Chapter 2. Portland Cement
Chapter 2. Portland Cement
Chapter 2. Portland Cement
2.1 Definition
A cement is any substance which binds together other materials by a combination of chemical
processes known collectively as setting. Cements are dry powders and should not be confused
with concretes or mortars, but they are an important constituent of both of these materials.
Cement act as the 'glue' that gives strength to structures. Mortar is a mixture of cement and
sand whereas concrete also includes rough aggregates.
Cement is a powdered material with water forms a paste that hardens slowly. It has an
important property that when mixed with water a chemical reaction (hydration) takes place.
1. The cementitious properties of lime in mortars and concrete have been known since
early historic times. The Romans used lime concretes and developed pozzolanic
cements of lime and certain volcanic earths.
2. Lime mortars and concretes continued to be used in the middle Ages.
3. 1824, Joseph Aspdin from Leeds city - England, produced a powder made from the
calcined mixture of limestone and clay.
4. He called it "Portland Cement", because when it hardened it produced a material similar
to stones from the quarries near Portland Island in UK.
2.3 Raw Materials of Portland Cement
2.3.1 Raw Materials
The raw materials used in the manufacture of Portland cement consist mainly of lime, silica,
alumina and iron oxide .The oxides account for over 90% of the cement. The oxide
composition of (ordinary) Portland cement may be expressed as follows:
The details of the cement making process vary widely. However, the fundamental stages in
cement production are all the same and as follow.
1- The raw materials are reduced to fine particle size.
2- Raw materials are blended and mixed to produce uniform chemical composition
containing calcium carbonate, silica, alumina, iron oxide etc.
3- The blended raw mix is heated to the point where all the moisture is driven off as steam
or water vapor.
4- The dried mix is heated to 800oC. At this temperature, the calcium carbonate
dissociated into calcium oxide (free lime), and carbon dioxide which driven off as gas.
5- As the temperature rises, principal active compounds of Portland cement form. This
process is completed at a temperature of around 1400oC. Resulting product is Portland
cement clinker (1.8 tons of raw material produces 1 ton of clinker).
6- Clinker is cooled to a temperature of about 60-150oC and stockpiled.
7- Clinker is ground to the specified fineness with the addition of a small proportion of
gypsum to control the setting time of the finished cement.
8- The finished cement is stored in silos for a relatively short time before being sent to the
customer in bags or in bulks.
Production Steps of Portland Cement
1- Crushing, screwing, and stockpiling the raw materials.
2- Calculating the proportions of raw materials.
3- Preparing the raw mix by blending.
4- Feeding the raw mix into rotary kiln.
5- 100oC: Free water is evaporated.
6- 150-300oC: Loosly bound water is evaporated.
7- 500oC: More firmly bound water is evaporated.
8- 600oC: MgCO3 MgO + CO2
9- 900oC: CaCO3 CaO + CO2
10- Reaction between lime and clay starts.
11- 1300oC: Major compound formation starts.
12- 1400-1600oC: Output temperature.
13- (Around 1600oC clinker forms C3A, C2S, C3S, C4AF)
14- Clinker cooled and stored.
15- Clinker is ground with gypsum.
16- Storing and marketing.
Tricalcium silicate:
Hardens rapidly. Responsible for initial set and early strength.
Dicalcium silicate:
Hardens slowly and its effect on strength increases occurs at ages beyond one week.
Tricalcium aluminate:
Contributes to strength development in the first few days. It is the first compound to hydrate.
The least desirable component because of its high heat generation and its reactiveness with
soils and water which contains moderate to high sulfate concentrations. Cements made with
low C3A contents usually generate less heat, develop higher strengths, and show greater
resistance to sulfate attacts.
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite:
C4AF contributes very little to strength of concrete even though it hydrates very rapidly.
C3S and C2S are the most stable compounds of cement. They are together form from 70 to
80 percent of the constituents in the cement. When cement comes into contact with water, C3S
begins to hydrate rapidly, generating a considerable amount of heat and making a significant
contribution to the development of the early strength particularly in the first 14 days.
In contrast C2S which hydrates slowly and is mainly responsible for the development in
strength after about 7 days. The cement rich in C2S result in a greater resistance to chemical
attack and a smaller drying shrinkage than the other Portland cements.
The hydration of C3A is extremely exothermic and takes place very quickly. It contributes to
high early strength but produces little strength after about 24 hours. C3A is the least stable and
cements containing more than 10 percent of this compound produces concretes, which are
susceptible to sulphate attack.
In normal construction where the sizes of the structural members are not so large, the
dissipation of this heat creates no problems. On cold weather concreting, this heat is
advantageous. But in hot weather and in mass concrete construction, this generated heat may
cause thermal cracks, and should be avoided.
The principal hydration product is C3S2H4, calcium silicate hydrate, or C-S-H and is called
glue gel binder. C-S-H is believed to be the material governing concrete strength. Another
product is CH [Ca(OH)2], calcium hydroxide. CH can bring the pH value to over 12 and it is
good for corrosion protection of steel.
The rate of hydration during the first few days is in the order of C3A > C3S > C4AF >C2S.