Ron Lemen - Perspective and Elevation in Figures - Muddy Colors
Ron Lemen - Perspective and Elevation in Figures - Muddy Colors
Ron Lemen - Perspective and Elevation in Figures - Muddy Colors
Ron Lemen
Hello all and happy September. We are in Montana at the moment, taking in
some breathtaking scenery while visiting my family. I will finish the second part to the False
Start article I began a few weeks back when I return to San Diego. While we have been out of
town I have been
pondering many additional topics I am adding to my figure drawing book and I
would like to share one of them with you here.
I draw from the figure almost daily. I teach several classes during the week that
allows me to stay close to the subject and the rest of my work time is spent
doing illustrations, character designs and commissions where I am constantly
working with and manipulating characters.
I am constantly reminded of the problems we face when drawing, and
especially when working with the figure.
There are tools that the artist can use to solve this issue
long before investing time in the rendering.
If we use landmarks, ellipses and overlap shapes using a strong draw
through method, as well as indicate a ground plane and possibly a horizon line,
unless we fall asleep at the drawing wheel theses tools should work well
setting up solid armatures to take to a finish.