Oil Filled Cables
Oil Filled Cables
Oil Filled Cables
Oil-Filled Cable
a high-voltage power cable in which the paper insulation is
impregnated with mineral oil under pressure. An increase in the
electric strength of insulation is achieved in oil-filled cables through the
elimination of gas inclusions (voids) within the insulation, which are
potential sites of breakdown, by filling them with oil. During operation
of the cable the oil pressure is maintained by make-up equipment. Oil-
filled cables are used to lead power lines from large power plants or
underground hydroelectric power plants to distribution equipment,
where power transmission lines cross water obstacles, in densely
builtup areas, and where power lines extend far into cities with high
power consumption.
The first type is a single cable with a centrally located oil channel, with
the oil under low or medium pressure (0.1-0.3 meganewtons per sq m