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Velocloud Admin Guide 33 PDF

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The document provides an overview of the VeloCloud SD-WAN solution including its components, capabilities, network topologies, roles and privileges.

The main components of the VeloCloud solution include the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO), VeloCloud Gateways (VCGs), network services, segments and profiles.

The document discusses several network topologies supported by VeloCloud including hub-and-spoke, full mesh, and partial mesh topologies.

VeloCloud Administration

VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud 3.3
VeloCloud Administration Guide

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1 VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud Release 3.3 11

2 Who Should Read This Document 14

3 VeloCloud Overview 15
Solution Components 16
Capabilities 16
Network Topologies 19
Branch Site Topologies 20
Roles and Privilege Levels 24
User Role Matrix 25
Key Concepts 28
Supported Modems 32

4 User Agreement (VCO Login Screen) 33

5 Log in to VCO Using SSO for Enterprise User 34

6 Monitor the VCO 35

Monitor Navigation Panel 35
Network Overview 35
Monitor Edges 38
Enterprise Global View 38
Overview Tab 39
QoE Tab 43
Transport Tab 46
Applications Tab 50
Sources Tab 52
Destinations Tab 53
Business Priority Tab 54
Flow Stats Rollups and Retention 55
Monitor Network Services 58
Monitor Routing 58
PIM Neighbors View 59
Monitor Alerts 59
Monitor Events 60
Auto Rollback to the Last Known “Good” Configuration 61
Event Types and Descriptions 61

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

7 Configuring VNFs 63
Monitor the Edge Overview 63
Configure a VNF Instance 64
VNF Monitoring for an Edge 74
VNF Events 76
Configure VNF Alerts and Notifications 77

8 Configure Segments 79

9 Configure Network Services 81

About Edge Clustering 82
How Edge Clustering Works 83
Configure Edge Clustering 88
Cloud VPN Hubs & Backhaul Sites (Summary View) 90
Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site 90
Configure Check Point 94
Configure Amazon Web Services (AWS) 97
Configure Zscaler 99
Configuration Tasks 107
Configure Cloud Security Services 111
Overview of Cloud Security Services 111
Configure Cloud Security Services 112
Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles 113
Configure Cloud Security Services for Edges 115
Monitor Cloud Security Services 117
Configure DNS Services 119
Configure Netflow Settings 120
Private Network Names 121
Configure Private Networks 122
Delete a Private Network Name 122
Configure Authentication Services 122

10 Configure Profiles 124

Create a Profile 124
Modify a Profile 126
Profile Overview Screen 126
Network to Segment Migration 126
Edge Upgrade from 2.X to 3.X Prerequisites 126
Best Practices for Upgrading Edges Deployed as Hub and Spoke 127
Best Practices for Upgrading Edges Deployed in HA 127
Migrate Network to Segment 127

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Configure Local Credentials 132

Add Credentials 133

11 Configure a Profile Device 134

Configure a Device 134
Assign Segments in Profile 135
Configure Authentication Settings 137
Configure DNS Settings 137
Configure Netflow Settings at the Profile Level 137
Configure Syslog Settings at Profile Level 139
Configure Cloud VPN 142
Configure Multicast Settings 146
Add and Configure a VLAN 150
Configure the Management IP Address 151
Configure Device Settings 151
Configure Wi-Fi Radio Settings 161
Configure SNMP Settings at Profile Level 162
Configure Visibility Mode 163
Assign Partner Gateways 164
Assign Controllers 167
Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM) 169

12 Cloud VPN 173

Overview of the Cloud VPN 173
Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site 175
Connect to Customer Data Center with Existing Firewall VPN Router 175
Iaas 176
Connect to CWS (Zscaler) 176
Branch to VeloCloud Hubs 176
Branch to Branch VPN 177
Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile 177
Dynamic Branch to Branch 178
Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile 179

13 Configure Profile Business Policy 180

Create Business Policy 181
Configure Match Source 185
Configure Match Destination 185
Configure Match Application 186
Configure Action Priority 187
Configure Action Network Service 187

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Configure Action Link Steering 188

Configure Policy-based NAT 193
Configure Action Service Class 194
Overlay QoS CoS Mapping 194
Tunnel Shaper for Service Providers with Partner Gateway 196
Configure Firewall for Profiles 197
Configure Firewall Rules 199
Create or Select a Network 205
Provision an Edge 213
Overview 213
Enterprise Edges Screen 213
Provision a New Edge 215
Actions Drop-down Menu 217

14 Edge Overview Tab 221

Edge Overview 221
Edge Overview Properties 222
Properties Overview 222
Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions 222
Initiate Edge Activation 223
Edge License 224
Edge Profile 224
Profile Overview 224
Profile Drop-Down Menu 225
Edge-specific Overrides and Additions 226
Contact & Location 226
Change Edge Location 227
Change Shipping Address 227
RMA Reactivation 227
Edge Reactivation Overview 227
RMA Reactivation Scenarios 228
RMA Reactivation Steps 228
RMA Reactivation Troubleshooting 230

15 Configure an Edge Device 232

Configure Netflow Settings at the Edge Level 234
Configure Syslog Settings at Edge Level 235
Configure Static Route Settings 237
Configure ICMP Probes/Responders 238
Edge Cloud VPN 238
High Availability (HA) 238

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Configure VLAN Settings 239

Configure Device Settings 239
Configure DHCP Server on Routed Interfaces 239
Configure Edge LAN Overrides 240
Configure Edge WAN Overrides 240
Configure Edge WAN Overlay Settings 241
Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links 245
Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links 246
SD-WAN Service Reachability via MPLS 247
Configure SNMP Settings at Edge Level 251
Configure Wi-Fi Radio, DNS, Authentication, and Netflow Overrides 253
Configure Edge Business Policy 253
Configure Edge Firewall 254
Configure Edge Activation 258
LAN-side NAT Rules at Edge Level 259

16 Site Configurations 262

Data Center Configurations 263
Configure Branch and Hub 263

17 Configure Dynamic Routing with OSPF or BGP 275

Enable OSPF 275
Route Filters 279
Enable BGP 280
OSPF/BGP Redistribution 285
Overlay Flow Control 286
Global Routing Preferences 286
Overlay Flow Control Table 287

18 Quick Start Configuration 289

SaaS Quick Start 290
Create an Edge Using the Internet Profile 290
via VPN 293
Create Profile 294
Configure via VPN 294
Create Edge Using the VPN Profile 296
VPN 298
Create a Profile 299
Configure the VPN Profile 299
Create an Edge Using the VPN Profile 301
Zero-touch Provisioning 302

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Pull Activation 303

Step 1: Send an Activation Email 303
Step 2: Activate an Edge Device 304
Push Activation (Tech Preview) 305

19 Configure Alerts 307

Configure SNMP Traps 307

20 Administration 309
Configure System Settings 309
Overview of Single Sign On 309
Configure Single Sign On for Enterprise User 309
Configure Single Sign On for Identity Partners 312
Self-service Password Reset 330
Configure Two-factor Authentication 333
Enforce PCI Compliance on VCO 334
Monitor Edge Licensing 335
Generate an Edge Licensing Report 335

21 Configure VCE High Availability 336

Overview of VeloCloud Edge HA 336
Prerequisites 337
High Availability Options 337
HA Option 1: Standard HA 337
HA Option 2: Enhanced HA 341
Split-Brain Detection and Prevention 342
Split-Brain Condition 342
Split-Brain Detection and Prevention 342
Failure Scenarios 343
Support for BGP Over HA Link 343
Selection Criteria to Determine Active and Standby Status 344
VLAN-tagged Traffic Over HA Link 344
Configure HA 345
1. Enable High Availability (HA) 345
2. Wait for VCE to Assume Active 345
3. Connect the Standby VCE to the Active Edge 346
4. Connect LAN and WAN Interfaces on Standby VCE 346
HA Event Details 347

22 Testing and Troubleshooting 348

Remote Diagnostics 349

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Remote Actions 352

Edge Remote Action Definitions 353
Diagnostic Bundles 353
Request Packet Capture 353
Download Bundle 355
Delete Bundle 355
Request Diagnostic Bundle 355

23 VeloCloud Virtual Edge Deployment Guide 357

Overview of Virtual Edge 357
Deployment Prerequisites 357
Special Considerations for VeloCloud Virtual Edge deployment 358
Overview of cloud-init 359
Install Virtual Edge on KVM 360
Considerations 361
Enable SR-IOV on KVM 361
Install a Virtual Edge on KVM 362
Install Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi 366
Enable SR-IOV on VMware 366
Installing a Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi 368

24 AliCloud Virtual Edge Deployment Guide 373

AliCloud vVCE Deployment Overview 373
Topology A - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud VPC 374
Topology B - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud Single-Arm Topology 376
Create a Virtual Private Cloud 378
Create a VSwitch 379
Create a Security Group 381
Add Security Group Rules 383
Create Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches 384
Provision an Edge on the VCO 386
Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console 390
Create an Elastic Network Interface 393
Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public Interface of the Edge 395
Bind an ENI to an Edge instance 397
Create a LAN Instance 399
Add a Custom Route Table Entry 402
Create a Jump Host Instance 403
SSH Login to Edge using EIP 406
SSH to Private IP of the Edge from Jump Host 406
Activate the Edge Against the VCO 407

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

25 Azure Virtual WAN VCG Automation 408

Azure Virtual WAN VCG Automation Overview 408
Prerequisite Azure Configuration 409
Register VCO Application 409
Assign the VCO Application to Contributor Role 411
Register a Resource Provider 412
Create a Client Secret 414
Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity 415
Create a Resource Group 415
Create a Virtual WAN 417
Create a Virtual Hub 418
Create a Virtual Network 420
Create a Virtual Connection between VNet and Hub 422
Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity 423
Configure an IaaS Subscription Network Service 423
Configure a Microsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site 424
Synchronize VPN Configuration 428
Delete a Non-VeloCloud Site 428

26 VeloCloud Edge Appliance Documentation 430

VMware, Inc. 10
VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud
Release 3.3 1
The VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud Administration Guide release 3.3 includes new and updated
content for versions 3.3.0, 3.3.1, and 3.3.2 as described below.

What's Changed in Version 3.3.2?

Status Section

New Network Overview

Updated Overview of Single Sign On

New Configure VMware CSP for Single Sign On

New Configure Syslog Settings at Profile Level

New Configure Syslog Settings at Edge Level

Updated Configure a Device

Updated Chapter 9 Configure Network Services

New Configure Netflow Settings

New Configure Netflow Settings at the Profile Level

New Configure Netflow Settings at the Edge Level

Updated Chapter 15 Configure an Edge Device

Updated Flow Stats Rollups and Retention

Updated Create a Virtual Hub

Updated Configure Edge WAN Overlay Settings

Updated Configure Cloud Security Services

Updated Add and Configure a Cloud Security Provider

Updated Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles

Updated Configure Cloud Security Services for Edges

Updated Port Forwarding Rules

New Configure a VNF Instance

Updated Configure VNF Alerts and Notifications

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Status Section

New LAN-side NAT Rules at Edge Level

New Configure SNMP Settings at Edge Level

Updated Enable BGP

Updated Enable BGP (Community Additive Support)

Updated Linking Steering: Overlay DSCP Configuration

What's Changed in Version 3.3.1?

Status Section

Updated Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles

Updated Create Business Policy

Updated Configure Firewall Rules

New Configure Check Point

Updated Enable OSPF

New Overview of Single Sign On

New Configure Single Sign On for Enterprise User

New Chapter 5 Log in to VCO Using SSO for Enterprise User

New Configure an IDP for Single Sign On

New Azure Virtual WAN VCG Automation Overview

New Chapter 24 AliCloud Virtual Edge Deployment Guide

What's Changed in Version 3.3.0?

Status Section

Updated Auto Rollback to the Last Known “Good” Configuration

Updated Network to Segment Migration

Updated Split-Brain Detection and Prevention

Updated VLAN-tagged Traffic Over HA Link

Updated Selection Criteria to Determine Active and Standby Status

Updated Overview of cloud-init

Updated Zero-touch Provisioning

New How Edge Clustering Works

New Self-service Password Reset

New Monitor Edge Licensing

New Chapter 4 User Agreement (VCO Login Screen)

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Status Section

New Flow Stats Rollups and Retention

New Push Activation (Tech Preview)

Previous VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud Versions

To get product documentation for previous VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud versions, contact
your VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud representative.

VMware, Inc. 13
Who Should Read This Document
This guide is written for network administrators, network analysts, and IT administrators
responsible for deploying, monitoring and managing Enterprise branch network. This guide
describes the settings of the core VeloCloud configurations: Networks, Network Services,
Profiles, and Edges in detail.

It is assumed that you have become thoroughly familiar with the concepts described in the
Chapter 3 VeloCloud Overview before proceeding with configuration steps. It is also strongly
recommended that you read and perform the steps in the Chapter 18 Quick Start Configuration to
become familiar with the basic configuration and Edge activation.

About This Guide

In this guide a hypothetical company, VeloAcme, will be used to describe the configuration for
Networks, Network Services, Profiles, and Edges. This guide also provides steps to monitor, test,
and troubleshoot the VeloCloud system.

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VeloCloud Overview
This section provides an overview of VeloCloud.

Cloud-delivered Software-defined WAN from VeloCloud assures enterprise and cloud application
performance over Internet and hybrid WAN while simplifying deployments and reducing costs.

VeloCloud is a cloud network service solution enabling sites to quickly deploy Enterprise grade
access to legacy and cloud applications over both private networks and Internet broadband. The
following figure shows the VeloCloud Software-defined WAN solution components (in orange).
The components are described in more detail in the following sections.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Solution Components

n Capabilities

n Network Topologies

n Branch Site Topologies

n Roles and Privilege Levels

n User Role Matrix

n Key Concepts

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

n Supported Modems

Solution Components
This section describes VeloCloud solution components.

VeloCloud Edge
A thin “Edge” that is zero IT touch provisioned from the cloud for secured, optimized connectivity
to your apps and virtualized services. The VeloCloud Edges are zero-touch, enterprise-class
devices or virtual software that provide secure and optimized connectivity to private, public and
hybrid applications; compute; and virtualized services. VeloCloud Edges perform deep
application recognition, application and per-packet steering, on-demand remediation
performance metrics and end-to-end quality of service (QoS) in addition to hosting Virtual
Network Function (VNF) services. An Edge pair can be deployed to provide High Availability
(HA). Edges can be deployed in branches, large sites and data centers. All other network
infrastructure is provided on-demand in the cloud.

The VeloCloud Orchestrator provides centralized enterprise-wide configuration and real-time

monitoring, as well as orchestrates the data flow into and through the SDWAN overlay network.
Additionally, it provides the one-click provisioning of virtual services across Edges, in centralized
and regional enterprise service hubs and in the cloud.

VeloCloud Gateways
VeloCloud’s network consists of gateways deployed at top tier network points-of-presence and
cloud data centers around the world, providing SDWAN services to the doorstep of SaaS, IaaS
and cloud network services, as well as access to private backbones. Multi-tenant, virtual
Gateways are deployed both by VeloCloud transit and cloud service provider partners. The
gateways provide the advantage of an on-demand, scalable and redundant cloud network for
optimized paths to cloud destinations as well as zero-installation applications.

A Cloud Edge may also be configured with VeloCloud Gateways to provide Internet inbound
firewall protection.

This section describes VeloCloud capabilities.

Dynamic Multi-path Optimization

VeloCloud Dynamic Multi-path Optimization is comprised of automatic link monitoring, dynamic
link steering and on-demand remediation.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Link Steering and Remediation

Dynamic, application aware per-packet link steering is performed automatically based on the
business priority of the application, embedded knowledge of network requirements of the
application, and the real-time capacity and performance of each link. On-demand mitigation of
individual link degradation through forward error correction, jitter buffering and negative
acknowledgment proxy also protects the performance of priority and network sensitive
applications. Both the dynamic per-packet link steering and on-demand mitigation combine to
deliver robust, sub-second blocked and limited protection to improve application availability,
performance and end user experience.

Cloud VPN
Cloud VPN is a 1-click, site-to-site, VPNC-compliant, IPSec VPN to connect VeloCloud and Non-
VeloCloud Sites while delivering real-time status and the health of the sites. The Cloud VPN
establishes dynamic edge-to-edge communication for all branches based on service level
objectives and application performance. Cloud VPN also delivers secure connectivity across all
branches with PKI scalable key management. New branches join the VPN network automatically
with access to all resources in other branches, enterprise data centers, and 3rd party data
centers, like Amazon AWS.

Multi-source Inbound QoS

VeloCloud classifies 2,500+ applications enabling smart control. Out-of-the-box defaults set the
multi-source inbound Quality of Service (QoS) parameters for different application types with IT
required only to establish application priority. Knowledge of network requirements for different
application types, automatic link capacity measurements and dynamic flow monitoring enables
automation of QoS configurations and bandwidth allocations.

VeloCloud delivers stateful and context-aware (application, user, device) integrated application
aware firewall with granular control of sub-applications, support for protocol-hopping
applications – such as Skype and other peer-to-peer applications (e.g., disable Skype video and
chat, but allow Skype audio). The secure firewall service is user- and device OS-aware with the
ability to segregate voice, video, data, and compliance traffic. Policies for BYOD devices (such as
Apple iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS) on the corporate network are easily controlled.

Network Service Insertion

The VeloCloud Solution supports a platform to host multiple virtualized network functions to
eliminate single-function appliances and reduce branch IT complexity. VeloCloud service-chains
traffic from the branch to both cloud-based and enterprise regional hub services, with assured
performance, security, and manageability. Branches leverage consolidated security and network
services, including those from partners like Zscaler and Websense. Using a simple click-to-enable
interface, services can be inserted in the cloud and on-premise with application specific policies.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

VeloCloud Edge appliances automatically authenticate, connect, and receive configuration
instructions once they are connected to the Internet in a zero-touch deployment. They deliver a
highly available deployment with VeloCloud Edge redundancy protocol and integrate with the
existing network with support for OSPF routing protocol and benefit from dynamic learning and

Routing and Segmentation

Overlay Flow Control

The VeloCloud Edge learns routes from adjacent routers through OSPF and BGP. It sends the
learned routes to the Gateway/Controller. The Gateway/Controller acts like a route reflector and
sends the learned routes to other VeloCloud SD-WAN Edges. The Overlay Flow Control (OFC)
enables enterprise-wide route visibility and control for ease of programming and for full and
partial overlay.

VeloCloud supports inbound/outbound filters to OSPF neighbors, OE1/OE2 route types, MD5
authentication. Routes learned through OSPF will be automatically redistributed to the controller
hosted in the cloud or on-premise.

VeloCloud supports inbound/outbound filters and the filter can be set to Deny, or optionally
adding/changing the BGP attribute to influence the path selection, i.e. RFC 1998 community, MED,
AS-Path prepend, and local preference.

Network segmentation is an important feature for both enterprises and service providers. In the
most basic form, segmentation provides network isolation for management and security reasons.
Most common forms of segmentation are VLANs for L2 and VRFs for L3.

Typical Use Cases for Segmentation:

n Line of Business Separation: Engineering, HR etc. for Security/Audit

n User Data Separation: Guest, PCI, Corporate traffic separation

n Enterprise uses overlapping IP addresses in different VRFs

However, the legacy approach is limited to a single box or two physically connected devices. To
extend the functionality, segmentation information must be carried across the network.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

VeloCloud enables end-to-end segmentation. When the packet traverses through the Edge, the
Segment ID is added to the packet and is forwarded to the Hub and cloud Gateway, allowing
network service isolation from the Edge to the cloud and data center. This provides the ability to
group prefixes into a unique routing table, making the business policy segment aware.

In Dynamic Routing, VeloCloud Edge learns routes from adjacent routers through OSPF or BGP.
The VeloCloud Orchestrator maintains all the dynamically learned routes in a global routing table
called the Overlay Flow Control. The Overlay Flow Control allows management of dynamic routes
in the case of "Overlay Flow Control sync" and "change in Inbound/Outbound filtering
configuration." The change in inbound filtering for a prefix from IGNORE to LEARN would fetch
the prefix from the Overlay Flow Control and install into the Unified routing table.

For more information, see Chapter 17 Configure Dynamic Routing with OSPF or BGP.

Business Policy Framework

Quality of Service (QoS), resource allocations, link/path steering, and error correction are
automatically applied based on business policies and application priorities. Orchestrate traffic
based on transport groups defined by private and public links, policy definition, and link

Network Topologies
This section describes network topologies for branches and data centers.

Branches to Private Third Party (VPN)

Customers with a private data center or cloud data center often want a way to include it in their
network without having to define a tunnel from each individual branch office site to the data
center. By defining the site as a non-VeloCloud site, a single tunnel will be built from the nearest
VeloCloud Gateway to the customer’s existing router or firewall. All the VeloCloud Edges that
need to talk to the site will connect to the same VeloCloud Gateway to forward packets across
the tunnel, simplifying the overall network configuration and new site bring up.

VeloCloud simplifies the branch deployment and delivers enterprise great application
performance or public/private link for cloud and/or on-premise applications.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Branch Site Topologies

The VeloCloud service defines two three different typical branch topologies designated as
Bronze and Silver Bronze, Silver, and Gold. In addition, pairs of VeloCloud Edges can be
configured in a High Availability (HA) configuration at a branch location.

Bronze Site Topology

The Bronze topology represents a typical small site deployment where there are one or two
WAN links connected to the public internet. In the Bronze topology, there is no MPLS connection
and there is no L3 switch on the LAN-side of the VeloCloud Edge. The following figure shows an
overview of the Bronze topology.

Silver Site Topology

The Silver topology represents a site that also has an MPLS connection, in addition to one or
more public Internet links. There are two variants of this topology.

The first variant is a single L3 switch with one or more public internet links and a MPLS link, which
is terminated on a CE and is accessible through the L3 switch. In this case, the VeloCloud Edge
goes between the L3 switch and Internet (replacing existing firewall/router).

The second variant includes MPLS and Internet routers deployed using HSRP with an L2 switch
on the LAN side. In this case, the VeloCloud Edge replaces the L2 switch.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Gold Site Topology

The Gold topology is a typical large branch site topology. The topology includes active/active L3
switches which communicate routes using OSPF or BGP, one or more public internet links and a
MPLS link which is terminated on a CE router that is also talking to OSPF or BGP and is accessible
through the L3 switches.

A key differentiation point here is a single WAN link is accessible via two routed interfaces. In
order to support this, a virtual IP address is provisioned inside the edge (similar to a Cisco
“loopback interface”) and can be advertised over OSPF , BGP, or statically routed to.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

High Availability (HA) Configuration

The following figure provides a conceptual overview of the VeloCloud High Availability
configuration using two VeloCloud Edges, one active and one standby.

Connecting the L1 ports on each edge is used to establish a failover link. The standby VeloCloud
Edge blocks all ports except the L1 port for the failover link.

On-premise Topology
The on-premise topology consists of two hubs and multiple branches (some with VCE and some
without). Each hub has hybrid WAN connectivity. There are several branch types.

Note The Gold Site is not currently in the scope of this release and will be added at a later time.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

The MPLS network runs BGP and peers with all the CE routers. At Hub 1, Hub 2, and Silver 1 sites,
the L3 switch runs OSPF or BGP with the CE router and firewall (in case of hub sites).

In some cases, there may be redundant data centers which advertise the same subnets with
different costs. In this scenario, both data centers can be configured as edge-to-edge VPN hubs.
Since all edges connect directly to each hub, the hubs in fact also connect directly to each other.
Based on route cost, traffic is steered to the preferred active data center.

In previous versions, users could create an enterprise object using Zscaler or Palo Alto Network
as a generic Non-VeloCloud Site. In 2.0, that object will now become a first-class citizen as a Non-
VeloCloud Site.

VeloCloud's Cloud-Delivered SD-WAN solution combines the economics and flexibility of the
hybrid WAN with the deployment speed and low maintenance of cloud-based services. It
dramatically simplifies the WAN by delivering virtualized services from the cloud to branch
offices. VeloCloud's customer-premise equipment, VeloCloud Edge, aggregates multiple
broadband links (e.g., Cable, DSL, 4G-LTE) at the branch office, and sends the traffic to
VeloCloud gateways. Using cloud-based orchestration, the service can connect the branch office
to any of type of data center: enterprise, cloud, or Software-as-a-Service.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

VeloCloud Edge is a compact, thin Edge device that is zero-IT-touch provisioned from the cloud
for secure, optimized connectivity to applications and data. A cluster of gateways is deployed
globally at top-tier cloud data centers to provide scalable and on-demand cloud network
services. Working with the Edge, the cluster delivers dynamic, multi-path optimization so multiple,
ordinary broadband links appear as a single, high bandwidth link. Orchestrator management
provides centralized configuration, real-time monitoring, and one-click provisioning of virtual

Roles and Privilege Levels

The following primary roles are defined for VeloCloud:

n IT Administrator (or Administrator)

n Site Contact at each site where a VeloCloud Edge device is deployed

n IT Operator (or Operator)

n IT Partner (or Partner)

The Administrator configures, monitors, and administers the VeloCloud service operation. There
are three Administrator roles:

Administrator Role Description

Enterprise Standard Admin Can perform all configuration and monitoring tasks.

Enterprise Superuser Can perform the same tasks as an Enterprise Standard Admin and can also create additional
users with the Enterprise Standard Admin, Enterprise MSP, and Customer Support role.

Enterprise Support Can perform configuration review and monitoring tasks but cannot view user identifiable
application statistics and can only view configuration information.

Note An Administrator should be thoroughly familiar with networking concepts, web

applications, and requirements and procedures for the Enterprise.

Site Contact
The Site Contact is responsible for VeloCloud Edge physical installation and activation with the
VeloCloud service. The Site Contact is a non-IT person who has the ability to receive an email and
perform the instructions in the email for Edge activation.

The Operator can perform all of the tasks that an Administrator can perform, plus additional
operator-specific tasks – such as create and manage customers, Cloud Edges, and Gateways.
There are four Operator roles:

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Operator Role Description

Standard Operator Can perform all configuration and monitoring tasks.

Superuser Operator Can view and create additional users with the Operator roles.

Business Specialist Operator Can create and manage customer accounts.

Customer Support Operator Can monitor Edges and activity.

An Operator should be thoroughly familiar with networking concepts, web applications, and
requirements and procedures for the Enterprise.

The Partner can perform all of the tasks that an Administrator can perform, along with additional
Partner specific tasks – such as creating and managing customers. There are four Partner roles:

Partner Role Description

Standard Admin Can perform all configuration and monitoring tasks.

Superuser Can view and create additional users with the Partner roles.

Business Specialist Can perform configuration and monitoring tasks but cannot view user identifiable application

Customer Support Can perform configuration review and monitoring tasks but cannot view user identifiable application
statistics and can only view configuration information.

A Partner should be thoroughly familiar with networking concepts, web applications, and
requirements and procedures for the Enterprise.

User Role Matrix

This section describes feature access according to VeloCloud user roles.

Note The "User Role Matrix" section is new for the 3.3 release.

Operator-level VCO Features User Role Matrix

See the table below for Operator-level user roles that have access to the VCO features. See the
list below for a definition of the symbols used in the table:

n R: Read

n W: Write (Modify/Edit)

n D: Delete

n NA: No Access

VMware, Inc. 25
VeloCloud Administration Guide

Operator: Operator: Partner: Customer
Superuser Standard Business Support Super Standard Business Customer
VCO Feature Operator Operator Specialist Operator User Admin Specialist Support

Monitor R R R R R R R R





(Managing RWD RWD R R *See *See Note *See Note *See Note
Edge) Software Note


Operator R R NA R NA NA NA NA



Operator Users RWD R R R NA NA NA NA

Gateway Pools RWD RW R R RWD RWD NA R




Application RWD RWD R R NA NA NA NA



Orchestrator RWD R NA R NA NA NA NA

Replication RW R NA R NA NA NA NA

Note Operator superusers have "RWD" access to certificate related configurations and standard
operators have Read-only access to certificate related configurations. These users can access
the certificate related configurations at Configure > Edges from the navigation panel.*

Note Enterprise users at all levels do not have access to the Operator-level features show in the
table above.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Partner-level VCO Features User Role Matrix

See the table below for Partner-level user roles that have access to the VCO features. See the list
below for a definition of the symbols used in the table:

n R: Read

n W: Write (Modify/Edit)

n D: Delete

n NA: No Access

VCO Feature Partner: Superuser Partner: Standard Admin BusinessSpecialist CustomerSupport

MonitorCustomers R R R R

Manage Customers RWD RWD RWD R

Events R R NA R

Admins RWD R NA R

Overview R R R R

Settings RW R R R

Gateway Pools RW RWD NA R

Gateways RW RW NA R

Enterprise-level VCO Features User Role Matrix

See the table below for Enterprise-level user roles that have access to the VCO features. See the
list below for a definition of the symbols used in the table:

n R: Read

n W: Write (Modify/Edit)

n D: Delete

n NA: No Access

Enterprise: Super Enterprise:

VCO Feature User Standard Admin Customer Support Read Only

Monitor > Edges R R R R

Monitor > Network Services R R R R

Monitor > Routing R R R NA

Monitor > Alerts R R R NA

Monitor > Events R R R NA

Configure > Edges RWD RWD R NA

Configure > Profiles RWD RWD R NA

Configure > Networks RWD RWD R NA

Configure > Segments RWD RWD R NA

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Enterprise: Super Enterprise:

VCO Feature User Standard Admin Customer Support Read Only

Configure > Overlay RWD RWD R NA

Flow Control

Configure > Network Services RWD RWD R NA

Configure > Alerts & Notifications RW RW R NA

Test & Troubleshoot > Remote RW RW RW NA


Test & Troubleshoot > Remote Actions RW RW RW NA

Test & Troubleshoot > Packet Capture RW RW RW NA

Administration > System Settings RW RW RW NA

Administration > Administrators RW R R NA

Note Operator-level users have complete access the VCO features shown in the preceding

Key Concepts
This section describes key concepts to understand when using VeloCloud.

The VeloCloud service has four core configurations that have a hierarchical relationship. These
configurations are created and values are entered in the VeloCloud Orchestrator.

The following table provides an overview of the four configurations.

Configuration Description

Network Defines basic network configurations, such as addressing and VLANs. Networks can be designated
as Corporate or Guest and there can be multiple definitions of each.

Network Services Define several common services used by the VeloCloud Service, such as BackHaul Sites, Cloud VPN
Hubs, Non-VeloCloud Sites, Cloud Proxy Services, DNS services, and Authentication Services.

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Configuration Description

Profile Defines a template configuration that can be applied to multiple Edges. A Profile is configured by
selecting a Network and Network Services. A profile can be applied to one or more Edge models and
defines the settings for the LAN, Internet, Wireless LAN, and WAN Edge Interfaces. Profiles can also
provide settings for Wi-Fi Radio, SNMP, Netflow, Business Policies and Firewall configuration.

Edge Configurations provide a complete group of settings that can be downloaded to an Edge device. The
Edge configuration is a composite of settings from a selected Profile, a selected Network, and
Network Services. An Edge configuration also override settings or add ordered policies to those
defined in the Profile, Network, and Network Services.

The following figure below shows a more detailed overview of the relationships between multiple
Edges, Profiles, Networks, and Network Services.

Note that a single Profile can be assigned to multiple Edges. An individual Network configuration
can be used in more than one Profile. Network Services configurations are used in all Profiles.

The preceding figure also gives an expanded view of the configuration settings of an Edge,
Profile, Network, and Network Services, which are described in the following sections. The
following sections also provide additional details for the four core configurations.

Networks are standard configurations that define network address spaces and VLAN
assignments for Edges. Networks configure two network types:

n Corporate (or trusted networks)

n Guest (or untrusted networks)

Multiple Corporate and Guest Networks can be defined. VLANs can be assigned to both
Corporate and Guest Networks.

n Corporate Networks can be configured with either Overlapping Addresses or Non-

overlapping Addresses. With overlapping addresses, all Edges using the Network have the
same address space. Overlapping addresses are associated with non-VPN configurations.

n Guest networks always use overlapping addresses.

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With non-overlapping addresses, an address space is divided into blocks of an equal number of
addresses. Non-overlapping addresses are associated with VPN configurations. The address
blocks are assigned to Edges that use the Network so that each Edge has a unique set of
addresses. Non-overlapping addresses are required for Edge-to-Edge and Edge -to- Non-
VeloCloud Site VPN communication. The VeloCloud configuration creates the information
necessary to access an Enterprise Data Center Gateway for VPN access. The following diagram
shows how unique IP address blocks from a Network configuration are assigned to VeloCloud
Edges. It also shows how IPSec configuration is generated by the VeloCloud Orchestrator. An
administrator for the Enterprise Data Center Gateway uses the IPSec configuration information
generated during Non-VeloCloud Site VPN configuration to configure the VPN tunnel to the Non-
VeloCloud Site.

Note When using non-overlapping addressing, the VeloCloud Orchestrator automatically

allocates blocks of addresses based on the maximum number of Edges you predict will use the
Network configuration.

Network Services
Network Services in VeloCloud Orchestrator allows you to define your Enterprise Network
Services. These definitions can be used across all Profiles. This includes services for
Authentication, Cloud Proxy, Non-VeloCloud Sites, and DNS. The possible services are defined in
Network Services but are not used unless they are assigned in a Profile.

Profiles define a standard configuration for one or more VeloCloud Edges. A profile is a named
configuration that defines a list of VLANs, Cloud VPN settings, Interface Settings (wired and
wireless), and Network Services (such as DNS Settings, Authentication Settings, Cloud Proxy
Settings, and VPN connections to Non-VeloCloud Sites).

Profiles provide Cloud VPN settings for Edges configured for VPN. The Cloud VPN Settings can
enable/disable Edge-to-Edge and Edge-to- Non-VeloCloud Site VPN connections.

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Profiles can also define rules and configuration for the VeloCloud Business Policy and Firewall

The Edge configuration includes the assignment of a Profile, from which most of the Edge
configuration is derived.

Most of the settings that are defined in a Profile, Network, or Network Services can be used
without modification in an Edge configuration. However, overrides or ordered policy additions
can be configured for several of the Edge configuration elements to tailor an Edge for a specific
scenario. This includes settings for Interfaces, Wi-Fi Radio Settings, DNS, Authentication,
Business Policy, and Firewall.

Additions can also be made to an Edge configuration to augment settings not present in Profile
or Network configuration. This includes Subnet Addressing, Static Route settings, and Inbound
Firewall Rules (for Port Forwarding and 1:1 NAT).

Orchestrator Configuration Workflow

VeloCloud supports multiple configuration scenarios. Here are some common scenarios:

Scenario Description

SaaS : Used for Edges that do not require VPN connections between Edges, to a Non-VeloCloud Site, or
to a VeloCloud Site. The workflow assumes the addressing for the Corporate Network uses
overlapping addressing.

Non-VeloCloud Used for Edges that require a VPN connection to a Non-VeloCloud Site such as Amazon Web
Site via VPN Services, Zscaler, Cisco ISR, or ASR 1000 Series. This workflow assumes the addressing for the
Corporate Network uses non-overlapping addressing and that the Non-VeloCloud Sites are specified
in the profile.

VeloCloud Used for Edges that require VPN connections to a VeloCloud Site such as an Edge Hub or a Cloud
SiteVPN VPN Hub. This workflow assumes the addressing for the Corporate Network uses non-overlapping
addressing and that the VeloCloud Sites are specified in the profile.

For each scenario, there are four major steps for configuration in the VeloCloud Orchestrator:

Step 1: Network

Step 2: Network Services

Step 3: Profile

Step 4: Edge

The following table provides a high-level outline of the steps required for a Quick Start
configuration for each of the workflows. For Quick Start Configurations, preconfigured Network,
Network Services, and Profile configurations are used. VPN configurations also require some
modification of the existing VPN Profile and creating the configuration of a VeloCloud or Non-
VeloCloud Site. The final step is to create a new Edge and activate it. Additional details (including
screen captures) can be found in the Chapter 18 Quick Start Configuration section.

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Quick StartConfiguration
Steps SaaS Non-VeloCloud SiteSite VPN VeloCloud Site VPN

Step 1: Network Select Quick Start Select Quick Start VPN Select Quick Start VPN
Internet Network Network Network

Step 2: Network Service Use pre-configured Use pre-configured Network Use pre-configured Network
Network Services Services Services

Step 3: Profile Select Quick Start Select Quick Start VPN Profile Select Quick Start VPN
Internet Profile Enable Cloud VPN - Configure Profile
Non-VeloCloud Sites Enable Cloud VPN- Configure
VeloCloud Sites

Step 4: Edge Add New Edge and Add New Edge and Activate Add New Edge and Activate
Activate Edge Edge Edge

Supported Modems
This section describes how to get a list of supported modems.

For a detailed list of our supported modems, go to http://velocloud.com/get-started/supported-


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User Agreement (VCO Login
Screen) 4
An Enterprise Superuser or Partner Superuser might see a user agreement upon logging into the
VCO. The user must accept the agreement before gaining access to the VCO. If the user does
not accept the agreement, he or she will be automatically logged out of the VCO.

Note The "User Agreement (VCO Login Screen)" section is new for the 3.3 release.

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Log in to VCO Using SSO for
Enterprise User 5
Describes how to log in to VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) using Single Sign On (SSO) as an
Enterprise user.

To login into VCO using SSO as an Enterprise user:


n Ensure you have configured SSO authentication in VCO. For more information, see Configure
Single Sign On for Enterprise User.

n Ensure you have set up roles, users, and OIDC application for SSO in your preferred IDPs. For
more information, see Configure an IDP for Single Sign On.


1 In a web browser, launch a VCO application as Enterprise user.

The VeloCloud Network Orchestrator screen appears.

2 Click Sign In With Your Identity Provider.

3 In the Enter your Organization Domain text box, enter the domain name used for the SSO
configuration and click Sign In.

The IDP configured for SSO will authenticate the user and redirect the user to the configured

Note Once the users log in to the VCO using SSO, they will not be allowed to login again as
native users.

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Monitor the VCO
The VeloCloud Orchestrator provides monitoring functionality that enables you to observe
various performance and operational characteristics of VeloCloud Edges. Monitoring functionality
is accessible in Monitor area of the navigation panel.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Monitor Navigation Panel

n Network Overview

n Monitor Edges

n Monitor Network Services

n Monitor Routing

n Monitor Alerts

n Monitor Events

Monitor Navigation Panel

The following monitoring capabilities are displayed under Monitor in the navigation panel.

n Network Overview

n Monitor Edges

n Monitor Network Services

n Monitor Routing

n Monitor Alerts

n Monitor Events

Network Overview
The Network Overview feature helps to monitor networks by checking the Edge and Link
(activated Edge) status summary. Clicking Monitor > Network Overview in the navigation panel
opens the Network Overview screen, which provides a visual summary about the enterprises

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running VeloCloud edge devices, Non-VeloCloud sites, profiles, segments, software versions, and
their system configuration time and run time statuses.

The following table describes the connection status types and definitions for the Edge, Edge
Hub, Link, and Hub Link:

Color Meaning

Green Connected

Amber Degraded

Red Down

The Network Overview screen presents the overall summary information about a network in
three dashboard sections:

n VeloCloud Edge statistics - Includes the following information about the Edges and Links:

n Total number of Edges

n Total number of Edge Hubs

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n Total number of Links

n Total number of Hub Links

n Count of Edges/Edge Hubs (Connected, Degraded, and Down)

n Count of Link/Hub Links (Stable, Unstable, and Down)

n Summary dashboard table - Includes a table that displays top ten Edges, or Edge Hubs, or
Links, or Hub Links sorted by last contact time, based on the selected filter criteria in the
VeloCloud Edge statistics section.

n Non-Edge statistics - Includes the following non-edge related information:

n Total number of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)-enabled Edges

n Count of VNFs-enabled Edges (Error, On, and Off)

n Total number of VeloCloud Active Standby Pair-enabled Edges

n Count of VeloCloud Active Standby Pair-enabled Edges (Failed, Pending, and Ready)

n Total number of enabled Non-VeloCloud Sites (NVS)

n Count of NVS (Connected and Offline)

n Count of used Profiles out of the total number of Profiles configured for the Enterprise.

n Count of activated Segments out of the total number of Segments configured for the

n Count of Edges with up-to-date Software version out of the total number of Edges
configured for the Enterprise.

Note The minimum supported edge version is 2.4.0. You can change the target edge
version against which the edges will be compared by using the system property

You can also get detailed information on a specific item in the Network Overview screen by
clicking the link on the respective item or metric. For example, clicking the Edge link in the
summary dashboard table takes you to the Edge detail dashboard for the selected Edge.

You can configure the refresh time interval for the information displayed in the Network
Overview dashboard screen to one of the following options:

n pause

n 30s

n 60s

n 5min

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Monitor Edges
By clicking Edges under Monitor in the navigation panel, you can monitor your Edge WAN links
and get usage data via network sources and traffic destinations.

The Edges monitoring screen includes the following tabs (with the Overview tab as the initial
display screen):

n Overview Tab

n QoE Tab

n Transport Tab

n Applications Tab

n Sources Tab

n Destinations Tab

n Business Priority Tab

The following sections describe the tab pages listed above that can be accessed via Monitor >

Enterprise Global View

Clicking Monitor > Edges in the navigation panel opens the VeloCloud Edge Enterprise Global
View screen, which provides a visual overview of all the branches and their connection status.

The following list describes the Edge connection status types and definitions:

Color Meaning

Green Connected

Amber Degraded

Blue Never Activated

Red Offline

The numbers on the map represent the number of Edges in that location as shown in the image
below. Click the number(s) on the map to open a pop-up that displays the name of the Edge and
its location.

Note You can Filter your map view by Name, Serial Number, IP Address, Status, Software
Version, Software Build, Profile, or Operator Profile.

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Overview Tab
The Edge Overview tab displays information about your Edge WAN links, application bandwidth,
and network usage for top operating systems, top categories, and the top sources.

The Overview tab consists of two major areas: Link Status and Bandwidth Usage.

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In the Link Status area, the Cloud Status and VPN Status columns can display the following link

Status Meaning

Green Active

Gray Not Enabled

Red Offline/ Disconnected

The Link Status area can display the status of backup links depending upon the WAN Settings
(see figures below). For information on how to configure an Edge Device to update these
settings, see the Configure an Edge Device section.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Link Status
The Link Status area displays a list of your links and their data (Cloud and VPN status, Interface,
and Throughput Capacity). With the Links Status functionality:

n You can view a list of your links and their status ( green: connected, red: not connected,
yellow: unstable).

n You can view Latency, Jitter, and Packet Loss by clicking the arrow next to the Signal

n You can view link data updated in Real Time.

Bandwidth Usage
The Bandwidth Usage area displays your top applications, categories, and operating systems
and their volume for a historical period of time. You can change the time frame by clicking the
Time Duration drop-down menu and the Calendar. (You can access the Calendar by clicking the
date at the top of the screen).

The Bandwidth Usage screen includes the following areas: Top Applications, Top Categories,
and Top Operating Systems. See the sections below for more information.

Top Applications
The Top Applications area displays historical usage data for top applications and is connected to
the Applications Tab tab. To access the Applications tab, click the View Details arrow. (See
image below).

Note See section titled, Applications Tab for more information.

Top Categories
The Top Categories area displays categories as a color-coded Pie chart (with a corresponding
Legend). The Top Categories area is also connected to the Applications tab. (See figure below).

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You can access the Applications tab from this section in the following ways:

n Click the View Details arrow to the right of the section to view details about all your

n Click individual sections of the Pie chart, or click individual categories in the Legend to open
the Applications tab for that specific category.

Top Operating Systems

The Top Operating Systems area displays top operating systems as a bar graph. Hover over a
bar in the graph to display usage data for that system. (See figure below).

The Top Operating Systems area is connected to the Sources tab. You can access the Sources
tab from this section in the following ways:

n Click the View Details arrow.

n Click an individual bar in the graph to access the Sources tab for that specific system.

Top Sources
The Top Sources section of the Bandwidth Usage area displays top sources as a bar graph. The
Top Sources section is also connected to the Sources tab. You can access the Sources tab from
this section in the following ways:

n Click the View Details arrow.

n Click an individual bar on the graph to access the Sources tab for that specific system.

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QoE Tab
The VeloCloud Quality of Experience (QoE) tab shows the VeloCloud Quality Score (VQS) for
different applications. The VQS rates an application's quality of experience that a network can
deliver for a period of time. See sections below for more information.

Traffic Type
There are three different traffic types that you can monitor (Voice, Video, and Transactional) in
the QoE tab. You can hover over a WAN network link, or the aggregate link provided by the
VeloCloud to display a summary of Latency, Jitter, and Packet Loss (see image below).

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VeloCloud Quality Score

The VeloCloud Quality Score (VQS) rates an application's quality of experience that a network
can deliver for a given time frame. Some examples of applications are: video, voice, and
transactional. QoE rating options are shown in the table below.

Rating Color Rating Option Definition

Green Good All metrics are better than the objective thresholds. Application SLA met/exceeded.

Yellow Fair Some or all metrics are between the objective and maximum values. Application SLA is
partially met.

Red Poor Some or all metrics have reached or exceeded the maximum value. Application SLA is not

QoE Example
The two QoE example images below show three before and after voice traffic scenario problems
and how VeloCloud solved them. See the table below for more information. (The red numbers in
the images below represent the scenario numbers in the table below).

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QoE Example Table

Scenario Issue VeloCloud Solution

1 MPLS is down Link steering

2 Packet loss Forward error correction

3 MPLS is down; Jitter on Comcast Link steering and jitter buffering

Scenario 1 and 2: Link Steering and Forward Error Correction Solution Example

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Scenario 3: Link Steering and Jitter Buffering Solution Example

Transport Tab
The Edge Transport tab provides an overview of the bandwidth used across all of the WAN links.
You can hover over the line graph and view Sent and Received data in a pop-up window.

For any point in time, you can view which Link or Transport Group was used for the traffic and
how much data was sent. See the sections below for a description of the major areas of the
Transport tab.

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When you click the Transport tab, Links is the default display screen (as shown in the image
above). The Links screen displays Sent and Received data for your links. Any links associated
with an Edge are displayed in a numbered list at the bottom of the screen under the Link column,
along with their Interface (WAN Type) and Total Bytes. See image above.

The Links screen appears:

n Status for Cloud and VPN ( green: connected, red: disabled, gray: unavailable)

n Link Info (you can access this pop-up window by clicking the down arrow next to Interface
WAN Type)

n Applications (click the gray arrow underneath the Application column)

Note You can also access the Links screen at anytime by clicking the Links button.

Links Stats Menu

The Links Stats menu is located next to the Scale Y-Axis checkbox at the top left side of the
Transport tab screen (as shown in the image above). Descriptions for the options listed in the
Links Stats drop-down menu are described in the following table.

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Link Stat Item Definition

Bandwidth This parameter denotes the desired bandwidth allocation in Mbps for each flow. Based on these
parameters, the total capacity is allocated in proportion to the bandwidth values of various flows.

Jitter Jitter is calculated using the RFC 3550 Formula for calculating jitter that is used by RTP.

Latency For each packet, the latency is measured by subtracting the network send time (packet is time stamped
immediately before being sent) from the network receive time (packet is time stamped immediately after
being received).

Packet Loss A lost packet is calculated when a path sequence number is missed and doesn’t arrive within the re-
sequencing window. A “very late” packet is counted as a lost packet in this regard.

Live Monitoring
Live monitoring is useful for conducting active testing and calculating Average Throughput. It is
also beneficial for troubleshooting security compliance and for seeing how traffic policies are
being leveraged in real time.

To monitor live traffic for Links and Transport Groups click the Start Live Monitoring button.
When the Live Monitoring screen appears, select the Show TCP/UDP Details checkbox to view
protocol level link usage details.

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Transport Groups
Transport Groups are links grouped into one of the following categories:

n Public Wired

n Private Wired

n Public Wireless

Transport Groups enable box-by-box configuration and business policy abstraction. A single plan
can be applied across different hardware agnostic types. When you click the Transport Groups
button, the above items are displayed in a numbered list in the Transport Group area at the
bottom of the Transport screen.

You can also click the Transport Group link to view the data for that group. See the section
below (Viewing Links in a Transport Group) for information about the Transport Groups dialog

View Links in a Transport Group

In addition to viewing Transport Group data (within the line graph), you can also view the specific
links in your Transport Group.

To view links in a Transport Group:

1 Click the Transport Groups button.

Transport Groups are displayed in a numbered list at the bottom of the Transport tab.

2 Click a Transport Group link (Public Wired, Private Wired, or Public Wireless).

The Transport Groups dialog box appears.

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3 Click a Transport Group from the Pie chart to display the top applications and links within a
Transport Group. (You can also toggle between Transport Groups by clicking the Transport
Group categories displayed below the Pie chart).

4 Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Applications Tab
The Edge Applications tab displays network usage information about your applications or your
application categories. The following section provide information about the Applications and
Categories areas.

Network Usage
Network usage data is displayed as one or two graphs (depending upon the type of data you
choose) with an option to scale the Y-axis. You can hover over a segment of the graph to display
network usage data for that segment. You can also choose which type of data is displayed from
the Data drop-down menu (Bytes Received/Sent, Total Bytes, Total Packets, or Packets

Note Network usage data for the Applications tab is displayed over a historical period of time.

Top Applications
When you click the Applications button (located on the upper, right side of the screen), a list of
your applications display at the bottom of the screen (as shown in the image below) in the
Applications column.

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To display specific application data in the graphs, select or unselect the checkboxes next to the
applications in the Applications column. You can also click an application in the Applications
column to open a dialog box, which displays all applications in a Pie chart. (See image below).

In the Top Applications dialog box (as shown in the image below), you can:

n Click an application name (or its color-coded slice of the Pie chart) to view its Transport
Groups, Top Operating Systems, and Top Destinations.

n Click the arrow next to the Top Devices area to open the Sources tab.

n Choose an option from the drop-down menu in the Top Destinations section (by Domain, by
FQDN, or by IP).

n Click the arrow (top, right corner) of the Top Destinations area to open the Destinations tab.

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Top Categories
When you click the Categories button, two Category columns display at the bottom of the
screen. The first Category column lists your top categories. Click a category from this column to
open the Top Categories dialog box.

The Top Categories dialog box includes similar features and functionality as the Top
Applications dialog box with a couple of exceptions, instead of Transport Groups, the Top
Categories dialog displays Top Applications in the top, right area of the dialog. Also, when you
click the arrow in the Top Applications area, the Applications tab opens displaying usage data
for all the applications in that category.

Sources Tab
The Edge Sources tab screen displays network usage data (operating system, device type) over
a historical period of time.

The data is displayed as two line graphs. You can change the data that is displayed in the graphs
from the Data drop-down menu (Bytes Received/Sent, Total Bytes, Total Packets, or Packets
Received/Sent). You can also hover over a segment of the graph to display the source and its
associated network usage.

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In the Sources tab screen (below image), you can:

n View the operating systems of your applications and destinations in the Operating Systems
column (located at the bottom of the screen).

n Use Filter to display operating systems based on Application, Category, type of Operating
System, and Destination.

n Click an operating system from the Operating System column to open the Top Operating
Systems dialog box.

n Go to the Applications tab by clicking the gray arrow next to the Top Applications area of
the Top Operating Systems dialog box.

n Go to the Destinations tab by clicking the gray arrow next to the Top Destinations area of
the Top Operating Systems dialog box.

Destinations Tab
The Edge Destinations tab displays network usage as two line graphs (over a historical period of
time) by the destination of the network traffic. If you hover over a segment of the graph, the
destination and its associated network usage appears.

There are three display buttons (Domain, FQDN, and IP) located on the right side of the screen.
Click one of the display buttons to update destinations by type in the Destination column.

