valve marked “A” (primary)

B Solenoid valve marked “B” (secondary)
a Cables marked “A”
b Cables marked “B”

Solenoid valves, transmission

The solenoid valves for gear shifting are located on the
upper gear.
The valves are ordinary OFF–ON valves which allow
oil to pass to the correct clutch when ON. When suffi-
cient oil pressure has been built up, the clutch is acti-
vated (the oil pressure is raised gradually to give gentle
engagement). In the OFF position, the oil in the clutch
is emptied and the reversing gear goes into neutral.


Datalink Senders
Interface bracket
Some engines are equipped with an interface bracket.
The engine mounted interface bracket contains of
three connectors. The transmission interface (1) where
2 3 the transmission cable is connected. The data link
1 interface (2) where the HCU is connected. The senders
interface (3) where the fuel-, freshwater- and rudder
cable is connected.


14 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

HCU / Control lever

The HCU in EVC-D is built into the control lever. The
HCU communicates with the PCU and the SUS / SCU
via the EVC bus.

The lever controls use a contactless position sensor to

transfer the levers angular movement. An optical sen-
sor is also used to acknowledge when the levers are
in neutral position.

The position sensor is a Hall sensor that uses two Hall

elements that are orthogonally placed within the sen-
sor. The sensor detects the absolute angular position
of a magnet that is located on the lever axis. When the
lever is turned the magnetic flux changes in both X and
Y in a sinusoidal way. Since the Hall elements are
orthogonally placed the output will be a sinus and cosi-
P0010668 nus wave. These signals are transformed by the inte-
grated DSP (Digital signal processing) circuit into lin-
ear angular information.

The gear shift actuator used for gas engines and D3-
E/F is engine mounted.


Shift actuator, gas engines / D3-E/F.

The gear shift actuator used for other diesel engines is

different from the one for gas engines / D3-E/F.
Also, this gear shift actuator is not engine mounted.

Both actuators are controlled by the PCU.


Shift actuator, other diesel engines.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 15

30-0 General

Repair Instructions
General advice on working with EVC
The following advice must be followed to avoid dam-
age to the engine control unit and other electronics.

The system must be disconnected from system volt-
age by cutting the current with the main switch when
the engine control module connectors are discon-
nected or connected.
• Never disconnect the current with the main switches
when an engine is running.
• Never undo a battery cable when the engine is run-
• Turn the main switches off or disconnect the battery
cables during quick charging of the batteries.
NOTICE! During normal trickle charging, it is not
necessary to turn the main switches off.
• Only batteries may be used for start help. A help
start device can produce a very high voltage and
damage the control unit and other electronics.
• If a connector is disconnected from a sensor, be
very careful to avoid allowing the contact pins to
come into contact with oil, water or dirt.

16 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

Fault code information
• MID (“Message Identification Description”): • SID (“Subsystem Identification Description”):
The MID consists of a number which designates The SID consists of a number that designates a
the control unit that sent the fault code message. component to which the fault code relates (tach-
(e.g. the engine control unit). ometer, for example).
• PID (“Parameter Identification Description”): • PSID (“Proprietary SID”):
The PID consists of a number that designates a The same as the SID, but this is a Volvo-specific
parameter (value) to which the fault code relates component.
(oil pressure, for example).
• FMI (“Failure Mode Identifier”):
• PPID (“Proprietary PID”): FMI indicates the type of fault (please refer to
The same as the PID, but this is a Volvo-specific the FMI table below).

FMI table

SAE standard
FMI Display text SAE text
0 “Value too high” Data valid but above normal operational range.
1 “Value too low” Data valid but below operational range.
2 “Faulty data” Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect
3 “Electrical fault” Voltage above normal or shorted high.
4 “Electrical fault” Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
5 “Electrical fault” Current below normal or open circuit.
6 “Electrical fault” Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative
7 “Mechanical fault” Mechanical system not responding properly
8 “Mechanical or electrical fault” Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period
9 “Communication fault” Abnormal update rate
10 “Mechanical or electrical fault” Abnormally large variations
11 “Unknown fault” Unidentifiable error.
12 “Component fault” Faulty device or component
13 “Faulty calibration” Calibration value out of range.
14 “Unknown fault” Special instructions
15 “Unknown fault” Reserved for future use

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 17

30-0 General

Electrical Welding
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.

The system must be disconnected from system
voltage when the engine control unit connectors are
disconnected or connected.
2 Undo the connectors from the control units before
any electrical welding starts.
3 Disconnect all connections to the alternator.
Connect the welder earth clamp to the component
to be welded, or as close as possible to the weld
site. The clamp must never be connected to the
engine or in such a way that current can pass
through a bearing.

After welding is completed, the disconnected com-
ponents, such as alternator cables and battery
cables must be connected in the correct order.

The battery cables must always be connected last.

18 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

Reprogramming a control unit

The CHASSIS ID number must be readily available to allow the software to be downloaded.


1 Log in to Volvo Penta Partner Network’s website: www.vppn.com.

2 Choose “Service & Warranty” in the menu.
3 Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
4 Again choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
5 Choose “ECU programming” in the left-hand menu. Select what type of programming that shall be per-
6 Follow the instructions under “VODIA - ECU programming”. Choose the control units to be re-programmed
and click the “Download” button. The software for the control units is now downloaded to the PDA*.
NOTICE! * PDA = “Personal Digital Assistant” (palmtop computer).
7 Take a look under “Settings”, “Software information” in VODIA to check that the software has been down-
8 Connect the VODIA tool to the engine to be programmed.
9 Select “Electrical system and instruments” in the VODIA menu. Select “EVC system, programming”. VODIA
will guide you through the entire programming process.
NOTICE! All control units on the same drive line will be programmed in one sequence.
10 NOTICE! Programming must be reported back to Volvo Penta within 28 days. Log in to Volvo Penta Partner
Network’s web site: www.vppn.com.
11 Choose “Service & Warranty” in the menu.
12 Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
13 Again choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
14 Choose “Report software” in the left-hand menu.
15 Follow the instructions for “VODIA - Report software”. Click “Report software/parameter”.
NOTICE! An autoconfiguration shall be performed after all ECU programming.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 19

30-0 General

Programming an empty control unit

When a new engine control unit is installed, where no software has been downloaded, the control unit must be
programmed. The new control unit must have the same part number as the old control unit. If the control units do
not have the same part number, it will not be possible to program the new control unit until a “Conversion kit” has
been ordered from Volvo Penta.

If the control units have the same part number, the new control unit can be programmed as usual. Please refer
to “Programming a control unit”.

If the part numbers do not coincide – proceed as follows:

1 Have both part numbers available.
2 Log in to Volvo Penta Partner Network’s website: www.vppn.com.
3 Choose “Service & Warranty” in the menu.
4 Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
5 Again choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.
6 Choose “Conversion kit” in the left-hand menu. A new page, “Conversion kit / Accessory kit”, opens up.
7 Click the text “Available conversions kits” which is shown in bold face.
8 A new window opens. Follow the instructions given in the window.
9 Return to the “Conversion kit / Accessory kit” page and follow the instructions to order a new “conversion
10 Volvo Penta’s database is now updated. It can take about a minute before a confirmation is sent.
11 Programing of the control unit can now start. Please refer to “Programming a control unit”.

20 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-0 General

Checking Instruments
88890074 Multimeter

The instruments are “Easy Link” types and receive

their signals from a serial bus consisting of a total of 3
• Battery positive
• Battery negative
• Data bus
If a fault occurs in the “Easy Link” bus for the instru-
ments, this can be discovered when the needles stop
in the same positions on the instrument(s) (“frozen”). If
no one of the instruments works, check with multimeter
88890074 if there is power supply voltage between red
and blue conductors in the “Easy Link” harness.

Since common signals for various types of instruments

pass through the same cable, it is difficult to determine
whether information is missing from the serial bus, or
if an individual instrument is faulty.

If you suspect an instrument fault, you can use the fol-

lowing procedure to determine whether the instrument
is fault or not.
1 Start the engine and let it idle, with the control lever
in the neutral position.
2 Disconnect the instrument which is suspected of
being faulty.
3 The fault dissappears:
Check that there is no oxide or moisture in the rel-
evant instrument’s connector.
Exchange the relevant instrument with a new one
and check if the fault still is dissappeared.
The fault remains:
Continue to disconnect instrument until remaining
instruments starts indicating correctly.
Re-connect the instruments again. Begin with the
first disconnected instrument and continue to re-
connect the other instruments until the connected
instruments stops indicating. Change the last re-
connected instrument.
When VODIA is connected to the port network,
VODIA can only show fault codes from the port
PCU, and vice versa for the starboard side.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 21

30-2 Fault Tracing

30-2 Fault Tracing

Fault tracing in the EVC system
88820047 VODIA, diagnostic tool

Check that the system has the correct power

The best way to retrieve diagnostic information from
the EVC system is to use the VODIA tool (3838619).
The VODIA tool shows the fault codes as text, and you
can retrieve information about each fault code.

When you set an HCU in service mode, VODIA can

communicate with the HCU to read fault codes and log
its parameters. Since all HCU have the same ECU
(MID) number, only one HCU can be put into service
mode at the same time. It would not otherwise be pos-
sible to identify the HCU which issued a fault code.

Fault codes from the PCU, SUS / SCU and HCU can
be read from any helm station. In a twin installation, the
codes can only be read from the network, driveline, in
which the node is located.

When VODIA is connected to the port network, VODIA

can only show fault codes from the port PCU, and vice
versa for the starboard side.

The following must be done before fault

tracing continues, to avoid changing
functional sensors:
• If there is an active / inactive fault code
Remove the connector from the sensor. Check that
there is no oxidation and that the connector pins are
not damaged.
NOTICE! Some fault codes become inactive when
the engine is stopped. Start the engine to check
whether the fault code is still inactive with the engine
• After an action with the connector
Put the connector* back. Check if the fault code
becomes inactive. Check faults that could be related
to that specific sensor. If the fault remains, measure
the cables and sensors to check them, as instructed.
NOTICE! * No grease in the connector.

22 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Fault tracing of cables and

88890074 Multimeter

Cut the current with the main switch before the cables
are disconnected.

Check all connectors visually

• Look for oxidation which can impair contact in con-
• Check that terminals are undamaged, that they are
correctly inserted into their connectors, and that the
cable is correctly terminated in the terminal.
• If possible, shake the cables and pull the connectors
during measurement to discover whether the cable
harness is damaged.
• Check that the cables are not damaged. Avoid
clamping cables in tight bends close to the connec-

It can be difficult to check whether there is a cable fault

in a cable when it is installed in the engine. For this
reason, always keep checked extension cables in the
fault-tracing equipment. Connect the extension cable
to one end of the cable that is to be checked and run
it back to the other end of the cable. This to allow each
conductor to be checked individually. After this, all the
pins can be checked.

1 Use multimeter 88890074 to check the cables. The

uninsulated parts of the conductors in the cables
should not be in contact.
Disconnect the cable at both ends and measure
the resistance between all pins to check for short
circuit between conductors. The multimeter should
show infinite resistance between each pin. If the
A Y-split multilink resistance is less than infinite, there is a fault.
B Multilink break-out connector
2 Do a resistance check through each of the con-
ductors in the cable to detect if there is any open
circuit. Connect one probe to pin1 in one connector
and connect the other probe to pin1 in the connec-
tor in the other end of the cable (this does not apply
to the EVC Y-split which has a different pin config-
P0010669 uration). The resistance should be approximately
Multilink hub internal pin wiring. 0 ohm. Continue through all pins in the connector.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 23

30-2 Fault Tracing

If the CAN bus cables between the engine control unit

and the PCU need to be checked, the resistance can
also be checked when the cables are connected to the
other end.
1 Disconnect the PCU.
2 Measure the resistance between pin 17 (yellow/
white conductor and pin 7 (gray/yellow conductor)
against the engine control unit (EDC7).
Measurement points Nominal value
17 – 7 R ≈ 120 Ω

3 Repeat the measurement in the other direction.

Connect the PCU and disconnect the engine con-
trol unit.
4 Measure the resistance between pin 1 (yellow/
white conductor and pin 2 (gray/yellow conductor)
towards the PCU.
Measurement points Nominal value
1–2 R ≈ 120 Ω

24 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Fault Codes
MID 164, SID 226 Transmission
neutral switch
MID 164: HCU

FMI 3– Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Neutral switch does not indicate neutral when the lever is in calibrated neutral
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Not possible to make this station active.
• The system will command the gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
• Engine goes to limp home speed.
Conditions for fault code: Neutral switch does not indicate neutral when the lever is in calibrated neutral
Possible reason: • Faulty lever calibration.
• Faulty optical neutral switch indicator.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Perform a lever calibration.
Logging parameter: Requested gear page 299
Logging sub-parameter: Neutral switch state

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Neutral switch does not indicate neutral when the lever is in calibrated neutral
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
• Slip function disabled.
• Not possible to make this station active.
• The system will command the gear to neutral.
• Engine goes to limp home speed.
Conditions for fault code: Neutral switch does not indicate neutral when the lever is in calibrated neutral
Possible reason: • Faulty lever calibration.
• Switched, port and starboard, X8 connection into the HCU.
• Faulty optical neutral switch indicator.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check that the X8 cables are connected correctly at the HCU.
Logging parameter: Requested gear page 299
Logging sub-parameter: Neutral switch state

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 25

30-2 Fault Tracing

The integrated HCU / lever unit uses a contactless
position sensor to transfer the levers angular move-
ment and an optical sensor to acknowledge when the
levers are in neutral position.

26 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, SID 231 SAE J1939 data

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Communication failure on the multilink bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Loss of engine sync.
• Display information from other power train lost in single display / dual
engine installations.
• (IPS) Speed limitation.
• (IPS) Docking station can not be activated.
Conditions for fault code: Communication failure on the multilink bus.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 27

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, SID 240 Program memory

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: No software loaded or there is something wrong with the software causing a
unit to remain in boot mode.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: System can not be started.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault or no program loaded.
Possible reason: • No main software in the HCU.
• PCU has been replaced.
• Checksum error.
Suitable action: Reprogram HCU.

28 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, SID 253 Calibration

memory EEPROM
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Checksum fault. HCU is missing calibration data.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: HCU is missing calibration data and will use default calibration data.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram HCU.

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: Inconsequent driveline ID’s between PCU and HCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Mismatch between HCU and PCU ID’s. ID´s state that one node is configured
as a PORT ECU while the other node is configured as an STBD ECU.
Possible reason: The HCU is incorrectly connected.
Suitable action: 1 Verify that the HCU and the PCU is connected according to the instal-
lation instructions.

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU is missing configuration data from the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU has not received any configuration data from the PCU or has lost
communication with the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check if other fault codes could be the main reason for setting this fault
2 Total reset by switching off the main switches.
3 Perform an auto configuration.
4 Check that the correct external components are connected.
5 Reprogram HCU.
6 Replace the HCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 29

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Inconsequent steering configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Steering node is detected but no steering configuration is detected in the
Possible reason: The software in the PCU is not supporting a steering node.
Suitable action: 1 The PCU is not programmed with the correct software. Reprogram the
2 The software downloaded from VDA is not correct. Contact the Vodia

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Memory failure in HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Memory failure in HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the HCU.

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: Different settings between drivelines.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Steering configuration or settings is not equal on each driveline (in the PCUs).
Possible reason: The software in the PCUs is not compatible. Steering parameter differs.
Suitable action: 1 The PCU is not programmed with the correct software. Reprogram the
2 The software downloaded from VDA is not correct. Contact the Vodia

30 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, SID 254 Controller 1

MID 164: HCU

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Memory data in the HCU is incorrect.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: Can not become active station.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the HCU.
2 Replace the HCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 31

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 289 Power trim

control signal
MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault on power trim button on the control or on the handle.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to control the power trim.
Conditions for fault code: Power trim up/down button is activated > 1 minute
Possible reason: A power trim button is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
Logging parameter: Control lever button status page 297
Logging sub-parameter: • Individual trim up button
• Individual trim down button
• Handle trim up button
• Handle trim down button

32 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 393 EVC Bus power

input (E)
MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus power supply. The PCU is the power supplier.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:1 and X2:3 is less than 6 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the EVC ECUs.
• Open circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the EVC ECUs.
• Low battery power or broken fuse.
Suitable action: 1 Check the power supply voltage between X2:1 and X2:3 between the
PCU and the HCU.
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 298 (MID 164)
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 11 – Unidentifiable error

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus power supply. The PCU is the power supplier.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:1 and X2:3 exceeds 50 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the PCU and the
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus power supply voltage between the EVC ECUs.
2 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the battery and alternator status.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 298
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 33

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC datalink bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus, that runs between the PCU X2
connector and the HCU X2 connector. EVC-CAN L is
located on pin X2:2 and EVC-CAN H on pin X2:5. The
EVC nodes are powered through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS/SCU is used there is a EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS/

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


34 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 394 Key supply

MID 164: HCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault on the power supply to the key.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Impossible to start engine.
Conditions for fault code: Too high voltage detected or error in the LIN communication.
U > 50 V during 1.2 seconds.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the key switch, AKI and the
Logging parameter: Key supply page 298
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault on the power supply to the key.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Impossible to start engine.
Conditions for fault code: Too low voltage detected or error in the LIN communication.
U < 4.5 V during 1.2 seconds.
Possible reason: Port Side: Short circuit between X4:3 and X4:4 between the AKI and the HCU.
Starboard Side: Short circuit between X4:1 and X4:2 between the AKI and
the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the key switch, AKI and the
Logging parameter: Key supply page 298
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 35

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
In the EVC-D system an analogue key switch is used.
When the main switch is closed pin 1 in the key switch
gets system voltage. When the key is turned to position
1 pin 4 in the key switch gets system voltage from pin

To get the starter motor to run the key is turned to

position 3 and pin 2 in the key switch gets system volt-
age from pin 1.

While the key is turned to position 3 pin 4 in the key

switch still needs to have system voltage, therefore a
diode is placed between pin 2 and pin 4 to uphold the
voltage in pin 4. The voltage at pin 4 in this case will
be system voltage minus the voltage drop over the

When the key is turned to position S pin 5 gets system


To make the system more robust against interference

the analogue signal is transformed to a digital signal in
the AKI. A LIN bus, which is a single wire databus, is
used to transfer the key state between the AKI and the
HCU. The LIN bus is connected to X4:8 on the port side
of the HCU and to X4:4 on starboard side of the HCU.
The AKI is powered with Vbat+ on X4:3 and X4:4 on
port side and X4:1 and X4:2 on starboard side by the

The diodes at the AKI flashes when the AKI has power

Key switch

36 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Internal failure in the steering wheel unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Limited or no steering ability.
• Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: Internal failure in the steering wheel unit.
Possible reason: Faulty steering wheel unit.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the HCU receives any steering
wheel information.
2 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: Steering wheel position page 299

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The control value from the steering wheel unit is incorrect.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick page 60 (FMI 9)
fault code:
• MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (FMI 9)
Symptom: Steering is disabled and the engine speed is limited. After acknowledge it is
possible to increase the engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: No valid steering input from the steering wheel unit.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between X8:1 and X8:3 between the HCU and the steering
wheel / joystick.
• Faulty steering wheel unit.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the HCU receives any steering
wheel information.
2 Check all the cables and connectors between the HCU and the steering
wheel / joystick.
3 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Measurements: Checking the steering control bus page 270

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 37

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The steering control bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, dif-
ferential, proprietary bus, that runs between the HCU
X8 connector and the steering wheel / joystick. Steer-
ing control bus L is located on pin X8:2 and steering
control bus H on pin X8:5. The steering wheel / joystick
is powered through pin X8:1 and X8:3. There is a
steering wheel / joystick back up power supply on pin
X8:4 and X8:6.

1 Power supply positive

2 Steering control bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive, back up
5 Steering control bus H
6 Power supply negative, back up


38 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1588 Safety lanyard

MID 164: HCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Internal lanyard magnet fault.(1)
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Safety lanyard function can not be activated.
Conditions for fault code: Sensor voltage > 4.7 V
Possible reason: Internal sensor fault.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the lever.

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Internal lanyard magnet fault.(1)
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Safety lanyard function can not be activated.
Conditions for fault code: Sensor voltage < 0.2 V
Possible reason: Internal sensor fault.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the lever.

1. Only side mounted lever.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 39

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1590 Station panel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The panel will not function correctly.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Station panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Check all wiring and connectors between the HCU and the PCU for open
circuit, short circuit or bad contact.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

40 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 41

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1591 Sport Fish panel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Sport fish mode can’t be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Sport fish panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

42 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 43

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1592 Cruise control

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Cruise control can’t be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Cruise control panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

44 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 45

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1593 Power trim panel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The power trim will not function using the power trim panel.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Power Trim panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit in the CAN bus between the panel and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

46 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 47

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1594 Docking panel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Docking mode can not be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Docking panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

48 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 49

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1595 Start stop panel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from the panel is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Starter motor can’t be engaged or is activated directly when the helm station
is activated.
Conditions for fault code: A start or stop request has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the panel is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the panel.
Logging parameter: Start/Stop panel, please refer to Panels page 297.
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with the panel.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems using the panel. Any of the other used EVC panels could
appear as they've been turned off.
Conditions for fault code: No communication with the panel on the multilink bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Disconnect the panel and see if the fault remains.
3 Replace the panel.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

50 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display/panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 51

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1677 EVC bus power

input (C)
MID 164: HCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus back up power supply. The SUS / SCU is the
supplier of the back up power supply.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:4 and X2:6 exceeds 50 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the SUS / SCU and
the HCU.
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the power supply voltage between X2:4 and X2:6 between the
SUS / SCU and the HCU.
2 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
3 Check the battery and alternator status.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus back up power supply. The SUS / SCU is the
supplier of the back up power supply.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:4 and X2:6 is less than 6 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the SUS / SCU and
the HCU.
• Low battery power or broken fuse.
Suitable action: 1 Check the power supply voltage between X2:4 and X2:6 between the
SUS / SCU and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

52 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display/panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 53

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PPID 1749 Control lever

button status
MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty signal from a button on the control lever is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: A function that is activated by a button on the control lever can’t be activated
or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: A button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: A button on the control lever is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if any button has stuck.
3 Replace the HCU.
Logging parameter: Control lever button status page 297
Logging sub-parameter: • Station button
• Throttle only button
• PTA button
• Low speed button
• Cruise control button
• Fine tune + button
• Fine tune - button
• Single lever button
• Individual trim up button
• Individual trim down button
• Handle trim up button
• Handle trim down button
• TOW button

54 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 63 External lever

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Slip signal is out of range.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Disabled slip function.
Conditions for fault code: Slip request value from external lever interface is faulty, out of range or the
signal is not available.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the HCU and the external lever.
• Faulty external lever.
• Faulty A-CAN interface (if used).
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface (if used).
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the external lever unit.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the A-CAN interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
The A-CAN diode is flashing red if missing lever control input.
4 Check the 4-20 mA interface.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 55

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Signal error from external, non EVC, lever.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Engine power is limited.
Conditions for fault code: Lever data is out of normal operational range, 0.15-4.85 Volt.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the HCU and the external lever.
• Faulty external lever.
• Faulty A-CAN interface (if used).
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface (if used).
Suitable action: 1 Check the status of the diodes on the 4-20 mA interface or the A-CAN
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check the output voltage from the external lever position sensor and
the function of the neutral switch.
4 Check all wiring and connections to the A-CAN interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
The A-CAN diode is flashing red if missing lever control input.
5 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

56 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Lost communication with external, non EVC, lever and/or neutral switch.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Engine power is limited.
Conditions for fault code: Gear shift and throttle values are incorrect.
Possible reason: • Broken lever position sensor.
• Broken neutral position switch.
• Faulty A-CAN interface (if used).
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface (if used).
• Faulty external lever.
Suitable action: 1 Check the status of the diodes on the 4-20 mA interface or the A-CAN
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Check all wiring and connections to the A-CAN interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
The A-CAN diode is flashing red if missing lever control input.
5 Check the function of the external lever position sensor and the neutral
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 57

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Lost communication with external, non EVC, lever and/or neutral switch.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Engine power is limited.
Conditions for fault code: Lost communication with the external lever.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the HCU and the external lever.
• Faulty external lever.
• Faulty A-CAN interface (if used).
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface (if used).
Suitable action: 1 Check the status of the diodes on the 4-20 mA interface or the A-CAN
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Check all wiring and connections to the A-CAN interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
The A-CAN diode is flashing red if missing lever control input.
5 Check the function of the external lever position sensor and the neutral
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

58 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Throttle signal is out of range or not available. Any communication from
external lever is not detected.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Engine can not be started. Can be started after acknowledge.
• Engine goes to limp home speed.
• Gear to neutral. Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: HCU has detected a communication fault with the 4-20 mA interface or with
the A-CAN interface.
Possible reason: Requested throttle signal is not valid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the diodes flashing state on the 4-20 mA interface or the A-CAN
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the A-CAN interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
The A-CAN diode is flashing red if missing lever control input.
4 Check the function of the external lever position sensor and the neutral
5 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

Circuit description
If a mechanical control lever is used instead of the lever
control with integrated HCU an analogue to CAN inter-
face (A-CAN) must be used.
A X8 steering connector
B Control connector


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 59

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Joystick position data is out of range.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: Joystick position data is out of range.
Possible reason: Faulty joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the joystick infor-
mation the HCUs receive. Compare the joystick information between
the HCUs.
2 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: • Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301

60 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: The HCU has detected too many errors on the CAN communication with the
steering wheel / joystick unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (FMI 9)
fault code:
• MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 37 (FMI 12)
Symptom: • Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No steering wheel / joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: HCU has detected a communication fault with the steering wheel / joystick
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Short circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Faulty steering wheel / joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering
wheel / joystick information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering
wheel / joystick information between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel / joy-
stick and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
3 Replace the steering wheel / joystick.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301
Measurements: Checking the steering control bus page 270

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 61

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: HCU unit has detected that the joystick's x, y, z values are out of range or
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: One of the signals x, y, z are above maximum value or below minimum value
(position)/calibrated operational range.
Possible reason: Requested joystick signal is not valid.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the joystick infor-
mation the HCUs receive. Compare the joystick information between
the HCUs.
2 Redo the joystick calibration.
3 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the fault remains.
4 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: • Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301

Circuit description
The steering control bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, dif-
ferential, proprietary bus, that runs between the HCU
X8 connector and the steering wheel / joystick. Steer-
ing control bus L is located on pin X8:2 and steering
control bus H on pin X8:5. The steering wheel / joystick
are powered through pin X8:1 and X8:3. There is a
steering wheel / joystick back up power supply on pin
X8:4 and X8:6.

The movement of the joystick is monitored by three

different sensors. One for the horizontal movement,
one for the vertical movement and one the monitors
the turning angle of the joystick. All three sensors out-
put signals are voltage signals. The voltage signals are
between 0-5 Volt depended of the joystick movement.
These signals are then translated into CAN messages
which are sent through the steering bus to the HCU.

1 Power supply positive

2 Steering control bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive, back up
5 Steering control bus H
6 Power supply negative, back up


62 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 65 Joystick On button

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty docking button signal from the joystick is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Docking mode can not be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: The docking button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: The docking button on the joystick is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if the docking button on the joystick is stuck.
3 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: Joystick button status page 300
Logging sub-parameter: Docking button

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 63

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 66 Joystick High

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty high speed button signal from the joystick is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: High speed mode can’t be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: The high speed button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: The high speed button on the joystick is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if the high speed button on the joystick is stuck.
3 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: Joystick button status page 300
Logging sub-parameter: High speed button

64 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 67 Joystick position

MID 164: HCU

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Joystick angles x, y and z between the two drive lines deviates.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Docking mode can not be activated or has limited function.
Conditions for fault code: Valid sync data (joystick position x, y, z) from other drive train deviates too
Each driveline HCU transmits its set of joystick signals to the other driveline
HCU via the multilink bus. The HCU compares the values.
Possible reason: • The joystick configuration is different between the drivelines.
• Faulty joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Verify that the joystick was found during the auto configuration. Look
in: Settings / EVC Info / Components / Steering comp.
2 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the joystick infor-
mation the HCUs receive. Compare the joystick information between
the HCUs.
3 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: • Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 65

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 69 Menu Control

MID 164: HCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Signal error from external, non EVC, lever.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Engine power is limited.
Conditions for fault code: Lever data is out of normal operational range.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the HCU and the external lever.
• Faulty external lever.
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface.
Suitable action: 1 Check the diodes flashing state on the 4-20 mA interface.
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Check the function of the external lever position sensor and the neutral
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Lost communication with external, non EVC, lever and/or neutral switch.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Engine power is limited.
Conditions for fault code: Lost communication with the external lever.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the HCU and the external lever.
• Faulty external lever.
• Faulty 4-20 mA interface.
Suitable action: 1 Check the diodes flashing state on the 4-20 mA interface.
2 Perform a Vodia log test to verify if the HCU receives any throttle and
neutral switch information.
3 Check all wiring and connections to the 4-20 mA interface and to the
external lever. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Check the function of the external lever position sensor and the neutral
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299

66 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 79 GPS sensor node

MID 164: HCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: The HCU lost communication with the digital positioning system's GPS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • DPS status unavailable in the panel / display.
• No DPS data => The diagnostic LED on the DPS gateway flashes twice.
• No multilink data => The diagnostic LED on the DPS gateway flashes
three times.
Conditions for fault code: Communication with the GPS is lost for more than the permitted time limit.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the DPS wiring between the
antenna into the DPS gateway or from the DPS gateway to the multilink con-
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring between the antenna to the DPS gateway to the mul-
tilink connection.
Measurements: • Checking the multilink bus page 266
• Checking the DPS bus page 267

Circuit description
The GPS node is communicating with the EVC system
via the DPS gateway. The GPS node communicates
with the DPS gateway via a CAN bus. The DPS gate-
way converts the GPS information to be used by the
multilink bus.

