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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved.

This material is protected under all copyright laws as they

currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–1.  Determine the distance x = xcr over the flat plate to 4 fts
where the boundary layer for kerosene at T = 68°F begins
to transition from laminar to turbulent flow.

We will consider the flow as steady, and the kerosene as incompressible. From the
table in Appendix A, rke = 1.58 slug>ft3 and vke = 25.4(10-6) ft2 >s for kerosene
at T = 68°F. The transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layers occurs at
critical Reynolds number of 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2.

Uxcr 14 ft>s2xcr
1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
vke 25.4110-6 2 ft2 >s
xcr = 3.175 ft Ans.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

xcr = 3.175 ft


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–2.  The boundary layer for wind blowing over rough terrain 10 ms
can be approximated by the equation u>U = 3y> 1y + 0.0224,
where y is in meters. If the free-stream velocity of the wind is
10 m>s, determine the velocity at y = 0.2 m and at y = 0.4 m
from the ground.

We will consider the flow steady, and air as incompressible.
u y
U y + 0.02
y 10y
u = a bU = a b m>s
y + 0.02 y + 0.02
At y = 0.2 m,
Th nd co of y th

u y = c d m>s = 9.09 m>s Ans.

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

= 0.2 m
0.2 + 0.02
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


At y = 0.4 m,
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

u y = c d m>s = 9.52 m>s Ans.

d o it

= 0.4 m
by r th g s (in ork

0.4 + 0.02
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

u  y = 0.2 m = 9.09 m>s
u  y = 0.4 m = 9.52 m>s


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–3.  Water at 60°F flows over the top surface of the plate. 2 ft
If the free-stream velocity is 1.5 ft>s, determine the boundary
layer disturbance thickness and momentum thickness at the
back end of the plate.
4 ft

1.5 fts

The flow is steady, and the water is incompressible. The transition from
laminar to turbulent boundary layer occurs at the critical Reynolds number of
1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2. From the table in Appendix A, vke = 12.2110-6 2 ft2 >s for water
at 60°F.

Uxcr 11.5 ft>s2xcr

1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
vw 12.2110-6 2 ft2 >s
xcr = 4.067 ft
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Since xcr 7 L = 4 ft, the boundary layer is laminar over the entire length of the
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

plate. At the end of the plate, x = L = 4 ft. The Reynolds number at this point is
k ide an art egr

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

Ux 11.5 ft>s2(4 ft)

ec ly s w he

Rex = = = 4.9181105 2
te fo sin or w

v 12.2110 - 6 2 ft2 >s

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

Then the boundary layer disturbance thickness at the end of the plate can be
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

5.0x 5.014 ft2 12 in.

co cto . D W mit

d = = = 10.02852 ft2a b = 0.342 in. Ans.

py rs is or ted

5 1 ft
2Rex 4.918110 2
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

And the momentum thickness of the boundary layer can be determined.

la ach at de
s ing ion We

0.664x 0.66414 ft2 12 in.

Θ = = = 33.787110-3 2 ft4 a b = 0.0454 in. Ans.
2Rex 24.918110 2 5 1 ft

d = 0.342 in.
Θ = 0.0454 in.


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–4.  If the free-stream velocity of water at 60°F is 1.5 ft>s, 2 ft

determine the friction drag acting on the surface of the plate.

4 ft

1.5 fts

The flow is steady and the water is in compression. The transition from laminar to
turbulent boundary layer occurs at the critical Reynolds number of 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2.
From the table in Appendix A, rw = 1.939 slug>ft3. and vx = 12.2110-6 2 ft2 >s for
water at 60°F.
Uxcr 11.5 ft>s2xcr
1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
vx 12.2110-6 2 ft2 >s
xcr = 4.067 ft.
Th nd co of y th

Since xcr 7 L = 4 ft, the boundary layer is laminar over entire length of the plate.
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

At the end of the plate, x = L = 4 ft, and the Reynolds number at this point is
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


11.5 ft>s214 ft2


pr d s as f th y o

ReL = = = 4.9181105 2
ot ole se is f t

12.2110-6 2 ft2 >s

ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

Then, the friction drag on the plate can be determined.

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

0.664brU 2L
d of t le ng is n

FDf =
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

0.66412 ft211.939 slug>ft3 211.5 ft>s2 2 14 ft2

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

24.9181105 2
la ach at de
s ing ion We

= 0.0330 lb  Ans.

FDf = 0.0330 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 932 16/03/17 10:36 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–5.  Wind flows along the side of the rectangular sign. If 12 ft

the air is at a temperature of 60°F and has a free-stream
velocity of 6 ft>s, determine the friction drag on the front
surface of the sign.
6 fts 6 ft

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady. From Appendix A,
r = 0.00237 slug>ft2 and n = 0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s. The t­ransition from a laminar
boundary layer occurs at a critical Reynolds number of ( Rex ) cr = 5 ( 105 ) .
( Rex ) cr =
( 6 ft>s ) x cr
5 ( 105 ) =
0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s
Th nd co of y th

xcr = 13.17 ft
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

Since xcr 7 L = 12 ft, the boundary layer for the entire length of the signboard is

pr d s as f th y o

laminar. Here, the Reynolds number at x = L = 12 ft is

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

UL ( 6 ft>s ) (12 ft)

d o it

= 4.557 ( 105 )
by r th g s (in ork

ReL = =
0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

0.664brU 2L 0.664(6 ft) ( 0.00237 slug>ft3 )( 6 ft>s ) 2(12 ft)

co cto . D W mit

FD = =
py rs is or ted

24.557 ( 105 )
rig in se ld .

2Re L

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

= 0.00604 lb Ans.

s ing ion We

FD = 0.00604 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 933 16/03/17 3:45 PM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–6.  If the disturbance thickness of a laminar boundary

layer of oil at a distance of 0.75 m from a plate’s front edge
is 10 mm, determine the free-stream velocity of the oil. Take
no = 40110-6 2 m2 >s.

The flow is steady and the oil is incompressible. The Reynolds number at x = 0.75 m is
Ux U10.75 m2
Rex = = = 18.751103 2U
no 40110-6 2 m2 >s
Using the laminar disturbance thickness gives
5.0x 5.010.75 m2
d = ; 0.01 m = 
2Rex 218.751103 2U
U = 7.50 m>s  Ans.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

3 5 5
In this case, Rex = 18.75110 217.502 = 1.41110 2 6 5110 2. Therefore, at x = 0.75 m,
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


the flow is indeed laminar.


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

U = 7.50 m>s


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 934 16/03/17 10:36 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–7.  Determine the maximum free-stream velocity of oil

so that if it flows over a plate having a length of 3 m it
maintains a laminar boundary layer for the entire length.
Take no = 40110-6 2 m2 >s.

The flow is steady and the oil is incompressible. The transition from laminar to
turbulent boundary layer occurs at the critical Reynolds number of 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2.
Here, xcr = L = 3 m.

Uxcr U max 13 m2
1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
no 40110-6 2 m2 >s
U max = 6.67 m>s  Ans.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

Umax = 6.67 m>s


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 935 16/03/17 10:36 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–8.  Oil has laminar flow and passes over the flat plate. 5 ms
Plot the velocity profile a distance of x = 2 m from the
leading edge of the plate. Using Table 11–1, give values of u
for every 0.8 increment of 1y>x2 1Rex until u = 0.99U.
Take no = 40110-6 2 m2 >s.

The flow is steady and the oil is incompressible. The transition from laminar to
turbulent boundary layer occurs at the critical Reynolds number of 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2.
Uxcr 15 m>s2xcr 15
1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
no 40110-6 2 m2 >s
xcr = 4 m 10

Since xcr 7 x = 2 m, the boundary layer is laminar at this location. Then, the 5
Reynolds number of the flow at this location is
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Ux 15 m>s212 m2
w ro es y p int

0 1 2 3 4 5
th r sa es

or v

Rex = = = 2.501105 2
o ill d

k ide an art egr

40110-6 2 m2 >s


pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

2Rex 22.501105 2
te fo sin or w

Hence, = = 0.25 mm-1. Using the Blasius solution (Table 11–1),

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

x 2000 mm
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

we can establish the relation between u and y tabulated below.

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

2Rex 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.0

py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

y1mm2 0 3.20 6.40 9.60 12.8 16.0 19.2 20

la ach at de
s ing ion We

u>U 0 0.26471 0.51676 0.72899 0.87609 0.95552 0.98779 0.99

u1m>s2 0 1.32 2.58 3.64 4.38 4.78 4.94 4.95

The plot of u vs y is shown in Fig. a.


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 936 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–9.  Water at 15°C, confined in a channel, flows past the

diverter fin at U = 2 m>s. Determine the friction drag
acting on both sides of the fin, which has a width of 900 mm.
Neglect end effects.

U 5 2 ms

200 mm

The flow is steady and the water is incompressible. From the table in Appendix A,
rw = 999.2 kg>m3 and vw = 1.15110-6 2 m2 >s for water at T = 15°C. The transition
from laminar to turbulent boundary layer occurs at a critical Reynolds number of
1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2.

Uxcr 12 m>s2xcr
1Rex 2 cr = ; 51105 2 =
vw 1.15110-6 2 m2 >s
xcr = 0.2875 m
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

Since xcr 7 L = 0.2 m, the boundary layer for the entire length of the fin is laminar.
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

Here, the Reynolds number at x = L = 0.2 m is


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

12 m>s210.2 m2
ec ly s w he

= 3.4781105 2
te fo sin or w

ReL = =

1.15110-6 2 m2 >s
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

The friction drag on both sides of the fin is

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

0.664brU 2L 0.66410.9 m21999.2 kg>m3 212 m>s2 2 10.2 m2

es ru ng he er

FDf = 2c d = 2c d
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

2ReL 23.4781105 2
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

= 1.62 N
la ach at de

s ing ion We

FDf = 1.62 N


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

6 ms
11–10.  A fluid has laminar flow and passes over the flat
plate. If the disturbance thickness of the boundary layer at a
distance of x = 0.5 m from the plate’s edge is 10 mm,
determine the disturbance thickness at a distance of x = 1 m.
10 mm

The fluid is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
The Reynolds number at x = 0.5 m and 1 m can be determined using
Ux U(0.5 m) 0.5U
Rex  x = 0.5 m = = =
n n n
Ux U(1 m) U
Rex  x = 1 m = = =
n n n
Th nd co of y th

At x = 0.5 m, d = 0.01 m. Thus,

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

5.0(0.5 m)
k ide an art egr


d = ; 0.01 m =
pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

A n
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

= 125 000
te e

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

Thus, at x = 1 m, Rex = = 125 000. Then,
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

5.0x 5.0(1 m)
la ach at de

d = = = 0.01414 m = 14.1 mm Ans.

s ing ion We

2Rex 2125 000


d = 14.1 mm


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–11.  Air at 60°C flows through the very wide duct.

0.5 ms
Determine the required dimension a of the duct at x = 4 m
so that the central 200-mm-core flow velocity maintains the
constant free-stream velocity of 0.5 m>s.
200 mm a 0.5 ms


The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, n = 18.9 ( 10 - 6 ) m2 >s. Thus, the Reynolds number at x = 4 m is
Ux ( 0.5 m>s ) (4 m)
Rex = = = 1.0582 ( 105 )
n 18.9 ( 10 - 6 ) m2 >s
Since Rex 6 (Rex)cr = 5 ( 105 ) , the boundary layer is laminar throughout the entire
length of the duct.

Thus, the displacement thickness is

Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

1.721x 1.721(4 m)
o ill d

k ide an art egr

d* = = = 0.02116 m = 21.16 mm

21.0582 ( 105 )
pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

The dimension of the square duct at x = 4 m is

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

a = 200 mm + 2d *
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

= 200 mm + 2(21.16 mm)

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

= 242 mm Ans.

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

a = 242 mm


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 939 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–12.  Air at 20°C is blowing at 2 m>s as it passes over 2 ms

the flat surface. Determine the disturbance and displacement
thickness of the boundary layer at a distance of x = 0.5 m
from the leading edge. What is the velocity of the flow at
half the disturbance thickness?

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and na = 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s for air at T = 20°C. Thus,
the Reynolds number at x = 0.5 m is
Ux 12 m>s210.5 m2
Rex = = = 6.62251104 2
va 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s
Since Rex 6 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2, the boundary layer up to x = 0.5 m is still laminar.
The disturbance thickness of the laminar boundary layer at this location is
Th nd co of y th

5.0 5.0
x = a b10.5 m2 = 9.7146110-3 2 m = 9.71 mm Ans.
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

d =
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

2Rex 26.62251104 2
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

And the displacement thickness at this location is

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

1.721 1.721
d o it

dA = x = a b10.5 m2 = 3.3438110-3 2 m = 3.34 mm Ans.

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

2Rex 26.62251104 2
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

The velocity of the flow at x = 0.5 m and y = = 4.8573110-3 2 m can be

at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

determined using the Blasius solution (Table 11-1).

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

4.8573110-3 2 m

ht te min Wi

2Rex = 26.62251104 2 = 2.50

la ach at de

x 0.5 m
s ing ion We

Interpolating the values in the table gives

≃ 0.7496

u = 0.749612 m>s2
= 1.4992 m>s
= 1.50 m>s  Ans.

d = 9.71 mm
d A = 3.34 mm
u = 1.50 m>s


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 940 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–13.  Water at 20°C has a free-stream velocity of 500 mm>s. 500 mms
Plot the boundary layer disturbance thickness along the
distance x, in increments of 0.1 m for 0 … x … 0.5 m.

0.5 m

The flow is steady and the water is incompressible. From the table in Appendix A,
vw = 1.00110-6 2 m2 >s for water at T = 20°C. Thus, the Reynolds number in terms
of x is

Ux 10.5 m>s2x
Rex = = = 5.01105 2x
vw 1.00110-6 2 m2 >s
x1m2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Th nd co of y th

4 5 5 5
Rex 0 5110 2 1110 2 1.5110 2 2110 2 2.51105 2
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


Since Rex  x = 0.5 m 6 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2, the boundary layer up to x = 0.5 m is


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

still laminar. Thus, its thickness can be determined.

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

d = x
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

The values of d for various x are tabulated below.

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

x1m2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

0 2.24 3.16 3.87 4.47 5.00

la ach at de

s ing ion We

The plot of d vs x is shown in Fig. a.


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5



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11–14.  Water at 20°C has a free-stream velocity of 500 mm>s. 500 mms
Determine the drag on the plate’s surface if it has a width
of 0.2 m.

0.5 m

The flow is steady and the water is incompressible. From the table in Appendix A,
rw = 998.3 kg>m3 and vw = 1.00110-6 2 m2 >s for water at T = 20°C. Thus, the
Reynolds number at x = L = 0.5 m is
UL 10.5 m>s210.5 m2
ReL = = = 2.501105 2
vw 1.00110-6 2 m2 >s
Since ReL 6 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2, The boundary layer for the entire length of the
plate is laminar. The friction drag on the plate’s side can be determined,
Th nd co of y th

0.664brU 2L
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

FDf =
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

0.66410.2 m21998.3 kg>m3 210.5 m>s2 2 10.5 m2

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

22.501105 2
by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

= 0.0331 N  Ans.
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FDf = 0.0331 N


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–15.  Air at a temperature of 60°F flows at 1.2 ft>s over 1.2 fts
the plate. Determine the distance x where the disturbance
thickness of the boundary layer becomes 0.75 in.
3 in.

We will consider the flow steady and air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, va = 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s for air at T = 60°F. Thus, the Reynolds number
in terms of x is
Ux 11.2 ft>s2x
Rex = = = 7.59491103 2x
va 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s
We will assume that the boundary layer is laminar. With the requirement
d = ft = 0.0625 ft,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

5.0 5.0x
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

x; 0.0625 ft =
or v

d =
o ill d

k ide an art egr

2Rex 27.59491103 2x

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

x = 1.1867 ft = 1.19 ft Ans.

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

Using this result,

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

Rex = 37.59491103 2411.1867 ft2 = 9.0131103 2

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

Since Rex 6 1Rex 2 cr = 51103 2 the boundary layer is laminar as assumed.

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

x = 1.19 ft


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 943 16/03/17 10:37 AM

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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–16.  The boat is traveling at 0.7 ft>s through still water

having a temperature of 60°F. If the rudder can be assumed
to be a flat plate, determine the boundary layer thickness at
the trailing edge A. Also, what is the displacement thickness
of the boundary layer at this point?

2 ft A

SOLUTION 1.75 ft

Water is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.