For each display button (Domain, FQDN, and IP), the Top Destinations dialog box appears by
type when you click a destination from the Destination column. You can open the Applications
and Sources tabs from the Top Destinations dialog box. Click the gray arrows next to the Top
Applications and Top Operating areas of the dialog boxes (respectively) to open these tabs.

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Business Priority Tab

The Edge Business Priority tab displays the priority (High, Normal, Low) of the network traffic
over a historical period of time.

If you mouse over a segment of the graph, the Business Policy characteristics and its associated
network usage appears.

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Flow Stats Rollups and Retention

In 3.3.0 release, the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) stores only flow statistics with high resolution
to provide visibility and troubleshooting capability. In 3.3.2 release, VCO supports retention of
flow stats for upto one year by rolling up flow stats for every edge on a daily basis. Currently, the
daily flow stats rollups is supported only for on-prem customers.

Aggregating Flow Statistics

The VCO currently aggregates flow statistics from a higher resolution (every 5 minutes) to a
ready-to-use form at a low resolution (every 24 hours). The following tables summarize the flow
stats rollup and retention support information.

Table 6-1. Flow Stats Rollup Support

Resolution Rollup Pre 3.3.0 Rollup Post 3.3.0 Rollup Post 3.3.2

High 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

Medium 2 hours Deprecated Not Supported

Low 8 hours Deprecated 24 hours

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Table 6-2. Flow Stats Retention Support

Retention Pre Retention Post 3.3.0 Retention Post Retention Post Retention Post
Resolution 3.3.0 for OnPrem 3.3.0 for Hosted 3.3.2 for OnPrem 3.3.2 for Hosted

High 6-10 weeks 14 days (Default), 31 14 days 14 days 14 days

days (Maximum)

Medium 10 -14 weeks Deprecated Deprecated Deprecated Deprecated

Low Upto 1 year Deprecated Deprecated Upto 1 year Deprecated

Frequently Asked Questions

n How to enable flow stats daily rollups post a 3.3.2 upgrade?

To enable flow stats daily rollups, set the flowStats.daily.rollup.enabled system property to

n What is the maximum number of flows that are rolled up per edge per day?

By default, a maximum of one million flows are rolled up per edge per day. This averages out
to approximately 3500 flows per 5-minute push. You can modify the number of flows that are
rolled up per edge per day, by using the flowStats.daily.rollup.flowLimit system property.

n Are hub flows rolled up?

By default, rolling up of hub flows is disabled. You can enable hub flows by using the
flowStats.daily.rollup.edgeflowLimit system property, which takes a key-value pair of
<edgeId>:<numFlows>. You can view high resolution hub flows upto 15 days only.

n Is the flow stats retention policy configurable?

The retention policy for rolled up stats is configurable on the VCO using the
retentionWeeks.flowStats.daily system property. The rolled-up flow stats retention can be
configured to persist anywhere between 1 and 52 weeks.

n Will the UI be able to query flowstats for more than 15 days after enabling rollups?

No. Rolling up flowstats for longer retention is separated from actually being able to query
those flowstats. You can set the number of days you want to query the flows by using the
session.options.maxFlowstatsRetentionDays system property.

n Will there be side effects from a data perspective after turning on this feature?

Although, no side effects are observed on aggregated results, time-series graphs on the VCO
UI would have a loss in fidelity due to displaying of rolled up series stats.

n What are the side effects from a system load perspective?

Since rolling up daily flowstats aggregates results from the full resolution table and stores it
separately, the system load (CPU/load average) is bound to increase due to the additional
processing required by MySQL for aggregating the results.

n What would be the impact to storage requirements for on-premise deployments?

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Since rolling up daily flowstats aggregates results from the high resolution table and stores it
separately, VeloCloud anticipates the need for the on-premise customers to plan their
storage requirements to accommodate rolled up stats. On an average, rolled up flows will
consume 1/8th of the space required for high resolution stats; however, this is strongly
dependent on the uniqueness of daily flows sent by the edge. In any case, the storage space
consumption growth of rolled up flows will be at a much lower rate than the high resolution
statistics. For customers that start off with smaller volume drive, VeloCloud recommends
using logical volumes so the storage capacity can be grown as the Edges increase.

Changing the Retention Period

High resolution flow stats retention can be configured to persist anywhere between 1 and 31
days. With the 3.3.0 release, the configuration granularity of the high-resolution flow stats
retention has been changed from months to days. Operators can change the retention period by
creating a system property. To create a system property to change the retention period, follow
the steps below.

1 From the VCO navigation panel, click System Properties.

2 In the System Properties screen, click the New System Properties button.

3 In the New System Property dialog box:

a In the Name text field, type retention.flowstats.days.

b In the Data Type drop-down menu, choose Number.

c In the Value text field, enter the retention period in days.

4 Click Save.

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Monitor Network Services

Network Services (located under Monitor in the navigation panel), displays the status of the VPN
tunnels to Non-VeloCloud Sites.

You can click a Non-VeloCloud Site from the Site column to open a dialog box to change
information about your site.

Types of Non-VeloCloud Sites include:

n Iaas: AWS

n CWS: Zscaler

n Non-VeloCloud Site: Palo Alto, Sonic Wall

n Non VeloCloud Hub

The Non-VeloCloud Site screen displays the Status and the Tunnel Status. Types of status results
are listed below:

Color Meaning

Green Connected

Red Offline/ Disconnected

Gray Not Enabled

Monitor Routing
The Routing feature ( Monitor > Routing > Multicast tab) displays Multicast Group and Multicast
Edge information.

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PIM Neighbors View

The following figure shows the PIM neighbors of the selected Edge (per segment), the interface
where the PIM neighbor was discovered, the neighbor IP address, and time stamps.

Monitor Alerts
VeloCloud Orchestrator provides an alert function to notify one or more Enterprise
Administrators (or other support users) when a problem occurs. You can access this functionality
by clicking Alerts under Monitor in the navigation panel.

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You can send Alerts when a VeloCloud Edge goes offline or comes back online, a WAN link goes
down, a VPN tunnel goes down, or when an Edge HA failover occurs. A delay for sending the
alert after it is detected can be entered for each of the alert types. You can configure alerts in
Configure > Alerts and Notifications.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

Monitor Events
The Events screen (located under Monitor in the navigation panel) displays the events that have
been generated by the Orchestrator. These events can help you determine the operational
status of the VeloCloud system.

You can click an Event link (under the Event column) to get more details.

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The Events feature is useful for obtaining the following information:

n Audit trail of user activity [filter by user]

n Historical record of activity at a given site [filter by site]

n Record of outages and significant network events [filter by event]

n Analysis of degraded ISP performance [filter by time period]

Auto Rollback to the Last Known “Good” Configuration

If an Administrator changes device configurations that cause the Edge to disconnect from the
Orchestrator, the Administrator will get an “Edge Down” alert. Once the Edge detects that it
cannot reach the VCO, it will rollback to the last known configuration and generate an event on
the Orchestrator titled, “bad configuration.”

Note The "Auto Rollback to Last Known "Good" Configuration" section is new for the 3.3.0

The rollback time, which is the time necessary to detect a bad configuration and apply the
previous known “good” configuration for a standalone Edge, is between 5-6 minutes. For HA
Edges, the rollback time is between 10-12 minutes.

Note This feature rolls back only Edge-level device settings. If the configuration is pushed from
the Profile that causes multiple Edges to go offline from the Orchestrator, the Edges will log “Bad
Configuration” events and roll back to the last known good configuration individually.
IMPORTANT: The Administrator is responsible for fixing the Profile accordingly. the Profile
configuration will not roll back automatically.

Event Types and Descriptions

The following table describes well-known events.

Event Type Description

Bad Configuration Rolling back device settings to the last known settings. See section titled, “ Auto Rollback to the
Last Known “Good” Configuration for more information.

Profile Updated Admin user has updated profile or Edge configuration.

Configuration Applied New configuration has been applied to an Edge.

Edge Provisioned An Edge has been created on the VCO (but not yet activated).

Edge Activation An Edge has been activated.

Link Up / Link Down A link has come up or gone down.

Edge Up / Edge Down An Edge has come up or gone down.

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Event Type Description

User Login An admin user has logged into the VCO.

User Created An admin user has been created.

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Configuring VNFs
The VeloCloud SD-WAN solution supports the following third-party firewalls, Palo Alto Networks,
Fortinet, and Check Point CloudGuard Edge VNF. See the links below to successfully deploy and
forward traffic through VNF on the VMware SD-WAN Edge.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Monitor the Edge Overview

n Configure a VNF Instance

n VNF Monitoring for an Edge

n VNF Events

n Configure VNF Alerts and Notifications

Monitor the Edge Overview

This section describes how to get an overview of a configured Edge.

To see an overview of a configured Edge:

1 Go to Configure> Edges > Edge Overview tab from the VCO navigation panel.

2 In the Profile area, select your profile from the Profile drop-down menu.

3 In the Services section of the Profile area, note the Security VNF's type, deployment state,
and insertion settings, as shown in the following example.

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Clicking the Security VNF link opens the network service VNF Management Configuration dialog
so that you can view more information about your VNF.

Configure a VNF Instance

The VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud solution supports the following third-party firewalls, Palo
Alto Networks VM-series, Fortinet FortiGate VNF, and Check Point CloudGuard Edge VNF. See
the sections below to successfully deploy and forward traffic through VNF on the VMware SD-
WAN Edge.

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Before you begin:

n You must have an activated SD-WAN Edge 520V or 840.

n You must have a SD-WAN Orchestrator version 3.3.2 or later.

n You must be running an SD-WAN Edge software version 3.3.2 or later.

n You must have VNF Manager add on license.

About this task:

The procedures in this section provide steps on how to configure a VNF instance via the SD-
WAN orchestrator. This task requires additional steps from outside of the orchestrator from the
third-party firewall you’ve chosen. Please refer to the appropriate deployment guides for these
additional steps

Note Only Operator Superusers and Standard Operators can enable Edge NFV and Security
VNFs. Business Specialist Operators and Support Operators must contact their Operators to
request access. If you do not have access, your Operator must enable this feature to configure
VNFs. If you have Operator access, see "Step 1: Enable Edge NFV and Edge VNF" in the
Procedure section below.

Procedure to Configure a VNF Instance:

Step 1: Enable Edge NFV and Edge VNF

1 If you have the necessary Operator access, go to Configure > Customer in the navigation
panel of the VCO.

The Customer Configuration screen appears.

2 In the Edge NFV area, check the Enable Edge NFV checkbox (image below).

3 In the Security VNFs area, enable the applicable security VNFs: Enable Check Point
Networks Firewall, Enable Fortinet Networks Firewall, or Enable Palo Alto Networks

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After you enable Edge NFV and choose a Security VNF, the Enable Edge NFV checkbox
becomes disabled because there is now a network service associated with it.

4 Click the Save Changes button.

Step 2: Define a VNF Instance

1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Network Services.

The Services screen appears.

2 In the VNFs area, click the New button.

The VNF Service Management Configuration dialog box appears.

3 In the VNF Service Management Configuration dialog box complete the following:

a Type in a name in the appropriate text box for the VNF service instance.

b From the VNF Type drop-down menu, choose one of the following for the VNF Type:
Check Point Firewall, Fortinet Firewall, or Palo Alto Networks Firewall.

Note The VNF Service Management Configuration dialog box will require different
information depending upon which VNF type you choose. If you chose Palo Alto
Networks Firewall, see Step 3c. If you chose Check Point Firewall, see step 3d. If you
chose Fortinet Firewall, see step 3e. Follow the appropriate steps below to determine
what types of information is required in the VNF Management Configuration dialog box.

c If you’ve chosen Palo Alto Networks Firewall as the VNF type, enter in the following in the
VNF Management Configuration dialog box as described in the steps below:

1 Type in a Primary Panorama IP Address and a Secondary Panorama IP Address, if


2 Type in the Panorama Auth Key in the appropriate text box. The customer must
configure the Auth Key password on Panorama. VNF uses the Auth Key to login and
communicate with Panorama.

3 Click Save Changes.

The VNFs area updates, displaying the newly created VNF configuration.

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4 Define VNF Licenses for Palo Alto Networks. (These licenses will be applied to one or
more VNF configured Edges).

n In the VNF Licenses area, click the New button (from theConfigure > Network
Services screen).

n In the VNF License Configuration dialog box complete the folllowing steps below:

n Type in a name in the appropriate textbox.

n In the VNF Type drop-down menu, choose the only available option, Palo Alto
Networks Firewall.

n Type in the License Server API Key in the appropriate textbox. The customer
gets this key from their Palo Alto Networks account. The VCO uses this key to
communicate with Palo Alto Networks license server.

n Type in the Authorization Code in the Auth Code textbox. The customer must
purchase the Auth Code from Palo Alto Networks). See image below.

n Click the Test button to validate the configuration.

n If your configuration is valid, a confirmation indicator will display next to the

Test button.

n If the configuration is not valid, an invalid message icon will display next to the
Test button.

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n Click Save Changes. The customer can now apply one or more of these
licenses to VNF configured Edges.

The VNF Licenses area updates as shown in the image below.

n Proceed to Step 3: Configure Edge-specfic Settings on the VNF.

d If you’ve chosen Check Point Firewall as the VNF type, enter the following in the VNF
Service Management Configuration dialog box as described below. (See image below).

1 Type in a name in the appropriate text box for your VNF service instance.

2 From the VNF Type drop-down menu, choose Check Point Firewall.

3 Type in the Primary Check Point Mgmt Server IP in the appropriate text box. This is
the Check Point Smart Console IP address that the Check Point CloudGuard Edge will
connect to.

4 Type in the SIC Key for Mgmt Server Access in the appropriate text box. This is the
password used to register the VNF to the Check Point Smart Console.

5 Type in the VNF Image Location in the appropriate text box. This is the image
location where the SD-WAN Orchestrator will download the VNF image.

6 From the Image Version drop-down menu, select a version of the Check Point VNF

7 File Checksum Type autopopulated field – Specifies the method used to validate the
VNF image. This field is automatically populated after you choose an image version
from the above step.

8 File Checksum autopopulated field – Specifies the checksum used to validate the VNF
image. This field is automatically populated after you choose an image version from
the previous step.

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9 Download Type radio buttons – Specify where the image is available by choosing one
of the following options, s3 or https. NOTE: When you select https, enter the
username and password in the appropriate text field. When you select s3, enter the
AccessKeyid and SecretAccessKey in the appropriate text field.

10 Click the Save Changes button.

The VNFs area updates displaying the newly created VNF configuration (see image

11 Proceed to Step 3: Configure Edge-specific Settings on the VNF.

e If you’ve chosen Fortinet Firewall as the VNF type, follow the steps below in the VNF
Service Management Configuration dialog box (see image below).

1 Type in a name in the appropriate text box for your VNF service instance.

2 Choose the VNF type Fortinet Firewall from the drop-down menu.

3 Type in the Fortinet Mgmt Server IP in the appropriate text box. This is the IP address
of the FortiManager for the FortiGate to connect to.

4 Type in the Registration Password. This is the password used to register the VNF to
the FortiManager.

5 Type in the VNF Image Location. This is the image location for the SD- WAN
Orchestrator to download the VNF image.

6 From the Image Version drop-down menu, select a version of the Fortinet VNF

7 File Checksum Type text box– Specifies the method used to validate the VNF image.
This field is automatically populated after you choose an image version from the
previous step.

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8 File Checksum text box – Specifies the checksum used to validate the VNF image.
This field is automatically populated after you choose an image version from the
previous step.

9 Download Type radio buttons – Specify where the image is available by choosing one
of the following options, s3 or https. NOTE: When you select https, enter the
username and password in the appropriate text field. When you select s3, enter the
AccessKeyid and SecretAccessKey in the appropriate text field.

10 Click the Save Changes button.

The VNFs area updates displaying the newly created VNF configuration (see image

11 Proceed to Step 3: Configure Edge-specific Settings on the VNF.

Step 3: Configure Edge-specific Settings on the VNF

1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Configure > Edges > Devices tab.

2 Choose an Edge on the Edges screen.

3 Click the Device tab.

4 In the Device tab screen, scroll down to the Security VNF area, click the Edit button.

The Edge VNF Configuration dialog box displays.

5 In the Edge VNF Configuration dialog, check the Deploy checkbox (image below).

6 In the Edge VNF Configuration dialog box, check the Deploy checkbox.

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7 In the VM Configuration area of the Edge VNF Configuration dialog box complete the

a Choose a VLAN from the drop-down menu. (This VLAN will be used for the VNF

b Type in the Management IP. Note that when the VNF is created, it will automatically
specify the IP address of the VLAN interface as a default Gateway.

c Type in the Hostname in the appropriate text box.

d Choose a Deployment State. The type of deployment state will be determined based on
what type of predefined “Security VNF” network service as described below.

n If you choose Fortinet or Checkpoint as a security VNF, choose from one of the
following two Deployment States: Image Downloaded and Powered On or Image
Downloaded and Powered Off. (See the table below for a description of these states).

n If you choose PaloAlto Networks as a security VNF, choose from one of the following
two Deployment States: Powered On or Powered Off. (See the table below for more
information about these states).

State Definition

Powered On After builing the firewall VNF on the Edge, power it


Powered Off After building the firewall VNF on the Edge, keep it
powered down.

Note Traffic only transits the VNF when it is in the “Powered On” state, which
requires that at least one VLAN or routed interface be configured for VNF insertion.
Do not select ‘Powered Off’ if you intend to send traffic through the VNF.

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e In the Security VNF drop-down menu, choose one of the following: a predefined VNF
network service or a new network service (if you choose the later option, the Network
Service VNF Configuration dialog box opens so you can create a new VNF service).

n If you choose Palo Alto as your Security VNF:

n Choose a license from the License drop-down menu.

n Type in the Device Group Name and the Config Template Name in the
appropriate textboxes. (The Device Group Name and the Config Template Name
are pre-configured on the Panorama server).

n Click the Update button.

The Security VNF panel updates.

n If you choose Fortinet as your Security VNF:

n Choose an Inspection mode. (Proxy mode is selected by default).

n Drag the license file into the License box located at the bottom of the screen.

Click the Update button.

The Security VNF panel updates.

n If you choose Check Point as your Security VNF:

n Choose Check Point from the Security VNF drop-down menu.

n Click the Update button.

The Security VNF panel updates.

Step 4: Insert VNF into the Dataplane

The VNF can be inserted to both the VLAN as well as routed interface. If you choose to use
routed interface, make sure the trusted source is checked and disabled WAN overlay on that

1 If you are not in the Device tab screen for a VeloCloud Edge, go to Configure > Edges in the
navigation panel of the VCO.

The VeloCloud Edges screen appears.

2 Select an Edge and click the Device icon associated with the selected Edge located the
Device column.

3 Scroll down to the Configure VLAN area.

4 Click the applicable VLAN Edit link.

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5 In the VLAN dialog box, click the VPN Insertion checkbox to insert the VNF into VLAN. This
step redirects traffic from a specific VLAN into the VNF.

6 Insert the VNF into Layer 3 interfaces or sub-interfaces. This step redirects traffic from
specific Layer 3 interfaces or subinterfaces into the VNF.

(Optional) Step 5: Define Mapping between Segments and Service

This step is applicable if multiple traffic segments must be redirected to the VNF.

As shown in the following figure, the segment in which the VNF is inserted is assigned a unique
VLAN ID. The FW policy on the VNF is defined using these VLAN IDs. Traffic from VLANs and
interfaces within these segments is tagged with the VLAN ID allocated for that particular

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The following figure zooms into the FW VNF area of the preceding figure.

Note the following about Firewall VNF (The image below pertains to Palo Alto Networks only):

n One Virtual Wire per Vlan ID

n Sub-interface pairs should be created on Panorama per Virtual Wire

n FW policies are associated with the Virtual Wire

n Overlapping addresses can be used in separate Virtual Wires

To define mapping between segments and service VLANs (Step 3), complete the following

1 Go to Configure > Segments.

2 For available segments, type in Service VLANs for each segment.

3 Click Save Changes.

VNF Monitoring for an Edge

This section describes VNF monitoring for an Edge.

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There are two ways to monitor a VNF on the Edge:

n Monitor VNF and VM Status per Edge

n View All the VNF Network Services Configured for the Customer

Monitor VNF and VM Status per Edge

You can monitor the VNF status on the Edges from the VCO at Monitor > Edges. VNF Monitoring
displays VNF and VM states and deployment information.

You can monitor the VNF status of the Edges from the VeloCloud Orchestrator at Monitor >
Edges. VNF Monitoring can be classified in two categories

n VNF VM related event/metrics

n VNF application related events/metrics

In the Edge Monitoring table, you can check the VNF status for an Edge. Hover over the icon in
the VNF column to view additional information about your VNF (type, serial number, and when it
was deployed).

Click the VM Status link to open the VNF Virtual Machine Status dialog box, where you can view
the deployment status for the Edge. To view deployment details, click the Deployment Details
View link.

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View All the VNF Network Services Configured for the Customer
You can view all the VNF network services configured for the customer from the VCO at
Monitoring > Network Services.

VNF Events
VNF Events are categorized into the following categories:

Edge VNF Virtual Machine Deployment






Edge VNF Insertion



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Configure VNF Alerts and Notifications

To receive alerts and notifications regarding VNF events, go to Configure > Alerts &
Notifications > Alert Configuration screen.

Note For VNF configuration, there are two types of notifications:

n Choose the Edge VNF Virtual Machine Deployment notification to receive an alert when an
Edge virtual machine deployment state changes.

n Choose the Edge VNF Insertion notification to receive an alert when an Edge VNF
deployment state changes.

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See table below for a description of each alert.

Alert Type Description

Edge Down Receive an alert when an Edge is no longer visible in the

Orchestrator. Receiving this alert might indicate an Edge
device failure or a failure of network connectivity. You can
disable alerts for a specific Edge on theEdge Overview

Edge Up Receive an alert when an Edge transitions from the offline

to the online state. You can disable alerts for a specific
Edge on the Edge Overview screen.

Link Down Receive an alert when a WAN Link is disconnected from

the Edge or when the Link cannot communicate with the
VeloCloud service. You can disable alerts for a specific Link
on the Edge Device screen.

Link Up Receive an alert when a WAN Link returns to a normal

functioning state. You can disable alerts for a specific Link
on the Edge Device screen.

VPN Tunnel Down Receive an alert when the IPSec tunnel configured from the
VeloCloud service to your VPN Gateway cannot be
established or if the tunnel is dropped and cannot be re-

Edge HA Failover Receive an alert when an HA Edge fails-over to its standby.

Edge VNF Virtual Machine Deployment Receive an alert when an Edge VNF virtual machine
deployment state changes.

Edge VNF Insertion Receive an alert when an Edge VNF deployment state

Edge VNF Image Download Event Receive an alert when an Edge VNF image download state

Edge CSS Tunnel Up Receive an alert when the Edge Cloud Secruity Service
Tunnel is up.

Edge CSS Tunnel Down Receive an alert when the Edge Cloud Secruity Service
Tunnel is down.

To set alerts:

1 In the Select Alerts area, select the type of alert you want to receive.

2 No need to the number of Notification Delay minutes for each type because the Notification
Delay value is not valid for VNF alerts.

3 If applicable, type in Customers, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, and SNMP Traps in the
appropriate textboxes.

4 Click the Save Changes button.

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Configure Segments
In the VeloCloud segment-aware topology, different VPN profiles can be enabled for each
segment. For example, Guest traffic can be backhauled to remote data center firewall services:
Voice media can flow direct from Branch-to-Branch based on dynamic tunnels, and the PCI
segment can backhaul traffic to the data center to exit out of the PCI network.

You can create segments in the Segments window ( Configure > Segments in the navigation

There are two types of segments:

n Regular

n CDE (Cardholder Data Environment). The CDE type is for customers who require PCI and
want to leverage the VeloCloud SD-WAN PCI certification.

Beginning with the 3.1 release, VeloCloud provides PCI certified VeloCloud SD-WAN service. For
customers who have PCI certified VeloCloud SD-WAN, they must create a segment for PCI traffic
and assign the type as CDE. VeloCloud hosted Orchestrator and Controller will be aware of the
PCI segment and in the PCI scope. Gateways (marked as non-CDE Gateways) will not be aware
or transmit PCI traffic and will be out of PCI scope.

Note For information about the Service VLAN column in the Segments screen, see Step 3
"Define Mapping between Segments and Service VLANs (Optional)" in Chapter 7 Configuring

The following table describes the fields displayed in the Segments screen.

Field Description

Segment Name Name of segment (up to 256 characters).

Description Description of segment (up to 256 characters).

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Field Description

Type Regular or CDE.

Delegate To Partner By default, this is selected. If unselected, the Partner cannot change configs within the segment,
including the interface assignment.

Delegate To Customer By default, this is selected. If unselected, the Customer cannot change configs within the
segment, including the interface assignment.

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Configure Network Services
This section describes how to configure network services.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

You can configure the following Network Services:

n Edge Cluster

n Cloud VPN Hubs

n Non-VeloCloud Sites

n Cloud Security Service

n VNFs

n VNF Licenses

n DNS Services

n Netflow Settings

n Private Network Names

n Authentication Services

Note Configuring Network Services are optional and can be configured in any order.

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This chapter includes the following topics:

n About Edge Clustering

n Cloud VPN Hubs & Backhaul Sites (Summary View)

n Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site

n Configure Cloud Security Services

n Configure DNS Services

n Configure Netflow Settings

n Private Network Names

n Configure Authentication Services

About Edge Clustering

The size of a single VMware SD-WAN VPN Network with an VMware SD-WAN Hub is
constrained by the scale of the individual Hub. For large networks containing thousands of
remote sites, it would be preferable for both scalability and risk mitigation to use multiple Hubs to
handle the Edges. However, it is impractical to mandate that the customer manage individual
separate Hubs to achieve this. Clustering allows multiple Hubs to be leveraged while providing
the simplicity of managing those Hubs as one common entity with built-in resiliency.

SD-WAN Edge Clustering addresses the issue of SD-WAN Hub scale because it can be used to
easily expand the tunnel capacity of the Hub dynamically by creating a logical cluster of Edges.
Edge Clustering also provides resiliency via the Active/Active High Availability (HA) topology that
a cluster of SD-WAN Edges would provide. A cluster is functionally treated as an individual Hub
from the perspective of other Edges.

The Hubs in a VMware SD-WAN Cluster can be either physical or Virtual Edges. If they are virtual,
they may exist on a single hypervisor or across multiple hypervisors.

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Each Edge in a cluster periodically reports usage and load stats to the SD-WAN Gateway. The
load value is calculated based on Edge CPU and memory utilization along with the number of
tunnels connected to the Hub as a percentage of the Edge model’s tunnel capacity. The Hubs
within the cluster do not directly communicate nor exchange state information. Typically, Edge
Clusters are deployed as Hubs in data centers.

Note Theoretically, Edge Clustering could be used to horizontally scale other vectors, such as
throughput. However, the current Edge Clustering implementation has been specifically designed
and tested to scale at tunnel capacity only.

How Edge Clustering Works

This section provides an in-depth overview of how the SD-WAN Edge Clustering functionality

There are four important concepts to understand before describing the SD-WAN Edge Clustering

1 Edge Clustering has been designed and tested to be used on Hubs as follows:

n To allow greater tunnel capacity for a Hub than an individual Edge serving as a Hub can

n To distribute the remote Spoke Edges among multiple Hubs and reduce the impact of any
incident that may occur.

2 Cluster Score is a mathematical calculation of the overall utilization of the system as follows:

n The three measured utilization factors are CPU usage, memory usage, and tunnel

n Each measure of utilization is treated as a percentage out of a maximum of 100%.

n Tunnel capacity is based on the rated capacity for a given hardware model or Virtual
Edge configuration.

n All three utilization percentages are averaged to arrive at an integer-based Cluster

Score (1-100).

n While throughput is not directly considered, CPU and memory usage indirectly reflect
throughput and flow volume on a given Hub.

n For example, on an Edge 2000:

n CPU usage = 20%

n Memory usage = 30%

n Connected Tunnels = 600 (out of a capacity of 6000) = 10%

n Cluster Score: (20 + 30 + (60/6000))/3 = 20

3 A Cluster Score greater than 70 is considered "over capacity."

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4 A “logical ID” is a 128-bit UUID that uniquely identifies an element inside the VeloCloud

n For instance, each Edge is represented by a logical ID and each Cluster is represented by
a logical ID.

n While the user is providing the Edge and Cluster names, the logical IDs are guaranteed to
be unique and are used for internal identification of elements.

How are SD-WAN Edge Clusters tracked by the SD-WAN Gateway?

Once a Hub is added to a VeloCloud Cluster, the Hub will tear down and rebuild tunnels to all of
its assigned Gateways and indicate to each Gateway that the Hub has been assigned to a Cluster
and provide a Cluster logical ID.

For the Cluster, the SD-WAN Gateway tracks:

n The logical ID

n The name

n Whether Auto Rebalance is enabled

n A list of Hub objects for members of the Cluster

For each Hub object in the Cluster, the Gateway tracks:

n The logical ID

n The name

n A set of statistics, updated every 30 seconds via a periodic message sent from the Hub to
each assigned Gateway, including:

n Current CPU usage of the Hub

n Current memory usage of the Hub

n Current tunnel count on the Hub

n Current BGP route count on the Hub

n The current computed Cluster Score based on the formula provided above.

A Hub is removed from the list of Hub objects when the Gateway has not received any packets
from the Hub Edge for more than seven seconds.

How are SD-WAN Edges assigned to a specific Hub in a Cluster?

In a traditional Hub and Spoke topology, the SD-WAN Orchestrator provides the Edge with the
logical ID of the Hub to which it must be connected. The Edge asks its assigned Gateways for
connectivity information for that Hub logical ID—i.e. IP addresses and ports, which the Edge will
use to connect to that Hub.

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From the Edge’s perspective, this behavior is identical when connecting to a Cluster. The
Orchestrator informs the Edge that the logical ID of the Hub it should connect to is the Cluster
logical ID rather than the individual Hub logical ID. The Edge follows the same procedure of
sending a Hub connection request to the Gateways and expects connectivity information in

There are two divergences from basic Hub behavior at this point:

n Divergence Number One: The Gateway must choose which Hub to assign.

n Divergence Number Two: Due to Divergence Number One, the Edge may get different
assignments from its different Gateways.

Divergence Number One was originally addressed by using the Cluster Score to assign the least
loaded Hub in a Cluster to an Edge. While in practice this is logical, in the real world, it turned out
to be a less than ideal solution because a typical reassignment event can involve hundreds or
even thousands of Edges and the Cluster Score is only updated every 30 seconds. In other
words, if Hub 1 has a Cluster Score of 20 and Hub 2 has a Cluster Score of 21, for 30 seconds all
Edges would choose Hub 1, at which point it may be overloaded and trigger further

Instead, the Gateway first attempts a fair mathematical distribution disregarding the Cluster
Score. The Edge logical IDs, which were generated by a secure random-number generator on the
Orchestrator, will (given enough Edges) have an even distribution of values. That means that
using the logical ID, a fair share distribution can be calculated.

n Edge logical ID modulo the number of Hubs in Cluster = Assigned Hub index

n For example:

n Four Edges that have logical IDs ending in 1, 2, 3, 4

n Cluster with 2 Hubs

n 1 % 2 = 1, 2 % 2 = 0, 3 % 2 = 1, 4 % 2 = 0 (Note: "%” is used to indicate the modulo


n Edge 2 and 4 are assigned Hub Index 0

n Edge 1 and 3 are assigned Hub Index 1

This is more consistent than a round-robin type assignment because it means that Edges will
tend to be assigned the same Hub each time, which makes assignment and troubleshooting
more predictive.

Note When a Hub restarts (e.g. due to maintenance or failure), it will be disconnected from
the Gateway and removed from the Cluster. This means that Edges will always be evenly
distributed following all Edges restarting (due to the above described logic), but will be
unevenly distributed following any Hub event that causes it to lose connectivity.

What happens when a Hub exceeds its maximum allowed tunnel capacity?

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The Edge assignment logic will attempt to evenly distribute the Edges between all available
Hubs. However, after an event (e.g. restart) on the Hub, the Edge distribution will no longer be

Note Generally, the Gateway tries at initial assignment to evenly distributed Edges among Hubs,
an uneven distribution is not considered an invalid state. If the assignments are uneven but no
individual Hub exceeds 70% tunnel capacity, the assignment is considered valid.

Due to such an event on the Hub (or adding additional Edges to the network), Clusters might
reach a point where an individual Hub has exceeded 70% of its permitted tunnel capacity. If this
happens, and at least one other Hub is at less than 70% tunnel capacity, then fair share
redistribution is performed automatically regardless of whether rebalancing is enabled on the
Orchestrator. Most Edges will retain their existing assignment due to the predictive mathematical
assignment using logical IDs, and the Edges that have been assigned to other Hubs due to
failovers or previous utilization rebalancing will be rebalanced to ensure the Cluster is returned to
an even distribution automatically.

What happens when a Hub exceeds its maximum allowed Cluster Score?

Unlike tunnel percentage (a direct measure of capacity), which can be acted upon immediately,
the Cluster Score is only updated every 30 seconds and the Gateway cannot automatically
calculate what the adjusted Cluster Score will be after making an Edge reassignment. In the
Cluster configuration, an Auto Rebalance parameter is provided to indicate whether the Gateway
should dynamically attempt to shift the Edge load for each Hub as needed.

If Auto Rebalance is disabled and a Hub exceeds a 70 Cluster Score (but not 70% tunnel
capacity), then no action is taken.

If Auto Rebalance is enabled and one or more Hubs exceed a 70 Cluster Score, the Gateway will
reassign one Edge per minute to the Hub with the lowest current Cluster Score until all Hubs are
below 70 or there are no more reassignments possible.

Note Auto Rebalance is disabled by default.

What happens when two SD-WAN Gateways give different Hub assignments?

As is the nature of a distributed control plane, each Gateway is making an individual

determination of the Cluster assignment. In most cases, Gateways will use the same mathematical
formula and thus arrive at the same assignment for all Edges. However, in cases like Cluster
Score-based rebalancing this cannot be assured.

If an Edge is not currently connected to a Hub in a Cluster, it will accept the assignment from any
Gateway that responds. This ensures that Edges are never left unassigned in a scenario where
some Gateways are down and others are up.

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If an Edge is connected to a Hub in a Cluster and it gets a message indicating it should choose an
alternate Hub, this message is processed in order of “Gateway Preference.” For instance, if the
Super Gateway is connected, the Edge will only accept reassignments from the Super Gateway.
Conflicting assignments requested by other Gateways will be ignored. Similarly, if the Super
Gateway is not connected, the Edge would only accept reassignments from the Alternate Super
Gateway. For Partner Gateways (where no Super Gateways exist), the Gateway Preference is
based on the order of configured Partner Gateways for that specific Edge.

What happens when a SD-WAN Gateway goes down?

When a SD-WAN Gateway goes down, Edges may be reassigned if the most preferred Gateway
was the one that went down, and the next most preferred Gateway provided a different
assignment. For instance, the Super Gateway assigned Hub A to this Edge while the Alternate
Super Gateway assigned Hub B to the same Edge.

The Super Gateway going down will trigger the Edge to fail over to Hub B, since the Alternate
Super Gateway is now the most preferred Gateway for connectivity information.

When the Super Gateway recovers, the Edge will again request a Hub assignment from this
Gateway. In order to prevent the Edge switching back to Hub A again in the scenario above, the
Hub assignment request includes the currently assigned Hub (if there is one). When the Gateway
processes the assignment request, if the Edge is currently assigned a Hub in the Cluster and that
Hub has a Cluster Score less than 70, the Gateway updates its local assignment to match the
existing assignment without going through its assignment logic. This ensures that the Super
Gateway, on recovery, will assign the currently connected Hub and prevent a gratuitous failover
for its assigned Edges.

What happens if a Hub in a Cluster loses its dynamic routes?

As noted above, the Hubs report to the SD-WAN Gateways the number of dynamic routes they
have learned via BGP every 30 seconds. If routes are lost for only one Hub in a Cluster, either
because they are erroneously retracted or the BGP neighborship fails, the SD-WAN Gateways
will failover Spoke Edges to another Hub in the Cluster that has an intact routing table.

As the updates are sent every 30 seconds, the route count is based on the moment in time when
the update is sent to the SD- WAN Gateway. The SD-WAN Gateway rebalancing logic occurs
every 60 seconds, meaning that users can expect failover to take 30-60 seconds in the unlikely
event of total loss of a LAN-side BGP neighbor. To ensure that all Hubs have a chance to update
the SD-WAN Gateways again following such an event, rebalancing is limited to a maximum of
once per 120 seconds. This means that users can expect failover to take 120 seconds for a
second successive failure.

What happens if a Hub in a Cluster fails?

The SD-WAN Gateway will wait for tunnels to be declared dead (7 seconds) before failing over
Spoke Edges. This means that users can expect failover to take 7-10 seconds (depending on
RTT) when a SD-WAN Hub or all its associated WAN links fail.

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Configure Edge Clustering

To configure Edge clusters:

1 To access the Edge Cluster area, go to Configure > Network Services.

2 If necessary, add a new cluster:

a From the Edge Cluster area, click the New Cluster button.

b In the Edge Cluster dialog box, enter the name and description in the appropriate text
boxes. (See image below).

c If required, select the Auto Rebalance checkbox.

Note As stated in the Auto Rebalance tool tip in the VCO: If this option is enabled, when
an individual Edge in a Hub cluster exceeds 70% aggregate utilization, we will rebalance
spokes at the rate of one spoke per minute until utilization is reduced by 70%. This
rebalancing will cause VPN tunnels to disconnect and may cause up to 6-10 seconds of
downtime to prevent overloading of individual Hubs. If all in a Hub cluster exceed 70%, no

rebalancing will be performed.

d In the Available Edges section, select an Edge and (using the arrow) move it to the Edges
In Cluster section.

e Click Save Changes.

Note Edges used as a Hub or in Hub Clusters, or configured as an Active Standby HA pair
are not displayed in the Available Edges list area.

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3 An Edge Cluster and an individual Edge can be simultaneously configured as Hubs in a branch
profile. Once Edges are assigned to a Cluster, they cannot be assigned as individual Hubs.
Choose an Edge Cluster as a Hub in the Branch Profile.

4 Branch to Branch VPN using Hubs functions the same regardless of whether the Hubs are
Clusters or individual Edges. In order to configure Branch to Branch VPN using Hubs that are
also Edge Clusters, you can select a Hub from the VeloCloud Hubs area and move it to the
Branch to Branch VPN Hubs area.

5 Hub Clusters can also be configured as Internet Backhaul Hubs in the business policy
configuration by selecting a Hub from the VeloCloud Hubs area and move it to Backhaul
Hubs area ( Business Policy Match dialog) and above ( Backhaul Hubs area).

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Cloud VPN Hubs & Backhaul Sites (Summary View)

The Cloud VPN Hubs and Backhaul Sites are Read Only. You cannot configure them from this
screen. Hub roles from different profiles appear as a summary view only.

Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site

VeloCloud supports the following Non-VeloCloud Site configurations:

n Check Point

n Cisco ASA

n Cisco ISR

n Generic IKEv2 Router (Route Based VPN)

n Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub

n Palo Alto

n SonicWALL

n Zscaler

n Generic IKEv1 Router (Route Based VPN)

n Generic Firewall (Policy Based VPN)

Note VeloCloud now supports both Generic IKEv1 Router (Route Based VPN) and Generic
IKEv2 Router (Route Based VPN) Non-VeloCloud Site Configurations.

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Cisco ISR
Cisco ISR is one of the more common third party configurations. Instructions on how to configure
with Cisco ISR in the VeloCloud Orchestrator are listed below.

To configure via Cisco ISR:

1 Go to Configure > Network Services.

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

The New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box appears.

3 In the New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box:

a Enter the name of your site.

b Select Cisco ISR) from the Type drop-down menu.

c Type in the Primary VPN Gateway (and the Secondary VPN Gateway if necessary).

4 Click Next.

Your Non-VeloCloud Site is created, and a dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site appears.
(See image below).

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5 In the dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site:

a Click the Advanced button located at the bottom of the dialog box.

b If not already selected, check the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox.

c The VeloCloud Orchestrator generates a PSK by default. If you want to use your own
PSK, type it in the PSK text box.

d Type in the Subnet and description for your site.

e To add a Secondary VPN Gateway click the Add button.

f To provide an optimal Source NAT IP to translate the source IP address, type the IP in the
Source NAP IP text box.

g Click Save Changes.

Note The View IKE/IPSec Template button shows a sample configuration of the PSK
and IP details that would be useful to configure a Non-VeloCloud Site.

Cisco ASA
Cisco ASA is another common third party configuration. Instructions on how to configure with
Cisco ASA in the VeloCloud Orchestrator are listed below.

To configure via Cisco ASA:

1 Go to Configure > Network Services.

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

The New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box appears.

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3 In the New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box:

a Enter the name of your site.

b Select Cisco ASA) from the Type drop-down menu.

c Type in the Primary VPN Gateway (and Secondary if necessary).

4 Click Next.

Your Non-VeloCloud Site is created, and a dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site appears.

5 In the dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site:

a Click the Advanced button located at the bottom of the dialog box.

b If not already selected, select the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox.

c The VeloCloud Orchestrator generates a PSK by default. If you want to use your own
PSK, type it in the PSK text box.

d To add a Secondary VPN Gateway, click the Add button.

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e Type in the Subnet and description for your site. (Type in Custom Source Subnets if

f To provide an optimal Source NAT IP if to translate the source IP address, type the IP in
the Source NAP IP text box.

g Click Save Changes.

Note The View IKE/IPSec Template button shows a sample configuration of the PSK
and IP details that would be useful to configure a Non-VeloCloud Site.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub

Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub is one of the more common third party configurations. For
instructions on how to configure a Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) of type Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub
in VeloCloud Orchestrator, see Configure a Microsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site.

Configure Check Point

The VeloCloud Gateway connects to the Check Point CloudGard service using IKEv1/IPsec. There
are two steps to configure Check Point: Configuring the Checkpoint CloudGuard service and
Configuring Checkpoint on the VeloCloud Orchestrator. You will perform the first step on the
Check Point Infinity Portal and the second step on the VeloCloud Orchestrator.

Click the links for the following sections below to complete the instructions to configure Check

Step 1:Step 1: Configure the Check Point CloudGuard Connect

Step 2: Step 2: Configure Check Point as the Non-VeloCloud Site on the VeloCloud Orchestrator


You must have an active Check Point account and login credentials to access Check Point's
Infinity Portal.

Step 1: Configure the Check Point CloudGuard Connect

Step 1 instructions on how to configure the Check Point CloudGuard Service.

You must have an active Check Point account and login credentials to access Check Point's
Infinity Portal.


1 To configure the Check Point CloudGuard service, login to Check Point’s Infinity Portal at

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2 Once logged in, create a site at Check Point's Infinity Portal via the following link: https://

After you create a site at Check Point's Infinity Portal, you're ready to complete Step 2: Step
2: Configure Check Point as the Non-VeloCloud Site on the VeloCloud Orchestrator

Step 2: Configure Check Point as the Non-VeloCloud Site on the VeloCloud

After you create a site at Check Point's Infinity Portal, complete step two instructions on how to
configure Check Point as the Non-VeloCloud Site on the VeloCloud Orchestrator.

After you create a site at Check Point's Infinity Portal, complete the steps below:


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Network Services

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

The New Non-VeloCloud Sitedialog box appears.

3 Complete the following sub steps in the New Non-VeloCloud Sitedialog box:

a Enter the Name of your site.

b Select Check Point from the Type drop-down menu.

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c Type in the Primary VPN Gateway (and the Secondary VPN Gateway if necessary).

d Click Next.

A dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site appears. (image below).

Note To configure tunnel settings to the Non-VeloCloud site’s Primary VPN Gateway,
click the Advanced button located at the bottom of the dialog box. Any changes made to
Encryption, DH Group, or PFS will also be applied to the redundant tunnel configuration.
After saving your changes, update the site's primary VPN Gateway device. Click on the
"View IKE/IPSec Template" button for details.

4 In the Primary VPN Gateway area, of the dialog box of your Non-VeloCloud Site (image

a PSK text box: Enter the Pre-Shared Key that was configured on the Check Point infinity
portal. Do not configure redundant IPsec tunnels (keep the checkbox for Redundant
VeloCloud Cloud VPN unchecked).

b Encryption drop-down menu: The Encryption should be set to the same algorithm that
was configured on the checkpoint infinity portal.

c DH Group: The DH group should be set to the same value that was configured on the
checkpoint infinity portal.

d For the purposes of this specific Check Point configuration, choose disabled from PFS
drop-down menu.

5 To add a Secondary VPN Gateway click the Add button. Clicking the Save Changes button
will immediately create the Secondary VPN Gateway for this site and provision a VeloCloud
VPN tunnel to this Gateway.

6 As mentioned in Step 4a above, leave the Redundant VeloCloud Cloud VPN checkbox

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7 For the purposes of the Check Point configuration, choose Default from the Local Auth Id
drop-down menu.

8 For the purposes of the Check Point configuration, check the Disable Site Subnets checkbox.

9 Click Save Changes.

10 Check the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox once you are ready to initiate the tunnel from the
VeloCloud Gateway to the Check Point CloudGuard VPN gateways.

Configure Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This section describes Amazon Web Services (AWS) configuration.

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) configuration consists of two major steps (with multiple steps
within each one).

1 Obtain Public IP, Inside IP, and PSK details from the Amazon Web Services website.

2 Enter the details you obtained from the AWS website into the “Non-VeloCloud Network
Service” in the VeloCloud Orchestrator.

To configure using Amazon Web Services, complete the instructions in the following section.

Obtain Amazon Web Services Configuration Details

This section describes how to obtain Amazon Web Services configuration details.

When using Amazon Web Services for your configurations, refer to the instructions in Amazon's
documentation (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide), which can be found
at: http://awsdocs.s3.amazonaws.com/VPC/latest/vpc-nag.pdf. Reference the following section,
"Example: Generic Customer Gateway without Border Gateway" on page 79 for specific
configuration instructions .

1 From Amazon's Web Services, create VPC and VPN Connections. (See section above for the
link on how to access the Amazon Web Services to complete this step).

2 Make note of the VeloCloud gateways associated with the enterprise account in the
VeloCloud Orchestrator that might be needed to create a virtual private gateway in the
Amazon Web Services.

3 Make a note of the Public IP, Inside IP and PSK details associated with the Virtual Private
Gateway. You will enter this information in the VeloCloud Orchestrator when you create a
Non-VeloCloud Site.

Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site

Once you obtain Public IP, Inside IP, and PSK information from the Amazon Web Services
website, you can configure a Non-VeloCloud Site.

To configure a Non-VeloCloud Site:

1 Go to Configure > Network Services.

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

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The New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box appears.

3 In the New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box:

a Enter the name of your site.

b Select Generic Router (Route Based VPN) from the Type drop-down menu.

c Type in the Primary VPN Gateway (and the Secondary VPN Gateway if necessary).

d Click Next.

Your Non-VeloCloud Site is created, and a dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site

4 In the dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site:

a Click the Advanced button located at the bottom of the dialog.

b If not already selected, select the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox.

c Type in the Site Subnet(s) and description. (Enter the network which is behind the VPN
firewall / router and can be exposed to branches for access).

d To provide an optimal Source NAT IP to translate the source IP address, type the IP in the
Source NAT IP text box.

e Add the PSK details and the Public IP you obtained from the Amazon Web Services site.

f Select the Redundant VeloCloud Cloud VPN checkbox to establish redundant tunnels on
a second gateway. This functionality establishes a redundant tunnel from a redundant
VeloCloud Gateway to the Non-VeloCloud Site.

g Click Save Changes.

Note The View IKE/IPSec Template button shows a sample configuration of the PSK
and IP details that would be useful to configure a Non-VeloCloud Site.

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Note You can click the symbol next to the PSK to change to a visible display.

For more information about VeloCloud Orchestrator Network Services documentation, go to

Chapter 9 Configure Network Services.

Configure Zscaler
The Zscaler configuration includes four major steps. You must perform all four steps to complete
this configuration.

The first three major steps include setting up a VPN IPSec tunnel gateway between VeloCloud
and Zscaler, and the last step requires that you set up business rules. Complete the following
configuration steps:

1 Create and Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site.

2 Add a Non-VeloCloud Site to the Configuration Profile.

3 Zscaler Configuration: Create an account, add V'PN credentials, add a location.

4 Configure Business Priority Rules.

Note You will perform Step 1, Step 2, and Step 4 in the VeloCloud Orchestrator. You will perform
Step 3 at the Zscaler site.

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Step 1: Create and Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site

To create and configure a non-VeloCloud site:

1 From the navigation panel in the VCO, go to Configure > Network Services.

The Services screen appears.

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

The New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box appears.

3 In the New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box:

a Enter the name of your site.

b Select Zscaler from the Type drop-down menu.

c Type in the Primary VPN Gateway (and Secondary if necessary).

d Click Next.

Your Non-VeloCloud Site is created, and a dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site

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4 In the dialog box for your Non-VeloCloud Site:

a Click the Advanced button located at the bottom of the dialog box.

b If not already selected, select the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox.

c Select the Disable Site Subnets checkbox.

d In the Authentication drop-down menu, choose User FQDN and type in the domain

e Copy the User FQDN domain address and the PSK. (You will need this information when
you set up your VPN Credentials in your Zscaler account).

Note You can click the symbol next to the PSK to change the PSK information to a
visible display.

f Click Save Changes.

Step 2: Add to a Configuration Profile

To add to a configuration profile:

1 From the navigation panel in the VCO, go to Configure > Profiles.

2 In the Configure Profiles screen, click the Devices icon to the right of your profile. (For
multiple Edges, use the drop-down menu to select your Edge, then click the Device tab).

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3 From the Cloud VPN area, click the symbol, and choose your Non-VeloCloud Site from the
drop-down menu.

Note You can also create a new Non-VeloCloud Site from the Cloud VPN area. After you
click the symbol, choose New Non-VeloCloud Site ... from the drop-down menu.

4 Click Save Changes.

Step 3: Configure Zscaler

This section describes Zscaler configuration.

Complete the following these steps on the Zscaler website. From there, you will create a Zscaler
account, add VPN credentials, and add a location.

1 From the Zscaler website, create a Zscaler web security account.

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2 Set up your VPN Credentials:

a At the top of the Zscaler screen, hover over the Administration option to display the
drop down menu. (See image below).

b Under Resources, click VPN Credentials.

c Click Add VPN Credentials at the top left corner.

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d From the Add VPN Credential dialog box:

1 Choose FQDN as the Authentication Type.

2 Type the User ID and Pre-Shared Key (PSK). You obtained this information from your
Non-VeloCloud Site's dialog box from the VCO.

3 If necessary, type in any comments in the Comments section.

4 Click Save.

3 Assign a location:

a At the top of the Zscaler screen, hover over the Administration option to display the
drop-down menu.

b Under Resources, click Locations.

c Click Add Location at the top left corner.

d In the Add Location dialog box (see image below):

1 Complete the text boxes in the Location area (Name, Country, State/Province, Time

2 Choose None from the Public IP Addresses drop-down menu.

3 In the VPN Credentials drop-down menu, select the credential you just created. (See
image below).

4 Click Done.

5 Click Save.

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Step 4: Configure Business Priority Rules

To define the business policy in your VCO to determine web security screening:

1 From the navigation panel in the VCO, go to Configure > Edges.

2 In the VeloCloud Edges screen, click the Bus. Policy icon for your Edge.

3 Click the New Rule button.

a In the Rule dialog box:

1 Type in a name for the rule in the Rule Name textbox.

2 In the Destination area of the Match section, choose your options. (Example options
are shown below):

a Click the Define button.

b Choose Internet.

c Choose TCP from the Protocol drop-down menu.

d Type your port in the Ports text box. The image below shows an example using
the port 80 option. VeloCloud recommends using port 80 or port 443. See note at
the end of this section for more information.