The GPS node bus consists of a power supply with

negative supply pin 4 and positive supply on pin 6.
CAN L bus uses pin 2 and CAN H bus uses pin 5. there
is also a shield connected to pin 3.

The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-

ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.

1 - 1 CAN L
3 Shield 3 CAN H
4 Power supply negative 4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive 6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 67

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 80 Multisensor

MID 164: HCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost the communication with the multisensor.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 (FMI 9)
fault code:
Symptom: No data from the multisensor available in the display / panel.
Conditions for fault code: Communication with the multisensor is lost for more than 6 seconds.
If communication comes back and is stable for more than 1 second the fault
is reset.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all that is connected
to the multilink (panels, hub, multisensor) and the HCU. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Replace the multisensor.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive


68 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 82 Helm station

transfer function
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: HCU configuration fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Helm station transfer is not possible.
Conditions for fault code: HCU configuration fault.
Possible reason: • Different number of HCU units on different drivelines.
• Different configuration detected between the HCUs.
Suitable action: 1 Check that all drivelines have the same number of HCU units.
2 Check which HCU units the system has detected during the configura-
tion of the system. Use “EVC info” in the display or use Vodia.
3 Check that the HCUs on the same helm station have the same config-
uration regarding steering components. Look in: Settings / EVC Info /
Components / Steering comp.

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: Stand alone HCU configuration fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Stand alone HCU configuration fault.
Possible reason: • The EVC bus split cable, connected to X2, between the stand alone
HCU and the center PCU is wrongly connected.
• The two steering data buses cables, connected to X8, between the
stand alone HCU and the lever HCU has been mixed up.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the EVC bus split cable from the center PCU to the stand
alone HCU is connected accordingly to the installation instructions. Red
labeled to port and green labeled to starboard.
2 Check that all steering wiring between the lever HCU and the stand
alone HCU is connected accordingly to the installation instructions. Port
to port and starboard to starboard.

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: PORT and STBD mismatch between helm stations.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: PORT and STBD mismatch between helm stations.
Possible reason: There is a mismatch in the EVC bus wiring between two helm stations. PORT
and STBD wiring have been mixed up between helms.
Suitable action: 1 Check that all EVC bus wiring between the all helm stations is according
to the installation instructions.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 69

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 83 Single lever

control data component
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Fault in the sync bus communication between the HCUs. In single lever mode
the HCU which lever is not used is monitoring the master lever position over
the sync bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Single lever mode is deactivated.
• Single lever mode LED is unlit.
• If a lever controlling any driveline is in another position than neutral the
main panel neutral LED starts to flash.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault in message on the sync bus.
Possible reason: Internal fault.
Suitable action: 1 Change the lever unit.

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Fault in the sync bus communication between the HCUs. In single lever mode
the HCU which lever is not used is monitoring the master lever position over
the sync bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Single lever mode is deactivated.
• Single lever mode LED is unlit.
• If a lever controlling any driveline is in another position than neutral the
main panel neutral LED starts to flash.
Conditions for fault code: Time out problems on the sync bus.
Possible reason: Internal fault.
Suitable action: 1 Change the lever unit.

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Fault in the sync bus communication between the HCUs. In single lever mode
the HCU which lever is not used is monitoring the master lever position over
the sync bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Single lever mode is deactivated.
• Single lever mode LED is unlit.
• If a lever controlling any driveline is in another position than neutral the
main panel neutral LED starts to flash.
Conditions for fault code: Counter fault in the sync bus message.
Possible reason: Internal fault.
Suitable action: 1 Change the lever unit.

70 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 84 DPS button

MID 164: HCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty DPS button signal from the joystick is detected.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: DPS mode can not be activated or deactivated.
Conditions for fault code: The DPS button has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: The DPS button on the joystick is stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to verify button status.
2 Check if the DPS button on the joystick is stuck.
3 Replace the joystick.
Logging parameter: Joystick button status page 300
Logging sub-parameter: DPS button

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 71

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 87 Electronic Key

MID 164: HCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: A faulty input signal to the AKI is detected.
Fault indication: • Yellow alarm status.
• Key failure message.
Symptom: Starter motor can’t be engaged or is activated directly when ignition is put on.
Conditions for fault code: A key crank request has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between pin X4:3 and pin X4:6 in the cable between the
AKI and the key switch.
• Short circuit in the key switch.
• Short circuit in the key switch diode.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to check the crank input status at the HCU.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the key switch and the AKI.
3 Check the function of the key switch.
4 Check the function of the key switch diode.
Logging parameter: Key panel status page 298
Logging sub-parameter: Crank input status
Measurements: • Checking the signals between the key switch and the AKI page 269
• Checking the diesel key switch diode page 287

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: A faulty input signal to the AKI is detected.
Fault indication: • Yellow alarm status.
• Key failure message.
Symptom: Starter motor can’t be engaged.
Conditions for fault code: A key stop request has been activated > 60 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between pin X4:1 and pin X4:6 in the cable between the
AKI and the key switch.
• Short circuit in the key switch.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to check the stop input status at the HCU.
2 Check all the cables and connectors between the key switch and the
3 Check the signals in connector X4.
4 Check the function of the key switch.
Logging parameter: Key panel status page 298
Logging sub-parameter: Stop input status
Measurements: Checking the signals between the key switch and the AKI page 269

72 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost the LIN communication with the AKI.
Fault indication: • Yellow alarm status.
• Key failure message.
• If faulty AKI power supply, the AKI LED is not flashing.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PPID 394 Key supply page 35 (FMI 4)
fault code:
Symptom: Could be problems to start or to stop using the key.
Conditions for fault code: No communication on the LIN bus is detected by the HCU.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the LIN bus between the HCU and the AKI.
• Open circuit in the power supply wiring between the HCU and the AKI.
• Short circuit between the LIN bus and the power supply wiring between
the HCU and the AKI.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the HCU and the AKI. Check
for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the AKI supply voltage.
3 Check the AKI LIN voltage.
4 Check the contact pressure in the AKI connector.
5 Replace the AKI.
Measurements: Checking the signals between the HCU and the AKI page 268

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 73

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
In the EVC-D system an analogue key switch is used.
When the main switch is closed pin 1 in the key switch
gets system voltage. When the key is turned to position
1 pin 4 in the key switch gets system voltage from pin

To get the starter motor to run the key is turned to

position 3 and pin 2 in the key switch gets system volt-
age from pin 1.

While the key is turned to position 3 pin 4 in the key

switch still needs to have system voltage, therefore a
diode is placed between pin 2 and pin 4 to uphold the
voltage in pin 4. The voltage at pin 4 in this case will
be system voltage minus the voltage drop over the

When the key is turned to position S pin 5 gets system


To make the system more robust against interferrence

the analogue signal is transformed to a digital signal in
the AKI. A LIN bus, which is a single wire databus, is
used to transfer the key state between the AKI and the
HCU. The LIN bus is connected to X4:8 on the port side
of the HCU and to X4:4 on starboard side of the HCU.
The AKI is powered with Vbat+ on X4:3 and X4:4 on
port side and X4:1 and X4:2 on starboard side by the

The diodes at the AKI flashes when the AKI has power

Key switch

74 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 88 Control lever

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: The HCU receives no valid value from the lever position sensor and/or no
valid value from the neutral position switch.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Gear set to neutral Possible to engage gear after the fault has been acknowl-
edged and the lever been set to neutral.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU is missing lever position value from the sensor and/or missing neu-
tral position value from the switch.
Possible reason: • Broken lever position sensor.
• Broken neutral position switch.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the HCU receives any lever position
and neutral switch information.
2 Change the lever unit.
Logging parameter: • Throttle calibrated position page 300
• Requested gear page 299

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The HCU receives conflicting information from the lever position sensor and
from the neutral position switch.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The levers can’t be activated.
Conditions for fault code: Mismatch between the lever position sensor value and the neutral position
switch value.
Possible reason: Invalid lever calibration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a lever calibration.
2 Change the lever unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 75

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 92 Detection fault for

external components
MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Error during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The EVC system will not perform accurately.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Check that none approved EVC component is used in the system.
2 Perform an auto configuration.
3 Reprogram the EVC system.

76 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 94 Incompatible EVC

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: One or several nodes has detected that the loaded software is not compatible
with software in other nodes.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Gear shift is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set by HCU if HCU software is older than SUS / SCU software.
Possible reason: Old software in the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the HCU.

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: One or several nodes has detected that the loaded software is not compatible
with software in other nodes.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Gear shift is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set by HCU if PCU software is older than HCU software.
Possible reason: Old software in the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the PCU.

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: One or several nodes has detected that the loaded software is not compatible
with software in other nodes.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Gear shift is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set by HCU if SUS / SCU software is older than HCU software.
Possible reason: Old software in the SUS / SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS / SCU.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: One or several nodes has detected that the loaded software is not compatible
with software in other nodes.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Gear shift is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set by HCU if HCU software is older than PCU software.
Possible reason: Old software in the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the HCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 77

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 95 Lever detection

MID 164: HCU

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Neutral switch not detected or error during calibration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • HCU exits lever calibration mode and indicates an error.
• Not possible to calibrate levers.
Conditions for fault code: No neutral switch is detected when entering lever calibration mode.
Possible reason: • Lever is not in neutral position.
• Faulty neutral switch.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the lever is in neutral position when entering lever calibration
2 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the HCU detected any throttle and
neutral switch.
3 Turn system off and then on to perform a lever calibration.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Lever output value error or error during calibration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • HCU exits lever calibration mode and indicates an error.
• Not possible to calibrate levers.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration.
Possible reason: • Lever is not in neutral position.
• Faulty lever sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the lever is in neutral position when entering lever calibration
2 Perform a Vodia log test to check if the HCU detected any throttle and
neutral switch.
3 Turn system off and then on to perform a lever calibration.

78 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 96 Calibrated lever

travel too small
MID 164: HCU

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: Error during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • HCU exits lever calibration mode and indicates an error.
• Not possible to calibrate levers.
Conditions for fault code: Lever calibration fault.
Possible reason: Too small distance between the lever calibration points.
Suitable action: 1 Check that there is enough room to move the lever.
2 Turn system off and then on to perform a lever calibration.
3 Perform a Vodia test to check that the throttle value changes when
moving the lever.
Logging parameter: Throttle calibrated position page 300

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 79

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 97 Lever calibration

MID 164: HCU

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: There has been some kind of error when the levers are calibrated, e.g neutral
button pressed at the wrong time.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: HCU exits lever calibration mode and indicates an error.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect lever calibration procedure.
Possible reason: • No communication with PCU during calibration.
• Neutral button pressed at the wrong moment during calibration.
Suitable action: 1 Check that there is enough room to move the lever.
2 Turn system off and then on to perform a lever calibration.
3 Perform a Vodia test to check that the throttle value changes when
moving the lever.
Logging parameter: Throttle calibrated position page 300

80 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 98 Lever(s) not

MID 164: HCU

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: The control lever is not calibrated.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Impossible to select active station.
Conditions for fault code: Lever calibration fault.
Possible reason: No calibrated lever setup has been detected on power up.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the lever is correctly installed.
2 Perform an auto configuration and the lever calibration.
3 Perform a Vodia test to check that the throttle value changes when
moving the lever.
Logging parameter: Throttle calibrated position page 300

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 81

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 99 EVC Bus network

configuration fault
MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: This fault can appear both during auto configuration and normal running
mode. If the fault occurs during the auto configuration the network has invalid
configuration. In normal running mode this fault can occur if there is some
change to the configurated network that has been stored in all units.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • System warnings will occur.
• Some functions can not become active.
• Communication related errors in other nodes may occur.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration.
Possible reason: • Time out from a unit during auto configuration.
• More then one unit with the same signature or ID > 8.
• There is more than 4 HCU or more than 1 PCU or 1 SUS / SCU present
in the network.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the
3 Reprogram the EVC system.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: This fault can appear both during auto configuration and normal running
mode. If the fault occurs during the auto configuration the network has invalid
configuration. In normal running mode this fault can occur if there is some
change to the configurated network that has been stored in all units.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • System warnings will occur.
• Some functions can not become active.
• Communication related errors in other nodes may occur.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration.
Possible reason: • Altered software in any EVC ECU.
• Altered network configuration related to the stored configuration.
• An unknown unit is communicating on the network, i.e. the unknown
node has a signature or an illegal node address.
• A unit that was detected during auto configuration disappears i.e. time-
out from detected unit.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the

82 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel

data link
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: The HCU has detected too many errors in the CAN communication with the
steering wheel / joystick unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Low speed limit.
• Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No steering wheel / joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: HCU has detected a communication fault with the steering wheel / joystick
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Short circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Faulty steering wheel / joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering
wheel / joystick information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering
wheel / joystick information between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel / joy-
stick and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
3 Replace the steering wheel / joystick.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301
Measurements: Checking the steering control bus page 270

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 83

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: The HCU has detected too many errors in the CAN communication with the
steering wheel / joystick unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 37 (FMI 12)
fault code:
• MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick page 60 (FMI 9)
• MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (FMI 9)
Symptom: • Low speed limit.
• Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No steering wheel / joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: HCU has detected a communication fault with the steering wheel / joystick
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Short circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Faulty steering wheel / joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering
wheel / joystick information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering
wheel / joystick information between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel / joy-
stick and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
3 Replace the steering wheel / joystick.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301
Measurements: Checking the steering control bus page 270

84 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: The HCU has detected too many errors in the CAN communication with the
steering wheel / joystick unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 37 (FMI 12)
fault code:
• MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick page 60 (FMI 9)
• MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (FMI 5)
Symptom: • Low speed limit.
• Docking mode can not be activated or is deactivated.
• No steering wheel / joystick functionality.
Conditions for fault code: HCU has detected a communication fault with the steering wheel / joystick
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Short circuit in the X8 wiring between the steering wheel / joystick and
the HCU.
• Faulty steering wheel / joystick.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering
wheel / joystick information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering
wheel / joystick information between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel / joy-
stick and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
3 Replace the steering wheel / joystick.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Joystick X position page 300
• Joystick Y position page 300
• Joystick Z position page 301
Measurements: Checking the steering control bus page 270

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 85

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The steering control bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, dif-
ferential, proprietary bus, that runs between the HCU
X8 connector and the steering wheel/joystick. Steering
control bus L is located on pin X8:2 and steering control
bus H on pin X8:5. The steering wheel / joystick is
powered through pin X8:1 and X8:3. There is a steer-
ing wheel / joystick back up power supply on pin X8:4
and X8:6.

1 Power supply positive

2 Steering control bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive, back up
5 Steering control bus H
6 Power supply negative, back up


86 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 134 Steering wheel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Fault in one of the two encoders channels in the steering wheel unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in the steering wheel unit.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the steering wheel unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 87

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 135 Steering wheel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Internal fault of the friction brake.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Brake does not work, or works only with reduced torque.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in the steering wheel unit.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the steering wheel unit.

88 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 136 Steering wheel

MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Internal fault in the micro controller of the steering wheel unit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in the steering wheel unit.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the steering wheel unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 89

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 137 Rudder angle

MID 164: HCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost the communication with the SUS / SCU or the HCU detects an
error integrity fault in rudder angle value from SUS / SCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled on one or several drivelines.
• Gear to neutral.
• Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU has lost communication with the SUS / SCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H, X2:2 and X2:5, between the
HCU and the SUS / SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could display the root cause. This fault-
code could be set as a consequence of others.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the HCU and the SUS /
SCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost the communication with the SUS / SCU or the HCU detects an
error integrity fault in rudder angle value from SUS / SCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled on one or several drivelines.
• Gear to neutral.
• Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU has lost communication with the SUS / SCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H, X2:2 and X2:5, between the
HCU and the SUS / SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could display the root cause. This fault-
code could be set as a consequence of others.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the HCU and the SUS /
SCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

90 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC datalink bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, that runs
between the PCU X2 connector and the HCU X2 con-
nector. EVC bus L is located on pin X2:2 and EVC bus
H on pin X2:5. The EVC nodes are powered through
pin X2:1 and X2:3. If a SUS / SCU is used there is an
EVC back up power supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, sup-
plied by the SUS / SCU.

A Power supply positive

B EVC bus L
C Power supply negative
D Power supply negative, back up
E EVC bus H
F Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 91

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 138 Steering position

MID 164: HCU

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Requested rudder angle between the two drive lines deviates. The steering
wheel position data from fault setting HCU is not changed while steering
wheel position data read from other HCU over the sync bus is changed.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Low speed limitation.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering wheel
information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering wheel information
between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel and
the HCU.
3 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: Steering wheel position page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Requested rudder angle between the two drive lines deviates too much.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled on one or several drivelines.
• Gear to neutral.
• Low speed limitation.
Conditions for fault code: • Valid steering wheel position data over the sync bus deviates with fault
• HCUs steering wheel position more than permitted.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, on both drivelines, to check the steering wheel
information the HCUs receive. Compare the steering wheel information
between the HCUs.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the steering wheel and
the HCU.
3 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: Steering wheel position page 299
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

92 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 139 Autopilot

MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Too large steering angles requested, or the auto pilot has faulty software.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Can not enable/activate auto pilot.
Conditions for fault code: The auto pilot requests too large steering angles.
Possible reason: Faulty auto pilot.
Suitable action: 1 Check the LEDs flashing state on the auto pilot interface.
2 Contact auto pilot supplier.
Measurements: Checking Autopilot Gateway LED page 289

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Communication from the auto pilot interface is lost for more than 3 seconds.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Low speed limit.
• Can not enable/activate auto pilot.
Conditions for fault code: The communication with the auto pilot has been lost.
Possible reason: • Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the wiring between the
auto pilot interface and the autopilot.
• Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring
between anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
• The auto pilot hardware has been turned off while the auto pilot function
was activated.
Suitable action: 1 Check the LEDs flashing state on the auto pilot interface.
2 Check all connectors and the wiring between the auto pilot interface on
the multilink bus and the auto pilot.
3 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub,
the auto pilot interface and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose
wires in the connectors.
Measurements: • Checking the multilink bus page 266
• Checking Autopilot Gateway LED page 289

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 93

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive


94 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 140 Incompatible

helm station software
MID 164: HCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Incompatible sync bus communication protocol in one HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Gear to neutral.
Conditions for fault code: Incompatible software between port and starboard HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check the software version in the HCUs.
2 Download new EVC software and reprogram the driveline with the old-
est HCU software.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 95

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 163 Data Link, MID

MID 164: HCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: There is no CPM (Corrosion Protection Module) data available.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: ACP mode and ACP status unavailable in the panel / display.
Conditions for fault code: Communication with the CPM is lost for more than 20 seconds.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub,
the CPM and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

The CPM is connected to the J1587 via the diagnosis
connector or via the customer interface and to the mul-
tilink. The service tool and the PCU communicates with
the CPM via J1587.
All ACP information presented in the panel or display
is sent through the multilink.

NOTICE! The CPM must be installed and auto config-

ured to the port side network. If installed and auto con-
figured to starboard side network it will not work prop-

Use Vodia to check/change the CPM

chassis ID
1 Connect the VODIA tool to the diagnostic connector
on the outer port engine.
2 Perform the "ACP Chassis ID Check" operation,
found under section "Electric Systems & Instru-
3 Verify that the PCU Chassis ID displayed is equal
to the New CPM Chassis ID, then confirm by press-
ing OK. If the PCU Chassis ID and the New CPM
Chassis ID displayed are not equal, change the
New CPM Chassis ID to concur with the PCU Chas-
sis ID before confirming.

96 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164

MID 164: HCU

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: There is no communication available on the multilink bus.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Low speed limit.
Conditions for fault code: Multilink bus communication fault.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: There is no communication available on the multilink bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 164, PSID 69 Menu Control Knob page 66 (FMI 9)
fault code:
• MID 164, PSID 1590-95 (FMI 9)
Symptom: • Low speed limit.
• Loss of engine sync.
Conditions for fault code: Multilink bus communication fault.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring between
anything connected to the multilink and the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between all panels, the hub
and the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 97

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.
The multilink bus handles information between the
drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.
In the twin HCU / lever unit the synchronization data
between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive


98 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 218 Data link 2,

MID 164: HCU

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: The HCU has lost communication with the PCU. The error occured while the
HCU was in passive, no active station, state.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Sync lost if failure occurs on master HCU.
• Monitoring not possible on this HCU.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU receives no communication from PCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the EVC bus wiring between
the HCU and the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: The HCU has lost communication with the PCU. The error occured while the
HCU was in active, active station, state.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Engine goes to limp home speed.
• Gear to neutral.
• Impossible to start engine from key / start-stop panel connected to this
Conditions for fault code: The HCU receives no communication from PCU.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the EVC bus wiring between
the HCU and the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 99

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC datalink bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, that runs
between the PCU X2 connector and the HCU X2 con-
nector. EVC bus L is located on pin X2:2 and EVC bus
H on pin X2:5. The EVC nodes are powered through
pin X2:1 and X2:3. If a SUS / SCU is used there is an
EVC back up power supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, sup-
plied by the SUS / SCU.

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


100 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data

Link, Datalink2, MID164
MID 164: HCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: HCU has lost communication with an HCU that previously has been config-
ured on the network.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164 PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 103
fault code:
Symptom: Impossible to make request active station from one or more helm stations.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU receives no communication from a passive HCU configured to the
same network.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the PCU
and the HCU.
• Fault in the power supply to the HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCUs.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 298 (MID 164)
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC datalink bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, that runs
between the PCU X2 connector and the HCU X2 con-
nector. EVC bus L is located on pin X2:2 and EVC bus
H on pin X2:5. The EVC nodes are powered through
pin X2:1 and X2:3. If an SUS / SCU is used there is an
EVC back up power supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, sup-
plied by the SUS / SCU.

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 101

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164, PSID 231 Incompatible

chassi id
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: The HCU detects that the VIN number (Vehicle Indication Number=chassis
ID) in the HCU does not match the VIN in the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear shift is disabled.
• Not possible to calibrate units, before the chassi number is correct.
Conditions for fault code: Different chassis ID between HCU and PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the EVC system with the correct chassis ID.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: HCU unit detects that the VIN number (Vehicle Indication Number=chassis
ID) in the HCU does not match the VIN in the SUS / SCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Steering is disabled on one or several drivelines.
Conditions for fault code: Different chassis ID between HCU and SUS / SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the EVC system with the correct chassis ID.

102 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 164 PSID 232 SAE J1939-1

SubNet 1, Control link
MID 164: HCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: There is a disturbance in the communication between the HCU and the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, MID164 page 101
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Too many error frames on the EVC bus.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires.
• Open circuit in the power supply between the PCU and the HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the PCU and the HCU.
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
• External interference.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check total bus length.
3 Check for external interference sources.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: There is a disturbance in the communication between the HCU and the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, MID164 page 101
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The EVC bus has lost one communication wire and is working in single wire
Possible reason: • Open circuit in one of the EVC bus signals.
• One of the EVC bus communication wires short circuited to battery
negative or to supply voltage.
• Short circuit between EVC bus L and EVC bus H.
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 103

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC datalink bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, that runs
between the PCU X2 connector and the HCU X2 con-
nector. EVC bus L is located on pin X2:2 and EVC bus
H on pin X2:5. The EVC nodes are powered through
pin X2:1 and X2:3. If an SUS / SCU is used there is an
EVC back up power supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, sup-
plied by the SUS / SCU.

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


104 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 127 Transmission oil

MID 130: MGX

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Transmission oil pressure reading not available.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty signal or no signal between the sensor and the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the sensor and the MGX ECU.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the sen-
2 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 105

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 161 Input shaft speed

MID 130: MGX

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Limited or no slip function.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty signal or no signal between the shaft speed sensor and the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the sensor and the MGX ECU.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the sen-
2 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

106 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 168 Battery potential

MID 130: MGX

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Too low voltage detected at the MGX ECU power supply input.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. Possible to engage gear after the fault has been acknowl-
edged and the lever been set to neutral.
Conditions for fault code: Input voltage to the MGX ECU is less than 9 volt.
Possible reason: Open or short circuit in the MGX ECU power supply input.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connections to the MGX ECU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 107

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 177 Transmission oil

MID 130: MGX

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Transmission oil temperature reading not available.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty signal or no signal between the sensor and the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the sensor and the MGX ECU.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the sen-
2 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

108 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 190 Engine speed

MID 130: MGX

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Engine speed information not available at the MGX ECU.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Limited or no slip function.
Conditions for fault code: Engine speed information not available at the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: Disturbance on the data bus between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check if there is another active fault code that could be the root cause.
2 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 109

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PID 191 Output shaft speed

MID 130: MGX

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Limited or no slip function.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty signal or no signal between the shaft speed sensor or the low speed
solenoid and the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the speed sensor and the MGX ECU.
• Open or short circuit between the low speed solenoid and the MGX
• Faulty sensor or solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the sen-
sor / solenoid.
2 Check the sensor.
3 Change the low speed solenoid.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

110 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, SID 231 SAE J1939 data

MID 130: MGX

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. Possible to engage gear after acknowledge and lever set to
Conditions for fault code: Too many error frames on the EVC bus.
Possible reason: Open or short circuit in the data bus between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 111

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PSID 20 Transm. primary

MID 130: MGX

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty solenoid or solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to engage any gear.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect input value to the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the solenoid and the MGX ECU.
• Faulty solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 22.
If the fault code shifts to PSID 22 it is probably fault in the primary sol-
enoid valve. If not, check all cables and connectors between the MGX
ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

112 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PSID 22 Transm.

secondary solenoid
MID 130: MGX

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty solenoid or solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to engage any gear.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect input value to the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit between the solenoid and the MGX ECU.
• Faulty solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 20.
If the fault code shifts to PSID 20 it is probably fault in the primary sol-
enoid valve. If not, check all cables and connectors between the MGX
ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 113

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PPID 40 Requested gear

MID 130: MGX

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Not possible to engage requested gear.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to engage requested gear.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect or no gear shift data to the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

114 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 130, PPID 53 Requested percent

clutch slip
MID 130: MGX

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Requested slip function not possible.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. No slip function available.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect or no slip functionality data to the MGX ECU.
Possible reason: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 115

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PID 96 Fuel level

MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the fuel level sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Invalid or no fuel level reading.
Conditions for fault code: 3-180 ohm: Fuel level signal is above 260 ohm., U > 4.3 V.
240-30 ohm: Fuel level signal is above 300 ohm, U > 5 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the fuel level wiring.
• Short circuit in the fuel level wiring.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the fuel level sensor and the
3 Check the fuel level sensor.
Logging parameter: Fuel level page 304
Measurements: Checking the fuel level sensor page 271

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Invalid or no fuel level reading.
Conditions for fault code: 240-30 ohm: Fuel level sensor is below 10 ohm, U < 0.1 V.
Possible reason: Short circuit to battery negative.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the fuel level sensor and the
3 Check the fuel level sensor.
Logging parameter: Fuel level page 304
Measurements: Checking the fuel level sensor page 271

Circuit description
The fuel level sensor is connected to the PCU through
the sender’s connection (A) at the engine. The fuel
level sensor is a resistance sensor that changes it’s
resistance when the fuel level is changing. Pin X3:8
supplies the fuel level sensor with a steady voltage.
Pin X3:8 and X3:11 at the PCU monitors the voltage
drop over the fuel level sensor.


116 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PID 127 Transmission oil

MID 187: PCU

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The transmission oil pressure is too low.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The transmission oil pressure is less than 700 kPa (101.5 PSI) for more than
4 seconds. The normal transmission oil pressure should be at least 1.5 MPa /
15 bar.
Fault code valid for: EMS1, EMS2 CC, IPS1 GAS, IPS2/3
Possible reason: • Too low transmission oil level.
• Transmission oil not according to specification.
• Faulty sensor.
• Clogged oil strainer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the oil level.
3 Check for oil leakage.
4 Check the transmission oil pressure using a manometer to verify the
function of the sensor. Please refer to the transmission workshop man-
5 Check the oil strainer. Please refer to the transmission workshop man-
Logging parameter: Transmission oil pressure page 304
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Wrong transmission oil pressure reading in display.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:20 exceeds 4.75 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in oil pressure signal cable.
• Open circuit in the oil pressure negative supply cable.
• Short circuit between oil pressure signal cable and the sensor 5V supply
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 117

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:20 is less than 0.01 V.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between the oil pressure signal cable and battery negative.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Slip function disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Transmission sensor fault during slip.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the transmission oil pressure sensor and the PCU.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
2 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: No sensor detected during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Slip function disabled.
Conditions for fault code: No transmission sensor detected by the PCU during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

118 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The transmission oil temperature and the transmission
oil pressure sensor is a combined sensor. The sensor
is an active sensor, i.e. the sensor must be connected
to a supply voltage.