From Appendix A, n = 12.2 ( 10 - 6 ) ft2 >s for water at T = 60°F. Thus, the Reynolds
number at the trailing edge of the rudder (x = L = 1.75 ft) is

Ux ( 0.7 ft>s )(1.75 ft)

Rex = = = 1.0041 ( 105 )
n 12.2 ( 10 - 6 ) ft2 >s

Since Rex 6 (Rex)cr = 5 ( 105 ) , the boundary layer is laminar for the entire length
of the rudder. Thus, its thickness and displacement thickness at the trailing edge are
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

5.0x 5.0(1.75 ft) 12 in.

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

d = = = (0.02761 ft) a b = 0.331 in. Ans.

or v
o ill d

1 ft
k ide an art egr

2Rex 21.0041 ( 105 )


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

1.721x 1.721(1.75 ft) 12 in.

by r th g s (in ork

d* = = = (0.00951 ft)a b = 0.114 in. Ans.

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

2Rex 21.0041 ( 10 5
) 1 ft
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d = 0.331 in.
d * = 0.114 in.


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–17.  The boat is traveling at 0.7 ft>s through water

having a temperature of 60°F. If the rudder can be assumed
to be a flat plate having a height of 2 ft and a length of
1.75 ft, determine the friction drag acting on both sides of
the rudder.

2 ft A

SOLUTION 1.75 ft

Water is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.

From Appendix A, n = 12.2 ( 10 - 6 ) ft2 >s for water at T = 60°F. Thus, the Reynolds
number at the trailing edge of the rudder (x = L = 1.75 ft) is

Ux ( 0.7 ft>s ) (1.75 ft)

Rex = = = 1.0041 ( 105 )
n 12.2 ( 10 - 6 ) ft2 >s
Since Rex 6 (Rex)cr = 5 ( 105 ) , the boundary layer is laminar for the entire length
of the rudder. Therefore, the frictional drag force on both surfaces of the rudder is
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

0.664brU 2L
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

F = 2£ §
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

0.664(2 ft) ( 1.939 slug>ft3 )( 0.7 ft>s ) 2(1.75 ft)

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 2£ §
U e u tud clu an

21.004 ( 105 )
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

= 0.0139 lb Ans.

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

F = 0.0139 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 945 16/03/17 10:37 AM

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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–18.  Determine the force F that must be applied to the F

cable to lift the fully submerged 50-kg plate up to the surface
of the glycerin at T = 20°C at a constant speed of 2 m>s.
Include the effect of buoyancy.

10 mm

The flow is steady and the glycerin is incompressible. From the table in 3m
Appendix A, rgl = 1260 kg>m3 and vgl = 1.19110-3 2 m2 >s. Thus, the Reynolds
number at x = L = 2 m is
UL (2 m>s)(2 m)
ReL = = = 3.3613(103)
vgl 1.19(10-3) m2 >s F
Since ReL 6 1Rex 2 cr = 5110 2, the boundary layer is laminar throughout the entire
length of the plate. Thus, the total friction drag on the plate can be determined.
Th nd co of y th

0.664 brU 2L
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

FDf = Σ
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

0.664(2 m)(1260 kg>m3)(2 m>s)2

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

= c d 32(3 m) + 2(0.01 m)4 Fb 5 741.636 N

te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 694.97 N
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

Consider the force equilibrium along the vertical by referring to the FBD of the
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

plate shown in Fig. a, where Fb = 1260(9.81)(2 * 3 * 0.1) = 741.636 N is the W 5 50(9.81) N


co cto . D W mit

buoyant force.
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

+ c ΣFy = 0 ; F + 741.636 N - 5019.812 N - 694.97 N = 0

la ach at de

s ing ion We

F = 443.834 N = 444 N Ans.


F = 444 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 946 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–19.  Castor oil flows over the surface of the 2-m-long 2 ms
flat plate at a free-stream speed of 2 m>s. Plot the
boundary layer and the shear stress versus x. Give values
for every 0.5 m. Also calculate the friction drag on the
plate. The plate is 0.5 m wide. Take rco = 960 kg>m3 and
mco = 985110-3 2 N # s>m2.


We will assume that steady flow occurs and castor oil is incompressible. The Reynolds
number as a function of x is
rcoUx ( 960 kg>m3 )( 2 m>s ) x
Rex = = = 1949.24x
mco 985 ( 10-3 ) N # s>m2
At x = L = 2 m, ReL = 1949.24(2) = 3.898 ( 103 ) 6 5 ( 103 ) . Thus, laminar flow
persists within the boundary layer. For the boundary thickness,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

5.0 5.0
th r sa es

or v

d = x = x = ( 0.1132x 2 ) m
o ill d

k ide an art egr


2Rex 21949.24x
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

x(m) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

d(mm) 0 80.08 113.25 138.70 160.16

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

The plot of d vs x is show in Fig. a.

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

τ0 (N m2(

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

δ (mm)
s ing ion We

200 60


100 30


x (m) x (m)
0 0.50 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

(a) (b)


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 947 17/03/17 10:01 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
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11–19. Continued

For the shear stress,

t0 = 0.332m a b 2Rex
2 m>s
= 0.332 3 985 ( 10-3 ) N # s>m2 4 a b 21949.24x

= a 1
b N>m2
x(m) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
t0 ( N>m 2
) ∞ 40.84 28.88 23.58 20.42
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

The plot of t0 vs x is shown in Fig. b.

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

For the frictional drag force,

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

0.664brcoU 2L
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

FDf =
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

0.664(0.5 m)( 960 kg>m3 )( 2 m>s ) 2(2 m)

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

23.898 ( 103 )
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

= 40.8 N Ans.
la ach at de
s ing ion We

τ0 (N m2(







x (m) x (m)
1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


FDf = 40.8 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 948 17/03/17 9:06 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–20.  Assume a laminar boundary layer for a fluid can y

be approximated by u>U = y>d. Determine the thickness U
of the boundary layer as a function of x and Rex.



dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy
y y
dx L0 d
t0 = rU 2 a b a1 - bdy
rU 2 dd
t0 =
d dx
Newton’s law of viscosity,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr

t0 = m

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

mU rU 2 dd
U e u tud clu an

= =
ni s en d d

6 dx
te e

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

d x
L0 L0
es ru ng he er

d dd = dx
co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

1 2 6m
la ach at de

d = x
s ing ion We

2 ru
d = 3.46
A rU

Since Rex = rU * 1m, then

d =  Ans.

d =


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–21.  The velocity profile for a laminar boundary layer y

of a fluid is approximated by u>U = 1.5(y>d) - 0.5(y>d)3. U
Determine the thickness of the boundary layer as a function
of x and Rex.

The fluid is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
u y y 3
Substituting = 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b into the moment integral equation,
U d d

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy

u 2

dx L0 U
d u
t0 = rU 2 J - a b R dy
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


u u 2 y y 3 y y 3 2
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

- a b = J1.5 a b - 0.5 a b R - J1.5 a b - 0.5 a b R

ec ly s w he

U U d d d d
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

y 6 y 4 y 3 y 2 y
U e u tud clu an

= - 0.25 a b + 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b - 2.25 a b + 1.5 a b

ni s en d d
te e

d d d d d
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

y 6 y 4 y 3 y 2 y
dx L0
py rs is or ted

t0 = rU 2 J - 0.25 a b + 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b - 2.25 a b + 1.5 a b R dy

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

d d d d d
la ach at de
s ing ion We

t0 = 0.1393rU 2  (1)
For laminar boundary layer, Newton’s law of viscosity applies. Thus,

du d y y 3
t0 = m ` = u £ UJ1.5a b - 0.5a b R § †
dy y = 0 dy d d

t0 =  (2)
Equating Eqs. (1) and (2),
1.5mU dd
= 0.1393rU 2
d dx
d dd = dx


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 950 16/03/17 10:37 AM

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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–21. Continued

At the leading edge of the plate, x = 0 and d = 0. Thus,

10.769m x
L0 rU L0
d dd = dx

d2 d 10.769m x
` = x`
2 0 rU 0

d2 = x
1 1
4.6410m2x 2 4.6410x 4.6410x
Th nd co of y th

d = = =
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

1 1 1 1 1
r2U 2 r2U 2x 2
w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

B m

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

Since Rex = , this equation becomes

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e

d =  Ans.
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d =


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–22.  The velocity profile for a laminar boundary layer y

of a fluid is approximated by u>U = 1.5(y>d) - 0.5(y>d)3. U
Determine the shear-stress distribution acting on the
surface as a function of x and Rex.

The fluid is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
u y y 3
Substituting = 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b into the moment integral equation,
U d d

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy
u 2

dx L0 U
d u
t0 = rU 2 J - a b R dy
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

u u 2 y y 3 y y 3 2

- a b = J1.5 a b - 0.5 a b R - J1.5 a b - 0.5 a b R

pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t

d d d d
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

y 6 y 4 y 3 y 2 y
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= - 0.25 a b + 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b - 2.25 a b + 1.5 a b

U e u tud clu an

d d d d d
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

y 6 y 4 y 3 y 2 y
dx L0
co cto . D W mit

t0 = rU 2 J - 0.25 a b + 1.5 a b - 0.5 a b - 2.25 a b + 1.5 a b R dy

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

d d d d d

ht te min Wi
la ach at de


t0 = 0.1393rU 2
s ing ion We

For a laminar boundary layer, Newton’s law of viscosity applies. Thus,

du d y y 3

t0 = m ` = u £ Uc 1.5a b - 0.5a b d § †
dy y = 0 dy d d

t0 =  (2)
Equation Eqs. (1) and (2),
1.5mU dd
= 0.1393U 2
d dx
d dd = dx


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–22. Continued

At the leading edge of the plate, x = 0 and d = 0. Thus,

10.769m x
L0 rU L0
d dd = dx

d2 d 10.769m x
` = x`
2 0 rU 0

d2 = x
1 1
4.6410m2x 2 4.6410x 4.6410x
Th nd co of y th

d = = =
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

1 1 1 1 1
r2U 2 r2U 2x 2
w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

B m

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

Since Rex = , this equation becomes

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

d of t le ng is n

d =  (3)
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2),

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

1.5mU U

t0 = = 0.323m a b 2Rex Ans.

s ing ion We

4.6410x x

t0 = 0.323ma b 2Rex


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–23.  The laminar boundary layer for a fluid is assumed U

to be parabolic, such that u>U = C1 + C2(y>d) + C3(y>d)2.
If the free-stream velocity U starts at y = d, determine the
constants C1, C2, and C3.

We will assume that steady flow occurs, and the fluid is incompressible. Applying the
boundary conditions at y = 0, u = 0. Then

0 0 2
0 = C1 + C2 a b + C3 a b   C1 = 0 Ans.
d d
And at y = d, u = U. Then
d d 2
1 = 0 + C2 a b + C3 a b
d d
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

C2 + C3 = 1 (1)
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

Since laminar flow persists within the boundary layer, Newton’s law of viscosity
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

t = m can be applied. Here,

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

1 du C2 2C3 du C2 2C3
ni s en d d
te e

= + 2 y   = Ua + 2 yb
d of t le ng is n

U dy d dy d
St in ar on ot

d d
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

At y = d, t = 0. Then
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

du C2 2C3
ht te min Wi

0 = m ` = mJU a + bR
la ach at de

dy y = d

d d
s ing ion We

0 = ( C2 + 2C3 )

Since ≠ 0, then
C2 + 2C3 = 0 (2)

Solving Eqs. (2) and (3),

C2 = 2  C3 = -1 Ans.

C1 = 0
C2 = 2
C3 = - 1


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*11–24.  The laminar boundary layer for a fluid is assumed U

to be cubic, such that u>U = C1 + C2(y>d) + C3(y>d)3. If
the free-stream velocity U starts at y = d, determine the
constants C1, C2, and C3.

We will assume that steady flow occurs and the fluid is incompressible. Applying the
boundary condition at y = 0, u = 0. Then

0 0 3
0 = C1 + C2 a b + C3 a b   C1 = 0 Ans.
d d
And at y = d, u = U. Then
d d 3
1 = 0 + C2 a b + C3 a b
d d
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

C2 + C3 = 1 (1)
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


Since laminar flow persists within the boundary layer, Newton’s Law of viscosity
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

t = m can be applied. Here,

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

C2 3C3 C2 3C3
te e

1 du du
d of t le ng is n

= + 3 y2   = Ua + 3 y2 b
St in ar on ot

U dy dy
at st ni t p

d d d d
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

At y = d, t = 0. Then
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

du C2 3C3
la ach at de

0 = m ` = mJU a + bR
s ing ion We

dy y = d d d
0 = ( C2 + 3C3 )

Since ≠ 0, then
C2 + 3C3 = 0 (2)

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2),

3 1
C2 =   C3 = -  Ans.
2 2

3 1
C1 = 0  C2 =   C3 = -
2 2


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11–25.  A laminar boundary layer for a fluid is U

approximated by u>U = sin (py>2d). Determine the
thickness of the boundary layer as a function of x and Rex.

The fluid is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
u py
Substituting = sina b into the moment integral equation,
U 2 d

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy
py py
dx L0
t0 = rU 2 sin a b c 1 - sin a b d dy
Th nd co of y th

2 d 2 d
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

py py
o ill d

dx L0
k ide an art egr

t0 = rU 2 c sin a b - sin2 a b d dy

pr d s as f th y o

2 d 2 d
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

From the trigonometric identity,

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

py 1 py
te e

sin2 a b = c 1 - cos a b d
d of t le ng is n

2 d 2
St in ar on ot

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

dx L0
d 1 1
rig in se ld .


t0 = rU 2 c sin a b + cos a b - d dy
ht te min Wi

2 d 2 2
la ach at de

s ing ion We

d 2d py d py 1 d
t0 = rU 2 c - cos a b + sin a b - y d `
dx p 2 d 2p d 2 0

t0 = 0.1366rU 2

For a laminar boundary layer, Newton’s law of viscosity applies. Thus,
du d py
t0 = m ` = m c U sin a bd `
dy y = 0 dy 2 d y=0

p py
t0 = mUc cos a bd `
2d 2 d y=0

t0 =  (2)
Equating Eqs. (1) and (2),
pmU dd
= 0.1366rU 2
2d dx
d dd = dx


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11–25.  Continued

At the leading edge of the plate, x = 0 and d = 0. Thus,

11.498m x
L0 rU L0
d dd = dx

d2 d 11.498m x
` = x`
2 0 rU 0

d2 = x
1 1
4.7953m2x 2
Th nd co of y th

d =
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

1 1
r2U 2
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


4.7953x 4.7953x
pr d s as f th y o

d = =
ot ole se is f t

1 1 1
ec ly s w he

rU x
2 2 2 rUx
te fo sin or w
d o it

B m
by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

d of t le ng is n

Since Rex = , this equation becomes

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

d =  Ans.
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d =


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11–26.  A laminar boundary layer for a fluid is approximated U

by u>U = sin (py>2d). Determine the displacement thickness
d * for the boundary layer as a function of x and Rex.

The displacement thickness is

d* = a1 - bdy

= a1 - sin a b bdy

= a1 - bd
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

From solution 11–25,

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

d =
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

2 4.7953x 1.74x
te e

d* = a1 - b =
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

p 2Re 2Rex
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d* =


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11–27.  A boundary layer for laminar flow of a fluid over

the plate is approximated by u>U = C1(y>d) + C2(y>d)2 + U
C3(y>d)3. Determine the constants C1, C2, and C3 using
the boundary conditions when y = d, u = U; when y = d,
du>dy = 0; and when y = 0, d 2u>dy2 = 0. Find the
disturbance thickness of the boundary layer as a function of x
and Rex using the momentum integral equation.

The fluid is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
y y 2 y 3
u = UJC1 a b + C2 a b + C3 a b R
d d d
For the boundary condition u = U at y = d,

U = U 3 C1(1) + C2(1) + C3(1) 4

Th nd co of y th

C1 + C2 + C3 = 1 (1)
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

du C1 2C2y 3C3y2
ec ly s w he

= UJ + + R
te fo sin or w

dy d2 d3
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e

For the boundary condition = 0 at y = d,

d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

C1 2C2 3C3
co cto . D W mit

0 = Uc + + d
py rs is or ted

d d d
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

C1 + 2C2 + 3C3 = 0 (2)

la ach at de
s ing ion We

d u
For the boundary condition = 0 at y = 0,
0 = ( 2C2 + 0 )   C2 = 0 Ans.

