Hybrid Two Wheelers For Indian Roads: January 2011
Hybrid Two Wheelers For Indian Roads: January 2011
Hybrid Two Wheelers For Indian Roads: January 2011
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2 authors, including:
Abhijeet Khandagale
Albedo Informatics (A.I.)
All content following this page was uploaded by Abhijeet Khandagale on 27 June 2014.
30%. Seeing the soaring price of petroleum in the The following parts are to be upgraded for the
world market, I decided to come up with a concept hybrid version of your vehicle -
which can be used in the existing vehicles. This
hybrid uses an electric hub motor in the front 1. Front Hub Motor Wheel,
wheel. 2. Accelerator Throttle Unit,
3. Motor Controller,
I. Introduction 4. Battery and Dynamo Charger.
Electric and hybrid revolution is reaching its full
swing now. But it is limited to 4 wheeled vehicles.
Why not introduce the concept of Hybrid 2
The research is still in progress and will be presenting
a prototype soon.
these windings. In a DC hub motor, the magnets are stationary and moving parts. Although brushless
on the axle, and the windings are actually spinning on motor technology is more expensive, most are more
the inside of the hub. A carbon brush transmits efficient and longer-lasting than brushed motor
electricity to the spinning windings via a commutator systems.
As per my findings, the initial phase of driving does
ii. Geared Hub Motors not necessarily need high power output. So the use of
the electric part during the start, low speed and before
and after idling times is the optimum time to save
fuel. Using a simple switch to transfer between the
electric and fuel part this can be achieved.
As thought, a geared hub motor has gearing safely calibrated. For the rider’s needs, a manual
inside it to reduce the high speed of a fast and override is also provided if the rider wants to
efficient motor to the low speed of the wheel. From completely drive on electric or on fuel. Different
the outside, a geared hub motor is usually smaller in gauges are to be provided to observe different factors
radius but wider than a direct drive hub. On the for the electric system.
inside, they can take a variety of different forms