Pin X3:29 on the PCU provides pin 1 on the sensor,

via the transmission interface (A),with supply voltage
of +5 Volt. Pin 4 on the sensor is connected to battery
negative via pin X3:11 on the PCU, via the transmis-
sion interface.

P0014696 The output signal from the transmission oil pressure

sensor pin 2 on the sensor to pin X3:20 on the PCU, is
a voltage signal that is proportional to the transmission
oil pressure.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 119

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PID 177 Gearbox oil

MID 187: PCU

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The transmission oil temperature is too high.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The transmission oil temperature is less than 95 ºC for more than 4 seconds.
Faultcode valid for: IPS2/3
Possible reason: • Too low transmission oil level.
• Faulty sensor
• Clogged oil cooler.
• Clogged oil strainer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the oil level.
3 Check for oil leakage.
4 Check the sensor.
5 Check the oil cooler and the strainer.
Please refer to the transmission workshop manual.
Logging parameter: Transmission oil temperature page 304
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil temperature sensor page 274

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Wrong transmission oil temperature reading in display.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:4 exceeds 4.9 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the oil temperature signal.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative supply cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil temper-
ature sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
3 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil temperature sensor page 274

120 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:4 is less than 0.01 V.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between the transmission oil temperature signal cable and
battery negative.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil temper-
ature sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
3 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil temperature sensor page 274

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Fault in the transmission sensor or sensor circuit.
Fault condition: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Slip function disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Transmission sensor fault while slip function is activated.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the transmission oil temperature sensor and the
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil temper-
ature sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
2 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil temperature sensor page 274

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 121

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The transmission oil temperature sensor consists of a
thermistor which forms a closed circuit with an internal
reference resistor in the PCU. Depending on the trans-
mission oil temperature, the thermistor changes its
resistance value in a non-linear manner.

The sensor is connected to the PCU through the trans-

mission interface (A).

The PCU puts out current through the thermistor and

measures the voltage drop over the thermistor via pin
P0014696 X3:11 and pin X3:4. Pin 4 on the sensor is connected
to battery negative via pin 11 on the PCU.

When the oil is cold, the thermistor resistance is high

and the PCU senses a high voltage drop. As the oil
warms up, the resistance in the thermistor drops and
the voltage drop across it alters.

122 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PID 191 Output shaft speed

MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Faulty propeller shaft speed sensor.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Slip function not available.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty propeller shaft speed sensor.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the propeller shaft speed sensor and the PCU.
• Faulty propeller shaft speed sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the propeller shaft speed
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
2 Check the propeller shaft speed sensor.
Measurements: Checking the propeller shaft speed sensor page 276

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Slip solenoid fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Slip function not available.
Conditions for fault code: Slip solenoid fault.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
• Faulty slip solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the slip solenoid.
Measurements: Checking the slip solenoid page 278

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 123

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 7– Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Slip solenoid fault detected during slip.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Slip function not available.
Conditions for fault code: Slip solenoid fault detected during slip.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
• Bad wiring between the propeller shaft speed sensor and the PCU.
• Faulty slip solenoid.
• Faulty propeller shaft speed sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the propeller shaft speed
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the slip solenoid.
4 Check the propeller shaft speed sensor.
Measurements: • Checking the slip solenoid page 278
• Checking the propeller shaft speed sensor page 276

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Deviation between requested shaft speed and current shaft speed.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Slip function disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Deviation between requested shaft speed and current shaft speed.
Possible reason: • Bad wiring between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
• Bad wiring between the propeller shaft speed sensor and the PCU.
• Faulty slip solenoid.
• Faulty propeller shaft speed sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the slip solenoid and the PCU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the propeller shaft speed
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the slip solenoid.
4 Check the propeller shaft speed sensor.
Measurements: • Checking the slip solenoid page 278
• Checking the propeller shaft speed sensor page 276

124 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The slip / low speed solenoid and the propeller shaft
speed sensor is connected to the PCU through the
transmission interface (A). The solenoid is connected
to the PCU pin X3:25, high side output, and X3:22, low
side output. The PCU is controlling the solenoid output
condition by using a PWM signal.

The propeller shaft speed is monitored by the PCU

using an inductive speed sensor, that monitors a tooth
wheel, connected to pin X3:26 and pin X3:11. The out-
put signal from the propeller shaft speed sensor is used
by the PCU to calculate the degree of slip.

The propeller shaft speed is monitored by the PCU
using an active phase sensor, that monitors a tooth
wheel. When the shaft rotates, the sensor receives an
impulse each time there is an airgap in the tooth wheel.
The output from the sensor is a square wave which
frequency is proportional to the engine rpm.

The speed sensor is powered by 5 V from PCU pin

X3:29 and pin X3:11. The output signal from the pro-
peller shaft speed sensor is used by the PCU, pin
X3:26, to calculate the degree of slip.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 125

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, SID 231 SAE J1939 data

MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: The PCU has lost or detected too many errors in the CAN communication
with EECU and has shut down the interface.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 200 Data Link, MID128 page 164
fault code:
Symptom: Reduced engine power.
Conditions for fault code: Bus off/Bus warning error reported from CAN controller, electrical disturb-
ance on the CAN communication link.
Possible reason: • The AUX stop button has been activated or has got stuck, or there is
an open circuit in the cables for the button.
• If a fire alarm is installed, it might have tripped the stop relay.
• Open circuit in ignition output wire.
• Open circuit in one of or both CAN L and CAN H between engine and
• CAN H and CAN L between engine and PCU shorted together, short to
battery negative or short to supply.
• Short circuit between battery negative and ignition output.
• Software problem in the engine ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the AUX stop button functions correctly.
2 Check the status of the stop relay.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the EECU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Reprogram engine ECU.
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

126 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: The PCU has lost or detected too many errors in the CAN communication
with EECU and has shut down the interface.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 200 Data Link, MID128 page 164
fault code:
Symptom: Reduced engine power.
Conditions for fault code: Time out error. This error is set if there are any timing problems on the bus
indicated by a high error rate on the bus.
Possible reason: • The AUX stop button has been activated or has got stuck, or there is
an open circuit in the cables for the button.
• If a fire alarm is installed, it might have tripped the stop relay.
• Open circuit in ignition output wire.
• Open circuit in one of or both CAN L and CAN H between engine and
• CAN H and CAN L between engine and PCU shorted together, short to
battery negative or short to supply.
• Short circuit between battery negative and ignition output.
• Software problem in the engine ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the AUX stop button functions correctly.
2 Check the status of the stop relay.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the EECU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Reprogram engine ECU.
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 127

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The PCU has lost or detected too many errors in the CAN communication
with EECU and has shut down the interface.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Reduced engine power.
Possible reason: • The AUX stop button has been activated or has got stuck, or there is
an open circuit in the cables for the button.
• If a fire alarm is installed, it might have tripped the stop relay.
• Open circuit in ignition output wire.
• Open circuit in one of or both CAN L and CAN H between engine and
• CAN H and CAN L between engine and PCU shorted together, short to
battery negative or short to supply.
• Short circuit between battery negative and ignition output.
• Software problem in the engine ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the AUX stop button functions correctly.
2 Check the status of the stop relay.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the EECU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Reprogram engine ECU.
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

Circuit description
The wiring between the PCU and the EECU contains
communication wires, battery voltage wires and an
ignition output wire. The signals are also available in
the transmission interface. The PCU and the EECU
communicate via CAN bus.
The ignition output wire delivers a wakeup signal, bat-
tery voltage, to the engine ECU when the start key is
put to position 1.

What type of signals that is going between the PCU

and the EECU differs due to which EECU being used.
See correct schematic for correct wiring information.

128 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, SID 240 Program memory

MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: No software loaded or there is something wrong with the software causing
the PCU to remain in boot mode.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: System can not be started.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault or no software loaded.
Possible reason: • No main software in the PCU.
• PCU has been replaced.
• Checksum error.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram PCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 129

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, SID 250 SAE J1708/J1587

data link
MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: A time out fault has occurred on the J1708/J1587 bus. Communication and
interface have been shut off.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: System can not be started.
Conditions for fault code: The J1708/J1587 interface has been re-started four times without being able
to establish communication.
Possible reason: Open circuit on the J1708/J1587 data bus between the engine control unit
and the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the EECU.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

Circuit description
The wiring between the PCU and the EECU contains
communication wires, battery voltage wires and an
ignition output wire. The signals are also available in
the transmission interface. The PCU and the EECU
communicate via CAN bus.
The ignition output wire delivers a wakeup signal, bat-
tery voltage, to the engine ECU when the start key is
put to position 1.

What type of signals that is going between the PCU

and the EECU differs due to which EECU being used.
See correct schematic for correct wiring information.

130 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, SID 253 Calibration

memory EEPROM
MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Checksum fault. Missing calibration data in the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: HCU is missing calibration data and will use default calibration data.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram PCU.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Memory failure in PCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Memory failure in PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the PCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 131

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, SID 254 Controller 1

MID 187: PCU

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Memory data in the PCU is incorrect.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the PCU.
2 Replace the PCU.

132 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 40 Requested gear

MID 187: PCU

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Incorrect gear engaged.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. Not possible to engage requested forward or reverse gear.
Conditions for fault code: The PCU request for forward or reverse gear has not been confirmed by the
MGX ECU as current gear within the expected time limit.
Possible reason: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Logging parameter: Transmission range attained page 304
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Incorrect gear engaged.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Engine is stopped. Not possible to engage neutral gear.
Conditions for fault code: The PCU request for neutral gear has not been confirmed by the MGX ECU
as current gear within the expected time limit.
Possible reason: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Logging parameter: Transmission range attained page 304
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 133

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 53 Requested percent

clutch slip
MID 187: PCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Incorrect slip value.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. No slip function available.
Conditions for fault code: The PCU slip request has not been confirmed by the MGX ECU as current
value within the expected time limit.
Possible reason: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

134 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 393 EVC Bus power

input (E)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus power supply. The PCU is the power supplier.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:1 and X2:3 exceeds 33 V.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the PCU and the
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus power supply voltage between the EVC ECUs.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 303 (MID 187)
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 135

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 398 Shift actuator

position relative to pot supply
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The signal from the gear shift actuator potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:21 exceeds 4.52 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in potentiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between actuator feedback signal and potentiometer pos-
itive supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check gear shift potentiometer for internal short circuit or open circuit.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the gear shift
actuator. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Shift actuator position relative to pot supply page 305
• Potentiometer supply, shift actuator page 305
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The signal from the gear shift actuator potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:21 is less than 0.37 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in actuator feedback signal.
• Open circuit in potentiometer positive supply.
• Short circuit between potentiometer positive supply and potentiometer
negative supply.
• Short circuit between actuator feedback signal and potentiometer neg-
ative supply.
• Short circuit between actuator feedback signal and potentiometer pos-
itive supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check gear shift potentiometer for internal short circuit or open circuit.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the gear shift
actuator. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Shift actuator position relative to pot supply page 305
• Potentiometer supply, shift actuator page 305
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

136 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The gear shift actuator contains an electric motor that
drives the selector fork and a potentiometer that func-
tions as a position sensor. There is a potentiometer
supply voltage, pin 2 (-) and pin 5 (+) in the gear shift
actuator connector (B), of about +4 Volt. The feedback
signal on pin 4 in the connector is a voltage signal. In
neutral, the feedback signal voltage is about +1.9 Volt.
When the selector fork is in its end positions, the feed-
back signal voltage is either +0.5 Volt or about +3.3
P0014693 The electric motor that drives the selector fork receives
A Transmission interface its power from the PCU. The voltage output to the
B Actuator connector motor in the gear shift actuator from the PCU is battery
voltage. The direction in which the motor moves (the
selector fork moves) depends on the polarity of pins 1
and pin 3 in the gear shift actuator connector (B).

The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not

equal to battery negative. The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 0.5 V.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 137

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 399 Potentiometer

supply, shift actuator
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in power supply to gear shift potentiometer.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:13 exceeds 4.95 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in potentiometer positive supply.
• Short circuit between potentiometer positive supply and potentiometer
negative supply.
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer positive
Suitable action: 1 Check gear shift potentiometer for internal short circuit or open circuit.
2 Check wiring between PCU and the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the gear shift
actuator. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Shift actuator position relative to pot supply page 305
• Potentiometer supply, shift actuator page 305
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in power supply to gear shift potentiometer.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:13 is less than 4.0 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in potentiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between potentiometer positive supply and potentiometer
negative supply.
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer negative
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer positive
Suitable action: 1 Check gear shift potentiometer for internal short circuit or open circuit.
2 Check wiring between PCU and the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the gear shift
actuator. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: • Shift actuator position relative to pot supply page 305
• Potentiometer supply, shift actuator page 305
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

138 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The gear shift actuator contains an electric motor that
drives the selector fork and a potentiometer that func-
tions as a position sensor. There is a potentiometer
supply voltage, pin 2 (-) and pin 5 (+) in the gear shift
actuator connector (B), of about +4 Volt. The feedback
signal on pin 4 in the connector is a voltage signal. In
neutral, the feedback signal voltage is about +1.9 Volt.
When the selector fork is in its end positions, the feed-
back signal voltage is either +0.5 Volt or about +3.3
P0014693 The electric motor that drives the selector fork receives
A Transmission interface its power from the PCU. The voltage output to the
B Actuator connector motor in the gear shift actuator from the PCU is battery
voltage. The direction in which the motor moves (the
selector fork moves) depends on the polarity of pins 1
and pin 3 in the gear shift actuator connector (B).

The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not

equal to battery negative. The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 0.5 V.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 139

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 400 Transmission,

sensor supply
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Fault in the power supply to the transmission sensor.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:29 exceeds 10 V.
Possible reason: Short circuit in the transmisson sensor wiring harness.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Logging parameter: Transmission, sensor supply page 305
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the power supply to the transmission sensor.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled. Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:29 is less than 2.75 V.
Possible reason: Short circuit in the transmisson sensor wiring harness.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the transmission oil pressure
sensor and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the con-
3 Check the transmission oil pressure sensor.
Logging parameter: Transmission, sensor supply page 305
Measurements: Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor page 272

140 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The transmission oil temperature and the transmission
oil pressure sensor is a combined sensor. The sensor
is an active sensor, i.e. the sensor must be connected
to a supply voltage.

Pin X3:29 on the PCU provides pin 1 on the sensor,

via the transmission interface (A),with supply voltage
of +5 Volt. Pin 4 on the sensor is connected to battery
negative via pin X3:11 on the PCU, via the transmis-
sion interface.

P0014696 The output signal from the transmission oil pressure

sensor pin 2 on the sensor to pin X3:20 on the PCU, is
a voltage signal that is proportional to the transmission
oil pressure.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 141

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PPID 401 Power trim

position relative to pot supply
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The signal from the power trim potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to control the power trim. No valid trim position in display.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:3 exceeds 4.4 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in power trim potentiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between power trim potentiometer positive supply and
power trim potentiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between trim potentiometer positive supply and powertrim
feedback signal.
• Fault in the power trim potentiometer.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the power trim
potentiometer. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the power trim potentiometer.
3 Check the power trim potentiometer's connection to the transom shield.
Logging parameter: Power trim position relative to pot supply page 305
Measurements: Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The signal from the power trim potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to control the power trim. No valid trim position in display.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:3 is less than 1.2 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in power trim potentiometer positive supply.
• Short circuit between power trim feedback signal and power trim poten-
tiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between the negative supply to the trim potentiometer and
the control signal for power trim up or down.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the power trim
potentiometer. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the power trim potentiometer.
3 Check the power trim potentiometer's connection to the transom shield.
Logging parameter: Power trim position relative to pot supply page 305
Measurements: Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

142 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
When the up or down button on the power trim panel /
control lever is pushed the control signal from the PCU
on pin X3:22 (up) or pin X3:25 (down) in the power trim
connector delivers 0.9 x battery voltage to pin 86 on
the power trim up or down relay.

The sterndrive position is monitored via a potentiome-

ter by the PCU. The potentiometer is connected to the
PCU. The PCU pin X3:12 (+) and X3:2 (-) delivers
power supply to the potentiometer on pin 1 (+) and pin
2 (-). The trim position feedback signal is a voltage sig-
nal from pin 6 to pin X3:3 at the PCU.
A Transmission interface
The nominal voltage drop over the potentiometer is
B Power trim connector about 3 V.
The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not
equal to battery negative. The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 1 V.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 143

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 10 Incompatible

engine type
MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The engine type is not compatible with PCU software.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Incompatible engine type. PCU does not support the engine type.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the PCU.

144 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 14 Detection fault for

external components
MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Error during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Incompatible engine type. PCU does not support the engine type.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram PCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 145

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 16 Incompatible EVC

MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Incompatible software between PCU and HCU. PCU software is old.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Gear shift is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Incompatible software.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram PCU.

146 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 17 EVC Bus network

configuration fault
MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Invalid EVC configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Invalid EVC configuration detected during auto configuration.
Possible reason: • More then one unit with the same signature or ID > 8.
• Time out from a unit during auto configuration.
• There is more than 4 HCU or more than 1 PCU present in the network.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a restart of the EVC system by key off and then main switch
2 Perform an auto configuration.
3 Reprogram the EVC system.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Lost or new node detected in the EVC network.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Lost or new node detected in the EVC network. Normal fault code during
Possible reason: • An unknown unit is communicating on the network, i.e. the unknown
node has a signature or an illegal node address.
• A unit that was detected during auto configuration disappears, i.e time
out from detected unit.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check if other faultcodes exists that could be the root cause.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 147

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 19 EVC Bus Power

Output C (High Side Switch)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus back up power supply. The SUS / SCU is the
supplier of the back up power supply.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: PCU detects an overload or open load condition on power supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus power supply voltage between the EVC ECUs.
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 303 (MID 187)
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


148 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 20 Transm. primary

solenoid (positive supply switch)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Primary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too high voltage detected on pin X3:18.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in primary shift solenoid wiring.
• Faulty primary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the primary shift solenoid and
the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the primary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Primary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too low voltage detected on pin X3:18.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in primary shift solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit in primary shift solenoid wiring.
• Faulty primary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 22.If the fault code shifts to PSID
22 it is probably fault in the primary solenoid valve. If not, check the
cable for the reversing gear solenoids.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the primary shift solenoid and
the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the primary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 149

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Primary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too high current detected on pin X3:18.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in primary shift solenoid wiring.
• Faulty primary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 22.If the fault code shifts to PSID
22 it is probably fault in the primary solenoid valve. If not, check the
cable for the reversing gear solenoids.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the primary shift solenoid and
the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the primary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

Circuit description
When a gear is engaged the PCU X3:18 and X3:10
supplies the gear shift solenoid with battery voltage.
See correct schematic for correct wiring information.

150 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 22 Transm.

secondary solenoid (positive
supply switch)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Secondary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too high voltage detected on pin X3:9.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in secondary solenoid wiring.
• Faulty secondary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the secondary shift solenoid
and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the secondary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Secondary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too low voltage detected on pin X3:9.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in secondary solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit in secondary solenoid wiring.
• Faulty secondary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 20. If the fault code shifts to PSID
20 it is probably fault in the primary solenoid valve. If not, check the
cable for the reversing gear solenoids.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the secondary shift solenoid
and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the secondary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 151

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Secondary shift solenoid output driver in the PCU indicates a fault.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Too high current detected on pin X3:9.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in secondary solenoid wiring.
• Faulty secondary shift solenoid.
Suitable action: 1 Check the solenoid valves. With the engine stopped: Switch connectors
between the primary and secondary solenoid valves and check if the
fault code remains or shifts to PSID 20. If the fault code shifts to PSID
20 it is probably fault in the primary solenoid valve. If not, check the
cable for the reversing gear solenoids.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the secondary shift solenoid
and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the secondary shift solenoid.
Measurements: • Checking the shift solenoid page 277
• Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

Circuit description
When a gear is engaged the PCU X3:19 and X3:9 sup-
plies the gear shift solenoid with battery voltage. See
correct schematic for correct wiring information.

152 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 24 Gear actuator eng.

direction 1 (pos. supply sw.)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The gear shift actuator can not reach requested gear shift position.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear to neutral. If the gear is stuck and can’t be put in neutral the engine
is shut off.
• Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: • Deviation between the requested gear shift set point and current posi-
• The selector fork does not reach expected endpoint within specified
time limit.
Possible reason: • The gear shift wire runs too hard or was connected to the selector fork
before the actuator had found its starting position.
• Bad wiring between the gear shift actuator and the PCU.
• Fault in the actuator output driver in the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Be sure to use Volvo Penta's recommended low friction gear shift wire.
Disconnect the gear shift wire from the actuator and check that the gear
shift wire runs as smoothly as possible. While the wire is disconnected
let the actuator find its starting position by turning the start key to posi-
tion 1.
Change between forward, reverse and neutral and check if the actuator
behaves properly.
The actuator will make a jump to its starting position. Turn the starting
key to position 0 and connect the gear shift wire.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the gear shift actuator and
the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the actuator output driver voltage.
Measurements: Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output driver voltage page 282

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 153

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The gear shift actuator contains an electric motor that
drives the selector fork and a potentiometer that func-
tions as a position sensor. There is a potentiometer
supply voltage, pin 2 (-) and pin 5 (+) in the gear shift
actuator connector (B), of about +4 V. The feedback
signal on pin 4 in the connector is a voltage signal. In
neutral, the feedback signal voltage is about +1.9 V.
When the selector fork is in its end positions, the feed-
back signal voltage is either +0.5 V or about +3.3 V.

The electric motor that drives the selector fork receives

P0014693 its power from the PCU. The voltage output to the
motor in the gear shift actuator from the PCU is battery
voltage. The direction in which the motor moves (the
A Transmission interface selector fork moves) depends on the polarity of pins 1
B Actuator connector and pin 3 in the gear shift actuator connector (B).

The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not

equal to battery negative. The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 0.5 V.

154 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing


Motor direction UP (Pos. supply sw.)
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: PCU has detected a failure in the output driver circuit to the trim pump.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: Electrical failure in the circuit between the PCU and the trim pump. Will be
set if the PCU detects that the drive, after a request been sent, does not
change its position.
Possible reason: The PCU trim pump output indicates a short circuit.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the trim pump.
2 Check the trim pump up relay.
Measurements: Checking the power trim control signal page 290

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The drive does not trim down as requested.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: The trim angle of the drive does not change when requested.
Possible reason: • Discharged battery.
• Hydraulic leak in the power trim system.
• Open circuit in the supply voltage to the trim potentiometer.
• Open circuit in the trim potentiometer feedback signal.
• Short circuit between the trim potentiometer positive and negative sup-
• Short circuit between the positive or negative supply to the trim poten-
tiometer and the control signal for power trim up or down.
• Faulty trim potentiometer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check battery voltage.
3 Check all the connections and hoses in the hydraulic trim system for
4 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the trim poten-
tiometer. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
5 Check the function of the trim potentiometer.
Logging parameter: • Calibrated power trim position page 305
• Power trim control signal page 306
Measurements: • Checking the power trim control signal page 290
• Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 155

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: The trim angle of the drive has changed without a request.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: The trim angle of the drive has increased more than 7 degrees since the last
valid request.
Possible reason: • Hydraulic leak in the power trim system.
• Faulty trim potentiometer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test, while driving in reverse to see if the trim posi-
tion changes.
2 Check all the connections and hoses in the hydraulic trim system for
leakage while driving in reverse.
3 Check the function of the trim potentiometer.
Logging parameter: Calibrated power trim position page 305
Measurements: Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

Circuit description
When the up or down button on the power trim panel /
control lever is pushed the control signal from the PCU
on pin X3:22 (up) or pin X3:25 (down) in the power trim
connector delivers 0.9 x battery voltage to pin 86 on
the power trim up or down relay.

The sterndrive position is monitored via a potentiome-

ter by the PCU. The potentiometer is connected to the
PCU. The PCU pin X3:12 (+) and X3:2 (-) delivers
power supply to the potentiometer on pin 1 (+) and pin
2 (-). The trim position feedback signal is a voltage sig-
nal from pin 6 to pin X3:3 at the PCU.
A Transmission interface
The nominal voltage drop over the potentiometer is
B Power trim connector about 3 V.
The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not
equal to battery negative.The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 1 V.

156 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing


Motor direction DOWN (Pos. supply
MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: PCU has detected a failure in the output driver circuit to the trim pump.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: Electrical failure in the circuit between the PCU and the trim pump. Will be
set if the PCU detects that the drive, after a request been sent, does not
change its position.
Possible reason: The PCU trim pump output indicates a short circuit.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the trim pump.
2 Check the trim pump down relay.
Measurements: Checking the power trim control signal page 290

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The drive does not trim down as requested.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: The trim angle of the drive does not change when requested.
Possible reason: • Discharged battery.
• Hydraulic leak in the power trim system.
• Open circuit in the supply voltage to the trim potentiometer.
• Open circuit in the trim potentiometer feedback signal.
• Short circuit between the trim potentiometer positive and negative sup-
• Short circuit between the positive or negative supply to the trim poten-
tiometer and the control signal for power trim up or down.
• Faulty trim potentiometer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check battery voltage.
3 Check all the connections and hoses in the hydraulic trim system for
4 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the trim poten-
5 Check the function of the trim potentiometer.
Logging parameter: • Calibrated power trim position page 305
• Power trim control signal page 306
Measurements: • Checking the power trim control signal page 290
• Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 157

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: The trim angle of the drive has changed without a request.
Fault indication: Yellow indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Not possible to trim the drive.
Conditions for fault code: The trim angle of the drive has decreased more than 5 degrees since the last
valid request.
Possible reason: • Hydraulic leak in the power trim system.
• Faulty trim potentiometer.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test while accelerating.
2 Check all the connections and hoses in the hydraulic trim system for
leakage while driving in reverse.
3 Check the function of the trim potentiometer.
Logging parameter: Calibrated power trim position page 305
Measurements: Checking the power trim potentiometer page 288

Circuit description
When the up or down button on the power trim panel /
control lever is pushed the control signal from the PCU
on pin X3:22 (up) or pin X3:25 (down) in the power trim
connector delivers 0.9 x battery voltage to pin 86 on
the power trim up or down relay.

The sterndrive position is monitored via a potentiome-

ter by the PCU. The potentiometer is connected to the
PCU. The PCU pin X3:12 (+) and X3:2 (-) delivers
power supply to the potentiometer on pin 1 (+) and pin
2 (-). The trim position feedback signal is a voltage sig-
nal from pin 6 to pin X3:3 at the PCU.

The nominal voltage drop over the potentiometer is

about 3 V.
A Transmission interface
The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not
B Power trim connector equal to battery negative.The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 1 V.

158 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 32 EVC Bus

Communication with Active Helm
MID 187: PCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with an active HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Engine power is reduced.
Conditions for fault code: • The PCU has no communication with any active HCU.
• Gear to neutral.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the power supply between the PCU and an active HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the PCU and an active HCU.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the PCU
and an active HCU.
• If the EVC system restarts when trying to engage forward or reverse it
could be a short circuit in the actuators motor input wires.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the actuators input wires.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with an active HCU during crank.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Engine power is reduced.
Conditions for fault code: The PCU has no communication with any active HCU.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the power supply between the PCU and an active HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the PCU and an active HCU.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the PCU
and an active HCU.
• If the EVC system restarts when trying to engage forward or reverse it
could be a short circuit in the actuators motor input wires.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the actuators input wires.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 159

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 107 Shift actuator

MID 187: PCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The signal from the gear shift actuator potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:21 exceeds 1.25 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in potentiometer negative supply.
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer positive
Suitable action: 1 Check wiring between PCU and the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The signal from the gear shift actuator potentiometer is outside normal range.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Cranking disabled.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage on pin X3:21 is less than 0.05 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in gear feedback signal.
• Open circuit in potentiometer negative supply.
• Open circuit in potentiometer positive supply.
• Short circuit between potentiometer positive supply and potentiometer
negative supply.
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer negative
• Short circuit between gear feedback signal and potentiometer positive
Suitable action: 1 Check wiring between PCU and the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the gear shift actuator potentiometer.
Logging parameter: • Potentiometer supply, shift actuator page 305
• Shift actuator position relative to pot supply page 305
Measurements: Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer page 280

160 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The gear shift actuator contains an electric motor that
drives the selector fork and a potentiometer that func-
tions as a position sensor. There is a voltage of about
+4 V across the potentiometer (pins 2 and 5 in the gear
shift actuator connector (B)). The feedback signal on
pin 4 in the connector is a voltage signal. In neutral, the
feedback signal voltage is about +1.9 V. When the
selector fork is in its end positions, the feedback signal
voltage is either +0.5 V or about +3.3 V.