Substituting this result into Eqs. (1) and (2) and solving,
3 1
C1 =   C3 = -  Ans.
2 2
u 3 y 1 y 3
= a b - a b
U 2 d 2 d
Substituting this result into the momentum integral equation,

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy

u 2

dx L0 U
d u
t0 = rU 2 J - a b R dy

u u 2 3 y 1 y 3 3 y 1 y 3 2
- a b = J a b - a b R - J a b - a b R
U U 2 d 2 d 2 d 2 d

1 y 6 3 y 4 1 y 3 9 y 2 3 y
= - a b + a b - a b - a b + a b
4 d 2 d 2 d 4 d 2 d


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11–27. Continued


1 y 6 3 y 4 1 y 3 9 y 2
3 y
dx L0
t0 = rU 2 J- a b + a b - a b - a b + a bR dy
4 d 2 d 2 d 4 d 2 d
39rU 2 dd
t0 =  (1)
280 dx
For a laminar boundary layer, Newton’s law of viscosity applies. Thus,

du d 3 y 1 y 3
t0 = m ` = u £U J a b - a b R § †
dy y = 0 dy 2 d 2 d
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


t0 =  (2)

pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

Equating Eqs. (1) and (2),

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

3mU 39rU 2 dd
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e

2d 280 dx
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

d dd = dx
co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

At the leading edge of the plate, x = 0 and d = 0. Thus,

la ach at de
s ing ion We

140m x
L0 13rU L0
d dd = dx

d2 d 140m x
` = x`

2 0 13rU 0
d2 = x
1 1
4.6410m2x 2 4.6410x 4.6410x
d = 1 1
= 1 1 1
2 2 rU x
2 2 2 rUx
2 B m

Since Rex = , this equation becomes
B m
d =  Ans.

3 1 4.64x
C1 = , C = 0, C3 = - , d =
2 2 2 2Rex


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*11–28.  The wind tunnel operates using air at a temperature

of 20°C with a free-stream velocity of 40 m>s. If this velocity is
to be maintained throughout the central 1-m core of the tunnel,
determine the dimension a at the exit in order to accommodate
the growing boundary layer. Show that the boundary layer is
turbulent at the exit, and use d * = 0.0463x>(Rex)1>5 to calculate 1m
the displacement thickness. a


The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, n = 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s. Thus, the Reynolds number at x = 6 m is
Ux ( 40 m>s ) (6 m)
Rex = = = 15.894 ( 106 )
n 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Since Rex 7 (Rex)cr = 5 ( 105 ) , the boundary layer is turbulent. Thus the displace-
ment thickness is

0.0463x 0.0463(6 m)
Th nd co of y th

d* = = = 0.01008 m
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

3 15.894 ( 106 ) 4
1 1
w ro es y p int

th r sa es

5 5
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


Thus, the dimension of the square tunnel at exit is

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

a = 1 m + 2d * = 1 m + 2(0.01008 m) = 1.02 m Ans.

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

a = 1.02 m


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–29.  Assume the turbulent boundary layer for a fluid has y

a velocity profile that can be approximated by u = U(y>d)1>6. U
Use the momentum integral equation to determine the
disturbance thickness as a function of x and Rex. Use the
empirical formula developed by Prandtl and Blasius.

The fluid is considered
to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
u y 6
Here, = a b . Substituting this result into the momentum integral equation,
U d

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy
d 1 1
y 6 y 6
dx L0 d
t0 = rU 2 a b J1 - a b R dy
Th nd co of y th

d 1 1
y 6 y 3
dx L0
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

t0 = rU 2 J a b - a b R dy
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

d d
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

3rU 2 dd
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he

t0 = 
te fo sin or w

28 dx
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

Using the empirical formula developed by Prandtl and Blasius,

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

n 4
t0 = 0.0225rU 2 a b (2)
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

3rU 2
rig in se ld .

n 4

0.0225rU a b dx = dd
ht te min Wi

Ud 28
la ach at de
s ing ion We

1n 4
b dx
d 4dd = 0.21a
Assuming that the boundary layer is initially turbulent, then d = 0 at x = 0. Thus,

d 1

L0 L0
1 n 4
d dd = 0.21 a b
4 dx
4 5 d n 4 x
d 4 ` = 0.21a b x `
5 0 U 0
5 n 4
d 4 = 0.2625 a bx
n 5 4
d = 0.343 a b x 5
= 0.343 a 1 1
U x55

= 0.343≥ 1
Ux 5
a b
However, Rex = . Then this equation becomes
0.343x Ans:
d =  Ans.
( Rex ) 5 0.343x
d =


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–30.  Assume the turbulent boundary layer for a fluid y

has a velocity profile that can be approximated by U
u = U(y>d)1>6. Use the momentum integral equation to
determine the displacement thickness as a function of x and
Rex. Use the empirical formula developed by Prandtl and
Blasius. d

The fluid is considered
to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
u y 6
Here, = a b . Substituting this result into the momentum integral equation,
U d

dx L0 U
d u u
t0 = rU 2 a1 - bdy
d 1 1
y 6 y 6
dx L0 d
t0 = rU 2 a b J1 - a b R dy
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

1 1
w ro es y p int

y 6 y 3
dx L0
th r sa es

or v

t0 = rU 2 J a b - a b R dy
o ill d

k ide an art egr


d d
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

3rU 2 dd
te fo sin or w

t0 =  (1)
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

28 dx
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

Using the empirical formula developed by Prandtl and Blasius,

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

n 4
t0 = 0.0225rU 2 a b (2)
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

3rU 2
la ach at de

n 4

0.0225rU 2 a b dx = dd
s ing ion We

Ud 28
1n 4
b dx
d 4dd = 0.21a

Assuming that the boundary layer is initially turbulent, then d = 0 at x = 0. Thus,

d 1 x

L0 L0
1 n 4
d dd = 0.21 a b
4 dx
4 5 d n 4 x
d 4 ` = 0.21a b x `
5 0 U 0
5 n 4
d 4 = 0.2625 a bx
n 5 4
d = 0.343 a b x5
= 0.343 a 1 1
U x55

= 0.343≥ 1
Ux 5
a b


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11–30. Continued

However, Rex = . Then this equation becomes
d = 1
( Rex ) 5
The displacement thickness is

d* = a1 - bdy
d 1
y 6
= c 1 - a b d dy
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

6 y7 d
o ill d

k ide an art egr


= ay - b`

pr d s as f th y o

7 d 16 0
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

Substituting Eq. 3 into this result,

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

1 0.343x 0.0490x
rig in se ld .

d* = £ § =  Ans.

ht te min Wi

7 ( Rex ) 15 1
( Rex ) 5
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d* =


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11–31.  A barge is being towed at 3 m>s. Determine the F

total friction drag of the water on its sides and bottom. The
3 ms
water is still and has a temperature of 15°C. The submerged
depth of the barge is 1.5 m. Assume the boundary layer is
completely turbulent.
20 m
1.5 m

We will consider the relative flow steady, and the water as incompressible. From
the table in Appendix A, rw = 999.2 kg>m3 and vw = 1.15110-6 2 m2 >s for water at
T = 15°C. Thus, the Reynolds member at x = L = 20 m is
UL (3 m>s)(20 m)
ReL = = = 5.2174(107)
vw 1.15(10-6) m2 >s
Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent at x = 0. Since 107 … ReL 6 109,

0.455 0.455
CDf = = = 0.002335
Th nd co of y th

1log10ReL 2 2.58 5 log10 35.21741107 246 2.58

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

Thus, with b = 211.5 m2 + 6 m = 9 m, the total friction drag on the sides and

pr d s as f th y o

bottom of the barge is

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

FDf = CDf bL a rU 2 b
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

= 0.002335(9 m)(20 m) c (999.2 kg>m3)(3 m>s)2 d

at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

= 1890.02 N = 1.89 kN  Ans.

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FDf = 1.89 kN


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–32.  The flat-bottom boat is traveling at 4 m>s on a

lake for which the water temperature is 15°C. Determine
the approximate drag acting on the bottom of the boat if the
4 ms
length of the boat is 10 m and its width is 2.5 m. Assume
the boundary layer is completely turbulent.

10 m

Water is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 999.2 kg>m3 and n = 1.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for water at
T = 15°C. Thus, the Reynolds number at x = L = 10 m is
UL ( 4 m>s ) (10 m)
ReL = = = 3.4783 ( 107 )
n 1.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent from x = 0. Since
107 … ReL 6 109, the frictional drag coefficient is
Th nd co of y th

0.455 0.455
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

CD = = 0.0024785
w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v

(log10 ReL)2.58 3 log10 3 3.4783 ( 107 )44 2.58

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

Thus, the frictional drag force on the bottom surface can be determined from
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

F = CD a rU 2 bbL
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

( 999.2 kg>m3 )( 4 m>s ) 2d(2.5 m)(10 m)

at st ni t p

= 0.0024785c
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

= 495 N Ans.
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

F = 495 N


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–33.  An airplane has wings that each, on average, are

5 m long and 3 m wide. Determine the friction drag on the
wings when the plane is flying at 600 km>h in still air at an
altitude of 2 km. Assume the wings are flat plates and the
boundary layer is completely turbulent.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.

From Appendix A, r = 1.007 kg>m3 and n = 17.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for air at an altitude
km 1h 1000 m
of 2 km. Here, U = a600 ba ba b = 166.67 m>s. Thus, the Reynolds
h 3600 s 1 km
number at x = L = 3 m is

UL ( 166.67 m>s ) (3 m)
ReL = = = 2.915 ( 107 )
n 17.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent from x = 0. Since

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

107 … ReL 6 109, the frictional drag coefficient is


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

0.455 0.455
d o it

CD = = = 0.0025447
by r th g s (in ork

( log10 ReL ) 2.58 2.58

U e u tud clu an

c log10 3 2.915 ( 10 )4 d
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

Since each of the wings has top and bottom surfaces (4 surfaces altogether), the total

co cto . D W mit

drag force on the two wings can be determined from

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

F = ΣCD a rU 2 bbL
s ing ion We

= 4c 0.0025447c ( 1.007 kg>m3 )( 166.67 m>s ) 2 d (5 m)(3 m) d

= 2135.44 N = 2.14 kN Ans.

F = 2.14 kN


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 967 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–34.  The oil tanker has a smooth surface area of 2 ms

4.5(103) m2 in contact with the sea. Determine the friction
drag on its hull and the power required to overcome this force
if the velocity of the ship is 2 m>s. Consider both laminar
and turbulent boundary layers. Take r = 1030 kg>m3 300 m
and m = 1.14110-3 2 N # s>m2.

We will assume that steady flow occurs and sea water is incompressible. The
Reynolds number at the trailing edge of the hull is
rUL ( 1030 kg>m3 )( 2 m>s )(300 m)
ReL = = = 5.42 ( 108 )
m 1.14 ( 10-3 ) N # s>m2
Since 5 ( 105 ) 6 ReL 6 109, the boundary layer on the hull will be laminar and
­turbulent along the length. Thus,
0.455 1700
CDf = -
Th nd co of y th

(log10 ReL)2.58 ReL

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

0.455 1700
k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

5.421 ( 108 )
ot ole se is f t

e log10 c 5.421 ( 108 ) d f

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 0.001694
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

The frictional drag force acting on each side of the hull can be determined from
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

rU 2

co cto . D W mit

FDf = CDf Aa b
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

( 1030 kg>m3 )( 2 m>s ) 2

s ing ion We

= 0.001694 3 4.5 ( 103 ) m2 4 £ §


= 15.70 ( 103 ) N = 15.7 kN Ans.


The power required is

W = ( FDf ) T (V) = 3 15.70 ( 103 ) N 4( 2 m>s )
= 31.40 ( 103 ) W
= 31.4 kW Ans.

FDf = 15.7 kN
W = 31.4 kW


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 968 16/03/17 10:37 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–35.  The plane is flying at 450 km>h in still air at an

altitude of 3 km. Determine the friction drag on the wing.
Assume the wing is flat having the dimensions shown, and
the boundary layer is completely turbulent.

12 m


We will consider the relative flow as steady and air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 0.9092 kg>m3 and va = 18.63110-6 2 m2 >s for air at an altitude of
km 1000 m 1h
3 km. Here, the free stream velocity is U = a450 ba ba b = 125 m>s
h 1 km 3600 s
UL 1125 m>s212 m2
ReL = = = 1.34191107 2
va 18.63110-6 2 m2 >s
Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent at x = 0. Since 107 … ReL 6 109
Th nd co of y th

0.455 0.455
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

CDf = = = 0.002867
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

1log10 ReL 2 2.58 5log10 31.34191107 246 2.58

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


Since the wing has top and bottom surfaces, the total friction drag on the wing is
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

FDf = 2c CDf bL a rU 2 b d
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

d of t le ng is n

= 2e 0.002867112 m212 m2 c 10.9092 kg>m3 21125 m>s2 2 d f

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

= 977.44 N = 977 N  Ans.

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FDf = 977 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 969 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–36.  An airplane is flying at 300 km>h in still air at an

altitude of 2 km. If the wings can be assumed to be flat
plates, each having a width of 1.5 m, determine the
disturbance boundary layer thickness at their midpoint and
also at their trailing or back edge if the boundary layer is
considered to be fully turbulent.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the
table in Appendix A, va = 17.15110-6 2 m2 >s for air at an altitude of 2 km. Here, the
km 1000 m 1h
free-stream velocity is U = a300 ba ba b = 83.33 m>s. Thus,
h 1 km 3600 s
the Reynolds number at x = L = 1.5 m and x = 0.75 m

UL 183.33 m>s211.5 m2
ReL = = = 7.28861106) 7 51105 2 (turbulent)
va 17.15110-6 2 m2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Ux 183.33 m>s210.75 m2
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

Rex = = 3.64431106 2
or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr

va 17.15110-6 2 m2 >s

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

Here, we assume that the turbulent flow starts from x = 0. Thus,

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

0.371L 0.37111.5 m2
U e u tud clu an

d x = 1.5 m = = = 0.02360 m = 23.6 mm Ans.

ni s en d d
te e

1ReL 2 37.28861106 24 1>5
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

0.371x 0.37110.75 m2
es ru ng he er

d 0 x = 0.75 m = = = 0.01356 m = 13.6 mm Ans.

co cto . D W mit

33.64431106 24 1>5
py rs is or ted

1Rex 2
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d 0 x = 1.5 m = 23.6 mm
d 0 x = 0.75 m = 13.6 mm


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 970 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–37.  An airplane is flying at 300 km>h in still air at an

altitude of 2 km. If the wings can be assumed to be flat
plates, each having a width of 1.5 m and a length of 5 m,
determine the friction drag on each wing if the boundary
layer is considered to be fully turbulent.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible.
From the table in Appendix A, ra = 1.007 kg>m3 and va = 17.15110-6 2 m2 >s
for air at an altitude of 2 km. Here, the free-stream velocity is
km 1000 m 1h
U = a300 ba ba b = 83.33 m>s. Thus, the Reynolds number at
h 1 km 3600 s
x = L = 1.5 m is
UL 183.33 m>s211.5 m2
ReL = = = 7.28861106 2
v 17.15110-6 2 m2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent right from the leading edge,
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

that is, from x = 0. Since 51105 2 6 ReL 6 107

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

0.0740 0.0740
ec ly s w he

CDf = = = 0.003138
te fo sin or w

ReL1>5 37.28861106 24 1>5

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

Since each using has two surfaces, top and bottom, the total friction drag can be
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

determined from
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted

FDf = ΣCDf bL a rU 2 b
rig in se ld .


ht te min Wi

la ach at de

= 2e 0.00313815 m211.5 m2 c 11.007 kg>m3 2183.33 m>s2 d f

s ing ion We

= 164.60 N = 165 N  Ans.

FDf = 165 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 971 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–38.  If the wings of an airplane flying at a speed of

200 mi>h are assumed to have a flat surface of width 5 ft, 200 mis
determine the disturbance thickness of the boundary layer
and the shear stress at the midpoint of the wing. Assume the
boundary layer is fully turbulent. The airplane flies at an 5 ft
altitude of 5000 ft.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From
the table in Appendix A, rA = 2.043110-3 2 slug>ft3 and va = 0.1779(10-3) ft2 >s
for air at an altitude of 5000 ft. Here, the free-stream velocity is
mi 5280 ft 1h
U = a200 ba ba b = 293.33 ft>s. Thus, the Reynolds number at
h 1 mile 3600 s
x = 2.5 ft is

Ux 1293.33 ft>s212.5 ft2

Rex = = = 4.12221106 2
va 0.1779110-3 2 ft2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

Here, we assume that boundary layer is turbulent right from the leading edge, that
o ill d

k ide an art egr


is, from x = 0. Therefore, the disturbance thickness of the boundary layer and the
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

shear stress at x = 2.5 ft are, respectively,

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

0.371x 0.37112.5 ft2

by r th g s (in ork

d = = = 10.04408 ft2112 in.>1 ft2 = 0.529 in. Ans.

