Minkowski Plane, Confocal Conics
Minkowski Plane, Confocal Conics
Minkowski Plane, Confocal Conics
1. Introduction
Geometry of confocal families of quadrics in pseudo-Euclidean spaces of arbi-
trary dimension d and any signature, and related billiard dynamics have recently
been studied by the authors in [8]. With a goal to give a complete description of
periodic billiard trajectories within ellipsoids, there we introduced a new discrete
combinatorial-geometric structure associated to a confocal pencil of quadrics, by
which the quadrics were decomposed into new relativistic quadrics.
The aim of the present paper is, staying focused to the two-dimensional case,
to explain in more detail constructions from [8] and to provide new results and
In Section 2 we list necessary introductory notions and definitions for the
Minkowski plane, together with definition and properties of confocal families and
relativistic conics.
In Section 3, we consider elliptical billiards. In Section 3.2, we derive an-
alytic Cayley-type conditions for periodic trajectories of elliptical billiard in the
Minkowski plane. Such conditions, for ellipsoidal billiards in the pseudo-Euclidean
spaces of the arbitrary dimensions, are derived in [8]. Here we give another proof,
adopted to the planar case, see Theorem 3.1. In the next Section 3.3, we study
light-like trajectories of such billiards and derive a periodicity criterion in a simple
form, see Theorem 3.2. That criterion, from [8], is proved here in the algebro-
geometric way. The equivalence of this simple criterion with the more complicated
condition of Cayley’s type is illustrated by several new examples. The equivalence
of the elliptical billiard flow to a certain rectangular billiard flow is stated in Theo-
rem 3.3, while for the proof we refer the reader to [8]. In Section 3.4, we conclude
with a complete description of topological properties of elliptical billiards in the
Minkowski plane. We are using Fomenko invariants, see Theorem 3.4, as we did in
the Euclidean case in [6, 7]. The results form Section 3.4 are new.
3. Elliptical billiards
Elliptical billiards in Euclidean plane have been studied intensively, see for
example [13] and [7] and references therein. These billiards serve as a paradigm
of complete integrable discrete systems. They can be seen as discretizations of
geodesics on ellipsoids as well. In the setting of Minkowski geometry, geodesics on
ellipsoidis have been studied recently in [9]. Related billiard systems in pseudo-
Euclidean geometry were studied in [12], and then in [8]. Such billiard systems are
closely related to a recent concept of contact complete integrability, introduced in
[11], see also [10].
m(AB) = m(CD) and m(BC) = m(AD), where A, B, C, D are points on the oval
where the tangents are light-like.
3.4. Topological properties of elliptical billiards. Here, we are going to
present the topological description of elliptical billiard in the Minkowski plane. In
order to do this, we use Fomenko invariants, see [2] and references therein. The
corresponding analysis for the Euclidean case has been done in [6].1
Theorem 3.4. The isoenergy manifold corresponding to the billiard system
within ellipse E (2.2) in the Minkowski plane is represented by the Fomenko graph
in Figure 9.
A r= 0 A
0 r=
ε= 1
1 r=0 ε=
0 ε = −1 r=
r= 0
=1 1
A ε A
n=0 n=0
| | | | |
λ = +0 λ=a λ=∞ λ = −b λ = −0
1The authors are thankful to Victoria Fokicheva and Dmitry Tonkonog for their useful remark
on the Fomenko graph for elliptical billiard in the Euclidean plane.
Proof. Each level set of the isoenergy manifold corresponds to the billiard
motion with a fixed caustic Cλ , λ ∈ R ∪ {∞}.
For λ 6∈ {0, a, −b}, the level sets are non-degenerate. The level set is a torus
when the caustic is a hyperbola, i.e., for λ ∈ (a, +∞) ∪ (−∞, −b) ∪ {∞}. If
λ ∈ (0, a) ∪ (−b, 0) the caustic is an ellipse, and the level set is a union of two
If λ = −b, the level set contains one periodic trajectory which is placed along y-
axis and homoclinic trajectories, which are naturally grouped onto two separatices–
each one being projected onto the other side of the y-axis. The same, just with
respect to the x-axis, holds for the level set corresponding to λ = a. Those level
sets are represented by Fomenko atom B.
Let us consider the limit case λ = 0, when the caustic coincides with the billiard
table edge. In this case, the limit motion will take place on the four arcs on the
E whose ends are touching points with four joint tangents of the confocal family
(2.3). More precisely, if λ approaches zero from below, then the limit motion will
take place on the two arcs on the left and on the right side of y-axis; if λ approaches
zero from above, then the limit motion will take place on the two arcs below and
above x-axis. Four periodic trajectories appearing in the limit λ = 0 correspond to
the A-atoms in Figure 9.
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