The electric motor that drives the selector fork receives

P0014693 its power from the PCU. The voltage output to the
motor in the gear shift actuator from the PCU is battery
voltage. The direction in which the motor moves (the
A Transmission interface selector fork moves) depends on the polarity of pins 1
B Actuator connector and pin 3 in the gear shift actuator connector (B).

The negative power supply to the potentiometer is not

equal to battery negative. The voltage drop between
the negative power supply to the potentiometer and
battery negative is about 0.5 V.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 161

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 130 Clear wake

exhaust bypass
MID 187: PCU

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: The clear wake exhaust valve switches too slowly.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The clear wake exhaust valve switch exceeds 500 ms.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the clear wake
exhaust valve and the PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the
2 Check the clear wake exhaust valve.
Measurements: Checking the clear wake exhaust valve page 284

Circuit description
On IPS 2 and 3 there is an option of an exhaust bypass
function. The clear wake exhaust valve opens and
closes the exhaust bypass. The opening and closing
of the valve is controlled and monitored by the PCU.
The PCU, pins X3:22 and X3:25 controls a DC motor,
which is integrated with the valve, to open and close
the valve. A feedback signal of the valve position is
sent back to the PCU, pins X3:1 and X3:2.

A Transmission interface
B CWES connector
C Clear wake exhaust valve motor

162 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 163 Data link, MID 200

MID 187: PCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The PCU has lost communication with the CPM.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: ACP mode and ACP status may be unavailable in the display.
Conditions for fault code: Communication with the CPM is lost for more than 10 seconds.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the PCU and the CPM. Check
for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus status page 306
Logging sub-parameter: CAN driver status
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 163

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 200 Data Link, MID128

MID 187: PCU

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with the EECU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 168
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: No diagnostic data from the EECU available.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in ignition output wire.
• Open circuit in one of or both CAN L and CAN H between engine and
• CAN H and CAN L between engine and PCU shorted together, short to
battery negative or short to battery positive.
• Short circuit between battery negative and ignition output.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EECU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with the EECU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 168
fault code:
Symptom: • Gear to neutral.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: PCU lost both J1939 and J1587 communication with EECU.
Possible reason: • Battery voltage too low.
• Open circuit in ignition output wire.
• Open circuit in one of or both CAN L and CAN H between engine and
• CAN H and CAN L between engine and PCU shorted together, short to
battery negative or short to battery positive.
• Short circuit between battery negative and ignition output.
Suitable action: 1 Check battery voltage.
2 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EECU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC status, reconfiguration page 306
Logging sub-parameter: Engine limphome
Measurements: Checking the PCU-EECU wiring page 279

164 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with the EECU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 168
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: New node detected in the system. May occur during installation.
Suitable action: Diesel engines:
Perform an auto configuration.

Gas engines:
Disconnect the sync wiring between the engines.

Circuit description
The cable between the PCU and the engine connector
contain communication wires, battery voltage wires
and an ignition output wire. The PCU and the engine
communicates via CAN. The ignition output wire deliv-
ers a wakeup signal, battery voltage, to the engine
ECU when the start key is put to position 1.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 165

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 205 Data link, MID 130

MID 187: PCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Data bus communication failure between the PCU and the MGX ECU.
Fault indication: Red indication lamp is flashing.
Symptom: Gear to neutral. Possible to engage gear after acknowledge and lever set to
Conditions for fault code: Too many error frames on the EVC bus.
Possible reason: • Open or short circuit in the data bus between the PCU and the MGX
• Too fast shutdown / restart sequence.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables and connectors between the MGX ECU and the PCU.
2 The MGX ECU needs more time than the PCU to shutdown and to start
up, Therefore if a fast shutdown / restart sequence is performed the
PCU could loose contact with the MGX ECU.
Wait for the system to shutdown completely before a restart is per-
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

166 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data

Link, Datalink2, MID164
MID 187: PCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: PCU has lost communication with a non-activated HCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 169
fault code:
Symptom: Not possible to activate the helm station.
Conditions for fault code: Frames from a non-activated HCU is missing for more than 5 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the power supply between the PCU and a HCU.
• Open circuit in both CAN L and CAN H wires between the PCU and a
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
PCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus status page 306
Logging sub-parameter: CAN driver status
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5.
All EVC nodes are powered by the PCU through pin
X2:1 and X2:3. If a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC
back up power supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied
by the SUS / SCU.

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 167

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible

chassi id
MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: PCU has detected that there is a mismatch between the chassis IDs between
the PCU and the EECU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • Gear shift is disabled.
• Not possible to calibrate the system.
Conditions for fault code: Incorrect chassis ID.
Suitable action: 1 Check article and chassis ID on all EVC nodes to determine which one
is wrong. Reprogram that node.

168 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1

SubNet 1, Control link
MID 187: PCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the PCU and the HCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, MID164 page 167
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set when the communication circuit has received to many error
frames in 130 ms. The fault becomes inactive if there is a time of 65 ms
without error frames.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the power supply between the PCU and a HCU.
• Open circuit in both CAN L and CAN H wires between the PCU and a
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
• External electrical interference.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus status page 306
Logging sub-parameter: CAN driver status
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 169

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the PCU and the HCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, MID164 page 167
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The fault is set when the EVC bus has lost one communication wire and
worked in single wire mode for 208 ms. Fault becomes inactive if the second
communication wire starts to work again and stays stable for 2040 ms.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in one of the CAN signals.
• One of the CAN communication wires short circuited to battery negative
or to supply voltage.
• Short circuit between CAN L and CAN H.
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
• External electrical interference.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Logging parameter: EVC bus status page 306
Logging sub-parameter: CAN driver status
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

170 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 344 Active anode

potential #1
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: Active anode potential is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the active anode and the drive legs as reference has
exceeded 8000 mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
Logging parameter: Active anode potential #1 / Active anode potential #2 page 308
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Active anode polarization value is too low.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In passive mode (using the zinc anode) the CPM has measured that the
potential between the active titanium anode (which is disconnected while in
passive mode) and the reference electrode is too negative. The targeted
potential (-450mV) between the reference electrode and the active anode is
increasing. The potential becomes more negative.
The polarization potential is lower than -1000mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 171

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Active anode polarization value is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In passive mode (using the zinc anode) the CPM has measured that the
potential between the active titanium anode (which is disconnected while in
passive mode) and the reference electrode is too positive. The targeted
potential (-450 mV) between the reference electrode and the active anode is
decreasing. The potential becomes more positive.
The polarization potential exceeds 8000 mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


172 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 345 Passive anode

potential #1
MID 200: CPM

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The passive anode potential is decreasing, becomes more positive, than a
threshold value.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In active mode (using the active titanium anode) the CPM has measured that
the potential of the passive zinc anode (which is disconnected while in active
mode) is too positive. The expected potential (≈-1050mV) between the ref-
erence cell and the passive zinc anode is decreasing. The potential becomes
more positive.
The passive anode potential is lower than -700mV.
Suitable action: 1 Change the zinc anode.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The passive anode potential is increasing, becomes more negative, than a
threshold value.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In active mode (using the active titanium anode) the CPM has measured that
the potential of the passive zinc anode (which is disconnected while in active
mode) is too negative. The expected potential (≈-1050mV) between the ref-
erence cell and the passive zinc anode is increasing. The potential becomes
more negative.
The passive anode potential exceeds -1300mV.
Possible reason: • The zinc anode worn out.
• Open circuit in the passive anode input wire between the CPM and the
• Short circuit between the passive anode input wire and one reference
electrode input wire between the ATU and the CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Change the zinc anode.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 173

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


174 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200. PPID 346 Active anode

potential #2
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: Active anode potential is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the active anode and the drive legs as reference has
exceeded 8000 mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
Logging parameter: Active anode potential #1 / Active anode potential #2 page 308
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Active anode polarization value is too low.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In passive mode (using the zinc anode) the CPM has measured that the
potential between the active titanium anode (which is disconnected while in
passive mode) and the reference electrode is too negative. The targeted
potential (-450mV) between the reference electrode and the active anode is
increasing. The potential becomes more negative.
The polarization potential is lower than -1000mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 175

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Active anode polarization value is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In passive mode (using the zinc anode) the CPM has measured that the
potential between the active titanium anode (which is disconnected while in
passive mode) and the reference electrode is too positive. The targeted
potential (-450 mV) between the reference electrode and the active anode is
decreasing. The potential becomes more positive.
The polarization potential exceeds 8000 mV.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


176 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 347 Passive anode

potential #2
MID 200: CPM

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The passive anode potential is decreasing, becomes more positive, than a
threshold value.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In active mode (using the active titanium anode) the CPM has measured that
the potential of the passive zinc anode (which is disconnected while in active
mode) is too positive. The expected potential (≈-1050mV) between the ref-
erence cell and the passive zinc anode is decreasing. The potential becomes
more positive.
The passive anode potential is lower than -700mV.
Suitable action: 1 Change the zinc anode.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The passive anode potential is increasing, becomes more negative, than a
threshold value.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: In active mode (using the active titanium anode) the CPM has measured that
the potential of the passive zinc anode (which is disconnected while in active
mode) is too negative. The expected potential (≈-1050mV) between the ref-
erence cell and the passive zinc anode is increasing. The potential becomes
more negative.
The passive anode potential exceeds -1300mV.
Possible reason: • The zinc anode worn out.
• Open circuit in the passive anode input wire between the CPM and the
• Short circuit between the passive anode input wire and one reference
electrode input wire between the ATU and the CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Change the zinc anode.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 177

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


178 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 444 Polarization

potential #1
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too positive voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: ACP status is changed to “No protection”.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is too posi-
tive, above -150 mV.
This condition has been true for more than 10 minutes. It is a risk of corrosion.
Possible reason: The zinc anode worn out.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
4 Check the zinc anode.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too negative voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is too neg-
ative, below -1200 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10
The drive leg is severly over protected and marine growth will be stimulated.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 179

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Reference failure.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: No ACP functionality is available.
Conditions for fault code: All three reference electrodes in the transom unit differ more than 75 mV from
each other. The CPM enters failure mode since no correct measurement can
be done.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Contact Volvo Penta.
Logging parameter: ECU state page 308
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too positive voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is between
-150 mV and -300 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10 minutes.
This fault code can be set temporarily and will disappear after charging the
batteries. The drive legs are fully protected.
Possible reason: The zinc anode worn out.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
4 Check the zinc anode.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

180 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too negative voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is between
-1000 mV and -1200 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10
The drive legs are over protected and marine growth will be stimulated. It will
not damage any NiBrAl material.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Hardware failure.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: No ACP functionality is available.
Conditions for fault code: Internal hardware problem in the CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the CPM.
Logging parameter: ECU state page 308

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: Reference error.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: One of the three reference electrodes in the ATU differ more than 75 mV from
the other two references.
The ACP still has full functionality.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 181

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


182 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 445 Polarization

current #2
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: CPM current output is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The current output of the CPM has exceeded 3000 mA. The CPM can provide
up to 3 amperes of DC current.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: CPM current output is too low.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The CPM is unable to deliver any current to protect the drive legs.
Possible reason: Open circuit in the active anode signal cable between the CPM and the ATU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 183

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Target error.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The CPM can not guarantee that all drives are protected.
Conditions for fault code: There is no or poor connection in the STBD / PORT bonding cables between
the CPM and the drives.
Possible reason: Open circuit in the bonding wiring.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Isolation.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The isolation between the drive legs and battery negative is not galvanically
Suitable action: 1 Check cardan shaft, exhaust pipe, oil coolant pipe and fresh water
intake for electrical connectivity.
2 Isolate the drive from the engine.
Please refer to section “Measuring drive insulation” in Workshop man-
ual Corrosion measurement.

184 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 446 Polarization

potential #2
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too positive voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: ACP status is changed to “No protection”.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is too posi-
tive, above -150 mV.
This condition has been true for more than 10 minutes. It is a risk of corrosion.
Possible reason: The zinc anode worn out.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
4 Check the zinc anode.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too negative voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is too neg-
ative, below -1200 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10
The drive leg is severly over protected and marine growth will be stimulated.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 185

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Reference failure.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: No ACP functionality is available.
Conditions for fault code: All three reference electrodes in the transom unit differ more than 75 mV from
each other. The CPM enters failure mode since no correct measurement can
be done.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Contact Volvo Penta.
Logging parameter: ECU state page 308
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too positive voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is between
-150 mV and -300 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10 minutes.
This fault code can be set temporarily and will disappear after charging the
batteries. The drive legs are fully protected.
Possible reason: The zinc anode worn out.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
4 Check the zinc anode.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

186 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The drive leg has too negative voltage potential.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The potential between the drive leg and the reference electrode is between
-1000 mV and -1200 mV. This condition has been true for more than 10
The drive legs are over protected and marine growth will be stimulated. It will
not damage any NiBrAl material.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive leg is isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Hardware failure.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: No ACP functionality is available.
Conditions for fault code: Internal hardware problem in the CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the CPM.
Logging parameter: ECU state page 308

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: Reference error.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #2.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: One of the three reference electrodes in the ATU differ more than 75 mV from
the other two references.
The ACP still has full functionality.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 187

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The ACP system uses an active anode protection sys-
tem to protect the drive legs. By controlling, managing,
a DC current, the system maintains a targeted potential
difference between the drive legs and a Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrode. The drive legs become a cathode in
an electrochemical process. For optimal protection the
CPM keeps the potential of the drive legs at approx.
-450 mV with the Ag/AgCl electrode as negative refer-

The CPM is connected to the J1587 bus via the diag-

nosis connector or via the customer interface and to
the multilink. The service tool and the PCU communi-
cates with the CPM via the J1587 bus. All ACP infor-
mation presented in the EVC system is sent through
the multilink.

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT


188 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PPID 447 Polarization

current #1
MID 200: CPM

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: CPM current output is too high.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The current output of the CPM has exceeded 3000 mA. The CPM can provide
up to 3 amperes of DC current.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: CPM current output is too low.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The CPM is unable to deliver any current to protect the drive legs.
Possible reason: Open circuit in the active anode signal cable between the CPM and the ATU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
2 Check that the drive legs are isolated from battery negative.
3 Check that the batteries are charged, over 13 V or over 26 V, by shore
power, genset engine or that the engine is running at idle.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 189

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Target error.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The CPM can not guarantee that all drives are protected.
Conditions for fault code: There is no or poor connection in the STBD / PORT bonding cables between
the CPM and the drives.
Possible reason: Open circuit in the bonding wiring.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the CPM, the ATU and the
drive legs.
Logging parameter: • Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2 page 308
• Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2 page 308
• Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2 page 309
Measurements: Checking the CPM signals page 296

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Isolation.

NOTICE! Fault setting unit is Transom unit #1.

Fault indication: None.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The isolation between the drive legs and battery negative is not galvanically
Suitable action: 1 Check cardan shaft, exhaust pipe, oil coolant pipe and fresh water
intake for electrical connectivity.
2 Isolate the drive from the engine.
Please refer to section “Measuring drive insulation” in Workshop man-
ual Corrosion measurement.

190 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, SID 231 SAE J1939 data

MID 200: CPM

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Communication failure on the multilink bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The ACP is not activated.
Conditions for fault code: Communication failure on the multilink bus.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between the CPM and the
HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23

Circuit description
The multilink bus which is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differ-
ential, proprietary bus. It consists of a display / panel /
interface power supply with negative supply on X5:4
and positive supply on X5:6, and two pairs of CAN
buses. CAN L bus uses X5:1 and X5:2, the CAN H bus
uses X5:3 and X5:5. From the HCUs point of view the
CAN bus uses pin 2 and pin 5 as bus output and pin 1
and pin 3 is used for bus input to the HCU.

The multilink bus handles information between the

drive trains such as engine rpm synchronization and
display / panel / interface data.

In the twin HCU / lever unit the syncronization data

between the drivelines are exchanged internally
between the HCUs while the display / panel data is
transferred through the multilink bus.

1 CAN L (IN)
3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 191

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, SID 240 Program memory

MID 200: CPM

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: No software loaded or there is something wrong with the software causing a
unit to remain in boot mode.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: System can not be started.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault or no program loaded.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the CPM unit.

192 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, SID 253 Calibration

memory EEPROM
MID 200: CPM

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Checksum error in Data set 1 or Data set 2.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Degraded corrosion protection is used.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault in one or more dataset(s). The calibration point may not be
correct vs. eachother.
Suitable action: 1 Change the CPM unit.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Invalid data.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Degraded corrosion protection is used.
Conditions for fault code: Invalid data in Data set 2.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the CPM unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 193

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, SID 254 Controller 1

MID 200: CPM

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: A node has shut down due to too many internal resets or a fault on the unit
meaning it should be replaced.Internal fault in CPM.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The ACP is not activated.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Restart the system.
2 Change the CPM unit.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: A node has shut down due to too many internal resets or a fault on the unit
meaning it should be replaced.Internal fault in CPM.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: The ACP is not activated.
Conditions for fault code: Internal fault in CPM.
Suitable action: 1 Restart the system.
2 Change the CPM unit.

194 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200, PSID 209 Data link, MID 164

MID 200: CPM

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: There is no communication available on the multilink bus.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: ACP mode and ACP status unavailable in the panel / display.
Conditions for fault code: Communication with the HCU is lost for more than 20 seconds.
Possible reason: Open circuit, short circuit or bad connection in the multilink wiring.
Suitable action: 1 Check all multilink wiring and connectors between the CPM and the
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the multilink bus page 266

The CPM is connected to the J1587 via the diagnosis
connector or via the customer interface and to the mul-
tilink. The service tool and the PCU communicates with
the CPM via J1587.
All ACP information presented in the panel or display
is sent through the multilink.

NOTICE! The CPM must be installed and auto config-

ured to the port side network. If installed and auto con-
figured to starboard side network it will not work prop-

Use Vodia to check/change the CPM

chassis ID
1 Connect the VODIA tool to the diagnostic connector
on the outer port engine.
2 Perform the "ACP Chassis ID Check" operation,
found under section "Electric Systems & Instru-
3 Verify that the PCU Chassis ID displayed is equal
to the New CPM Chassis ID, then confirm by press-
ing OK.
If the PCU Chassis ID and the New CPM Chassis
ID displayed are not equal, change the New CPM
Chassis ID to concur with the PCU Chassis ID
before confirming.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 195

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PID 168 Battery potential

MID 250: SUS

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: Too high voltage detected at the SUS power supply input, B+.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: The SUS supply voltage has exceeded 40 Volt for more than 1.5 seconds.
Suitable action: 1 Measure the voltage on B+ and B- on the SUS.
2 Measure battery voltage and check the battery status. Check that the
battery capacity complies with installation recommendations.
3 Check the alternator charging voltage.

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: Too low voltage detected at the SUS power supply input, B+.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: The SUS supply voltage is below 10 Volts for more than 1.5 seconds.
This may occur during crank if battery capacity or battery status is too poor.
Possible reason: Short circuit to battery negative.
Suitable action: 1 Measure the voltage on B+ and B- on the SUS.
2 Check all cables, connections, the circuit breaker and the main switch
and connections between the SUS and the batteries for poor connec-
3 Measure battery voltage and check the battery status. Check that the
battery capacity complies with installation recommendations.
4 Check the alternator voltage and that the alternator sensor cable is
correctly connected.

196 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 231 SAE J1939 data

MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: The SUS has lost or detected too many errors in the EVC bus communication
with PCU and has shut down the interface.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Bus off / Bus warning error reported from CAN controller.
Possible reason: • Open circuit or short circuit in the EVC bus between the SUS and PCU.
• Electrical disturbance on the EVC bus.
• Software problem in the SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Reprogram the SUS unit.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 197

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 240 Program memory

MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: No software loaded or there is something wrong with the software causing
the SUS to remain in boot mode.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault or no software loaded.
Possible reason: • No main software in the SUS.
• SUS has been replaced.
• Checksum error.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

198 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 253 Calibration

memory EEPROM
MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Calibration data incorrect in SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Calibration data incorrect in SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the SUS unit.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Memory failure in SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Memory failure in SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit.
2 Perform IPS calibration.
3 Report calibration data to VPPN.

FMI 13 – Calibration value out of range

Fault code explanation: Invalid calibration data.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set in the SUS unit if any of the calibration parameters in dataset 2
is not set. A new IPS calibration must be performed. Calibration parameters
are set to “Not calibrated”.
Suitable action: 1 Perform IPS calibration.
2 Report calibration data to VPPN.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 199

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 254 Controller 1

MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Internal failure in the SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Internal failure in the SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

FMI 11 – Unidentifiable error

Fault code explanation: Internal failure in the SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Internal failure in the SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

200 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: SUS software checksum incorrect.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SUS unit.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Memory data incorrect in SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Memory data incorrect in SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the SUS unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 201

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 55 ECU temperature

MID 250: SUS

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The SUS unit has two different temperature sensors, one for the ECU hard-
ware and one for the servo motor. SUS supervises that the two sensors have
almost the same value.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SUS unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Faulty sensor, one of the two temperature sensors are faulty.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit.
2 Perform IPS calibration.
3 Report calibration data to VPPN.

202 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 393 EVC Bus power

input (E)
MID 250: SUS

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC data bus power supply. The PCU is the power supplier.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:1 and X2:3 is less than 6 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the PCU and the
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the power supply voltage between X2:1 and X2:3 between the
PCU and the SUS.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the alternator voltage and that the alternator sensor cable is
correctly connected.
Logging parameter: EVC bus power input (E) page 298
(MID 164)
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 203

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 424 Steering wheel

MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Faulty or incorrect steering control data from the HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • System will not become active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Steering angle command from HCU is out of range, the set point value is
outside ± 35 degrees.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the system for other fault that can be the main problem.
3 Check that the HCU has detected the steering wheel.
Please refer to section Component location page 9.
4 Reprogram the HCU.
5 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: Steering wheel position page 299

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty, missing or incorrect steering control data from the HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (if all steering wheel
fault code: data is lost).
Symptom: • System will not become active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Set point of steering angle from the HCU is missing or faulty.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the system for other fault that can be the main problem.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the SUS and the HCU. Check
for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
4 Check that the HCU has detected the steering wheel.
Please refer to section Component location page 9.
5 Reprogram the HCU.
6 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: Steering wheel position page 299

204 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 426 Rudder angle

MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Drive outside calibrated position.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Rudder angle has exceeded starboard or port side calibrated end positions.
Suitable action: 1 Check wires and connectors between resolver and SUS.
2 Recalibrate IPS system.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
3 Change resolver.
Perform IPS calibration.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: Measuring the resolver page 285

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Electrical fault in the resolver circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: SUS indicates open circuit in resolver circuit.
Suitable action: 1 Check wires and connectors between resolver and SUS.
2 Change resolver.
Perform IPS calibration.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: Measuring the resolver page 285

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 205

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Electrical fault in the resolver circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: SUS indicates short circuit in resolver circuit.
Suitable action: 1 Check wires and connectors between resolver and SUS.
2 Change resolver.
Perform IPS calibration.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: Measuring the resolver page 285

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Faulty, missing or incorrect steering control data from the HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Error between requested drive position and current drive position. Resolver
difference error. SUS can not reach target position.
Suitable action: 1 Check wires and connectors between resolver and SUS.
2 Recalibrate IPS system.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
3 Check that the drive train is not mechanically stuck.
4 Change resolver.
Perform IPS calibration.
Report calibration data to VPPN.
5 Check if the drive train has correct position in the hull insert.
Measurements: • Measuring the resolver page 285
• Cranking the IPS unit page 291

206 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 427 Servo motor

MID 250: SUS

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The SUS unit has two different temperature sensors, one for the ECU hard-
ware and one for the servo motor. The temperature in the servo is outside its
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The temperature in the SUS is abnormally high.
Possible reason: • The SUS has run too hot.
• Defective temperature sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Examine the SUS unit with your hand. If it is hot, shut off the system
and let it cool off. After it has cooled off, switch on the system and see
if the problem still occurs. If the fault code appears when the SUS is
cold the problem is with the temperature sensor, if so change the SUS
and perfom an IPS calibration. Report to VPPN.
It is still possible to run the system in emergency drive.

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The SUS unit has two different temperature sensors, one for the ECU hard-
ware and one for the servo motor. The temperature in the servo is outside its
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: The temperature is too low (below -20°C) in the SUS unit, and it is dangerous
to start up the unit.
Possible reason: • The engine room is too cold.
• Defective temperature sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Heat up the engine room and the SUS unit.
2 If the fault code appears when the SUS is in normal climate the problem
is with the temperature sensor. If so change the SUS and perform an
IPS calibration.
NOTICE! It is still possible to run the system in emergency drive.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 207

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 1 EVC bus network

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component
Fault code explanation: The EVC network has an invalid configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: • Error during auto configuration.
• No response from PCU/HCU.
Possible reason: • Node receives a CAN message of unknown format.
• Time out from a unit during auto configuration.
• There is more than 4 HCU or more than 1 PCU or SUS present in the
• More than one unit with the same signature.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the
3 Reprogram the EVC system.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: The EVC network has a new configuration. Normal during installation.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS unit will not be active.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Error during normal operation.
Possible reason: • An unknown unit is communicating on the network, i.e. the unknown
node has a faulty signature or an illegal node address.
• A unit that was detected during auto configuration disappears, i.e time
out from detected unit.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the
Perform an EVC system test with Vodia to verify the nodes connected
to the system. Remove any nodes that have not been certified.
2 Perform an auto configuration.

208 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 2 EVC bus power

output C
MID 250: SUS

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC bus back up power supply. The SUS is the supplier of the
back up power supply.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) page 33
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Voltage between pin X2:4 and X2:6 is less than 6 V during 9 seconds.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus back up power supply between the EVC
• Open circuit in the EVC bus back up power supply between the EVC
• Low battery power or broken fuse.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus back up power supply voltage between the EVC
ECUs. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 209

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 3 Servo motor

MID 250: SUS

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Supply voltage to the servo motor exceeds 35 Volt for more than 600 ms.
Possible reason: Overcharging problems.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could cause this faultcode.
2 Check battery status and the battery charging circuit.

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Supply voltage to the servo motor is too low. This may occur during crank if
battery capacity or battery status is too poor.
Possible reason: • Defective battery.
• Poor battery connection.
• Poor power supply connection to the SUS.
• Excessive voltage drop in the SUS power supply circuit.
• Poor battery charging.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could cause this faultcode.
2 Check battery status, battery connections and the battery charging cir-
cuit. Check that the sensor cable at the alternator is fitted correctly.
3 Check that all power supply wiring and the connections to the SUS is
correctly connected. Measure the voltage on B+ and B- on the SUS.
4 Check the SUS circuit breaker for excessive voltage drop.
5 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
Measurements: Cranking the IPS unit page 291

210 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Supply voltage to the servo motor exceeds 42 Volt for more than 1 second.
Could occur if connected to shore power.
Possible reason: • Overcharging problems.
• Transients problems.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could cause this faultcode.
2 Check battery status and the battery charging circuit.
3 Check the shore power battery charging circuit.

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Supply voltage to the servo motor is below 9.5 Volt for more than 50 ms after
entering self test mode.
Possible reason: • Defective battery.
• Poor battery connection.
• Poor power supply connection to the SUS.
• Excessive voltage drop in the SUS power supply circuit.
• Poor battery charging.
Suitable action: 1 Check for other faultcodes that could cause this faultcode.
2 Check battery status, battery connections and the battery charging cir-
cuit. Check that the sensor cable at the alternator is fitted correctly.
3 Check that all power supply wiring and the connections to the SUS is
correctly connected. Measure the voltage on B+ and B- on the SUS.
4 Check the SUS circuit breaker for excessive voltage drop.
5 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
Measurements: Cranking the IPS unit page 291

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 211

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Open circuit in the servo motor windings.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit.
2 Perform an auto configuration.
3 Report calibration data to VPPN.

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: The current through the servo motor is abnormally high.
Generally coexists with other faultcodes.
Possible reason: • The servo motor is mechanically locked.
• Problem with the resolver connection or the resolver.
Suitable action: 1 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
2 If the fault code coexists with:
- MID 250, PSID 3, FMI 1, 7
- MID 250, PPID 426, FMI 2, 5, 6, 7

Check the resolver and the resolver connection. If resolver is replaced

perform an IPS calibration. Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: • Cranking the IPS unit page 291
• Measuring the resolver page 285

212 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: • The SUS controller detects an error between requested position and
current position and the SUS can't reach target position.
• Difference in angle estimates from resolver.
• The SUS has detected a high speed error on the servo motor.
Possible reason: • The servo motor is mechanically locked.
• Problem with the resolver connection or the resolver.
Suitable action: 1 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
2 Check the resolver and the resolver connection. If resolver is replaced
perform an IPS calibration. Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: • Cranking the IPS unit page 291
• Measuring the resolver page 285

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: SUS controller detects an error between the servo motor calculated position
and the resolver angle position.
Suitable action: 1 If the resolver has been changed it could have been mounted incor-
2 Check the resolver and the resolver connection. If resolver is replaced
perform an IPS calibration. Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: Measuring the resolver page 285

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 213

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The SUS has detected a fault in the servomotor or has detected a problem
with controlling the steering. The faultcode can be a consequence of other
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: Servo motor self test fault.
Suitable action: 1 Check battery status and the battery connections.
2 Check the resolver and the resolver connection. If resolver is replaced
perform an IPS calibration. Report calibration data to VPPN.
3 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
Measurements: • Measuring the resolver
• Cranking the IPS unit page 291

214 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 4 Rudder brake

MID 250: SUS

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: The SUS internal brake is defective.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Limited or no steering.
Conditions for fault code: Open circuit in the control signals to mechanical brake.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit. Perform IPS calibration. Report calibration data
to VPPN.

