Hydrostatics Trainer: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
Hydrostatics Trainer: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
Hydrostatics Trainer: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
HM 115
Hydrostatics trainer
• basic experiments in hydrostatics To make the functions and processes • study of buoyancy on a variety of bod-
• wide range of experiments visible, the tanks and the experimental ies
• closed water circuit with tank units use a transparent design. Tanks • study of the density of liquids
and pump and pipes are made entirely of plastic. • hydrostatic pressure, Pascal’s law
• communicating vessels
Hydrostatics is the study of fluids at Various pressure gauges are available • determination of the centre of pres-
rest. Phenomena occurring as a result for measuring pressure and differential sure
of hydrostatic pressure are analysed pressure of the liquid fluid, such as a • study of surface tensions
and the force effect determined. Hydro- Pitot tube, tube for static pressure a • demonstration of capillarity
static aspects play a crucial role in vari- pressure sensor with digital display, twin • Boyle’s law
ous areas of engineering, such as in tube manometers or a differential pres- • study of static and dynamic pressure
plumbing and domestic engineering, in sure manometer. A diaphragm mano- component in flowing fluid
pump manufacturing, in aerospace and meter and a Bourdon tube manometer • familiarisation with various methods of
in shipping (buoyancy, load on the sides indicate the pressure of the gaseous flu- pressure measurement
of a ship). id.
The HM 115 trainer can be used to con- The trainer has its own air and water
duct experiments in the field of hydro- supply. The closed water circuit includes
statics, such as ground pressure meas- a supply tank with submersible pump. A
urement or demonstrating Boyle’s law. compressor is included to generate pos-
Determining the centre of pressure itive and negative pressures for the ex-
completes the range of experiments. periments with air.
Furthermore, experimental units for
studying capillarity and buoyancy are in-
cluded. The hydrostatic pressure and
surface tension are measured. Addition-
ally, one experiment uses a Pitot tube
and a tube for static pressure to study
the pressure components in a flowing
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email sales@gunt.de, Web www.gunt.de
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HM 115
Hydrostatics trainer
• power consumption: 250W
• max. flow rate: 9m3/h
• max. head: 7,6m
• power: 65W
• pressure at inlet: 240mbar
• pressure at outlet: 2bar
3 tanks
• height: 500mm
• Ø 100mm, Ø 133mm, Ø 200mm
Scope of delivery
1 trainer
1 compressor
1 bottom pressure device
Accessories for a wide range of experiments 2 areometers
1 wedge-shaped tank
1 experimental unit each: surface tension, hydrostatic
pressure in fluids, buoyancy force, capillarity, com-
municating vessels
1 set of instructional material
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email sales@gunt.de, Web www.gunt.de
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HM 115
Hydrostatics trainer
Optional accessories
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email sales@gunt.de, Web www.gunt.de
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