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3 In the Action area, choose your options. (Example options are shown below):

a For Priority, choose Normal.

b For Network Service, click Internet Backhaul and choose your Non-VeloCloud
Site from the drop down menu.

c For Link Steering, choose an option (for example, by Service Group).

d For Service Class, choose Transactional.

b Click OK.

Note VeloCloud recommends business policy rules to Backhaul web traffic, specifically
port 80 and 443. You can send all Internet traffic to Backhaul Zscaler. An image example
using port 443 is shown below.

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Configuration Tasks
This section describes configuration tasks for NVS.

VPN Workflow
This is an optional service that allows you to create VPN tunnel configurations to access one or
more Non-VeloCloud Sites. The VeloCloud provides the configuration required to create the
tunnel(s) – including creating IKE IPSec configuration and generating a pre-shared key.

The following figure shows an overview of the VPN tunnels that can be created between the
VeloCloud and a Non-VeloCloud Site.

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Note It is required that an IP address be specified for a Primary VPN Gateway at the Non-
VeloCloud Site. The IP address is used to form a Primary VPN Tunnel between a VeloCloud
Gateway and the Primary VPN Gateway.

Optionally, an IP address can be specified for a Secondary VPN Gateway to form a Secondary
VPN Tunnel between a VeloCloud Gateway and the Secondary VPN Gateway. Using Advanced
Settings, Redundant VPN Tunnels can be specified for any VPN tunnels you create.

Add Non-VeloCloud Site VPN Gateway

Enter a Name and chose a gateway Type (Cisco ASA, Cisco ISR, Palo Alto, SonicWall, or Generic).
Specify the IP address for the Primary VPN Gateway and, optionally, specify an IP address for a
Secondary VPN Gateway.

Configure Non-VeloCloud Site Subnets

Once you have created a Non-VeloCloud Site configuration, you can add subnets using the
following dialog box.

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Click the Advanced Settings button to enter additional subnet parameters, VPN Gateway
parameters, and to add Redundant VPN tunnel(s).

View IKE IPSec Configuration, Configure Non-VeloCloud Site Gateway

If you click the View IKE IPSec Configuration button, the information needed to configure the
Non-VeloCloud Site Gateway appears. The Gateway administrator should use this information to
configure the Gateway VPN tunnel(s).

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Enable IPSec Tunnel

The Non-VeloCloud Site VPN tunnel is initially disabled. You must enable the tunnel(s) after the
Non-VeloCloud Site Gateway has been configured and before first use of the Edge-to- Non-
VeloCloud Site VPN.

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Configure Cloud Proxy

This is an optional service that allows you to create a cloud proxy configuration for Cloud Web
Security. The service can be a Websense Web Proxy or a Generic Web Proxy.

To create a cloud proxy:

1 In the New Cloud Proxy dialog box, specify a Service Name and select a Service type.

2 Specify settings for the selected Service Type.

3 Click Save Changes.

Configure Cloud Security Services

Cloud Security Service is a cloud-hosted security offering (such as firewalls, URL filtering, etc.)
that protects an Enterprise’s branch and/or data center. The following sections describe how to
define and configure a cloud security service instance and how to establish a secure tunnel
directly from the Edge to the cloud security service.

Overview of Cloud Security Services

This section provides an overview of Cloud Security Services.

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Currently, the connectivity from a branch Edge to a cloud service or a Non-VeloCloud site is
established through the VeloCloud Gateway. In this model, the VeloCloud Gateway aggregates
traffic from multiple branch Edges and securely forwards the traffic to the Non-VeloCloud site.

You can also configure the branch Edge to establish a tunnel direct to the cloud service pop. This
option has the following advantages:

n You can save link bandwidth costs by offloading non-enterprise traffic to the internet.

n By redirecting the Internet traffic to a cloud security service, you can ensure that the branch
sites are protected from malicious traffic.

n Simplified configuration.

This document describes how to define and configure a cloud security service instance and
establish a secure tunnel directly from the Edge to the cloud security service. The configuration is
divided into three parts:

n Configure Cloud Security Services

n Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles

n Configure Cloud Security Services for Edges

Configure Cloud Security Services

You can configure the cloud security services from the Network Services window.

In the Enterprise portal, navigate to Configure > Network Services. For establishing a secured
tunnel to cloud security service sites from the Edge, you can define the service instance in the
Cloud Security Service area.

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Add and Configure a Cloud Security Provider

The cloud security service establishes a secure tunnel from an Edge to the cloud security service
sites. This ensures secured traffic flow to the cloud security services.

1 In the Customer panel, click Configure > Network Services.

2 In the Cloud Security Service panel, click New.

3 In the New Cloud Security Provider dialog box, select the Service Type for the cloud service.

4 Enter a descriptive name next to Service Name.

5 Enter the IP Address for Primary Point-of-Presence/Server and Secondary Point-of-


Note If you have selected Zscaler Cloud Security Service as Service Type and planning to
assign a GRE tunnel, it is recommended to enter only IP address as Point-of-Presence and not
the hostname, as GRE does not support hostnames.

6 To save your configuration, click Add.

Note You must configure the tunnel attributes for each Edge. See the Configure Cloud Security
Services for Edges section.

Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles

You must enable cloud security to establish a secured tunnel from an Edge to cloud security
service sites. This enables the secured traffic being redirected to third party cloud security sites.

Before you begin:

n Ensure that you have access permission to configure network services.

n Ensure that your SD-WAN Orchestrator has version 3.3.x or above.

n You should have Cloud security service gateway endpoint IPs and FQDN credentials
configured in the third party CSS.

1 In the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Profiles.

2 Click the Device Icon next to a profile, or click the link to the profile, and then click the Device

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3 In the Cloud Security section, switch the dial from the Off position to the On position.

4 Configure the following settings:

Option Description

Cloud Security Service Select a cloud security service from the drop-down
menu. You can also click New Cloud Security Service
from the drop-down to create a new service type.

Tunneling Protocol This option is available only for Zscaler cloud security
service. Choose either IPsec or GRE. By default, IPsec is

Hash Select the Hash function as SHA 1 or SHA 256 from the
drop-down. By default, SHA 1 is selected.

Note VeloCloud does not support MD5 and it is

recommended not to choose MD5 as the Hash function.

Encryption Select the Encryption algorithm as AES 128 or AES 256

from the drop-down. By default, None is selected.

Key Exchange Protocol This option is not available for Symantec cloud security
Select the key exchange method as IKEv1 or IKEv2. By
default, IKEv2 is selected.

5 Click Save Changes.

When you enable Cloud Security Service and configure the settings in a profile, the setting is
automatically applied to the Edges that are associated with the profile. If required, you can
override the configuration for a specific Edge. See Configure Cloud Security Services for Edges.

For the profiles created with cloud security service enabled and configured prior to 3.3.1 release,
you can choose to redirect the traffic as follows:

n Redirect only web traffic to Cloud Security Service

n Redirect all internet bound traffic to Cloud Security Service

n Redirect traffic based on Business Policy Settings – This option is available only from release
3.3.1. If you choose this option, then the other two options are no longer available.

Note For the new profiles that you create for release 3.3.1 or later, by default, the traffic is
redirected as per the Business Policy settings.

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You can create a rule in the business policy to redirect the traffic to cloud security service.

1 In the Business Policy tab of the profile, create a new rule by clicking New Rule or, from the
Actions drop-down menu, choose New.

The Configure Rule dialog box appears.

2 Enter a unique name for the Rule Name.

3 In the Action area, click the Internet Backhaul button and choose Cloud Security Service.

4 Click OK.

The new rule appears in the Business Policy screen.

Configure Cloud Security Services for Edges

When you have assigned a profile to an Edge, the device automatically inherits the cloud security
service associated with the profile. You can override the settings to modify the attributes for
each Edge.

1 In the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Edges.

2 In the Cloud Security Service section, the cloud security service parameters of the
associated profile are displayed. Select Enable Edge Override, to modify the attributes. For
more information on the attributes, see Configure Cloud Security Services for Profiles.

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Apart from the existing attributes, you can configure the following additional parameters for an

n FQDN – Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name for an IPsec protocol.

n PSK – Enter the Pre-shared Key for an IPsec protocol.

Note The above options are not available for Symantec cloud security service.

If you choose the GRE tunneling protocol for Zscaler cloud security service, add the GRE tunnel

1 Click Add Tunnel.

2 In the Add Tunnel window, configure the following:

Option Description

WAN Links Select the WAN interface to be used as source by the

GRE tunnel.

Tunnel Source Public IP Choose the IP address to be used as a public IP address

by the Tunnel. You can either choose the WAN Link IP or
Custom WAN IP. If you choose Custom WAN IP, enter
the IP address to be used as public IP.

Primary Router IP/Mask Enter the primary IP address of Router.

Secondary Router IP/Mask Enter the secondary IP address of Router.

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Option Description

Primary ZEN IP/Mask Enter the primary IP address of Internal Zscaler Public
Service Edge.

Secondary ZEN IP/Mask Enter the secondary IP address of Internal Zscaler Public
Service Edge.

Note The Router IP/Mask and ZEN IP/Mask are provided by Zscaler.

3 Click OK and the tunnel details are displayed in the Cloud Security Services section.

Click Save Changes in the Edges window to save the modified settings.

For the profiles created with cloud security service enabled and configured prior to 3.3.1 release,
you can choose to redirect the traffic as follows:

n Redirect only web traffic to Cloud Security Service

n Redirect all internet bound traffic to Cloud Security Service

n Redirect traffic based on Business Policy Settings – This option is available only from release
3.3.1. If you choose this option, then the other two options are no longer available.

Note For the new profiles that you create for release 3.3.1 or later, by default, the traffic is
redirected as per the Business Policy settings.

You can create a rule in the business policy to associate the cloud security service.

1 In the Business Policy tab of the Edge, create a new rule by clicking New Rule or, from the
Actions drop-down menu, choose New Rule.

The Configure Rule dialog box appears.

2 Enter a unique name for the Rule Name.

3 In the Action area, click the Internet Backhaul button and choose Cloud Security Service.

4 Click OK.

The new rule appears in the Business Policy screen.

Monitor Cloud Security Services

There are two places you can monitor cloud security services from the VCO navigation panel, the
Edges screen ( Monitor > Edges) and the Network Services screen ( Monitor > Network
Services) screens. The following sections provide more information.

Edges Screen
To monitor your cloud services from the Edges screen, go to Monitor > Edges. This view displays
the number of tunnels that are up and the number of tunnels that are down.

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Network Services Screen

To monitor your cloud security services from the Network Services screen, go to Monitor >
Network Services > Cloud Security Tunnel State.

The Edge Status column in the Cloud Security Tunnel State area displays how many Edges are
fully connected and disconnected.

Status Column
The Status column shows the overall connectivity state of the specific Cloud Security Service. If
all Edges are fully connected, the color of the icon will be green. If some Edges are connected,
while some are disconnected, the color of the icon will be yellow. If all Edges are disconnected,
the color of the icon will be red.

To view the Events for the Cloud Security Service, click the Events link in the Cloud Security
Service Sites area.

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Configure DNS Services

This is an optional service that allows you to create a configuration for DNS.

The DNS Service can be for a public DNS service or a private DNS service provided by your
company. A Primary Server and Backup Server can be specified. The service is preconfigured to
use Google and Open DNS servers.

The following figure shows a sample configuration for a Public DNS.

For a private service, you can also specify one or more Private Domains.

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Configure Netflow Settings

In an Enterprise network, Netflow monitors traffic flowing through VeloCloud Edges (VCEs) and
exports Internet Protocol Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) information directly from VCEs to one
or more Netflow collectors. The VCO allows you to configure Netflow collectors and filters as
network services at the profile, edge, and segment level. You can configure a maximum of two
collectors per segment and eight collectors per profile and edge. Also, you can configure a
maximum of 16 filters per collector.


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Network Services.

The Services page appears.

2 To configure a collector, go to the Netflow Settings area and click the New button at the
right side of the Collector table. The Add New Collector dialog box appears.

a In the Collector Name text box, enter a unique name for the collector.

b In the Collector IP text box, enter the IP address of the collector.

c In the Collector Port text box, enter the port ID of the collector.

d Click Save Changes.

Under Network Services, the newly added collector appears in the Collector table.

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3 VCO allows filtering of traffic flow records by source IP, destination IP, and application ID
associated with the flow. To configure a filter, go to the Netflow Settings area and click the
New button at the right side of the Filter table. The Add New Filter dialog box appears.

a In the Filter Name text box, enter a unique name for the filter.

b Under the Match area, click Define to define per collector filtering rules to match by
source IP or destination IP or application associated with the flow, or click Any to use any
of the source IP or destination IP or application associated with the flow as the match
criteria for Netflow filtering.

c Under the Action area, select either Allow or Deny as the filter action for the traffic flow,
and click OK.

Under Network Services, the newly added filter appears in the Filter table.


At the profile and edge level, the configured collectors and filters appears as a list under the
Netflow Settings area in the Device tab.

n While configuring a profile or edge, you can either select a collector and filter from the
available list or add a new collector and a filter. For steps, see Configure Netflow Settings at
the Profile Level.

n To override Netflow settings at the Edge level, see Configure Netflow Settings at the Edge

Private Network Names

You can define multiple private networks and assign them to individual private WAN overlays.

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Configure Private Networks

To configure private networks:

1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Configure > Network Services.

2 In the Private Network Names area, click the New button.

3 In New Private Network Name dialog box, enter a unique name in the appropriate text box.

4 Click Save Changes.

The private network name appears in the Private Network Name area.

Delete a Private Network Name

Only private network names that are not used by an Edge device can be deleted.

To delete a private network name not used by an Edge device:

1 Select the name by clicking the name's checkbox, and then click the Delete button.

2 In the Confirm Deletion dialog box, click OK.

You can select private link tags when you define a User Defined Overlay. See section titled, "
Select a Private Network Name."

Configure Authentication Services

Authentication Services is an optional configuration. If your organization uses a service for
authentication or accounting, you can create a Network Service that specifies the IP address and
ports for the service. This is a part of the 802.1x configuration process, which is configured in the

The following figure shows an example configuration.

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Configure Profiles
Profiles provide a composite of the configurations created in Networks and Network Services. It
also adds configuration for Business Policy and Firewall rules.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

Profiles have four tab pages: Profile Overview, Device, Business Policy, and Firewall.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Create a Profile

n Modify a Profile

n Profile Overview Screen

n Network to Segment Migration

n Configure Local Credentials

Create a Profile
After a new installation, the VeloCloud Orchestrator has the following predefined Profiles:
Internet Profile, VPN Profile, and as of the 3.0 release, Segment-based profiles.

Note With the Segmentation feature introduced in the 3.0 release, Edges running the software
prior to 3.0 could have a Network-based Configuration or a Segmentation-based Configuration.
**Because of this transition, you must migrate/convert the Network-based profile to the
Segment-based profile.

The following steps are typically followed when creating a new Profile:

1 Create a Profile

2 Configure Device

a Select Network

b Assign Authentication/DNS

c Configure Interface Settings

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3 Enable Cloud VPN

4 Configure Business Policy

5 Configure Firewall

6 Review Profile Overview

To create a new Profile:

1 Go to Configure ->Profiles, and click the New Profile button.

2 In the New Profile dialog, enter a Profile Name and Description in the appropriate textboxes.

3 Click the Create button.

The Profile Overview tab page refreshes. See the Profile Overview Screen section below for
more information.

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Modify a Profile
Enterprise Admins can also manually assign a profile to an Edge.

Note Content for "Change a Profile" is new for the 3.3.0 release.

One scenario in which this is necessary is for Edge Staging Profiles. In this case, the Edge gets
activated against the staging profile by default due to push activation. Enterprise Admins must
manually assign a final production profile to the Edge. See Provision an Edge in Assign a Profile
(Change a Profile) for instructions on how to manually assign Profiles.

Note Push activation is tech preview for the 3.3.0 release. For more information, see section
titled Push Activation.

Profile Overview Screen

The Profile Overview screen provides a quick summary of all Networks and Services that are
defined in the profile.

The overview is divided into two categories:

Category Description

Networks Has the name of the Network configuration used, the type of addressing, and the Network addresses and
VLANs assigned to the Corporate and Guest networks.

Services Has a summary of the services provided by the VeloCloud system.

After all settings have been entered for the Profile Device, Business Policy, and Firewall tab
screens, the Profile Overview screen should reflect the configurations you have performed.

Network to Segment Migration

In the 3.2 release, the Profile Migration feature was introduced to help simplify the workflow to
upgrade Edges from Network-based Profiles to Segment-based Profiles. This document provides
the workflow and details on how to upgrade a 2.X Edge with a Network-based Profile to 3.X with
a Segment-based profile.

Edge Upgrade from 2.X to 3.X Prerequisites

To upgrade from version 2.X to 3.X, the following prerequisites are required for the Edge:

n Upgrading to 3.X is supported from versions 2.4 and 2.5.

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n Make sure the VCO and VCG are the same version or a higher version than the Edge.

Best Practices for Upgrading Edges Deployed as Hub and Spoke

While performing upgrades for Edges deployed in Hub and Spoke configurations:

n The Edges configured as a Hub should be upgraded to 3.X before upgrading the Edges
configured as Spokes.

n Tunnel formation will not occur if the Hub is in a 3.X based profile and all the Spokes are
running in a 2.X based profile.

n In order to overcome the above-mentioned restriction, each Spoke profile should have at
least one Spoke running in the 3.2.1 based profile.

Best Practices for Upgrading Edges Deployed in HA

There are no restrictions for upgrading Edges configured in HA. Normal software steps are

Migrate Network to Segment

This section describes network to segment migration.

Before You Begin

Prior to upgrading an Edge, make sure the VCO and VCG are the same version or a higher
version than the Edge.

Note Because 3.X Edges only understand Segment-based Profiles, the 3.2 image update will get
pushed out to the Edge only if the Edge has a Segmented Profile assigned. Once a Segment-
based Profile is assigned to an Edge, it cannot be reassigned to a Network-based Profile. The
transition from a Network-based Profile to a Segment-based Profile is supported, but a Segment-
based Profile to a Network-based Profile is not supported.

Step 1: Enable Segmentation

Segmentation must be enabled prior to migrating a profile. Enterprise and Partner level users
must contact their Operator to ensure this feature is enabled.

Operators must enable segmentation before a profile can be migrated. Enterprise and Partner
level users do not have access to this feature.

To enable Segmentation:

1 Select Configure -> Customer from the VCO navigation panel.

2 From the Customer Configuration screen, select the Enable Segmentation checkbox located
under Customer Capabilities.

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Note If you attempt to migrate a profile without segmentation enabled, the following error
message appears.

Step 2: Create a Non-global Segment for Allocating a Guest Network

Because guest networks are created by default in a Network-based profile, you must create a
non-global segment to map the guest networks to a separate segment during migration.

1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Segments. The Segments screen
appears. Note that the Global Segment cannot be deleted.

2 Click the Add symbol to create a new segment.

3 Click Save Changes.

Step 3: Create a Migrated Profile from a Network Profile

1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Configure > Profiles.

2 Select a Network-based Profile by selecting the checkbox next to the name of the
configuration profile.

3 From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Migrate Profile.

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4 In the Migrate Profile dialog box, type in a name and description for the profile.

5 Select the segment to which the Guest Network will be mapped (refer to Step 4).

The corporate segment configuration will be migrated to the Global Segment.

6 Click the Create button.

A new Segment-based Profile is created with the same settings in the Global Segment as the
old Network-based Profile. See image below. Please note that no Edges are assigned to this

Step 4 Assign Migrated Profile to Edges (See IMPORTANT NOTE Below)

During this step, no configuration updates will be pushed out to the Edge while the Edge
reported software image is < 3.0. Edges in this state are essentially ‘configuration frozen’ until a
3.X image is provisioned to them.

To assign a segment-based profile to a network-based Edge:

1 Go to Configure > Edges in the navigation panel of the VCO.

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2 In the VeloCloud Edges screen, select the Edge you want to assign a Segment Profile to.

3 In the Edge Overview tab, go to the Profile area.

4 From the Profile drop-down menu, choose a Segment Based Profile (see image below).

The segment-based profile will be applied only after the Edge is upgraded to 3.2.X.

Note There are two additional steps to migrate a profile, 'Create a New Operator Profile with a
3.2 Edge Image' and 'Assign the Segment-based Operator Profile to the Edges.' Enterprise Admin
users at all levels do not have access to these additional steps and must contact their Operator.
Their Operator must create a new Operator Profile with a 3.X Image and assign the Operator
profile to the Enterprise usage. After assigning the 3.X based Operator profile and segmented
profile, the Edge will receive a software image update. Contact your Operator for more

Note The next step, "Create a New Operator Profile with a 3.2 Edge Image" is an Operator-level
only step that must be completed before a profile can be migrated. Partners do not have access
to the features for this step and must contact their Operators.

Step 5: Create a New Operator Profile with a 3.2 Edge Image (Operator-level
Only Step)
Operators must create a new Operator profile with a 3.2 Edge image before a profile can be
migrated. Enterprise and Partner level users do not have access to the features in this step.

Step 5 is an Operator-level only step. Your Operator must create a new Operator Profile with a
3.2 Edge Image.

1 From the VCO, choose Operator Profiles. See image below.

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2 From the Operator Profile screen, click the New Profile button.

3 In the New Operator Profile dialog box:

a Type in a Name and Description for the profile.

b In the Configuration Type drop-down menu, choose Segment Based.

c Click the Create button.

4 In the newly created Operator Profile screen, go to the Software Version area.

5 In the Software Version area, choose a software version from the Version drop-down menu.
(See image below).

6 Click the Save Changes button at the top of the VCO screen.

Step 6: Assign the Segment-based Operator Profile to the Edges

An Important Note has been added to this step for the 3.3.0 software release (see note

Note Operators and Partners can assign software images, but Enterprise Admins at all levels do
not have access to this feature.

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The Edge with the Segmented Profile will receive a software image update via the Operator
Profile. This can be accomplished either by switching the Operator Profile for the customer or
assigning a new Operator Profile to selected Edges. The steps below describe how to assign a
new Operator Profile to a selected Edge.

Note It is recommended that you perform the profile assignment to one Edge first and validate
that the Edge is working correctly before you proceed to the other Edges. The first Edge that
you assign a profile to will be classified as a Hub (because Hubs must be migrated before

To Assign a new Operator Profile:

1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Configure > Edges.

2 In the VeloCloud Edges screen, select the Edge(s) you want to assign an Operator Profile to.

3 From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Assign Operator Profile or Assign Software
Image.(NOTE: Only Operator Superusers will see Assign Operator Profile from the Actions
drop-down menu, all other users with access to this feature will see Assign Software Image
from the Actions drop-down menu).

4 From the appropriate dialog box ( Assign Operator Profile dialog box or Assign Software
Image dialog box), choose the Segment-based Operator Profile that was created in Step 3.
( NOTE: If necessary, assign the Operator Profile to a Customer or Partner).

5 Click the Update button.

After this operation, Edge(s) will receive the 3.2 software image update, and after the image
update process is complete, Edge(s) will begin communicating with the VCO.

Configure Local Credentials

You can change the local credentials at the Profile level from the Configure > Profiles > Profile
Overview tab. When the credentials are updated, they will be sent to all Edges that use the
Profile as an Edge action.

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Add Credentials
This section describes how to add credentials.

Click the View button to open the Local Configuration Credentials dialog box. Type in a User
name and a Password, and then click the Submit button.

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Configure a Profile Device
This section describes how to configure a profile device.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID with Customer Support privileges, you will only be able
to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or configure/
update existing ones.

VeloCloud provides device settings using the Device tab ( Configure > Profiles > Device Tab) in
a profile. The Device Settings tab is used to assign segments, create VLANs, configure
interfaces, configure DNS settings, Configure Authentication Settings. For more information
about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Configure a Device

Configure a Device
Device configuration allows you to assign segments to a Profile and configure Interfaces to be
associated with a Profile.

For segment aware profiles, there are two sections on the UI:

Configuration Type Description

Segment-aware Configure Segments area of the Device tab screen. Customers can choose the segment from
configurations the drop-down menu, select the segment, and then the configuration for that segment will
display in the Configure Segments area.

Common configurations The lower part of the Device tab screen. Features and configurations that apply to multiple
segments, which include VLAN configs, Device Settings, Wifi and Multi-source QoS.

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You can perform the following steps for Device Configuration:

Segment-aware Configurations
n Authentication Settings

n DNS Settings

n Netflow Settings

n Syslog Settings

n Cloud VPN

n OSPF Areas

n BGP Settings

n Multicast Settings

n Cloud Security Service

Common Configurations:

n Device Settings

n Wi-Fi Radio Settings

n Multi-Source QoS

n SNMP Settings

n NTP Servers

n Visibility Mode

Assign Segments in Profile

After creating a Profile, you can select Profile Segments by clicking the Change button in the
image Configure Segments window.

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Clicking the Change button opens the Select Segments dialog box.

In this dialog box, you can select the Segments that you want to include in your profile. Segments
with a lock symbol next to them indicate that the Segment is in use within a profile, and it cannot
be removed. Segments available for use will be displayed on the left side of the dialog under All

After you have selected a Segment, you can configure your Segment through the Configure
Segment drop-down menu. All Segments available for configuration are listed in the Configure
Segment drop-down menu. If a Segment is assigned to a VLAN or interface, it will display the
VLAN ID and the Edge models associated with it.

When you choose a Segment to configure from the Configure Segment drop-down menu,
depending upon the Segment’s options, the settings associated that Segment display in the
Configure Segments area.

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Configure Authentication Settings

The Device Authentication Settings allow you to specify which Network Services DNS Service to

Configure DNS Settings

The DNS Settings allow you to specify which Network Services DNS Service will be used.

Configure Netflow Settings at the Profile Level

As an enterprise Administrator, you can configure Netflow settings at the Profile level by
performing the steps on this procedure.


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Profiles.

The Configuration Profiles page appears.

2 Select a profile you want to configure Netflow settings and click the icon under the Device

The Device Setting page for the selected profile appears.

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3 From the Configure Segment drop-down menu, select a profile segment to configure
Netflow settings.

4 Go to the Netflow Settings area and configure the following details.

a Select the Netflow Enabled checkbox.

VCO supports IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol version 10.

b From the Collector drop-down menu, select a existing Netflow collector to export IPFIX
information directly from VCEs, or click New Collector to configure a new Netflow

For more information about how to add a new collector, see Configure Netflow Settings.

Note You can configure a maximum of two collectors per segment and eight collectors
per profile by clicking the + button. When the number of configured collectors reaches
the maximum allowable limit, the + button will be disabled.

c From the Filter drop-down menu, select an existing Netflow filter for the traffic flows from
VCEs, or click New Filter to configure a new Netflow filter.

For more information about how to add a new filter, see Configure Netflow Settings.

Note You can configure a maximum of 16 filters per collector by clicking the + button.
However, the 'Allow All' filtering rule is added implicitly at the end of the defined filter list,
per collector.

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d Enable the Allow All checkbox corresponding to a collector to allow all segment flows to
that collector.

e Under Intervals, configure the following Netflow export intervals:

n Flow Stats - Export interval for flow stats template. By default netflow records of this
template is exported every 60 seconds. The allowable export interval range is from
60 seconds to 300 seconds.

n FlowLink Stats - Export interval for flow link stats template. By default netflow
records of this template is exported every 60 seconds. The allowable export interval
range is from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.

n VRF Table - Export interval for VRF option template. The default export interval is
300 seconds. The allowable export interval range is from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.

n Application Table - Export interval for Application option template. The default
export interval is 300 seconds. The allowable export interval range is from 60
seconds to 300 seconds.

n Interface Table - Export interval for Interface option template. The default export
interval is 300 seconds. The allowable export interval range is from 60 seconds to
300 seconds.

n Link Table - Export interval for Link option template. The default export interval is 300
seconds. The allowable export interval range is from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.

Note In an Enterprise, you can configure the Netflow intervals for each template only on
the Global segment. The configured Netflow export interval is applicable for all collectors
of all segments on an edge.

5 Click Save Changes.

Configure Syslog Settings at Profile Level

In an Enterprise network, VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports collection of VCO bound
events originating from enterprise VeloCloud Edges (VCEs) to one or more centralized remote
Syslog collectors (Servers), in the native Syslog format. For the Syslog collector to receive VCO
bound events from the configured edges in an Enterprise, at the profile level, configure Syslog
collector details per segment in the VCO by performing the steps on this procedure.


n Ensure that Cloud VPN (branch-to-branch VPN settings) is configured for the VCE (from
where the VCO bound events are originating) to establish a path between the VCE and the
Syslog collectors. For more information, see Configure Cloud VPN.


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Profiles.

The Configuration Profiles page appears.

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2 Select a profile you want to configure Syslog settings and click the icon under the Device

The Device Setting page for the selected profile appears.

3 From the Configure Segment drop-down menu, select a profile segment to configure syslog
settings. By default, Global Segment [Regular] is selected.

4 Go to the Syslog Settings area and configure the following details.

a From the Facility Code drop-down menu, select a Syslog standard value that maps to
how your Syslog server uses the facility field to manage messages for all the events from
VCEs. The allowed values are from local0 through local7.

Note The Facility Code field is configurable only for the Global Segment, even if the
Syslog settings is enabled or not for the profile. The other segments will inherit the facility
code value from the Global segment.

b Select the Syslog Enabled checkbox.

c In the IP text box, enter the destination IP address of the Syslog collector.

d From the Protocol drop-down menu, select either TCP or UDP as the Syslog protocol.

e In the Port text box, enter the port number of the Syslog collector. The default value is

f As Edge interfaces are not available at the Profile level, the Source Interface field is set to
Auto. The Edge automatically selects an interface with 'Advertise' field set as the source

g From the Roles drop-down menu, select EDGE EVENT.

h From the Syslog Level drop-down menu, select the Syslog severity level that need to be
configured. For example, If CRITICALis configured, the VCE will send all the events which
are set as either critical or alert or emergency.

The allowed Syslog severity levels are:









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5 Click the + button to add another Syslog collector.

Note You can configure a maximum of two Syslog collectors per segment and 10 Syslog
collectors per Edge. When the number of configured collectors reaches the maximum
allowable limit, the + button will be disabled.

Note By configuring the Syslog setting for the Edges, only remote syslog for VCO bound
events from Edges will be received at the Syslog collector. If you want the VCO auto-
generated local events to be received at the Syslog collector, you must configure Syslog at
the VCO level by using the log.syslog.backend and log.syslog.upload system properties.

Example: IETF Syslog Format

The following is a sample syslog message in IETF format.


The following is a sample syslog message.

<163>1 2019-06-16T09:17:15.003Z b1-edge1 Edged 1312 ID47 ‘Interface GE3 is up’

The message has the following parts:

n Priority - Facility * 8 + Severity (local4 & critical) - 163

n Version - Syslog version - 1

n Date - Date in YYYY-MM-DD format - 2019-06-16

n Time - Time in UTC - 09:17:15.003Z (3 ms into next second)

n Host Name - b1-edge1

n Application Name - Edged [Mgd for mgd generated events]

n Process ID - 1312

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n Message ID - type of message (String)

n Message - Event message in UTF-8

Configure Cloud VPN

If a Network with a non-overlapping address is assigned to a Profile, it is assumed for a VPN
configuration and the Cloud VPN section will be available.

Note Cloud VPN should be configured per Segment.

When Cloud VPN on the Profile Device tab is enabled, you can configure three different Cloud
VPN types:

n Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

n Branch to VeloCloud Hubs

n Branch to Branch VPN

Configure Branch to VPNs

This section describes how to configure branch to VPNs.

You can configure Branch to Non-VeloCloud Sites by selecting the Enable checkbox (see the
highlighted area in the screen capture below). You can also choose one or more Non-VeloCloud
Sites by selecting the Enable check box, and then selecting Non-VeloCloud Site from the drop-
down menu. You can click the + (plus) button to add additional Non-VeloCloud Sites.

You can also create VPN connections by selecting the New Non-VeloCloud Site from the drop-
down menu. Select a Type for the Non-VeloCloud Site. The Non-VeloCloud Site Type options (as
shown in the image below) are Cisco ASA, Cisco ISR, Palo Alto, SonicWall, Zscaler, Generic
Router (Route Based VPN), and Generic Firewall (Policy Based VPN). In the example below, Cisco
ISR is chosen. In this example, you can enter a Primary VPN gateway, and a Secondary VPN
gateway option is available. Enter the required parameters (Name, Type, Primary Gateway, and
Secondary Gateway) for the Non-VeloCloud Site you selected, then click Next.

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Note Cisco ASA does not support a secondary gateway. This is a limitation of the Cisco ASA

A status appears for the creation of the new Non-VeloCloud Site.

A final dialog box for completing the configuration of the Non-VeloCloud Site appears.

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Note The Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site VPN should not be enabled until after the gateway for
the Enterprise Data Center is configured by the Enterprise Data Center Administrator and the
Data Center VPN Tunnel is enabled.

Configure Branch to VeloCloud Hubs VPN

This section describes how to configure the Branch to VeloCloud Hubs VPN.

To configure Branch to VeloCloud Hubs:

1 Select the Enable checkbox (see the highlighted area in the screen capture below).

2 Click the Select VeloCloud Hub s link.

The following dialog appears for you to select the select the VeloCloud Hubs that can be
used for VPN tunnels between the Branch using this profile and the selected VeloCloud Hub.

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Configure Branch to Branch VPN

This section describes how to configure branch-to-branch VPN.

Enable Branch to Branch VPN

You can configure Branch to Branch VPN by selecting the Enable checkbox.

Branch to Branch VPN supports two configurations for establishing a VPN connection between

Configuration Description

Using a VeloCloud In this option, the closest gateway is used to establish VPN connections between Edges.
Gateway The VeloCloud Gateway may have traffic from other users.

Using a VeloCloud Hub In this option, one or more Edges are selected to act as hubs that can establish VPN
connections between branches. The hub will be your asset and will only have your
corporate data on it, improving overall security.

Enable Branch to Branch VPN Isolation

Configure Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by selecting the Isolate Profile checkbox.

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When the Isolate Profile checkbox is selected, the Edges within the profile will not learn routes
from other Edges outside this profile via the SD-WAN Overlay.

Note For topology and use cases, see Branch to Branch VPN.

Enable Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile

To configure Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by profile:

1 Make sure the Isolate Profile checkbox is unselected.

2 Enable Branch to Branch VPN by selecting the Enabled checkbox.

3 Select the To Edges Within Profile checkbox.

Note For topology and use cases, see Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile.

Configure Multicast Settings

Multicast provides an efficient way to send data to an interested set of receivers to only one
copy of data from the source, by letting the intermediate multicast-routers in the network
replicate packets to reach multiple receivers based on a group subscription.

Multicast clients (aka receivers) use the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) to
propagate membership information from hosts to Multicast enabled routers and PIM to
propagate group membership information to Multicast servers via Multicast routers.

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Multicast support includes:

n Multicast support on both overlay and underlay

n Protocol-Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) on VCE

n Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 on VCE

n Static Rendezvous Point (RP) configuration, where RP is enabled on a 3rd party router.

Configure Multicast Globally

There are two steps to enable and configure Multicast (globally and at the interface level), in
which both can be overridden at the Edge Level. The steps below provide instructions on how to
enable the Multicast globally.

To configure Multicast globally:

1 From Configure > Profile > Devices, go to the Multicast Settings area.

2 If the Multicast Settings button is in the Off position, click the Off button to turn On Multicast

The RP Selection is set to Static by default.

3 In the appropriate textboxes for the RP Selection, type in the RP Address and Multicast
Group. (See the table below for a description of RP Address and Multicast Group ).

4 If applicable, select the Enable PIM on Overlay checkbox and enter the IP Source Address.

5 Set Advanced Settings, if necessary. Refer to the table that follows for a description of each
setting. In the appropriate text boxes, enter PIM Timers for Join Prune Send Interval (default
60 seconds) and Keep Alive Timer (default 60 seconds).

Multicast Settings
The following table describes Multicast settings.

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Multicast Setting Description

RP Selection Configure RP for multicast groups. Static RP is the default and supported mechanism in 3.2

Enable PIM on Enable PIM peering on SD-WAN Overlay, for example when enabled on both branch VCE and
Overlay hub VCE. Branch VCE and hub VCE will form a PIM peer. By default, the source IP address for
the overlays is derived from one of the multicast-enabled underlay interfaces and it is
recommended to leave the default. Users can optionally change the source IP by specifying
Source IP Address, which will be a virtual address and will be advertised over the overlay

PIM Timers

Join Prune Send The Join Prune Interval Timer. Default value is 60 seconds.

Keep Alive Timer PIM keep alive timer. Default value is 60 seconds.

Configure Multicast Settings at the Interface Level

To enable and configure Multicast at the Interface level:

1 From the Configure Profiles Device tab screen, choose a target Edge model and go the
Interfaces Settings area and select the interface you want to enable Multicast.

2 Click the Edit button to open the Interface Settings dialog box for the Edge you configured.

3 In the Interface dialog box of the Edge model:

a Select the Interface Enabled checkbox to display the settings for the dialog.

b In the Capability drop-down menu, choose Routed to be able to use the Multicast

c In the Addressing Type drop-down menu, choose either DHCP, PPPoE, or Static.

d If applicable, select the WAN Overlay checkbox.

e If applicable, select the OSPF checkbox.

f In the Multicast section:

1 If applicable, select the IGMP checkbox and select the only available option IGMP v2.

2 If applicable, select the PIM checkbox and select the only available option PIM SM.

3 Click the ' toggle advanced multicast settings' link to set IGMP Timers, as shown in
the image below.

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n IGMP Host Query Interval: The default is 125 seconds and the range is 1-1800.

n IGMP Max Query Response Value: The default is 100 deciseconds and the range is

g If applicable, select the following checkboxes: Advertise, NAT Direct Traffic, Underlay
Accounting, and Trusted Source.

h In the Reverse Path Filter drop-down menu, make a selection ( Disabled, Specific,
Loose). NOTE: The user can only set the Reverse Path Filter when the trusted zone is
checked. When the trusted zone is unchecked, the value will default to Specific as shown
in the image above.

i In the L2 Settings area, if applicable, select the Autonegotiate checkbox. If so, enter the
MTU in the textbox.

j If Autonegotiate is unselected, enter the Speed, Duplex, and MTU in the appropriate

k Click Update for the Edge model.

The following table describes the IGMP Timers.

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IGMP Timers Description

IGMP Host Query Interval IGMP host query interval, default value is 60 sec.

IGMP Max Query Response Value IGMP max query response value, default value is 10 sec.

Note Go to Monitor > Routing > Multicast tab, to view Multicast routing information. See
Monitor Routing for more information.

Add and Configure a VLAN

To add and configure a VLAN:

1 From the Configure VLAN area, click the Add VLAN button.

2 In the VLAN dialog box, choose a Segment from the Segment drop-down menu.

3 Enter the following information in the appropriate text boxes: VLAN Name, VLAN ID, Edge
LAN IP Address, Cidr, and Network.

4 If applicable, select the Advertise checkbox.

5 Enter any Fixed IPs in Fixed IPs text boxes.

6 Select the OSPF checkbox, if applicable.

7 In the DHCP area, choose the type (Enabled, Relay, or Disabled).

8 Depending upon the DHCP type you have selected, enter in the appropriate information.

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Configure the Management IP Address

The Management IP address is used as the source address for local services (for example, DNS)
and as a destination for diagnostic tests (for example, pinging from another Edge).

Configure Device Settings

Device Settings allows you configure the Interface Settings for one or more Edge models in a

Depending on the Edge Model, each interface can be a Switch Port (LAN) interface or a Routed
(WAN) Interface. Depending on the Branch Model, a connection port is a dedicated LAN or WAN
port, or ports can be configured to be either a LAN or WAN port. Branch ports can be Ethernet
or SFP ports. Some Edge models may also support wireless LAN interfaces.

It is assumed that a single public WAN link is attached to a single interface that only serves WAN
traffic. If no WAN link is configured for a routed interface that is WAN capable, it is assumed that
a single public WAN link should be automatically discovered. If one is discovered, it will be
reported to the VeloCloud Orchestrator. This auto-discovered WAN link can then be modified via
the VeloCloud Orchestrator and the new configuration pushed back to the branch.

n If the routed Interface is enabled with the WAN overlay and attached with a WAN link, then
the interface will be available for all Segments.

n If an interface is configured as PPPoE, it will only support a single auto-discovered WAN link.
Additional links can not be assigned to the interface.

If the link should not or cannot be auto-discovered, it must be explicitly configured. There are
multiple supported configurations in which auto-discovery will not be possible, including:

n Private WAN links

n Multiple WAN links on a single interface. Example: A Datacenter Hub with 2 MPLS

n A single WAN link reachable over multiple interfaces. Example: for an active-active HA

Links that are auto-discovered are always public links. User-defined links can be public or private,
and will have different configuration options based on which type is selected.

Note Even for auto-discovered links, overriding the parameters that are automatically detected
-- such as service provider and bandwidth – can be overridden by the Edge configuration.

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Public WAN Links

Public WAN links are any traditional link providing access to the public internet such as Cable,
DSL, etc. No peer configuration is required for public WAN links. They will automatically connect
to the VeloCloud Gateway, which will handle the dissemination of information needed for peer

Private (MPLS) WAN Links

Private WAN links belong to a private network and can only connect to other WAN links within
the same private network. Because there can be multiple MPLS networks, within a single
enterprise, for example, the user must identify which links belong to which network. The
VeloCloud Gateway will use this information to distribute connectivity information for the WAN

You may choose to treat MPLS links as a single link. However, to differentiate between different
MPLS classes of service, multiple WAN links can be defined that map to different MPLS classes of
service by assigning each WAN link a different DSCP tag.

Additionally, you may decide to define a static SLA for a private WAN link. This will eliminate the
need for peers to exchange path statistics and reduce the bandwidth consumption on a link.
Since probe interval influences how quickly the device can fail over, it’s not clear whether a static
SLA definition should reduce the probe interval automatically.

Device Settings
The following screen captures illustrate the top-level user interface for the VeloCloud Edge 500
and the VeloCloud Edge 1000. The following table describes the major features of the UI (the
numbers in the table correspond to the numbers in the subsequent screen captures).

Actions you can perform on the network interface, such as Edit or Delete.

The Interface name. This name matches the Edge port label on the Edge device or is predetermined for wireless

The list of Switch Ports with a summary of some of their settings (such as Access or Trunk mode and the VLANs for
the interface). Switch Ports are highlighted with a light yellow background.

The list of Routed Interfaces with a summary of their settings (such as the addressing type and if the interface was
auto-detected or has an Auto Detected or User Defined WAN overlay). Routed Interfaces are highlighted with a
light blue background.

The list of Wireless Interfaces (if available on the Edge device). You can add additional wireless networks by
clicking the Add Wi-Fi SSID button. Wireless Interfaces are highlighted with a light gray background.

n You can add additional wireless networks by clicking the Add Wi-Fi SSID button. Wireless Interfaces are
highlighted with a light gray background.
n You can add sub interfaces by clicking the Add Sub Interfaces button. Sub interfaces are displayed with "SIF"
next to the interface.
n You can add secondary IPs by clicking the Add Secondary IP button. Secondary IPs are displayed with 'SIP"
next to the interface.

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Sub Interfaces and Secondary IPs

Adding a Sub Interface

When you add a sub interface to a routed interface, the sub interface gets a subset of the
configuration options provided to the parent interface.

1 Click the Add Sub Interface button.

2 Select an Interface from the drop-down menu and the Sub Interface ID in the text box as
shown in the Select Interface dialog below.

3 Click Next.

4 In the Sub Interface dialog box, choose your Addressing Type ( DHCP or Static).

a If you choose the Addressing Type DHCP, the Enable VLAN Tagging checkbox is
selected by default and the Sub Interface ID you chose in the previous dialog displays in
the text box.

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b If you choose the Addressing Type Static, you have the option of enabling VLAN by
selecting the Enable VLAN Tagging check box. The Sub Interface ID you chose in the
previous dialog displays in the text box.

5 Check NAT Direct Traffic checkbox if necessary.

6 Click the Update button.

The Interface column refreshes, showing the newly created sub interface.

Adding a Secondary IP Address

1 Click the Add Secondary IP button.

2 Select an Interface from the drop-down menu and the Sub Interface ID in the text box as
shown in the Select Interface dialog below. Note the Sub Interface type is Secondary IP.

3 Click Next.

4 In the Secondary IP dialog box, choose your Addressing Type ( DHCP or Static).

5 In the Secondary IP dialog box, choose your Addressing Type ( DHCP or Static).

6 Click the Update button.

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The Interface column refreshses, showing the newly created Secondary IP (see the Interface
Settings image below).

User-defined WAN Overlay Use Cases

The scenarios wherein this configuration is useful are outlined first, followed by a specification of
the configuration itself.

1 Use Case 1: Two WAN links connected to an L2 SwitchConsider the traditional data center
topology where the VCE is connected to an L2 switch in the DMZ that is connected to
multiple firewalls, each connected to a different upstream WAN link.

In this topology, the VeloCloud interface has likely been configured with FW1 as the next hop.
However, in order to use the DSL link, it must be provisioned with an alternate next hop to
which packets should be forwarded, because FW1 cannot reach the DSL.When defining the
DSL link, the user must configure a custom next hop IP address as the IP address of FW2 to
ensure that packets can reach the DSL modem. Additionally, the user must configure a
custom source IP address for this WAN link to allow the edge to identify return interfaces.
The final configuration becomes similar to the following figure:

The following paragraph describes how the final configuration is defined.

n The interface is defined with IP address and next hop Because more
than one WAN link is attached to the interface, the links are set to “user defined.”

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n The Cable link is defined and inherits the IP address of and next hop of
No changes are required. When a packet needs to be sent out the cable link, it is sourced
from and forwarded to the device that responds to ARP for (FW1). Return
packets are destined for and identified as having arrived on the cable link.

n The DSL link is defined, and because it is the second WAN link, the VCO flags the IP
address and next hop as mandatory configuration items. The user specifies a custom
virtual IP (e.g. for the source IP and for the next hop. When a packet
needs to be sent out the DSL link, it is sourced from and forwarded to the device
that responds to the ARP for (FW2). Return packets are destined for and
identified as having arrived on the DSL link.

2 Case 2: Two WAN links connected to an L3 switch/router: Alternatively, the upstream

device may be an L3 switch or a router. In this case, the next hop device is the same (the
switch) for both WAN links, rather than different (the firewalls) in the previous example. Often
this is leveraged when the firewall sits on the LAN side of the VCE.

In this topology, policy-based routing will be used to steer packets to the appropriate WAN
link. This steering may be performed by the IP address or by the VLAN tag, so we support
both options.

Steering by IP: If the L3 device is capable of policy-based routing by source IP address, then
both devices may reside on the same VLAN. In this case, the only configuration required is a
custom source IP to differentiate the devices.

The following paragraph describes how the final configuration is defined.

n The interface is defined with IP address and next hop Because more
than one WAN link is attached to the interface, the links are set to “user defined.”

n The Cable link is defined and inherits the IP address of and next hop of
No changes are required. When a packet needs to be sent out the cable link, it is sourced
from and forwarded to the device that responds to ARP for (L3 Switch).
Return packets are destined for and identified as having arrived on the cable link.

n The DSL link is defined, and because it is the second WAN link, the VCO flags the IP
address and next hop as mandatory configuration items. The user specifies a custom

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virtual IP (for example, for the source IP and the same for the next hop.
When a packet needs to be sent out the DSL link, it is sourced from and
forwarded to the device that responds to the ARP for (L3 Switch). Return packets
are destined for and identified as having arrived on the DSL link.

Steering by VLAN: If the L3 device is not capable of source routing, or if for some other
reason the user chooses to assign separate VLANs to the cable and DSL links, this must be

n The interface is defined with IP address and next hop on VLAN 100.
Because more than one WAN link is attached to the interface, the links are set to “user

n The Cable link is defined and inherits VLAN 100 as well as the IP address of and
next hop of No changes are required. When a packet needs to be sent out the
cable link, it is sourced from, tagged with VLAN 100 and forwarded to the
device that responds to ARP for on VLAN 100 (L3 Switch). Return packets are
destined for 100 and identified as having arrived on the cable link.

n The DSL link is defined, and because it is the second WAN link the VCO flags the IP
address and next hop as mandatory configuration items. The user specifies a custom
VLAN ID (200) as well as virtual IP (e.g. for the source IP and the
for the next hop. When a packet needs to be sent out the DSL link, it is sourced from, tagged with VLAN 200 and forwarded to the device that responds to the ARP
for on VLAN 200 (L3 Switch). Return packets are destined for
VLAN 200 and identified as having arrived on the DSL link.

3 Case 3: One-arm Deployments:One-arm deployments end up being very similar to other L3


Again, the VCE shares the same next hop for both WAN links. Policy-based routing can be
done to ensure that traffic is forwarded to the appropriate destination as defined above.
Alternately, the source IP and VLAN for the WAN link objects in the VeloCloud may be the
same as the VLAN of the cable and DSL links to make the routing automatic.

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4 Case 4: One WAN link reachable over multiple interfaces:Consider the traditional gold site
topology where the MPLS is reachable via two alternate paths. In this case, we must define a
custom source IP address and next hop that can be shared regardless of which interface is
being used to communicate.

n GE1 is defined with IP address and next hop

n GE2 is defined with IP address and next hop

n The MPLS is defined and set as reachable via either interface. This makes the source IP
and next hop IP address mandatory with no defaults.

n The source IP and destination are defined, which can be used for communication
irrespective of the interface being used. When a packet needs to be sent out the MPLS
link, it is sourced from, tagged with the configured VLAN and forwarded to
the device that responds to ARP for on the configured VLAN (CE Router).
Return packets are destined for and identified as having arrived on the MPLS

Note If OSPF or BGP is not enabled, you may need to configure a transit VLAN that is the
same on both switches to enable reachability of this virtual IP.

Interface Configuration
Clicking the Edit link presents a dialog for updating the settings for a specific interface. The
following sections provide a short description for the various dialogs that are presented for the
Edge model and interface types.

Edge 500 LAN Access

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 500 LAN interface configured as an Access
Port. You can choose a VLAN for the port and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate (selected by
default), Speed, Duplex type, and MTU size (default 1500).

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Edge 500 LAN Trunk

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 500 LAN interface configured as a Trunk Port.
You can choose VLANs for the port, how Untagged VLAN data is handled (routed to a specific
VLAN or Dropped) and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate (selected by default), Speed, Duplex
type, and MTU size (default 1500).

Edge 1000 LAN Access

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 1000 LAN interface configured as a Switched
Access Port. You can choose a VLAN for the port and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate
(selected by default), Speed, Duplex type, and MTU size (default 1500).

Edge 1000 LAN Trunk

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 1000 LAN interface configured as a Trunk Port.
You can choose VLANs for the port, how Untagged VLAN data is handled (routed to a specific
VLAN or Dropped) and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate (selected by default), Speed, Duplex
type, and MTU size (default 1500).

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Edge 500 WAN

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 500 WAN interface with Capability= Routed.
You can choose Addressing Type (DHCP, PPPoE, or static), a WAN Overlay (Auto-detect or User
Defined), enable OSPF, enable NAT Direct Traffic, and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate
(selected by default), Speed, Duplex type, and MTU size (default 1500).

Note The port can also be configured as a Switched interface.