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: The SUS internal brake is defective.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Limited or no steering.
Conditions for fault code: Short circuit in the control signals to mechanical brake.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit. Perform IPS calibration. Report calibration data
to VPPN.

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The SUS internal brake is defective.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Limited or no steering.
Conditions for fault code: The brake is not responding during self test.
Suitable action: 1 Change the SUS unit. Perform IPS calibration. Report calibration data
to VPPN.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: The SUS internal brake is defective or other actuator problems.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Limited or no steering.
Conditions for fault code: In the self test the SUS has not been able to move the drive to the calibrated
position in time.
Suitable action: 1 Check if the IPS drive is mechanically stuck by moving the drive with
the emergency wheel.
2 Check the resolver and the resolver connection. If resolver is replaced
perform an IPS calibration. Report calibration data to VPPN.
Measurements: • Cranking the IPS unit page 291
• Measuring the resolver page 285

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 215

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 6 EVC Bus

MID 250: SUS

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: SUS has temporarily lost communication with an active HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: The SUS has no communication with any active HCU. Gear to neutral.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the power supply between the SUS and an active HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the SUS and an active HCU.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the SUS
and an active HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
SUS. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: SUS has temporarily lost communication with an active HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Steering is disabled.
• Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: The SUS has no communication with any active HCU.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the power supply between the SUS and an active HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the SUS and an active HCU.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the SUS
and an active HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
2 Check all EVC data bus wiring and connectors between the SUS and
the HCU. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

216 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 217

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 92 Detection fault for

external components
MID 250: SUS

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Error during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the EVC system.

218 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 209 Datalink, MID164

MID 250: SUS

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Internal communication failure in the SUS.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: • SUS will not be activated.
• Steering is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: There is an internal bus communication fault in the SUS.
Suitable action: 1 Power down the system using the main switch and then restart the sys-
2 Reprogram the SUS unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 219

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1,

SubNet 1, Control link
MID 250: SUS

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the SUS and other EVC nodes.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 169
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set when the communication circuit has received to many error
frames in 130 ms. The fault becomes inactive if there is a time of 65 ms
without error frames.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the power supply wiring in the X2 wiring harness.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires in the X2 wiring
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
• External electrical interference.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the SUS and other EVC nodes.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 169
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The fault is set when the EVC bus has lost one communication wire and
worked in single wire mode for 208 ms. Fault becomes inactive if the second
communication wire starts to work again and stays stable for 2040 ms.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in one of the EVC CAN bus signals.
• One of the EVC CAN bus communication wires short circuited to battery
negative or to supply voltage.
• Short circuit between EVC bus L and EVC bus H.
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
• External electrical interference.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

220 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 221

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PID 168 Battery potential

MID 250: SCU

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: Too high voltage detected at the SCU power supply input.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU supply voltage has exceeded 33 V for more than 1.3 s.
Suitable action: 1 Measure the supply voltage at the SCU. Check the supply voltage
between X3:1 and X3:29 at the SCU.
2 Measure battery voltage and check the battery status. Check that the
battery capacity complies with installation recommendations.
3 Check the alternator charging voltage.
Logging parameter: Battery potential page 310

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: Too low voltage detected at the SCU power supply input.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: If power to the PCU is missing and there is power on the back up power
supply from battery or SCU, all actuators may not work.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU supply voltage is below 5.5 Volts for more than 1.3 seconds.
This may occur during crank if battery capacity or battery status is too poor.
Possible reason: • Broken fuse or lost SCU supply voltage.
• Short circuit to battery negative.
Suitable action: 1 Check all cables, connections, the 10A SCU fuse, the main switch and
connections between the SCU and the batteries for poor connection.
2 Measure the supply voltage at the SCU. Check the supply voltage
between X3:1 and X3:29 at the SCU. Measure battery voltage and
check the battery status. Check that the battery capacity complies with
installation recommendations.
3 Check the alternator charging voltage and that the alternator sensor
cable is correctly connected.
Logging parameter: Battery potential page 310

222 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 240 Program memory

MID 250: SCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: No software loaded or there is something wrong with the software causing a
unit to remain in boot mode.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: Checksum fault or no software loaded.
Possible reason: • No main software in the SCU.
• SCU has been replaced.
• Checksum error.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SCU unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 223

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 253 Calibration

memory EEPROM
MID 250: SCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Calibration data incorrect in SCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: Calibration data incorrect in SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the SCU unit.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Memory failure in SCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: Memory failure in SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Replace the SCU unit.

224 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, SID 254 Controller 1

MID 250: SCU

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: Internal fault in SCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SCU unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Memory data incorrect in SCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the SCU unit.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 225

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 393 EVC Bus power

input (E)
MID 250: SCU

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The bus power voltage has exceeded 33 V for more than 1.3 s.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Too high voltage detected between X2:1 and X2:3.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC bus power supply between the PCU and the
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC power supply voltage between X2:1 and X2:3 between
the PCU and the SCU.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the alternator voltage and that the alternator sensor cable is
correctly connected.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 1 – Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The bus power voltage is below 5.5 V for more than 1.3 s.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Too low voltage detected between X2:1 and X2:3.
Possible reason: Open circuit in EVC bus power supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus power supply voltage between pin X2:1 and pin
X2:3 at the PCU and the SCU.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


226 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 424 Steering wheel

MID 250: SCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Faulty or incorrect steering control data from the HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Steering function is disabled.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Steering angle command from HCU is out of range, the set point value is
outside ± 25 degrees for DPH and ± 28 degrees for DPS.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the system for other fault that can be the main problem.
3 Check that the HCU has detected the steering wheel.
Please refer to Component location page 9.
4 Reprogram the HCU.
5 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Rudder angle page 310

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Faulty, missing or incorrect steering control data from the HCU.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 (if all steering wheel
fault code: data is lost).
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Steering function is disabled.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
• Cranking permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: Set point of steering angle from the HCU is missing or faulty.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the system for other fault that can be the main problem.
3 Check that the HCU has detected the steering wheel.
Please refer to Component location page 9.
4 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the HCU. Check
for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
5 Reprogram the HCU.
6 Replace the steering wheel unit.
Logging parameter: • Steering wheel position page 299
• Rudder angle page 310

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 227

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 426 Rudder angle

MID 250: SCU

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: The drive turns too slowly.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The drive turns slower than expected.
Possible reason: • Low hydraulic steering oil level.
• Hydraulic steering oil leakage.
• Worn drive belt.
• Worn hydraulic pump which generates too low hydraulic steering oil
pressure or oil flow.
Suitable action: 1 Check hydraulic steering oil level.
2 Check that there is no hydraulic steering oil leakage.
3 Check the condition of the drive belt that drives the hydraulic pump.
4 Check the hydraulic steering oil pressure.
Logging parameter: Rudder angle page 310

228 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 11 – Unidentifiable error

Fault code explanation: The drive turns in the wrong direction.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Not possible to activate steering.
• Shifting permitted after acknowledge.
Conditions for fault code: The drive turns in the wrong direction during the self test that is performed
when the engine is started.
Possible reason: • Wrongly connected hydraulic hoses.
• Wrongly connected drive position sensors.
• Wrongly connected steering solenoids.
• Wrongly mounted steering solenoids on the valve plate.
Suitable action: 1 Check that all hydraulic hoses from the valve plate through the manifold
to the cylinders are connected at the right places. Please refer to the
hoses wiring description at Electrical Power Supply, Lightning, Instru-
ments, Software page 313.
2 Check wires and connectors between the drive position sensors and
the SCU to verify that every wire is connected to the right pin. Please
refer to the SCU wiring description at Electrical Power Supply, Light-
ning, Instruments, Software page 313.
3 Check wires and connectors between the steering solenoids at the
valve plate and the SCU to verify that every wire is connected to the
right pin. Please refer to the SCU wiring description at Electrical Power
Supply, Lightning, Instruments, Software page 313.
4 Check that the starboard solenoid is the first solenoid that is mounted
onto the valve plate and that the port solenoid is mounted on top of the
starboard solenoid.
Logging parameter: Rudder angle page 310

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 229

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1156 Hydraulic oil

MID 250: SCU

FMI 0 – Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The hydraulic steering oil temperature is too high.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 125 °C (257 °F).
Possible reason: • Low hydraulic steering oil level.
• Hydraulic steering oil leakage.
• Clogged oil filter.
NOTICE! An oil filter is located in the valve plate.
• Worn drive belt.
• Worn hydraulic pump which generates too low hydraulic steering oil
pressure or oil flow.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check the hydraulic steering oil pressure.
3 Check that there is no hydraulic steering oil leakage.
4 Change the oil filter and strainer, located in the valve plate.
5 Check the condition of the drive belt that drives the hydraulic pump.
6 Check the hydraulic steering oil pressure.
Logging parameter: Hydraulic oil temperature page 310

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The voltage into the SCU has exceeded 4.95 V.
Possible reason: • Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and the sensor positive
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the sensor.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Checking the hydraulic steering oil temperature sensor page 292

230 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The voltage into the SCU is less than 0.1 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in sensor positive cable.
• Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and the battery negative
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the sensor.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket X3:3 and X3:17 in the SCU con-
3 Check the sensor.
Measurements: Checking the hydraulic steering oil temperature sensor page 292

Circuit description
The hydraulic temperature sensor consists of a ther-
mistor which forms a closed circuit with the SCU. The
thermistor resistor changes in a non-linear manner,
depending on the hydraulic steering oil temperature.
The SCU pin 3 provides the thermistor with a refer-
ence voltage of +5 Volt.

When the hydraulic steering oil is cold, the thermistor

resistance is high. As the hydraulic oil warms up, the
resistance in the thermistor drops and the voltage
drop across it drops.

Sensor SCU Signal type

Pin 1 X3:3 +5 V
Pin 2 X3:17 0-5 V

A small oil filter strainer is located in the valve plate.


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 231

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1559 Steering

solenoid STBD
MID 250: SCU

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Faulty STBD steering solenoid / faulty STBD steering solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: The current output to STBD steering solenoid is below normal.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in starboard solenoid wiring.
• Bad contact in the starboard steering solenoid connector or at the SCU
• Faulty starboard solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the starboard
steering solenoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
tors. Check the contact pressure in socket X3:14 and X3:42 in the SCU
3 Check the starboard steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Faulty STBD steering solenoid / faulty STBD steering solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: The current output to STBD steering solenoid is above normal.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in starboard solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit between pin X3:14 and pin X3:42 in the SCU.
• Faulty starboard solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the starboard
steering solenoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
tors. Check the contact pressure in socket X3:14 and X3:42 in the SCU
3 Check the starboard steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

232 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: STBD steering solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Starboard steering solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Perform a Vodia log test.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the starboard
steering solenoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connec-
tors. Check the contact pressure in socket X3:14 and X3:42 in the SCU
4 Check the starboard steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 233

30-2 Fault Tracing

Component description
An electromagnetically controlled 3-position (open
starboard, open port, closed) proportional valve
located in the valve plate controls the hydraulic flow
through the valve plate to the steering cylinders located
at the drive. There are two solenoids controlling the
valve position, one starboard solenoid and one port
solenoid. The starboard steering solenoid controls
when to let the hydraulic flow through to the port steer-
ing cylinder located at the drive. When the starboard
steering solenoid is activated the hydraulic pressure
makes the port steering cylinder push the drive to star-
board and the boat will turn to starboard.

Circuit description
The control signal from the SCU to the steering sole-
noid is a PWM (pulse width modulated) signal. When
ignition is on and the engine is stopped the SCU is
checking the steering solenoids by putting out a small
current through the steering solenoids.

The voltage between pin 14 and pin 42 at the SCU is

normally high when STBD steering solenoid is acti-

SCU Signal type Solenoid

X3:13 High side switch PORT solenoid
X3:28 Low side switch PORT solenoid

X3:14 High side switch STBD solenoid

X3:42 Low side switch STBD solenoid

X3:10 High side switch Service solenoid

X3:25 Low side switch Service solenoid


234 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1560 Steering

solenoid PORT
MID 250: SCU

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Faulty PORT steering solenoid / faulty PORT steering solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: The current output to PORT steering solenoid is below normal.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in port solenoid wiring.
• Bad contact in the port steering solenoid connector or at the SCU con-
• Faulty port solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the port steering
solenoid. Check the contact pressure in socket X3:13 and X3:28 in the
SCU connector.
3 Check the port steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

FMI 6 – Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative

Fault code explanation: Faulty PORT steering solenoid / faulty PORT steering solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: The current output to PORT steering solenoid is higher than normal.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the port steering solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit between pin X3:13 and pin X3:28 in the SCU.
• Faulty port solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the port steering
solenoid. Check the contact pressure in socket X3:13 and X3:28 in the
SCU connector.
3 Check the port steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 235

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: PORT steering solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: PORT steering solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Perform a Vodia log test.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the port steering
solenoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors. Check
the contact pressure in socket X3:13 and X3:28 in the SCU connector.
4 Check the port steering solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

Component description
An electromagnetically controlled 3-position (open
starboard, open port, closed) proportional valve
located in the valve plate controls the hydraulic flow
through the valve plate to the steering cylinders
located at the drive. There are two solenoids control-
ling the valve position, one starboard solenoid and
one port solenoid. The starboard steering solenoid
controls when to let the hydraulic flow through to the
port steering cylinder located at the drive. When the
starboard steering solenoid is activated the hydraulic
pressure makes the port steering cylinder push the
drive to starboard and the boat will turn to starboard.

Circuit description
The control signal from the SCU to the steering sole-
noid is a PWM (pulse width modulated) signal. When
ignition is on and the engine is stopped the SCU is
checking the steering solenoids by putting out a small
current through the steering solenoids.
The voltage between pin 13 and pin 28 at the SCU is
normally high when STBD steering solenoid is acti-

SCU Signal type Solenoid

X3:13 High side switch PORT solenoid
X3:28 Low side switch PORT solenoid

X3:14 High side switch STBD solenoid

X3:42 Low side switch STBD solenoid

X3:10 High side switch Service solenoid

X3:25 Low side switch Service solenoid


236 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1561 Steering

solenoid (service valve)
MID 250: SCU

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Faulty service solenoid / faulty service solenoid circuit.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: The current output to the service solenoid is either below normal or higher
than normal.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in service solenoid wiring.
• Bad contact in the service solenoid connector or at the SCU connector.
• Short circuit in the service solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit between pin X3:10 and pin X3:25 in the SCU.
• Faulty service solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the service sol-
enoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors. Check
the contact pressure in socket X3:10 and X3:25 in the SCU connector.
3 Check the service solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 237

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: Service solenoid self test failed.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Not possible to activate steering.
Conditions for fault code: Service solenoid self test failed.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in service solenoid wiring.
• Bad contact in the service solenoid connector or at the SCU connector.
• Short circuit in the service solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit between pin X3:10 and pin X3:25 in the SCU.
• Fault in the sterndrive hydraulic system.
• Faulty service solenoid coil.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the service sol-
enoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors. Check
the contact pressure in socket X3:10 and X3:25 in the SCU connector.
3 Check the hydraulic system for leakage.
Check that all hoses are correctly connected. Please refer to the stern-
drive hydraulic schematic in chapter Electrical Power Supply, Lightning,
Instruments, Software page 313.
4 Check the service solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The service solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The service solenoid is missing during auto configuration.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Perform a Vodia log test.
3 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the service sol-
enoid. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors. Check
the contact pressure in socket X3:10 and X3:25 in the SCU connector.
4 Check the service solenoid coil.
Logging parameter: Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

238 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Component description
A magnetically controlled proportional 2-position valve
(open, closed) located in the valve plate controls the
hydraulic flow between the steering cylinders located
at the drive. When turning the ignition key from 0 to 1
the service solenoid is activated and opens a hydraulic
circuit between the steering cylinders and makes it
possible to move the drive by pushing it by hand. As
soon as the engine is started the service solenoid is

Circuit description
The control signal from the SCU to the service solenoid
is a PWM (pulse width modulated) signal. When igni-
tion is on the SCU activates the service solenoid.
The voltage between pin 10 and pin 25 at the SCU is
normally high when the service solenoid is activated.

SCU Signal type Solenoid

X3:13 High side switch PORT solenoid
X3:28 Low side switch PORT solenoid

X3:14 High side switch STBD solenoid

X3:42 Low side switch STBD solenoid

X3:10 High side switch Service solenoid

X3:25 Low side switch Service solenoid


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 239

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor

(DPS top, DPH port)
MID 250: SCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: One sensor failed:

Both sensors failed

Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: • The voltage on pin X3:19 in the SCU has exceeded 4.76 V.
• Steering sensor end position values out of range.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor supply cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Log the drive position sensor end position values with Vodia (port-DPH;
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the drive position sensor
(port-DPH; top-DPS) and the SCU.
3 Check the sensor.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

240 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The voltage on pin X3:19 in the SCU is less than 0.12 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in drive position sensor supply cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Open circuit in drive position sensor signal cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• If a drive position sensor has been changed the drive position sensor
wiring could been wrongly connected at the 6 pin sensor connector near
the drive.
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor negative cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sup-
ply cable and the sensor negative cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor supply cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Log the drive position sensor end position values with Vodia (port-DPH;
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the drive position sensor
(port-DPH; top-DPS) and the SCU. Check the contact pressure in
socket X3:8, X3:19, and X3:37 in the SCU connector.
3 Check the sensor.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 241

30-2 Fault Tracing

Component description
On each DPH drive there are two drive position sen-
sors. One on the port side of the drive and one on the
starboard side of the drive. The drive position sensor
is located in a plastic cover that is fitted on the steering
cylinder. The sensor is shaped like a pen and is fitted
alongside the steering cylinder. The steering cylinder
piston is equipped with two magnets The drive position
sensor is a magnetoresistive sensor which means that
the sensor resistance will change when influenced by
the magnets on the cylinder piston. When the drive
turns one sensor resistance will fall while the other
sensor resistance will raise. When the resistance in the
sensors changes the output voltage from the sensors
also changes.

On each DPS drive there are two drive position sen-
sors. The DPS drive has one steering cylinder with two
drive position sensor fitted along the cylinder side, one
at top and one at bottom. The sensor is shaped like a
pen and is fitted alongside the steering cylinder. The
steering cylinder piston is equipped with two magnets
The drive position sensor is a magnetical resistive sen-
sor which means that the sensor resistance will change
when influenced by the magnets on the cylinder piston.
When the drive turns both sensors resistance will
change and the output voltage from the sensors also

Circuit description
The drive position sensor is an active sensor i.e the
sensor must have supply voltage. Pin X3:8 on the
SCU provides the sensor with a voltage of +5 Volt. Pin
X3:37 in the SCU is connected to the sensor negative
wire. The output signal from the drive position sensor
to pin X3:19 on the SCU is a voltage signal between
0.5-4.5 V depended of the location of the cylinder pis-

SCU Signal type Sensor

X3:8 5 V supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:37 Negative supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:19 Sensor output DPS top, DPH port

X3:7 5 V supply DPS bottom, DPH

X3:36 Negative supply DPS bottom, DPH
P0010648 X3:20 Sensor output DPS bottom, DPH
A 6-pin connector. Located near the drive. stbd

242 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor

(DPS bottom, DPH starboard)
MID 250: SCU

FMI 3 – Voltage above normal or shorted high

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: One sensor failed:

Both sensors failed:

Limited engine speed.
Conditions for fault code: • The voltage on pin X3:20 in the SCU has exceeded 4.76 V.
• Steering sensor end position values out of range.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor supply cable (port-DPH; top-DPS).
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Log the drive position sensor end position values with Vodia (port-DPH;
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the drive position sensor
(stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS) and the SCU.
3 Check the sensor.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH starboard) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 243

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sensors page 252
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The voltage on pin X3:20 in the SCU is less than 0.12 V.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in drive position sensor supply cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-
• Open circuit in drive position sensor signal cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-
• If a drive position sensor has been changed the drive position sensor
wiring could been wrongly connected at the 6 pin sensor connector near
the drive.
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor negative cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS).
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sup-
ply cable and the sensor negative cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS).
• Short circuit in the drive position sensor wiring between the sensor sig-
nal cable and the sensor supply cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS).
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between the temperature sensor and
the SCU.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the drive position sensor
(stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS) and the SCU. Check the contact pressure in
socket X3:7, X3:20, and X3:36 in the SCU connector.
3 Check the sensor.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH starboard) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

244 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Component description
On each DPH drive there are two drive position sen-
sors. One on the port side of the drive and one on the
starboard side of the drive. The drive position sensor
is located in a plastic cover that is fitted on the steering
cylinder. The sensor is shaped like a pen and is fitted
alongside the steering cylinder. The steering cylinder
piston is equipped with two magnets The drive position
sensor is a magnetoresistive sensor which means that
the sensor resistance will change when influenced by
the magnets on the cylinder piston. When the drive
turns one sensor resistance will fall while the other
sensor resistance will raise. When the resistance in the
sensors changes the output voltage from the sensors
also changes.

On each DPS drive there are two drive position sen-
sors. The DPS drive has one steering cylinder with two
drive position sensor fitted along the cylinder side, one
at top and one at bottom. The sensor is shaped like a
pen and is fitted alongside the steering cylinder. The
steering cylinder piston is equipped with two magnets
The drive position sensor is a magnetical resistive sen-
sor which means that the sensor resistance will change
when influenced by the magnets on the cylinder piston.
When the drive turns both sensors resistance will
change and the output voltage from the sensors also

Circuit description
The drive position sensor is an active sensor i.e the
sensor must have supply voltage. Pin X3:7 on the
SCU provides the sensor with a voltage of +5 Volt. Pin
X3:36 in the SCU is connected to the sensor negative
wire. The output signal from the drive position sensor
to pin X3:20 on the SCU is a voltage signal between
0.5-4.5 V depended of the location of the cylinder pis-

SCU Signal type Sensor

X3:8 5 V supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:37 Negative supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:19 Sensor output DPS top, DPH port

X3:7 5 V supply DPS bottom, DPH

X3:36 Negative supply DPS bottom, DPH
P0010648 X3:20 Sensor output DPS bottom, DPH
A 6-pin connector. Located near the drive. stbd

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 245

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PPID 1677 EVC bus power

input (C)
MID 250: SCU

FMI 0– Data valid but above normal operational range

Fault code explanation: The back up bus power voltage has exceeded 33 V for more than 1.3 sec-
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Too high voltage detected between X2:4 and X2:6.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the EVC back up bus power supply between the PCU
and the SCU.
• High battery voltage or alternator voltage.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC back up power supply voltage between X2:4 and X2:6
between the PCU and the SCU.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
3 Check the alternator voltage and that the alternator sensor cable is
correctly connected.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 1– Data valid but below operational range

Fault code explanation: The back up bus power voltage is below 5.5 V for more than 1.3 seconds.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Too low voltage detected between X2:4 and X2:6.
Possible reason: Open circuit in EVC bus back up power supply.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the EVC back up bus power supply voltage between pin
X2:4 and pin X2:6 at the PCU and the SCU is correct.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

246 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 247

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 1 EVC bus network

MID 250: SCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: SCU has lost communication with PCU or HCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: SCU has lost communication with PCU or HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all wiring and connectors between all EVC ECUs. Check for push
backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The EVC network has an invalid configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Error during auto configuration. No response from PCU/HCU.
Possible reason: • Node receives a CAN message of unknown format.
• Time out from a unit during auto configuration.
• There is more than 4 HCU or more than 1 PCU or SCU present in the
• More than one unit with the same signature.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the
3 Reprogram the EVC system.

FMI 14 – Special instructions

Fault code explanation: The EVC network has a new configuration. Normal during installation.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: SCU unit will not be active.
Conditions for fault code: Error during normal operation.
Possible reason: • An unknown unit is communicating on the network, i.e. the unknown
node has a signature or an illegal node address.
• A unit that was detected during auto configuration disappears, i.e time
out from detected unit.
Suitable action: 1 Check that the installed nodes are of the correct type according to the
configuration. Perform an EVC system test with Vodia to verify the
nodes connected to the system. Remove any nodes that have not been
2 Perform an auto configuration.

248 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 2 EVC bus power

output C
MID 250: SCU

FMI 4 – Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage

Fault code explanation: Fault in the EVC bus back up power supply. The SCU is the supplier of the
back up power supply.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: SCU detects an overload or open load condition on power supply.
Possible reason: The power supply between nodes is short circuited.
Suitable action: 1 Check the EVC bus back up power supply voltage between the EVC
ECUs. Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
2 Check the battery and fuse status.
3 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the EVC ECUs.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 249

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 5 Incompatible EVC

MID 250: SCU

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: Incompatible software between the HCU and the SCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The HCU software is older than the SCU software.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the HCU.

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Incompatible software between the HCU and the SCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU software is older than the HCU software.
Suitable action: 1 Reprogram the SCU unit.

250 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 6 EVC Bus

MID 250: SCU

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: SCU has lost communication with an active HCU.
Fault indication: None.
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Gear disengaged.
• Steering function is disabled.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU has no communication with any active HCU.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in the power supply between the SCU and an active HCU.
• Short circuit in the power supply between the SCU and an active HCU.
• Open circuit in both EVC bus L and EVC bus H wires between the SCU
and an active HCU.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between the HCU and the
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 251

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control

Unit and steering sensors
MID 250: SCU

FMI 7 – Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The drive does not respond correctly.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed If drive position sensor error:
fault code:
• MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 240
• MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star-
board) page 243

If steering solenoid error:

• MID 250, PPID 1559 Steering solenoid STBD page 232
• MID 250, PPID 1560 Steering solenoid PORT page 235
• MID 250, PPID 1561 Steering solenoid (service valve) page 237
Symptom: • Steering function is disabled.
• Gear set to neutral. Gear control regained after putting the lever into
neutral position.
Conditions for fault code: The deviation between actual rudder position and desired rudder position,
requested by the input from the steering wheel / joystick, is too large.
DTL = 15 degrees during 100 ms or 5 degrees during 800 ms.
Possible reason: • Low hydraulic steering oil level.
• Hydraulic steering oil leakage.
• Low hydraulic steering oil pressure.
• Clogged oil filter. An oil filter/strainer is located in the valve plate.
• Open circuit in port solenoid wiring.
• Open circuit in starboard solenoid wiring.
• Short circuit between the drive position sensors signal cables.
(port-DPH; top-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:19 in the SCU connector) and
(stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:20 in the SCU connector).
• The port solenoid connector and the service valve connector at the
valve plate are misconnected.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check hydraulic steering oil level.
3 Check that there is no hydraulic steering oil leakage.
4 Change the oil filter/strainer, located in the valve plate. Please refer to
the workshop manual.
5 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the steering
6 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the drive posi-
tion sensors.
7 Be sure to check that the service solenoid connector and the port steer-
ing solenoid connector at the valve plate has not been misconnected.
8 Check the drive for damages.

252 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Logging parameter: • (VODIA template, Electrical steering)

• Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
• Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
• Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
• Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311
Measurements: • Checking the drive position sensor page 286
• Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 253

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 8 – Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period

Fault code explanation: Drive position sensor error.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 240
fault code:
• MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star-
board) page 243
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The deviation between the two drive position sensors is more than 5 degrees
for more than 1 second.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in drive position sensor negative cable (port-DPH; top-
• Open circuit in the drive position sensor negative cable (starboard-DPH;
• Short circuit between the drive position sensors signal cables.
(port-DPH; top-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:19 in the SCU connector) and
(stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:20 in the SCU connector).
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the drive posi-
tion sensors.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
Measurements: • Checking the drive position sensor page 286
• Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
• Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
• Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311

FMI 9 – Abnormal update rate

Fault code explanation: Drive position sensor error.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 240
fault code:
• MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star-
board) page 243
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Gear disengaged.
Conditions for fault code: There is no signal from any of the drive position sensors.
None of the drive positions sensors are connected.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the drive posi-
tion sensors.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

254 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

FMI 10 – Abnormally large variations

Fault code explanation: Drive position sensor error.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed • MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 240
fault code:
• MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star-
board) page 243
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Gear disengaged.
Conditions for fault code: The deviation between the two drive position sensors is more than 8 degrees
for more than 1 second.
Possible reason: • If a drive position sensor has been changed the drive position sensor
wiring could been wrongly connected at the 6 pin sensor connector near
the drive.
• Open circuit in drive position sensor negative cable (port-DPH; top-
• Open circuit in drive position sensor negative cable (stbd-DPH; bottom-
• Short circuit between the drive position sensors signal cables.
(port-DPH; top-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:19 in the SCU connector) and
(stbd-DPH; bottom-DPS) signal cable (pin X3:20 in the SCU connector).
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the drive posi-
tion sensors.
Logging parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 311
Measurements: Checking the drive position sensor page 286

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Drive position sensor is missing during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Red alarm status.
Symptom: • Limited engine speed.
• Gear disengaged.
Conditions for fault code: One or both of the drive position sensors are missing during auto configura-
Possible reason: One or both drive position sensors are wrongly connected.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the drive posi-
tion sensors.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 255

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
This fault code becomes active when the response
from the drive is incorrect or any of the drive position
sensors does not respond correctly.