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

1Rex 2 34.12221106 24 1>5
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

0.0288rU 2 0.0288 32.043110-3 2 slug>ft3 41293.33 ft>s2 2

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

t0 = = 
co cto . D W mit

1Rex 2 34.12221106 24 1>5
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

= 0.2406 lb>ft2 = 0.241 lb>ft2  Ans.

la ach at de
s ing ion We

d = 0.529 in.
t0 = 0.241 lb>ft2


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 972 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–39.  The wings of an airplane flying at an altitude of

3 km and a speed of 450 km>h can be assumed to have a 450 kmh
flat surface of width 2 m and length 8 m. Determine the
friction drag on each wing. Assume the boundary layer is
fully turbulent. 2m

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible.
From the table in Appendix A, ra = 0.9092 kg>m3 and va = 18.63110-6 2 m2 >s
for the air at an altitude of 3 km. Here the free-stream velocity is
km 1000 m 1h
U = a450 ba ba b = 125 m>s. Thus, the Reynolds number at
h 1 km 3600 s
x = L = 2 m is
UL 1125 m>s212 m2
ReL = = = 1.34191107 2
va 18.63110-6 2 m2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Here, we assume that the boundary layer is turbulent right from the leading edge,
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

that is, from x = 0. Since 107 … ReL 6 109,

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

0.455 0.455
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

CDf = = = 0.002867
te fo sin or w

1log10 ReL 2 3 log10 1.34191107 24 2.58
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

Since each wing has two surfaces, top and bottom, the total friction drag can be
ni s en d d
te e

determined from
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

FDf = ΣCDf bL a rU 2 b
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de


= 2e 0.00286718 m212 m2 c 10.9092 kg>m3 21125 m>s2 2 d f

s ing ion We

= 651.62 N
= 652 N  Ans.

FDf = 652 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 973 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–40.  Determine the disturbance thickness of the

boundary layer along the side of the trailer truck at its mid- 15 ft
length x = 7.5 ft. The trailer travels at 60 mi>h. The air is still 8 ft
and has a temperature of 60°F. Assume the surface is smooth 60 mih
and flat.

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the table
in Appendix A, va = 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s for air at T = 60°F. Here, the free-stream
mi 5280 ft 1h
velocity is U = a60 ba ba b = 88 ft>s. Thus, the Reynolds number
h 1 mi 3600 s
at x = 7.5 ft is
Ux 188 ft>s217.5 ft2
Rex = = = 4.17721106 2
va 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s
Since Rex 7 1Rex 2 cr = 51105 2, the boundary layer is turbulent at x = 7.5 ft.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

0.37117.5 ft2
th r sa es

0.371x 12 in.
or v

= 10.1319 ft2a b = 1.58 in. Ans.

o ill d

d = =
k ide an art egr

1Rex 2 1>5 34.17721106 24 1>5 1 ft


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

d = 1.58 in.


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 974 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–41.  Determine the drag acting on each side of the

trailer truck when it is traveling at 60 mi>h. The air is still 15 ft
and has a temperature of 60°F. Assume the surfaces are 8 ft
smooth and flat. Consider both laminar and turbulent 60 mih
boundary layers.

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and va = 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s for air at T = 60°F.
mi 5280 ft 1h
Here, the free-stream velocity is U = a60 ba ba b = 88 ft>s. Thus,
h 1 mi 3600 s
the Reynolds number at x = L = 15 ft is
UL 188 ft>s2115 ft2
ReL = = 8.35441106 2
va 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s
Since 51105 2 6 ReL 6 109, and the boundary layer is not completely turbulent,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

0.455 1700
or v

CDf = -
o ill d

k ide an art egr


1log10 ReL2 2.58 ReL


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

0.455 1700
ec ly s w he

= -
te fo sin or w

5log10 38.3544110 246 6 2.58

8.35441106 2
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

= 0.0028884
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

Thus, the friction drag on one side of the truck is

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

FDf = CDf bL a rU 2 b
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .


ht te min Wi

la ach at de

= 0.002888418 ft2115 ft2 c 10.00237 slug>ft3 2188 ft>s2 2d

s ing ion We

= 3.1807 lb = 3.18 lb  Ans.

FDf = 3.18 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 975 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–42.  The tail of the airplane has an approximate width

of 1.5 ft and a length of 4.5 ft. Assuming the airflow onto the
tail is uniform, plot the disturbance layer thickness d. Give
values for every increment of 0.05 ft for the laminar
boundary layer, and every 0.25 ft for the turbulent boundary
layer. Also, calculate the friction drag on the tail. The plane
is flying in still air at an altitude of 5000 ft with a speed 500 fts 4.5 ft
of 500 ft>s. Consider both laminar and turbulent boundary

1.5 ft
We will assume that steady flow occurs and the air is incompressible. Appendix A
gives ra = 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 and ma = 0.3637 ( 10-6 ) lb # s>ft2 for air at an altitude
of 5000 ft. The Reynolds number as a function of x is

raUx 3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4( 500 ft>s ) x

Rex = = = 2.809 ( 106 ) x
ma 0.3637 ( 10-6 ) lb # s>ft2

At the trailing edge where x = L = 1.5 ft, ReL = 2.809 ( 106 ) (1.5 ft) = 4.213 ( 106 ) .
Since 5 ( 105 ) 6 ReL 6 109, the boundary layer will be laminar and turbulent. First,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

we will determine the critical distance xcr where the transition to turbulent flow
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

( Rex ) cr = 5 ( 105 ) ;  2.809 ( 106 ) xcr = 5 ( 105 )

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

xcr = 0.1780 ft
by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

For the laminar boundary layer where x 6 xcr,

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

5.0 5.0
co cto . D W mit

d = x = x = c 2.9835 ( 10-3 ) x 2 d ft
py rs is or ted

22.809 ( 106 ) x
rig in se ld .


ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

x(ft) 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.178

d(in.) 0 0.00801 0.0113 0.0139 0.0151


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 976 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–42. Continued

For the turbulent boundary layer where x 7 xcr,

0.371 0.371 4
d = x = x = ( 0.01904x 5 ) ft
3 2.809 ( 10 ) x 4
1 1
( Rex ) 5
6 5

x(ft) 0.178 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50

d(in.) 0.0574 0.0754 0.1312 0.1815 0.2284 0.2731 0.3160

The plot of the boundary layer is shown in Fig. a.

For the laminar and turbulent boundary layer, the frictional drag coefficient can be
determined from
0.455 1700
C Df = -
( log10ReL ) 2.58 ReL
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

0.455 1700
o ill d

k ide an art egr

= -

3 log104.213 ( 106 )4 2.58 4.213 ( 106 )

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

= 0.003059
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

Thus, the frictional drag force can be determined by applying

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

raU 2
St in ar on ot

FDf = CDf bL a b
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4( 500 ft>s ) 2


ht te min Wi

= 0.003059(4.5 ft)(1.5 ft) • ¶

la ach at de

s ing ion We

= 5.27 lb Ans.

δ (in.)








x (ft)
0 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50
xcr = 0.178
FDf = 5.27 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 977 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–43.  An airplane is flying at an altitude of 10,000 ft and

a speed of 450 mi>h in still air. If each wing is assumed to
have a flat surface of width 6 ft and length 20 ft, determine
the friction drag acting on each wing. Consider both laminar
and turbulent boundary layers.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 1.754110-32 slug>ft3 and va = 0.2015110-3 2 for air at an altitude
mi 5280 ft 1h
of 10 000 ft. Here, the free-stream velocity is U = a450 ba ba b =
h 1 mi 3600 s
660 ft>s. Thus, the Reynolds number at x = L = 6 ft is

UL 1660 ft>s216 ft2

ReL = = = 1.96531107 2
va 0.2015110-3 2 ft2 >s

Since 51105 2 … ReL 6 109, the friction drag coefficient, considering both laminar
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

and turbulent layers, is

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


0.455 1700
pr d s as f th y o

CDf = -
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

1log10 ReL2 2.58 ReL

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

0.455 1700
U e u tud clu an

= -
ni s en d d

7 2.58
1.96531107 2
te e

3log10 1.9653110 24
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

= 0.002615
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

Since each using has two surfaces, top and bottom, the total friction drag can be
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

determined from
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FDf = ΣCDf bL a rU 2 b
= 2e 0.002615120 ft216 ft2a b 311.754110-3 2 slug>ft3 41660 ft>s2 r

= 239.78 lb
= 240 lb  Ans.

FDf = 240 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 978 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–44.  The cargo ship is traveling forward at 30 mi>h in 30 mih

still water having a temperature of 50°F. If the bottom of
the ship can be assumed to be a flat plate of length 250 ft
and width 50 ft, determine the friction drag of the water on
the bottom of the ship. Consider both laminar and turbulent
boundary layers.
250 ft

The relative flow is steady, and the water is incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, rw = 1.94 slug>ft3 and vw = 14.1110-6 2 ft2 >s for water at 50°F. Here,
mi 5280 ft 1h
the free-stream velocity is U = a30 ba ba b = 44 ft>s. Thus, the
h 1 mi 3600 s
Reynolds number at x = L = 250 ft is
UL 144 ft>s21250 ft2
ReL = = = 7.8014(108)
vw 14.1110-6 2 ft2 >s
Th nd co of y th

Since 51105 2 … Re 6 109, the friction drag coefficient, considering both laminar
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

and turbulent boundary layers, is

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

0.455 1700
ot ole se is f t

CDf = -
ec ly s w he

2.58 ReL
1log10 ReL2
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

0.455 1700
U e u tud clu an

= -
ni s en d d
te e

3log10 7.8014(108)4 2.58 7.8014(108)

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

= 0.001618
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

The friction drag on the flat botton of the tanker can be determined from
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

FDf = CDf bL a rU 2 b
s ing ion We

= 0.001618150 ft21250 ft2 c 11.94 slug>ft3 2144 ft>s2 2 d
= 37.9811103 2 lb = 38.0 kip  Ans.

FDf = 38.0 kip


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 979 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–45.  The wall of the building is subjected to a wind that

produces a pressure distribution that can be approximated
by p = 1215.5ry1>2 2 Pa, where y is in meters. Determine
the resultant pressure force on the wall. The air is at a
temperature of 20°C, and the wall is 10 m wide.


We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. The
force of the pressure on a differential area dA = b dy = (10 m)dy is
dF = p dA = (215.5ry1>2)(10 dy) = 2155ry1>2 dy. Thus, the resultant pressure force
on the entire wall is
6m 6m

FR = dF = 2155ry1>2 dy = 2155ra y3>2 b ` = 21.1151103 2r N
3 0

From the table in Appendix A, ra = 1.202 kg>m3 for air at T = 20°C.

Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

FR = 321.1151103 2411.202 kg>m3 2 = 25.381103 2 N = 25.4 kN Ans.

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FR = 25.4 kN


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 980 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–46.  The pressure distribution of air as it passes over a

cylinder is p = 36 - 16>p2u4 kPa. Determine the pressure
drag acting on the cylinder for 0 … u … 180°. The cylinder
has a length of 4 m. p

600 mm

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. The force of the
pressure on a differential area dA = b ds = br du = 14 m210.6 m2 du = 2.4 du
6 u
is dF = p dA = a6 - u b1103 212.4 du2 = 14.41103 2a1 - b du. The pressure
p p
drag is equal to the component of the force along the direction of the free-stream
flow, which in this case is horizontal. Referring to Fig. a,

S (FR)x = ΣFx ; 1FD 2 p = 1dF2 x
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr

= dF cos u

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w


d o it

14.41103 2a1 -
by r th g s (in ork

= b cos u du
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

= 14.41103 2 a cos u - u cos u b du

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

1 p

ht te min Wi

= 14.41103 2 c sin u - (u sin u + cos u) d `

la ach at de


s ing ion We

= 14.41103 2a b N

= 9.167(103) N

= 9.17 kN  Ans.


dF 0.6 m
(FD)p 5 (FR)x ds



1FD 2 p = 9.17 kN


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–47.  The windward roof on the house is 40 ft wide and is

subjected to the wind as shown. If the average absolute
pressure on the top of the roof is 36 psf, and under the roof,
that is, within the attic, it is 24 psf, determine the pressure 25 ft
drag on the windward side of the roof.


We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. Here, the net
(FD)p 5 (FR)x
pressure on the top of the roof is pnet = 136 - 242 psf = 12 psf. The resultant force
of this net pressure is

FR = 112 lb>ft2 2140 ft2125 ft2 = 121103 2 lb

The pressure drag is equal to the component of resultant force along the direction of
the free-stream flow, which in this case is horizontal. Referring to Fig. a, 12 psf
S (FR)x = ΣFx ;  1FD 2 r = 3121103 2 lb4 sin 30° = 61103 2 lb = 6 kip Ans. 30°
FR 5 12(103) lb
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

1FD 2 p = 6 kip


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 982 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–48.  Air pressure acting on the inclined surfaces is

approximated by the linear distributions shown. Determine the 3 kPa
resultant horizontal force acting on the surface if it is 3 m wide. 3 kPa

5 kPa 45°

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady. (FR)y
The resultant force of the trapezoidal and triangular pressure prism are
1 N FPD = (FR)x
Ftrap = c (5 + 3) ( 103 ) 2 d 36 m(3 m)4 = 72 ( 103 ) N = 72 kN
2 m Ftri = 27 kN
1 N
Ftri = c 3 ( 103 ) 2 d 36 m(3 m)4 = 27 ( 103 ) N = 27 kN Ftrap = 72 kN 20° 3 kPa
2 m
5 kPa
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Referring to Fig. a,
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

+ (a)
= ΣFx ;  FPD = (72 kN) sin 20° + (27 kN) sin 45° = 43.7 kN

S (FR)x Ans.

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FPD = 43.7 kN


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 983 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–49.  The front of the building is subjected to wind that y

exerts a pressure of p = 10.25y1>2 2 lb>ft2, where y is in feet,
measured from the ground. Determine the resultant pressure 80 ft
force on the windward face of the building due to this loading.

30 ft

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
The force of the wind pressure on a differential area dA = b dy = (80 ft)dy is
1 1
dF = p dA = ( 0.25y2 ) (80 dy) = 20y2dy.

Thus, the resultant force on the entire windward surface is

30 ft 30 ft

1 2 3
FR = dF = 20y2dy = 20 a b y2 `
3 0
Th nd co of y th

= 2190.89 lb = 2.19 kip Ans.

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FR = 2.19 kip


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 984 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–50.  The building is subjected to a uniform wind having y

a speed of 80 ft>s. If the temperature of the air is 40°F,
determine the resultant pressure force on the front of the 80 ft
building if the drag coefficient is CD = 1.43.

30 ft

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 0.00247 slug>ft3 for air at T = 40°F .
FD = CDApr
( 80 ft>s ) 2
= 1.43 380 ft(30 ft)4( 0.00247 slug>ft3 ) £ §
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e

= 27.13 ( 103 ) lb = 27.1 kip

a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 27.1 kip


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 985 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–51.  Determine the moment developed at the base A of

the circular sign due to the 14 m>s wind. The air is at 20°C. 0.75 m
Neglect the drag on the pole.

14 ms

We will consider the flow as steady and air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and va = 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s for air at T = 20°C. A
The characteristic length for the circular sign is its diameter, d = 1.5 m. Thus, the
Reynolds number of the flow is
Ud 114 m>s211.5 m2
Re = = = 1.39071106 2
v 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s
Since Re 7 104, the value of CD = 1.1 for the circular disk can be used. Here, FD 5 228.98 N
AP = p10.75 m2 2 = 0.5625p m2.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

raV 2
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

FD = CDAP a b
o ill d

k ide an art egr



3.75 m
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

3 2
11.202 kg>m 2114 m>s2
te fo sin or w

= 1.110.5625p m2 2 c
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n

= 228.98 N
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

Here, FD acts through the center of the circular signboard, as shown on its FBD, Fig. a. Ay
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

Consider the moment equilibrium about point A. (a)

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

+ ΣMA = 0; MA - 1228.98N213.75 m2 = 0
s ing ion We

MA = 858.67 N # m = 859 N # m Ans.