Edge 1000 WAN

The following shows the parameters for an Edge 1000 WAN interface with Capability= Routed.
You can choose Addressing Type (DHCP, PPPoE, or static), a WAN Overlay (Auto-detect or User
Defined), enable OSPF, enable NAT Direct Traffic, and select L2 Settings for Autonegotiate
(selected by default), Speed, Duplex type, and MTU size (default 1500).

Note The port can also be configured as a Switched interface.

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Edge 500 WLAN

Initially, two Wi-Fi networks are defined for the VeloCloud Edge 500; one as a Corporate network
and one as a Guest network that is initially disabled. Additional wireless networks can be defined,
each with a specific VLAN, SSID, and security configuration.

Security for Wi-Fi Connections

Security for your Wi-Fi connections can be one of three types:

Type Description

Open No security is enforced.

WPA2 / Personal A password is used to authenticate a user.

WPA2 / Enterprise A Radius server is used to authenticate a user. In this scenario, a Radius Server must be configured
in Network Services and the Radius Server must be selected in the Profile Authentication Settings
on the Device page. The default settings for Security can also be overridden on the Edge Device

Configure Wi-Fi Radio Settings

The Wi-Fi radio Settings determine whether the Wi-Fi radio is enabled, selects the Country
where the Edge is located, selects the Band of the Wi-Fi radio, and the Channel used by the Wi-
Fi network. If a specific Country is selected, a specific Wi-Fi channel can be selected.

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Configure SNMP Settings at Profile Level

SNMP is a commonly used protocol for network monitoring and MIB is a database associated
with SNMP to manage entities. SNMP can be enabled by selecting the desired SNMP version as
described in the steps below.

Before you begin:

n To download the VeloCloud Edge MIB: go to the Remote Diagnostic screen (Test &
Troubleshooting > Remote Diagnostics) and run MIB for VeloCloud Edge. Copy and paste
results onto your local machine.

n Install all MIBs required by VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB on the client host, including SNMPv2-SMI,
MIB. All the above-mentioned MIBs, except VELOCLOUD-MIB, can be found online. For
VELOCLOUD-MIB, check the VeloCloud website.

Supported MIBs

n SNMP MIB-2 System

n SNMP MIB-2 Interfaces



Procedure to Configure SNMP Settings at Profile Level:

1 Obtain the VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB from Remote Diagnostic.

2 Install all MIBs required by VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB. (See "Before you begin" for more

3 From the navigation panel, go to Configure > Profiles.

The Configuration Profiles screen appears.

4 Select a profile you want to configure SNMP settings for, and click the Device icon under the
Device column.

The Configuration Profiles screen for the selected Profile appears.

5 Scroll down to the SNMP Settings area. You can choose between two versions, v2c or v3.

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6 For a SNMP v2c Config follow the steps below:

a Check the v2c checkbox.

b Type in a Port in the Port textbox. The default setting is 161.

c In the Community textbox, type in a word or sequence of numbers that will act as a
'password' that will allow you access to the SNMP agent.

d For Allowed IPs:

n Check the Any checkbox to allow any IP to access the SNMP agent.

n To restrict access to the SNMP agent, uncheck the Any checkbox and enter the IP
address(es) that will be allowed access to the SNMP agent.

7 For a SNMP v3 Config, which provides added security support follow the steps below:

a Type in a port in the Port textbox. 161 is the default setting.

b Type in a user name and password in the appropriate textboxes.

c Check the Privacy checkbox if you want your packet transfer encrypted.

d If you have checked the Privacy checkbox, choose DES or AES from the Algorithm drop-
down menu.

8 Configure Firewall Settings. After you have configured SNMP Settings, go to Firewall settings
(Configure >Profiles > Firewall) to configure the Firewall settings that will enable your SNMP

Note SNMP interface monitoring is supported on DPDK enabled interfaces for 3.3.0 and later

Configure Visibility Mode

This section describes how to configure Visibility mode.

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About Visibility Mode

Even though tracking by MAC Address is ideal (providing a global unique identifier), there’s a lack
of visibility when an L3 switch is located between the client and the Edge because the switch
MAC is known to the Edge, not the device MAC. Therefore, two tracking modes (MAC Address
and now IP Address) are available. When tracking by MAC address is not possible, IP address will
be used instead.

Choosing Visiblity Mode

To choose a Visibility Mode, go to Configure > Profile > Devices tab. Select one of the following:

n Visibility by MAC address

n Visibility by IP address

Considerations for Using Visibility Mode

Keep in mind the following when choosing a Visibility mode:

n If Visibility by MAC address is selected:

n Clients are behind L2 SW

n Client MAC, IP and Hostname (if applicable) will appear

n Stats are collected based on MAC

n If Visibility by IP address is selected:

n Clients are behind L3 SW

n SW MAC, Client IP and Hostname (if applicable) will appear

n Stats are collected based on IP

Assign Partner Gateways

In order for customers to be able to use partner gateways, your Operator must select the Enable
Partner Handoff check box for the Gateway to enable this feature. If this feature is available to
you, will see the Partner Gateway Assignment area in the Configure > Profiles > Device tab

Note The Partner Gateway Assignment feature has been enhanced to also support segment-
based configurations. Multiple Partner Gateways can be configured on the Profile level and/or
overridden on the Edge level.

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Select Gateways
To complete this section, you must have this feature enabled. See your Operator for more

If there are no Gateways listed in the Gateway Handoff Assignment area:

1 Click the Select Gateways link to select Partner Gateways.

2 In the Select Partner Gateways for Global Segment dialog box, select an available Partner
Gateway from the Available Partner Gateway area and move it (using the appropriate arrow)
to the Selected Partner Gateway area.

Note that only Gateways configured as a Partner Handoff Gateway will be visible in the Available
Partner Gateways area. If there are other Gateways not configured as a Partner Handoff
Gateway, the following message will appear in the dialog box: There is one other Gateway in the
Gateway Pool that is not configured as a Partner Handoff Gateway.

Selecting CDE Gateways

In normal scenarios, the PCI traffic runs between customer branch and the Data Center where the
PCI traffic is handoff to the PCI network and the Gateways are out of PCI scope. (The Operator
can configure the Gateway to exclude PCI Segment by unchecking the CDE role).

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In certain scenarios where Gateways can have a handoff to the PCI network and in the PCI scope,
the Operator can enable CDE role for the Partner Gateways and these Gateways (CDE
Gateways) will be available for the user to assign in the PCI Segments (CDE Type).

To complete this section, you must have this feature enabled. See your Operator for more

Assign a CDE Gateway

To assign a CDE Gateway:

1 From the Configure Segments window, click the Select Profile Segments Change button.

2 In the Select Segments dialog box, move the available CDE segment from the Available
Segments area (using the appropriate arrow) to the Within This Profile area.

3 In the Gateway Handoff Assignment area, click the Select Gateways link.

4 In the Select Partner Gateways for cde seg dialog box, select an available CDE Partner
Gateway (from the Available Partner Gateways area) and move it to the Selected Partner
Gateways area.

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5 Click the Update button.

The Gateway Handoff Assignment area refreshes with the selected Gateways.

Note As indicated in the Select Partner Gateways for cde seg dialog box, only CDE gateways
can be selected for the segment.

Considerations When Assigning Partner Gateways:

Consider the following notes when assigning Partner Gateways:

n Partner Gateways can be assigned at the Profile or Edge level.

n More than two Partner Gateways can be assigned to an Edge (up to 16).

n Partner Gateways can be assigned per Segment.

Note If you do not see the Gateway Handoff Assignment area displayed in the Configure
Segments window, contact your Operator to enable this feature.

Assign Controllers
The VeloCloud Gateway is enabled for supporting both the data and control plane. In the 3.2
release, VeloCloud introduces a Controller-only feature (Controller Gateway Assignment).

There are multiple use cases which require the VeloCloud Gateway to operate as a Controller
only (that is, to remove the data plane capabilities). Additionally, this will enable the Gateway to
scale differently, as resources typically dedicated for packet processing can be shifted to
support control plane processing. This will enable, for instance, a higher number of concurrent
tunnels to be supported on a Controller than on a traditional Gateway. See the following section
for a typical use case.

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Use Case: Dynamic Branch-to-Branch via Different Partner Gateways

In this scenario, Edge 1 (E1) and Edge 2 (E2) as shown in the image belong to the same enterprise
in the Orchestrator. However, they connect to different Partner Gateways (typically due to being
in different regions). Therefore, Dynamic Branch-to-Branch is not possible between E1 and E2,
but by leveraging the Controller, this is possible.

Initial Traffic Flow

As shown in the image below, when E1 and E2 attempt to communicate directly, the traffic flow
begins by traversing the private network as it would in previous versions of the code.
Simultaneously, the Edges will also notify the Controller that they are communicating and request
a direct connection.

Dynamic Tunnel
The Controller signals to the Edges to create the dynamic tunnel by providing E1 connectivity
information to E2 and vice versa. The traffic flow moves seamlessly to the new dynamic tunnel if
and when it is established.

Configuring a Gateway as a Controller

In order for customers to be able to use partner gateways, your Operator must select the Enable
Partner Handoff check box for the Gateway to enable this feature. If this feature is available to
you, you will see the Controller Assignment area in the Configure > Profiles > Device tab screen.

Note At least one Gateway in the Gateway Pool should be a "Controller Only" Gateway.

1 Go to Configure > Profiles > Device tab in the VCO.

2 Scroll down to the Controller Assignment area.

3 In the Controller Assignment area, click the Select Gateways link.

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4 In the Select Controllers for Global Segment dialog, move controllers from the Available

area to the Selected area.

5 Click Update.

The Controller Assignment area refreshes.

Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM)

When enabled in the VeloCloud Orchestrator, VeloCloud Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM)
diagnoses, monitors, and troubleshoots network issues that impact voice communications.

Note The Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM) feature will be deprecated in future releases.

VQM supports 80+ Voice Codecs and provides listening and conversational call quality metrics in
both R-Factor and MOS (mean opinion score) formats as well as detailed diagnostic information.

These report metrics provide a high-level health overview of the network and specific details of
each call session, which get sent to a RFC6035 compliant VQM Collector (e.g. Oracle Palladion,
Telchemy SQMediator, etc.). If there are multiple reports sent from a single call session, the VQM
collector will correlate these reports into a single coherent quality record.

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Enabling Voice Quality Monitoring

To enable Voice Quality Monitoring (VQM):

1 Go to Configure > Edges > Device tab.

2 Scroll down to the Voice Quality Monitoring Settings area. (See image below).

3 Check the Enabled checkbox to enable VQM.

4 From the Protocol drop-down menu, select the Protocol.

5 In the Collectors text box, type in the IP Address and Port number of the location where you
would like to receive the Voice Quality metric reports. To add multiple IP Addresses and
Ports, click the " +" symbol. To delete a Collector, click the " -" symbol.

6 If applicable, check the Enable Edge Override checkbox. Hover over the symbol of the
"triangle exclamation point" to view the pop up message (as displayed in the image above).

Supported RFC6035 Report Metrics

The table below lists the supported RFC6035 report metrics.

Category RFC 6035 Metrics

Call and User Info LocalGroup, RemoteGroup, CallID, LocalID, RemoteID, OrigID, LocalAddr, RemoteAddr

Call Config Info PayloadType, SampleRate, PacketLossConcealment, JitterBufferNominal,JitterBufferMax,

JitterBufferAdaptive, SampleRate

Listening Quality MOS-LQ, ListeningQualityR, SignalLevel, NoiseLevel

Conversational Quality MOS-CQ, ConversationalQualityR, RoundTripDelay, EndSystemDelay, ResidualEchoReturnLoss

IP Network Health NetworkPacketLoss, JitterBufferDiscardRate, InterarrivalJitter,

MeanAbsoluteJitter,BurstLossDensity, BurstDuration, GapLossDensity, GapDuration

Note Refer to RFC 6035 for detailed description of the metrics.

Supported VOIP Codecs

The following VOIP codecs are supported.

n G.711 A-law / μ-law

n G.723.1

n G.723.1 Annex C

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n G.728

n G.729

n G.729A/AB

n G.729E

n G.726

n G.722 with PLC App. 3

n MS RTAudio

n IS-54

n iLBC

n Broadvoice16

n Broadvoice32

n AMBE2Plus

n GSM 06.10/06.20/06.30






n AMR-WB/G.722.2



n Siren7/G.722.1

n Siren14/G.722.1C

n Siren14/G.722.1C with LPR

n Siren22 (32, 48 and 64 kbit/s)

n Siren22 with LPR

n G.729 + GIPS NetEQ,


n GIPS Enhanced G.711 μ-law

n GIPS Enhanced G.711 A-law


n Speex Narrowband

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n Speex Wideband

n Lucent/elemedia SX7300

n Lucent/elemedia SX9600

n Japanese PDC

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Cloud VPN
This section describes the Cloud VPN.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Overview of the Cloud VPN

n Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

n Branch to VeloCloud Hubs

n Branch to Branch VPN

Overview of the Cloud VPN

The Cloud VPN enables a VPNC-compliant IPSec VPN that connects VeloCloud and Non-
VeloCloud Sites. It also indicates the health of the sites (up or down status) and delivers real-time
status of the sites.

Cloud VPN supports the following traffic flows:

n Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

n Branch to VeloCloud Hub

n Branch to Branch VPN

The following figure represents all three branches of the Cloud VPN. The numbers in the image
represent each branch and correspond to the descriptions in the table that follows.

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Number (from above image) Description

Non-VeloCloud Site

Branch to VeloCloud Hub

Branch to Branch VPN

Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

You can access the 1-click Cloud VPN feature in the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) from
Configure > Profiles > Device Tab in the Cloud VPN area.

Note For configuration information for each branch, see the Chapter 11 Configure a Profile
Device section.

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Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site

This section describes the Branch to Non-VeloCloud site.

Connect to Customer Data Center with Existing Firewall VPN Router

A VPN connection between the VeloCloud Gateway and the data center firewall (any VPN
router) provides connectivity between branches (with VeloCloud Edges installed) and Non-
VeloCloud Sites, resulting in ease of insertion, in other words, no customer Data Center
installation is required.

The following figure shows a VPN configuration:

Number (from above image) Description

Primary tunnel

Redundant tunnel

Secondary VPN Gateway

VeloCloud supports VPN connectivity to the following third-party firewalls:

n Cisco ASA

n Cisco ISR

n PaloAlto

n SonicWall

n Generic Router (Router Based VPN)

n Generic Firewall (Policy Based VPN)

For information on how to configure a Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site see Configure a Non-
VeloCloud Site.

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When configuring with Amazon Web Services (AWS), use the Generic Firewall (Policy Based
VPN) option in the Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box.

Configuring with a third party can benefit you in the following ways:

n Eliminates mesh

n Cost

n Performance

As shown in the following figure, VeloCloud Cloud VPN is simple to set up (global networks of
VeloCloud Gateways eliminates mesh tunnel requirement to VPCs), has a centralized policy to
control branch VPC access, assures performance, and secures connectivity as compared to
traditional WAN to VPC.

For information on how to configure using Amazon Web Services (AWS), see the Configure
Amazon Web Services (AWS) section.

Connect to CWS (Zscaler)

Zscaler Web Security provides security, visibility, and control. Delivered in the cloud, Zscaler
provides web security with features that include threat protection, real-time analytics, and

Configuring using Zscaler provides the following benefits:

n Performance: Direct to Zscaler (Zscaler via Gateway)

n Managing proxy is complex: Enables simple click policy aware Zscaler

Branch to VeloCloud Hubs

The VeloCloud Hub is an Edge deployed in Data Centers for branches to access Data Center
resources. You must set up your VeloCloud Hub in the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO). The VCO
notifies all the VeloCloud Edges (VCEs) about the Hubs, and the VCEs build secure overlay multi-
path tunnel to the Hubs.

The following figure shows how both Active-Standby and Active-Active are supported.

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For information on how to configure a Branch to VeloCloud Hub, see "Configure Cloud VPN" in
the Chapter 9 Configure Network Services section.

Branch to Branch VPN

Branch to Branch VPN supports configurations for establishing a VPN connection between
branches for improved performance and scalability.

Branch to Branch VPN supports two configurations:

n Cloud Gateways

n VeloCloud Hubs for VPN

The following figure shows Branch to Branch traffic flows for both Cloud Gateway and a
VeloCloud Hub.

You can also enable Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN for both Cloud Gateways and Hubs.

Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile

For hosted SD-WAN customers, there is always a common controller that connects to all the
branch Edges, so that Edges have routes to connect to all other Edges. If customers want to
prevent branch edges from learning routes or connecting to each other over the SD-WAN
overlay, isolation needs to be enabled.

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When Profile Isolation is Enabled

When the Profile Isolation feature is enabled for a profile, the Edges within that profile will only

n Routes to other Edges within its own profile as well as the underlay routes behind those

n Routes to the assigned Hubs as well as underlay routes learned by the Hub

Note When the Profile Isolation feature is enabled for a profile, the Edges within that profile will
not learn routes of other Edges outside of that profile.

Considerations When Enabling VPN Isolation:

n There is no communication between profiles

n Simplified route controls between regions

n Dynamic B2B within a profile can still be turned on/off

VPN Isolation by Profile Example

The following figure shows two isolated environments for production and lab. Edges within the
profile-production should not have routes to Edges within profile-lab, but they all need to
connect to the Hub to reach common services. In this case, the Profile Isolation checkbox should
be checked for both profiles.

Note For configuration information, see Enable Branch to Branch VPN Isolation.

Dynamic Branch to Branch

When you enable Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN, the first packet goes through the Cloud
Gateway (or the Hub). If the initiating Edge determines that traffic can be routed through a
secure overlay multi-path tunnel, and if Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN is enabled, then a direct
tunnel is created between the branches.

Once the tunnel is established, traffic begins to flow over the secure overlay multi-path tunnel
between the branches. After 180 seconds of traffic silence (forward or reverse from either side of
the branches), the initiating edge tears down the tunnel.

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Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile

Dynamic Branch to Branch can further be configured to be within the profile only or across
different profiles. In some scenarios, you may want to enable Dynamic Branch to Branch within
certain regions/domains, but not between regions/domains.

Considerations when Enabling Dynamic branch to branch VPN Isolation by

n Enforcing Edge to Edge via MPLS Core

n Disable Dynamic Edge to Edge Cross Profiles

n Enable Dynamic Edge to Edge within Profiles

Example of Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by Profile

For example, shown in the diagram below, there are branches in east and west region with a
regional Hub for each region. To avoid mid-mile issue, you want to leverage MPLS underlay
routing when there are traffic across regions. At the same time, edges within same region should
still be able to establish dynamic tunnels. For east region profile and west region profile, you can
enable Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN “within profile.” When this is configured, when E1 need to
route to E3, it will take the path of E1 overlay to Hub1 and route via MPLS underlay to Hub2 then
overlay to E3.

Note For configuration information, see Enable Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN Isolation by

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Configure Profile Business Policy
The VeloCloud provides an enhanced Quality of Service feature called Business Policy. This
feature is defined using the Business Policy tab in a Profile (or at the Edge override level).

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

Based on the business policy configuration, the VeloCloud examines the traffic being used,
identifies the Application behavior, the business service objective required for a given app (High,
Med, or Low), and the Edge WAN Link conditions. Based on this, the Business Policy optimizes
Application behavior driving queuing, bandwidth utilization, link steering, and the mitigation of
network errors.

The screen capture below shows some of the Business Policy rules. A number of rules are
predefined and you can add your own rules to customize your network operation. Rules are
listed in order of highest precedence. Network traffic is managed by identifying its characteristics
then matching the characteristics to the rule with the highest precedence.

As shown in the image below, Business Policy Rules are now Segment aware. All Segments
available for configuration are listed in the Configure Segment drop-down menu.

When you choose a Segment to configure from the Configure Segment drop-down menu, the
settings and options associated with that Segment appear in the Configure Segments area.
Global Segment [Regular] is the default segment.

For more information about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments and Chapter 11
Configure a Profile Device.

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Note You can move your configured rules up or down in the list of rules to establish precedence
by hovering over the numeric value at the left side of the rule and moving the rule up or down. If
you hover over the right side of a rule, click the – (minus) sign next to the rule to remove it from
the list or the + (plus) sign to add a new rule.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Create Business Policy

n Configure Firewall for Profiles

n Provision an Edge

Create Business Policy

Operators, Partners, and Admins of all levels can create a business policy.

Before you begin: Know the IP Addresses of your devices and understand the implications of
setting a wildcard mask.

About this task: New for the 3.3.1 release, there are three IP Address options available: CIDR
Prefix, Subnet Mask, and Wildcard Mask.

To create a business policy:

1 Click the New Rule button to add a Business Policy rule.

The Configure Rule dialog box appears.

2 In the Match area of the Configure Rule dialog box, there are three sections to configure

n Source

n Destination

n Application

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See the steps below to configure the Source section of the Match area.

3 In the Source section, click the Define button if you want to narrow the source traffic to a
specific VLAN, an IP Address, or an Operating System. By default, the Any button is selected.

4 If you click the Define button, complete the appropriate options in the sub steps below.

a None: Selected by default.

b VLAN: Click the VLAN radio button and choose the appropriate VLAN from the drop-
down menu.

c IP Address: Click the IP Address radio button and type in the IP Address, and then
choose one of the three options from the drop-down menu (CIDR prefix, Subnet mask, or,
Wildcard mask). See image below. Wildcard mask and subnet mask are new for the 3.3.1
release. See the table below for a description of each of these options.

Option Description

CIDR prefix Choose this option if you want the network defined as a CIDR value (for example: /16).

Subnet Choose this option if you want the network defined based on a Subnet mask (for example,

Wildcard Choose the Wildcard mask option if you want the ability to narrow the enforcement of a policy to
mask a set of devices across different IP subnets that share a matching host IP address value. The
Wildcard mask matches an IP or a set of IP addresses based on the inverted Subnet mask. A '0'
within the binary value of the mask means the value is fixed and a 1 within the binary value of the
mask means the value is wild (can be 1 or 0). For example, a Wildcard mask of (binary
equivalent = 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111111) with an IP Address of 172.0.0, the first
three octets are fixed values and the last octet is a variable value. Note: After you set up this rule
using a Wildcard mask, you are narrowing the number of clients this rule applies to.

d Ports: Type in the ports in the appropriate text box.

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e Operating System: From the drop-down menu, choose the Operating System of the
Client device.

5 In the Destination section, you can assign additional parameters to identify the traffic
destination as shown in the sub steps below:

a Define your traffic destination by clicking one of the following radio buttons (Any,
Internet, VeloCloud Edge, or Non-VeloCloud Site). See Configure Match Destination for a
description of these traffic destinations. NOTE: Branch to Branch Cloud VPN must be
enabled before you can define your traffic destination .

b Type in the IP Address in the appropriate text box and specify an IP Address option: CIDR
Prefix, Wildcard mask, and Subnet mask. (Wildcard mask and Subnet mask are new for
the 3.3.1 release).

Option Description

CIDR prefix Choose this option if you want the network defined as a CIDR value (for example: /

Subnet Choose this option if you want the network defined based on a Subnet mask (for example,

Wildcard Choose the Wildcard mask option if you want the ability to narrow the enforcement of a policy to
Mask a set of devices across different IP subnets that share a matching host IP address value. The
Wildcard mask matches an IP or a set of IP addresses based on the inverted Subnet mask. A '0'
within the binary value of the mask means the value is fixed and a 1 within the binary value of the
mask means the value is wild (can be 1 or 0). For example, a Wildcard mask of (binary
equivalent = 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111111) with an IP Address of 172.0.0, the first
three octets are fixed values and the last octet is a variable value.

Note After you set up this rule using a Wildcard mask, you are narrowing the number of clients
this rule applies to.

c Enter a Hostname: Use this field to match the entire hostname or a portion of the
hostname. For example, "salesforce" will match traffic to "www.salesforce.com."

d Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules and standards that define a language devices use to
communicate. Choose a protocol from the drop-down menu (GRE, ICMP, TCP, or UDP).

e Ports: A port is an address on a single machine you can tie to a specific piece of software.
Enter the appropriate port number in the Port textbox.

6 Choose the applications from the Application section:

a Click the Define button if you want to choose specific applications. By default, the Any
button is selected.

b From the Browse list, select an application category. A list of specific applications display
on the right side of the Browse list. Scroll down the list and select the specific application
you want to define.

c Choose a DSCP from the drop-down menu.

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7 In the Actions area, complete the following sub-steps below:

a Priority: Designate the priority of the rule (High, Normal, or Low). Click the Rate Limit
checkbox to set limits for inbound and outbound traffic directions.

b Network Service: Choose one of the options (Direct, Multi-Path, or Internet Backhaul).
With the Direct option, traffic is sent to the destination directly, bypassing the VeloCloud
Gateway. The Internet Backhaul option can only be used on Internet rules. For information
about these options see the section titled, Configure Action Network Service.

c Link Steering: Choose one of the following options from the table below. (For information
about DSCP, DSCP marking for both Underlay and Overlay traffic, see Link Steering:
DSCP Marking for Underlay and Overlay Traffic).

Option Description

Auto By default, all applications are put in automatic Link Steering mode. When an application is in the
automatic Link Steering mode, the DMPO automatically chooses the best links based on the
application type and automatically enables on-demand remediation when necessary. For more
information about this topic, see Link Selection: Auto. Enter an Inner Packet DSCP Tag from the
drop-down menu and an Outer Packet DSCP Tag from the drop-down menu.

Transport A transport group is a bundle of WAN links grouped together by similar characteristics and
Group functionality. For a description of the Transport Group options below, see Link Steering by
Transport Group. Choose Public Wired, Public Wireless, or Private Wired from the drop-down
menu. Choose one of the following radio buttons: Mandatory, Preferred, or Available. Choose
the Inner and Outer Packet DSP Tag from the appropriate drop-down menus.

Interface Complete the following options for the Interface below. For more information, see section titled,
Link Steering by Interface.
n Choose an Interface from the drop-down menu.
n Type in the VLAN in the text box.

Note VLAN cannot be specified when using the Multi-Path network service.
n Choose one of the following radio buttons: Mandatory, Preferred, Available. If you choose the
Preferred option, the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox appears. If you unselect this
checkbox, the application will steer before Error Correction occurs.
n ICMP Probe: If applicable, choose an ICMP Probe from the drop-down menu.
n Choose Inner and Outer Packet DSCP Tags from the appropriate drop-down menus.

WAN Link For this option, the interface configuration is separate and distinct from the WAN link
configuration. You will be able to select a WAN link that was either manually configured or auto-
discovered. Select a WAN link from the drop-down menu. For more information, see WAN Link
Drop Down Menu.

d NAT: Disable or Enable NAT. For more information, see section titled, Configure Policy-
based NAT.

e Service Class: Choose a Service Class option. The Service Class parameter can be set to
Real-time (time sensitive traffic), Transactional, or Bulk. This option is only for a custom
application. VeloCloud Apps/Categories fall in one of these categories.

8 Click OK to configure your rule. The business policy rule will be created successfully.

Reference: Overlay QoS CoS Mapping

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Configure Match Source

This section describes the Match Source, Destination, and Application selections in more detail.
For each of the Match selections, Any is used to designate any traffic from a source, destination,
or application.

If the Match Source Define option is chosen, the source traffic can be narrowed to a specific
VLAN, an IP Address, a Port, an Operating System or any combination of selections.

Configure Match Destination

If the Match Destination Define option is chosen, specify additional parameters to identify traffic

The destination can be first narrowed to a type (Any, Internet, Edge, or Non-VeloCloud Site). See
the table below for a description of the above-mentioned traffic destinations.

Option Description

Any All traffic regardless of destination or routing.

Internet Traffic that is designated to be sent out to the Internet and not inside the network.

VeloCloud Edge Traffic designated for another site in the network. Sites such as these would use a VeloCloud

Non-VeloCloud Site Sites that do not use a VeloCloud Edge, but that have a route inside the network. A Non-
VeloCloud Site is configured in Configure > Network Servivces.

The destination can then be furthered defined by specifying an IP Address, Hostname, Protocol
(GRE, ICMP, TCP, or UDP), and a port.

Match Destination options are particularly useful if the same traffic match pattern needs to be
assigned different QoS values depending on the route taken. As an example, you may want to
assign a higher priority to traffic destined to a VeloCloud Site versus regular cloud-based internet
traffic. This can be easily achieved using the Destination configuration value.

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Configure Match Application

If the Match Application Define option is chosen, applications can be chosen first by category
then by specific application. In addition, a DSCP value can be specified to match traffic coming in
with a preset DSCP/TOS tag.

The following sections describe the Action Priority, Network Service, Link Steering, NAT, and
Service class selections in more detail.

Note Depending on your Match choices, some Actions may not be available. For example, if All
Applications is chosen, Network Service and Link Actions are grayed out and are not available
for selection. In a similar manner, if a Destination of type Internet or an Application of type
Routable Apps is chosen for a VPN profile, an additional Network Service option, Internet
Backhaul, becomes available.

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Configure Action Priority

The Action Priority parameter allows traffic to be categorized as High, Normal, or Low. A
percentage Rate Limit can also be applied in both the Outbound and Inbound direction.

Configure Action Network Service

While creating or updating a Business Policy rule and action, you can set the Network Service to
Direct, Multi-Path, and Internet Backhaul.

Sends the traffic out of the WAN circuit directly to the destination, bypassing the VeloCloud
Gateway. NAT is applied to the traffic if the NAT Direct Traffic checkbox is enabled on the
Interface Settings under the Device tab.

Sends the traffic from one VeloCloud Edge to another Edge.

Internet Backhaul
While configuring the business policy rule match criteria, if you define the Destination as
Internet, then the Internet Backhaul network service will be enabled.

Note The Internet Backhaul Network Service will only apply to Internet traffic (WAN traffic
destined to network prefixes that do not match a known local route or VPN route).

When the Internet Backhaul is selected, you need to select one of the following:

n Backhaul Hubs

n Non-VeloCloud Site

n Cloud Security Service

You should be able to configure multiple VeloCloud Sites for backhaul to support the redundancy
that is inherently built into the Non-VeloCloud Site connection, but keep a consistent behavior of
service unavailability leading to traffic being dropped.

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If Conditional Backhaul is enabled at the profile level, then it will apply for all Business Policies
configured for that profile. You can disable conditional backhaul for selected policies to exclude
select traffic (Direct and Multi-Path) from this behavior by selecting the Disable Conditional
Backhaul checkbox in the Action area of the Configure Rule screen for the selected business

Configure Action Link Steering

In the Business Policy, there are four link steering modes: Auto, Transport Group, WAN Link, and

Note More details about Public/Private WAN links, interface configuration, and user defined
options are available in the relevant sections are available at the following links.

Link Selection: Auto

By default, all applications are given the automatic Link steering mode. This means the DMPO
automatically picks the best links based on the application type and automatically enables on-
demand remediation when necessary. There are four possible combinations of Link Steering and
On-demand Remediation for Internet applications. As mentioned earlier, traffic within the
Enterprise (VPN) always goes through the DMPO tunnels, hence it always receives the benefits
of on-demand remediation.

Scenario Expected DMPO Behavior

At least one link satisfies the SLA for Pick the best available link.
the application.

Single link with packet loss exceeding Enable FEC for the real-time applications sent on this link.
the SLA for the application.

Two links with loss on only one link. Enable FEC on both links.

Multiple links with loss on multiple Enable FEC on two best links.

Two links but one link appears Mark link un-usable and steer the flow to the next best available link.
unstable, i.e. missing three
consecutive heartbeats.

Both Jitter and Loss on both links. Enable FEC on both links and enable Jitter buffer on the receiving side. Jitter
buffer is enabled when Jitter is greater than 7 ms for voice and greater than 5
ms for video.
The sending DMPO endpoint notifies the receiving DMPO endpoint to enable
Jitter buffer. The receiving DMPO endpoint will buffer up to 10 packets or 200
ms of traffic, whichever happens first. The receiving DMPO endpoint uses the
original time stamp embedded in the DMPO header to calculate the flow rate to
use in de-jitter buffer. If the flow is not sent at a constant rate, the Jitter
buffering is disabled.

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Link Steering by Transport Group

A Transport Group represents WAN links bundled together based on similar characteristics and
functionality. Defining a Transport Group allows business abstraction so that a similar policy can
apply across different Hardware types.

Different locations may have different WAN transports (e.g. WAN carrier name, WAN interface
name); DMPO uses the concept of Transport Group to abstract the underlying WAN carriers and
interfaces from the Business Policy configuration. The Business Policy configuration can specify
the transport group (public wired, public wireless, private wired, etc.) in the steering policy so
that the same Business Policy configuration can be applied across different device types or
locations, which may have completely different WAN carriers and WAN interfaces. When the
DMPO performs the WAN link discovery, it also assigns the transport group to the WAN link. This
is the most desirable option for specifying the links in the Business Policy because it eliminates
the need for IT administrators to know the type of physical connectivity or the WAN carrier.

If you choose the Preferred option, the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox displays.

If you select the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox, the Loss% variable textbox displays.
When you define a loss percentage (4% for example), the Edge will continue to use the selected
link or transport group and apply error correction until loss reaches 4%, which is when it will steer
traffic to another path. (See image below). When the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox is
unchecked, the Edge will start steering traffic away if the loss for the link exceed the application
SLA - i.e. Real-time application SLA is 0.3% by default. If you disable this checkbox, the
application will steer before Error Correction occurs.

Note This option is allowed at both the Edge Override level and Profile level.

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Link Steering by Interface

For this option, the link steering is tied to a physical interface. Link steering by interface will be
used primarily for routing purposes. However, even though it logically should only be used for
routing traffic directly from the VeloCloud Site, if the rule specified has a Network Service
requiring Internet Multi-path benefits, it will pick a single WAN link connected to the interface.

If you choose the Preferred option, the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox displays. If you
check the box is checked, an additional Loss% variable will become available. When the option is
disabled, the Edge will start steering traffic away if the loss for the link exceed the application
SLA - i.e. Real-Time application SLA is 0.3% by default. When “Error Correct Before Steering” is
applied and Loss percentage defined, let’s say if it’s 4% in this example, the Edge will continue to
use the selected link or transport group and apply error correction until loss reaches 4%, which is
when it will steer traffic to another path. If you disable this checkbox, the application will steer
before Error Correction occurs.

Note This option is only allowed at the Edge override level. This will ensure that the link options
provided always match the VeloCloud Edge hardware model.

WAN Link
For this option, the interface configuration is separate and distinct from the WAN link
configuration. You will be able to select a WAN link that was either manually configured or auto-

WAN Link Drop Down Menu

You can define policy rules based on specific private links. If you have created private network
names and assigned them to individual private WAN overlays, these private link names will
display in the WAN Link drop-down menu.

For information on how to define multiple private network names and assign them to individual
private WAN overlays, see Private Network Names and Selecting a Private Name Link.

If you choose the Preferred option, the Error Correct Before Steering checkbox displays. If you
disable this checkbox, the application will steer before Error Correction occurs.

Note This option is only allowed at the Edge override level.

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For the by Interface and by WAN Link choices, you must select one of the following options:

Option Description

Mandatory Indicates that traffic will be sent over the WAN link or link Service-group specified. If the link specified (or all
links within the chosen service group) is inactive or if a Multi-path gateway route is unavailable, the
corresponding packet will be dropped.

Preferred Indicates that traffic should preferably be sent over the WAN link or link Service-group specified. If the link
specified (or all links within the chosen service group) is inactive, or if the Multi-path gateway route chosen
is unstsable, or if the link Service Level Objective (SLO) is not being met, the corresponding packet will be
steered on the next best available link. If the preferred link becomes available again, traffic will be steered
back to the preferred link.

Available Indicates that traffic should preferably be sent over the WAN link or link Service-group specified as long as
it is available (irrespective of link SLO). If the link specified (or all links within chosen service group) are not
available, or if the selected Multi-path gateway route is unavailable, the corresponding packet will be
steered to the next best available link. If the preferred link becomes available again, traffic will be steered
back to the available link.

Link Steering: DSCP Marking for Underlay and Overlay Traffic Overview

In the 3.3.0 release, VeloCloud supports DSCP remarking of packets forwarded by the Edge to
the Underlay. The VMware SD-WAN Edge can re-mark underlay traffic forwarded on a WAN link
as long as “Underlay Accounting” is enabled on the interface. DSCP re-marking is enabled in the
Business Policy configuration in the Link Steering area. (See section titled, Create Business Policy
for more information). In the example image shown below (assuming the Edge is connected to
MPLS with both underlay and overlay traffic forwarded MPLS), if the traffic matches the network
prefix, the Edge will re-mark the underlay packets with a DSCP value of 16 or CS2
and ignore the “Outer Packet DSCP Tag” field. For overlay traffic sent toward MPLS matching the
same business policy, the DSCP value for the outer header will be set to the “Outer Packet DSCP

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Link Steering: DSCP Marking for Underlay Traffic Use Case

Edges that are connected to MPLS normally mark DSCP on the packet before sending to the PE
for the SP to treat the packet according to the SLA. “Underlay Accounting” must be enabled on
the WAN interface for DSCP marking on Underlay traffic via Business Policy to take effect.

Linking Steering: Underlay DSCP Configuration

1 Verify that “Underlay Accounting” is enabled for WAN Overlay by default in the VCO
(Configure > Edge Devices >Device Settings area). See image below.

2 From the VCO, go to Configure> Edges>Business Policy.

3 From the Business Policy screen, click an existing rule or click the New Rule button to create
a new rule.

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4 In the Action section, go to the Link Steering area.

5 Click one of the following as applicable: Auto, Transport Group, Interface, or WAN Link.

6 Configure Match critera for the underlay traffic and config “Inner Packet DSCP Tag.” See
image below.

Linking Steering: Overlay DSCP Configuration

1 Verify that “Underlay Accounting” is enabled for WAN Overlay by default in the VCO
(Configure> Edge Devices > Device Settings area). See image above.

2 From the VCO, go to Configure > Edges > Business Policy.

3 From the Business Policy screen, click an existing rule or click the New Rule button to create
a new rule.

4 In the Action section, go to the Link Steering area.

5 Click one of the following as applicable: Auto, Transport Group, Interface, or WAN Link.

6 Configure Match critera for the Overlay traffic and config “Inner Packet DSCP Tag” and
“Outer Packet DSCP Tag.” See image below.

Configure Policy-based NAT

You can configure Policy-based NAT for both Source and Destination. The NAT can be applied to
either Non-VeloCloud Site traffic or Internet traffic using Multi-path. When configuring NAT, you
must define which traffic to NAT and the action you want to perform. There are two types of
NAT configuration: Many to One and One-to-One.

Accessing NAT
You can access the NAT feature from Configure > Profiles > Business Policy tab, then click the
New Rule button. The NAT feature is located under the Action area.

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Many-to-One NAT Configuration

In this configuration, you can NAT the traffic's source or destination IP originated from the hosts
behind the edge to a different unique source or destination IP address. For example, the user can
source NAT all the flows destined to a host or server in the Data Center, which is behind the
Partner Gateway with a unique IP address, even though they are originated from different hosts
behind an Edge.

The following figure shows an example of the Many to One configuration. In this example, all the
traffic originating from the hosts that are connected to VLAN 100 - Corporate 2 (behind the Edge
destined to an Internet host or a host behind the DC) will get source NAT with the IP address

One-to-One NAT Configuration

In this configuration, the Branch Edge will NAT a single local IP address of a host or server to
another global IP address. If the host in the Non-VeloCloud Site or Data Center sends traffic to
the global IP address (configured as the Source NAT IP address in the One-to-One NAT
configuration), the VeloCloud Gateway will forward that traffic to the local IP address of the host
or server in the Branch.

Configure Action Service Class

The Service Class parameter can be set to Real Time (time-sensitive traffic), Transactional, or
Bulk. This option is only for a custom application. VeloCloud Apps/Categories belong to one of
these categories.

Overlay QoS CoS Mapping

A Traffic Class is defined with a combination of Priority (High, Normal, or Low) and Service Class
(Real-Time, Transactional, or Bulk) resulting into a 3x3 matrix with nine Traffic Classes. You can
map Application/Category and scheduler weight onto these Traffic Classes. All applications
within a Traffic Class will be applied with the aggregate QoS treatment, including Scheduling and

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All applications in a given Traffic Class have a guaranteed minimum aggregate bandwidth during
congestion based on scheduler weight (or percentage of bandwidth). When there is no
congestion, the applications are allowed into the maximum aggregated bandwidth. A Policer can
be applied to cap the bandwidth for all the applications in a given Traffic Class. See the image
below for a default of the Application/Category and Traffic Class Mapping.

The Business Policy contains the out-of-the-box Smart Defaults functionality that maps more
than 2,500 applications to Traffic Classes. You can use application-aware QoS without having to
define policy. Each Traffic Class is assigned a default weight in the Scheduler, and these
parameters can be changed in the Business Policy. Below are the default values for the 3x3
matrix with nine Traffic Classes. See the image below for default of the Weight and Traffic Class

In this example, a customer has 90 Mbps Internet link and 10 Mbps MPLS on the Edge and the
aggregate Bandwidth is 100 Mbps. Based on the default weight and Traffic Class mapping above,
all applications that map to Business Collaboration will have a guaranteed bandwidth of 35 Mbps,
and all applications that map to Email will have a guaranteed bandwidth of 15 Mbps. Note that
business policies can be defined for an entire category like Business Collaborations, applications
(e.g. Skype for Business), and more granular sub-applications (e.g. Skype File Transfer, Skype
Audio, and Skype Video).

Configure Overlay QoS CoS Mapping

Note The SD-WAN Traffic Class and Weight Mapping feature is editable only if it is enabled by
your Operator. To gain access to this feature, see your Operator for more information.

To enable Overlay QoS CoS Mapping:

1 Go to Configure > Profiles.

2 Click the link of the appropriate configuration profile.

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3 Click the Business Policy tab.

4 In the SD-WAN Traffic Class and Weight Mapping area, type in numerical values for Real
Time, Transactional, and/or Bulk as necessary.

5 Check the Policing checkbox for a Service Class if necessary.

Tunnel Shaper for Service Providers with Partner Gateway

This section describes the Tunnel Shaper for Service Providers with the Partner Gateway.

Service Providers may offer SD-WAN services at a lower capacity compared to the aggregated
capacity of WAN links at the local branch. For example, customers may have purchased a
broadband link from another vendor and SP offering SD-WAN services, and hosting VeloCloud
Partner Gateway has no control over the underlay broadband link. In such situations, in order to
ensure that the SD-WAN service capacity is being honored and to avoid congestion towards
Partner Gateway, a Service Provider can enable the DMPO Tunnel Shaper between the tunnel
and the Partner Gateway.

Tunnel Shaper Example:

As shown in the diagram above, the VCE has dual links, 20 Mbps Internet and 20 Mbps MPLS,
with 35 Mbps SD-WAN service from SP. To ensure that the traffic towards Partner Gateway
doesn’t exceed 35 Mbps (displayed as "X" in the image above), a Service Provider can place a
Tunnel Shaper on the DMPO tunnel.

Configure Rate-Limit Tunnel Traffic

Note The Rate-Limit Tunnel Traffic feature is editable only if it is enabled by your Operator. To
gain access to this feature, see your Operator for more information.

To enable Rate-Limit Tunnel Traffic:

1 Go to Configure > Profiles from the navigation panel.

2 Click the link of the appropriate configuration profile.

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3 Click the Business Policy tab.

4 In the SD-WAN Overlay Rate Limit area, check the Rate-Limit Tunnel Traffic check box. (See
image below).

5 Select either the Percent or Rate (Mbps) radial buttons.

6 In the Limit text box, type in a numerical limit to the Tunnel Traffic.

7 Click the Save Changes button located on the top, right corner of the VCO screen.

Configure Firewall for Profiles

As an enterprise administrator, you can configure firewall rules, edge access information, and
enable or disable firewall status and logs, using the Firewall tab in the Profile Configuration

Firewall Profiles are Segment aware. All Segments available for the configuration are listed in the
Configure Segment drop-down menu. When you select a Segment to configure from the
Configure Segment drop-down menu, the settings and options associated with that Segment
appear in the Configure Segments area. Global Segment [Regular] is the default Segment.

For more information about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments.

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The firewall configuration at the profile level includes:

n Enabling Syslog Forwarding. By default, the Syslog Forwarding feature is disabled for an
enterprise. To collect SD-WAN Orchestrator bound events and firewall logs originating from
enterprise SD-WAN Edge to one or more centralized remote Syslog collectors (Servers), an
enterprise user must enable this feature at the enterprise level. For steps on how to configure
Syslog collector details per segment in the SD-WAN Orchestrator, see Configure Syslog
Settings at Profile Level.

n Enabling Stateful Firewall at the Profile and Edge level. By default, the Stateful Firewall
feature is enabled for an enterprise. To disable the Stateful Firewall feature for an enterprise,
contact an Operator with Super User permission.

n #unique_164.

n Configuring Edge access

Note You can disable the Firewall function for profiles by turning the Firewall Status to OFF.

Related Links

n Configure Edge Firewall

n #unique_166

Configure Firewall Rules

Firewall rules are used to configure Allow or Deny Access Control List (ACL) rules. The rules are
used to determine what traffic is allowed between VLANs or out from the LAN to the Internet.
The rules can be based on applications, application categories, source IP address/port,
destination IP address/port, DSCP tags or protocol.

Network traffic is managed by identifying its characteristics then matching the characteristics to
the rule with the highest precedence. The following screen capture shows the initial definition of
firewall rules. Note that Firewall function can be disabled using the Firewall Status switch.

Firewall Profiles are Segment aware. All Segments available for configuration are listed in the
Configure Segment drop-down menu.

When you choose a Segment to configure from the Configure Segment drop-down menu, the
settings and options associated with that Segment appear in the Configure Segments area.
Global Segment [Regular] is the default Segment.

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For more information about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments and Chapter 11
Configure a Profile Device.

The Firewall Logging feature must be enabled to log individual firewall logging events.

Note An Operator must enable Firewall logging in order for an Enterprise user to enable or
disable it.

For the 3.3.1 release, there are three new IP Address options available: CIDR Prefix, Wildcard
Mask, and Subnet Mask.

To create a Firewall rule:

1 Click the New Rule button to create a new Firewall rule.

The Configure Rule dialog box appears. From this dialog box, you can select Source,
Destination, and Application characteristics to match. Given a match, the Firewall action
defined in the rule will be applied.

2 In the Match area of the Configure Rule dialog box, there are three sections to configure the
traffic: Source, Destination, and Application. See the steps below to configure the Source
section of the Match area.

3 In the Source section, click the Define button if you want to narrow the source traffic to a
specific VLAN, an IP Address, or MAC Address, as described in the steps that follow.

4 By default, the Any button is selected. If you click the Define button, complete the
appropriate options in the sub steps below.

a None: Selected by default.

b VLAN: Click the VLAN radio button and choose the appropriate VLAN from the drop-
down menu.

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c IP Address: Click the IP Address radio button and type in the IP Address and choose one
of the three options from the drop-down menu.

Note Wildcard Mask and Subnet Mask are new for the 3.3.1 release.

Option Description

CIDR prefix Choose this option if you want the network defined as a CIDR value (for example: /

Subnet Choose this option if you want the network defined based on a Subnet mask (for example,

Wildcard Choose the Wildcard mask option if you want the ability to narrow the enforcement of a policy to
Mask a set of devices across different IP subnets that share a matching host IP address value. The
Wildcard mask matches an IP or a set of IP addresses based on the inverted Subnet mask. A '0'
within the binary value of the mask means the value is fixed and a 1 within the binary value of the
mask means the value is wild (can be 1 or 0). For example, a Wildcard mask of (binary
equivalent = 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111111) with an IP Address of 172.0.0, the first
three octets are fixed values and the last octet is a variable value.

Note After you set up this rule using a Wildcard mask, you are narrowing the number of clients
this rule applies to.

d MAC Address: Type in the MAC Address in the appropriate text box.

e Ports: Type in the ports in the appropriate text box.

5 In the Destination section, you can assign additional parameters to identify the traffic
destination, as described in the following sub-steps:

a Define your traffic destination by clicking one of the following radio buttons (Any,
Internet, VeloCloud Edge, or Non-VeloCloud Site).

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b Type in the IP Address in the appropriate text box and specify an IP Address option: CIDR
Prefix, Wildcard Mask, and Subnet Mask.

Note Wildcard Mask and Subnet Mask are new for the 3.3.1 release.

Option Description

CIDR prefix Choose this option if you want the network defined as a CIDR value (for example: /

Subnet Choose this option if you want the network defined based on a Subnet mask (for example,

Wildcard Choose the Wildcard mask option if you want the ability to narrow the enforcement of a policy to
Mask a set of devices across different IP subnets that share a matching host IP address value. The
Wildcard mask matches an IP or a set of IP addresses based on the inverted Subnet mask. A '0'
within the binary value of the mask means the value is fixed and a 1 within the binary value of the
mask means the value is wild (can be 1 or 0). For example, a Wildcard mask of (binary
equivalent = 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111111) with an IP Address of 172.0.0, the first
three octets are fixed values and the last octet is a variable value.

Note After you set up this rule using a Wildcard mask, you are narrowing the number of clients
this rule applies to.

c Protocol: Type in the Protocol in the appropriate text box.

d Ports: Type in the ports in the appropriate text box.

6 Choose the applications to apply the Firewall rule in Application section:

a Click the Define button if you want to choose specific applications. By default, the Any
button is selected.

b From the Browse List, select an application category. A list of specific applications display
on the right side of the Browse list. Scroll down the list and select the specific application
you want to define.

c Choose a DSCP from the drop-down menu.

7 In the Actions area, click Allow or Deny the firewall rule.

8 Click OK to create the Firewall rule.

The Profile Firewall page allows you to define Outbound Firewall Rules and Edge Access.
Inbound rules must be defined at each Edge.

Outbound Firewall Rules

Click New Rule to add a new Firewall rule. The following dialog box appears. Using the dialog
box, you can select Source, Destination, and Application characteristics to match. Given a match,
the Firewall action defined in the rule will be applied.

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Note When a Deny action is detected by the firewall, an Event is generated. The event can be
seen in the list of events using Monitor -> Events. When a Deny and Log action is detected, the
Firewall logs the event locally.

The following screen capture shows expanded options for Source, Destination, and Application.
You can use the parameters to finely select where you want the Firewall rule to be applied.

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Mac Address Filtering

Mac Address Filtering is another Source option available in the Match area of the dialog box
shown below. You can use the Mac Address feature when you want a filtering rule to apply to a
specific client no matter what subnet the client is associated with. (The filtering rule is
independent of the client's subnet).

To enable this filter, choose the Mac Address radio button, type in the Mac address, and click the
OK button.

The Outbound Firewall Rules area updates as shown below.

Edge Access
Edge Access behavior can be defined on the Firewall page. Accessing an Edge by remotely
accessing the Edge Local UI or accessing the Edge via SNMP can be set to Deny All, Allow All, or
Allow for specific IP addresses. Accessing an Edge by Support Access can be set to Deny All or
Allow for specific IP addresses. A Local Web UI Port Number can also be specified.

For security reasons, please keep Support Access and the Local Web UI disabled.

Note All access is disabled by default.

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Create or Select a Network

This section describes how to create or select a network.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

Note This tab is not used for the Segmentation feature.

Steps Overview
The following steps are required for a Network configuration:

1 Create a new Network or select an existing Network

2 Configure Corporate Networks

a Configure Address Space

b Configure VLANs

3 Configure Guest Networks

a Configure Address Space

b Configure VLANs

Create Network or Select Existing Network

If you are creating a new Network, on the Networks page, click New Network. As an alternative,
you can select a predefined Network by clicking the name of the predefined Network. After a
new installation, the VeloCloud Orchestrator has two predefined Networks: Internet Network and
VPN Network.