SCU Signal type Sensor

X3:8 5 V supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:37 Negative supply DPS top, DPH port
X3:19 Sensor output DPS top, DPH port

X3:7 5 V supply DPS bottom, DPH

X3:36 Negative supply DPS bottom, DPH
X3:20 Sensor output DPS bottom, DPH
A 6-pin connector. Located near the drive.

SCU Signal type Solenoid

X3:13 High side switch PORT solenoid
X3:28 Low side switch PORT solenoid

X3:14 High side switch STBD solenoid

X3:42 Low side switch STBD solenoid

X3:10 High side switch Service solenoid

X3:25 Low side switch Service solenoid


256 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 10 Steering Control

MID 250: SCU

FMI 7– Mechanical system not responding properly

Fault code explanation: The SCU self test failed.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed If drive position sensor error:
fault code:
• MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port) page 240
• MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star-
board) page 243

If steering solenoid error:

• MID 250, PPID 1559 Steering solenoid STBD page 232
• MID 250, PPID 1560 Steering solenoid PORT page 235
• MID 250, PPID 1561 Steering solenoid (service valve) page 237
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU performs a self test when the engine is started. The SCU will try to
move the drive a few degrees back and forth to make sure that all sensors
and solenoids signals are ok. This faultcode is set if test fails.
Possible reason: • Low hydraulic steering oil level.
• Hydraulic steering oil leakage.
• Clogged oil filter. An oil filter/strainer is located in the valve plate.
• Low hydraulic steering oil pressure.
• Open circuit in port solenoid wiring.
• Open circuit in starboard solenoid wiring.
• The drive is mechanically stuck.
Suitable action: 1 Perform a Vodia log test.
2 Check hydraulic steering oil level.
3 Check that there is no hydraulic steering oil leakage.
4 Change the oil filter/strainer, located in the valve plate.
5 Check all wiring and connectors between the SCU and the steering
6 Check that the drive is not mechanically stuck. Try to move the drive by
hand when ignition is on and the service valve is activated.
7 Be sure to check that the service solenoid connector and the port steer-
ing solenoid connector at the valve plate has not been misconnected.
8 Check the hydraulic steering oil pressure.
Logging parameter: • Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard) page 310
• Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port) page 311
• Steering solenoid (service valve) page 311
Measurements: Checking the steering / service solenoid page 294

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 257

30-2 Fault Tracing

SCU Signal type Solenoid

X3:13 High side switch PORT solenoid
X3:28 Low side switch PORT solenoid

X3:14 High side switch STBD solenoid

X3:42 Low side switch STBD solenoid

X3:10 High side switch Service solenoid

X3:25 Low side switch Service solenoid


258 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 92 Detection fault for

external components
MID 250: SCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: Error during auto configuration.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the EVC system.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 259

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 231 Incompatible

chassi id
MID 250: SCU

FMI 12 – Faulty device or component

Fault code explanation: The SCU has a different chassis ID than the PCU.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The SCU has a different chassis ID than the PCU.
Suitable action: 1 Perform an auto configuration.
2 Reprogram the SCU with the correct chassis ID.

260 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1,

SubNet 1, Control link
MID 250: SCU

FMI 2 – Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the SCU and other EVC nodes.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 169
fault code
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: Fault is set when the communication circuit has received to many error
frames in 130 ms.
The fault becomes inactive if there is a time of 65 ms without error frames.
Possible reason: • Short circuit in the power supply between the SCU and a HCU.
• Open circuit in both CAN L and CAN H wires between the SCU and a
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

FMI 5 – Current below normal or open circuit

Fault code explanation: Disturbed communication between the SCU and other EVC nodes.
Fault indication: Yellow alarm status.
Possible concurrent displayed MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 169
fault code:
Symptom: None.
Conditions for fault code: The fault is set when the EVC bus has lost one communication wire and
worked in single wire mode for 208 ms. Fault becomes inactive if the second
communication wire starts to work again and stays stable for 2040 ms.
Possible reason: • Open circuit in one of the CAN signals.
• One of the CAN communication wires short circuited to battery negative
or to supply voltage.
• Short circuit between CAN L and CAN H.
• Bad connection in data bus wiring or in the bus power supply.
• The bus cables are too long. They must not be more than 40 meters
(131 ft) long.
Suitable action: 1 Check all EVC bus wiring and connectors between all EVC nodes.
Check for push backs or loose wires in the connectors.
Measurements: Checking the EVC bus page 264

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 261

30-2 Fault Tracing

Circuit description
The EVC bus is a 2 wire, twisted pair, differential, pro-
prietary data bus, that runs between all EVC ECUs
through the X2 labeled cable. EVC bus L is located on
pin X2:2 and EVC bus H on pin X2:5. All EVC nodes
are powered by the PCU through pin X2:1 and X2:3. If
a SUS / SCU is used there is an EVC back up power
supply on pin X2:4 and X2:6, supplied by the SUS /

1 Power supply positive

2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up


262 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Schematic symbols



Breakout box

Ohm meter

Voltage meter

Key switch


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 263

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the EVC bus

Description: The EVC system is powered via the PCU and distributed through connector
X2:1 and X2:3 to all EVC ECU’s. If there is an SUS or SCU in the EVC system
there is a back up power supply, distributed from the SUS/SCU, connected
to X2:4 and X2:6.
Special tools: 9998699 Break-out box
88890074 Multimeter
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 10 (supply +), 11 (EVC bus L), 12 (supply -), 13 (back up supply -), 14 (EVC
bus H), 15 (back up supply +)
10–12 U = Vbat+
13–15 U = Vbat+ (if a SUS or SCU is connected)
12–11 U ≈ 4 V(1)
12–14 U ≈ 1 V(1)
Schematic diagram:
1 Power supply positive
2 EVC bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative,
back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive,
back up


1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

264 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the diesel key switch

Description: The diode in the key switch connector block maintains the activation signal
to the EECU even while the starter is cranking. The diode should also ensure
that the starter motor does not crank when just the ignition is on.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Remove the key switch connector.
3 Use 88890074 Multimeter set to diode test. Connect the COM-outlet
from the multimeter to connector pin 2, R/Y, and the PLUS-outlet from
the multimeter to pin 4, R/BL. The multimeter should show OL, the diode
4 Swap the multimeter probes - COM to pin 4, PLUS to pin 2. The multi-
meter should show approx. 0.5 Volts, the diode is conducting.
5 If the measurement indicates a defective diode, replace the key wiring


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 265

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the multilink bus

Description: The multilink bus is powered via the HCU and distributed through connector
X5:4 and X5:6. The multilink data is distributed through X5:2 and X5:5.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 10 (Multilink bus L), 11 (Multilink bus L), 12 (Multilink bus H), 13 (supply -),
14 (Multilink bus H), 15 (supply +)
13–15 U = Vbat+
13–11 U ≈ 2.3– 2.5 V(1)
13–14 U ≈ 2.5– 2.7 V(1)
Schematic diagram:

1 CAN L (in)
2 CAN L (out)
3 CAN H (in)
4 Power supply negative
5 CAN H (out)
6 Power supply positive

1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

266 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the DPS bus

Description: The DPS bus is powered via the DPS gateway and distributed through pin 4
and pin 6. The DPS data is distributed through pin 2 and pin 5.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 11 (DPS bus L), 12 (Shield), 13 (supply -), 14 (Multilink bus H), 15 (supply +)
13–15 U = Vbat+
13–11 U ≈ 2.3– 2.5 V(1)
13–14 U ≈ 2.5– 2.7 V(1)
Schematic diagram:

3 Shield
4 Power supply negative
6 Power supply positive

1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 267

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the signals between the

HCU and the AKI
Description: The AKI converts analogue signals to LIN bus communication signals. The
AKI is powered by the HCU.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890161 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 8-pin connector: 13 (supply -), 14 (supply +), 18 (LIN)
4-pin connector: 1 (supply -), 2 (supply +), 4 (LIN)
13–14 (8-pin) U = Vbat+
2–4 (4-pin)
13–18 (8-pin) U ≈ 0.8x Vbat+(1)
2–4 (4-pin)
13–14 U ≈ 2.5– 2.7 V(1)
Schematic diagram:

3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive


1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

268 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the signals between the

key switch and the AKI
Description: The key switch is switching the input status for stop request, ignition
request and crank request between 0V and Vbat+.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 10 (stop), 11 (ignition), 12 (crank), 15 (supply +)
10–15 U=0V When key is in stop position.
U = Vbat+ When key is not in stop position.
11–15 U=0V When key is in ignition or crank position.
U = Vbat+ When key is in stop position.
12–15 U=0V When key is in crank position.
U = Vbat+ When key is not in crank position.
Schematic diagram:

1 Stop
2 Ignition
3 Crank
4 -
5 -
6 Power supply positive

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 269

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the steering control bus

Description: The steering control bus is powered via the HCU and distributed through
connector X8:1 and X8:3 to the steering wheel/joystick. There is a back up
power supply connected to X8:4 and X8:6.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890161 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 10 (supply +), 11 (Steering control bus L), 12 (supply -), 13 (back up supply
-), 14 (Steering control bus H), 15 (back up supply +)
6–8 U = Vbat+
9–11 U = Vbat+
8–7 U ≈ 4.5 V(1)
8–10 U ≈ 0.8 V(1)
Schematic diagram:

1 Power supply positive
2 Steering control bus L
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive, back up

5 Steering control bus H
6 Power supply negative, back up

1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

270 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the fuel level sensor

Description: The fuel level sensor is connected to pin X3:8 and X3:24 at the PCU.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
7 Turn the main switch off when using ohm meter.
Measurement points: 1 (Fuel level negative connection), 2 (Fuel level input signal)
1–2 U ≈ 0.9 x Vbat+(1)
1–2 U ≈ 0-3.7 V(2)
Sensor test:
1–2 R ≈ 3 ±2 − 180 ±15 Ω
Schematic diagram:

A Sender interface

P0010654 P0010655

1. No fuel level sensor connected.

2. Fuel level sensor connected, the output signal depends on the fuel

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 271

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the transmission oil

pressure sensor
Description: The transmission oil pressure sensor monitors the oil pressure in the trans-
mission. The sensor is an active sensor which needs a power supply. The
sensor output signal is a voltage signal proportional to the pressure.
Special tools: 885675 Break-out cable
88890074 Multimeter
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 1 (supply +), 2 (pressure output), 3 (temperature output), 4 (supply -)
1–4 U=5V
2–4 U ≈ 0.5 V
Schematic diagram:

A Transmission interface

272 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Technical Data Working range: 0–3 MPa (0–30 bar)

Supply voltage: 5.00 ±0.25 V DC

Nominal output voltage at 25 °C (77 °F) and supply voltage 5.00 V DC:
• 0.5 V DC at 0 kPa (0 bar)(1)
• 4.5 V DC at 3 MPa (30 bar)(1)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

V = Output voltage
MPa = Oil pressure

1. At normal atmospheric pressure.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 273

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the transmission oil

temperature sensor
Description: The transmission oil temperature sensor monitors the oil temperature in the
transmission. The input signal to the PCU is a voltage signal proportional to
the temperature.
Special tools: 885675 Break-out cable
88890074 Multimeter
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
7 Turn the main switch off when using ohm meter.
Measurement points: 1 (supply +), 2 (pressure output), 3 (temperature output), 4 (supply -)
3–4 U = 0.5-4.5 V(1)
Sensor test:
3–4 R = see Resistance table on the following page.
Schematic diagram:

A Transmission interface

1. Depended of the transmission oil temperature.

274 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:


Technical Data: Working range: -40 – 140 ºC (-40 - 284 ºF)

Resistance table
Set point at (measurement points 3–4):

0 ºC (32 ºF) R ≈ 4930 Ω

10 ºC (50 ºF) R ≈ 2987 Ω
20 ºC (68 ºF) R ≈ 1868 Ω
40 ºC (104 ºF) R ≈ 798 Ω
60 ºC (140 ºF) R ≈ 376 Ω
80 ºC (176 ºF) R ≈ 191 Ω
100 ºC (212 ºF) R ≈ 104 Ω


Ω = Resistance
ºC = Transmission oil temperature

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 275

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the propeller shaft speed

Description: The propeller shaft speed sensor is connected to the PCU.
Inboard uses an inductive sensor.
IPS uses an active phase sensor.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
885675 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Disconnect the sensor connector.
3 Start the measurement.
Sensor test:
1–2 R ≈ 860 Ω ±10%
Schematic diagram:


Measurement procedure (IPS): 1 Turn the main switch off.

2 Dismount the sensor.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the ignition on.
5 Start the measurement. Hold and move a metal object in front of the
Sensor test: 1 (supply -), 2 (output signal), 3 (supply +)
1-3 U≈5V
1-2 U ≈ 0 or 5 V(1)

1. Depended of if the metal object is in front of the sensor.

276 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:

A Transmission interface


Checking the shift solenoid

Description: The primary and secondary gear shift solenoid is connected to the PCU.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Disconnect the solenoid connector.
3 Start the measurement.
Measurement points:
1–2 (IPS solenoid) R ≈ 6-10 Ω (12 V)
R ≈ 24-32 Ω (24 V)

1–2 (reverse gear) R ≈ 12-24 Ω (12 V)

R ≈ 20-55 Ω (24 V)
Schematic diagram:


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30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the slip solenoid

Description: The slip solenoid is connected to the PCU.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Disconnect the solenoid connector.
3 Start the measurement.
Measurement points:
1–2 0≠R≠∞Ω
Schematic diagram:


278 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the PCU-EECU wiring

Description: The wiring between the PCU and the EECU contains data bus cables and EVC
power supply cables.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88820040 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 7 (CAN L), 14 (supply -), 17 (CAN H), 23 (ignition output),28 (supply +)
14–7 U = 2.0-2.5 V(1)
14–17 U = 2.3-2.7 V(1)
14–23 U ≈ Vbat+
14–28 U ≈ Vbat+
Schematic diagram:


1. The voltage value shown is a mean value. The signal is a data

bus signal that switches between two voltage values. Use an oscil-
loscope for verification.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 279

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the gear shift actuator

Description: The gear shift actuator is connected to the PCU via the X3 connector.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88820040 Break-out cable
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
NOTICE! 88820040 must be used to access the signals from the actua-
tor for SX / DPS drives.
88890016 or 88820040 can be used to access the signals from the
actuator for DPH drives.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
7 Turn the main switch off when using ohm meter.
Measurement points: 88890016: 11 (potentiometer supply -), 13 (potentiometer feedback), 14
(potentiometer supply +)
88820040: 1 (potentiometer supply -), 21 (potentiometer feedback), 13
(potentiometer supply +)
DPH actuator:
11 - 14 (88890016) U ≈ 3.9 V (Potentiometer supply voltage)
11 - 13 (88890016) U ≈ 1.9 V (Actuator in neutral position)
11 - 13 (88890016) U ≈ 0.5 V or U ≈ 3.3 V (Actuator in end position)

SX / DPS actuator:
1 - 13 (88820040) U ≈ 3.9 V (Potentiometer supply voltage)
1 - 21 (88820040) U ≈ 1.9 V (Actuator in neutral position)
1 - 21 (88820040) U ≈ 1.0 V or U ≈ 2.7 V (Actuator in end position)
Potentiometer value:
11 - 14 (88890016) R ≈ 10 kΩ
11 - 13 (88890016) R ≈ 5 kΩ

1 - 13 (88820040) R ≈ 10 kΩ
1 - 21 (88820040) R ≈ 5 kΩ

280 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:


Actuator connector: A Transmission interface

1 Starter motor input B Actuator connector
X Measurement points
2 Potentiometer supply negative
3 Starter motor input
4 Potentiometer feedback signal
5 Potentiometer supply positive
Schematic diagram:



47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 281

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the actuator / shift

solenoid output driver voltage
Description: The actuator / shift solenoid is driven by two driver circuits in the PCU. When
forward or reverse is requested the PCU supplies the actuator / shift solenoid
with approx. battery voltage.
Special tools: 9998699 Break-out box
88890074 Multimeter
88820040 Break-out cable
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
NOTICE! 88820040 must be used to access the signals from the actua-
tor for SX / DPS drives.
88890016 or 88820040 can be used to access the signals from the
actuator for DPH drives.
88820040 shall be used to access shift solenoids signals.
3 Turn the main switch on.
4 Turn the ignition on.
5 Use the multimeter “Fast MIN MAX” function to catch the output voltage.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points:
10 - 12 (88890016) U ≈ Vbat+ (during gear shifting)
10 - 18 (88820040) U ≈ Vbat+ (during gear shifting)
9 - 19 (88820040) U ≈ Vbat+ (during gear shifting)

282 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:


Actuator connector: A Transmission interface

1 Starter motor input B Actuator connector
X Measurement points
2 Potentiometer supply negative
3 Starter motor input
4 Potentiometer feedback signal
5 Potentiometer supply positive
Schematic diagram:

1 Primary solenoid
2 Secondary solenoid

A Transmission interface


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 283

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the clear wake exhaust

Description: The clear wake exhaust valve motor is driven by the PCU. When open or
close is requested the PCU supplies the clear wake exhaust valve motor with
approx. battery voltage.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
3 Turn the main switch on.
4 Turn the ignition on.
5 Use the multimeter “Fast MIN MAX” function to catch the output voltage.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 10 (supply + when close valve; supply - when open valve), 11 (feedback
signal, open), 12 (supply + when open valve; supply - when close valve), 13
(feedback signal, close)
10–12 U ≈ Vbat+ or Vbat-(1)
10–11 U ≈ Vbat+ when valve is opening
12–13 U ≈ Vbat+ when valve is closing
Schematic diagram:


A Transmission interface
B CWES connector
C Clear wake exhaust valve motor

1. Depending on opening or closing valve.

284 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Measuring the resolver

Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
Measuring the resolver: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Disconnect resolver wire harness.
3 Use multimeter 88890074 to do resistance measurements.

Measurement Set point

1-2 37 Ω ± 10 %
3-4 100 Ω ± 10 %
5-6 100 Ω ± 10 %

NOTICE! Measurement is done to eliminate short circuiting or breaks in the


1 6
2 5
3 4


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 285

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the drive position sensor

Description: The drive position sensors are located inside a plastic cover that is mounted
on the steering cylinders. Depending on the drive position a voltage signal
between 0.5 to 4.5 V is sent to the SCU.
Special tools: 9511355 Break-out cable
88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 7 (supply + sensor 2), 8 (supply + sensor 1), 19 (signal output sensor 1), 20
(signal output sensor 2), 36 (supply - sensor 2), 37 (supply - sensor 1)
PORT (1):
37 - 8 U≈5V
37 - 19 U ≈ 0.5–4.5 V (depending on the drive position)

STBD (2):
36 - 7 U≈5V
36 - 20 U ≈ 0.5–4.5 V (depending on the drive position)
Schematic diagram:

1 Port sensor
2 Starboard sensor

A 6-pin connector. Located near the drive.


286 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Checking the diesel key switch


88890074 Multimeter

The diode in the key switch connector block maintains

the activation signal to the EECU even while the
engine is running. The diode should also ensure that
the starter motor does not crank when just the ignition
is on.
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switches.
2 Undo the connector block on the key switch.
3 Use 88890074 Multimeter set to diode test. Con-
nect the COM-outlet from the multimeter to con-
nector pin 2, R/Y, and the PLUS-outlet from the
multimeter to pin 4, R/BL. The multimeter should
show OL, the diode blocks.
4 Swap the multimeter probes - COM to pin 4, PLUS
to pin 2. The multimeter should show approx. 0.5
Volts, the diode is conducting.
5 If these measurements indicate a defective diode,
replace the key wiring.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 287

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the power trim

Description: The power trim potentiometer is connected to the PCU via the X3 connector.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88820040 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
7 Turn the main switch off when using ohm meter.
Measurement points:
2–12 U ≈ 2.8 V (DPH / DPR)
U ≈ 2.0 V (SX)
Potentiometer value:
2–12 R ≈ 2.3 kΩ (DPH / DPR)
R ≈ 730 Ω (SX)
Schematic diagram:


A Transmission interface
B Actuator connector
X Measurement points

288 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking Autopilot Gateway LED

There are two light emitting diodes on the interface.
One is lit when the Autopilot bus has power supply. The
other has different lighting options.

Constant lit
The unit is powered up but receives no communication
from any side.

Flashes on-off repeatedly

The unit is receiving and transmitting valid Auto pilot
and MULTILINK data. Function is correct.

Flashes two strobes and than off repeatedly

The unit is receiving MULTILINK data but has no Auto
pilot connection (doesn’t recieve velocity).

Flashes three strobes and than off repeatedly

The unit is receiving Auto pilot data but has no MUL-
TILINK connection.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 289

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the power trim control

Description: The power trim is connected to the PCU via the X3 connector.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88820040 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
Measurement points:
14–22 U ≈ 0.9 x Ubat(1)
14–25 U ≈ 0.9 x Ubat(2)
Potentiometer value:
2–12 R ≈ 2.3 kΩ (DPH / DPR)
R ≈ 730 Ω (SX)
Schematic diagram:


A Transmission interface
B Actuator connector
X Measurement points

1. When power trim down button is pushed.

2. When power trim up button is pushed.

290 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Cranking the IPS unit

Special tools: 3809570 Crank tool
3812541 Brake release switch
Cranking the IPS unit: 1 Engine off. Main switch on.
NOTICE! SUS unit must have power supply.
2 Check that the drive train has not got stuck. Use the cranking tool
3809570 and the brake release switch 3812541 to crank the IPS unit.
3 Start the measurement.
4 If the IPS unit is hard to turn:
Disassemble the SUS unit from the IPS unit and use the cranking tool to
crank the SUS unit.
If the unit is hard to crank, change the SUS unit.

If the IPS unit is easy to turn:

There is a mechanical fault in the drive train.




47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 291

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the hydraulic steering oil

temperature sensor
Description: The hydraulic steering oil temperature sensor monitors the oil temperature
in the valve plate. The input signal to the SCU is a voltage signal proportional
to the temperature.
Special tools: 9511355 Break-out cable
88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Turn the ignition on.
6 Start the measurement.
7 Turn the main switch off when using ohm meter.
Measurement points: 3 (supply +), 17 (temperature output)
3–17 U = 0.5-4.5 V(1)
Sensor test:
3–17 R = see Resistance table on the following page.
Schematic diagram:


1. Depended of the hydraulic steering oil temperature.

292 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:


Technical Data: Working range: -40 – 135 ºC (-40 - 275 ºF)

Resistance table
Set point at (measurement points 3–17):

0 ºC (32 ºF) R ≈ 9400 Ω

20 ºC (68 ºF) R ≈ 3500 Ω
40 ºC (104 ºF) R ≈ 1460 Ω
60 ºC (140 ºF) R ≈ 670 Ω
80 ºC (176 ºF) R ≈ 330 Ω
100 ºC (212 ºF) R ≈ 180 Ω
110 ºC (230 ºF) R ≈ 130 Ω
120 ºC (248 ºF) R ≈ 100 Ω
130 ºC (266 ºF) R ≈ 77 Ω
140 ºC (284 ºF) R ≈ 60 Ω


Ω = Resistance
ºC = Transmission oil temperature

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 293

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the steering / service

Description: The steering solenoid is driven by a driver circuit in the SCU. When turning
starboard or port the SCU supplies the steering solenoid with approx. battery
The service valve is only activated during ignition on or if the drive has a
Special tools: 9511355 Break-out cable
88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Use the multimeter “Fast MIN MAX” function to catch the output voltage.
6 Turn the ignition on.
7 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 13 (high side PORT), 28 (low side PORT), 14 (high side STBD), 42 (low side
STBD), 10 (high side service valve), 25 (low side service valve)
13–28 U = Vbat+
14–42 U = Vbat+
Service valve
10–25 U = Vbat+(1)
Sensor test:
13–28 R ≈ 10 Ω ±10%
14–42 R ≈ 10 Ω ±10%
Service valve
10–25 R ≈ 10 Ω ±10%

1. U = 5-9 V when no "Fast MIN MAX" is used.

294 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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Schematic diagram:

A PORT solenoid
B STBD solenoid
C Service solenoid

Schematic diagram:

A PORT solenoid
B STBD solenoid
C Service solenoid

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 295

30-2 Fault Tracing

Checking the CPM signals

Description: The input/output signals to/from CPM can be measured to verify the function
of the system.
Special tools: 88890074 Multimeter
9998699 Break-out box
88890016 Break-out cable
Measurement procedure: 1 Turn the main switch off.
2 Perform Fault tracing of cables and connectors page 23.
3 Connect according to the schematic diagram.
4 Turn the main switch on.
5 Use the multimeter “Fast MIN MAX” function to catch the output voltage.
6 Turn the ignition on.
7 Start the measurement.
Measurement points: 24 (reference cell 1), 25 (reference cell 2), 26 (reference cell 3), 28 (active
anode signal), 29 (passive anode signal), 30 (bonding cable stbd), 31 (bond-
ing cable port)
28–30/31 0-8 V(1)
29–24/25/26 U ≈ -1000 mV
24/25/26–30/31 -450 mV(2)
Schematic diagram:

1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
4 -
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD

8 Bonding cable input, PORT

1. When running in normal mode.

2. Target potential.

296 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

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VODIA Log Parameters

MID 164: HCU

Control lever button status

Description: Indicates the status of the control lever buttons at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • Station button
• Throttle only button
• PTA button
• Low speed button
• Cruise control button
• Fine tune + button
• Fine tune - button
• Single lever button
• Individual trim up button
• Individual trim down button
• Handle trim up button
• Handle trim down button
• TOW button
Parameter status: Off, On
Off Indicates that the button is not activated. The function is not activated by the
On Indicates that the button is activated. The function is activated by the HCU.

Logging parameter: Cruise control panel, Docking panel, Power Trim panel, Sport fish
panel, Start/Stop panel, Station panel
Description: Indicates the status of the generic button panel buttons at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • Button 1
• Button 2
• Button 3
• Button 4
Parameter status: Off, On
Off Indicates that the button is not activated. The function is not activated by the
On Indicates that the button is activated. The function is activated by the HCU.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 297

30-2 Fault Tracing

Driveline status
Description: Indicates the EVC driveline power on status, how many drivelines that are
currently powered up and the number of detected EVC drivelines during auto
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • Online status
• Stored/detected configuration
Working range: 0–4 units

EVC bus power input (E)

(MID 164)

Description: Indicates the primary input voltage to the HCU.

Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: EVC bus power input (E)
Working range: 0–24 V
Normal value: Vbat+

Key supply
Description: Indicates the output voltage from the HCU to the AKI.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Key supply
Working range: 0–24 V
Normal value: Vbat+

Key panel status

Description: Indicates the status of the key position or start/stop panel status at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • Ignition input status
• Crank input status
• Stop input status
• Key supply output status
Parameter status: Off, On
Off Indicates that the input is not activated at the HCU.
On Indicates that the input is activated at the HCU.

298 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Requested gear
Description: Indicates the requested gear from the HCU. Indicates which state the neutral
switch is in.
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Gear position
Parameter status: Neutral, Forward, Reverse
Neutral Neutral is the requested gear from the HCU.
Forward Forward is the requested gear from the HCU.
Reverse Reverse is the requested gear from the HCU.
Logging sub-parameter: Neutral switch state
Parameter status: Closed, Open
Closed Indicates that the lever is in neutral position. No gear is permitted to be
Open Indicates that the lever has been moved from neutral position. Requested
gear is permitted to be engaged.

Safety lanyard
Description: Indicates the status of the safety lanyard at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Safety lanyard
Parameter status: Not installed, Attached, Removed
Not installed Indicates that the safety lanyard is not attached.
Attached Indicates that the safety lanyard is attached.
Removed Indicates that the safety lanyard function is not activated.