MA = 859 N # m


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 986 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–52.  The mast on the boat is held in place by the rigging,

which consists of rope having a diameter of 0.75 in. and a total
length of 130 ft. Assuming the rope to be cylindrical, determine
the drag it exerts on the boat if the boat is moving forward in
still air at a speed of 30 ft>s. The air has a temperature of 60°F.

We will assume that steady laminar flow occurs, and the air is incompressible.
Appendix A gives ra = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and ma = 0.374 ( 10-6 ) lb # s>ft2 at T = 60°F.
The Reynolds number is
( 0.00237 slug>ft3 )( 30 ft>s )a ft b
raUD 12
Re = = = 1.188 ( 104 )
ma 0.374 ( 10-6 ) lb # s>ft2
With this Reynolds number, the drag coefficient for the cylinder can be obtained
using Fig. 11–31, for which CD = 1.3 (approximately). Then the drag force on the
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

rope can be determined by applying

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

raV 2

pr d s as f th y o

FD = CDAP a b
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

( 0.00237 slug>ft 3
)( 30 ft>s ) 2
U e u tud clu an

ni s en d d

= 1.3c a ft b(130 ft) d £ §

te e
d of t le ng is n

12 2
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

= 11.3 lb Ans.

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 11.3 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 987 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–53.  Each of the smooth bridge piers (cylinders) has a

diameter of 0.75 m. If the river maintains an average speed
of 0.08 m>s, determine the drag the water exerts on each
pier. The water temperature is 20°C.
0.08 ms

0.75 m

Water is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 998.3 kg>m3 and n = 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s . Thus, the Reynolds
number of the flow is

UD ( 0.08 m>s ) (0.75 m)

Re = = = 6 ( 104 )
n 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
The drag coefficient can be determined by entering this Re on the graph, which gives
CD = 1.4 (approximately). Also, AP = 0.75 m(6 m) = 4.5 m2.
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

( 0.08 m>s )
o ill d

k ide an art egr


= 1.4 ( 4.5 m2 )( 998.3 kg>m3 )°


FD = CDAP r ¢
pr d s as f th y o

2 2
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 20.1 N Ans.
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 20.1 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 988 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–54.  Determine the pressure drag acting on the side of

the truck if the air is at 60°F and it is blowing at 30 mi>h.
Take CD = 1.3. Note that 1 mi = 5280 ft . 40 ft 8 ft

30 mih

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and va = 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s for air at T = 60°F.
mi 5280 ft 1h
Here, the free-stream velocity is U = a30 ba ba b = 44 ft>s.
h 1 mi 3600 s
The projected area of the side of container perpendicular to the free stream is
AP = (40 ft)(8 ft) = 320. Thus, the drag acting on the container’s side can be

raU 2
Th nd co of y th

FD = CDAp a b
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


0.00237 slug>ft3)(44 ft>s)2


pr d s as f th y o

= 1.3(320 ft2) c d
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

= 954.37 lb = 954 lb  Ans.

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 954 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 989 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–55.  The antenna on the building is made from two 200 mm 10 m

smooth cylindrical sections as shown. Determine the 400 mm
restraining moment at its base to hold it in equilibrium if it 15 m
is subjected to a wind having an average speed of 25 m>s.
The air is at a temperature of 10°C.

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 1.247 kg>m3 and va = 14.2110-6 2 m2 >s for air at T = 10°C. Thus,
the Reynolds numbers for the top and bottom section are (FD)t 5 779.375 N
UDb (25 m>s)(0.4 m)
(Re)b = = = 7.0423(105)
va 14.2(10-6) m2 >s
(FD)b 5 818.34 N
UDt (25 m>s)(0.2 m) 20 m
(Re)t = = = 3.5211(105)
va 14.2(10-6) m2 >s
Th nd co of y th

Since the antenna is of two different-diameter smooth cylinders, the drag coefficient
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

7.5 m
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

can be determined by entering the respective Re’s into Fig. 11–31, which gives
or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


(CD)b _ 0.35 and (CD)t _ 0.8. Also, (Ap)b = (0.4 m)(15 m) = 6 m2 and (Ap)t =

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

(0.2 m)(10 m) = 2 m2. Thus, the drag on the top and bottom sections of the antenna are MA
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

raU 2
U e u tud clu an

(FD)t = (CD)t (Ar)t a b

ni s en d d
te e

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

(1.247 kg>m3)(25 m>s)2

es ru ng he er

= (0.8)(2 m2) c d
co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

= 623.6 N
la ach at de
s ing ion We

raU 2
(FD)b = (CD)b (Ar)b a b
(1.247 kg>m3)(25 m>s)2
= (0.35)(6 m2) c d

= 818.34 N

Here, (FD)t and (FD)b act through mid-height of their respective sections as shown in
the free-body diagram of the antenna, Fig. a.
+ ΣMA = 0; MA - (818.34 N)(7.5 m) - (623.6 N)(20 m) = 0
MA = 18.608(103) N # m = 18.6 kN # m Ans.

MA = 18.6 kN # m


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 990 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–56.  A periscope on a submarine has a submerged

length of 2.5 m and a diameter of 50 mm. If the submarine is
traveling at 8 m>s, determine the moment developed at the
base of the periscope. The water is at a temperature of 15°C.
Consider the periscope to be a smooth cylinder.


Water is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.

From Appendix A, r = 999.2 kg>m3 and n = 1.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for water at
T = 15°C . Thus, the Reynolds number of the flow is FD = 3197.44 N

UD ( 8 m>s ) (0.05 m)
Re = = = 3.48 ( 105 ) 1.25 m
n 1.15 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Since the periscope is a cylinder (smooth), the drag coefficient can be deter- Ax
mined by entering this Re into Fig. 11–31, which gives CD ≅ 0.85 (approx.). Also, MA
AP = 0.05 m(2.5 m) = 0.125 m2.
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

( 8 m>s ) 2 (a)
o ill d

k ide an art egr

= 0.85 ( 0.125 m2 )( 999.2 kg>m3 ) £


FD = CDAp r §

pr d s as f th y o

2 2
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

= 3397.28 N
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

Here, FD acts through the mid-length of the periscope’s submerged length as shown
ni s en d d
te e

in its free-body diagram in Fig. a.

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

+ ΣMA = 0;  MA - 3397.28 N(1.25 m) = 0

co cto . D W mit

MA = 4246.6 N # m = 4.25 kN # m
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

MA = 4.25 kN # m


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 991 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–57.  The truck has a drag coefficient of CD = 1.12 when

it is traveling with a constant velocity of 80 km>h. Determine
the power needed to drive the truck at this speed if the
average front projected area of the truck is 10.5 m2. The air
is at a temperature of 10°C.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 1.247 kg>m3 for air at T = 10° C . Here,
km 1000 m 1h
U = a80 ba ba b = 22.22 m>s .
h 1 km 3600 s

U2 ( 22.2 m>s ) 2
FD = CDAp r = 1.12 ( 10.5 m2 )( 1.247 kg>m3 ) c d
2 2
= 3620.92 N
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Thus, the power needed to overcome the drag is

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

W = FD # V = (3620.92 N)( 22.2 m>s ) = 80.46 ( 103 ) W

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

= 80.5 kW Ans.

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

W = 80.5 kW


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 992 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–58.  The truck has a drag coefficient of CD = 0.86 when

it is traveling with a constant velocity of 60 km>h. Determine
the power needed to drive the truck at this speed if the
average front projected area of the truck is 10.5 m2. The air
is at a temperature of 10°C.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 1.247 kg>m3 for air at T = 10°C . Here,
km 1000 m 1h
U = a60 ba ba b = 16.67 m>s .
h 1 km 3600 s

U2 ( 16.667 m>s ) 2
FD = CDAP r = 0.86 ( 10.5 m2 )( 1.247 kg>m3 ) c d
2 2
= 1564 N
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

Thus, the power needed to overcome the drag is

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

W = FD # V = (1564 N) ( 16.667 m>s ) = 26.07 ( 103 ) W

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

= 26.1 kW Ans.

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

W = 26.1 kW


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 993 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–59.  The motorcycle and passenger has a projected

front area of 6.76 ft2. Determine the power required to
travel at a constant velocity of 70 mi>h if the drag coefficient 70 mih
is CD = 0.64 and the air is at 80°F. Note that 1 mi = 5280 ft.


We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From
the table in Appendix A, ra = 0.00228 slug>ft3 for air at T = 80°F. The free-stream FD 5 21.22 miylb
mi 5280 ft 1h
velocity is U = a70 ba ba b = 102.67 ft>s. Here,
h 1 mi 3600 s

raU 2
FD = CDAr a b
(0.00228 slug>ft3)(102.67 ft>s)2 N2 N1
= (0.64)(6.76 ft ) c d
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

= 51.986 lb
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

Referring to the free-body diagram of the motorcycle shown in Fig. a,

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

d ΣFx = max;  F - 51.986 lb = 0  F = 51.986 lb

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

Subsequently, the power needed to produce this driving force is

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

W = F # U = (51.986 lb)(102.67 ft>s2)
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

1 hp
= (5337.28 lb # ft>s) a
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

550 lb # ft>s

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

= 9.70 hp  Ans.

W = 9.70 hp


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 994 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–60.  The parachute has a drag coefficient of CD = 1.36

and an open diameter of 4 m. Determine the terminal
velocity as the man parachutes downward. The air is at
20°C. The total mass of the parachute and man is 90 kg.
Neglect the drag on the man.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
Since the parachutist descends with a constant terminal velocity, the acceleration is
zero. Referring to the free-body diagram shown in Fig. a,
+ c ΣFy = may;   FD - 90(9.81) N = 90(0)     FD = 882.9 N

From Appendix A, r = 1.202 kg>m3 for air at T = 20°C . Here, the projected area
of the parachute perpendicular to the air stream is AP = p(2 m)2 = 4p m2.
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr

882.9 N = 1.36 ( 4p m2 )( 1.202 kg>m3 )a



pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

U = 9.27 m>s Ans.

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We


90(9.81) N

U = 9.27 m>s


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 995 16/03/17 10:38 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–61.  The parachute has a drag coefficient of CD = 1.36.

Determine the required open diameter of the parachute so
the man attains a terminal velocity of 10 m>s. The air is at
20°C. The total mass of the parachute and man is 90 kg.
Neglect the drag on the man.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
Since the parachutist descends with a constant terminal velocity, the acceleration is
zero. Referring to the free-body diagram shown in Fig. a,
+ c ΣFy = may;   FD - 90(9.81) N = 90(0)     FD = 882.9 N

From Appendix A, r = 1.202 kg>m3 for air at T = 20°C . Here, the projected area
d 2 pd 2
of the parachute perpendicular to the air stream is AP = p a b = .
2 4
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

pd 2 ( 10 m>s ) 2
ot ole se is f t

b ( 1.202 kg>m3 ) c
ec ly s w he

882.9 N = 1.36 a d
te fo sin or w

4 2
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

d = 3.71 m Ans.
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We


90(9.81) N

d = 3.71 m


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 996 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–62.  The man and the parachute have a total mass of

90 kg. If the parachute has an open diameter of 6 m and the
terminal velocity is 5 m>s, determine the drag coefficient of
the parachute. The air is at 20°C. Neglect the drag on the man.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
Since the parachutist descends with a constant terminal velocity, the acceleration is
zero. Referring to the free-body diagram shown in Fig. a,
+ c ΣFy = may;   FD - 90(9.81) N = 90(0)     FD = 882.9 N
From Appendix A, r = 1.202 kg>m3 for air at T = 20°C . Here, the projected area
6m 2
of the parachute perpendicular to the air stream is AP = p a b = 9p m2.
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

( 5 m>s ) 2
ot ole se is f t

882.9 N = CD ( 9p m2 )( 1.202 kg>m3 ) c

ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

CD = 2.08 Ans.
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We


90(9.81) N

CD = 2.08


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 997 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–63.  The drag coefficient for the car is CD = 0.28, and

the projected area into the 20°C airstream is 2.5 m2. 60 mih
Determine the power the engine must supply to maintain a
constant speed of 160 km>h.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 1.202 kg>m3 for air at T = 20°C. Here,
km 1000 m 1h
U = a160 ba ba b = 44.44 m>s.
h 1 km 3600 s

U2 ( 44.44 m>s ) 2
FD = CDAP r = 0.28 ( 2.5 m2 )( 1.202 kg>m3 ) £ §
2 2
= 831.01 N
Th nd co of y th

Referring to the free-body diagram shown in Fig. a,

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

S ΣFx = max;   F - 831.01 N = 0     F = 831.01 N

k ide an art egr

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

Subsequently, the power that must be supplied by the engine to produce this drive
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

force is
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

W = F # U = (831.01 N) ( 44.44 m>s ) = 36.93 ( 103 ) W
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

= 36.9 kW Ans.

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

s ing ion We

FD = 831.01 N



W = 36.9 kW


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 998 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–64.  A 5-m-diameter balloon is at an altitude of 2 km.

If it is moving with a terminal velocity of 12 km>h,
determine the drag on the balloon.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 1.007 kg>m3 and n = 17.26 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for air at an altitude
km 1000 m 1h
of 2 km. Here, U = a12 ba ba b = 3.333 m>s. Thus, the Reynolds
h 1 km 3600 s
number is
UD ( 3.333 m>s ) (5 m)
Re = = = 9.656 ( 105 )
n 17.26 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Entering this Re into the graph for a sphere, CD ≅ 0.16 (approx.). Here,
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

5m 2
o ill d

k ide an art egr

AP = p a b = 6.25p m2.

pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

U2 ( 3.333 m>s ) 2
d o it

0.16 ( 6.25p m2 )( 1.007 kg>m3 ) c

by r th g s (in ork

FD = CDAP r d
2 2
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

= 17.6 N Ans.
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 17.6 N


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 999 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–65.  A boat tows a half-submerged 600-lb oil drum having 20 fts

an approximate diameter of 2.5 ft. If the drag coefficient is
CD = 0.76, determine the tension in the horizontal tow rope
at the instant the boat is traveling at 20 ft>s and has an
acceleration of 4 ft>s2. Take rw = 1.94 slug>ft3.

SOLUTION a 5 4 ftys2

We consider the relative flow steady, and the water is incompressible, since x W 5 600 lb
the drum is half-submerged and the flow is along the length of the drum,
p11.25 ft2 2
AP = = 0.78125p ft2. Thus, the drag on the drum is T
rwU 2 FD 5 723.74 lb
FD = cD AP a b
1.94 slug>ft3 (a)
= (0.76)(0.78125p ft2) c d
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

= 723.74 lb
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

Referring to the free-body diagram of the drum in Fig. a,

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

600 lb

d o it

S ΣFx = max;  T - 723.74 lb = a b14 ft>s2 2

by r th g s (in ork

32.2 ft>s2
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

 T = 798.28 lb = 798 lb Ans.

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

T = 798 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1000 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–66.  The uniform crate has a mass of 50 kg and rests on a

surface having a coefficient of static friction of ms = 0.5. If the 2m
speed of the wind is 10 m>s, determine whether it will cause 2m
the crate to either tip over or slide. The air temperature is 20°C.
Take CD = 1.06.

SOLUTION W 5 490.5 N

We will consider the flow as steady and air as incompressible. From the table in
Appendix A, ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and va = 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s for the air at T = 20°C.
Thus, the Reynolds number is FD 5 254.824 N

Ua 110 m>s212 m2
Re = = = 1.32451106 2 1m
va 15.1110-6 2 m2 >s
Since Re 7 10 and we consider the crate as a cube, CD = 1.06 Here, AP =
(2 m)(2 m) = 4 m2. x
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

rU 2 (1.202 kg>m2)(10 m>s)2

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

FD = CDAp a b = 1.06(4 m2) c d


2 2
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

= 254.824 N
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

The free-body diagram of the crate is shown in Fig. a. Here, FD acts at the mid-height
ni s en d d
te e

of the crate. Considering the equilibrium of the crate,

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

+ c ΣFy = 0;

N - 50(9.81) N = 0 N = 4.90.5 N
co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted

S ΣFx = 0; 254.824 N - F = 0 F = 254.824 N

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

+ ΣM0 = 0; 350(9.81)N4x - 254.824(1 m) = 0 x = 0.520 m

la ach at de
s ing ion We

Since F 7 F max = ms N = 0.5(490.5 N) = 245.25 N, and x 6 1 m, the crate will

slide before it tips. Ans.

The crate will slide.