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If you are creating a new Network, the New Network Allocation dialog is displayed (see the
image below). In the New Network Allocation dialog, specify a Name, Description, and choose an
addressing type.

Although the Address Type can be either Overlapping Addresses (where every VeloCloud Edge
has the same address space) or Non Overlapping Addressing (where each VeloCloud Edge has a
unique address block), we mandate Non Overlapping. For this example, we will call our new
Network, VeloAcme VPN.

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Overlapping Addresses
In order to enable branches with Overlapping IP to reach the common server in the hub or data
center, or to enable data center users to reach servers in Overlapping IP branches, NAT on the
Edge must be configured. You can define NAT for a single source local IP to map to one VPN IP
address, or for a block of IP addresses to a block of VPN addresses with same prefix length.

There are two steps you must complete:

1 Enable VPN via NAT in the Overlapping Address Network setup.

2 Configure NAT on the Edge level.

See instructions below to configure Overlapping IP for VPN.

Configure Overlapping IP for VPN

To configure overlapping IP for VPN:

1 Enable VPN via NAT in Overlapping Address Network setup.

a Go to Configure > Networks from the Navigation Panel.

b Click the New Network button.

c In the New Network Allocation dialog box:

1 Type the network name in the Name textbox.

2 If there is a description, type it in the Description textbox.

3 In the Address Type area, choose the Overlapping Addresses dial.

4 Click the Create button.

d Click the newly created network link in the Network screen.

e In the Networks screen, click the Allow VPN Via NAT checkbox if NAT on the Edge is
required. See image below.

f Click the Save Changes button.

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2 In the Corporate Networks area, create a new VLAN or update an existing VLAN.

a If you are updating an existing VLAN, click the link of the VLAN to open the Corporate
dialog box.

b If you are creating a new VLAN, click the New button in the VLANs area to open the New
VLAN dialog box. (From the New VLAN dialog box, enter the VLAN Name and VLAN ID).

c Click the Add VLAN button.

d Whether you update an existing VLAN or you are creating a new VLAN, enter the Subnet
in the Subnet textbox.

3 If the Allow VPN via NAT is checked, define NAT on the Edge level (1:1 or use VPN IP Subnet
blockpool). See section titled, Configure Edge Device.

Non-Overlapping Addressing
The summary of the new Network where non-overlapping addressing is shown in the following
screen capture. In this Network definition, every edge will have a unique network address space.
VeloAcme will also have some Edges that require communication between Edges using a VPN
tunnel. This requires that each connection across all of the Edges must have a unique IP address.

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VeloCloud Site VPN

Configure Corporate Network

Note Initially, one Corporate Network is defined. Additional Corporate networks can be defined
by clicking on the '+' symbol to the right of the network.

Perform the follow steps for your VPN Corporate Network.

Configure Address Space

Enter the address space for the Corporate Network.

The following screen capture shows a screen capture for a Corporate Network that uses
overlapping addressing. Enter the address space that the Corporate Network will occupy on all

Note Although SaaS can use either but for VPN we mandate Non-Overlapping.

Non-VeloCloud Site via VPN

The following screen capture shows a screen capture for a Corporate Network that uses
overlapping addressing. The address space was decided in the previous step when you create
the network space and will be distributed across the number of Edges chosen using the
Allocation slider. You can specify the number of Edges, the Addresses/Edge, and the Edge
Prefix. The Allocation slider help you choose these values by calculating the values when all
addresses are assigned across the number of Edges. This is the built-in IPAM IP address
management for Edges to allocate LAN side subnet behind the Edge.

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Note Once a Network is assigned to an Edge, it is not possible to change the Address Space

Note The number of Edges is the maximum number of Edges that will ever be deployed using
this Network. The Addresses/Edge defines the size of the address space for each Edge.

Configure VLANs
You can define as many VLANs as you like for the Corporate Network, but the Max VLANs value
specifies the maximum number you can specify for use in a Profile or Edge.

Click the New button to create a new VLAN. The dialog below is presented. You can configure
the VLAN Name, VLAN ID, and the DHCP configuration (see the screen capture below).

The following screen captures shows some examples for configuring DHCP options. Choose one
of the following types:

Type Description

Enabled The Edge is the DHCP server

Relay The DHCP is at a remote location

Disabled The DHCP is incapacitated

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When choosing Enabled, you can add one or more DHCP options where you specify predefined
options or add custom options. The following screen capture shows an example configuration
with one predefined and one custom DHCP option.

If you choose the DHCP type of Relay, you can specify the IP address of one or more Relay
Agents (see the screen capture below).

If the DHCP type of Disabled is chosen, IP addresses are not provided by DHCP for this VLAN.

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Click Add VLAN to complete the VLAN creation.

Configure Guest Networks

Note Initially, one Guest Network is defined. Additional Guest networks can be defined by
clicking on the ' +' symbol to the right of the network.

The Guest Network is an untrusted network that always uses an overlapping address space. It is
completely segmented and on separate VRF as compared to corporate network. The Guest
Network section (see screen capture below) defines the Address Space. You can define as many
VLANs as you like for the Guest Network, but the Max VLANs value specifies the maximum
number you can use in a Profile or Edge.

Configure Address Space

Enter the address space that the Guest Network will occupy on all Edges.

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Configure VLANs
You can define as many VLANs as you like for the Guest Network, but the Max VLANs value
specifies the maximum number you can use in a Profile or Edge. For VeloAcme, we used the
default VLAN, Guest.

Our VeloAcme Network definitions are now complete and ready to be incorporated into our
Profile and Edge Definitions.

Provision an Edge
This section describes how to provision an Edge.

Note Content for Provision an Edge has been updated for the 3.3.0 release.

Enterprise Admins can provision a single Edge or multiple Edges, such as assigning a Profile
configuration to an Edge or changing other Edge specific parameters. You must create a
configuration for every Edge you will deploy to a specific site. This section describes what an
Enterprise Admin can provision.

Enterprise Edges Screen

The Enterprise Edges Configuration screen lists all the provisioned Edges in the Enterprise
network that you can make changes to. You can also create an Edge from this screen.

The Enterprise Edges Identification table below provides details for each field and button
displayed on this screen.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be
able to view VeloCloud Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or
configure/update existing ones.

Enterprise Edges Screen Identification Table

Most of the column headers have a sorting feature that lists items in the column in alphabetical
order, numerical order, or by type. (The Device, Biz Policy, Firewall, Alerts, and Operator Alerts
columns do not have this feature). Click the column headers that have this feature to sort the list.

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Buttons Description

Edge Column Displays the name of the Edge. Click the Edge column header to sort the Edge list in alphabetical
order. The Edge name is also a link; click the link to open the Chapter 14 Edge Overview Tab
screen. Select the checkbox next to the name of the Edge to select the Edge.

Certificates Column Displays an Edge’s current and expired certificates. Click the View link next to the number of
certificates for more information.

Profile Column Lists the Profile assigned to the Edge. The Profile name is also a link; clicking the link opens the
Profile Overview Screen Tab screen. NOTE: If an Edge Staging Profile is displayed due to push
activation , this profile is used by a newly assigned Edge, but has not been configured with a
production Profile. Enterprise Admins must manually assign a Profile to these Edges. See section
titled, Assign a Profile (Change a Profile) for instructions on how to manually assign a profile to an

Operator Profile This column is visible to only Operators. The Operator Profile is the template assigned to the
Column customer the moment the customer is created by the Operators. It includes the software image,
application maps, Gateway selection, and the management settings of the Edge. Operator-level
Admins can change the Operator Profile for specific Edges. Enterprise Admins have read-only
access. The Operator Profile name is also a link; clicking the link opens the Operator Profiles

HA Checkbox Selecting the HA checkbox enables the VeloCloud Active Standby HA option.

Device Column Displays a blue icon if Edge specific configurations have been configured. Displays a gray
icon to indicate that all settings (if any) have been inherited from the Profile. To navigate to the
Device settings screen, click the icon in the Device column, and then click the Device tab.

Biz Policy Column Displays a blue icon if Business Policy rules have been configured. Displays a gray icon to
indicate that all rules (if any) have been inherited from the Profile. To navigate to the Business
Policy screen, click the icon in the Biz Policy column and then click the Business Policy tab.

Firewall Column Displays a blue icon if Firewall rules have been configured. Displays a gray icon to indicate
that all rules (if any) have been inherited from the Profile.
Displays a red line across the icon if the Firewall is disabled. When the Firewall is disabled, it
indicates that it has been turned off in an Edge's profile configuration. To turn the Firewall on, go
the profile configuration ( Configure > Profiles > Firewall tab).
To navigate to the Firewall screen, click the icon in the Firewall column and then click the Firewall

Alerts Checkbox If Customer alerts are enabled for the Edge, the Alerts checkbox will be checked in this column.
Click the name of the Edge in the Edge column to open the Chapter 14 Edge Overview Tab to
enable or disable Customer alerts.

Operator Alerts If Operator alerts are enabled for the Edge, the Operator Alerts checkbox will be checked in this
Checkbox column. Click the name of the Edge in the Edge column to open the Chapter 14 Edge Overview
Tab to enable or disable Operator alerts.

Software Version The software version of the Edge will display in this column.

Factory Software When the Edge is shipped from the factory, it is shipped with a default software version.
Version Column

Build Number Displays the build number of an activated Edge.


Model Column Displays the model type of the Edge.

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Buttons Description

Serial Number Displays the serial number of the Edge. Assigning a serial number to an Edge is optional. If a serial
Column number is not assigned to the Edge, this field will be blank.

Created Column Displays the date and time the Edge was provisioned.

Activated Column Displays the date and time the Edge was activated.

Last Contact The last date and time the Edge communicated with the VCO.

Column (Cols) Click the Cols button to select the options you want to display in the Enterprise Edges list (See
button image above).

Reset View Button Resets the Enterprise Edges list to the default view. (This removes filters and resets any options
that were selected from the Cols button drop-down menu to the default view).

Refresh Button Refreshes the Enterprise Edges list with current data from the server.

CSV Button To export the content displayed in the Enterprise Edges list, click the CSV button.

Selected Button Indicates how many Edges are selected from the Edge column. Click the Selected button to
select all or deselect all of the Edges listed in the Edge column.

Actions Button Lists the following actions you can perform on a selected Edge:
n New Edge
n Local Credentials
n Delete Edge
n Assign Profile
n Assign Operator Profile
n Update Pre-notifications
n Edge Licensing
n Update Customer Alerts
n Rebalance Gateways

Note Assign Operator Profile and Rebalance Gateways are Operator-level only features.

New Edge Button Opens the Provision New Edge dialog to provision a new Edge. See section, Provision a New
Edge for more information.

Help Button Access the online help for this feature by clicking the Question Mark icon.

Provision a New Edge

This section describes the first steps to provision a new Edge configuration using a Profile.

Note This "Provision a New Edge" section below has been updated for the 3.3 release.

To provision an Edge:

1 In the VeloCloud Edges screen, click the New Edge button, located on the top, right corner
of the VCO.

2 In the Provision New Edge dialog box, type a unique name for the Edge in the Name text
field (see image below).

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3 From the Model drop-down menu, select the model of the Edge you are creating.

4 Assign a profile to the Edge by choosing a profile from the Profile drop-down menu.

n If an Edge Staging Profile is displayed as an option due to push activation, this profile is
used by a newly assigned Edge, but has not been configured with a production Profile.

n If a customer has a Network-based Operator Profile, then the customer can only provision
Network-based Edges. In addition, if a customer has a Segment-based Operator Profile,
then the customer can only provision Segment-based Edges. (For more information about
Profile migration see, Network to Segment Migration. For more information about how to
create a new profile, see the Chapter 10 Configure Profiles section titled, Create a Profile).

5 Apply a certificate to the Edge from the Authentication drop-down menu. Options are as
follows: Certificate Disabled, Certificate Optional, and Certificate Required (if a valid certificate
is available). For more information about each of these certificates, see Authentication, in the
Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions table.

6 Choose an Edge license from the Edge License drop-down menu. For more information
about Edge Licensing, see Edge Licensing.

7 To apply High Availability (HA), select the High Availability checkbox. (Edges can be installed
as a single standalone device or paired with another Edge to provide High Availability (HA)
support. For more information about HA, see the High Availability Options section).

8 As an optional step, enter the serial number of the Edge in the Serial Number text field. If
specified, the serial number must match the serial number of the Edge that will be activated.

9 Type in the name and email address of the site contact for the Edge.

10 Click the Set Location link to enter the location of the Edge. See Contact & Location in the
Monitor the Edge Overview section for more information.

11 Click the Create button to Provision the Edge. The Edge gets provisioned with an activation

Note The activation key expires in one month if the Edge device is not activated against it.
For information on how to activate an Edge see the Configure Edge Activation section in the
Edge Activation Quick Start Guide.

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After you click the Create button, the Edge Overview screen appears showing the Edge
activation key at the top of the screen. To see an overview of the Edge you just created, or to
make any changes to it, see the Chapter 14 Edge Overview Tab section.

After you have Provisioned the Edge, you can select the Edge from the VeloCloud Edges
window, click the Actions button to open the drop-down menu, and perform relevant options on
the selected Edge. See the section below for a description of all the options in the Actions drop-
down menu.

Actions Drop-down Menu

This section describes the Actions drop-down menu.

After you select an Edge from the Enterprise Edges Configuration screen ( Configure > Edges
from the VCO), the following actions can be taken from the Actions drop-down menu.

New Edge
You can create a new Edge by either clicking the Create Edge button or by choosing New Edge
from the Actions drop-down menu. See the Provision a New Edge section in this document for
information on how to Provision a new Edge.

Local Credentials
You can assign local configuration credentials by selecting an Edge and choosing Local
Credentials from the Actions drop-down menu. In the Local Configuration Credentials dialog,
type the User and Password in the appropriate fields. The default credentials are username:
admin password: admin123 (case sensitive). Then, click the Submit button.

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Delete an Edge
Once you delete an Edge the action cannot be undone. If you’re sure you want to delete an
Edge, select the Edge you want to delete, and then choose Delete Edge from the Actions drop-
down menu. In the Delete Edge dialog, make note of the warning message that deleting an Edge
cannot be undone, click the Confirm Delete Selected Edge checkbox, and then click the Delete

Assign a Profile (Change a Profile)

You can change an Edge’s profile by selecting a profile and choosing Assign a Profile from the
Actions drop-down menu. If applicable, a message will display in the dialog indicating that some
profiles cannot be assigned to the selected Edge. (See image below). Click the link, Click to view
details, for the reason the profile cannot be assigned to the selected Edge.

Assign Operator Profile

The Assign Operator Profile dialog enables Operators to change the Operator Profile. (NOTE:
This feature is an Operator-level only feature. It is not visible to Standard Admins).

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Note If no Edge operator configuration is set, the Edge will receive the operator configuration
assigned to the Customer.

Update Pre-notifications
To set Edge device alerts for Operators, select an Edge, and then choose Update Pre-
Notifications from the Actions drop-down menu. In the Update Pre-Notifications dialog, select
the Enable Pre-Notifications radio button, and then click Update. NOTE: In order for an Operator
to receive alert messages, alerts and notifications must be selected and enabled via email, SMS,
or SNMP Traps at Configure > Alerts and Notifications. You can change this pre-notification
setting by selecting the Edge, and then going to the Properties area at Configure > Edges to
enable or disable the alert.

Assign Edge License

Superuser Administrators and Standard Administrators can assign a license type to an Edge from
the Actions drop-down menu, by choosing Assign Edge License. See section Monitor Edge
Licensing for more information. (This feature is new for the 3.3.0 release).

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Update Customer Alerts

To set Edge device alerts for customers, select an Edge, and then choose Update Customer
Alerts from the Actions drop-down menu. In the Update Customer Alerts dialog, select the
Enable Alerts radio button, and then click the Update button. NOTE: In order for a customer to
receive alert messages, alerts and notifications must be selected and enabled via email, SMS, or
SNMP Traps at Configure > Alerts and Notifications. You can change this alert setting by
selecting the Edge, and then going to the Properties area at Configure > Edges to enable or
disable the alert.

Rebalance Gateways
Rebalance Gateways is an Operator-level only feature to help rebalance VeloCloud hosted
Gateways across the Enterprise Edges. (This feature is not visible to Standard Admins).

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Edge Overview Tab
This section describes the Edge Overview tab.

Note Content for Edge Overview Tab has been updated for the 3.3 release.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Edge Overview

n Edge Overview Properties

n Edge Profile

n RMA Reactivation

Edge Overview
The Edge Overview tab provides an overview of a selected Edge, which includes properties,
status, profile configurations, and contact information.

In this tab, you can send an Edge activation email, make changes to certain properties, assign a
different profile to a selected Edge, update Edge contact and location information, or request an
Edge RMA reactivation. To access the Edge Overview Tab:

1 Go to Configure > Edges on the navigation panel of VCO.

2 In the Enterprise Edgescreen, select and click an Edge to open the Edge Overview Tab.

You can perform the following tasks (as well as other tasks) on the Edge Overview Tab:

n To enable alerts for a specific Edge, or send an Edge activation email, see the Edge Overview
Properties section.

n To see an overview of the Edge overrides from a specific profile, or if you need to change to
a different profile, see the Edge Profile section.

n To change the contact, location, or the shipping address of an Edge, see the Contact &
Location section.

n To replace an Edge that has malfunctioned, see the RMA Reactivation section.

n To assign a License to an Edge, see the Edge License section.

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of each area of the Edge Overview Tab.

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Edge Overview Properties

This section describes properties.

Properties Overview
In the Properties area, you can initiate the Edge activation process by sending an Edge activation
email, and you can also view and change certain properties of a selected Edge. The Edge status,
activation date, and software version also display in this area.

See the Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions for a description of all fields and
checkboxes featured in the Properties area. See the Initiate Edge Activation section for
information on how to send an Edge activation email.

The image below represents an activated Edge.

Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions

This section describes the Properties Area Field and Checkbox.

Field/Checkbox Description

Name Displays the unique name of the Edge at the customer level. If you change the name of the Edge,
remember to click the Save Changes button.

Description Enables you to provide information about the Edge. If you make updates to the Edge description,
remember to click the Save Changes button.

Note This is the only location where a description of the Edge is displayed.

Enable Pre- This checkbox is enabled by default after the Edge has been provisioned.
Notifications For Operators to receive alerts, the Enable Pre-Notifications checkbox must be checked, and
checkbox alerts must be selected and enabled via email, SMS, or SNMP Traps at Configure > Alerts &
In addition to receiving an email, SMS, or SNMP Trap, Alerts can also be viewed on the Alerts
screen at Monitor > Alerts. Uncheck this checkbox to disable alert notifications for Operators for
the selected Edge.

Enable Alerts This checkbox is enabled by default after the Edge has been provisioned.
checkbox For Customers to receive Edge Device alerts, the Enable Alerts checkbox must be checked, and
alerts must be selected and enabled via email, SMS, or SNMP Traps at Configure > Alerts &
In addition to receiving an email, SMS, or SNMP Trap, Alerts can also be viewed on the Alerts
screen at Monitor > Alerts. Uncheck this checkbox to disable alerts for the selected Edge.

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Field/Checkbox Description

Authentication There are three options for the Authentication Mode (Certificate Disabled, Certificate Optional, and
Mode Certificate Required).
n Certificate Disabled (default): If Certificate Disabled is selected as an option, the Edge will use
a pre-shared key mode of authentication.
n Certificate Optional: If Certificate Optional is selected as an option, the Edge will use either the
PKI certificate or the Pre-shared key (depending upon which certificate the other Edge or
Gateway is using).

Note The Operator must enable PKI at Configure > Customer.

n Certificate Required: Once the Edge obtains a valid certificate, Certificate Required becomes
available as an option in the drop-down menu. If the Certificate Required option is selected, the
Edge will use the PKI certificate as the mode of authentication.

Note The Operator must enable PKI at Configure > Customer.

License The License drop-down menu displays available license types that can be assigned to an Edge.

View Certificate If the Edge has a valid certificate, the View link displays. Click the View link to view, export, or
revoke the certificate.

Status Displays the following status options: Pending, Activated, and Reactivation Pending.
n Pending: The Edge has not been activated.
n Activated: The Edge has been activated.
n Reactivation Pending: If the Request Reactivation button is clicked, the status will change to
Reactivation Pending. This status update does not change the Edge’s function, it only indicates
that a new or replacement Edge can be activated with the existing configuration.

Activated Displays the date and time the Edge was activated.

Software Version Displays the software version and build number of the Edge.

Local Credentials Displays the credentials for the local UI. The default credentials are username: admin password:
admin123 (case sensitive). Click the View button to change the credentials.

Serial Number If the Edge is in the Pending state, the Serial Number text field displays. Entering the serial number
is optional, but if specified, the serial number must match the serial number of the Edge that will be

Activation Key If the Edge is in the Pending state, the Edge Activation Key displays. The activation key is only valid
for one month. After one month, the key will expire, and a warning message will display
underneath the activation key. You can generate a new key by clicking the Generate New
Activation Key button located below the warning message.
See the Expired RMA Activation Key section for more information.

Send Activation When the Send Activation Email button is clicked, an email with activation instructions is sent to
Email the Site Contact.

Initiate Edge Activation

This section describes how to initiate Edge activation.

Once the Edge configuration is saved, an activation key is assigned. In the Properties area, click
the Send Activation Email button to initiate the Edge activation process. Clicking the Send
Activation Email button does not activate the Edge; it only initiates the activation process by
sending an email to the Site Contact with instructions on how to activate the Edge device.

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The following image represents an unactivated Edge.

After clicking the Send Activation Email button, a pop-up window displays the email that will be
sent to the Site Contact. Instructions are provided in the email for the Site Contact to connect and
activate the Edge hardware. For more information on how to activate an Edge, see the Edge
Activation Quick Start Guide in the online help. For information about Pull Activation and Push
Activation, see Zero Touch Provisioning.

Note The image above represents an Edge that has not been activated. Notice that the Edge
status is in the Pending state and displays the Serial Number text field, the Activation Key, and
the Send Activation Email button). See the Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions
table for a description of each of these fields.

Edge License
This section describes the Edge License.

Note The "Edge License" section is new for the 3.3.0 release.

Standard Administrator Superusers and Standard Administrators can assign and monitor Edge
license types that have been assigned to them. See Monitor Edge Licensing for additional
information, including how to generate a report that provides a list of Edges and their license

To assign a license type to an Edge, choose a license type from the License drop-down menu
located at the bottom of the Properties area of the Edge Overview Tab.

Edge Profile
This section describes an Edge Profile.

Profile Overview
The profile is the “template” from which the Edge configuration is derived.

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When switching to a different profile on the Edge, all relevant configurations will be changed
except for any Edge override configurations. Overwritten configurations are displayed in the
Profile area.

Note Edge overwritten configurations will not be changed when switching to a different profile.

Note If an Edge Staging Profile is displayed as an option due to push activation, it is a newly
assigned Edge that has not been configured by a production Profile. Enterprise Admins must
manually assign a Profile to those Edges by choosing a new profile from the Profile drop-down

Profile Drop-Down Menu

The Profile drop-down menu displays a list of profiles that can be assigned to a specific Edge.

However, based on system validations, some profiles cannot be assigned to the selected Edge. In
these instances (as shown in the image below), click the Click to view details link for the reason
the profile cannot be assigned to the selected Edge.

See the Important Note in the Profile Overview section above for information about Edge Staging

Operator Profile Selection

The following table provides a customer-assigned Operator Profile and an Edge-assigned
Enterprise Profile compatibility matrix. Refer to this matrix when switching profiles.

Operator Profile Selection Matrix

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Operator Profile Current Edge Selected Edge
Type Enterprise Profile Enterprise Profile Result

Segment-based Segment-based Segment-based No Change

Network-based Network-based Network-based No Change

Segment-based Network-based Segment-based The Edge configuration will be converted to a

Segment-based configuration. However, it will not be
delivered to the Edge until the Edge software image is
updated to a version ≧ 3.0.

Network-based Network-based Segment-based The Edge configuration will be converted to a

Segment-based configuration. However, it will not be
delivered to the Edge until the Edge software image is
updated to ≧ 3.0.

Segment-based Network-based Network-based The Edge will not receive the image update.

Network-based Segment-based Segment-based The Edge will not receive the image update.

See the following sections related to the Profile drop-down menu for more information:

n Create a Profile

n Network to Segment Migration

Edge-specific Overrides and Additions

This section describes how Service and Segment configurations can be overridden at the Edge

Edge overrides are the changes to the inherited profile configurations at the Edge level. Edge
additions are configurations that are not included in the profile, but they are added to the
selected Edge. A summary of all Edge overrides and additions are displayed in the Profile area
(see the image in the Profile Profile Overview section).

Contact & Location

This section describes the Contact & Location area.

The Contact & Location area displays the Edge contact information and location. If you make
changes to the Contact Name, Contact Email, or Contact Phone fields, remember to click the
Save Changes button located on the top, right corner of the VCO.

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Change Edge Location

This section describes how to change the Edge location.

To change the Edge address:

1 Click the Update Location link.

2 In the Set Edge Location pop-up window, update the location using either the Search
Address feature (selected by default) or by typing the address manually.

3 If you choose to type the address manually, click the Manual Address Entry button, and type
either the address or type the Latitude and Longitude.

4 If you choose to type the address, click the Update Lat,Lng From Address button.

5 If you choose to type the Latitude and Longitude, click the Update Address From Lat,Lng

6 Click OK when complete.

Change Shipping Address

This section describes how to change the shipping address.

If the shipping address is different from the Edge location, unselect the Same as above checkbox
for the shipping address, then type in the shipping contact in the appropriate text field.

To change the Edge shipping location:

1 Click the Set Location link.

2 In the Edge Shipping Location pop-up window, update the shipping location using either the
Search Address feature (selected by default) or by typing the address manually.

3 If you choose to type the address manually, click the Manual Address Entry button, type the
address, and then click the Update Location on Map button.

4 Click OK.

RMA Reactivation
This section describes RMA reactivation.

Edge Reactivation Overview

If an Edge hardware malfunction occurs, or if you need to upgrade your Edge device, an Edge
RMA reactivation is required.

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See the RMA Reactivation Steps section for detailed instructions on how to activate the
replacement Edge device. See the RMA Reactivation Scenarios section below for scenarios that
require an Edge RMA reactivation.

RMA Reactivation Scenarios

There are several scenarios that require an Edge RMA reactivation. This section describes two of
the most common scenarios.

Replace an Edge Due to a Malfunction

A typical scenario that requires an Edge RMA reactivation occurs when a malfunctioned Edge of
the same model needs replacing. For example, a customer needs to replace a 520 Edge model
with another 520 Edge model. The detailed RMA Reactivation Steps below describe the complete
process for this scenario.

Upgrade an Edge Hardware Model

Another common scenario that requires an Edge RMA reactivation is when a customer wants to
replace an Edge with a different model. Usually this is due to a scaling issue in which a customer
has outgrown the capacity of the current Edge. To avoid an activation failure in this scenario, it is
important to remember to complete Step 8 (select the RMA model that will replace the old model
from the RMA Model drop- down menu) and Step 9 (click the Update button) of the RMA
Reactivation Steps below.

RMA Reactivation Steps

This section describes the steps to complete RMA reactivation.

To complete the RMA reactivation process:

1 From the Orchestrator, go to Configure > Edges.

2 Select the Edge you want to reactivate.

3 In the Edge Overview Tab, scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the RMA Reactivation
area. Expand the area by clicking the gray arrow located on the upper, right side.

4 Click the Request Reactivation button. This step generates a new activation key and places
the Edge status in Reactivation Pending mode.

Note The reactivation key is only valid for one month from the time when the reactivation
request was made.

5 If you need to cancel the activation request for any reason, click the Cancel Reactivation
Request button. The Edge status changes from Reactivation Pending to Activated.

6 If the activation key has expired (the key is valid for one month), you will need to generate a
new activation key. For more information, see Expired RMA Activation Key.

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7 As an optional step, you can enter the serial number of the Edge that will be activated in the
RMA Serial Number text field. Serial numbers are case sensitive, so make sure “VC” is

Note Activation will fail if the serial number doesn’t match the Edge that will be activated.

8 The RMA Model drop-down menu displays the selected Edge by default. If you are
reactivating a different Edge model, select the Edge model that will be activated from the
RMA Model drop-down menu.

Note Activation will fail if the selected Edge model doesn’t match the Edge that will be

9 If you entered a serial number or chose a model from the RMA Model drop-down menu, click
the Update button.

10 Click the Send Activation Email button. The Send Activation Email pop-up window appears.

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11 Click the Send button to send the activation procedure email to the Site Contact. This email
will include the same information displayed in the Send Activation Email pop-up window.

The remaining instructions provide steps for activating the replacement Edge device.

12 Disconnect the old Edge from the power and network.

13 Connect the new Edge to the power and network. Make sure the Edge is connected to the

14 Follow the activation procedures you received via email.

Note Be sure to click the activation link in the email to activate the Edge.

The Edge will download the configuration and software from the VCO. The new Edge will be
activated successfully and will be ready for service.

RMA Reactivation Troubleshooting

Trying to activate an Edge using an expired RMA Activation key is a common issue. Use these
instructions to generate a new activation key after it has expired.

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Expired RMA Activation Key

The RMA Activation Key is valid for one month from the time the reactivation request was made.
If the RMA Activation Key has expired, a warning message displays in the RMA Reactivation area
of the VCO. You can either cancel the reactivation request (by clicking the Cancel Reactivation
Request button) or generate a new key. Follow the instructions below to generate a new key
after the one-month expiration date.

To generate a new RMA Activation Key after the one-month expiration date:

1 Click the Generate New Activation Key button.

2 In the Generate New Activation Key dialog box, specify the number of days you would like
the key to be active.

3 Click Submit.

4 Follow the RMA Reactivation Steps to complete the RMA reactivation process.

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Configure an Edge Device
Configuration overrides can be made to some settings that were assigned to an Edge. In most
cases, an override must first be enabled then changes can be made.

Overrides can be made to Interfaces, DNS, and Authentication. In addition override rules can be
added to existing Business Policy and Firewall rules. Override rules have precedence over all
other rules defined for Business Policy or Firewall.

Note Edge overrides enable Edge specific edits to the displayed settings, and discontinue
further automatic updates from the configuration Profile. You can simply disable the override and
go back to automatic updates any time.

The sections below describe the areas in the Configure > Edges > Device tab screen.

Some areas are Segment-aware.

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Segment-aware Configurations:
n Authentication Settings

n DNS Settings

n Netflow Settings

n Syslog Settings

n Static Route Settings

n ICMP Probes

n ICMP Responders

n VRRP Settings

n Cloud VPN

n OSPF Areas

n BGP Settings

n Multicast Settings

n Cloud Security Service

Common Configurations:
n High Availability


n Device Settings

n WAN Settings

n Multi-Source QoS

n SNMP Settings

n NTP Servers

n Visibility Mode

Note For information about OSPF and BGP, see the Chapter 17 Configure Dynamic Routing with
OSPF or BGP section.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Configure Netflow Settings at the Edge Level

n Configure Syslog Settings at Edge Level

n Configure Static Route Settings

n Configure ICMP Probes/Responders

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n Edge Cloud VPN

n High Availability (HA)

n Configure VLAN Settings

n Configure Device Settings

n Configure SNMP Settings at Edge Level

n Configure Wi-Fi Radio, DNS, Authentication, and Netflow Overrides

Configure Netflow Settings at the Edge Level

As an enterprise Administrator, at the Edge level, you can override the Netflow settings specified
in the Profile by selecting the Enable Edge Override checkbox. To override Netflow settings per
Edge, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Edges.

The VeloCloud Edges page appears.

2 Select an Edge you want to override Netflow settings and click the icon under the Device

The Device Setting page for the selected Edge appears.

3 From the Configure Segment drop-down menu, select a profile segment to configure
Netflow settings.

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4 Go to the Netflow Settings area and select the Enable Edge Override checkbox.

At the edge level, the Observation ID field is auto-populated with 8 bits segment ID and 24
bits edge ID and it cannot be edited. The Observation ID is unique to an Exporting Process
per segment per enterprise.

5 Follow the Step 4 in Configure Netflow Settings at the Profile Level to override the collector,
filter, and Netflow export interval information specified in the Profile.

6 From the Source Interface drop-down menu, select an Edge interface configured in the
segment as the source interface, to choose the source IP for the NetFlow packets.

Note Make sure you select an Edge interface with 'Advertise' field set as the source
interface. If none is selected, the Management interface IP is set as the source interface for
the Global segment and the Edge automatically selects an interface with 'Advertise' field set
as the source interface for all other segments.

7 Click Save Changes.

Configure Syslog Settings at Edge Level

In an Enterprise network, VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports collection of VCO bound
events originating from enterprise VeloCloud Edges (VCEs) to one or more centralized remote
syslog collectors (Servers), in native syslog format. At the Edge level, you can override the syslog
settings specified in the Profile by selecting the Enable Edge Override checkbox.

To override the Syslog settings at the Edge level, perform the following steps.


n Ensure that Cloud VPN (branch-to-branch VPN settings) is configured for the VCE (from
where the VCO bound events are originating) to establish a path between the VCE and the
Syslog collectors. For more information, see Configure Cloud VPN.


1 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Edges.

The VeloCloud Edges page appears.

2 Select an Edge you want to override Syslog settings and click the icon under the Device

The Device Setting page for the selected Edge appears.

3 From the Configure Segment drop-down menu, select a profile segment to configure syslog
settings. By default, Global Segment [Regular] is selected.

4 Go to the Syslog Settings area and select the Enable Edge Override checkbox to override
the syslog settings specified in the Profile associated with the Edge.

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5 Click the expand icon and configure the following details.

a From the Facility Code drop-down menu, select a Syslog standard value that maps to
how your Syslog server uses the facility field to manage messages for all the events from
VCEs. The allowed values are from local0 through local7.

Note The Facility Code field is configurable only for the Global Segment, even if the
Syslog settings is enabled or not for the Edge. The other segments will inherit the facility
code value from the Global segment.

b Select the Syslog Enabled checkbox.

c In the IP text box, enter the destination IP address of the Syslog collector.

d From the Protocol drop-down menu, select either TCP or UDP as the Syslog protocol.

e In the Port text box, enter the port number of the Syslog collector. The default value is

f From the Source Interface drop-down menu, select one of the Edge interface configured
in the segment as the source interface.

g From the Roles drop-down menu, select EDGE EVENT.

h From the Syslog Level drop-down menu, select the Syslog severity level that need to be
configured. For example, If CRITICALis configured, the VCE will send all the events which
are set as either critical or alert or emergency.

The allowed Syslog severity levels are:









6 Click the + button to add another Syslog collector.

You can configure a maximum of two Syslog collectors per segment and 10 Syslog collectors
per Edge. When the number of configured collectors reaches the maximum allowable limit,
the + button will be disabled.

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Note By configuring the Syslog setting for the Edges, only remote syslog for VCO bound
events from Edges will be received at the Syslog collector. If you want the VCO auto-
generated local events to be received at the Syslog collector, you must configure Syslog at
the VCO level by using the log.syslog.backend and log.syslog.upload system properties.

Configure Static Route Settings

Static Route Settings are useful for special cases in which static routes are needed for existing
network attached devices (such as printers). You can add additional Static Route Settings (plus
'+' icon) or delete Static Route Settings (minus -icon) located to the right of the dialog box.

For details about the settings in the dialog box, refer to the table that follows.

To specify the Static Route Settings:

1 Enter the subnet for the route.

2 Enter the IP address for the route.

3 Select the WAN interface where the Static Route will be bound.

4 Select the Broadcast checkbox to advertise this route over VPN and allow other Edges in the
network to have access to this resource.

5 Optionally, add a description for the route.

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Configure ICMP Probes/Responders

ICMP handlers may be needed to enable integration with an external router that is performing
dynamic routing functionality and needs stateful information about route reachability via
VeloCloud. The Device Settings area provides sections for specifying ICMP Probes and

ICMP Probes can be specified settings for Name, VLAN Tagging (none, 802.1q, 802.1ad, QinQ
(0x8100), or QinQ (0x9100)), C-Tags, S-Tags, Source/Destination/Next Hop IPs, Frequency to
send ping requests, and Threshold the value for number of missed pings that will cause route to
be marked unreachable.

ICMP Responders can be specified settings for Name, IP Address, and Mode ( Conditional or

n Always: Edge always responds to ICMP Probes.

n Conditional: Edge only responds to ICMP Probes when the SD-WAN Overlay is up.

Edge Cloud VPN

The Edge Cloud VPN settings are inherited from the Profile selected for the Edge and can be
reviewed in the Edge Device tab. Changes to Cloud VPN settings can be made only in the
associated Profile.

High Availability (HA)

Enable High Availability (HA) for the Edge here.

For more
information about the setup and configuration of HA, see HA Configuration.

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Configure VLAN Settings

The VLAN dialog box displays settings that can be chosen for your LAN interfaces.

The Edge LAN IP address, the Edge Management IP address, and CIDR Prefix. You can also
specify Fixed IP addresses tied to specific MAC Addresses. The list of LAN interfaces and the
SSID of any Wi-Fi interfaces that are configured for this VLAN are listed. Finally, a block for
configuring DHCP is shown. DHCP can be Enabled (where a start address, the number of
addresses, the lease time, and optional parameters are entered), the address of one or more
relay agents can be enabled, or DHCP can be disabled.

Configure Device Settings

The Edge Device Settings screen provides the ability to do the following tasks:

n Set VLAN Settings

n Override Syslog Settings

n Override Profile Interface Settings

n Add a User Defined WAN Overlay

n Configure NAT for overlapping Network

Configure DHCP Server on Routed Interfaces

DHCP can be configured on a Routed Interface on VCE. The routed interface must be configured
with a STATIC address at the Edge level.

The usual DHCP Server settings can be specified, including Disabled (the default), Relay
(configure as DHCP relay), and Enabled (configure as a DHCP server, with options).

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Configure Edge LAN Overrides

The LAN settings specified in the Profile can be overridden by selecting the Override Interface
check box.

See Chapter 11 Configure a Profile Device for LAN interface configuration parameters.

Configure Edge WAN Overrides

The WAN settings specified in the Profile can be overridden by selecting the Override Interface

See Chapter 11 Configure a Profile Device for LAN interface configuration parameters.

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Configure Edge WAN Overlay Settings

Edge WAN settings enable you to add or modify the user-defined WAN Overlay network. You
can also modify the auto-detected WAN Overlay settings. You can assign the configured WAN
interfaces to a WAN link.

In the Enterprise portal, navigate to Configure > Edges.

Either click the Device Icon next to an Edge or click the link to the Edge and click the Device tab.

You can configure the WAN overlay properties in the WAN Settings.

For the auto-detected WAN Overlay networks, click the Edit option to modify the settings.

For the user-defined WAN Overlay networks, click Add User Defined WAN Overlay to create
new Overlay settings or click Edit for an existing network to modify the settings.

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Table 15-1. WAN Overlay Settings

Option Description

Link Type (Available only for user-defined Overlay) You can deploy the WAN Overlay as a public or private
link. Choose the relevant link type from the drop-down.

Name Enter a descriptive name for the public or private link

SD-WAN Service Reachable (Available only for user- VeloCloud supports private WAN deployments with a
defined Overlay and a Private link) hosted VeloCloud service for customers with hybrid
environments who deploy in sites with only a private WAN
In a site with no public overlays, the private WAN can be
used as the primary means of communication with the
VeloCloud service, by enabling the SD-WAN Service
Reachable option.
When you select the checkbox, the list of public SD-WAN
IP addresses is displayed, which would be advertised
across the private network to allow the operation without
public WAN overlays.

Public IP Address Displays the IP address learned from the Interface

associated with the WAN Overlay being edited or created.

Pre-Notification Alerts Select the checkbox to enable pre-notification alerts.

Ensure that you have enabled the Link alerts in the
Configure > Alerts & Notifications screen to receive the

Alerts Select the checkbox to enable alerts. Ensure that you have
enabled the Link alerts in the Configure > Alerts &
Notifications screen to receive the alerts.

Interfaces Select one or more routed interfaces from the update

selection drop-down. The list consists of Routed Interfaces
with the WAN Overlay set to User Defined Overlay.
This option binds the current user-defined overlay with the
routed interface that you select.

Note The update selection option is available only for

user-defined WAN Overlay.

Source IP Address (Available only for user-defined Enter the IP address of the routed interface.
Overlay) This is the raw socket source IP address used for VCMP
tunnel packets that originate from the Interface selected in
the Interfaces drop-down, to which the User Defined
Overlay is bounded.
Source IP address does not have to be pre-configured
anywhere but must be routable to and from the Interface
this User Defined Overlay is bounded.

Next-Hop IP Address (Available only for user-defined Enter the next hop IP address to which the packets, which
Overlay) come from the raw socket source IP address specified in
the Source IP Address field, should be routed.

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Table 15-1. WAN Overlay Settings (continued)

Option Description

Custom VLAN (Available only for user-defined Overlay) Select the checkbox to enable custom VLAN and enter the
VLAN ID. The range is 2 to 4094.
This option applies the VLAN tag to the packets originated
from the Source IP Address of a VCMP tunnel from the
interface selected in the Interfaces drop-down.

802.1P Setting (Available only for user-defined Overlay) To configure the 802.1P setting, the System Property
session.options.enable8021PConfiguration must be set to
True. By default, this value is False.
If this option is not available for you, contact your Operator
to enable the setting.
You can select this checkbox, only when you have already
selected the Custom VLAN checkbox. Select the checkbox
to enable the 802.1P setting and enter the priority value as
a 3-digit binary number. The range is from 000 to 111 and
default is 000.

Click Advanced to configure the following settings:

Option Description

Bandwidth Measurement Choose a method to measure the bandwidth from the

following options:
n Measure Bandwidth (Slow Start): When measuring the
default bandwidth reports incorrect results, it may be
due to ISP throttling. To overcome this behavior,
choose this option for a sustained slow burst of UDP
traffic followed by a larger burst.
n Measure Bandwidth (Burst Mode): Choose this option
to perform short bursts of UDP traffic to an SD-WAN
Gateway for public links or to the peer for private links,
to assess the bandwidth of the link.
n Do Not Measure (define manually): Choose this option
to configure the bandwidth manually. This is
recommended for the Hubs.

Upstream Bandwidth Enter the upstream bandwidth in Mbps. This option is

available only when you choose Do Not Measure (define

Downstream Bandwidth Enter the downstream bandwidth in Mbps. This option is

available only when you choose Do Not Measure (define

Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment Select the checkbox to track congestion and packet loss in
WAN and to adjust the bandwidth as required. It is
recommended to enable this option for wireless links.

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Option Description

Use as Backup Only Select the checkbox to use the Overlay WAN as a backup,
when other Overlay networks are down or not available.
The Overlay WAN is displayed in the Monitoring page as a
backup link. Click Monitor > Edges to view the status of the

Note If the Edge is used as a hub or is part of a cluster,

then do not choose this option.

MTU Enter a value for the maximum transmission unit (MTU).

The range is 576 to 1500 bytes.

Note It is recommended to use the MTU size from 1300

bytes and above. The optimum size is 1500 bytes.

Overhead Bytes Enter a value for the Overhead bandwidth in bytes. This is
an option to indicate the additional L2 framing overhead
that exists in the WAN path.
When you configure the Overhead Bytes, the bytes are
additionally accounted for by the QoS schedular for each
packet, in addition to the actual packet length. This ensures
that the link bandwidth is not oversubscribed due to any
upstream L2-framing overhead.

Private Network Name (Available only for user-defined Choose the private network name from the drop-down list.
Overlay and a Private link) You can also click New Private Network Name from the list
and enter a name for a new network.

UDP Hole Punching (Available only for a Public link) Select the checkbox to enable UDP hole punching for the
Overlay network.

Type (Available only for a Public link) Choose whether the link is Wired or Wireless, from the

Configure Static SLA (Available only for user-defined Select the checkbox to configure the static SLA and enter
Overlay and a Private link) the values for Latency, Jitter, and Loss.

Configure Class of Service (Available only for user-defined Select the checkbox to configure the class of service and
Overlay and a Private link) enter appropriate values for the following:
n Class of Service: Enter a descriptive name for the class
of service.
n DSCP Tags: Click Set to select the DSCP tags to be
used in the class of service.
n Bandwidth: Enter a value for the bandwidth.
n Policing: Select the checkbox to enable the class-
based policing.
n Default Class: Click to set the corresponding class of
service as default.
Click the Plus icon (+) to add more rows and the Minus icon
(−) to remove a row. For more information on class of
service, see Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS
Private Links.

Click Update Link to save the settings.

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Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links

You can differentiate traffic within a private WAN link by defining multiple Classes of Service
(CoS). The following example is a simple scenario in which a percentage of the bandwidth
(10Mbps) is assigned to three Classes of Services.

Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links Example

In this simple example, the user has 10Mbps bandwidth available. They want to send some traffic
to voice, some traffic to PCI data, and all other data to be designated as default traffic. The types
of traffic (CoS) will be defined by the user via Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) Tag(s),
as shown in the table below.

Note The DSCP Tags are user defined.

Table: MPLS CoS Example

Class of Service Description DSCP Tags Policing Static SLA

Bandwidth (Percentage) Latency Jitter Loss

CoS1 Voice CS5, EF 60 10ms 4ms 0.005%

CoS2 Video AF41, CS4 20 15ms 4ms 0.05%

CoS3 File Transfer AF21, CS2 20 15ms 4ms 0.1%

Link Characteristics 15ms 4ms 0.1%

Therefore, according to the above table, the voice on a MPLS CoS would be identified as DSCP
tag CS5, EF, Video on a MPLS CoS would be identified as AF41, CS4, and the file transfer on a
MPLS CoS would be identified as DSCP tag AF21, CS2. See the Private Link Configuration image
below for an example.

Policing MPLS CoS

For a private link that has CoS agreement with a MPLS provider, a Service Provider will guarantee
a different SLA for each CoS on a MPLS Link. The DMPO can treat each CoS as a different link
and can take granular application aware decisions for a private link with CoS agreements. A
Policer can be defined for a MPLS CoS underlay to ensure that the Service Provider committed
bandwidth SLAs are being honored by the customer.

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Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links

To assign CoS to a user-defined private WAN link:

Note For more information, see Configure Edge WAN Settings for MPLS Private Links and Edge
WAN Settings for Private Links Example.

1 Click Edges under Configure in the navigation panel of the VCO.

2 In the VeloCloud Edges screen, you have two options to access the Device Settings tab:

a First Option: Click an Edge's link to open the Edge Overview screen, and then click the
Device Settings tab.

b Second Option: From the VeloCloud Edges screen, click an Edge's Device Settings icon.

3 In the Actions section of the WAN Settings area, click the Edit link for a Private link. See
image below.

4 In the Private Link... dialog, click the Advanced button to open the Private Link
Configuration area.

5 In the Private Link Configuration area, click the Configure Class of Service checkbox. See
image below.

6 In the Class of Service text box, type in a Class of Service to differentiate the types of traffic
(e.g. Voice). Click the Plus symbol to add another row.

7 Click the Set link to open the DSCP Tags dialog to assign a DSCP tag for the Class of Service
you created.

8 In the DSCP Tags dialog, select a DSCP tag from the Available DSCP Tags list area, and then
click the appropriate arrow to move the tag to the Selected DSCP Tags area. See the image

Note You can select multiple DSCP Tags to assign to a single CoS.

9 Click Submit.

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10 In the Bandwidth (%) column, type in the traffic percentages you want to designate for each
of the Class of Services. All of the values in the Bandwidth column must equal 100%. See
image below.

11 If applicable, check the Default Class radial button.

12 If applicable, check the Policing checkbox. For more information, see section title, Edge WAN
Settings for MPLS Private Links Example for more information about Policing.

13 Click the Update Link button.

SD-WAN Service Reachability via MPLS

An Edge with only Private MPLS links can reach the Orchestrator and Gateways located in public
cloud, by using the SD-WAN Service Reachable option.

In a site with no direct public internet access, the SD-WAN Service Reachable option allows the
private WAN to be used for private site-to-site VCMP tunnels and as a path to communicate with
an internet hosted VeloCloud service.

For hybrid environments that have MPLS-only links or require failover to MPLS links, you can
enable the SD-WAN Service Reachable option.

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MPLS-only Sites
VeloCloud supports private WAN deployments with a hosted VeloCloud service for customers
with hybrid environments who deploy in sites with only a private WAN link.

In a site with no public overlays, the private WAN can be used as the primary means of
communication with the VeloCloud service, including the following:

n Enabled SD-WAN service reachability through private link

n Enabled NTP override using private NTP servers

The following image shows a Regional Hub with Internet connection and SD-WAN Edge with only
MPLS connection.


SD-WAN Cloud
Orchestrator Gateway

Hub Site
Hub Edge


SD-WAN Edge connects to

SD-WAN Orchestrator via a Regional Hub
SD-WAN Edge connects to
SD-WAN Gateway via a Regional Hub
SD-WAN Gateway informs the SD-WAN Edge
private IP of the Hub, and IPsec is
established between the SD-WAN Edge
and the Hub

The traffic from the SD-WAN Edge with MPLS-only links is routed to the Orchestrator and
Gateway through a Regional Hub, which is able to break out to the public cloud. SD-WAN Service
Reachable option allows the Edge to remain online and manageable from the Orchestrator, and
allows public internet connectivity through the Gateway irrespective of whether or not there is
public link connectivity.

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Dynamic Failover via MPLS

If all the public Internet links fail, you can failover critical Internet traffic to a private WAN link. The
following image illustrates Resiliency of SD-WAN Orchestrator and Non-VeloCloud Site, Zscaler.

n Orchestrator Resiliency – The Orchestrator connects to the Internet. If the Internet fails, the
Orchestrator will connect through MPLS. The Orchestrator connection is established using the
IP Address which is advertised over MPLS. The connectivity leverages the public Internet link
in the Regional Hub.

n Zscaler Resiliency – The Zscaler connectivity is established through Internet. If the public link
fails, then Zscaler connects through MPLS.

Configure SD-WAN Service Reachable

1 In the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Edges.

2 In the Edges page, either click the device Icon next to an Edge or click the link to the Edge
and click the Device tab.

3 Scroll down to Interface Settings and Edit the Interface connected to the MPLS link.

4 In the Interface window, select the User Defined Overlay checkbox.

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The SD-WAN Service Reachable is available only for a User Defined Overlay network.

5 In the WAN Settings section, Edit the Interface enabled with User Defined Overlay.

6 In the User Defined WAN Overlay window, select the SD-WAN Service Reachable checkbox
to deploy sites which only have a private WAN link and/or enable the capability to failover
critical Internet traffic to a private WAN link.

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When you select the SD-WAN Service Reachable checkbox, a list of public IP addresses of
SD-WAN Gateways and SD-WAN Orchestrator is displayed, which may need to be
advertised across the private network, if a default route has not been already advertised
across the same private network from the firewall.

7 Configure other options as required and click Update Link to save the settings.

For more information on other options in the WAN Overlay window, see Configure Edge WAN
Overlay Settings.

Configure SNMP Settings at Edge Level

SNMP is a commonly used protocol for network monitoring and MIB is a database associated
with SNMP to manage entities. SNMP can be enabled by selecting the desired SNMP version as
described in the steps below. At the Edge Level, you can override the SNMP settings specified in
the Profile by selecting the Enable Edge Override checkbox.

Before you begin:

n The VeloCloud Edge MIB is new for the 3.3.2 release. To download the VeloCloud Edge MIB:
go to the Remote Diagnostic screen (Test & Troubleshooting > Remote Diagnostics) and run
MIB for VeloCloud Edge. Copy and paste results onto your local machine.

n Install all MIBs required by VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB on the client host, including SNMPv2-SMI,
MIB. All the above-mentioned MIBs, except VELOCLOUD-MIB, can be found online. For
VELOCLOUD-MIb, please check VeloCloud website.

