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Hybrid Two Wheelers For Indian Roads: January 2011

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Hybrid Two Wheelers for Indian Roads

Article · January 2011


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2 authors, including:

Abhijeet Khandagale
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Vol No. 3, Issue No. 1, 050 - 051

Hybrid Two-Wheelers for Indian Roads

Mr. Abhijeet Khandagale#1, Mr. Shrikant Sangludkar#2
#1 #2
abhijeetkhan@gmail.com, shrikantlare@gmail.com
#1 #2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Operations Engineer,
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering,
Nagpur, India.
Indorama Synthetic India Ltd.,
Butibori, Nagpur, India

Abstract stabilization, etc. With the concept presented in this

paper, it is possible to get 125% (±5%) efficiency in
This paper introduces you to the novice the existing vehicles with bare minimum additions.
concept of “Hybrid Two-Wheelers”. Using this
concept, 2 wheelers can be effectively transformed
to hybrids with an increased fuel efficiency of

30%. Seeing the soaring price of petroleum in the The following parts are to be upgraded for the
world market, I decided to come up with a concept hybrid version of your vehicle -
which can be used in the existing vehicles. This
hybrid uses an electric hub motor in the front 1. Front Hub Motor Wheel,
wheel. 2. Accelerator Throttle Unit,
3. Motor Controller,
I. Introduction 4. Battery and Dynamo Charger.
Electric and hybrid revolution is reaching its full
swing now. But it is limited to 4 wheeled vehicles.
Why not introduce the concept of Hybrid 2
The research is still in progress and will be presenting
a prototype soon.

Wheelers? More than 70% of the vehicular II. Hub Motors

population drives on 2 wheelers. Also the front wheel
of these vehicles is always a free wheel which has not i. An Introduction.
more than a very few functions to perform. Why let
this go to waste when event this wheel can be put to The basic advantage with a hub motor
use! Using a hybrid concept can efficiently reduce the conversion is that, there is no need for external
use of petroleum these vehicles consume. As the mounting brackets and drive chains to support a
prices are
high in
the global
and even

the Hub Motor Rotor Hub Motor Stator

depletion motor and transmission. Instead all of this is
of natural contained inside the wheel which mounts on your
resources bike like any other wheel. There are two basic
threatens categories of hub motors: direct drive and geared.
us, this
concept The direct drive hub motor is about as
can be simple as things get. Imagine taking an electric
used in motor, but holding the axle and letting the body of the
the existing vehicles which will be in use even in the motor spin. Now lace a bicycle rim onto this spinning
future. motor body and there you have it, no moving parts
other than the wheel itself.
There is much little work done in order to utilize
more with the existing 2 wheeler entries in the
market. All the pros and cons are deeply thought of What is being used here are radial-flux
before presenting this paper. This is Weight Brushless DC (BLDC) machines that have an array of
increment, position of various controls for the electric permanent magnets on the inside surface of the hub.
part to work in conjunction with the ICE, steering, The stator windings are attached to the axle, and the
hub is made to rotate by alternating currents through

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 http://www.ijaest.iserp.org. All rights Reserved. Page 50

Vol No. 3, Issue No. 1, 050 - 051

these windings. In a DC hub motor, the magnets are stationary and moving parts. Although brushless
on the axle, and the windings are actually spinning on motor technology is more expensive, most are more
the inside of the hub. A carbon brush transmits efficient and longer-lasting than brushed motor
electricity to the spinning windings via a commutator systems.
As per my findings, the initial phase of driving does
ii. Geared Hub Motors not necessarily need high power output. So the use of
the electric part during the start, low speed and before
and after idling times is the optimum time to save
fuel. Using a simple switch to transfer between the
electric and fuel part this can be achieved.

The IC engine part is undisturbed in this up gradation.

The parts added have been discussed earlier too. So
during the start of the vehicle, the electric motor gives
the initial momentum to the vehicle, after a certain
predefined speed is reached, the ICE takes over for
higher speeds. Now this transition has to be very

As thought, a geared hub motor has gearing safely calibrated. For the rider’s needs, a manual
inside it to reduce the high speed of a fast and override is also provided if the rider wants to
efficient motor to the low speed of the wheel. From completely drive on electric or on fuel. Different
the outside, a geared hub motor is usually smaller in gauges are to be provided to observe different factors
radius but wider than a direct drive hub. On the for the electric system.
inside, they can take a variety of different forms

linked to the rotor.

although most frequently they have an outrunner
motor that drives the center of a planetary gear set
The chronology is as follows – The master switch
activates the vehicle, which has three modes, namely,
Electric, Hybrid and ICE. The extremes are pure
inputs. In the hybrid section, the electric motor gets
The geared hub concept takes the weight its power from the battery pack, which takes the
advantages of a transmission drive and package it into vehicle to a specified speed. Till this speed a
the simple looking and easy to install hub motor. noiseless and fuel saving system drives the vehicle.
These typically weigh about 50% less than an After this step, when the need of power and speed
equivalently powerful direct drive machine, and they increases, the main engine takes over.
often have superior torque outputs. The German-
made Heinzmann for instance can produce up to 80 This system is eligible to be applied in scooterettes
and even bikes.
Newton-meters (N-m) of torque, compared to about
35 N-m for typical direct drive machines.
III. The Final Word
*//Although it would be possible to have a geared hub The current scenario of the booming prices is getting
motors with multiple speeds, as far as I know every the population sick. Having a cheaper solution to this
system currently on the market is still just single problem is the key to the future. I hope my ongoing
speed. There are some people who argue passionately research proves fruitful.

that E-bikes should have multiple transmission ratios

so that the same 500 watt motor can both haul you IV. References
slowly up a 15 degree hill and zip you along on the
flat while always operating around the peak  http://www.electricrider.com/crystalyte/inde
efficiency zone. But if the market is any indicator, the x.htm
increased costs and complexities from multi-speed  http://www.electricrider.com/crystalyte/parts
drives outweigh their advantages. .htm
 http://www.goldenmotor.com/JDbike/ebikep
iii. Mechanism rod.htm
 http://www.goldenmotor.com/batterypack.ht
Hub motor electromagnetic fields are supplied to the m
stationary windings of the motor. The outer part of  http://www.electricmotorsport.com/store/em
the motor follows, or tries to follow, those fields, s_ev_parts.php
turning the wheel to which it is attached. Energy is  http://www.ebikes.ca/index.shtml
transferred to a brushed motor through physical  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
contact of brushes to the rotating shaft of the motor. Wheel_hub_motor.htm
Energy is transferred to a brushless motor
electronically, requiring no physical contact between

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 http://www.ijaest.iserp.org. All rights Reserved. Page 51

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