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1001 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–67.  The rocket has a 60° nose cone and a base diameter
of 1.25 m. Determine the drag of the air on the cone when
the rocket is traveling at 60 m>s in air having a temperature
of 10°C. Use Table 11–3 for the cone, but explain why this
may not be an accurate assumption. 1.25 m

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 1.247 kg>m3 and n = 14.2 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for air at T = 10°C.
Thus, the Reynolds number of the air flow is
UD ( 60 m>s )(1.25 m)
Re = = = 5.28 ( 106 )
n 14.2 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s

Since Re 7 104, the value of CD for the cone in the table can be used. For u = 60°,
1.25 m 2
CD = 0.8. Here, AP = p a b = 0.390625p m2.
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

U2 ( 60 m>s ) 2
o ill d

k ide an art egr

= 0.8 ( 0.39025p m2 )( 1.247 kg>m3 ) £


FD = CDAP r §

pr d s as f th y o

2 2
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

= 2.204 ( 103 ) N = 2.20 kN Ans.

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 2.20 kN


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1002 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–68.  A 1-ft by 1-ft square plate is held in air at 60°F,

which is blowing at 50 ft>s. Compare the drag on the plate
when it is held normal and then parallel to the airflow.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and n = 0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s for air at
T = 60°F. When the plate is held normal to the air flow, the drag is contributed
by pressure drag only. For this case, CD = 1.1 for a square plate where = 1 and
AP = 1 ft(1 ft) = 1 ft2.
( 50 ft>s ) 2
Th nd co of y th

= 1.1 ( 1 ft2 )( 0.00237 slug>ft3 ) c
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

FD = CD AP r d
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

2 2
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


= 3.26 lb Ans.

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

When the plate is held parallel to the air flow, the drag is contributed by frictional
te fo sin or w
d o it

drag only. Here, the Reynolds number for the flow at x = L = 1 ft is

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

( 50 ft>s ) (1 ft)
ni s en d d

te e

ReL = = = 3.165 ( 105 )

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

n 0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

Since ReL 6 (Rex)cr = 5 ( 105 ) , the boundary layer throughout the length of the
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

plate is laminar. Since there are two surfaces subjected to flow,


ht te min Wi
la ach at de

s ing ion We

0.664brU 2L 0.664(1 ft) ( 0.00237 slug>ft3 )( 50 ft>s ) 2(1 ft)

FD = Σ = 2c d
2ReL 23.165 ( 105 )

= 0.0140 lb Ans.

Normal: FD = 3.26 lb
Parallel: FD = 0.0140 lb


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1003 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–69.  A ball has a diameter of 40 mm and falls in

honey with a terminal velocity of 0.3 m>s. Determine
the mass of the ball. For honey, take rh = 1360 kg>m3 and
nh = 0.04 m2 >s. Note: The volume of a sphere is V = 43pr 3.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the honey as incompressible. The
FB 5 0.44708 N
Reynolds number is
UD (0.3 m>s)(0.04 m)
Re = = = 0.3
vh 0.04 m2 >s W 5 m(98.1)
Since Re 6 1, the drag coefficient for the sphere can be determined using Stoke’s
equation. a50

24 24
Th nd co of y th

CD = = = 80
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

Re 0.3
w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

Here, AP = p(0.02 m)2 = 0.4(10-3)p m2. So FD 5 6.1525 N


pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

r hU 2 (1360 kg>m3)(0.3 m>s)2

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

FD = CDAp a b = 8030.4(10-3)p m2 4 c d
U e u tud clu an

2 2
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

= 6.1525 N
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

4 3 4
pr = p(0.02 m)3 = 10.667(10-6)p m3.
rig in se ld .

The volume of the ball is V =


ht te min Wi

3 3
la ach at de
s ing ion We

Thus, the buoyant force is

FB = rhgV = (1360 kg>m3)(9.81 m>s2)310.667(10-6)p m3 4 = 0.44708 N

Consider the force equilibrium along the vertical by referring to the free-body

diagram of the ball, Fig. a.

+ c ΣFy = may;  6.1525 N + 0.44708 N - m(9.81) = 0
m = 0.6727 kg = 673 g Ans.

Note: The density of the ball, 20.08(103) kg>m3, is just a little less than that of
osmium, a bluish-white metal that is the densest known naturally occurring element
at 22.59(103) kg>m3.

m = 673 g


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11–70.  The blades of a mixer are used to stir a liquid

having a density r and viscosity m. If each blade has a length
L and width w, determine the torque T needed to rotate the
blades at a constant angular rate v. Take the drag coefficient v
of the blade’s cross section to be CD. Assume the body of
liquid remains at rest as it is being stirred.

The liquid is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
The drag on the differential area dA = w dr is shown on the free-body diagram of
the blade, Fig. a. z
dFD = CDAP r
Here, AP = dA = w dr and U = vr. Thus, T
(vr)2 1 dr
dFD = CD(w dr)rc d = C rwv2r 2 dr dFD
Th nd co of y th

2 2 D
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

Since the blade rotates with a constant angular velocity, moment equilibrium exists r

pr d s as f th y o

about the z axis. Thus,

ot ole se is f t

r dFD
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

2 dFD(r) - T = 0
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

at st ni t p

L0 L0 2
es ru ng he er

CD rwv2r 3 dr

T = 2 dFD(r) = 2
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

= CDrwv2 r 3 dr
s ing ion We

r4 2

= CDrwv2 a b
4 0

= C rwv2L4 Ans.
4 D

T = C rwv2L4
4 D


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11–71.  A solid ball has a diameter of 20 mm and a density

of rb = 3.00 Mg>m3. Determine its terminal velocity if it is
dropped into a liquid having a density of rl = 2.30 Mg>m3
and a kinematic viscosity of nl = 0.052 m2 >s. Note: The
volume of a sphere is V = 43pr 3.

6 L gD

The liquid is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady. W= b gD

Here, we will assume that Re 6 1. Realizing that m = rLn, then y
FD = 3pmUD = 3prLnUD
4 3 4 D 3 p
The volume of the ball is V = pr = p a b = D3. Thus, the weight of the
3 3 2 6
ball and the bouyant force are
p p
W = mg = rbVg = rb c D3 d g = rb gD3 FD = 3 v UD
Th nd co of y th

6 6
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

p p

FB = rLVg = rL a D3 bg = rL gD3

pr d s as f th y o

6 6
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

Referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. a,

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

p p
te e

+ c ΣFy = may;      3prLnUD + rLgD3 - rbgD3 = 0

d of t le ng is n

6 6
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

gD2 ( rb - rL )
co cto . D W mit

U =
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

Substituting the data,

s ing ion We

( 9.81 m>s2 ) (0.02 m)2 ( 3000 kg>m3 - 2300 kg>m3 )

U =
18 ( 2300 kg>m3 )( 0.052 m2 >s )
= 0.001276 m>s = 0.00128 m>s Ans.

Thus, the Reynolds number is

UD ( 0.001276 m>s ) (0.02 m)
Re = = = 0.4907 ( 10-3 ) 6 1 (O.K.)
n 0.052 m2 >s

U = 0.00128 m>s


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*11–72.  A ball has a diameter of 8 in. When it is kicked, it

is given a speed of 18 ft>s. Determine the initial drag acting
on the ball. Does this force remain constant? The air is at a
temperature of 60°F.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
From Appendix A, r = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and n = 0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s for air at
T = 60°F . Thus, the initial Reynolds number is
( 18 ft>s ) a ft b
UD 12
Re = = = 7.59 ( 104 )
n 0.158 ( 10-3 ) ft2 >s
Entering this Re into the graph for a sphere, CD ≅ 0.5 (approx.). Also,
Th nd co of y th

AP = p a ft b = 0.1111p ft2.
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


U2 ( 18 ft>s ) 2
pr d s as f th y o

= 0.5 ( 0.1111p ft2 )( 0.00237 slug>ft3 ) £

ot ole se is f t

FD = CDAP r §
ec ly s w he

2 2
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 0.0670 lb Ans.
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

The drag force on the ball will not remain constant since the velocity of the ball
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

changes. Furthermore, it also depends on the drag coefficient, which is a function of

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FD = 0.0670 lb


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11–73.  Particulate matter at an altitude of 8 km in the upper

atmosphere has an average diameter of 3 μm. If a particle has
8 km
a mass of 42.5110-12 2 g, estimate the time needed for it to
settle to the earth. Assume gravity is constant, and for air,
r = 1.202 kg>m3 and m = 18.1110-6 2 N # s>m2.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
] 42.5 (10–12(
](9.81) N
Here, we will assume that Re 6 1. Therefore, the drag is
FD = 3pmUD = 3p 3 18.1 ( 10-6 ) N # s>m2 4 (U) 3 3 ( 10-6 ) m 4 a=0

= 0.1629 ( 10-9 ) pU
Referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. a,
FD = 0.1629 (10–9( U
42.5 ( 10-12 )
+ c ΣFy = 0;     0.1629 ( 10-9 ) pU - £
Th nd co of y th

§ (9.81) N = 0 (a)
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


U = 0.8147 ( 10-3 ) m>s

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

Therefore, the Reynolds number is

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

( 1.202 kg>m3 )3 0.8147 ( 10 - 3 ) m>s 43 3 ( 10-6 ) m 4

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

= 1.623 ( 10-4 ) 6 1 (O.K.)
te e

Re = =
18.1 ( 10-6 ) N # s>m2
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

Thus, the time needed to settle is

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

8 ( 103 ) m

s 1 hr 1 day
ht te min Wi

t = = = 3 9.820 ( 106 ) s 4 a ba b
la ach at de

U 0.8147 ( 10-3 ) m>s 3600 s 24 hr

s ing ion We

= 113.66 days = 114 days Ans.


t = 114 days


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11–74.  A sprayer ejects a coating of particles at 25 m>s. 25 ms

Determine their velocity 8 μs after leaving the nozzle. Assume
the average diameter of the particles is 0.6 μm and each
has a mass of 0.8110-12 2 g. The air is at 20°C. Neglect the
vertical component of the velocity. Note: The volume of
a sphere is V = 43pr 3.

mg dt
We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From x
the table in Appendix A, ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and ma = 18.1110-6 2 N # s>m2 for air at
T = 20°C. Thus, the maximum Reynolds number is
FD 5 32.58(10–12)pV
raUmaxD 11.202 kg>m3 2125 m>s2306110-6 2 m4 (a)
1Re2 max = = = 0.9961
ma 18.1110-6 2 N # s>m2
Since 1Re2 max 6 1, the drag on the particle can be determined using
FD = 3pmaVD
= 3p318.1110-6 2 N # s>m2 41V230.6110-6 2m4
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

= 32.58110-12 2pV
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

Referring to the free-body diagram of the particle in Fig. a,

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w


d o it

by r th g s (in ork

S -12
+ ΣFx = max;   - 32.58(10 )pV = c kg d a b
U e u tud clu an

1000 dt
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

8(10 -6) s V

L0 L25 m>s V
at st ni t p

- 40.725(103)p dt =
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

- 0.3258p = ln V 0 V
ht te min Wi

25 m>s
la ach at de
s ing ion We

- 0.3258p = ln
e -0.3258p =

V = 8.98 m>s Ans.

V = 8.98 m>s


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11–75.  Impure water at 20°C enters the retention tank and

rises to a level of 2 m. Determine the shortest time needed
for all spherical sediment particles having a diameter of
0.05 mm or greater to settle to the bottom. Assume the
density of the particles is r = 1.6 Mg>m3 or greater. Note:
The volume of a sphere is V = 43pr 3. 2m


6 L gD

Water is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady. W= b gD

Here, we will assume that Re 6 1. Realizing that m = rLn, then y

FD = 3pmUD = 3prLnUD
4 3 4 D 3 p
The volume of the particles is V = pr = p a b = D3. Thus, the weight of
3 3 2 6
the particles and the bouyant force are

p 3 p FD = 3 v UD
D bg = rbgD3
Th nd co of y th

W = mg = rVg = rb a L
is is p urs an e

6 6
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


p p
FB = rLVg = rL a D3 bg = rLgD3
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

6 6
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

Referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. a,

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

p p
ni s en d d

+ c ΣFy = may ;    3prLnUD + rLgD3 - rbgD3 = 0

te e
d of t le ng is n

6 6
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

gD3 ( rb - rL )
co cto . D W mit

U =
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

From Appendix A, rL = 998.3 kg>m and n = 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for water at
s ing ion We

T = 20°C . Substituting the data,

( 9.81 m>s2 )3 50 ( 10-6 ) m 4 2 ( 1600 kg>m3 - 998.3 kg>m3 )

U =
18 ( 998.3 kg>m3 )3 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s 4

= 0.8212 ( 10-3 ) m>s

Thus, the Reynolds number is

UD ( 0.8212 ( 10-3 ) m>s )3 50 ( 10-6 ) m 4

Re = = = 0.0411 6 1 (O.K.)
n 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Thus, the time required for the particles to settle is
s 2m 1 min
t = = = 2435.42 s a b
U (
0.8212 10 -3
) m>s 60 s

= 40.6 min Ans.

t = 40.6 min


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*11–76.  A styrofoam ball having a diameter of 3 in. and a

weight of 0.05 lb is dropped from a high building. Determine
its terminal velocity. The temperature of the air is 60°F. Note:
The volume of a sphere is V = 43pr 3.

SOLUTION FB 5 0.6243(10–3) lb

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From
the table in Appendix A, ra = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and va = 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s for air at W 5 0.05 lb y
T = 60°F. Thus, the Reynolds number is
Va ft b
VD 12
Re = = = 1.58231103 2V (1)
va 0.158110-3 2 ft2 >s
FD 5 58.17(10–6)CD V 2
1.5 2
p 2 (a)
The projected area perpendicular to the air stream is Ar = pa ft b = ft
Th nd co of y th

12 64
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

raV 2

FD = CDAP a b
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

3 2
p 2 10.00237 slug>ft 2V
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= CD a ft b c d
U e u tud clu an

64 2
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

= 58.17110-6 2CDV 2
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted

4 4 15 p 3
The volume of the ball is V = pr 3 = pa ft b =
rig in se ld .

ft . Thus, the buoyant


ht te min Wi

3 3 12 384
force is
la ach at de
s ing ion We

p 3
FB = raVg = (0.00237 slug>ft3) a ft b(32.2 ft>s2) = 0.6243(10-3) lb

Referring to the free-body diagram of the ball, Fig. a,


+ c ΣFy = may;  58.17110-6 2CDV 2 + 0.6243110-3 2 lb - 0.05 lb = 0

V =  (2)
Trial and error iterative procedure is required. The iterations are tabulated below.

Iteration Assumed CD V(ft>s); (Eq. 2) Re; (Eq. 1) CD from Fig. 11-31

1 0.6 37.61 5.951104 2 0.5
2 0.5 41.20 6.521104 2 0.5

Since the assumed CD is almost the same as that obtained from Fig. 11-31 in the 2nd
iteration, the result of V in this iteration is acceptable. Thus,
V = 41.2 ft>s Ans.

V = 41.2 ft>s


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11–77.  A raindrop has a diameter of 1 mm. Determine its

approximate terminal velocity as it falls. Assume that for air
ra = 1.247 kg>m3 and na = 14.2110-6 2 m2 >s. Neglect buoyancy.
Note: The volume of a sphere is V = 43pr 3.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
The Reynolds number is a=0
UD U(0.001 m)
Re = = = 70.422U (1)
na 14.2 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s

p 3 p
The volume of the raindrop is V = D = (0.001 m)3 = 1.667 ( 10-10 ) p m3. Thus,
Th nd co of y th

6 6
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

its weight is
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


W = mg = rwVg = ( 1000 kg>m3 )3 1.667 ( 10-10 ) p m3 4( 9.81 m>s2 ) = 5.1365 ( 10-6 ) N

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

0.001 m 2
d o it

Here, AP = p a b = 2.5 ( 10-7 ) p m2.

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

U2 U2
d of t le ng is n

FD = CDAP r = CD 3 2.5 ( 10-7 ) p m2 4( 1.247 kg>m3 ) a b

St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

2 2
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

= 4.897 ( 10-7 ) CDU 2

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

Referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. a,

la ach at de
s ing ion We

+ c ΣFy = may;  4.897 ( 10-7 ) CDU 2 - 5.1365 ( 10-6 ) N = 0

U2 = (2)

The iterations carried out are tabulated as follows:

Iteration Assumed CD U ( m>s ) ; Eq. (2) Re; Eq. (1) CD from the graph
1 0.5 4.58 323 0.66
2 0.66 3.98 280 0.7

Use CD = 0.7, and

U = 3.98 m>s Ans.