About this task: At the Edge level, you can override the SNMP settings specified in the Profile by
selecting the Enable Edge Override checkbox. The Edge Override option enables Edge specific
edits to the displayed settings, and discontinues further automatic updates from the
configuration profile for this module. For ongoing consistency and ease of updates, it is
recommended to set configurations at the Profile rather than Edge exception level.

Supported MIBs

n SNMP MIB-2 System

n SNMP MIB-2 Interfaces

n VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB (new for the 3.3.2 release)


Procedure to Configure SNMP Settings at Edge Level:

1 Obtain the VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB on the Remote Diagnostic screen of the VeloCloud

Orchestrator. (See "Before you begin" for more information).

2 Install all MIBs required by VELOCLOUD-EDGE-MIB. (See "Before you begin" for more

3 From the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Edges.

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The VeloCloud Edges screen appears.

4 Select an Edge you want to configure SNMP settings for, and click the Device icon under the
Device column.

The Configuration Edges screen for the selected Edge appears.

5 Scroll down to the SNMP Settings area and check the Enable Edge Override checkbox. You
can choose between two versions, v2c or v3.

6 For a SNMP v2c config follow the steps below:

a Check the v2c checkbox.

b Type in a Port in the Port textbox. The default setting is 161.

c In the Community textbox, type in a word or sequence of numbers that will act as a
'password' that will allow you access to the SNMP agent.

d For Allowed IPs:

n Check the Any checkbox to allow any IP to access the SNMP agent.

n To restrict access to the SNMP agent, uncheck the Any checkbox and enter the IP
address(es) that will be allowed access to the SNMP agent.

7 For a SNMP v3 config, which provides added security support follow the steps below:

a Type in a port in the Port textbox. 161 is the default setting.

b Type in a user name and password in the appropriate textboxes.

c Check the Privacy checkbox if you want your packet transfer encrypted.

d If you've chcked the Privacy checkbox, choose DES or AES from the Algorithm drop-
down menu.

8 Configure Firewall Settings. After you have configured SNMP Settings, go to Firewall settings
(Configure >Profiles > Firewall) to configure the Firewall settings that will enable your SNMP

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Configure Wi-Fi Radio, DNS, Authentication, and Netflow

The Overrides of Profile settings for Wi-Fi Radio, DNS, Authentication, and Netflow settings can
be specified by selecting the Enable Edge Override option for the appropriate block.

Details about each of these options can be found at Chapter 11 Configure a Profile Device.

On the Edge Device tab, you can review any detected WAN connections after a device has been
activated. The status of WAN interfaces for an Edge appear in the Link Status area of the
Overview tab. Two status examples are shown in the figures below. The status will display as
Backup: Active and/or Backup: Standby.

Configure Edge Business Policy

This section describes how to configure the Edge Business Policy.

Configure Edge Business Policy

The Edge Firewall primarily uses rules from the assigned Profile. Overriding Profile Business
Policy rules at the Edge is an optional step.

Business Policy Override Rules

At the Edge, Business Policy Rules from the assigned Profile can be overridden using the Edge
Business Policy dialog shown below. Any Business Policy override match value that is the same
as any Profile Business Policy rule, will override that Profile rule. You can create override rules in
the same way as you create Profile rules (see Chapter 13 Configure Profile Business Policy).

As shown in the image below, Business Policy is Segment aware. All Segments available for
configuration are listed in the Configure Segment drop-down menu.

When you choose a Segment to configure from the Configure Segment drop down, the settings
and options associated with that Segment display in the Configure Segments area. Global
Segment [Regular] is the default Segment.

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For more information about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments and Configure
Edge Device.

Configure Edge Firewall

The Edge Firewall primarily uses rules from the assigned Profile. Overriding Profile Firewall rules
at the Edge level is an optional step.

Configure Edge Firewall

The Edge Firewall primarily uses rules from the assigned Profile. Overriding Profile Firewall rules
at the Edge is an optional step.

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Outbound Firewall Rules

At the Edge, Firewall Rules from the assigned Profile can be overridden using the Edge Firewall
dialog shown below. Any Firewall override match value that is the same as any Profile Firewall
rule, will override that Profile rule. You can create override rules in the same way as you create
Profile rules (see Configure Firewall for Profiles).

Firewall Profiles are Segment aware. All Segments available for configuration are listed in the
Configure Segment drop-down menu. When you choose a Segment to configure from the
Configure Segments drop-down menu, the settings and options associated with that Segment
appear in the Configure Segments area. Global Segment [Regular] is the default Segment.

For more information about Segmentation, see Chapter 8 Configure Segments and Configure
Edge Device.

Inbound Firewall Rules

Note Inbound Firewall Rules are configured at the Edge Level and are Segment aware.

Inbound firewall rules gives Internet clients access to servers connected to an Edge LAN
interface. Access can be made available through either Port Forwarding Rules or 1:1 NAT
(Network Address Translation) rules.

Port Forwarding Rules

Port forwarding rules enable you to configure rules to redirect traffic from a specific WAN port to
a device (LAN IP/ LAN Port) within the local subnet. Optionally, you can also restrict the inbound
traffic by an IP or a subnet. For the 3.3.2 release, the Inbound port forwarding rule can be
configured with the Outside IP (which is on the same subnet of the WAN IP). See the example

If the WAN IP is, port forwarding rules can be as follows:

n If the source IP is (from Internet), and it tries to reach port 8888, it
will port forward to / port 80.

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n If source IP is, and it tries to reach port 8888 (same as above), it will
port forward to / port 80.


1 Enter a name (optional) in the Name text field.

2 Enter the protocol to be forwarded, TCP or UDP.

3 Select the Interface for the Inbound traffic.

4 Enter the Outside IP address in the appropriate text box. For more information, see the 'Port
Forwarding Rules' section above.

5 Enter the WAN port number. (To configure a range of ports, separate the first port and last
port with a dash, e.g. "20-25").

6 Enter the LAN IP and the Port where the request will be forwarded.

7 From the Segment drop-down menu, select a segment the LAN IP will belong to.

8 In the appropriate text field, enter the Inbound Traffic (Remote IP Address/subnet) that will
be allowed to be forwarded to an internal server. Leave the Remote IP Address/subnet text
field blank to allow "any" traffic.

The following figure shows an illustration overview of the port forwarding configuration.

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1:1 NAT Settings

These are used to map an Outside IP address supported by the VeloCloud Edge to a server
connected to an Edge LAN interface (for example, a web server or a mail server). A 1:1 NAT
mapping can only be configured with IP addresses that do not belong to the VeloCloud Edge. It
can also translate outside IP addresses in different subnets than the WAN interface address if the
ISP routes traffic for the subnet towards the VeloCloud Edge. Each mapping is between one IP
address outside the firewall for a specific WAN interface and one LAN IP address inside the
firewall. Within each mapping, you can specify which ports will be forwarded to the inside IP
address. The '+' icon on the right can be used to add additional 1:1 NAT settings.

To configure the mapping:

1 Optionally, enter a name for the mapping.

2 Enter the Outside IP (LAN) address.

3 Select the WAN interface where the Outside IP address will be bound.

4 Enter the Inside (LAN) IP address.

5 From the Segment drop-down menu, select a segment the LAN IP will belong to.

6 Select if Outbound traffic should also be allowed to pass over the firewall connection by
checking the Outbound Traffic checkbox.

7 Enter the Allowed Traffic Source (Protocol, Ports, Remote IP/Subnet) for the mapping.

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The following figure shows an overview view of the 1:1 NAT configuration.

Configure Edge Access Override

Overrides of Profile settings for Edge Access is an optional step. The override can be specified
by selecting the Enable Edge Override option for the Edge Access block. Details about each of
these options can be found at Configure Firewall for Profiles.

Configure Edge Activation

This section describes how to initiate Edge activation.

Once an Edge configuration has been saved, it is assigned an activation key. Edge activation
begins by clicking the Send Activation Email link on the Edge Overview Tab.

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A Send Activation Email dialog box appears with a suggested email to be sent to a Site Contact.
Simple instructions are provided for the Site Contact to connect and activate Edge
hardware. Specify additional instructions in the email for connecting specific site WAN and LAN
networks to the Edge.

LAN-side NAT Rules at Edge Level

LAN-Side NAT Rules allow you to NAT IP addresses in an unadvertised subnet to IP addresses in
an advertised subnet. For both the Profile and Edge levels, within the Device Settings
configuration, LAN-side NAT Rules has been introduced for the 3.3.2 release.

Before you begin:

Enable LAN-side NAT Rules (Go to Configure Customer > Customer Capabilities and check the
Enable LAN-side NAT Rules checkbox.

Note LAN-side NAT Rules can be configured at the Profile level or the Edge level. To configure
at the Edge level, make sure the “Enable Edge Override” checkbox is checked.

Use Case #1:

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In this scenario, a third-party has assigned multiple non-overlapping subnets to a customer's site.
The server in the customer's data center recognizes traffic from this third-party by a single IP
address at any given site.

The VeloCloud configuration required for Use Case #1 is listed below:

n VLAN1 = - Do not advertise

n Static route - Do not advertise

n Static route - Do not advertise

n Static route - Do not advertise

n Static route - Advertise

n New rule: LAN-side NAT ->

Because the NAT rule is a single IP, TCP and UDP traffic will be PAT'd. So in this example, becomes with an ephemeral source port for TCP/UDP traffic, ICMP traffic
becomes with a custom ICMP ID for reverse lookup, and all other traffic will be

Use Case #2:

In this scenario, the LAN subnet is However, this is an overlapping subnet with
other sites. A unique subnet of equal size, has been assigned to use for VPN
communication at this site. Traffic from the PC must be NAT'd on the Edge prior to doing the
route lookup, otherwise the source route will match which is not advertised from
this Edge and traffic will drop.

The VeloCloud configuration required for Use Case #2 is listed below:

n VLAN1 = - Do not advertise

n Static route - Advertise

n New rule: LAN-side NAT ->

Because the subnets match in size, all bits matching the subnet mask will be NAT'd. So in this
example, becomes

To apply LAN-Side NAT Rules:

1 From the VCO navigational panel, go to Configure > Edges.

2 In the Device Settings tab screen, scroll down to the LAN-Side NAT Rules area.

3 In the LAN-Side NAT Rules area, complete the following: (See the table below and the Use
Cases described above for more information about the fields in the LAN-Side NAT Rules

a Enter an address for the Inside Address textbox.

b Enter an address for the Outside Address textbox.

c Choose either Source or Destination from the Type drop-down menu.

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d Type a description for the rule in the Description textbox (optional).

LAN-side NAT Rules (Filed Name) Type Description

Inside Address text box IPv4 address/prefix, Prefix must be The "inside" or "before NAT" IP
1-32 address (if prefix is 32) or subnet (if
prefix is less than 32).

Outside Address text box IPv4 address/prefix, Prefix must be The "outside" or "after NAT" IP
1-32 address (if prefix is 32) or subnet (if
prefix is less than 32).

Type drop-down menu Select either Source or Destination. Determine whether this NAT rule
should be applied on the source or
destination IP address of user traffic.

Description text box Text Custom text box to describe the NAT

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Site Configurations
Topologies for data centers that include a VeloCloud hub and VeloCloud branch configurations
( Gold, Silver , and Bronze branches) are configured using both MPLS and Internet connections.
Legacy branch configurations (those without a VeloCloud Edge) are included, and hub and
branch configurations are modified given the presence of the legacy branches.

The diagram below shows an example topology that includes two data center hubs and the Gold,
Silver , and Bronze variations of branch topologies interconnected using MPLS and the Internet.
This example will be used to describe the individual tasks required for data center and branch
configurations. It is assumed that you are familiar with concepts and configuration details in
earlier sections of this documentation. This section will primarily focus on configuring Networks,
Profile Device Settings, and Edge configuration required for each topology.

Additional configuration steps for traffic redirection, control routing (such as for backhaul traffic
and VPNs), and for Edge failover are also included.

This section primarily focuses on the configuration required for a topology that includes different
types of data center and branch locations, and explains the Network, Profile/Edge Device
Settings, and Profile/Edge Business Policies required to complete the configurations. Some
ancillary configuration steps that may be necessary for a complete configuration – such as for
Network Services, Device Wi-Fi Radio, Authentication, SNMP, and Netflow settings – are not

This chapter includes the following topics:

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n Data Center Configurations

n Configure Branch and Hub

Data Center Configurations

A VeloCloud Edge in a data center can act as a hub to direct traffic to/from branches. The
VeloCloud Edge can be used to manage both MPLS and Internet traffic. The hub in a data center
can be configured in a one-arm or two-arm configuration. In addition, a data center can be used
as a backup.

The following describes the various designs with different options of how VeloCloud Edge can be
inserted into the topology.

Option Description

Hub 1 Data Center or regional hub site with VeloCloud Edge deployed in two-arm topology.

Hub 2 Data Center or regional hub site with VeloCloud Edge deployed in one-arm topology (same interface
carries multiple WAN links).

Legacy 1 and 2 Classic MPLS sites.

Silver 1 VeloCloud Edge is deployed off-path. VeloCloud Edge creates overlay across both MPLS and Internet
paths. Traffic is first diverted to the VeloCloud Edge.

Silver 2 VeloCloud Edge is deployed in-path as the default gateway. It is always the default gateway. This
topology is simpler but makes VeloCloud Edge a single point of failure and may require HA.

Bronze 1 Dual-Internet site (one of the links is behind a NAT router).

Configure Branch and Hub

This section provides an overview of configuring VeloCloud Edge in a two-arm configuration.

To configure the VeloCloud Edge in a two-arm configuration:

1 Configure and activate Hub 1

2 Configure and activate the Silver 1 site

3 Enable branch-to-hub tunnel (Silver 1 to Hub 1)

4 Configure and activate Bronze 1 site

5 Configure and activate Hub 2

6 Configure and activate Silver 2 site

The following sections describe the steps in more detail.

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Configure and Activate Hub 1

This step helps you understand the typical workflow of how to bring up VeloCloud Edge at the
hub location. VeloCloud Edge is deployed with two interfaces (one interface for each WAN link).

You will use the Virtual Edge as a hub. Below is an example of the wiring and IP address

Configure and Activate Hub 1 VeloCloud Edge to Reach the Internet

Because this is the data center/hub site, it is unlikely that the VeloCloud Edge can get its WAN IP
using DHCP. Thus, you will need to first enable the VeloCloud Edge to connect to the Internet
through the data center firewall so that VeloCloud Edge can be activated.

1 Configure a PC with a static IP and gateway which is the default
LAN setting for accessing a VeloCloud Edge. Connect the PC to the VeloCloud Edge LAN

2 From the PC, browse to (the local Web interface of the VeloCloud Edge).
Click the link review the configuration.

3 Configure the GE2 static WAN IP and default gateway of the VeloCloud Edge so that it can
reach the Internet.

Click Save and provide login/password of admin/admin.

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Typically at the data center/hub site, the static IP address will be assigned to you and the
enterprise IT admin will configure the firewall to translate the VeloCloud Edge WAN IP to a
Public IP and also filter the appropriate traffic (outbound: TCP/443, inbound: UDP/2426, UDP/
500, UDP/4500).

4 At this point, the Internet status should show Connected.

After configuration of the VeloCloud Edge static WAN IP address and associated firewall
configuration is complete, the VeloCloud Edge Internet status shows "Connected".

Enable the Virtual VeloCloud Edge in Default Profile

1 Login to the VeloCloud Orchestrator.

2 The default VPN profile allows the activation of the VeloCloud Edge 500.

Activate Hub 1 VeloCloud Edge

1 Go to Configure > Edges and add a new VeloCloud Edge. Specify the correct model and the
profile (we use the Quick Start VPN Profile).

2 Go to the hub VeloCloud Edge (DC1-VCE) and follow the normal activation process. If you
already have the email feature set up, an activation email will be sent to that email address.
Otherwise, you can go to the device setting page to get the activation URL.

3 Copy the activation URL and paste that to the browser on the PC connected to the VeloCloud
Edge or just click on the activation URL from the PC browser.

4 Click on Activate button.

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5 Now the DC1-VCE data center hub should be up. Go to Monitor > Edges. Click the Edge
Overview tab. The public WAN link capacity is detected along with the correct public IP and ISP.

6 Go to Configure > Edges and select DC1-VCE. Go to the Device tab and scroll down to the
Interface Settings.

You will see that the registration process notifies the VeloCloud Orchestrator of the static
WAN IP address and gateway that was configured through the local UI. The configuration on
the VeloCloud will be updated accordingly.

7 Scroll down to the WAN Settings section. The Link Type should be automatically identified as
Public Wired.

Configure the Private WAN Link on Hub 1 VeloCloud Edge

1 Configure the private MPLS Edge WAN interface directly from the VeloCloud Orchestrator.
Go to Configure -> Edges and choose DC1-VCE. Go to the Device tab and scroll down to the
Interface Settings section. Configure static IP on GE3 as and default gateway of Under WAN Overlay, select User Defined Overlay. This will allow us to define a
WAN link manually in the next step.

2 Under WAN Settings, click the Add User Defined WAN Overlay button (see the following
screen capture).

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3 Define the WAN overlay for the MPLS path. Select the Link Type as Private and specify the
next-hop IP ( of the WAN link in the IP Address field. Choose the GE3 as the
interface. Click the Advanced button.

Tip: The hub site normally has more bandwidth than the branches. If we choose the
bandwidth to be auto-discovered, the hub site will run a bandwidth test with its first peer, e.g.
the first branch that comes up, and will end up discovering an incorrect WAN bandwidth. For
the hub site, you should always define the WAN bandwidth manually, and that is done in the
advanced settings.

4 The private WAN bandwidth is specified in advanced settings. The screen shot below shows
an example of 5 Mbps upstream and downstream bandwidth for a symmetric MPLS link at the

5 Validate that the WAN link is configured and save the changes.

You are done with configuring the VeloCloud Edge on the hub. You will not see the User
Defined MPLS overlay that you just added until you enable a branch VeloCloud Edge.

(Optional) Configure the LAN Interface with Management IP

1 Go to Configure > Edges and select DC1-VCE.

2 Navigate to the Device tab and scroll down to the VLAN Settings section.

3 Click Edit and configure the IP address of the interface.

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Configure Static Route to LAN Network Behind L3 Switch

Add a static route to the subnet through the L3 switch. You need to specify the
interface GE3 to use for routing to the next hop. Make sure you enable the Advertise checkbox
so other VCEs can learn about this subnet behind L3 switch (see the following screen capture).

Configure and Activate Silver 1 Site

This step helps you understand the typical workflow of how to insert the VeloCloud Edge at a
Silver site. The VeloCloud Edge is inserted off-path and relies on the L3 switch to redirect traffic
to it. Below is an example of the wiring and IP address information.

Activate the Silver 1 Site Branch VeloCloud Edge

In this example, we assume that the VeloCloud Edge gets its public IP address using DHCP, so
there is no configuration required. VeloCloud Edge ships with default configuration to use DHCP
on all routed interfaces.

1 Create a new Edge SILVER1-DCEand select the appropriate Model and configuration profile
(see image below).

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2 Activate this VeloCloud Edge by connecting a PC to its LAN or Wi-Fi.

3 The VeloCloud Edge should now be active in the VeloCloud Orchestrator with one public link.
We can now configure the private WAN link.

Configure the Private WAN Link on the Silver 1 Site VeloCloud Edge
At this point, we need to build the IP connectivity from the VeloCloud Edge towards the L3

1 Go to Configure > Edges, select the SILVER1-VCE and go to the Device tab and scroll down
to the Interface Settings section. Configure static IP on GE3 as and default
gateway of Under WAN Overlay, select User Defined Overlay. This will allow us to
define a WAN link manually in the next step.

2 Under the WAN Settings section, click Add User Defined WAN Overlay.

3 Define the WAN overlay for the MPLS path. Select the Link Type as Private. Specify the next-
hop IP ( of the WAN link in the IP Address field. Choose the GE3 as the Interface.
Click the Advanced button.

Tip: Since the hub has already been set up, it is OK to auto-discover the bandwidth. This
branch will run a bandwidth test with the hub to discover its link bandwidth.

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4 Set the Bandwidth Measurement to Measure Bandwidth. This will cause the branch
VeloCloud Edge to run a bandwidth test with the hub VeloCloud Edge just like what happens
when it connects to the VeloCloud Gateway.

5 Validate that the WAN link is configured and save the changes (see the following screen

(Optional) Configure the LAN Interface with Management IP

1 Go to Configure > Edges, select SILVER1-VCE. Navigate to the Device tab and scroll down to
the VLAN Settings section. Click Edit. Configure the IP address of the LAN and Management


Configure Static Route to LAN Network Behind L3 Switch

Add a static route to through the L3 switch. You need to specify the Interface
GE3. Make sure you enable the Advertise checkbox so other VCEs learn about this subnet behind
L3 switch (see the following screen capture).

Enable Branch to Hub Tunnel (Silver 1 to Hub 1)

This step helps you build the overlay tunnel from the branch into hub. Note that at this point, you
may see that the link is up but this is the tunnel to the VeloCloud Gateway over the Internet path
and not the tunnel to the hub. We will need to enable Cloud VPN to enable the tunnel from the
branch to the hub to be established.

You are now ready to build the tunnel from the branch into the hub.

Enable Cloud VPN and Edge to VeloCloud Hub tunnel

1 Step 1:Go to the Configure > Profiles, select Quick Start VPN Profile and go to the Device
tab. Enable the Cloud VPN and do the following.

n Under Branch VeloCloud Hubs, check the Enable checkbox.

n Under Branch to Branch VPN, check the Enable checkbox.

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n Under Branch to Branch VPN, uncheck the Use Cloud Gateways checkbox. Doing this will
disable the data plane through the VeloCloud Gateway for Branch to Branch VPN. The
Branch to Branch traffic will first go through one of the hubs (in the ordered list which you
will specify next) while the direct Branch to Branch tunnel is being established.

Click the button Select VeloCloud Hubs]. Next, move the DC1-VCE to the right. This will
designate the DC1-VCE to be a VeloCloud Hubs. Click the DC1-VCE in the VeloCloud Hubs,
and click both Enable Backhaul Hubs and Enable B2B VPN Hubs buttons. We will use the
same DC1-VCE for both Branch to Branch traffic and to Backhaul Internet traffic to the hub.
Under the Cloud VPN section, DC1-VCE now shows as both VeloCloud hubs and used for
Branch to Branch VPN hubs.

2 At this point, the direct tunnel between the branch and the hub VCEs should come up.The
debug command will now also show the direct tunnel between the branch and the hub. The
below example is from the SILVER1-VCE. Note that the additional tunnels to and These are the direct tunnels to the hub VeloCloud Edge (GE2 over public Internet
and GE3 over private link).

Configure and Activate Bronze 1 Site

This step helps create a Bronze site--a dual Internet site with one DIA and one broadband. Below
is an example of the wiring and IP address information. The BRONZE1-VCE VeloCloud Edge LAN
and activate the VeloCloud Edge. There is no configuration required on the WAN because it uses
DHCP for both WAN interfaces.

Configure and Activate Hub 2

This step helps you to configure the "Steer by IP address" commonly used in one-arm hub
deployments. Below is an example of the wiring and IP address information. With one-arm
deployment, the same tunnel source IP can be used to create overlay over different paths.

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Configure the Hub 2 VeloCloud Edge to Reach the Internet

1 Connect a PC to the VeloCloud Edge and use the browser to point to

2 Configure the hub VeloCloud Edge to reach the Internet by configuring the first WAN
interface, GE2.

Add the Hub 2 VeloCloud Edge to the VeloCloud Orchestrator and

In this step, you will create the second hub VeloCloud Edge, called DC2.VCE.

1 On the VeloCloud Orchestrator, go to Configure > Edges, select New Edge to add a new
VeloCloud Edge.

2 Go to Configure > Edges, select the VeloCloud Edge that you just created, then go to the
Device tab to configure the same Interface and IP you configured in previous step.

Important Since we are deploying the VeloCloud Edge in one-arm mode (same physical
interface but there will be multiple over tunnels from this interface), it is important to specify
the WAN Overlay to be User Defined.

3 At this point, you need to create the overlay. Under WAN Settings, click Add User Defined
WAN Overlay.

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4 Create an overlay across the public link. In our example, we will use the next-hop IP of to reach the Internet through the firewall. The firewall is already configured to
NAT the traffic to

5 Add the second overlay across the private network. In this example, we specify the next-hop
router and also specify the bandwidth since this is the MPLS leg and DC2-VCE is a

Add a static route to the LAN side subnet, through GE2 (see the following

screen capture).

6 Activate the VeloCloud Edge. After the activation is successful, come back to the Device tab
under the edge level configuration. Note the Public IP field is now populated.You should now
see the links in the Monitor > Edges, under the Overview tab. (Optional) Configure the LAN
Interface with Management IPGo to Configure > Edges, select DC2-VCE. Navigate to the
Device tab and scroll down to the VLAN Settings section. Click Edit. Configure the IP address
of the LAN and Management interfaces.

Add the Hub 2 VeloCloud Edge to the Hub List in the Quick Start
VPN Profile
1 Go to Configure > Profiles and select the profile Quick Start VPN.

2 Go to the Device tab and add this new VeloCloud Edge to a list of hubs.

Configure and Activate Silver 2 Site

This step helps you create a Silver site--a hybrid site, which has the VeloCloud Edge behind CE
router as well as VeloCloud Edge being the default router for the LAN. Below is an example of
the wiring and IP address information for each hardware.

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Connect a PC to the VeloCloud Edge LAN or Wi-Fi and use the browser to point to http://

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Configure Dynamic Routing with
OSPF or BGP 17
This section describes how to configure dynamic routing with OSPF or BGP.

VeloCloud Edge learns routes from adjacent routers through OSPF and BGP. It sends the learned
routes to the Gateway/Controller. The Gateway/Controller acts like a route reflector and sends
the learned routes to other VeloCloud SD-WAN Edges. The Overlay Flow Control (OFC) enables
enterprise-wide route visibility and control for ease of programming and for full and partial

VeloCloud supports Inbound/Outbound filters to OSPF neighbors, OE1/OE2 route types, MD5
authentication. Routes learned through OSPF will be automatically redistributed to the controller
hosted in the cloud or on-premise. Support for BGP Inbound/Outbound filters and the filter can
be set to Deny, or optionally you can Add/Change the BGP attribute to influence the path
selection, i.e. RFC 1998 community, MED, and local preference.

Note For information about OSPF and BGP Redistribution, see the section titled OSPF/BGP

Note In the 3.2 release, both BGP and OSPF can be enabled in a VeloCloud SD WAN Edge at a

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Enable OSPF

n Enable BGP

n OSPF/BGP Redistribution

n Overlay Flow Control

Enable OSPF
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) can be enabled only on a LAN interface as a passive interface.
The Edge will only advertise the prefix associated with that LAN switch port. To get full OSPF
functionality, you must use it in routed interfaces.

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To enable OSPF, perform the steps on this procedure:

1 Configure OSPF for VPN profiles.

a Go to Configure > Profile.

b Click the Device icon corresponding to the VPN profile for which you want to configure

The Configure Segments screen appears.

c In the OSPF Areas section, turn ON the OSPF Areas toggle button.

d Configure the redistribution settings for OSPF areas.

1 From the Default Route drop-down menu, choose an OSPF route type (E1 or E2) to
be used for default route.

2 From the Advertise drop-down menu, choose either Always or Conditional.

(Choosing Always means to Advertise the default route always. Choosing Conditional
means to redistribute default route only when Edge learns via overlay or underlay).
The “Overlay Prefixes” option must be checked to use the Conditional default route.

3 If applicable, check the Overlay Prefixes checkbox.

4 Optionally, to enable injection of BGP routes into OSPF, select the BGP checkbox.
BGP routes can be redistributed into OSPF, so if this is applicable, enter or choose the
configuration options as follows:

a In the Set Metric textbox, enter the metric. (This is the metric that OSPF would put
in its external LSAs that it generates from the redistributed routes). The default
metric is 20.

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b From the Set Metric Type drop-down menu, choose a metric type. (This is either
type E1 or E2 (OSPF External-LSA type)); the default type is E2).

5 In the ID text box,enter an OSPF Area ID.

6 In the Name textbox, enter a descriptive name for your area.

7 By default,the Normal type is selected. Only Normal type is supported at this time.

8 Add additional areas, if necessary, by clicking .

2 Configure routed interface settings for the OSPF-enabled Edge device.

Note For the 3.3.1 release, the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports OSPF Point to Point
network mode at the Edge and Profile level.

a In the Configure Segments screen, scroll down to the Device Settings area of the Edge
device for which you want to configure interface and OSPF settings.

b Click the expand icon corresponding to the Edge.

c In the Interface Settings area, click the Edit link of your interface. The Interface Setting
screen for the Edge device appears.

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d Select the OSPF checkbox.

e From the OSPF Area drop-down menu, select an OSPF area.

f Click the toggle advance ospf settings link to configure advanced OSPF settings.

1 Create filters for Inbound Route Learning and Route Advertisement. For more
information, see Route Filters.

2 Click the Customs Settings tab and configure the following OSPF settings.

a In the Hello Timer text box, enter the OSPF Hello time interval in seconds. The
allowable range is 1 through 255.

b In the Dead Timer text box, enter the OSPF Dead time interval in seconds. The
allowable range is 1 through 65535.

c Select the Enable MD5 Authentication checkbox to enable MD5 authentication.

d In the Interface Path Cost text box, enter the OSPF cost for the interface path.

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e In the MTU text box, enter the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value of the

f From the Mode drop-down menu, select Broadcast or Point to Point as the OSPF
network type mode. The default OSPF mode is Broadcast.

g Select the Passive checkbox to enable OSPF Passive mode.

h Click the Update button.

3 Click Save Changes.

The Confirm Changes dialog box appears requesting you to confirm the OSPF areas you
want to enable. It also displays how many Edges are affected.

Note If you have Edges that are not associated with the OSPF configuration at the Profile
level, then you must configure at the Edge level from Configure > Edges > Device > Interface
Settings area.

Route Filters
There are two different types of routing: inbound and outbound.

n Inbound routing includes preferences that can be learned or ignored from OSPF and installed
into the Overlay Flow Control.

n Outbound Routing indicates what prefixes can be redistributed into the OSPF.

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Enable BGP
The Routing BGP feature is available only if it is enabled by your Operator. To gain access to this
feature, see your Operator for more information.

n BGP must be enabled by an Operator (Go to Configure > Customer and check the Enable
BGP checkbox in the Customer Configuration screen).

n 4-Byte ASN BGP is supported (As the ASN of the VCE itself), Peer to a neighbor with 4-Byte
ASN- Accept 4-Byte ASNs in route advertisements. Only plain format is supported; asdot/
decimal format is not.

n BGP can be configured per segment. You can configure either at the Profile level or the Edge
level with the Edge Override enabled.

Community Additive Support

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BGP inbound and outbound configuration supports setting BGP communities. Community values
can be used to identify the source of the routes. By default, if "additive" is not checked, the
existing BGP community will be replaced by the "set" value(s). If the community additive option is
checked, we will append the set community values to the existing BGP community. As shown in
the example image below, community 12345:11 and 12345:22 will be appended to the existing
BGP community. NOTE: The maximum number of community strings supported is twelve.

1 Configure BGP for VPN profiles:

a Go to Configure > Profile from the navigation panel.

The Configuration Profiles screen appears.

b Select a profile you want to enable BGP for and click the Device icon for the applicable

The Device Settings screen for the selected Profile appears.

2 Scroll down to the BGP Settings area, and turn BGP ON as shown in the image below.

3 Click the Edit button to define the BGP neighbors.

4 In the BGP Editor:

a Click the Add Filter button to create one or more filters. (These filters will be applied to
the neighbor to deny or change the attributes of the route. The same filter can be used
for multiple neighbors).

The Create BGP Filter dialog appears (image below).

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b In the Create BGP Filter dialog:

1 Type in a name for the filter in the Filter Name textbox.

2 Set the Rules for the filter.

n Choose Prefix or Community from the Type drop-down menu.

n Set the value for either the Prefix or Community in the Value textbox.

n If appliable, check the Exact Match checkbox.

n Indicate the action type (Permit or Deny) from the Type drop-down menu.

n From the Set drop-down menu, choose either None, Local Preference, Metric, AS-
Path-Preprend, or Community, Community Additive checkbox. See the section
above titled, Community Additive Support" for more information.

c After you have set the rules for the filter, click the OK button.

d In the BGP Editor dialog box, enter the Local ASN number in the Local ASN textbox.

e In the Neighbor's area, enter the Neighbor IP and ASN in the appropriate text boxes, and
specify Inbound Filters or Outbound Filters from the Filter list defined in the previous

f Add additional options by clicking the view all button to open the drop-down menu.
Apply additional options as needed. (See the table below for a description of each option
and the table below for additional reference).

Additional Options Field Description

Neighbor Flag drop-down menu Used to flag the neighbor type. Choose between two
options from the drop-dwon menu: None and Uplink.
Select Uplink if it is used as the WAN overlay towards
MPLS. It will be used as the flag to decide whether the
site will become a transit site (e.g. hub) by
propagating routes leant over SD-WAN overlay to
WAN link toward MPLS. If need to make it a transit
site, also check "Overlay Prefix Over Uplink" in
Advanced option.

Allow AS checkbox Learn BGP routes even though the same AS is in the

Default Route checkbox Advertise a default route to the neighbor. See step "e,
ii" below for more information about using the Default
Route checkbox.

Connect Interval in seconds before it tries new TCP connection

with the peer if it detects the TCP session is not
passive. Default value is 120 seconds.

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Additional Options Field Description

MD5 Auth checkbox Enables BGP MD5 authentication. The MD5 Auth
checkbox is used in a legacy network or federal
network, and it is common that BGP MD5 is used as a
security guard for BGP peering.

MD5 Password textbox A password is required when enabling MD5 Auth.

g Click the Advanced Settings button.

The Advanced Settings area appears.

h In the Additional Settings area, you can enter the following additional BGP settings
described in the table below. (See the image below for additional reference).
Additional Settings Description

Router ID If no ID is configured, an ID will be automatically assigned.

Keep Alive The frequency (in seconds) that the "Keep Alive" message will be sent to its peer. The
default value is 60 seconds. The range is 0-65535.

Hold Timers Interval in seconds that the peer is considered after not receiving the Keep Alive
message. The default value is 180 seconds. The range is 0-65535.

Uplink Community Uplink refers to link connected to the Provider Edge (PE).
Inbound routes (towards the edge) matching this community will be treated as Uplink
routes. (For which the Hub/Edge is not considered the owner).
Input can be in the original number format or in the new AA:NN format.

Overlay Prefix Redistributes prefixes learned from the overlay.

Disable AS-PATH By default, this should be left unchecked. In certain topologies, disabling AS-PATH
Carry Over Carry Over will influence the outbound AS-PATH to make the L3 routers prefer a path
towards an Edge or a Hub. Warning: When the AS-PATH Carry Over is checked, tune
your network to avoid routing loops.

Connected Routes Redistributes all the connected Interface subnets.

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OSPF checkbox Enables OSPF redistribute into BGP.

Defalut Route Redistributes default route only when Edge learns via overlay or underlay.

Set Metric textbox Optionally, you can enable OSPF, which allows an injection of OSPF routes into BGP.
The default BGP metric for the redistributed OSPF routes is MED value of 20.

Overlay Prefixes Over Uplink refers to link/neighbor which is configured with the Neighbor flag Uplink
Uplink (Normally, the link is connected to the Provider Edge(PE) router). Propagates routes
learned from Overlay to the Uplink with the Neighbor flag.

Networks The Network the BGP will advertise in the format

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i Click OK to save the configurations.

Note If you checked the Default Route checkbox located in the Additional Settings
area, please be aware of the following four scenarios:

n If the global Default Route option is enabled with the "Conditional” option selected,
and the per BGP neighbor option Default Route is not selected, BGP will Redistribute
the default route to its neighbor only when the Edge learns an explicit default route
via overlay or underlay.

n If the global Default Route option is enabled with the “Conditional” option selected,
and the per BGP neighbor option Default Route is selected, the Per Neighbor
configuration overrides the Global configuration hence “Advertise default route to
BGP peer Always.”

n If the global Default Route option is not enabled and the per BGP neighbor option
Default Route is selected, Advertise default route to BGP peer Always.

n If the global Default Route option is not enabled and per the BGP neighbor option
Default Route is not selected, Do not Advertise/Redistribute default route to BGP

Note All the above options are available at the Edge level and can be configured with Edge
override enabled for BGP settings.

OSPF/BGP Redistribution
Each of routing protocols OSPF and BGP may be enabled independently and the prior model of
allowing only one routing protocol to be enabled on the system has been removed with this
release. This release also allows the possibility of redistributing OSPF into BGP or BGP into OSPF
(or both simultaneously), along with other possible route sources like prefixes learnt over the
overlay, connected routes, static routes, etc.

In addition, with release 3.2, we are standardizing the redistribution behavior along more
traditional lines (similar to that in other routing vendors). For example, if there is more than one
route available for the same prefix, then only the best route for that prefix in the system RIB will
be redistributed to the destination protocol if the configuration in the destination protocol allows
redistribution for that route type.

Consider, as an example, redistribution of the prefix into BGP. Let's say routes to
the prefix are locally available, learned from OSPF and separately learned as an
Overlay prefix. Let's further assume that between the OFC flow ordering for the prefix, and route
metrics, and route preference the OSPF route ranks above (is better than) the learned overlay
route for that same prefix. Then, the OSPF route will be redistributed into BGP if OSPF
redistribution has been turned on in BGP. Note that since the overlay learned prefix is not the
best route for that prefix in the system RIB, it will not be redistributed into BGP even if the
redistribution of overlay prefixes has been turned on in BGP.

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In cases like the above, in order to facilitate the redistribution of the best route for a prefix into a
given destination protocol, the user can enable redistribution for the specific route type that is
the best route in the system.

Alternately, if the user prefers a different route source for that prefix to be redistributed into the
destination protocol, the user can control the relative precedence of the route in the system RIB
using the Overlay Flow Control facility provided by the management interface, or by varying the
route metric.

See Enable OSPF and Enable BGP for more information.

Overlay Flow Control

The Overlay Flow Control screen displays a summary view of all the routes in your network.

Global Routing Preferences

This section describes global routing preferences.

Data Forwarding Preferences

The Data Forwarding Preferences area is where you decide the priority of the destinations
where the traffic should be routed. To change the priority, click the Edit button (see image
above) located at the bottom of the Global Routing Preferences area to open up the Edit Global
Configs dialog.

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n Advertise Internal refers to IBGP routes.

n Advertise External refers to EBGP routes.

n Advertise Uplink Routes refers routes with Uplink tag (U).

Overlay Flow Control Table

All routes are displayed in the Overlay Flow Control table, which includes the
following: segment , subnet, route type, and preferences.

Column Name Description

Subnet The network that this route corresponds to along with a list of Edges that learned this route.

Route Type Connected: A network that is directly connected to the interface. Types include: OSPF-O, OSPF-OE2,
BGP, Static, and Connected.

Preferences VeloCloud (B2B)- VeloCloud Route Direct: Direct interface route if a Private link is present.

Edit Routes
You can also change the destination of your preferences. Click the Edit button from the Overlay
Flow Control table. If you change the destination preference, the change applies only to that
specific route/subnet.

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Adjacencies display routes between OSPF, BGP neighbors, and the Edge as shown in the
following figure. Click the Adjacencies link to view these neighboring relationships.

Re-prioritize Routes
You can re-priortize routes by clicking the Edit button from Overlay Flow Control area. These
are the final exit points to reach the destination subnet.

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Quick Start Configuration
This section describes the minimal steps necessary for first-time Edge configuration and
activation using VeloCloud Orchestrator. You should be familiar with the concepts described in
the Overview before attempting the steps described in this section.

There are three Quick Start configuration scenarios.

n SaaS

n Non-VeloCloud Site via VPN

n VeloCloud Site VPN

More detail about these scenarios can be found in Configuration Workflow.

This section describes each of these scenarios. The VeloCloud Orchestrator has default
configurations for Networks, Network Services, and Profiles. These predefined configurations
allow you to create a VeloCloud Edge configuration and have an operational Edge in a matter of

The following table describes the default configurations:

Configuration Description

Network Services Configuration for Open DNS and Google DNS Services.

Networks Two preconfigured Networks are provided, each with a Corporate and a Guest Network with one
VLAN defined:
n Internet Network: Configuration for a non-VPN network with overlapping addresses.
n VPN Network: Configuration for a VPN Network with non-overlapping addresses.

Profiles Two preconfigured Profiles are provided. Each uses a preconfigured Network, Network Services and
defines LAN and Wi-Fi interfaces settings. The predefined Profiles are:
n Quick Start Internet Network: This profile uses the Internet Network configuration.
n Quick Start VPN Network: This profile uses the VPN Network configuration.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n SaaS Quick Start

n via VPN


n Zero-touch Provisioning

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n Push Activation (Tech Preview)

SaaS Quick Start

An administrator can provision an Edge using the default internet Network, Network Services,
and Profile configurations and then initiate activation of the Edge configuration. In this scenario,
only an Edge needs to be configured.

Complete the following steps:

1 Create an Edge using the Internet Profile.

2 Send an Edge activation email.

The following sections describe these steps in more detail.

Create an Edge Using the Internet Profile

This section describes how to create an Edge using the Internet profile.

To create an Edge using the Internet profile:

1 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Configure ->

2 On the VeloCloud Edges page, click the New Edge button at the upper right.

3 In the Provision New Edge dialog box, specify the Edge name, select an Edge model number,
select the Quick Start Internet Profile, and enter your name and email for the Contact Name
and Contact Email.

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The description for the newly created Edge appears.

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With the “out-of-the-box” configuration provided for Networks, Network Services, and Profiles,
plus the default configuration provided for an Edge, your newly created Edge configuration is
complete. You are now able to activate your Edge device and apply the VeloCloud Orchestrator
Edge configuration to the Edge device. Edge activation is the same for the three workflows.
Next, complete the steps described in Configure Edge Activation.

When PKI is enabled (access must be granted by the Operator), you can choose from three
certificate options (Certificate Required, Certificate Optional, or Certificate Disabled). If PKI is
enabled and you set the certificate to Certificate Required, you are provisioning the Edge and
the Pre-Shared Key is not available.

The newly created Edge appears.

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via VPN
An administrator can provision an Edge using the default VPN Network, Network Services, and
Profile configurations, and then initiate activation of the Edge configuration. In this scenario, a
new Profile needs to be configured and an Edge needs to be provisioned.

Complete the following steps:

1 Create a Non-VeloCloud Site Profile.

2 Configure the Non-VeloCloud Site via VPN.

3 Create an Edge using the Non-VeloCloud Site Profile.

4 Send an Edge activation email.

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The following sections describe these steps in more detail.

Create Profile
This section describes how to create a profile.

To create a profile:

1 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Configure ->

2 On the VeloCloud Profiles page, select the Quick Start VPN Profile, then click Actions ->
Duplicate Profile at the upper right.

Configure via VPN

This section describes how to configure via VPN.

To configure via VNP:

1 Select the Profile Device tab.

2 Turn on Cloud VPN.

3 Enable the Edge to Non-VeloCloud Site, then select New Non-VeloCloud Site.

4 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Configure ->

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5 On the VeloCloud Profiles page, select the Quick Start VPN Profile, then click Actions ->
Duplicate Profile at the upper right.

6 Select a Type for the Non-VeloCloud Site. In the following example, a Cisco ISR is chosen.
Enter any additional parameters required for the Non-VeloCloud Site you chose, then click

A status appears for the creation of the new Non-VeloCloud Site.

A final dialog box for completing the configuration of the Non-VeloCloud Site appears.

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Create Edge Using the VPN Profile

This section describes how to create an Edge using the VPN profile.

To create an Edge using the VPN profile:

1 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Configure ->
Profiles on the VeloCloud Edges page.

2 Click the New Edge button at the upper right.

3 In the Provision New Edge dialog box, specify your Edge name, select an Edge model
number, select the Quick Start VPN Profile, and enter your name and email for the Contact
Name and Contact Email.

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The description for the newly created Edge appears.

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With the “out-of-the-box” configuration provided for Networks, Network Services, and Profiles
plus the default configuration provided for an Edge, your newly created Edge configuration is
complete. The only step remaining is the activation of the Edge. Edge activation is the same for
the three scenarios. Next, complete the steps described in Configure Edge Activation.

An administrator can provision an Edge using the default VPN Network, Network Services, and
Profile configurations, and then initiate activation of the Edge configuration. In this scenario, a
new Profile needs to be configured and an Edge needs to be provisioned.

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Complete the following steps:

1 Create a VeloCloud Site Profile.

2 Configure the VeloCloud Site VPN Profile.

3 Provision an Edge using the VeloCloud Site VPN Profile.

4 Send an Edge Activation email.

The following sections describe these steps in more detail.

Create a Profile
This section describes how to create a profile.

To create a profile:

1 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Configure ->
Profiles to create a VeloCloud Site Profile.

2 To create a duplicate profile, on the VeloCloud Profiles page, select the Quick Start VPN
Profile, then click Actions -> Duplicate Profile at the upper right.

Configure the VPN Profile

This section describes how to configure the VPN Profile.

The VeloCloud Site VPN can be configured for two types of VeloCloud Site VPNs:

n Branch to VeloCloud Hubs

n Branch to Branch VPN

Note The Cloud VPN feature on the Device tab must be On to reveal the configuration options
for the two VPN types.

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Configure Branch to VeloCloud Hubs

To configure the VPN Profile for Branch to VeloCloud Hubs:

1 Under Branch to VeloCloud Hubs, select the Enable checkbox.

2 Click the Select Edges button.

The following dialog box appears, prompting you to select VeloCloud Hubs that can be used
for VPN tunnels between the Edges using this profile and the VeloCloud Edges chosen to be
VeloCloud Hubs.

3 Make your selections, then click OK.

Configure Branch to Branch VPN

To configure the VPN Profile for Branch to Branch VPN:

1 As shown in the figure below (far right area), configure Branch to Branch VPN by selecting
the Enable checkbox.

2 From the options, select Use Cloud Gateways and Dynamic Branch to Branch VPN.

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3 Click OK.

Create an Edge Using the VPN Profile

This section describes how to create an Edge using the VPN Profile.

To create an Edge using the VPN Profile:

1 From the Navigation Panel on the left side of the VeloCloud Orchestrator, click Edges.

2 On the VeloCloud Edges page, click the New Edge button at the upper right.

3 In the Provision New Edge dialog box, complete the following steps:

a Type an Edge name.

b Select an Edge model number from the drop-down menu.

c Select the Quick Start Profile from the drop-down menu.

d Type in the Contact Name and Contact Email.

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The description for the newly created Edge appears.

With the “out-of-the-box” configuration provided for Networks, Network Services, and Profiles,
plus the default configuration provided for an Edge, your newly created Edge configuration is
complete. The only step remaining is the activation of the Edge. Edge activation is the same for
the three scenarios. Next, complete the steps described in Configure Edge Activation.

Zero-touch Provisioning
The VeloCloud SD-WAN solution supports two methods of VCE zero-touch deployment and
activation: Pull Activation and Push Activation

Note Zero-touch Provisioning is new for the 3.3.0 release.

Pull Activation (Office Admin Activates) Push Activation (Central NOC


No IT Visit Required

No Pre-staging Required

No Security Risk if Box Is Lost

No Site-by-site Link Profile Needed

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No Device Tracking Needed

Requires Email to Office Admin

Requires Knowledge of Device to Site

Pull Activation
For the Pull Activation method, the VCE is shipped to the customer site with a factory-default
configuration. Prior to activation, the VCE contains no configuration or credentials to connect to
the enterprise network.

Note The Pull Activation section has been updated for the 3.3.0 release.

The Pull Edge activation process consists of the following steps:

1 Send an Activation Email.

The administrator initiates the activation process by sending an activation procedure email to
the person that will install the Edge, typically a Site Contact.

2 Activate the Edge Device.

The individual following the instructions in the activation procedure email will activate the
Edge device.

Complete the following instructions for the Pull Edge activation process.

Step 1: Send an Activation Email

The process of activating the Edge begins with the initiation of an activation procedure email that
is sent to the Site Contact by the IT Admin.

To send the activation procedure email:

1 Go to Configure > Edges from the Orchestrator.

2 Select the Edge you want to activate. The Edge Overview Tab window appears.

3 As an optional step, in the Properties area, enter the serial number of the Edge that will be
activated in the Serial Number text field. Serial numbers are case sensitive, so make sure that
“VC” is capitalized.

Note This step is optional. However, if specified, the serial number must match the activated

4 Click the Send Activation Email button to send the activation email to the Site Contact. For a
detailed description of the fields and checkboxes featured in the Properties area, see the
Properties Area Field and Checkbox Descriptions in the Chapter 14 Edge Overview Tab.

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5 The Send Activation Email pop-up window appears. It describes the steps for the Site
Contact to complete to activate the Edge device.

6 Click the Send button to send the activation procedure email to the Site Contact.

Step 2: Activate an Edge Device

The Site Contact performs the steps outlined in the Edge activation procedure email.

In general, the Site Contact completes the following steps:

1 Connect your Edge device to power and insert any Internet cables or USB modems.

2 Find and connect to the Wi-Fi network that looks like velocloud- followed by three more
letters/numbers (for example,velocloud-01c) with the password vcsecret.

3 Click the hyperlink in the email to activate the Edge.

Note Refer the Wi-Fi SSID from the box. The default Wi-Fi is vc-wifi.

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The Edge activation email might provide specific instructions for connecting WAN cables and
USB modems, connecting devices to the LAN connections, and connecting additional networking
devices to the Edge. It might also provide instructions for using one or more Wi-Fi connections.

During the Edge activation, the activation status screen appears.

The Edge will download the configuration and software from the VCO. The Edge will be activated
successfully and will be ready for service. Once an Edge has been activated, it will be “useable”
for routing network traffic. In addition, more advanced functions such as monitoring, testing, and
troubleshooting will be enabled.

Push Activation (Tech Preview)

For the Push Activation method, the VCE is activated without the requirement for an office admin
to click an activation link.

Note The Push Activation section below has been updated for the 3.3.0 release.

Some scenarios that require a Push activation include:

n When a Service Provider outsources the physical installation of devices at a site—in most
instances, just to connect cables and power. The person who installs the device may neither
be an employee of the end customer nor of the Service Provider.

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n When the person at the remote site is unable to connect a laptop/tablet/ phone to the VCE,
and therefore cannot use an email or cannot click an activation code/URL.

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Configure Alerts
The VeloCloud Orchestrator provides an alert function to notify one or more Enterprise
Administrators (or other support users) when a problem occurs.

Note If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you can view
VeloCloud Orchestrator objects but not create new objects or configure/update existing ones.

Alerts can be sent when a VeloCloud Edge goes offline or comes back online, a WAN link goes
down, a VPN tunnel goes down, or when an Edge HA failover occurs. A delay for sending the
alert after it is detected can be entered for each of the alert types.

The following screen capture shows the Configure Alerts page where the alerts of interest are
selected, the Notification Delay for each alert type is entered, and the email addresses where
the alerts will be sent are configured. You can also select if SMS alerts are sent to a mobile phone

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Configure SNMP Traps

Configure SNMP Traps

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Traps are notifications that can be sent to an
SNMP Agent to indicate that an event has occurred.