Logging parameter: Slip value, Calibrated value
Description: Indicates the slip value.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Slip value, Calibrated value
Working range: 0–100 %

Steering wheel position

Description: Indicates the transmitted steering wheel position from the steering wheel to
the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering wheel position
Valid working range: ± 30 degrees

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30-2 Fault Tracing

Throttle calibrated position

Description: Indicates the requested throttle position from the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Throttle calibrated position
Working range: 0–100 %

Joystick button status

Description: Indicates the status of joystick buttons and the joystick LEDs at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D
Logging sub-parameter: • DPS button
• High speed button
• Docking button
Parameter status: Off, On
Off Indicates that the button is not activated. The function is not activated by the
On Indicates that the button is activated. The function is activated by the HCU.
Logging sub-parameter: • High speed LED
• Docking LED
Parameter status: Off, On, Flashing
Off Indicates that the button LED is not activated.
On Indicates that the button LED is activated. The function is activated by the
Flashing Indicates that the button LED is flashing. The function demanded can not be

Joystick X position
Description: Indicates the joystick horizontal movement sensor output voltage at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Joystick X position
Working range: 0–5 V
Full left 0V
No movement 2.5 V
Full right 5V

Joystick Y position
Description: Indicates the joystick vertical movement sensor output voltage at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Joystick Y position
Working range: 0–5 V
Full forward 0V
No movement 2.5 V
Full backwards 5V

300 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Joystick Z position
Description: Indicates the joystick turning movement sensor output voltage at the HCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Joystick Z position
Working range: 0–5 V
Full turn left 0V
No movement 2.5 V
Full turn right 5V

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30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 187: PCU

EVC configuration data PCU

Description: Indicates what EVC configuration the PCU detected during the auto config-
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Number of units
Description: Indicates how many ECUs been detected during auto configuration.
Working range: 0–4 units
Logging sub-parameter: Immobilizer
Parameter status: No parameter data is available.
Logging sub-parameter: Propulsion type
Description: Indicates which propulsion type the PCU detected during auto configuration.
Parameter status: Power Trim, Slip value, Not available
Power Trim A power trim angle sensor is detected during auto configuration.
(Must be present in a sterndrive installation).
Slip value A slip value is detected.
Not available No parameter data is available.
Logging sub-parameter: Gear sensor
Description: Indicates if any gearbox sensor is connected during auto configuration.
Parameter status: Connected, Not connected, Not available
Connected A gearbox sensor is detected by the PCU.
Not connected No gearbox sensor is detected by the PCU.
Not available No parameter data is available.
Logging sub-parameter: Gearbox type
Description: Indicates which gearbox type the PCU detected during auto configuration.
Parameter status: Bobtail, Electrical reverse gear, Mechanical gearbox (linear actuator), Not
Bobtail A bobtail installation is detected during auto configuration.
Electrical reverse gear An electrical reverse gear / IPS drive is detected during auto configuration.
Mechanical gearbox (linear A gear shift actuator is detected during auto configuration.
actuator) (Must be present in a sterndrive installation).
Not available No parameter data is available.
Logging sub-parameter: Engine type of current SW
Description: Indicates which engine type the PCU detected during auto configuration.
Parameter status: No engine, EDC7, EMS1, EMS2, EDC15, MEFI/EGC
No engine No EECU detected during auto configuration.
EDC7 An EDC7 EECU detected during auto configuration.
EMS1 An EMS1 EECU detected during auto configuration.
EMS2 An EMS2 EECU detected during auto configuration.
EDC15 An EDC15 EECU detected during auto configuration.
MEFI/EGC A MEFI/EGC EECU detected during auto configuration.

302 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

EVC bus power input (E)

(MID 187)

Description: Indicates the primary input voltage to the PCU.

Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: EVC bus power input (E)
Working range: 0–24 V
Normal value: Vbat+

Engine sync acknowledge

Description: Indicates the status of the helm
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Idle calibration
Parameter status: Inactive, Active
Inactive Indicates that idle calibration is not activated.
Active Indicates that idle calibration is activated.
Logging sub-parameter: Stop request
Parameter status: Inactive, Active
Inactive Indicates that a stop request is not received by the PCU.
Active Indicates that a stop request is received by the PCU.
Logging sub-parameter: Crank request
Parameter status: Inactive, Active
Inactive Indicates that a crank request is not received by the PCU.
Active Indicates that a crank request is received by the PCU.
Logging sub-parameter: Station status
Parameter status: Inactive, Active
Inactive Indicates that the station is not activated.
Active Indicates that station is activated.
Logging sub-parameter: Calibrated
Parameter status: Not calibrated, Calibrated
Not calibrated Indicates that no calibration has been performed.
Calibrated Indicates that lever calibration is performed.
Logging sub-parameter: Calibration Mode
Parameter status: Inactive, Active
Inactive Indicates that calibration mode is not activated.
Active Indicates that calibration mode is activated.
Logging sub-parameter: Master
Parameter status: Slave, Master
Slave Indicates that the station is a slave station.
Master Indicates that the station is a master station.

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30-2 Fault Tracing

Transmission range attained

Description: Indicates the requested gear status from the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Transmission range attained
Parameter status: D, N, R
D Forward solenoid output status on or potentiometer in forward calibrated
N Reverse and forward solenoid output status off or potentiometer in neutral
calibrated position.
R Reverse solenoid output status on or potentiometer in reverse calibrated

Fuel level
Description: Indicates the remaining fuel level.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Fuel level
Working range: 0-100 %

Transmission oil pressure

Description: Indicates the transmission oil pressure at the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Transmission oil pressure
Normal value: Please refer to the technical data for the gearbox.

Transmission oil temperature

Description: Indicates the transmission oil temperature at the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Transmission oil temperature
Normal value: Please refer to the technical data for the gearbox.

304 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Shift actuator position relative to

pot supply
Description: Indicates the potentiometer feedback voltage. The feedback voltage
depends on the selector fork position.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Shift actuator position relative to pot supply
Normal value:
DPH actuator U ≈ 1.3 V
SX actuator U ≈ 1.2 V
DPH actuator U ≈ 0.3 V
SX actuator U ≈ 0.6 V
DPH actuator U ≈ 2.2 V
SX actuator U ≈ 1.9 V

Potentiometer supply, shift actuator

Description: Indicates the primary input voltage to the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Potentiometer supply, shift actuator
Normal value: U ≈ 4.5 V

Transmission, sensor supply

Description: Indicates the transmission sensor voltage to the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Transmission, sensor supply
Normal value: U≈5V

Power trim position relative to pot

Description: Indicates the potentiometer feedback voltage. The feedback voltage
depends on the trim position.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D
Logging sub-parameter: Power trim position relative to pot supply
Normal value:
DPH U ≈ 3.2-3.7 V (depending on the trim angle)

Calibrated power trim position

Description: Indicates the actual drive angle.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D
Logging sub-parameter: Calibrated power trim position
Working range: -64° – 64°

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 305

30-2 Fault Tracing

Power trim control signal

Description: Indicates the power trim button status at the PCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • UP port
• DOWN port
• UP starboard
• DOWN starboard
Parameter status: Off, On, Error
Off Indicates that the PCU does not receive any change request. Power trim
button is not pushed.
On Indicates that the PCU receives a change request. Power trim button is
Error Indicates that there is a problem with the power trim control signal.

EVC bus status

Description: Indicates the driver status of the EVC bus.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: • CAN driver status, driver for EVC data bus
• C+ driver status, driver for Back-up power supply (not applicable
on all PCUs)
• E+ driver status, driver for Power supply
Parameter status: Off, On, Error
Off Indicates that the driver is shut off.
On Normal driver condition.
Error Indicates that there is a problem with the driver.

EVC status, reconfiguration

Description: Indicates the running condition of the system. A fault in the system can trigger
one or several of these system protection parameters.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Stop engine
Parameter description: Engine is stopped if this parameter is set.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Disable slip
Parameter description: The slip function is disabled if this parameter is set.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Engine limphome
Parameter description: Engine speed is limited if this parameter is set.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Gear to neutral
Parameter description: Gear is set to neutral if this parameter is set.

306 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Gear to neutral with recover
Parameter description: Gear is set neutral if this parameter is set. Possible to engage gear after
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Recover GTN
Parameter description: The parameter shows if GTN (Gear To Neutral) has been recovered.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Disable crank
Parameter description: Cranking is disabled if this parameter is set.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Disable crank with recover
Parameter description: Cranking is disabled if this parameter is set. Possible to crank after acknowl-
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Recover DC
Parameter description: The parameter shows if DC (Disable Crank) i.e. cranking has been recov-
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Lost active HCU
Parameter description: The parameter shows if an active HCU been lost.
Inactive Off
Active On
Logging sub-parameter: Recover lost HCU
Parameter description: The parameter shows if a HCU has been recovered.
Inactive Off
Active On

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 307

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 200: CPM

Active anode potential #1 / Active

anode potential #2
Description: Indicates the potential between the active anode and the drive leg.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Active anode potential #1 / Active anode potential #2
Working range: U ≈ 0-8 V

ECU state
Description: Indicates which mode the CPM is currently working in.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: ECU state
Parameter status: Failure, Maintenance, Functional
Failure Indicates that there is an error in the system.
Maintenance Indicates that the system is in maintenance mode.
Functional Indicates that the system is functioning normally.

Passive anode potential #1 / Passive

anode potentia l#2
Description: Indicates the potential between the zinc anode and the drive leg.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode potentia l#2
Normal value: U ≈ -1000 mV

Polarization current #1 / Polarization

current #2
Description: Indicates the output current.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2
Working range: I ≈ 0-3 A

Polarization potential #1 /
Polarization potential #2
Description: Indicates the potential between the drive leg and the reference cell.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2
Normal value: U ≈ -450 mV

308 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Protection measure #1 / Protection

measure #2
Description: Indicates which protection state (active / passive) that is being used. State
can be altered through EVC settings.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2
Parameter status: Degraded operational, Passive, Active, Degraded not operational
Degraded operational Indicates that the system is set to “Inactive”. No protection is available.
Passive Indicates that passive protection mode is being used.
Active Indicates that active protection mode is being used.
Degraded not operational Indicates that there is an error in the system. No protection is available.

Protection status #1 / Protection

status #2
Description: Indicates which protection status the ACP system is in.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Protection status #1 / Protection status #2
Parameter status: Red, Yellow, Green
Red Indicates that there is an error in the system. No or limited protection.
Yellow Indicates that there is an error in the system. Normal or limited protection.
Green Indicates that the system is functioning normally.

User mode
Description: Indicates which mode the ACP system is set in. Managed by user under
“Settings” in the EVC system.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: User mode
Parameter status: Inactive, Clorine gas free, Normal
Inactive Indicates that the system is not activated. Used when the boat is taken out
of the water. Passive anode protection is used.
Clorine gas free Passive anode protection is used. Switches to normal mode after 4 hours.
Normal Indicates that the system is functioning normally.

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 309

30-2 Fault Tracing

MID 250: SCU

Battery potential
Description: Indicates the battery potential at the SCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Battery potential
Normal value: Vbat+

Rudder angle
Description: Indicates the rudder angle value at the SCU. Rudder angle value depends of
the drive position sensors value.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Rudder angle
Working range: ± 25 degrees (DPH)
± 28 degrees (DPS)
Full turn PORT ≈ -25 degrees (DPH)
≈ -28 degrees (DPS)
Full turn STBD ≈ 25 degrees (DPH)
≈ 28 degrees (DPS)

Hydraulic oil temperature

Description: Indicates the hydraulic oil temperature sensor value at the SCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Hydraulic oil temperature
Alarm limit: > 125 °C (257 °F)

Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns

Description: Indicates the solenoid’s current consumption.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard)
Working range: 0-2.5 A
Full turn PORT I≈0A
Full turn STBD I ≈ 0-2.5 A

310 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

30-2 Fault Tracing

Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns

Description: Indicates the solenoid’s current consumption.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port)
Working range: 0-2.5 A
Full turn PORT I ≈ 0-2.5 A
Full turn STBD I≈0A

Steering solenoid (service valve)

Description: Indicates the solenoid’s current consumption.
Applicable system: EVC generation D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering solenoid (service valve)
Working range: 0-2.5 A
Ignition on I ≈ 0-2.5 A. Service valve activated.
Engine on I≈0A

Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port)

Description: Indicates the drive position sensor value at the SCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port)
Working range: 0.5-4.5 V
Full turn PORT U ≈ 0.5 V
Full turn STBD U ≈ 4.5 V

Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH

Description: Indicates the drive position sensor value at the SCU.
Applicable system: EVC generation C, D, E
Logging sub-parameter: Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH starboard)
Working range: 0.5-4.5 V
Full turn PORT U ≈ 4.5 V
Full turn STBD U ≈ 0.5 V

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30-2 Fault Tracing

312 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

88890016 Break-out cable
9998699 Break-out box pin configuration.

Box number Deutch pin number Connector

1–2 1–2 2-pin
3–5 1–3 3-pin
6–9 1–4 4-pin
10–15 1–6 6-pin
16–23 1–8 8-pin
24–35 1–12 12-pin

Pin configuration, PCU

X2 (Green) Data Link – EVC bus cable

X3 (Pink) Engine and transmission

X2 (Green)
1 System voltage, positive (+)
2 EVC bus L
3 System voltage, negative (-)
4 Power supply negative, back up (-)
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up (+)

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 313

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

X3 – Engine with reverse gear (Pink) X3 – Engine with sterndrive (Pink)

1 Not used 1 Power supply negative, potentiometer gear shift
2 Not used
2 Power supply negative, Power Trim potentiom-
3 Not used
4 Input signal, oil temperature sensor, reverse
3 Power trim feedback signal
4 Not used
5 J1587B – Diagnostic bus
5 J1587B – Diagnostic bus
6 Not used
6 Not used
7 CAN L – Data Link to Engine
7 CAN L – Data Link to Engine
8 Input signal, fuel level sensor
8 Input signal, fuel level sensor
9 Gearshift control, secondary (“High Side
switch”) 9 Gear shift actuator motor, reverse input
10 Gearshift control, primary (“Low Side switch”) 10 Gear shift actuator motor, reverse input
11 Negative (-) connection for rudder indicator, 11 Negative (-) connection for rudder indicator,
water level water level
12 Not used 12 Power supply positive, Power Trim potentiome-
13 Not used
13 Power supply positive, potentiometer gear shift
14 Negative (-) voltage, Engine and diagnostic con-
14 Negative (-) voltage, Engine and diagnostic con-
15 J1587A – Diagnostic bus
16 Input signal, rudder indicator
15 J1587A – Diagnostic bus
17 CAN H – Data Link to Engine
16 Input signal, rudder indicator
18 Gearshift control, primary (“High Side switch”)
17 CAN H – Data Link to Engine
19 Gearshift control, secondary (“Low Side switch”)
18 Gear shift actuator motor, forward input
20 Input signal, oil pressure sensor, reverse gear
19 Gear shift actuator motor, forward input
21 Not used
20 Not used
22 Trolling control, (“Low Side switch”)*
21 Feedback signal, potentiometer gear shift
23 Ignition signal, key switch actuator
24 Negative (-) connection for fuel level sensor 22 Control signal for Power Trim, UP
25 Trolling control, (“Low Side switch”)* 23 Ignition signal, key switch
26 Gearbox revolution pick up* 24 Negative (-) connection for fuel level sensor
27 Input signal, water level sensor 25 Control signal for Power Trim, DOWN
28 Power supply positive, Engine and diagnostic 26 Not used
27 Input signal, water level sensor
29 Power supply, reverse gear sensor*
28 Power supply, Engine and diagnostic connector

NOTICE! * Depending on the installation. 29 Not used

314 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

X8 Pin configuration, HCU

X2 (Green) Data Link – EVC bus cable

X4 (Grey) Key switch or start/stop panel

X5 (Yellow) Multilink – EVC display, NMEA interface,

X2 X2 engine synchronization

X8 (Brown) Steering – Steering signals from steering

wheel and joystick units to the HCU

P0010673 X4 X5

X2 (Green) X5 (Yellow)
1 System voltage, positive 1 CAN L (IN)
2 EVC bus L 2 CAN L (OUT)
3 System voltage, negative 3 CAN H (IN)
4 Power supply negative, back up 4 Power supply negative
5 EVC bus H 5 CAN H (OUT)
6 Power supply positive, back up 6 Power supply positive

X4 (Grey), STBD X8 (Brown)

1 Power supply negative 1 Power supply positive
2 Power supply positive 2 Steering control bus L
3 Not used 3 Power supply negative
4 LIN communication 4 Power supply negative, back up
5 Steering control bus H
X4 (Grey), PORT
6 Power supply positive, back up
1 Not used
2 Not used
3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply positive
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 LIN communication

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 315

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

Pin configuration, SUS

X2 (Green)
1 System voltage, positive
2 EVC bus L
3 System voltage, negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up

Pin configuration, CPM

X5 (Yellow) Data Link

1 CAN L (IN) 1 Power supply positive
2 CAN L (OUT) 2 J1708B
3 CAN H (IN) 3 Power supply negative
4 Power supply negative 4 Not used
5 CAN H (OUT) 5 J1708A
6 Power supply positive 6 Not used

Transom unit
1 Reference electrode 1
2 Reference electrode 2
3 Reference electrode 3
4 Not used
5 Active anode signal
6 Passive anode signal
7 Bonding cable input, STBD
8 Bonding cable input, PORT
9 Not used
10 Not used
11 Not used
12 Not used

316 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

Pin configuration, SCU

1 System voltage, positive

2 EVC bus L
3 System voltage, negative
4 Power supply negative, back up
5 EVC bus H
6 Power supply positive, back up

1 Power supply positive 22 Not used
2 Not used 23 Not used
3 Power supply positive, temperature sensor 24 Not used
4 Not used 25 Service valve (“Low side switch”)
5 Not used 26 Not used
6 Not used 27 Not used
7 Power supply positive, starboard drive position 28 Steering solenoid PORT (“Low side switch”)
sensor 29 Negative (-) voltage
8 Power supply positive, port drive position sensor 30 Not used
9 Not used 31 Not used
10 Service valve (“High side switch”) 32 Not used
11 Not used 33 Not used
12 Not used 34 Not used
13 Steering solenoid PORT (“High side switch”) 35 Not used
14 Steering solenoid STBD (“High side switch”) 36 Power supply negative, starboard drive position
15 Not used sensor
16 Not used 37 Power supply negative, port drive position sensor
17 Input signal, temperature sensor 38 Not used
18 Not used 39 Not used
19 Feedback signal, port drive position sensor 40 Not used
20 Feedback signal, starboard drive position sensor 41 Not used
21 Not used 42 Steering solenoid STBD (“Low side switch”)

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 317

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

Wiring Diagram
EVC single installation, main/secondary helm station


0 S




A EVC System Tachometer J PCU

B Instruments K EVC system display
C Start/stop panel L NMEA
D Control / HCU M Rudder indicator
E EVC control panel N Diagnosis (VODIA)
F Engine O Fuel level sender
G Main helm station P Freshwater level sender
H Key switch Q Secondary station
I AUX relay

318 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

Wiring diagram for electronic steering Schematic of the hydraulic valve plate








P1 T1

A Service valve (SV1)

B Port, steering solenoid (SP1)
C Starboard, steering solenoid (SP1)
D Temperature sensor (TP4)
E Power supply
F Drive position sensor


47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 319



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BATT+ J1587



H L BATT- BATT+ A B 1708

22 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A1 D1 A8 D8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 BATT-

















1 2 5 3 4 6

31 18 9 10 19 13 21 1 20 4 29 22 25 12 3 2 26
CAN H 17 Y/W1,0
1 1 J1939 GR/Y1,0








2 2

3 E- 29

4 4 C- 1 2
Y/W1,0 + -
5 5 CANH
B 5 W/SB1,0
6 6 C+ 29 POLECONNECTOR J1587 A 15 W1,0


BATT+ 28 SB0,75 85

BATT+ R/BL1,5 R/BL0,75

23 2

GN0,75 87a

BATT- 14
8 27 16 11
26 16 20

R/W2,5 R/W2,5
4 4
R/SB2,5 R/SB2,5
3 3
2 2


18 17

R2,5 R2,5 24V SYSTEM




1 1
1 2 23 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 4 EDC7C+(OUT)
3 3 EVC+(OUT) 25
2 2 BAT.- DC/DC








1 BAT.+(IN)
15 1 12V
44 19 45 35 34 53 52 3 9 14 15 10 39 1 7 12 13 5

9 13 4 12 3 6 11 16 10 15 5 14 25 24 23 30 21 29 10 28 19 9 33 36 18 34 17 20 27 12 7 5 8 3 13 16














37-0 Wiring Diagrams

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 TWISTED IN PAIRS


B+ B E



1 2 3 4 4 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3
1 2
1 2 3


n n p p C° C° p
1 2
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19



1. GROUND 1. +5V 1. GROUND 13 14 1. SIGNAL 2
3. +5V
3. NC
3. +5V

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

D4/D6 Cable colors

1 Battery BL = Blue R = Red
LBL = Light blue SB = Black
2 Battery main switch BN = Brown W = White
3 Starter motor LBN = Light brown Y = Yellow
GN = Green VO = Violet
4 Alternator GR = Grey P = Pink
5 Injector OR = Orange

6 Sensor, engine RPM

Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code
7 Sensor, camshaft RPM in the wiring schedule.
8 Boost air pressure / temperature When no cable area is specified, 0.75 mm2 (0.00116
in2) should be used.
9 Oil pressure, engine Broken cables (lines) are not connected by Volvo
10 Sensor, coolant temperature Penta.

11 Sensor, fuel temperature

NO = Normally open during operation.
12 Sensor, rail pressure
13 High pressure pump, fuel
14 Supercharger
15 Control unit, EDC7C1
16 Auto fuse, EDC7C1 (20 A)
17 Switch, engine stop
18 Switch, coolant
19 Switch, water in fuel
20 Auto fuse, EVC (20 A)
21 Control unit, PCU
22 Connector, customer interface
23 Connector, external sensors
24 Connector, diagnosis
25 Voltage converter
26 Connector, auto fuses (only D6)
27 Auto fuse, 50 A
28 Engine stop, relay
29 Connector, auto fire extenguisher
30 Resistor, 33 Ohm
31 Connector, HCU
32 Connector, DC/DC converter (12 V)

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 321








CAN 1708

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

BATT+ J1587



30 28 1708
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A1 D1 A8 D8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 J1587










27 1 2 3 4 5 6

18 9 10 19 13 21 1 20 4 29 22 25 12 3 2 26 Y/W1,0
1 R2,5 R2,5 CAN H 17
1 E+ J1939





2 Y/GR1,0 Y/GR1,0





3 SB2,5 SB2,5
3 E-

SB2,5 SB2,5
4 4 C-
Y/W1,0 Y/W1,0
R2,5 R2,5
B 5
6 6 C+

J1587 15


BATT+ 28


8 27 16 11 BATT- 14




29 1 2 3 4 5 6


17 24

1 2
1 2

+ -



SB1,0 85

R/BL1,0 87
2 30
11 3

2 R/BL2,5
R 12 SB
3 1
25 1
4 P2 SB 5
21 7 4

1 2 8 SB
1 86
SB Y/SB 85
4 SB SB 2 1
2P 1 87
6 2














11 2 16 17 18 27 28 52 56 8 10 23 57 60 29 37 51 55 58 59 61 5
h l h l

29 7 22 47 11 31 23 26 37 38 45 46 20 24 12 16 28 32 52 56 44 48 36 40 60 61 59 62 8 33 34 27 58 57






















4P SB Y1.0
3 31 30


2 1 4 M
Y1.0 1


37-0 Wiring Diagrams


R 3

1 4 D+ Signal
SB Y1.0
4 1 resistor



15 4 3 B+ B- M
2 1 Y1.0 G
1 SB Y2,5
Sense R25
2 Y1.0
4 Y1.0
2 1
CYL3 1 1
4 3
2 1 Y1.0
2 1 2 1
n n

4 3
14 13 2
1 Y1.0
37-0 Wiring Diagrams

EMS Cable colors

1 Battery BL = Blue R = Red
LBL = Light blue SB = Black
2 Starter motor BN = Brown W = White
3 Alternator LBN = Light brown Y = Yellow
GN = Green VO = Violet
4 Main relay GR = Grey P = Pink
5 Stop switch OR = Orange

6 Control unit, EMS 2.2

Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code
7 Sensor, coolant level in the wiring schedule.
8 Sensor, coolant temperature When no cable area is specified, 0.75 mm2 (0.00116
in2) should be used.
9 Sensor, boost air pressure / temperature Broken cables (lines) are not connected by Volvo
10 Sensor, oil pressure / temperature Penta.

11 Sensor, oil level

NO = Normally open during operation.
12 Sensor, crankcase pressure
13 Sensor, camshaft RPM
14 Sensor, crank / flywheel RPM
15 Sensor, piston cooling
16 Main switch
17 Connector, development tool
18 Unit injectors (6 pcs)
19 Auto fuses, 2 x 10 A
20 Switch, water in fuel
21 Fuel pressure
22 D+ signal, resistor 17 W 68 Ohm
23 External stop relay
24 Connector, external stop maneuvering
25 Supercharger
26 Switch, exhaust termperature (ABYC)
27 Control unit, PCU
28 Connector, diagnosis
29 Connector, sensor
30 Connector, engine interface
31 Connector, HCU
32 Junction box

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 323

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

EVC installations
D4/D6 Inboard, single installation
All connectors
(male and female)

8 W/GR
7 Y/GR
are viewed from cable side

12 -
11 -
10 -
Y/GR 1 6R
Y/GR 2 5 Y/W
Y/W 3 4 SB

5 Y/W
4 SB

SB 1

Multilink hub

Y/W 3
Y/GR 2
Y/GR 1

Male Female Main station
connector connector (Control lever)
(pin) (socket) X8 (BN)

R (red) + (positive)
SB (black) - (negative) R 6 1 R
2 Y/W
Y/GR 5
SB 4 3 SB

X5 (Y)
R 1 6 R
Y/W 2 5 Y/GR
SB 3 4 SB 1 Y/GR
R 6
Y/W 5 2 Y/GR
1 R SB 4 3 Y/W
R 6


Y/GR 5 2 Y/W

SB 4 3 SB
Key switch
Analog key interface
X2 (GN)



X4 (GR)

(30) R 1
(50) R/Y 2
- 3
(15a) R/BL 4
(S) VO 5
- 6

R 6 1 R VO 1 6R VO 1 6R
Y/GR 5 2 Y/W R/BL 2 5 SB R/BL 2 5 SB
SB 4 3 SB R/Y 3 4 SB R/Y 3 4-

for safety Buzzer
GN/SB 1 6 BL lanyard 1 SB
SB 2 5 R/GN 2R
BL/SB 3 4 GN

X3 (P)

SB 2
Reverse gear
pickup connection

Water level signal

Rudder angle sender


SB 2 Fuel level signal Reverse gear solenoids
P0014130 “SB=REF, GN/SB=SIGN”

324 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

D4/D6 Aquamatic, twin installation

8 W/GR
7 Y/GR
Y/GR 1 6R
Y/GR 2 5 Y/W

12 -
11 -
10 -
Y/W 3 4 SB

5 Y/W
4 SB

SB 1
Multilink hub

Y/W 3
Y/GR 2
Y/GR 1
Engine interface
STBD side

6 R

X2 (GN
R/W 1
HCU Main station

X5 (Y)
Y 2 5 LBL
SB/V 3 4 SB
(Control lever)
R1 6 R X8 (BN) Analog key interface
Y 2 5 GR
SB 3 4 SB STBD side
X8 (BN)

All connectors R 6 1 R
SB 1
R 2
4 Y
3 -
(male and female) Y/GR 5 2 Y/W
3 SB
SB 4
are viewed from
X2 (GN)

cable side

SB 3
R 6 1 R
Y/GR 5 2 Y/W
3 SB R 6 1 Y/GR
SB 4 2 Y/GR
Y/W 5


SB 4

R 1 6 R
Y/W 2 5 Y/GR
SB 3 4 SB Key switch
Analog key interface


Port side
(30) R 1
X4 (GR)

(50) R/Y 2
- 3
(15a) R/BL 4
R 1 6 R (S) VO 5
Y/W 2
SB 3 4 SB

R 6 1 R
Male Female Y/GR 5 2 Y/W VO 1
R/BL 2
6R VO 1
5 SB R/BL 2
5 SB
SB 4 3 SB
connector connector R/Y 3 4 SB R/Y 3 4 -
(pin) (socket) R 6 1 R
Connection for
Y/GR 5 2 Y/W Engine safety lanyard Buzzer
SB 4 3 SB
Interface 1 SB
R (red) + (positive) 2R
SB (black) - (negative)
R 1 6 R SCU
Y/W 2 5 Y/GR
GN/SB 1 6 BL
5 R/GN
Valve plate SB 3 4 SB
SB 2
BL/SB 3 4 GN
1 GN/R
2 W/O

Rudder angle sender

Water level signal PORT STBD
Steering Steering
O/W 1 1 O/Y

O/SB 2 2 Y/SB

SB 2 Fuel level signal Power supply
GN/R 1 6 W/SB
Y/R 1
W/R 3
BN 1 1 DGN
SB 2 W2 2W
DGN 3 3 BN
BL 1 6 W/GN
GN 2 5 W/SB 1 > 1 PORT 6 > 1 STBD
BL/GN 1 6-
5 BN/R
- 3 4 W/R Fuse 2 > 2 PORT 5 > 2 STBD
4 > 3 STBD
BN/SB 2 3 > 3 PORT
6 W/GN
BL/BN 3 4 BN/Y BL 1
GN 2 5 W/SB Switch

SB 1 6- - 3 4 W/R
SB 2 5 SB
SB 3 4 Y/GN
Actuator Power Trim Pump PORT STBD
P0014131 Battery Cylinder sensors

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 325

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

D3 Aquamatic, twin installation

“D3 Aquamatic, twin installation” generally conforms with “D4/D6 Aquamatic, twin installation” on the previous

The difference for D3 is that another type of cable is connected from the engine interface out to the actuator and
Power Trim pump. See illustration below.
Also there are some differences in the wiring out to the steering cylinders on installations with electronic steering.