U = 3.98 m>s


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–78.  Dust particles having an average diameter of

0.05 mm and an average density of 450 kg>m3 are stirred up
by an airstream and blown off the edge of the 600-mm-high
desk into a horizontal steady wind of 0.5 m>s. Determine
the distance d from the edge of the desk where most
0.5 ms
of them will strike the ground. Since we have “creeping
flow,” the path of descent is practically a straight line. The 600 mm
air is at a temperature of 20°C. Note: The volume of a sphere
is V = 43 pr 3.


Due to the smallness of a dust particle, the flow can be assumed steady and
often ­referred to as creeping flow. Also, the air will be assumed incompressible.
Appendix  A gives ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and ma = 18.1 ( 10-6 ) N # s>m2. For creeping Fb
flow we assume that Re 6 1 so that Stokes’ equation FD = 3pmaVD can be used.
The ­bouyant force is Fb = raVg, and the weight of the dust W = mg = rdVg. Since
the dust is creeping in the vertical direction with its terminal velocity (constant),
then referring to the FBD in Fig. a,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

+ T ΣFy = 0;  rdVg - raVg - 3pmaVD = 0

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


(rd - ra)Vg

pr d s as f th y o

V = W
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

4 D 3 p
U e u tud clu an

Since V = p a b = D3, the above equation becomes

ni s en d d

3 2 6
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er


( rd - ra )a D3 bg
co cto . D W mit

6 ( rd - ra ) gD2
py rs is or ted

V = =
rig in se ld .

3pmaD 18ma
ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

Substitute the numerical data into this equation to find the terminal downward velocity.
( 450 kg>m3 - 1.202 kg>m3 )( 9.81 m>s2 )3 0.05 ( 10-6 ) m 4 2
V =
18 3 18.1 ( 10-6 ) N # s>m2 4

= 0.03378 m>s

Then the Reynolds number is

raVD ( 1.202 kg>m3 )( 0.03378 m>s )3 0.05 ( 10-3 ) m 4
Re = =
ma 18.1 ( 10-6 ) N # s>m2
= 0.1122 6 1 (O.K.)

The time for the dust to strike the ground can therefore be determined from

h 0.6 m
t = = = 17.76 s
v 0.03378 m>s
Thus, the horizontal distance d is

d = Ut = ( 0.5 m>s ) (17.76 s) = 8.88 m Ans.

d = 8.88 m


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
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11–79.  A 2-mm-diameter sand particle having a density of

2.40 Mg>m3 is released from rest at the surface of oil. As the
particle falls downward, “creeping flow” will be established
around it. Determine the velocity of the particle and the
time at which Stokes’ law becomes invalid, at about Re = 1.
The oil has a density of ro = 900 kg>m3 and a viscosity of
mo = 30.2110-3 2 N # s>m2. Assume the particle is a sphere,
where its volume is V = 43pr 3.


W = rVg = ( 2400 kg>m3 ) c p ( 0.001 m ) 3 d ( 9.81 m>s2 ) = 9.8621 ( 10-5 ) N
4 Fb
Fb = roVg = ( 900 kg>m3 ) c p ( 0.001 m ) 3 d ( 9.81 m>s2 ) = 3.6983 ( 10-5 ) N

FD = 3pm0VD = 3p 3 30.2 ( 10 - 3 ) N # s>m2 4 V(0.002 m)

= 5.6926 ( 10-4 ) V
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


We solve Re = 1 to find V:

pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

= 1 (a)
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

30.2 ( 10 - 3 ) N # s>m2
te e
d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

V = = = 0.016778 m>s = 16.8 mm>s Ans.

at st ni t p

r oD ( 900 kg>m3 ) (0.002 m)

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

Now we integrate, starting with Newton’s Second Law:

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

+ T ΣFy = ma;
s ing ion We

W - Fb - FD = m

9.8621 ( 10 - 5 ) - 3.6983 ( 10-5 ) - 5.6926 ( 10-4 ) V


4 dV
= (2400) c p ( 0.001 m3 ) d
3 dt

6.1638 ( 10-5 ) - 5.6926 ( 10-4 ) V = 1.00531 ( 10-5 )
t 0.016778 1.00531 ( 10-5 )
L L0 6.1638 ( 10-5 ) - 5.6926 ( 10-4 ) V
dt = dV

t = 0.002973 s = 2.97 ms Ans.

V = 16.8 mm>s
t = 2.97 ms


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–80.  The spherical balloon filled with helium has a weight

of 0.02 lb. Determine its terminal velocity of ascent. The air 6 in.
temperature is 60°F. Note: The volume of a sphere is
V = 43 pr 3.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From
the table in Appendix A, ra = 0.00237 slug>ft3 and va = 0.158(10-3) ft2 >s for air at FD 5 0.29625(10–3)pCDV 2
T = 60°F. Thus, the Reynolds number is
y W 5 0.02 lb
VD V(1 ft)
Re= = = 6.3291(103)V (1)
va 0.158(10-3) ft2 >s a50
The volume of the balloon is V = p(0.5 ft)3 = 0.1667p ft3. Thus, the buoyant Fb 5 0.03996 lb
force is (a)
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

Fb = raVg = (0.00237 slug>ft3)(0.1667p ft3)(32.2 ft>s2) = 0.03996 lb

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

Here, AP = p(0.5 ft)2 = 0.25p ft2. Then the friction drag on the balloon is
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

raV 2 (0.00237 slug>ft3)V 2

d o it

FD = CDAP a b = CD(0.25p ft2) c d = 0.29625(10-3)pCDV 2

by r th g s (in ork

2 2
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n

When the balloon is ascending, with the terminal velocity, its acceleration is a = 0.
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

Referring to the free body of the balloon, Fig. a,

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

+ c ΣFy = may;  0.03996 lb - 0.02 lb - 0.29625(10-3)pCDV 2 = 0

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

V =  (2)
s ing ion We

Trial and error iterative procedure is required. The iterations are tabulated below.

Iteration Assumed CD V(ft>s); (Eq. 2) Re; (Eq. 1) CD from Fig. 11-31


1 0.6 5.9783 3.78(10 ) 4 0.5

2 0.5 6.5489 4.14(10 ) 4 0.5

Since the assumed CD in the 2nd iteration is almost the same as that obtained from
Fig. 11-31, the result of V in this iteration is acceptable. Thus,
V = 6.55 ft>s Ans.

V = 6.55 ft>s


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currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–81.  The parachutist and chute has a total mass of

90 kg and is in free fall at 6 m>s when she opens her
3-m-diameter parachute. Determine the time for her speed
to become 10 m>s. Also, what is her terminal velocity? For
the calculation, assume the parachute to be similar to a
hollow hemisphere. The air has a density of ra = 1.25 kg>m3.

Relative to the parachutist, the flow is unsteady and uniform since he is decelerating.
Here, the air is assumed to be incompressible. Applying the momentum equation,

0t Lcy Lcs
+ T ΣFy = Vr dV + VrV dA

The control volume considered is the parachute and the parachutist. Since there is

no opened control surface, VrV dA = 0. Also, Vr can be factored out from the FD

integral since it is independent of V . Also dV = V since the volume of the
Th nd co of y th

control volume is fixed. Realizing that rV = m, the above equation reduces to

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

d(my) dy
o ill d

k ide an art egr

+ T ΣFy = = m

dt dt
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

raV 2
te fo sin or w

Referring to the FBD shown in Fig. a, and realizing that FD = CDAP a b,

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

raV 2 dy
ni s en d d
te e

mg - CDAP a b = m
d of t le ng is n

2 dt
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

2mg - CDAP raV 2 dy

co cto . D W mit

= m
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

2 dt

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

With the initial condition at t = 0, V = Vo,

s ing ion We

t V

L0 LV0
dt = 2 m
2mg - cDAP raV 2

2m 22mg + 2CDAP raV
t = ln° ¢† mg
2( 22mg) 2CDAp ra 22mg - 2CDAP raV
V0 (a)

m 22mg + 2CDAP raV 22mg + 2CDAP raV0

t = £ ln ° ¢ - ln° ¢§ (1)
22mgCDAP ra 22mg - 2CDAP raV 22mg - 2CDAP raV0

Substituting the numerical data, m = 90 kg, CD = 1.4 (Table 11–3), AP = p ( 1.5 m ) 2

= 2.25 p m2, ra = 1.25 kg>m3, V0 = 6 m>s and V = 12 m>s, we have

22mg = 22 ( 90 kg )( 9.81 m>s2 ) = 42.02

2CDAP ra = 21.4 ( 2.25p m2 )( 1.25 kg>m3 ) = 3.5171


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–81.  Continued


90 42.02 + 3.5171 ( 10) 42.02 + 3.5171 ( 6)

t = £ ln ° ¢ - ln ° ¢§
(42.02)(3.5045) 42.02 - 3.5171(10) 42.02 - 3.5171(6)

= 0.805 s Ans.
Terminal velocity occurs when t = ∞ . By inspecting Eq. (1), this condition can be
satisfied if

22mg + 2CDAP raVt = 0

2mg 42.02
Vt = = = 11.95 m>s = 12.0 m>s Ans.
A CDAP ra 3.5171
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

t = 0.805 s
Vt = 12.0 m>s


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1017 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–82.  A rock is released from rest at the surface of the

lake, where the average water temperature is 15°C. If 600 mm
CD = 0.5, determine its speed when it reaches a depth of
600 mm. The rock can be considered a sphere having a
diameter of 50 mm and a density of rr = 2400 kg>m3.
Note: The volume of a sphere is V = 43 pr 3.


d ( mV ) dV V dV
+ T ΣFy = = m = m
dt dt ds
Referring to the FBD shown in Fig. a, and realizing that Fb = rw g V,
rwV 2
FD = CDAp a b and W = rsg V,
rwV 2 V dV
rsg V - rwg V - CDAr a b = rsV
2 ds
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

V dV
w ro es y p int

2(rs - rw)Vg - CDAprwV 2 = 2rsV

th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

With the initial condition at s = 0, V = 0,

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

s V
d o it

L L 2(rs - rw)Vg - CDAprwV

by r th g s (in ork

V dV
ds = 2rsV
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n

0 0
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

Let a = 2(rs - rw)V g and b = CDAprw. Then

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

L L a - bV
V dV
ht te min Wi

ds = 2rsV
la ach at de

s ing ion We

0 0
2rsV V
s = c ln ( a - bV 2 ) d `
2( - b ) 0

rsV a

s = ln a b
b a - bV 2
bs a
= ln a b
rsV a - bV 2
a bs
= e
a - bV r sV

bV 2 = a - ae -

V = ( 1 - e -bs>rsV )  (1)


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–82.  Continued

Substituting the numerical data, rs = 2400 kg>m3 , rw = 999.2 kg>m3 , s = 0.6 m

V = p(0.025 m)3 = 65.4498 ( 10-6 ) m3 and Ap = p(0.025 m)2 = 0.625 ( 10-3 ) p m2,

a = 2 ( 2400 kg>m3 - 999.2 kg>m3 )3 65.4498 ( 10-6 ) m3 4( 9.81 m>s2 ) = 1.7988

b = CD 3 0.625 ( 10-3 ) p m2 4( 999.2 kg>m3 ) = 1.9619CD

rsV = ( 2400 kg>m3 )3 65.4498 ( 10-6 ) m3 4 = 0.15708 kg

Then Eq. (1) becomes

V = c ( 1 - e -7.4940CD ) d m>s (2)
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

Using C D = 0.5, at s = 0.6 m,

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

V = 1.34 m>s Ans.

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

V = 1.34 m>s


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–83.  A smooth ball has a diameter of 43 mm and a mass

of 45 g. Determine its initial deceleration when it is thrown
vertically upward with a speed of 20 m>s. The temperature
is 20°C.

SOLUTION FD = 0.1746 N

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady. y

From Appendix A, r = 1.202 kg>m3 and y = 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for air at T = 20°C .
Thus, the initial Reynolds number is a
UD (20 m>s)(0.043 m)
Re = = = 5.695 ( 104 )
y 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Entering this Re into the graph for a sphere, CD ≅ 0.5 (aprox.). Here,
0.045(9.81) N
0.043 m 2
b = 0.46225 ( 10-3 ) p m2.
Th nd co of y th

AP = p a (a)
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr

U2 ( 20 m>s ) 2

= 0.5 3 0.46225 ( 10-3 ) p m2 4( 1.202 kg>m3 ) J

pr d s as f th y o

FD = CDApr R
ot ole se is f t

2 2
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

= 0.1746 N
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

Referring to the free-body diagram of the ball in Fig. a,

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

+ c ΣFy = may;   - 30.045(9.81) N4 - 0.1746 N = 0.045a


co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

a = -13.7 m>s2 Ans.

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

a = -13.7 m>s2


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1020 16/03/17 10:39 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–84.  The smooth cylinder is suspended from the rail

and is partially submerged in water. If the wind blows at
8 m>s, determine the terminal velocity of the cylinder. The
water and air are both at 20°C.
8 ms

0.5 m
0.25 m

The fluids are considered incompressible. The relative fluid is steady. From Appendix A,
ra = 1.202 kg>m3 and ya = 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for air and rw = 998.3 kg>m3 and N1 N2
nw = 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s for water at T = 20°C . If the terminal velocity of the cylinder
is V0, Ua = 8 m>s - V0 and Uw - V0. Thus, the Reynolds number for air and water
are a=0

UaD (8 - V0)(0.25 m) ( FD( a W

( Re ) a = = = 1.6556 ( 104 ) (8 - V0) (1)
na 15.1 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Th nd co of y th

UwD V0(0.25 m)
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

( Re ) w = = 2.5 ( 105 ) V0 (2)

w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v

nw 1.00 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

( FD ( k
ot ole se is f t

The projected areas perpendicular to the stream for air and water are
ec ly s w he

( AP ) a = (0.25 m)(1 m) = 0.25 m2 and ( AP ) w = (0.25 m)(0.5 m) = 0.125 m2.

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

Ua2 ( 8 - V0 ) 2
te e

( FD ) a = ( CD ) a ( AP )a ra = ( CD ) a(0.25 m) ( 1.202 kg>m3 ) J

d of t le ng is n

St in ar on ot

2 2
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

= 0.15025 ( CD ) a ( V02 - 16n0 + 64 )

py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

Uw2 V 02
la ach at de

( FD ) w = ( CD ) w ( AP ) wrw = ( CD ) w(0.125 m) ( 998.3 kg>m3 ) c d


s ing ion We

2 2

= 62.394 ( CD ) wV 02
Writing the equation of motion along the x axis by referring to the free-body

­diagram in Fig. a,
+ ΣFx = max;   ( FD ) a - ( FD ) w = 0
( FD ) a = ( FD ) w
0.15025 ( CD ) a ( V0 2 - 16n0 + 64 ) = 62.394 ( CD ) wV0 2

( CD ) a ( V 02 - 16y0 + 64 ) - 415.27 ( CD ) wV 02 = 0 (3)

The iterations carried out are tabulated as follows:

Assumed Value from the graph

Iteration ( CD ) a ( CD ) w V0 ( m>s ) ; Eq. (3) (Re)a; Eq. (1) (Re)w; Eq. (2) ( CD ) a ( CD ) w
1 1.4 1.4 0.3742 1.26 ( 105 ) 9.36 ( 104 ) 1.4 1.4

Since the assumed CD is about the same as that obtained from the graph in iteration 1,
the result of V0 in the iteration is acceptable. Thus,

V0 = 0.374 m>s Ans.

V0 = 0.374 m>s


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–85.  A 5-Mg airplane is flying at a speed of 60 m>s. If

each wing can be assumed to be rectangular of span 6 m and
cord distance of 1.5 m, determine the smallest angle of
attack a to provide lift, assuming the wing is a NACA 2409
section. The density of air is r = 1.21 kg>m3.
6m 6m

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible.
For two wings, A = 211.5 m216 m2 = 18 m2 Thus, the lift is

rV 2 11.21 kg>m3 2160 m>s2 2

FL = CLAa b = C1 118 m2 2 c d = 39,204CL
2 2
Equilibrium along the vertical requires
+ c ΣFy = 0; FL - W = 0
39,204 CL - 500019.812 N = 0
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

CL = 1.2511.
or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

Enter this value of CL into Fig. 11–44.

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

a ≈ 15° Ans.
te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

a ≈ 15°


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1022 16/03/17 10:40 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–86.  The 4-Mg airplane has wings that are each 6 m long
and 1.5 m wide. It is flying horizontally at an altitude of 2 km
with a speed of 450 km>h. Determine the lift coefficient.