The VCO can send SNMP Traps corresponding to existing alerts (e.g. 'Edge Down' and 'Edge Up')
and ‘SMS’ and ‘Email’ alerts.

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Click Save Changes after you have chosen the Alert Configuration you want.

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This section describes Administration.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Configure System Settings

n Monitor Edge Licensing

Configure System Settings

This section describes system settings.

Overview of Single Sign On

For the 3.3.1 release, the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports a new type of user
authentication called Single Sign On (SSO) for all Orchestrator user types: Operator, Partner, and

Single Sign On (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that allows VCO users to log in
to the VCO with one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. Integrating the SSO
service with VCO improves the security of user authentication for VCO users and enables VCO to
authenticate users from other OpenID Connect (OIDC)-based Identity Providers (IDPs). The
following IDPs are currently supported:

n Okta

n OneLogin

n PingIdentity

n AzureAD

n VMwareCSP

Configure Single Sign On for Enterprise User

To setup Single Sign On (SSO) authentication for Enterprise user, perform the steps in this


n Ensure that you have the Enterprise super user permission.

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n Before setting up the SSO authentication, ensure you have set up roles, users, and OpenID
connect (OIDC) application for VCO in your preferred identity provider’s website. For more
information, see Configure an IDP for Single Sign On.


1 Log in to a Velocloud Orchestrator (VCO) application as Enterprise super user, with your login

2 Click Administration > System Settings

The System Settings screen appears.

3 Click the General Information tab and in the Domain text box, enter the domain name for
your enterprise, if it is not already set.

Note To enable SSO authentication for the VCO, you must set up the domain name for your

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4 Click the Authentication tab and from the Authentication Mode drop-down menu, select

5 From the Identity Provider template drop-down menu, select your preferred Identity
Provider (IDP) that you have configured for Single Sign On.

Note If you select VMwareCSP as your preferred IDP, ensure to provide your Organization
ID in the following format: /csp/gateway/am/api/orgs/<full organization ID>.

When you sign in to VMware CSP console, you can view the organization ID you are logged
into by clicking on your username. A shortened version of the ID is displayed under the
organization name. Click the ID to display the full organization ID.

You can also manually configure your own IDPs by selecting Others from the Identity
Provider template drop-down menu.

6 In the OIDC well-known config URL text box, enter the OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration
URL for your IDP. For example, the URL format for Okta will be: https://{oauth-provider-

7 The VCO application auto-populates endpoint details such as Issuer, Authorization Endpoint,
Token Endpoint, and User Information Endpoint for your IDP.

8 In the Client Id text box, enter the client identifier provided by your IDP.

9 In the Client Secret text box, enter the client secret code provided by your IDP, that is used
by the client to exchange an authorization code for a token.

10 To determine user’s role in VCO, select one of the options:

n Use Default Role – Allows user to configure a static role as default by using the Default
Role text box that appears on selecting this option. The supported roles are: Enterprise
Superuser, Enterprise Standard Admin, Enterprise Support, and Enterprise Read Only.

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n Use Identity Provider Roles – Uses the roles set up in the IDP.

11 On selecting the Use Identity Provider Roles option, in the Role Attribute text box, enter the
name of the attribute set in the IDP to return roles.

12 In the Role Map area, map the IDP-provided roles to each of the VCO roles, separated by
using commas.

Roles in VMware CSP will follow this format: external/<service definition uuid>/<service role
name mentioned during service template creation>.

13 Update the allowed redirect URLs in OIDC provider website with VCO URL (https://<vco>/

14 Click Save Changes to save the SSO configuration.

15 Click Test Configuration to validate the entered OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration.

The user is navigated to the IDP website and allowed to enter the credentials. On IDP
verification and successful redirect to VCO test call back, a successful validation message will
be displayed.


The SSO authentication setup is complete.

What to do next

Chapter 5 Log in to VCO Using SSO for Enterprise User.

Configure Single Sign On for Identity Partners

The Identity Partner (IDP) Configuration for Single Sign On (SSO) is newly added for the 3.3.1

Configure an IDP for Single Sign On

To enable Single Sign On (SSO) for VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO), you must configure an
Identity Partner (IDP) with details of VCO. Currently, the following IDPs are supported: Okta,
OneLogin, PingIdentity, AzureAD, and VMware CSP.

For step-by-step instructions to configure an OpenID Connect (OIDC) application for VCO in
various IDPs, see:

n Configure Okta for Single Sign On

n Configure OneLogin for Single Sign On

n Configure PingIdentity for Single Sign On

n Configure Azure Active Directory for Single Sign On

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n Configure VMware CSP for Single Sign On

Configure Okta for Single Sign On

To support OpenID Connect (OIDC)-based Single Sign On (SSO) from Okta, you must first set up
an application in Okta. To set up an OIDC-based application in Okta for SSO, perform the steps
on this procedure.


Ensure you have an Okta account to sign in.


1 Log in to your Okta account as an Admin user.

The Okta home screen appears.

Note If you are in the Developer Console view, then you must switch to the Classic UI view
by selecting Classic UI from the Developer Console drop-down list.

2 To create a new application:

a In the upper navigation bar, click Applications > Add Application.

The Add Application screen appears.

b Click Create New App.

The Create a New Application Integration dialog box appears.

c From the Platform drop-drop menu, select Web.

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d Select OpenID Connect as the Sign on method and click Create.

The Create OpenID Connect Integration screen appears.

e Under the General Settings area, in the Application name text box, enter the name for
your application (for example, VCO).

f Under the CONFIGURE OPENID CONNECT area, in the Login redirect URIs text box,
enter the redirect URL that your VCO application uses as the callback endpoint.

In the VCO application, at the bottom of the Configure Authentication screen, you can
find the redirect URL link. Ideally, the VCO redirect URL will be in this format: https://<VCO

g Click Save.

h On the General tab, click Edit and select Refresh Token for Allowed grant types, and click

Note down the Client Credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) to be used during the SSO
configuration in VCO.

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i Click the Sign On tab and under the OpenID Connect ID Token area, click Edit.

j In the Groups claim filter area, set the filter for the user groups and click Save.

The application is setup in IDP. You can assign groups and users to your VCO application.

3 To assign groups and users to your VCO application:

a Go to Application > Applications and click on your VCO application link.

b On the Assignments tab, from the Assign drop-down menu, select Assign to Groups or
Assign to People.

The Assign <Application Name> to Groups or Assign <Application Name> to People

dialog box appears.

c Click Assign next to available user groups or users you want to assign the VCO
application and click Done.


You have completed setting up an OIDC-based application in Okta for SSO.

What to do next

Configure Single Sign On in VCO.

Create a New User Group in Okta
To create a new user group, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Directory > Groups.

2 Click Add Group.

The Add Group dialog box appears.

3 Enter the group name and description for the group and click Save.
Create a New User in Okta
To add a new user, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Directory > People.

2 Click Add Person.

The Add Person dialog box appears.

3 Enter all the mandatory details such as first name, last name, and email ID of the user.

4 If you want to set the password, select Set by user from the Password drop-down menu and
enable Send user activation email now.

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5 Click Save.

An activation link email will be sent your email ID. Click the link in the email to activate your
Okta user account.

Configure OneLogin for Single Sign On

To set up an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-based application in OneLogin for Single Sign On (SSO),
perform the steps on this procedure.


Ensure you have an OneLogin account to sign in.


1 Log in to your OneLogin account as an Admin user.

The OneLogin home screen appears.

2 To create a new application:

a In the upper navigation bar, click Apps > Add Apps.

b In the Find Applications text box, search for “OpenId Connect” or “oidc” and then select
the OpenId Connect (OIDC) app.

The Add OpenId Connect (OIDC) screen appears.

c In the Display Name text box, enter the name for your application (for example, VCO)
and click Save.

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d On the Configuration tab, enter the redirect URI that VCO uses as the callback endpoint
and click Save.

In the VCO application, at the bottom of the Authentication screen, you can find the
redirect URL link. Ideally, the VCO redirect URL will be in this format: https://<VCO URL>/

e On the Parameters tab, under OpenId Connect (OIDC), double click Groups.

The Edit Field Groups popup appears.

f Configure User Roles with value “--No transform--(Single value output)” to be sent in
groups attribute and click Save.

g On the SSO tab, from the Application Type drop-down menu, select Web.

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h From the Authentication Method drop-down menu, select POST as the Token Endpoint
and click Save.

Also, note down the Client Credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) to be used during the
SSO configuration in VCO.

i On the Access tab, choose the roles that will be allowed to login and click Save.

3 To add roles and users to your VCO application:

a Click Users > Users and select a user.

b On the Application tab, from the Roles drop-down menu, on the left, select a role to be
mapped to the user.

c Click Save Users.


You have completed setting up an OIDC-based application in OneLogin for SSO.

What to do next

Configure Single Sign On in VCO.

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Create a New Role in OneLogin

To create a new role, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Users > Roles.

2 Click New Role.

3 Enter a name for the role.

When you first set up a role, the Applications tab displays all the apps in your company

4 Click an application to select it and click Save to add the selected apps to the role.
Create a New User in OneLogin
To create a new user, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Users > Users > New User.

The New User screen appears

2 Enter all the mandatory details such as first name, last name, and email ID of the user and
click Save User.

Configure PingIdentity for Single Sign On

To set up an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-based application in PingIdentity for Single Sign On (SSO),
perform the steps on this procedure.


Ensure you have a PingOne account to sign in.

Note Currently, VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports PingOne as the Identity Partner (IDP);
however, any PingIdentity product supporting OIDC can be easily configured.


1 Log in to your PingOne account as an Admin user.

The PingOne home screen appears.

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2 To create a new application:

a In the upper navigation bar, click Applications.

b On the My Applications tab, select OIDC and then click Add Application.

The Add OIDC Application pop-up window appears.

c Provide basic details such as name, short description, and category for the application
and click Next.

d Under AUTHORIZATION SETTINGS, select Authorization Code as the allowed grant

types and click Next.

Also, note down the Discovery URL and Client Credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) to
be used during the SSO configuration in VCO.

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e Under SSO FLOW AND AUTHENTICATION SETTINGS, provide valid values for Start SSO
URL and Redirect URL and click Next.

In the VCO application, at the bottom of the Configure Authentication screen, you can
find the redirect URL link. Ideally, the VCO redirect URL will be in this format: https://<VCO
URL>/login/ssologin/openidCallback. The Start SSO URL will be in this format: https://
<vco>/<domain name>/login/doEnterpriseSsoLogin.

additional user profile attributes.

g In the Attribute Name text box, enter group_membership and then select the Required
checkbox, and select Next.

Note The group_membership attribute is required to retrieve roles from PingOne.

h Under CONNECT SCOPES, select the scopes that can be requested for your VCO
application during authentication and click Next.

i Under Attribute Mapping, map your identity repository attributes to the claims available
to your VCO application.

Note The minimum required mappings for the integration to work are email,
given_name, family_name, phone_number, sub, and group_membership (mapped to

j Under Group Access, select all user groups that should have access to your VCO
application and click Done.

The application will be added to your account and will be available in the My Application


You have completed setting up an OIDC-based application in PingOne for SSO.

What to do next

Configure Single Sign On in VCO.

Create a New User Group in PingIdentity
To create a new user group, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Users > User Directory.

2 On the Groups tab, click Add Group

The New Group screen appears.

3 In the Name text box, enter a name for the group and click Save.

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Create a New User in PingIdentity

To add a new user, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Click Users > User Directory.

2 On the Users tab, click the Add Users drop-down menu and select Create New User.

The User screen appears.

3 Enter all the mandatory details such as username, password, and email ID of the user.

4 Under Group Memberships, click Add.

The Add Group Membership pop-up window appears.

5 Search and add the user to a group and click Save.

Configure Azure Active Directory for Single Sign On

To set up an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-based application in Microsoft Azure Active Directory
(AzureAD) for Single Sign On (SSO), perform the steps on this procedure.


Ensure you have an AzureAD account to sign in.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account as an Admin user.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

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2 To create a new application:

a Search and select the Azure Active Directory service.

b Go to App registration > New registration.

The Register an application screen appears.

c In the Name field, enter the name for your VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) application.

d In the Redirect URL field, enter the redirect URL that your VCO application uses as the
callback endpoint.

In the VCO application, at the bottom of the Configure Authentication screen, you can
find the redirect URL link. Ideally, the VCO redirect URL will be in this format: https://<VCO

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e Click Register.

Your VCO application will be registered and displayed in the All applications and Owned
applications tabs. Make sure to note down the Client ID/Application ID to be used during
the SSO configuration in VCO.

f Click Endpoints and copy the well-known OIDC configuration URL to be used during the
SSO configuration in VCO.

g To create a client secret for your VCO application, on the Owned applications tab, click
on your VCO application.

h Go to Certificates & secrets > New client secret.

The Add a client secret screen appears.

i Provide details such as description and expiry value for the secret and click Add.

The client secret will be created for the application. Note down the new client secret
value to be used during the SSO configuration in VCO.

j To configure permissions for your VCO application, click on your VCO application and go
to API permissions > Add a permission.

The Request API permissions screen appears.

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k Click Microsoft Graph and select Application permissions as the type of permission for
your application.

l Under Select permissions, from the Directory drop-down menu, select

Directory.Read.All and from the User drop-down menu, select User.Read.All.

m Click Add permissions.

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n To add and save roles in the manifest, click on your VCO application and from the
application Overview screen, click Manifest.

A web-based manifest editor opens, allowing you to edit the manifest within the portal.
Optionally, you can select Download to edit the manifest locally, and then use Upload to
reapply it to your application.

o In the manifest, search for the appRoles array and add one or more role objects as shown
in the following example and click Save.

Sample role objects

"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Standard Admininstrator who will have sufficient privilege to
manage resource",
"displayName": "Standard Admin",
"id": "18fcaa1a-853f-426d-9a25-ddd7ca7145c1",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "standard"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Super Admin who will have the full privilege on VCO",
"displayName": "Super Admin",
"id": "cd1d0438-56c8-4c22-adc5-2dcfbf6dee75",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "superuser"

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Note Make sure to set id to a newly generated GUID value.

3 To assign groups and users to your VCO application:

a Go to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications.

b Search and select your VCO application.

c Click Users and groups and assign users and groups to the application.

d Click Submit.


You have completed setting up an OIDC-based application in AzureAD for SSO.

What to do next

Configure Single Sign On in VCO.

Create a New Guest User in AzureAD
To create a new guest user, perform the steps on this procedure.


1 Go to Azure Active Directory > Users > All users.

2 Click New guest user.

The New Guest User pop-up window appears.

3 In the Email address text box, enter the email address of the guest user and click Invite.

The guest user immediately receives a customizable invitation that lets them to sign into their
Access Panel.

4 Guest users in the directory can be assigned to apps or groups.

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Configure VMware CSP for Single Sign On

To configure VMware Cloud Services Platform (CSP) for Single Sign On (SSO), perform the steps
on this procedure.


Sign in to VMware CSP console (staging or production environment) with your VMware account
ID. If you are new to VMware Cloud and do not have a VMware account, you can create one as
you sign up. For more information, see How do I Sign up for VMware CSP section in Using
Vmware Cloud documentation.


1 Contact the VMware SD-WAN Support Provider for receiving a Service invitation URL link to
register your VCO application to VMware CSP. For information on how to contact the
Support Provider, see https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/53907 and https://www.vmware.com/

Your Support Provider will create and share:

n a Service invitation URL that needs to be redeemed to your Customer organization

n a Service definition uuid and Service role name to be used for Role mapping in

2 Redeem the Service invitation URL to your existing Customer Organization or create a new
Customer Organization by following the steps in the UI screen.

You need to be a Organization Owner to redeem the Service invitation URL to your existing
Customer Organization.

3 After redeeming the Service invitation, when you sign in to VMware CSP console, you can
view your application tile under My Services area in the Vmware Cloud Services page.

The Organization you are logged into is displayed under your username on the menu bar.
Make a note of the Organization ID by clicking on your username, to be used during
Orchestrator configuration. A shortened version of the ID is displayed under the Organization
name. Click the ID to display the full Organization ID.

4 Log in to VMware CSP console and create an OAuth application. For steps, see Use OAuth
2.0 for Web Apps. Make sure to set Redirect URI to the URL displayed in Configure
Authentication screen in VCO.

Once OAuth application is created in VMware CSP console, make a note of IDP integration
details such as Client ID and Client Secret. These details will be needed for SSO configuration
in Orchestrator.

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5 Log in to your VCO application as Super Admin user and configure SSO using the received
IDP integration details as follows.

a Click Administration > System Settings

The System Settings screen appears.

b Click the General Information tab and in the Domain text box, enter the domain name for
your enterprise, if it is not already set.

Note To enable SSO authentication for the VCO, you must set up the domain name for
your enterprise.

c Click the Authentication tab and from the Authentication Mode drop-down menu, select

d From the Identity Provider template drop-down menu, select VMwareCSP.

e In the Organization Id text box, enter the Organization ID (that you have noted down in
Step 3) in the following format: /csp/gateway/am/api/orgs/<full organization ID>

f In the OIDC well-known config URL text box, enter the OpenID Connect (OIDC)
configuration URL (https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/.well-known/
openid-configuration) for your IDP.

The VCO application auto-populates endpoint details such as Issuer, Authorization

Endpoint, Token Endpoint, and User Information Endpoint for your IDP.

g In the Client Id text box, enter the client ID that you have noted down from the OAuth
application creation step.

h In the Client Secret text box, enter the client secret code that you have noted down from
the OAuth application creation step.

i To determine user’s role in VCO, select either Use Default Role or Use Identity Provider

j On selecting the Use Identity Provider Roles option, in the Role Attribute text box, enter
the name of the attribute set in the VMware CSP to return roles.

k In the Role Map area, map the VMwareCSP-provided roles to each of the VCO roles,
separated by using commas.

Roles in VMware CSP will follow this format: external/<service definition uuid>/<service
role name mentioned during service template creation>. Use the same Service definition
uuid and Service role name that you have received from your Support Provider.

6 Click Save Changes to save the SSO configuration.

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7 Click Test Configuration to validate the entered OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration.

The user is navigated to the VMware CSP website and allowed to enter the credentials. On
IDP verification and successful redirect to VCO test call back, a successful validation message
will be displayed.


You have completed integrating VCO application in VMware CSP for SSO and can access the
VCO application logging in to the VMware CSP console.

What to do next

n Within the organization, manage users by adding new users and assigning appropriate role
for the users. For more information, see Manage Users.

Self-service Password Reset

VCO users can perform a self-service password reset. This section describes how users can
enable/disable this feature as well as how to reset their password with or without two factor

Note The "Self-service Password Reset" section is new for the 3.3.0 release.

Enable Self-service Password Reset

When a new user is created, the Self-service Password Reset feature is enabled by default. For
VCOs upgrading to version 3.3 from a prior release, the Self-service Password Reset feature will
be enabled by default for those users as well. The following Operators can enable/disable Self-
service Password Reset: Superuser, Standard, and Business Specialist. Customer Support
Operators do not have access to this feature.

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Disable Self-service Password Reset

To disable self-service password reset for the users of a certain Enterprise, uncheck the Enable
Self-service Password Reset checkbox and click the Save Changes button.

User Role Guidelines:

n The following Operators can enable/disable Self-service Password Reset: Operator

Superusers, Operator Standard Admins, and Operator Business Specialists. Customer
Support Operators do not have access to this feature.

n For Enterprise users, Superusers and Standard Admins can enable and disable the Self-
service Password Reset feature. Customer Support users cannot enable or disable this
feature; they have read-only access.

n Partner Superusers, Standard Admins, Business Specialists, and Customer Support can
enable and disable the Self-service Password Reset feature for Partner Customers.

Require Two Factor Authentication for Password Reset

Only Superuser, Standard, Business Specialists can require Two Factor Authentication for the
Self-service Password Reset feature. (Customer Support Operators do not have access to this
feature). Those with access can require Two Factor Authentication for Password Reset by
selecting both the ‘ Enable Self Service Password Reset’ and the ‘ Require Two Factor
Authentication for Password Reset' checkboxes. For more information see section titled, “Two
Factor Authentication.”

Note If the customer’s account has Two Factor Authentication configured for administrators, or
Two Factor is required for password reset globally in System Properties, the customer will first
be redirected to a Two Factor Authentication page, and will be prompted to enter a one-time
code. After entering a valid code, the customer will be redirected to New Password page. In the
New Password page, the customer will type a new password in the Password textbox, and will
type the new password again in the Confirm textbox.

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Reset Your Password

If an end user has forgotten their password, or needs to change their password, the end user can
reset it from the VCO login page if Self-service Password Reset is enabled.

To reset your password:

1 From the VCO Login page, click the reset password link (Click here to reset your password).
NOTE: For Partners responsible for password reset, the contact email address
(support@velocloud.net) is configurable. The value can be overridden with the branding

2 In the next screen, enter your username. (Make sure the username has an existing mailbox

3 Type in the Captcha as indicated. (Refresh if necessary).

4 Click Submit.

The following screen appears, prompting you to check your email for further instructions.

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5 If the customer’s username is an existing mailbox, and Self-service Password Reset is

enabled, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. The URL provided in the
email is for a one-time use to reset your password, and will only be valid for 24 hours. If you
try to change your password with the URL after the time limit has expired, you will be
prompted to resubmit your request.

6 Type your new password in the Password textbox. Type your new password again in the
Confirm textbox.

7 When you click the link provided in the email to reset your password, a new password page

Two Factor Authentication with Password Reset

If the customer’s account has Two Factor authentication configured for administrators, or Two
Factor is required for password reset globally in System Properties, the customer will first be
redirected to a Two Factor Authentication page, and will be prompted to enter a one-time code.
After entering a valid code, the customer will be redirected to New Password page. In the New
Password page, the customer will type a new password in the Password textbox, and will type
the new password again in the Confirm textbox.

Configure Two-factor Authentication

VeloCloud Orchestrator provides two-factor authentication with SMS for Operators, MSP, and
Enterprises. You can enable authentication at the Customer/MSP level or at the Operator level.

You can enable two-factor authentication after providing valid mobile numbers for all the users.

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Ensure that you provide a valid mobile number for all admin users before enabling two-factor
authentication. You can enter the mobile number by selecting the user in the Administration >
Administrators screen.


1 In the Enterprise portal, click Administration > System Settings.

2 Select the Enable Two Factor Authentication checkbox.

3 To mandate the user login with two-factor authentication, select the Require Two Factor
Authentication checkbox.

4 Click Save Changes.


After enabling the two-factor authentication, when you try to login with your user credentials,
you also need to enter the six-digit pin that you receive as SMS in your mobile.

Enforce PCI Compliance on VCO

To enforce PCI compliance on the VCO.

1 Go to the VCO navigation panel and choose Administration > System Settings.

2 In the Privacy Settings area, select the Enforce PCI Compliance checkbox. This disables
PCAP and removes the Core Dump option in Test & Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Bundles

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Monitor Edge Licensing

Standard Administrator Superusers, Standard Administrators, Business Specialists, and Customer
Support users can monitor and generate a report displaying the license types that have been
assigned to them by either their Partner or Operator.

Note The "Monitor Edge Licensing" section is new for the 3.3.0 release.

From the list of license types, users must assign license types to their Edges. See the Edge
Overview Tab section, Edge License, for information on how to assign license types.

Generate an Edge Licensing Report

Standard Administrator Superusers, Standard Administrators, Business Specialists, and Customer
Support users can generate a report listing the license types that are assigned to Edges.

Note The "Generate an Edge Licensing Report" section is new for the 3.3.0 release.

To generate an Edge Licensing Report:

1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Administration > Edge Licensing.

2 From the Edge Licensing screen, click the Report button.

The Excel spreadsheet report automatically downloads.

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Configure VCE High Availability
This section describes how to enable high availability on VCE.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Overview of VeloCloud Edge HA

n Prerequisites

n High Availability Options

n Split-Brain Detection and Prevention

n Failure Scenarios

n Support for BGP Over HA Link

n Selection Criteria to Determine Active and Standby Status

n VLAN-tagged Traffic Over HA Link

n Configure HA

n HA Event Details

Overview of VeloCloud Edge HA

The VeloCloud Edge (VCE) is the VeloCloud SD-WAN data plane component that is deployed at
an end user’s branch location. VCEs configured in High Availability (HA) mode are mirror images
of each other and they show up on the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) as a single VCE.

There are two options when configuring in HA mode:

1 HA Option 1

2 HA Option 2

For a description of both options, see High Availability (HA) Options.

This document describes the steps necessary to enable High Availability (HA) and bring up a
second VCE as a Standby device to an activated Edge.

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This section describes HA requirements that must be met before configuring a VCE as a Standby.

n The two VCEs must be the same model.

n Only one VCE should be provisioned on the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO).

n The Standby VCE must not have an existing configuration on it.

High Availability Options

Edges can be installed as a single standalone device or paired with another Edge to provide High
Availability (HA) support. However, the HA configuration is only for wired WAN connections.

HA Options
There are two options when configuring in HA mode (Option 1 and Option 2). Both options are
described below.

HA Considerations
Considerations for both HA options:

n Edges automatically select either Option 1 or Option 2. Edges will select Option 1 if both
Edges are connected to the same WAN links. Edges will select Option 2 if the Edges detect
that they are connected to different WAN links.

n There are no UI changes on the VCO for these two options.

n Both options are supported on all VCE platforms: 510, 520, 520v, 540, 840, 2000, and Virtual

n HA is supported only between the identical VCE platform models (see https://
www.velocloud.com/get-started/ for the various Edge platform models).

HA Option 1: Standard HA
This section describes HA Option 1: Standard HA.

Topology Overview for HA Option 1

The following figure shows a conceptual overview of HA Option 1.

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The Edges, one Active and one Standby, are connected by L1 ports to establish a failover link.
The Standby VeloCloud Edge blocks all ports except the L1 port for the failover link.

Prerequisites for HA option 1

n The LAN side switches in the following configuration descriptions must be STP capable and
configured with STP.

n In addition, VeloCloud Edge LAN and WAN ports must be connected to different L2 switches.
If it is necessary to connect the ports to the same switch, then the LAN and WAN ports must
be isolated.

n The two VCEs must have mirrored physical WAN and LAN connections.

Deployment Types for HA option 1

HA option 1 has two possible deployment types:

n Deployment Type One uses L2 switches

n Deployment Type 2 uses a combination of L2 and L3 switches

The following sections describe these two deployment types.

Deployment Type One: High Availability (HA) using L2 Switches

The following figure shows the network connections using only L2 switches.

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W1 and W2 are WAN connections used to connect to the L2 switch to provide WAN connectivity
to both ISPs. The L1 link connects the two VCEs and is used for ‘keep-alive’ and communication
between the VCEs for HA support. The VCE’s LAN connections are used to connect to the
access layer L2 switches.

Considerations for Deployment Type One

n The same ISP link must be connected to the same port on both Edges.

n Use the L2 switch to make the same ISP link available to both Edges.

n The Standby VCE does not interfere with any traffic by blocking all its ports except the
failover link (L1 port).

n Session information is synchronized between the Active and Standby VeloCloud Edges
through the failover link.

n If the Active Edge detects a loss of a LAN link, it will also failover to the Standby if it has an
Active LAN link.

Deployment Type Two: HA Availability (HA) using L2/L3 Switches

The following figure shows the network connections using L2 and L3 switches.

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The VeloCloud Edge WAN connections (W1 and W2) are used to connect to L2 switches to
provide a WAN connection to ISP1 and ISP2 respectively. The L1 connections on the VeloCloud
Edges are connected to provide a failover link for HA support. The VeloCloud Edge LAN
connections are used to connect L2 Switches, which have several end-user devices connected.

Considerations for Deployment Type Two

n HSRP/VRRP is required on the L3 switch pair.

n The VeloCloud Edge's static route points to the L3 switches’ HSRP VIP as the next hop to
reach the end stations behind L2 switches.

n The same ISP link must be connected to the same port on both VeloCloud Edges. The L2
switch must make the same ISP link available to both Edges.

n The Standby VeloCloud Edge does not interfere with any traffic by blocking all of its ports
except the failover link (L1 port).

n The session information is synchronized between the Active and Standby VeloCloud Edges
through the failover link.

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n The HA pair also does a failover from Active to Standby on detecting the L1 loss of LAN /
WAN links.

n If Active and Standby have the same number of LAN links which are up, but Standby has
more WAN links up, then a switchover to Standby will occur.

n If the Standby Edge has more LAN links up and has at least one WAN link up, then a
failover to the Standby will occur. In this situation, it is assumed that the Standby Edge
has more users on the LAN side than the Active Edge, and that the Standby will allow
more LAN side users to connect to the WAN, given that there is some WAN connectivity

HA Option 2: Enhanced HA
This section describes options for High Availability (HA) Option 2: Enhanced HA

The HA Option 2 eliminates the need for L2 Switches on WAN side of the Edges. This option is
chosen when the Active Edge detects different WAN link(s) connected to the Standby Edge
when compared to the link(s) connected to itself.

The following figure shows a conceptual overview of the HA option 2.

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The Edges, one Active and one Standby, are connected by L1 ports to establish a failover link.
The Standby VeloCloud Edge blocks all ports except the L1 port for the failover link. As shown in
the figure, the Active Edge establishes overlay tunnels on both WAN links (connected to itself
and the Standby Edge).

Note The two VCEs should not have mirrored physical WAN connections. As shown in the
figure, if VCE1 has GE2 as the WAN link, VCE2 cannot have GE2 as its WAN link.

In order to leverage the WAN link connected to the Standby Edge, the Active Edge establishes
the overlay tunnel through the HA link. Traffic from the LAN is forwarded to the Active Edge. The
business policy for the branch defines the traffic distribution across the overlay tunnels.

Split-Brain Detection and Prevention

The "Split-Brain Condition section and the Split-Brain Detection and Prevention" section is new
for the 3.3.0 release.

Split-Brain Condition
When the HA link is disconnected or when the Active and Standby Edges fail to communicate
with each other, both Edges assume the Active role. As a result, both Edges start responding to
ARP requests on their LAN interfaces. This causes LAN traffic to be forwarded to both Edges,
which could result in spanning tree loops on the LAN.

Typically, switches run the Spanning Tree Protocol to prevent loops in the network. In such a
condition, the switch would block traffic to one or both Edges. This would cause a total loss of
traffic through the Edge pair.

Note Tunnel to Primary Gateway is a requirement for split-brain detection. Therefore, in WAN 2
(as shown in the the following figure), there should be a tunnel to VCG.

Split-Brain Detection and Prevention

The primary Gateway is used to prevent split brain conditions.

The Gateway has a pre-existing connection to the Active VCE (VCE1 in the “Normal State”
diagram above). In a split-brain condition, the Standby VCE (VCE2 in the “Split-brain Condition”
diagram above), changes state to Active and establishes a tunnel with the Gateway. The
Gateway allows the VCE2 to establish the new tunnel. However, the tunnels are not torn down.
The Gateway informs the Edge VCE1 to move to the Standby state. In the 3.3.0 software release,
in the Split-brain state, the Standby will also maintain tunnels to the Gateways. Only the LAN
interfaces remain blocked (as long as the HA cable is down). As illustrated in the diagram below,
the Gateway signals VCE1 to go into Standby mode on the LAN. This will logically prevent the
Split-brain scenario from occurring.

Note The normal failover from Active to Standby in a Split-brain scenario is not the same as the
normal failover. It could take a few extra milliseconds/seconds to converge.

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Failure Scenarios
This section describes the following scenarios that can trigger a failover from an Active to a
Standby Edge.

n WAN link failure

n LAN link failure

n Edge functions not responding

n Edge crash or reboot or unresponsive

Support for BGP Over HA Link

In case the Edges switch to the enhanced HA option, the Active VCE will exchange BGP routes
over the HA link. BGP on the Active Edge can now establish neighborship with a peer connected
only to the standby Edge’s WAN link.

This will enable the Active Edge to learn routes from the WAN link(s) connected to the Standby
Edge. The routing daemon on standby will not involve in any of the functionality. The standby
Edge itself will just do a pass-through.

Note Routes are not synced between the active and the standby Edges. Therefore, in the above
scenario, if there is a failover and a standby Edge becomes active, the BGP daemon on the newly
active edge will establish a new neighborship with the same BGP peer.

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Selection Criteria to Determine Active and Standby Status

This section describes the selection criteria used to determine Active and Standby Status.

n Check for the Edge that has a higher number (L2 and L3) LAN interfaces. The Edge with the
higher number of LAN interfaces is chosen as the Active one. Note that the interface used for
the HA link is not counted as a LAN interface.

n If both Edges have the same number of LAN interfaces, the Edge with the higher number of
WAN interfaces is chosen as the Active one.

Note There is no preemption if the two Edges have the same number of LAN and WAN

n Additional Support Matrix:

n Static/DHCP/PPPoE links are supported.

n Multiple WAN links each tagged with a separate VLAN ID on a single interface (e.g. Sub-
Interfaces) are supported.

n USB modems are not recommended on HA. The interface will not be used when present
in the Standby Edge.

VLAN-tagged Traffic Over HA Link

This section describes the VLAN-tagged Traffic over an HA Link.

Note The "VLAN Tagged Traffic Over HA Link" section is new for the 3.3.0 release.

n Internet traffic from ISP2 is VLAN tagged.

n Customer will have separate VLANs for Enterprise traffic versus DIA traffic.

n The WAN link on the Standby has sub-interfaces to carry Internet traffic.

n Multi segments

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Configure HA
For HA enhancements, there are no changes to the UI of the VCO.

1. Enable High Availability (HA)

To enable the HA feature on the VCO:

1 From the navigation panel, go to Configure > Edges.

2 Select your VeloCloud Edge (VCE), and then click the Device tab.

3 From the High Availability area, click the radio button VeloCloud Active Standby Pair.

By default, the GE1 or LAN1 interface will be used as the HA interface to connect the pair
depending on the VCE model.

Note This is available on as an Edge Override and is not configurable at the Profile level. Do not
connect the Standby VCE.

2. Wait for VCE to Assume Active

After the High Availability feature is enabled on the VCO, wait for the existing VCE to assume an
Active role, and wait for the VCO Events to display High Availability Going Active.

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3. Connect the Standby VCE to the Active Edge

To connect the Standby VCE to the Active Edge:

1 Power on the Standby VCE without any network connections.

2 After it boots up, connect the LAN1/GE1 interface (as indicated on the Device tab) to the
same interface on the Active VCE.

3 Wait for the Active VCE to detect and activate the standby VCE automatically. The VCO
Events displays HA Standby Activated when the VCO successfully activates the standby

The standby Edge will then begin to synchronize with the active VCE and reboot automatically
during the process.

Note It may take up to 10 minutes for the Standby VCE to sync with the Active Edge and
upgrade its software.

4. Connect LAN and WAN Interfaces on Standby VCE

Connect the LAN and WAN interfaces on the standby VCE mirroring the network connectivity on
the Active Edge.

The VCO Events will display Standby device software update completed. The HA State (under
Monitor > Edges on the VCO) appears green when ready.

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HA Event Details
This section describes HA events.
HA Event Description

HA_GOING_ACTIVE A standby VCE is taking over as Active because it has not heard a heartbeat from the peer.

HA_STANDBY_ACTIVATED When a new Standby is detected by the Active, the Active tries to activate the Edge by sending
this event to the VCO. On a successful response from the VCO, the Active will sync the
configurations and sync data.

HA_FAILED Typically happens after the HA pair has formed and the Active VCE no longer hears from the
Standby VCE. For example, if the Standby VCE reboots, you will receive this message.

HA_READY Means the Active VCE now hears from the Standby VCE. Once the Standby VCE comes back up
and reestablishes the heartbeat, then you will receive this message.

HA_TERMINATED When the HA configuration is disabled, and it is successfully applied on the Edges, this Event is

HA_ACTIVATION_FAILURE If the VCO is unable to verify the HA activation, it will generate this Event. Examples include:
n the VCO is unable to generate a certificate
n the HA has been deactivated (rare)

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Testing and Troubleshooting
The VeloCloud Orchestrator Test & Troubleshoot functionality provides tools to test the status of
the VeloCloud service, perform Edge actions, and gather Packet Capture information for an
individual Edge.

You can access these features under the Test & Troubleshoot section of the navigation panel
listed as follows:

n Remote Diagnostics

n Remote Actions

n Diagnostic Bundles

When you click Test & Troubleshoot, the Remote Diagnostics screen appears. It displays all the
Edges you have defined in the Edge column at the bottom of the screen.

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You can use the Filter to find Edges based on connection Status, Name, IP address, Serial
Number, Software Version, and Software Build. However, before you can perform any of the
Test & Troubleshoot options, you must select an Edge from the Edge column. See the sections
below for more information regarding each of the Test & Troubleshooting options from the
navigation panel (Remote Diagnostics, Remote Actions, and Diagnostic Bundles).

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Remote Diagnostics

n Remote Actions

n Diagnostic Bundles

Remote Diagnostics
You can run tests on a single Edge to obtain diagnostic information by clicking Remote
Diagnostics under Test & Troubleshoot.

To run a diagnostic test on a single Edge:

1 Click Remote Diagnostic under Test & Troubleshoot.

2 Search for an Edge if necessary using the Filter, and click Apply.

3 Select a connected Edge.

The Remote Diagnostics screen appears showing all the possible tests you can run on an Edge.

1 Choose a test to run. A description is located under each diagnostic test name. (See image

2 Click Run.

Note When you run the Bandwidth Test in a single-link environment, all other traffic will be
interrupted. However, this excess traffic will only last a few moments until the test is finished.

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Supported Remote Diagnostics Tests

Remote Diagnostics Test Description

ARP Table Dump Run this test to view the contents of the ARP table. The
output is limited to display 1000 ARP entries.

Clear ARP Cache Run this test to clear the ARP cache entries for the
specified interface.

DNS Test Run this test to perform a DNS lookup of the specified
domain name.

DNS/DHCP Service Restart Run this test to restart the DNS/DHCP service. This can
serve as a troubleshooting step if DHCP or DNS requests
are failing for clients.

Flush Flows Run this test to flush the flow table, causing user traffic to
be re-classified. Use source and destination IP address
filters to flush specific flows.

Flush NAT Run this test to flush the NAT table.

Interface Status Run this test to view the MAC address and connection
status of physical interfaces.

List Active Flows Run this test to list active flows in the system. Use source
and destination IP address filters to view the exact flows
you want to see. This output is limited to a maximum of
1000 flows.

List Clients Run this test to view the complete list of clients.

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Remote Diagnostics Test Description

List Paths Run this test to view the list of active paths between local
WAN links and each peer.

MIB for VeloCloud Edge Run this test to dump Edge MIBs.

NAT Table Dump Run this test to view the contents of the NAT Table. Use
the destination IP address filter to view the exact entries
you want to see. This output is limited to a maximum of
1000 entries.

NTP Dump Run this test to view the current date and time on Edge
and NTP information.

Ping Test Run a ping test to the destination specified.

Route Table Dump Run this test to view the contents of the Route Table.

System Health Run this test to view system information such as system
load, recent WAN stability statistics, monitoring services.
WAN stability statistics include the number of times
individual VPN tunnels and WAN links lost connectivity for
at least 700 milliseconds.

Traceroute Run a traceroute via the Gateway or directly out any of the
WAN interfaces to the destination specified.

Troubleshoot BGP - List BGP Redistributed Routes Run this test to view routes redistributed to BGP neighbors.

Troubleshoot BGP - List BGP Routes Run this test to view the specific BGP routes from
neighbors, leave prefix empty to view all.

Troubleshoot BGP - List Routes per Prefix Run this test to view all the Overlay and Underlay routes
for a prefix and the related details.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Neighbor Advertised Run this test to view the BGP routes advertised to a
Routes neighbor.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Neighbor Learned Routes Run this test to view all the accepted BGP routes learned
from a neighbor after filters.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Neighbor Received Routes Run this test to view all the BGP routes learned from a
neighbor before filters.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Routes per Prefix Run this test to view all the BGP routes and their attributes
for the specified prefix.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Summary Run this test to view the existing BGP neighbor and
received routes.

Troubleshoot BGP - Show BGP Table Run this test to view the BGP table.

Troubleshoot OSPF - List OSPF Redistributed Routes Run this test to view all the routes redistributed to OSPF

Troubleshoot OSPF - List OSPF Routes Run this test to view the OSPF routes from neighbors for
the specified Prefix. Displays all the OSPF routes from the
neighbors if the Prefix is not specified.

Troubleshoot OSPF - Show OSPF Database Run this test to view the OSPF link state database

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Remote Diagnostics Test Description

Troubleshoot OSPF - Show OSPF Database for E1 Self- Run this test to view the E1 LSA's self-originated routes
Originate Routes that are advertised to OSPF router by the Edge.

Troubleshoot OSPF - Show OSPF Neighbors Run this test to view all the OSPF neighbors and associated

Troubleshoot OSPF - Show OSPF Route Table Run this test to view the existing OSPF route table.

Troubleshoot OSPF - Show OSPF Setting Run this test to view the OSPF setting and neighbor status.

VPN Test Use ping to test VPN connectivity to each peer.

VeloCloud Gateway Run this test by choosing whether cloud traffic should or
should not use the Gateway Service.

Note This does not affect the routing of VPN traffic.

WAN Link Bandwidth Test Run the bandwidth test on a specified WAN link. This test
has the benefit of being non-disruptive in multi-link
environments. Only the link under test is blocked for user
traffic. This means that you can re-run the test on a specific
link and the other link(s) will continue to serve user traffic.

Remote Actions
When you click Remote Actions (located under Test & Troubleshoot), the Remote Edge Actions
screen appears, listing the Edges that are defined in the Edge column.

To conduct a remote Edge action on a single Edge:

1 Click Remote Actions under Test & Troubleshoot.

2 Search for an Edge if necessary using the Filter, and click Apply.

3 Select a connected Edge.

The Edge Remote Actions dialog box appears listing all possible actions you can run on the
Edge. Definitions for each action in the Edge Remote Actions dialog box are provided later in
this section.

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4 Click an Edge remote action. The pop-up message Action Sent Successfully appears in the
top right corner of the screen.

5 Click Close.

Note The actions may take up to a minute to run on the device.

Edge Remote Action Definitions

The following list defines each action in the Edge Remote Actions dialog box.

Action Description

Identify Randomly flash lights on the Edge so it can be identified.

Restart Service Restarts the VeloCloud service.

Diagnostic Memory Dump Forces the save of a memory dump on the Edge.

Reboot Performs an Edge reboot.

Shutdown Shuts down the VeloCloud Edge.

Hard Reset Returns the Edge hardware to its factory default state.

Diagnostic Bundles
From the Diagnostic Bundles window (accessed via Test & Troubleshooting > Diagnostic
Bundles in the VCO), Operators can request PCAP Bundles and Diagnostic Bundles. Standard
Admins and Customer Support can only request PCAP Bundles.

Request Packet Capture

The Packet Capture function is used to collect debugging information from an Edge device.

Access Packet Capture from Test & Troubleshoot > Packet Capture.

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To request a packet capture:

1 Click Packet Capture under Test & Troubleshoot.

The Packet Capture screen appears. If applicable, the status of previous requests are shown.

2 Click the Request PCAP button at the top right corner of the screen.

3 In the Request PCAP Bundle dialog box, choose your Target, Interface, and Duration. If
necessary, type in a reason for the generation.

4 Click Submit. A pop-up message (Successful Request) appears in the top right corner of the

The Packet Capture screen updates to show the status of the request. Refresh your screen or
click Packet Capture from the navigation panel to display status results. When complete, you can
get detailed information (Generation Time, Bundle Size, etc.) by clicking the gray arrow located
next to the last column on the far right.

Note The Packet Capture data for a particular Edge will get deleted from the system on the
date displayed in the Cleanup Date column. Click the Cleanup Date link to indicate a date to
remove the data or select the Keep Forever checkbox and the data will not get deleted; it will be
kept until you indicate otherwise.

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Click the Actions button to download or delete the bundle. See the sections below for more

Download Bundle
When the request is complete, you can download the bundle in one of the following ways:

n Click the Download symbol next to a completed PCAP request under the Request Status

n Click the Complete link in the Request Status column for your selected Edge.

n Select the checkbox of one or more completed PCAP requests, and click the down arrow of
the Action button (top, right corner of the screen) and choose Download.

You can forward the downloaded bundle to a VeloCloud Networks Support representative.

Delete Bundle
If you want to delete a Packet Capture, select one or more Packet Captures from the Request
Status column and choose Delete from the Actions button.

Note If a Packet Capture request is pending, you can delete the request before the request is
completed. Select the checkbox of the pending request you want to delete, and click the Action
button, and choose Delete.

Request Diagnostic Bundle

Only Operators can request Diagnostic Bundles. If you are an Operator, you will see the
Diagnostic Bundle button in the top right corner of the Diagnostic Bundles screen in the VCO
( Test & Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Bundles).

To request a diagnostic bundle:

1 Click the Request Diagnostic Bundle button located on the top right corner of the Diagnostic
Bundles screen.

2 In the Request Diagnostic Bundle dialog box:

a In the Target drop-down menu, select the specific Edge from which you will receive the

b If you want to indicate the reason for request, include that in the Reason for Generation

c For an advanced request, click the Advanced button and choose a limit from the Core
Limit drop-down menu. The Core Limit is used to reduce the size of the uploaded bundle
when the Internet connectivity is experiencing errors.

d Click the Submit button.

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The Diagnostic Request bundle for the selected Edge is in the Pending state, as shown in the
Request Status column in the Diagnostic Bundles window. When finished, the status will change
to Complete. The Complete status is a link that you can click to download the bundle.

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VeloCloud Virtual Edge
Deployment Guide 23
This guide describes VeloCloud Virtual Edge deployment.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Overview of Virtual Edge

n Deployment Prerequisites

n Special Considerations for VeloCloud Virtual Edge deployment

n Overview of cloud-init

n Install Virtual Edge on KVM

n Install Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi

Overview of Virtual Edge

The Virtual Edge is available as a virtual machine that can be installed on standard hypervisors.

The following sections provide information on how to install the Virtual Edge on KVM and
VMware ESXi hypervisors.

Deployment Prerequisites
This section describes deployment prerequisites and instance requirements.

Virtual Edge Requirements

For the Virtual Edge, you need:

n 2 x Intel vCPUs with AES-NI instruction set

n 4Gb of memory

n Virtual disk (approximately 8 Gb of disk space)

n 3 to 8 vNICs (default is 2 x L2 interfaces and 6 x L3 interfaces)

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Firewall/NAT Requirements
If the VeloCloud Virtual Edge is deployed behind the Firewall and/or a NAT device, the following
requirements apply:

n The Firewall must allow outbound traffic from the VeloCloud Virtual Edge to TCP/443 (for
communication with the VeloCloud Orchestrator).

n The Firewall must allow traffic outbound to Internet on ports UDP/2426 (VCMP).

Special Considerations for VeloCloud Virtual Edge

Describes the special considerations for VeloCloud Virtual Edge deployment.

n The VeloCloud Edge is a latency-sensitive application. Refer to the VMware documentation to

adjust the Virtual Machine (VM) as a latency-sensitive application.

n Recommended Host settings:

n BIOS settings to achieve highest performance:

n CPUs at 2.0 GHz or higher

n Enable Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT)

n Disable hyperthreading

n Virtual Edge supports paravirtualized vNIC VMXNET 3 and passthrough vNIC SR-IOV:

n When using VMXNET3, disable SR-IOV on host BIOS and ESXi

n When using SR-IOV, enable SR-IOV on host BIOS and ESXi

n To enable SR-IOV on VMware and KVM, see:

n KVM - Enable SR-IOV on KVM

n VMware - Enable SR-IOV on VMware

n Disable power savings on CPU BIOS for maximum performance

n Enable CPU turbo

n Enable AES-NI, SSE3, SSE4, and RDTSC instruction sets

n Recommend reserving 2 cores for Hypervisor workloads

For example, for a 10-core CPU system, recommend running one 8-core virtual edge
or two 4-core virtual edge and reserve 2 cores for Hypervisor processes.

n For a dual socket host system, make sure the hypervisor is assigning network adapters,
memory and CPU resources that are within the same socket (NUMA) boundary as the
vCPUs assigned.

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n Recommended VM settings:

n 2, 4, or 8 CPUs (dedicated)

n 4 GB RAM for a 2 Core VM, 8 GB RAM for a 4 or 8 Core VM

n Memory should be set to ‘100% reserved’

n The default username for the VCE ssh console: root

Overview of cloud-init
This section provides an overview of the cloud-init package.

About cloud-init
Cloud-init is a Linux package responsible for handling early initialization of instances. If available in
the distributions, it allows for configuration of many common parameters of the instance directly
after installation. This creates a fully functional instance that is configured based on a series of
inputs. This mode of installation requires two files, meta-data and user-data.

Cloud-init's behavior can be configured via user-data. User-data can be given by the user at the
time of launching the instance. This is typically done by attaching a secondary disk in ISO format
that cloud-init will look for at first boot time. This disk contains all early configuration data that will
be applied at that time.

The VeloCloud Virtual Edge supports cloud-init and all essential configurations packaged in an
ISO image.

Create the cloud-init meta-data and user-data Files

Note This section has been updated for the 3.3.0 release.

The final installation configuration options are set with a pair of cloud-init configuration files. The
first installation configuration file contains the metadata. Create this file with a text editor and
name it meta-data. This file provides information that identifies the instance of the VeloCloud
Virtual Edge being installed. The instance-id can be any identifying name, and the local-hostname
should be a host name that follows your site standards.

1 Create the meta-data file that contains the instance name.instance-id: vedge1local-hostname:

2 Create the network-config file that contains the WAN configuration. Only WAN interfaces
that require static IP addressing need to be specified here. By default, all VCE WAN
interfaces are configured for DHCP. Multiple interfaces can be specified.

version: 1
- type: physical
name: GE3

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- type: static

3 Create the user-data file. This file contains three main modules: VCO, Activation Code, and
Ignore Certificates Errors.

Module Description

vco IP Address/URL of the VCO.

activation_code Activation code for the Virtual Edge. The activation code is generated while creating an
Edge instance on the VCO.

vco_ignore_cert_errors Option to verify or ignore any certificate validity errors.

The activation code is generated while creating an Edge instance on the VCO.

Important There is no default password in VCE image. The password must be provided in

password: passw0rd
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True
activation_code: F54F-GG4S-XGFI
vco_ignore_cert_errors: true

Create the ISO File

Once you have completed your files, they need to be packaged into an ISO image. This ISO
image is used as a virtual configuration CD with the virtual machine. This ISO image (called
seed.iso in the example below), is created with the following command on Linux system:

genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data network-config

Including network-config is optional. If the file is not present, the DHCP option will be used by

Once the ISO image is generated, transfer the image to a datastore on the host machine.

Install Virtual Edge on KVM

This section describes how to install and activate the Virtual Edge on KVM using a cloud-init
config file. The cloud-init config contains interface configurations and the activation key of the
Edge. The Virtual Edge has been tested on host OS Ubuntu 14.04.LTS with KVM version 2.0.

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KVM provides multiple ways to provide networking to virtual machines. VeloCloud recommends
the following options:


n Linux Bridge

n OpenVSwitch Bridge

If you decide to use SR-IOV mode, enable SR-IOV on KVM. For steps, see Enable SR-IOV on KVM:

To install VeloCloud Virtual Edge on KVM, see Install a Virtual Edge on KVM.

KVM provides multiple ways to provide networking to virtual machines. The following have been
used by VeloCloud:


n Linux Bridge

n OpenVSwitch Bridge

Enable SR-IOV on KVM

To enable SR-IOV on KVM, perform the following steps.

If you don’t have Virtual Functions, but you have a NIC that supports Virtual Functions, you will
need to enable it.