32-pin cable from engine interface





SB 1 6- SB 1 6-
BL 2 5 SB GN 2 5 SB
BL/W 3 4R GN/W 3 4R

3 W/SB

BL/BN 1 6-
BN/SB 2 5 BN/R
BL/GN 3 4 BN/Y
1 BL
BN 1
BN 2
SB 2 LBL 3 4 Y/GN

Power supply to
Power Trim Pump Power Trim Pump

326 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-0 Wiring Diagrams

IPS, twin installation

8 W/GR
7 Y/GR

5 Y/W
Y/GR 1

4 SB
Y/GR 2 5 Y/W

12 -
11 -
10 -
Y/W 3 4 SB

Y/W 3
Y/GR 2
Y/GR 1

SB 1
Multilink hub Y/GR 1
Y/GR 2
5 Y/W
Y/W 3 4 SB
Y/GR 1 6R
Y/GR 2 5 Y/W
Y/W 3 4 SB

Engine interface
STBD side
HCU Main station

6 R

X2 (GN
R/W 1

X5 (Y)
Y 2 5 LBL
SB/V 3 4 SB (Control lever)

R1 6 R X8 (BN) Analog key interface

Y 2 5 GR
SB 3 4 SB STBD side
X8 (BN)

SB 1 4 Y
R 6 1 R R 2 3 -
Y/GR 5 2 Y/W
SB 4 3 SB

X2 (GN)

SB 3
R 6 1 Y/GR

2 Y/GR
Y/W 5

SB 4 3 Y/W
R 6 1 R
Y/GR 5 2 Y/W Engine
SB 4 3 SB
Interface Key switch
Analog key interface


Port side
(30) R 1
X4 (GR)

(50) R/Y 2
- 3
(15a) R/BL 4
GN/SB 1 6 BL (S) VO 5
SB 2 5 R/GN
BL/SB 3 4 GN

VO 1 6R VO 1 6R
R/BL 2 5 SB R/BL 2 5 SB
Rudder angle sender R/Y 3 4 SB R/Y 3 4 -
Water level signal “GR=REF, R/GN=SIGN” Connection for
“BL=REF, safety lanyard Buzzer


1 BL/SB 2R
GN/SB 1 “OIL TEMP/PRESSURE” All connectors
SB 2 Fuel level signal
CPM (male and female)
“SB=REF, R 1
3 SB
GN/SB=SIGN” are viewed from
cable side
X5 (Y)


R 1 6- GN/SB 2
2 Y/W

W/SB 2 5W
2 Y/GR
1 Y/GR

3 SB
3 Y/W

SB 3 4-
1 R

Y/GR 5 2 Y/W
SB 4 3 SB
SB 4
Y/GR 5
R 6
SB 4
Y/W 5
R 6


Y/GR 2 5 Y/W GR/SB 2
SB 3 4 SB R3

Port bonding Male Female

cable STBD bonding cable connector connector
(pin) (socket)

R (red) + (positive)
SB (black) - (negative)
P0014443 ACP unit

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 327

37-1 Cables

37-1 Cables
Transmission Cables
Without transmission interface
1 Primary solenoid valve, “High side”
2 Primary solenoid valve, “Low side”
3 Secondary solenoid valve, “High side”
B8 4 Secondary solenoid valve, “Low side”
B7 5 Low speed valve, "High side" PWM (ZF)
B6 6 Low speed valve, "Low side" PWM (ZF)
B4 7 Power supply, reverse gear sensor
8 Signal, reverse gear oil pressure sensor
9 Signal, oil temperature sensor, reverse gear
10 Negative reference
11 Shaft speed sensor
B8 W
5 Low speed valve, "High side" PWM (Twin disc)
B7 SB / W
6 Low speed valve, "Low side" PWM (Twin disc)

Type: HS

High side 1, 5A BL / GN 1 Primary solenoid, “High side” 1, 5A

1 A1
4 GR / OR Low side 1, 5A GN / SB 2 A8 2 Primary solenoid, “Low side” 1, 5A
9 BL / BN
High side 2, 5A BL / BN 3
10 GN / SB D1 3 Secondary solenoid, “High side” 2, 5A
11 SB Low side 1, 5A BN / SB 4
18 BL / GN D8
GR / BL 4 Secondary solenoid, “Low side” 1, 5A
19 BN / SB 5
20 BL / OR BL / SB 5 Not used
22 BL / SB
R 6 Not used
25 GR / BL 7
26 GR / SB BL / OR
8 7 Not used
29 R
a 9 8 Not used
10 D6 9 Negative reference
11 D5 10 Level/RPM negative
p0005146 b
11 RPM signal
a PCU connector X3
b Gearbox connector (ZF)

328 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-1 Cables

A1 BL/GN With transmission interface

C2 R
C3 BL/OR 1
C4 GR/OR 2
C5 3
SB 4
D7 1 GR/BL 2 BN/SB
D8 2 BL/SB

P0011379 “REV. PICK-UP”

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 329

37-1 Cables

AQ cable
C8 1
D2 W/R
D5 BN/R 5
D7 6




330 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-1 Cables

IPS cable
C4 R(2)
R(1) 1
D3 2
D4 SB(1)
D5 4


R(2) 1
SB(2) 3
P0008778 6 “Z1-DATA LINK”

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 331

37-1 Cables

IPS2/IPS3 cable
A2 R
A7 R
B1 VO/W 2
OR/W 3
B4 4
B5 5
Y/OR 6
C4 R
C6 W
R 1
D3 4
D8 GN/SB 1
1 2

R 2

“P Y”


R 1
Y/GR 2
R 1 SB 3
SB 3 Y/W
4 R

332 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

37-1 Cables

HS cable
C6 “B”




SB 2

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 333

39-0 General

39-0 General
MID 164: HCU
MID 164, PPID 289 Power trim control signal page 32 289 4
MID 164, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) page 33 393 4, 11
MID 164, PPID 394 Key supply page 35 394 3, 4
MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 37 424 2, 12
MID 164, PPID 1588 Safety lanyard status page 39 1588 3, 4
MID 164, PPID 1590 Station panel page 40 1590 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1591 Sport Fish panel page 42 1591 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1592 Cruise control panel page 44 1592 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1593 Power trim panel page 46 1593 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1594 Docking panel page 48 1594 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1595 Start stop panel page 50 1595 4, 9
MID 164, PPID 1677 EVC bus power input (C) page 52 1677 3, 4
MID 164, PPID 1749 Control lever button status page 54 1749 4
MID 164, SID 226 Transmission neutral switch page 25 226 3, 7
MID 164, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link page 27 231 2
MID 164, SID 240 Program memory page 28 240 2
MID 164, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM page 29 253 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13
MID 164, SID 254 Controller 1 page 31 254 14
MID 164, PSID 63 External lever page 55 63 2, 3, 5, 9, 12
MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick page 60 64 2, 9, 12
MID 164, PSID 65 Joystick On button page 63 65 4
MID 164, PSID 66 Joystick High button page 64 66 4
MID 164, PSID 67 Joystick position divergence page 65 67 10
MID 164, PSID 69 Menu Control Knob page 66 69 3, 9
MID 164, PSID 79 GPS sensor node page 67 79 9
MID 164, PSID 80 Multisensor page 68 80 9
MID 164, PSID 82 Helm station transfer function page 69 82 2, 8, 10
MID 164, PSID 83 Single lever control data component page 70 83 2, 9, 10
MID 164, PSID 84 DPS button page 71 84 4
MID 164, PSID 87 Electronic Key page 72 87 3, 4, 9
MID 164, PSID 88 Control lever sensor page 75 88 2, 12
MID 164, PSID 92 Detection fault for external compo- 92 12
nents page 76
MID 164, PSID 94 Incompatible EVC software page 77 94 2, 8, 9, 12
MID 164, PSID 95 Lever detection page 78 95 7, 12

334 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

39-0 General


MID 164, PSID 96 Calibrated lever travel too small page 79 96 13
MID 164, PSID 97 Lever calibration procedure page 80 97 13
MID 164, PSID 98 Lever(s) not calibrated page 81 98 13
MID 164, PSID 99 EVC Bus network configuration fault page 82 99 12, 14
MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link page 83 133 2, 5, 9
MID 164, PSID 134 Steering wheel module page 87 134 12
MID 164, PSID 135 Steering wheel brake page 88 135 12
MID 164, PSID 136 Steering wheel controller page 89 136 12
MID 164, PSID 137 Rudder angle page 90 137 9, 12
MID 164, PSID 138 Steering position divergence page 92 138 7, 10
MID 164, PSID 139 Autopilot page 93 139 2, 9
MID 164, PSID 140 Incompatible helm station software page 95 140 12
MID 164, PSID 163 Data Link, MID 200 page 96 163 9
MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164 page 97 209 8, 9
MID 164, PSID 218 Data link 2, MID187 page 99 218 8, 9
MID 164, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, 226 9
MID164 page 101
MID 164, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 102 231 2, 12
MID 164 PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control link page 103 232 2, 5

MID 130: MGX

MID 130, PID 127 Transmission oil pressure page 105 127 5
MID 130, PID 161 Input shaft speed page 106 161 12
MID 130, PID 168 Battery potential page 107 168 4
MID 130, PID 177 Transmission oil temperature page 108 177 5
MID 130, PID 190 Engine speed page 109 190 9
MID 130, PID 191 Output shaft speed page 110 191 12
MID 130, PPID 40 Requested gear page 114 40 9
MID 130, PPID 53 Requested percent clutch slip page 115 53 2
MID 130, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link page 111 231 2
MID 130, PSID 20 Transm. primary solenoid page 112 20 12
MID 130, PSID 22 Transm. secondary solenoid page 113 22 12

MID 187: PCU

MID 187, PID 96 Fuel level page 116 96 3, 4
MID 187, PID 127 Transmission oil pressure page 117 127 1, 3, 4, 7, 12
MID 187, PID 177 Gearbox oil temperature page 120 177 0, 3, 4, 7
MID 187, PID 191 Output shaft speed page 123 191 2, 5, 7, 10
MID 187, PPID 40 Requested gear page 133 40 7, 9

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 335

39-0 General

MID 187, PPID 53 Requested percent clutch slip page 134 53 9

MID 187, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) page 135 393 3
MID 187, PPID 398 Shift actuator position relative to pot sup- 398 3, 4
ply page 136
MID 187, PPID 399 Potentiometer supply, shift actua- 399 3, 4
tor page 138
MID 187, PPID 400 Transmission, sensor supply page 140 400 3, 4
MID 187, PPID 401 Power trim position relative to pot sup- 401 3, 4
ply page 142
MID 187, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link page 126 231 2, 9, 12
MID 187, SID 240 Program memory page 129 240 2
MID 187, SID 250 SAE J1708/J1587 data link page 130 250 12
MID 187, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM page 131 253 2, 12
MID 187, SID 254 Controller 1 page 132 254 14
MID 187, PSID 10 Incompatible engine type page 144 10 12
MID 187, PSID 14 Detection fault for external compo- 14 12
nents page 145
MID 187, PSID 16 Incompatible EVC software page 146 16 12
MID 187, PSID 17 EVC Bus network configuration 17 12, 14
fault page 147
MID 187, PSID 19 EVC Bus Power Output C (High Side 19 12
Switch) page 148
MID 187, PSID 20 Transm. primary solenoid (positive supply 20 4, 5, 6
switch) page 149
MID 187, PSID 22 Transm. secondary solenoid (positive supply 22 4, 5, 6
switch) page 151
MID 187, PSID 24 Gear actuator eng. direction 1 (pos. supply 24 7
sw.) page 153
MID 187, PSID 30 POWER TRIM - Motor direction UP (Pos. sup- 30 3, 7
ply sw.) page 155
MID 187, PSID 31 POWER TRIM - Motor direction DOWN (Pos. 31 3, 7
supply sw.) page 157
MID 187, PSID 32 EVC Bus Communication with Active Helm 32 9, 10
Failure page 159
MID 187, PSID 107 Shift actuator potentiometer page 160 107 3, 4
MID 187, PSID 130 Clear wake exhaust bypass page 162 130 10
MID 187, PSID 163 Data link, MID 200 page 163 163 12
MID 187, PSID 200 Data Link, MID128 page 164 200 8, 9, 12
MID 187, PSID 205 Data link, MID 130 page 166 205 9
MID 187, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, Datalink2, 226 9
MID164 page 167
MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 168 231 2
MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1, Control 232 2, 5
link page 169

336 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

39-0 General

MID 200: CPM

MID 200, PPID 344 Active anode potential #1 page 171 344 0, 3, 4
MID 200, PPID 345 Passive anode potential #1 page 173 345 3, 4
MID 200. PPID 346 Active anode potential #2 page 175 346 0, 3, 4
MID 200, PPID 347 Passive anode potential #2 page 177 347 3, 4
MID 200, PPID 444 Polarization potential #1 page 179 444 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13
MID 200, PPID 445 Polarization current #2 page 183 445 0, 1, 5, 6
MID 200, PPID 446 Polarization potential #2 page 185 446 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13
MID 200, PPID 447 Polarization current #1 page 189 447 0, 1, 5, 6
MID 200, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link page 191 231 2
MID 200, SID 240 Program memory page 192 240 2
MID 200, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM page 193 253 2, 14
MID 200, SID 254 Controller 1 page 194 254 8, 12
MID 200, PSID 209 Data link, MID 164 page 195 209 9

MID 250: SUS

MID 250, PID 168 Battery potential page 222 168 0, 1
MID 250, PPID 55 ECU temperature page 202 55 12
MID 250, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) page 203 393 4
MID 250, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 204 424 2, 12
MID 250, PPID 426 Rudder angle page 205 426 2, 5, 6, 7
MID 250, PPID 427 Servo motor temperature page 207 427 0, 1
MID 250, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link page 197 231 2
MID 250, SID 240 Program memory page 198 240 2
MID 250, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM page 199 253 2, 12, 13
MID 250, SID 254 Controller 1 page 200 254 2, 8, 9, 11, 12,
MID 250, PSID 1 EVC bus network config page 208 1 12, 14
MID 250, PSID 2 EVC bus power output C page 209 2 4
MID 250, PSID 3 Servo motor page 210 3 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 10, 12
MID 250, PSID 4 Rudder brake page 215 4 5, 6, 7, 14
MID 250, PSID 6 EVC Bus Communication page 216 6 9, 10
MID 250, PSID 92 Detection fault for external compo- 92 12
nents page 218
MID 250, PSID 209 Datalink, MID164 page 219 209 12
MID 250, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1, SubNet 1, Control 232 2, 5
link page 220

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 337

39-0 General

MID 250: SCU

MID 250, PID 168 Battery potential page 222 168 0, 1
MID 250, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) page 226 393 0,1
MID 250, PPID 424 Steering wheel position page 227 424 2, 12
MID 250, PPID 426 Rudder angle page 228 426 8, 11
MID 250, PPID 1156 Hydraulic oil temp page 230 1156 0, 3, 4
MID 250, PPID 1559 Steering solenoid STBD page 232 1559 5, 6, 12
MID 250, PPID 1560 Steering solenoid PORT page 235 1560 5, 6, 12
MID 250, PPID 1561 Steering solenoid (service 1561 5, 7, 12
valve) page 237
MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH 1670 3, 4
port) page 240
MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH star- 1671 3, 4
board) page 243
MID 250, PPID 1677 EVC bus power input (C) page 246 1677 0, 1
MID 250, SID 240 Program memory page 223 240 2
MID 250, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM page 224 253 2, 12
MID 250, SID 254 Controller 1 page 225 254 14
MID 250, PSID 1 EVC bus network config page 248 1 9, 12, 14
MID 250, PSID 2 EVC bus power output C page 249 2 4
MID 250, PSID 5 Incompatible EVC software page 250 5 8, 12
MID 250, PSID 6 EVC Bus Communication page 251 6 9
MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and steering sen- 9 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
sors page 252
MID 250, PSID 10 Steering Control Unit page 257 10 7
MID 250, PSID 92 Detection fault for external compo- 92 12
nents page 259
MID 250, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id page 260 231 12
MID 250, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1, SubNet 1, Control 232 2, 5
link page 261

338 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

Alphabetical index
A Fault Tracing............................................................ 22
About this Workshop manual..................................... 2 Fault tracing in the EVC system............................... 22
Active anode potential #1 / Active anode poten- Fault tracing of cables and connectors..................... 23
tial #2...................................................................... 308 Fuel level................................................................ 304
Alarm Display............................................................. 8 G
B General..................................................... 2, 7, 22, 334
Battery potential..................................................... 310 H
C Hydraulic oil temperature....................................... 310
Cables.................................................................... 328 I
Calibrated power trim position................................ 305 Index....................................................................... 334
Checking Autopilot Gateway LED.......................... 289 J
Checking Instruments............................................... 21 Joystick button status............................................. 300
Checking the actuator / shift solenoid output Joystick X position.................................................. 300
driver voltage.......................................................... 282 Joystick Y position.................................................. 300
Checking the clear wake exhaust valve................. 284 Joystick Z position.................................................. 301
Checking the CPM signals..................................... 296
Checking the diesel key switch diode............. 265, 287 K
Checking the DPS bus........................................... 267 Key panel status..................................................... 298
Checking the drive position sensor........................ 286 Key supply.............................................................. 298
Checking the EVC bus........................................... 264 M
Checking the fuel level sensor............................... 271 Malfunctions............................................................. 17
Checking the gear shift actuator potentiometer...... 280 Measurements........................................................ 263
Checking the hydraulic steering oil temperature MID 130, PID 127 Transmission oil pressure......... 105
sensor..................................................................... 292 MID 130, PID 161 Input shaft speed...................... 106
Checking the multilink bus...................................... 266 MID 130, PID 168 Battery potential........................ 107
Checking the PCU-EECU wiring............................ 279 MID 130, PID 177 Transmission oil temperature... 108
Checking the power trim control signal.................. 290 MID 130, PID 190 Engine speed............................ 109
Checking the power trim potentiometer.................. 288 MID 130, PID 191 Output shaft speed................... 110
Checking the propeller shaft speed sensor............ 276 MID 130, PPID 40 Requested gear........................ 114
Checking the shift solenoid.................................... 277 MID 130, PPID 53 Requested percent clutch slip.. 115
Checking the signals between the HCU and the MID 130, PSID 20 Transm. primary solenoid......... 112
AKI.......................................................................... 268 MID 130, PSID 22 Transm. secondary solenoid.... 113
Checking the signals between the key switch MID 130, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link................. 111
and the AKI............................................................. 269 MID 164 PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1,
Checking the slip solenoid...................................... 278 Control link............................................................. 103
Checking the steering / service solenoid................ 294 MID 164, PPID 1588 Safety lanyard status.............. 39
Checking the steering control bus.......................... 270 MID 164, PPID 1590 Station panel.......................... 40
Checking the transmission oil pressure sensor...... 272 MID 164, PPID 1591 Sport Fish panel..................... 42
Checking the transmission oil temperature sensor 274 MID 164, PPID 1592 Cruise control panel............... 44
Component location................................................... 9 MID 164, PPID 1593 Power trim panel.................... 46
Control lever button status..................................... 297 MID 164, PPID 1594 Docking panel......................... 48
Cranking the IPS unit............................................. 291 MID 164, PPID 1595 Start stop panel...................... 50
D MID 164, PPID 1677 EVC bus power input (C)........ 52
Design and Function.................................................. 7 MID 164, PPID 1749 Control lever button status..... 54
Driveline status....................................................... 298 MID 164, PPID 289 Power trim control signal.......... 32
MID 164, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E)......... 33
E MID 164, PPID 394 Key supply................................ 35
ECU state............................................................... 308 MID 164, PPID 424 Steering wheel position............ 37
Electrical Welding..................................................... 18 MID 164, PSID 133 Steering wheel data link........... 83
Engine sync acknowledge...................................... 303 MID 164, PSID 134 Steering wheel module............. 87
EVC bus power input (E)................................ 298, 303 MID 164, PSID 135 Steering wheel brake................ 88
EVC bus status....................................................... 306 MID 164, PSID 136 Steering wheel controller.......... 89
EVC configuration data PCU.................................. 302 MID 164, PSID 137 Rudder angle............................ 90
EVC installations.................................................... 324 MID 164, PSID 138 Steering position divergence.... 92
EVC status, reconfiguration.................................... 306 MID 164, PSID 139 Autopilot................................... 93
EVC System............................................................... 7 MID 164, PSID 140 Incompatible helm station
F software.................................................................... 95
Fault Codes.............................................................. 25 MID 164, PSID 163 Data Link, MID 200................... 96

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 339

MID 164, PSID 209 Data link, MID164..................... 97 MID 187, PSID 20 Transm. primary solenoid
MID 164, PSID 218 Data link 2, MID187.................. 99 (positive supply switch).......................................... 149
MID 164, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link, MID 187, PSID 200 Data Link, MID128.................. 164
Datalink2, MID164.................................................. 101 MID 187, PSID 205 Data link, MID 130.................. 166
MID 164, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id............ 102 MID 187, PSID 22 Transm. secondary solenoid
MID 164, PSID 63 External lever............................. 55 (positive supply switch).......................................... 151
MID 164, PSID 64 Joystick....................................... 60 MID 187, PSID 226 SAE J1939 Data Link,
MID 164, PSID 65 Joystick On button...................... 63 Datalink2, MID164.................................................. 167
MID 164, PSID 66 Joystick High button................... 64 MID 187, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id............ 168
MID 164, PSID 67 Joystick position divergence....... 65 MID 187, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1 SubNet 1,
MID 164, PSID 69 Menu Control Knob.................... 66 Control link............................................................. 169
MID 164, PSID 79 GPS sensor node....................... 67 MID 187, PSID 24 Gear actuator eng. direction
MID 164, PSID 80 Multisensor................................. 68 1 (pos. supply sw.)................................................. 153
MID 164, PSID 82 Helm station transfer function..... 69 MID 187, PSID 30 POWER TRIM - Motor direc-
MID 164, PSID 83 Single lever control data tion UP (Pos. supply sw.)....................................... 155
component................................................................ 70 MID 187, PSID 31 POWER TRIM - Motor direc-
MID 164, PSID 84 DPS button................................. 71 tion DOWN (Pos. supply sw.)................................. 157
MID 164, PSID 87 Electronic Key............................ 72 MID 187, PSID 32 EVC Bus Communication
MID 164, PSID 88 Control lever sensor................... 75 with Active Helm Failure......................................... 159
MID 164, PSID 92 Detection fault for external MID 187, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link................. 126
components.............................................................. 76 MID 187, SID 240 Program memory...................... 129
MID 164, PSID 94 Incompatible EVC software........ 77 MID 187, SID 250 SAE J1708/J1587 data link....... 130
MID 164, PSID 95 Lever detection........................... 78 MID 187, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM.. 131
MID 164, PSID 96 Calibrated lever travel too small. 79 MID 187, SID 254 Controller 1............................... 132
MID 164, PSID 97 Lever calibration procedure........ 80 MID 200, PPID 344 Active anode potential #1....... 171
MID 164, PSID 98 Lever(s) not calibrated................ 81 MID 200, PPID 345 Passive anode potential #1.... 173
MID 164, PSID 99 EVC Bus network configu- MID 200, PPID 347 Passive anode potential #2.... 177
ration fault................................................................. 82 MID 200, PPID 444 Polarization potential #1......... 179
MID 164, SID 226 Transmission neutral switch....... 25 MID 200, PPID 445 Polarization current #2........... 183
MID 164, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link................... 27 MID 200, PPID 446 Polarization potential #2......... 185
MID 164, SID 240 Program memory........................ 28 MID 200, PPID 447 Polarization current #1........... 189
MID 164, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM.... 29 MID 200, PSID 209 Data link, MID 164.................. 195
MID 164, SID 254 Controller 1................................. 31 MID 200, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link................. 191
MID 187, PID 127 Transmission oil pressure......... 117 MID 200, SID 240 Program memory...................... 192
MID 187, PID 177 Gearbox oil temperature........... 120 MID 200, SID 253 Calibration memory EEPROM.. 193
MID 187, PID 191 Output shaft speed................... 123 MID 200, SID 254 Controller 1............................... 194
MID 187, PID 96 Fuel level.................................... 116 MID 200. PPID 346 Active anode potential #2....... 175
MID 187, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E)....... 135 MID 250, PID 168 Battery potential................ 196, 222
MID 187, PPID 398 Shift actuator position rel- MID 250, PPID 1156 Hydraulic oil temp................. 230
ative to pot supply.................................................. 136 MID 250, PPID 1559 Steering solenoid STBD....... 232
MID 187, PPID 399 Potentiometer supply, shift MID 250, PPID 1560 Steering solenoid PORT....... 235
actuator.................................................................. 138 MID 250, PPID 1561 Steering solenoid (service
MID 187, PPID 40 Requested gear........................ 133 valve)...................................................................... 237
MID 187, PPID 400 Transmission, sensor supply.. 140 MID 250, PPID 1670 Steering sensor (DPS top,
MID 187, PPID 401 Power trim position relative DPH port)............................................................... 240
to pot supply........................................................... 142 MID 250, PPID 1671 Steering sensor (DPS bot-
MID 187, PPID 53 Requested percent clutch slip.. 134 tom, DPH starboard).............................................. 243
MID 187, PSID 10 Incompatible engine type......... 144 MID 250, PPID 1677 EVC bus power input (C)...... 246
MID 187, PSID 107 Shift actuator potentiometer... 160 MID 250, PPID 393 EVC Bus power input (E) 203, 226
MID 187, PSID 130 Clear wake exhaust bypass... 162 MID 250, PPID 424 Steering wheel position.. 204, 227
MID 187, PSID 14 Detection fault for external MID 250, PPID 426 Rudder angle.................. 205, 228
components............................................................ 145 MID 250, PPID 427 Servo motor temperature....... 207
MID 187, PSID 16 Incompatible EVC software...... 146 MID 250, PPID 55 ECU temperature..................... 202
MID 187, PSID 163 Data link, MID 200.................. 163 MID 250, PSID 1 EVC bus network config..... 208, 248
MID 187, PSID 17 EVC Bus network configu- MID 250, PSID 10 Steering Control Unit................ 257
ration fault............................................................... 147 MID 250, PSID 2 EVC bus power output C.... 209, 249
MID 187, PSID 19 EVC Bus Power Output C MID 250, PSID 209 Datalink, MID164.................... 219
(High Side Switch).................................................. 148 MID 250, PSID 231 Incompatible chassi id............ 260

340 47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA

Alphabetical index
MID 250, PSID 232 SAE J1939-1, SubNet 1, W
Control link..................................................... 220, 261 Wiring Diagram....................................................... 318
MID 250, PSID 3 Servo motor................................ 210 Wiring Diagrams..................................................... 313
MID 250, PSID 4 Rudder brake.............................. 215
MID 250, PSID 5 Incompatible EVC software........ 250
MID 250, PSID 6 EVC Bus Communication... 216, 251
MID 250, PSID 9 Steering Control Unit and
steering sensors..................................................... 252
MID 250, PSID 92 Detection fault for external
components.................................................... 218, 259
MID 250, SID 231 SAE J1939 data link................. 197
MID 250, SID 240 Program memory.............. 198, 223
MID 250, SID 253 Calibration memory
EEPROM........................................................ 199, 224
MID 250, SID 254 Controller 1....................... 200, 225
Panels.................................................................... 297
Passive anode potential #1 / Passive anode
potentia l#2............................................................. 308
Polarization current #1 / Polarization current #2.... 308
Polarization potential #1 / Polarization potential #2 308
Potentiometer supply, shift actuator....................... 305
Power trim control signal........................................ 306
Power trim position relative to pot supply............... 305
Programming an empty control unit......................... 20
Protection measure #1 / Protection measure #2.... 309
Protection status #1 / Protection status #2............. 309
Repair Instructions................................................... 16
Repair instructions...................................................... 3
Reprogramming a control unit.................................. 19
Requested gear...................................................... 299
Rudder angle.......................................................... 310
Safety Instructions...................................................... 4
Safety lanyard........................................................ 299
Schematic symbols................................................ 263
Shift actuator position relative to pot supply........... 305
Special Service Tools................................................. 6
Steering sensor (DPS bottom, DPH starboard)...... 311
Steering sensor (DPS top, DPH port)..................... 311
Steering solenoid (service valve)........................... 311
Steering solenoid PORT (boat turns port).............. 311
Steering solenoid STBD (boat turns starboard)..... 310
Steering wheel position.......................................... 299
Throttle calibrated position..................................... 300
Transmission Cables.............................................. 328
Transmission oil pressure...................................... 304
Transmission oil temperature................................. 304
Transmission range attained.................................. 304
Transmission, sensor supply.................................. 305
User mode.............................................................. 309
Values.................................................................... 299
VODIA Log Parameters.......................................... 297

47701823 11-2012 © AB VOLVO PENTA 341

References to Service Bulletins

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AB Volvo Penta
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47701823 English 11–2012

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