ELECTRIC VEHICLE (Construction and Working Principle)
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (Construction and Working Principle)
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (Construction and Working Principle)
The recent report shows that there were more vehicle In most of the electric vehicle, Brushless DC motor is used
running on a gasoline product in past few years but now the which is better than brushed DC motor, permanent magnet
report has been changed with increasing the usage of Hybrid DC motor. Brushless DC motor does not have brush and
and Electric vehicle. Presently people are more inclined commutator, the electric vehicle which uses brushless DC
towards the Hybrid vehicle but the future will be totally motor has to use motor controller which helps to control
based on electrification.
various properties of motor to take sufficient current and
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 140
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 10 | Oct 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
voltage applied to motor. When accelerating pedal is press, 3. CONSTRUCION AND WORKING PRINCIPLE
this linked variable resistor type controller gives signal to OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE
the motor controller to adjust speed as per our needs. The
motor controller has no power when vehicle is at rest
The main function of battery is to store electric energy. Most Fig -3: Construction and working principle of Electric
Hybrid and electric vehicle used lithium ion batteries. This Vehicle (EV)
storage system is usually essential for hybrid electric vehicle,
Plug in hybrid electric vehicle and all types of electric Basically, electric vehicle is necessary for saving fossil fuel.
vehicles. Due to advancing technologies, most of automobile The figure shows the simple construction of electric vehicle.
manufacturer uses rechargeable batteries. The different type It consists of battery, motor controller, motor which is
of batteries along with their characteristics are shown in connected to the transmission system. Here, battery is the
Table. energy source which is charged by taking electric current
from the grid (In Solar power electric vehicle, Battery is
Battery type Lead – Ni – Cd Ni - Lithium - charged with the use of solar pv panel which is attached on
Acid Mh ion the roof of the vehicle). These batteries are rechargeable.
Power 180 150 250- 1800 Most electric vehicle uses lead acid battery but in new type
density 1000 of electric cars, use lithium ion batteries because it can store
Nominal 2V 1.25V 1.25V 3.6 more energy than lead acid battery in same physical space.
voltage The efficiency and life span of battery is far better than other
Energy 30-50 45-80 60-120 110-160 type of batteries, but it is costlier than lead acid battery.
Density After that controller control the flow of energy from energy
Overcharge High Moderate Low Very low source to the motor. Motor transmit the power to the wheels
Tolerance of the vehicle by the use of transmission system.
Life cycle 200- 1500 300- 500-1000
Operating -20- - 40-60℃ -20- -20-60℃ There are three type of electric vehicle;
temperature 60℃ 60℃
Self- Low Moderate High Very low a) Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
discharge b) Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
Table -1: Types of Battery c) Range Extended Electric Vehicle
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 141
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 10 | Oct 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
1. It is quite Expensive.
2. Not for long range travelling because
availability of less number of electric charging
power station.
3. It requires more time for recharging the
This paper contains basic information of electric vehicle.
It gives introduction of electric vehicle and their need
for controlling the emission. The working of this system
is fully noise free. It is smoother than gasoline powered
Fig -4: Types of electric vehicle
vehicle and also it saves the non-renewable recourses.
a) Battery Electric vehicle consist of an electric motor Especially Automobile sector move towards the Hybrid
which is powered by battery connected to it. electric vehicle and also in future, the progress will be
Electric motor is used for the movement in this type going on to improve life span of battery.
of vehicle. It does not produce emission. In traffic,
BEV delivers high torque to the wheels and REFERENCES
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