Carthel Science of Education Foundation Inc
Carthel Science of Education Foundation Inc
Carthel Science of Education Foundation Inc
__________________1. It is a kind of activity used to improve the strength capacity of the bone and enhance
__________________2. It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires exertion of energy
such as running, swimming, dancing, etc.
__________________3. It is a kind of exercise used primarily to improved the cardiovascular system though
aerobic metabolism
__________________4. Factors of aerobic exercise that always consider the number of aerobic exercises
sessions per week.
__________________5. Kind of exercise also called as strength training is one exercise used to improved
muscle strength and increase muscle mass
__________________6. To be effective, aerobic exercise should be done in moderate intensity, that is, our
heart rate 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate.
__________________7. A planned program of physical activities usually designed to improved physical fitness
with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level.
__________________8. Factors of aerobic exercise that running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing
contact sports such as basketball are some activities that we can do to improve our
heart rate.
__________________9. Aerobic activities also known as __________
__________________10. More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase
in endurance
__________________11. A chemical complex process also called __________ in which our body takes in food
__________________12. Supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular contraction during physical activity.
__________________13. Like ATP, is stored in muscle cells
__________________14. Provides energy for low intensity physical activities that last from two minutes to a
few hours.
__________________15. Also known as glycolytic energy system, an energy system that supplies energy for
medium to high intensity physical activities.
2. 3 Energy Systems
1. Aerobic activities
4. Intensity
5. Frequency