6m 6m

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the
table in Appendix A, ra = 1.007 kg>m3 for air at an attitude of 2 km. Here, the free-
km 1000 m 1h
stream velocity is V = a450 ba ba b = 125 m>s. For two wings,
h 1 km 3600 s
A = 2(1.5 m)(6 m) = 18 m2. Thus, the lift is

rV 2 11.007 kg>m3 2(125 m>s)2

FL = CLAa b = CL 118 m2 2 c d = 141.611103 2CL
2 2
Th nd co of y th

Equilibrium along the vertical requires

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

c ΣFy = 0; FL - W = 0
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o

141.611103 2CL - 400019.812 N = 0

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

CL = 0.277 Ans.
d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

CL = 0.277


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1023 16/03/17 10:40 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–87.  An 8000-lb airplane is flying at a speed of

180 mi>h. If each wing can be assumed to be rectangular
of span 18 ft and cord distance of 4 ft, determine the
section drag on each wing when it is flying at the proper
angle of attack a. Assume each wing is a NACA 2409
section. The density of air is ra = 0.00190 slug>ft3.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. Here,
mi 5280 ft 1h
the free-stream velocity is V = a180 ba ba b = 264 ft>s. For two
h 1 mi 3600 s
wings, A = 2(4 ft)(18 ft) = 144 ft2. Thus, the lift is
raV 2 (0.00190 slug>ft3)(264 ft>s)2
FL = CLAa b = CL 1144 ft2 2 c d = 9.53441103 2CL
2 2
The equilibrium along the vertical requires
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e

+ c ΣFy = 0; FL - w = 0
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

9.53441103 2CL - 8000 lb = 0

k ide an art egr

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

CL = 0.839
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

Enter this value of CL into Fig. 11–44. The angle of attack is

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

a = 9°1approx.2
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

Using this result, Fig. 11–39 gives 1CD2 ∞ ≈ 0.045. For each wing, Apl = 14 ft2118 ft2 =
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

72 ft2 . Since the wing tip effect will be neglected, CD = 1CD2 ∞ = 0.045. Thus, the drag
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

on each wing is
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

raV 2 10.00190 slug>ft3 21264 ft>s2 2

la ach at de

FD = CDApl a b = 0.045172 ft2 2 c d

s ing ion We

2 2
= 214.52 lb
= 215 lb  Ans.

FD = 215 lb


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–88.  The plane can take off at 120 mi>h when it is at an V

airport located at an elevation of 2500 ft. Determine the
takeoff speed from an airport at sea level.

We will consider the relative flow as steady and the air as incompressible. From the
table in Appendix A, 1ra 2 1 = 0.002218 slug>ft3 and 1ra 2 2 = 0.002375 slug>ft3 for
air at an altitude of 2500 ft and sea level, respectively. Here, it is required that
1FL 2 k = 1FL 2 2
1ra 2 1 1V 12 2 1ra 2 2 1V 22 2
1CL 2 1A1 c d = 1CL 2 2A2 c c dd
2 2
1CL 2 1A1 1ra 2 1
V2 = a bV1
Th nd co of y th

B 1CL 2 2A2 1ra 2 2

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

Since A1 = A2 and the angle of attack is the same for both cases, 1CL 2 1 = 1CL 2 2.
o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

1ra 2 1 0.002218 slug>ft3

te fo sin or w

V2 = a bV1 = a b1120 mi>h2 = 115.97 mi>h = 116 mi>h

d o it

B 1ra 2 2 B 0.002375 slug>ft3

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

V2 = 116 mi>h


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1025 16/03/17 10:40 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–89.  The glider has a weight of 350 lb. If the drag

coefficient is CD = 0.456, the lift coefficient is CL = 1.20,
and the total area of the wings is A = 80 ft2, determine the
angle u at which it is descending with a constant speed.

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
ΣFx′ = max′;  FD - W sin u = 0  FD = W sin u (1)
ΣFy′ = may′;  FL - W cos u = 0  FL = W cos u (2)

Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2),

FD W sin u
= = tan u (3)
FL W cos u
The drag and lift are
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr



pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

Substituting these results into Eq. (3),

te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

at st ni t p
es ru ng he er


co cto . D W mit

= tan u
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

s ing ion We

CD 0.456
tan u = =
CL 1.2
u = 20.8° Ans.




u = 20.8°


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–90.  The glider has a weight of 160 kg. If the drag

coefficient is CD = 0.316, the lift coefficient is CL = 1.20,
and the total area of the wings is A = 6 m2, determine if
it can land on a 1.5-km-long landing strip that is located
5 km away from where its altitude is 1.5 km. Assume the
density of the air remains constant. u

= 14.75′

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.

ΣFx′ = max′;  FD - W sin u = 0  FD = W sin u (1) d
ΣFy′ = may′;  FL - W cos u = 0  FL = W cos u (2)
Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2),
FD W sin u
= = tan u (3)
FL W cos u
Th nd co of y th

The drag and lift are

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

o ill d

k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

Substituting these results into Eq. (3),

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit

py rs is or ted

= tan u
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

la ach at de

s ing ion We

CD 0.316
tan u = =
CL 1.2
u = 14.75°

Referring to the geometry shown in Fig. a,

1.5 km
tan 14.75° =
d = 5.7 km
Since 5 km 6 d 6 (5 + 1.5) km = 6.5 km, the glider can land on the landing strip.

The glider can land.


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–91.  The glider has a constant speed of 8 m>s through

still air. Determine the angle of descent u if it has a lift
coefficient of CL = 0.70 and a wing drag coefficient of 8 ms
CD = 0.04. The drag on the fuselage can be considered
negligible to that on the wings, since the glider has a very
long wingspan.


Since the glider is gliding with a constant velocity, it is in equilibrium. Referring to

the FBD of the glider in Fig. a,
+ ΣFx = 0;  W sin u - FD = 0 W
raV 2
W sin u - CDAP a b = 0
raV 2
W sin u = CDAP a b (1)
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

+ c ΣFy = 0;    FL - W cos u = 0

th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


raV 2
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

CLAP a b - W cos u = 0
ec ly s w he

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

raV 2
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

W cos u = CLAP a b (2)

te e

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2),

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

raV 2
rig in se ld .

CDAP a b
ht te min Wi
la ach at de

W sin u 2

s ing ion We

W cos u raV 2
CLAP a b
tan u =

CD 0.04
u = tan-1 a b = tan-1 a b = 3.27° Ans.
CL 0.7

u = 3.27°


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–92.  The plane weighs 9000 lb and can take off from 125 mih
an airport when it attains an airspeed of 125 mi>h. If it
carries an additional load of 750 lb, what must be its airspeed
before takeoff at the same angle of attack?

The air is considered to be incompressible. The relative flow is steady.
Equilibrium along the vertical requires
+ c ΣFy = 0;   FL - W = 0

FL = W (1)
The lift is FL = CL Ar . Thus, using Eq. (1),
U 12
Th nd co of y th

( FL ) 1 = ( CL ) 1A1r1 = W1  (2)
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


U 22

pr d s as f th y o

( FL ) 2 = ( CL ) 2A2r2 = W2  (3)
ot ole se is f t

ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w
d o it

Dividing Eq. (3) by Eq. (2),

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d

U 22
te e

( CL ) 2A2r2
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

2 W2
at st ni t p

es ru ng he er

2 W1
co cto . D W mit

( CL ) 1A1r1 1
py rs is or ted

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de

( CL ) 1A1r1W2
s ing ion We

U2 = ° ¢U1
A (C ) A r W
L 2 2 2 1

Here, A1 = A2 and ( CL ) 1 = ( CL ) 2. Thus,


r1 = r2,

W2 9750 lb
U2 = U = ° ¢ ( 125 mi>h ) = 130 mi>h Ans.
A W1 1 A 9000 lb

U2 = 130 mi>h


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–93.  The 2000-lb airplane is flying at an altitude of

5000 ft. Each wing has a span of 16 ft and a cord length
of 3.5 ft. If each wing can be classified as a NACA 2409
section, determine the lift coefficient and the angle of
attack when the plane is flying at 225 ft>s.

16 ft

3.5 ft

Relative to the airplane, the flow is steady. Also, air is assumed to be i­ ncompressible.
Appendix A gives ra = 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3. Since the air plane is flying at a
­constant altitude, equilibrium exists along the vertical. Thus,
+ c ΣFy = 0;  FL - W = 0

raV 2
CLAP a b - W = 0
3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4 ( 225 ft>s ) 2
Th nd co of y th

CL 32(16 ft)(3.5 ft)4 • ¶ - 2000 lb = 0

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


CL = 0.345 Ans.
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

With this value of CL,

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

a = 3° (approx.) Ans.
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

CL = 0.345
a = 3° (approx.)


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1030 16/03/17 10:40 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–94.  The 2000-lb airplane is flying at an altitude of

5000 ft. Each wing has a span of 16 ft and a cord length
of 3.5 ft. If each wing can be classified as a NACA 2409
section, and the plane is flying at 225 ft>s, determine the
total drag on the wings. Also, what is the angle of attack and
the corresponding velocity at which stall occurs?

16 ft

3.5 ft

Relative to the airplane, the flow is steady. Also, air is assumed to be incompressible.
Appendix A gives ra = 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3. Since the air plane is flying at a con-
stant altitude, equilibrium exists along the vertical. Thus,

+ c ΣFy = 0;     FL - W = 0
raV 2
CLAp a b - W = 0 (1)
3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4 ( 225 ft>s ) 2
Th nd co of y th

CL[2(16 ft)(3.5 ft)] • ¶ - 2000 lb = 0

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

k ide an art egr


CL = 0.3453
pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

With this value of CL,

te fo sin or w
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

a = 2.75
U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

With this angle of attack,

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

( CD ) ∞ = 0.015
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted

The total drag coefficient can be determined using

rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi

C L2
la ach at de

CD = ( CD ) ∞ +
s ing ion We

pb2 >A
= 0.015 +
p(16 ft)2 >(16 ft)(3.5 ft)

= 0.0233
Thus, the drag force on the airplane caused by the wing is
raV 2
FD = CD AP a b

3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4 ( 225 ft>s ) 2

= 0.023332(16 ft)(3.5 ft)4 • ¶

= 135 lb Ans.
From the text, the condition of stall occurs when the angle of attack is
a = 20° Ans.
and the corresponding lift coefficient is
CL = 1.50
Again, applying Eq. (1),
raV 2
CL AP a b - W = 0

3 2.043 ( 10-3 ) slug>ft3 4 V 2s Ans:

1.5[2(16 ft)(3.5 ft)] • ¶ - 2000 lb = 0
2 FD = 135 lb
a = 20°
Vs = 107.95 ft>s = 108 ft>s Ans. Vs = 108 ft>s


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–95.  A 15,000-lb airplane has two wings, each having a

span of 18 ft and average cord distance of 4 ft. If the total
drag on each wing is 850 lb when it is flying at 300 ft>s,
determine the total drag on each wing when the plane is
flying at the same angle of attack and the same altitude with
a speed of 450 ft>s. Assume an elliptical lift distribution.
Take ra = 1.78110-3 2 slug>ft3.

We will consider the flow as steady and the air as incompressible. Since the plane is
flying at a constant altitude, it is in vertical equilibrium. This means that the lift is equal
to its weight; i.e., FL = 15 000 lb. Here, for two wings, Ar = 214 ft2118 ft2 = 144 ft2.
Then, the lift coefficients for V1 = 300 ft>s and V2 = 450 ft>s are given by
FL 15 000 lb
1CL 2 1 = = = 1.3005
raV 12 31.78110-3 2 slug>ft3 41300 ft>s2 2
Ap a b 1144 ft2 2 e f
2 2
FL 15 000 lb
Th nd co of y th

1CL 2 2 = = = 0.5780
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

raV 12 31.78110-3 2 slug>ft3 41450 ft>s2 2

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

Ap a b 1144 ft2 2 e f
o ill d

k ide an art egr

2 2

pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t

For V1 = 300 ft>s, the given total drag on each wing with Ap = 14 ft2118 ft2 = 72 ft2
ec ly s w he
te fo sin or w

d o it

by r th g s (in ork
U e u tud clu an

raV 12 178110-3 2 slug>ft3 1300 ft>s2 2

ni s en d d

850 lb = 1CD 2 1 172 ft2 2 e

te e

1FD 2 1 = CDAp a b; f
d of t le ng is n

2 2
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

1CD 2 1 = 0.1474
co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

Using this total drag coefficient,


ht te min Wi
la ach at de

1CL 2 12
s ing ion We

1CD 2 1 = 1CD 2 ∞ +
pb2 >Ap
0.1474 = 1CD 2 ∞ +
p(18 ft)2 >72 ft2

1CD 2 ∞ = 0.02776

Since the angle of attack is the same for both cases, 1CD 2 ∞ remains constant. Thus,
for V2 = 450 ft>s, the total drag coefficient is

1CL 2 22
1CD 2 2 = 1CD 2 ∞ +
pb2 >Ap
= 0.02776 + = 0.05139
p118 ft2 2 >72 ft2
Thus, the total drag is
raV 22 31.78110-3 2 slug>ft3 41450 ft>s2 2
1FD 2 2 = 1CD 2 2Ap a b = 10.051392172 ft2 2 e f
2 2

= 666.82 lb = 667 lb Ans.

1FD 2 2 = 667 lb


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© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*11–96.  A 0.5-kg ball having a diameter of 50 mm is y

thrown with a speed of 10 m>s and has an angular velocity of
v = 400 rad>s. Determine its horizontal deviation d from
striking a target a distance of 10 m away. Use Fig. 11–50 and
neglect the effect on lift caused by the vertical component of v d
velocity. Take ra = 1.20 kg>m3 and na = 15.0110-6 2 m2 >s. x

10 m

Top view

From the given data,
vD ( 400 rad>s ) (0.05 m)
= = 1.0
2V 2 ( 10 m>s )

VD ( 10 m>s ) (0.05 m)
Re = = = 3.33 ( 104 )
ya 15.0 ( 10-6 ) m2 >s
Since Re is in the range of 104, the figure in the text can be used to determine the lift
coefficient. Here, CL ≃ 0.270. Thus,
Th nd co of y th
is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int

raV 2
th r sa es

or v
o ill d

FL = CLAp a b
k ide an art egr


pr d s as f th y o
ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

( 1.20 kg>m3 )( 10 m>s ) 2

te fo sin or w

= 0.27 3 p(0.025 m)2 4 £

d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e
d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot

= 0.03181 N
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

The acceleration of the ball in the y-direction is

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

+ c ΣFy = may;    0.03181 N = ( 0.5 kg ) ay


ht te min Wi
la ach at de

ay = 0.06362 m>s2
s ing ion We

The ball travels with a constant velocity V = 10 m>s in the x-direction. Thus, the
time for the ball to strike the wall is
Sx 10 m

t = = = 1s
V 10 m>s

The displacement d in the y direction for this same time interval is

1 2
+ c sy = ( sy ) 0 + ( vy ) 0t + at ;
2 y
d = 0 + 0 + ( 0.06362 m>s2 ) (1 s)2
= 0.03181 m = 31.8 mm Ans.

d = 31.8 mm


M11_HIBB9290_01_SE_C11_ANS.indd 1033 16/03/17 10:40 AM

© 2018 Pearson Education, Inc., 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

11–97.  A smooth ball has a diameter of 80 mm. If it is 80 rads

hit with a speed of 10 m>s and given an angular velocity
of 80 rad > s, determine the lift on the ball. Take 10 ms
ra = 1.23 kg>m3 and na = 14.6110-6 2 m2 >s .

For the given data,
vD 180 rad>s210.08 m2
= = 0.32
2V 2110 m>s2
VD 110 m>s210.08 m2
Re = = = 5.481104 2
va 14.6110-6 2 m2 >s
Since Re … 61104 2, Fig. 11–50 can be used to determine the lift coefficient, which is
CL ≈ 0.1. Here, AP = p10.04 m2 2 = 0.0016p m2. Thus, the lift can be determined
Th nd co of y th

is is p urs an e
a eir le tro

w ro es y p int
th r sa es

or v

raV 2
o ill d

k ide an art egr


FL = CLAP a b

pr d s as f th y o

ot ole se is f t
ec ly s w he

11.23 kg>m3 2110 m>s2 2

te fo sin or w

= 0.110.0016p m2 2 c d
d o it

by r th g s (in ork

U e u tud clu an
ni s en d d
te e

= 0.0309 = 0.03 N  Ans.

d of t le ng is n
St in ar on ot
at st ni t p
es ru ng he er

co cto . D W mit
py rs is or ted
rig in se ld .

ht te min Wi
la ach at de
s ing ion We

FL = 0.03 N


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