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Jingona, Fatimah Rahima T.
Subject & Section:______________________
CE142P-2 / E01 Date Performed:________________
Engr. Edward Monjardin Date Submitted:________________



For incompressible flow of uniform density fluid, the one-dimensional Euler

equation can be easily integrated between any two points (because γ and g are both
constant) to obtain

P1/ γ + V12/2g + Z1 = P2 / γ + V22/2g + Z2

As points 1 and 2 are two arbitrary points on the streamline the quantity

P/ γ + V2/2g + Z = H = Constant (4.1)

Applies to all points on the streamline and thus provides a useful relationship
between pressure P, the magnitude V of the velocity, and the height Z about the
datum. Equation 4.1 is known as the Bernoulli’s equation and the Bernoulli constant
is also termed the total head.
Examination of the Bernoulli terms of equation 4.1 reveals that P/ γ and Z
are, respectively, the pressure (either gage or absolute) and potential heads; hence,
maybe visualized as vertical distances. Pitot’s experiments showed that the sum of
velocity head V2/2g and pressure head P/ γ could be measured by placing a tiny
open tube (now known as the Pitot’s tube) in the flow with its open end upstream.
Thus the Bernoulli equation maybe visualized for liquids, the sum of the terms (total
head) being the constant distance between the horizontal datum-plane and the total
headline or energy line. The piezometric head line or hydraulics grade line drawn
through the tops of the piezometer columns gives a picture of the pressure variation
in the flow; evidently (1) its distance from the stream tube is a direct measure of
the static pressure in the flow and (2) its distance below the energy line is
proportional to the square of the velocity. Complete familiarity of these lines is
essential because of their wide use in engineering practice and their great utility in
problem solutions.


To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to the steady flow
of water in a tapered duct.


Hydraulics Bench
Bernoulli Apparatus

PROCEDURE: (Equipment Set-up)

Level the apparatus

Set up the Bernoulli equation apparatus on the hydraulic bench so that its
base is horizontal; that is necessary for the accurate height measurement for the

Set the direction of the test section

Ensure that the test- section has the 140-tapered section converging in the
direction of flow. If you need to reverse the test-section, the total pressure head
probe must be withdrawn before releasing the mounting couplings.

Connect the water inlet and outlet

Ensure that the rig outflow tube is positioned above the volumetric tank, in
order to facilitate timed volume collections. Connect the rig inlet to the bench flow
supply; close the bench valve and the apparatus flow control valve and start the
pump. Generally open the bench valve to fill the test rig with water.

Bleeding the manometers

In order to bleed air from pressure tapping points and manometers, close the
bench valve, the rig flow control valve and open the air bleed screw and remove the
cap from adjacent air valve. Connect a length of small-bore tubing from the air valve
to the volumetric tank. Now open the bench valve and allow flow through the
manometers to purge all air from them; then, tighten the air bleed screw and partly
open the bench valve and test rig control valve. Next, open the air bleed screw
slightly to allow air to enter the top of the manometers (you may need to adjust
both valves to achieve this); re-tighten the screw when the manometer levels reach
a convenient height. The maximum volume flow rate will be determined by the need
to have maximum (h1) and minimum (h5) readings both on scale.

1. If required, the manometer levels can be adjusted further by using the air bleed
screw and the hand pump supplied. The air bleed screw controls the airflow
through the air valve, hence, when using the hand pump, the bleed screw must
be open. To retain the hand pump pressure in the system, the screw must be
closed after pumping.

(Taking a set of results)

Readings should be taken 3 flow rates. Finally, you may reverse the test
section in order to see the effects of a more rapid converging section.

Setting the flow rates

Take the first set of readings at the maximum flow rate, then reduce the
volume flow rate to the give the h1 - h5 head difference of about 50mm. Finally
repeat the whole process for one further flow rate, set to give the h 1 – h5 difference
approximately halfway between that obtained in the above two tests.

Reading the static head

Take readings of the h1 – h5 manometers when the levels have steadied.

Ensure that the total pressure probe is retracted from the test section.

Timed volume collection

1. You should carry out a timed volume collection, using the volumetric tank, in
order to determine the flow rate. This is achieved by closing the ball valve and
measuring (with stopwatch) the time taken to accumulate a known volume of
fluid in the tank, which is read from the sight glass. You should collect fluid at
least one minute to minimize timing errors. Again the total pressure probe should
be retracted from the test section during these measurements. If not using the
F1-15-301 software, enter the results into the data entry form, and repeat this

measurement twice to check for repeatability. If using the software, perform the
collection as described in the walkthrough presentation.

Reading the total pressure head distribution

1. Measure the total pressure head distribution by traversing the total pressure
probe along the length of the test-section. The datum line is the side hole
pressure tapping associated with the manometer h1. A suitable starting point is
1cm upstream of the beginning of the 140 tapered section and measurements
should be made at 1cm intervals along the test-section length until the end of
the diverged (210) section.

Reversing the test section

Ensure that the total pressure probe is fully withdrawn from the test section
(but not pulled out of its guide in the downstream coupling). Unscrew the two
couplings remove the test-section and reverse it then re-assemble by tightening the


1. Comment on the validity of the Bernoulli equation for

 Convergent flow
 Divergent flow
2. State clearly the assumptions made in deriving the Bernoulli equation and
justifications for all your comments
3. Comment on the comparison of the total heads obtained by the two methods
you have carried out.


JINGONA, Fatimah Rahima T. DATE: _______________________
Jan. 9, 2021
SUBJECT & SECTION:_______________________________________
CE142P-2 / E01 GROUP NO.___________________
SEAT NO. __________



Volume Time to Flow Rate Distance Area of Static Velocity Dynamic Total
Collected Collect Into Duct Duct Head Head Head
V t Qv A h V ho
M3 sec m3/s m m2 x 10-6 m m/s m m

1 h1 0.00 490.0 0.116 0.13435 0.00092 0.11692

2 h2 0.0603 151.7 0.105 0.43397 0.00960 0.11460
3 h3 0.0687 109.4 0.094 0.60176 0.01846 0.11246
4 Average Flow Rate = ________ h4 0.0732 89.9 0.086 0.73229 0.02733 0.11233
5 h5 0.0811 78.5 0.066 0.83863 0.03585 0.10185
6 h6 0.1415 490.0 0.071 0.13435 0.00092 0.07192
7 h7
8 0.001 15.19 6.58328×10-5 h8
9 h9


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