1 Enable SR-IOV in BIOS.

This will be dependent on your BIOS. Login to the BIOS console and look for SR-IOV Support/
DMA. You can verify support on prompt by checking that Intel has the correct CPU flag.

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx

2 Add the Options on Boot (in /etc/default/grub).


a After this. run the following commands:

update-initramfs -u

b Reboot and make sure iommu is enabled.

velocloud@KVMperf3:~$ dmesg | grep -i IOMMU

[ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-107-generic root=/dev/mapper/qa--

multiboot--002--vg-root ro intel_iommu=on splash quiet vt.handoff=7
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-107-generic root=/dev/mapper/qa--
multiboot--002--vg-root ro intel_iommu=on splash quiet vt.handoff=7

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[ 0.000000] Intel-IOMMU: enabled

[ 0.083191] dmar: IOMMU 0: reg_base_addr fbffc000 ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0466 ecap f020de
[ 0.083197] dmar: IOMMU 1: reg_base_addr c7ffc000 ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0466 ecap f020de

3 Add the ixgbe Driver in Linux by clicking the link below. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/
a On the left section of the Intel website ( Other Versions section), click the 5.2.1 link.

b Download ixgbe from Intel. Follow compile options.

c Configure ixgbe config (tar and sudo make install).

velocloud@KVMperf1:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/ixgbe.conf

d If the file doesn’t exist, create it.

options ixgbe max_vfs=32,32

options ixgbe allow_unsupported_sfp=1
options ixgbe MDD=0,0
blacklist ixgbevf

e Execute the following command and reboot:

update-initramfs -u

f Use modinfo to see if it is property installed.

velocloud@KVMperf1:~$ modinfo ixgbe and ip link

filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-62-generic/updates/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe.ko
version: 5.0.4
license: GPL
description: Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express Linux Network Driver
author: Intel Corporation, <linux.nics@intel.com>
srcversion: BA7E024DFE57A92C4F1DC93

After rebooting the VM, you should see the interfaces.

To properly validate that SR-IOV is ready to be used:

n Verify this by running:

lspci | grep -i ethernet

n Verify that you have Virtual Functions:

01:10.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01)

Install a Virtual Edge on KVM

These steps explain how to run VeloCloud Virtual Edge on KVM using the libvirt. This deployment
was tested in Ubuntu 14.04LTS.

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To run VeloCloud Virtual Edge on KVM using the libvirt:

1 Use gunzip to extract the qcow2 file to the image location (for example, /var/lib/libvirt/

2 Create the Network pools that you are going to use for the device. Provided below sample
on pool using SR-IOV and pool using OpenVswitch.

SR-IOV Sample
<name>sriovpool</name> <!--This is the name of the file you created-->
<forward mode='hostdev' managed='yes'>
<pf dev='eth1'/> <!--Use the netdev name of your SR-IOV devices PF here-->
</forward >

OpenVSwitch Sample
<model type='virtio'/>
<forward mode="bridge"/>
<bridge name="passthrough"/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch'>
<vlan trunk='yes'>
<tag id='33' nativeMode='untagged'/>
<tag id='200'/>
<tag id='201'/>
<tag id='202'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<forward mode="bridge"/>
<domain type='kvm'>
<memory unit='KiB'>4194304</memory>
<currentMemory unit='KiB'>4194304</currentMemory>
<vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu>
<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-trusty'>hvm</type>
<boot dev='hd'/>

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Set the CPU mode to host model to leverage all the available features on the host CPU
<cpu mode='host-model'>
<model fallback='allow'/>
<clock offset='utc'/>
Below is the location of the qcow2 disk image
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/edge-VC_KVM_GUEST-x86_64-2.3.0-18- R23-20161114-GA-updatable-
<target dev='sda' bus='sata'/>
<address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
If using cloud-init to boot up virtual edge, attach the 2nd disk as CD-ROM
<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source file='/home/vcadmin/cloud-init/vedge1/seed.iso'/>
<target dev='sdb' bus='sata'/>
<address type='drive' controller='1' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
<controller type='usb' index='0'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
<controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
<controller type='sata' index='0'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
<controller type='ide' index='0'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
The first two interfaces are for the default L2 interfaces, NOTE VLAN support just for SR-IOV and
< interfacetype='network'>
< modeltype='virtio'/>
< sourcenetwork='LAN1'/>
< vlan>< tagid='#hole2_vlan#'/></ vlan>
< aliasname=LAN1/>
< addresstype='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x12' function='0x0'/>
</ interface>

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< interfacetype='network'>
< modeltype='virtio'/>
< sourcenetwork=LAN2/>
< vlan>< tagid='#LAN2_VLAN#'/></ vlan>
< aliasname='hostdev1'/>
< addresstype='pci' domain='0x0000' bus=' 0x00' slot='0x13' function='0x0'/>
</ interface>
The next two interfaces are for the default L3 interfaces. Note that additional 6 routed interfaces
are supported for a combination of 8 interfaces total
< interfacetype='network'>
< modeltype='virtio'/>
< sourcenetwork=WAN1/>
< vlan>< tagid='#hole2_vlan#'/></ vlan>
< aliasname=LAN1/>
< addresstype='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x12' function='0x0'/>
</ interface>
< interfacetype='network'>
< modeltype='virtio'/>
< source network=LAN2/>
< vlan>< tag id='#LAN2_VLAN#'/></ vlan>
< aliasname='hostdev1'/>
< addresstype='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x13' function='0x0'/>
</ interface>
<serial type='pty'>
<target port='0'/>
<console type='pty'>
<target type='serial' port='0'/>
<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
<input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''>
<listen type='address' address=''/>
<sound model='ich6'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
<model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
<memballoon model='virtio'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>

1 Save the above domain XML file (for example, vedge1.xml).

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2 Run the following command to create the VM:

virsh define vedge1.xml

3 Run the following command to start the VM:

virsh start vedge1

Note vedge1 is the name of the VM defined in the <name> element of the domain XML file.
Replace vedge1 with the name you specify in the <name> element.

The Cloud-init already includes the activation key, which was generated while creating a new
Virtual Edge on the VCO. The Virtual Edge is configured with the config settings from the Cloud-
init file. This will configure the interfaces as the Virtual Edge is powered up. Once the Virtual Edge
is online, it will activate with the VCO using the activation key. The VCO IP address and the
activation key have been defined in the Cloud-init file.

Install Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi

This section describes how to install and activate the Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi using a cloud-
init config file. The cloud-init config contains interface configurations and the activation key of the

KVM provides multiple ways to provide networking to virtual machines. VeloCloud recommends
the following options:


n Linux Bridge

n OpenVSwitch Bridge

If you decide to use SR-IOV mode, enable SR-IOV on VMware ESXi. For steps, see Enable SR-IOV
on VMware:

To install VeloCloud Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi, see Installing a Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi.

Enable SR-IOV on VMware

This section describes how to enable SR-IOV on VMware. This step is optional, but it is necessary
to realize the full benefit of DPDK to improve packet processing performance.

This requires a specific NIC card. As of today, only the following chipset is certified by VeloCloud
to work with the VCG.

n Intel 82599/82599ES

n X550 (under experimenting as this requires the latest Intel ixgbevf driver on the VCG VM and
Malicious Driver Detection disabled on the ESXi host ixgbe driver)

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

Instructions to Enable SR-IOV

To enable SR-IOV on VMware:

1 Make sure that your NIC card supports SR-IOV. Check the VMware Hardware Compatibility
List (HCL) at https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?

Brand Name: Intel

I/O Device Type: Network

Features: SR-IOV

The following VMware KB article provides details of how to enable SR-IOV on the supported
NIC: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2038739

2 Once you have a support NIC card, go to the specific VMware host, select the Configure tab,
and then choose Physical adapters.

3 Select Edit Settings. Change Status to Enabled and specify the number of virtual functions
required. This number varies by the type of NIC card.

4 Reboot the hypervisor.

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5 If SR-IOV is successfully enabled, the number of Virtual Functions (VFs) will show under the
particular NIC after ESXi reboots.

Installing a Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi

Describes how to install a Virtual Edge on VMware ESXi.

To install:

1 Use the vSphere client to deploy an OVF template, and then select the VCE OVA file.

2 Select an OVF template from an URL or Local file.

3 Select a name and location of the virtual machine.

4 Select a resource.

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5 Verify the template details.

6 Select the storage location to store the files for the deployment template.

7 Configure the networks for each of the interfaces.

Note Skip this step if you are using a cloud-init file to provision the Virtual Edge on ESXi.

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8 Customize the template by specifying the deployment properties. See the image below of
the VCO that highlights the following substeps.

a From the VCO UI, retrieve the VCO URL/IP Address. You will need this address for Step c

b Create a new Virtual Edge on the VCO for the Enterprise. Once the Edge is created, copy
the Activation Key. You will need the Activation Key for Step c" below.

c On the customize template page shown in the image below, type in the Activation Code
that you retrieved in Step b above, and the VCO URL/IP Address retrieved in Step a
above, into the corresponding fields.

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9 Review the configuration data.

10 Power on the Virtual Edge.

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Once the Edge powers up, it will establish connectivity to the VCO.

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AliCloud Virtual Edge Deployment
Guide 24
This document provides instructions for AliCloud Virtual Edge deployment.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n AliCloud vVCE Deployment Overview

n Topology A - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud VPC

n Topology B - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud Single-Arm Topology

n Create a Virtual Private Cloud

n Create a VSwitch

n Create a Security Group

n Add Security Group Rules

n Create Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches

n Provision an Edge on the VCO

n Create an Elastic Network Interface

n Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public Interface of the Edge

n Bind an ENI to an Edge instance

n Create a LAN Instance

n Add a Custom Route Table Entry

n Create a Jump Host Instance

n SSH Login to Edge using EIP

n SSH to Private IP of the Edge from Jump Host

n Activate the Edge Against the VCO

AliCloud vVCE Deployment Overview

More customers are moving workload to Public Cloud infrastructure and expect to extend SD-
WAN from remote sites to public cloud to guarantee SLA. There are multiple options offered by

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

VeloCloud, leveraging distributed VCGs to establish IPSec towards public cloud private network
or deploy virtual edge directly in AliCloud.

This document illustrates the high-level workflow of the following two topologies to deploy a
virtual VeloCloud Edge (vVCE) on AliCloud:

n Topology A - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud VPC

n Topology B - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud Single-Arm Topology

n Ensure you have an Alibaba Cloud account and login information for the Alibaba Cloud

n Ensure you have the VCO host name and admin account to login.

Topology A - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud VPC

Describes the Virtual Edge deployment on the AliCloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with three
VSwitches, each for a subnet connected to the Edge as shown in the following topology diagram.

Address: Internet

Alibaba Cloud


vVCE EIP: Public Subnet Private Subnet

#cloud-config GW172.16.100.253 GW172.16.101.253

Security Groups: Inbound Rules

SSH (TCP port 22) Source:
VCMP (UDP port 2426) Source:

Route Table

GE1 (eth0)
GE2 (eth1) Overlay) GE3 (eth2)

Public Subnet/VSwitch

Management Subnet/VSwitch Private Subnet/VSwitch

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High-Level Workflow
To deploy a VeloCloud Virtual Edge on Alibaba Cloud ECS, perform the following steps:

1 Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For steps, see Create a Virtual Private Cloud.

2 Create three VSwitches, each for a subnet connected to the Edge as shown in the topology
diagram. For steps, see Create a VSwitch.

n Management Subnet/VSwitch for console/management access to the Edge through

Management Interface GE1.

n Public Subnet/VSwitch for Internet access from the Edge through WAN-side Interface

n Private Subnet/VSwitch for LAN-side device access through LAN-side Interface GE3.

3 Create a Security Group (velo_vVCE_SG) and add inbound rules. For steps, see Create a
Security Group.

4 Create two custom (secondary) route tables (Velo_vVCE_Public_RT and

Velo_vVCE_Private_RT) and associate it with the respective VSwitches (Public and Private).
For steps, see Create Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches.

5 Provision a VeloCloud Edge (VCE) on the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) as follows:

a Create an edge of type Virtual Edge.

b Change GE2 interface to Routed from Switched.

c Disable WAN Overlay for GE3 interface and NAT Direct Traffic, which will be the next
hop for devices connected to Private Subnets (LAN devices).

d Add JH IP in firewall SSH access list.

For more information, see Provision an Edge on the VCO.

6 Create and launch a virtual VeloCloud Edge (vVCE) instance with Management Interface
(GE1). For steps, see Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console.

7 Create two Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs): one Private LAN-side interface (GE3) and
another Public WAN-side interface (GE2). For steps, see Create an Elastic Network Interface.

8 Create an Elastic IP and assign it to the Public Interface (GE2) of the Edge. For steps, see
Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public Interface of the Edge.

9 Bind the Public (GE2) and Private (GE3) interfaces to the Edge instance (vVCE) and then
restart the Edge instance to make sure the interfaces are connected to the Edge. For steps,
see Bind an ENI to an Edge instance.

The Edge instance will be activated against the VCO and the Edge will be able to establish
the VCMP tunnel to the Gateway.

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10 (Optional) Within the VPC, if you want to access your Edge from a Private subnet, not over
the Internet, then you have to create a Jump Host (JH) instance (Linux instance) with one
interface in Public subnet for Internet connectivity with EIP and the other interface in
Management subnet, over which the Edge will be accessed. For steps, see Create a Jump
Host Instance.

a Create a Jump Host.

b Create an EIP and bind it to the Jump Host Instance.

Note VCAdmin users will be able to access the Edge over Management subnet interface
from JH.

c Login to the virtual Edge (vVCE) from Jump Host.

d Activate the Edge Against the VCO from Shell.

Note After the Edge activation starts, if you want to SSH to the Edge from a Private
subnet then you must ensure to add the JH IP in the firewall SSH access list.

11 Create a LAN instance with the Primary interface connected to Private subnet. For steps, see
Create a LAN Instance.

a In the Private routing table (Velo_vVCE_Private_RT), create a new route entry that points
to GE3 interface of edge for default route. For steps, see Add a Custom Route Table

12 Verify if the virtual Edge (vVCE) is up in the VCO.

Topology B - Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud Single-

Arm Topology
Describes the Virtual Edge deployment on the AliCloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with three
VSwitches, each for a subnet connected to the Edge as shown in the following Single-Arm
topology diagram.

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Address: Internet

Alibaba Cloud


vVCE EIP: Public Subnet Private Subnet

#cloud-config GW172.16.100.253 GW172.16.101.253

Security Groups: Inbound Rules Static route on

velo_vVCE_SG edge GE2 pointing
SSH (TCP port 22) Source: to Private subnet
VCMP (UDP port 2426) Source:

Route Table

GE1 (eth0)
GE2 (eth1) Overlay)

Public Subnet/VSwitch

Management Subnet/VSwitch Private Subnet/VSwitch

High-Level Workflow
To deploy a VeloCloud Virtual Edge on Alibaba Cloud ECS, perform the following steps:

1 Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For steps, see Create a Virtual Private Cloud.

2 Create three VSwitches, each for a subnet connected to the Edge as shown in the topology
diagram. For steps, see Create a VSwitch.

n Management Subnet/VSwitch for console/management access to the Edge through

Management Interface GE1.

n Public Subnet/VSwitch for Internet access from the Edge through WAN-side Interface

n Private Subnet/VSwitch for LAN-side device access through LAN-side Interface GE3.

3 Create a Security Group (velo_vVCE_SG) and add inbound rules. For steps, see Create a
Security Group.

4 Provision a VeloCloud Edge (VCE) on the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) as follows:

a Create an edge of type Virtual Edge.

b Change GE2 interface to Routed from Switched.

c Add a static route on the Edge that points to the Private Subnet/VSwitch.

d Add JH IP in firewall SSH access list.

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For more information, see Provision an Edge on the VCO.

5 Create and launch a virtual VeloCloud Edge (vVCE) instance with Management Interface
(GE1). For steps, see Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console.

6 Create a public Elastic Network Interface (GE2) on the WAN side. For steps, see Create an
Elastic Network Interface.

7 Create an Elastic IP and assign it to the Public Interface (GE2) of the Edge. For steps, see
Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public Interface of the Edge.

8 Bind the Public (GE2) interface to the Edge instance (vVCE) and then restart the Edge
instance to make sure the interface is connected to the Edge. For steps, see Bind an ENI to
an Edge instance.

The Edge instance will be activated against the VCO and the Edge will be able to establish
the VCMP tunnel to the Gateway.

9 Login to the Edge using the EIP and verify Edge activation.

10 Create a LAN instance with the Primary interface connected to the Management subnet. For
steps, see Create a LAN Instance.

a In the Primary routing table, create a new route entry that points to GE2 interface of edge
for default route. For steps, see Add a Custom Route Table Entry.

11 Verify if the virtual Edge (vVCE) is up in the VCO.

Create a Virtual Private Cloud

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual private network in which you can deploy your cloud
resources. The Cloud resources cannot be directly deployed in a VPC. They must be deployed in
a VSwitch (subnet) of the VPC.


Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.


1 Log on to the VPC console.

2 Select the region in which you want to create a VPC.

The VPC must be in the same region as the cloud resources that you want to deploy.

3 In the left navigation pane, click VPCs.

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4 On the VPC page, click Create VPC.

The Create VPC page appears.

5 On the Create VPC page, set the following parameters, and then click OK.

a In the Name text box, enter the name for the VPC.

b Under IPv4 CIDR Block, select one of the following options:

n Default CIDR Block: Select,, or

n Custom CIDR Block: Select,,, or their subnets.

The CIDR block mask must be 8 to 24 bits in length.

During VPC creation itself, you can create one or more VSwitches by clicking the + Add
button. For more information about creating a VSwitch, see Create a VSwitch.

Note After the VPC is created, you cannot change its IPv4 CIDR block.

What to do next

n Create a VSwitch

Create a VSwitch
A VSwitch is a basic network device of a VPC and used to connect different cloud product
instances. After creating a VPC, you can further segment your virtual private network to one or

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more subnets by creating VSwitches. The VSwitches within a VPC are interconnected. Therefore,
you can deploy different applications in the different VSwitches of different zones to improve the
service availability.


Ensure that you have already created a VPC.


1 Log on to the VPC console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click VSwitches.

3 Select the region of the VPC in which you want to create a VSwitch.

4 Click Create VSwitch.

The Create VSwitch page appears.

5 On the Create VSwitch page, set the following parameters, and then click OK.

a From the VPC drop-down menu, select a VPC to which the VSwitch belongs.

b In the Name text box, enter the name for the VPC.

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c From the Zone drop-down menu, select the zone to which the VSwitch belongs.

d In the IPv4 CIDR Block text box, enter the IPv4 CIDR block of the VSwitch.
n The IPv4 CIDR block of the VSwitch can be the same as that of the VPC to which the
VSwitch belongs or be a subset of the VPC CIDR block.

For example, if the CIDR block of the VPC is, the CIDR block of the VSwitch
in the VPC can be, or any CIDR block between and

Note If the CIDR block of the VSwitch is the same as that of the VPC, you can only
create one VSwitch.

n The subnet mask of the VSwitch CIDR block can be 16 to 29 bits. It means that the
VSwitch can provide 8 to 65,536 IP addresses.

n The first IP address and the last three IP addresses in the VSwitch CIDR block are

For example, if the VSwitch CIDR block is, the IP addresses,,, and are reserved.

n If the VSwitch needs to communicate with VSwitches of other VPCs or on-premises data
centers, you need to make sure that the CIDR blocks involved do not conflict with each

Note After the VSwitch is created, you cannot change its IPv4 CIDR block.

What to do next

n Create a Security Group

n Add Security Group Rules

n Create Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches

Create a Security Group

A security group is a virtual firewall for an ECS instance. This topic describes how to create a
security group in the ECS console.


If you want to create a VPC-type security group, ensure that a VPC and a VSwitch have been
created. For more information, see Create a Virtual Private Cloud and Create a VSwitch.


1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, choose Network & Security > Security Groups.

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3 On the Security Groups page, click Create Security Group.

The dialog box appears.

4 In the Create Security Group dialog box, configure the following parameters:

a From the Template drop-down menu, select a suitable template to simplify security
group rule configuration. For example, select Customize.

b In the Security Group Name text box, enter a valid name for the security group.

c From the Network Type drop-down menu, select VPC.

d From the VPC drop-down menu, select your VPC.

5 Click OK.

A pop-up message recommending you create security group rules appears.


After the security group is created, a new security group is added to the security group list.

What to do next

After creating a security group, it is recommended to immediately create security group rules.
Otherwise, you may not be able to access the internal network or Internet. For steps, see Add
Security Group Rules.

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Add Security Group Rules

You can use security group rules to control the access to public or internal networks of the ECS
instances in a security group. To add security group rules, perform the steps on this procedure.


n Ensure that you have created a security group. For more information, see Create a Security

n Ensure that you know which internal or public network requests need to be allowed or denied
for your instance.


1 Click Create Rules Now.

The Security Group page appears.

2 Click Add Security Group Rule.

The Add Security Group Rule dialog box appears.

3 From the Rule Direction drop-down menu, select Inbound.

By default, all Outbound traffic is allowed.

4 From the Action drop-down menu, select Allow.

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5 To allow inbound connectivity to your Edge, select Protocol Type and Port Range.

The port range is based on the protocol type. The following are some of the examples:

n VCMP: UDP port 2426

n SSH: TCP port 22

n SNMP UDP port 161

n ICMP Request/Reply

6 Select Authorization Type and Authorization Objects.

The authorized IP address is based on the authorization type. For example, for IPv4 CIDR
block, specifying will allow or deny all IP addresses, based on the authorization

7 Click OK.


Click the refresh icon to confirm that the security group rule is added. Changes to security group
rules are automatically applied to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the security group.

Create Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches

A route table is a list of route entries in a VPC. The network traffic is routed based on the
configurations of the route entries in the route table. After a VPC is created, the system
automatically creates a default route table and adds system routes to the route table for traffic

You cannot create or delete the default route table. However, you can create a custom route
table and associate it with a VSwitch to control the routes of the corresponding subnet. To
create a custom route table and associate it with a VSwitch, perform the following steps:


Ensure that a VPC and VSwitches have been created. For steps, see Create a Virtual Private
Cloud and Create a VSwitch.


1 Log on to the VPC console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Route Tables.

3 Select the region of the route table to be created.

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4 On the Route Tables page, click Create Route Table.

The Create Route Table page appears.

5 Configure the following parameters, and then click OK.

a From the VPC drop-down menu, select your VPC.

b In the Name text box, enter the name for the routing table.

The route table is created, and it gets added to the list of Route Tables.

6 On the Route Tables page, select the route table that you have created and then click the
Associated VSwitches tab.

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7 Click Associate VSwitch.

The Associate VSwitch page appears.

8 From the VSwitch drop-down menu, select the relevant VSwitch to be associated with the
Route Table.


Click Refresh to confirm that the VSwitch is associated with the Routing Table.

What to do next

n Provision an Edge on the VCO

n Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console

Provision an Edge on the VCO

To provision a VeloCloud Edge, perform the steps on this procedure.


Ensure you have the VCO host name and admin account to login.

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1 Log in to the VCO application as Admin user, with your login credentials.

The VCO Home screen appears.

2 Go to Configure > Edges. The VeloCloud Edges page appears.

3 Click New Edge.

The Provision New Edge dialog box appears.

4 In the Name text box, enter a unique name for the Edge.

5 From the Model drop-down menu, select Virtual Edge.

6 From the Profile drop-down menu, select Quick Start Profile and click Create.

The Edge is provisioned, and the activation key is displayed on the top of the page. Make a
note of the activation key to use it for launching the Edge from the AliCloud Console.

7 Configure Virtual Edge interfaces. The following steps are explained considering Topology A
- Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud VPC.

a Click the Device tab and go to the Interface Settings area.

b Click Edit corresponding to the GE2 Interface and select Override Interface checkbox.

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c From the Capability drop-down menu, select Routed and click Update GE2.

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d Click Edit corresponding to the GE3 Interface and select Override Interface checkbox.

e Disable WAN Overlay and NAT Direct Traffic, as this interface will be used LAN-side, and
Click Update GE3.

Note If you are using an Edge instance with only two interfaces as illustrated in Topology B -
Virtual Edge Deployment on AliCloud Single-Arm Topology, then the public interface (GE2)
will be used for both WAN and LAN connectivity. For the LAN network to point to the GE2
interface, under Static Route Settings, configure a static route on the Edge that points to the
Private Subnet/VSwitch as shown in the following screenshot.

8 Under the Configure VLAN area, edit the VLAN settings to update the Edge LAN IP Address.

9 (Optional) If you are using a Jump Host, to allow SSH access to the Edge from the jump
server, make sure to enable the Support access for the Jump Host server’s IP in the Firewall

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10 Click Save Changes.

What to do next

n Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console

Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console

Instances are the core components of Elastic Compute Service (ECS). This topic describes how to
create a Pay-As-You-Go Edge instance on the ECS console.


n Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.


1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances & Images > Instances.

3 On the Instances page, click Create Instance.

The Custom Launch purchase page appears.

4 Set up Basic Configurations by performing the following steps.

a Select a billing method. For example, Pay-As-You-Go.

b From the Region drop-down menu, select a region. The system randomly allocates a
zone by default.

Note After an instance is created, you cannot change its region or zone.

c In the Instance Type area, go to All Generations > x86-Architecture > General Purpose
and select the 4 vCPU + 16 GiB memory (ecs. sn2ne.xlarge) instance type.

The available instance type family is determined by the region you selected.

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d In the Image area, click Custom Image and select an Edge image, for example,

e Select a storage space. By default, a 40 GiB Ultra Cloud Disk is selected.

5 Click Next: Networking to set up the networking and security group configuration.

a Select VPC as the network type and select the VPC where you are going to deploy your
Edge and attach the Console interface of your Edge to MGMT_SN.

b Set the network billing method.

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c Select your VPC-type security group.

d Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). You can skip this step if the selected instance
type does not support ENI.

6 Click Next: System Configurations.

a Configure Logon Credentials by selecting one of the following options: Key Pair, Inherit
Password From Image, and Password. By default, Set Later option is selected.

b In the Instance Name text box, enter a unique name for your Edge instance.

c Under the Advance area, you can provide the cloud-init user data for your edge in the
following sample format for activation purpose. According to your VCO set up, you must
change the vco name and activation code.

activation_code: 12XX-ABC1-6DD3-3EFG
vco_ignore_cert_errors: true

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7 Click Next: Grouping and set the options as needed.

8 Click Next: Preview and confirm the selected configuration. You can also click the edit icon to
modify the configurations.

9 Read and confirm Terms of Service, and then click Create Instance.


Click Console to return to the ECS console. Click the refresh button to check if the Edge instance
is created. If the newly created Edge instance is in a Running status, then the Edge is created

What to do next

n Create an Elastic Network Interface

Create an Elastic Network Interface

An Elastic Network Interface (ENI) is a virtual network interface that can be attached to an ECS
instance in a VPC. This topic describes how to create an ENI in the ECS console.


n A VPC and a VSwitch are created. For steps, see Create a Virtual Private Cloud.

n A security group is created in the same VPC. For steps, see Create a Security Group.

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1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, choose Network & Security > .

The Network Interfaces page appears.

3 Click Create ENI.

The Create ENI page appears.

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4 Provide the following configuration details.

a In the Network Interface Name text box, enter a unique name for the ENI.

b From the VPC drop-down menu, select the same VPC associated with the instance to
which you want the ENI to be bound. When you attach an ENI to an instance, they must
be in the same VPC.

Note After an ENI is created, you cannot change the VPC.

c From the VSwitch drop-down menu, select the VSwitch to which you want the ENI to be
bound. When you attach an ENI to an instance, they must be in the same zone, but they
do not have to be in the same VSwitch.

Note After an ENI is created, you cannot change the VSwitch.

d From the Security Group drop-down menu, select your security group in the selected

5 Click OK.


On the Network Interfaces page, click Refresh to view the newly created ENI instance.

What to do next

n After creating an ENI, you can attach an ENI to an Edge instance. For steps, see Bind an ENI
to an Edge instance.

Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public Interface of the

Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs) are public IP address resources that you can purchase and hold
independently. You can create an EIP or reinstate a released EIP through the console. This topic
describes how to create an EIP and bind it to the secondary (public) interface.


n Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.

n Ensure you have an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to assign the Elastic IP. For steps to
create ENI, see Create an Elastic Network Interface.


1 Log on to the VPC console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Elastic IP Addresses.

The Elastic IP Addresses page appears.

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3 Click Create EIP.

The Elastic IP page appears.

4 Configure EIP.

a Select the region of the EIP to be created.

Ensure that the EIP and the cloud instance to be associated with the EIP belong to the
same region.

b Set the maximum bandwidth for the EIP to be created, depending on the requirement.

c Select the number of the EIPs that you want to create with the same configurations. The
default value for Quantity is 1.

5 Click Buy Now.

The Confirm Order page appears.

6 Enable Elastic IP Agreement of Service checkbox and click Activate.

On the Elastic IP Addresses page, click Refresh to view the newly created EIP instance.

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7 To associate the EIP instance to a secondary (public) Elastic Network Interface (ENI) of the
Edge, click Bind under the Actions column. The Bind Elastic IP Address page appears.

a From the Instance Type drop-down menu, select secondary ENI.

b From the Secondary ENI drop-down menu, select the interface to which you want to bind
the EIP.

c Click OK.

What to do next

n Bind an ENI to an Edge instance

Bind an ENI to an Edge instance

To bind secondary Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) to an Edge instance, perform the steps on
this procedure.

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n Ensure that you have created an ENI. For steps. see Create an Elastic Network Interface.


1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, choose Network & Security > ENI.

3 On the Network Interfaces page, select an ENI and click Bind to Instance under the Actions

The Bind to Instance pop-up window appears.

4 From the Select Instance drop-down menu, select the Edge instance to which you want to
bind the ENI.

5 Click OK.


The selected ENI is bound to the Edge instance.

What to do next

Restart your Edge instance for the newly associated interfaces to get effect, by performing the
following step.

1 In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.

2 On the Instances page, go to your Edge instance, and click More under the Actions column.

3 Go to Instance Status > Restart.

4 Click OK.

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Create a LAN Instance

Describes how to create a LAN (Linux) instance on the ECS console.


n Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.


1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances & Images > Instances.

3 On the Instances page, click Create Instance.

The Custom Launch purchase page appears.

4 Set up Basic Configurations by performing the following steps.

a Select a billing method. For example, Pay-As-You-Go.

b From the Region drop-down menu, select a region. The system randomly allocates a
zone by default.

Note After an instance is created, you cannot change its region or zone.

c In the Instance Type area, go to All Generations > x86-Architecture > General Purpose
and select an instance type.

The available instance type family is determined by the region you selected.

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d In the Image area, click Public Image and select an Ubuntu image, for example,

e Select a storage space. By default, a 40 GiB Ultra Cloud Disk is selected.

5 Click Next: Networking to set up the networking and security group configuration.

a Select VPC as the network type and select the VPC where you are going to deploy your
LAN device and the Subnet/VSwitch to which you want the primary interface to be

b Set the network billing method.

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c Select your VPC-type security group.

d Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). You can skip this step if the selected instance
type does not support ENI.

6 Click Next: System Configurations.

a Configure Logon Credentials by selecting one of the following options: Key Pair, Inherit
Password From Image, and Password. By default, Set Later option is selected.

b In the Instance Name text box, enter a unique name for the LAN instance.

7 Click Next: Grouping and set the options as needed.

8 Click Next: Preview and confirm the selected configuration. You can also click the edit icon to
modify the configurations.

9 Read and confirm Terms of Service, and then click Create Instance.

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Click Console to return to the ECS console. Click the refresh button to check if the LAN instance
is created. If the newly created LAN instance is in a Running status, then the inatance is created

Add a Custom Route Table Entry

Describes how to add a custom route entry in a custom route table.


n Ensure that you have created a VPC and VSwitches. For steps, see Create a Virtual Private
Cloud and Create a VSwitch.

n Ensure that you have a custom route table associated with a VSwitch. For steps, see Create
Custom Route Tables and Associate VSwitches.


1 Log on to the VPC console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Route Tables.

3 On the Route Tables page, find the target route table, and then click Manage in the Actions

4 In the Route Table Details area, click Route Entry List tab, and then click Add Route Entry.

The Add Route Entry page appears.

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5 In the Name text box, enter the unique name for the route entry.

6 In Destination CIDR Block, specify the destination CIDR block address.

7 From the Next Hop Type drop-down menu, select the next hop interface type, for example,
Secondary NetworkInterface, and then select the interface.

8 Click OK.

Create a Jump Host Instance

Creating a Jump Host (JH) instance is an optional step for the Edge deployment. However, to
locally manage the virtual Edge, you must deploy a JH and assign an Elastic IP to it. To SSH to an
Edge over a private network using a JH, create a JH (Linux instance) in VPC with one interface in
the Public subnet (for Internet connectivity with EIP), and the other interface in the management

To create a JH instance on the ECS console, perform the following steps.


n Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.


1 Log on to the ECS console.

2 In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances & Images > Instances.

3 On the Instances page, click Create Instance.

The Custom Launch purchase page appears.

4 Set up Basic Configurations by performing the following steps.

a Select a billing method. For example, Pay-As-You-Go.

b From the Region drop-down menu, select a region. The system randomly allocates a
zone by default.

Note After an instance is created, you cannot change its region or zone.

c In the Instance Type area, go to All Generations > x86-Architecture > General Purpose
and select an instance type.

The available instance type family is determined by the region you selected.

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d In the Image area, click Public Image and select an Ubuntu image, for example,

e Select a storage space. By default, a 40 GiB Ultra Cloud Disk is selected.

5 Click Next: Networking to set up the networking and security group configuration.

a Select VPC as the network type and select the VPC where you are going to deploy your
JH and attach the Console interface of your Edge to MGMT_SN.

b Set the network billing method.

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c Select your VPC-type security group.

d Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). You can skip this step if the selected instance
type does not support ENI.

6 Click Next: System Configurations.

a Configure Logon Credentials by selecting one of the following options: Key Pair, Inherit
Password From Image, and Password. By default, Set Later option is selected.

b In the Instance Name text box, enter a unique name for the JH instance.

7 Click Next: Grouping and set the options as needed.

8 Click Next: Preview and confirm the selected configuration. You can also click the edit icon to
modify the configurations.

9 Read and confirm Terms of Service, and then click Create Instance.

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Click Console to return to the ECS console. Click the refresh button to check if the JH instance is
created. If the newly created JH instance is in a Running status, then the inatance is created

SSH Login to Edge using EIP

To use SSH to log into an edge using EIP and verify activation, enter the following command.

ssh -i private key vcadmin@ Elastic IP of the edge


n private key - Use the private key generated in Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console.

n Elastic IP of the edge - Use the Elastic IP created in Create Elastic IP and Assign it to Public
Interface of the Edge.

SSH to Private IP of the Edge from Jump Host

This is an optional step. To SSH to Private IP of the Edge from Jump Host (JH), enter the
following command.

ssh -i private key vcadmin@ Private IP of the edge on interface eth0

The Private IP of interface eth0 can be derived from Alicloud console.

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Activate the Edge Against the VCO

Activation will be taken care by step 6 of Create a vVCE Instance on the ECS Console.

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Azure Virtual WAN VCG
Automation 25
For the 3.3.1 release, VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports Azure Virtual WAN and VeloCloud
Gateway (VCG) integration and automation to enable branch-to-VPN connectivity.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Azure Virtual WAN VCG Automation Overview

n Prerequisite Azure Configuration

n Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

n Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

Azure Virtual WAN VCG Automation Overview

Azure Virtual WAN is a network service that facilitates optimized and automated Virtual Private
Network (VPN) connectivity from enterprise branch locations to or through Microsoft Azure.
Azure subscribers’ provision Virtual Hubs corresponding to Azure regions and connect branches
(which may or may not be SD-WAN enabled) through IP security (IPSec) VPN connections.

For the 3.3.1 release, VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) supports Azure Virtual WAN and VeloCloud
Gateway (VCG) integration and automation by leveraging the Azure backbone to establish
branch-to-Azure VPN connectivity through the VCG as shown in the following diagram.

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and Controller

vWAN Hub




The following sections describe the procedures for configuring the VCO and Azure to enable
branch-to-Azure VPN connectivity through the VeloCloud Gateway (VCG):

n Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

n Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

Prerequisite Azure Configuration

Enterprise network administrators must complete the following prerequisite configuration tasks
at the Azure portal to ensure that the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) application can function as
the Service Principal (identity for the application) for the purposes of Azure Virtual WAN and
VCG integration.

n Register VCO Application

n Assign the VCO Application to Contributor Role

n Register a Resource Provider

n Create a Client Secret

Register VCO Application

Describes how to register a new application in Azure Active Directory (AD).

To register a new application in Azure AD:

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n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Click All Services and search for Azure Active Directory.

3 Select Azure Active Directory and go to App registrations > New registration.

The Register an application screen appears.

4 In the Name field, enter the name for your VCO application.

5 Select a supported account type, which determines who can use the application.

6 Click Register.

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Your VCO application will be registered and displayed in the All applications and Owned
applications tabs.

Make sure to note down the Directory (tenant) ID and Application (client) ID to be used during
the VCO configuration for IaaS Subscription.

What to do next

n Assign the VCO Application to Contributor Role

n Create a Client Secret

Assign the VCO Application to Contributor Role

To access resources in your Azure subscription, you must assign the application to a role. You
can set the scope at the level of the subscription, resource group, or resource. Permissions are
inherited to lower levels of scope.

To assign a Contributor role at the subscription scope:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


1 Click All Services and search for Subscriptions.

2 From the list of subscriptions, select the subscription to which you want to assign your
application. If you do not see the subscription you are looking for, select global subscriptions
filter. Make sure the subscription you want is selected for the portal.

3 Click Access control (IAM).

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4 Click +Add > Add role assignment.

The Add role assignment dialog box appears.

5 From the Role drop-down menu, select the Contributor role to assign to the application.

To allow the application to execute actions like reboot, start and stop instances, it is
recommended that users assign the Contributor role to the App Registration.

6 From the Assign access to drop-down menu, select Azure AD user, group, or service

By default, Azure AD applications are not displayed in the available options. To find your
application, search for the name and select it.

7 Select Save.


The application is assigned to the Contributor role and it appears in the list of users assigned to a
role for that scope.

What to do next

n Create a Client Secret

n Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

Register a Resource Provider

To download Virtual WAN Virtual Private Network (VPN) configurations, the VeloCloud
Orchestrator (VCO) requires a Blob Storage Account that acts as an intermediary data store from
where the configurations can be downloaded. The VCO aims to create seamless user experience

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by provisioning a transient storage account for each of the download task. To download VPN
site configurations, you must manually register the Microsoft.Storage resource provider on your
Azure Subscription. By default, the Microsoft.Storage resource provider is not registered on
Azure Subscriptions.

To register a resource provider for your subscription:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.

n Ensure you have the Contributor or Owner roles permission.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

2 Click All Services and search for Subscriptions.

3 From the list of subscriptions, select your subscription.

4 Under the Settings tab, select Resource providers.

5 From the list of available resource providers, select Microsoft.Storage. and click Register.


The resource provider is registered and also configures your subscription to work with the
resource provider.

What to do next

You can create the resources in Azure, for steps, see Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-
to-Azure VPN Connectivity.

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Create a Client Secret

Describes how to create a new client secret in Azure AD for the purpose of authentication.

To create a new client secret in Azure AD:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Select Azure Active Directory > App registrations.

3 On the Owned applications tab, click on your registered VCO application.

4 Go to Certificates & secrets > New client secret.

The Add a client secret screen appears.

5 Provide details such as description and expiry value for the secret and click Add.


The client secret is created for the registered application.

Note Copy and save the new client secret value to be used during the IaaS subscription in VCO.

What to do next

n Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

n Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

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Configure Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN

This section describes the procedures to configure Azure for integrating Azure Virtual WAN and
VeloCloud Gateway (VCG) to enable the branch-to-Azure VPN connectivity.

Before you begin to configure the Azure Virtual WAN and the other Azure resources:

n Verify that none of the subnets of your on-premises network overlap with the existing virtual
networks that you want to connect to. Your virtual network does not require a gateway
subnet and cannot have any virtual network gateways. For steps to create a virtual network,
see Create a Virtual Network.

n Obtain an IP address range for your Hub region and ensure that the address range that you
specify for the Hub region does not overlap with any of your existing virtual networks that
you connect to.

n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account .

For step-by-step instructions about the various procedures that need to be completed in the
Azure portal side for integrating Azure Virtual WAN and VeloCloud Gateway (VCG), see:

n Create a Resource Group

n Create a Virtual WAN

n Create a Virtual Hub

n Create a Virtual Network

n Create a Virtual Connection between VNet and Hub

Create a Resource Group

Describes how to create a resource group in Azure.

To create a resource group in Azure:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Click All Services and search for Resource groups.

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3 Select Resource groups and click +Add.

The Create a resource group screen appears.

4 From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.

5 In the Resource group text box, enter a unique name for your new resource group.

A resource group name can include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_),
hyphens (-), and parenthesis (), but the name cannot end with a period.

6 From the Region drop-down menu, select the location for your resource group, where the
majority of your resources will reside.

7 Click Review+create and then click Create.


A resource group is created and appears on the Azure portal dashboard.

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What to do next

Create an Azure Virtual WAN. For steps, see Create a Virtual WAN.

Create a Virtual WAN

Describes how to create a Virtual WAN in Azure.

To create a Virtual WAN in Azure:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.

n Ensure you have a resource group created to add the Virtual WAN.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Click All Services and search for Virtual WANs.

3 Select Virtual WANs and click +Add.

The Create WAN screen appears.

4 From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.

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5 From the Resource group drop-down menu, select your resource group to add the Virtual

6 From the Resource group location drop-down menu, select the location where the metadata
associated with the Virtual WAN will reside.

7 In the Name text box, enter a unique name for your Virtual WAN.

8 From the Type drop-down menu, select Standard as the Virtual WAN type.

9 Click Create.


A Virtual WAN is created and appears on the Azure portal dashboard.

What to do next

Create Virtual Hubs. For steps, see Create a Virtual Hub.

Create a Virtual Hub

Describes how to create a Virtual Hub in Azure.

To create a Virtual Hub in Azure:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.

n Ensure you have a resource group created to add the Azure resources.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Go to All resources and from the list of available resources, select the Virtual WAN that you
have created.

3 Under the Virtual WAN architecture area, click Hubs.

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4 Click +New Hub.

The Create virtual hub screen appears.

5 In the Basics tab, enter the following Virtual Hub details.

a From the Region drop-down menu, select the location where the Virtual Hub resides.

b In the Name text box, enter the unique name for your Hub.

c In the Hub private address space text box, enter the address range for the Hub in
Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) notation.

6 Click Next: Site to site > and enable Site to site (VPN gateway) before connecting to VPN
sites by selecting Yes.

Note A VPN Gateway is required in order for NVS automation to work, ortherwise it is not
possible to create VPN connections.

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a From the Gateway scale units drop-down menu, select a scaling value.

7 Click Review + Create.


A Virtual Hub is created and appears on the Azure portal dashboard.

What to do next

n Create Virtual Connection between Hubs and Virtual Networks (VNets). For steps, see Create
a Virtual Connection between VNet and Hub.

n If you do not have an existing VNet, you can create one by following the steps in Create a
Virtual Network.

Create a Virtual Network

Describes how to create a Virtual Network in Azure.

To create a Virtual Network in Azure:


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Click All Services and search for Virtual networks.

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3 Select Virtual networks and click +Add.

The Create virtual network screen appears.

4 In the Name text box, enter the unique name for your virtual network.

5 In the Address space text box, enter the address range for the virtual network in Classless
inter-domain routing (CIDR) notation.

6 From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.

7 From the Resource group drop-down menu, select your resource group to add the virtual

8 From the Location drop-down menu, select the location where the virtual network resides.

9 Under the Subnet area, enter the name and address range for the subnet.

Do not make any changes to the other default settings of DDos protection, Service
endpoints, and Firewall.

10 Click Create.

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A Virtual network is created and appears on the Azure portal dashboard.

What to do next

Create Virtual Connection between Hubs and Virtual Networks (VNets). For steps, see Create a
Virtual Connection between VNet and Hub.

Create a Virtual Connection between VNet and Hub

Describes how to create a virtual connection between Virtual Networks (VNets) and the Virtual
Hub in a particular Azure region.

To create a virtual network connection between a VNet and a Virtual Hub in a particular Azure


n Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.

n Ensure you have Virtual Hubs and Virtual Networks created.


1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Go to All resources and from the list of available resources, select the Virtual WAN that you
have created.

3 Under the Virtual WAN architecture area, click Virtual network connections.

4 Click +Add connection.

The Add connection screen appears.

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5 In the Connection name text box, enter the unique name for the virtual connection.

6 From the Hubs drop-down menu, select the Hub you want to associate with this connection.

7 From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.

8 From the Virtual network drop-down menu, select the virtual network you want to connect
to this Hub.

9 Click OK.


A peering connection is established between the selected Vnet and the Hub.

What to do next

n Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

Configure VCO for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity

This section describes the procedures to configure VCO for integrating Azure Virtual WAN and
VeloCloud Gateway (VCG) to enable the branch-to-Azure VPN connectivity.

Note By default, for the 3.3.1 release, the Azure Virtual WAN feature is disabled. To enable the
feature, you must set the session.options.enableAzureVirtualWAN system property to true.

Before you begin the VCO configuration for Azure Virtual WAN - VCG automation, ensure you
have completed all the steps explained in the Prerequisite Azure Configuration and Configure
Azure Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity sections.

For step-by-step instructions about the various procedures that need to be completed in the
VCO side for integrating Azure Virtual WAN and VeloCloud Gateway (VCG), see:

n Configure an IaaS Subscription Network Service

n Configure a Microsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site

n Synchronize VPN Configuration

Configure an IaaS Subscription Network Service

Describes how to configure an Infrastructure as a Service Provider (IaaS) subscription in VCO.

To configure an IaaS subscription in VCO:


Ensure you have registered the VCO application and created Client secret in the Azure portal.
For steps, see Prerequisite Azure Configuration.

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1 From the navigation panel in the VCO, go to Configure > Network Services.

The Services screen appears.

2 In the Iaas Subscriptions area, click the New button.

The Configure IaaS Subscription dialog box appears.

3 From the Subscription Type drop-down-menu, select Microsoft Azure Subscription.

4 Enter the Active Directory Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret corresponding to your VCO
Application Registration.

5 Click the Get Subscriptions button to retrieve the list of Azure Subscriptions for which the
App Registration has been allocated an IAM role.

6 Click Save Changes.

What to do next

Configure a Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) of type Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub. For more information,
see Configure a Microsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site.

Configure a Microsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site

Describes how to configure a Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) of type Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub in

To configure a NVS of type Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub in VCO:


n Ensure you have configured an IaaS subscription. For steps, see Configure an IaaS
Subscription Network Service.

n Ensure you have created Virtual WAN and Hubs in Azure. For steps, see Configure Azure
Virtual WAN for Branch-to-Azure VPN Connectivity.

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1 From the navigation panel in the VCO, go to Configure > Network Services.

The Services screen appears.

2 In the Non-VeloCloud Sites area, click the New button.

The New Non-VeloCloud Site dialog box appears.

3 In the Name text box, enter the name for the Non-VeloCloud site.

4 From the Type drop-down menu, select Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub.

5 From the Subscription drop-down menu, select a subscription.

The application fetches all the available Virtual WANs dynamically from Azure.

6 From the Virtual WAN drop-down menu, select a virtual WAN.

The application auto-populates the resource group to which the virtual WAN is associated.

7 From the Virtual Hub drop-down menu, select a Virtual Hub.

The application auto-populates the Azure region corresponding to the Hub

8 Select the Enable Tunnel(s) checkbox to enable VeloCloud VPN Gateways initiate VPN
connections to the target Virtual Hub, as soon as the site is successfully provisioned.

Note VeloCloud VPN Gateways will not initiate IKE negotiation until this Non-VeloCloud Site
(NVS) is configured on at least one profile.

9 Click Next.

The VCO automatically initiates deployment, provisions Azure VPN Sites, and downloads the
VPN Site Configuration for the newly configured sites and stores the configuration in the
VCO’s Non-VeloCloud site configuration database.

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Once the Azure VPN sites are provisioned at the VCO side, you can view the VPN sites (Primary
and Redundant) in the Azure portal by navigating to your Virtual WAN page > Virtual WAN
architecture > VPN sites.

What to do next

n Associate the Micorsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site to a Profile in order to establish a tunnel
between a branch and Azure Vitual Hub. For more information, see Associate a Non-
VeloCloud Site to a Profile.

n You must add SD-WAN routes in to Azure network manually. For more information, see Edit a
VPN Site.

Associate a Non-VeloCloud Site to a Profile

After configuring a Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) of type Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub in VeloCloud
Orchestrator (VCO), you have to associate the Non-VeloCloud Site to the desired Profile in order
to establish the tunnels between VeloCloud Gateways (VCGs) and Microsoft Azure Virtual Hub.

To associate a Non-VeloCloud Site to a Profile, perform the following steps:


1 From the VCO navigation panel, go to Configure > Profiles.

The Configuration Profiles page appears.

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2 Select a profile you want to associate your Non-VeloCloud Site of type Microsoft Azure
Virtual Hub and click the icon under the Device column.

The Device Settings page for the selected profile appears.

3 Go to Cloud VPN area and enable Cloud VPN by turning the toggle button to On.

4 Under Branch to Non-VeloCloud Site, select the Enable checkbox.

5 From the drop-down menu, select your Non-VeloCloud Site of type Microsoft Azure Virtual
Hub to establish VPN connection between the branch and the Micorsoft Azure Non-
VeloCloud Site.

6 Click Save Changes.


A tunnel is established between the branch and the Micorsoft Azure Non-VeloCloud Site. For
more information, see Configure Branch to VPNs.

Edit a VPN Site

Describes how to add SD-WAN routes into the Azure network manually.

To add SD-WAN routes manually in to the Azure network:


Ensure you have completed provisioning the Azure VPN sites at the VCO side.

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1 Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.

The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.

2 Go to All resources and from the list of available resources, select the Virtual WAN that you
have created.

3 Under the Virtual WAN architecture area, click VPN sites.

4 From the available list of VPN sites, select your VPN site (for example,Non-VeloCloud site
name.primary), that is added as a result of NVS provisioning step done using the VCO.

5 Right click your Primary VPN site and select Edit.

The Edit site pop-up window appears.

6 In the Private address space text box, enter the address range for the SD-WAN routes.

7 Click Confirm.

Similarly, you can edit your Redundant VPN site by following the above steps.

Synchronize VPN Configuration

After successful Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) provisioning, whenever there are changes in the
endpoint IP address of the Azure Hub or static routes, you need to resynchronize Azure Virtual
Hub and NVS configurations. Clicking the Resync configuration button in the Non-VeloCloud
Sites area will automatically fetch the VPN configuration details from the Azure portal and will
update the VCO local configuration.

Delete a Non-VeloCloud Site

Describes the steps to delete a VCO's Non-VeloCloud Site (NVS) corresponding to the Azure's
Virtual Hub and thereby ensure Virtual WAN deployment state is consistent between the
VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) and Azure following the deletion.


1 Delete the Azure VPN Connections associated to the VPN Sites targeted for deletion.

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VeloCloud Administration Guide

2 Delete the Azure VPN Sites provisioned on behalf of the NVS VCGs selected for that Virtual
Hub by using an Azure API.

Note Deletion of the Azure VPN Sites will fail if the VPN connections associated to the VPN
Sites (targeted for deletion) are not removed.

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VeloCloud Edge Appliance
Documentation 26
To access VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud Edge Appliance quick start guides and user manuals,
please visit https://www.velocloud.com/get-started/

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