Design of Automated Dual B and 4G Jammer Using MATLAB Simulink
Design of Automated Dual B and 4G Jammer Using MATLAB Simulink
Design of Automated Dual B and 4G Jammer Using MATLAB Simulink
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(37), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i37/95125, October 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
This paper presents a design of efficient smart jammer to jam the 4G signals, specifically band 3 and band 40 which can
be predominantly used in India. The MATLAB Simulink tool was used for the analysis of the circuit design. Simulink, an
advanced tool gives accurate results comparable to real time analysis. The DSP toolbox of the Simulink library has been
largely used to construct and view the results of the model. The main objective of this paper is to receive the LTE signals,
filter band 3 and band 40, add noise and increase the amplitude of the signal. The uniqueness of this design is the use of full
wave rectifier in the circuit and the trigger enabled blocks. Full wave rectifier with added circuitry acts as a trigger to the
jammer which contains the noise block and the gain block. Sine wave generators were used to replicate real time signals
and additional signals were added as noise. The advantage of the design is when none of the bands are detected; the output
will not be generated, thus saving power. The incorporation of the detector circuit and trigger circuit ensures that power
is not wasted by the jamming circuit when there signal is not detected. These jammers can be used in examination halls,
conference halls and in secure location where telecommunication signals are unwanted.
Keywords: Band 3 (FDD-LTE), Band 40 (TDD-LTE), Dual Band, 4G, Jammer, MATLAB SIMULINK
In this paper, design and implementation of a new in detection subsystem and are filtered according to the
4G dual band jammer for jamming mobile phone bandwidths. Separate filters are used to detect uplink and
communication in 4G bands is presented. It blocks Band downlink frequencies of the band. The uplink frequencies
3 (Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) – LTE) and are used as input to the trigger which outputs a constant
Band 40 (Time Division Duplexing (TDD) – LTE). There DC voltage. The downlink frequencies are amplified and
are various multiple access techniques like Time Division then added with noise and transmitted. The triggering
Multiple Access (TDMA) in which multiple users can circuit consists of a full wave rectifier, a switch and a 5V
send data in separate time slots in same frequency, DC supply connected to the switch. The switch works as a
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) where comparator to compare input voltage with fixed threshold
many users can send data at the same time in separate value. If the input is greater than threshold value, the
frequencies and the last one is Code Division Multiple output 5V supply is connected to it. The filtered signal
Access (CDMA) where many users can send data at after passing through the full wave rectifier are always
same time and in same frequency using different codes13. more than 1V. On passing through the switch of threshold
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) channelizing is voltage 1V, outputs a 5V DC voltage if the amplitude of the
used to assign channels according to the patterns for least rectified wave is greater than 1V or else the output is 0V.
average energy cost14. The bands predominantly used in The voltage from the trigger circuit enables the jamming
India, band 3 and band 40 are jammed effectively using circuit. The 5V supply from the trigger circuit enables
this technique. The proposed technique is simple and the subsystem (subsystem works only if it is triggered by
cost effective. The designed jammer consists of detection positive voltage) which amplifies and adds noise to the
circuit to detect the uplink frequency; once it is detected, signal and transmits it. If there is no trigger, the output
the downlink signal is jammed. The trigger circuit is set will be 0V making the jammer circuit to be inactive.
up, to switch on the circuit only when signal is detected, If a particular frequency is detected by the filters,
thus reducing power conversion, the jamming circuit is then the triggering circuit gets triggered and enables the
triggered by the voltage from trigger circuit which adds jammer. Hence, power consumption is reduced. Figure
noise and amplifies the signal before transmitting. 1 shows the overall circuit of the jammer. The detector
circuit with filters tuned to the specific uplink and
downlink frequencies of Band 3 (FDD-LTE) and Band 40
2. Design and Methodology (TDD-LTE) are shown in Figure 2. For the 4G band 3,
Primarily, any signal in the surroundings will be picked the uplink and downlink frequencies are 1710-1785 Hz
up by an antenna, which would then channel the signal and 1805-1880 Hz, respectively. For the 4G band 40, the
into a suitable microcontroller containing the coding uplink and downlink frequency is 2300-2400 Hz. Figure
part of the design. The signals to be jammed are isolated 3 shows the trigger circuit used to enable the jammer
by frequency filters. These signals, if present in the circuit. The Table 1 presents the stop band and pass band
surroundings, trigger the modulator and act as an input frequencies used by the filters used in detection circuit.
to the modulating circuit. In these modulators, the input
is modulated with a random noise signal and the power
of resultant output signal is then amplified. The amplified
signal is picked up by the electronic devices instead of the
original signal and thus, the desired signal is jammed.
MATLAB Simulink was used for simulating the
design. The proposed circuit design is divided into three
parts namely Detection, Triggering and Jamming. The
circuit comprises sine wave generators which represent
the mobile signals present in real world, detection circuit
(subsystem), trigger circuit (subsystem 1, subsystem 3),
jammer circuit (subsystem 2, subsystem 6), time scopes
and power GUI block. Signal passes through the filters Figure 1. Circuit overview of the proposed Jammer..
2 Vol 9 (37) | October 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
T. Chetan Sai, A. G. Dinesh Kumar, V. Charan and S. Ramya
Vol 9 (37) | October 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Design of Automated Dual Band 4G Jammer using MATLAB Simulink
4 Vol 9 (37) | October 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
T. Chetan Sai, A. G. Dinesh Kumar, V. Charan and S. Ramya
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